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Larry Righi

Aug 19, 2003, 4:56:15 AM8/19/03
I have been a lurker on an off for over a year or two with several
of absence but I can't help from coming back to this group. I used to
believe that the fundies have everything covered and they knew what
were talking about...How little did I know that this is far from the
I am still not ready to completely believe that the bible is utter
I also am not ready to disbelieve in a God that created mankind, but I
to ask myself, who is this God? What is his real character? Why
doesn't he
reveal himself? Why are we reliant on flawed religious writings?
Have we
been planted here by a supreme race of {GOD} like beings that are so
advanced that we are just an experiment in racial development. Why are
fundies faith so weak that if you remove one building block of their
bible that their faith comes crumbling down. They will never in my
admit to errancy in their bible, they can't and still keep their faith
tack. One example of this is when Jesus said in so many words...ask
anything of the father in my name and it will be given you...Well I
been a Christian for many years and I have to say ,it just isn't so.
fundies say that there is a condition to be met for this statement to
true.. What you ask for must be the will of the Father...Well Jesus
say that, did he? The fundies have to add this to keep the bible and
Jesus said intact. A lot of what Jesus said doesn't seem to ring true
in my
opinion..Then if you read what Jesus taught and later what Paul has
it into I have to step back and think about Paul and where he is
from. Sounds like he was making it up as he went along kind like a
Young lead guitar solo. Jumping way back to Isaiah he seems to have a
against women. If the bible is the inspired word of God why would the
of hating women creep into the text. Why does some of the stuff that
said to be penned by Solomon sound like he's suffering from a bi-polar
disorder? Why does God tell Job off? In my personal experiences with
God he does have a nasty streak. As I stated earlier I am a Christian
and I
have petitioned God in prayer and he has gotten nasty and lost
patients with
me. Kind of like when I lose control with my children and become a bad
example of fatherhood...Perfect God? If you read the bible carefully
will find out that God is not all knowing..Because at one point in my
reading I ran across the statement that God was surprised.. How could
surprise a being that is all knowing? Wouldn't that be impossible? On
question of hell I can't make heads or tails out of what the Bible has
say about it. Jesus sounds as if he is talking about a real place but
the old testament it sounds as if hell is only the grave. What's with
contradictions about this subject. Then I have to ask myself why
would a
loving forgiving God condemn a mortal to never ending torment for only
70 years of sin...But the God I know isn't very nice at times so maybe
does. Then I really have to shake my head at the story of the Jewish
man.. He killed a thousand men with the jaw bone of an ass..If I
correctly it was a even number of a thousand. I have to ask myself
who was
counting? When I read the story of genesis I can't help but think of
space traveling race teraforming a planet, like in a star trek
episode, and
then the story trying to be explained by a simple man of little
not knowing what really went on. Well I went on long enough...keep up
good work and keep pounding the obvious mistakes in the bible ...Larry


Sep 11, 2003, 5:52:15 AM9/11/03
"Larry Righi" <> wrote in message

It is a good thing to ask questions, for how can we get answers if we
don't? My position is not to take anyone's "word" but I want to know
for myself. I found the following site pretty interesting as it
relates to answering a variety of Biblical questions.

If you are really seeking answers, no doubt God will provide them.

charles sommers

Sep 11, 2003, 5:53:21 AM9/11/03

"Larry Righi" <> wrote in message


It seems you have learned a lot and done a lot of good
thinking. Keep it up.


Sep 11, 2003, 12:00:16 PM9/11/03
"Larry Righi" <> wrote in message

It is a good thing to ask questions, for how can we get answers if we

charles sommers

Sep 11, 2003, 12:00:17 PM9/11/03

"Larry Righi" <> wrote in message



Sep 15, 2003, 10:55:51 AM9/15/03
I have a number of difficult but very important questions which only
the true believer should attempt to answere. If you do not fall into
this category please refrain from contributing to any discussions
which may ensue. If you take this advice both you and I may learn
something new. Thank you.

First of all why is it that, generally speaking, the individuals
selected by the aliens to be examined are usually regarded by their
neighbours and colleagues (before and after their abduction) as right
plonkers? It may well be that the aliens are interested in forensic
psychiatry, but if that's the case then why give such dickheads
messages for the rest of mankind? Who do the aliens think will believe
them? It seems to me that they would be far better of, should they
want individuals to tell the world, to choose some one the rest of us
would at least listen to.

