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Apr 26, 2012, 12:05:13 AM4/26/12
Sábado, 21 de Abril, año 2012 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo,
Guayaquil, Ecuador - Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)

Le damos gracias a nuestro Padre celestial en el nombre sagrado de su
Hijo amado, nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo, que el Rey Juan
Carlos de España ya se encuentra gozando de muy buena salud con su
familia y amistades después de haber sufrido un terrible accidente en
Botswana, África, el cual lo llevó al quirófano para ser operado.
La operación fue un existo y su cadera se encuentra muy bien, por lo
cual también nos alegramos mucho todos nosotros, y le damos gracias a
nuestro Padre celestial, en el nombre de su Hijo amado, por haberlo
guardado de sufrir otros males inesperados por todos nosotros.
Y, además de todo, ya se encuentra desarrollando sus deberes de rey de
cada día para bien de toda la nación—como siempre lo ha hecho a través
de los años y hasta nuestros días.
Le seguiremos pidiendo a nuestro Padre celestial, en el nombre
glorioso de nuestro Señor Jesucristo: Buena salud para el Rey Juan
Carlos, para su familia, para sus amistades, y para toda España
también. Felicidades a todos, ¡Amén!

Recordamos también en estos momentos la terrible tragedia aérea que ha
sufrido recientemente Pakistán, cuando uno de sus aviones comerciales
con 138 pasajeros se precipito a tierra.
Nuestras oraciones, amor y condolencias son para las familias de las
victimas que ya no se encuentran entre nosotros en el mundo sino en el
paraíso, porque nuestro Señor Jesucristo descendió del cielo con sus
ángeles para llevárselos a la vida eterna, y para que vivan para el
servicio santo de nuestro Padre celestial eternamente y para siempre.
Ellos en el cielo caminan cada día con nuestro Señor Jesucristo y los
lleva a lugares gloriosos del reino angelical para que conozcan la
gloria de amar, servir y exaltar por siempre a nuestro Padre celestial
y su nombre infinitamente santísimo en la tierra y en el cielo.
Nuestro Padre celestial siempre confortara los corazones de aquellos
que perdieron a sus queridos, para darles sin limites abundancias de
milagros, maravillas y prodigios de todo lo que sus corazones siempre
deseen delante de su presencia santísima en la tierra y en el nuevo
reino angelical del más allá. ¡Amén!)


Israel needed power from the Holy Spirit of God coming down directly
from heaven into their hearts to believe in their living savior, our
Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, David’s Son, and the only eternal savior
possible of the entire human race in this world and in the next one to
come forever. At the proper time, at Mount Sinai’s summit our heavenly
Father presented our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach to Moses as the God of
Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob, moreover granted him
the supernatural powers from the Holy Spirit to believe, so Israel may
also believe in him for justice to confess salvation to conquer other
lands forever.

Then the entire Mount Sinai’s summit filled with supernatural powers
from the Holy Spirit for every man, woman and child within Israel and
the nations to believe in our heavenly Father’s blessed Son, Jesus
Christ, as the only personal savior of everyone’s living-soul in this
life and in the next one to come in heaven, finally enter human life
for good. Therefore, Mount Sinai and its entire region trembled as our
heavenly Father descended more with the supernatural powers from His
Holy Spirit to impart unto Israel and to the nations, so they may
believe within their hearts for justice to confess with their lips for
salvation that His Son, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, is Lord for the
glory of His name.

Well-timed, our heavenly Father descended over Mount Sinai’s summit
with the glory of His SHEKINAH cloud (God’s presence), and the entire
mountain trembled violently from horizon to horizon, because our
heavenly Father needed to manifest to Israel and the nations the
mighty power and authority that His continuous celestial-sacrifice of
His Son Yeshua HaMoshiach’s atoning-blood has for the entire human
race. Therefore, the entire Mount Sinai quaked with supernatural
powers from heaven above down to the deepest abyss of the earth thus
to brake the chains captivating the children of Abraham, so finally
Israel may become liberated from Egypt’s slavery of four hundred and
thirty years thus to serve our heavenly Father in the only way He
knows best—His Son’s life.

