--- neonwerk <
bow...@mindspring.com> wrote:
> > Tony:
> > Hello everybody,
> >
> > I'm a regular lurker here and I would like to ask
> your opinion about
> > Matthew 13:31-32
> >
> > "Another parable put he forth unto them, saying,
> The kingdom of
> heaven
> > is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man
> took, and sowed in
> his
> > field:
> >
> > Which indeed is the least of all seeds: but when
> it is grown, it is
> > the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree, so
> that the birds of
> > the air come and lodge in the branches thereof."
> >
> > I am in a middle of a heated argument with a
> Christian telling him
> > that the bible is so unscientific that it claims
> that the mustard
> seed
> > is the "least of all seeds"
> >
> > However, he has a unique answer. He tells me that
> the context of
> this
> > is about farming (because of verse 31), and indeed
> it is the "least
> of
> > all seeds, that is farmed, in the time of christ."
> >
> > How do I answer my opponent in terms of grammar
> analysis or whatever
> > to prove to him that it refers to all seeds, and
> not just seeds used
> > for farming? Our argument has been going nowhere.
> >
> > Additional question: Is it really the greatest
> among herbs? Does it
> > really become a tree?
> >
> > Thanks a lot and I really need a quick answer,
> lest he accuses me of
> > leaving a discussion.
> >
If I took the time I could probably list a half dozen
agricultural seeds used during Jeuss alleged life in
the middle east that are smaller than mustard seeds,
but I'll only list one:
fig seeds
As usual, your Christian friend is deluded and/or lying.
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