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Re: When is VB (Victory over alt.bigfoot) Day?

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03:15:38 GMT

Jun 15, 2005, 12:34:50 PM6/15/05
Paul Brothers <> did this:

> alt.bigfoot is now moderated, presumably by Wilf. It is doubtful that
> anything will ever be posted there again. A test post did not go
> through. Of course I am probably blacklisted.

It was rmgrouped in 1994 by Shafik Harmoni and again in 1995 by Bill
McClatchie. The latter rmgroup attracted a newgroup from Andrew
Damick, who was an alt.config regular.

McClatchie newgrouped it as moderated in 1996 with John Dobbs as the
moderator, after which Wilf LeBlanc newgrouped it as unmoderated.
McClatchie responded by newgrouping it again as moderated but this
time with Wilf as the moderator.

Ari <>
"I'm going to throw a water balloon at Diane Dimond! I'm going to
soak her!" -- BJ

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