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Re: 11 Things We Can Expect in the Future According to Buck Rogers ...

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Unifarva-2012 The Year of the Robby

Jan 4, 2012, 10:44:46 PM1/4/12

Re: 11 Things We Can Expect in the Future According to Buck Rogers ...

Group: Date: Wed, Jan 4, 2012, 7:20am (EST-3)
From: (robert)
On Dec 31 2011, 9:49 pm, (Unifarva-Crotchety
Year 2011) wrote:
Re: 11 Things We Can Expect in the Future According to Buck Rogers in
Group: Date: Sat, Dec 31, 2011, 2:36pm (EST-3)
From: (rob)
On Dec 31, 4:06 pm, (Unifarva-Crotchety Old
Year2011) wrote:
11 Things We Can Expect in the Future According to Buck Rogers in the
25th Century
By Jason Helton in Daily Lists  , TV
Friday, December 30, 2011 at 7:59 am
​Science fiction has always brought us
interesting views of our potential future. Some of them are compelling
and hopeful, like Gene Roddenberry's vision of the future in Star Trek.
Others are dark and foreboding like Space: Above and Beyond. Then there
are series that seem to combine the two like Babylon 5 or Earth: Final
Conflict. However, in all of television based science fiction, there is
no universe quite as unique as the one featured in the '70s "hit" Buck
Rogers in the 25th Century. For those unacquainted with the series,
Astronaut Buck Rogers is a stranger in a strange land, having been
accidentally cryogenically frozen while on a "Deep Space probe" in 1987.
Having been blown into a very wide orbit, Buck plays the role of
Popsicle for the next 500 years, until being discovered by the
Draconians near Earth in the year 2491. However, Earth is not quite what
he remembers. Apparently right after he left, a nuclear conflict took
place, killed most of the inhabitants, and rendered most of the planet
into a desert wasteland, with the majority of the surviving humans
living in large cities, like New Chicago, home of the Earth Defense
Directorate. There he helps stop alien invasion, interstellar crime and
terrorism, and has tons of sex, all using his witty 1980s charm (while
the series was produced in 1979, Buck originally left Earth in 1987). If
this series has any bit of clairvoyance about it, then we have an
interesting future ahead of us, filled with mutants, starfighters,
aliens, chest hair and, most terrifyingly, roller disco. So let's hope
not... 11) All Evil People Will Wear Helmets ​
Apparently in the future, accessorizing is still a very big part of
dressing. While spandex, sequins and leather will be the popular items
of the day, the one distinguishing feature of evil will be the wearing
of a helmet. Now, of course the evil leaders do not wear helmets (unless
you count Princess Ardala's Horny Hat), but the quickest way to spot a
henchmen or underling is to look at their dome piece for a cover.
Interestingly enough, in the future there will not be many distributors
or retailers in the Evil Wardrobe business, because generally no matter
whom the henchman works for, they all wear the same helmet. Other
henchmen identifiers include: Wearing of leather bondage outfits,
incredible amounts of horniness, and a tendency to be looking the wrong
way. 10) cAPitAL leTTerS aRE nO lONGer relaVANt ​
Apparently the laws of phonics have gone out the window in the future.
For some reason, although everyone speaks English, when written, capital
letters are inserted random places throughout the words. There is no
pattern that one can discern from the placement of the capitals; it just
seems that whoever made all signage in the future was not at all skilled
in written English. 9) All Sexually Transmitted Disease Will Be
Eradicated  iframe[ ] For some reason, science
fiction heroes of the '60s and '70s had a pretty large libido. The
starship Enterprise could be been called the Love Boat for all the
action Captain Kirk got, but apparently Kirk has nothing on Rogers, as
Buck's sexual skills are legendary. While there is never obvious sexual
contact between Buck and the myriad of females throwing themselves at
him, it is most certainly implied. In the first season, more often than
not, Buck was partnered with a different sexy woman to rescue, woo and
eventually bang Princess Ardala went so far as to start a war to get her
hands on his Rogers, he was put up for auction in front of hundreds of
horny single ladies, and each week he made futuristic women from all
over the galaxy swoon. The movie version of the pilot featured a credit
sequence featuring numerous women, including Princess Ardala and Wilma
Dearing, writhing around on top of the titles (above, kind of). In fact,
his mojo was so powerful, he could even get Twiki the robot laid. But it
is safe to say, with the amount of sweet loving going on, sexually
transmitted diseases had to have been eradicated. Otherwise Buck would
have at least come down with a case of space herpes. 8) All Thinking
Will Be Done by Computers Carried Around by Penis-Shaped Robots  
​ When Buck wakes up and eventually lands on
Earth, he is left to the mercy of the Computer Council. Apparently
