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"Beer - A Genuine Collection of Cans"

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Feb 12, 2011, 12:43:40 PM2/12/11
Wall Street Journal

Retailers sold more than 49 million cases of beer in the two weeks
leading up to the Super Bowl last year, according to Nielsen. But
how many drinkers will stop during the game tomorrow to think about
the packaging of their favorite football beverage?

"Beer: A Genuine Collection of Cans" by Dan Backer and Lance Wilson
(Amazon: ) surveys almost 500 beer-can
designs from the 1930s to today. Cans have long had several
advantages over bottles. They are easier and cheaper to transport,
for one, and they also offer a larger surface for marketing.

The designs in "Beer" � pulled from one man's collection � range
from the outdoorsy scenes of Schmidt, to the "Lager Lovelies" of
the Scottish brewery Tennent's, to the sparest of generic
supermarket brands, simply stamped with the word "Beer." Among
today's collectors, rare vintage cans can sell for thousands of

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