In other words, our heavenly Father had to destroy the powers of the
abyss to begin the liberation of the Hebrews from the Egyptian
slavery, and these were supernatural powers that could only be
released against Satan and his terrible darkness of the underworld
directly from the Lamb of God that was slain from the creation of the
world. These powers that our heavenly Father brought over Mount Sinai,
once they began to pour by the supernatural presence of the SHEKINAH
cloud over Israel and the entire world then they never abandoned us,
indeed they have always been with us ready to bless us, that is, if we
approach our heavenly Father through His supreme celestial-sacrifice
of His Son’s atoning-blood.

For our heavenly Father’s Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach’s atoning-blood is
the supernatural power for each one of us, and this is true not only
for Israel but also for every man, woman and child from all the
nations of the world, so they may have powers to have their sins
forgiven and escape the supernatural forces from Satan’s and the
hidden abyss. Darkness that afflicts the entire human race since Adam
and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil in paradise
causing us to fall under our heavenly Father’s wrath that never ceases
to punish us for this evil, unless we undo what Adam and Eve did by
faithfully eating today from the fruit of life, our Lord Jesus

Furthermore, these are the supernatural powers from the Holy Spirit
that blesses every one that loves our heavenly Father by confessing
with his lips for salvation and by believing within his heart for
justice that our Lord Jesus Christ is Lord for our heavenly Father’s
glory in heaven and on earth as well for all eternity to come. This is
a glorious truth that is always told by the angels, archangels,
seraphs, cherub, and other very holy creatures in heaven before our
heavenly Father and His Holy Spirit, so His blessed Son, our Lord
Jesus Christ, as priest, King Messiah, Chosen Lamb, mediator, Only
Son, and tree of life may be glorified by men on earth these days and

Because, it is our heavenly Father’s will that every man, woman and
child, beginning with Adam and Eve from paradise, may confess freely
before Him for the glory of the Holy Spirit of His blessed name and
eternal Ten Commandments that our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, His only
begotten Son, is Lord in heaven with the angels and on earth with men.
Given that our heavenly Father created heaven and earth for His
blessed Son to reign mightily over Israel and the nations, so His
glorious angels may someday united the human spirit of every man,
woman and child, beginning with Adam and Eve, to worship, serve and
glorify Him always through the glorious Holy Spirit of His Only Son
throughout creation.

And this is the Lordship that our heavenly Father needed Adam and Eve
to confess initially in heaven before His holy angels, that His
blessed Son Jesus Christ is Lord for the new glories and sanctities
that would eventually come to the Holy Spirit of His blessed name and
eternal commandments as His Son is recognized as Lord everlastingly.
Moreover, for this to happen on earth then our heavenly Father needed
to descend displaying powers from His continuous celestial-sacrifice
of His Son’s sacred body slain initially within the Holy of Holiest in
heaven and over Mount Sinai’s summit from the creation of the world,
so His Son may be recognized by Israel and the nations as Lord of all

For this is how our heavenly Father needs to defeat and humiliate
Satan and his fallen angels on earth and in heaven by having His
blessed Son, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, recognized by every one from
everywhere, beginning with Israel, that he is Lord of all the nations
from the past, present and the future for new glories to manifest into
eternity. Undeniably, it is our heavenly Father’s eternal new glories
born every day on earth and in heaven as well as every man, woman and
child believe within his heart for justice to confess with his lips
for salvation that our Lord Jesus Christ is Lord and savior of their
living souls, so darkness may die and light reign into eternity

And it is in this confession alone before our heavenly Father and His
holy angels that the Holy Spirit begins to pour into our lives
supernaturally bringing ancient powers from Mount Sinai’s summit and
Jerusalem’s holy hill, so miracles, healing, awakening, and many other
great things may take place within our lives for our heavenly Father
new never-ending glories. Therefore, it takes supernatural powers from
heaven for our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach to be recognized within the
heart of every man, woman and child as Lord of all before our heavenly
Father on earth and in heaven, so our heavenly Father may finally be
glorified everlastingly before His holy angels and saved men into all
eternity to come.

