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(IVÁN): Telón del Lugar Santísimo fue salpicado siete veces con su sangre santa por el SÁBADO, y EL PADRE salió: caminando contigo en la tierra entera siempre:

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Elio I. Valarezo

Oct 4, 2021, 9:25:50 PM10/4/21
Sábado, 02 de Octubre, 2021 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)

Telón del Lugar Santísimo fue salpicado siete veces con su sangre santa por el SÁBADO, y EL PADRE salió: caminando contigo en la tierra entera siempre:

Divinamente, nuestro Padre celestial había creado cielos y tierra para salpicarla con su misma vida, pues Él necesitaba remover no solamente el pecado del reino angelical, pero igualmente, remover a Satanás enteramente y ángeles caídos junto con la muerte y el infierno tormentoso, empezando seguidamente una nueva tierra llena de su vida misma conociendo amor, paz, riquezas y alegrías interminables con sus hijos una eternidad. Puesto, que nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba derramar su vida eterna sobre sus hijos que habían pecado en contra de Él, su Hijo Jesucristo y su Espíritu Santo, para Él poder vivir con ellos, porque ellos habían nacido de su imagen y de su alma santísima conociendo únicamente: amor, paz, prosperidad y alegrías interminables con Él en todo su reino de vida.

Ciertamente, nuestro Padre celestial había dado vida a sus hijos únicamente para vivir con Él y con su santo nombre fuegos, porque Él había creado cielos y tierra para vivir con su familia divina, que es su Hijo Jesucristo y su Espíritu Santo junto contigo y tus amados, vecinos y amistades con riquezas nacidas de su corazón santísimo jamás tocadas por el mal perpetuamente. Ya que, es riqueza escondida de Lucifer y de sus ángeles caídos, porque riquezas vinieron con cielos y tierra únicamente para ser conocidas por Él, su Hijo Jesucristo y su Espíritu Santo junto las familias de las naciones, dado que esta riqueza enriquece su santo nombre fuego contigo, conquistando así nuevas glorias jamás vistas por nadie en la eternidad.

Realmente, desde que Adán y Eva nacieron de la imagen de nuestro Padre celestial con riquezas infinitas, que Lucifer junto con ángeles caídos jamás había visto en todo el reino angelical, entonces, él necesitaba que los hijos del SEÑOR jamás las conozcan, que ellos mismos habían nacido con ellas, para enriquecer su santo nombre fuegos en su dulce hogar, que es su nueva tierra. Por eso, Lucifer tuvo a la serpiente del Edén, engañando a Eva para comer del fruto prohibido, del árbol de la ciencia del bien del mal, para que ellos fallen en vivir la vida eterna, que nuestro Padre celestial les había otorgado al nacer de Él, enriqueciéndolos a ellos de su corazón santísimo que enriquecen su santo nombre fuegos toda una vida siempre.

Por consiguiente, cegando a Adán y a Eva junto con sus hijos, al tenerlos a ellos, comiendo del fruto prohibido, entonces, ellos automáticamente vivirían una vida siempre fallando en conocer riquezas, que ellos habían nacido con ellas, cuando emergían de la imagen y del alma santísima de nuestro Padre celestial, haciendo que fallen en amar su santo nombre fuegos siempre en todos sus días. Realmente, Lucifer no quiere que nadie conozca riquezas en que ellos habían nacido con ellos, al salir de la imagen y del alma santísima de nuestro Padre celestial, porque riquezas de su corazón santísimo enriquece toda vida en el reino angelical y en la tierra entera igualmente, honorando, exaltando y glorificando su santo nombre fuegos, como nunca antes en la eternidad.

Claramente, fue importante para nuestro Padre celestial derramar de su vida sobre sus hijos ya perdidos en la tierra, además de aquellos perdidos en el infierno, porque la humanidad entera había ya muerto pecadora, fallando en ver riquezas nuevamente; sin embargo, Él aun podía salvar a sus hijos con sus riquezas interminables, que Él necesitaba derramarlas sobre la tierra entera con su misma vida. Verdaderamente, Lucifer solamente desea empobrecer a hijos de nuestro Padre celestial, porque su pelea en la gloria angelical es en contra de que el santo nombre fuegos sea amado, servido, exaltado y glorificado en la Creación con cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña junto con huestes angelicales, por ende, así todos jamás conozcan su grandeza (enriqueciendo las familias), que existe exaltándolo en la tierra siempre.

Ahora, para nuestro Padre celestial destruir el plan de Lucifer de empobrecer la tierra entera junto con cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de las familias de las naciones, además de Israel enteramente, entonces, Él debía derramar su misma vida eterna, que es siempre sobre riquezas para toda vida humana y animal igualmente, floreciendo siempre persistentemente, pero Él necesitaba derramarla sobre sus mismos hijos únicamente. Ciertamente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba derramar su misma vida gloriosa sobre una carne nueva desconocida enteramente por el pecado, porque Adán y Eva junto con sus hijos habían pecado ya en contra de Él, su Hijo Jesucristo y su Espíritu Santo, comiendo del fruto prohibido, cuando fueron llamados a comer del árbol de vida, en el epicentro del paraíso.

Decididamente, nuestro Padre celestial esperaba por generaciones ver: si alguien lo buscara a Él y a su santo nombre fuegos, para salvarlos a todos del mal causado por Lucifer en contra de ellos, como el mal tuvo a Eva y luego a Adán comiendo del fruto prohibido, cambiando sus vidas, en donde riquezas son imposibles siempre toda una vida hasta morir en el infierno tormentoso. Además, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba establecer una nueva carne sobre la tierra con la humanidad entera, comiendo de Él sobre su Mesa santa: pan y vino, entregándoles así no solamente un nuevo comienzo en vida, vistiendo su carne sin pecados y con su sangre expiatoria, pero igualmente junto con todo ello riquezas, que Lucifer amaría tenerlas, pero esto es imposible para él para siempre.

Soberanamente, nuestro Padre celestial había creado cielos y tierra con riquezas, enriqueciendo así su santo nombre fuegos por sus hijos nacidos de su imagen y alma santísima, y este eres tú junto con tus amados, vecinos y amistades, además de Adán y Eva, porque Él te necesita conociendo riquezas diariamente, enriqueciendo su amor asombroso y paz por ti y su santo nombre una vida entera. Misericordiosamente, riquezas de nuestro Padre celestial, plantadas en la tierra y en la gloria angelical, empezando en Canaán, te llevaran diariamente hacia su nueva tierra, como su nuevo reino de su amor, poderes y de riquezas toda una vida entera contigo y tus amados, mientras que Satanás necesita empobrecerte a ti, llevándote hacia su reino de tinieblas, muerte y pobreza interminable en la eternidad.

