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This Day In History

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Robert Wolfe

Apr 24, 2021, 6:04:49 AM4/24/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


04/22/1357 Johan I, King of Portugal (1383-1433)
04/22/1451 Isabella I, of Castile, Queen of Spain (1479-1504), patron of Columb

04/22/1610 Alexander VIII, [Pietro Ottoboni], Italy, lawyer/Pope (1689-91)
04/22/1640 Mariana Alcoforado, Portugal, nun
04/22/1658 Giuseppe Torelli, Italy, composer (Concert Grossi op 8)
04/22/1682 Willem I Kerricx the Young, Flemish architect/sculptor/painter
04/22/1690 John Carteret, Earl Granville (C), English chief minister (1722-42)
04/22/1707 Henry Fielding, England, novelist (Joseph Andrews, Tom Jones)
04/22/1724 Immanuel Kant, Germany, philosopher (Critique of Pure Reason)
04/22/1766 Madame de Sta‰l, Swiss-French belle-lettrist (An Extraordinary Woman

04/22/1773 Jean V baron de Rebecque, Swiss/Dutch army leader
04/22/1775 Georg Hermes, German philosopher/theologist (Hermenianen)
04/22/1781 Christian Friedrich Hermann Uber, composer
04/22/1799 Jean Poiseuille, physician/physiologist (blood pressure)
04/22/1818 Cadwallader Colden Washburn, Major General (Union volunteers)
04/22/1823 Alfred Gibbs, Major General (Union Army), died in 1868
04/22/1827 William Hopkins Morris, Major General (Union volunteers), died in 19

04/22/1828 Guilherme Antonio Cossoul, composer
04/22/1831 Alexander McDowell McCook, Major General (Union volunteers)
04/22/1832 Julius Sterling Morton, Nebraska, (Gov-Neb), started Arbor Day
04/22/1839 August W Eichler, German botanist
04/22/1853 Alphonse Bertillon, France, anthropologist, devised crime ID system
04/22/1854 Henri-Marie Lafontaine, Belgium, international lawyer (Nobel 1913)
04/22/1858 Ethel Mary Smyth, composer
04/22/1863 Cornelis A J van Dishoeck, publisher
04/22/1866 Hans von Seeckt, German general (Future of the Reich)
04/22/1868 Jose Vianna da Motta, composer
04/22/1870 Nikolai Lenin, [Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov], Bolshevik/USSR revolutionis

04/22/1873 Ellen Anderson Glasgow, US, novelist (Ancient Law, Pulitzer-1942)
04/22/1876 O E R”lvaag, Norwegian-American novelist (Giants in the Earth)
04/22/1876 Robert B r ny, Sweden, otologist, vestibular expert (Nobel 1914)
04/22/1878 Kitty Gordon, entertainer
04/22/1884 Armas Emmanuel Launis, composer
04/22/1884 John van Capel, oldest man in Netherlands (Dies Sept 3, 1992)
04/22/1884 Otto Rank [Rosenfeld], Austria psychoanalysis (K nstler)
04/22/1891 Belle Bennett, actress (Way of All Flesh, Stella Dallas, Iron Mask)
04/22/1891 Sergei Sergeyevich Prokofiev, composer
04/22/1892 Nikolai Obouhov, composer
04/22/1899 Martyn Green, actor (Gilbert & Sullivan, Mikado, Iceman Cometh)
04/22/1902 Megan Lloyd George, English politician
04/22/1904 J[ulius] Robert Oppenheimer, head of Manhattan (A-bomb) Project
04/22/1904 Robert J Oppenheimer, US nuclear physics/director (Los Alamos)
04/22/1906 Eric William Fenby, composer/president (Delius Society)
04/22/1908 Eddie Albert, [Heimberger], Rock Island Il, actor (Oliver-Green Acre

04/22/1909 Ralph Byrd, Dayton Ohio, actor (Dick Tracy TV Show)
04/22/1910 Eric Scowen, physician
04/22/1910 R J Ritchie, tennis player
04/22/1912 Gavalda Miguel Querol, composer
04/22/1912 Kathleen Mary Ferrier, England, contralto (Orfeo Ed Evridice)
04/22/1914 Charles Hubert Sisson, author/poet (Christopher Homm)
04/22/1914 Jan de Hartog, Dutch/English writer (Holland's Glory)
04/22/1915 Dick Dudley, Tenn, TV host (Village Barn)
04/22/1915 Lord Airedale, British social democrat
04/22/1916 Earl of Oxford & Asquith, governor (Seychelles)
04/22/1916 Yehudi Menuhin, NYC, violinist/conductor (Bartok's Sonata)
04/22/1917 Leo Abse, biographer/MP
04/22/1917 Mile Yvette Chauvir‚, ballerina assoluta
04/22/1917 Sidney Nolan, Australia, painter/illustrator (Ned Kelly)
04/22/1918 Robert Wadlow, Alton Ill, world's tallest man (8'11.1')
04/22/1919 Donald Cram, US, biochemist (Nobel 1987)
04/22/1920 Hal March, SF Calif, actor/TV host ($64,000 Question, Outrage)
04/22/1922 Charles Mingus, Arizona, jazz bassist (Pithecanthropus Erectus)
04/22/1922 Lou Stein, Phila Pa, pianist (Tonight! America After Dark)
04/22/1922 Richard C Diebenkorn Jr, US, painter (Ocean Park Paintings)
04/22/1923 Betty Page, Kingsport Tn, playmate (Jan, 1955)/model (Dark Angel)
04/22/1923 Hugh Lloyd, actor (Punch & Judy Man, Dunroamin' Rising)
04/22/1923 Paula Fox, US children's books author (Poor George)
04/22/1923 Peter Bowring, CEO (C T Bowring)
04/22/1925 George Cole, actor (Minder, Vampire Lovers, Gone in 60 Seconds)
04/22/1926 Bob Flannigan, Greencastle Ind, singer (4 Freshmen)
04/22/1926 Charlotte Rae, Milwaukee Wisc, actress (Edna-Facts of Life)
04/22/1927 Pascal Bentoiu, composer
04/22/1928 Aaron Spelling, TV executive producer (Charlie's Angels)
04/22/1929 Margaret Pereira, forensic scientist
04/22/1929 Michael Atiyah, educator (Trinity College - Cambridge England)
04/22/1929 Robert Wade-Gery, diplomat/exec director (Barclays de Zoete Wedd)
04/22/1931 Henk Gortzak, Dutch 2nd chamber member (CPN/PSP)
04/22/1931 Robert Dickson, Canada, ice hockey player (1948)
04/22/1931 Ronald Hynd, British choreographer
04/22/1931 Siem Devout, actor
04/22/1932 Michael Colgrass, Chicago Illinois, composer (Best Wishes)
04/22/1933 John A Llewellyn, Cardiff Wales, astronaut
04/22/1933 Robin Hutton, merchant banker
04/22/1934 Nico Ladenis, restauranteur
04/22/1934 Viscount Portman
04/22/1935 Christopher Ball, linguist/warden (Keble College-Oxford)
04/22/1935 Glen Campbell, Delight Ark, actor/singer (Time I Get to Phoenix)
04/22/1937 Bobbi Fiedler, (Rep-R-CA, 1981- )
04/22/1937 David Summerscale, head master (Westminster School England)
04/22/1937 Jack Nicholson, NJ, actor (One Flew Over Cuckoo's Nest, Shining)
04/22/1937 Kenneth Palmer, cricket umpire
04/22/1938 Alan Bond, tycoon/yachtsman
04/22/1939 Jason Miller, actor/writer (Exorcist, Light of Day)
04/22/1944 Joshua Rifkin, composer
04/22/1945 Alan Dukes, Irish leader (Fine Gael)
04/22/1945 Donald Graham, US businessman(?)
04/22/1945 Giel˜n Escher, Dutch postage stamp artist
04/22/1945 Robert Key, MP/British undersecretary for National Heritage
04/22/1946 Archy Kirkwood, MP (L-D)
04/22/1946 Dectuplets, Bacacay Brazil, 8 males & 2 females
04/22/1947 Barry Guy, composer
04/22/1948 Carole Drinkwater, actress (Father, Haunted School)
04/22/1949 Spencer Haywood, Silver City Ms, NBAer (Oly-gold-1968, Knicks)
04/22/1950 Lewis Biggs, curator (Tate Gallery-North Liverpool)
04/22/1950 Peter Frampton, rock guitarist/vocalist (Frampton Comes Alive)
04/22/1952 Tamara Sergeyevna Zakharova, cosmonaut
04/22/1954 Joseph Bottoms, Santa Barbara Cal, actor (Surfacing, Blind Date)
04/22/1955 Arthur Baker, rock producer (Afrika Banbaataa-Planet Rock)
04/22/1956 Catherine Mary Stewart, actress (Passion & Paradise, Riding the Edge

04/22/1957 Ethel White, WBL guard (NY Stars)
04/22/1960 Lloyd Honeyghan, welterweight boxing champ
04/22/1961 Byron Allen, LA Calif, comedian (Real People, Byron Allen Show)
04/22/1961 Jeff Hostetler, NFL QB (NY Giants, 1990 Superbowl)
04/22/1962 Michael Damien, actor (Young & Restless)
04/22/1964 Chris Makepeace, actor (Vamp, My Bodyguard, Meatballs, Oasis)
04/22/1967 Sheryl Lee, actress (Love Lies & Murder)
04/22/1968 Vernell Coles, basketball player (Olympic-bronze-1988)
04/22/1969 Craig Logan, Scotland, rock bassist (Bros Front, Bon Jovi-New Jersey

04/22/197- Scott Nemes, actor (Grant Schumacker-It's Garry Shandling)
04/22/1972 Anna Falchi, Tampera Finland, actress (La Dolce Vita '90)
04/22/1980 Aaron Metchnik, Santa Barbara Calif, actor (Stephen-Torkelsons)
04/22/1985 Lauri Hendler, Ft Belvoir Va, actress (Julie-Gimme a Break)


04/22/ 536 Agapitus I, Italian Pope (535-36), dies
04/22/1253 Elias van Cortona, Italian general (1232-39), dies at about 53
04/22/1355 Eleonora Plantagenet, daughter of King Eduard II, dies at 36
04/22/1462 Gilbert of Lannoy, master of Villerval/Tronchiennes/Santes, dies
04/22/1648 Catharina Belgian van Nassau, daughter of Willem, dies at 69
04/22/1662 John Tradescant, gardener, dies
04/22/1699 Hans A Freiherr von Abschatz, poet, dies
04/22/1776 Johann Adolph Scheibe, German music theroist/composer, dies at 67
04/22/1778 James Hargreaves, inventor (spinning jenny), dies
04/22/1782 Josef Ferdinand Norbert Seger, composer, dies at 66
04/22/1788 Zacharias H Alewijn, poet, dies at 46
04/22/1827 Thomas Rowlandson, cartoonist, dies
04/22/1830 Knud L Rahbek, Danish literary, dies at 69
04/22/1833 Richard Trevithick, inventor (steam locomotive), dies at 62
04/22/1844 Henri-Montan Berton, composer, dies at 76
04/22/1864 Joseph Gilbert Totten, US Union general-major, dies at 76
04/22/1878 Top Naeff, [Anthonetta van Rh˜n-N], writer, dies
04/22/1883 Octave Fouque, composer, dies at 38
04/22/1892 Edouard Lalo, composer, dies at 69
04/22/1901 William Stubbs, historian/bishop, dies
04/22/1908 Henry Campbell-Bannerman, British premier (1905-08), dies
04/22/1925 Andre Caplet, composer, dies at 46
04/22/1929 Odon Peter Jozsef de Mihalovich, composer, dies at 86
04/22/1930 Jeppe Aakj‘r, Danish journalist/author/poet (Rugens sange), dies at

04/22/1933 Frederick Henry Royce, motorcar pioneer, dies
04/22/1944 Mezio Agostini, composer, dies at 68
04/22/1946 Harlan Fiske Stone, Chief Justice Supreme Court (1941-46), dies at 7

04/22/1946 Lionel Atwill, actor (Capt Blood, Great Waltz), dies at 61
04/22/1950 Charles H Houston, architect of NAACP legal campaign, dies at 54
04/22/1951 Stanley Ridges, actor (possessed, Sgt York, Mr Ace), dies
04/22/1957 I Roy D Campbell, British writer (Garcia Lorca), dies at 54
04/22/1957 Ignatius Roy Dunnachie Campbell, poet, dies
04/22/1962 Solomon Pimsleur, composer, dies at 61
04/22/1962 Vera Reynolds, actress (Dragnet Patrol, Lawless Woman), dies at 62
04/22/1967 Tom Conway, actor (Mark Saber, Betty Hutton Show), dies at 62
04/22/1975 Mary Philips, actress (Farewell to Arms), dies at 75
04/22/1976 Frutuoso de Lima Viana, composer, dies at 79
04/22/1977 Charles Sanford, orch leader (Your Show of Shows), dies at 71
04/22/1978 Will Geer, actor (Grandpa Walton-Waltons), dies at 75
04/22/1980 Jane Froman, singer (Jane Froman's USA Canteen), dies at 72
04/22/1981 Brailsford Reese Brazeal, dean (Morehouse College), dies at 76
04/22/1982 Melville Bell Grosvenor, pres (Natl Geographic Society), dies at 80
04/22/1983 Earl 'Fatha' Hines, US, jazz pianist/conductor, dies
04/22/1983 Walter Slezak, actor (Lifeboat, Spy Hunt, Black Beauty), dies at 80
04/22/1984 Ansel Adams, US photographer, dies at 82
04/22/1988 Irene Rich, US actress (Beau Brumell, Champ), dies at 96
04/22/1989 Huey Newton, US, Black Panther leader, shot dead at 47
04/22/1990 Bertil Unger, actor, dies
04/22/1992 Billy Wayne White, murderer, executed in Texas, at 34
04/22/1992 Joop [Joseph] van Santen, Dutch 1st Chamber member (CPN), dies
04/22/1992 Youcca Troubatzkoy, actress (Flower of the Night), dies
04/22/1993 Andries Treurnicht, founder S Afr Conservative Party, dies at 72
04/22/1993 Cesar Chavez, US farm worker (United Farm Workers), dies at 66
04/22/1993 Mark Koenig, baseball shortstop (NY Yankees), dies at 88
04/22/1994 D Nauta, theologist/church historian/lawyer, dies at 96
04/22/1994 Richard Milhous Nixon, 37th President (1969-75), dies at 81 of strok

Significant Events:

04/22/ 296 St Gaius ends his reign as Catholic Pope
04/22/ 536 St Agapitus I ends his reign as Catholic Pope
04/22/ 687 -BC- Chinese record a meteor shower in Lyra
04/22/1073 Pope Alexander II buried/Ildebrando chosen as Pope Gregory VII
04/22/1145 19th recorded perihelion passage of Halley's Comet
04/22/1164 Raynald of Dassel names Guido di Crema as anti-pope Paschalis III
04/22/1370 Bastille begins being built in Paris
04/22/1500 Pedro Alvarez Cabral discovers Brazil & claims it for Portugal
04/22/1509 Henry VIII ascended to throne of England
04/22/1526 1st slave revolt occurs in SC
04/22/1529 Spain & Portugal divide eastern hemisphere in Treaty of Saragosa
04/22/1662 Royal Society incorporates
04/22/1674 Netherlands & M nster sign peace treaty
04/22/1676 Battle of Etna (Ned/Spain-France, M de Ruyter fatally wounded
04/22/1769 Madame du Barry becomes King Louis XV's 'official' mistress
04/22/1796 Napoleon defeats Piedmontese at Battle of Mondovi
04/22/1809 Battle at Eckm hl - Napoleon beats Austria arch duke Karl
04/22/1817 Cura‡ao prohibits use of white paint due to fierce sunlight
04/22/1823 Baltic Club (Exchange) forms in London
04/22/1838 English steamship 'Sirius' docks in NYC after Atlantic crossing
04/22/1861 Robert E Lee named commander of Virginia forces
04/22/1864 US mints 2› coin (1st appearance of 'In God We Trust')
04/22/1876 1st NL game, Boston Braves beat Phila Athletics 6-5
04/22/1884 Thomas Stevens starts 1st bike trip around world (2 yrs 9 mos)
04/22/1889 Oklahoma land rush officially started; some were 'sooner'
04/22/1897 NYC Jewish newspaper 'Forward' begins publishing (stiil active)
04/22/1898 1st Spanish-American War action: USS Nashville, takes enemy ship
04/22/1898 Baltimore James Hughes no-hits Boston Braves 8-0
04/22/1898 Cincinnati Red Theodore Breitenstein no-hits Pirates 11-0
04/22/1898 US gunboat Nashville defeats Spanish ship Buena Ventura
04/22/1898 US president Mckinley orders blockade of Cuban harbors
04/22/1903 American Power Boat Association forms
04/22/1903 NY Highlanders (Yankees) 1st game, Senators win 3-1 before 11,950
04/22/1905 Operations beginn uniting conservatory of Nature monument Amsterdam
04/22/1906 10th anniversay Olympic games open at Athens, Greece
04/22/1909 A Kopff discovers asteroid #680 Genoveva
04/22/1911 H E Wood discovers asteroid #715 Transvaalia
04/22/1913 Montenegro troops march into Skoetari, North-Albania
04/22/1914 Mexico ends diplomatic relations with US
04/22/1915 1st military use of poison gas (chlorine, by Germany) in WW I
04/22/1915 2nd Battle of Ypres begins
04/22/1915 Yankees don pinstripes & hat-in-the-ring logo for 1st time
04/22/1922 South Ossetian Autonomous Region established in Georgian SSR
04/22/1924 Hague Chambers of Commerce forms
04/22/1925 K Reinmuth discovers asteroids #1042 Amazone & #1043 Beate
04/22/1926 Persia, Turkey & Afghanistan sign treaties of security
04/22/1927 K Reinmuth discovers asteroid #1209 Pumma
04/22/1930 H Van Gent discovers asteroid #1226 Golia
04/22/1930 US, Britain & Japan agree to reduce naval forces
04/22/1931 Egypt & Iraq sign peace treaty
04/22/1933 Dutch govt forbids leftwing radio address
04/22/1937 NYC college students stage 4th annual peace strike
04/22/1941 Y Vaisala discovers asteroid #1567 Alikoski
04/22/1943 RAF shoots down 14 German transport planes over Mediterranean Sea
04/22/1944 Allies land near Hollandia, New-Guinea
04/22/1944 Hitler & Mussolini meet at Salzburg
04/22/1945 Concentration Camp at Sachsenhausen liberated
04/22/1945 Toronto Maple Leafs beat Det Red Wings 4 games to 3 for Stanley Cup
04/22/1946 SED, Sozialistic Einheitspartei Deutschlands, party forms
04/22/1947 Philadelphia beats Chicago, 4 games to 2, for 1st NBA championship
04/22/1948 WTVR TV channel 6 in Richmond, VA (CBS) begins broadcasting
04/22/1951 Ticker-tape parade for General MacArthur in NYC
04/22/1952 1st atomic explosion on network news, Nob, Nevada
04/22/1954 Achiel of Acker forms Belgian govt
04/22/1954 NBA adopts 24-second shot clock & 6 team-foul rule
04/22/1954 Senate Army-McCarthy televised hearings began
04/22/1954 USSR joins UNESCO
04/22/1955 Congress orders all US coins bear motto 'In God We Trust'
04/22/1955 KC Athletic's 1st game, beat Tigers 6-2
04/22/1961 Uprising of French parachutist of Gen Salan/Challe in Algeria
04/22/1962 Tor Maple Leafs beat Black Hawks 4 games to 2 for Stanley Cup
04/22/1964 Tanganyika & Zanzibar form republic Tanzania
04/22/1964 World's Fair (Flushing Meadow, Corona Park, NY) opens
04/22/1966 Atlanta Braves win their 1st game, beating NY Mets 8-4
04/22/1967 Martial Law goes into effect in Greece
04/22/1969 Joe Frazier KOs Dave Zygiewicz in 1:36
04/22/1969 Robin Knox-Johnston ends 312 day non-stop sailing
04/22/1970 1st Earth Day held internationally to conserve natural resources
04/22/1970 NY Met Jerry Grote sets record of 20 put outs by a catcher
04/22/1970 NY Met Tom Seaver strikes out last 10 Padres, for a total of 19
04/22/1970 Senators beat Yankees 2-1 in 18 innings
04/22/1971 Soyuz 10 launched
04/22/1972 Apollo astronauts John Young & Charles Duke ride on Moon
04/22/1974 Barbara Walters becomes news co-anchor of Today Show
04/22/1974 C Torres discovers asteroid #2976 Lautaro
04/22/1975 Penguins 2-Isles 4-Quarterfinals-Penguins hold 3-2 lead
04/22/1976 Barbara Walters becomes 1st female nightly network news anchor
04/22/1976 Director Ingmar Bergman leaves Sweden due to taxation
04/22/1977 Simon Peres becomes premier of Israel
04/22/1979 Mick Jaggar & Keith Richards give a benefit concert in Canada
04/22/1981 10,000 copper workers in Chile strike
04/22/1981 Almost 1 million West German metal workers in strike
04/22/1982 Atlanta Braves lose after winning 1st 13 games of season
04/22/1982 Launch of STS-3-Lousma & Fullerton [03/23]
04/22/1983 Rangers 2-Isles 5-Patrick Div Finals-Isles win series 4-2
04/22/1983 Soyuz T-8 returns to Earth
04/22/1986 Consumer Price Index drops .04% for 2nd month in a row
04/22/1987 Sri Lanka Air Force bomb Tamil, 100s killed
04/22/1989 Nolan Ryan strikesout his 5,000th batter (Rickey Henderson)
04/22/1990 Lebanon releases hostage Robert Polhill
04/22/1991 Earthquake strikes Costa Rica & Panama, kills 95
04/22/1991 Intel releases 486SX chip
04/22/1991 Johnny Carson announces he will retire next year from Tonight Show
04/22/1991 Shalom America (Jewish cable network) is launched in Brooklyn & Quee

04/22/1992 Gas explodes in sewer, kills 200 in Guadalajara Mexico
04/22/1992 Holocaust Museum dedicated in Washington DC
04/22/1992 Richter 6 Earthquake in California
04/22/1993 Seattle Mariner Chris Basio no-hits Boston Red Sox
04/22/1994 Ice skater Tonya Harding sues ex-husband Jeff Gillooly for $42,500
04/22/1994 Michael Moorer beats Hollyfield to become 1st lefty HW boxing champ
04/22/1994 Schelto Patijn appointed mayor of Amsterdam

+ The FidoNet News Gate (Huntsville, AL - USA) +
+ The views of this user are strictly his or her own. +

Robert Wolfe

Apr 24, 2021, 6:04:49 AM4/24/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


04/23/1464 Johanna van Valois, Queen of France
04/23/1464 Robert Fayrfax, composer
04/23/1484 Julius C‘sar Scaliger, Italy, scholar (On the Subtlety of Things)
04/23/1500 Alexander Alesius, [Aless/Alane], System theologist/physician
04/23/1547 Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, Spanish writer (Don Quioxite)
04/23/1564 William Shakespeare, bard (Hamlet, MacBeth, Julius C‘sar) (approx)
04/23/1598 Maarten Harpertszoon Tromp, naval commander
04/23/1629 John Commelin, director (Hortus Botanist Amsterdam)
04/23/1649 Andreas Kneller, composer
04/23/1697 George Baron Anson, British admiral/explorer
04/23/1715 Johann Friedrich Doles, composer
04/23/1728 Samuel Wallis, explorer (Wallis Island)
04/23/1731 William Williams, US merchant (signed Decl of Independence)
04/23/1735 Ildephons Haas, composer
04/23/1747 Alexandre-Auguste Robineau, composer
04/23/1756 Alexander Reinagle, composer
04/23/1775 Joseph Mallord Turner, England, landscape painter (Shipwreck)
04/23/1791 James Buchanan, Cove Gap PA, (Fed/Dem), 15th US president (1857-61)
04/23/1791 W Friedrich Olivier, German landscape painter/cartoonist
04/23/1803 Jules J baron d'Anethan, Belgian minister of Justice
04/23/1809 Eugene-Prosper Prevost, composer
04/23/1810 Thomas Wright, historian
04/23/1812 Louis-Antoine Julien, conductor
04/23/1813 Stephen Arnold Douglas, (Little giant), US senator (Lincoln debates)

04/23/1818 James Anthony Froude, historian
04/23/1818 John Gill Shorter, Gov (Confederacy), died in 1872
04/23/1821 Pierre Dupont, song writer
04/23/1823 Abd l-Medjid, 31st sultan of Turkey (1839-61)
04/23/1827 Johann F Ritter von Schulte, German Catholic lawyer
04/23/1828 Albert FA, king of Saxon (1873-1902)
04/23/1852 Edwin Markham, US, poet (1st winner of Amer Acad of Poets Award 1937

04/23/1855 Earnest L Wolzogen, German writer (stichtte cabaret šberbrettl)
04/23/1857 Ruggero Leoncavallo, Naples Italy, composer (I Medici)
04/23/1858 Ethel Mary Smyth, composer
04/23/1858 Max KE Ludwig Planck, German physicist (Planck constant, Nobel 1918
04/23/1861 Edmund Henry Hynman, 1st viscount Allenby of Megiddo/Field Marshal
04/23/1867 Simon Abramsz, Dutch teacher
04/23/1877 Arthur Farwell, composer
04/23/1881 Otakar Sini, composer
04/23/1882 Albert Coates, St Petersburg Russia, conductor/composer (Eagle)
04/23/1882 Max [G M J] Winders Maximilien, Belgium, architect (WW II)
04/23/1890 Donald Nichols Tweedy, composer
04/23/1890 Marcel L'Herbier, French director/screenwriter (El Dorado)
04/23/1891 Sergey Sergeyevich Prokofiev, Ukraine, composer (Peter & the Wolf)
04/23/1892 Minus van Looi, [Benjamin van der Neart], Flemish writer
04/23/1893 Frank Borzage, Salt Lake City, director (7th Heaven, Strange Cargo)
04/23/1894 Basil Sydney, actor (Hamlet, Jassy, Simba, Farmer's Wife)
04/23/1894 Georges Renavent, actor (Moulin Rouge, Scotland Yard, Comrade X)
04/23/1896 Margaret Kennedy, novelist
04/23/1897 Harold French, director (Encore)/actor
04/23/1897 John Wengraf, actor (12 to Moon, Pride & Passion)
04/23/1897 Lester Bowles Pearson, (L) 14th Canadian PM (1963-68) (Nobel 1957)
04/23/1897 Lucius du Bignon Clay, US, general (WW II)/gov (West Germany)
04/23/1898 Edwin E Dwinger, German writer (General Wlassow)
04/23/1899 Edith Ngaio Marsh, NZ, Kiwi mystery writer (Black Beech & Honeydew)
04/23/1899 Vladimir Nabokov, St Petersburg Russia, novelist (Lolita, Ada)
04/23/1900 Ary Verhaar, composer
04/23/1900 Henry Barraud, composer
04/23/1902 Halld¢r Laxness, Iceland, novelist (Salka Valka) (Nobel 1955)
04/23/1904 Duncan Renaldo, Spain, actor (Cisco Kid)
04/23/1904 Leslie French, actor/singer (More than a Miracle)
04/23/1905 Lord Carew
04/23/1906 Marcel Hillaire, Cologne Germany, actor (Adv in Paradise)
04/23/1906 Maria Arnoldo, [Adrianus Broeders], photographer/writer
04/23/1907 Baroness Dudley
04/23/1908 Herbert Telley, British actuary
04/23/1909 Thomas Padmore, senior civil servant
04/23/1911 Ronald Neame, director (1st Monday in Oct, Poseidon Adventure)
04/23/1913 Jan Meyerowitz, composer
04/23/1914 Andrew Martin, Lord-Lt (Lechestershire England)
04/23/1914 John Hubbard, Indiana Harbor Indiana, actor (Don't Call Me Charlie)
04/23/1914 Mitsu Suzuki, teacher of tea ceremony at SF Zen Center
04/23/1914 Simone Simon, France, actress (All Money Can Buy, Ladies in Love)
04/23/1915 Arnold Hall, CEO (Hawker Siddeley Group)
04/23/1916 Bud Wilkinson, college football coach (Oklahoma)
04/23/1917 Jacob Kistemaker, nuclear physicist (ultra centrifuge)
04/23/1918 Anthony Craxton, British TV producer
04/23/1918 Maurice Druon, [Kessel], French writer/journalist (Prix Goncourt)
04/23/1919 Dorian Leigh, entertainer
04/23/1919 Talivaldis Kenins, composer
04/23/1920 Eric Yarrow, CEO (Clydesdale Bank)
04/23/1920 Louis Barron, composer
04/23/1921 Janet Blair, Altoona Pa, actress (Leave it to the Girls, Smith Famil

04/23/1921 Warren Spahn, left-handed pitcher (Boston/Milwaukee Braves)
04/23/1922 Boy [Segundo JA] Ecury, Aruba, resistance fighter
04/23/1922 Diarmuid Downs, auto engineer
04/23/1923 Avram Davidson, US, sci-fi author (Hugo, Peregrine: Primus, Rork!)
04/23/1923 James Kirkup, travel writer/poet/novelist (African in Greenland)
04/23/1924 Arthur Frackenpohl, Irving NJ, composer (Natural Superiority of Musi

04/23/1924 Colin Welch, columnist/critic
04/23/1924 Malcolm Anson, CEO (Wessex Water Authority)
04/23/1926 James P Donleavy, Brooklyn, novelist (Ginger Man, Onion Eaters)
04/23/1926 Richard Laws, Master (St Edmunds College Cambridge)
04/23/1927 Russell Smith, composer
04/23/1928 Bill Cotton, CEO (Noel Gay TV)
04/23/1928 Okke Jager, theologist/writer/poet
04/23/1928 Shirley Temple Black, Santa Monica Calif, child actress/ambassador
04/23/1929 George Steiner, professor of English
04/23/1930 Michael Bowen, RC Archbishop (Southwark)
04/23/1932 Halston, [R Halston Frowick], fashion designer (1972 Hall of Fame)
04/23/1932 Jim Fixx, jogger/writer (Jim Fixx on Running)
04/23/1933 Roger Wittevrongel, Flemish painter
04/23/1935 David Evans, MP
04/23/1936 Elias, [Etienne Michiels], Flemish painter
04/23/1936 Glen Campbell, Billstown Ar, country singer (Gavelston)
04/23/1936 Joseph Willaert, Flemish painter
04/23/1936 Roy Orbison, sings about his Pretty Woman (Traveling Willberries)
04/23/1937 Victoria Glendinning, author (Edith Sitwell A Unicorn Among Lions)
04/23/1938 Russell Hillhouse, under-sect Scottish Office
04/23/1938 Steven D Symms, (Sen-R-ID, 1981- )
04/23/1939 David Birney, Wash DC, actor (Brigette Loves Bernie, St Elsewhere)
04/23/1939 Ray Peterson, Denton Tx, singer (Tell Laura I Love Her)
04/23/1939 William Hagerty, editor (People)
04/23/1940 Lee Majors, [Harvey Yeary], TV actor ($6,000,000 Man, Stunt Man)
04/23/1940 Richard Monaco, US, sci-fi author (Grail War, Final Quest)
04/23/1941 Ed Stewart, British DJ
04/23/1941 Hal Daub, (Rep-R-NB, 1981- )
04/23/1942 Sandra Dee, Bayonne NJ, actress (Gidget, Imitation of Life)
04/23/1943 Carmen von Thyssen, Barcelona Spain, Baroness
04/23/1943 Herve Villechaize, France, 'Da Plane! Da Plane!' (Fantasy Island)
04/23/1943 Hugh Davies, composer
04/23/1943 Tony Esposito, Ontario, NHL goalie (Chicago Blackhawks)
04/23/1947 Bernadette Devlin McAliskey, Ireland, political activist (or 1940)
04/23/1947 Saskia, [Trudy van den Berg], singer (S & Serge, Spinning Wheel)
04/23/1948 Tessa Wyatt, actress (Beast in the Cellar, Wedding Night)
04/23/1949 Blair Brown, Wash DC, actress (Altered States, Molly Dodd)
04/23/1949 John Miles, vocal/guitar/keyboards (John Miles Band-Rebel, Zaragon)
04/23/1949 Joyce DeWitt, Wheeling WV, actress (Janet Wood-Three's Company)
04/23/1949 Walter Sweeney, MP
04/23/1951 Loek M L H A Hermans, Dutch 2nd chamber member (VVD)
04/23/1952 Lionel Johnston, Augusta Ga, actor (Sons & Daughters)
04/23/1952 Narada, [Michael Walden], Mich, rocker (Don't Want Nobody Else)
04/23/1952 Tony Maselli, (fictional character on 'Who's the Boss')
04/23/1953 Fred Upton, (Rep-R-Michigan)
04/23/1953 James Russo, actor (My Own Private Idaho, China Girl, Extremities)
04/23/1955 Mike Smith, British DJ
04/23/1955 Su Ingle, British TV hostess
04/23/1955 Tony Miles, chess player
04/23/1957 Jan Hooks, Decatur Georgia, comedienne actress (SNL, Designing Women

04/23/1958 Max Planck, physicist (Quanta Physics)
04/23/1960 Steve Clark, rock guitarist (Def Leppard-Hysteria)
04/23/1960 Valerie Bertinelli, Del, (1 Day at a Time, Sydney); Ms Eddie Van Hal

04/23/1964 Dan Frischman, Whippany NJ, actor (Arvid Engen-Head of the Class)
04/23/1964 Gen, [Simon Matthews], English pop drummer (Jesus Jones-Zeroes & One

04/23/1967 Brent Muscat, rocker (Faster Pussycat-Wake Me When It's Over)
04/23/1967 Melina Kanakaredes, Akron Ohio, actress (Eleni Andros-Guiding Light)

04/23/1968 Susan Emily Savastano, E Providence RI, Miss RI-America (1991)
04/23/1969 Nadeem Shahid, cricketer
04/23/1981 Lady Gabriella MAO Windsor, daughter of English prince Michael


04/23/ 34 Christ, crucified, according to Isaac Newton
04/23/ 303 George, knight/saint/patron of England, beheaded
04/23/ 990 Ekkehart II, [Palatinus], monk to St-Gallen/poet
04/23/ 997 Vojtech 'Adalbert' of Prague, 2nd bishop of Prague/apostle, dies at

04/23/0303 George, knight of Cappadoci‰?/saint/patron of England, beheaded
04/23/1016 Aethelbred II 'the Unready', king of England (979-1016), dies
04/23/1416 Blaise/Blasius of Parma, Ital astrologist/philosopher/algebra, dies
04/23/1616 Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, Spanish writer (Don Quixote), dies at

04/23/1616 William Shakesphere, Engl author (Hamlet), dies on his 52nd birthday

04/23/1625 Maurice of Nassau, Prince of Orange, dies, dies at 57
04/23/1670 Loreto Vittori, composer, dies at 69
04/23/1695 Henry Vaughan, poet (Silex Scintillans), dies at 72
04/23/1728 Tomas de Torrejon y Velasco, composer, dies at 83
04/23/1732 Cajetan Kolberer, composer, dies at 64
04/23/1740 Thomas Tickell, poet, dies
04/23/1742 Mihael Omerza, composer, dies at 62
04/23/1762 Johann Samuel Endler, composer, dies at 67
04/23/1774 Christian Wilhelm Ernst Dietrich, painter, dies
04/23/1812 Franz Sebastian Haindl, composer, dies at 85
04/23/1827 Johanna C Wattier-Ziesenis, actress (Phaedra/Lady MacBeth), dies at

04/23/1838 John W Janssens, gov-gen of Cape Colony/Dutch-Indies, dies at 75
04/23/1847 Erik Gustaf Geijer, composer, dies at 64
04/23/1850 William Wordsworth, poet, dies at 80
04/23/1853 Auguste Laurent, chemist, dies
04/23/1865 James Dearing, US Confederate brig-general, dies at 24
04/23/1878 Friedrich Preller, landscape painter, dies
04/23/1885 William Henry Holmes, composer, dies at 73
04/23/1895 Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig, physiologist, dies
04/23/1897 Clement Harris, composer, dies at 25
04/23/1905 Karel Komzak, composer, dies at 54
04/23/1915 Rupert Chawner Brooke, English poet (Lithuania), dies at 27
04/23/1918 Percy Thomson Dean, lt-commander, killed at Zeebrugge, dies
04/23/1926 Joseph Pennell, artist/author, dies
04/23/1929 Rudolf W Nilsen, Norwegian poet (Hverdagen), dies
04/23/1942 Marcelo Torcuato de Alvear, pres of Argentina (1922-28), dies at 73
04/23/1943 Fr‚deric baron d'Erlanger, French composer/banker, dies at 56
04/23/1946 Jesus Castillo, composer, dies at 68
04/23/1952 Elisabeth Schumann, singer, dies
04/23/1952 Minus van Looi, [Benjamin van der Neart], Flemish writer, dies at 60

04/23/1957 William Orlamond, actor (Flesh & Devil, Words & Music), dies at 89
04/23/1960 Tojohiko Kagawa, Japanese christian-social reformer/writer, dies
04/23/1962 Stirling Moss, auto racer, killed while racing
04/23/1965 Josephina J 'Fien' de la Mar, actress (Pygmalion), dies at about 67
04/23/1969 Krzystzof Komeda, composer, dies at 37
04/23/1970 Herb Shriner, host/humorist (Herb Shriner Show), dies at 51
04/23/1971 William Tubman, president of Liberia, dies
04/23/1973 Otto Eissfeldt, German old testament scholar, dies at 85
04/23/1975 Pete Ham, rokcer (Badfinger), dies at 27
04/23/1976 James Flavin, actor (Man With a Camera), dies at 69
04/23/1976 Ronald Radd, actor (King Lear, Up Jumped a Swagman), dies
04/23/1976 Shimen Ruskin, actor (Meyer-Corner Bar), dies at 68
04/23/1980 Jane Froman, US singer (JF's USA Canteen), dies at 72
04/23/1983 Buster Crabbe, Olympic swimmer/actor (Flash Gordon), dies at 75
04/23/1983 Selena Royale, actress (Robot Monster), dies at 78
04/23/1984 August 'Guus' Oster, actor/director (Carrie), dies at 68
04/23/1985 Kent Smith, actor (Peyton Place, Invaders), dies at 78
04/23/1985 Sam J Ervin Jr, (Sen-D-NC), dies at 88
04/23/1986 Harold Arlen, [Hyman Arluck], US composer, murdered at 81
04/23/1986 Otto Preminger, dir (Advise & Consent, Anatomy of Murder), dies at 7

04/23/1988 Arthur Michael, Lord Ramsey/archbishop of Canterbury, dies
04/23/1990 Albert Salmi, actor (Love Child, Hard to Hold), dies at 62
04/23/1990 Palmer Deane, actor, dies
04/23/1990 Paulette Goddard, actress (Hazard), dies at 78 (or 84) in Switzerlan

04/23/1991 Peter Bailey, Graphic designer/calligrapher
04/23/1992 Deron Johnson, 1965 NL run leader, dies of cancer at 53
04/23/1992 Satayajit Ray, Indian director (Distant Thunder/Agantuk), dies at 70

04/23/1992 Victoria Kellem Lederma, entertainer, dies
04/23/1993 Bertus Aafjes, poet/writer (World is a Muze), dies at 78
04/23/1993 Lalith Athulathmudali, Sri Lankan minister, murdered at 59
04/23/1994 Cecile Dreesmann, son of Anton Dreesmann, dies at 74

Significant Events:

04/23/1014 King Brian Boru of Ireland beats Danes at Battle of Clontarf
04/23/1348 1st English order of knighthood founded (Order of Garter)
04/23/1662 Connecticut chartered as an English colony
04/23/1723 Cornelis Steenoven elected archbishop of Utrecht
04/23/1775 Opera 'Il R‚ Pastore' is produced (Salzburg)
04/23/1789 President George Washington moves into Franklin House, NY
04/23/1795 William Hastings acquitted in England of high treason
04/23/1798 Dutch emperor accepts new Constitution
04/23/1826 Missolonghi captured by Turks
04/23/1838 English steamship 'Great Western' crossing Atlantic docks in NYC
04/23/1860 Dem convention in Charleston SC divided over slavery
04/23/1861 Arkansas troops seize Ft Smith
04/23/1861 Battle of San Antonio, TX
04/23/1864 Battle of Cane River, LA (Red River Expedition, Monett's Ferry)
04/23/1867 Queen Victoria & Napoleon III turn down plans for a channel tunnel
04/23/1871 Blossom Rock in SF Bay blown up
04/23/1878 1st Dutch test drive of steam tram
04/23/1881 Gilbert & Sullivan's opera 'Patience' produced in London
04/23/1883 John Heemskerk Azn forms Dutch govt
04/23/1891 Jews are expelled from Moscow Russia
04/23/1896 Premier of motion pictures (Koster & Bial's Music Hall, NYC)
04/23/1896 Vitascope system of movie projection 1st demonstrated (NYC)
04/23/1900 1st know occurrence of word 'hillbillie' (NY Journal)
04/23/1904 American Academy of Arts & Letters forms
04/23/1908 Denmark, Germany, Engld, France, Neth & Sweden signs North Sea accor

04/23/1910 International Exhibition opens in Brussels
04/23/1915 ACA becomes National Advisory Council on Aeronautics (NACA)
04/23/1918 Battle of Zeebrugge ends
04/23/1918 Dover Patrol overthrows Germany U-boat in East Sea
04/23/1918 National Urban League forms
04/23/1920 Turkish Grand National Assembly 1st meets, in Ankara
04/23/1924 British Empire Exhibition opens at Wembley
04/23/1924 London: king George V opens British Empire Exposition
04/23/1925 1st London performance of operetta 'Fasquita' staged
04/23/1925 Pastor LH Perquin forms Union of Catholic Radio Workers (KRO)
04/23/1930 H Van Gent discovers asteroids #1225 Ariane & #1267 Geertruida
04/23/1932 Shakespeare Memorial Theatre opens at Stratford-on-Avon
04/23/1936 M Laugier discovers asteroid #1651 Behrens
04/23/1938 Sudeten Germans in Czechoslovakia demand self government
04/23/1940 Dance hall fires kills 198 (Natchez Miss)
04/23/1940 NY Yankees dedicate a plaque to Jacob Rupert
04/23/1942 4-day allie bombing on Rostock begins
04/23/1945 Concentration camp Flossenb rg freed
04/23/1945 US troops in Italy cross river Po
04/23/1946 Bkln Dodger Ed Head no-hits Boston Braves, 5-0
04/23/1948 KSTP TV channel 5 in St Paul-Minneapolis, MN (ABC) 1st broadcast
04/23/1949 Chinese Red army conquerors Nanjing
04/23/1949 Courtesy mail boxes for motorists started in SF
04/23/1949 Netherland annexes Elten & Tudderen
04/23/1950 1st major league day game completed under lights (Phils 6, Braves 5)

04/23/1950 Detroit Red Wings beat NY Rangers 4 games to 3 for Stanley Cup
04/23/1950 Minneapolis beats Syracuse, 4 games to 2, for NBA championship
04/23/1950 Nationalist China evacuates Hainan Island
04/23/1952 Oil pipeline from Kirkuk to Banias completed
04/23/1953 KTAR (now KPNX) TV channel 12 in Phoenix, AZ (NBC) begins broadcasti

04/23/1953 WCOV TV channel 20 in Montgomery, AL (IND/CBS) begins broadcasting
04/23/1954 Hammerin' Hank Aaron hits 1st of his 755 homers
04/23/1954 NBA adopts 24 second shot clock rule
04/23/1956 US Supreme court ends race segregation on buses
04/23/1959 1st heliport in Britain opens in London
04/23/1962 NY Mets win their 1st game ever, after going 0-9, beat Pirates 9-1
04/23/1962 Ranger 4, 1st US satellite to reach Moon launched from Cape Canavera

