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14 September - birthday information

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Roger Bell_West

Sep 14, 2023, 4:04:33 AM9/14/23
Whose birthday is it today, the 14th of September? The suspense
builds... and as your humble 'drake draws the curtain aside, we see the
answer: Beetle.

Firedrake R
Email me if you want to be on the Birthday List, or to be removed from it.

Sep 14, 2023, 12:28:58 PM9/14/23
Ahh - long time no see the lovely Beetle - Happy Birthday dearest one


Sep 16, 2023, 6:54:46 AM9/16/23
- hi; on the 14th of september 2023, at 09:04:33 gmt+1,
our esteemed firedrake r. emitted, in letters of green smoke writ large:

> Whose birthday is it today, the 14th of September? The suspense
> builds... and as your humble 'drake draws the curtain aside, we see the
> answer: Beetle.

- my regards to the re-emergent beetle, under whatever alias or cognomen
as may currently be employed, and wherever they may now have journeyed
since easter, and the environs of the oddly-named lake - pendilo, or some
such - on an expedition wherefrom yr hmbl srppnt. learned, inter alia,
that the cucumber is - evidently - a snare & delusion invented by the devil!

- love, wherever you now may sojourn, ppint.
''life is sensational!''
- an inadvertent punne, or playe upon wordes,
accidentally committed by a happy jackie mathews
then resident in - or a fellow inmate of - 40 regent street, lancaster
in the golden summer of 1976
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