I raise this as my initial point because I have first hand experience
of such individuals. My charity is always extended to the local drunks
of the village where I was brought up. I attended school with them.
Whilst they make a reasonable living they are by no means the sharpest
tools in the box. But to be fair to them, they generally get by with
only one or maybe two admissions to the acute unit each year. At
school they were regarded as either weird and/or dullards and to a
great extent performed (academically) as such. One of them has been
abducted twice, both times at Hogmany (a period of drinking to excess)
and not only was his brain removed for examination his intestinal
tract was taken for cloning.(His three friends believe totally.) He
has been on TV on a number of occasions talking about his ordeal. (One
of our school pals is now a well known TV reporter and correspondent
for a couple of US TV stations) One night when both the reporter and
myself were carrying him home he confided in us that he had met the
aliens that night in the toilet of the pub and that the mother ship
was going to show herself to us that night. It never happened and in
the morning he couldn't remember meeting any one let alone aliens.
Mind you we did not take him seriously because the reporter buddy
found him, in the middle of winter, up to his waist in the river
looking for his respiratory system which he had lost the night before.
All four are lovable, friendly, kind and helpful people but although I
love them they are accurately regarded as plonkers. The one thing you
do not take from them is advice. Surely the aliens being superior to
us would know this and find a messenger whom their intended audience
would find credible?

The second point I have to raise here is why do the aliens blow people
up like balloons? And, why stick things up the subjects rectum,
vagina, urethra down their throats? Anatomical literature is full of
information right down to minute details of cell content so why do
they risk exposure by,
1) using a duff anaesthetist (the subjects are half awake, feel pain
and remember what was done to them!)?
2) replicating such experiments not just once but dozens of times?
UFO literature is full of this sort of account.
3)allowing their research subjects to live and return to their homes?
Not all are given a message!

The more intelligent of my four pals is convinced, and he is not alone
in his conviction a number of English universities have given grants
and facilities to academics researching this field, that crop circles
are the creation of aliens who are trying to contact humans. Now given
that the aliens tend to take dickheads for research they should have
been able to work out by now that, given the quality of the material
they examined and the info gained, no one on earth could possibly work
out what the message might be! So why communicate in such a perverse
way? They would be better of taking a course with LinguaPhone. One of
my buddies tells me that they may well be different aliens who do not
have access to the others research! The wonders of whiskey!!

The other point which has worried me for some time is the need by
aliens to have lights on the side of their space craft whilst in
flight? I could see the need for having lights on the side whilst
docked to or in the mother ship but not whilst in flight. Revolving
lights at that! Maybe someone forgot to switch them off! That could
happen once and maybe twice but not all the time.

I would be interested in getting a thread going on all of the above
topics. But it seems to me that only the more seasoned UFO watcher
would have the knowledge and experience with which to bring to bear on
such matters.

Tim Simmons

Sep 15, 2003, 10:56:00 AM9/15/03

"Jeshua" <> wrote in message

Tim S.:

I'd avoid almost every site that contained the word "ministry" or
"ministries". If you want the low-down on a religion, you don't run
to the
nearest preacher and ask them for answers because they are blinded by
own biases and allegiance to the religion and therefore will not
take a sober look at the issues.

Do you think they'd say "Yes, there are many errors in the Bible."?

There are far too many scholarly works that expose Christianity for
what it
is - a myth - to waste one's life reading recycled "answers" that
contradict the very thing they try to defend.

Do police go to a suspect and ask "Did you do it?" and take their
word? No,
they look at the evidence. Go read (reread) the Bible, read from and refuse to throw away your reasoning
skills. It will work "wonders"!


Roger Pearse

Sep 23, 2003, 2:21:42 AM9/23/03
Ashludie <> wrote in message
> The second point I have to raise here is why do the aliens ... stick things
> up the subjects rectum, [etc]

If I had a space-ship as an infallible get-away method, I'd do the
same. Can't we all think of a few people who would benefit from the
rough end of a pineapple up their backside?

(The man from Del Monte, he say, "Ouch!".)

All the best,

Roger Pearse


Oct 1, 2003, 1:35:04 AM10/1/03

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Tim Simmons wrote:

> There are far too many scholarly works that expose Christianity for
> what it is - a myth - to waste one's life reading recycled "answers" that
> often contradict the very thing they try to defend.
> Do police go to a suspect and ask "Did you do it?" and take their
> word? No, they look at the evidence. Go read (reread) the Bible, read
> from
> and refuse to throw away your reasoning
> skills. It will work "wonders"!
> Tim

**There is plenty of evidence for the Bible being more than a book of
and fables, but of it being real and inspired. (if not perfect though)
They are even discovering secret Codes in the Hebrew writings!
Prophecies are coming about, in these times, as predicted thousands of
ago, and many have already come true. There IS evidence for it's

Only today, this news came in.............