For this is the only way that Satan’s darkness with his hidden cruel
lies may be defeated in paradise, on earth and beyond eternity, so
every man, woman and child on earth may finally be reunited to our
heavenly Father that is in heaven by the supernatural powers of His
Holy Spirit and glorious life of His blessed Son Jesus Christ.
Moreover, every created creature whether this is an angel from heaven
or man on earth will have to recognize within his heart that our Lord
Jesus Christ is Lord of his life, so a new angelic Kingdom may start
soon thus to attain new glories, exaltations and honors of
supernatural sanctities that have never been attained yet for our
heavenly Father.

And our heavenly Father needs every one in heaven with angels,
including the fallen angels, and men on earth, including the wicked,
to believe within their hearts for justice to confess with their lips
for salvation that our Lord Jesus Christ is Lord of their lives for a
new angelic Kingdom to be launched immediately into eternity without
Satan’s lie anymore. Because, Satan’s initial lie is that our Lord
Jesus Christ is not Lord in heaven with angels and with men on earth,
so our heavenly Father may never be able to usher into eternity His
new angelic Kingdom that He has dreamed since eternity to have angels
and His children alike living under the Lordship of His blessed Son

Truthfully, darkness says constantly that our heavenly Father’s only
begotten Son is not Lord for the glory of His blessed name and eternal
commandments since eternity in heaven, therefore our heavenly Father
had to descend over Mount Sinai’s summit with His SHEKINAH cloud thus
to pour powers over the entire earth to subdue at last the darkness of
this terrible lie. That is why that you have been attacked always
since the day you were born on earth from your mother’s womb, and your
initial cry at birth is that: our Lord Jesus Christ is Lord thus to
drink from the injured eternal rock at Mount Sinai living-water, and
eat from the fruit of life to be at peace with God forever.

Because, if your living-soul does not drink from the injured rock at
Mount Sinai its living-water, moreover you fail to eat the manna from
heaven as the fruit of life, then your soul will continue to cry in
silence throughout your entire life until you finally eat and drink
from our Lord Jesus Christ by believing in his name for salvation. And
only like this the truth may be known by the hearts of men for justice
to confess with their lips for salvation our Lord Jesus Christ as the
Lord of their eternal living-souls on earth and in heaven as the New
Jerusalem from above where everyone believes within his heart to
confess with his lips that Jesus Christ is Lord.

Definitely, as you believe within your heart for justice to confess
with your lips for salvation that our Lord Jesus Christ is Lord then
supernatural powers from the Holy Spirit that descended over Mount
Sinai’s summit will act immediately within your life thus to protect,
bless and enrich your entire life with powers from heaven and from
under the earth. And only like this you will begin to live a miracle
life for our heavenly Father by being saturated with supernatural
powers from heaven and from under the earth as well, so you may feel
the power of love that protects you constantly from heaven above with
miracles, marvelous works and great signs from everywhere and forever
into eternity.

Moreover, our heavenly Father needs every angel in heaven as well man,
woman and child on earth to believe within their hearts for justice to
confess with their lips for salvation that our Jesus Christ is Lord of
their living-souls: for new blessings of truth, life and justice may
fill the earth these days for our heavenly Father’s new glories to
come. And as these new glories that rightfully belong to our heavenly
Father and that Satan has over the years try to oppress them so they
may never manifest on earth as they are in heaven, then they will come
alive within your life with powerful miracles of blessings, healing,
prosperity and eternal happiness to be worthy to reenter eternal life
at last.

