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Re: What the hell did they think was going to happen?

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Colonial Penn

Apr 15, 2023, 2:29:29 PM4/15/23
On 15 Apr 2023, bigdog <> posted some

> -light-backlash-we-never-intended-to-be-part-of-a-discussion-that-divid
> es-people/ar-AA19SyCg?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=96c4a39bc8144079b8c1d3
> 82c198a69c&ei=56
> Anheuser-Busch wasn't celebrating Dylan Mulvaney for anything he
> accomplished. He as being celebrated for the boxes he checks due to
> his fantasy that he's a woman. It was an expensive act of virtue
> signaling, the fallout of which might not be known for months if not
> years. Did anybody who took part in this decision making stop to ask
> themselves how this would play with the customer base? Whether they
> did or not, anybody who signed off on this ridiculous decision should
> be fired now. Top executives have a fiduciary responsibility to their
> shareholders and they have already cost their shareholders over $4.5
> billion collectively.

Seriously, heads need to roll. The top executive management must pay for
this with their jobs.

Empty your desk, do not pass go, do not collect bonuses, hit the road.

Hit the road Jack, and don't ya come back
No more, no more, no more, no more
Hit the road Jack, and don't ya come back no more

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