From today's Netscape News
Sept.25, 2003

> Part of the Old Testament Proven True
> ackage.jsp?name=fte/biblicaltunnel/biblicaltunnel
> Read 2 Kings 20:20 and 2 Chronicles 32:30 in the Old Testament and you'll
> find a
> reference to a tunnel that was built in 700 B.C. by order of King Hezekiah
> to
> protect Jerusalem's water supply against an Assyrian siege. Long considered
> an
> engineering feat for that day and age, the serpentine tunnel ran 1,750 feet
> long
> and moved water from the Gihon spring across the entire city of ancient
> Jerusalem
> to the pool of Siloam.
> Fast forward to modern-day Jerusalem. The Siloam Tunnel in that city matches
> the
> biblical description of King Hezekiah's tunnel. But is it really the same
> one?
> That question has stumped scholars for years, many of whom insisted the
> Siloam
> Tunnel was built centuries later than the Bible suggested in Kings
> and Chronicles. The only clue that survived for more than 2,700 years is an
> inscription
> discovered in 1880 on a tunnel wall that supported the link to King
> Hezekiah,
> although it did not name him specifically, reports The Associated Press.
> Now geologists from the Cave Research Center at Hebrew University in
> Jerusalem
> think they have solved the mystery. By using radiocarbon testing to analyze
> the age of
> stalactite samples from the ceiling of the Siloam Tunnel and plant material
> recovered from its
> plaster floor, the biblical record and the tunnel's age have been confirmed,
> the
> researchers wrote in the journal Nature. The Siloam Tunnel is the one built
> by King Hezekiah.
> This is also significant because it is the first time that a
> well-identified
> biblical structure has been subjected to extensive radiocarbon dating.
> Even with all our modern-day technology and scientific knowledge, very
> little
> testing of biblical structures has been done to prove or disprove their age
> or authenticity.
> Why? The experts told AP such testing is difficult because it's often hard
> to identify such
> structures, they may be poorly preserved, or they may be restricted for
> various political or
> religious reasons.
> The Siloam Tunnel is different. It's long been a tourist attraction. Anyone
> can
> wander in it and see the pick marks the original builders made in the walls
> to adjust their course
> so the tunnel would meet with a second team of workers who were heading
> toward them from the
> opposite end of the city. AP notes that those pick marks tell us how
> difficult it
> was to connect the two ends of the tunnel.

> "The tunnel is extraordinary, but these guys didn't
> know where they were going a lot of the time," Hershel Shanks, an expert on
> the history of
> Jerusalem who writes for the Biblical Archaeology Review, told AP. Still, he
> added, "It's
> nice to have scientific confirmation for what the vast majority of biblical
> scholars and
> archaeologists believe."

*Also more evidence that Israel was the Jewish homeland thousands of
ago, as they claim. (and what all the fighting's all about! :-(

[peace ! +!

"Signs of the Times"
"All this talk of Jesus coming back to see us." ~ Elton
(An unusual journey. "From the end of the world, to your town")
**Please remove NOSPAM from email address**

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
<p>Tim Simmons wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>There are far too many scholarly works that
Christianity for
<br>what it is - a myth - to waste one's life reading recycled
<br>often contradict the very thing they try to defend.
<p>Do police go to a suspect and ask "Did you do it?" and take their
<br>word?&nbsp; No, they look at the evidence.&nbsp;&nbsp; Go read

the Bible, read from

<br> and refuse to throw away your
<br>skills.&nbsp; It will work "wonders"!

