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BMX Bicycle Theft ???

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Jan 2, 2004, 12:18:31 AM1/2/04
BMX Bicycle Theft ???

Iv seen a big lot of posts in bmx post boads/groups in 2003
about bmx bicycle theft and a good hand full of emails
to me asking what people can do about it, or if I could
post a flyer on my website for them asking for others to
help look for there bike.

Surfing the net, there is not much info out there about what to do
if a person does happen to get there bike ripped off.......
What little there is are just news press clips about Joe Does
bike got ripped off in some town "police blotters" but thats all you
Is what you don`t see are news clips telling people what to do to help
look for there bikes once they do get ripped off, or how to not get
your bikes ripped off.

I am looking for more thoughts on what info needs to be added
in to my FAQ... If anyone has any good ideas , hints notes on what
you do to keep your bike safe, and notes if you have had your bike
ride away from you , What did you do? Please let us all know...

Here is what little info I have found online,
#[-005.1-] BMX Bicycle Theft help sources, Register Your Bike

All Things Northwest in BMX!
***** Gene`s BMX *****

spademan o---[) *

Jan 5, 2004, 4:06:55 AM1/5/04

"Geneb" <> wrote in message

> BMX Bicycle Theft ???
> Iv seen a big lot of posts in bmx post boads/groups in 2003
> about bmx bicycle theft and a good hand full of emails
> to me asking what people can do about it, or if I could
> post a flyer on my website for them asking for others to
> help look for there bike.
> Surfing the net, there is not much info out there about what to do
> if a person does happen to get there bike ripped off.......
> What little there is are just news press clips about Joe Does
> bike got ripped off in some town "police blotters" but thats all you
> see.
> Is what you don`t see are news clips telling people what to do to help
> look for there bikes once they do get ripped off, or how to not get
> your bikes ripped off.

I've found it useful in the past to carry a small padlock, lock it through
the chain if you need to stop at a corner store to get a drink etc - it will
stop opportunistic people riding off with your bike.



Jan 5, 2004, 3:25:25 PM1/5/04
> I've found it useful in the past to carry a small padlock, lock it through
> the chain if you need to stop at a corner store to get a drink etc - it will
> stop opportunistic people riding off with your bike.
> Steve.

**carries off with spademans bike** (J/K)
Actually i carry a cable and padlock (sometimes wrapped around my
waist like a belt). Run the cable through the rearwheel/chain and
triangle. Noone is going to walk off with it and they'd have to sit
down with some tools to get anything off it. (which by then we hope
your already returned and kicking thier ass)
A cable with a padlock attached also makes an awesome weapon when
someone tries to yank your bike out from under you. (though we dont
condone violence now do we? ;) )
Another theft deterrent - reputation/knowlage.
When everyone knows who bike it is, and knows what that person would
do. Those in the know will less likely try to take it. And others will
reconize it if some random dick is riding around on your baby. It
sometimes helps with recovery. Engrave your drivers licence/state ID #
somewhere inconspicuous on the bike. Serials #'s do get removed often.
A second form of identification can catch them red-handed.

Hope some of this helps.


Jan 6, 2004, 7:33:47 AM1/6/04
On Mon, 05 Jan 2004 12:25:25 -0800, Thrashwolf wrote:

> Actually i carry a cable and padlock (sometimes wrapped around my
> waist like a belt). Run the cable through the rearwheel/chain and
> triangle. Noone is going to walk off with it and they'd have to sit
> down with some tools to get anything off it. (which by then we hope
> your already returned and kicking thier ass)

I don't carry a lock, but then I can't remember the last time I let the
bike out of my sight. If I do need to pop in to a shop then I'll turn the
bike upside down or drop the chain, just enough to give me an extra couple
of seconds should I need to beat someone into a bloody pulp.

> Another theft deterrent - reputation/knowlage.
> When everyone knows who bike it is, and knows what that person would
> do. Those in the know will less likely try to take it. And others will
> reconize it if some random dick is riding around on your baby. It
> sometimes helps with recovery. Engrave your drivers licence/state ID #
> somewhere inconspicuous on the bike. Serials #'s do get removed often.
> A second form of identification can catch them red-handed.

Always keep photos of your bike. Also, in times of dispute over who is
the rightful owner, a laminated piece of card stuffed up inside the seat
post with your name on it could be very useful.

a.m-b FAQ:

a.bmx FAQ:


Jan 6, 2004, 7:39:39 AM1/6/04

"bomba" <> wrote in message

> On Mon, 05 Jan 2004 12:25:25 -0800, Thrashwolf wrote:
> > Actually i carry a cable and padlock (sometimes wrapped around my
> > waist like a belt). Run the cable through the rearwheel/chain and
> > triangle. Noone is going to walk off with it and they'd have to sit
> > down with some tools to get anything off it. (which by then we hope
> > your already returned and kicking thier ass)
> I don't carry a lock, but then I can't remember the last time I let the
> bike out of my sight. If I do need to pop in to a shop then I'll turn the
> bike upside down or drop the chain, just enough to give me an extra couple
> of seconds should I need to beat someone into a bloody pulp.

Yeah i'm sure you could do that bomba.

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