Because, as every one in heaven with the angels and with every man,
woman and child believes within their hearts for justice to confess
with their lips for salvation, then, our heavenly Father will cause
the old earth to pass away for a new earth with glorious heavens to
appear filled with love, peace and endless blessings of happiness for
everybody. This is the new earth with glorious heavens fill with
supernatural powers that blesses your entire living-soul so Satan will
never have to touch your heart and life with hidden lies as he had
done it over the years so he may steal, kill and destroy your life and
of your loved ones as well.

Irrefutably, these are powers that we can enjoy these days, if we
believe within our hearts for justice to confess with our lips for
salvation what our heavenly Father did within the Holy of Holiest in
heaven and over Mount Sinai’s summit as He descended within the
SHEKINAH cloud to pour saving-power of the Holy Spirit all over the
earth. For these are powers that must fill the earth these days that
every one from all the families of the entire world must believe
within their hearts for justice to confess with their lips for
salvation that our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach is Lord for our heavenly
Father’s great glories to be manifested for a new world to start

And these are supernatural glories that will never manifest in the
midst of the angels in heaven and saved men on earth if our heavenly
Father’s supernatural powers that descended with Him within the Holy
of Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai’s summit do not spread
throughout the world these days by the preaching of the Ancient Gospel
of Salvation. That is why that it is very important within every one’s
life to read and exalt our heavenly Father’s glorious words that speak
to us constantly through the prophets and his chosen people about the
new glorious to come on earth through the blessed life of His Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach, the savior of Israel and of the nations forever.

Additionally, by believing within your heart for justice to confess
with your lips for salvation this great truth that our Lord Jesus
Christ is Lord of the angels in heaven and of men on earth, then you
will be confessing the truth that Satan has oppressed over the years
within your heart so you may live a new miracle life at last. Here is
where all your problems, difficulties, infirmities and threats of
eternal death in hell will finally die out within your heart, soul,
mind, body and human spirit because now you have the Holy Spirit and
the incredible supernatural powers that descended from heaven over
Mount Sinai’s summit operating day and night within your life for your
eternal well-being.

Truly, you have been born into a miracle life that leaves behind
Satan’s lies that he had introduced into your life since the day you
were born on earth, so you may never have the powers from heaven to
believe and confess the anointed name of our Lord Jesus Christ as Lord
of your life and only possible savior into all eternity. For it is by
these supernatural powers from our heavenly Father manifested within
the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai’s summit as the
SHEKINAH cloud became visible to Moses and Israel that will eventually
turn the earth into a glorious paradise for every man, woman and child
just as it is in heaven with every angel these days.

Therefore, it is the faith of your heart for justice to confess with
your lips for salvation added to every person heart’s faith and
confession of the mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord that will give us
the supernatural powers these days to turn our lives and earth into an
eternal paradise filled with love, peace and everlasting happiness.
Furthermore, it is important that you believe within your heart for
faith to confess with your lips for blessings that our Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach is Lord of your entire life before our heavenly Father that
is in heaven, so the supernatural powers from the Holy Spirit that
descended over Mount Sinai’s summit may operate within your life and
the entire earth immediately.

Meaning also that it is your lack of faith from your heart and
confession from your mouth for blessings that our Lord Jesus Christ
and savior of our living-souls is Lord of the heaven and earth that is
keeping Satan ruling the lives of many everywhere on earth under his
terrible darkness of lies, curses, and threats of death into hell.
Certainly, these are powers that descended to the deepest abyss so the
forces of evil will be root out from the earth, beginning within
Egypt, thus to release Israel from the eternal bondage that was
devastating them little by little until they would eventually
disappear into eternity forever without ever fulfilling our heavenly
Father’s will to love His Son dearly forever.

