Re: 🔫🔫🔫⏰ POTENTIAL CLOCK TOWER SHOOTER ALERT! ⏰🔫🔫🔫 The sadistic, psychotic, racist, democracy-hating, white-supremacist who suspiciously sounds a lot like neal warren AKA greg hall taking a break from the stormfront discussion boards to tail transgendered people around on usenet posting as "Klown Scheißefreude (X-Complaints-To: 🤡🎪<>🎪🤡" begging DESPERATELY for transwomen to use his restroom instead of the "non-hawt" manly transmen that are already using "his" men's room without his permission when he's not making public criminal threats of bodily harm to others and unconvincingly ranting that all of his hijinx are a gold standard example of "sanity" 🔫🔫🔫⏰ POTENTIAL CLOCK TOWER SHOOTER ALERT! ⏰🔫🔫🔫❄ Snowflake ❄❄ Snowflake ❄❄ Snowflake ❄❄ Snowflake ❄❄ Snowflake ❄❄ Snowflake ❄❄ Snowflake ❄❄ Snowflake ❄❄ Snowflake ❄❄ Snowflake ❄❄ Snowfl
On Thu, 28 May 2020 13:35:20 -0500, Sir Gaygory's Owner's Owner ?? <ro...@>