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(IVÁN): The tree at Marah’s bitter waters sweetening the earth’s heart is you: sweetening our Father’s holy heart to enrich you always:

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Jan 27, 2022, 2:04:52 AM1/27/22
Sábado, 22 de Enero, 2022 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)

The tree at Marah’s bitter waters sweetening the earth’s heart is you: sweetening our Father’s holy heart to enrich you always:

The time came, for our heavenly Father to have Adam and Eve along with the children returning to Him within His home-sweet-home, that is the Synagogue of Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest with His eternal life intact in it that had destroyed Satan, death, the fallen angels and hell’s torment, thus declaring them perfect and holy as He is forever into everlasting in heaven’s glory. Really, our heavenly Father needed them back with Him, for the reason that His holy heart had suffered through the years to see them leave paradise along with the children that were the joy of heaven’s glory and the angelical hosts well into eternity thus to conquer new glories, powers, richness and sanctities unseen before by anyone yet.

Nonetheless, our heavenly Father needed to start a new kingdom of His eternal love for His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit along with His children that were going to love, serve and worship Him and His holy name fires within His home-sweet-home that is the Synagogue of Jerusalem in heaven’s glory and upon earth forever into everlasting. Furthermore, our heavenly Father needed the unfailing-love of His Holy heart for His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to spread not only to each of His children in Canaan but also to the angelical hosts faithful to Him and to His holy name fires through the angelical rebellion that Lucifer caused to challenge His all-powerful perfect holiness in heaven’s glory.

However, our heavenly Father needed sin destroyed not in heaven’s glory, as paradise and with the angelical hosts but upon earth instead, understanding that, He was planning to have His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac for His children to become reborn through His sacred-flesh with the water baptism and the Holy Spirit baptism; otherwise, they will fail to return to Him with perfect holiness. Moreover, our heavenly Father needed sin destroyed upon earth first, because Adam was born from His image and from His living-soul dressing with the earth’s flesh (its dust), thus by having sin removed from the earth’s dust used to dress Adam and the children then He could start an amazing new kingdom: loving, serving and honoring His holy name fires finally forever throughout eternity.

That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father to sit with Abraham at the Lord’s Table to eat the bread and wine that is always served by His Son Jesus Christ in heaven’s glory to the angelical hosts, thus to maintain them perfect and holy to love, honor and exalt His holy name fires with perfect holiness, as always through eternity. Consequently, it was important for our heavenly Father to partake from the bread and wine with Abraham served by His Son Jesus Christ to Him along with 318 of Abraham’s children for His Son Jesus Christ to be born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb, in Canaan, thus establishing His holy-seed as His sacred-flesh with His holy name fires always loved, served and honored everlastingly.

For our heavenly Father needed Abraham along with his wife Sarah and the adoptive children living with His sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood, that is Isaac, where His holy name fires along with the Ten Commandments of Israel and Moses have always been loved, honored, exalted and glorified by Him and His Holy Spirit throughout the angelical kingdom. Nevertheless, now our heavenly Father needed to transfer His glorious life always victorious against Lucifer and the fallen angels throughout the angelical kingdom upon earth to destroy sin, because by Him destroying sin with His holy presence that is always manifested continuously each day in His sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood, then He can establish His holy name fires throughout humankind with perfect holiness forever.

Considering that, our heavenly Father had created heaven and earth to descend with His children along with the angelical host to live in Canaan along with the families of ancient and modern nations in the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood, where Satan and the fallen angels along with death have never existed to cause anyone to sin again against Him and His holy name fires forever. Yet, for our heavenly Father to live in Canaan along with Israel and the families of ancient and modern nations then He had to destroy sin first later Satan along with the fallen angels and death to take control of the earth’s heart immediately to establish His eternal life within it, thus for the earth to exist again without sin and be forever enriched.

Therefore, it was important for our heavenly Father to have His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb, because no one upon earth could destroy sin, Satan, death, fallen angels, witchcraft, sin and hell’s torment but only His holy flesh and the atoning-blood, by becoming- eventually Israel and lastly His Son again as God’s Lamb taking the sin from the world everlastingly. Understanding that, our heavenly Father needed His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit, because ancient Israel had taken away sins from ancient and modern nations for four hundred years to the Red Sea baptism, abandoning them forever, given that humankind was to see life again from the Sinai desert as Isaac finally with lasting salvation in Canaan.

