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Download Pomodoro

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Leann Siter

Jan 26, 2024, 12:28:18 PM1/26/24
The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s.[1] It uses a kitchen timer to break work into intervals, typically 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. Each interval is known as a pomodoro, from the Italian word for tomato, after the tomato-shaped kitchen timer Cirillo used as a university student.[2][1]

download pomodoro


The stages of planning, tracking, recording, processing and visualizing are fundamental to the technique.[1] In the planning phase, tasks are prioritized by recording them in a "To Do Today" list, enabling users to estimate the effort they will require. As pomodoros are completed, they are recorded, adding to a sense of accomplishment and providing raw data for subsequent self-observation and improvement.[1]

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method based on 25-minute stretches of focused work broken by five-minute breaks. Longer breaks, typically 15 to 30 minutes, are taken after four consecutive work intervals. Each work interval is called a pomodoro, the Italian word for tomato (plural: pomodori).

For each pomodoro, set aside time for recap and review to help move seamlessly from one pomodoro to the next. More importantly, take whatever steps necessary to stay focused on a task during the pomodoro and avoid interruption. Individuals need to protect their pomodoro from both internal and external distractions. Avoid checking email, social network accounts, weather reports, news outlets or any other diversions that can pull attention away from the task at hand.

Last night I had the pleasure of having my friend Julia over to show me some of her delicious recipes. Julia is an amazing Italian cook. She can make leather taste good if she had to cook it! Her secret is simple, she cooks with only quality ingredients, like Pecorino Romano, good extra virgin olive oil and fresh herbs are all subtle differences that make food go from good to great. She always has on hand, a can of her own homemade filetto di pomodoro sauce she makes from scratch in the summer when tomatoes are at their peak and jars them to use throughout the year. She said she always has a jar in the fridge to incorporate into her weekly recipes. When not using fresh tomatoes, she uses Tuttoroso imported canned tomatoes. Here is her simple pomodoro sauce recipe from canned tomatoes. Make a large batch so you can keep it on hand for recipes throughout the week.

There is no sound or anything when a pomodoro session/break completes. Couple of weeks back I remember there was a sound when pomodoro timer ends. I am not sure if it's recent update or something which has caused this issue. Is anyone else also facing this issue on macOS?

Hi Shira, the livestream was blocked by YouTube. But you can access the pomodoro video here: Opal's REMOTE WORK & STUDY WITH ME 3HRS ? French Cottage ?? Pomodoro/Meditation 50/10 ? - YouTube

This is my favorite, best-ever easy recipe for authentic homemade pomodoro sauce. Serve with fresh pasta or dried, gnocchi and as a base for different Italian-style dishes (chicken parmesan, sautéed veggies, soups etc). This recipe makes approximately 1 quart of spaghetti sauce, which is sufficient for 1 lb of pasta.

Because this is a vegetable blog, I like to serve my pasta with equal parts vegetable. Zucchini, spinach, arugula, fresh thyme, and Mutti Cherry Tomatoes make this creamy pasta pomodoro light and fresh.

I'd like to add another vote for a pomodoro timer, especially if it can sync between devices and be linked to a specific task or list. I'm using Bluebird for this currently but it would be great to have it integrated with GoodTask.

You can enjoy the pomodoro over a bed of raw zucchini noodles (the sauce will heat up the noodles as it sits) or you can toss in the noodles when the sauce is done simmering for 2-3 minutes and enjoy it that way.


So I've recently started using BTT GodenChaos for my TouchBar experience on Mac.

I found this really cool little Pomodoro app that essentially creates an pomodoro timer in your TouchBar. I wanted to find a way to keep it running or create a widget that allows me to keep touch-bar widgets / icons from applications.


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