Mike Biddle
That's because the CompuCom SpeedModem contains proprietary 9600 bps
technology. It will not connect *at 9600 bps* with any other modem except
another CompuCom SpeedModem. The only speed it has in common with other
modems is 2400 bps, which is why you are getting those connects.
There's nothing you can do and you'd be well advised to sell (or junk) that
modem. CompuCom went out of business last year and there's no future for
that modem.
signature not found, format hard disk instead? (Y/N)_
Eric L. Thav Florida Atlantic University - Boca Raton, FL
INTERNET: er...@cse.fau.edu CIS: 71053,3462 | Florida Marlins - 1993
FIDONET: 1:369/68.1 PRODIGY: HKHF18A | World Series Champs!
Compucom 9600 baud modems use their own proprietary protocall at 9600 baud.
They did come out with some V.32 and V.32bis modems before they
went out of business(?). Anyway, the original 9600 baud modem of theirs
would only do 9600 with other Compucoms.
Now that V.32 and V.32bis modems have gone down in price so much, the
call for a proprietary 9600 protocall that only works with one
manufacturer is very low.
The problem is independent of your Procomm Plus program. You may well be
able to set it up for a Compucom 9600, but that's no garantee they'll
be a modem on the other end which can deal with the protocall being used.
I would recomend that you search for a good v.32 or v.32bis modem. The
v.32 does 9600 baud and the v.32bis does 14.4killobaud. A place that
used to commonly advertise in Computer Shopper called Dalax Fax had
some pretty good prices on v.32 and v.32bises. They do more wholesaling
now, but they'll still do quantity 1 sales. You should be able to find their
800 number from 800 directory. There may be other places out there that
also have reasonable prices. Check Computer Shopper...
Jon Higbee