In other words, considering that our heavenly Father had His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb, healing her womb by His Spirit, then, with ancient Israel baptized at the Red Sea He could have humankind, lost and dead forever in hell, living again as His Son is reborn with them as Isaac entirely through the Sinai’s desert entering Canaan forever justified. That is to say, also that ancient Israel entered the Sinai’s desert baptized at the Red Sea that represented the Father’s atoning-blood that needed to be spilled over the curtain to be torn from top to bottom for the Holy of Holiest that is the Father Himself may become one not only with His children but also with the earth entirely forever enriching it.

Indeed, our heavenly Father needed Moses approaching the bitter waters of Marah, given that he was to pick up the tree lying nearby it to be thrown into the waters to sweeten them for ancient Israel along with him to drink the families of ancient and modern nations to become one sacred-flesh ready to access the Holy of Holiest forever forgiven from sin. Considering that: every man, woman and child were receiving His commandments of Israel and Moses always failing to fulfill them in the sinful-flesh, however, by ancient Israel performing the oath sworn to Isaac’s rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness, then, they could fulfill them by eating manna from heaven above to drink from the rock life: thus loving, honoring and exalting Him finally always everlastingly.

This is to say, that for forty years ancient Israel along with Moses and the families of ancient and modern nations ate daily manna from heaven above and drank from the rock of salvation life that would cause finally for every man, woman and child to dress with the sacred-flesh to be bitten by poisonous snakes to descend to the earth’s heart forever vindicated. For ancient Israel along with Moses and ancient and modern nations needed to descend to hell’s posts bitten by poisonous snakes to wait for the king Messiah born from David’s virgin daughter, understanding that by been bitten again, but this time, with bronze snakes, then they could become reborn as Isaac again everyone finally accessing the Holy of Holiest with perfect salvation forever enriched.

For every man, woman and child eating daily manna from heaven above along with the rock’s drinks, then they became reborn through the Sinai desert, as His Son Jesus became Isaac with them, given that the holy-seed was planted in Canaan for the cross but also in David’s virgin daughter for them to become one as Isaac is forever saved safely enriched in Canaan. Really, our heavenly Father needed declared His children perfect and holy as He is eternally before His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit throughout the angelical kingdom, so He may immediately start His new kingdom of love for ancient and modern families of the nations: loving, serving and exalting His holy name fires daily throughout the earth within the Holy of Holiest continually.

Surely, immediately after our heavenly Father had declared perfect and holy his children from Israel and ancient and modern nations within the Holy of Holiest, then He sent His new kingdom of love throughout the earth, so His holy name fires may be loved, served and worshipped properly by everyone with the angels everlastingly thus conquering richness, powers and glories untouched before by anyone. This is something that our heavenly Father needed done within Israel and throughout the nations of the entire world, and this is to see His Son Jesus Christ entering the Holy of Holiest with his brothers and sisters from the entire human race, starting with Adam and Eve, declaring them perfect and holy thus to enrich His new kingdom of love at last forever.

Besides that, our heavenly Father needed to live with His children reborn already from the water baptism and from the Holy Spirit baptism, understanding that, He needed them living in His sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood filled with His Holy Spirit’s eternal life that grants them powers to live in His everyday richness, thus enriching the earth entirely always until His kingdom may come finally. For our heavenly Father has already declared you perfect and holy along with loved ones, neighbors and friends, because He can really know you in His sacred-flesh and His atoning-blood that you have already received from Him descending as the manna and drinks from the rock of salvation thus to love, serve and exalt Him with perfect holiness always throughout His new earth.

In other words, for our heavenly Father to know you then you must become baptized in water, abandoning the sinful flesh and the spirit of error received from Adam and Eve, as they both ate from the forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, finally receiving His sacred-flesh to live again forever enriched with Him within the Holy of Holiest. Understanding that, our heavenly Father needs to know you as He has always known His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to be His divine family in Canaan and in the angelical kingdom, because you were born from His image to live with Him forever enriched towards eternity thus enriching His new kingdom of love upon earth always with His Holy of Holiest.

Consequently, our heavenly Father needs to know you these days upon earth, but to know you in His sacred-flesh and His atoning-blood emanating from His holy-body to become part of you throughout His new kingdom of love upon His new earth, considering that without Him then you will always fail to know love that pleases His holy heart everlastingly for richness touching you always nonstop. Really, our heavenly Father has worked tirelessly for you to access His Synagogue of Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest with His Son Jesus Christ nailed to your hands and feet, so you may be seen by Him perfect and holy as He has always been throughout eternity, thus He may live with you in His new earth filled with love, peace, richness and endless-happiness forever.