Regrettably, this was a terrible evil that Satan with his usual lies
was about to fulfill by destroying Israel so our heavenly Father good
promises manifested to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob may never be
fulfilled in this life, however Satan was defeated in Egypt and at
Mount Sinai’s summit because supernatural powers descended to liberate
Israel from slavery forever. Thus, our heavenly Father’s will for
Israel it was to escape Egypt with jewelry to cross the Red river in
dry ground to receive the water baptizing later to be baptized again
from the power of the Holy Spirit that will not only give them the
perfect life of the commandments but also the living-water from the
injured rock and the manna.

For this is the drink of living-water from the injured rock by Moses’
rod at Mount Sinai and the manna (food from heaven) that every one
cries out loud as he is born into the world from his mother’s womb, so
he may be introduced immediately into our heavenly Father’s family
thus to live to the full the miracle life from heaven. Indeed, our
heavenly Father’s family on earth and in heaven thus to live a new
miracle life fill with supernatural powers that are always at work to
bring new glories into existence for our heavenly Father and His
blessed Son Jesus Christ, so the entire world may shine with the light
of truth and justice forever into all eternity at last.

In truth, these are supernatural powers that our heavenly Father had
granted Israel thus to receive a brand new life that no man had ever
lived in this world, and this was a glorious life filled with
miracles, marvels powers, prosperity, happiness and above all: love
and peace to enter into an eternal life filled with endless blessings
into all eternity. And this miracle life is always available to every
one that believes within his heart for justice to confess with his
lips for salvation what our heavenly Father needs you to believe your
heart for justice and to confess with your lips for salvation, and
this is that our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach is Lord of all today and
forevermore into eternity.

Truly, these are powers from the Holy Spirit to learn to love our
heavenly Father’s blessed Son, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, as our
Lord and savior of our living-souls in this life and for the next one
to come in heaven as The New Jerusalem from heaven above where
everyone serves our heavenly Father through the fruit of life, Jesus
Christ! For our heavenly Father’s fruit of life is His blessed Son,
our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, slain from the creation of the world
to create heaven and earth thus to fill them with life everywhere
forever, so men and angels may live next to Him always loving, serving
and exalting His great name to attain new glories never conquered

For they are new glories and sanctities never attained by the holy
angels from heaven yet, however they can only come into existence in
this world and in the next world to come in heaven by you believing
within your heart for justice to confess with your lips for salvation
that Jesus Christ is Lord of all today and forevermore. Therefore, to
attain these new glories today never conquered yet by His holy angels
from heaven then our heavenly Father needed to pour initially over the
earth the Holy Spirit of His blessed name and eternal commandments, so
every man, woman and child may become empowered by His Spirit to
attain these new glories for His new angelic Kingdom to come.

For this is the new miracle world that will make your heart so happy
as you have never been happy before, because Satan’s lies and his
terrible powers of curses and threats of death in hell will never
again touch your life and the lives of your loved ones as well,
including your friends from everywhere around the world. That is to
say, also that the supernatural powers from our heavenly Father and
His glorious SHEKINAH cloud that was initially manifested over Mount
Sinai’s summit to liberate Israel from bondage, then they belong to
you these days too, because these are powers from the Holy Spirit to
fill the entire earth with the faith to believe in Jesus Christ

In other words, the powers from the Holy Spirit that descended with
our heavenly Father and His continuous celestial-sacrifice of His
Son’s atoning-blood, indeed they were to empower the entire earth,
beginning with Israel, to believe within their hearts for justice to
confess with their lips for salvation our Lord Jesus Christ as the
only possible Lord and savior of all. And those powers from the Holy
Spirit have never abandoned us but, instead they have remained
faithful to each of us because one day soon inexplicably we are going
to wake up from darkness to believe and confess the blessed name of
our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach thus to become born again from the Holy
Spirit for our heavenly Father’s new celestial glories.