<p><br>**There is plenty of evidence for the Bible being more than a
of myths and fables, but of it being real and inspired. (if not
<br>They are even discovering secret Codes in the Hebrew writings!
<br>Prophecies are coming about, in these times, as predicted
of years ago, and many have already come true.&nbsp; There IS evidence
for it's truths!
<p>Only today, this news came in.............
<p>From today's Netscape News
<br>Sept.25, 2003
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>&nbsp;
<br>Part of the Old Testament Proven True
<p>Read 2 Kings 20:20 and 2 Chronicles 32:30 in the Old Testament and
find a
<br>reference to a tunnel that&nbsp; was built in 700 B.C. by order of
King Hezekiah to
<br>protect Jerusalem's water supply against an Assyrian siege. Long
<br>engineering feat for that day and age, the serpentine tunnel ran
feet long
<br>and moved water from the Gihon spring across the&nbsp; entire city
of ancient Jerusalem
<br>to the pool of Siloam.
<p>Fast forward to modern-day Jerusalem. The Siloam Tunnel in that
matches the
<br>biblical description of King Hezekiah's&nbsp; tunnel. But is it
the same one?
<br>That question has stumped scholars for years, many of whom
the Siloam
<br>Tunnel was built centuries later than the Bible suggested in Kings
<br>&nbsp;and Chronicles. The only clue that survived for more than
years is an
<br>&nbsp;discovered in 1880 on a tunnel wall that supported the link
King Hezekiah,
<br>although it did not name him specifically, reports The Associated
<p>Now geologists from the Cave Research Center at Hebrew University
<br>think they have solved the mystery. By using radiocarbon testing
analyze the age of
<br>stalactite samples from the ceiling of the Siloam Tunnel and plant
material recovered from its
<br>plaster floor, the biblical record and the tunnel's age have been
<br>researchers wrote in&nbsp; the journal Nature. The Siloam Tunnel
the one built by King Hezekiah.
<p>&nbsp;This is also significant because it is the first time that a
<br>biblical structure has been subjected to extensive radiocarbon
<p>&nbsp;Even with all our modern-day technology and scientific
very little
<br>testing of biblical structures has been done to prove or disprove
age or authenticity.
<br>Why? The experts told AP such testing is difficult because it's
hard to identify such
<br>structures, they may be poorly preserved, or they may be<b>
for various political or</b>
<br><b>religious reasons.</b>
<p>&nbsp;The Siloam Tunnel is different. It's long been a tourist
Anyone can
<br>wander in it and see the pick marks the original builders made in
walls to adjust their course
<br>so the tunnel would meet with a second team of workers who were
toward them from the
<br>opposite end of the city. AP notes that those pick marks tell us
difficult it
<br>was to connect the two ends of the tunnel.</blockquote>

<blockquote TYPE=CITE>"The tunnel is extraordinary, but these guys
<br>know where they were going a lot of the time," Hershel Shanks, an
on the history of
<br>Jerusalem who writes for the Biblical Archaeology Review, told AP.
Still, he added, "It's
<br>nice to have scientific confirmation for what the vast majority of
biblical scholars and
<br>archaeologists believe."</blockquote>

<p><br>*Also more evidence that Israel was the Jewish homeland
of years ago, as they claim. (and what all the fighting's all about!
<p>[peace ! +!
"Signs of the Times"
<br>&nbsp; "All this talk of Jesus coming back to see us." ~ Elton
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; (An unusual journey. "From the end of the world, to
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; **Please remove NOSPAM from email address**


charles sommers

Oct 3, 2003, 11:17:20 AM10/3/03

"Harmony&Me" <> wrote in message

> --------------45063E460E72488F24C4AFDD
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Tim Simmons wrote:
> > There are far too many scholarly works that expose Christianity for
> > what it is - a myth - to waste one's life reading recycled "answers" that
> > often contradict the very thing they try to defend.
> >
> > Do police go to a suspect and ask "Did you do it?" and take their
> > word? No, they look at the evidence. Go read (reread) the Bible, read
> > from
> > and refuse to throw away your reasoning
> > skills. It will work "wonders"!
> >
> > Tim
> **There is plenty of evidence for the Bible being more than a book of
> myths
> and fables, but of it being real and inspired. (if not perfect though)
> They are even discovering secret Codes in the Hebrew writings!


The "Bible Codes" have been completely debunked as a fraud.
The computer manipulations used to "discover" them, can find
the same type and number in numerous other pieces of literature.

> Prophecies are coming about, in these times, as predicted thousands of
> years
> ago, and many have already come true.


The prophecies are so vague they have been thought to have
come true over and over in history. Just during the time I have
read this group a contributer was absolutely convinced the earth
would end on a given date. The date has long passed...funny - we
haven't heard much from him.

> There IS evidence for it's
> truths!


Not only is there precious little evidence, there is more against
Besides, you shouldn't be dwelling on "evidence". You're supposed
to be functioning on "faith", which has been defined as "strong belief
without supporting evidence."


Oct 3, 2003, 11:17:24 AM10/3/03
On Wed, 01 Oct 2003 06:35:04 +0100, Harmony&Me
<> wrote:

>**There is plenty of evidence for the Bible being more than a book of
>and fables, but of it being real and inspired. (if not perfect though)
>They are even discovering secret Codes in the Hebrew writings!
>Prophecies are coming about, in these times, as predicted thousands of
>ago, and many have already come true. There IS evidence for it's

>From today's Netscape News
>Sept.25, 2003

>> This is also significant because it is the first time that a

>> well-identified
>> biblical structure has been subjected to extensive radiocarbon dating.

>*Also more evidence that Israel was the Jewish homeland thousands of

>ago, as they claim. (and what all the fighting's all about! :-(
>[peace ! +!

Most excellent news!! Now that people of the Judeo-Christian faith
have had something radiocarbon dated that confirms something from
their bible, I'm sure they'll believe all the other evidence proven by
radiocarbon dating. (sadly, none of it in their favor.)

James, Seattle

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