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Majority ofmisinformationexperts left leaning

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Feb 20, 2024, 11:23:27 AMFeb 20
Misinformation ‘experts’ have the noble job of redefining news that they
deem “fake news“. Readers will know that they are especially expert at
targeting so-called “misinformation” form right-leaning outlets. The
Harvard Misinformation Review surveyed 150 misinformation experts,
revealing that these the majority of these experts “leaned strongly
toward the left of the political spectrum”. The graph puts it into

Noah Sombrero

Feb 20, 2024, 11:38:47 AMFeb 20
On Tue, 20 Feb 2024 16:23:23 +0000, Julian <>
Because the righties do it and the lefties try to sort it out.
Noah Sombrero

Noah Sombrero

Feb 20, 2024, 11:54:08 AMFeb 20
On Tue, 20 Feb 2024 11:38:44 -0500, Noah Sombrero <>
Those are actually different ways of saying, "the other side is
horrible, whatever you do, don't vote for them." With very little
about what this side stands for, because that would be boring. "The
other side is horrible" is much more interesting.
Noah Sombrero


Feb 20, 2024, 4:47:43 PMFeb 20
that makes sense.. always check the source of the nonsense


Feb 21, 2024, 10:42:45 AMFeb 21
Everyone who's not in the tank for the far left knows.


Feb 21, 2024, 11:25:34 AMFeb 21
No one is far left in the USA, run and owned by the owners of Wall Street.

and what's left of what passes as the far left in Europe, is squashed
by the same oligarchy, squashed by public relation ploys such that
so-and-so is antisemitic (the way the UK squashed Jeremy Corbyn) or
a loudmouth who doesn't know how to control his anger (as Jean-Luc
Melenchon was tagged and controlled in France)


Feb 21, 2024, 12:28:18 PMFeb 21
The communists here will be dismayed to hear they don't actually exist.

Noah Sombrero

Feb 21, 2024, 12:36:03 PMFeb 21
On Wed, 21 Feb 2024 17:25:32 +0100, liaM <> wrote:

>On 2/21/2024 4:42 PM, Wilson wrote:
>> On 2/20/2024 11:23 AM, Julian wrote:
>>> Misinformation ‘experts’ have the noble job of redefining news that
>>> they deem “fake news“. Readers will know that they are especially
>>> expert at targeting so-called “misinformation” form right-leaning
>>> outlets. The Harvard Misinformation Review surveyed 150 misinformation
>>> experts, revealing that these the majority of these experts “leaned
>>> strongly toward the left of the political spectrum”. The graph puts it
>>> into perspective…
>> Everyone who's not in the tank for the far left knows.
>No one is far left in the USA, run and owned by the owners of Wall Street.

Good, the mid left will do nicely (AOC and Bernie). Regardless, the
righties will be haranguing on the far left for at least another
decade. What, hilly is about to run for pres? What michelle is about
to run for pres? The righties can't let these issues go, until they,
at least, have issues as good to replace them with.

>and what's left of what passes as the far left in Europe, is squashed
>by the same oligarchy, squashed by public relation ploys such that
>so-and-so is antisemitic (the way the UK squashed Jeremy Corbyn) or
>a loudmouth who doesn't know how to control his anger (as Jean-Luc
>Melenchon was tagged and controlled in France)
Noah Sombrero

Noah Sombrero

Feb 21, 2024, 12:37:13 PMFeb 21
Hey Eugene, have you no sense of decency, sir?
Noah Sombrero


Feb 21, 2024, 8:58:11 PMFeb 21

Do you know any?

I've observed both commies and top hat capitalists - the commies in
a dark and dreary meeting place on the south side of Chicago that
smelled of the slaughter of cows at the nearby stock yards,
and the top hat capitalists at the house which had been lent to
us immigrants by the ex-wife of Adlai Stevenson on Chicago's
Astor Street (the year Adlai was running for president) where I got a
whiff of what preoccupied members of Chicago's elite, utter
and constant hatred for F.D.R.'s New deal.

Them folks are all alike - all they think about is...


Feb 22, 2024, 9:49:43 AMFeb 22
On 2/21/2024 8:58 PM, liaM wrote:
> On 2/21/2024 6:28 PM, Wilson wrote:
>> On 2/21/2024 11:25 AM, liaM wrote:
>>> On 2/21/2024 4:42 PM, Wilson wrote:
>>>> On 2/20/2024 11:23 AM, Julian wrote:
>>>>> Misinformation ‘experts’ have the noble job of redefining news that
>>>>> they deem “fake news“. Readers will know that they are especially
>>>>> expert at targeting so-called “misinformation” form right-leaning
>>>>> outlets. The Harvard Misinformation Review surveyed 150
>>>>> misinformation experts, revealing that these the majority of these
>>>>> experts “leaned strongly toward the left of the political
>>>>> spectrum”. The graph puts it into perspective…
>>>> Everyone who's not in the tank for the far left knows.
>>> No one is far left in the USA, run and owned by the owners of Wall
>>> Street.
>>> and what's left of what passes as the far left in Europe, is squashed
>>> by the same oligarchy, squashed by public relation ploys such that
>>> so-and-so is antisemitic (the way the UK squashed Jeremy Corbyn) or
>>> a loudmouth who doesn't know how to control his anger (as Jean-Luc
>>> Melenchon was tagged and controlled in France)
>> The communists here will be dismayed to hear they don't actually exist.
> Do you know any?

Just the on-line ones on Twitter and Tumblr.

> I've observed both commies and top hat capitalists - the commies in
> a dark and dreary meeting place on the south side of Chicago that
> smelled of the slaughter of cows at the nearby stock yards,
> and the top hat capitalists at the house which had been lent to
> us immigrants by the ex-wife of Adlai Stevenson on Chicago's
> Astor Street (the year Adlai was running for president) where I got a
> whiff of what preoccupied members of Chicago's elite,  utter
> and constant hatred for F.D.R.'s New deal.
> Them folks are all alike - all they think about is...

That sounds like something Upton Sinclair might have written.

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