Como resultado, riquezas cotidianas de nuestro Padre celestial están siempre disponibles para ti, tus amados, vecinos y amistades del mundo entero, pero tú tienes que vestirte en su carne sin pecados y con su sangre expiatoria, llena de su misma vida que has derrotado a Satanás, ángeles caídos, pobreza y el infierno tormentoso por ti, y así, tú recibas sus riquezas siempre sin fallarte jamás. Por cuanto, nuestro Padre celestial ha hecho disponible sus riquezas personales para ti y tus amados, vecinos y amistades, porque Él realmente necesita enriquecerte a ti, enriqueciendo así su santo nombre fuegos en las naciones en la tierra, naciones creadas ya por Él con riquezas sin fin viniendo hacia a ti siempre, pero únicamente en su carne sin pecados, vistiéndote finalmente con perfecta santidad.

Considerando que, nuestro Padre celestial le dijo a Abraham, que él necesitaba ser santo y perfecto, así como Él lo es ante su Hijo Jesucristo y su Espíritu Santo para entrar a la vida eterna, abundantemente llena de riquezas sin fin no solamente en la gloria angelical, pero igualmente en Canaán, enriqueciendo su nueva tierra nacida de su corazón santísimo, al derramarla sobre Isaac enteramente. Verdaderamente al sentarse nuestro Padre celestial con Abraham a su Mesa santa, entonces, Él comió pan y vino en la tierra, que es siempre el alimento cotidiano de las huestes angelicales, manteniéndolos así perfectos y santos para amar, servir y exaltar su santo nombre sobre la cruz del monte de Jerusalén, en Canaán, milagrosamente conquistando siempre nuevas riquezas, glorias y poderes jamás vistos antes.

Aquí es cuando. Nuestro Padre celestial pudo tener a su Hijo Jesucristo naciendo del vientre estéril de Sarah, por poderes del Espíritu Santo, porque Él necesitaba su vida eterna en cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña en la tierra, sin importar jamás si eran ya muertos en el infierno o no, visto que Él tiene poderes, dándoles vida nuevamente, honrando su santo nombre santo finalmente para siempre. En verdad, nuestro Padre celestial eventualmente tendrá a familias antiguas y modernas de las naciones: amando, honrando y exaltando su santo nombre fuegos sobre su cruz del monte de Jerusalén, en Canaán, ya que Él posee poderes del Juramento a Israel para lograrlo con sus hijos, honrando su santo nombre fuegos en la tierra entera, y toda vida florezca con riquezas sin fin siempre.

Ahora, cuando nuestro Padre celestial le dijo a Abraham, que él debía ser perfecto y santo, así como Él ante su Hijo Jesucristo y su Espíritu Santo para vivir vida eterna, que es enriquecida con riquezas inacabables, entonces, esto significa, que Él lo llamaba a él junto con sus hijos al bautismo en agua, invocando su santo nombre fuego, para ser uno con Él siempre. Seriamente, riquezas de nuestro Padre celestial únicamente lo conocen a Él y a sus hijos bautizados en agua, abandonando la carne pecadora y el espíritu de error que comió con la serpiente del fruto prohibido para recibir la carne sagrada y el Espíritu Santo comiendo fruto de vida, mordida por serpientes de bronce sobre la cruz del monte Sion, en Canaán, para salvación y riquezas interminables.

Considerando que, esta es la única carne sin pecados y el Espíritu Santo, que realmente emergieron de nuestro Padre celestial para derramarse sobre la tierra entera para tener a sus hijos regresando a Él, renacidos, pero renacidos en agua, bautizándose, invocando la perfecta santidad de su santo nombre fuegos, enriqueciéndolos toda una vida entera hasta que su reino de amor venga finalmente. Visto que, esto era lo que nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba hacer con Abraham y con Sarah, comiendo juntos pan y vino, y su Hijo Jesucristo nazca con la carne sin pecados, los huesos inquebrantables y la sangre expiatoria, que te enriquece a ti, enriqueciendo así su santo nombre fuegos, que Lucifer hace todo lo que puede para empobrecerlo en toda la tierra para siempre.

Divinamente, esta es la carne sin pecados de nuestro Padre celestial y su sangre expiatoria, que siempre ha derrotado a Satanás y a sus seguidores junto con el ángel de la muerte y el infierno tormentoso, porque su carne sagrada con su sangre expiatoria, que es su misma vida santísima, conociendo siempre riquezas, entonces te enriquece dramáticamente hasta que tú digas: Estoy enriquecido infinitamente. Puesto que, esto fue lo que le dijo Abraham a nuestro Padre celestial, porque él estaba recibiendo riquezas continuamente, por sólo obedecerle a Él fielmente: abandonando a su parentela, amistades y su tierra natal para entrar a Canaán, porque fue en Canaán, en donde él realmente empezó a experimentar grandes riquezas cada día, aunque Isaac no había nacido aún.

Por lo tanto, una vez bautizado en agua, invocando la perfecta santidad de su nombre todopoderoso, entrando en el agua, emergiendo inmediatamente en el río Jordán con nuestro Padre celestial y con su Espíritu Santo, en Canaán, porque ahora tú estarás viviendo en su carne sin pecados y llena de riquezas cotidianas y sin fin: amando, sirviendo y honrando su santo nombre siempre. Entendiendo que, es Canaán enriqueciéndote a ti, pero igualmente cada día de vida en tu tierra natal, porque tú habrás obedecido a nuestro Padre celestial al entrar en Canaán, que es bendecido con grandes riquezas para enriquecer la tierra entera junto con el paraíso, La Nueva Jerusalén del cielo arriba y otros lugares celestiales, y así, tú bendigas su santo nombre fuegos con perfectas riquezas siempre.

Realmente, tú necesitas ver lo que nuestro Padre celestial hizo con Abraham, llamándolo a Canaán, porque Él necesitaba enriquecerlo a él junto con sus amados, además de Sarah su esposa con su vientre muerto para ser sanado milagrosamente, pero igualmente sus hijos prometidos de generaciones futuras, enriqueciendo así su santo nombre fuegos en Canaán y en su tierra natal también con sus parientes finalmente siempre. En otras palabras, si tú obedeces a nuestro Padre celestial al bautizarte en agua en tu bañera hogareña, entonces tú emergerás del Jordán en Canaán, porque para entrar a Canaán entonces tú tienes que ser bautizado en agua en tu tierra natal, para Él bendecirte a ti con riquezas cotidianas de Canaán, pero igualmente enriquece tus tierras, en donde tú naciste con tu familia.

Fundamentalmente, bautizándote, entonces tú abandonaras la carne pecadora y el espíritu de error en donde tú conocerás siempre pobreza para recibir la carne sin pecados y el Espíritu Santo en donde tú siempre conocerás riquezas, porque riquezas de Canaán junto con la gloria celestial se derramarán sobre ti, vistiendo con prosperidad inacabable ante su cruz con su santo nombre del monte de Jerusalén, en Canaán. Por eso, es que Satanás jamás te permitirá bautizarte en agua en sus doctrinas falsas, que están en naciones alrededor del mundo, porque una vez bautizado en agua, invocando la perfecta santidad de su nombre, entonces tú junto con tus amados en tu país natal conocerás cada día únicamente riquezas para glorias de su santo nombre fuegos en la tierra entera.