Skynet works, because after the nuclear holocaust, the computers took
over the world. Now the world is run by a Computer Council, a group of
disc-shaped talking computers. Non-ambulatory, these computers are
strung around the necks of phallus-headed robots called ambuquads, and
generally look like a high tech Flava Flav medallion. Dr. Theopolis, the
apparent custodian of Buck when he first awakens is a rather strange
character. While he speaks with a male voice, he is obviously attracted
to Buck, often lamenting on how wonderful and attractive Buck is. It
also seems that other humanoids from other planets also use this same
style of electronic overlord, as Dr. Theopolis has had to negotiate with
a computer from another world; however, other planets use greased up
body builders to escort their computers rather than penis-headed robots.
7) Birds Will Evolve Into Humans That Look Like Birds  
iframe[ ] The series makes a total change in the
beginning of the second season, moving from being Earth-centric to a
sort of Battlestar Galactica in reverse. That is, Buck and Wilma join
the crew of the Searcher to explore strange new worlds, and "search" out
possible lost tribes of humans who escaped the holocaust. Of course,
before their mission can start in earnest, the Searcher is called to
investigate attacks on human ships by someone called "Hawk." It isn't
long before Buck finally meets up with Hawk, who turns out to be a
leather-clad Moe Howard lookalike with a skullcap of salt and pepper
hair, and wearing a skintight outfit that would make Pulp Fiction's Gimp
proud. Apparently, over the years, hawks had evolved and found ways of
leaving the Earth, eventually becoming something that is less hawk-like
and more human like. Of course, this metamorphosis did come with a
price, as now our fine, feathered friends are no longer able to fly. But
that won't stop Hawk, because he has a spaceship... that looks just like
a hawk. In the tragic comedy that is Buck Rogers, Hawk accidentally
spears his wife, the last remaining Hawk female, with the talons of his
ship, dooming her and their race to extinction. 6) All Dancing Will Suck
Balls  iframe[ ] When we first see any form of
recreation in the 24th century, it is in the form of dancing. However,
it seems that dancing has been refined greatly in the future. At the
reception for the Draconian envoy, a very formal occasion, we see a very
structured, almost medieval square dance. Dancers twirl around in small
groups with little sequined disco balls attached to their hands. It
isn't long before Buck shows that he has a fever, and the only
prescription is more boogie-ing, and "rock n' roll" is reborn in the
25th century. Alas, as the series goes on, dancing is featured more than
once, all with more disco-style music. First we see Buck dancing with
the Colonel at Caesar's Palace in space, and later the Studio 54-esq
Andromeda concerts. More strangely, now they can't dance without some
sort of prop. In "New Space Vegas," the prop is a Styrofoam column, in
"Space Rockers," kids danced with rope lighting, but at no point in the
entire series does someone dance without some sort of prop. Perhaps it's
to take the attention away from the horrid dancing, maybe it's to give
the actor something to hide behind, but at no point in the series (save
for Buck getting down with Ardala in the pilot) does anyone ever dance
without a prop. And you though line dancing was bad. 1 | 2  | Next
Page >>
Tags: Buck Rogers
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​Topless Roboteer Kiekan just alerted me to the
Idle Hands blog, which has another/"better" look at the Lizard from
The...... People Keep Claiming They Created James Cameron's Avatar, Like
That's a Good Thing...  Because obviously no one could ever have
conceive of a transition of "sunlight to moonlight" without ripping it
off.... Fan Fiction Friday: "Harry Potter and the Room of Romance"...
Starring Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, and Ginny Weasley's feet.... In
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About that so-called GoDaddy "boycott?" Yeah, they registered twice as
many new domains as were transferred out [Followup] FDA approves the
Number of the Beast [Interesting] Underwater cannon could show promise
in fighting off invasive species...if scientists could figure out how to
light the damn fuse [Interesting]
This guy should have been aiming the radio dish [Followup] By this
company's reasoning, Fark's Twitter followers are worth $39,280.00 per
month [Unlikely]
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© 2011 Village Voice Media Holdings, LLC. All rights
reserved. mobileleaptop
These are the coats we wear.
Of Devils plaid, and Witches Hair!
With a hood, or a belt, or a sleeveless one. Doesn't count, that's a
vest robby wears called a jerkin. Uh......we're all wearin' Jackets.
who's buck rogers?
These are the coats we wear.
Of Devils plaid, and Witches Hair!
With a hood, or a belt, or a sleeveless one. Doesn't count,
that's a vest robby wears called a jerkin. Uh......we're all wearin'
buck sampson?

