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Summoning Sex (sample)

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Broken Arrow - MasterLoveHurts

2022年10月26日 11:09:312022/10/26

Summoning Sex (sample)

**Summary:** *Diane holds in her hands the Grimoire Des Demons Sexuals and is prepared to summon something from the depths into her world.*

*Will it work? Will the spell bind the demonic entity to her desires? Will the demon's power satiate her needs?*

*She is alone in the dark with the circles of power, the words of the spell, and her naked body. All prepared to find out!*

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Diane squinted into the worn book, feeling the warmth of its black leather cover under her slender fingers, and pushed her glasses back up her nose. She nodded, a few locks of her black hair falling over her shoulders as she did, and was sure she'd picked the right spell from the tome.

"Yes, this is the one that can grant me my desires," she said to the darkness around her.

The candles around the set of chalk circles she'd drawn sputtered and popped but that was the only answer they gave her. She bent over the three concentric circles and began scrawling the symbols from the book into them, double and triple checking that she had it right, as needed.

The candles seemed to flare with each new line drawn on the summoning circle. Despite their glow, the darkness became inkier, thicker, and seemed to loom over her with the weight of the endless void itself. The air felt chilled and her flesh seemed to burn.

Diane felt her breathing grow short, uneven, and her heart seemed to thump against her ribs with each pulse. The pictures and words on the pages of the open books appeared to swim and blur into each other. Her large breasts swayed, sometimes brushing the floor. Her nipples hardened at the thought of what she was about to pull from another plane into this one.

As she drew the final line of the last symbol, she stepped back out of the circle and sighed. The cold dark closed in on her back and the harsh light of the candles flaring felt as if they were burning her face. She took off her glasses, cleaned them, and put them back on her nose. Then she picked up the old tome again and looked down at the page, barely able to make out the words of the spell.

She stopped for a moment, considering what she was going to do, unsure of whether it would work or if she wanted it to work.

"What if I can't control it?"

She started to close the book then frowned and opened it completely again.

"What am I saying? Of course, I can control it! I am a powerful witch! I know there's nothing I can summon that won't obey me!"

She set the book on a small stand she'd brought with her, leaving it open to the proper page, and stripped off her cloak, shoes, and every other piece of clothing other than her glasses. If she could have read the book without them, she would have removed them as well.

"I just hope they don't count as clothing, since the book says I need to be nude to summon it," she thought.

Naked in the chill air, she began to read the incantation. The words slipped from her mouth, stretching out into the darkness around her, the echoes circling her and the sigils she had drawn.

The words were alien to her tongue, alien to every tongue on the Earth, but she twisted her mouth around them, bent her tongue at angles that threatened to make it bleed between her teeth, and spoke them into the darkness. It felt as if each word, struggling to meet her lips, soon slipped out to weave themselves into the circle of symbols and the darkness surrounding her. The candles seemed as pegs in a loom as she wove the magic from her breath and voice.

When the last syllable of the final word was forced from her mouth by will alone, she sighed and felt her shoulders sag, a sudden fatigue threatening her body. Still, she waited and listened, watched, expecting some grand spectacle of power to usher in the creature she summoned. She expected flaring light from the candles, lightning, thunder, and smoke. She expected the world to scream.

It was quiet. It was cold. It was dark.

She was alone.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

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