Hoy en día, Satanás salpicara agua sobre ti, si tú pides ser bautizado por tu iglesia, y entonces lideres religiosos te declaran bautizado, rociando agua sobre ti, cuando el bautismo en agua es sumersión, porque tú tienes que abandonar la carne pecadora en el fondo del agua, emergiendo con la carne sin pecados en Canaán, conociendo riquezas toda una vida entera siempre con tus amados. Realmente, Satanás teme el bautismo en agua, mucho más que el infierno en sí, porque él conoce, que nuestro Padre celestial trabaja siempre con sus hijos de Israel y de las naciones bautizados en agua, y Él trabaja así poderosamente, porque Él necesita ejecutar poderes importantes únicamente disponibles a Él, en aquellos que se han sumergido en agua, emergiendo seguidamente en riquezas cotidianas de Canaán.

Nosotros podemos ver, como Israel antiguo abandonó el cautiverio egipcio para cruzar el Mar Rojo, en donde no había puentes, cruzándolo, ni menos botes para llevar a la casa de Israel hacia al lado seguro, para que Satanás no los regrese cautivos nuevamente, porque ellos iban escapando tinieblas de Satanás con su hambruna y pobreza eterna para encontrar luz, poderes y riquezas en Canaán. Bien, bautízate, no te preocupes de tu iglesia, templo o lugar en donde tú te congregas para bautizarte, tú lo puedes hacerlo en tu bañera hogareña, piscina, playa o en cualquier agua abundantemente suficiente para sumergirte en él, emergiendo en Canaán instantáneamente bendecido perpetuamente, porque tú necesitas estar en Canaán, vestido con la carne sin pecados y riquezas fluirán continuamente en tu vida siempre.

Verdaderamente, bautizándote, tú enriquecerás tu vida junto con tus amados, vecinos y amistades también, porque el Juramento a Isaac es todopoderoso, poseyendo poderes, que nuestro Padre celestial usura para bendecirte junto con tu nación, porque Canaán y la gloria angelical derraman diariamente riquezas sobre tu tierra enteramente, enriqueciendo su reino de amor eterno que viene ya sobre todos nosotros para la eternidad. Realmente, fue importante para nuestro Padre celestial tener a su Hijo Jesucristo naciendo como Isaac del vientre estéril de Sarah, por su Espíritu Santo, porque con Jacobo, como su primogénito, dándole vida a los doce patriarcas israelís, entonces Israel fue su nación derrotando a Satanás y lavando la tierra del pecado, manifestando seguidamente su reino de amor eterno en la humanidad entera para la eternidad.

Visto que, este es el reino de amor de nuestro Padre celestial, en donde Él siempre te amara, así como siempre ama a su Hijo Jesucristo y su Espíritu Santo, porque este amor hacia nosotros, por nacimiento virgen, vida virgen, bautismo virgen del Jordán, derrotas vírgenes que su Hijo Jesucristo sostuvo sobre Satanás, la muerte y enemigos, es una realidad contigo bautizado en agua hoy. Realmente, el bautismo del Mar Rojo fue importante para Israel antiguo, huyendo del cautiverio egipcio, que significada pobreza para con ellos y la tierra entera, porque terminados los cuatrocientos años, entonces periodos de siete años de riquezas terminaron, y solamente pobreza y hambruna había por delante con la humanidad entera, si Israel se hubiese quedado en cautiverio y sin bautismo en agua para siempre.

Realmente, el bautismo de Israel antiguo en el Mar Rojo, removió pecados pasados y futuros de las naciones enteramente, salvando al mundo entero del infierno tormentoso, porque Israel cruzó el desierto de Sinaí, enriqueciéndolo, como ciudadanos legítimos de Canaán, cargando con ellos el bautismo en agua hacia el corazón de la tierra, y Canaán finalmente reciba al Mesías con su reino de riquezas para ti. Indiscutiblemente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba a Israel antiguo salpicando sangre expiatoria de carneros por el desierto de Sinaí, cuando ministraban delante de Él a la entrada del tabernáculo de reunión, porque cada sacrificio traído a los sacerdotes levitas, entonces tenía que ser ofrecido sobre postes del tabernáculo para ser aceptados en el Lugar Santísimo, removiendo así sus pecados por riquezas venideras siempre.

Oportunamente, fue importante para nuestro Padre celestial tener a Israel antiguo bebiendo aguas amargas de Mara, porque ellas (aguas) solamente serian endulzadas por Moisés, tirando el árbol en él, yaciendo cerca, endulzando así a familias antiguas y modernas de las naciones, que Israel necesitaba beberlas para ser uno con ellos siempre en la carne sin pecados, conociendo únicamente riquezas en la tierra entera siempre. Así es como, nuestro Padre celestial derrotaría la hambruna de Satanás no solamente en el cautiverio egipcio, llevando pecados antiguos y modernos de las naciones hacia el Mar Rojo, pero igualmente, bautizados en agua, entonces ellos bebieron aguas amargas de Mara, endulzadas por Moisés con su árbol, logrando una carne sin pecados derrotando toda hambruna siempre: comiendo cotidianamente maná y bebiendo agua del cielo arriba.

Esto es lo que nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba Israel antiguo que lograse con Moisés por el desierto de Sinaí, tomando con ellos a naciones antiguas y modernas al beber aguas amargas de Mara, endulzadas por Moisés y el árbol yaciendo cerca, salpicando sangres expiatorias de carneros por el desierto arenoso, entonces se entregaron cuerpos glorificados a muertos, comiendo maná para ver vida nuevamente pronto. Misericordiosamente, este eres tú, que Moisés junto con Israel antiguo, como ejércitos de nuestro Padre celestial y con ángeles, buscaban por ti, tus amados, vecinos y amistades, moviendo piedras y granos de arena hasta encontrarte desnudo hasta tus huesos secos, pero ellos trabajaron diariamente para limpiarte de tus pecados en el Lugar Santísimo del tabernáculo, enriqueciéndote finalmente, vistiéndote con su carne sin pecados hasta hoy.

Por eso, es que tú eres llamado a renacer del bautismo en agua, invocando la perfecta santidad de su nombre, sumergiéndote en las aguas, emergiendo seguidamente en el Jordán, caminando ya en Canaán, tierra de grandes riquezas, con nuestro Padre celestial y con su Espíritu Santo, conociendo únicamente amor, paz, poderes, riquezas y un corazón feliz, porque ahora serás su hijo legitimo siempre. Indiscutiblemente, nuestro Padre celestial ha llamado a cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de Israel y de las naciones a renacer del bautismo en agua, para abandonar la carne pecadora y el espíritu de error en donde Satanás y espíritus inmundos atacan siempre, para vestirte con su carne sin pecados y su Espíritu Santo en donde tú has sido bendecido ya con riquezas de Canaán.

Por lo tanto, fue importante para nuestro Padre celestial comiendo del maná descendiendo junto con bebidas de la roca de salvación, para ellos recibir su cuerpo glorificado, digno de ser uno con el Mesías clavado a ellos con su sangre expiatoria salpicada sobre postes de la sinagoga de Jerusalén: removiendo el pecado de la tierra entera en aquel Sábado de reposo glorioso. Ciertamente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba a su Hijo Jesucristo clavado a su cruz del monte Sion, en Canaán, afuera de Jerusalén, porque Él recibiría su sangre expiatoria victoriosa sobre Satanás, ángeles caídos, muertes y el infierno para con cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de naciones antiguas y modernas, declaradas perfectas y santas: honrando, exaltando y glorificando su santo nombre en la tierra entera finalmente.

