In a message dated 11/23/2003 8:42:17 AM Hawaiian Standard Time, writes:
Nonsense. The bible is much too violent and obscene to read. It should
be banned for children and kept on the restricted shelves of
And, as I remember, those were always the best books. LOL.
The Agnostic Atheist
[GR] OOPS! I owe Chuck a great big apology. In a reply via Usenet, I
said, basically,
that this wouldn't be a good idea, because kids could go to a library
and read the
Bible and get screwed up good and proper.
I misread (man did I misread) what Chuck said! My apologies, Chuck, I
couldn't agree
more with you: this book is dangerous to children.
GR Gaudreau
"If you can't imitate him, don't copy him."
~~ Yogi Berra
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> In a message dated 11/23/2003 8:42:17 AM Hawaiian Standard Time,
> writes:
> Nonsense. The bible is much too violent and obscene to read. It should
> be banned for children and kept on the restricted shelves of
> libraries.
The great iconoclast, Robert Ingersoll, thought differently:
"All that is necessary, as it seems to me, to convince any
person that the Bible is simply and purely of human invention -- of
barbarian invention -- is to read it. Read it as you would any other
book; think of it as you would of any other, get the bandage of
reverence from your eyes; drive from your heart the phantom of fear;
push from the throne of your brain the cowled form of superstition --
then read the Holy bible, and you will be amazed that you ever, for
moment, supposed a being of infinite wisdom, goodness and purity to be
the author of such ignorance and such atrocity."
--Robert Green Ingersoll (from his essay 'The Gods')