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A dark Kept Secret

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Apr 29, 2008, 10:06:00 AM4/29/08
I am going to tell you a dark dark kept secret the law and the police don't want u to know... I know the secret....
and once u know it u will not like the results I am telling u... Who do the police arrest????? The crooks?????
Do they arrest the Gang bangers???? In LA hundreds of Gangs exist... Thousands get killed by these
gangs.... Tell me how many Gang members have the Police arrested there??? Not many..... Look at every
big city in America, and ask the same ??????????????????.....

Another dark dark secret... The city of Chicago in the past when the mob and mafia existed, the
mob hit men wipped out at least 600 mafia members.... Go to the Chicago Police records department,
and see how many murders they solved at the time.....None....Hahahahahaahha... Is that a laugh or not....
The cops could not find 1 hit man murderer... They could not find the guy if he was having coffee
in their building right under their noses...

Now another dark dark secret.... Who do u think the cops are going after now... The illegal mexicans...
of course... There are enough of those around....
There are warrants out at any one time for 40 to 50 mexicans in the large populated cities with a lot of illegals... Yes,
the cops are going after them with warrants.... But there is one big problem...They all went back to
mexiico.... Once they smell the cops are on their tracts off they go to Mexico...Millions of dollars are
spent on locating these individuals, but there long gone... but the cops still look for them... Your hard earned
tax dollars for cops looking for somebody who is not around... But that is their job... Arrest them.
and they cannot even find the assholes... So if you were a cop and they gave u 50 arrest warrants
for an Illegal who committed some minor offenses like slapping his wife... and u didn't know where to
find these guys.... because they are in Mexico.... These warrants just sit in an abandoned file in the
police departments all over America..... probably labeled: No can find... Would u go to 49 places to look for somebody
who is not even there and waist your time even though there is a warrant out for their arrest....hardly.....
no...but who are u going to arrest then....... Yes, u guessed it the average America in his home...
The law abiding citizen never arrested in his life.....The cops
know where he is....He is at home and not run off to Mexico.... So, let's arrest him for some stupid
simple supposed crime....hahahahahaahahahah what a joke.....Some asshole makes a
trumped up charge against you for some simple stupid ass law.... and they come and arrest u....
Why not....You don't have a gun and are ready to blow their heads off.... Your not a true crook...
Your just Mr. Average Citizen never been arrested, no arrests in your entire life... A model citizen...
But after your arrested,,, wow your now a real crook.... you have to prove to them that your not...
and let me say...That takes hundreds of dollars to do....and they know it....Your now in the
criminal court system, not the civil.... The dam cops knows this should be done in a civil
court, but they are doing their jobs.... Some asshole makes a complaint, and we have to abide
by the laws.... 90% of these arrests can be handled by civil attorneys and not criminal...
but that is another story, and another time....

You should be contacting your Congressman, your Senator... Anybody who wants the truth to be known.....
come on already....Let's wake up here... The fucken government is not going to change unless we
change it... Do u think the police are going to change it.... Hardly...
Do u think the expensive criminal lawyers want it changed...hardly....
They are sitting back on their fat asses... making money of course....
They don't want change... But we have to have change....Every department in the government has
been looked at in the last 200 years..... but not one that is screwing the public the most...The law and the police....
Yes they do a good job.... I would too, if I didn't have to go after killers, gang bangers, mafia hit men....
Yes, just arrest the little old ladies.....They cannot hurt u...hahahahahahahahah... what a joke....
and where are the dam media.... Do u read this in your Sunday papers????? NO....
So am I pissed...yes.... you would be too.....

So this leaves the following questions...If the cops cannot arrest the gang bangers, cannot arrest
the mafia killers, cannot find the dam illegals.... who are they arresting.......can u guess.....
the only people left... did u figure it out.... the dam cops spend most of their time arresting
average citizens with no police records... People who have never been arrested once in their entire
lives... These are the people they are arresting for stupid offenses... So, what I am saying the
police your police departments are arresting average citizens who might have done some simple silly
things because some asshole is pissed off at you, and goes to the police department to have u
arrested.... Then u are arrested....You are now a criminal for doing some half ass offense,
You have to go to the criminal court and get your good name cleared....This cost you hundreds of dollars
by the way... and for what.... To let the cops arrest the average person on the street who commits
a so called crime, which is no crime , but they want u to think that it is a crime....oh yes,, they
call it a misdeameanor.... A fancy term that means your not a true criminal..... You have not
committed a felony but a misdemeanor...

Yes, I am pissed off at the dam law...Arresting honest hard working people...This is what is going on....
and the time is now to reveal this shit to the public... The police have always arresed the law abiding
citizens... Would u go after a gang banger that would blow your head off....Hardly... So, America...
Wake up.... Look into the laws and the police... If you don't believe me...Go tothe courts... see who
the dam police are arresting... It will shock you to know end.... The laws have to be changed....
A revolution in arresting the average person is needed... Am I pissed off ...Yes...
We should be looking into the way the police arrest honest Americans.... The system is 200 years
old already...It is time somebody looked into this mess, and not the high priced lawyers....I welcome
any honest comments....


Apr 30, 2008, 2:23:21 AM4/30/08
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