Surely, given that since you entered our heavenly Father’s Synagogue’s Holy of Holiest with His Son Jesus Christ nailed to you, then He received you victoriously always against His enemies as Satan, the fallen angels, the angel of death and hell’s torment, so you may receive His daily blessing filled with His life that only knows to love you with daily richness into everlasting. Moreover, our heavenly Father has been living with you along with loved ones always within the Holy of Holiest, because you were born not only from His image and His living-soul but also from the Synagogue of Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest, as His holy heart always lovingly blesses you with daily richness, thus enriching you as you have never known richness upon earth before.

Indeed, richness that our heavenly Father needs manifested through families of the nations, frankly, are richness that Satan along with his fallen angels would have loved to possess them, but he knows that he will fail to know them forever, given that they can only belong to you with your loved ones, enriching the earth beyond heaven’s glory within the Holy of Holiest, as always. Truthfully, this is richness that you were born with as you emerged from our heavenly Father’s image and His living-soul that will cause not only richness to become possible continuously towards you and loved ones, neighbors and friends, but also to every family of the nations, given that that Abraham was told that in Isaac all the families will be enriched abundantly always forever.

Therefore, given that baptized in water by invoking Him, as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob, then you will become blessed with Isaac’s sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood spilled forever in the Synagogue of Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest, tearing the curtain separating holy places from the Holy of Holiest thus you may become enriched with loved ones progressively throughout the earth. This is true today for every Muslin, Hindu, Buddhist, Taoist, Shinto, Hebrew, Christian and families of ancient and modern nations, because our heavenly Father has expiated sin from humankind through the Sinai’s desert to live His holy commandments of Israel and Moses in perfect holiness thus loving, honoring and exalting His holy name fires for richness to be possible for you upon earth forever.

Furthermore, our heavenly Father needs to bless the entire earth with amazing abundant richness throughout our days well into eternity, however, Satan with his fallen angels, including death and hell’s torment, is for poverty, for the reason that he will love to impoverish it, starting with Israel, so the families of the nations will fail to be blessed forever as promised to Abraham initially. This is why, that you are daily lacking things always, because Satan will love to impoverish you, however, our heavenly Father with His Son Jesus Christ has enriched you mightily each day already but in the Synagogue of Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest, understanding that you are there with Him and your entire family already, however, only baptized in water you may rip richness finally.

Surely, for our heavenly Father needs to enrich you each day without a doubt, whether you are a Muslin, Hindu, Buddhist, Taoist, Shinto, Hebrew, Christian or from any family of ancient and modern nations, considering that, divinely He has decided to transfer His entire kingdom of heaven’s glory upon earth, for He has chosen Jerusalem to live there with His children forever into eternity. In the other hand, Satan with his fallen angels, death and hell’s torment work to impoverish you with the world wholly, knowing that baptized in water, then you with loved ones, neighbors and friends will rip richness abundantly blessing your family but also families of the nations, thus enriching humankind as never before for His kingdom of love is descending upon earth finally soon.

Accordingly, it was important for our heavenly Father to have the entire house of Israel collecting sin from ancient and modern nations in Egypt’s captivity, so He may have Moses born to receive His holy name, as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob over Mount Sinai for the Red Sea water baptism to enter the wilderness, but without sin forever. For our heavenly Father needed to sweeten the Sinai desert by having Moses, baptized with water and as Canaan citizen, then he lifted the tree lying near bitter waters of Marah to sweet the ancient and modern families of the nations but also to sweet the Sinai desert’s heart, for Him to descend with the tabernacle of reunion with the Holy of Holiest powers.

Undeniably, our heavenly Father needed to work throughout the Sinai desert searching for His children but with His holy heart’s amazing unfailing love for them that was in the tabernacle of reunion, as the Holy of Holiest, thus to expiate, judge and covers every sin to cleanse them, then, finally entering His new kingdom of love that is the new earth finally forever justified. Graciously, our heavenly Father needed to have nations fulfilling His holy commandments impossible for any man to fulfill, honor and glorify them properly, because they had died in the sinful-flesh received by default from Adam and Eve, therefore they were lost forever in hell’s torment without ever knowing life’s amazing eternal daily richness, for failing to know always His commandments, laws and regulations forever.