bucky fuller?

These are the coats we wear.
Of Devils plaid, and Witches Hair!
With a hood, or a belt, or a sleeveless one.
Doesn't count,
that's a vest robby wears called a jerkin.
Uh......we're all wearin' Jackets.

David E. Powell

Jan 4, 2012, 10:53:55 PM1/4/12
Man, I'm not sure I watched the first run but it was rerun so much in
the 1980s, loved it. Liked the first season where they were on Earth a
lot a bit more but Hawkman was cool. Of all the "Sci Fi Universes" it
was a pretty nice one to be in.


Jan 5, 2012, 7:14:49 PM1/5/12
On Jan 4, 10:44 pm, (Unifarva-2012 The Year of the
Robby) wrote:
> Re: 11 Things We Can Expect in the Future According to Buck Rogers ...
> Group: Date: Wed, Jan 4, 2012, 7:20am (EST-3)
> From: (robert)
> On Dec 31 2011, 9:49 pm, (Unifarva-Crotchety
> OldYear 2011) wrote:
> Re: 11 Things We Can Expect in the Future According to Buck Rogers in
> the
> Group: Date: Sat, Dec 31, 2011, 2:36pm (EST-3)
> From: (rob)
> On Dec 31, 4:06 pm, (Unifarva-Crotchety OldYear2011) wrote:
> 11 Things We Can Expect in the Future According to Buck Rogers in the
> 25th Century
> By Jason Helton in Daily Lists  , TV
> Friday, December 30, 2011 at 7:59 am
> ​Science fiction has always brought us
> interesting views of our potential future. Some of them are compelling
> and hopeful, like Gene Roddenberry's vision of the future in Star Trek.
> Others are dark and foreboding like Space: Above and Beyond. Then there
> are series that seem to combine the two like Babylon 5 or Earth: Final
> Conflict. However, in all of television based science fiction, there is
> no universe quite as unique as the one featured in the '70s "hit" Buck
> Rogers in the 25th Century. For those unacquainted with the series,
> Astronaut Buck Rogers is a stranger in a strange land, having been
> accidentally cryogenically frozen while on a "Deep Space probe" in 1987.
> Having been blown into a very wide orbit, Buck plays the role of
> Popsicle for the next 500 years, until being discovered by the
> Draconians near Earth in the year 2491. However, Earth is not quite what
> he remembers. Apparently right after he left, a nuclear conflict took
> place, killed most of the inhabitants, and rendered most of the planet
> into a desert wasteland, with the majority of the surviving humans
> living in large cities, like New Chicago, home of the Earth Defense
> Directorate. There he helps stop alien invasion, interstellar crime and
> terrorism, and has tons of sex, all using his witty 1980s charm (while
> the series was produced in 1979, Buck originally left Earth in 1987). If
> this series has any bit of clairvoyance about it, then we have an
> interesting future ahead of us, filled with mutants, starfighters,
> aliens, chest hair and, most terrifyingly, roller disco. So let's hope
> not... 11) All Evil People Will Wear Helmets ​
> Apparently in the future, accessorizing is still a very big part of
> dressing. While spandex, sequins and leather will be the popular items
> of the day, the one distinguishing feature of evil will be the wearing
> of a helmet. Now, of course the evil leaders do not wear helmets (unless
> you count Princess Ardala's Horny Hat), but the quickest way to spot a
> henchmen or underling is to look at their dome piece for a cover.
> Interestingly enough, in the future there will not be many distributors
> or retailers in the Evil Wardrobe business, because generally no matter
> whom the henchman works for, they all wear the same helmet. Other
> henchmen identifiers include: Wearing of leather bondage outfits,
> incredible amounts of horniness, and a tendency to be looking the wrong
> way. 10) cAPitAL leTTerS aRE nO lONGer relaVANt ​
> Apparently the laws of phonics have gone out the window in the future.
> For some reason, although everyone speaks English, when written, capital
> letters are inserted random places throughout the words. There is no
> pattern that one can discern from the placement of the capitals; it just
> seems that whoever made all signage in the future was not at all skilled