04/23/1965 Launch of 1st Soviet communications satellite
04/23/1967 Soyuz 1 launched; Vladimir Komarov becomes 1st in-flight casualty
04/23/1968 1st decimal coins issued in Britain (5 & 10 pence)
04/23/1968 United Methodist Church forms
04/23/1969 Over 1000ý mi flooded in Shantung Province China
04/23/1969 Sirhan Sirhan sentenced to death for killing Bobby Kennedy
04/23/1971 Columbia University operations virtually end, by student strike
04/23/1971 Soyuz 10 launched; cosmonauts become 1st in Salyut 1 space station
04/23/1972 Apollo 16 astronauts explores Moon surface
04/23/1976 Felix Aguilar Observatory discovers asteroid #2808
04/23/1977 Czech chess master Vlastimil Hort plays 201 games simultaneously
04/23/1977 Dr Allen Bussey completes 20,302 yo-yo loops
04/23/1980 Soviet sub catches fire off Japan, 9 die
04/23/1984 AIDS-virus identified (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)
04/23/1985 Brooklyn College soccer team wins Nepal's invitational
04/23/1985 C Shoemaker & E Shoemake discovers asteroid #3581 Alvarez
04/23/1985 Flyers 5-Isles 3-Patrick Div Finals-Flyers hold 3-0 lead
04/23/1985 New Coke debuts
04/23/1985 P Jensen discovers asteroid #3318 Blixen
04/23/1986 Grand Floridan Beach Resort groundbreaking
04/23/1986 Madrid-Nelli Cooman runs world record 60m indoor (7 sec)
04/23/1987 28 construction workers killed in an apt collapse in Bridgeport, Ct
04/23/1987 NJ Devils farm team Maine Mariners (AHL) move to Utica (Devils) NY
04/23/1988 A greek pedals self-powered aircraft, 74 miles
04/23/1989 Kareem Abdul-Jabbar plays his last game as a Laker
04/23/1989 Students in Beijing China announce class boycotts
04/23/1991 Bjorn Borg loses 6-2, 6-3 to Jordi Arrese after 8 year lay off
04/23/1991 USSR grants republics right to secede under certain conditions
04/23/1992 'Shirnada' opens at Broadhurst theater on Broadway
04/23/1992 Marion Berry (former mayor of Wash DC) let out of prison
04/23/1993 Eritrea votes to seceed from Ethiopia
04/23/1994 Army shoots to death 23-40 fishermen in Gonaives Haiti
04/23/1994 Libertarian party nominates Howard Stern for Governor of NY

Robert Wolfe

Apr 24, 2021, 6:04:49 AM4/24/21
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Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


04/20/ 121 Marcus Aurelius, 16th Roman emperor (161-80), philosopher
04/20/1442 Edward IV, King (England, 1461-83)
04/20/1494 John Agricola [Schneider], German theologist/prime minister
04/20/1594 Matthaus Apelles von Lowenstern, composer
04/20/1705 Balthasar Schmid, composer
04/20/1725 Johann Friedrich Kloffler, composer
04/20/1726 Jozef de Ferraris, French/Austrian earl/general/cartographer
04/20/1745 Philippe Pinel, physician, founder of psychiatry
04/20/1748 Georg Michael Telemann, composer
04/20/1748 Guillaume Albert Teniers, composer
04/20/1761 Johann Gottlieb Karl Spazier, composer
04/20/1808 Louis-Napoleon (Napoleon III), emperor of France (1852-71)
04/20/1809 John Smith Preston, Brig General (Confederate Army), died in 1881
04/20/1824 Alfred Holt Colquitt, Brig General (Confederate Army), died in 1894
04/20/1827 John Gibbon, Major General (Union volunteers), died in 1896
04/20/1839 Carol I, King of Romania (1881-1914)
04/20/1840 Odilon Redon, French painter/author (La nuit, Ràves)
04/20/1850 Daniel Chester French/American sculptor (Minute Man)
04/20/1858 Auguste Chapuis, composer
04/20/1860 Pieter Jelles Troelstra, Dutch SDAP Member of 2nd parliament
04/20/1866 Victor Hollaender, composer
04/20/1870 Simeon Roncal, composer
04/20/1871 William Henry Davies, Wales, poet (Autobiography of a Super Tramp)
04/20/1876 Gerard J Arbous, actor/publicist (Prince Willem of Orange)
04/20/1879 Robert Lynd, Irish writer/critic (Pleasures of Ignorance)
04/20/1881 Nikolai Miaskovsky, Novogeorievsk Poland, composer (Kirov is With Us

04/20/1881 Sem Dresden, composer/conductor
04/20/1889 Adolph Hitler, Braunau Austria, dictator of Nazi Germany (1936-45)
04/20/1890 Adolf SchÑrf, president Austria
04/20/1893 Harold Lloyd, Burchard Neb, silent comic (Why Worry, Safety Last)
04/20/1893 Juan Mir¢, Spain, painter/sculptor (Dog Barking at the Moon)
04/20/1894 Martinus Nijhoff, poet/interpreter/linguistic (spelling)
04/20/1897 Bernard Verhoeven, poet/literature (About the Laugh)
04/20/1897 Gregory Ratoff, Russian/US actor/director (Corsican Brothers)
04/20/1900 Fred Raymond, composer
04/20/1900 Kees Verwey, painter/water colors painter/cartoonist
04/20/1901 Michel Levis, French cultural anthropologist
04/20/1902 Donald Wolfit, actor (Becket, Guilty, Room at the Top, Svengali)
04/20/1902 Vesselin Stoyanov, composer
04/20/1903 Dagmar Edqvist, Swedish author (Kamrathustru-Wife & Comrade)
04/20/1904 Bruce Cabot, Carlsbad NM, actor (Diamonds are Forever, King Kong)
04/20/1907 William Dollar, St Louis, ballet dancer/choreographer
04/20/1908 Wilhelmus M Bekkers, bishop of Hertogenbosch
04/20/1909 Lionel Hampton, orchestra leader/vibraphone improviser
04/20/1910 Robert F Wagner, (Mayor-D-NYC, 1954-65)
04/20/1912 Ed Jones, (Rep-D-TN, 1969- )
04/20/1912 Soewarsil Djojopoespito, Indonesia, writer (Toe the Line)
04/20/1913 Dick Wessel, actor (Dick Tracy vs Cueball, Beware of Blondie)
04/20/1920 John Paul Stevens, Illinois, 103rd Supreme Court Justice (1975- )
04/20/1923 Tito Puente, Puerto Rico, bandleader (Dance Mania)
04/20/1924 Gerhard Samuel, composer
04/20/1924 Nina Foch, Leiden Netherlands, actress (American in Paris)
04/20/1925 Ernie Stautner, NFL defensive tackle (Pitts Steelers)
04/20/1925 Richard Hoffmann, composer
04/20/1927 Karl MÅller, Switzerland, superconductivity physicist (Nobel 1987)
04/20/1929 Bob Braun, Ludlow Ky, singer (Dotty Mack Show)
04/20/1931 Lee H Hamilton, Daytona Beach Fla, (Rep-D-Ind, 1965- )
04/20/1936 Pat Roberts, (Rep-R-KS, 1981- )
04/20/1938 Bernard Malivoire, France, cox pair (Olympic-gold-1952)
04/20/1938 Betty Cuthbert, Australia 100m/200m/400m dash (Olympic-gold-1956, 64

04/20/1938 Johnny Tillotson, Jacksonville Fla, singer (Gidget, Poetry in Motion

04/20/1939 Gro Harlem Brundtland, Norse premier (1981-82, 86-89, 90- )
04/20/1940 George Takei, LA Calif, actor (Sulu-Star Trek, Green Berets)
04/20/1940 John Cremer, writer/sculptor (I, John Cremer)
04/20/1941 Joni Evans, NYC, publisher (Simon & Schuster, Random House)
04/20/1941 Ryan O'Neal, LA Calif, actor (Peyton Place, Paper Moon, Love Story)
04/20/1943 Edie Sedgwick, actor (Ciao Manhattan)
04/20/1943 Ian Watson, UK, sci-fi author (Book of Being, Whores of Babylon)
04/20/1943 Michael Greer, Galesburg Ill, actor (Bobby Gentry Show)
04/20/1945 Jimmy Winston, organist (Samll Facres-Itchycoo Park)
04/20/1947 David Leland, actor/director (Nothing But Trouble)
04/20/1948 Craig Frost, keyboardist (Grand Funk Railroad-Some Kind of Wonderful

04/20/1949 Jessica Lange, Cloquet Minnesota, actress (King Kong, Tootsie)
04/20/1950 Itumeleng J Mosala, S Afr president (Azanian People's Org)
04/20/1951 Luther Vandross, rock vocalist (On the Wings of Love)
04/20/1957 Richenel, [Hubertus R Baars], singer/perforner (Turn my page)
04/20/1959 Clint Howard, Burbank Calif, actor (Gentle Ben)
04/20/1961 Don 'Hitman' Mattingly, Indiana, NY Yankee 1st baseman (MVP 1985)
04/20/1963 Brett Edward Garsed, Victoria Australia, heavy metal artist (Nelson)

04/20/1963 Kal Swan, heavy metal rocker
04/20/1967 J D Roth, Beverly Hills Calif, TV host (Fun House)
04/20/1967 Lara Jill Miller, Allentown Pa, actress (Samantha-Gimme a Break)
04/20/1975 Joey Lawrence, Phila Pa, actor (Joey-Gimme a Break, Summer Rental)
04/20/1977 Lisa Ervin, figure skater (US Nationals-4th-1992)


04/20/1164 Victor IV, [Ottaviano Montecello], Italian antipope (1159-64), dies
04/20/1314 Clement V, [Bertrand the Got], pope (1305-14) moved papacy to Avigno

04/20/1317 Agnes van Montepulciano, Italian mystic/saint, dies
04/20/1534 Elizabeth Barton, [St Magd van Kent], British prophet, dies
04/20/1632 Nicolas Antione, converted to Judiasm, burned at the stake
04/20/1643 Christoph Demantius, composer, dies at 75
04/20/1662 Gerard Terborch, the elder, painter, dies
04/20/1695 Georg Caspar Weckler, composer, dies at 63
04/20/1786 John Goodricke, English deaf & dumb astronomer, dies at 21
04/20/1812 George Clinton, 4th US VP, dies at 73 1st VP to, die in office
04/20/1820 Arthur Young, author (Annals of Agriculture)
04/20/1821 Franz K Achard, German physicist/chemist, dies at 67
04/20/1836 Johan I Jozef, monarch of Liechtenstein/field marshal, dies at 75
04/20/1839 Giuseppe Rossini, father of Italian composer Gioacchino Rossini, die

04/20/1869 Johann Carl Gottfried Loewe, composer, dies at 72
04/20/1869 Piotr Studzinski, composer, dies at 42
04/20/1872 Ljudwit Gaj, Croatian writer/poet (Pjesma iz Zagorja), dies at 62
04/20/1899 Edouard Pailleron, French attorney/comedian (voice oó), dies at 64
04/20/1900 Mebel Mercer, popular singer of England
04/20/1906 Australian wombat, dies in London Zoo at 26; oldest known marsupial
04/20/1912 Bram Stoker, Irish theater manager/writer (Dracula), dies
04/20/1935 Juliaan de Vriendt, Flemish painter, dies at 92
04/20/1941 Barend de Her, Dutch lawyer, dies in Buchenwald at 49
04/20/1947 Christian X, king of Denmark (1912-47), dies
04/20/1956 Jaap Vranken, organist/composer (Stabat mater), dies
04/20/1956 Lieven Duvosel, composer, dies at 78
04/20/1962 Arthur Harmat, composer, dies at 77
04/20/1962 Jesse G Vincent, engineer designed 1st V-12 engine, dies at 82
04/20/1965 Richard Wessell, actor (Carney-Riverboat), dies at 54
04/20/1968 Marion Weeks, entertainer, dies
04/20/1971 Cecil Parker, actor (Court Jester, Operation Snafu), dies at 73
04/20/1973 Robert Armstrong, actor (Fall Guy, Exposed), dies at 82
04/20/1974 Agnes Moorehead, actress (Endora-Bewitched), dies at 67
04/20/1974 Mohammed Ayub Khan, premier/president (Pakistan), dies
04/20/1977 Bryan Foy, director/writer, dies
04/20/1979 Peter Donald, host (Masquerade Party), dies at 60
04/20/1982 Archibald MacLeish, US, lawyer/writer (Conquistador), dies at 89
04/20/1982 Mimi Boesnach, actress (The wedding of Kloris & Roses), dies at 82
04/20/1984 Mabel Mercer, English/US singer (Fly me to the moon), dies at 84
04/20/1987 Antony Tudor, dancer/choreographer (Amer Ballet Theater) dies at 78
04/20/1991 Don[ald] Siegel, US director (Coogan's bluff/Dirty Harry), dies
04/20/1991 Jumjaagiyn Tsedenbal, Mongolian politcian, dies
04/20/1991 Sean O'Faolain, [John Whelan], Irish writer (Nest of Simple), dies
04/20/1991 Steve Marriott, England, rocker (Humble Pie/All or nothing), dies
04/20/1992 Benny Hill, comedian (Benny Hill Show), dies of a heart attack at 67

04/20/1992 Johnny Shines, Delta blues singer/guitarist, dies at 76
04/20/1993 Cantinflas, [Mario Moreno], Mexican actor (Pepe), dies at 81
04/20/1994 Jean Carmet, French actor (Merci la vie, Le sucre), dies at 72

Significant Events:

04/20/ 295 8th recorded perihelion passage of Halley's Comet
04/20/ 850 Guntherus becomes bishop of Cologne
04/20/1139 2nd Lateran Council (10th ecumenical council) opens in Rome
04/20/1505 Jews are expelled from Orange Burgandy by Philibert of Luxembourg
04/20/1770 Capt Cook arrives in New South Wales
04/20/1775 British begin siege of Boston
04/20/1777 New York adopts new constitution as an independent state
04/20/1792 France declares war on Austria, Prussia & Sardinia
04/20/1799 Napoleon issues a decree calling for establishing Jerusalem for Jews

04/20/1809 Napolean I defeats Austria at Battle of Abensberg, Bavaria
04/20/1836 Territory of Wisconsin created
04/20/1841 1st detective story (Poe's 'Murders in Rue Morgue') published
04/20/1853 Harriet Tubman starts Underground Railroad
04/20/1861 Battle of Norfolk, VA
04/20/1861 Robert E Lee resigns from Union army
04/20/1871 3rd Enforcement Act (President can suspend writ of habeas corpus)
04/20/1872 SF Bar Association organized
04/20/1879 1st mobile home (horse drawn) used in a journey from London & Cyprus

04/20/1884 Pope Leo XIII encyclical 'On Freemasonry'
04/20/1888 246 reported killed by hail in Moradabad, India
04/20/1894 136,000 mine workers strike in Ohio for pay increase
04/20/1898 US Assay Office in Deadwood, South Dakota opens
04/20/1902 Marie & Pierre Curie isolate radioactive element radium
04/20/1903 R S Dugan discovers asteroid #508 Princetonia
04/20/1904 Louisiana Purchase Exposition opens in St Louis
04/20/1904 M Wolf discovers asteroid #532 Herculina
04/20/1910 Cleve Indians Addie Joss 2nd no-hitter, beats Chicago, 1-0
04/20/1910 Halley's Comet passes 29th recorded perihelion at 87.9 million km
04/20/1912 Fenway Park officially opens, Red Sox beat NY Highlanders 7-6 in 11
04/20/1912 Tiger Stadium in Detroit opens
04/20/1914 33 killed by soldiers during mine strike in Ludlow, Colo
04/20/1914 F Kaiser discovers asteroid #786 Bredichina
04/20/1914 G Neujmin discovers asteroid #787 Moskva
04/20/1916 German-British sea battle off Belgian coast
04/20/1916 Wrigley Field in Chicago opens
04/20/1917 Pravda (Lenin names Russia 'Free land of world')
04/20/1919 Polish Army captures Vilno, Lithuania from Soviet Army
04/20/1920 7th modern Olympic games opens in Antwerp Belgium
04/20/1920 Balfour Declaration recognized, makes Palestine a British Mandate
04/20/1920 Big Show ends 2 year run on NBC radio
04/20/1920 Tornadoes kill 219 in Alabama & Mississippi
04/20/1926 1st check sent by radio facsimile transmission across Atlantic
04/20/1931 British House of Commons agrees for sports play on Sunday
04/20/1934 Heinrich Himmler becomes inspector Prussian secret state police
04/20/1935 'You're Hit Parade' begins broadcasting (becomes #1 quickly)
04/20/1936 Jews repell an Arab attack in Petach Tikvah Palestine
04/20/1939 New York World's Fair opens
04/20/1939 Ted Williams' 1st hit (off of Yankee Red Ruffing) a double
04/20/1940 1st electron microscope demonstrated (RCA), Philadelphia, Pa
04/20/1941 100 German bombers attack Athens
04/20/1942 German occupiers forbids Dutch access to their beach
04/20/1942 Heavy German assault on Malta
04/20/1944 Dutch Communist Party-resistance fighter John Postma sentence to dea

04/20/1944 NFL leagalizes coaching from bench
04/20/1945 German occupiers flood Beemster & Fencer
04/20/1945 Soviet troops enter Berlin
04/20/1945 US 7th army captured German city of Nuremberg
04/20/1945 US forces conquer Motobu peninsula on Okinawa
04/20/1946 1st baseball broadcast in Chicago, Cards vs Cubs
04/20/1948 Walter P Reuther UAW pres shot & wounded at his home in Detroit
04/20/1949 Jockey Bill Shoemaker wins his 1st race, in Albany, California
04/20/1950 Balt's Memorial Stadium opens - Orioles of International League
04/20/1950 R C Cameron discovers asteroid #1575 Winifred
04/20/1951 Velsen city council demands investigation of police collaborators
04/20/1957 John Kelley, 1st American since 1945, wins Boston Marathon
04/20/1957 Yankee Bill Skowron becomes 3rd player to hit a ball out of Fenway
04/20/1958 Buses replace Key System trains at 3 AM
04/20/1958 Montreal Canadiens beat Boston Bruins 4 games to 2 for Stanley Cup
04/20/1958 Morocco demands departure of Spanish troops
04/20/1961 American Harold Graham makes 1st rocket belt flight
04/20/1962 NASA civilian pilot Neil A Armstrong takes X-15 to 63,250 m
04/20/1962 New Orleans Citizens Co gives free 1-way ride to blacks to move Nort

04/20/1962 OAS-leader ex-general Salan arrested in Algiers
04/20/1964 86% of black students boycott Cleveland schools
04/20/1965 People's Republic China offers North Vietnam military aid
04/20/1966 WDCA TV channel 20 in Washington, DC (IND) begins broadcasting
04/20/1967 French author RÇgis Debray caught in Bolivia
04/20/1967 NY Met Tom Seavers 1st victory, beating Cubs, 6-1
04/20/1967 US Surveyor 3 lands on Moon
04/20/1967 US planes bomb Haiphong for 1st time during Vietnam War
04/20/1968 Pierre Elliott Trudeau sworn-in as Canada's PM
04/20/1968 S Afr Boeing 707 crashes at Windhoek, 122 killed
04/20/1970 Bruno Kreisky becomes 1st socialistic chancellor of Austria
04/20/1970 Ron Hill's 2:10:30 at Boston, sets new US marathon record
04/20/1971 Barbra Striesand records 'We've Only Just Begun'
04/20/1971 US Supreme Court upholds use of busing to achieve racial desegregati

04/20/1972 Apollo 16's Young & Duke land on Moon with Boeing Lunar Rover #2
04/20/1973 Canadian ANIK A2 becomes 1st commercial satellite in orbit
04/20/1974 Paul McCartney releases 'Band on the Run'
04/20/1975 Penguins 1-Isles 3-Quarterfinals-Penguins hold 3-1 lead
04/20/1976 George Harrison sings lumberjack song with Monty Python
04/20/1977 A R Klemola discovers asteroid #2261
04/20/1977 Supreme Court rules 'Live Free or Die' may be covered on NH licenses

04/20/1977 Woody Allen's film 'Annie Hall' premieres
04/20/1978 Korean Airlines flight 007 shot down by Soviets in Russian airspace
04/20/1980 Cubans begin to arrive in US from Mariel boatlift
04/20/1981 Final performance of TV show 'Soap' airs
04/20/1981 Rocker Papa John Phillips arrested for drug possession
04/20/1983 Pres Reagan signs a $165B bail out for Social Security
04/20/1983 Rangers 2-Isles 7-Patrick Div Finals-Isles hold 3-2 lead
04/20/1983 Soyuz T-8 launched; mission aborted when capsule fails to dock
04/20/1984 Russian offensive in Panshirvallei Afghanistan
04/20/1985 Carlos Lopes runs world record marathon (2:07:12)
04/20/1985 Karyn Marshall of NYC lifted 303 lbs in a clean & jerk lift
04/20/1986 Michael Johnson sets NBA playoff record with 63 points in a game
04/20/1986 Vladimir Horowitz performs in his Russian homeland
04/20/1987 Sri Lanka: Tamils shoot 122 Singalezen dead
04/20/1987 Toshihko Seko & Rosa Mota win Boston Marathon
04/20/1987 US deports Karl Linnas, charged with nazi war crimes, to USSR
04/20/1988 Balt Orioles worst record to start a season 0-14 (will go 0-21)
04/20/1988 NJ Devils 1st playoff hat trick-Eric Broten
04/20/1988 US accuses Renamo of killing 100,000 Mozambiquians
04/20/1988 Yanks HR 9,999 (D Winfield) 10,000 (C Washington) 10,001 (J Clarke)
04/20/1990 Pete Rose pleads guilty to hiding $300,000 in income
04/20/1991 1st non stop flight Schiphol-Flamingo airport Bonaire
04/20/1991 Raghib 'Rocket' Ismael signs with Toronto Argonauts for $26.2 millio

04/20/1992 100th episode of 'Murphy Brown' airs
04/20/1992 All star concert in memory of Freddie Mercury held at Wembley Stadiu

04/20/1992 Expo '92 opens in Seville Spain
04/20/1992 Madonna signs $60-million deal with Time Warner
04/20/1992 Queen's concert at Wembley stadium
04/20/1993 Uranus passes Neptune (once every 171 years)
04/20/1994 Serbian army bombs hospital in Goradze Bosnia, 47 killed

Robert Wolfe

Apr 24, 2021, 6:04:49 AM4/24/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


04/21/1546 Arcangelo Crivelli, composer
04/21/1619 John A van Riebeeck, colonial director/founder (Cape Colony)
04/21/1672 Johann Philipp Kafer, composer
04/21/1713 Louis Duke de Noailles, marshal of France
04/21/1729 Catharina II, the Great, writer/emperess of Russia (1762-96)
04/21/1730 Antonin Kammel, composer
04/21/1749 Johann Michael Malzat, composer
04/21/1774 Jean-Baptiste Biot, French physicist/astronomer (balloonist)
04/21/1775 Alexander Anderson, US, engraver/illustrator (Shakespeare)
04/21/1779 William Knyvett, composer
04/21/1782 Friedrich W A Fröbel, German educator (founded kindergarten)
04/21/1795 Vincenzo Pallotti, Italian saint
04/21/1803 Levin Minn Powell, Commander (Union Navy), died in 1885
04/21/1806 Peter van Schendel, painter
04/21/1809 Robert Mercer Taliaferro Hunter, Secy State (Confederacy)
04/21/1814 Beni Egressy, composer
04/21/1816 Charlotte Brontë, Tornton England, novelist (Jane Eyre)
04/21/1816 Louis Trezevant Wigfall, Confederate Army, died in 1874
04/21/1824 Anselmo Clave, composer
04/21/1828 Hippolyte Taine, French philosopher/historian (Voyage & Italy)
04/21/1834 William Rufus Terrill, Brig General (Union volunteers), died in 1862

04/21/1837 Fredrik Bajer, Denmark, politican/feminist/pacifist (Nobel 1908)
04/21/1838 John Muir, US, naturalist, discovered glaciers in High Seirras
04/21/1840 Franz Xaver Haberl, German priest/musicologist (Magister choralis)
04/21/1849 Oskar Hertwig, Germany, embryologist, discovered fertilization
04/21/1853 Charles-Theodore Malherbe, composer
04/21/1854 Eusapia Palladino
04/21/1854 Wladyslaw Rzepko, composer
04/21/1864 Max Weber, German sociologist/economist/historian (Ancient Judaism)
04/21/1867 Benjamin A Jesurun, Antillian literary
04/21/1871 Leo Blech, composer
04/21/1871 Vojtech Rihovsky, composer
04/21/1878 Albert Weisgerber, German painter/graphic artist
04/21/1886 Charlie Naughton, (Frozen Limits)
04/21/1887 Lillian Walker, entertainer
04/21/1889 Efrem Alexandrovich Zimbalist, composer
04/21/1892 Jaroslav Kvapil, composer
04/21/1896 Attila Hörbiger, Austrian actor (Die Grosse Liebe, Die Julika)
04/21/1896 Henry M de Montherlant, French stage author (La Reine Morte)
04/21/1898 Steve Owen, NFL tackle, coach (NY Giants)
04/21/1899 Clement D'Hooghe, composer
04/21/1899 Randall Thompson, NYC, composer (Trip to Nahant)
04/21/1901 Julian Bautista, composer
04/21/1903 Hans Hedtoft, premier Denmark
04/21/1904 Gśsbert van Hall, banker/mayor of Amsterdam (1957-67)
04/21/1904 Jean Hélion, artist/author (They Shall Not Have Me)
04/21/1905 Edmund G 'Pat' Brown, (Gov-D-Calif)
04/21/1907 Antoni Szalowski, composer
04/21/1907 Beatrice Kay, NYC, singer/actress (Sister Sue-Calvin & Col)
04/21/1908 Louis Hostin, France, Light Heavyweight (Olympic-gold-1932, 36)
04/21/1909 Rollo May, US, psychologist (Love & Will)
04/21/1911 Leonard Warren, NYC, baritone (Met 1939-60) died on stage
04/21/1912 Feike P Asma, organist
04/21/1912 Marcel Camus, French director (Orfeu negro)
04/21/1912 Nell [Petronella GS] Koppen, actress (Kniertje in on hoop of zegen)
04/21/1913 Choh Hao Li, bio-chemist professor (isolated growth hormones)
04/21/1913 Kai-Uwe von Hassel, German politician
04/21/1913 Norman Parkinson, England, fashion photographer (Harper's Bazaar)
04/21/1915 Andor Kovach, composer
04/21/1915 Anthony Quinn, México, actor (Zorba the Greek, Lawrence of Arabia)
04/21/1915 Frick, [W Groebli], Swiss clown (Frick & Frack
04/21/1916 Sidney Clute, Brooklyn NY, actor (Lou Grant, Cagney & Lacey)
04/21/1917 Emanuel Vardi, Jerusalem Israel, violist (SD Symph 1978-82)
04/21/1919 Franc [Franklin E] Essed, Suriname agricultural eng (Oper Grasshoppe

04/21/1920 Bruno Maderna, Venice Italy, conductor/composer (Hyperion)
04/21/1920 Christopher Dark, actor (Suddenly, Tenderfoot)
04/21/1923 Andrea Domburg, actress (Theo d'Or Prize, Keetje Tippel)
04/21/1924 Daniel Melnick, NYC, producer (Get Smart)
04/21/1924 Ira Louvin, Rainsville Ala, country singer (Louvin Brothers)
04/21/1926 Elizabeth, Alexandra Mary Windsor II, Queen of England (1952- )
04/21/1927 Robert Brustein, NYC, dean (Yale School of Drama)
04/21/1930 Margaret Rose, London England, Princess of York
04/21/1930 Silvana Mangano, Italy, actress (Death in Venice, Barabbas)
04/21/1932 Elaine May, Phila Pa, comedienne/writer/actress (New Leaf)
04/21/1933 Easley Blackwood, Indianapolis In, composer (Un Voyage á Cythere)
04/21/1935 Charles Grodin, actor (Woman in Red, Lonely Guy, Heartbreak Kid)
04/21/1935 Robin Dixon, England, 2 man bobsled (Olympic-gold-1960)
04/21/1936 Anthony Joseph Gnazzo, composer
04/21/1936 Bob Cleary, US, ice hockey player (Olympic-gold-1960)
04/21/1937 Charles Lee Herron, Ky, FBI most wanted fugitive (Jan 1 1986)
04/21/1939 John McCabe, composer
04/21/1941 David L Boren, (Sen-D Oklahoma)
04/21/1942 Bobby McClure, US gospel singer (Don't Mess Up a Good Thing)
04/21/1947 Iggy Pop, [James Osterberg], Mich, rocker (Zombie Birdhouse)
04/21/1947 John Weider, bassist (Family-Family Entertainment)
04/21/1948 Gary A Condit, (Rep-D-California)
04/21/1948 Paul Davis, Meridian Mi, country/rock vocalist (I Go Crazy)
04/21/1949 Patti LuPone, Northport NY, actress/singer (Evita, Life Goes On)
04/21/1951 Aleksandr Ivanovich Laveikin, Russia, cosmonaut (Soyuz TM-2)
04/21/1951 Paul Carrack, rocker (Squeeze/Ace-How Long)
04/21/1951 Tony Danza, Brooklyn, (Tony Banta-Taxi, Tony Micelli-Who's the Boss)

04/21/1956 Rick DeMont, US, 400m swimmer, drug disqualification (1972 Olympics)

04/21/1957 Jesse Orosoco, baseball relief pitcher (NY Mets, LA Dodgers)
04/21/1958 Andie MacDowell, [Rosalie Anderson], Gaffney SC, actress (Green Card

04/21/1959 Robert Smith, rock guitarist/vocalist (Cure-Hell's Kitchen)
04/21/1960 Julius Korir, Kenya, 3K steeplechaser (Olympic-gold-1984)
04/21/1962 Sergei Viktorovich Zalyotin, Russia, major/cosmonaut
04/21/1963 John Cameron Mitchell, actor (Misplaced, Band of the Hand)
04/21/1965 Karen Foster, Lufkin Tx, playmate (Oct, 1989)
04/21/1971 Samantha Druce, youngest woman to swim English Channel
04/21/1978 Avi Phillips, Ontario, actor (Maniac Mansion)
04/21/1984 Ashley Peldon, Staten Is NY, actress (Marsha Lewis-Guilding Light)


04/21/1073 Alexander II, [Anselmo da Baggio], Pope (1061-73), dies
04/21/1109 Anselmus, philosopher/archbishop of Canterbury, dies
04/21/1142 Pierre Abélard, French philosopher (Sic et Nun, Héloőse), dies at 62

04/21/1509 Henry VII, 1st Tudor king of England (1485-1509), dies
04/21/1574 Cosimo d' Medici, Italian duke of Toscane, dies at about 54
04/21/1652 Pietro Della Valle, composer, dies at 66
04/21/1696 Andres de Sola, composer, dies at 61
04/21/1730 John Palfijn, Flemish physician/inventor (forceps), dies at 79
04/21/1736 French E van Savoye, Austria army commander, dies at 72
04/21/1780 Ferdinand Zellbell, composer, dies at 60
04/21/1878 Temistocle Solera, composer, dies at 62
04/21/1898 Louis Theodore Gouvy, composer, dies at 78
04/21/1899 Heinrich Kiepert, German cartographer/geographer, dies at 80
04/21/1900 Heinrich Vogl, composer, dies at 55
04/21/1910 Mark Twain, [Samuel Langhorne Clemens], author, dies in Redding Conn

04/21/1918 'Red Baron', [Manfred von Richtofen], killed in WW I
04/21/1924 Eleanora Duse, Italian actress (La Gioconda, La Locandiera), dies
04/21/1930 Christine [Elizabeth C] Poolman, actress (Mother), dies
04/21/1930 Robert S Bridges, poet laureate (Testament of beauty), dies at 85
04/21/1938 Muhammad Iqbal, Dutch east indies lawyer/Pakistan national hero, die

04/21/1939 Herman Finck, composer, dies at 66
04/21/1946 John M Keynes, English economist (How to pay for the war?, dies
04/21/1948 Carlos Lopez Buchardo, composer, dies at 66
04/21/1952 Leslie Banks, actor (Henry V, 21 Days, Eye Witness), dies at 61
04/21/1961 James Melton, opera tenor (Ford Festival), dies at 57
04/21/1962 Frederick Handley Page, designer of 1st big airplane (40 seats), die

04/21/1967 André L Danjon, French astronomer, dies at 77
04/21/1968 Norman Demuth, composer, dies at 69
04/21/1968 Toby Halicki, car-crash film producer 48, killed shooting stunt
04/21/1971 Edmund Lowe, actor (Front Page Detective), dies at 81
04/21/1971 François 'Doc' Duvalier, dictator Haőti, dies at 64
04/21/1973 Ursula Jeans, actress (Cavalcade, Over the Moon), dies at 66
04/21/1975 Jack Allan Westrup, composer, dies at 70
04/21/1977 Gummo [Milton] Marx, US comic (Marx Brothers), dies at 84
04/21/1982 Joe Sawyer, actor (Biff O'Hara-Adventures of Rin Tin Tin), dies at 8

04/21/1983 Walter Slezak, actor (Lifeboat), commits suicide at his NY home at 8

04/21/1985 Rudi Gernreich, US designer (miniskirt), dies at 62
04/21/1985 Tancredo Neves, President (Civil rights activist), dies at 75
04/21/1987 Edith S Green, (Rep-D-Ore), dies at 77
04/21/1989 James Kirkwood, actor/writer (Devil's Holiday), dies at 64
04/21/1990 Erté, art deco stylist, dies at 97
04/21/1990 Johnny Beagley, winner of two 1942 World Series games
04/21/1991 Richard Bolling, (Rep-D-Missouri), dies at 74
04/21/1991 Willi Boskovsky, Austrian conductor (new years concert), dies
04/21/1992 Robert Harris, executed in Calif's gas chamber, at 39
04/21/1992 Vladimir Romanov, pretender to Russian throne, dies at 74
04/21/1993 Hal Schumacher, baseball pitcher, dies at 82

Significant Events:

04/21/ 753 -BC- Traditional date of foundation of Rome
04/21/ 953 Otto I the Great gives Utrecht fishing rights
04/21/1420 Treaty of Saint Maartens Dike
04/21/1453 Turkish fleet sinks ships Golden Receiver in Constantinople
04/21/1600 1st date in James Clavell's novel Shogun (OS)
04/21/1649 Maryland Toleration Act passed, allowing all freedom of worship
04/21/1689 William III & Mary Stuart proclaimed king & queen of England
04/21/1789 John Adams sworn in as 1st US VP (9 days before Washington)
04/21/1828 Noah Webster publishes 1st American dictionary
04/21/1836 Battle of San Jacinto, in which Texas wins independence from México
04/21/1855 1st train crosses Miss River's 1st bridge, Rock Is Ill-Davenport Ia
04/21/1856 1st railroad bridge across Mississippi completed
04/21/1857 A Douglas patents bustle
04/21/1862 Congress establishes US Mint in Denver, Co
04/21/1863 Declaration of Bahá'u'lláh; Bahá'í Feast of Ridván (Jalâl 13, 20)
04/21/1865 Abraham Lincoln's funeral train leaves Washington
04/21/1874 J Palisa discovers asteroid #137 Meliboea
04/21/1876 Prosper Henry discovers asteroid #162 Laurentia
04/21/1878 Ship Azor leaves Charleston with 206 blacks for Liberia
04/21/1892 1st buffalo born in Golden Gate Park
04/21/1892 Black Longshoremen strike for higher wages in St Louis Mo
04/21/1898 Phillies' pitcher Bill Duggleby hits a grand slam on 1st at bat
04/21/1898 Spanish-American War begins
04/21/1901 L Carnera discovers asteroid #470 Kilia
04/21/1908 Frederick A Cook claims to reach North Pole (He didn't)
04/21/1910 Cleve Indians play 1st game at League Park, lose to Tigers 5-0
04/21/1913 German passenger ship Imperator runs aground
04/21/1914 US marines occupy Vera Cruz, Mexico, stay 6 months
04/21/1921 Ottawa Senators beat Vanc Millionaires 3 games to 2 for Stanley Cup
04/21/1925 Chuvash Autonomous Region in RSFSR becomes Chuvash ASSR
04/21/1930 Fire at Ohio State Penitentiary kills 322
04/21/1933 C Jackson discovers asteroid #1264 Letaba
04/21/1935 King Boris of Bulgaria forbids all political Party
04/21/1939 C Jackson discovers asteroid #1505 Koranna
04/21/1940 1st $64 Question, 'Take It or Leave It', on CBS Radio
04/21/1940 Netherlands beats Belgium 4-2 in soccer
04/21/1941 Greece surrenders to nazi-Germany
04/21/1944 NFL Chic Cardinals & Pitts Steelers merge (disolves on Dec 3)
04/21/1945 He Shima in. Okinawa conquered in 5 days, 5,000 die
04/21/1945 Russia army arrives at outskirts of Berlin
04/21/1946 SED, Socialistic Einheitspartei Germany forms in East Germany
04/21/1948 Baltimore beats Philadelphia, 4 games to 1, for NBA championship
04/21/1951 Rochester beats New York, 4 games to 3, for NBA championship
04/21/1951 Tor Maple Leafs beat Mont Canadiens 4 games to 1 for Stanley Cup
04/21/1952 BOAC begins 1st passenger service with jets (London-Rome route)
04/21/1954 Gregori Malenkov becomes premier of USSR
04/21/1954 USAF flies French battalion to Vietnam
04/21/1955 Bkln Dodgers win, then record 10th straight game to begin a season
04/21/1955 Minas Gerais Argentina tunnel caves in; 30 die
04/21/1959 1211-kg great white shark becomes largest fish ever caught on a rod
04/21/1959 Alf Dean using a rod & reel hooks a 2,664lb, 16' 10' white shark
04/21/1960 Brasilia becomes capital of Brazil
04/21/1961 Dirk U Suffocated chosen as sec-gen of NATO
04/21/1961 French army revolts in Algeria
04/21/1961 USAF Maj Robert M White takes X-15 to 32,000 m
04/21/1962 Century 21 Exposition opens in Seattle, Washington
04/21/1963 Beatles meet Rolling Stones for 1st time
04/21/1964 Pirates & Cubs combine for 9 HRs, Pirates win 8-5
04/21/1965 New York World's Fair reopens for 2nd & final season
04/21/1966 Emperor Haile Selassie (Ethiopia) visits Kingston Jamaica
04/21/1967 Dodgers 1st rain out in Los Angeles (after 737 consecutive games)
04/21/1967 EO, Evangelical Broadcasting, begins in Netherlands
04/21/1967 Military coup in Greece, Konstantinos Kollias becomes premier
04/21/1967 Svetlana Alliluyeva (Josef Stalin's daughter) defects in NYC
04/21/1969 Record 1,152 starters compete in Boston Marathon
04/21/1972 John Young & Charles Duke explores Moon (Apollo 16)
04/21/1972 Orbiting Astronomical Observatory 4 (Copernicus) launched
04/21/1975 Bill Rodgers wins his 1st Boston Marathon in 2:9:55
04/21/1975 Last South Vietnam president Nguyen Van Thieu resigns after 10 years

04/21/1976 Swine Flu vaccine, for non-epidemic, enters testing
04/21/1977 Billy Martin pulls Yankee line-up out of a hat, beats Blue Jays 8-6
04/21/1977 Broadway play 'Annie' opens, 1st of 2,377 performances
04/21/1977 Zia ur-Rahman appointed president of Bangladesh
04/21/1981 US furnish $1 billion in arms to Saudi-Arabia
04/21/1982 Atlanta Braves win their 13th straight game
04/21/1982 Dutch Queen Beatrice addresses US Congress
04/21/1982 M Watt discovers asteroid #2991
04/21/1983 Soyuz T-8 is launched [04-20?]
04/21/1983 ť1 coin introduced in United Kingdom
04/21/1984 'Nightline' reverts back from 1 hour to ź hour
04/21/1984 After 37 weeks, 'Thriller' is knocked off as top album by 'Footloose

04/21/1984 Franz Weber of Austria skis downhill at a record 209.8 kph
04/21/1985 Bomb attacks in NATO/AEG-Telefunken building in Brussels
04/21/1985 Flyers 5-Isles 2-Patrick Div Finals-Flyers hold 2-0 lead
04/21/1985 Ingrid Kristiansen wins London Marathon in a record 2:21:06
04/21/1986 Bob Hering sets Formula One power boat record (165.338 mph, Ariz)
04/21/1986 Geraldo Rivera opens Al Capone's vault on TV & finds nothing
04/21/1987 Milwaukee Brewers lose after 13th straight victory to start season
04/21/1987 Tamil bomb attack in Colombo Sri Lanka, 115 killed
04/21/1988 Barbra Striesand records 'You'll Never Know'
04/21/1989 George W Bush & Edward W Rose become CEO of Texas Rangers
04/21/1990 'Cartoon All Stars to Rescue' shown on all 4 TV networks
04/21/1990 National League umpire is arrested for stealing baseball cards
04/21/1992 'High Rollers' opens at Helen Hayes theater on Broadway
04/21/1992 Mobil Oil tug with 12,000 gallons of oil run aground in Arthur Kill
04/21/1993 Brazil votes against a monarchy
04/21/1993 Rolling Stone Bill Wyman weds Suzanne Accosta on French Riveria
04/21/1994 Serbian army bombs distress clinic in Goradze Bosnia, 28 killed

Robert Wolfe

Apr 24, 2021, 7:40:13 AM4/24/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


04/24/1538 Gugliemo Gonzaga, composer
04/24/1594 Benedikt Lechler, composer
04/24/1620 John Graunt, statistician, founder of science of demography
04/24/1660 Cornelis Dusart, painter/engraver
04/24/1670 Christian Ludwig Boxberg, composer
04/24/1706 Giovanni Battista Martini, composer
04/24/1721 Johann Kirnberge, German music theroist, baptised
04/24/1721 Johann Philipp Kirnberger, composer
04/24/1742 Roman Hoffstetter, composer
04/24/1743 Edmund Cartwright, England, cleric, inventor (power loom)
04/24/1750 Simon-Antoine-Jean Lhuillier, Swiss mathematician
04/24/1766 Robert Bailey Thomas, founder (Farmer's Almanac)
04/24/1769 Arthur Wellesley, General/Duke of Wellington
04/24/1773 Harman W Muntinghe, lawyer/Dutch colonial director
04/24/1791 Nikolaj A Bestoezjev, Russia, writer/painter (Account about Holland)

04/24/1804 Thomas Oliver Selfridge, Comm (Union Navy)
04/24/1807 Charles Ferguson Smith, Major General (Union volunteers), died in 18

04/24/1814 Vincente F López, Argentina historian (La novia del hereje)
04/24/1815 Anthony Trollope, England, novelist/poet (Barchester Towers)
04/24/1815 James Edward Harrison, Brig General (Confederate Army), died in 1875

04/24/1822 Erastus Barnard Tyler, Bvt Major General (Union volunteers)
04/24/1824 Fournier, Swiss/French postage stamp designer
04/24/1828 Robert Brank Vance, Brig General (Confederate Army), died in 1899
04/24/1829 George Peabody Estey, Brig General (Union volunteers), died in 1881
04/24/1836 Jeltje de Bosch Kemper, Dutch feminist
04/24/1837 Friedrich von Holstein, German diplomat (die graue Eminenz)
04/24/1845 Carl Spitteler, Switz, poet (Prometheus & Epimetheus; Nobel 1919)
04/24/1849 Joseph S Galliéni, general (Battle of Marne)/milt governor (Paris)
04/24/1851 Eduardo Acevedo Díaz, Uruguaian writer (Ismael, Grito de Gloria)
04/24/1856 Henri POBJ Pétain, French marshal (Verdun/Vichy regime)
04/24/1864 George AA Alting van Geusau, dir-gen (PTT)/Dutch Min of War (1918-20

04/24/1867 Fannie Thomas, became oldest known American (113 y 273 d at death)
04/24/1873 Theodor Körner von Siegringen, Austrian general/president
04/24/1874 John Russell Pope, US, architect (Jefferson Memorial)
04/24/1874 Willem E Roelofs, painter/cartoonist
04/24/1875 Jeno Huszka, composer
04/24/1877 Charles Cuvillier, composer
04/24/1883 Jaroslav Hasek, Czech writer (Brave soldier Schweik)
04/24/1886 R Pelgrom, oldest Dutch man (died Apr 15, 1994, 9 days short of 108)

