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Lighttools 8.0 License

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Ruthe Holdvogt

Dec 10, 2023, 8:16:52 PM12/10/23
How to Install and License LightTools 8.0
LightTools is a powerful illumination design software that helps you create, optimize and analyze optical systems. LightTools 8.0 is the latest version of the software, which introduces new features and enhancements to improve your productivity and design quality.

lighttools 8.0 license


In this article, we will guide you through the steps of installing and licensing LightTools 8.0 on your computer. You will need the following items before you begin:

A LightTools 8.0 installer file, which you can download from the Optical Solutions Licensing and Installation Help page on the Synopsys website.
A LightTools 8.0 license file, which you can request from the SolvNetPlus site if you are a direct-sales customer, or from your local distributor if you are a distributor customer.
A USB dongle (optional), which is a hardware device that provides an additional layer of security for your license. You can use either a legacy Sentinel SuperPro dongle with a Host ID starting with 80-, or a driverless Sentinel HL dongle with a Host ID starting with 400-. If you have a legacy dongle, you will also need to install the Sentinel SuperPro USB driver, which you can download from the Optical Solutions Licensing and Installation Help page.

Once you have these items ready, you can proceed with the installation and licensing process as follows:

Run the LightTools 8.0 installer file and follow the instructions on the screen. You will be asked to select one of two licensing methods: Legacy Licensing or Synopsys Common Licensing. Choose Legacy Licensing if you are using a USB dongle or if you have an existing LightTools license that uses this method. Choose Synopsys Common Licensing if you want to use a new license management system that offers more flexibility and convenience.
If you choose Legacy Licensing, you will need to copy your LightTools 8.0 license file to the C:\Program Files\LightTools\License folder on your computer. If you choose Synopsys Common Licensing, you will need to set up a license server on your network and point your LightTools installation to it. For more details on how to do this, please refer to Chapter 3 of the LightTools Installation Guide.
If you are using a USB dongle, plug it into your computer and make sure it is recognized by the software. If you are using a legacy dongle, you may need to install or reinstall the Sentinel SuperPro USB driver as described on the Optical Solutions Licensing and Installation Help page.
Start LightTools and verify that your license is working properly. You can check your license status by clicking Help > License Information in the LightTools menu bar.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed and licensed LightTools 8.0 on your computer. You can now enjoy the new features and enhancements of this version, such as freeform optical design, interoperability with CODE V, SmartStart library, illumination analysis calculations, color performance goals, and more. For more information on how to use LightTools, please visit the LightTools product page or contact our support team at optics


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