As I say, I am a scholar and I have researched this in ways that other
people only dream that they may be able to do if it were possible. The
only reason that I have acheived the position that I have is by sheer
will and fortitude. I use primary sources and read the ancient
languages. Remember, I tell you this so that you will have a better
idea of where I am coming from.
This is because what I am saying is something that I know many of you
may not agree with and/or may not WANT to agree with even if it
becomes compelling to you. What I am saying is that there is
absolutely NO errors in the Bible. What I am saying is that the Bible
was not written by a bunch of illiterate, clumsy dolts as many people
tend to believe. No, not at all. In fact, it is the exact opposite.
The people who composed the Bible were extremely intelligent people.
They are people who had lives of wealth and priviledge. They were
educated in ways and things that people today really would have a
difficult time imagining. These people were royalty. Are you following
with me so far? Okay, because I am going to tell you some pretty
extraordinary things regarding the Bible; and, actually, all ancient
What I will be telling you about is an entirely new view of history
and an entirely new way of looking at the Bible - from the INSIDE out.
Instead of what you are used to, the OUTSIDE in. All ancient
literature was composed by royalty. No commoners were allowed to write
anything at all for public consumption. And this was something that
remained in place for as long as kings ruled the earth. In reality, it
was really not until rather recent history, as time goes, that common
people gained the right to freedom of speech. And that, was a very
slow process.
Okay, now that I have gotten you curious and wanting to know more
about what it is that I have to say, I want to explain to you that
what I am talking about are several new concepts. Or at least, they
are new to the majority of people. One of those is called the "royal
supremacy" theory. Another is what we term the "language royale," or
the "royal language." I'll explain more later. Thank you for