04/24/1892 Jack Hulbert, actor (Into the Blue, Bulldog Jack)
04/24/1893 Robert Harron, actor (Birth of a Nation, Intolerance)
04/24/1895 S Constantine Timoshenko, Russian marshal/people's commissioner
04/24/1897 Benjamin Lee Whorf, linguist (or 1797)
04/24/1897 Gyorgy Kosa, composer
04/24/1903 José A Primo de Rivera y Saénz de Heredia, founder (Spanish Falange)

04/24/1903 Mike Michalske, NFL guard (NY Yankees, Green Bay Packers)
04/24/1904 Friedrich Siemens, German industrialist, dies
04/24/1904 Willem De Kooning, Netherlands, artist (North Atlantic Light)
04/24/1905 Robert Penn Warren, 1st US poet laureate (All the King's Men)
04/24/1907 Vaclav Trojan, composer
04/24/1909 Bernhard Grzimek, zoologist (West Germany)
04/24/1911 Jack E Leonard, Chicago Ill, comedian (Disorderly Orderly)
04/24/1911 Karl O Schiller, German economist/minister of Economic
04/24/1911 Robert Joseph Kane, Ithaca NY, Pres of US Olympic Comm (1976)
04/24/1911 Sigursveinn David Kristinsson, composer
04/24/1914 Ruth White, actress (Up the Down Staircase)
04/24/1916 Stanley Kauffmann, NYC, playwright (Red Handkerchief Man)
04/24/1921 Laci Boldemann, composer
04/24/1922 J D Cannon, Salmon Idaho, actor (McCloud, Ike, Call to Glory)
04/24/1924 Marilyn Erskine, Rochester NY, actor (Fran-Tom Ewell Show)
04/24/1924 Yehoshua Lakner, composer
04/24/1927 Josy Barthel, Luxembourg, 1500m runner (Olympic-gold-1952)
04/24/1928 Gustav Krivinka, composer
04/24/1929 Ferit Tuzun, composer
04/24/1931 Bridget Riley, British painter (op-art)
04/24/1932 Coen[rad] Flink, Dutch actor (Pastorale 1943, Havinck, Honneponnetje

04/24/1933 Freddie Scott, US songwriter/singer (Cry to Me)
04/24/1934 John Barbour, Toronto, TV host (Real People)
04/24/1934 Shirley MacLaine, Richmond Va, actress/mystic (Irma la Douce)
04/24/1935 Louis Keith, Chicago, physician (expert on multiple-births)
04/24/1936 Jill Ireland, London, actress (Breakout, Assassination, Chino)
04/24/1941 John Williams, Melbourne Australia, guitarist (Acad Award)
04/24/1942 Barbra Streisand, Bkln NY, singer/actress/award winner (People)
04/24/1943 Richard Sterban, Camden NJ, country singer (Oak Ridge Boys-Elvira)
04/24/1944 [Bernard] St Clair Lee [Calhoun], US singer (Rock the Boat)
04/24/1945 Doug Clifford, rock drummer (Creedence Clearwater Revival-Proud Mary

04/24/1945 Eugene O'Brien, composer
04/24/1946 Bruce Stuart Saylor, composer
04/24/1947 Glenn Cornick, rock bassist (Jethro Tull-Thick as a Brick)
04/24/1947 Hubert Ann Kelly, US singer (Hues Corporation/Rock the boat)
04/24/1948 Eddie James Hart, Martinez Cal, 4x100m relay runner (Olympic-gold-72

04/24/1953 Eric Bogosian, actor (Talk Radio)
04/24/1953 John P Hiler, (Rep-R-IN, 1981- )
04/24/1953 Porter Carroll Jr, drummer (Atlantic Star-Touch a 4 Leaf Clover)
04/24/1954 Captain Sensible, [Ray Burns], UK, rock bassist (Women & Capts 1st)
04/24/1954 Jack Blades, rocker (Damn Yankees-Coming of Age)
04/24/1954 Vince Ferragamo, NFL/CFL quarterback (LA Rams, Montréal Alouettes)
04/24/1955 Jack Kingston, (Rep-R-Georgia)
04/24/1955 Michael O'Keefe, actor (Caddyshack, Ironweed, Slugger's Wife)
04/24/1957 Tricia Lange, Hollywood Calif, playmate (June, 1984)
04/24/1960 (weatherman (WNYW TV NYC)
04/24/1960 Paula Yates, London England, Mrs Bob Geldof/rocker/writer (Blondes)
04/24/1963 Joey Vera, heavy metal rocker (Armored Saint-Aftermath)
04/24/1976 Shane McDermott, actor (Garrett Booth-Swan's Crossing)


04/24/ 709 Wilfried, bishop of York, dies at about 76
04/24/ 729 Egbert[us], English bishop/saint, dies in Iona at 89
04/24/1077 Geza I, King of Hungary (1074-7), dies
04/24/1530 Jacopo Sannazaro, Italian poet (De partu Virginis), dies
04/24/1731 Daniel Defoe, English novelist (Robinson Crusoe), dies
04/24/1758 Florian Wrastill, composer, dies at 41
04/24/1776 Carolus van de Abeele, Flemish Jesuit, dies at 84
04/24/1776 Giuseppi Paolucci, composer, dies at 49
04/24/1824 Herman Muntinghe, theologist (History of Mankind), dies at 71
04/24/1827 Pierre Joseph Candielle, composer, dies at 82
04/24/1848 Francois van Campenhout, composer, dies at 69
04/24/1850 Louis Alexandre Piccinni, composer, dies at 70
04/24/1855 Walenty karol Kratzer, composer, dies at 75
04/24/1875 Jose Maria de la Purificacion Ventura, composer, dies at 58
04/24/1891 Count Helmuth K B von Moltke, Prussian gen/field marshal, dies
04/24/1900 George JD Campbell, Brit min of Indies (1868-74, 80-85), dies at 76
04/24/1904 Friedrich Siemens, German industrial, dies
04/24/1922 Richard Batka, composer, dies at 53
04/24/1928 Ferdinand B Hummel, composer, dies at 72
04/24/1935 Paul Klengel, composer, dies at 80
04/24/1936 Bernard van Dieren, composer, dies at 51
04/24/1939 John Foulds, composer, dies at 58
04/24/1943 Gerardus H de Hare, socialist vicar, dies at 63
04/24/1945 Anton de Come, Suriname resistance fighter, dies at 47
04/24/1945 Hubert Bath, composer, dies at 61
04/24/1948 Jazeps Vitols, composer, dies at 84
04/24/1948 Manuel Marua Ponce, Mexican composer (Ferial), dies at 65
04/24/1948 Rosita Marstini, actress (I Cover the Waterfront, Big Parade), dies
04/24/1952 Hans [Hendrik A] Kramers, physicist (quantum mechanics), dies at 57
04/24/1952 Jules Poncelet, Belgian minister of State, dies at 82
04/24/1955 Alfred Polgar, Austrian writer, dies at 79
04/24/1956 Henry Stephenson, actor (Conquest, Mr Lucky), dies at 85
04/24/1957 Andries CD de Graeff, gov-gen of Neth Indies (1926-31), dies at 84
04/24/1959 Jef van Hoof, composer, dies at 72
04/24/1960 John P 'John' Musch, actor/founder (JM), dies at 84
04/24/1961 Lee Moran, actor (Circus Clown), dies at 72
04/24/1965 Louise Dresser, actress (State Fair, Ship Comes In, Mammy), dies at

04/24/1967 Frank Overton, actor (12 O'Clock High), dies at 48
04/24/1967 Vladimir Komarov, cosmonaut is 1st to die in space, aboard Soyuz 1
04/24/1968 Norman McKaye, actor (Untamed Fury, Frogman), dies
04/24/1968 Tommy Noonan, actor (Gentlemen Perfer Blondes), dies at 45
04/24/1974 Bud Abbott, comedian (Abbott & Costello), dies at 78
04/24/1975 William Hartnell, actor (Jackpot, This Sporting Life), dies at 67
04/24/1976 Mark Tobey, US abstract artist, dies at 85
04/24/1979 John Carroll, actor (Hired Wife, Fiesta, Geraldine), dies at 72
04/24/1980 Alentejo Carpentier, Cubans/French writer (Guerra del tiempo), dies
04/24/1986 Bessie Wallis Warfield Simpson, (Edward abdicated for her), dies at

04/24/1990 Joseph Leberman, entertainer, dies
04/24/1990 Tom Rolfing, actor (He Knows You're Alone), dies
04/24/1991 J de Graaf, ethicus/president church & peace, dies
04/24/1993 Oliver Tambo, chairman (African National Congress), dies at 75

Significant Events:

04/24/ 858 Nicolaas I succeeds Benedict III as pope
04/24/1288 Jews of Yroyes France are accused of ritual murder
04/24/1311 Gen Malik Kafur returns to Delhi after campaign in South India
04/24/1364 Pope Urbabus V names John V van Virneburg as bishop of Utrecht
04/24/1547 Battle of Mühlberg: Emperor Karel V vs ruler Johan F the Brave
04/24/1704 Boston News-Letter, 1st successful newspaper in US, established
04/24/1792 'La Marseillaise' composed by Claude-Joseph Rouget de Lisle
04/24/1792 -25) Officer Joseph Rouget d'Isle writes Marseillaise Natl Anthem
04/24/1800 Library of Congress establishes with $5,000 allocation
04/24/1833 Patent granted for 1st soda fountain
04/24/1854 Austria's Franz Joseph I marries Elisabeth AE 'Sissi'
04/24/1863 Skirmish at Okolona/Birmingham, Mississippi (Grierson's Raid)
04/24/1865 Fire alarm & police telegraph system put into operation (SF)
04/24/1867 Black demonstrators stage ride-ins on Richmond Va streetcars
04/24/1871 Opera 'Aida' is produced (Cairo)
04/24/1872 Volcano Vesuvius erupts
04/24/1877 Last federal occupying troops withdraw from south (New Orleans)
04/24/1884 National Medical Association of Black physicians organizes (Atlanta)

04/24/1888 Eastman Kodak forms
04/24/1891 Start of Sherlock Holmes adventure 'Final Problem'
04/24/1894 French cyclist Henri Desgrange rides 100km in world record 2:39:18
04/24/1894 Phillies Lave Cross hits for cycle vs Bkln Dodgers
04/24/1895 Joshua Slocum completes around-the-world voyage in 11-m boat
04/24/1897 1st reporter, William Price, assigned to White House
04/24/1898 Spain declares war on US rejecting ultimatum to withdraw from Cuba
04/24/1898 US fleet under commodore Dewey sails from Hong Kong to Philippines
04/24/1900 Passing of Andrew Halliday, cable car pioneer
04/24/1901 1st AL game, White Sox beat Indians 8-2, 3 other games rained out
04/24/1905 Senators execute a triple-play & beat Yankees 4-3
04/24/1909 Harry Hillman & Lawson Robertson run 100m 3-legged race in 11 second

04/24/1915 German army fires chloroform gas in Ieper
04/24/1915 Massacre of Armenians by Turks (Armenian Martyrs Day)
04/24/1915 Pitts' Frank Allen no-hits St Louis (Federal League), 2-0
04/24/1916 Easter rebellion of Irish against British occupation begins
04/24/1917 Yankee lefty George Mogridge no-hits Red Sox 2-1 at Fenway
04/24/1920 British Mandate over Palestine goes into effect (lasts 28 years)
04/24/1920 Polish troops attack Ukraine
04/24/1921 1st municipal elections for men & women in Belgium
04/24/1923 General harbor strike begins in NYC
04/24/1929 1st non-stop England to India flight takes-off
04/24/1929 Thorvald Stauning becomes premier of Denmark
04/24/1930 H Van Gent discovers asteroid #1165 Imprinetta
04/24/1931 C Jackson discovers asteroid #1193 Africa
04/24/1932 German national election (NSDAP 36.3% in Prussia)
04/24/1932 K Reinmuth discovers asteroid #1862 Apollo
04/24/1933 1st major league to get 4 consecutive doubles in 9 inn (Dick Bartell

04/24/1941 Dutch Prince Bernhard becomes an RAF pilot
04/24/1944 1st Boeing B-29 arrives in China 'over the Hump'
04/24/1944 United Negro College Fund incorporates
04/24/1945 Albert B 'Happy' Chandler is named 2nd baseball commissioner
04/24/1950 Independent republic of South Molukken's declared
04/24/1950 Pres Truman denies there are communists in US govt
04/24/1953 Winston Churchill knighted by Queen Elizabeth II
04/24/1954 1st American, civilian pilot, P.R. Holden, wounded in Indochina
04/24/1954 Australia & USSR break diplomatic relations
04/24/1954 WSEE TV channel 35 in Erie, PA (CBS) begins broadcasting
04/24/1955 Conference of Bandung against colonialism & self determination, ends

04/24/1955 KFDM TV channel 6 in Beaumont, TX (CBS) begins broadcasting
04/24/1955 KMAU (now KGMV) TV channel 3 in Wailuku, HI (CBS) begins broadcastin

04/24/1957 Asteroid #3648 discovered
04/24/1958 Lee Walls hits 3 HRS, as Cubs beat Dodgers 15-2
04/24/1959 Neth Dance Theater opens (Rudi of Dantzig & Cut Flier)
04/24/1959 WICD TV channel 15 in Champaign, IL (NBC/ABC) begins broadcasting
04/24/1960 Heavy earthquake strikes South Persia, 500 killed
04/24/1961 JFK accepts 'sole responsibility' following Bay of Pigs
04/24/1961 Vasa, which sunk on her maiden voyage in 1628, is raised
04/24/1962 1st Lockheed A-12 is taxi tested
04/24/1962 MIT sends TV signal by satellite for 1st time: CA to MA
04/24/1962 Sandy Koufax's 2nd 18-strikeout game
04/24/1963 Boston beat LA, 4 games to 2, for NBA title; Bob Cousy retires
04/24/1963 English princess Alexandra marries sir Angus Ogilvy
04/24/1965 Military coup under Donald Reid Cabral in Dominican Republic
04/24/1967 Philadelphia beats San Francisco, 4 games to 2, for NBA championship

04/24/1968 Leftist students take over Columbia University, NYC
04/24/1969 Gen Lin Piao succeeds Mao, is seriously wounded
04/24/1969 Lebanese army in battle with Palestinians
04/24/1969 Paul McCartney says their is no truth to rumours he is dead
04/24/1969 US B-52 drops 3,000 ton bombs at Cambodian boundary
04/24/1970 China PR launches its 1st satellite transmitting song 'East is Red'
04/24/1970 Gambia becomes a republic within Commonwealth
04/24/1970 Senegal adopts constitution
04/24/1971 Soyuz 10 returns to Earth
04/24/1974 Dutch women hockey team becomes world champion
04/24/1974 NFL grants franchise to Tampa Bay Bucaneers
04/24/1975 Penguins 1-Isles 4-Quarterfinals-series tied at 3-3
04/24/1977 C Kowal discovers asteroid #2063 Bacchus
04/24/1979 Rhodesian bishop Muzorewa wins general election
04/24/1980 US miltary operation to save 52 hostages in Iran, fails, 8 die
04/24/1981 Bill Shoemaker wins his 8,000th race, 2000 more than any other jocke

04/24/1981 IBM-PC introduced
04/24/1981 San Antonio blocks 20 Golden State shots to set NBA reg game record
04/24/1981 US ends grain embargo against USSR
04/24/1982 150 Khomeini followers assault student dormatory in West Germany
04/24/1982 C Torres discovers asteroid #3361 Orpheus
04/24/1983 Austrian socialistic party loses parliamentary election
04/24/1984 Oiler's Wayne Gretzky is 3rd to score on a Stanley Cup penalty shot
04/24/1985 Pulitzer prize awarded to Carolyn Lizer for 'Yin'
04/24/1989 10s of thousands of students strikes in Beijing China
04/24/1989 Massachusetts declares today 'New Kids on the Block Day'
04/24/1990 Security law violator Michael Milken pleads guilty to 6 felonies
04/24/1990 US 66th manned space mission STS 31 (Discovery 10) launches into orb

04/24/1990 West & East Germany agree to merge currency & economies on July 1st
04/24/1992 'Man of La Mancha' with Sheena Easton opens at Marquis theater
04/24/1992 David Bowie marries model Iman in Switzerland
04/24/1992 George Steinbrenner drops his suits against baseball
04/24/1992 Vinson Pike fined ť1000 for distributing obscene computer pictures
04/24/1993 1000 kg heavy IRA-autobomb explodes in London, killing 1
04/24/1994 Armando Calderón Sol wins El Salvador presidential election
04/24/1994 Bomb attack in center of Johannesburg, 9 killed
04/24/1994 NY Rangers sweep NY Islanders in NHL playoffs

Robert Wolfe

Apr 25, 2021, 7:40:14 AM4/25/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


04/25/1214 Louis IX, King of France (1226-70)
04/25/1284 Edward II, King of England (1307-27)
04/25/1567 Aurelio Signoretti, composer
04/25/1599 Oliver Cromwell, Puritan lord protector of England (1653-58)
04/25/1614 Hieronymus van Beverningk, chief Dutch treasurer/maecenas
04/25/1614 Marc'Antonio Pasqualini, composer
04/25/1666 Johann Heinrich Buttstett, composer
04/25/1690 Gottlieb Muffat, composer
04/25/1710 James Ferguson, astronomer
04/25/1723 Giovanni Marco Rutini, composer
04/25/1730 Fedele Fenaroli, composer
04/25/1769 Mark Isambard Brunel, engineer/inventor
04/25/1792 John Keble, Anglican priest/founder (Oxford Movement)
04/25/1818 Marek Konrad Sokolowski, composer
04/25/1824 Gustave-Rodolphe-Clarence Boulanger, painter
04/25/1825 Charles Ferdinand Dowd, US, standardized time zones
04/25/1837 William Charles Levey, composer
04/25/1840 James Dearing, Brig General (Confederate Army), died in 1865
04/25/1840 Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Russian composer (1812 Overture) (5/7 NS)
04/25/1841 Pauline Lucca, soprano
04/25/1842 Antonio Fogazzarro, Italian writer/poet (Il santo/Leila)
04/25/1849 Felix Klein, German mathematician (Evanston Colloquium)
04/25/1862 Edward Grey, English viscount of Fallodon/minister of Foreign affair

04/25/1867 Jean Demoor, Belgian physician/physiologist
04/25/1869 Karl Prohaska, composer
04/25/1871 Sara Amsel, Indonesian/Dutch actress
04/25/1872 Charles Burgess Fry, cricketer/writer
04/25/1873 Walter De la Mare, English poet/anthologist (Behold the Dreamer)
04/25/1874 Guglielmo Marconi, Bologna Italy, inventor (radio) (Nobel 1909)
04/25/1876 Ruben Marcos Campos, composer
04/25/1881 Hans Windisch, German new testament expert
04/25/1883 Elsa Maxwell, Keokuk Iowa, writer (Jack Paar Show)
04/25/1895 Stanley Rous, British soccer official
04/25/1897 Haro Levoni Step'anyan, composer
04/25/1897 VAA Mary, English princess
04/25/1900 Lord Gladwyn, British Liberal
04/25/1900 Wolfgang Pauli, Swiss/Us physicist (Pauli inhibition, Nobel 1945)
04/25/1901 Ernst Gernot Klussmann, composer
04/25/1903 Carl Gustav Sparre Olsen, composer
04/25/1906 William J Brennan Jr, Newark NJ, 92nd Supreme Court justice (1956-90

04/25/1906 Zoltan Gardonyi, composer
04/25/1907 Paula Trueman, NYC, actress (Gran-Billy)
04/25/1907 Vasily Pavlovich Solov'yov-Sedoy, composer
04/25/1908 Edward R Murrow, Pole Creek NC, newscaster (Person to Person)
04/25/1909 Jaroslav Doubrava, composer
04/25/1912 Gladys L Presley, mother of Elvis
04/25/1913 Earl Bostic, Tulsa OK, alto sax player (Flamingo, Temptation)
04/25/1913 Russ Conway, Brandon Manitoba, actor (Richard Diamond Private Eye)
04/25/1914 Marcos Perez Jimenez, president/dictator Venezuela
04/25/1915 Aja Quintus Bosz, Indonesian/Suriname lawyer
04/25/1918 Astrid Varnay, Stockholm Sweden, soprano (Met Opera 1941-56)
04/25/1918 Ella Fitzgerald, jazz singer (Is it live or is it Memorex)
04/25/1919 Heinz Wunderlich, composer
04/25/1920 Marre, reformer of the bar
04/25/1921 Jean Mogin, Belgian poet
04/25/1923 Albert King, Mississippi, blues singer/guitar (Bad Look Blues)
04/25/1923 Anita Bjorak, actress (Miss Julie, Loving Couples, Night People)
04/25/1923 Francis Graham-Smith, British astronomer
04/25/1923 Melissa Hayden, Toronto Canada, ballerina (1961 Silver Bowl)
04/25/1924 Erzsebet Szonyi, composer
04/25/1924 Franco Mannino, composer
04/25/1925 Anthony Christopher, British trade unionist
04/25/1926 Paul Walter Furst, composer
04/25/1927 Ernst Widmer, composer
04/25/1929 Yvette Corlett, athlete
04/25/1929 Yvette Williams, NZ, long jumper (Oly-gold-52)
04/25/1930 Dotty Mack, Cincinnati Ohio, actress (Paul Dixon Show)
04/25/1930 Paul Mazursky, US, writer/director (Moscow on the Hudson)
04/25/1931 David Shepherd, painter
04/25/1932 Lia Manoliu, Romania, discus thrower (Olympic-gold-1968)
04/25/1932 Meadowlark Lemon, basketball star (Harlem Globetrotter) (or 0421)
04/25/1932 William Roache, England, actor (Ken Barlow-Coronation Street)
04/25/1933 Helen Paling, British circuit judge
04/25/1934 David de Peyer, cancer research campaigner
04/25/1934 Denny 'Scott' Miller, Bloomington Ind, actor (Wagon Train)
04/25/1937 Bo Brundin, Stockholm Sweden, actress (Rhinemann Exchange)
04/25/1937 Thomas Faber, publisher
04/25/1939 Lord Lichfield, British photographer
04/25/1939 Veronica Sutherland, British diplomat
04/25/1940 Al Pacino, NYC, actor (And Justice For All, Godfather, Scorpio)
04/25/1940 Marian Norrie
04/25/1940 OB McClinton, [Burnett], country singer (Keep your arms around me)
04/25/1941 Chris Augustine, rocker (Every Mother's Son)
04/25/1941 Lawrence J Smith, (Rep-D-FL, 1983- )
04/25/1942 John Martin Dalby, composer
04/25/1942 Jon Kyl, (Rep-R-Arizona)
04/25/1944 John Bryant, editor (Europeans)
04/25/1945 Bjorn Ulvaeus, rock vocalist/guitarist (ABBA-Waterloo, Dancing Queen

04/25/1945 Stu Cook, rock bassist (Creedence Clearwater Revival-Proud Mary)
04/25/1945 Walt Wesley, NBA star (Cleve Cavaliers, Milwaukee Bucks, LA Lakers)
04/25/1946 ... Zhirinovsky [Edelstein), Russian ultra nationalist/anti semite
04/25/1946 Digby Fairweather, jazz trumpeter
04/25/1946 Peter Sutherland, CEO (Allied Irish Banks)
04/25/1946 Talia Shire, [Coppola], Lake Success NY, actress (Adrienne-Rocky)
04/25/1947 Bill Fontana, composer
04/25/1947 Jeffrey DeMunn, actor (Blaze, Frances, Windy City, Sessions)
04/25/1947 Johan Cruyff, soccer manager
04/25/1949 Michael Brown, keyboardist (Left Bank-Don't Walk Away Renee)
04/25/1950 Steve Ferrone, drummer (Average White Band)
04/25/1951 Ian McCartney, MP
04/25/1951 Linda Stone, pharmacist
04/25/1954 Rob Crosby, Sumter SC, country singer (She's a Natural)
04/25/1955 Buster Mottram, tennis player
04/25/1955 John Nunn, British chess player
04/25/1957 Eric Bristow, England, dart thrower (5 World Masters titles)
04/25/1958 Fish, [Derek William Dick], Scottish vocalist (Marillion-Sugar Mice)

04/25/1964 Andy Bell, rocker (Erasure-Oh L'Amour)
04/25/1966 Isabelle Pasco, France, actress (Ave Maria)/model (Elle, Vogue)
04/25/1967 Cameo, XXX actress (Patriot Dames, Suburban Buttnicks, Women in Need

04/25/1975 Ruben Gomez, rocker (Menudo-Cannonball)
04/25/1985 Jonathan Halyalkar, Ramsey NJ, actor (Billy-Who's the Boss)


04/25/ 974 Ratherius Van Verona/Luik, bishop/abbot, dies at about 84
04/25/1295 Sancho IV, the brave, leader/king of Castili‰/Le¢n, dies
04/25/1342 Benedict XII, [Jacques Fournier], Pope (1334-42), dies
04/25/1472 Leon Battista degli Alberti, scupltor/musician (Dinner Pieces), dies

04/25/1482 Margaret of Anjou, Queen (Henry VI), dies
04/25/1566 Diane de Poitiers, of French King Henry II, dies
04/25/1595 Torquato Tasso, poet, dies
04/25/1607 Don Juan Alvarez, Spanish Admiral (Gibraltar), dies in battle
04/25/1607 Jacob van Heemskerck, Dutch Admiral (Nova Zambia), dies in battle
04/25/1635 Alessandro Tassoni, Italian poet (La secchia rapita), dies
04/25/1647 Matthias Gallas, Austrian earl of Campo/duke of Lucerna, dies at 62
04/25/1663 Heinrich Pape, composer, dies at 53
04/25/1690 David Teniers the Younger, Flemish painter (Pictorium), dies at 79
04/25/1728 John Woodward, geologist/physician, dies
04/25/1744 Anders Celsius, Swedish astronomer (Centegrade Thermometer), dies
04/25/1792 Johann Friedrich Gottlieb Beckmann, composer, dies at 54
04/25/1792 Nicolas J Pelletier, Frenchman, 1st guillotined
04/25/1800 William Cowper, poet, dies
04/25/1808 Alois Luigi Tomasini, composer, dies at 67
04/25/1828 John Goldberg, patriot/statesman, dies at 64
04/25/1840 Sim‚on-Denis Poisson, French mathematician (Poisson verdeling), dies

04/25/1845 Thomas Duncan, painter, dies
04/25/1853 William Beaumont, physiologist, dies
04/25/1882 Johann CF Z”llner, German astronomer (astro photography), dies
04/25/1905 Jacob Olie, photographer, dies
04/25/1906 John Knowles Paine, composer, dies at 67
04/25/1915 Nicola d' Arienzo, composer, dies at 72
04/25/1925 George Stephanescu, composer, dies at 81
04/25/1926 Ellen Key, Swedish author/feminist (Century of the Child), dies
04/25/1928 Pjotr N Wrangel, Russian baron general, dies
04/25/1937 Clem Sohn, air show performer dies at 26 when his chute fails to ope

04/25/1943 Vladimir Ivanovich Nemirovich-Danchenko, playwright/director, dies
04/25/1951 Jerzy Fitelberg, composer, dies at 47
04/25/1954 Joseph Hergesheimer, novelist (Java Head), dies
04/25/1955 Constance Collier, actress (Perils of Pauline), dies at 77
04/25/1955 Paulus B Barth, Swiss painter/lithographer, dies
04/25/1960 Amanullah, emir/king of Afhanistan (1919-28), dies at 67
04/25/1960 Hope Emerson, actress (I Married Joan, Peter Gunn), dies at 62
04/25/1960 Ilmari Henrik Reinhold Krohn, composer, dies at 92
04/25/1966 Maurice Roelants, Belgian author, dies at 70
04/25/1969 Margarita Xirgu, actress (Bloody Wedding), dies at 80
04/25/1970 Anita Louise, actress (Gorilla, Anthony Adverse), dies at 53
04/25/1971 Max Drischner, composer, dies at 80
04/25/1972 George Sanders, actor (Mr Freeze-Batman, Ivanhoe), dies at 65
04/25/1976 Carol Reed, director (Agony & Ecstasy), dies
04/25/1976 Margaret Bannerman, actress (Great Defender), dies at 79
04/25/1981 Dixie, a mouse who lived 6« years
04/25/1982 Celia Johnson, actress (Brief Encounter, Happhy Breed), dies at 73
04/25/1982 Don Wilson, TV announcer (Jack Benny Show), dies at 81
04/25/1982 John Cody, US cardinal/archbishop of Chicago (1965-82), dies at 74
04/25/1982 Paul de Vree, Flemish writer/essayist (Round Table), dies
04/25/1982 William R Burnett, US, writer (Asphalt Jungle), dies at 82
04/25/1984 Richard Benedict, actor (Okinawa), dies at 64 of a heart attack
04/25/1985 Murray Matheson, actor (Felix-Banacek), dies at 72
04/25/1985 Richard Haydn, British actor (Mutiny on the Bounty), dies at 80
04/25/1988 Boris Kremenliev, composer, dies at 76
04/25/1988 Carolyn Franklin, singer/songwriter/son of Aretha, dies at 43
04/25/1988 Clifford D[onald] Simak, sci-fi author (Hugo, Way Station), dies at

04/25/1989 George Coulouris, actor (Papillon, Runaway Bus), dies at 85
04/25/1990 Dexter Gordon, jazz tenor saxophonist, dies at 67 in Philadelphia
04/25/1991 Frank Hamilton, actor (Subterraneans), dies
04/25/1991 Theo Laseroms, [Tank], soccer player (Feyenoord), dies
04/25/1992 Brian Macleod, Canadian musician, dies of cancer at 39
04/25/1992 Dany [Dani‰l S] Tuijnman, Dutch min of traffic & water, dies at 77
04/25/1992 Panos Christi, entertainer, dies
04/25/1992 Yutaka Ozaki, Japanese rock artist, dies at 26 of pulmonary edema
04/25/1993 Rosita Moreno, actress (Walls of Gold), dies
04/25/1994 George Gennimatas, Greek minister of National Economy, dies at 55
04/25/1994 Talaat Yassin Hamman, militant moslem leader, shot dead at 32

Significant Events:

04/25/ 404 Army of Sparta conquerors Athens
04/25/1185 Sea battle at Dan-no-ura: Minamoto Joritomo beats Taira-family
04/25/1449 Anti-pope Felix V resigns
04/25/1541 -26) Luik flooded after heavy down pour
04/25/1604 Earl Maurits' army lands at Cadzand
04/25/1607 Battle at Gibraltar: Dutch fleet beats Spanish/Portuguese fleet
04/25/1614 Amsterdam Bank of Loan established
04/25/1660 Parliament meets & votes to restore Charles II
04/25/1678 French troops conquer Ieper
04/25/1684 Patent granted for thimble
04/25/1707 Battle of Almansa-Franco-Spanish forces defeat Anglo-Portuguese
04/25/1747 Prince Willem V appointed viceroy of Zealand
04/25/1792 Guillotine 1st used, executes highwayman Nicolas J Pelletier
04/25/1848 A Graham discovers asteroid #9 Metis
04/25/1859 Ground broken for Suez Canal
04/25/1861 7th NY arrives to reinforce Washington, DC
04/25/1861 Battle of Lavaca, TX
04/25/1862 Admiral Farragut occupies New Orleans, La
04/25/1862 Battle of New Orleans LA - captured by US Admiral Farragut
04/25/1864 Battle of Marks' Mill, Arkansas (Camden Expedition)
04/25/1867 Tokyo is opened for foreign trade
04/25/1875 Latest date for measurable snow in NYC (3')
04/25/1876 Chicago Cubs 1st NL game, beats Louisville 4-0 (1st NL shutout)
04/25/1881 250,000 Germans petition to bar foreign Jews from entering Germany
04/25/1886 Sigmund Freud opens practice at Rathausstrasse 7, Vienna
04/25/1890 J Palisa discovers asteroids #291 Alice & #292 Ludovica
04/25/1891 Pres Benjamin Harrison visits SF
04/25/1896 Fight in Central Dance Hall starts fire (Cripple Creek Colorado)
04/25/1898 US declares war on Spain
04/25/1901 Erve Beck hit 1st home run in American League
04/25/1905 Whites win suffrage in South-Africa
04/25/1906 J H Metcalf discovers asteroid #599 Luisa
04/25/1915 78,000 ANZAC troops land at Gallipoli
04/25/1925 Paul von Hindenburg takes office as president of Germany
04/25/1926 Persian cossack officer Reza Chan crowned himself Shah Palawi
04/25/1926 Puccini's opera 'Turandot' 1st performed
04/25/1927 Spain routes 20,000 soldiers to Morocco (uprising Rifkabylen)
04/25/1933 NY Yankee Russ Van Atta shuts out Washington Senators 16-0
04/25/1933 US & Canada drop Gold Standard
04/25/1938 1st use of seeing eye dog
04/25/1945 45 countries convene UN Conference on Intl Organization in SF
04/25/1945 British troops reach Grebbelinie
04/25/1945 Clandestine Radio 1212, used to hoax Nazi Germany's final transmissi

04/25/1945 Last Boeing B-17 attack against Nazi Germany
04/25/1945 Red army completely surrounding Berlin
04/25/1945 US & Soviet forces meet at Torgau Germany on Elbe River
04/25/1946 'Exposition Flyer' rammed at Napierville Illinois, killing 48
04/25/1946 45 die in a train crash in Naperville Illinois
04/25/1947 Lou Thesz beats Whipper Watson in St Louis, to become wrestling cham

04/25/1949 E L Johnson discovers asteroid #1922 Zulu
04/25/1949 Michael Brown, rocker (Left Banke-Don't Walk Away Renee)
04/25/1950 Ambon (proclaims RMS (Republik Maluku Selatan)
04/25/1950 Chuck Cooper becomes 1st black to play in NBA
04/25/1952 American Bowling Congress approves use of an automatic pinsetter
04/25/1952 German 'Country' Bathe-W rttemberg forms
04/25/1952 Minneapolis beats New York, 4 games to 3, for NBA championship
04/25/1954 Bell labs announces 1st solar battery (NYC)
04/25/1954 British raid Nairobi Kenya
04/25/1954 WDEF TV channel 12 in Chattanooga, TN (CBS) begins broadcasting
04/25/1956 Elvis Presley's 'Heartbreak Hotel' goes #1
04/25/1957 1st experimental sodium nuclear reactor operated
04/25/1957 Ibrahim Hashim forms Jordanian govt
04/25/1957 WUHY TV channel 35 in Philadelphia, PA (PBS) begins broadcasting
04/25/1959 St Lawrence Seaway linking Atlantic, Great Lakes opens to shipping
04/25/1960 1st submerged circumnavigation of Earth completed (Triton)
04/25/1961 Mercury/Atlas rocket lifted off with an electronic mannequin
04/25/1961 Premier Mo‹se Tsjombe of Katanga arrested in Congo
04/25/1961 Robert Noyce patents integrated circuit
04/25/1961 Unmanned Mercury test explodes on launch pad
04/25/1962 US Ranger spacecraft crash lands on Moon
04/25/1962 US resumes above ground nuclear testing, at Christmas Island
04/25/1964 Tor Maple Leafs beat Det Red Wings 4 games to 3 for Stanley Cup
04/25/1965 Boston beats Los Angeles, 4 games to 1, for NBA championship
04/25/1966 Drunk driver kills 10 children in Asse Belgium
04/25/1967 Britain grants internal self-government to Swaziland
04/25/1969 BBC Radio serial 'Dales' 5,400th & last episode
04/25/1970 Freda Payne releases 'Band of Gold'
04/25/1970 Melanie releases 'Lay Down'
04/25/1971 US canal rights in Nicaragua & rights to Corn Islands expire
04/25/1972 Hans-Werner Grosse glides 907.7 miles (1,461 km) in an AS-W-12
04/25/1974 Chancellor Willy Brandt sect G nther Guillaume found to be a spy
04/25/1974 Dictator Ant¢nio Salazar overthrown in Portugal (Carnation revolutio

04/25/1974 Leo Tindemans forms Belgium govt
04/25/1974 NFL moves goal posts & adopts sudden-death playoff
04/25/1975 1st Boeing Jetfoil revenue service, Hong Kong to Macao
04/25/1975 Portugal holds its 1st free election in 50 years
04/25/1975 West German embassy blown-up in Stockholm Sweden
04/25/1976 Portugal adopts constitution
04/25/1977 Cin Reds tie record of 12 runs in 5th inning beating Braves 23-9
04/25/1978 Phillie Phanatic makes 1st appearance
04/25/1978 Supreme Court rules pension plans can't require women to pay more
04/25/1979 'Rock 'n Roll High Schools' premieres
04/25/1979 N Chernykh discovers asteroids #2656 Evenkia & #3653
04/25/1980 Announcement of Jimmy Carter hostage rescue bungle in Iran
04/25/1981 Maureen Reagan (40) marries 3rd husband, Dennis Revell (28)
04/25/1982 E Bowell discovers asteroids #2688 Halley, #3275 Oberndorfer & #3692

04/25/1982 In accordance with Camp David, Israel completes Sinai withdrawl
04/25/1983 'Nightline' expands from « hour to a full hour
04/25/1983 Portugal's Soares' Partido Socialista wins parliamentary election
04/25/1983 Yuri Andropov invites US schoolgirl Samantha Smith to USSR
04/25/1984 Rock group Wings disbands
04/25/1985 Flyers 2-Isles 6-Patrick Div Finals-Flyers hold 3-1 lead
04/25/1985 For 2nd time, Wayne Gretzky, scores 7 goals in a Cup game
04/25/1985 West German Parliament makes it punishable to deny the holocaust
04/25/1986 ETA bomb attacks Madrid killing 5
04/25/1988 'Nightline' goes on location to Jerusalem Israel
04/25/1988 John Demjanjuk (Ivan the Terrible), sentenced to death in Jerusalem
04/25/1988 NASA launches space vehicle S-211
04/25/1989 Mike Tyson gets a speeding ticket for drag racing in Albany NY
04/25/1989 Penguin Mario Lemuix ties NHL playoff record of 4 goals in 1st perio

04/25/1990 25th Academy of Country Music Awards (Clint Black & Kathy Mattea win

04/25/1990 Hubble space telescope is placed into orbit by shuttle discovery
04/25/1990 Violeta Barrios de Chamorro begins a 6 year term as Nicaragua's pres

04/25/1991 Designer Mary McFadden (52) announces divorce of Kohie Yohannan (23)

04/25/1991 Lisa Olson brings suit against NFL NE Patriots for sexual harassment

04/25/1993 Russia elect Boris Yeltsin leader
04/25/1994 14' of snow in Southern Calif
04/25/1994 Bomb attack on taxi stand in Johannesburg, 10 killed
04/25/1994 Fishing boat with school children capsize at Lanaka Syria, 46 killed

04/25/1994 King Azlan Shah of Malaysia resigns
04/25/1994 Tsutomu Hata elected premier of Japan

Robert Wolfe

May 1, 2021, 12:26:52 AM5/1/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


04/28/1442 Edward IV, King of England (1461-70, 71-83)
04/28/1592 George Villiers, 1st duke of Buckingham/English admiral
04/28/1698 Karel Jozef, ruler of Batthyányi
04/28/1715 Franz Sparry, composer
04/28/1748 Lorenz Justinian Ott, composer
04/28/1750 Paul Ignaz Kurzinger, composer
04/28/1753 Franz K Achard, German physicist
04/28/1757 Claus Nielsen Schali, composer
04/28/1758 James Monroe, Westmoreland Va, (D-R) 5th pres (1817-25)
04/28/1774 Francis Baily, describer of 'Baily's Beads' during solar eclipse
04/28/1795 Charles Sturt, England, explorered Australia
04/28/1809 Conradus Leemans, archaeologist
04/28/1810 Daniel Ullmann, Bvt Major General (Union volunteers), died in 1892
04/28/1812 Daniel Henry Rucker, Bvt Major General (Union Army), died in 1910
04/28/1815 Andrew Jackson Smith, Major General (Union volunteers), died in 1897

04/28/1825 James Winning McMillan, Bvt Major General (Union volunteers)
04/28/1826 Alexander Stadtfeld, composer
04/28/1838 Tobias M Carel Asser, Holland, advocate of world law (Nobel 1911)
04/28/1842 Louis PMFG of Orleans, earl of Brazil (1870-89)
04/28/1846 Johann E Backlund, Swedish astronomer (planets/asteroids)
04/28/1848 Ludvig Schytte, composer
04/28/1870 Hermann Suter, composer
04/28/1873 Harold Bauer, English/US pianist (Beethoven-Association)
04/28/1874 Sidney Toler, US actor (Madame X, Meeting at Midnight)
04/28/1876 Frank Cavanagh, one of football's coaching greats
04/28/1878 Lionel Barrymore [Blythe], US actor (Free Soul, Dr Kildaire)
04/28/1879 Edgar Tytgat, Flemish painter/etcher
04/28/1882 Alberto Pirelli, Italian industrialist
04/28/1886 Erich Salomon, German photographer
04/28/1888 Henry DG Crerar, Canadian general (WW I/Italy/Netherland)
04/28/1889 António de Oliveira Salazar, premier/dictator Portugal (1932-68)
04/28/1889 Bryant Washburn, acrtor (Exposure, Millionaire Kid, Nabonga)
04/28/1889 Karel WFM Doorman, spy
04/28/1892 Georges Antoine, composer
04/28/1892 John Jacob Niles, composer
04/28/1892 Joseph Dunninger, NYC, mentalist (Amazing Dunninger)
04/28/1900 Jan Hendrik Oort, Dutch astronomer (hypothesized 'Oort Cloud')
04/28/1900 Maurice Thorez, secretary-general French Communistic Party
04/28/1901 Corry Vonk, [Cornelia D], wife of Wim Kan (ABC-cabaret)
04/28/1906 Bartholomeus J 'Bart' Buck, Dutch/US astronomer (Milky Way)
04/28/1906 Kurt Gödel, Austria, mathematician (Incompleteness Theorem)
04/28/1907 Marion Coulon, Belgian theoriest (Jeunesse ů la dérive)
04/28/1908 Arnoud Breefield, Suriname bishop
04/28/1908 Michael T Fitzmaurice, actor (Reported Missing, 14 Hours)
04/28/1911 French Vroons, actor/tenor/director (Neth Opera)
04/28/1914 Skuli Halldorsson, composer
04/28/1917 Joop Waasdorp, writer (Cousin Cash, Wallpaper Hanger)
04/28/1917 Robert Anderson, NY, writer (Tea & Sympathy, Never Sang for My Fathe

04/28/1917 Robert Cornthwaite, St Helen Oregon, actor (Thing, War of the Worlds

04/28/1920 Nan Merriman, US/Neth singer
04/28/1921 Rowland Evans, White Marsh Pa, news reporter (CNN-Evans & Novak)
04/28/1922 Guillaume Jorissen, Flemish Volksunie politician
04/28/1922 William S Broomfield, (Rep-R-MI, 1956- )
04/28/1923 Adele Mara, Dearborn Mich, actress/singer (Cool Million, Wheels)
04/28/1923 Wolfgang Steffen, composer
04/28/1924 Kenneth David Kaunda, founder/president (Zambia, 1964- )
04/28/1925 Richard C Sarafian, NYC, director/actor (Foley Square)
04/28/1926 Harper Lee, author (To Kill a Mockingbird)
04/28/1928 Yves Klein, French sculptor/painter
04/28/1929 Carolyn Jones, Amarillo Texas, actress (Morticia-Addams Family)
04/28/1930 Christopher Headington, composer
04/28/1930 James Baker 3, Houston, Sec of Treasury (1985-88), Sec State (1989-9

04/28/1932 Marek Kopelent, composer
04/28/1933 Karl Heinz Wahren, composer
04/28/1936 John Martin Tchicai, composer
04/28/1937 Saddam Hussein [At-Takriti], president of Iraq (1979- )
04/28/1938 Madge Sinclair, Kingston Jamaica, actress (Bell-Roots, Trapper John)

04/28/1941 Ann-Margret, Valsjobya Sweden, actress (Carnal Knowledge, Tommy)
04/28/1943 Fantastic Johnny C, [Johnny Corley], US inger (Boogaloo down Broadwa