However, by our heavenly Father having humankind becoming one with Moses and ancient Israel through the Sinai’s desert thus drinking every nation from bitter waters of Marah, sweetened to turn the heart of the Sinai desert sweet forever, then, families could eat from His manna and drink from His rock of salvation, granting them His holy body, where they have never sinned against Him. This is when, our heavenly Father could work with Moses and the Levitical priests to conduct the oath sworn to Isaac’s rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness needed finally to abandon the Sinai desert victorious against Satan, sin, fallen angels, death and hell’s torment, because they finally defeated the venomous serpents as they bit them attempting to kill them again in the desert.

Still, instead ancient Israel with humankind descended entirely into the Valley of the dried bones, waiting for the Messiah bitten by the bronze serpents to enter the Synagogue of Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest by tearing the curtain from top to bottom, separating holy places from the earth and the nations; and finally, our heavenly Father may emerge with His knew kingdom of love for everyone. On this Sabbath, our heavenly Father started His new earth within the Holy of Holiest, given that, He not only saw His Son Jesus Christ perfect and holy with his brothers and sisters from families of ancient and modern nations, but also, He saw the curtain separating holy places torn down for His kingdom of love to fill the earth with you forever enriched.

Surely, given that that once baptized in water by invoking Him, as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob, then, you will abandon the sinful-flesh and the spirit of error for the sacred-flesh and the Holy Spirit to find yourself with loved ones, neighbors and friends already in the Holy of Holiest forever perfect and everlastingly rich, enriching earth entirely miraculously always. What’s more, you are not only within the Holy of Holiest always perfect, because our heavenly Father accepted you nailed to His Son Jesus Christ to his feet and hands, bathed in His atoning-blood therefore clean from sin forever, but also, He has allowed His Holy of Holiest with His holy name fires eternally honored by you in your homeland to enrich you progressively.

That is why, that our Lord Jesus Christ told the Jews in those days that everything that he has done throughout the streets of Israel, blessing families and their loved ones, neighbors and friends, then, they could also do as they had seen him execute always through his messianic life, and even greater things they will accomplish because nothing is impossible for them now. Now, the reason that our Lord Jesus Christ spoke to Jews families like that, it was because they had made it into the Holy of Holiest with ancient and modern nations that our heavenly Father had done the work personally that needed to be accomplished for them always to be with Him within the Holy of Holiest executing His daily perfect will throughout the earth.

Understanding that, our heavenly Father always worked with Moses and Levitical priests within the Holy of Holiest executing His perfect will not only throughout the Sinai desert granting forgiveness with the glorified-body descending from heaven above, as manna with the rock's drinks, but also, He works daily with you along with everyone else within the Holy of Holiest presently, executing His perfect will continuously. This is correct: Really, regardless of where you may live on earth, our heavenly Father works with you within the Holy of Holiest, because since His Son Jesus Christ entered His Holy Place nailed to your hands and feet, bathed in His atoning-blood, then, He could perfectly enrich you progressively thus to enrich families of the nations that need His daily blessing always.

Certainly, our heavenly Father has already enriched you with loved ones, neighbors and friends with Moses and ancient Israel through the Sinai desert, understanding that, He granted us His holy commandments impossible to be fulfilled with our sinful-flesh, however, He granted us His sacred-flesh that is Isaac already enriched with you forever thus to enjoy His daily richness within your homeland abundantly, starting now. Confidently, this is richness that you will receive daily from heaven’s glory, from Canaan’s abundant richness, from the earth’s heart (because His holy heart is there caring for the atoning-blood spilled within the Synagogue of Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest) to bless you always, wherever you may go in life throughout the earth, thus you will always convey continuously great richness for others as well.

For our heavenly Father needed ancient Israel with humankind entirely enriched already entering the Synagogue of Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest with His glorified-body that is Isaac’s sacred-flesh that had defeated Satan, fallen angels, death and hell’s torment thus recovering richness lost to sin to sweeten the earth’s heart finally powerfully to become one with Him in perfect holiness with the nations forever into eternity. Therefore, given that Moses with ancient Israel had sweetened the Sinai desert’s heart as bitter waters of Marah sweetened to be taken by ancient Israel to become one with the nations in the sacred-flesh that needed to eat manna and drink from the rock receiving the glorified-body, where His holy name fires will finally sweeten the earth’s heart thus enriching the earth entirely forever finally.

