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Download Thanksgiving By Victoria Orenze

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Racquel Paulauskas

Jan 25, 2024, 4:43:19 PM1/25/24
Multi-talented music minister, Victoria Orenze serenaded members of Highland Church in the Spirit as she led in worship during the first anniversary thanksgiving event of the Church. Awed by what God has in store for Highlandchurch and Pastor Joseph Aborowa, Victoria revealed the following to the congregation:

Thanksgiving is an act of love and faith towards God. As you do it with a cheerful, grateful and willing heart, it will unlock whatever desire you expect this today. God inhabits the praises of His people, so as you offer praises and give Him thanks, you activate divine presence over everything in your life (Psalm 22:3). Beloved, leave the past behind and enjoy this day with hope and faith all grounded on a grateful expression of thanksgiving from your heart to the LORD. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always. Amen!

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