> in written English. 9) All Sexually Transmitted Disease Will Be
> Eradicated  iframe[ ] For some reason, science
> fiction heroes of the '60s and '70s had a pretty large libido. The
> starship Enterprise could be been called the Love Boat for all the
> action Captain Kirk got, but apparently Kirk has nothing on Rogers, as
> Buck's sexual skills are legendary. While there is never obvious sexual
> contact between Buck and the myriad of females throwing themselves at
> him, it is most certainly implied. In the first season, more often than
> not, Buck was partnered with a different sexy woman to rescue, woo and
> eventually bang Princess Ardala went so far as to start a war to get her
> hands on his Rogers, he was put up for auction in front of hundreds of
> horny single ladies, and each week he made futuristic women from all
> over the galaxy swoon. The movie version of the pilot featured a credit
> sequence featuring numerous women, including Princess Ardala and Wilma
> Dearing, writhing around on top of the titles (above, kind of). In fact,
> his mojo was so powerful, he could even get Twiki the robot laid. But it
> is safe to say, with the amount of sweet loving going on, sexually
> transmitted diseases had to have been eradicated. Otherwise Buck would
> have at least come down with a case of space herpes. 8) All Thinking
> Will Be Done by Computers Carried Around by Penis-Shaped Robots
> ​ When Buck wakes up and eventually lands on
> Earth, he is left to the mercy of the Computer Council. Apparently
> Skynet works, because after the nuclear holocaust, the computers took
> over the world. Now the world is run by a Computer Council, a group of
> disc-shaped talking computers. Non-ambulatory, these computers are
> strung around the necks of phallus-headed robots called ambuquads, and
> generally look like a high tech Flava Flav medallion. Dr. Theopolis, the
> apparent custodian of Buck when he first awakens is a rather strange
> character. While he speaks with a male voice, he is obviously attracted
> to Buck, often lamenting on how wonderful and attractive Buck is. It
> also seems that other humanoids from other planets also use this same
> style of electronic overlord, as Dr. Theopolis has had to negotiate with
> a computer from another world; however, other planets use greased up
> body builders to escort their computers rather than penis-headed robots.
> 7) Birds Will Evolve Into Humans That Look Like Birds Â
> iframe[ ] The series makes a total change in the
> beginning of the second season, moving from being Earth-centric to a
> sort of Battlestar Galactica in reverse. That is, Buck and Wilma join
> the crew of the Searcher to explore strange new worlds, and "search" out
> possible lost tribes of humans who escaped the holocaust. Of course,
> before their mission can start in earnest, the Searcher is called to
> investigate attacks on human ships by someone called "Hawk." It isn't
> long before Buck finally meets up with Hawk, who turns out to be a
> leather-clad Moe Howard lookalike with a skullcap of salt and pepper
> hair, and wearing a skintight outfit that would make Pulp Fiction's Gimp
> proud. Apparently, over the years, hawks had evolved and found ways of
> leaving the Earth, eventually becoming something that is less hawk-like
> and more human like. Of course, this metamorphosis did come with a
> price, as now our fine, feathered friends are no longer able to fly. But
> that won't stop Hawk, because he has a spaceship... that looks just like
> a hawk. In the tragic comedy that is Buck Rogers, Hawk accidentally
> spears his wife, the last remaining Hawk female, with the talons of his
> ship, dooming her and their race to extinction. 6) All Dancing Will Suck
> Balls  iframe[ ] When we first see any form of
> recreation in the 24th century, it is in the form of dancing. However,
> it seems that dancing has been refined greatly in the future. At the
> reception for the Draconian envoy, a very formal occasion, we see a very