Definitely, our heavenly Father needed the earth’s heart enriched with His glorified-body that is Isaac’s flesh without sin with the atoning-blood to remove sin from the earth’s heart and within the Synagogue of Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest, finally for Him to establish His sacred-flesh filled with His life defeating Satan and death throughout heaven and earth, enriching His Creation entirely with lasting-salvation for everyone forever. Considering that, our heavenly Father was able to sweeten bitter waters of Marah with Moses and ancient Israel that had collected the sins of the world to dump them at the Red Sea baptism therefore they could sweeten the Sinai desert’s heart, later by receiving the glorified-body from heaven above with the manna then they could sweeten the earth’s heart forever with everyone’s lasting-salvation.

Really, having done that, by sweetening the Sinai desert’s heart and families of ancient and modern nations with the tree lying nearby bitter waters of Marah then forty years later the earth’s heart was ready to be sweetened, because the Holy-seed planted in Canaan gave us the cross, planted also in David’s virgin daughter gave us the Messiah to sweeten the heart’s heart with lasting-salvation. Then, our heavenly Father could have the earth’s heart sweetened by the cross with His Son Jesus Christ nailed to his ancient and modern children’s feet and hands, bathed with the atoning-blood, finally His own holy heart was sweetened by each of His children, as they gave Him oceans of love within the Holy of Holiest, thus removing sin from the earth finally forever.

In other words, with ancient Israel and Moses emerging from the Red Sea baptism they sweetened ancient and modern nations through the Sinai desert’s heart to receive the glorified-body from heaven above to sweeten the earth’s heart with the Messiah sweetening the Synagogue of Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest, as His holy heart receiving His children with oceans of love and endless-sweetness in His new earth. For this is Aaron’s staff or piece of wood or tree that our heavenly Father told Moses to have each prince from the twelve tribes of Israel to bring to him to put them inside the Arc of the Covenant, the following morning Moses saw that Aaron’s staff had blossomed with flowers and almonds while the others were without showing any changes.

This is Aaron’s staff that our heavenly Father had chosen finally entering the Synagogue of Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest with the Messiah nailed to families of ancient and modern nations that ancient Israel with Moses had taken by sweetening bitter waters of Marah to become one in Isaac’s flesh without sin, blossoming with flowers and almonds pleasing truth and justice forever on earth lastly forever. Consequently, baptized in water then you are that Aaron’s staff blossoming with flowers and almonds as endless-richness within the Synagogue of Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest with the Father, because baptized by invoking His holy name fires forever honored by you already then richness will follow you where you may go through life thus enriching your life greatly but also everyone else around you continuously.

Certainly, you were that tree lying next to bitter waters of Marah that Moses with ancient Israel picked you up, throwing you into it immediately, thus sweeting bitter waters along with your life and everyone else around you, because baptized in water finally you sweetened your life in your homeland entering the Synagogue of Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest to sweeten His holy heart forever. Now, you have sweetened forever our heavenly Father’s holy heart within the Synagogue of Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest with His Son Jesus Christ’s glorified-body that is Isaac’s flesh without sin, because he was reborn from David’s virgin daughter to live perfect and holy throughout Canaan finally baptized at the Jordan River by John the Baptize for you to be virgin as he is forever enriched.

Therefore, you are that tree blossoming with flowers and almonds sweetening the bitter waters of Marah, sweetening the Sinai desert’s heart with ancient and modern nations, sweetening the earth’s heart because you ate manna and drank from the rock from heaven above finally sweetening our heavenly Father’s holy heart within the Synagogue of Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest that enriches you always in your homeland. Consequently, you are blessed and powerfully enriched from heaven’s glory, from Canaan’s daily richness and from the earth’s heart, because His holy heart is under Canaan watching constantly His atoning-blood spilled over the curtain separating holy places from the Synagogue of Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest, destroyed by the Roman Army to hide it from any enemy contamination until life eternal flows the earth eventually continuously.

Categorically, our heavenly Father has called you baptized immediately, as He did with Abraham and the children initially, for him to become perfect and holy as He is before His Son Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit, knowing that you are that tree blossoming with flowers and almonds within the Holy of Holiest and in your family, enriching humankind along with the earth entirely. In truth, our heavenly Father has started His new kingdom of eternal love for His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit along with you, your loved ones, neighbors and friends to have His holy name fires eternally loved, served and exalted with the angelical hosts in heaven’s glory and throughout His new earth with you already eternally enriched well into eternity to come.

