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Why the discovery of "bones of dinosaurs" is a proof that dinosaurs never lived on the Earth

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Aug 12, 2011, 2:37:13 AM8/12/11
Similarly as present scientists are scoffing at their medieval
colleagues in matters of the "numbers of devils sitting on one
pinhead", scientists of the future probably are going to scoff at
present scientists discussing e.g. "habitats of dinosaurs". The reason
is, that the claim that "dinosaurs actually lived on the Earth" hides
in itself a cardinal logical error in the form of a non-written
assumption that "God for sure does NOT exist". However, a huge body of
evidence documents something opposite, namely that "God does exist" -
e.g. see the web page named "god_proof.htm". This in turn shines a
doubt not only on the question "whether dinosaurs actually ever
existed" (or rather for superior reasons their bones were only e.g.
"fabricated by God" as a unique kind of "educational aids"), but also
shines a significant doubt whether the majority of present scientists
is able to carry our a logical reasoning. After all, a logical
reasoning has this attribute that it considers all alternatives.
Therefore, because the absolutely reliable scientific evidence that
"God for sure does NOT exist" is non-existent, such a logical
reasoning must also consider the possibility that "God does exist". In
turn, if there are basis for doubting, that the masses of present
scientists complacent in their "ivory towers" are still capable of
logical reasoning, then there are also basis for predicting, that
their intelligence (or the lack of it), as well as results of their
research, in the future become a subject of common scoffing and public
laughter. All the above persuades that we should analyse here this
matter with the high thoroughness deserved by its rank.

Let us start from assuming a purely hypothetical situation, that we
are watching events when the humanity is already gone, while some
expedition of cosmic archaeologists landed in the area of present New
Zealand to scientifically research humanoids that lived in there. To a
high surprise of these archaeologists, they would discover that New
Zealand was populated by two categories of humanoids of different
sizes, which lived side-by-side in exactly the same times. One amongst
these categories were people of normal size, while the second were
"gnomes" (also called "hobbits", "dwarfs", etc.) of around a half of
meter in height. Entire settlements inhabited by these New Zealand
"gnomes" (or "hobbits" or "dwarfs") would be discovered in several
locations of New Zealand, including the area locally known in there as
"Welliwood". Furthermore, these cosmic archaeologists would discover,
that normally-sized "humans" erected numerous monuments to these
"gnomes" in their flower gardens. They would even discover in human
archives many books, e.g. about "Snow-white and seven dwarfs", as well
as several films, e.g. the "Lord of the rings", which depicted how
both these categories of humanoids coexisted with each other.
Unfortunately, these cosmic archaeologists - who soon probably would
create on their own planet an entire new branch of knowledge
"palaegnomology" (devoted to scientific research of these New Zealand
"gnomes"), would overlook one small detail. Namely, that in spite of
these numerous "hard evidence", these "hobbits" and "gnomes" never
existed in New Zealand, but were just invented and fabricated by
writers, film producers, artists, etc., for accomplishing specific
effects and goals. In turn entire cities inhabited by these New
Zealand gnomes were erected in there by local "Welliwood" in order to
produce several fantastic films on them - e.g. the film "Lord of the

According to findings of the new "totaliztic science" (described,
amongst others, in items #F1 to #F3 of the web page "god_exists.htm"
addresses of which are provided at the end of this post), almost
exactly the same as with the above "hobbits" and "gnomes", happens
currently on the Earth with "bones of dinosaurs". Namely, similarly
like these hypothetical "cosmic archaeologists" frequently encountered
in New Zealand evidence of "hobbits" and "gnomes", also present
"palaeontologists" frequently encounter "bones of dinosaurs". But
because they do NOT have almost any knowledge about goals and reasons
for which the creator of these "bones of dinosaurs" inserted them to
appropriate geological layers of the Earth, their final conclusions
can be equally absurd as conclusions of these hypothetical
"palaegnomologists". Therefore, in order to be able really speak about
"bones of dinosaurs", one needs first learn goals and methods of
action of their creator, means God. However, "palaeontologists" have
NO clue about goals and methods of action of God - after all they
represent the so-called "atheistic orthodox science" which stubbornly
ignores research of evidence for the existence of God and which
baselessly assumes that God does NOT exist. In the result, about
"bones of dinosaurs" present "palaeontologists" may arrive to
conclusions equally absurd, ridiculous, ignorant, and separated from
truth, as these cosmic researchers of New Zealand gnomes.