Ya que, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba a su Hijo Jesucristo clavado a su cruz del monte Sion, en Canaán, a sus manos y pies salpicando su sangre expiatoria sobre puertas de su sinagoga en Jerusalén, entrando él mismo en el Lugar Santísimo con Israel antiguo y naciones antiguas y modernas para ver al Padre celestial en persona con perfecta santidad toda una eternidad entera. Definitivamente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba a su Hijo Jesucristo sanado de ataques sobre su cuerpo llevando su cruz sobre el monte Sion, para ser clavado a ella junto con Israel antiguo y la humanidad entera, porque él necesitaba ser sanado por el Padre, pero igualmente cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de las generaciones sanaría, y aquí es cuando tú fuiste sanado de pecados perpetuamente.

Además, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba su santo nombre fuegos: amado, honrado y glorificado por su misma vida, vivida por su Hijo Jesucristo, en Canaán, para todo hombre, mujer, niño y niña de toda generación, derrotando a Satanás, pecados, maldiciones, hambruna, muerte y el infierno, finalmente reinando su santo nombre con su vida eterna victoriosa sobre Satanás y el pecado en la gloria celestial siempre. Aún más, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba a su Hijo Jesucristo no solamente derramando su sangre expiatoria sobre la cruz del monte Sion, en Canaán, pero igualmente sobre puertas de su sinagoga en Jerusalén, removiendo así el pecado del mundo entero al levantar su sangre expiatoria finalmente victoriosa sobre Satanás, muertes y el infierno, salpicándola siete veces sobre el telón, separando lugares santos del Lugar Santísimo.

Legalmente, esto le ordeno nuestro Padre celestial a Moisés y a sacerdotes levitas ejecutar diariamente con rituales y ceremonias de perfecta santidad del Juramento a Isaac con sangres expiatorias de carneros, salpicándolas sobre las cosas santísimas del tabernáculo, pero igualmente, salpicarlas siete veces sobre la cortina separando lugares santos del Lugar Santísimo, para Él caminar la tierra entera postreramente, pero sin pecado en ella finalmente. Ciertamente, nuestro Padre celestial, después que su Hijo Jesucristo había cruzado puertas de la sinagoga en Jerusalén, salpicándolas con su sangre expiatoria victoriosa sobre Satanás, pecados, maldiciones, hambruna, muertes y el infierno en cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de naciones antiguas y modernas, entonces, su sangre expiatoria salpicó siete veces sobre cortinas del Lugar Santísimo: salió Él, caminando con familias hebreas la tierra entera.

En medida que, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba visitar a cada familia de la tierra entera, pero: primeramente, Él necesitaba que familias israelitas y judías lleven su sinagoga de Jerusalén a las naciones, pues Él necesitaba celebrar sus victorias sobre Satanás, pecados, hambruna y muerte con sus hijos, finalmente dándole su bienvenida a su reino de amor, como su nueva tierra llena de riquezas para todos. Entendiendo que, después que nuestro Padre celestial tuvo a su Hijo Jesucristo clavado a su cruz del monte Sion, en Canaán, entrando finalmente en su presencia santísima con su sangre expiatoria victoriosa sobre Satanás y ángeles caídos en la vida de sus hijos, entonces, Él caminó hacia ellos con familias Israelitas y judías, para lavarlos a ellos continuamente de todo pecado, tinieblas e impurezas siempre.

Amorosamente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba no solamente a todo Israel bautizado en agua, pero igualmente a familias de las naciones, porque Él los había declarado a todos ellos perfectos y santos ya en su sinagoga en Jerusalén, salpicada con sangre expiatoria de su Hijo Jesucristo victoriosa sobre Satanás y pecados, por ende, Él los lavaría siempre mucho más que antes, para lograr más riquezas mundialmente. Entendiendo que, nuestro Padre celestial solamente puede trabajar con cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña bautizado en agua ya, para Él usar poderes del Juramento a Isaac, poderes que siempre están presentes en todos aquellos ya bautizados, lavándolos así a ellos cada día mucho más que antes, pero igualmente lavando continuamente todas sus cosas que posean para enriquecerlos aún mucho más siempre.

Dado que, nuestro Padre celestial siempre usa el bautismo en agua de sus hijos continuamente no solamente para resolver problemas, conflictos, enfermedades, maldiciones, pecados y hasta errores, que ellos cometen sin jamás saberlos, para que ellos vivan una vida limpia continuamente, y así, Él mismo llenarlos a ellos con sus pertenencias con su presencia asombrosa hasta que Él sea visto claramente por todos. Definitivamente, el bautismo en agua fue importante para Israel antiguo inicialmente, porque bautizado del Mar Rojo, entonces ellos abandonaron la carne pecadora con el espíritu inmundo junto con pecados acumulados de familias antiguas y modernas de las naciones por cuatrocientos años, finalmente recibiendo la carne sagrada y el Espíritu Santo, en donde su presencia se manifiesta naturalmente hacia cada hijo suyo: viendo siempre riquezas venir.

Ciertamente, nuestro Padre celestial tuvo a su Hijo Jesucristo naciendo como Isaac del vientre estéril de Sarah, por su Espíritu Santo, en Canaán, porque Él necesitaba manifestarse en sus hijos de Israel y de las familias de las naciones, que sólo sucede, cuando ellos se bautizan en agua, invocando la perfecta santidad de su nombre en la tierra entera para que riquezas vengan siempre. Por cuanto, nuestro Padre celestial necesita incrementar su presencia divina en cada familia de las naciones de la tierra entera, además de Israel, porque Él necesita llenar el corazón, vida, mente, cuerpo y espíritu humano de cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña con su presencia divina y asombroso amor por ellos, logrando así ellos finalmente riquezas cotidianas de Canaán y de la gloria angelical también.

Realmente, así nuestro Padre celestial podía recibir a sus hijos de Israel antiguo y de la humanidad entera con su Hijo Jesucristo bautizado del Jordán por Juan, porque sus hijos necesitaban entrar por su sinagoga de Jerusalén en perfecta santidad, declarándolos a todos ellos por siempre vírgenes para ver su reino de amor, como su nueva tierra llena de riquezas asombrosas para la eternidad venidera. Entendiendo que, nuestro Padre celestial solamente trabaja con sus hijos bautizados ya, invocando poderes perfectos de su santo nombre, para Él mismo ser uno con ellos bautizándose en agua, pero igualmente bautizándose en su Espíritu Santo que sucede en su corazón santísimo, cuando tú asciendes, enriquecido por la carne sagrada de Isaac hacia su cruz del monte Sion, en Canaán, para recibir abundantes riquezas cotidianas.

