And this is supposed to be news?
He's an apologist for every idiotic right wing stance going.
You are absolutely wrong. Clancy is a catholic and as a catholic, his attempt to
make Catholics the poor victims of soviet evil sounds extremely contrived and
nothing more than image management.
It's really weird that you defend the raping of children by priests by saying
teachers also rape the little young-uns, and then get all into hate as if it's
my secret agenda.
I think in good time that 50% of American priests will be exposed as pedophiles
What other business do they tell you not to screw, make you wear a dress, avoid
women when feasible, and encourage you to bounce little boys on your lap
and tell them stories.
You know Lenin was a queer, It would be nice if they get a bunch of catholic
priests on camera with little boys and then use that information in an attempt
to destroy the church. Now that would be realistic..
PS. look at this catholic priest (with pics even) hunting for a Mardi Gras ass plow.
Those are some intelligent blanket statements...
50%??? Come on... you're talking about being realistic, why don't you try
some realism yourself. I guess while we're at it, we can say that 50% of
America's black people are uneducated hoodlums who listen to Snoop Dogg and
say "Word, mother fucker" and "N*gga what??"
Or maybe 50% of America's Italian population are in the mob, speak like the
Sopranos, and like to whack whoever crosses them.
Oh, and hey, let's just toss 50% of the Arab population of the USA in jail,
because we know that they're all going to end up bombing something.
Get a life buddy. Maybe you can go get some video of yourself sticking your
thumb up your ass then use that information in an attempt to prove you're
not a total douche bag.
P.S. It's actually the alb, chasuble, and stole. Not a dress. They don't
wear it out to a dance.
> Braden
> P.S. It's actually the alb, chasuble, and stole. Not a dress. They
> don't
> wear it out to a dance.
Let's face it. While Donnatella Versace may be ineligible to be a
priest, the whole Vatican just doesn't make it in the rag trade.
LOL Alright, alright. I'll concede that point.
<garbage not worth bothering with elided>
<Oops. Nothing left.>
:Let's face it. While Donnatella Versace may be ineligible to be a
:priest, the whole Vatican just doesn't make it in the rag trade.
They do get some might fine material, though. Just look at how that
Ya gotta admit, they got style. At least its
a classic that never seems to go completely
out of fashion, even after millenia. Such is
NOT true of Versace.........
Harrumph. I might feel better if nuns' habits occasionally were a bit
more revealing. :-)
It all depends on the order and the inclinations
of the wearer. My friend Janet (Sister Michael)
rarely wears her habit, and when she does its not
a bad looking outfit: midi length skirt, matching
blouse in earth tones. She's a redhead, so those
aren't her best colors. While she's not a
supermodel, she's attractive enough that,
if she were so inclined, she could have no end of
male companionship--in or out of her disguise.
There's a fuzzy picture here at:
She's in it, on the right middle in the back.
(And John Michael Talbot, the founder of the
group is IMHO one of the best classical guitarists
of our day--but he can't sing worth a darn.)
> You can label the instituition as a whole a pedaphile because of a few
> priests.
I did?
So _that's_ what happened to the Campfire Girls.
Good God, Chris, are you capable of kavorka???
And what's a "Sister Michael?" Does she moonwalk?
Sex talk and nuns. This ole' parochial-school boy shudders.
:"Gaines Not" <> wrote in message news:2TvP8.35909
Hell, from that description, I would have thought he was talking about
Santa Claus.
I might be, depending on what 'kavorka' means.
> And what's a "Sister Michael?" Does she moonwalk?
She's an ex-g/f and a still a real friend. Yes,
boys and girls, I have french-kissed a nun. Of
course, she wasn't a nun at the time, but don't
let such little details get in the way of the
salacious story.
She's much happier as a celibate these days.
> Sex talk and nuns. This ole' parochial-school boy shudders.
I'm a protestant fundamentalist, so I never did
do much of this kind of thing.
>>>SNIPped here and there<<<
> She's an ex-g/f and a still a real friend. Yes,
> boys and girls, I have french-kissed a nun
> She's much happier as a celibate these days.
Cause and effect? ;-)
It should be interesting to see what kind of search-engine trolls turn up
from using the words "French-kissed" and "Nun" in the same post.
Well, you turned her _into_ a nun, so it seems you have anti-kavorka. [1]
[1] - CF Cosmo Kramer and the Latvian Orthodox church.
>She's an ex-g/f and a still a real friend. Yes,
>boys and girls, I have french-kissed a nun.
>She's much happier as a celibate these days.
...Editing for fun and profit...
Courses available.
Submarines once, Submarines twice...
" To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; To appreciate beauty; To find the best in others;
To leave the world a better place, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition;
To know even one life has breathed easier because you lived.
This is to have succeeded".
:She's an ex-g/f and a still a real friend. Yes,
:boys and girls, I have french-kissed a nun.
:She's much happier as a celibate these days.
I don't know that that is the kind of thing I'd want to be telling
about myself, Chris. It seems rather insulting when she prefers NO
sex to kissing you....
[Rather like Ross Geller's luck on Friends - his first wife decided
she preferred sex with women to sex with him.]
:It should be interesting to see what kind of search-engine trolls turn up
:from using the words "French-kissed" and "Nun" in the same post.
Find books about French-kissed nuns at
It's better left to the imagination.
Ask Tarver.
On the first page of 10 I find three references to purity tests
and one case of a priest who was out of bounds.
I've mixed emotions as to whether this little
fact is the ultimate compliment or insult.
The question is, how do the French feel about it?
Mike Chapman.
(Posted and e-mailed wherever possible)
She wouldn't let them surrender to her.
"Chris Vail" <> wrote in message
Ah. The KISS principle.
Could have been a bone of contention, but now it's a bonaparte.
:"Chris Vail" <> wrote in message
:> "Ceri Jones" <> wrote in message
:> news:aeqpqi$nj8$
:> > "Chris Vail" <> wrote in message
:> >
:> >
:> > > She's an ex-g/f and a still a real friend. Yes,
:> > > boys and girls, I have french-kissed a nun
:> > >
:> > > She's much happier as a celibate these days.
:> >
:> > Cause and effect? ;-)
:> I've mixed emotions as to whether this little
:> fact is the ultimate compliment or insult.
:The question is, how do the French feel about it?
And who cares how they do....