It is here, where you will grow as never before along with your loved ones, because He has already granted you heaven’s glory, Canaan’s daily richness and the earth hidden richness until now, richness created by Him for His new kingdom of love, given that as He created the earth then He created it with amazing richness for you to enjoy with Him always. In other words, our heavenly Father has granted you His eternal life already victorious against Satan, sin, death and hell only to enjoy with Him heaven’s glory upon His new earth, created by Him, thinking always to help you enjoy what His holy heart’s sweetness loves to enjoy through life, so you will understand how He has always loved you through eternity until now.

This is our heavenly Father’s eternal life granted unto you within the Synagogue of Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest, because with His Son Jesus Christ nailed to your hands and feet, bathed with His atoning-blood, then, He finally defeated Satan, sin, death and hell’s torment for you only to know Him with His greatly daily richness through eternity, starting now baptized in water. Consequently, baptized in water then you will access our heavenly Father’s glorious life instantly granted unto you along with your loved ones already forever, because with it He has destroyed sin, witchcraft, problems and holocausts that Satan had hidden against you, so you will always fail to know His amazing life that only knows how to love you with daily sweet-richness throughout the earth.

Indeed, only our heavenly Father’s Son Jesus Christ could bring this glorious life upon Canaan, granting you access to it, because he has blessed you with it by destroying Satan’s wilds used mercilessly to destroy you along with loved ones, given that Satan only wants poverty, death and hell on earth, when you have been already enriched mightily within the Holy of Holiest forever. Certainly, you are the wood nearby Marah’s bitter waters that Moses had to throw it into it thus sweetening your life and everyone else throughout ancient and modern nations, because from the Sinai’s desert heart sweetened by you, by drinking from the water to become baptized immediately, then, you have sweetened our heavenly Father’s holy heart within the Holy of Holiest, in Canaan, forever.

Otherwise, our heavenly Father would have always failed to enrich you with richness rightfully belonging to you with loved ones at home coming towards you always, given that, with you enriching His holy heart with the Messiah nailed to your hands and feet, bathed with his atoning-blood: then, He can visit you with His daily richness always, enriching the earth entirely with you forever finally. Moreover, baptized in water then you will be living our heavenly Father’s eternal life that His Son Jesus Christ lived for you and loved ones to enrich you greatly each day until His kingdom of love may come towards you forever, but also, with it every sin, curse, problem, infirmity, poverty, witchcraft, holocaust, death and hell was destroyed never to touch your life again.

Really, this life that you have now, because you have blessed, enriched and glorified our heavenly Father’s holy heart as the blossoming tree within the Synagogue of Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest in your nation, then it has already expelled Satan, unclean spirits and death from your family but also from families of the nations—therefore, they are blessed by you baptized in water nowadays. Surely, our heavenly Father has already been enriched by you, because you entered His holy heart with His Son Jesus Christ nailed to your hands and feet, bathed in his atoning-blood that He can only see an enriched past eternally glorious in you, honoring His holy name fires along with living-word that He lovingly enriches your future along with loved ones always through life.

Understanding that, you are the tree that blossomed with flowers and almonds inside the Arc of the Covenant that Moses placed in it along with the eleven other pieces of wood belonging to each prince from the eleven Israeli tribes that he saw Aaron’s wood blossoming with flowers and yielding almonds while the others remain as before without prospering. These days, you are this wood that started with Aaron inside the Arc of the Covenant prospering with flowers and almonds as our Lord Jesus Christ entered our heavenly Father’s holy heart to prosper with flowers filled with His eternal life yielding almonds, as endless-richness enriching your family and the families of the nations on earth until His kingdom of love may finally come.

Presently, baptized in water then you are that wood blooming always with flowers filled with life yielding almonds of endless-richness that enriches every family throughout your homeland by daily speaking words from His bible, therefore, our heavenly Father’s holy heart is constantly blessed with oceans of love from you thus yielding amazing daily blessing, power and richness, enriching life everywhere always through your days. Amen!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yehoshua, and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 310
Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30
Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?


That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart
that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with
your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who
trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between
Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is
Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY WAY

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? Or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? Or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful new life
with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better.
Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday.
Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God,
worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers
as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your
prayers for me and my love ones, for your prayers are very important in heaven.
You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus
suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross
of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That
is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy
Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest too. I most
add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in HEAVEN when you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you. d=1
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