Ya que, su Espíritu Santo te llevara a su cruz del monte Sion, en Canaán, al tú estar bautizado en agua, invocando la perfecta santidad de su nombre, y orando continuamente al Dios de Abraham, Dios de Isaac y Dios de Jacobo te llenaras del Espíritu Santo para entrar a su presencia perfecto y santo, así como Él lo es toda una eternidad entera. Verdaderamente, nuestro Padre celestial ejecutó su grande Gracia, su grande Verdad, su grande Misericordia y su grande Justicia Divina con su Hijo Jesucristo y con cada hijo suyo, porque Él los observo ya bautizados del Jordán, dándole a Él poderes legales para ejecutar grandes obras en todo aquel Sábado memorable para bendecir con grandes riquezas la tierra entera finalmente sin pecados por edades interminables.

Realmente, desde aquel Sábado inolvidable, cuando nuestro Padre celestial bendecía a sus hijos, perdonando sus pecados, removiéndolo de la tierra enteramente, entonces, Él ha logrado honrar, exaltar y glorificar su santo nombre fuegos en el paraíso, en La Nueva Jerusalén del cielo arriba y en cada lugar celestial, para que sus hijos vean vida eterna con Él, eternamente enriquecidos toda eternidad, empezando hoy contigo. Definitivamente, nuestro Padre celestial solamente obra con su bautismo en agua no solamente en Israel, pero igualmente en cada familia de las naciones, porque es en el bautismo, que Él limpia diariamente a sus hijos de problemas, conflictos, enfermedades, hambruna, pobreza, muerte y el infierno, para vivir su vida gloriosa, derrotando a Satanás y enemigos, viviendo finalmente solamente riquezas hasta ver su reino descender.

Misericordiosamente, nuestro Padre celestial solamente obra con su sinagoga de Jerusalén, que está establecida en cada nación del mundo entero, con su bautismo en agua en cada hijo suyo, porque sin el bautismo en agua Él solamente obra con ellos en el Sábado, dado que: en este día, estén bautizados o no, entonces, poderes del Juramento a Isaac son supremos en todo este día. Sin embargo, ya que, hijos de nuestro Padre celestial están bautizados entonces Él obra con ellos no solamente en el Sábado, pero igualmente en cada día continuamente siempre, limpiándolos a ellos mucho más que antes, incrementando su presencia divina en ellos con riquezas de Canaán y del cielo arriba, bendiciendo finalmente a familias de las naciones enteramente por igual hasta que su reino descienda.

Entendiendo que, nuestro Padre celestial con cada hijo suyo bautizado, podrá progresivamente continuar limpiándolos a ellos de cosas que afectarán su servicio hacia Él, su Hijo Jesucristo y su Espíritu Santo, como lavándolos de problemas, conflictos, enfermedades y aun limpiándolos de errores, que ellos cometan sin conocerlos, entonces serán ellos limpios, perfectos, santos y vírgenes ante Él cada día hasta ver su reino llegar. Amigablemente, nuestro Padre celestial con el bautismo en agua podrá mantener a cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña perfecto, santo e intachable una vida entera, logrando que siempre ellos sean su perfecta voluntad con su carne sin pecados, su Espíritu Santo y su Juramento a Isaac, incrementando así su presencia gloriosa en ellos, pero igualmente en familias de las naciones, enriqueciéndolos a todos poderosamente siempre.

Hoy, con Israel bautizado en agua, entonces, nuestro Padre celestial podrá trabajar con sus hijos hebreos y gentiles de las naciones no solamente en el Sábado, pero igualmente cada día entregándoles riquezas, glorias y poderes conquistados sobre Satanás, ángeles caídos y la muerte, y ellos vivan enriqueciendo su santo nombre en la tierra, así como en el cielo con huestes angelicales hacia la eternidad venidera. Realmente, tú caminaras con nuestro Padre celestial en todos tus días hacia la gloria celestial, eternamente justificado, porque Él salió del Lugar Santísimo para encontrarse contigo, pero también caminar contigo de poder en poder, de riquezas en riquezas y de gloria en gloria, y así, tú por siempre vivas con tu corazón alegre infinitamente toda una eternidad entera con tus amados, vecinos y amistades. ¡Amén!

The HOLY of HOLIEST curtain was spilled seven times for SABBATH, for the FATHER to walk the EARTH with you always:

Divinely, our heavenly Father created heaven and earth to sprinkle it with His life, for He needed to remove not only sin from His angelical kingdom, but also, remove Satan entirely and the fallen angels along with death and hell’s torment to start His new earth filled with His personal life only knowing love, peace, richness and endless-happiness with His children through eternity. For our heavenly Father needed to pour His eternal life over His children that had sinned against Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so He may be able to live with them, because they were born from His image and His living-soul to live only knowing love, peace, prosperity and endless happiness with Him throughout His amazing kingdom of life.

Indeed, our heavenly Father had given birth to His children only to live with Him and His holy name fires, because He had created heaven and earth to live with His divine family that is His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit along with you and your loved ones, neighbors and friends with richness born from His holy heart untouched by sin forever. For this is richness hidden from Lucifer and his fallen angels, because richness came along with heaven and earth only to be enjoyed by Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit along with the families of the nations, given that this is richness that enriches His holy name fires with you, thus to conquer new glories unseen before by anyone through eternity.

Therefore, since Adam and Eve were born from our heavenly Father’s image with lasting richness that Lucifer along with the fallen angels has never seen before through the angelical kingdom, then, he needed the Lord’s children never to know that they were born with great richness thus to enrich His holy name fires in His home-sweet-home that is His new earth. That is why, that Lucifer had the serpent from Eden deceiving Eve to eat from the forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, so they will fail to live the eternal life that our heavenly Father had granted unto them at birth thus to live richness born from His holy heart that enriches His holy name fires through life always.

Consequently, blinding Adam and Eve along with the children by having them eating from the forbidden fruit then they will live automatically a life always failing to know the richness that they were born with as they emerged from our heavenly Father’s image and His living-soul, thus His holy name fires will fail to be loved by them always through their days. Really, Lucifer does not want anyone knowing the richness that they were born with as they emerged from our heavenly Father’s image and His living-soul, because His holy heart’s richness really enriches everyone’s life throughout the angelical kingdom and the earth as well thus to honor, exalt and glorify His holy name fires as never before throughout eternity.

Clearly, it was important for our heavenly Father to pour His own life upon His children lost already upon earth besides lost in hell’s torment, because humankind entirely had already died in sin failing to see richness again through eternity: however, He can still save them with His everlasting richness that He needed to pour throughout the earth with His own life. Truly, Lucifer only wants to impoverish our heavenly Father’s children, because his fight against heaven’s glory is against the holy name fires been loved, served, exalted and glorified throughout Creation with every man, woman and child along with the angelical hosts thus everyone will fail to know the greatness (enriching all families) that there is by exalting always His holy name throughout the earth.

