On 2/25/2022 7:08 AM, Thomas Joseph wrote:
> Too bad we can't change the name of this group. I see the last bird post came in a few days ago preceded by the last one from back in 2020. So I wouldn't feel too guilty about posting here. Yes, this is a good spot, let's use it for now. Have you ever looked at all the groups? There are many thousands, most defunct. They don't take them away. Whoever formed this group could change the name. Maybe if we paid him. "Look, we know it's your group, but you don't use it anymore, so what do you say we take care of it for you as long as you change the name to something we like. We'll even pay you. How much? Let's negotiate Bird Boy.
How would we ever find out the person to contact? What would you suggest
we rename it? I wish I knew how to start our own group but I haven't a
clue. Me posting in a bird watching group is sort of ironic because I
hate birds. If every one of them disappeared from the earth tomorrow, I
wouldn't shed a tear. Of course I do like eating chicken, so maybe I
would make one exception for them, but that's about it. I don't think
those idiots would ever think of looking for us here. Do you like birds,