The goal and reason for which God created and maintains man (and also
created and maintains the entire humanity, all living creatures, and
the entire "physical world") are amongst the most important topics of
research for the new "totaliztic science" - for more information about
this goal see item #D2 on the web page named "morals.htm". Research by
this new science disclosed, that the most basic goal of God is "pursue
of knowledge". But in order people continually contribute their share
towards this God's "pursue of knowledge", it is necessary to subject
them to various experiences that inspire in them research and searches
for truth. In turn one amongst such inspiring experiences is to
continually "confront people with whatever induces in them powerful
feelings, e.g. induces awe, shock, fear, desire, controversy, etc."
For example, confronting them with bones of gigantic dinosaurs, or
confronting them with findings of astrophysics which appear as if are
contradictive to the statements of the Bible. (Other experience, also
inspiring research and searches for truth, which God also linked to
"bones of dinosaurs", is such insertion of these bones in geological
layers of the Earth, that their "conventional dating" extends beyond
the moment of creation of the Earth indicated by God in holy books -
e.g. in the Bible. This is because such a conventional dating of these
"bones of dinosaurs" induces various controversies between both camps
of followers of "creationism" and "evolutionism". In the result, such
controversies also induce in both these camps strong motivations to
increasingly more intense research and search for truth.)

Expressing the above in other words, only i the world without God the
existence of "bones of dinosaurs" in fact would means that dinosaurs
ever lived on the Earth. In turn if someone takes on common-sense and
on logic even just a "possibility" that God does exist (i.e. even if
this someone ignores this huge body of scientific evidence for the
"certainty of God's existence", and only considers the "possibility"
of God's existence - as every rational person should do), then this
someone must also take under consideration, that in the world created
purposely and governed intelligently by God the existence of "bones of
dinosaurs" does NOT mean that dinosaurs actually lived ever on the
Earth, similarly like the existence UFO and UFOnauts also does NOT
mean that UFOnauts really live permanently no some planet of the
universe. Simply this omnipotent God, who had NO difficulties with
creation of the entire physical world, all creatures, man, etc., could
for various superior reasons create also these "bones of dinosaurs" as
an unique for Him kind of "teaching aid" and then could introduce
these bones into appropriate geological layers of the Earth.

Until today identified were numerous items of evidence which confirm
the fact, that "bones of dinosaurs" are just such "educational aids
intentionally fabricated by God" in order to inspire in people
creative searches for truth and thus the increase in human knowledge
(as this is indicated by findings of totalizm presented in items #F2
and #E1 from the web page "god_exists.htm"). To these items of
evidence can be included, amongst others:

(1) The insufficient material strength. If "bones of dinosaurs" had
the same mechanical strength as bones of present animals, then their
strength was too small to reassure the dynamics of movements in
largest dimensionally dinosaurs that is attributed to these monsters
by present orthodox scientists. In the result, the biggest dinosaurs
in fact would be crushed by their own weight - as today it happens
with beached whales. Thus, in order the largest dinosaurs in fact
could move as dynamically as this is today attributed to them, they
would need either to (1) have bones made of materials of a greater
mechanical strength than that of bones in present animals (this in
turn would be contradictive to principles of "natural evolution", thus
undermining claims of evolutionists), or (2) live on a planet with a
smaller gravity than that of the Earth (this in turn would contradict
the entire discipline of astrophysics), or (3) move exclusively in
water - so that the buoyancy would decrease the weight of their bodies
(this in turn would be contradictive to their anatomy which documents
that dinosaurs lived on solid lands). Of course, for present
scientists e.g. the empirical fact that bones of beached whales are
crushed under their own weight (although whales are smaller than some
dinosaurs) seem to tell nothing, similarly as also tells them nothing
e.g. the highly puzzling discovery that according to theories of
aerodynamics bumblebees should not be able to fly.