Now, for our heavenly Father to destroy Lucifer’s plan to impoverish the earth along with every man, woman and child from the families of the nations, besides Israel entirely, then, He had to pour His own eternal life that is always about richness for human and angelical life alike to thrive always persistently, but He needed to pour it upon His own children only. Certainly, our heavenly Father needed to pour His own glorious life upon a new flesh unknown to sin before, because Adam and Eve along with the children had sinned already against Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit by eating from the forbidden fruit, when they were called to eat from the tree of life at the epicenter of paradise.

Forthrightly, our heavenly Father waited through generations to see if any man, woman and child will seek for Him and His holy name fires thus to save them from the evil caused by Lucifer against them, as evil had Eve and later Adam eating from the forbidden fruit that changed their lives, where richness is impossible always through life until death in hell’s torment. Moreover, our heavenly Father needed to establish a new flesh upon earth with mankind by eating with Him at the Lord’s Table from His bread and wine thus granting them not only a new start in life dressed with His sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood but also along with-it richness that Lucifer will love to have, but this is impossible for him forever.

Therefore, our heavenly Father called Abraham to Canaan, because in Canaan he was going to sit at the Lord’s Table to break bread with Him along with the cup of wine that will be His atoning-blood filled with His eternal life, destroying Lucifer and his fallen angels along with death, so sin may finally be erased from humankind thus richness may flow freely finally. Understanding that, if the entire earth will be filled with our heavenly Father’s sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood filled with His eternal life that only knows richness, love, peace, prosperity and endless joys of the heart, then the richness, glories and powers that are in the earth and in heaven as well will be manifested in everyone’s life instantly, as in every day.

For our heavenly Father created heaven and earth with endless-richness thus to enrich His holy name fires by His children born from His image and His living-soul, and this is you along with loved ones, neighbors and friends, besides Adam and Eve, because He really needs you to know daily richness, enriching His amazing love, peace for you and His holy name through life. Graciously, our heavenly Father’s richness that He has placed upon earth and in heaven’s glory as well, starting in today’s Canaan, will lead you towards His new earth as His new kingdom of love, powers and endless-richness through life with you and loved ones, while Lucifer needs to impoverish you thus leading you towards his kingdom of darkness, death and endless-poverty through eternity.

As a result, our heavenly Father’s daily richness is always available to you, loved ones, neighbors and friends from around the world, but you must be dressed in His sacred-flesh with His atoning-blood that is filled with His own life that has defeated Satan, fallen angels, death, poverty and hell’s torment for you, so you may receive His daily richness always without fails. For our heavenly Father has made available His personal richness to you and your loved ones, including neighbors and friends, because He really needs to enrich you thus to enrich His holy name fires throughout the nations that are upon earth that He created already with endless richness coming towards you, but only in the sacred-flesh dressing you finally forever with perfect holiness.

Considering that, our heavenly Father told Abraham that he needed to become as perfect and holy as He is before His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to enter eternal life abundantly filled with endless-richness not only in heaven’s glory but also in Canaan thus enriching His new earth born from His holy heart, as He poured it timely upon his only son Isaac. Truthfully, by our heavenly Father sitting with Abraham at the Lord’s Table, then He could eat the bread and wine upon earth that is always eating in heaven’s glory by the angelical hosts thus keeping them perfect and holy to love, serve and exalt His holy name fires at Jerusalem’s holy cross, in Canaan, miraculously conquering always new richness, glories and powers unseen before.

This is when, our heavenly Father could have His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s powers, because He needed His eternal life within every man, woman and child upon earth, regardless if they were already dead in hell’s torment or not, because He has powers giving them life again thus honoring His holy name fires finally forever. In truth, our heavenly Father will eventually have all the families from ancient and modern nations loving, honoring and exalting His holy name fires at Jerusalem’s holy cross, in Canaan, because He has the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers to do this with His children thus to honor His holy name fires throughout His new earth for life to thrive with endless-richness always.

Now, when our heavenly Father told Abraham that he must be perfect and holy as He is before His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to enter eternal life that is enriched with endless richness, then, this means that He was calling him along with the children to water baptism by invoking His holy name fires thus becoming one with Him forever. Understanding that, our heavenly Father’s richness only knows Him and His children baptized in water to abandon the sinful-flesh and the spirit of error that ate with the old serpent from Eden the forbidden fruit to receive the sacred-flesh and the Holy Spirit that eats from the fruit of life bitten by the bronze serpent at Jerusalem’s holy cross, in Canaan, for salvation and lasting-richness.

Considering that, this is the only sacred-flesh and the Holy Spirit that really emerged from our heavenly Father to pour upon earth to have His children returning to Him by been born again, as they became baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name fires that will enrich them every day through life until His kingdom of love may finally come. For this is exactly what our heavenly Father needed to do with Abraham and Sarah by eating together the bread and wine, so His Son Jesus Christ may be born with the sacred-flesh, the unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood that enriches you thus to enrich His holy name fires that Lucifer is doing everything he can to impoverish it throughout the earth forever.

Divinely, this is our heavenly Father’s sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood that has always defeated Satan and his cronies along with the angel of death and hell’s torment, because His sacred-flesh with His atoning-blood that is His own life that has always known richness, then it will enrich you dramatically until you may say: I am saturated with richness forever. For this is what Abraham said to our heavenly Father, because he was receiving richness continuously just because he obeyed Him by abandoning his parents, friends and land of birth to enter Canaan, because it was in Canaan where he really began to experience great richness each day although Isaac had not been born yet.

Therefore, once baptized in water by invoking His holy name’s perfect holiness as you may enter the water, emerging immediately from the Jordan River in Canaan with our heavenly Father and His Holy Spirit, because now you are living in His sacred-flesh filled with richness always thus to love, bless and honor His name always, then poverty will die before you forever. Understanding that, it is Canaan enriching you but also your every day life in your homeland, because you have obeyed our heavenly Father by entering into Canaan that is blessed with endless richness to enrich the entire earth along with paradise, The New Jerusalem from heaven above and other heavenly places, so you may bless His holy name fires with perfect richness always forever.

Really, you have to see what our heavenly Father did with Abraham, He called him to Canaan, because He needed to enrich him along with his loved ones, besides Sarah his wife with a barren-womb to be healed miraculously, but also the promised children through coming generations thus enriching His holy name fires in Canaan but also in his homeland with his relatives finally. In other words, if you obey our heavenly Father by been baptized in water at your home bathtub then you will emerge from the Jordan in Canaan, because to enter Canaan you have to become baptized in water in your homeland thus for Him to bless you with Canaan’s daily richness but also enrich your homeland, where you were born with your entire family.

Fundamentally, baptized in water then you will have abandoned the sinful-flesh and the spirit of error where you will always know poverty to receive the sacred-flesh and the Holy Spirit where you will always know richness, because Canaan’s daily richness along with heaven’s richness will pour upon you to be dressed with endless prosperity before His holy name at Jerusalem’s holy cross, in Canaan. That is why, that Satan will never allow you to become baptized in his false doctrines that are around the world in many nations, because that once baptized in water by invoking His holy name’s perfect holiness then you along with your loved ones in your country of birth will only know each day richness for His holy name’s endless glories throughout the earth.