04/28/1943 John O Creighton, Orange Tx, Capt USN/astronaut (STS 51G, 36, 48)
04/28/1948 Marcia Strassman, NYC, actress (Julle Kotter-Welcome Back Kotter)
04/28/1949 Jerome 'Jay' Apt, Springfield Mass, PhD/astronaut (STS 37, 47, 59)
04/28/1950 Jay Leno, New Rochelle, comedian/talk show host (Tonight Show)
04/28/1950 Willie Colon, Bronx NY, actor (Last Flight)
04/28/1955 Eddie Jobson, rock violinist (Zappa, UK, Roxy Music-For Your Pleasur

04/28/1958 Hal Sutton, Shreveport La, PGA golfer (PGA 1983)
04/28/1958 Kathy Willets, nymphomaniac (1991 Florida Sex Scandal)
04/28/1959 Nancy Grahn, actress (Santa Barbara)
04/28/1960 Wally Langdon, bassist (Bob Color)
04/28/1964 Barry Larkin, shortstop (Cincinnati Reds)
04/28/1964 Helen Marina Lucy Windsor, England, daughter of Prince Edward
04/28/1967 Monique Noel, Salem Oregon, playmate (May, 1989)
04/28/1971 Chris Young, Penn, actor (Bryce Lynch-Max Headroom, Great Outdoors)


04/28/1089 Dirk, the Great, bishop of Verdun/Basel/archbishop of Trier, dies
04/28/1109 Hugo van Cluny, 6th abbott of Cluny/saint, dies
04/28/1770 Marie AC de Camargo, Spanish/Italian/Belgian dancer, dies at 60
04/28/1799 Francois Giroust, composer, dies at 62
04/28/1804 Hans Gram, composer, dies at 49
04/28/1843 William Wallace, Scottish mathematician (rights of Wallace), dies
04/28/1860 Isaac da Costa, poet/writer (Réveil, Wachter!), dies at 62
04/28/1881 Robert W Ollinger, US warden (Billy the Kid), dies
04/28/1887 Carl Ferdinand Pohl, composer, dies at 67
04/28/1896 Heinrich von Treitschke, German historian, dies
04/28/1925 Louis FJ Bouwmeester, actor (Shakespeare), dies
04/28/1933 Robin Irvine, actor (Easy Virtue), dies at 31
04/28/1935 Alexander Campbell Mackenzie, composer, dies at 87
04/28/1936 Foead I, king of Egypt (1922-36), dies
04/28/1945 Bernito Mussolini, Fascist leader & mistress captured, tried, & shot

04/28/1945 Claretta Petacci, wife of Mussolini, executed
04/28/1965 Ferdinand Bordewśk, lawyer/writer (Character), dies
04/28/1966 Ralph Bunker, actor (Ghost Goes West), dies
04/28/1969 Johannes Rontgen, composer, dies at 70
04/28/1970 Ed Begley, actor (Mr Koppel-Leave it to Larry), dies at 69
04/28/1973 Pat Henning, actor (Goodyear TV Playhouse), dies
04/28/1974 Paul Page, actor (Girl from Havanna, Moth), dies at 70
04/28/1975 John A de Young, historian, dies at 48
04/28/1977 Ricardo Cortez, actor/director (Bad Company, Flesh), dies at 87
04/28/1979 Feliks Roderyk Labunski, composer, dies at 86
04/28/1980 Dee Carroll, actress, dies
04/28/1980 Tommy Caldwell, rocker (Marshall Tucker Band), dies
04/28/1981 Mickey 'Toy Bulldog' Walker, welterweight champ (1922-26) dies at 79

04/28/1982 Bert van Dongen, [Abraham J Cohen], singer/actor, dies at 66
04/28/1984 Glen H Taylor, US senator/VP candidate (1948), dies at 80
04/28/1987 Ben Linder, development worker, murdered by Contras in Nicaragua
04/28/1989 Olaff J the Landell [JB Wemmerslager of Sparwoude], writer, dies
04/28/1990 Jean Blazer Baney, entertainer, dies
04/28/1991 Floyd B McKissick, US founder (CORE), dies
04/28/1991 Ken Curtis, actor (Festus-Gunsmoke), dies at 74
04/28/1992 Francis Bacon, British painter, dies
04/28/1992 Olivier Messiaen, French composer (St François d'Assise), dies at 82

04/28/1993 Jim Valvano, basketball coach (NC State), dies of cancer at 47

Significant Events:

04/28/1202 King Philip II throws out John without Country, from France
04/28/1253 -May 7th) Utrecht destroyed by fire
04/28/1376 English parliament demands supervision on royal outlay
04/28/1635 Virginia Gov John Harvey accused of treason & removed from office
04/28/1686 1st volume of Isaac Newton's 'Principia' published
04/28/1788 Maryland becomes 7th state to ratify constitution
04/28/1789 Mutiny on HMS Bounty
04/28/1796 Ceasefire of Cherasco
04/28/1804 31 English ship sail Suriname river demand transition colony
04/28/1818 Monroe proclaims naval disarmament on Great Lakes & Lake Champlain
04/28/1829 Dutch parliament accepts new press laws
04/28/1847 George B Vashon becomes 1st black to enter NY State Bar
04/28/1848 Free last slaves in French colonies
04/28/1855 1st veterinary college in US incorporated in Boston
04/28/1865 Opera 'L'Africaine' is produced (Paris)
04/28/1901 1st soccer game between Belgium (8) & Netherland (0)
04/28/1903 M Wolf discovers asteroid #509 Iolanda
04/28/1910 1st night air flight (Claude Grahame-White, England)
04/28/1913 G Neujmin discovers asteroid #751 Faina
04/28/1913 J Palisa discovers asteroid #750 Oskar
04/28/1914 181 die in coal mine collapse at Eccles WV
04/28/1914 F Kaiser discovers asteroid #788 Hohensteina
04/28/1914 W H Carrier patents air conditioner
04/28/1916 M Wolf discovers asteroid #826 Henrika
04/28/1919 1st jump with Army Air Corp (rip-cord type) parachute (Les Irvin)
04/28/1920 Azerbaijan SSR joins USSR (1st time)
04/28/1922 WOI (Ames, Iowa) country's 1st licensed educational radio station
04/28/1923 Wembley Stadium opens-Bolton Wanderers vs West Ham United (FA Cup)
04/28/1924 119 die in Benwood West Virginia coal mine disaster
04/28/1924 J Hartmann discovers asteroid #1029 La Plata
04/28/1925 Kurdish rebels surrender to Turkish army
04/28/1925 Netherlands & Great Britain return to gold standard
04/28/1930 1st night organized baseball game (Independence KS)
04/28/1932 C Jackson discovers asteroid #1242 Zambesia
04/28/1932 Yellow fever vaccine for humans announced
04/28/1934 Spanish govt of Samper forms
04/28/1934 Tigers' Goose Goslin grounds into 4 straight double plays
04/28/1935 Moscow underground opens (81 km long)
04/28/1937 1st animated cartoon electric sign displayed (NYC)
04/28/1937 1st commercial flight across Pacific, Pan Am
04/28/1938 King Zog of Albania marries Countess Geraldine of Hungary
04/28/1939 Hitler claims German-Polish non-attack treaty still in effect
04/28/1940 Glenn Miller records 'Pennsylvania 6-5000'
04/28/1940 Rudolf Hess becomes commandant of concentration camp Auschwitz
04/28/1942 'WW II' titled so, as result of Gallup Poll
04/28/1942 Nightly 'dim-out' begins along East Coast
04/28/1943 German-Italian counter offensive in North-Africa
04/28/1944 Stalin meets Polish/US priest S Orlemanski
04/28/1945 US 5th army reaches Swiss border
04/28/1947 Thor Heyerdahl & 'Kon-Tiki' sail from Peru to Polynesia
04/28/1952 WW II Pacific peace treaty takes effect
04/28/1955 WBIQ TV channel 10 in Birmingham, AL (PBS) begins broadcasting
04/28/1956 Last French troop leave Vietnam
04/28/1957 WSOC TV channel 9 in Charlotte, NC (ABC) begins broadcasting
04/28/1958 Vanguard TV-5 launched for Earth orbit (failed)
04/28/1958 Vice Pres Richard Nixon begins goodwill tour of Latin America
04/28/1959 KLOE TV channel 10 in Goodland, KS (CBS) begins broadcasting
04/28/1959 KLOE TV channel 10 in Goodland, KS (CBS) begins broadcasting
04/28/1959 KPLR TV channel 11 in Saint Louis, MO (IND) begins broadcasting
04/28/1960 WIPM TV channel 3 in Mayaguez, PR (PBS) begins broadcasting
04/28/1961 Lt Col Gueorgui Mossolov takes E-66A to 34,714 m altitude
04/28/1961 Warren Spahn pitches 2nd no hitter at 41 beats SF Giants, 1-0
04/28/1964 Japan joins OECD
04/28/1965 Barbra Striesand stars on 'My Name is Barbra' special on CBS
04/28/1965 US marines invade Dominican Republic, stay until October 1966
04/28/1966 Boston beats LA, 4 games to 3, for 8th straight NBA championship
04/28/1966 OCAM, Common Afro-Mauritian Organization forms
04/28/1967 Expo 67 opens in Montréal
04/28/1967 Muhammad Ali refuses induction into army & stripped of boxing title
04/28/1968 11 year-old Mary Bell strangles 4 year-old
04/28/1968 T Smirnova discovers asteroid #2422 Perovskaya
04/28/1969 Charles de Gaulle resigns as president of France
04/28/1969 King Crismson with Greg Lake & Ian McDonald debuts
04/28/1971 Dutch social democratic party/D'66/DS'70 win parliamentary election
04/28/1971 Samuel Lee Gravely Jr becomes 1st black admiral in US Navy
04/28/1971 T Smirnova discovers asteroid #2093 Genichesk
04/28/1974 Last Americans evacuated from Saigon
04/28/1975 John Lennon appears on 'Tonight' & Ringo on 'Smother Brothers'
04/28/1975 South-Vietnam Gen Duong Van Minh sworn in as president
04/28/1977 Christopher Boyce convicted for selling secrets
04/28/1980 Cyrus Vance, Carter's Secretary of State, resigns
04/28/1982 E Bowell discovers asteroids #2956 Yeomans & #3253 Gradie
04/28/1982 L G Taff discovers asteroid #3343 Nedzel
04/28/1983 Argentine govt declares all 15-30,000 missing persons dead
04/28/1983 Bruins 4-Isles 1-Wales Conf Championship-Series tied 1-1
04/28/1983 NASA launches Goes-F
04/28/1985 Billy Martin named Yankee manager for 4th time
04/28/1985 Fernando Valenzuela sets record of 41 scoreless inn to start season
04/28/1985 Flyers ?-Isles 1-Patrick Div Finals-Flyers win series 4-1
04/28/1986 Chernobyl, USSR site of world's worst nuclear power plant disaster
04/28/1988 Aloha Airlines Boeing 737 roof tears off in flight; kills stewardess

04/28/1988 Baltimore Orioles lose AL record 21 games in a row
04/28/1988 NJ Devils set all time playoff mark for penalty minutes
04/28/1990 'Chorus Line' closes on Broadway after 6,137 performances (15 yrs)
04/28/1990 Boston Celtics score most points in a playoff, beat NY Knicks 157-12

04/28/1990 Guns & Roses' Axl marries Erin Everly (annulled same year)
04/28/1990 Last copy of Dutch communist daily De Waarheid (The Truth)
04/28/1991 Space Shuttle STS 39 (Discovery 12) launched
04/28/1992 Brewers beat Blue Jays 22-2 with AL record 31 hits in 9 innings
04/28/1993 Carlo Ciampi forms Italian govt with ex-communists
04/28/1993 Zambian plane crashes at Libreville, Gabon, 30 soccer players die
04/28/1994 1st multi-racial election in South Africa ends [3 days]
04/28/1994 Freddy Thielemans sworn in as mayor of Brussels Belgium

Robert Wolfe

May 1, 2021, 12:26:52 AM5/1/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


04/27/1410 John Van Lannoy, Flemish governor of Holland/Zealand
04/27/1623 Johann Adam Reincken, composer
04/27/1701 Charles Emanuel I, King of Sardina
04/27/1707 John Burman, botanist/director botanical gardens
04/27/1724 Ferdinand Philipp Joseph Lobkowitz, composer
04/27/1737 Edward Gibson, England, historian (Decline & Fall of Roman Emp)
04/27/1759 Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin, England, writer/feminist (Female Reader)

04/27/1767 Andreas Jakob Romberg, German violinist/composer (Song of Glocke)
04/27/1791 Samuel Finley Breece Morse, US painter/inventor (telegraph)
04/27/1802 Abraham Louis Niedermeyer, composer
04/27/1803 Alfred Julius Becher, composer
04/27/1812 Friedrich von Flotow, composer
04/27/1820 Herbert Spencer, Derby England, Victorian philosopher (Social Static

04/27/1822 Ulysses S Grant, [Hiram], Ohio (R), 18th president (1869-77)
04/27/1824 William Richard Bexfield, composer
04/27/1828 Gerben Colmjon, Fries language publisher
04/27/1835 John Murray Corse, Pitts, Bvt Major General (Union volunteers)
04/27/1840 Edward Whymper, 1st to climb Matterhorn (1865)
04/27/1861 Georgy L'vovich Catoire, composer
04/27/1861 Johan M Skjoldborg, Danish writer (Dynaes-Digte)
04/27/1865 Emile Erens, Hagiographer (Pastor of Ars)
04/27/1869 William Victor Harris, composer
04/27/1871 Arthur Finlay Nevin, composer
04/27/1873 Harry M O'Connor, entertainer
04/27/1875 Lumsden Hare, actor (Svengali, Great Impersonation, His Double Life)

04/27/1883 Hubert Harrison, St Croix Virgin Island, writer/freedom fighter
04/27/1884 Louis de Bree, [Louis C Davids), actor (Bluejackets)
04/27/1892 Louis Victor de Broglie, physicist (studied electrons)
04/27/1893 Norman Bel Geddes, Adrian Mich, theatrical designer (Rivals, Dead En

04/27/1894 Nicolas Slonimsky, composer
04/27/1896 Rogers Hornsby, 2nd baseman (St Louis Cards)
04/27/1896 Wallace Hume Carothers, inventor (nylon)
04/27/1900 Walter Lantz, animator (Woody Woodpecker's creator)
04/27/1902 Kitty Kelly, actress (Ladies of the Jury, Behind Office Doors)
04/27/1903 Frank Belknap Long, American writer (Rim of the Unknown)
04/27/1904 Arthur F Burns, economist/chairman (Federal Reserve Board)
04/27/1904 Cecil Day-Lewis, England, poet laureate/detective (Nicholas Blake)
04/27/1904 Ragnar Skrede, Norse poet (Lauvfall)
04/27/1905 Philip Radcliffe, composer
04/27/1909 Muriel C Bradbrook, English writer (That Infidel Place)
04/27/1911 Colin Gordon, Ceylon, actor (John-Baron)
04/27/1911 Georges Dargaud, French publisher (Asterix, Kuifje)
04/27/1914 Albert Soboult, French historian
04/27/1916 Jan Rychlik, composer
04/27/1918 John Scali, newspaperman/correspondant (ABC)
04/27/1918 Kirby Stone, NYC, jazz combo leader (Baubles Bangles & Beads)
04/27/1922 Daphne Anderson, actress (Beggar's Opera, Hobson's Choice)
04/27/1922 Jack Klugman, Phila (Oscar-Odd Couple, Quincy, Goodbye Columbus)
04/27/1927 Coretta Scott King, civil rights activist
04/27/1927 John Joseph Moakley, (Rep-D-Massachusetts, 1973- )
04/27/1929 Nina Ponomareva Romaschkova, USSR, discus thrower (Oly-gold-1952, 60

04/27/1930 Roelof F 'Pik' Botha, South African minister of Foreign affairs
04/27/1931 Igor Oistrach, Russian violinist/son of David Oistrach
04/27/1931 Krzystzof Komeda, composer
04/27/1932 Anouk Aimee, [Francoise Dreyfus], Paris, actress (8«, La Dolce Vita)

04/27/1932 Casey Kasem, Detroit, radio personality (American Top 40)
04/27/1932 Charles Adkins, US, light welterweight boxer (Olympic-gold-1952)
04/27/1932 Chuck Knox, NFL coach (Rams, Bills, Seahawks)
04/27/1932 Francois Bayle, composer
04/27/1932 Petar Ozgijan, composer
04/27/1937 Phil Jones, newsman (CBS)
04/27/1937 Sandy Dennis, Nebraska, actress (Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?)
04/27/1938 Earl Anthony, bowler (PBA money champ 1974-6, 1981-3)
04/27/1939 Jerry Mercer, rocker (April Wine)
04/27/1939 Judy Carne, Northhampton Engl, comedienne (Laugh-in, Fair Exchange)
04/27/1941 Friedrich Goldmann, composer
04/27/1941 Jan D Blaauw, Dutch 2nd chamber member (VVD)
04/27/1941 Judith Blegen, Missoula Mont, opera singer (Papagena-Magic Flute)
04/27/1942 Valeri Vladimirovich Polyakov, Russian cosmonaut (Soyuz TM-6)
04/27/1943 Helmut Marko, auto racer (Le Mans Grand Prix)
04/27/1944 Cuba Gooding, US singer (Everybody Plays the Fool)
04/27/1944 Herb Pedersen, Berkley Ca, singer (Desert Rose Band-Love Reunited)
04/27/1944 Michael Fish, British TV weatherman
04/27/1945 August Wilson, US, playwright (Fences, Puilitzer 1987)
04/27/1947 Ann Peebles, Missouri, singer (I Can't Stand the Rain)
04/27/1947 Herbie Murrell, US singer (Stylistics-You are My Everything)
04/27/1947 Pete Ham, rock guitarist/pianist/vocalist (Badfinger-Come & Get It)
04/27/1947 Peter Gena, composer
04/27/1948 Katie Pierson, vocals/guitarist (B-52's-Rock Lobster, Love Shack)
04/27/1949 Douglas Sheehan, Santa Monica Calif, actor (Ben-Knots Landing)
04/27/1949 Yoshiaki Fujiwara, wrestler (NJPW/PWF/UWF)
04/27/195- Cora Ann Mahalick, news anchor (WNYW-TV)
04/27/1951 Ace Frehley, Bronx NY, heavy metal rocker (Kiss-Beth, Frehley's Come

04/27/1951 Boris Kinberg, rocker (Mink DeVille)
04/27/1953 Ellen L Shulman Baker, Fayetteville NC, MD/astronaut (STS 34, 50)
04/27/1959 Sheena Easton, [Shirley Orr], Glasgow Scotland, singer (Sugar Walls)

04/27/1963 Arther van Dijk, drummer (Ivy Green)
04/27/1963 Schae Harrison, Orange Calif, actress (Darla-Bold & Beautiful)
04/27/1967 Bridgette Gordon, Deland Fla, basketball player (Olympic-gold-1988)
04/27/1967 Willem-Alexander CGF, Prince of Orange/son of Queen Beatrix of Neth
04/27/1969 Mica Paris, rocker (So Good)
04/27/1971 Hayley Carr, Salzburg Austria, actress (Courtney-As the World Turns)

04/27/1973 Andr‚ Govan, Culver City Calif, actor (Monster Squad)
04/27/1975 Andr‚ Gower, actor (Baby Makes 5, Fathers & Sons, Mr President)
04/27/1992 James Duke Mason, son of singer Belinda Carlisle & Morgan Mason


04/27/1076 Willem, bishop of Utrecht (1054-76), murderer of earl Floris I, dies

04/27/1404 Philips de Stoute, Duke of Burgundy, dies
04/27/1521 Ferdinand Magellan, world traveler, killed by Filipino natives
04/27/1605 Leo XI, [Alessandro O de' Medici], Italian Pope (1605), dies at 69
04/27/1656 Gerard van Honthorst, painter, dies at 65
04/27/1656 John J van Goyen, landscape painter, dies at 60
04/27/1694 Johan Georg IV, ruler of Saxon (1691-94)
04/27/1695 Sor Juana In‚s de la Cruz, [Asbaje], Mexican poetress/nun, dies
04/27/1702 Jean Bart, French captain/sea hero (Escape out of Plymouth), dies
04/27/1758 Jan Francisci, composer, dies at 67
04/27/1764 Jaime de Casellas, composer, dies at 73
04/27/1806 Amalia F rstin Gallitzin, Prussian daughter of Golitsyn, dies at 57
04/27/1813 Zebulon M Pike, US explorer (Pike's Peak), dies in battle at 34
04/27/1871 Sigismond Fortune Francois Thalberg, composer, dies at 59
04/27/1872 Ion Heliade-Radulescu, Romanian politician/author, dies at 70
04/27/1881 Ludwig A Benedek, Austrian general, dies at 76
04/27/1882 Ralph Waldo Emerson, US poet (Representive men), dies
04/27/1893 John Murray Corse, US general (Union), dies on his 58th birthday
04/27/1901 Richard Redhead, composer, dies at 81
04/27/1902 Julius Sterling Morton, who started Arbor Day, dies at 72
04/27/1915 Alexander N Skrjabin, Russian composer (Prometheus), dies at 43
04/27/1932 Hart Crane, sailing from Mexico to NY commits suicide
04/27/1937 Antonio Gramsci, Italian philosopher/marxist theorist, dies at 46
04/27/1938 Edmond Rubbens, Belgian minister to Germany, dies at 44
04/27/1950 Adam Tadeusz Wieniawski, composer, dies at 70
04/27/1950 Karl Straube, German organist/conductor, dies
04/27/1957 Mario A Gianini, creator of maraschino cherry, dies
04/27/1959 Gordon Armstrong, inventor of baby incubator, dies
04/27/1961 Roy Del Ruth, director (About Face, Folies Bergere), dies at 67
04/27/1965 Alan Bunce, actor (Albert-Ethel & Albert), dies at 61
04/27/1965 Edward R Murrow, newscaster (Person to Person), dies at 57
04/27/1969 Dino Terranova, actor (Young Dillinger), dies
04/27/1970 Arthur Shields, actor (Your Show Time), dies at 73
04/27/1972 Kwame Nkrumah, president of Ghana, dies at 62
04/27/1973 Libbe de Wal, founder of Humanistic Covenant, dies at 72
04/27/1975 Nicholas Soussanin, actor (Last Command), dies
04/27/1977 Stanley Adams, actor (Lillies of the Field, Thunder Alley), dies
04/27/1978 Mohammed Daud, premier/president of Afghanistan, murdered
04/27/1982 Tom Tully, actor (Line-up, Shane), dies at 85
04/27/1984 Piet Kraak, soccer, dies at 63
04/27/1991 Ken Curtis, actor (Lost, Freckles, Calif Gold Rush), dies at 74
04/27/1991 Marcus Heeresma, writer/poet (Anna, Son of a Whore), dies
04/27/1993 Hans Sahl, German/US writer (Tie Exil im Exil), dies at 90
04/27/1994 John Preston, US writer (Gay House, Big Gay Book), dies at 48
04/27/1994 Lynne Frederick Unger, actress (Trail of Pink Panther), dies at 39

Significant Events:

04/27/1509 Pope Julius II excommunicates Italian state of Venice
04/27/1518 Treaty of St Truiden: anti-French Trapdoors/Bourgondisch covenant
04/27/1526 Mogol Kingt Babur beats sultan of Delhi
04/27/1565 1st Spanish settlement in Philippines, Cebu City, forms
04/27/1576 Peace of Beaulieu/Paix de Monsieur
04/27/1662 Netherlands & France sign military covenant
04/27/1773 British Parliament passes Tea Act (Boston won't like this)
04/27/1805 US Marines attack shores of Tripoli
04/27/1813 Americans under Gen Pike capture Toronto; Pike is killed
04/27/1838 Fire destroys half of Charleston
04/27/1841 Imakita Kosen, 1st Zen teacher of D.T. Suzuki, found the awakening
04/27/1857 Establishment of Jewish congregations in Lower Austria prohibited
04/27/1859 'Pomona' sinks in North Atlantic drowning all 400 aboard
04/27/1860 Thomas J Jackson is assigned to command Harpers Ferry
04/27/1861 President Abe Lincoln suspends writ of habeas corpus
04/27/1861 West Virginia secedes from Virginia after Virginia secedes from US
04/27/1863 Battle of Streight's raid: Tuscumbia to Cedar Bluff, AL
04/27/1865 Cornell University (Ithaca NY) is chartered
04/27/1867 Opera 'Rom‚o et Juliette' is produced (Paris)
04/27/1874 White League, Paramilitary white supremacist organization, forms
04/27/1877 Opera 'Le Roi de Lahore' is produced (Paris)
04/27/1877 President Hayes removes Federal troops from LA, Reconstruction ends
04/27/1881 Pogroms against Russian Jews start in Elisabethgrad
04/27/1897 Grant's Tomb (famed of song & legend) dedicated
04/27/1903 1st Highlander (Yankee) shut-out, Phila A's win 6-0
04/27/1903 Long Island's Jamaica Race Track opens
04/27/1905 World Exposition opens in Luik
04/27/1908 4th modern Olympic games opens in London
04/27/1909 Sultan of Turkey Abdul Hamid II is overthrown
04/27/1910 Belgian parliament rejects socialist motion for general voting right

04/27/1912 Relief laws replaces those of 1854, in Netherlands
04/27/1918 Bkln Dodgers get 1st victory after worse major league start (0-9)
04/27/1919 A Schwassmann discovers asteroid #912 Maritima
04/27/1920 Pogrom leader Petljoera declares Ukraine Independence
04/27/1921 Hadjememaar, [Corn de Gelder] elected in Amsterdam
04/27/1922 Fritz Langs 'Dr Mabuse, der Spieler' premieres in Berlin
04/27/1922 Yakut ASSR formed in Russian SFSR
04/27/1923 Mussolini govt italian place in South Tirol/Alto Adige
04/27/1924 Antwerp soccer tie Belgium-Netherlands 1-1
04/27/1931 100ø F (38ø C), Pahala, Hawaii (state record)
04/27/1932 Apollo asteroid discovered, with a perigee of 2 million miles
04/27/1933 Karl Jansky reports reception of cosmic radio signal in Wash DC
04/27/1935 Brussel's World Expo opens
04/27/1935 Yanks pull a 1st inning triple-play & beat Phila A's 9-8
04/27/1937 1st US social security payment made
04/27/1937 US Social Security system makes its 1st benefit payment
04/27/1940 Himmler orders establishment of Auschwitz Concentration Camp
04/27/1942 Belgium Jews are forced to wear stars
04/27/1942 Tornado destroys Pryor Oklahoma killing 100, injuring 300
04/27/1943 Lou Jansen & Jan Dieters arrested, lead illegal CPN party in Holland

04/27/1943 Soviet Union breaks contact with Polish government exiled in London
04/27/1944 Boston Brave Jim Tobin no-hits Bkln Dodgers, 2-0
04/27/1945 2nd Republic of Austria forms
04/27/1945 Italian partisans take Mussolini prisoner
04/27/1945 US 5th army enters Genua
04/27/1946 1st radar installation aboard a coml ship installed
04/27/1947 Babe Ruth Day celebrated at Yankee Stadium & through US
04/27/1948 Arab legion attacks Gesher bridge on Jordan River
04/27/1950 South Africa passes Group Areas Act segregating races
04/27/1951 Mohammed Mossadeq chosen premier of Persia
04/27/1953 1st general elections in British Guyana, won by Jagans PPP
04/27/1953 Wrestler Freddie Blassie coins term 'Pencil neck geek'
04/27/1956 Heavyweight champ, Rocky Marciano, retires undefeated from boxing
04/27/1959 'Today' show goes abroard 1st time (Paris France)
04/27/1959 Liu Sjau-chi elected president of China PR
04/27/1960 1st atomic powered electric-drive submarine launched (Tullibee)
04/27/1960 South Korean pres Syngman Rhee resigns
04/27/1960 Togo (formerly French Togo) declares independence from French adm
04/27/1961 NASA launches Explorer 11 into Earth orbit to study gamma rays
04/27/1961 NFL officially recognizes Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio
04/27/1961 Sierra Leone declares independence from UK
04/27/1962 Goethe Link Observatory discovers asteroids #2334 Cuffey & #3474
04/27/1963 'Jopie' Pengel forms govt in Suriname
04/27/1963 Cuban premier Fidel Castro arrives in Moscow
04/27/1964 John Lennon's 'In His Own Write' is published in US
04/27/1965 RC Duncan patents 'Pampers' disposable diaper
04/27/1966 Dmitri Sjostakovitsj completes his 2nd cello concert
04/27/1967 Expo '67 opens in Montreal
04/27/1968 Balt Oriole Tom Phoebus no-hits Boston, 6-0
04/27/1968 Congress of Political Party Radicals (PPR) forms in Netherlands
04/27/1968 Jimmy Ellis beats Jerry Quarry for heavyweight boxing title
04/27/1970 T Smirnova discovers asteroid #2469 Tadjikistan
04/27/1972 Apollo 16 returns to Earth
04/27/1972 NYC Mayor John Lindsey appeals that John Lennon not be deported
04/27/1973 KC Royal Steve Busby no-hits Detroit Tigers, 3-0
04/27/1974 Pan Am 707 crashes into mountains of Bali, killing 107
04/27/1976 Abu Dhabi establishes Arabic Monetary Fund
04/27/1977 Bloody riots in Soweto South Africa
04/27/1977 H-E Schuster discovers asteroid #2234 Schmadel
04/27/1977 HCC, Hobby Computer Club, forms in Netherlands
04/27/1978 14th Mayor's Trophy Game, Yanks beat Mets 4-3 in 11
04/27/1978 Accident at nuclear reactor Willow Island, W Virginia, kills 51
04/27/1978 Afgh nist n revolution (National Day), pro-Russian military coup
04/27/1979 George Harrison releases 'Love Comes to Everyone'
04/27/1981 1st female soccer official is hired by NASL
04/27/1981 Beatle Ringo Starr marries actress Barbara Bach [Goldbach]
04/27/1982 Nordiques 1-Isles 4-Semifinals-Isles hold 1-0 lead
04/27/1982 Trial of John W Hinckley Jr attempted assassin of Reagan, begins
04/27/1983 Nolan Ryan becomes strikeout king (3509), passing Walter Johnson
04/27/1984 Asteroid #3625 discovered
04/27/1984 Cleve Indians beat Detroit Tigers, 8-4, in 19 innings
04/27/1984 Over 70 inches of snow falls on Red Lake Montana
04/27/1986 Captain Midnight (John R MacDougall) interrupts HBO
04/27/1987 US Justice Dept bars Austrian Chancellor Kurt Waldheim from entering

04/27/1987 US, due to his aid of Nazi Germany during WW II
04/27/1989 Beijing students take over Tiananmen Square in China
04/27/1989 Hurricane in Bangladesh, kills 500
04/27/1989 Mandatory seatbelt law goes into effect in Italy
04/27/1990 50th annual barbershop quartet singing convention held (Mich)
04/27/1990 Dodger Orel Hershiser undergoes career-threatening shoulder surgery
04/27/1990 Villanova's women set a 6,000 m relay world record of 17:18:10
04/27/1992 NY Jets finish perfect 5-0 pre-season for 1st time
04/27/1992 NY Mets trade David Cone to Toronto Blue Jays for Jeff Kent
04/27/1993 Afghan Antonov AN-32 crashes at Tashqurgan, kills 76
04/27/1994 29.0øC in Genevad, Sweden (Swedish April high temperature record)
04/27/1994 Graeme Obree bicycles world record time (52,713 km)
04/27/1994 President Nixon buried in Nixon Library in Calif
04/27/4977 -BC- Johannes Kepler's date for creation of universe

Robert Wolfe

May 1, 2021, 12:26:52 AM5/1/21
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Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


04/30/1309 Kazimierz III de Great, King of Poland (1333-70)
04/30/1602 William Lilly, England, astrologer/author/almanac compiler
04/30/1651 Jean-Baptiste de la Salle, French priest/theorist/saint
04/30/1717 Guillaume Gommaire Kennis, composer
04/30/1743 Robert Jasper van de Capellen, mister of Marsch/politician
04/30/1767 Jean Henri Appelius, lawyer/minister of Finance
04/30/1777 Carl Friedrich Gauss, world's great mathematicians
04/30/1790 John Cockerill, English/Belgian industrialist
04/30/1792 Johann Friedrich Schwencke, composer
04/30/1797 Andreas V Michiels, Dutch military governor of West-Sumatra
04/30/1797 Paul van Vlissingen, ship owner
04/30/1805 William Kerley Strong, Brig General (Union volunteers), died in 1867

04/30/1823 George JD Campbell, Scottish/Brit Minister to Indies (1868-74/80-85)

04/30/1830 Davis Tillson, Bvt Major General (Union volunteers), died in 1895
04/30/1837 Alfred Gaul, composer
04/30/1851 Indrië Einarsson, Iceland playwright (Nyj rsn¢ttin)
04/30/1858 Mary Scott Lord Dimmick Harrison, 1st lady (1889-1893)
04/30/1864 French Netscher, writer/journalist (Studies of nude model)
04/30/1870 Franz Lehar, operetta composer (Naughty Marietta)
04/30/1874 Cyriel Verschaeve, Belgian priest/writer
04/30/1882 Trijntje 'Nine' van de Schaaf, author (To the Invisible)
04/30/1883 David John de Lloyd, composer
04/30/1884 Albert Israel Elkus, composer
04/30/1885 Luigi Russolo, composer
04/30/1886 Frank Merrik, composer
04/30/1888 John Crowe Ransom, US poet/critic (God Without Thunder)
04/30/1889 Acario Cotapos, composer
04/30/1889 Rudolph Hermann Simonsen, composer
04/30/1893 Joachim von Ribbentrop, German SS f hrer/foreign minister
04/30/1896 Gary Davis, Laurens SC, blues/folk guitarist (A Little More Faith)
04/30/1899 Jannetje Fisherman-Roosendaal, author (regional novels)
04/30/1899 Lucie Mannheim, actress (East Meets West, 39 Steps, High Command)
04/30/1902 Andre-Francois Marescotti, composer
04/30/1902 Rudolf Wittelsbach, composer
04/30/1903 G nther AR Raphael, German composer (Symphony Breve)
04/30/1905 Henrich Schl„ppi, Switzerland, 4 man bobsled (Olympic-gold-1924)
04/30/1909 Juliana, Queen of Netherlands (1948-80)
04/30/1910 Al Lewis, actor (Leo-Car 54, Grandpa-Munsters)
04/30/1911 Hans Studer, composer
04/30/1911 John-Baptist J Walgrave, [Henricus/Humanus], Flemish, theologist
04/30/1912 Eve Arden, Mill Valley Calif, actress (Connie-Our Miss Brooks)
04/30/1916 Dugo D Schenker, Suriname/Antillian playwright
04/30/1916 Robert Shaw, Red Bluff Calif, chorale conductor (Robert Shaw Chorale

04/30/1917 Bea Wain, US actress/radio hostess
04/30/1919 Valeer [Valerius V] van Kerkhove, Flemish writer/producer
04/30/1920 Leen 't Hart, organist/composer
04/30/1924 Sheldon Harnick, Broadway songwriter (Fiorello, Fiddler on the Roof)

04/30/1926 Corinne Calvet, France, actress (Apache Uprising)
04/30/1926 Edmund Cooper, UK, sci-fi author (Seed of Light, All Fool's Day)
04/30/1927 Lars Hall, Sweden, Pentathelete (Olympic-gold-1952)
04/30/1929 Peter Carsten, Weissenberg Bavaria, actor (Mr Super Invisible)
04/30/1930 Raoul de Keyser, [Dekeyser], Flemish painter
04/30/1931 William L [Bill] Clay, (Rep-D-MO, 1969- )
04/30/1932 Anton Larrauri, composer
04/30/1933 Willie Nelson, Abbott Texas, country singer (On the Road Again)
04/30/1936 Zohra Lampert, actress (Doctors' Hospital, Girl With Something Extra

04/30/1938 Beatrix Wilhelmina Armgard, Queen of Netherlands (1980- )
04/30/1938 Gary Collins, Venice Calif, actor (6th Sense, Home Show)
04/30/1938 Larry [Van Cott] Niven, US, sci-fi author (5 Hugo, Neutron Star)
04/30/1939 Ellen Taafe Zwilich, Miami Florida, (1st woman composer Pulitzer 198

04/30/1939 Pieter van Vollenhoven, husband of Dutch Princess Margriet
04/30/1940 Burt Young, actor (Convoy, Rocky)
04/30/1941 Wilfried Jentzsh, composer
04/30/1943 Bobby Vee, Fargo ND, (Devil or Angel, Night has a Thousand Eyes)
04/30/1943 Robert L Livingston, (Rep-R-Louisiana, 1977- )
04/30/1944 Jill Clayburgh, NY, actress (Unmarried Woman, Semi-Tough)
04/30/1945 Annie Dillard, American writer (An American Childhood)
04/30/1945 Claude van de Berge, [Rony MF Pauwels], Flemish writer (Graph Theory

04/30/1945 Michael J Smith, Beaufort NC, Cmdr USN, astr (51L-Challenger disaste

04/30/1946 Donald Schollander, Charlotte NC, swimmer (Olympic-4 gold-64)
04/30/1946 Karl XVI Gustav F H, King of Sweden (1973- )
04/30/1947 Robert Scott, (Rep-D-Virginia)
04/30/1948 Perry King, actor (Andy Warhol's 'Bad')
04/30/1951 Panuta Rosani, Poland, discus (Olympic 1976) drug disqualified
04/30/1952 Tom Pesek, creator of HAL 9000 program for the PC
04/30/1953 Merrill Osmond, Ogden Utah, singer (Osmond Brothers, Donnie & Marie)

04/30/1954 G nther Tiersch, German DR, 8 man cox (Olympic-gold-1968)
04/30/1956 Richard Farina, folk singer (Reflections in a Crystal Wind)
04/30/1959 Kamaran Abdalla, Iraq/English/Neth actor
04/30/1961 Isiah Thomas, NBA forward (Detroit Piston; 1990 NBA playoff MVP)
04/30/1966 David Meggett, NFL running back (NY Giants)
04/30/1969 Joey Restivo, Brooklyn, rocker (Linear-I Never Felt This Way, Lies)
04/30/1971 Matt Martin, Hamden Conn, US hockey defenseman (Olympics-1994)
04/30/1975 Johnny Galecki, actor (Danny-American Dreamer)


04/30/ 313 Gaius G V Maximus, [Daia], Emperor of Rome, dies
04/30/ 535 Amalaswintha, queen of Ostrogoten, murdered
04/30/1030 Mohammud van Ghazna, Turkish mayor (G'widen)/Islamic ruler, dies
04/30/1196 Boudewijn II, bishop of Utrecht (1178-96), dies
04/30/1214 Huguccio/Hugo van Pisa, Italian bishop, dies
04/30/1328 ... Eckhard, German theologist/mystic, dies
04/30/1630 Ercole Porta, composer, dies at 44
04/30/1632 Jean de Tilly, field marshal, dies
04/30/1632 Sigismund III, King of Poland/Sweden, dies at 65
04/30/1660 Peter Scriverius, Dutch lawyer/historian, dies at 84
04/30/1671 P‚ter Zrinyi, Hungarian banished to Croatia, beheaded at 49
04/30/1708 Simon de Vries, book seller/writer (Unequal), dies
04/30/1743 Pedro de Peralta y Barnuevo, Peruvian playwright/poet, dies
04/30/1784 Franz K earl von Velbruck, German free mason, dies
04/30/1785 Frederick Philipse 3, land owner (Bronx, Westch & Putnam), dies at 6

04/30/1792 Hans Adolf Friedrich von Eschstruth, composer, dies at 36
04/30/1793 Lorenzo Fago, composer, dies at 88
04/30/1795 Jean-Jacques Barth‚lemy, French historian (Ancient Greece), dies
04/30/1800 John H Midderigh, Rotterdam patriot, dies at 46
04/30/1828 Shaka, the great Zulu King, killed
04/30/1829 George Washington Adams, son of John Q Adams, dies on City Is NYC
04/30/1847 Charles L J, archduke of Austria/gov-gen (Austria-Netherland), dies
04/30/1848 Friedrich Freiherr Gagern, German/Dutch army commandant, dies at 53
04/30/1855 Henry Rowley Bishop, composer, dies at 68
04/30/1859 Sergei T Aksakov, Russian writer (Bagrova-vnuka), dies at 67
04/30/1887 Friedrich Wilhelm Markull, composer, dies at 71
04/30/1893 Edouard Manet, French painter (Olympia), dies at 61
04/30/1893 Gyula Beliczay, composer, dies at 57
04/30/1896 Antonio Cagnoni, composer, dies at 68
04/30/1900 John Luther (Casey) Jones, dies in Cannonball Express train wreck
04/30/1912 Frantisek Kmoch, composer, dies
04/30/1922 David M Chumaceiro, Cura‡aos poet, dies
04/30/1929 Friedrich Lienhard, German publisher (T rmer), dies at 63
04/30/1933 Luis Sanchez Cerro, Pres of Peru, assassinated by Hurtado de Mendoza

04/30/1934 William Henry Welch, dies at 75
04/30/1942 Catherine Murphy Urner, composer, dies at 51
04/30/1943 Beatrice Potter Webb, British writer (My Apprenticeship), dies at 85

04/30/1943 Etty Hillesum, diary writer (Auschwitz), dies
04/30/1945 Adolph Hitler, German dictator (1936-45), commits suicide at 56
04/30/1945 Eva Braun, girlfriend/wife of Hitler, dies
04/30/1952 Charles Radoux-Rogier, composer, dies
04/30/1956 Alben W Barkley, (VP-D-1949-53), dies at 78
04/30/1957 Ludwig Schiedermair, German musicologist (Beethoven), dies at 80
04/30/1959 Armand Louis Joseph Marsick, composer, dies at 81
04/30/1963 Bryant Washburn, actor (Nabonga, Millionaire Kid), dies at 74
04/30/1965 Helen Chandler, actress (Dracula, Salute, Last Flight), dies at 56
04/30/1968 Frankie Lymon, rocker, dies of a heroin overdose
04/30/1970 Hall Johnson, composer, dies at 82
04/30/1970 Inger Stevens, actress (Katy-Farmer's Daughter), commits suicide at

04/30/1970 Jacob Presser, historian/writer (Doom, Ondergang), dies
04/30/1971 Elmo Roper, pollster (Roper Poll), dies at 70
04/30/1972 Gia Scala, actress (Garment Jungle, I Aim at the Stars), dies at 38
04/30/1972 Ntare V, king of Burundi, murdered
04/30/1973 Josie Sedgwick, actress (White Moth), dies at 75
04/30/1974 Agnes Moorehead, actress (Endorra-Bewitched), dies at 67
04/30/1976 Edvard Fliflet Braein, composer, dies at 51
04/30/1977 Clive Martin Douglas, composer, dies at 73
04/30/1980 Mary McCarty, actress (French Line), dies
04/30/1982 Albert TLCA Bird, lecture artist, dies
04/30/1982 Herman Tholen, cabaretier (Juveniles), dies
04/30/1982 Taisen Deshimaru, founder of several Zen centers in France, dies at

04/30/1983 George Balanchine, Russian composer, dies at 79
04/30/1983 Jerry Hatsuo Fujikawa, actor (Uncle Matsu-Mr T & Tina), dies at 71
04/30/1984 Arthur T 'Bomber' Harris, bombed nazi-Germany, dies
04/30/1984 Muddy Waters, blues singer/guitarist (Hoochie Coochie Man), dies at

04/30/1985 George Pravada, actor (Felscher-Holocaust), dies at 66
04/30/1987 Hugh Dempster, actor (Anna Karenina, Candles at Nine), dies
04/30/1988 James McCracken, US tenor, dies at 61
04/30/1989 Sergio Leone, Italian director (Good, Bad & Ugly), dies
04/30/1991 George Sperti Sperti, inventor (Preparation H), dies at 91
04/30/1991 Michael G Hagerty, actor (Overboard), dies
04/30/1992 Dan van Driel, cartoonist (Nervous Cop), dies
04/30/1993 Dave Waymer, NFLer, dies at 34
04/30/1994 Ferdinando Scarfiotti, Italian set designer (Last Emperor), dies at