That is correct. Someday you will wakeup from darkness to come to the
light that descended over Mount Sinai’s summit so you may live a new
miracle life filled with miracles, marvelous works from heaven above,
and great signs everywhere so you may live at last on earth and in
eternity only for our heavenly Father new glories of love, peace,
prosperity and everlasting happiness. Therefore, the supernatural
powers from the Holy Spirit that descended with our heavenly Father
seating within His SHEKINAH cloud Great White Throne and His glorious
continuous celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s sacred body slain from the
creation of the world, they belong to each one of us these days so we
may become fill with powers to return to eternal life victoriously
anyday now.

That is to say, also that you have supernatural powers from the Holy
Spirit ready to operate within your heart, soul, mind, body and human
spirit as you receive him to believe within your heart for justice to
confess with your lips healing and salvation that our Lord Jesus
Christ is Lord on earth for our heavenly Father’s new glories. For
your ancient supernatural powers from the Holy Spirit that descended
over Mount Sinai’s summit with our heavenly Father’s supreme celestial-
sacrifice of His Son’s sacred-body to live liberated from Satan’s
hidden lies on earth, so you may become born from the Holy Spirit with
eternal life filled with endless happiness for your living-soul,
miraculously they belong to you these days too.

And Satan does not want you to know these powerful truths that will
liberate you forever from his eternal hidden lies that he caused Adam
and Eve to believe in paradise against the tree of life within their
hearts for injustice to confess with their lips death and eternal
destruction that our Lord Jesus Christ is not Lord of their lives.
These days, this is the share from the Holy Spirit that our heavenly
Father has granted you to have forever, so you do not have to live
under Satan’s destructive lies from paradise anymore but, instead live
under the glorious truth of His SHEKINAH cloud that is filled with
blessings from the Holy Spirit thus to enrich your life mightily

These are blessings from the Holy Spirit of everlasting powers for
miracles, marvels works and signs from heaven and earth to take place
within your entire life in this world and in the next one to come from
heaven above, because to live a happy and fulfill life here on earth
and in heaven then you must possess supernatural powers. Truly, these
are powers from heaven above that enriches your life just as it
enriched our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach’s life on earth or any other man,
woman and child willing to believe and obey him before our heavenly
Father, so great miracles may take place wherever they may go in life
for the glory and honor of His blessed name.

For it takes power from the Holy Spirit for angels to live in heaven
and for men as well, because it is our heavenly Father’s perfect will
that His will be done on earth just as it is in heaven, and for this
to happen then every one from everywhere needs the every day down
pouring of the Holy Spirit. Because, our heavenly Father knows very
well that Satan will come against you with hidden powers of darkness
just as he came against His blessed Son in heaven, so our heavenly
Father has provided you will all the necessary powers always to defeat
Satan in all his attacks against you and your loved ones, including
your friends too.

This means that our heavenly Father descended over Mount Sinai’s
summit with powers from the Holy Spirit to liberate Israel from
bondage but also to liberate you from your problems, difficulties,
infirmities and even threats of death in hell, for example, if Satan
comes against you with a terrible disease then you have power to
overcome it in His Son’s name. Moreover, Satan may come against you
with a terrible weapon of war that you do not know anything about it
until it is too late, but no matter how late it is our heavenly Father
has also provided you a way to escape this terrible weapon that could
be launched against you and your loved ones to destroy your life

Furthermore, Satan may come against you with a terrible Holocaust that
no one has ever thought about before in all earth’s history;
nevertheless our heavenly Father has also given you greater powers to
escape this terrible evil so you may live and never die under Satan’s
terrible darkness of destruction—and live only to love and serve Him
in His way only. Meaning that the pouring of the Holy Spirit that
manifested our heavenly Father seating on His Great White Throne
within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai’s summit so
Moses may see it thus for him to approach our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach
as our Chosen Lamb to escape darkness finally, then it is for us these
days too.

