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Dustin Cook aka Diesel-Dum: Threatens To Punch Wife's Face Until Her Teeth Fall Out

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Nomen Nescio

Jan 4, 2019, 4:45:04 AM1/4/19
Dustin Cook aka Diesel aka Raid aka Gremlin aka Casio aka Char Jackson

What does this tell a sane person about the disgusting insane
members of this group who ally with him?

What could any poster have done to put his wife in danger of his
being tied up and having to watch his wife's face repeatedly punched
By Dustin Cook aka Diesel-Dum until her teeth fell out of her head?

What does this tell you about the sick sob known as BD? For years he
has allowed his wife to be denigrated over and over again in public
by Dustin Cook aka Diesel-Dum. He has continued in more than a
decade of sick discourse with Dustin Cook. DuckFucker has repeatedly
defamed his BD's dead son, even to the point of Cook swearing to
piss on the dead son's grave. BD is 180 degrees the perfect
companion in hell for the demented, sadistic Dustin Cook. As
viciously cruel as Dustin Cook is, BD is his perfect masochistic
partner with an infinite appetite for the degradation of himself,
his wife and his dead son.

DuckSucker now relates his favorite fantasy to DB. Tying up BD,
forcing him to watch the cruel beating DuckFucker will impart to
BD's wife. Need I say that the eunuch BD still converses with

From: Dustin <>
Newsgroups: alt.politics.scorched-earth
Subject: Re: Is Sea Nymph a hypocrite?
Date: Sat, 5 Oct 2013 20:20:01 +0000 (UTC)
Message-ID: <XnsA250A6CFF2D6BC9...@>

~BD~ <> wrote in news:l2hts9$udc$

I see you've attempted to drop names in an effort to intimidate Aardvark?

You previously referred to his children as bastards, now you publish what
you believe to be their first names? Why do you continue to publish
personal details on other posters? Especially when you've been told online
and in person why that's frowned on.

You've even admitted that Aardvark explained this to you in person and you
claimed to have understood it. You've had your fucking address , picture,
and telephone number published for having done this personal stuff

What will it take for you to stop? Someone (or alot of people at once)
literally walking up on you in person and just beating the living snot out
of you? Better yet, walking up on your wife or other loved one and putting
them in the hospital for something YOU did. Yes, that would have more of an
effect and I think get the message across more clearly to you.

As when you try to out someone (me for example), you're placing others who
may reside with me in harms way. The only way you could understand that I
think is with this hypothetical, detailed example of a loved one. Your

Imagine, someone restrains you and makes you watch her take punch after
punch after punch. How many do you suppose she can take before teeth start
coming out and she requires reconstructive surgery to look human again? I
wonder, would they use brass knuckles for more of an effect? Sure, it's
fucking her up quite nicely, but the real target is YOU.

Are you getting the message with that mental imagery fuckhead? As that's
what you place others into risk of happening to them when you try to
publish their information. So you think on that, and hug your wife tight,
tomorrow could be a bad day. After all, anyone can come visit you anytime
they like, your address, picture and previous telephone number are all
*WELL KNOWN*. thanks to you! Ironically, that information has become google
public knowledge because you tried to out somebody else (me!) a few years
back. Paybacks a bitch, isn't it?

When do you plan to do something about those torrents, David? :)

Anonymous Remailer (austria)

Jan 4, 2019, 5:43:43 AM1/4/19
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