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Dustin Cook aka Diesel: "I'm so evil...I'd...fucking kill you...(in)... a confrontation"

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Nomen Nescio

Jan 4, 2019, 5:10:40 AM1/4/19
Dustin Cook aka Diesel aka Raid aka Gremlin aka Casio aka Char Jackson

Dustin Cook Expriences Another Spell Of Oral Diarrheah:
"You impotent, fake injun. An individual doesn't even need martial
arts training to do serious damage to you based on what I've seen.
have to be careful so as to not accidently actually fucking kill you
if we ever got into a physical confrontation."
This is the Psycho Monster of Hate, Dustin Cook, threatening a man who
is in his sixties or seventies and infirm. He, DumbDick Cook, takes a
half-assed threat made in reply to threats of his own, and grabs
another opportunity to threaten to KILL someone.

His entire posting history over the last two decades is comprised
mainly of threats of physical assault or killing other posters.

You have to remember that Diesel-Dum is a paranoid monster who
construes even a "good morning" as a threat.

Everyone knows Eagle. The thought of Eagle seriously threatening to
bomb DuckFart is ludicrous.

Lucky Dustin Cook is a coward or he'd be a serial killer.

So, what we end up with is Dustin Dumb-Dick seizing another
opportunity to explain how he is going to KILL Eagle. As I stated
previously, Usenet archives are full of Dustin DickHead's threats of
KILLING someone - anyone, for any reason.

From: Diesel <>
Newsgroups: alt.politics.scorched-earth
Subject: Re: BD mailing address
Date: Fri, 1 Jan 2016 04:55:50 -0000 (UTC)
Message-ID: <>

"Eagle" <tomorr...@earth.cog> news:n63gfd$368$
Thu, 31 Dec 2015 15:12:11 GMT in alt.politics.scorched-earth, wrote:

> Shuffle wyte nigga, shuffle.

wyte? nigga? ROFL. You sad little man.
A sound and righteous ass kicking would correct your attitude. I'm
certain of this. Amusingly, it wouldn't take much to serve that to
you, based on your medical infos. ROFL... Ayep, keep being an
obnoxious prick, I'll keep researching you. I will have the last
laugh, do remember that.

You impotent, fake injun. An individual doesn't even need martial
arts training to do serious damage to you based on what I've seen.
have to be careful so as to not accidently actually fucking kill you
if we ever got into a physical confrontation. You weren't kidding
when you said you were hurt and working construction (mud slinging
barely qualifies, but to keep this short and sweet, you can slide on
it) fucked you up.

now I know why you didn't offer to do the drive by or plant the
explosives yourself. You're not physically able to do either task.
I'm not even sure you could hit me if I stood perfectly still in
broad daylight with a nice background clearly providing me as a good
target. You might have to reload several times, infact.

I'm not so sure about your bomb making skills either. Despite being
a HAM radio guy, I don't think you've got the brains to
build/acquire a functional electronically driven timer/detonator.
I'd be more concerned with the device detonating during construction
or not at all in your case.

I could see you trying to build one that has a fuse you light. I
could see you fucking up during it's construction and it going off
in your hands/in your face too. You'd have to pay someone else to do
the hard work, as with nearly every other project you've taken
credit for not actually having much directly to do with. Your truck
is another example, your computers yet another, and finally, your
radio gear. Good examples, yes? [g]

I'm still missing your vision records... (rofl, don't ask). Wanna
tell me just how poorly you see now? Save me some time.

You'd probably shit yourself and slam the door in my face if I ever
decided to take you up on that offer to come and see you in person.
You were nutless on the phone, why would an in person visit yield
different results? I predict the following would happen:

1) You'll send wife to answer door
2) I'll identify myself as a friend of yours from the internet
3) wife will initially lie for you and say you aren't home
4) I'll ask wife to be sure and tell you that Raid stopped in as per
the invite and will come back later. 5) You'll magically get home
(through the back door?) and perhaps (although I doubt it) get in my
face (although remaining in your doorway if not actually still
inside your home) and proceed to cuss me out with your wife in front
of you or just off to the side, most likely. You'll attempt to put
on a show for your wife, as you did on the phone when I called.

***Lemme back up, you might begin to cuss me out, but, if you take
that route, you won't complete the course; I told you several times
here, If you ever called me some of the nice pet names you have for
me in person, to my face, you wouldn't complete the word. I really
do mean what I wrote. You should realize how serious I tend to be
concerning some things by now, Eagle. I think i've demonstrated i'll
do exactly what I said I'd do to you......

6) You'll slam the door in my face
7) You'll tell me to leave as you're calling the cops and telling
them who knows what bullshit story to explain why I might be there
and why you're afraid enough to call them. 8) you'll post a long ass
post right here, lying about how the visit went and threatening me
if I ever decide to come back.

In short, you're a pussified old man who's incapable now of doing
any of the physical acts of violence you previously stated you

Now, you have nothing to worry about, I don't like cali and have no
intentions of coming to see you, but make no mistake, I don't fear
you in the least little bit and if the conditions were right and by
some sad chance, we did meet in person, I wouldn't pass up the
opportunity to have a 'real discusssion' with you concerning that
attitude you've got. I promise, when I left, you'd have a whole new

You think I'm a cunt now? heh, I'd teach you an all new meaning of
what it is to be a cunt, David...

You do realize...If this place were an airplane -
it would have been grounded or shot down. Right?

Anonymous Remailer (austria)

Jan 4, 2019, 6:02:56 AM1/4/19
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