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Nikki Haley calls Donald Trump 'disgusting'.

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Feb 13, 2024, 10:26:59 AM2/13/24
Nikki Haley calls Donald Trump 'disgusting,' ramps up criticism
over his comments on veterans
Story by Karissa Waddick and Francesca Chambers, USA TODAY

ELGIN, S.C. – Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley is
doubling down on her condemnation of former President Donald
Trump over comments he made ridiculing her deployed husband.

“The problem with Trump is he’s never been anywhere near a uniform,”
Haley said during an interview with Fox News on Monday. “The closest
he’s come to harm's way is a golf ball hitting him on a golf cart."

"What he did is disgusting. And anybody that agrees with it or says
it's okay is disgusting along with him," she added.

“This wasn't a slip of the tongue for Trump... When he goes off his
teleprompter, that's him speaking from the heart. And it's a pattern.”

“He doesn't understand the founding of this country... He's not
qualified to be the president of the United States.”

In particular, the ad highlighted Trump’s 2015 comments about former
Sen. John McCain, who served in Vietnam and was a prisoner of war.
Trump during his first presidential campaign, said the Arizona
lawmaker was "not a war hero" and that he preferred "people who
weren't captured.”


Hmm... "Disgusting".

Is that like... Deplorable??


Noah Sombrero

Feb 13, 2024, 11:04:28 AM2/13/24
On Tue, 13 Feb 2024 07:26:57 -0800 (PST), Ned <>
Yeh, but nikki can afford it. She isn't going to beat himbo
regardless, so she might as well step up and say what's real.

Besides which, the guy is her husband. Sure she will defend him. Good

Noah Sombrero


Feb 13, 2024, 11:22:29 AM2/13/24


Feb 13, 2024, 12:25:46 PM2/13/24
That "good girl" might have thought about defending her husband when he
was deployed overseas while she was running for governor of South Carolina.

Nikki Haley did cheat on her husband Michael. She had affairs with both
her comms consultant and a married South Carolina lobbyist before she
became governor according to sworn affidavits.

Presidential candidate Nikki Haley falsely denied cheating on her
husband when she was accused of engaging in two extramarital affairs
during her gubernatorial campaign, multiple sources who worked with her

New witnesses have come forward saying that Haley's denials of two
alleged 2008 affairs are false, and that the supposed trysts were brazen
and widely known among South Carolina politicos.

Will Folks, 49, and Larry Marchant, 61, both signed affidavits in 2010
alleging they had a sexual relationship with the then-South Carolina
lawmaker, before she went on to become governor.

While the contents of the affidavits were described by major news
outlets at the time, this is the first time they have been published
outside of Folks' own document which he published on his blog.

Haley, 51, denied both at the time, saying she was '100% faithful' to
the father of her two children and husband of 28 years, Michael Haley –
who was deployed in Afghanistan with the National Guard in 2012.

Multiple GOP insiders said that they were intimately aware of Haley's
infidelity as a South Carolina lawmaker – including tales of steamy
liaisons in the back of her Cadillac SUV, 'canoodling' in her lovers'
laps at bars, and nights spent together in a Columbia, South Carolina

The scandal failed to suppress her campaign. Haley served as governor
until 2017, when she became ambassador to the United Nations under the
Trump administration.

The GOP insider marveled at Haley's ability to shrug off the
allegations, which would have killed many politicians' bids – regardless
of their veracity.

'She's smart, an incredible operator, has a tremendous ability to put a
force field around herself,' he said.

'She's got an incredible ability to parry and power through bad press.
She has the Southern charm of Bill Clinton and the ruthlessness of
Richard Nixon.'

Noah Sombrero

Feb 13, 2024, 12:43:30 PM2/13/24
Yeh, yeh, we understand why you and maga's in general don't like her
so much they need to make up this shit. It looks to me like she is
pissing off all the right people. Good girl.

You aren't going to win, but speak up anyway, it is good to hear you.
And it sounds like himbo is scared. Good for him, he needs to be.

Not that I agree with any real conservative policy, you understand.
But I do appreciate most anybody who demonstrates backbone. It feels
like I have all these kudos to hand out and so few places to put them.
Noah Sombrero
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