That is to say, also that the pouring of the Holy Spirit over Mount
Sinai’s summit and over Jerusalem’s holy hill it has not stopped to
this day, so we may receive the supernatural powers necessary that we
may need every hour of our lives on earth to face evil and defeat it
immediately for our heavenly Father’s new eternal glories. These are
supernatural powers that will work within and around you every hour of
your entire life on earth, because these are powers of the Holy Spirit
that were present the day you were born from our heavenly Father in
heaven so you may become His image to live according to His likeness
forever into all eternity to come.

Meaning also that the day you were born from our heavenly Father in
His image to live according to His likeness forever then you came into
existence with the supernatural powers of the Holy Spirit so you may
always be powerful as our heavenly Father and His Son, our Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach, are before Satan and his fallen angels. Therefore,
these supernatural powers of the Holy Spirit are great for your entire
life always so you may live an enriched life that will never end in
this world and in the next one to come, because the good things that
you may do these days will follow you faithfully into the next world
from heaven above with endless enriched blessings.

For goodness and mercy will follow you all the days of your entire
life on earth and in heaven as well because of what our heavenly
Father has done for you within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over
Mount Sinai’s summit with His blessed Son’s atoning-blood, so you may
escape Satan’s darkness just as Israel had to escape slavery. And as
you escape Satan’s darkness because you have believed within your
heart for justice to confess with your lips for salvation our heavenly
Father’s blessed Son, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, then supernatural
powers from heaven above will operate faithfully until the end of time
for you and your loved ones, including your friends from everywhere as

For these supernatural powers from the Holy Spirit are omnipresent
moreover they will never abandon you because all the necessary work
that needed to be done by our heavenly Father’s high priest and Chosen
Lamb, then they were done for you within the Holy of Holiest in heaven
and over Mount Sinai’s summit, so you may enjoy life without Satan
forever. These days, a life without Satan means that our heavenly
Father has installed in you, for example, all the supernatural powers
necessary from the Holy Spirit that descended with Him over the
SHEKINAH cloud upon Mount Sinai’s summit, so Satan darkness may lose
power against you from the abyss, on earth and in paradise as well
forever into eternity.

For sure, these are supernatural powers from the Holy Spirit that will
cause you to be born again from our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus
Christ, so you may escape the spirit of darkness that you receive from
Adam and Eve as they both ate from the forbidden fruit that shattered
life thus to start a new life heavenly bound forever. This means that
you will no longer belong to Satan’s lies from paradise that is the
spirit of error that Adam and Eve received as they both believed his
lies against our heavenly Father and His fruit of life, our Lord Jesus
Christ, but from now on you will belong to heaven because you will be
born from the Holy Spirit.

And this new birth from the Holy Spirit of God it will mean that you
will be endowed with supernatural powers that descended initially with
our heavenly Father within the Holy of Holiest in His SHEKINAH cloud
over Mount Sinai’s summit so you may be vested with divine powers to
conquer the desert, powerful enemies, and at last eternal life for
eternity. For this is the victory against Satan that our heavenly
Father has already granted you by His personal faith as He descended
within His SHEKINAH cloud over Mount Sinai’s summit, so He may display
the eternal glories of the supreme celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s
sacred body slain from the creation of the world so you may have life
today and forevermore.

For it will be the Holy Spirit doing always all the work necessary for
you to win over that problem, difficulty, infirmity or threat of
death, for example, that Satan may have launched against you through
the power of lies, curses and the fallen angels of death, so you may
never find your way back to love, peace and paradise again. Really,
these are supernatural powers from the Holy Spirit that rightfully
belong to you but Satan took them away from you with lies within Adam
and Eve’s heart so you may never have them to defeat every evil that
Satan may have set against you so you may somehow fall into his
terrible traps of destruction and eternal death in hell.

These are powers that you need within your heart from the Holy Spirit
so you may believe within your heart for justice to confess with your
lips for salvation our Lord Jesus Christ, the giver of eternal life
for every man, woman and child on earth just as he is the giver of
life for the angels in heaven. Truthfully, to believe within your
heart for justice to confess with your lips for salvation that our
Lord Jesus Christ is Lord on earth, then this simply means that you
are believing and confessing faith against Satan’s lies, so problems,
difficulties, infirmities and threats of death may disappear from your
life right away.

