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Passa al primo messaggio da leggere

John Lauzon

da leggere,
18 apr 1998, 03:00:0018/04/98


Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Friday, Apr. 17, 1998

Mary said: "My Dear children, I come today as Mother of All the
World. I come to you as I came to St. Catherine Laboure in Rue Du Bac,
France. I showed her at that time that I was the Mediatrix Of All Graces.
They come from God through me, your mother. I have waited many years for
this to happen. Why do you wait ?

I come, my children, to warn you of these events which are to
happen very soon. You will have your Warning, where you will be shown your
life of sin. You will then have the Miracle for all to see. Know that this
is from God.

I tell you, my children, THIS is the time to repent of your sins!
You will need to go to your churches and safe havens to help those seeking
the Sacraments and wanting to turn their lives over to God. You will have
to help, and teach Church laws, prayers, and the sacraments. There will
NOT be enough priests.

One year after your Miracle, your Tribulation will come. There
will be a RED CROSS in the sky, and the fires will fall from the heavens,
volcanos will erupt, tidal waves will take your lands, tornadoes,
hurricanes and violent weather, like never before.

Your lands will be swallowed up with the raging waters.

(Mother showed me cliffs falling into the water, and waves higher than the
cliffs, hitting the earth and washing away the dirt; dark skies, horrible
noises, lightning, and thunder. P.M.)

Your earth will quake and crumble, and millions will die. Those of
Our children who are with Us will be led by the light, to safe refuges,
havens, where all your needs will be provided for by God. He will then
purge the earth of its evil sin.

You are to return to your homes. If they have been destroyed, find
safe havens with your brothers. You will have 7 days to find a safe place
to hide. You will know your brothers and sisters in Christ by the cross of
light on their foreheads. Then the 3 days, 72 hours of darkness will
happen. When your skies all turn black, close your doors and windows to
all. Do not open for 72 hours, do not look outside, do not listen to those
at your doors, crying to come in. They will try to sound like your loved
ones. Oh, my children, do not be fooled! It will be the evil ones wanting
to confuse you.

Your earth will be purged of all sin and evil as my Son and I and
the angels take up the Battle, clean your lands, and chain Satan and his
demons in Hell. When you come out you will see a renewed Earth, fresh
water, air and land. No crime. No evil. You will learn what you are to do
later. You must know this now, as THE TIME IS VERY NEAR. You have been
instructed. Pray, my children. PRAY!! Let all who are distressed or in
need call on me. I am here with many Graces to be given to those who
believe and ask. I LOVE you, my children, and thank you for listening to
my call to you.

My daughter , I ask you to quicken your efforts for my
prayer-pamphlet. You will need the monies to make the safe haven I ask for
the poor in spirit, and in alms. Many will not be able to go far. You are
to have this done. If they are of God they are welcome."

(end of message)


Mrs. Patricia Mundorf currently lives in Phoenix Az, is married, and has
three grown children who are all now married. Pat receives messages for
the world on all Fridays, except on First Fridays, as Mary comes, instead,
on First Saturdays that week.

Patricia has suffered many trials in her life. In 1987, she was the
hapless victim of a criminal assault that left her with permanent brain
damage. Since 1990, she has suffered congestive heart failure, high blood
pressure, lung dysfunction and diabetes, requiring constant treatment and
frequent surgery.

Pat also has had surgery for advanced arthritis and was forced to use a
walker until the Blessed Virgin Mary came to her aid and helped her walk

In 1995, she started receiving visits from Our Blessed Mother, who has
been guiding her life. After multiple contacts over a period of time, Our
Lady has recently asked Pat to start releasing her messages to the public.

Patricia's bishop has issued no statement for or against her messages.

See Pat's web page at:


Fri, November 7,1997:

"My daughter, I have asked for white roses to be planted by the shrine you
have made in your devotion to me. My son, Jesus, will allow many graces
and miracles to come from these roses for those who consecrate themselves
to Jesus' Sacred Heart and my Immaculate Heart."

These bushes are now blooming all year long in Pat's backyard....

For the sick and/or desperate who have already consecrated themselves, or
are willing to consecrate themselves, to the Two Hearts of Jesus and Mary,
miraculous rose petals are available for their spiritual and/or physical

Please do NOT send for these unless you are sure the intended recipient
*truly* needs them and is (or will be) consecrated to the Two Hearts of
Jesus and Mary. If you are sure, please send a SASE (Self-Addressed,
Stamped Envelope) to:

Mrs. Patricia Mundorf
P.O,Box 48274
Phoenix Az.

You may also include your prayer intentions and a brief explanation and
Pat can put your or your dear one's name in the Prayer Journal presented
to Our Mother.


If you would like to receive contemporary messages of The Blessed Virgin
Mary, please drop me a line and I will put you on her mailing list...

God bless you
\ [P] / o<<<<<>>>>> "PRAY THE HOLY ROSARY" <<<<<>>>>>o \ [F] /
-- [[[R]]] -- I extend to you who is reading this .sig the -- [[[A]]] --
/ [A] \ "SPECIAL BLESSING" of the "QUEEN OF PEACE" / [S] \
/ [Y] \ o<<<<<>>>>>"Our Lady of Medjugorje"<<<<<>>>>>o / [T] \

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