04/30/1994 Richard Scarry, US kid book illustrator/writer, dies at 74
04/30/1994 Roland Ratzenberger, Austria Formula 1-cyclist, dies in accident at

Significant Events:

04/30/ 311 Roman emperor Galerius delegates tolerance edict of Serdica
04/30/1006 Brightest supernova in recorded history is observed
04/30/1064 German King Henry IV gives away Utrecht county of West Friesland
04/30/1349 Jewish community at Radolszell Germany, exterminated
04/30/1396 Crusaders & earl of Nevers depart from Dijon
04/30/1492 Columbus is given royal commission to equip his fleet
04/30/1492 Spain announces it will expels all Jews
04/30/1562 1st French colonists in US: Jean Ribaut & Hugenot
04/30/1563 Jews are expelled from France by order of Charles VI
04/30/1598 1st theater performance in America (Spanish comedy-Rio Grande)
04/30/1616 English King Jacob I leaves Brielle/Vlissingen
04/30/1661 Tsjeng Tsj'eng-Kung begins siege of Dutch fort Zeelandia, Formosa
04/30/1722 Game of Billiards is mentioned in New England Courant
04/30/1725 Emperor Charles VI & King Philip IV of Spain sign Treaty of Vienna
04/30/1774 Pope Clement XIV proclaims a universal jubilee
04/30/1789 George Washington inaugurated as 1st president of US
04/30/1790 Colonial troops occupy Booni's bosnegerdorp Arouku Suriname
04/30/1798 Dept of Navy established
04/30/1803 US doubles in size through Louisiana Purchase ($15 million)
04/30/1804 Hague's Theater opens
04/30/1808 1st practical typewriter finished by Italian Pellegrini Turri
04/30/1812 (Eastern) Louisiana admitted as 18th US state
04/30/1838 Nicaragua declares independence from Central American federation
04/30/1857 San Jose State University forms
04/30/1859 Paul Morphy returns from 10-mo chess tour of Europe, retires
04/30/1860 Navaho indians attack Fort Defiance (Canby)
04/30/1861 Federal Troops, under orders from Lincoln, evacuate Indian Territory

04/30/1862 Swift Run Gap, WV skirmishes
04/30/1864 Battle of Jenkin's Ferry, Arkansas; Gen W R Scurry is killed
04/30/1864 New York becomes 1st state to charge a hunting license fee
04/30/1865 -5/1] Gen Shermans 'Haines's Bluff' at Snyder's Mill, Virginia
04/30/1869 Hawaiian YMCA organized
04/30/1871 Apaches in Arizona surrender to white & Mexican adventurers; 144 die

04/30/1888 Hail stones kills about 250 in Moradabad district of Delhi
04/30/1889 1st US national holiday, on centennial of Washington's inauguration
04/30/1889 George Washington Bridge linking NYC & NJ opens
04/30/1898 Championship wrestling match at Met turns into a brawl
04/30/1900 165 lb Robert Fitzsimmons KOs 305 lb Ed Dunkhost in a boxing match
04/30/1900 USA annexes Hawaii
04/30/1903 Highlanders (Yankees) 1st home opener; Chesbro beats Senators 6-2
04/30/1905 1st offical soccer game between Belgium-Netherland (1-4)
04/30/1911 Portugal approves woman suffrage
04/30/1913 Neujmin & Belyavskij discover asteroids #752 Sulamitis & #753 Tiflis

04/30/1919 Phillies beat Bkln Dodgers 9-0 in 20 innings
04/30/1921 American Professional Football Assn reorganizes in Akron
04/30/1921 Pope Benedict XV encyclical 'On Dante'
04/30/1922 Chic White Sox Charles Robertson perfect games Detroit Tigers, 2-0
04/30/1927 Princess Juliana gets seat in Dutch Council of State
04/30/1928 Cherkess Autonomous Region established in RSFSR (until 1957)
04/30/1929 Earnest Streeruwitz becomes chancellor of Austrian
04/30/1934 Austrian gets 'Austrian facist' constitution
04/30/1935 C Jackson discovers asteroids #1355 Magoeba & #1368 Numidia
04/30/1935 World Congress for Women's Rights concludes in Istanbul
04/30/1937 General Douglas MacArthur marries Jean Faircloth
04/30/1939 NBC/RCA 1st public TV demo with FDR at opening of NY World's Fair
04/30/1939 Tropicana ballet of Havana Cuba, forms
04/30/1940 Bkln Dodger Tex Carleton no-hits Cin Reds, 3-0
04/30/1941 Spread of Judaism begins in Croatia
04/30/1942 1st submarine built on Great Lakes launched, (Peto), Manitowoc, Wi
04/30/1943 Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp for Jews established
04/30/1943 Dutch strike against obligatory Labor camps
04/30/1944 NY Giant Phil Weintraub gets 11 RBIs
04/30/1944 NY Giant, Mel Ott scores 6 runs in 1 game drawing 5 walks for 4th ti

04/30/1945 'Arthur Godfrey Time' begins a 27 year run on CBS radio
04/30/1945 Concentration camp M nchen-Allag freed
04/30/1945 Lord Haw-Haw calls for crusade against the bolshevics
04/30/1945 Red army storms German parliament
04/30/1945 Russian Army frees Ravensbr ck concentration camp
04/30/1946 Cleve Indian Bob Feller's 2nd no-hitter beats NY Yankees, 1-0
04/30/1947 Boulder Dam renamed in honor of Herbert Hoover
04/30/1948 Org of American States charter signed at Bogot , Colombia
04/30/1955 Element 101, Mendelevium, announced
04/30/1955 Perez Prado's 'Cherry Pink & Apple Blossom White' goes #1 for 10 wee

04/30/1955 West German unions protest for 40-hour work week & more wages
04/30/1961 1st shuttle flights between Wash DC, Boston & NYC begin (Eastern)
04/30/1961 Lee Harvey Oswald marries Marina Prusakova in Minsk USSR
04/30/1961 Premier Fidel Castro of Cuba receives Lenin-Peace Prize
04/30/1962 NASA civilian pilot Joseph A Walker takes X-15 to 75,190 m
04/30/1962 Willie Mays hits 4 HRs
04/30/1967 Highest tower to the world finished, 537m (USSR)
04/30/1967 Orioles' Stu Miller & Steve Barber lose 2-1 despite no-hitting Tiger

04/30/1968 3 Oriole pitchers walk 14 NY Yankees in a 9 inning game
04/30/1969 Cin Red Jim Maloney 3rd no-hitter beats Houston Astros, 10-0
04/30/1969 WEDB TV channel 40 in Berlin, NH (PBS) begins broadcasting
04/30/1970 US troops invade Cambodia
04/30/1971 Milwaukee Bucks sweep Balt Bullets for NBA championship
04/30/1972 'Arthur Godfrey Time' ends a 27 year run on radio
04/30/1973 Nixon announces resignation of Haldeman, Ehrlichman, et al
04/30/1973 Paul McCartney releases 'Red Rose Speedway' including 'My Love'
04/30/1973 Women's tennis groups end disputes over sanctioning tournaments
04/30/1975 US civilian forces evacuate Vietnam; Saigon surrenders
04/30/1976 Heavyweight Muhammad Ali KOs Jimmy Young in Landover Md
04/30/1976 Wings release 'Silly Love Songs'
04/30/1977 Billy Graham beats Bruno Sammartino in Baltimore, to become WWF cham

04/30/1980 Beatrix, Wilhelmina Armgard, crowned queen of Netherlands
04/30/1980 Terrorists seize Iranian Embassy in London
04/30/1982 Iran offensive in Khusistan
04/30/1983 Bruins 3-Isles 7-Wales Conf Championship-Isles hold 2-1 lead
04/30/1984 1700 skiers participate in an alpine event at Are, Sweden
04/30/1984 Strong winds cause a 30 min delay in Toronto Blue Jays game
04/30/1985 Last edition of Brink Daily Mail/Sunday Express in South Africa
04/30/1986 Ashrita Furman peformed 8,341 somersaults over 12 miles
04/30/1987 NY Islander Mike Bossy plays his final game
04/30/1988 NJ Devils beat Caps 3-2 taking 7th game of Patrick Division final
04/30/1988 NY Knights 1st arena football game beats Cobras 60-52 (10,157 in LA)

04/30/1988 NY Yank Dave Winfield gets his 29th RBI of April-Sets AL & ties ML R

04/30/1988 World Exposition, Expo 88 opens in Brisbane Australia
04/30/1989 Critics Siskel & Ebert film their 500th TV movie-review show
04/30/1989 US beats Costa Rica 1-0, in 3rd round of 1990 world soccer cup
04/30/1990 As Met pitcher David Cone argues a call at 1st base, 2 Braves score
04/30/1990 US 66th manned space mission STS 31 (Discovery 10) returns from spac

04/30/1991 Cyclone kills 125,000 in Bangladesh
04/30/1992 208th & final episode of Cosby Show on NBC-TV
04/30/1994 Soccer superstar Pele marries psychologist Assiria Seixas Lemos

Robert Wolfe

May 1, 2021, 12:26:53 AM5/1/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


04/29/1584 Melchior Teschner, composer
04/29/1642 Christian Weise, German writer (Niederl„ndische Bauer)
04/29/1660 Matthias Henriksen Schacht, composer
04/29/1667 John Arbuthnot, Scottish writer (Alexander Pope)
04/29/1727 Jean-Georges Noverre, French dancer/choreographer (ballet d'action)
04/29/1745 Oliver Ellsworth, 3rd Chief Justice Supreme Court (1796-1800)
04/29/1771 Matthaus Stegmayer, composer
04/29/1780 Charles Nodier, French writer (La f‚e aux miettes)
04/29/1806 Earnest Freiherr von Feuchtersleben, Austria writer/physician/philos

04/29/1815 Abram Duryee, Bvt Major General (Union volunteers), died in 1890
04/29/1818 Alexander II, Tsar of Russia (1855-81)
04/29/1830 Adolph Sutro, SF mayor, built Cliff House, railways, tunnels
04/29/1842 Karl Mill”cker, Austria conductor/composer (Up the Bettel student)
04/29/1854 Henri Poincar‚, France, mathematician/astronomer/philosopher
04/29/1855 Anatol K Liadov, Russian composer (Bewitch more)
04/29/1855 Edmund van der Straeten, composer
04/29/1857 Edouard Rod, France/Swiss writer (Mishel' Tes'e)
04/29/1857 Frantisek Ondricek, composer
04/29/1860 Lorado Taft, US, sculptor (Black Hawk)
04/29/1862 Vittorio Mario Vanzo, composer
04/29/1863 William Randolph Hearst, publisher (SF Examiner, Seattle P-I)
04/29/1871 Louis William Stern, German/US philosopher (Intelligence of Children

04/29/1872 Eyvind Alnaes, composer
04/29/1879 Thomas Beecham, England, composer, found London Philharmonic
04/29/1883 Hermann Schulze-Delitzsch, German politician/reformer
04/29/1885 Egon E Kisch, Czech writer/journalist (Rasende Reporter)
04/29/1885 Wallingford Riegger, Albany Georgia, composer (Bacchangle)
04/29/1893 Elisaveta Bagrjana, [Beltsjeva], Bulgaria, poetess
04/29/1893 Harold C Urey, Ind, physicist (Deuterium, Nobel 1934)
04/29/1894 Paul H”rbiger, Austria actor (Liebelei)
04/29/1895 Malcolm Sargent, English conductor (Promenade Concerts)
04/29/1896 Jacques Leon Wolfe, composer
04/29/1899 Duke Ellington, Wash DC, [Edward Kennedy], bandleader (Take 'A' Trai

04/29/1899 Karl Yngve Skold, composer
04/29/1899 Natalie Talmadge, actress (Our Hospitality)
04/29/1901 Hirohito, Emperor of Japan (1926-89)
04/29/1902 Theodore Chanler, composer
04/29/1903 Frank Parker, NYC, singer (Arthur Godfrey Show, Masquerade Party)
04/29/1904 Enrico Mattei, Italian oil magnate
04/29/1904 Russ Morgan, Scranton Pa, orch leader (Welcome Aboard)
04/29/1907 Fred Zinneman, Austria, director (From Here to Eternity, Julia)
04/29/1907 Tino Rossi, French singer
04/29/1908 Jack [Stewart] Williamson, US, sci-fi author (Cometeers)
04/29/1909 Tom Ewell, [S Yewell Tompkins], Ky, actor (Tom Ewell Show, 7 Yr Itch

04/29/1912 Richard Carlson, Mn, actor (All I Desire, Flat Top, Valley of Gwangi

04/29/1914 Ewan Roberts, Edinburgh Scotland, actress (Pvt Benjamin)
04/29/1915 Donald Mills, singer (Mills Brothers)
04/29/1919 Celeste Holm, NYC, actress (Gentleman's Agreement, All About Eve)
04/29/1920 Harold Samuel Shapero, Lynn Mass, composer (9 Minute Opera)
04/29/1921 Cornelis de Jager, astronomer (Sun)
04/29/1922 George Allen, football coach (LA Rams, Washington Redskins)
04/29/1922 Parren J Mitchell, (Rep-D-MD, 1971- )
04/29/1922 Tommy Noonan, actor (Gentlemen Perfer Blondes, Promises Promises)
04/29/1922 Toots [Jean] Thielemans, Belgian/US jazz musician/composer
04/29/1923 Irvin Kershner, Phila, director (Never Say Never Again)
04/29/1923 Maxine Audley, actress (Peeping Tom, Ricochet, House of Cards)
04/29/1924 Ren‚e Jeanmaire, dancer (Hans Christian Anderson)
04/29/1925 Ab Abspoel, actor/director (Surprise Attack, Elevator)
04/29/1926 Carie Meek, (Rep-D-Florida)
04/29/1927 Dorothy Manley, England, 100m sprint (Olympic-silver-1948)
04/29/1928 Carl Gardner, rock vocalist (Coasters-Searchin)
04/29/1929 Peter Joshua Sculthorpe, composer
04/29/1929 Vaclav Kucera, composer
04/29/1929 Walter Kempowski, German writer (Tadell”ser & Wolff)
04/29/1931 Lonnie Donegan, vocalist
04/29/1931 William Ball, actor (Suburban Commando)
04/29/1932 Alexei A Gubarev, cosmonaut (Soyuz 17, 28)
04/29/1933 Darijan Bozic, composer
04/29/1933 Keith Baxter, South Wales, actor (Barretts at Wimpole Street)
04/29/1933 Rod Marvin McKuen, singer/composer/versifier (Alone, Beatsville)
04/29/1934 Pedro Pires, premier (Cape Verde, 1975- )
04/29/1935 Len Weinrib, NYC, comedian (Spike Jones Show)
04/29/1935 Otto M Zykan, composer
04/29/1936 April Stevens, Niagara Falls NY, rock vocalist (Deep Purple)
04/29/1936 Richard Lynch, actor (Xavier-Battlestar Galactica)
04/29/1936 Zubin Mehta, Bombay India, conductor (NY Philharmonic)
04/29/1942 Klaus Voorman, rock bassist (Manfred Mann-Might Quinn)
04/29/1943 Duane Allen, Taylortown Texas, country singer (Oak Ridge Boys-Elvira

04/29/1944 Jim Hart, Evanston, Ill, NFL quarterback (St Louis Cardinals)
04/29/1945 [Thomasina] Tammi Terrell, [Montgomery], singer (Ain't no Mt High)
04/29/1947 Jim Ryun, US, 1500m runner/broke 4 minute mile (Olympic-silver-1968)

04/29/1947 Johnny Miller, golfer (1974 PGA Player of Year)
04/29/1947 Tommy James, singer (cri-im-son & clo-o-ver o-o-ver & o-o-ver)
04/29/1948 Reb Brown, actor (Cage, Yor, Capt America, Fast Break)
04/29/1949 Anita Dobson, England, actress (Annie Watts-EastEnders)
04/29/1949 Eddie Hart, US, 100m runner (Olympic-1972)
04/29/1949 Francis Rossi, guitarist/vocalist (Status Quo-Down Down)
04/29/1952 Deborah Van Valkenburgh, Schnectady, actress (Too Close for Comfort)

04/29/1952 Nora Dunn, Chic Ill, comedienne (SNL, Miami Blues, Working Girl)
04/29/1953 Nikolai Nikolayevich Budarin, Russia, cosmonaut
04/29/1954 Bill Paxon, (Rep-R-New York)
04/29/1954 Deborah Iyall, rocker (Romeo Void)
04/29/1954 Jerry Seinfeld, author (SeinLanguage)/comedian (Seinfeld)
04/29/1955 Kate Mulgrew, Dubuque Iowa, actress (Heartbeat, Kate Loves a Mystery

04/29/1956 Ron Verlin, rocker (Shooting Star)
04/29/1957 Richie Robertson, rocker (Fabulous Poodles)
04/29/1958 Daniel Day-Lewis, English, actor (Last of the Mohicans)
04/29/1958 Eve Plumb, Burbank, actress (Jan-Brady Bunch, I'm Gonna Get You Suck

04/29/1958 Michelle Pfeiffer, Midway City Calif, actress (Married to the Mob)
04/29/1958 Simon Edwards, rocker (Fairground Attraction-Find My Love)
04/29/1960 Gerard Joling, Dutch singer (Love is in Your Eyes)
04/29/1960 Joseph Guzaldo, Chicago Ill, actor (Stir Crazy)
04/29/1967 Rachel Williams, Greenwich Village NY, model (Absolut Vodka, Elle)
04/29/1968 Carnie Wilson, singer (Wilson Phillips-Hold On)
04/29/1970 Andre Agassi, US, tennis pro (US & French Open finalist-1990)
04/29/1970 Uma Thurman, Boston Mass, actress (Baron Munchausen)
04/29/1993 Aurelia Clasina Lucia Wildeboer, daughter of Pieter & Mirtle


04/29/ 852 Amalarius/Fortunatus/Symphosius of Metz/Lyon, bishop, dies at 76
04/29/1499 John IV, army leader/earl of Egmont, dies
04/29/1676 Michiel A the Ruyter, spy/fleet supervisor (Newport), dies
04/29/1712 Juan Bautista Jose Cabanilles, composer, dies at 67
04/29/1813 Christian Danner, composer, dies at 55
04/29/1873 Alida JM Tartaud-Little, actress/stage star (Rotterdam Stage), dies
04/29/1905 Ignacio Cervantes, composer, dies at 57
04/29/1918 Gavrilo Princip, Bosnisch murderer of arch duke French Ferdinand, di

04/29/1928 Henrich Federer, Switz, writer (Ich l”sche das Licht), dies
04/29/1936 Florentinus M Wibaut, Amsterdams social alderman, dies
04/29/1943 Joseph Achron, Latvian violinist/composer (Golem suite), dies at 56
04/29/1943 Karl Adrian Wohlfart, composer, dies at 68
04/29/1943 Sidney AK Keyes, English poet (Foreign Gate), dies at 20
04/29/1947 Irving Fisher, US economist, dies at 80
04/29/1951 Ludwig Wittgenstein, Austria/English philosopher
04/29/1953 Mo‹se Kisling, Polish/French painter (La souris boiteuse), dies at 6

04/29/1954 Earnest Heldring, merchant/ship owner/financier, dies at 82
04/29/1956 Nemesio Otano y Eugenio, composer, dies at 75
04/29/1957 Otallo Morales, composer, dies at 82
04/29/1964 Albert Saverys, Flemish painter, dies at 77
04/29/1966 Eugene O'Brien, actor (Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm), dies at 85
04/29/1967 Anthony Mann, US director (El Cid, Last Frontier), dies
04/29/1973 Manfred Gurlitt, composer, dies at 82
04/29/1976 Wilhelm Maler, composer, dies at 74
04/29/1979 Julia Perry, composer, dies at 55
04/29/1980 Alfred Hitchcock, British director (Psycho, Birds), dies at 80
04/29/1986 Seamus McElwaine, Irish IRA-terrorist, dies at 25
04/29/1988 Andrew Cruickshank, actor (Body in Library, Murder Most Foul), dies
04/29/1988 Jan Kapr, composer, dies at 74
04/29/1991 Claude Gallimard, French publisher, dies
04/29/1992 Mae Clarke, actress (Public Enemy, Frankenstein), dies at 84
04/29/1993 Cy Howard, director (Lovers & Other Strangers), dies
04/29/1993 Michael Gordon, actor/director (Pillow Talk), dies at 83
04/29/1993 Mick Ronson, English guitarist/producer (Mott the Hoople), dies at 4

04/29/1994 Bill Quinn, US actor (Quinn Brothers, Birds, Lucky Stiff), dies at 8

Significant Events:

04/29/1091 Battle at Monte Levunium: Emperor Alexius I beats Petsjenegen
04/29/1429 Joan of Arc leads Orleans, France, to victory over English
04/29/1522 Emperor Charles V named French van Holly inquisitor-gen of Netherlan

04/29/1550 Emperor Charles V gives inquisiters additional authority
04/29/1553 Flemish woman introduces practice of starching linen into England
04/29/1636 Prince Frederik Henry occupies Schenkenschans
04/29/1661 Chinese Ming dynasty occupies Taiwan
04/29/1701 Drenthe adopts Gregorian calendar, tomorrow is May 12, 1701
04/29/1715 John Flamsteed observes Uranus for 6th time
04/29/1784 Premiere of Mozarts Sonate in B mol, K454 (Vienna)
04/29/1793 Cornerstone laid for Groningen's new townhall
04/29/1813 Rubber is patented
04/29/1834 Charles Darwins expedition sees top of Andes
04/29/1845 Macon B Allen & Robert Morris Jr, 1st blacks to open law practice
04/29/1852 1st edition of Peter Roget's Thesaurus published
04/29/1856 Peace between England & Russia
04/29/1857 US Army, Pacific Div HQ permanently established at Presidio (SF)
04/29/1861 Asteroid 68-Leto & Asteroid 69-Hesperia discovered
04/29/1861 Maryland's House of Delegates vote against seceding from Union
04/29/1861 R Luther discovers asteroid #68 Leto
04/29/1862 100,000 federal troops prepare to march into Corinth, Miss
04/29/1862 New Orleans fell to Union forces during Civil War
04/29/1863 Battle of Chancellordville, VA (Fredericksburg, Wilderness Tavern)
04/29/1864 -30] Skermish at Jenkins' Ferry, Arkansas
04/29/1886 1st public Dutch electricity opens
04/29/1892 Charlie Reilly is baseball's 1st pinch hitter
04/29/1901 Anti semitic riot in Budapest
04/29/1902 M Wolf discovers asteroid #484 Pittsburghia
04/29/1903 Limestone slides at Turtle Mountain kills 9 (Frank Alberta)
04/29/1905 2' rain falls in 10 mins in Taylor, TX
04/29/1910 Ex-president Theodore Roosevelt visits Amsterdam
04/29/1912 108ø F (42ø C), Tuguegarao, Philippines (Oceania record)
04/29/1913 Gideon Sundback of Hoboken patents all-purpose zipper
04/29/1916 Irish nationalists surrender to British in Dublin
04/29/1921 B Jekhovsky discovers asteroid #953 Painleva
04/29/1922 1st official Intl Weightlifting Federation Champ (Tallinn, Estonia)
04/29/1925 Netherlands returns to gold standard
04/29/1926 France & US reach accord on repayment of WW I
04/29/1927 Construction of Spirit of St Louis is completed
04/29/1930 C Jackson discovers asteroid #1268 Libya
04/29/1930 North Sea floodgate at Ijmuiden (biggest in world) officially opens
04/29/1931 Cleve Indian Wes Ferrell no-hits St Louis Browns, 9-0
04/29/1938 G Neujmin discovers asteroid #1484 Postrema
04/29/1939 Whitestone Bridge connecting Bronx & Queens opens
04/29/1940 Norwegian king Haakon & govt flees to England
04/29/1942 Japanese troop march into Lashio
04/29/1942 Jews forced to wear a Jewish Star in Netherlands & Vichy-France
04/29/1943 Dietrich Bonh”ffer arrested by nazis
04/29/1944 Surprise attack by Van de Peat on General Landsdrukkerij in the Hagu

04/29/1945 1st food drop by RAF (operation Manna)
04/29/1945 Adolf Hitler marries Eva Braun
04/29/1945 Japanese army evacuates Rangoon
04/29/1945 US liberates Nazi concentration camp in Dachau, Germany
04/29/1946 28 former Jap leaders indicted in Tokyo as war criminals
04/29/1956 WLUC TV channel 6 in Marquette, MI (CBS/NBC/ABC) begins broadcasting

04/29/1956 WSPA TV channel 7 in G'ville-Spartanburg, SC (CBS) begins broadcasti

04/29/1956 WWBT TV channel 12 in Richmond, VA (NBC) begins broadcasting
04/29/1957 1st military nuclear power plant dedicated, Fort Belvoir Va
04/29/1961 ABC's 'Wide World of Sports, debuts
04/29/1963 KRE-AM in Berkeley CA changes call letters to KPAT
04/29/1964 Princess Irene marries Spanish prince Carel Hugo de Bourbon Parma
04/29/1965 Earthquake hits Seattle; 5 die
04/29/1967 Aretha Franklin releases 'Respect'
04/29/1970 50,000 US & South Vietnamese troops land in Cambodia
04/29/1971 Bill Graham closes down Fillmore & Fillmore East
04/29/1971 Boeing receives contract for Mariner 10, Mercury exploration
04/29/1975 Ethiopia nationalizes everything
04/29/1975 Flyers 4-Isles 0-Semifinals-Flyers hold 1-0 lead
04/29/1975 US Forces pull out of Vietnam
04/29/1976 Minister Irene Vorrink begins fluoridating Dutch drinking water
04/29/1981 Phillie Steve Carlton strikes out his 3,000th batter
04/29/1982 Alfredo Magana elected pres of El Salvador
04/29/1982 Nordiques 2-Isles 5-Semifinals-Isles hold 2-0 lead
04/29/1983 Harold Washington sworn in as Chicago's 1st black mayor
04/29/1985 17th space shuttle mission (51-B)-Challenger 7 launched
04/29/1985 Tony Tubbs KOs Greg Page to win WBA heavyweight boxing championship
04/29/1986 800,000 books destroyed by fire in LA Central Library
04/29/1986 Boston Red Sox Roger Clemens strikes out 20 Seattle Mariners
04/29/1987 Chicago Cub Andre Dawson hits for cycle
04/29/1987 Japans premier Nakasone visits the US
04/29/1988 '60 Minutes' newscaster Diane Sawyer weds Mike Nichols
04/29/1988 Burt Reynolds & Loni Anderson marry
04/29/1988 Orioles beat White Sox 9-0 for 1st 1988 win after 21 loses
04/29/1991 Croatia declares independence
04/29/1991 Cyclone strikes Bangladesh, 139,000 die/10 million homeless
04/29/1991 Earthquake in Georgia, kills 100
04/29/1992 'March of Falsettos & Falsettoland' opens on Broadway
04/29/1992 1st day of LA riots-Acquittal of 4 white cops in Rodney King beating

04/29/1992 Country singer Doug Stone, 35, undergoes quadruple bypass surgery
04/29/1992 Sheena Easton collapses on stage in Man of LaMancha
04/29/1992 Voting ends on choice of Elvis stamps
04/29/1994 Ferry boat smashes into Mombasa Harbor, Kenya, kills over 300

Robert Wolfe

May 1, 2021, 7:40:13 AM5/1/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


05/01/1238 Magnus VI Lagabuter, King of Norway (1263-80)
05/01/1493 Phillippus Paracelsus, Switzerland, physician/alchemist (or 11/10)
05/01/1545 Franciscus Junius, [François du Jon], French/Neth calvinist theologi

05/01/1567 Michiel Jansz van Mierevelt, Dutch royal painter
05/01/1577 François van Kinschot, Dutch treasurer
05/01/1582 Marco da Gagliano, composer
05/01/1592 Johann A Schall von Bell, German missionaries/astronomer
05/01/1620 Miklós Zrínyi, Hungarian general
05/01/1633 Sébastien le Prestre de Vauban, French fortress architect
05/01/1672 Joseph Addison, England, essayist (Spectator)
05/01/1735 John H van Kinsbergen, lt-admiral/founder of Marines
05/01/1759 Jacob Albright, [Albrecht], German/US predictor
05/01/1764 Benjamin Henry Latrobe, engineer/architect (built Capitol)
05/01/1764 Gottfried Rieger, composer
05/01/1769 Arthur Wellsley, Duke of Wellington, British PM (C) (1828-30)
05/01/1771 George Guest, composer
05/01/1775 Jacob-Joseph-Balthasar Martinn, composer
05/01/1800 Ret Thomas Aloysius Dornin, Comm (Union Navy), died in 1874
05/01/1807 John Bankhead 'Prince John' Magruder, Major General (Confederate Arm

05/01/1818 José Amador de los Ríos, Spanish historian/poet
05/01/1819 William Steele, Brig General (Confederate Army), died in 1885
05/01/1825 George Inness, US landscape painter (Delaware Water Gap)
05/01/1829 José M de Alencar, Brazilian writer/minister of Justice
05/01/1830 Mary Harris Jones, [Mother Jones], hell-raiser
05/01/1835 Alfred Napoleon Alexander 'Natti' Duffie, Brig Gen (Union volunteers

05/01/1839 Chardonnet, inventor (rayon)
05/01/1858 Anthony Johnson Showalter, composer
05/01/1859 Bohuslav Jeremias, composer
05/01/1859 Willem J Leyds, Dutch/South Africa lawyer/politician/diplomat
05/01/1862 Anthony G Kröller, entrepreneur/govt advisor/husband of Helene Mülle

05/01/1862 Marcel Prévost, French publisher/writer (Les demis-vierges)
05/01/1872 Hugo Alfvén, Stockholm Sweden, composer (Midsommarvaka)
05/01/1880 Conrad Weiss, German writer/poet (Tantum dic verbo)
05/01/1881 Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, France, philosopher/paleontologist
05/01/1884 Felipe Boero, composer
05/01/1892 Howard Barlow, Plain City Ohio, conductor (Voice of Firestone)
05/01/1895 Leo Sowerby, Grand Rapids Michigan, composer (Pulitzer 1946)
05/01/1898 Eugene R Black, US, Pres of World Bank (1953-62)
05/01/1899 Jón Leifs, Iceland, composer/conductor
05/01/1900 Ignazio Silone, Italy, novelist/politician (Bread & Wine)
05/01/1905 Leila Hyams, actress (Big House, Ruggles of Red Gap)
05/01/1907 Jan Pauw, CEO (Universal Netherlands Workers Aruba)
05/01/1907 John Peacock, founder (Stage group Gen Dutch Covenant Aruba)
05/01/1908 Giovanni Guareschi, Italian writer (Don Camillo, Peppone)
05/01/1909 George Melachrino, composer
05/01/1909 Kate Smith, singer (God Bless America) Phila Flyer good luck charm
05/01/1909 Yannis Ritsos, Greek poet
05/01/1910 Cliff Battles, Akron Oh, NFL hall of famer (Braves, Redskins)
05/01/1912 Felipe Padilla de Leon, composer
05/01/1913 Walter Susskind, Praha (Prague) Czechoslovakia, conductor
05/01/1916 Glenn Ford, Quebec Canada, actor (Cade's County, Big Heat, Midway)
05/01/1916 Jack Parr, Canton Ohio, TV host (Jack Paar Show)
05/01/1917 Danielle Darrieux, France, actress (Alexander the Great, Mayerling)
05/01/1917 John Beradino, LA Calif, actor (Steve Hardy-General Hospital)
05/01/1919 Dan O'Herlihy, Ireland, actor (Fail Safe, Last Starfighter, Robocop)

05/01/1921 Paul Daels, president (Flemish Iron Pilgramige committee)
05/01/1923 Joseph Heller, novelist (Catch-22, 1963 Arts & Letters Award)
05/01/1924 Earl George, composer
05/01/1924 Enrico Josif, composer
05/01/1925 Chuck Bednarik, Penn, NFL hall of fame center/linebacker (Phila)
05/01/1925 Malcolm Scott Carpenter, Boulder, astronaut (Mercury 7 (Aurora 7))
05/01/1927 Greta Andersen, Denmark, 100m freestyle swimmer (Olympic-gold-1948)
05/01/1927 Harry Belefonte, calypso singer (Banana Boat Song)
05/01/1927 Roland Verhavert, Flemish screen writer (Sea gulls die of illness)
05/01/1928 Raoul Servais, Belgian cartoonist
05/01/1930 Ollie Matson, NFL halfback (Cardinals, Rams, Lions, Eagles)
05/01/1933 Joan Hackett, East Harlem NYC, actress (Defenders, Another Day)
05/01/1937 Bo Nilsson, Swedish composer (Doppelspiel)
05/01/1939 Judy Collins, Seattle Wash, singer (Send in the Clowns, Clouds)
05/01/1939 Max Robinson, Richmond VA, black news anchor (ABC Evening News)
05/01/1939 Ray Aranha, actor (Nick-Married People)
05/01/1941 Juraj Hatrick, composer
05/01/1942 Stephen Macht, Phila Pa, actor (Joe-Knots Landing, Cagney & Lacey)
05/01/1944 Rita Coolidge, Nashville Tn, singer (Higer & Higher, We're All Alone

05/01/1946 Joanna Lumley, Kashmir India, actress (On Her Majesty's Secret Serv)

05/01/1946 Valentin Muratov, USSR, floor exercise gymnist (Olympic-gold-1956)
05/01/1947 Carlos Ward, rocker (B T Express)
05/01/1948 James Wise, US soul singer (Archie Bell & the Drells)
05/01/1949 Douglas Barr, Cedar Rapids Iowa, actor (Howie-Fall Guy)
05/01/1952 George Strait, country singer
05/01/1953 Felix Hanemann, rocker (Zebra)
05/01/1954 Michael Scott, reporter (Entertainment Tonight)
05/01/1954 Ray Parker Jr, rock vocalist (Ghostbusters Theme)
05/01/1956 Byron Stewart, Baxter Springs Ks, actor (Warren-St Elsewhere)
05/01/1957 Dick Swett, (Rep-D-New Hampshire)
05/01/1957 Steve Ferris, rocker (Mr Mister)
05/01/1959 Paul Smith, rocker (Haircut 100)
05/01/1960 Steven Cauthen, jockey (1978 Kentucky Derby)
05/01/1961 Charlie O'Brien
05/01/1964 Sarah FE Armstrong-Jones, daughter of princess Margaret & Lord Snowd

05/01/1967 Tawni Cable, Salem Oregon, playmate (June 1989)
05/01/1968 Mark Scott, Paramus NJ, rock drummer (Trixter-Give It To Me Good)
05/01/197- Roy Rosello, singer (Menudo-Cannonball)


05/01/1171 Dermot MacMurrough, last Irish King of Leinster, dies
05/01/1277 Stefanus IV Uros I de Great, King of Serbia (1243-76), dies
05/01/1308 Albrecht I van Habsburg, German King (1298-1308), murdered
05/01/1447 Louis VII, Duke of Baveria (1413-43), dies
05/01/1456 Hugues de Lannoy, Flemish viceroy of Holland/Zealand, dies
05/01/1471 Thomas a Kempis, spiritual writer (Navolging of Christ), dies at 91
05/01/1555 Marcellus II, [Marcello Cervini], Italian Pope (1555), dies at 53
05/01/1572 Pius V, [Antonio Ghislieri], great-inquisiteur/Pope (1566-72), dies
05/01/1679 Esaias Reusner, composer, dies at 43
05/01/1700 John Dryden, English poet/playwright (Rival Ladies), dies
05/01/1772 Gottfried Achenwall, German lawyer/statistics/economist, dies at 52
05/01/1863 Edward Dorr Tracy, US Confederate brig-general, dies in battle at 29

05/01/1870 Francisco Solano López, field marshal/president of Paraguay
05/01/1872 Amalia, princess of Weimar/wife of prince Hendrik the Navigator, die

05/01/1874 Vilem Blodek, composer, dies at 39
05/01/1886 Conrad Busken Huet, writer (Country of Rubens)
05/01/1886 Heinrich Franz Daniel Stiehl, composer, dies at 56
05/01/1892 Willem A Scholten, manufacturer (potatoes), dies at 89
05/01/1898 Alphonse Wauters, Belgian historian, dies at 81
05/01/1900 Mihály von Munkácsy, [Michael von Lieb], German painter, dies at 56
05/01/1902 John Glover, English chemist (production sulfuric acid), dies at 85
05/01/1903 Luigi Arditi, composer, dies at 80
05/01/1904 Antonín Dvorak, Czech composer (Slavic Dancing), dies at 62
05/01/1917 José E Rodo, Uruguayan writer (Motivos de proteo), dies
05/01/1921 Louis Campbell-Tipton, composer, dies at 43
05/01/1926 Nicolaus Adriani, translator (Middle-Celebes Language), dies at 60
05/01/1932 Paul Doumer, Pres France (1931-32), assassin by Russia's Paul Gargal

05/01/1934 Alexander Alexandrovich Davidenko, composer, dies at 35
05/01/1937 Snitz Edwards, actor (Phantom of the Opera, College), dies at 75
05/01/1939 Wilhelm Normann, German chemist (harden van oliën), dies
05/01/1941 John R Locksmith de Brown, vicar/CHU-politician, dies at 71
05/01/1945 Joseph Goebbels, nazi-German minister of propaganda, commits suicide

05/01/1946 Edward Cuthbert Bairstow, composer, dies at 71
05/01/1946 Percy William Whitlock, composer, dies at 43
05/01/1948 Christos Ladas, Greek minister of Justice, murdered
05/01/1952 William Fox, US film pioneer (Nickelodeon), dies
05/01/1954 Tom Tyler, actor (Lost Ranch, Coyote Trails), dies at 50
05/01/1957 Grant Mitchell, actor (Great Lie, Laura, Cairo, Conflict), dies at 8

05/01/1959 Oscar Torp, Norwegian premier, dies
05/01/1965 Leo Spies, composer, dies at 66
05/01/1965 Spike Jones, composer (Spike Jones Show), dies at 53
05/01/1968 Harold G Nicolson, English author (English sense of humor), dies at

05/01/1969 Ella Logan, actress (52nd Street, Woman Chases Man), dies at 56
05/01/1971 Edith Day, actress (Romance of Air), dies at 75
05/01/1971 Glenda Farrell, actress (Grand Slam, Exposed), dies at 66
05/01/1976 Rex O'Malley, actor (Camille, Zara, Midnight, Thief), dies at 75
05/01/1978 Aram Il'yich Khachaturian, composer, dies at 75
05/01/1978 Aram Katchaturian, Armeens/Russian composer (The earth), dies
05/01/1981 Clarence A Bacote, historian/political scientist, dies at 75
05/01/1982 Gene Sheldon, actor (Bernardo-Zorro), dies at 72
05/01/1984 Gordon Jenkins, orch leader (NBC Comedy Hour), dies at 73
05/01/1988 Carroll Righter, astrologer, dies at 88 of postrate cancer
05/01/1988 Paolo Stoppa, actor (Garibaldi, Visit, Freedom Fighters), dies
05/01/1989 David Webster, South African white anti-apartheids activist, murdere

05/01/1989 Douglas Watson, actor (Satan Murders), dies at 68
05/01/1989 Marion Mack, actress (General), dies
05/01/1990 Sunset Carson, cowboy actor (El Paso Kid, Oregon Trail), dies at 62
05/01/1991 Richard Thorpe, director (Jailhouse Rock, Night Must Fall), dies
05/01/1993 Hans [Henri EA] Tuynman, provo (Full-time Provo), dies at 50
05/01/1993 Pierre Bérégovoy, French premier (1992-93), commits suicide at 67
05/01/1993 Ranasinghe Premadasa, president (Sri Lanka, 1989-93), murdered at 68

05/01/1994 Ayrton Senna da Silva, Brazil's Formula 1 driver, dies at 34
05/01/1994 Imre Gyöngyössy, Hungarian director, dies at 64

Significant Events:

05/01/1006 Supernova observed by Chinese & Egyptians in constellation Lupus
05/01/1048 Bishop Bernold flees St Pieterskerk for Utrecht Neth
05/01/1394 Ekiho, exorcised the Zen temple & it's surroundings from an old badg

05/01/1523 Danish king Christian III arrives in Veere
05/01/1528 Pánfilo the Narvaéz begins exploration to with 350 men to Florida
05/01/1551 Council of Trente resumes
05/01/1598 Jacob van Necks merchant fleet departs for Java
05/01/1625 Prince Frederik Henry appointed viceroy of Holland
05/01/1628 Meiboom in Quincy Mass) degenerates into orgy with indian women
05/01/1682 Louis XIV & his court inaugurate Paris Observatory
05/01/1707 England, Wales & Scotland form UK of Great Britain
05/01/1725 Spain & Austria sign trade treaty
05/01/1751 1st American cricket match was played
05/01/1756 France & Austria sign alliance
05/01/1776 Adam Weishaupt founds secret society of Illuminati
05/01/1786 Mozart's opera 'Marriage of Figaro' premieres in Wien (Vienna)
05/01/1822 John Phillips becomes 1st mayor of Boston
05/01/1840 1st adhesive postage stamps ('Penny Blacks' from England) issued
05/01/1841 1st emigrant wagon train leaves Independence, Missouri for Calif
05/01/1844 Samuel Morse sends 1st telegraphic message
05/01/1844 Whig convention nominates Henry Clay as presidential candidate
05/01/1850 John Geary becomes 1st SF mayor
05/01/1851 Great Exhibition opens in London's Hyde Park, with Crystal Palace
05/01/1853 Argentina adopts it's constitution
05/01/1854 Amsterdam begins transferring drinking water out of the dunes
05/01/1857 William Walker, conqueror of Nicaragua, surrenders to US Navy
05/01/1861 Lee orders Confederate troops under T J Jackson to Harper's Ferry
05/01/1862 Union captain David Farragut conquers New Orleans
05/01/1863 Battle of Chancellorsville, VA (29,000 injured or died)
05/01/1863 Battle of Port Gibson, Mississippi
05/01/1863 Confederate 'National Flag' replaces 'Stars & Bars'
05/01/1863 Confederate congress passed resolution to kill black soldiers
05/01/1864 -8] Battle at Alexandria, Louisiana (Red River Campaign)
05/01/1864 Atlanta campaign, GA
05/01/1864 Wilderness campaign
05/01/1867 Howard University chartered
05/01/1867 Reconstruction of South begins, black voter registration
05/01/1869 'Folies-BergŐre' opens in Paris
05/01/1869 A colt is reported killed by a meteorite near New Concord, Ohio
05/01/1869 Folies BergŐre opens in Paris
05/01/1873 1st US postal card issued
05/01/1873 International Exhibition opens in Wien (Vienna)
05/01/1875 238 members of 'Whiskey Ring' accused of anti-US activities
05/01/1883 Baseball returns to Phila, 1st NL game since 1876
05/01/1883 NY Athletic Club hires Bob Rogers as 1st American pro sports trainer

05/01/1884 Construction begins on Chicago 1st skyscraper (10 stories)
05/01/1884 Moses Walker became 1st black player in major league
05/01/1885 Maria 'Goeie Mie' Swanenburg sentence to life for killing 27 in Neth

05/01/1886 US general strike for 8 hour day, begins
05/01/1889 1st International Workers Day, according to 2nd International
05/01/1892 US Quarantine Station opens on Angel Island, SF Bay
05/01/1893 World Columbian Exposition opens in Chicago
05/01/1898 George Dewey commands, 'You may fire when you are ready, Gridley'
05/01/1900 Premature blast collapses mine tunnel killing 200 at Scofield, Utah
05/01/1901 Detroit Tigers commit 12 errors against Chicago White Sox
05/01/1901 Herb McFarland hit 1st grand slam in American League
05/01/1901 Pan-American Exposition opens in Buffalo
05/01/1906 Phillie's John Lush no-hits Bkln Dodgers, 6-0
05/01/1907 Belgium govt of De Trooz forms
05/01/1907 Indian Mine Laws passes (concessions from Neth-Indies)
05/01/1908 World's most intense shower (2.47' in 3 minutes) at Portobelo Panama