Today, these are the supernatural powers from the Holy Spirit that
have the solution to all your problem and hidden darkness from Satan,
so you may defeat evil just as our heavenly Father would love to see
you defeat Satan with all the lies that he said against Him and His
fruit of life from paradise, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach! Because, it
is our heavenly Father’s joy to see you always above Satan’s lie,
curses and threats of death so you may glorify Him before your loved
ones and even friends as well from far away, for our heavenly Father
is always please to see Satan defeated with the supernatural powers
that He had granted you to have over Mount Sinai.

And Mount Sinai’s summit will continue to display the supernatural
powers from the Holy Spirit that descended with our heavenly Father
and His continuous celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s sacred body slain
from the creation of the world, so you may drink from His eternal rock
living-water to satisfaction and eat from His manna to quench your
constant hunger forever. These days, you are thirsty of the living-
water that emanates from Mount Sinai’s injured rock by Moses’ rod,
besides you hunger constantly to eat from his manna that emanates
daily from the Holy of Holiest in heaven to quench your incessant
hunger—so you must approach our Lord Jesus Christ immediately to eat
and drink from him beyond measure.

Truthfully, this is a thirst and a hunger directly from your living
soul that begins to cry before our heavenly Father to drink from the
injured rock by Moses’ rod and to eat from the manna from the Holy of
Holiest in heaven that descends daily for those that love truth,
peace, prosperity and justice on earth and in heaven forever. In other
words, our living souls cry before our heavenly Father that is in
heaven as we are born from our mothers’ wombs to enter life on earth,
so we may be taken directly to the injured rock at Mount Sinai so we
may drink from it the living-water that emanates from the supreme
celestial-sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ.

In reality, babies cry at birth because they are incredibly-thirsty to
drink from the injured rock the living-water that emanates daily from
Mount Sinai for those that love, serve and glorify our heavenly Father
through our Lord Jesus Christ’s sacrificed life initially in heaven,
over Mount Sinai’s summit and over Jerusalem’s holy hill, so we may
enter eternal life immediately. Moreover, our Lord Jesus Christ who
was slain from the creation of the world so we may drink from him the
Holy Spirit of his saving atoning-blood, furthermore eat from him the
manna that forgives, cleans, and fills with eternal life our living
souls in this life and in the next one to come in heaven forever into

For this is the drink and the bread from heaven that changes our human
body of the wicked-flesh, broken-bones and ill blood received by
default from Adam and Eve as we are born from our mother’s wombs to
enter life in this world, so we may have our sacred-flesh, unbroken-
bones and atoning-blood to reenter eternal life in heaven today. And
these are supernatural powers at work within each one of us as we
believe within our hearts for justice to confess with our lips for
salvation what our heavenly Father has done with His blessed Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach from the creation of the world and over Mount
Sinai’s summit, so we may have forgives, healing and eternal
prosperity these days.

You will receive supernatural powers from within the Holy of Holiest
in heaven instantly as you believe within your heart to please our
heavenly Father’s justice thus to confess with your lips for
forgiveness, healing, prosperity and eternal salvation of never-ending
happiness for your eternal living-soul, our Lord Jesus Christ, the
savior from paradise! Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto
the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou
shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead.
See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal
Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of
JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?

Do the following and ASK HIM to GIVE YOU, RIGHT NOW, the POWER of the
of YOUR SOUL and LIFE) and HE will listen to you AND DO IT:

That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in
your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it
is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture
says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there
is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or
great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly
blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of
the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from
sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful
new life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to
GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday. Be baptized in
water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship,
fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers
as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in
your prayers for me and my love ones, for your prayers are very
important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your
prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed
His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers
to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The
Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels
hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest too. I most add
that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in
HEAVEN when you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of

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