(2) The lack of evidential value of these bones in the "a priori"
approach to research, means the fact that "bones of dinosaurs have an
evidential value only in cases when they are researched from the
philosophical approach called 'a posteriori', while they loose the
evidential value when they are researched from the approach called 'a
priori' ". On the other hand, the philosophy of totalizm reveals to us
that only these God's creations exist objectively, factually, and
truly, which can be objectively detected and documented from both
philosophical approaches, means from the approach called "a priori" as
well as from the approach called "a posteriori". In turn everything
that can be detected and documented only subjectively and just from a
single approach, in fact represents just only a "fabrication of God
that is to inspire creative searches for truth and that is created by
God just to provide people with confirmations for their deep beliefs"
- as this is explained more comprehensively in item #E2 of the web
page "god_exists.htm".

(3) The age of these bones which are older than the date of Earth's
creation. Another kind of evidence for the "intentional fabrication of
bones of dinosaurs by God in order to inspire people for creative
searches for truth" is also the fact, that "bones of dinosaurs
originate from an earlier date than the date of creation of the
physical world (determined with the philosophical approach 'a priori'
to the human research of reality)". In other words, it is impossible
that dinosaurs existed in times when our physical world and the Earth
did NOT exist yet.

(4) The identity to "simulated" UFO manifestations. For the same
evidence should be considered also the fact, that "on the Earth exist
a lot of e.g. objective photographs, reports of eye witnesses, and
material evidence of manifestations of UFO vehicles and UFOnauts, but
the official human science does NOT recognise these manifestations for
the true proof of the existence of UFOs and UFOnauts". In other words,
on what kind of "double standards" this "atheistic orthodox science"
has the right to recognise the existence of dinosaurs, but
simultaneously it refuses to recognise the existence of UFOs and
UFOnauts (and also the existence of many further mysterious objects
and creatures "fabricated" by God for educational purposes, such as
Yeti, "Nessie", spirits, demons, cities revealed due to "fata-
morgana", etc.), although proofs of existence are similar and are
similarly deniable for both these categories of creatures and objects.

(5) The "curse of researchers of dinosaurs" which kills most
enthusiastic investigators of these monsters - for more information
see (5) from item #H2 on the web page named "god_exists.htm" addresses
of which are provided below.

Of course, wise God tied up to "bones of dinosaurs" much more items of
evidence similar to these above. So in order to confirm the truth on
their subject, it is enough to discover now, interpret, and reveal
these evidence to the world. Unfortunately, as this always is the case
with establishing the truth, it will require that someone contributes
to research the amount of effort and labour that is equivalent of the
rank of this matter (according to the action of the "moral field"
expressed also e.g. with the proverb "no pain no gain"). But the
establishing truth about "bones of dinosaurs" is worth the effort.
After all, it lifts the entire humanity onto a higher level of
awareness. Not only it reveals that for inspiring the progress of
knowledge God "fabricates" the required "teaching aids" such as these
"bones of dinosaurs", but it also revolutionise human views on
practically every matter. For example, it confirms, that similarly
like these "bones of dinosaurs", God "fabricates" also "UFO
manifestations" (described, amongst the others, on the web page named
"ufo_proof.htm"), manifestations of various "monsters" of the kind of
"Nessie", "Mkole-Mbembe", etc., (described, amongst the others, in
item #E1 of the web page "stawczyk_uk.htm"), manifestations of
"humanoids" of the kind of "Yeti", "Sasquatch", "Maeroero", etc.,
(described, amongst the others, in item #E6 of the web page
"newzealand.htm"), and even in the initial times God created various
megalithic structures described, amongst others, in item #H1 of the
web page "god_exists.htm". It confirms also that God created the
physical world, the Earth, and man only around 6000 years ago. It
changes our attitude to the entire reality around us. It confirms that
the "morality is the level of obedience in our actions of the
requirements imposed on us by God" - as this is described on the web
page named "morals.htm", and also it warns that every manifestation of
"immorality" is severely punished. It teaches us the scientific
methods of thorough learning about our God. Etc., etc. Pity that still
so few people appreciate the potential which for the furthering the
progress of humanity will introduce the dissemination of truth about
bones of dinosaurs. Also pity that, as so far, almost no-one adds his
or her contribution to bringing this truth to the daylight.