05/01/1909 Netherlands begins unity with Belgium
05/01/1914 China's 1st president Yuan Shikai wins dictatorial qualification
05/01/1915 British Lusitania leaves NY, for Liverpool
05/01/1915 German submarine sinks US ship Gulflight
05/01/1920 Babe Ruth's 1st Yankee HR & 50th of career, out of Polo Grounds
05/01/1920 Belgian-Luxembourg toll tunnel opens
05/01/1920 Brooklyn Dodgers tie Boston Braves, 1-1, in 26 innings
05/01/1921 Drusian sultan Pasja al-Atrasj elected governor of Suwayda
05/01/1923 Earl Sande aboard Zev wins his 1st Kentucky Derby
05/01/1924 Admiral Paul Koundouriótis becomes president of Greece
05/01/1925 Cyprus becomes a British Crown Colony
05/01/1926 British coal-miners go on strike
05/01/1926 Brooklyn Dodgers & Boston Braves deadlock at 1-1 in 26 innings
05/01/1926 Satchel Paige makes pitching debut in Negro Southern League
05/01/1927 1st British airliner to serve cooked meals (Imperial Airways)
05/01/1927 Netherlands beats Belgium 3-2 in soccer match in Amsterdam
05/01/1928 6 children die & 10 injured by hailstones in Klausenburg, Romania
05/01/1928 Drunken fascist Erich Wichman harasses VARA-radio transmitter
05/01/1928 Lei Day begun (a Hawaiian celebration)
05/01/1928 Pitcairn Airlines (later Eastern) begins service
05/01/1929 Brooklyn's Johnny Finn sets 100 yard sack race in 14.4 seconds
05/01/1929 Farm workers strike begins in East-Groningen
05/01/1929 Police kill 19 Mayday demonstraters in Berlin
05/01/1931 Empire State Building opens in NYC
05/01/1931 Norway claims Peter I Island
05/01/1931 Singer Kate Smith begins her long-running radio program on CBS
05/01/1932 1st Suriname union congress at Paramaribo
05/01/1934 Austria signs pact with Vatican
05/01/1934 Philippine legislature accepts US proposal for independence
05/01/1934 Water state kingdom dismisses NSB-leader Anton Mussert
05/01/1936 Emperor Haile Selassie leaves Ethiopia as Italian invades
05/01/1936 FBI's J Edgar Hoover arrests Alvin Karpis
05/01/1937 FDR signs act of neutrality
05/01/1939 Batman comics hit street
05/01/1939 Pulitzer Prize awarded to Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings (Yearling)
05/01/1940 140 Palestinian Jews die as German planes bomb their ship
05/01/1940 The 1940 Olympics are cancelled
05/01/1941 'Citizen Kane,' directed & starring Orson Welles, premieres in NY
05/01/1941 German assault on Tobroek
05/01/1943 1st edition of illegal 'The Free Artist' appears in Amsterdam
05/01/1943 German Wehrmacht deployed in order to break Dutch strikes
05/01/1943 Johnny Longden on Count Fleet wins 69th Kentucky Derby (2:04)
05/01/1943 Rauter signs unofficial death sentence
05/01/1943 food rationing begins in US
05/01/1944 Messerschmitt Me 262 Sturmvogel, 1st jet bomber, makes 1st flight
05/01/1944 Pulitzer prize awarded to Martin Flavin (Journey in the dark)
05/01/1944 Surprise attack on Weteringschans Amsterdam, fails
05/01/1945 Admiral Dönitz forms German government
05/01/1945 General Belgian Labor Union (ABVV) party forms
05/01/1945 Radio Budapest, Hungary re-enters shortwave broadcasting after WW II

05/01/1945 Seys-Inquart flees to Flensburg
05/01/1946 Mrs Emma Clarissa Clement named 'American Mother of Year'
05/01/1947 Radar for coml & private planes 1st demonstrated
05/01/1947 Vice Adm Roscoe Hillenkoeter becomes 1st director of CIA
05/01/1948 Eddie Arcaro on Citation wins 74th Kentucky Derby (2:05.4)
05/01/1948 People's Republic North-Korea forms
05/01/1949 Gerard Kuiper discovers Nereid, (2nd satellite of Neptune)
05/01/1950 Gwendolyn Brooks, is 1st Black awarded a Pulitzer Prize (poetry)
05/01/1950 Mayor of Brussels reluctantly bans May Day parade
05/01/1950 New marriage laws enforced in People's Republic China
05/01/1950 Pulitzer prize awarded to Rodgers & Hammerstein (South Pacific)
05/01/1950 WJIM (now WLNS) TV channel 6 in Lansing, MI (CBS) begins broadcastin

05/01/1951 600,000 march for peace & freedom in Germany
05/01/1951 Dutch Reformed Church introduces new church choir
05/01/1951 Mickey Mantle's 1st HR
05/01/1952 Goethe Link Observatory discovers asteroid #3428
05/01/1952 Marines take part in an atomic explosion training in Nevada
05/01/1954 Bishops publish Mandement (member socialistic org forbidden)
05/01/1954 HSA-UWC Established (Unification Church) (Moonies)
05/01/1954 WAPA TV channel 4 in San Juan, PR (NBC/SFN) begins broadcasting
05/01/1955 Bob Feller's 15th 1 or less hitter (12 1-hitters, 3 no-hitters)
05/01/1957 Larry King's 1st radio broadcast
05/01/1957 US give Poland credit of $95 million
05/01/1957 Vanguard TV-1 booster test reaches 195 km
05/01/1958 Ambonese rebellion bombed Ambon/conquer Morotai
05/01/1959 Heavyweight Floyd Patterson KOs Brian London
05/01/1959 West Germany ntroduces 5 day work week
05/01/1959 White Sox Early Wynn beats Red Sox 1-0 on his own HR
05/01/1960 India's Bombay state split into Gujarat & Maharashtra states
05/01/1960 Pancho Gonzalez retires from tennis
05/01/1960 Russia shoots down Francis Gary Powers' U-2 spy plane over Sverdlovs

05/01/1961 1st US airplane hijacked to Cuba
05/01/1961 Fidel Castro announces there will be no more elections in Cuba
05/01/1961 Pulitzer prize awarded to Harper Lee (To Kill a Mockingbird)
05/01/1961 Tanganyika granted full internal self-government by Britain
05/01/1962 1st French underground nuclear experiment in the Sahara
05/01/1962 Bo Belinsky pitches a no-hitter, in his 4th start
05/01/1962 JFK authorizes Area Redevelopment Act (ARA)
05/01/1963 1st American (James Whittaker) to conquer Mount Everest
05/01/1963 Indonesia takes control of Irian Jaya (west New Guinea) from Neth
05/01/1964 1st BASIC program run on a computer (Dartmouth)
05/01/1965 Mont Canadiens beat Chic Black Hawks, 4 games to 3, for Stanley Cup
05/01/1965 USSR launches Luna 5; later impacts on Moon
05/01/1966 Last British concert by Beatles (Empire Pool in Wembley)
05/01/1966 Radio RSA, South Africa begins shortwave transmitting
05/01/1966 US troops shooting targets in Cambodia
05/01/1967 Anastasio Somoza Debayle becomes president of Nicaragua
05/01/1967 Jelle Zijlstra becomes president of Netherlands Bank
05/01/1967 Priscilla Beaulieu & Elvis Presley wed in Las Vegas
05/01/1967 Pulitzer prize awarded to Bernard Malamud (Fixer)
05/01/1969 43 Unification church couples wed in NYC
05/01/1969 Houston Don Wilson 2nd no-hitter beats Cin Reds, 4-0
05/01/1969 Pirate Radio Station 259 (England/France) begins transmitting
05/01/1971 Amtrak railroad begins operation
05/01/1971 Rolling Stones release 'Brown Sugar'
05/01/1972 Pulitzer prize awarded to Wallace Stegner (Angle of Repose)
05/01/1972 Radio's Mutual Black Network premieres
05/01/1973 SF Giants score 7 runs with 2 outs in 9th to beat Pirates, 8-7
05/01/1975 Islander Parise & Potvin score within 14 seconds in playoffs
05/01/1975 Flyers 5-Isles 4-semifinals-Flyers hold 2-0 lead
05/01/1976 Bold Forbes wins Kentucky Derby
05/01/1976 Jos Hermens, Netherlands sets record for 20,000 m, 57:24.2
05/01/1977 Empress Lilly dedicated
05/01/1978 1st black mayor of New Orleans (Ernest Morial) inaugurated
05/01/1978 Naomi Uemura became 1st to reach North Pole overland alone
05/01/1979 Elton John becomes 1st pop star to perform in Israel
05/01/1979 Home rule introduced to Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland)
05/01/1979 Marshall Islands (in Pacific) become self-governing
05/01/1981 Billie Jean King admits to a lesbian affair with Marilyn Barnett
05/01/1981 Harrison Williams (Sen-D-NJ) convicted on FBI Abscam charges
05/01/1981 Radio Shack releases Model III TRSDOS 1.3
05/01/1982 1982 World's Fair in Knoxville Tennessee opens
05/01/1982 Nordiques 4-Isles 5 (OT)-semifinals-Isles hold 3-0 lead
05/01/1983 Nolan Ryan surpasses Walter Johnson for most strikeouts (3,508)
05/01/1984 Mick Fleetwood (of Fleetwood Mac) files for bankruptcy
05/01/1985 'Communistic' bomb attack kills 2 firemen in Brussels
05/01/1985 US president Reagan ends embargo against Nicaragua
05/01/1986 Tass reports Chernobyl nuclear power plant mishap
05/01/1987 46 HRs hit in 13 baseball games
05/01/1987 Pope John Paul II beatifies Edith Stein, a Jewish born nun
05/01/1988 IRA attack in Roermond, kills 3
05/01/1989 135 acre Disney's MGM studio officially opens to public
05/01/1989 Jockey Chris Antley ends record of 64 consecutive winning days
05/01/1991 A's Rickey Henderson steals an all time record 939th base vs Yanks
05/01/1991 Angola's civil war ends
05/01/1991 Milwaukee Brewers beat Chicago Cubs, 10-9, in 19 innings
05/01/1991 Tx Ranger Nolan Ryan pitches record 7th no hitter (beats Toronto 3-0

05/01/1992 Eric Houston kills 4 in a Calif HS where he failed history 4 yrs pri

05/01/1992 NY Rangers wins their 1st ever 7th game of a playoff (vs NJ Devils)
05/01/1992 Rickey Henderson steals his 1,000th base
05/01/1993 Bomb attack on Sri Lankan president (26 die)
05/01/1994 -3] Tornado & hail storms hit Jiangxi China, 95 killed

Robert Wolfe

May 2, 2021, 7:40:20 AM5/2/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


05/02/1551 William Camden, English historian (Brittania, Annales)
05/02/1601 Athanasius Kircher, German Jesuit/inventor (lantern)
05/02/1660 Pietro Alessandro Gaspare Scarlatti, Palermo Italy, composer (Tigran

05/02/1729 Catherine II (the Great), empress of Russia (1762-96)
05/02/1729 Florian Johann Deller, composer
05/02/1740 Elias Boudinot, lawyer/patriot, found Amer Biblical Society
05/02/1752 Ludwig August Lebrun, composer
05/02/1754 Vicente Martin y Soler, composer
05/02/1768 Jean-Louis M Alibert, French dermatologist
05/02/1779 John Galt, Scotland, novelist (Ayrshire Legatees, Lawrie Todd)
05/02/1810 Hans Christian Lumbye, composer
05/02/1810 Leo XIII, 257th Roman Catholic pope (1878-1903)
05/02/1817 Zikmund Michal Kolesovsky, composer
05/02/1821 Abram Sanders Piatt, Brig General (Union volunteers), died in 1908
05/02/1837 Henry Martyn Robert, parliamentarian (Robert's Rules of Order)
05/02/1840 Theodor Herzl, Austria, journalist/founded Zionist movement
05/02/1843 Carl Michael Ziehrer, composer
05/02/1844 Elijah McCoy, black inventor, held over 50 patents
05/02/1846 Zygmunt Noskowski, composer
05/02/1849 F rst Bernhard HM von B low, German chancellor/Prussian PM (1900-09)

05/02/1855 Theodore Moses Tobani, composer
05/02/1857 Frederic Cliffe, composer
05/02/1859 Eugene D'Harcourt, composer
05/02/1860 D'Arcy Thompson, zoologist/classicist (On Growth & Form)
05/02/1860 Theodor Herzl, Austria journalist (founded zionism)
05/02/1872 G G van der Hoeven, Dutch editor-in-chief (NRC)
05/02/1884 Fran‡ois de Vries, economist
05/02/1887 Edward Collins, NY, Hall of Fame infielder (White Sox, A's)
05/02/1890 E[dward] E[lmer] 'Doc' Smith, US, sci-fi author (Triplanetary)
05/02/1892 Manfred Freiherr von Richthofen, [Red Baron], German WW I ace
05/02/1893 Beppie Nooij, actress [or 5/13/1912]
05/02/1895 Peggy Bacon, Ridgefield Ct, author/illustrator (Off With Their Heads

05/02/1898 Jef [Josephus C F] Last, poet/Spanish politician
05/02/1902 Brian Aherne, actor (Juarez)
05/02/1903 Benjamin Spock, pediatrician/author (Common Sense Book of Bay Care)
05/02/1903 Oivin Fjeldstad, composer
05/02/1904 Georgi Dimitrov, composer
05/02/1905 Alan Rawsthorne, Haslingden England, composer (Cort‚ges)
05/02/1906 Aileen Riggin, Newport RI, springboard diver (Olympic-gold-1920, 24)

05/02/1906 Maurice Thiriet, composer
05/02/1908 William Bakewell, LA Calif, actor (Stage manager-Pinky Lee Show)
05/02/1912 Axel Springer, German newspaper magnate
05/02/1912 Marten Toonder, writer/cartoonist (Mr Bommel)
05/02/1915 Jan Hanus, composer
05/02/1915 Van Alexander, NYC, orch leader (Gordon MacRae Show)
05/02/1919 Than Wyenn, NYC, actor (Pete Kelly's Blues)
05/02/1920 Jacob Gilboa, composer
05/02/1921 Satyajit Ray, Calcutta India, director (Goddess, Adversary)
05/02/1923 Christina Spierenburg, singer
05/02/1924 Aafje Heynis, singer
05/02/1924 Theodore Bikel, folk singer/actor (Russians Are Coming)
05/02/1925 John Neville, actor (Adventures of Baron M nchausen)
05/02/1925 Roscoe Lee Browne, Woodbury NJ, actor (McCoy, Saunders-Soap)
05/02/1925 Svatopluk Havelka, composer
05/02/1929 Edward Levy Irving, composer
05/02/1929 Luc Ferrari, composer
05/02/1932 Bruce Glover, Chicago Ill, actor (Diamonds are Forever)
05/02/1932 Kees de Galan, economist
05/02/1932 Malcolm Leyland Lipkin, composer
05/02/1935 Feisal II, King of Iraq (1939-58)
05/02/1935 Hoessein ibn Talal, King of Jordan (1952- )
05/02/1936 Michael Rabin, NYC, violinist (In Memorium)
05/02/1936 Quinn Redeker, Woodstock Ill, actor (Dan Raven, Young & Restless)
05/02/1937 Lorenzo Music, Bkln NY, writer/actor (Carlton-Rhoda)
05/02/1940 Roger Robinson, Seattle Wash, actor (Warren-Friends, Newman's Law)
05/02/1940 Sari van Heemskerck Pillis-Duvekot, Dutch 2nd Chamber member (VVD)
05/02/1941 Jules W˜denbosch, premier Suriname
05/02/1945 Bianca P‚rez Morena de Macias Jagger, Nicaragua, model/Mick's ex-wif

05/02/1945 Bob Henrit, English pop drummer (Kinks-Waterloo Sunset)
05/02/1945 Goldy McJohn, rocker (Steppenwolf)
05/02/1945 Randy Cain, US soul singer (4 Gents/Delfonics)
05/02/1946 Lesley Gore, Tenafly NJ, singer (cries at her own party)
05/02/1946 Robert Henriit, rocker (Argent)
05/02/1947 Bill Lowery, (Rep-R-CA, 1981- )
05/02/1948 Larry Gatlin, Seminole Tx, country singer (Gatlin Bros-Broken Lady)
05/02/1949 Joey Phillips, percussionist (Atlantic Star-Touch a 4 Leaf Clover)
05/02/1950 Lou Gramm, rocker (Foreigner-Want to Know What Love is)
05/02/1953 'Keith' Jamaal Wilkes, NBA forward (Golden State-Rookie of Yr 1975)
05/02/1954 Bulelani T Ngcuka, South African attorney/UDF-leader
05/02/1959 Brian Tochi, LA Calif, actor (Dr Alan Poe-St Elsewhere, Renegades)
05/02/1961 Doctor Robert, [Bruce R Howard], rocker (Blow Monkeys-Wicked Ways)
05/02/1962 Elizabeth Berridge, Westchester NY, actress (Amadeus, Funhouse)
05/02/1977 Jenna Von Oy, actress (Seven-Blossom)


05/02/ 649 Maruta of Tagrit, theology/1st mafriaan Jakobitische church, dies
05/02/1250 Toeransa, sultan of Egypt, murdered
05/02/1488 Jacob van Horne, Burgundy statesman, dies
05/02/1519 Leonardo Da Vinci, artist/scientist, dies at 67
05/02/1567 Marin Drzic, Croatian playwright (Dundo Maroje), dies
05/02/1669 Pieter Jansz Post, master builder (Waag, Gouda), dies at 61
05/02/1685 Adriaen van Ostade, Dutch painter, buried
05/02/1727 Paul Aler, French jesuit/poet (Gradus ad Parnassum), dies at 70
05/02/1799 Henri-Joseph Rigel, composer, dies at 58
05/02/1818 Herman W Daendels, governor-gen of Guinea (1815-18), dies at 55
05/02/1845 August Pauly, German writer (Real Encyclopedia), dies at 48
05/02/1849 David H Chass‚, baron/gen (fought Napoleon at Waterloo), dies at 84
05/02/1857 LC Alfred the Musset, French poet (Lesson caprices Marianne), dies
05/02/1864 Giacomo Meyerbeer, composer, dies at 72
05/02/1892 Wilhelm Rust, composer, dies at 69
05/02/1897 William Cleaver Francis Robinson, composer, dies at 63
05/02/1919 Gustav Landauer, German socialist, dies
05/02/1937 Arthur Somervell, composer, dies at 74
05/02/1945 Martin Bormann, propoganda minister for Hitler, dies
05/02/1954 Pauline de Cock-Manifarges, singer, dies at 82
05/02/1955 Tadeusz Jarecki, composer, dies at 66
05/02/1957 Joseph McCarthy, commie hunting senator (R), dies at 47
05/02/1957 Tadeusz Zygfryd Kassern, composer, dies at 53
05/02/1958 Alfred Weber, German economist/sociologist, dies
05/02/1959 Yryo Henrik Kilpinen, composer, dies at 67
05/02/1960 Caryl Chessman, rapist executed after 12 years of appeals at 39
05/02/1963 Tomas Vackar, composer, dies at 17
05/02/1963 Wyck Brooks, US historian (Ordeal of Mark Twain), dies at 77
05/02/1964 Nancy N Witcher Astor, US/Eng feminist/ex of Waldorf Astor, dies
05/02/1968 Donald L Hall, US flyer (Spirit of St Louis), dies at 69
05/02/1969 Franz JHMM von Papen, German chancellor (1932), dies at 89
05/02/1972 J Edgar Hoover, head of FBI (1924-72)/cross dresser, dies at 77
05/02/1973 Alan Carney, actor (Herbie-Take it from Me), dies at 61
05/02/1982 Hugh Marlowe, actor (Ellery Queen), dies at 71
05/02/1983 Marius F Duintjer, architect, dies
05/02/1984 Jack Barry, game show emcee (Joker's Wild), dies at 66
05/02/1984 Piet van Aken, Flemish writer (Failing God, Niggers), dies at 64
05/02/1985 Hal LeRoy, dancer/actor (Harold Teen), dies at 71 after surgery
05/02/1985 Milton S Eisenhower, US diplomat, dies at 85
05/02/1990 David Rappaport, 3'11' actor (Wizard, LA Law), shoots himself at 38
05/02/1990 William Levi Dawson, composer, dies at 90
05/02/1992 Lee Salk, baby doctor/author, dies at 77 of cardiac arrest
05/02/1992 Margareth Wallmann, Austrian opera director, dies at 88
05/02/1992 Wilbur Mills, (Rep-D-Ark)/involved with Fanne Foxe, dies at 82
05/02/1993 WLPM, the Short, Dutch 2nd chamber member (KVP, 1945-73), dies at 83

05/02/1994 Louis Calaferte, writer (Requiem of the Innocents), dies at 65

Significant Events:

05/02/1345 'Quaden Maendach' in Gent: Battles between volders & weavers
05/02/1526 German evangelical monarchy joins Schmalkaldische League
05/02/1536 King Henry VIII accuses Anna Boleyn of adultery/incest
05/02/1595 King Philip II names Albrecht of Austria land guardian of Neth
05/02/1598 Peace of Vervins
05/02/1652 Frederik Hendriks daughter Albertine Agnes marries Willem Frederik
05/02/1668 1st peace of Aken: ends French/Spanish war in The Netherlands
05/02/1668 Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, ends War of Devolution
05/02/1670 Hudson Bay Company founded
05/02/1776 France & Spain agree to donate arms to American rebels
05/02/1780 William Herschel discovers 1st binary star, Xi Ursae Majoris
05/02/1808 Uprising against French occupation begins in Madrid
05/02/1824 Goethe visits Ettersberg (Buchenwald)
05/02/1845 Domingo Sarmiento publishes 'Civilizaci¢n y Barbarie'
05/02/1847 Sabbath famine
05/02/1863 South defeats North in Battle of Chancellorsville, Va
05/02/1864 N R Pogson discovers asteroid #80 Sappho
05/02/1865 Pres Johnson offers $100,000 reward for capture of Jefferson Davis
05/02/1876 Ross Barnes hit 1st home run in National League
05/02/1878 US stops minting 20› coin
05/02/1885 'Good Housekeeping' magazine is 1st published
05/02/1885 Congo Free State established by King Leopold II of Belgium
05/02/1887 G Rossini's corpse transfered to Santa Croce, Florence
05/02/1890 Territory of Oklahoma created
05/02/1907 Belgium: Jules baron de Trooz forms govt
05/02/1915 Old Fordham Road in Bronx renamed Landing Road
05/02/1919 1st US air passenger service starts
05/02/1920 1st game of National Negro Baseball League played in Indianapolis
05/02/1921 Begin 3rd anti-German revolt in Upper-Silesia
05/02/1922 WBAP-AM begins broadcasting from Ft Worth Texas
05/02/1923 Senator Walter Johnson pitches his 100th shutout, beats Yanks 3-0
05/02/1924 Netherlands refuses to recognize USSR
05/02/1925 Kezar Stadium in SF's Golden Gate Park opens
05/02/1926 US military intervenes in Nicaragua
05/02/1927 Intl Economic Conference (52 countries including USSR) opens
05/02/1927 Pulitzer prize awarded to Louis Bromfield (Early Autumn)
05/02/1928 KPQ-AM in Wenatchee WA begins radio transmissions
05/02/1932 Jack Benny's 1st radio show premieres (NBC Blue Network)
05/02/1932 Pulitzer prize awarded to Pearl S Buck (Good Earth)
05/02/1933 Germany forbids trade union
05/02/1934 Nazi-Germany begins People's court
05/02/1935 E Delporte discovers asteroid #1926 Demiddelaer
05/02/1936 'Peter & Wolf' premieres in Moscow
05/02/1936 Emperor Haile Selassie & family flee Abyssinia
05/02/1938 Pulitzer prize awarded to Thornton Wilder (Our Town)
05/02/1939 Lou Gehrig ends 2,130 consecutive game streak, Yanks beat Tigers 22-

05/02/1941 Martin Bormann succeeds Rudolf Hess as Hitler's deputy
05/02/1941 Nazi occupied Netherlands layoff Jewish journalists
05/02/1941 Ted Williams lowest average (.308) in year he hit over .400
05/02/1944 WABD (WNEW, now WNYW) TV channel 5 in NYC (DUM/MET/FOX) 1st broadcas

05/02/1945 Dutch Queen Wilhelmina & Princess Juliana reach Gilze-Queries
05/02/1945 Germany Army in Italy surrenders
05/02/1945 Russia takes Berlin; General Weidling surrenders
05/02/1945 Yugoslav troops occupy Trieste
05/02/1946 Prisoners revolt at Alcatraz, 5 die
05/02/1949 Bolivian state of siege proclaimed
05/02/1949 Pulitzer prize awarded to Arthur Miller (Death of a salesman)
05/02/1950 Dutch 1st Chamber accept Laws on immigration
05/02/1950 Dutch PM Malan recognizes South-Africa but not China PR
05/02/1952 1st commercial jet plane, BOAC Comet
05/02/1952 Operations begin at United Suriname Workers of Netherland
05/02/1953 Dark Star, noses out Native Dancer to win Kentucky Derby
05/02/1953 Feisal II intalled as king of Iraq
05/02/1953 Hussein I intalled as king of Jordan
05/02/1954 Stan Musial hits 5 HRs in a doubleheader
05/02/1955 India poses discrimination 'onaanraakbaren' punishable
05/02/1955 Pulitzer prize awarded Tennessee Williams for (Cat on Hot Tin Roof)
05/02/1955 WGBH TV channel 2 in Boston, MA (PBS) begins broadcasting
05/02/1956 US Lab detects high-temperature microwave radiation from Venus
05/02/1956 US Methodist church disallows race separation
05/02/1960 Pulitzer prize awarded to Al Drury (Advice & Consent)
05/02/1962 OAS strikes in Algeria
05/02/1962 WMHT TV channel 17 in Schenectady-Alby-Tro, NY (PBS) 1st broadcast
05/02/1964 Beatles' 'Beatles' 2nd Album' goes #1 & stays #1 for for 5 weeks
05/02/1964 Mad Dog Vachon beats Verne Gagne in Omaha, to become NWA champ
05/02/1964 Northern Dancer wins Kentucky Derby
05/02/1965 Early Bird satellite goes into commercial service
05/02/1966 Pulitzer prize awarded Arthur M Schlesinger Jr (Thousand Days)
05/02/1967 Tor Maple Leafs beat Mont Canadiens 4 games to 2 for Stanley Cup
05/02/1968 Boston beats Los Angeles, 4 games to 2, for NBA championship
05/02/1968 Gold reaches then record high ($39.35 per ounce) in London
05/02/1968 Israelli television begins transmitting
05/02/1970 1st woman jockey at Kentucky Derby (Diane Crump)
05/02/1970 KOAI (now KNAZ) TV channel 2 in Flagstaff, AZ (NBC) 1st broadcast
05/02/1972 Electrical fire in Sunshine Silver mine. 126 die (Kellogg Idaho)
05/02/1973 A R Klemola discovers asteroid #2014 Vasilevskis
05/02/1974 Former VP Spiro Agnew disbarred
05/02/1975 Apple records closes down
05/02/1978 Portland Trail Blazers win their only NBA championship, in 4 games
05/02/1979 'Quadrophenia' premieres in London
05/02/1980 Joseph Doherty & 3 other IRA men arrested for murder
05/02/1980 Pope John Paul II begins African tour
05/02/1981 Radio Shack re-releases Model III TRSDOS 1.3 with 2 fixes
05/02/1982 Argentina cruiser Belgrano off Falkland Islands sinks; about 300 die

05/02/1983 6.7 earthquake injures 487 in Coalinga Calif
05/02/1984 Mattingly's single breaks up Lamarr Hoyt's perfect game bid
05/02/1986 Transportation Expo 86 opens in Vancouver, BC
05/02/1987 Chris Mccarron on Alysheba wins 113rd Kentucky Derby (2:03.4)
05/02/1988 Balt Orioles sign a 15 year lease to remain in Balt & get a new park

05/02/1988 Jackson Pollock's 'Search' sold for $4,800,000
05/02/1990 South Africa & African National Congress open talks to end apartheid

05/02/1991 Pope John Paul II's encyclical on Centesimus annus
05/02/1992 Lil E Tees (17-1 shot) wins 118th Kentucky Derby
05/02/1994 Bus crashes into a tree at Gdansk Poland, 30 killed
05/02/1994 Dr Kervokian found innocent on assisting suicides
05/02/1994 Michael Bolton found plagurized Isley Bros 'Love is Wonderful Thing'

Robert Wolfe

May 3, 2021, 7:40:12 AM5/3/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


05/03/1446 Margaretha, English princess/duchess of Bourgondie
05/03/1455 Johan II de Volmakte, King of Portugal (1481-95)/took in Spanish Jew

05/03/1469 NiccolĽ Machiavelli, Italy, politician/writer (Prince)
05/03/1514 Bartholomaeus a Martyribus, [Fernandez], primate of Portugal
05/03/1649 Johann Valentin Meder, composer
05/03/1691 Carolus van de Abeele, Flemish jesuit/author (Introduction ů l'amour

05/03/1692 John J Mauricius, governor-general of Suriname (1742-51)
05/03/1729 Florian Leopold Gassmann, composer
05/03/1737 Friedrich Schwindl, composer
05/03/1742 Jean-Baptiste Krumphultz, composer
05/03/1744 Freidrich Wilhelm Weis, composer
05/03/1752 Braz Francisco de Lima, composer
05/03/1773 Giuseppe Acerbi, Italian traveller/nature investigator/diplomat
05/03/1815 Hermanus W Witteveen, theologist
05/03/1816 Montgomery Cunningham Meigs, Bvt Mjr Gen (Union Army), died in 1892
05/03/1819 Nicola De Giosa, composer
05/03/1826 Charles XV Louis E, King of Sweden/Norway (1859-72)/poet
05/03/1844 Edouard A Drumont, French anti-semitic journalist
05/03/1844 Richard D'Oyly Carte, England, opera impresario (Ivanhoe)
05/03/1849 Jacob Riis, Denmark, reporter (NY Tribune, NY Evening Sun)
05/03/1859 Andy Adams, US writer (Log of a Cowboy)
05/03/1873 Nikolay Tcherepnin, St Petersburg, composer of ballets, songs (OS)
05/03/1873 [Nicoline] Magdalene Anchor-Roll, Norwegian author (Kvinnen og Den)
05/03/1874 François Coty, Corsica, Corsican senator/perfume maker
05/03/1886 Marcel Dupré, French organist/composer
05/03/1892 Beulah Bondi, Chicago, actress (It's a Wonderful Life)
05/03/1892 George Thomson, demonstrated electron diffraction (Nobel 1937)
05/03/1895 Earnest Kantorowicz, German/US historian (Laudes regiae)
05/03/1895 Gabriel M-E-R Chevallier, French author (Le petit général)
05/03/1895 Zoltan Korda, Hong Kong/England, director (Jungle Book)
05/03/1897 V K Krishna Menon, India, minister of defense
05/03/1898 Golda Meir, [Meyerson], Kiev Ukraine, 4th Israeli PM (1969-74)
05/03/1899 Aline MacMahon, McKeesport Pa, actress (Backdoor to Heaven)
05/03/1902 Hugo Friedhofer, composer
05/03/1902 Jack Larue, NYC, actor (Lights Out, Mouthpiece, My Favorite Brunette

05/03/1902 Walter Slezak, Vienna, actor (Bedtime for Bonzo, Inspector General)
05/03/1903 Bing Crosby, Tacoma Wash, singer (White Christmas, Going My Way)
05/03/1904 Charles 'Red' Ruffing, NY Yankee pitcher, hitter (1930-46)
05/03/1906 Mary Astor, actress (Maltese Falcon, Dinky, Across the Pacific)
05/03/1907 Earl Wilson, Rockford Ohio, columnist (Midnight Earl)
05/03/1910 Alceo Galliera, composer
05/03/1913 Earl Blackwell, Atlanta Ga, author (Celebrity Register)
05/03/1913 William M Inge, US playwright (Picnic-Pulitzer 1953)
05/03/1915 Evencio Castellanos, composer
05/03/1916 Henry Barbosa Gonzalez, San Antonio Tx, (Rep-D-Tx, 1961- )
05/03/1916 Pierre Emmanuel, French poet (Sodome)
05/03/1917 James Penberthy, composer
05/03/1919 Betty Comden, Bkln, song writer (Comden & Green-Bells are Ringing)
05/03/1919 Pete Seeger, folk singer (Weaver, Goodnight Irene)
05/03/1920 Sugar Ray Robinson, [Walter Smith], middle/welterweight boxer (champ

05/03/1921 Vasco dos Santos Gonçalves, Portuguese leftist colonel
05/03/1923 Ralph M Hall, (Rep-D-TX, 1981- )
05/03/1924 Mary Carver, LA Calif, actress (Cecilia-Simon & Simon)
05/03/1925 Nina Bara, Buenos Aires Arg, actress (Tonga-Space Patrol)
05/03/1928 James Brown, Augusta Ga, singer/jail bird, soul brother #1 (Hot Pant

05/03/1928 Jeanne Bal, Santa Monica Calif, actress (Pat-Love & Marriage)
05/03/1929 Hendrik L van Beek, Dutch vice-admiral
05/03/1930 David Evatt Tunley, composer
05/03/1931 Alex Cord, actor (Dead are Alive)
05/03/1934 Georg Kroll, composer
05/03/1935 Donald P Hodel, Portland Ore, US Secreatary of Interior (1985-89)
05/03/1936 Engelbert Humperdinck, [Arnold George Dorsey], Madras India, singer
05/03/1937 Frankie Valli, [Castelluccio], Newark NJ, singer (Four Seasons-Sherr

05/03/1939 Jonathan David Harvey, English composer (Bhakti, Music of Stockhause

05/03/1939 José Torres, US, boxer (Olympics)
05/03/1939 Samantha Eggar, England, actress (Collector)
05/03/1941 Nona Gaprindasvili, USSR, world women's chess champ (1962-78)
05/03/1942 Vera Cůslavsků-Odlozilova, Czech, gymnast (Olympic-gold-1964, 68)
05/03/1944 Peter Staples, rocker (Troggs-Wild Thing)
05/03/1946 Greg Gumbel, sportscaster (CBS TV, WFAN)
05/03/1947 Doug Henning, magician (Broadway play-Magic)
05/03/1949 Ron Wyden, (Rep-D-OR, 1981- )
05/03/1950 Mary Hopkin, South Wales, singer (Those Were the Days)
05/03/1951 Christopher Cross, singer (Sailing, Arthur's Theme)
05/03/1952 Allen Wells, England, 100m dash (Olympic-gold-1980)
05/03/1953 Van McLain, rocker (Shooting Star)
05/03/1957 Cactus Moser, Montrose Co, country singer (Highway 101-Cry Cry Cry)
05/03/1957 Rod Langway, Formosa, NHL defenseman (Mont Canadiens, Wash Caps)
05/03/1959 David Ball, rocker (Soft Cell)
05/03/1968 Deborah Caprioglio, Miestre Italy, actress (Big Game Hunter)
05/03/1970 Ted Crowley, Concord Mass, US hockey defenseman (Olympics-1994)


05/03/1010 Ansfried, 9th bishop of Utrecht (995-1010)/saint, dies at about 69
05/03/1294 Jan I, duke of Brabant/Limburg/poet, dies
05/03/1410 Alexander V, [Petros Philargi], Kreta's Pope (1409-10), dies
05/03/1442 Engelbert I, Earl of Nassau-Dillenburg, dies
05/03/1481 Mohammed II, [Fâtih], sultan of Turkey (1451-81), dies
05/03/1567 Leonhard Paminger, composer, dies at 72
05/03/1614 Sasbout Vosmeer, RC theologist/apostole vicar, dies at 66
05/03/1654 François van Kinschot, treasurer-gen/chancellor of Brabant, dies at

05/03/1703 Eglon van de Down, still-life painter, dies
05/03/1704 Heinrich Ignaz Franz von Biber, composer, dies at 59
05/03/1707 Michiel de Swaen, South Netherlands physician/poet, dies at 53
05/03/1737 Abraham Patras, gov-gen of East-Indies (1735-37), dies at 65
05/03/1758 Benedict XIV, [Prospero L Lambertini], Pope (1740-58), dies at 84
05/03/1764 Francesco Algarotti, Italian earl/encyclopedist, dies at 53
05/03/1774 Heinrich A Fouqué, Prussian general (7 year war), dies
05/03/1792 Carlo Zuccari, composer, dies at 87
05/03/1839 Ferdinando Paer, composer, dies at 68
05/03/1841 Cornelis T Elout, minister of Finance/Naval/Colony, dies at 74
05/03/1854 William Beale, composer, dies at 70
05/03/1856 Adolfo Fumagalli, composer, dies at 27
05/03/1856 Adolphe C Adam, French composer/critic (Giselle), dies at 52
05/03/1856 Adolphe Charles Adam, composer, dies at 52
05/03/1861 Anthony Philip Heinrich, composer, dies at 80
05/03/1868 Olof Wilhelm Udden, composer, dies at 68
05/03/1881 Josip Jurcic, Slovic writer (Schone Vida), dies
05/03/1893 Josef Rudolf Zavrtal, composer, dies at 73
05/03/1916 Pádraic Pearse, Irishg nationalist, executed by British firing squad

05/03/1925 Clément Ader, French engineer (stream engine airplane), dies at 84
05/03/1926 Napoleon V Bonaparte, French pretender to the throne
05/03/1931 Frank Hoyt Losey, composer, dies at 59
05/03/1931 Otto Winter-Hjelm, composer, dies at 93
05/03/1932 Anton Wildgans, Austrian writer (Dies Irae)/dir Burgtheater, dies
05/03/1942 Johan H Westerveld, lt-col/leader Order Service, executed
05/03/1943 Leslie Heward, composer, dies at 45
05/03/1945 Louis L H de Visser, Dutch 2nd Chamber member (CPN), dies at 66
05/03/1961 Maurice [Jean Jacques] Merleau-Ponty, French philosopher, dies
05/03/1965 Howard Jump, British author (Heaven Lies About Us), dies
05/03/1965 Otto Forst de Battaglia, Austrian diplomat/genealogist, dies at 75
05/03/1968 Leonid Leonidovich Sabaneyev, composer, dies at 86
05/03/1969 Imre Vincze, composer, dies at 42
05/03/1970 Candelario Huizar, composer, dies at 82
05/03/1972 Bruce Cabot, actor (Diamonds are Forever), dies at 68
05/03/1975 Samuel Gonard, chairman (International Red Cross), dies at 78
05/03/1978 Wim van Doorne, auto manufacturer (DAF), dies at 71
05/03/1979 Erin O'Brien-Moore, actress (Nurse Choate-Peyton Place), dies at 76
05/03/1982 Helmut Dantine, actor (Shadow of the Cloak), dies at 64
05/03/1982 Hugh Beaumont, actor (Ward-Leave it to Beaver), dies at 73
05/03/1983 Vaughn Taylor, act (Jailhouse Rock), dies of cerebal hemmorrhage at

05/03/1986 Robert Alda, actor (Dan Lewis-Supertrain), dies at 72
05/03/1990 Pimen, [Sergei M Irzjekov], patriarch of Russian-orthodox church, di

05/03/1991 Gerrit Mik, child psychiatrist/2nd-Member of parliament (D66), dies
05/03/1991 Gerrit Mik, psychiatrist/Dutch 2nd Chamber Member (D66), dies
05/03/1991 Jersy Kosinski, author (Being There), dies at 57
05/03/1992 Elizabeth Lennox, radio singer, dies at 98 of heart seizure
05/03/1992 George Murphy, (Sen-R-Ca, 1965-71), dies at 89 of Leukemia
05/03/1994 Gustaaf AWC baron van Hemert Dingshof, mayor of Maarn, dies at 78
05/03/1994 Haty Tegelaar-Boonacker, CDA-2nd-Member of parliament, dies at 63

Significant Events:

05/03/1294 John II becomes duke of Brabant/Limburg
05/03/1342 Count Hartmann II becomes ruler of Vaduz (Liechtenstein)
05/03/1382 Battle on Beverhoutsfield near Brugge
05/03/1455 Jews flee Spain
05/03/1494 Christopher Columbus sights Jamaica
05/03/1494 Jamaica discovered by Columbus; he names it 'St Iago'
05/03/1512 5th Lateran Council (18th ecumenical council) opens in Rome
05/03/1654 Bridge at Rowley Mass begins charging tolls for animals
05/03/1661 Johannes Hevelius observes 3rd transit of Mercury ever to be seen
05/03/1662 Royal charter granted Connecticut
05/03/1678 French conquering fleet at Curaçao, 1200 die
05/03/1715 Edmund Halley observes total eclipse phenomenon 'Baily's Beads'
05/03/1747 Willem IV appointed viceroy of Holland/Utrecht
05/03/1765 1st US medical college opens in Philadelphia
05/03/1802 Washington DC incorporates as a city
05/03/1808 Goya's 'Executions of 3rd of May'
05/03/1810 Lord Byron swims Hellespont
05/03/1822 Society for Propagation of Faith starts (Lyon, France)
05/03/1830 1st regular steam train passenger service starts
05/03/1845 1st black lawyer (Macon B Allen) admitted to bar (Mass)
05/03/1845 Fire kills 1,600 in popular theater in Canton China
05/03/1846 Mexican army surrounds fort in Texas
05/03/1851 Most of SF destroyed by fire; 30 die
05/03/1855 Antwerp-Rotterdam railway opens
05/03/1861 Gen Winfield Scott presents his Anaconda Plan
05/03/1861 Lincoln asks for 42,000 Army Volunteers & another 18,000 seamen
05/03/1863 Battle of Chancellorsville-Beaten Union army withdraws
05/03/1863 Battle of Fredricksburg, VA (Marye's Heights)
05/03/1863 Battle of Salem Church, VA
05/03/1864 3rd day in Battle at Alexandria Louisiana: Confederate assault
05/03/1886 M A Maclean elected 1st mayor of Vancouver, BC
05/03/1888 A Charlois discovers asteroid #277 Elvira
05/03/1898 Camp Merriman established at Presidio (SF) (see 0517)
05/03/1901 Fire destroyed 1,700 buildings in Jacksonville, Florida
05/03/1906 British-controlled Egypt takes Sinai peninsula from Turkey
05/03/1919 Afghanistan Emir Amanoellah begins war against Great Britain
05/03/1919 America's 1st passenger flight (NY-Atlantic City)
05/03/1921 West Virginia imposes 1st state sales tax
05/03/1922 Mayor Hylan closes streets for building of Yankee Stadium
05/03/1922 Salt layer find at Winterswijk
05/03/1923 1st nonstop transcontinental flight (NY-San Diego) completed
05/03/1926 British general strike-3 million workers support miners
05/03/1926 Pulitzer prize awarded to Sinclair Lewis (Arrowsmith)
05/03/1926 US marines land in Nicaragua (9-mo after leaving), stay until 1933
05/03/1929 Prussia bans anti-fascists
05/03/1932 24 tourists begin 1st air-charter holiday (London-Basle, Switz)
05/03/1933 1st female director (Nellie T Ross) of US Mint takes office
05/03/1935 C Jackson discovers asteroids #1356 Nyanza & #1638 Ruanda
05/03/1936 French People's Front wins elections
05/03/1936 NY Yankee Joe DiMaggio makes his major-league debut, gets 3 hits
05/03/1937 Margaret Mitchell wins Pulitizer Prize for 'Gone With the Wind'
05/03/1938 Concentration camp at Flossenbürg goes into use
05/03/1938 Vatican recognizes Franco-Spain
05/03/1941 Eddie Arcaro on Whirlaway wins 67th Kentucky Derby (2:01.4)
05/03/1942 Japanese troop attack Tulagi, Gavutu & Tanambogo, Solomon Islands
05/03/1942 Nazi's execute 72 OD'ers in reprisial in Sachsenhausen, Netherlands
05/03/1942 Nazi's require Dutch Jews to wear a Jewish star
05/03/1943 Pulitzer prize awarded to Upton Sinclair (Dragon's Teeth)
05/03/1943 Strike against obligatory labor camps ends, after 200 killed
05/03/1943 US Panzer division conquer Mateur Tunisia
05/03/1944 'Meet Me in St Louis' opens on Broadway
05/03/1944 Meat rationing ends in US
05/03/1945 Allies arrests German nuclear physics Werner Heisenberg
05/03/1945 British troop join in Rangoon
05/03/1945 German ship 'Cap Arcona' sinks in East Sea, 5800 killed
05/03/1946 International military tribunal in Tokyo begins
05/03/1947 Japan forms a constitutional democracy
05/03/1948 Pulitzer prize awarded to James Michener & Tennessee Williams
05/03/1949 1st firing of a US Viking rocket; reached 80 km
05/03/1951 Gil McDougald ties major league record with 6 RBIs in 1 inning
05/03/1951 Goethe Link Observatory discovers asteroid #1952 Hesburgh
05/03/1951 NY Yankee Gil McDougald is 5th to get 6 RBIs in an inning (9th)
05/03/1952 1st landing by an airplane at geographic North Pole
05/03/1953 WTVO TV channel 17 in Rockford, IL (NBC) begins broadcasting
05/03/1953 Westchester conf of Amer Library Assoc proclaims 'Freedom to Read'
05/03/1954 KTEN TV channel 10 in Ada-Ardmore, OK (ABC) begins broadcasting
05/03/1954 Pulitzer prize awarded to Charles A Lindbergh & John Patrick
05/03/1954 WHA TV channel 21 in Madison, WI (PBS) begins broadcasting
05/03/1956 A new range of mountains discovered in Antarctica (2 over 13,000')
05/03/1958 WINS suspends Alan Freed for causing a riot in Boston, he quits
05/03/1959 Tiger's Charlie Maxwell hits 4 consecutive HRs in a doubleheader
05/03/1962 Express train crashed into wreckage of a commuter train
05/03/1962 and a freight, killing 163, injuring 400 (Tokyo, Japan)
05/03/1963 Leslie Narum is only Balt Oriole to homer on his 1st at bat
05/03/1965 1st use of satellite TV, Today Show on Early Bird Satellite
05/03/1965 3rd Mayor's Trophy Game, Mets beat Yanks 2-1 in 10
05/03/1965 Cambodia drops diplomatic relations with the US
05/03/1965 KTCI TV channel 17 in St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN (PBS) 1st broadcast
05/03/1965 Pulitzer prize awarded to Irwin Unger (Greenback Era)
05/03/1966 WDHO (now WNWO) TV channel 24 in Toledo, OH (ABC) begins broadcastin

