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Dr J Taylor

May 25, 1993, 10:03:13 AM5/25/93
I was weaned on South African beers, Castle Lager "somewhat dry somewhat
bitter never sweet", but the ultimate beergasm has to be Tafel Lager which
is brewed in Namibia, in the desert, among the sand dunes at Swakopmund.
Consult your atlas.

I have tried the following beers with an open, and sometimes vacant,mind.
German (Lowenbrau! Wow!), Belgian, Dutch, British, Mexican, USA, Canadian,
French, Austrian, as well as many British. The only beers that come close
are the Aussie ( Swan, XXXX, and of course Fosters (which is what the
British now seem drink) and the Mexican good stuff!

Unfortunately they must take a backseat to all Namibian beers (Windhoek,
Hansa and the ultimate- Tafel. This combination of German colonial, and
desert, is unique in the world, and this really is the ultimate beer. For
such a hot dry country, 45 degrees C all summer, these guys understand a
thirst. Not for nothing is it called the "Thirstland" (Dorstland).
This Tafel lager must be drunk in an ice frosted glass, after a hard days'
soldiering or some similar manly pursuit with a large hardwood fire and
steaks sizzling on the fire. Maybe a lion roaring in the background for good
atmosphere. Hurl it down your throat, let it burn on the way down,
and cool your stomach.
Sorry I have to go and have a beer.
Cheers vir eers!!!

David Hemer

May 27, 1993, 8:13:13 AM5/27/93
to (Dr J Taylor) writes:

>I was weaned on South African beers, Castle Lager "somewhat dry somewhat
>bitter never sweet", but the ultimate beergasm has to be Tafel Lager which
>is brewed in Namibia, in the desert, among the sand dunes at Swakopmund.
>Consult your atlas.

>I have tried the following beers with an open, and sometimes vacant,mind.
>German (Lowenbrau! Wow!), Belgian, Dutch, British, Mexican, USA, Canadian,
>French, Austrian, as well as many British. The only beers that come close
>are the Aussie ( Swan, XXXX, and of course Fosters (which is what the

^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^

>British now seem drink) and the Mexican good stuff!

....stuff deleted

It seems that you've only tried the worst of the Aussie beers, for mind
Coopers is the best beer brewed in Australia (Coopers Ale, Coopers Stout
Coopers Draught etc), try also Tooheys Red, Melbourne Bitter or
the old standard VB (Victorian Bitter), all much better drops.

And for any South Australians reading this, you'll be pleased to hear that
they're actually selling Coopers Ale on tap in some pubs, but for those
outside of Australia I fancy you'll probably have to come over here for
a taste of the good stuff (well worth the trip but).


David Hemer

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