> structured, almost medieval square dance. Dancers twirl around in small
> groups with little sequined disco balls attached to their hands. It
> isn't long before Buck shows that he has a fever, and the only
> prescription is more boogie-ing, and "rock n' roll" is reborn in the
> 25th century. Alas, as the series goes on, dancing is featured more than
> once, all with more disco-style music. First we see Buck dancing with
> the Colonel at Caesar's Palace in space, and later the Studio 54-esq
> Andromeda concerts. More strangely, now they can't dance without some
> sort of prop. In "New Space Vegas," the prop is a Styrofoam column, in
> "Space Rockers," kids danced with rope lighting, but at no point in the
> entire series does someone dance without some sort of prop. Perhaps it's
> to take the attention away from the horrid dancing, maybe it's to give
> the actor something to hide behind, but at no point in the series (save
> for Buck getting down with Ardala in the pilot) does anyone ever dance
> without a prop. And you though line dancing was bad. 1 | 2  | Next
> Page >>
> Tags: Buck Rogers
> More links from around the web!
>   iframe[ scribol_218173 ]
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> Most...
> Reminder: The TR Art Contest Is Still Happening...  And I've gotten
> very few entries so far. It's kind of sad.... Another Look at the
> Spider-Man Movie's Lizard Through Goofy-Ass Toys...
> ​Topless Roboteer Kiekan just alerted me to the
> Idle Hands blog, which has another/"better" look at the Lizard from
> The...... People Keep Claiming They Created James Cameron's Avatar, Like
> That's a Good Thing...  Because obviously no one could ever have
> conceive of a transition of "sunlight to moonlight" without ripping it
> off.... Fan Fiction Friday: "Harry Potter and the Room of Romance"...
> Starring Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, and Ginny Weasley's feet.... In
> Space, No One Can Hear You BRAAAAAHHHMM...  Someone made an Alien
> Reminder: The TR Art Contest Is Still Happening   Fri, Dec 30,
> 3:20 pm
> on Topless Robot
> Cops Destroy BMW Looking For Nonexistent Marijuana   Fri, Dec
> 30,
> 11:40 am on Toke of the Town
> The Unbeatable Backlog  Wed, Dec 28, 4:49 pm on Joystick Division
> Mark Scott Albaugh, Pervy Moron, Took Computer Loaded With Child Porn in
> For Repair   Tue, Nov 29, 6:33 pm on True Crime Report Toronto
> Film Festival: Moneyball   Thu, Sep 15, 2:42 pm on Voice Film
> Adult Swim's 8 Clips of Hanukkah (LIST)
> Zombie Hooker Nightmare XXXmas (GAME)
> 10 Gifts That Send a Message (LIST)
> Robot Unicorn Attack: Christmas Edition (GAME) Robot Chicken's 12 Clips
> of Christmas (LIST)
> About that so-called GoDaddy "boycott?" Yeah, they registered twice as
> many new domains as were transferred out [Followup] FDA approves the
> Number of the Beast [Interesting] Underwater cannon could show promise
> in fighting off invasive species...if scientists could figure out how to
> light the damn fuse [Interesting]
> This guy should have been aiming the radio dish [Followup] By this
> company's reasoning, Fark's Twitter followers are worth $39,280.00 per
> month [Unlikely]
> Privacy Policy  |
> Problem With the Site?  |
> © 2011 Village Voice Media Holdings, LLC. All rights
> reserved. mobileleaptop
> These are the coats we wear.
> Of Devils plaid, and Witches Hair!
> With a hood, or a belt, or a sleeveless one. Doesn't count, that's a
> vest robby wears called a jerkin. Uh......we're all wearin' Jackets.
> who's buck rogers?
> These are the coats we wear.
> Of Devils plaid, and Witches Hair!
> With a hood, or a belt, or a sleeveless one. Doesn't count,
> that's a vest robby wears called a jerkin. Uh......we're all wearin'
> Jackets.
> buck sampson?
> bucky fuller?
> These are the coats we wear.
> Of Devils plaid, and Witches Hair!
> With a hood, or a belt, or a sleeveless one.
> Doesn't count,
> that's a vest robby wears called a jerkin.
> Uh......we're all wearin' Jackets.

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