Nowadays, Satan will sprinkle water upon you if you ask for your church to baptize you, and then the religious leaders will declare you baptized as they sprinkle water, when real water baptism is by submersion, because you have to abandon the sinful-flesh at the bottom of the water to emerge with the sacred-flesh in Canaan, knowing richness through life always with loved ones. Really, Satan fears the water baptism more than hell itself, because he knows that our heavenly Father works always with His children from Israel and the nations that are baptized, and He really works with them powerfully, because He needs to execute very important powers only available to Him through those that have submerged themselves into the water to emerge in Canaan’s daily richness.

We can see, how ancient Israel abandoned Egypt’s captivity to head towards the Red Sea, where they were no bridges to cross it much less boats to get the entire house of Israel to the other side safely, where Satan could no longer take them into captivity, because they were escaping Satan’s darkness and poverty to find light, powers and endless-richness in Canaan. Well, get baptize in water, worry not about your temple, church or place where you will normally congregate to baptize you, you may do it at your home’s bathtub, pool, beach or any water abundant enough to submerge into it, emerging in Canaan instantly forever blessed, because you must be in Canaan dressed with the sacred-flesh for richness to flow through life continually always.

Truthfully, baptized in water you will enrich your life along with your loved ones, neighbors and friends as well, because the oath sworn to Isaac is powerful, having powers that our heavenly Father will use to bless you along with your nation, for Canaan and heaven’s glory are daily pouring richness upon your homeland entirely, for His kingdom of love is coming anyday now. Really, it was important for our heavenly Father to have His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit, because with Jacob as His firstborn, giving birth to the twelve Israelis patriarchs for Israel to be His nation defeating Satan and washing clean the earth from sin entirely, then His kingdom of love may manifest within humankind finally forever.

For this is our heavenly Father’s kingdom of love, where He will always love you as He has faithfully with His Son Jesus Christ and His Spirit, because this love towards us through the virgin birth, virgin life, virgin baptism at the Jordan, virgin defeats that His Son Jesus Christ had against Satan, death and your enemies is reality with you baptized in water. Really, the Red Sea’s water baptism was very important for ancient Israel finally escaping Egypt’s captivity that meant eternal poverty to them and the entire earth, because once the four-hundred years had elapsed then the periods of seven years of richness were over, and only poverty and famine were ahead with the entire human race, if Israel had remained in captivity unbaptized forever.

Really, the water baptism of ancient Israel at the Red Sea removed the sins from ancient and modern families of the nations entirely thus saving the world from hell’s torment, because ancient Israel went through the Sinai’s desert enriched as Canaan’s citizens conveying the water baptism to the earth’s heart for Canaan to receive the Messiah and his lasting kingdom of endless-richness for you. Undeniably, our heavenly Father needed ancient Israel spilling lambs’ atoning-blood throughout the Sinai’s desert as they ministered before Him at the entrance of the tabernacle of reunion, because every sacrifice brought to the Levite priests had to be offered at the door posts of the tabernacle to be accepted within the Holy of Holiest thus to have their sins removed for coming richness.

Timely, it was important for our heavenly Father to have ancient Israel drinking from the bitter waters of Marah, because they could only be sweetened by Moses throwing the tree into it lying nearby, thus sweeting ancient and modern families of the nations that Israel needed to drink to become one with them forever in the sacred-flesh that only knows richness the earth eternally. For this is how, our heavenly Father defeated Satan’s famine not only in Egypt’s captivity by taking the sins from ancient and modern nations to the Red Sea’s baptism, but also, baptized everyone already they drank from the bitter waters of Marah, sweetened by Moses with the tree, becoming one sacred-flesh to defeat famine forever: eating manna and drinking water from heaven above always.

This is what our heavenly Father needed ancient Israel doing with Moses through the Sinai’s desert taking upon ancient and modern families of the nations by drinking the bitter waters of Marah, sweetened by the tree lying nearby, so they may sprinkle lambs’ atoning-blood through the sandy desert thus giving His glorified-body to the dead by eating manna to see life abundantly again soon. Graciously, this is you that Moses with ancient Israel, as our heavenly Father’s armies along with holy angels searched for you, loved ones, neighbors and friends by turning stones and grains of sand until finding you naked to the bones, but they did the necessary work cleansing you from sin within the tabernacle’s Holy of Holiest, finally enriching you, dressed with His sacred-flesh nowadays.

That is why, that you are called to become reborn through water baptism by invoking His holy name’s perfect holiness as you may submerge into the waters to emerge in the Jordan walking in Canaan, land of richness, with our heavenly Father and His Holy Spirit only knowing love, peace, powers, richness and a happy heart, because now you are His legitimate child forever. Undeniably, our heavenly Father has called every man, woman and child from Israel and the families of the nations to become reborn from the water baptism to abandon the sinful-flesh and the spirit of error where Satan and his unclean spirits always attack you to dress with the sacred-flesh and the Holy Spirit where you have already been blessed forever in Canaan’s daily richness.

Therefore, it was important for our heavenly Father to have ancient Israel eating the manna descending along with the drinks from the rock of salvation, so they may receive a glorified-body worthy to become one with the Messiah nailed to them with his atoning-blood shed at the entrance of the synagogue in Jerusalem: removing sin from the earth forever in that glorious Sabbath rest. Indeed, our heavenly Father needed His Son Jesus Christ nailed to Jerusalem’s holy cross, in Canaan, outside the City of David, because He was receiving the atoning-blood victorious against Satan, fallen angels, death and hell, for every man, woman and child from ancient and modern nations to be declared perfect and holy for honoring, exalting and glorifying His holy name fires on earth finally forever.

For our heavenly Father needed His Son Jesus Christ nailed to Jerusalem’s holy cross, in Canaan, to his hands and feet thus to shed his atoning-blood over the synagogue in Jerusalem’s doorframes, as he entered into the Holy of Holiest with ancient Israel and the ancient and modern families of the nations to see the Father in person with perfect holiness throughout eternity already forever. Definitely, our heavenly Father needed to heal His Son Jesus Christ from attacks received to his body while taking the cross to the mountaintop to be nailed to it along with ancient Israel and humankind, because he was be healed by the Father but also every man, woman and child from all generations, and this is when you became healed from your sins forever.

Moreover, our heavenly Father needed His holy name fires loved, honored and glorified by His own life lived by His only Son in Canaan for every man, woman and child from all generations: defeating Satan, sin, curses, famine, death and hell’s torment thus He may have it along with His eternal life living in heaven’s glory victorious against Satan and sin finally through eternity. Furthermore, our heavenly Father needed His Son Jesus Christ not only shedding his atoning-blood over Jerusalem’s holy cross, in Canaan, but also, over the synagogue in Jerusalem’s doorframes thus to remove sin from the entire earth by having the atoning-blood victorious finally against Satan, death and hell’s torment spilled seven times over the curtain separating the holy places from the Holy of Holiest.