05/03/1967 Black students seize finance building at Northwestern U
05/03/1968 Holland Pirate Radio Station VRON becomes Radio Veronica Intl
05/03/1969 Unbeaten Majestic Prince wins Kentucky Derby
05/03/1971 All Things Considered premieres on 112 National Public Radio station

05/03/1971 Erich Honecker succeeds Walter Ulbricht as East German party leader
05/03/1971 National Public Radio begins programming
05/03/1971 Nixon administration arrests 13,000 anti-war protesters in 3 days
05/03/1971 Pulitzer prize awarded to John Toland (Rising Sun)
05/03/1973 Chicago's Sears Tower, world's tallest building (443 m), topped out
05/03/1973 KC Royals' George Brett gets his 1st major league hit
05/03/1976 Panama 747SP lands after record flight around world (46:26)
05/03/1976 Pulitzer prize awarded to Saul Bellow (Humboldt's Gift)
05/03/1978 'Sun Day' - solar energy events are held in US
05/03/1979 1st woman prime minister of Great Britain (Margaret Thatcher)
05/03/1980 Genuine Risk becomes 2nd philly to win Kentucky Derby
05/03/1980 Texas Ranger Ferguson Jenkins becomes 4th to win 100 games in AL & N

05/03/1982 ABC's All Talk network begins on radio (2 west coast stations)
05/03/1982 NY Times reports that military will get 25% of NASA's budget
05/03/1982 Pres Reagan begins 5 minute weekly radio broadcasts
05/03/1983 Bruins 3-Isles 8-Wales Conf Championship-Isles hold 3-1 lead
05/03/1983 Soviet leader Andropov decreases nuclear weapons in Europe
05/03/1983 US bishops condemn nuclear weapons
05/03/1984 B A Skiff discovers asteroid #3325
05/03/1984 L Zhuravleva discovers asteroid #3616
05/03/1985 Date of $5 million check in 'View to a Kill'
05/03/1986 Air Lanka crashes, killing 22
05/03/1986 Bill Shoemaker, 54, wins Kentucky Derby
05/03/1986 NASA launches Goes-G, it failed to achieve orbit
05/03/1986 NY Yankee Don Mattingly is 6th to hit 3 sacrifice flies in a game
05/03/1986 Willie Shoemaker on Ferdinand wins 112th Kentucky Derby (2:02.8)
05/03/1987 Miami Herald reports a woman spent Friday & Saturday with Gary Hart
05/03/1988 4,200 kg Colombian cocaine in seized at Tarpon Springs Florida
05/03/1988 Jasper Johns' 'Diver' sold for $4,200,000
05/03/1991 Andy Williams weds Debbie Hass
05/03/1992 Beverly Hills 90210 Gabrielle Carteris marries Charles Isaacs
05/03/1992 George Murphy, (Sen-R-Calif)/actor, dies at 89
05/03/1992 NY Met Eddie Murray is 24th to hit 400 HRS
05/03/1992 Ohio Glory wins 1st WLAF game (after 6 loses), beat Frankfurt 20-17
05/03/1994 D66/Dutch Liberal Party win Dutch 2nd Parliamentary election
05/03/1994 US space probe Clementine launched

Robert Wolfe

May 4, 2021, 7:40:13 AM5/4/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


05/04/1006 Abd-Allah Ansari, Persian mystic/poet (Monadjat)
05/04/1611 Carlo Rainaldi, composer
05/04/1635 Willem van Outhoorn, governor-general (Dutch Indies)
05/04/1655 Bartolomeo di Francesco Cristofori, Italy, piano builder
05/04/1738 Josef Kohaut, composer
05/04/1744 Marianne von Martinez, composer
05/04/1763 Franz Stanislaus Spindler, composer
05/04/1769 Charles Hague, composer
05/04/1776 Johann Friedrich Herbart, Germany, philospher/psychologist
05/04/1777 Charles-Louis-Joseph Hanssens, composer
05/04/1796 Horace Mann, US, educator/author/editor (pioneered public schools
05/04/1796 Joseph Pannell Taylor, Brig General (Union Army), died in 1864
05/04/1820 Joseph Whitaker, England, publisher, founded Whitaker's Almanack
05/04/1820 Julia Gardiner Tyler, 2nd wife of Pres John Tyler (1841-45)
05/04/1825 Thomas Henry Huxley, scientist/humanist/Darwinist
05/04/1826 Frederick Church, US romantic landscape painter (Hudson River Sch)
05/04/1835 Edmund Hart Turpin, composer
05/04/1846 Emile Gallé, French glass/marble/ceramic artist (Gallé Glaze)
05/04/1860 Emil Nikolaus von Reznicek, composer
05/04/1860 Nikolaus Von Reznicek, Vienna Austria, composer (Donna Diana)
05/04/1867 Dynam-Victor Fumet, composer
05/04/1875 Ramiro de Maeztu y Whitney, Spanish writer (Don Quixote & Celestine)

05/04/1877 Arthur Long, US, boxer/businessman (?-Died 8/8/1992)
05/04/1881 Aleksandr F Kerenski, Russian premier (1917-Prelude to Bolshevism)
05/04/1889 Francis J Spellman, US Cardinal
05/04/1891 Frederick Jacobi, composer
05/04/1891 Johan W F Werumeus Buning, poet (...farmer's gang)
05/04/1902 Cola [Nicolas] Debrot, Bonaire governor (Neth Antilles)/author
05/04/1902 Cvjetko Rihtman, composer
05/04/1903 Luther Adler, NYC, actor (Dr Bernard Altman-Psychiatrist)
05/04/1905 Mátyás Seiber, Budapest Hungary, composer (Scherzando)
05/04/1906 Esmond Knight, East Sheen England, actor (Hamlet, Sleeping Murder)
05/04/1909 Howard Da Silva, [Silverblatt], Cleve Oh, actor (Ben Franklin-1776)
05/04/1910 Mady Alfredo, [Maria M the Brieder], actress (Alicia)
05/04/1912 Lou Brown, Bkln, orch leader (Jerry Lewis Show)
05/04/1914 Abdel Karim Kassem, general/premier/dictator of Iraq (1958-63)
05/04/1915 Pedro Saenz, composer
05/04/1917 Edward Toner Cone, composer
05/04/1918 Kakuei Tanaka, Japanese PM (1972-74), convicted of bribe-taking
05/04/1919 Dimiter Petkov, composer
05/04/1921 John van Kesteren, tenor (Komische Oper, West-Berlin)
05/04/1921 Patsy Garrett, Atlantic City NJ, actress (Nanny & the Professor)
05/04/1922 John Paul Hammerschmidt, (Rep-R-AR, 1967- )
05/04/1924 Dennis Weaver, actor (McCloud)
05/04/1924 Tat'yana Petrovna Nikolayeva, composer
05/04/1925 Peter Blum, German/South African/English poet (Capricorn)
05/04/1926 Milton 'Milt' Thompson, US NASA-test pilot/chief-engineer (X-15)
05/04/1928 Betsy Rawls, Spartanburg SC, golfer (US Womens Open-51, 53, 57, 60)
05/04/1928 Hosni Mubarak, Egyptian president (1981- )
05/04/1928 Maynard Ferguson, jazz trumpeter (Roulette)
05/04/1929 Audrey Hepburn, Brussels Belg, (Breakfast at Tiffany's, My Fair Lady

05/04/1930 Roberta Peters, NYC, operatic soprano (NY Met)
05/04/1931 Ed Cassidy, drummer (Spirit-I Got A Line on You)
05/04/1931 Gennadi Rozhdestvensky, Moscow Russia, conductor (USSR State Radio)
05/04/1932 Fausto Razzi, composer
05/04/1934 Pete Barbutti, Scranton Pa, comedian (Garry Moore Show)
05/04/1936 El Cordobés, [Manuel Benítez], Spanish toreador
05/04/1937 Hans Ulrich Lehmann, composer
05/04/1938 Tyrone Davis, US R&B singer (Are you serious)
05/04/1938 William J Bennett, US Secretary of Education (1985-88)
05/04/1941 George F Will, political analyst (Night Line)
05/04/1941 George Will, news anchor (ABC)
05/04/1942 Ronnie Bond, drummer (Troggs-Wild Thing)
05/04/1943 Nickolas Ashford, SC, singer (Ashford & Simpson-Solid as a Rock)
05/04/1944 Dave, [Otto Levenbach], singer (Du coté the Chez Swann
05/04/1944 Paul Gleason, actor (Breakfast CLub, Die Hard)
05/04/1945 Monika van Paemel, Belgian writer (Accursed fathers)
05/04/1948 Billy O'Donnell, harness racer driver of year (1984)
05/04/1949 Gerrit J P van Otterloo, Dutch 2nd Chamber member (PvdA)
05/04/1949 Sybil Danning, [Danninger], Weis Austria, actress (Chained Heat)
05/04/1950 Darryl Hunt, English pop bassist (Pogues-Pair of Brown Eyes)
05/04/1950 Hilly Hicks, LA Calif, actor (Roll Out, Roots)
05/04/1950 René CM van Asten, actor (Herenstraat 10)
05/04/1951 Gene Greenwood, (Rep-R-Pennsylvania)
05/04/1951 Jackie [Sigmund] Jackson, rocker (Jackson 5-ABC)
05/04/1954 Julie Budd, Bkln, singer (Child of Plenty)
05/04/1956 Michael L Gernhardt, Mansfield Ohio, PhD/astronaut
05/04/1956 Ulrike Meyfarth, Frankfurt W Germany, high jumper (Olympic-gold-1972

05/04/1957 Richard E Grant, actor (Posse, Warlock, Bram Stoker's Dracula)
05/04/1958 Keith Haring, Kutztown Pa, graffiti artist (Vanity Fair, Paris Revie

05/04/1959 Randy Travis, Marshville NC, country singer (Diggin' Up Bones)
05/04/1961 Mary Elizabeth McDonough, Van Nuys Cal, actress (Erin-Waltons)
05/04/1962 Tracy Vaccaro, Glendale Calif, playmate (October, 1983)
05/04/1967 Matthew Crane, Kimberton Pa, actor (Matt Cory-Another World)
05/04/1968 Patsy Kensit, London, actress (Claire's Knee, Bitter Harvest)
05/04/1975 Pablo Ruiz, Buenos Aires Arg, spanish singer


05/04/1594 Paul Buys, land advocate of Holland, dies at 62
05/04/1605 Ulisse Aldrovandi, Italian biologist/medical, dies at 82
05/04/1752 Pieter Snyers, Flemish painter/engraver, dies at 71
05/04/1770 Christian Gottfried Krause, composer, dies at 51
05/04/1855 Camille Pleyel, Austria piano builder/composer, dies at 66
05/04/1879 William Froude, British civil engineer/shipbuilder (F Integer), dies

05/04/1885 Aleksandar I Karadjordjevic, monarch of Serbia (1842-58), dies at 78

05/04/1891 Sherlock Holmes, 'dies' at Reichenbach Falls
05/04/1893 George Washington Hewitt, composer, dies at 82
05/04/1928 Barry E Odell Pain, English writer (Punch), dies
05/04/1929 Henry Morton Dunham, composer, dies at 75
05/04/1935 Louis Scharpé, Flemish literature historian, dies at 65
05/04/1938 Carl von Ossietzky, German pacifist/writer (Nobel 1935), dies at 52
05/04/1953 Edward B B Shanks, British poet/critic, dies
05/04/1953 Thomas Tertius Noble, composer, dies at 85
05/04/1955 Georges Enescu, composer, dies at 73
05/04/1955 Louis Breguet, French aviation pioneer, dies at 75
05/04/1965 Norman Brokenshire, TV moderator (Four Square Court), dies at 66
05/04/1966 Juan Maria Thomas Sabater, composer, dies at 69
05/04/1967 Bengt Axel von Torne, composer, dies at 75
05/04/1969 F Osbert S Sitwell, English poet (Who Killed Cock Robin?), dies at 7

05/04/1970 4 students, at Kent State University killed by Ohio National Guard
05/04/1971 Louis de Bree, [Louis C Davids], actor (Bluejackets), dies at 87
05/04/1974 Israel Citkowitz, composer, dies at 65
05/04/1980 Josip Broz Tito, leader of Yugoslavia (1943-80), dies at 87
05/04/1981 Bobby Sands, Irish IRA-terrorist, dies after hunger strikes
05/04/1983 Nino Sanzogno, composer, dies at 72
05/04/1984 Diana Dors, actress (Berserk!), dies at 52 of cancer
05/04/1987 Cathryn Damon, actress (Mary Campbell-Soap), dies at 56
05/04/1987 Dick Hillenius, biologist/writer, dies at 59
05/04/1987 Paul Butterfield, singer/harmonica player, dies of drug abuse at 44
05/04/1991 Dennis Crosby, son of Bing, commits suicide at 54
05/04/1992 Henri Guillemin, French historian, dies at 89

Significant Events:

05/04/1303 Flemings conquers Middelburg
05/04/1471 Battle of Tewkesbury - King Edward IV vs Ex-queen Margaretha
05/04/1493 Spanish Pope Alexander VI divides America between Spain & Portugal
05/04/1494 Christopher Columbus lands in Jamaica
05/04/1626 Indians sell Manhattan Island for $24 in cloth & buttons
05/04/1626 Peter Minuit becomes director-general of New Netherlands
05/04/1634 Johan van Walbeecks fleet departs to West-Indies
05/04/1715 French manufacturer debuts 1st folding umbrella (Paris)
05/04/1747 Willem IV appointed viceroy of Overijssel
05/04/1776 Rhode Island declares independence from England
05/04/1780 American Academy of Arts & Science founded
05/04/1783 Herschel reports seeing a red glow near lunar crater Aristarchus
05/04/1805 Henry C Overing buys 80 acres of Throggs Neck in Bronx
05/04/1814 Bourbon reign restored in France
05/04/1818 Netherlands & England sign treaty against illegal slave handling
05/04/1834 Charles Darwin's expedition reaches 200 km from Atlantic Ocean
05/04/1846 US state Michigan ends death penalty
05/04/1851 1st major SF fire
05/04/1858 War of Reform (México); Liberals establish capital at Vera Cruz
05/04/1861 At Gretna LA, one of 1st guns of Rebel navy is cast
05/04/1863 Battle of Chancellorsville-action at Salem Church
05/04/1863 End of Chancellorsville - Beaten Union army withdraws
05/04/1864 -16] actions at Drewry's Bluff, Virginia
05/04/1864 Ulysses S Grant crosses Rapidan & begins his duel with Robert E Lee
05/04/1865 Battle of Citronville, AL; Richard Taylor surrenders
05/04/1865 Battle of Mobile, AL
05/04/1866 Woodward's Gardens opens to public
05/04/1878 Phonograph shown for 1st time at Grand Opera House
05/04/1886 Haymarket riot in Chicago; bomb kills 7 policemen
05/04/1886 R Luther discovers asteroid #258 Tyche
05/04/1896 A Charlois discovers asteroid #416 Vaticana
05/04/1896 Grease fire ignites ź ton of dynamite at Cripple Creek Colorado
05/04/1897 Fire in Paris bazaar at Rue Jean Goujon kills 200
05/04/1910 Tel Aviv founded
05/04/1912 Italian mariners occupy Turkish Island of Rhodes
05/04/1916 At request of US, Germany curtails its submarine warfare
05/04/1917 Arabs sack Tel Aviv
05/04/1918 Yankees set record with 8 sacrifices, beat Red Sox's Babe Ruth 5-4
05/04/1919 1st legal Sunday baseball game in NYC (Phillies beat Giants 4-3)
05/04/1919 Student revolt at Tian An Men Square, Peking
05/04/1922 KNX-AM in Los Angeles CA begins radio transmissions
05/04/1923 Bloody street battles between nazi's, socialist & police in Vienna
05/04/1923 NY state revokes Prohibition law
05/04/1924 8th Olympic games open at Paris, France
05/04/1924 German Republic election fascists & communists win
05/04/1925 League of Nations conference on arms control & poison gas usage
05/04/1926 General strike hits Britain
05/04/1927 1st balloon flight over 40,000 feet (Scott Field, Ill)
05/04/1927 Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences forms
05/04/1927 Nicaragua agrees to a US supervised presidential election in 1928
05/04/1929 Lou Gehrig hits 3 consecutive HRs, Yankees 11, Tigers 9
05/04/1931 Mustafa Kemal Pasja becomes Turkish president
05/04/1932 Al Capone, convict of income tax evasion, enters Atlanta Penitentiar

05/04/1933 Pulitzer prize awarded to Archibald Macleish (Conquistador)
05/04/1935 Willis Saunders on Omaha wins 61st Kentucky Derby
05/04/1936 Pulitzer prize awarded to Harold L Davis (Honey in the Horn)
05/04/1938 Douglas Hyde (a protestant) becomes 1st president of Eire
05/04/1940 21 NSB'ers (fascist & communist) arrested in Netherlands
05/04/1940 Gallahadion (35-1 longshot) wins Kentucky Derby
05/04/1942 Battle of Coral Sea begins
05/04/1942 Battle of Coral Sea begun (1st sea battle fought solely in air)
05/04/1942 Food 1st rationed in US
05/04/1942 German occupiers imprison 450 prominent Dutch as hostages
05/04/1942 Pulitzer prize awarded to Ellen Glasgow (In this our Life)
05/04/1945 German troops in Netherland, Denmark & Norway surrender
05/04/1946 5 die in a 2 day riot at Alcatraz pirison in SF bay
05/04/1946 Warren Mehrtens on Assault wins 72nd Kentucky Derby (2:06.6)
05/04/1948 The Hague Court of Justice convicts Hans Rauter (SS) to the death
05/04/1949 Air crash at Turijn (whole Torino-soccer team survives)
05/04/1953 Pulitzer prize awarded to E Hemingway (Old Man & The Sea)
05/04/1956 Queen Juliana unveals National Monument to Dams in Amsterdam
05/04/1957 Anne Frank Foundation established in Amsterdam
05/04/1957 Bill Shoemaker misjudges finish & loses Derby to Iron Liege
05/04/1958 Alberto Lleras Camargo chosen president of Colombia
05/04/1959 Pulitzer prize awarded to Archibald Macleish (JB)
05/04/1960 1st great Delta dam closes, North-South Beveland
05/04/1961 13 Freedom riders began bus trip through South
05/04/1961 1st on-the-road Spacemobile lecture given.
05/04/1961 CORE begins freedom rides from Washington, DC
05/04/1961 Malcolm Ross & Victor Prather reach 34,668 m (record) in balloon
05/04/1961 South-Africa ANC-leader John Nkadimeng arrested
05/04/1963 Pitcher Bob Shaw sets record of 5 balks in a game
05/04/1964 'Another World' & 'As the World Turns' premieres on TV
05/04/1964 70 GATT-countries confere in Geneva
05/04/1964 KIII TV channel 3 in Corpus Christi, TX (ABC) begins broadcasting
05/04/1964 Pulitzer prize awarded to Richard Hofstadter (Anti-intellectualism)
05/04/1965 Willie Mays 512th HR breaks Mel Ott's 511th NL record
05/04/1966 Soviet govt signs accord about building Fiat factory in USSR
05/04/1967 Lunar Orbiter 4 launched by US; begins orbiting Moon May 7
05/04/1968 Dancer's Image wins 94th Kentucky Derby, but disqualified for drugs
05/04/1968 Pitts Pipers beat NO Buccaneers in 1st ABA championship, 4 games to

05/04/1969 Montreal Canadiens sweep St Louis Blues for Stanley Cup
05/04/1970 National Guard kills 4 at Kent State in Ohio
05/04/1970 Premier Kosygin affirms existence Russian military advisors in Egypt

05/04/1970 Pulitzer prize awarded to Erik H Erikson (Gandhi's Truth)
05/04/1972 Vietcong forms revolutionary govt in Quang Tri South Vietnam
05/04/1973 1st TV network female nudity-Steambath (PBS)-Valerie Perrine
05/04/1973 Longest game in Veterans' Stadium, Phillies beat Braves 5-4 in 20
05/04/1973 Patriarch Shenuda II of Kopitisch church visits the pope
05/04/1973 Phillies beat Braves 5-4 in 20 innings
05/04/1973 Wings release 'Red Rose Speedway' in UK
05/04/1974 Cannonade wins Kentucky Derby
05/04/1975 Flyers 1-Isles 0-Semis-Flyers hold 3-0 lead-Isles held to 14 shots
05/04/1976 Kiss performs their 1st concert
05/04/1978 Russian president Breznev visits West-Germany
05/04/1979 Jackie Mercer wins her 4th golf title 31 years after her 1st
05/04/1979 Margaret Thatcher elected prime minister of England
05/04/1979 NASA launches Fltsatcom-2
05/04/1981 Rockline premieres on KLOS FM in Los Angeles
05/04/1981 T Furuta discovers asteroid #2478 Tokai
05/04/1982 British torpedo boat Sheffield off Falkland hit by Exocet rocket
05/04/1982 Nordiques 2-Isles 4-Semifinals-Isles win series 4-0
05/04/1984 Dave Kingman's fly ball never comes down (stuck in Metrodome ceiling

05/04/1985 Spend a Buck wins Kentucky Derby
05/04/1986 President Babrak Karmal resigns as party leader of Afghanistan
05/04/1989 Junior Felix of Toronto becomes 53rd to hit HR on 1st at bat
05/04/1989 US launches Magellan to Venus
05/04/1989 US space shuttle STS-30 launched
05/04/1990 Angela Bowie reveals that ex husband David slept with Mick Jagger
05/04/1990 Latvia's parliment votes 138-0 (1 abstention) for Independence
05/04/1990 Oriole Gregg Olson sets relief pitcher rec of 41 cons scoreless inns

05/04/1991 Actress Sharon Gless & producer Barney Rosenzeig wed
05/04/1991 Morris K Udall, (Rep-D-Ariz), resigns due to Parkinson disease
05/04/1991 Pres Bush is hospitalized for erratic heartbeat
05/04/1991 Strike the Gold wins 117th Kentucky Derby
05/04/1993 Space probe Galileo enter asteroid belt

Robert Wolfe

May 8, 2021, 5:34:05 AM5/8/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


05/06/ 973 Henry II, Roman Catholic German king/emperor (1002/14-24)
05/06/1501 Marcellus II, [Marcello Cervini], Italy, humanist/Pope (1555, 22 day

05/06/1581 Frans Francken, the Younger, painter
05/06/1606 Lorenzo Lippi, [Perlone Zipoli], poet/painter
05/06/1740 John Penn, signed Decl of Ind
05/06/1758 Maximilien Robespierre, Arras Fr, French revolutionary/avocat (1781)

05/06/1759 François GJS Andrieux, French writer/politician
05/06/1769 Ferdinand III, archduke of Austria/ruler of Toscane
05/06/1785 Arvir A Afzelius, Swedish story teller
05/06/1790 Vaclav Vilem Wurfel, composer
05/06/1800 Ferdinand Marcucci, composer
05/06/1801 George Sears Greene, Bvt Mjr General (Union volunteers), died in 189

05/06/1802 Friedrich Wilhelm Schirmer, artist
05/06/1806 Chapin Aaron Harris, US, found America Society of Dental Surgeons
05/06/1809 William Walker, composer
05/06/1812 Marin R Delany, Charlestown Va, pioneer black nationalist
05/06/1812 Martin Robinson Delaney, US, 1st black major in US Medical Corp
05/06/1813 Joseph Tarr Copeland, Brig General (Union volunteers), died in 1893
05/06/1814 Wilhelm Ernst, violinist/composer
05/06/1825 Joseph Bailey, Bvt Major General (Union volunteers), died in 1867
05/06/1829 Phoebe Ann Coffin, 1st female ordained minister in New England
05/06/1830 Guido Gezelle, Flemish priest/poet
05/06/1838 Alfred Humphreys Pease, composer
05/06/1843 Grove Karl Gilbert, geologist, investigated Lake Bonneville, Utah
05/06/1849 Wyatt Eaton, artist
05/06/1856 Robert Edwin Peary, US, arctic explorer (North Pole-Apr 6 1909)
05/06/1856 Sigmund Freud, Austria, cigar smoker, father of psychology
05/06/1858 Georges Adolphe Hue, composer
05/06/1859 Luis María Drago, Argentina, statesman, anti-interventionist
05/06/1859 Willem Kloos, poet
05/06/1861 Radindranath Tagore, Indian philosopher/poet/writer
05/06/1868 Wladyslaw Stanislaw Reymont, Poland, novelist (Chiopi, Nobel-1924)
05/06/1869 Jan R Slotemaker de Bruőne, clergyman/CHU-politician
05/06/1870 Amedos Peter Giannine, San Jose Calif, founded Bank of America
05/06/1870 John McClutcheon, cartoonist (Pulitzer Prize-1931)
05/06/1871 August Reusner, composer
05/06/1875 William Daniel Leahy, Iowa, 5 star adimiral/chief of staff (1949)
05/06/1879 Johan H T Norlind, Swedish musicologist
05/06/1880 Baron W Edmund, Archangel & Ironside, British field marshal
05/06/1880 Ernst L Kirchner, German painter
05/06/1883 José Ortega y Gasset, Spanish philosopher/author [or May 9]
05/06/1888 Emmanuel Celler, (Rep-D-NY, 1923-73)
05/06/1889 Arthur Morison, typographer
05/06/1894 Filip Lazar, composer
05/06/1895 Rudolph Valentino, sheik/actor (Eagle)
05/06/1897 Paul Alverdes, German writer (That Pfeiferstube)
05/06/1898 Daniel Gerber, Freemont Mi, beloved by babies at mealtime
05/06/1902 Harry Golden, Jewish humorist/writer (2Ť Plain, Only in America)
05/06/1902 Max Ophüls, Saarland, dir/writer (Letters From an Unknown Woman)
05/06/1902 Walter Dawson, British Air Chief marshall
05/06/1904 Harry Martinson, Sweden, novelist/poet (Trade Wind-Nobel 1974)
05/06/1905 Norman De Tar, composer
05/06/1905 [Bernard] Toots Shor, raconteur/restauranteur (Toots Shor)
05/06/1906 André Weil, [Bourbaki], French/US mathematician
05/06/1907 Weeb Ewbank, NFL coach (Baltimore Colts, NY Jets)
05/06/1908 Necil Kazim Akses, composer
05/06/1910 Antoon Breyne, Belgian journalist
05/06/1912 Barend Roest Crollius, painter/writer (Chronicle Sins of Youth)
05/06/1912 Bill Quinn, NYC, actor (Rifleman, Van Ranseleer-All in the Family)
05/06/1912 Hugh Martell, British Vice Admiral
05/06/1913 Carmen Cavallaro, US, actress(?)
05/06/1913 Gyula David, composer
05/06/1913 Jack [John T] Aitken, British anatomist
05/06/1913 Ronald Harris, British 1st Church Estates Commissioner
05/06/1913 Stewart Granger, [James Stewart], London, actor (Prisoner of Zenda)
05/06/1913 Woody Herman, US jazz clarinetist/composer (Thundering Herds)
05/06/1915 George Perle, Bayonne NJ, composer (12 Tone Tonality)
05/06/1915 John Arnold, British high court judge
05/06/1915 May Henriquez-Alvarez, Curaçaos sculptor
05/06/1915 Orson Welles, Kenosha Wisc, actor (Citizen Kane, War of the Worlds)
05/06/1915 Theodore H White, historian/writer (Making of President)
05/06/1918 Godfrey Ridout, composer
05/06/1919 Frank Ereaut, Balliff of Jersey
05/06/1920 John Henderson, Lord-Lieutenant (Berkshire England)
05/06/1921 Freddy Randall, jazz trumpeteer
05/06/1921 Robert Fell, CEO (British Stock Exchange)
05/06/1921 Ross Hunter, US, actor(?)
05/06/1922 Alan Ross, editor (London Magazine)
05/06/1922 Carlos J Moorhead, (Rep-R-CA, 1973- )
05/06/1922 Pat Harder, Milwaukee, NFL fullback (Cardinals, Lions)
05/06/1923 Elizabeth Sellars, Glasgow Scotland, actress (Chalk Garden)
05/06/1924 Mimi Benzell, Bridgeport Ct, operatic soprano (Gilda-Rigoletto)
05/06/1925 Patrick Meany, CEO (Rank Organization)
05/06/1926 John Hamilton-Jones, CEO (Richmond Enterprises)/British Maj-Gen
05/06/1926 Marguerite Piazza, New Orleans LA, operatic soprano (Young Broadway)

05/06/1929 John Taylor, bishop (St Albans)/Lord High Almoner to Queen
05/06/1929 Rosemary Camp, president (Council for British Archaeology)
05/06/1931 Marvin Leath, (Rep-D-TX, 1979- )
05/06/1931 Willie Mays, baseball player, 'Say Hey Kid' (660 HRs, NL MVP 1954)
05/06/1932 Gunther Hauk, composer
05/06/1932 John Bond, cricket umpire
05/06/1933 Lord Pender
05/06/1934 Richard C Shelby, (Rep-D-AL (1979-86)/Sen-D-AL, 1987- )
05/06/1936 Joanna Dunham, actress (Possession, House the Dripped Blood)
05/06/1938 Eleanor Platt, QC
05/06/1939 Anthony Blacker, master-general of Ordnance
05/06/1940 Murray Sidlin, Baltimore Maryland, conductor (Natl Symph 1973-77)
05/06/1941 Fred J Eckert, (Rep-D-NY, 1985-87)
05/06/1941 Ghena Dimitrova, actress (Nabucco)
05/06/1945 Bob Seger, singer (Silver Bullet Band-Shake Down)
05/06/1945 Richard Eyers, LA Calif, actor (My Friend Irma, Stagecoach West)
05/06/1945 Victoria Bond, composer
05/06/1946 Jim Ramstad, (Rep-R-Minnesota)
05/06/1946 Susan Brown, actress (General Hospital)
05/06/1946 Sydne Rome, Akron Ohio, actress (What?, Candy)
05/06/1948 Lolita, [Abrázame], spanish singer (Espérame)
05/06/1948 Richard Cox, NYC, actor (Mark-Executive Suite)
05/06/1949 David C Leestma, Muskegon Mich, USN/astronaut (STS 41-G, 28, 45)
05/06/1950 Robbie Mcintosh, drummer (Avg White Band-Show your Hand)
05/06/1953 Lynn Whitfield, Baton Rouge, actress (Josephine Baker, Equal Justice

05/06/1953 Tony Blair, British MP
05/06/1954 Sergei Nikolayevich Tresvyatsky, Russia, cosmonaut
05/06/1955 Donald A Thomas, Cleve Ohio, PhD/astronaut
05/06/1955 John Hutton, MP
05/06/1959 Charles Hendry, MP
05/06/1959 Eric D Fingerhut, (Rep-D-Ohio)
05/06/1959 Kate Collins, Boston Mass, actress (Natalie Hunter-All My Children)
05/06/1960 Bart de Farmer, guitarist (Ivy Green)
05/06/1960 Larry Steinbachek, rock synthersizer (Bronski Beat-Smalltown Boy)
05/06/1961 Clay O'Brien, Ray Az, actor (Weedy-Cowboys)
05/06/1962 Neil Foster, cricketer
05/06/1963 Alessandra Ferri, British ballerina
05/06/1964 Dana Hill, Van Nuys Calif, actress (2 of Us, Shoot the Moon)
05/06/1964 Kim Oden, Ala, US Olympic volleyball player (NCAA Play of Decade-80s

05/06/1964 Roma Downey, Derry Ireland, actress (JoAnna-One Life to Live)
05/06/1965 Norman Whiteside, British soccer player
05/06/1965 Zahid Sadiq, cricketer
05/06/1967 Patrick F Manning Jr, Poughkeepsie NY, rower (Olympic-92)
05/06/1968 Linnea Marie Fayard, Shrevept La, Miss Louisiana-America (1991-5th)


05/06/ 523 Thrasamunde, king of Vandalen
05/06/ 988 Dirk II, Westfries earl
05/06/1085 King Alfonso VI, of León conquered Toledo, dies
05/06/1124 Balak, Emir of Aleppo, murdered
05/06/1475 Dieric Bouts, painter, dies at about 64
05/06/1527 Karel van Bourbon, military governor (Lombardije), dies at 37
05/06/1638 Cornelius Jansen, theologian, dies
05/06/1642 Frans Francken, the Younger, painter, dies on 61st birthday
05/06/1666 Paul Siefert, composer, dies at 80
05/06/1667 Johann Jacob Froberger, composer, dies at 50
05/06/1678 Joseph de La Barre, composer, dies at 44
05/06/1739 Bernardus Smijtegelt, vicar (Gekrookte Reed), dies at 63
05/06/1776 James Kent, composer, dies at 76
05/06/1794 Jean-Jacques Beauvarget-Charpentier, composer, dies at 60
05/06/1814 George Joseph Vogler, composer, dies at 65
05/06/1836 Christian Ignatius Latrobe, composer, dies at 78
05/06/1841 John Thomson, composer, dies at 35
05/06/1852 Charles-Louis-Joseph Hanssens, composer, dies at 75
05/06/1856 William Hamilton, metaphysicist, dies
05/06/1859 Friedrich Heinrich Alexander, explorer/scientist, dies
05/06/1862 Henry David Thoreau, US writer/pacifist (Walden Pond), dies at 44
05/06/1864 Henry Livermore Abbott, US Union brig-general, dies in battle
05/06/1864 Micah Jenkins, Confederate brig-general (friendly fire), dies at 28
05/06/1882 Frederick Cavendish, assassinated by Fenian Invincibles, in Dublin
05/06/1882 Thomas Henry Burke, assassinated by Fenian Invincibles, in Dublin
05/06/1890 Hubert Leonard, composer, dies at 71
05/06/1892 Ernest Guiraud, composer, dies at 55
05/06/1904 Franz von Lenbach, artist, dies
05/06/1910 Edward VII, King of England (1901-10), dies
05/06/1916 Dirk Forest, liberal Member of Dutch 2nd parliament, dies at 53
05/06/1916 Earl Ross Drake, composer, dies at 50
05/06/1919 Lyman Frank Baum, author (Wizard of Oz), dies at 62
05/06/1924 Carel S Adama van Scheltema, poet/writer (socialism), dies at 47
05/06/1936 Hans Jelmoli, composer, dies at 59
05/06/1948 43 communist rebels, executed in Athens
05/06/1949 P-M-B Maurice Maeterlinck, Belgian philosopher (Nobel 1911), dies
05/06/1952 Alberto Savinio, Italian composer (Capitano Ulisse), dies at 60
05/06/1952 Maria Montessori, Italian physician/educationist, dies
05/06/1960 Paul Abraham, Hungarian composer (Blume von Hawaii), dies at 67
05/06/1961 Lucian Blaga, philospher/poet (Transcendental censor), dies at 65
05/06/1963 Monty Wooley, actor (Pied Piper, Man Who Came to Dinner), dies at 74

05/06/1964 Harold Morris, composer, dies at 74
05/06/1971 Helene Weigel, Austria/German actress/stage star, dies at 70
05/06/1973 Ernest MacMillan, composer, dies at 79
05/06/1975 József Mindszenty, [Joseph Prehm], Hungarian cardinal, dies at 83
05/06/1978 Ko van Dśk Jr, Dutch actor (Zaak M P), dies at 61
05/06/1987 William J Casey, director of CIA (1981-87), dies at 73
05/06/1990 Charles Farrell, actor (Vern-My Little Margie), dies at 89
05/06/1991 Anthony van Kampen, writer (Ketelbinkie/Geschonden eldorado), dies
05/06/1991 Chucky Mullins, US soccer player, dies
05/06/1991 Wilfrid Hyde-White, Brits actor (Peyton Place/140+ films), dies at 8

05/06/1992 Jilly Rizzo, restauranteur/friend of Frank Sinatra, dies at 75 in ca

05/06/1992 Marlene Dietrich, [Maria Losch], actress (Angel), dies at 90 in Pari

05/06/1994 Moses Rosen, Romania's leading rabbi, dies at 81

Significant Events:

05/06/1312 Pope Clemens V signs council of Vienna
05/06/1527 Spanish & German Imperial troops sack Rome; ending Renaissance
05/06/1536 King Henry VIII, orders bible be placed in every church
05/06/1598 Arch duke Albrecht & Isabella become monarch of Southern Netherlands

05/06/1672 Brandenburgs monarch Frederik Willem signs treaty with Netherlands
05/06/1753 French King Louis XV observes transit of Mercury at Mendon Castle
05/06/1787 1st Black Masonic Lodge forms Prince Hall, Boston
05/06/1787 African Lodge # 459 organizes in Boston
05/06/1794 Haiti, under Toussaint L'Ouverture, revolts against France
05/06/1804 Suriname sold to English (util Feb, 1816)
05/06/1833 John Deere makes 1st steel plow
05/06/1840 1st postage stamps (Penny Black) issued (Great Britain)
05/06/1844 Johan Thorbecke argue general right to vote
05/06/1848 Otto Tank ends slavery in Suriname colony
05/06/1851 Dr John Gorrie patents a 'refrigeration machine'
05/06/1851 SF Chamber of Commerce starts
05/06/1853 1st major US rail disaster kills 46 (Norwalk, Connecticut)
05/06/1853 Train falls off bridge in S Norwalk Ct; 46 drown
05/06/1860 SF Olympic Club, 1st US athletic club founded
05/06/1861 Arkansas & Tennessee becomes 9th & 10th state to secede from US
05/06/1861 Jefferson Davis approves a bill declaring War between US & Confedera

05/06/1864 Battle of Port Walthall Junction, VA
05/06/1864 Battle of Wilderness-Gen Longstreet seriously injured
05/06/1864 General Sherman begins advance to Atlanta Georgia
05/06/1882 Epping Forest England dedicated by Queen Victoria
05/06/1882 US Congress ceases Chinese immigration
05/06/1889 Eiffel Tower in Paris, completed
05/06/1889 Universal Exposition opens in Paris
05/06/1890 Mormon Church renounces polygamy [1006-Truth Restored (Morman pub)]
05/06/1891 Conductors on London General Omnibus Company go on strike
05/06/1896 M Wolf discovers asteroid #417 Suevia
05/06/1902 British SS Camorta sinks off Rangoon; 739 die
05/06/1902 Start of Sherlock Holmes 'Adventure of Shoscombe Old Place' (BG)
05/06/1902 Zulu assault at Holkrantz South-Africa
05/06/1903 Chicago White Sox commit 12 errors against Detroit Tigers
05/06/1906 'Temporary' permit to erect overhead wires on Market St SF
05/06/1910 King George V ascends to British throne
05/06/1913 King Nikita I of Montenegro vacates Skoetari, North-Albania
05/06/1914 British house of lords rejects women suffrage
05/06/1915 Allies attack Cape Helles, Hellespont
05/06/1915 German U-20 sinks Centurion SE of Ireland
05/06/1915 Red Sox Babe Ruth pitching debut & 1st HR, loses to Yanks 4-3 in 15
05/06/1916 Belgian troop march into Kigali, German East-Africa
05/06/1917 St Louis Brown Bob Groom no-hits Chic White Sox, 3-0
05/06/1921 American Soccer League formed
05/06/1929 NY to SF footrace begins
05/06/1933 Italy & USSR sign trade agreement
05/06/1935 KTM-AM in Los Angeles Calif changes call letters to KEHE (now KABC)
05/06/1935 Pulitzer prize awarded to Audrey Wurdemann (Bright Ambush)
05/06/1937 Dirigible Hindenburg explodes in flames at Lakehurst, NJ (36 die)
05/06/1940 Pulitzer prize awarded to John Steinbeck (Grapes of Wrath)
05/06/1941 Josef Stalin becomes leader of USSR
05/06/1942 Corregidor & Philippines surrenders to Japanese Armies
05/06/1943 British 1st army opens assault on Tunis
05/06/1944 KJR-AM in Seattle Wash swaps calls with KOMO
05/06/1945 Gen J Blaskowitz surrenders German troops in Netherland
05/06/1946 Pulitzer prize awarded to Arthur M Schlesinger (Age of Jackson)'
05/06/1950 Liz Taylor's 1st marriage (Conrad Hilton Jr)
05/06/1951 Pitts Pirate Cliff Chambers no-hits Boston Brave, 3-0
05/06/1953 Brown's Bobo Holloman 1st major league start, no-hits Phila A's, 6-0

05/06/1954 Roger Bannister breaks 4 minute mile (3:59:4)
05/06/1955 West Germany joins NATO
05/06/1956 WRCB TV channel 3 in Chattanooga, TN (NBC) begins broadcasting
05/06/1957 Italian govt of Segni resigns
05/06/1957 Pulitzer prize awarded to John F Kennedy (Profiles in Courage)
05/06/1960 English prince Margaret marries Antony Armstrong-Jones (Lord Snowdon

05/06/1960 Pres Eisenhower signs Civil Rights Act of 1960
05/06/1960 Students attack Dutch embassy in Djakarta
05/06/1960 Trotsky's murderer Jacques Mornard (Ramón Mercader), flees
05/06/1962 1st nuclear warhead fired from Polaris submarine (Ethan Allen)
05/06/1962 Antonio Segni elected president of Italy
05/06/1962 Pathet Lao breaks ceasefire/conquerors Took Tha Laos
05/06/1963 Pulitzer prize awarded to Barbara Tuchman (Guns of August)
05/06/1964 D McLeish discovers asteroid #2854
05/06/1966 Most runs scored in 11th inning (9) Phils score 5 to beat Pirates 8-

05/06/1967 400 students seize administration building at Cheyney State College
05/06/1967 C U Cesco & A R Klemol discovers asteroids #1829 Dawson,
05/06/1968 Battle between students & troops in Paris, 1000 injured
05/06/1968 Spain closes border to Gibralter except to Spaniards
05/06/1970 Yuchiro Miura of Japan skies down Mt Everest
05/06/1973 1st WHA championshiphip, Winnipeg Jets win 4 games to 1
05/06/1974 Bundy victim Roberta Parks disappears from OSU, Corvallis, Ore
05/06/1974 Smallest attendance at Phila's Veterans Stadium (4,149)
05/06/1974 Stolen 'Guitar Player' painting by Jan Vermeer found in London
05/06/1974 W German chancellor W Burns resigns
05/06/1975 Bundy victim Lynette Culver disappears from Pocatello, Idaho
05/06/1977 'Beatles at Hollywood Bowl,' released in UK
05/06/1978 South Africa military goes into Angola
05/06/1978 Steve Cauthen & Affirmed wins Kentucky Derby en route to Triple Crow