If someone was to indicate something, that already grew to the role of
a "symbol" of contradiction between outcomes of research of the old
"atheistic orthodox science" and the new "totaliztic science", then
this something would be "bones of dinosaurs". After all, mechanisms of
creation and reasons for the existence of "bones of dinosaurs" both
these sciences explain on cardinally different manners. This in turn
causes, that these bones are really the symbolic "no-one's land" and
"battlefield" which define borders and differences between the old
"atheistic orthodox science" and the new "totaliztic science". I
believe also, that unavoidable wars and battles between both these
mutually competitive sciences, in the future are to be carried out,
amongst others, on this "no-one's land", means on the field of
scientific explanation of the origins and purpose of the existence of
"bones of dinosaurs". For these reasons, it is worth now to carefully
watch what news which with highly "scientific language" present
"atheistic orthodox scientists" are spreading about "bones of
dinosaurs", as well as watch what will be next discoveries of the new
"totaliztic science" regarding these bones. (Writing these discoveries
will be continued on this web page - so it is worth to look here again
in the future.) The truth is on the side of "totaliztic science". So
it is just a matter of time, when the "scientific lack of logic"
practiced by the "atheistic orthodox science" will cease to be
tolerated, will be exposed to the public scrutiny, and gradually
replaced with the common sense and truth.

* * *

This post represents adaptation of item #H2 from the totaliztic web
page named "god_exists.htm" (updated on 5 August 2001, or later).
Thus, reading the above descriptions would be even more effective from
that web page "god_exists.htm" than from this post, as on the web page
are working all (green) links to other related web pages with
additional explanations, it is printed in colour, it is supported with
illustrations, the content of it is updated regularly, etc. The latest
update of the web page "god_exists.htm" can be viewed, amongst others,
at addresses: or alias: (which
always links to the most important amongst current updates)

It is also worth to know, that almost each new topic that I am
researching with "a priori" approach of the new "totaliztic science",
including this one, is repeated in all mirror blogs of totalizm still
in existence (the above topic is repeated in there as the post number
#204E). In past there were 5 such blogs. At the moment only two blogs
of totalizm still remain undeleted by adversaries of the new
"totaliztic science" and the moral philosophy of totalizm. These can
be viewed at following internet addresses: or alias:
It is also worth to have look in there at related posts, e.g. at posts
number #203E to #200E, #195E, #171E and #151E - which also discuss the
incompetence and errors of the old official science in solving the
most burning problems of our present civilisation.

With the totaliztic salute,
Jan Pajak


Aug 12, 2011, 3:30:43 AM8/12/11
On Aug 12, 8:37 am, JP3 <> wrote:

> This in turn shines a doubt not only on the question "whether dinosaurs actually ever
> existed" but also shines a significant doubt whether the majority of present scientists

> is able to carry our a logical reasoning.

No! no doubt is shining at all on either issues

>After all, a logical reasoning has this attribute that it considers all alternatives.

No! It doesn't have to consider whether or not a dragon sits at the
foot of your
bed every night but you are unable to see it, hear it, smell it, or
detect its presence in
any other way.

That would in fact be very ILLOGICAL and a total waste of time

> Therefore, because the absolutely reliable scientific evidence that
> "God for sure does NOT exist" is non-existent, such a logical
> reasoning must also consider the possibility that "God does exist".

No! What parameters do we assign to the imaginary dragon sitting at
foot of your bed. None can be detected.

> snip<

Imaginitive but unfortunately, still bullshit.
Any Hobbit bones found by these cosmic archaeologists to substantiate
their delusion?

> According to findings of the new "totaliztic science"

Hehehe! Iz thiz totaliztic zcience zimilar to the national zocializm
practized by the naziz
to eliminate the jewz?

<snip rant againzt reazon.


Aug 12, 2011, 7:02:24 AM8/12/11
On 12 Aug., 08:37, JP3 <> wrote:
> Similarly as present scientists are scoffing at their medieval
> colleagues in matters of the "numbers of devils sitting on one
> pinhead", scientists of the future probably are going to scoff at
> present scientists discussing e.g. "habitats of dinosaurs". The reason
> is, that the claim that "dinosaurs actually lived on the Earth" hides
> in itself a cardinal logical error in the form of a non-written
> assumption that "God for sure does NOT exist". However, a huge body of
> evidence documents something opposite, namely that "God does exist" -

In order to return to mathematics: I presume that totaliztic science
agrees with set theory that GOD created and finished actual infinity
and that HE has a list of all real numbers at hand?

Regards, WM

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