Lawfully, this is what our heavenly Father commanded Moses for the Levite priests to execute daily with the oath sworn to Isaac’s rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness with the lambs’ atoning-blood spilled within the tabernacle’s holy things but also spilled seven times over the curtain separating holy places from the Holy of Holiest thus He may walk the earth, but without sin finally forever. Indeed, our heavenly Father after His Son Jesus Christ had finally entered through His synagogue’s doorframes spilled with his atoning-blood victorious against Satan, sin, curses, famine, death and hell in every man, woman and child’s life from ancient and modern nations, then, his atoning-blood spilled seven times over the Holy of Holiest curtain, so He may walk the earth with the Hebrew families.

For our heavenly Father needed to visit every family throughout the earth, but primarily He needed the Israelis’ families along with the Jewish ones taking His synagogue from Jerusalem into the world, for He needed to celebrate His victories against Satan, sin, famine and death with His children finally welcoming His kingdom of love, as His new earth filled with endless-richness ultimately for everyone. Understanding that, after our heavenly Father had His Son Jesus Christ nailed to Jerusalem’s holy cross, in Canaan, entering finally into His holy presence with his atoning-blood victorious against Satan and his fallen angels forever in His children’s lives, then, He could walk towards them with the Israelis and Jewish’s families thus to wash them clean from sin continuously, darkness and impurities finally forever.

Lovingly, our heavenly Father needed not only the entire house of Israel baptized in water but also the families of the nations, because He had declared them perfect and holy already within the synagogue in Jerusalem spilled with His Son Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood victorious against Satan and sin, and so, now He could clean them continually much more than before for richness to come. Realizing that, our heavenly Father can only work with every man, woman and child baptized in water already, so He may use the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers that are always present with those already baptized in water, thus cleansing them continually each day much more than before but also bless the things that they may possess to enrich them furthermore always.

Given that, our heavenly Father uses always the water baptism of His children continually not only to solve their problems, conflicts, infirmities, curses, sin problems and even errors that they may commit without ever knowing them, so they may live a clean life continually thus He may fill them with their belongings with His amazing presence until He is finally seen entirely by everyone. Surely, water baptism was important for ancient Israel from day one, because baptized in water at the Red Sea then they abandoned the sinful-flesh with the unclean spirit along with every sin accumulated from ancient and modern families of the nations in four centuries finally receiving Isaac’s sacred-flesh and the Holy Spirit, where His presence manifests naturally towards everyone to see clearly always richness coming.

Certainly, our heavenly Father had His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s powers, in Canaan, because He needed to become manifested in His children from Israel and the families of the nations that can only happen when they are baptized in water by invoking His holy name’s perfect holiness throughout the earth for richness to come always. For our heavenly Father needs to increase His divine presence in every family of the nations of the earth, besides Israel, because He needs filled the heart, life, mind, body and human spirit of every man, woman and child with His divine presence and amazing love for them, thus they may live His daily richness always from Canaan and from heaven’s glory as well.

Really, our heavenly Father was able to receive His children from ancient Israel and from humankind entirely with His Son Jesus Christ baptized at the Jordan by John, because everyone needed to enter through the synagogue in Jerusalem in perfect holiness thus for Him to declare them forever virgin to see His kingdom of love as His new earth filled with amazing richness forever. Understanding that, our heavenly Father can only work with His children baptized already by invoking His holy name’s perfect powers, so He may become one with them in water baptism but also in the Holy Spirit baptism that must take place within His holy heart, as you may ascend enriched by Isaac’s sacred-flesh into Jerusalem’s holy cross, in Canaan, for more abundant coming richness.

For the Holy Spirit will take you to Jerusalem’s holy cross, in Canaan, as you may have become baptized in water by invoking His name’s perfect holiness and pray continually to the God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob thus you may become filled with His Holy Spirit to enter into His presence perfect and holy, as He is through eternity. Truthfully, our heavenly Father executed His great Grace, His great Truth, His great Mercy and His great Divine Justice with His Son Jesus Christ and each of His children, because He saw them baptized already from the Jordan that gave Him legal powers to perform great things throughout that memorable Sabbath to bless with abundant richness the earth finally without sin for endless generations.

Really, since that unforgettable Sabbath as our heavenly Father blessed His children by forgiving sin to remove it from the earth entirely, then, He was able to honor, exalt and glorify His holy name fires throughout paradise, The New Jerusalem from heaven above and every other heavenly place, so His children may see eternal life with Him forever enriched throughout eternity, starting now with you. For our heavenly Father only works with His water baptism not only in Israel but also in every family of the world entirely, because it is in baptism that He cleanses daily His children from problems, conflicts, infirmities, famine, poverty, death and hell, so they may live His glorious life defeating Satan and enemies thus to live only richness until His kingdom comes finally.

Graciously, our only works with His synagogue of Jerusalem that is established forever in every nation of the entire earth, with the water baptism of each of His children, because without the water baptism He can only work with them on Sabbath, given that on this day whether you are baptized or not, then, the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers are supreme throughout that day. However, giving that, our heavenly Father’s children are baptized then He works with them not on Sabbath only but also each day continually always, because now He can cleanse them more than before thus increasing His divine presence within them with endless-richness from Canaan and heaven’s glory, furthermore blesses the families of the nations entirely just the same until His kingdom comes finally.

Understanding that, our heavenly Father with everyone’s water baptism will progressively continue to cleanse them from things that will affect their services towards Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, as washing them clean from problems, conflicts, infirmities and even errors that they may commit without ever knowing thus they be perfect, holy and virgin before Him each day until kingdom comes. Graciously, our heavenly Father with the water baptism He can keep every man, woman and child perfect, holy and blameless through life, so they may always be His perfect will within His sacred-flesh, the Holy Spirit and the oath sworn to Isaac thus for His glorious presence to increase with them but also upon the families of the nations until everyone is enriched powerfully.

That is why, that our heavenly Father was able to walk the earth with the Israelis and Jewish’s families to take His synagogue with its doorframes spilled with His Son Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood that tore the Holy of Holiest blue, scarlet and purple curtain from top to bottom thus becoming one with His children from Israel and the families of the nations through eternity. For our heavenly Father walked out from the Holy of Holiest with the curtain on the ground to see His children from Israel and the nations that He had always longed to become one with them again, but with His holy name fires eternally loved, honored and exalted within their daily lives throughout the earth thus entering eternal life enriched with them forever justified.

These days, with Israel baptized in water then our heavenly Father may work with His children from Israel and the nations not only on Sabbath but each day thus granting them richness, glories and powers conquered against Satan, the fallen angels and death, so they may live enriching His holy name fires on earth as it is enriched in the angelical kingdom through eternity. Really, you will walk with out heavenly Father through your days towards heaven’s glory forever justified, because He emerged from the Holy of Holiest to meet you but also walk with you from power to power, from richness to richness and from glory to glory, so you may always live with your heart filled with endless-happiness through eternity with loved ones, neighbors and friends. Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yehoshua, and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 310
Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30
Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?


That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart
that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with
your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who
trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between
Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is
Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY WAY

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? Or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? Or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful new life
with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better.
Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday.
Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God,
worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers
as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your
prayers for me and my love ones, for your prayers are very important in heaven.
You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus
suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross
of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That
is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy
Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest too. I most
add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in HEAVEN when you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you. d=1
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