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Department Store Mongoose Fuzz Pro

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Nov 25, 2003, 5:37:32 AM11/25/03
I have a chance to pick up a Mongoose Fuzz pro here in Canada at 70 percent
off because the bike was a return. My only questuin is I can only find info
on the american Fuzz Pro model which appears different than this one. One
piece cranks and the site doesnt really give any
specifics regarding frame/fork material.
Anybody know anything about these bikes???


Nov 25, 2003, 6:28:26 AM11/25/03
Note : That there are two-[2] Mongoose bike lines -
( 1.)- A Pro bike line - `bikeshop only'
( 2.)- A Mass bike line, - chain stores walmart,kmart exta.. BOTH US and International bikes listed.
The website listes the PRO bike lines ONLY....
Wich are ONLY sold at dealer bike shops...
The Mass bikes are NOT listed via the websites...

Listed on the website is the
2004 Fuzz Pro CrMo Frame & Fork
This bike is ( 1.)- A Pro bike line bikeshops only'

If the bike is a Mass bike chances are
its Hi-ten frame and fork, specifics
change to as cheep as possable to move
them out as fast as they can, thats what
you get when things go to mass market....
Cheep junk, you get what you pay for.....

PS - Mongoose/Schwinn/GT Trademarks to Pacific Cycle, LLC

Good Luck,

All Things Northwest in BMX!
***** Gene`s BMX *****


Nov 25, 2003, 7:23:53 PM11/25/03
Thanks for the info. The bikes regular price was $280 so figured 120 was
decent. If it had a cromoly frame and fork I would grab it but it doesnt say
that anywhere on the bike. I guess best bet is to let this deal paa me by
and wait for a better bike
"Geneb" <> wrote in message


Nov 25, 2003, 8:01:25 PM11/25/03
Go to a bike shop and look at the bikes,
( Hi-ten Vs. Cromoly )
Then go look at the bikes at a Walmart store....
You will see a big time change to the worst
in the bike lines at any chain store....
( chain store do not care, Bike shops do care )

If its a bike you like get it, even if its a mass
bike, Your the one that will be riding it, Not everyone else...
but you do get what you pay for...........

Mongoose is a nice brand but you just have to wach
what you get, even the Pro line of bikes there is
a good hand full of crappy bikes... It just like
the Schwinn bikes now days some ok but most now are crappy.
Less you happen to find one of the bikes from the good
old days........ same go for Mongoose......

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