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"Lost and Found" by Orson Scott Card

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Lynn McGuire

Oct 5, 2021, 1:28:59 PM10/5/21
"Lost and Found" by Orson Scott Card

Book number one of a two book young adult paranormal fantasy series. I
read the well printed and well bound hardback published by Blackstone
Publishing in 2019. I read this excellent book last year and reread it
in case the sequel refers to it. I am reading the sequel next.

Ezekiel Blast is a smart aleck 14 year old loner in high school and has
a publicly known micropower. His school nickname is "thief". Lost
objects call out to him to return themselves to their owners. Girl's
scrunchies, toy fire trucks, stolen bikes, and other odds and ends. But
when he picks up the lost object and returns it, the owner usually
accuses him of stealing it rather than being grateful for the return.
His micropower manifested itself when he was five years old after his
mother died when she was run over by a drunk. And then a police
lieutenant shows up at his front door asking for help to find a
kidnapped five year old girl.

OK, I stayed up until 3 am last night reading this book again. I could
not put it down. And I want to reread it again some time again so that
still means a five star book. BTW, there is human death in this book
for those concerned about such. I suspect that OSC is using the book to
warn young teenagers that there are bad people in the world. And that
death happens even to good people.

Please note that Orson Scott Card has a website at

My rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Amazon rating: 4.6 out of 5 stars (753 reviews)

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