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Who are the Police Arresting ??????????

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May 13, 2008, 8:36:03 AM5/13/08
Average American here ... Who the fuck are the police arresting these days....
the crooks,,,, the gang bangers,, the fucken child molesters.... no. no
The fucken police are arresting average citizens....understand that fact please...
The secret is out.... Are the gangs getting cleared in LA... hardly....The Chicago mob......
600 mob killings... and how many killers found by the fucken police...0... zero....
what does that tell u about the fucken cops.... yes, let them arrest the average american
with no police records,, average law abiding people...that is who the fucken police are
arresting....get with it... wake up... wake up America.... Get the fucken police off their
high kingdom, and let the arrest the fucken criminals already.... One pissed off
citizen.... and did I mention the fuck illegal mexicans here.... the fucken poloice have
hundreds of arrest warrants for these assholes...but who do they go after first....
yes u guessed it...the average americans with no arrests.... the fucken newspapers know
this, but they are not putting it on page one of their newspapers.... and why is that....
u figure it out.... wake up america.... average law abiding citizens are getting fucked in the
ass by the police, the lawyers and the courts.... please read this email.... get on the fucken
police in your town.... ask them how many mexicans are on their arrest warrant list....
they will hide this shit from you... and they know it is true... all true....bye my friends.....

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