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25 December - birthday information

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Roger Bell_West

Dec 25, 2023, 4:26:29 AM12/25/23
Pray silence, m'lords ladies and gentlethings, your attention please
for an announcement:

Today, being the 25th day of December, is the birthday of ppint.,
Village Bookseller.

Firedrake R
Email me if you want to be on the Birthday List, or to be removed from it.

Jan 23, 2024, 8:06:26 PMJan 23
- hi; on 25 December 2023, the noble firedrake r was kind enough to note:
> Pray silence, m'lords ladies and gentlethings, your attention please
> for an announcement:
> Today, being the 25th day of December, is the birthday of ppint.,
> Village Bookseller.

- so; and is half a gross better, or lesser, than the full-on 144 ?

- googlegroups is abandoning usenet on/from 22/2/2024, after which
yr hmbl srppnt. will presumably lose access to abt-h & the village;
so i'll bid you all ''here'' remaining an anticipatory farewell now, since
i may forget to later - i'm still ppint.pinto on farcebook, and (albeit
mostly in theory) feetnotes on once-livejournal; are you elsewhere?°

- happy 2024, and hoping your thatch/tiles/slates survive this storm,

- love, ppint.

° - finally made it back to discworld conventionland & eastercon
last year & the year before last retrorespectawigglilly; minnow was
a very welcome re-contact, at the one, and various afpers likewise
'tis due to ppinqueans that set light
to nelson's hat
it glows at night
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