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The Judges and Lawyers

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May 4, 2008, 1:34:05 PM5/4/08
I am sending this message to all Americasns...The Judges and the Lawyers rule this country...We have
to start making new lawyers and new judges... The legal system has to be looked into... The average
American should be a lawyer with that title... The dam judges are puppets for God's sake... We
have a billion laws and more laws on the way and more laws... The founding fathers Never thought
it would get to this..Laws for every fucken thing on earth..and more laws... We cannot uphold the laws that
are out there now for God's sake... The dam crooked prosecutors...They will tell fucken lies to get u
arrested and convicted... The dam crooked judges.... Starting from the Supreme court idiots....
We need a new legal system made for by the people, and not the Kings on top the dam Judges...
The judges are worst then kings....The will of the people is not getting done... Put more people in Jail...
Why not get to the root of the problem... Get people to obey the law... then guesss what happens....
u don't need jails the judges the lawyers....Oh, yes we will always need these assholes but in a lot
less numbers.... Billions to keeps jails around...Billions to keep the courts around...Billions to send
lawyers to school for what....Get those asswholes out ofthe courts and do a decent days labor for
Christ sake... Yeah, only they know the fucken law.... Well let's make it that everybody knows
the fucken law and not just the asshole lawyers...200 years of this shit is enough already... Does
the MIddle east have thousands of lawyers ???? hahahahaha lol.... Does Russia have thousands
of lawyers bleeding the people.... We need laws... But bring down the dam legal system...
There is another way... Do what the pilgrims did... make the dam guy who steals... make him
the town idiot for a week.... then maybe he might get the message...and not steal...but without
lawyers and judges....Only the serious offenders need jail time....everybody else soceity can
deal with them....would u like to sit in prison for 20 years for stealing a loaf of bread...hardly....
People change, the Nation changes, the law has to change as well... but it hasn't unless the
people make it happen...The Government will not do shit.... Keep the fucken Judges in place....
hahahaha what a lauigh.... Spend billions and billions on more laws and more laws... what a joke...
there has to be a better way.... wake up America....

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