05/06/1979 Fred Markham set a bicycle speed record of 818 kph over 200 m
05/06/1981 C Shoemaker discovers asteroids #2742 Gibson, #2773 & #2982 Muriel
05/06/1982 Seattle Mariner Gaylord Perry becomes 15th pitcher to win 300 games
05/06/1984 Balt Oriole Cal Ripken Jr hits for cycle
05/06/1984 José Napoleon Duarte wins El Salvador presidential election
05/06/1985 17th Space Shuttle Mission (51-B)-Challenger 7 lands at Edwards AFB
05/06/1986 Donald E Pelotte becomes 1st native American bishop
05/06/1987 Gary Hart denies affair with model Donna Rice
05/06/1987 Mario Andretti sets one-lap speed record at Indy at 218.204 MPH
05/06/1987 PTL's Jim Bakker & Rich Dortch dismissed from Assemblies of God
05/06/1989 Sunday Silence wins upset victory at Kentucky Derby
05/06/1990 Tom Cruise is ticketed for careless operation of a vehicle in SC
05/06/1991 Space Shuttle STS 39 (Discovery 12) lands
05/06/1992 NY Met Anthony Young begins losing streak of at least 26 games
05/06/1993 STS-55 (Columbia) lands
05/06/1994 Chunnel linking England and France official opens
05/06/1994 Official opening of tunnel under the Canal
05/06/2012 Transit of Venus

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Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


05/08/1492 Andreas Alciatus, [Giovanni Andrea-Alciato], Italian lawyer
05/08/1521 Peter Canisius, [Pieter de Hondt/Kanijs], jesuit/saint
05/08/1527 Johann Walter, composer
05/08/1592 Francis Quarles, English poet (Argalus & Parthenia, Emblems)
05/08/1629 Niels Juel, Danish admiral (Oland, Moen, Kj”gebocht)
05/08/1641 Nicolaas Witsen, etcher/mayor (Amsterdam)
05/08/1668 Alain R Lesage, French author (Turcaret ou le Financier)
05/08/1673 Johann Valentin Eckelt, composer
05/08/1703 Gottlob Harrer, composer
05/08/1737 Edward Gibbon, England, historian (Decline & Fall of Roman Empire)
05/08/1745 Carl Philipp Stamitz, composer
05/08/1750 Elias Mann, composer
05/08/1753 Miguel Hidalgo y Castilla, father of M‚xican independence
05/08/1763 John Goldberg, patriot/statesman
05/08/1778 Johann Gansbacher, composer
05/08/1786 Thomas Hancock, founded British rubber industry
05/08/1803 Joseph Napoleon Ney Moskova, composer
05/08/1806 Jan Bedrich Kittl, composer
05/08/1810 James Cooper, Brig General (Union volunteers), died in 1863
05/08/1814 Mikhail Alexandrovich Bakunin, anarchist
05/08/1824 William Walker, filibuster/president of Nicaragua (1856-57)
05/08/1828 Jean Henri Dunant, Switz, writer/founder (Red Cross, YMCA, Nobel 190

05/08/1829 Louis Moreau Gottschalk, 1st internationally recognized US pianist
05/08/1833 Frank Wheaton, Bvt Major General (Union Army), died in 1903
05/08/1836 Bryan Morel Thomas, Brig General (Confederate Army), died in 1905
05/08/1839 Francis W Warre-Cornish, English vice-provost of Eton/writer
05/08/1842 Emil C Hansen, Danish physiologist
05/08/1844 Hermann Gradener, composer
05/08/1846 Oscar Hammerstein, Germany, opera/playwright (Kohinoor)
05/08/1853 Charles Lee Williams, composer
05/08/1857 Frits [Frederik H] Tartaud, actor/wife of Alida Little
05/08/1858 John Meade Falkner, novelist (Moonfleet)
05/08/1871 [Emile M] Louis Madelin, French historian (French revolutionary)
05/08/1882 Philips C Visser, Dutch explorer/diplomat
05/08/1884 Harry S Truman, Lamar Missouri, 33rd US President (D) (1945-1949)
05/08/1886 Jef van Hoof, composer
05/08/1891 Chet 'Red' Hoff, pitcher (NY Yankees 1911-15), lived to 103+
05/08/1892 Ezio Pinza, Rome Italy, bass singer (South Pacific, RCA Victor Show)

05/08/1893 Francis Quimet, Mass shop asst who won golf's US Open (1913)
05/08/1895 Edmund Wilson, American critic/writer (Patriotic Gore)
05/08/1895 Fulton J Sheen, El Paso Ill, bishop (Life is Worth Living)
05/08/1895 Jos‚ G¢mez, [Joselito el Gallo], bullfighter
05/08/1899 August von Hayek, economist
05/08/1899 Friedrich A von Hayek, Aust/British economist (Road to Serfdom)
05/08/1899 Jan F van Hall, sculptor/resistance fighter
05/08/1903 Fernandel, [Fernand JD Contandin], French actor (Paris Holiday)
05/08/1904 John Snagge, BBC commentator
05/08/1905 Inglis Gundry, composer
05/08/1906 David Van Vactor, Plymouth Indiana, composer (Chaconne)
05/08/1906 Roberto Rossellini, Italy, director (Open City)
05/08/1910 Mary Lou Williams, US jazz pianist/composer (Zodiac Suite)
05/08/1911 Robert Johnson, blues singer (King of Delta Blues Singer)
05/08/1911 Wilhelm F de Gay Fortman, lawyer/foreign minister
05/08/1912 Gertrud Fussenegger, [Dorn], Austrian writer (Mohrenlegende)
05/08/1914 Lord Murton, of Lindisfrarne, deputy chairman of Comm House of Lords

05/08/1915 John Archer, Nebraska, actor (Destination: Moon)
05/08/1919 Sultan Ismail Hajibeyov, composer
05/08/1920 Maurice Cranston, political scientist
05/08/1920 Sloan Wilson, US, novelist (Man in the Gray Flannal Suit)
05/08/1921 Graham Leonard, bishop of London
05/08/1922 Brian Kellett, CEO (Port of London Authority)
05/08/1925 Ali Hassan Mwinyi, president of Tanzania (1985- )
05/08/1925 Lord Jauncey of Tullichettle, lord of appeal in ordinary
05/08/1926 Don Rickles, Queens NY, comedian (Don Rickles Show, CPO Sharkey)
05/08/1926 Richard F Attenborough, environmentalist/zoologist (BBC)
05/08/1926 Ronald Waterhouse, high court judge
05/08/1927 Ian Denholm, CEO (Murray Investment Trust)
05/08/1927 Philip Wilkinson, deputy chairman (National Westminster Bank)
05/08/1928 Theodore Sorenson, pesidential advisor (JFK)/author (1000 Days)
05/08/1928 William Jay Sydeman, composer
05/08/1929 V N M Korte-van Hemel, Dutch Secretary of Justice (CDA)
05/08/1930 Doug Atkins, Humbolt Tn, NFL hall of famer (Browns, Bears, Saints)
05/08/1930 Gary Snyder, [Japhy Ryder], beat poet (Rip Rap & Cold Mountain Poems

05/08/1930 Heather Harper, soprano
05/08/1931 Charles M Wilson, composer
05/08/1933 Alistair Service, writer/publisher
05/08/1934 Leonard Hoffmann, high court judge
05/08/1934 Roger Kendrick, governor (Dartmoor Prison)
05/08/1934 Sonny Liston, US heavyweight boxing chmap (1962-64)
05/08/1935 Jack Charlton, soccer manager (Rep of Ireland)
05/08/1935 Salome Jens, Milwaukee Wisc, actress (From Here to Eternity)
05/08/1935 Viscount Falkland, British Lib-Dem peer
05/08/1936 Neville Purvis, British vice admiral/Chief of Fleet Support
05/08/1937 Dani‰l Robberechts, Belgian writer (Labia Majora)
05/08/1937 Dennis DeConcini, (Sen-D-AZ, 1977- )
05/08/1937 Michael Simmons, Air Marshal (British Ministry of Defense)
05/08/1937 Thomas Pynchon, novelist (V)
05/08/1939 Otis Paul Drayton, Glen Cove NY, 4x100m runner (Olympic-gold-1964)
05/08/1940 James Blyth, CEO (Boots)
05/08/1940 Peter Benchley, author (Jaws, Deep)
05/08/1940 Ricky Nelson, NJ, rock star (Hello Mary Lou, It's Late, Garden Party

05/08/1941 James A Traficant Jr, (Rep-D-OH, 1985- )
05/08/1942 Angel Cordero Jr, Santurce PR, jockey (Seattle Slew-1978 Ky Derby)
05/08/1942 Norman Lamont, MP/Chancellor of Exchequer
05/08/1943 Paul Samwell-Smith, rocker (Yardbirds-For Your Love)
05/08/1943 Rick Samwell-Smith, rocker (Yardbirds-For Your Love)
05/08/1943 Toni Tennille, Montgomery Ala, female Beachboy (Capt & Tennille)
05/08/1944 Gary Glitter, [Paul Gadd], England, rocker (Rock & Roll Part II)
05/08/1945 Keith Jarrett, jazz musician
05/08/1947 Felicity Lott, English soprano (We come to the river)
05/08/1948 John Reid, MP
05/08/1951 Chris Frantz, rocker (Talking Heads-& She Was)
05/08/1951 Deborah Harmon, actress (Ted Knight Show, M*A*S*H, Just the 10 of Us

05/08/1951 Philip Bailey, rocker (Earth Wind & Fire-Shining Star, Easy Lover)
05/08/1954 David Keith, Knoxville Tenn, actor (Back Roads, Firestarter)
05/08/1955 Alex Van Halen, rock drummer (Van Halen-1984, Jump)
05/08/1957 Deana Deardruff, US, 4 X 100m swimmer (Olympic-gold-1972)
05/08/1959 Ronnie Lott, Albuquerque, NM, NFL defensive back (SF 49er)
05/08/1964 Cheryl Richardson, Palo Alto Calif, actress (Jennie-General Hospital

05/08/1964 Melissa Gilbert Brinkman, LA, actress (Little House on the Prairie)
05/08/1964 Peter Gill, rocker (Frankie Goes to Hollywood-Relax)
05/08/1971 Chris Wolf, actor/musician (Guys Next Door)


05/08/ 535 John, [Mercurius], Italian Pope (533-35), dies
05/08/ 685 Benedict II, Italian Pope (683-85), dies
05/08/1319 Haakon V, King of Norway (1299-1319), dies
05/08/1577 Viglius ab Aytta Zuichemus, lawyer/President (Raad van State), dies
05/08/1725 John Lovewell, US indian fighter, dies in battle
05/08/1773 Ali Bey, Egyptian Mameluk head, dies
05/08/1785 Pietro Longhi, painter, dies
05/08/1794 Antoine-Laurent Lavosier, chemist, gullotined
05/08/1809 Augustin Pajou, French sculptor (Bachante), dies at 78
05/08/1818 Franz Ignaz Kaa, composer, dies at 78
05/08/1829 Mauro Giuliani, composer, dies at 47
05/08/1844 Charles XIV Johan, [Jean B Bernadotte], King of Sweden/Norway, dies
05/08/1846 Giacomo Cordella, composer, dies at 59
05/08/1853 Joannes P Roothaan, 1st Dutch lt col-gen of Jesuits, dies at 67
05/08/1864 James Samuel Wadsworth, gen-mjr (Union), dies in battle at 56
05/08/1873 John Stuart Mill, great Empiricist philosopher, dies at 66
05/08/1880 Gustave Flaubert, French writer (Salammb“), dies
05/08/1885 Pavel Krizkovsky, composer, dies at 65
05/08/1887 Alexander Ulyanov, brother of Lenin/hanged for assassination of tsar

05/08/1891 Helena Petrovina Blavatsky, Russian theosophist, dies
05/08/1903 EugŠne-Henri-Paul Gauguin, French painter (Tahiti), dies
05/08/1904 Eadweard Muybridge, English photographer (horse trot), dies
05/08/1909 Friedrich von Holstein, German diplomat, dies
05/08/1915 Henry McNeal Turner, 1 US black army chaplain, dies at 82
05/08/1930 Lvar Henning Mankell, composer, dies at 62
05/08/1932 Albert Thomas, French socialist politician
05/08/1936 Oswald Spengler, German philosopher (Underworld of Abendlandes), die

05/08/1941 Heinrich Zollner, composer, dies at 86
05/08/1943 Mordicai Anielewicz, commander of Warsaw ghetto uprising, killed
05/08/1948 Alfred Holy, composer, dies at 81
05/08/1951 Margaret Lindsay, actress (Take a Guess), dies at 40
05/08/1957 John CB 'John' Sluyters, painter, dies at 75
05/08/1958 Nasni Matni, Lebanese journalist, murdered
05/08/1960 Hugo Alfven, Swedish composer (Midsommarvaka), dies at 88
05/08/1961 James Fairfax, actor (Gale Storm Show), dies at 63
05/08/1973 Ralph Miller, last 19th century baseball player, dies
05/08/1975 Avery Brundage, US chairman Intl Oly Committee (1952-72), dies at 87

05/08/1976 Ulrike Meinhof, lead Germany Red Army Faction, dies
05/08/1979 Talcott Parsons, US sociologist, dies at 76
05/08/1981 Daniel GillŠs, Belgian writer, dies at 64
05/08/1982 Gilles Villeneuve, Canadian auto racer, dies in an accident
05/08/1985 Dolph Sweet, actor (Gimme a Break), dies of cancer at 64
05/08/1985 Edmond O'Brien, actor (Sam Benedict), dies at 69 of Alzheimer's
05/08/1985 Karl Marx, composer, dies at 87
05/08/1987 Pam Ewing, (Victoria Principal) character on Dallas, is killed off
05/08/1988 Robert A Heinlein, sci-fi writer (Friday), dies of heart failure at

05/08/1991 Jean Langlais, composer, dies at 84
05/08/1992 Addeke H Boerma, dir-gen (FAO), dies at 80
05/08/1992 Margaretha D Ferguson-Wigerink, author (Fear on Java, dies
05/08/1992 Richard Derr, actor (When Worlds Collide), dies at 74 of cancer
05/08/1993 Kees Deenik, singer/conductor
05/08/1994 Cobina W 'Coby' Molenaar, peace activist, dies at 88
05/08/1994 George Peppard, actor (Breakfast at Tiffanys, A-Team), dies at 65

Significant Events:

05/08/ 535 John II ends his reign as Catholic Pope
05/08/ 615 St Boniface IV ends his reign as Catholic Pope
05/08/ 685 St Benedict II ends his reign as Catholic Pope
05/08/1360 Treaty of Br‚tigny signed by English & French
05/08/1450 Jack Cade's Rebellion-Kentishmen revolt against King Henry VI
05/08/1541 Hernando de Soto discovers Mississippi River
05/08/1660 English parliament asks King Charles II to resigns
05/08/1721 Michelangiolo dei Conti replaces Pope Clement XI, as Innocent XIII
05/08/1784 Only known deaths by hailstones in US (Winnsborough SC)
05/08/1792 British Capt George Vancouver sights, names Mt Rainier, Wash
05/08/1794 US Post Office established
05/08/1823 'Home Sweet Home' 1st sung (London)
05/08/1834 Charles Darwins expedition returns to the Beagle
05/08/1834 Prussia, Austria & Russia sign classified accord about Belgium
05/08/1842 Versailles to Paris train catches fire; 50 die
05/08/1846 1st major battle of M‚xican War fought at Palo Alto Texas
05/08/1858 John Brown holds antislavery convention
05/08/1862 Valley Campaign: Federals repulsed at Battle of McDowell Va
05/08/1863 Confederaci¢n Granadina becomes Estados Unidos de Colombia
05/08/1864 Actions at Stony Creek/Nottoway bridge Virginia (Drewry's Bluff)
05/08/1864 Atlanta Campaign: Sever fighting near Dalton
05/08/1864 Battle of Antietam, VA (Spotslyvania Court House, Laurel Hill)
05/08/1864 Initial fighting at Spotslyvania Court House
05/08/1866 Australian Rules Football is created
05/08/1871 English-US treaty ends Alabama dispute
05/08/1878 1st unassisted triple play in organized baseball, by Paul Hines
05/08/1878 Paul Hines made baseball's unassisted 1st triple play
05/08/1885 Sarah Ann Henley survives 76-m jump from Clifton Bridge, Avon, Engl
05/08/1886 Atlanta pharmacist John Styth Pemberton invents Coca Cola
05/08/1895 China cedes Taiwan to Japan under Treaty of Shimonoseki
05/08/1900 250 grave robbers shot to death
05/08/1900 Galveston Texas, hit by hurricane; about 6,000 die
05/08/1902 Mt Pel‚e erupts, wipes out St Pierre, Martinique, kills 30,000
05/08/1906 Phila A's pitcher Chief Benders plays outfield & hits 2 HRs
05/08/1907 Boston's Big Jeff Pfeffer no-hits Cin Reds, 6-0
05/08/1907 Heavyweight Tommy Burns KOs Jack O'Brien in LA
05/08/1915 Regret becomes 1st of 3 fillys to win Kentucky Derby
05/08/1919 1st transatlantic flight take-off by a navy seaplane
05/08/1924 Memel territories given to Lithuania
05/08/1924 Workers at Werkspoor in Amsterdam strike against 3rd wage cut
05/08/1925 French colonial army beats Rifkabylen in Morocco
05/08/1926 1st flight over North Pole (Bennett & Byrd)
05/08/1926 A Philip Randolph organizes Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters
05/08/1926 Fire breaks out in Fenway Park
05/08/1929 Jan Mayen island, 500 km NNE of Iceland, incorporated into Norway
05/08/1929 NY Giant Carl Hubbell no-hits Pirates, 11-0
05/08/1935 Cin Red Ernie Lombardi doubles in 6th, 7th, 8th & 9th beat Phils 15-

05/08/1937 War Admiral wins 63rd Kentucky Derby on his way to Triple Crown
05/08/1941 German Q-ship Pinguin sinks in Indian Ocean
05/08/1942 Aircraft carrier Lexington sunks by Japanese air attack at Coral Sea

05/08/1942 German summer offensive opens in Crimea
05/08/1943 Johnny Longden on Count Fleet wins 68th Preakness Stakes (1:57.4)
05/08/1945 Canadian troops move into Amsterdam
05/08/1945 Chinese counter attack at Tsjangte, supports by 14th air fleet
05/08/1945 Gen Von Keitel surrenders to Marshal Zhukov
05/08/1945 V-E Day; Germany signs unconditional surrender, WW II ends in Europe

05/08/1946 Red Sox Johnny Pesky scores 6 runs in 1 game
05/08/1949 West German constitution approved
05/08/1950 Chang Kai Shek asks US for weapons
05/08/1951 Dacron men's suits introduced
05/08/1953 WIPB TV channel 49 in Muncie, IN (PBS) begins broadcasting
05/08/1954 1st shot-put over 60' (18.29 m)-Parry O'Brien, Los Angeles, CA
05/08/1958 Pres Eisenhower orders National Guard out of Central HS, Little Rock

05/08/1958 VP Nixon is shoved, stoned, booed & spat upon by protesters in Peru
05/08/1960 USSR & Cuba regain diplomatic relations
05/08/1961 1st practical sea water conversion plant-Freeport Texas
05/08/1961 Alan Shepard receives NASA Distinguished Service Medal, Washington
05/08/1962 'Funny Thing Happened on Way to the Forum' opens on Broadway
05/08/1963 'Dr No' premieres in US
05/08/1963 JFK offers Israel assistance against aggression
05/08/1965 1st shut put over 70' (Randy Matson 70' 7')
05/08/1966 Last game at old Busch stadium, St Louis Card lose 10-5 to SF
05/08/1966 Only HR ever hit out of Baltimore's Memorial Park (Frank Robinson)
05/08/1967 Muhammad Ali is indicted for refusing induction in US Army
05/08/1968 Jim (Catfish) Hunter of Oakland pitches perfect game vs Twins (4-0)
05/08/1968 Pulitzer prize awarded to William Styron (Confessions of Nat Turner)

05/08/1969 Cambodia recognizes German DR
05/08/1970 Beatles release 'Let it Be' album
05/08/1970 Knicks beat Lakers, 113-99 for their 1st NBA championship
05/08/1971 Joe Frazier beats Muhammad Ali at Madison Sq Garden
05/08/1972 Sabena aircraft at Lod Intl, Tel Aviv, captured by Palestinians
05/08/1973 Indians holding SD hamlet of Wounded Knee for 10 weeks surrender
05/08/1974 50 MPH speed limit in Britain lifted
05/08/1974 Canada govt of Trudeau falls
05/08/1977 David Berkowitz pleads guilty in 'Son of Sam' 44-caliber shootings
05/08/1978 ABC TV airs 'Stars Salute Israel at 30'
05/08/1979 Radio Shack releases TRSDOS 2.3
05/08/1980 Sabres take only 15 shots, Islanders 22, in a playoff game
05/08/1981 L Brozek discovers asteroid #3419
05/08/1981 Ron Davis pitches 10th consecutive strike out, 1 short of record
05/08/1982 Canucks 5-Isles 6 (OT)-Stanley Cup-Isles hold 1-0 lead
05/08/1984 Chicago White Sox beat Milw Brewers, 7-6, in 25 inn (completed 5/9)
05/08/1984 Thames Barrier to stop flooding in London officially completed
05/08/1984 USSR announces it will not participate in LA Summer Olympics
05/08/1987 Gary Hart quits democratic presidential race (Donna Rice affair)
05/08/1988 Fran‡ois Mitterrand elected president of France
05/08/1988 Mike Tyson crashes his $183,000 Bently on Varick St in NYC
05/08/1989 Paul McCartney releases 'My Brave Face' & 'Ferry Cross the Mersey'
05/08/1989 US space shuttle STS-30 lands
05/08/1991 CIA director William H Webster resigns
05/08/1994 500th commentary by Andy Rooney on 60 Minutes
05/08/1994 Ernesto P‚rez Balladares elected president of Panama
05/08/1994 Jos‚ Maria Figueres becomes president of Costa Rica

Robert Wolfe

May 9, 2021, 7:40:14 AM5/9/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


05/09/1265 Dante Alighieri, Italian poet (Divina Commedia)
05/09/1596 Abraham van Diepenbeeck, painter
05/09/1738 John Pindar, [Peter], physician/poet
05/09/1740 Giovanni Paisiello, Italian composer (Il Barbiere the Siviglia)
05/09/1783 Alexander Ross, Canada, pioneer/fur trader
05/09/1785 James Pollard Espy, Penns, meteorologist (Philosphy of Storms)
05/09/1793 John C de Young, historian/archivist
05/09/1796 August Pauly, German classicus (Real Encyclopedia)
05/09/1800 John Brown, abolitionist; led attack on Harpers Ferry
05/09/1801 Samuel Cousins, mezzotint engraver
05/09/1810 Louis Gallait, historical painter
05/09/1810 WFLC Marianne, princess of Orange-Nassau/daughter of king Willem I
05/09/1814 Adolf Henselt, composer
05/09/1824 William Edmonson 'Grumble' Jones, Brig General (Confederate Army)
05/09/1829 Ciro Pinsuti, pianist/composer
05/09/1833 Boleslaw Dembinski, composer
05/09/1843 Belle Boyd, spy (Confederate)/actress/lecturer
05/09/1846 Nikolay Feopemptovich Solov'yov, composer
05/09/1855 Julius Rontgen, composer
05/09/1860 James Matthew Barrie, Scotland, novelist (Margaret Ogilvy, Peter Pan

05/09/1865 August de Boeck, composer
05/09/1873 Howard Carter, British archaeologist (found King Tutankhamen's tomb)

05/09/1873 Lilian Mary Baylis, manager (Old Vic & Sadler's Wells Theater)
05/09/1882 Henry J Kaiser, builder (Liberty Ships, Jeeps, Boulder Dam)
05/09/1892 Eric Westberg, composer
05/09/1892 Zita, empress (Austria)/Queen (Hungary)
05/09/1895 Lucian Blaga, Romaniams philosopher/poet (Dogmatic Aeon)
05/09/1895 Richard Barthelmess, US, actor (Broken Blossoms, Noose)
05/09/1906 Eleanor Estes, author (Ginger Pye, Moffats)
05/09/1907 Baldur von Schirach, German writer/nazi politician (Frame)
05/09/1910 Barbara Woodhouse, dog training expert
05/09/1911 Harry Simeone, Newark NJ, choral director (Kate Smith Show)
05/09/1912 Pedro Armendariz, Mexico, actor (From Russia With Love)
05/09/1913 John Hayes, Admiral
05/09/1913 Victor Smith, Admiral (Australian Chiefs of Staff)
05/09/1914 Carlo Maria Giulini, conductor
05/09/1914 Frank Chacksfield, arranger/orch leader
05/09/1914 Hank Snow, Nova Scotia Canada, country singer (I Went to Your Weddin

05/09/1914 Theodore Kheel, labor negotiator (Fair Employment Practices)
05/09/1915 Richard Janvrin, British vice admiral
05/09/1916 Bernard Rose, composer
05/09/1916 Cyril Bowles, bishop of Derby
05/09/1916 Douglas Guest, organist
05/09/1917 John Arnatt, actor (Circumstantial Evidence)
05/09/1918 Mike Wallace, Brookline Mass, newscaster (Biography, 60 Minutes)
05/09/1918 Orville Freeman, Minneapolis, (Sen-D-Mn)/Sec of Agriculture (1961-69

05/09/1919 Arthur English, comedian/actor (Malachi's Cove)
05/09/1920 Richard Adams, author (Day Gone By)
05/09/1922 Sheila Burrell, actress (Black Orchid, Paranoiac, Laughter in Dark)
05/09/1924 Boelat S Okoedzjava, Russian author (Student!)
05/09/1924 Connie Russell, NYC, singer (Club Embassy, Garroway at Large)
05/09/1924 Gerard Wernars, graphic form engraver (bibliotheekwerkpostz's 1991)
05/09/1924 Jean J A Girault, French director/screenwriter (l'Amour)
05/09/1925 Peter Leng, Master General of the Ordnance
05/09/1926 Alistair MacFarlane, principal (Heriot-Watt University England)
05/09/1926 Bernard Rose, organist
05/09/1926 Francis Kennedy, British diplomat
05/09/1926 Joshua Hassan, chief minister (Gibralter)
05/09/1926 Robin Cooke, pres (NZ Court of Appeal)
05/09/1927 John McDermott, Lord Justice of Appeal (Northern Ireland)
05/09/1927 Manfred Own, German physicist/chemist (Nobel 1967)
05/09/1927 Ray Katt, baseball player
05/09/1928 Barbara Ann Scott, Ottawa Ontario, figure skater (Olympic-gold-1948)

05/09/1928 Pall Pampichier Palsson, composer
05/09/1928 Richard A 'Pancho' Gonzalez, LA Calif, tennis star (US 1948-49)
05/09/1929 Anthony Lloyd, Lord Justice of Appeal
05/09/1930 Joan Sims, actress (Carry on Behind, Carry on Cleo)
05/09/1931 Vance DeVoe Brand, Longmont Co, astro (Apollo 18, STS-5, 41B, 35)
05/09/1932 David Plastow, CEO (Medical Research Council)
05/09/1932 Gavin Lyall, author (Conduct of Major Maxim)
05/09/1932 Geraldine McEwan, actress (Henry V)
05/09/1932 J Alex McMillan, (Rep-R-NC, 1985- )
05/09/1933 Johnny Grant, unofficial mayor of Hollywood
05/09/1934 Alan Bennett, playwright/actor (Secret Policeman's Other Ball)
05/09/1934 John Robertson, deputy chairman (Barclays de Zoete Wedd)
05/09/1934 Roy Massey, Master of Choristers (Hereford Cathedral)
05/09/1936 Albert Finney, UK, actor (Dresser, Under the Volcano)
05/09/1936 Floyd Robinson, baseball player
05/09/1936 Glenda Jackson, Cheshire England, actress (Women in Love)
05/09/1936 Terry Downes, middleweight boxing champ (1961-62)
05/09/1936 Terry Drinkwater, TV newsman (CBS)
05/09/1937 Dave Prather, singer (Sam & Dave)
05/09/1937 David Talker, US singer (Sam & Dave-Hold on I'm Coming)
05/09/1937 Sonny Curtis, guitarist (Crickets)
05/09/1938 Geoffrey Holland, civil servant
05/09/1938 Nokie Edwards, rocker (Ventures)
05/09/1939 Bruce Mather, composer
05/09/1939 Kenneth Warby, fastest man on water at 300 knots (345 mph)
05/09/1939 Ralph Harold Boston, Laurel MS, long jumper (Olympic-gold-60)
05/09/1940 Dick Morrissey, saxophonist
05/09/1940 James L Brooks, producer/director (Broadcast News, Taxi)
05/09/1941 Dorothy Hyman, England, sprinter (Oly-silver-60)
05/09/1941 Jan Dibbets, speed artist (Dutch Mountains)
05/09/1942 John D Ashcroft, (Gov-MO)
05/09/1942 Tommy Roe, Atlanta, rocker (Hooray for Hazel)
05/09/1942 William Olner, MP
05/09/1943 Bruce Milner, rocker (Every Mother's Son)
05/09/1944 Don Dannemann, rocker (Cyrkle)
05/09/1944 Richard Furay, rocker (Buffalo Springfield, Poco)
05/09/1945 Steve Katz, rocker (Blood Sweat & Tears-When I Die, Blues Project)
05/09/1946 Candice Bergen, Beverly Hills, actr (Carnal Knowledge, Murphy Brown)

05/09/1947 Anthony Corlan, Cork City Ireland, actor (Something for Everyone)
05/09/1949 Billy Joel, Bronx, singer (Pianoman, Capt Jack, Bridge)
05/09/1949 Oleg Yuriyevich Atkov, Russia, cosmonaut (Soyuz T-10)
05/09/1950 James A Butts, LA Calif, triple jumper (Olympic-silver-1976)
05/09/1950 Matthew Kelly, actor/TV host
05/09/1951 Alley Mills, Chicago Ill, actress (Norma Arnold-Wonder Years)
05/09/1952 Patrick Ryecart, actor (Silas Mariner)
05/09/1953 Ron Jackson, baseball player
05/09/1953 Scott McInnis, (Rep-R-Colorado)
05/09/1955 Kevin Peter Hall, Pitts Pa, actor (Misfits of Science)
05/09/1957 Fred Markham, 1st man to pedal a bike 65 mph
05/09/1957 John Stuper, baseball player
05/09/1958 Esko Rechardt, Finland, yachtsman (Olympic-gold-1980)
05/09/1960 Jim Reilly, rocker (Red Rockers)
05/09/1960 Tony Gwynn, baseball player
05/09/1962 David Gahan, English rock vocalist (Depeche Mode-Dreaming of Me)
05/09/1962 Paul Heaton, rocker (Housemartins-Happy Hour, Over There)
05/09/1964 Miloslav Mecir, Czechoslovakia, tennis player (Olympic-gold-1988)
05/09/1965 Ben Volpeliere-Pierrot, rocker (Curiosity Killed Cat-Keep Distance)


05/09/1280 Magnus VI Lagaboeter, King of Norway (1263-80), dies at 42
05/09/1443 Niccol「 d'Albergati, Italian cardinal, dies
05/09/1590 Karel 'Cardinal' van Bourbon, archbishop of Rouen, dies at 66
05/09/1657 William Bradford, Governor (Plymouth Colony, Mass), dies
05/09/1688 Frederick William, Great Elector of Brandenburg, dies at 67
05/09/1745 Tomaso Antonio Vitali, composer, dies at 82
05/09/1760 Nikolaus Ludwig, Count von Zinzendorf, leader of Moravian Church, di

05/09/1785 Franz Xaver Schnitzer, composer, dies at 44
05/09/1791 Francis Hopkinson, US writer/music/lawyer, dies at 53
05/09/1799 Claude-Benigne Balbastre, composer, dies at 72
05/09/1805 Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller, poet/playwright, dies at 45

05/09/1822 Charles Duquesnoy, composer, dies at 63
05/09/1850 Louis-Joseph Gay-Lussac, chemist/physicist, dies
05/09/1853 Johann Philipp Samuel Schmidt, composer, dies at 73
05/09/1864 Thomas Donnely Doubleday, US Union Col, dies in an accident
05/09/1880 Johann Hermann Berens, composer, dies at 54
05/09/1884 Hermanus W Witteveen, theologist, dies at 69
05/09/1903 Rudolf Serkin, Bohemian/US pianist, dies
05/09/1905 Ernst Pauer, composer, dies at 78
05/09/1926 Joseph Mallaby Dent, publisher, dies
05/09/1928 Constantin Dimitrescu, composer, dies at 81
05/09/1931 Albert Abraham Michelson, physicist, dies
05/09/1937 Walter Mittelholzer, Swiss aviation pioneer, dies in crash at 43
05/09/1944 Dame Ethel Mary Smyth, composer, dies at 86
05/09/1949 Louis II, Prince of Monaco, dies
05/09/1952 Canada Lee, black actor (Lost Boundaries), dies at 45 in NYC
05/09/1957 Ezio F Pinza, Italian bass (Scale of Milan, NY Met Opera), dies
05/09/1958 Bill Goodwin, TV announcer (Burns & Allen), dies at 47
05/09/1965 Leopold Figl, premier Austria, dies
05/09/1966 Alfred Mendelsohn, composer, dies at 56
05/09/1966 Wilhelmus M Bekkers, bishop of Dukeenbosch, dies
05/09/1967 Elmar Berkovich, Dutch industrial designer (Eindhoven theater), dies

05/09/1967 Philippa Duke Schuyler, composer, dies at 35
05/09/1968 Harold Gray, US comic strip artist (Little Orphan Annie), dies at 74

05/09/1968 Marion Lorne, actress (Aunt Clara-Bewitched), dies at 81
05/09/1970 Percy Brier, composer, dies at 85
05/09/1970 Walter P Reuther, US worker's union leader/president CIO, dies
05/09/1974 Lyubomir Pipkov, composer, dies at 69
05/09/1976 Raymond Chevreuille, composer, dies at 74
05/09/1976 Valentino Bucchi, composer, dies at 59
05/09/1977 James Jones, US writer (Bad Blood, From Here to Eternity), dies at 5

05/09/1977 Walter Kraft, composer, dies at 72
05/09/1979 Cyrus S Eaton, Canada/US multi-millionaire, dies at 95
05/09/1979 Lan Adomian, composer, dies at 73
05/09/1981 Nelson Algren, US writer (Man with the Golden Arm), dies at 72
05/09/1982 Ab [Albert] Visser, poet/writer (Ka杵 sloeg Abel), dies
05/09/1986 Dirk de Vroome, Limburg activist, dies at about 59
05/09/1986 Herschel Bernardi, actor (Lt Jacoby-Peter Gunn, Arnie), dies at 62
05/09/1986 Tenzing Norgay, Tibetan climber (Mount Everest 1953), dies at 71
05/09/1987 Obafemi Awolowo, Nigeria, pres of Nigeria (1979-83), dies at 78
05/09/1989 Keith Whitley, country singer (Don't Close Your Eyes), dies at 33
05/09/1989 Paul J Steenbergen, actor (Ciske de Rat), dies at 82
05/09/1990 Luigi Nono, Ital composer (Intolleranza), dies at 66
05/09/1990 Pauline Frederick, 1st women to moderate Pres debate, dies at 84
05/09/1991 James L Reinsch, media-advisor (Roosevelt/Churchill/Kennedy), dies
05/09/1991 Ronnie Brody, British actor, dies
05/09/1991 Rudolf Serkin, Bohemian/US pianist, dies
05/09/1992 Mike Tyrell [Red Baron], British air acrobat, dies in an accident
05/09/1993 Lady Freya Stark, English author (Sunday Bloody Sunday), dies at 61
05/09/1993 Penelope Gilliatt [Conner], British author

Significant Events:

05/09/1002 After trailing 9-0, St Louis Cards beat Atlanta Braves 12-11
05/09/1092 Lincoln Cathedral consecrated
05/09/1336 Italian poet Francesco Petrarca climbs Mont Ventoux
05/09/1386 Treaty of Windsor between Portugal-England
05/09/1460 Court yard episcopal palace Atrecht has witch burnings
05/09/1502 Columbus left Spain on his 4th & final trip to New World
05/09/1671 Col Thomas Blood attempts to steal Crown Jewels
05/09/1689 English King Willem III declares war on France
05/09/1754 1st newspaper cartoon in America-divided snake 'Join or die'
05/09/1785 Joseph Bramah receives British patent for beer pump handles
05/09/1836 HMS Beagle with Charles Darwin departs Port Louis, Mauritius
05/09/1837 'Sherrod' burns in Mississipi River below Natchez Miss; 175 dies
05/09/1846 Battle of Resaca de la Palma-US sends Mexico back to Rio Grande
05/09/1862 Battle of Farmington, MS
05/09/1862 Battle of Ft Pickens, FL (Pensacola), evacuated by CS
05/09/1862 US Naval Academy relocated from Annapolis MD to Newport, RI
05/09/1864 -20] Skermish at Ware Bottom Church, Virginia
05/09/1864 Battle of Cloyd's Mt, & Swift Creek, VA (Drewery's Bluff, Ft Darling

05/09/1864 Battle of Dalton, GA
05/09/1864 Ship battle at Helgoland, Austria-Denmark
05/09/1874 Victoria Embankment, in London opens
05/09/1882 Telegraph Hill RR Co organized
05/09/1896 1st horseless carriage show in London (featured 10 models)
05/09/1901 Cleve's Earl Moore no-hits Chic White Sox 9 inn but loses in 10th 4-

05/09/1905 M Wolf discovers asteroid #565 Marbachia
05/09/1905 P Gotz discovers asteroid #564 Dudu
05/09/1908 Dirk Fock becomes governor of Suriname
05/09/1911 Fire breaks out at Empire Theater in Edinburgh Scotland
05/09/1913 17th amendment provides for election of senators by popular vote
05/09/1914 Pres Wilson proclaims Mother's Day
05/09/1915 German & French fight Battle of Artois
05/09/1916 British-France Sykes-Picot meet over division of Turkey
05/09/1917 R Schorr discovers asteroid #869 Mellena
05/09/1925 Cornerstone for Hebrew University, Jerusalem laid
05/09/1926 Richard Byrd & Floyd Bennett make 1st flight over North Pole
05/09/1927 Australian Parliament 1st convenes in new capital, Canberra
05/09/1929 NY Giant Carl Hubbell no-hits Pitts Pirates
05/09/1929 WJW-AM in Cleveland Ohio begins radio transmissions
05/09/1930 Gallant Fox wins 55th Preakness Stakes en route to triple crown
05/09/1932 Burgoo King wins Preakness Stakes
05/09/1932 Piccadilly Circus, 1st lit by electricity
05/09/1932 WOC-AM in Davenport Iowa merges with WHO to become WHO-WOC
05/09/1933 Spanish anarchists call for general strike
05/09/1936 1st KLM airplane to land on Bonaire
05/09/1936 Italy takes Addis Abba, annexing Absynnia (Ethiopia)
05/09/1937 Reds beat Phillies 21-10 (Ernie Lombardi goes 6 for 6)
05/09/1941 English Army breaks German spy codes
05/09/1942 Alsab wins Preakness Stakes
05/09/1943 Rotschild-Haddassh University Hospital opens
05/09/1944 1st eye bank opens (NYC)
05/09/1944 Country singer Jimmie Davis becomes governor of Louisiana
05/09/1944 Dutch resistance fighter Gerard Musch arrested
05/09/1944 Russians recapture Crimea by taking Sevastopol
05/09/1945 Czechoslovakia liberated from Nazi occupation (Natl Day)
05/09/1945 Jersey liberated from nazis
05/09/1945 Victory celebration at Red Square
05/09/1946 1st hour long entertainment TV show, 'NBC's Hour Glass' premieres
05/09/1946 1st variety show on TV 'NBC's Hour Glass,' premieres
05/09/1946 King Victor Emmanuel II of Italy abdicates, replaced by Umberto
05/09/1949 Britain's 1st launderette opens in Queensway London
05/09/1949 Prince Rainier III becomes leader of Monaco
05/09/1950 French Foreign min Robert Schuman calls for European community EGKS
05/09/1950 Robert Schuman announces Schuman Plan for European integration
05/09/1951 Air raid on Chinese positions at Yalu River
05/09/1955 German Federal Republic joins NATO
05/09/1958 Botvinnik recaptures world chess championship
05/09/1960 Nigeria becomes a member of British Commonwealth
05/09/1960 US send U-2 over USSR
05/09/1961 Balt Oriole Jim Gentile hits 2 grand slams (9 RBIs) vs Minn Twins
05/09/1961 FCC Chairman Newton N Minow criticizes TV as a 'vast wasteland'
05/09/1962 Beatles sign their 1st contract with EMI Pstlophone
05/09/1962 Laser beam successfully bounced off Moon for 1st time
05/09/1964 Khrushchev visits Egypt
05/09/1964 Peter & Gordon release 'World Without Love'
05/09/1965 Beatles attend a Bob Dylan concert
05/09/1965 Luna 5 launched (USSR) 1st attempt to soft land on Moon. (fails)
05/09/1966 3rd Chinese atom bomb explodes
05/09/1967 1st flight of Fokker F-28 Fellowship
05/09/1967 Gijsbert van Hall resigns as mayor of Amsterdam
05/09/1970 100,000s demonstrate against Vietnam War
05/09/1971 Friends of Earth return 1500 non-returnable bottles to Schweppes
05/09/1971 Largest walk in crowd (31,626) in Balt Oriole history
05/09/1972 T Smirnova discovers asteroids #1903 Adzhimushkaj & #1904 Massevitch

05/09/1973 For 2nd time, Johnny Bench hits 3 HRs in a game
05/09/1974 House Judiciary Committee begin formal hearings on Nixon impeachment

05/09/1975 Brian Oldfield shot puts 22.86 m (world record)
05/09/1975 Flyers 1-Isles 5-Semifinals-Flyers hold 3-2 lead
05/09/1977 Hotel Poland in Amsterdam destroyed by fire, 33 killed
05/09/1977 Mabel Murphy Smythe confirmed as ambassador to Rep of Cameroon
05/09/1977 Patty Hearst let out of jail
05/09/1978 Corpse of kidnapped ex-premier Aldo Moro found
05/09/1978 Fee Waybill of Tubes breaks a leg falling off stage
05/09/1978 PSV beats Bastica, 3-0, to win UEFA Cup in Eindhoven Neth
05/09/1979 US & USSR sign Salt 2 treaty, limiting nuclear weapons
05/09/1980 35 motorists die as a Liberian freighter rams a Tampa Bay Bridge
05/09/1981 Kazimiroff Blvd in Bronx named for a Bronx historian
05/09/1983 S Sei discovers asteroid #2909 Hoshi-no-ie
05/09/1984 Alexander Calder's 'Big Crinkly' sells for $852,000
05/09/1987 183 die aboard a Polish jetliner that crashes in Warsaw
05/09/1987 Actor Tom Cruise (27) & actress Mimi Rogers (33), marry
05/09/1987 Oriole Eddie Murray is 1st to switch hit HRs in 2 consecutive games
05/09/1988 Australia's new parliment house is opened by Queen Elizabeth
05/09/1988 Belgium: 8th govt of Martens forms
05/09/1989 Journalist petition Chinese govt for freedom of press
05/09/1989 NY Mets Kevin Elster, errors after 88 errorless games at shortstop
05/09/1990 NY Newsday reporter Jimmy Breslin suspended for a racial slur
05/09/1991 Italian actress Laura Antonelli found guilty of cocaine possession
05/09/1991 Michael Landon appears on Tonight Show to talk about his cancer
05/09/1992 America Cup finals begin in San Diego
05/09/1992 Final episode of 'Golden Girls' airs on NBC-TV
05/09/1992 Michelle McLean, 19, of Namibia, crowned Miss Universe
05/09/1993 Landslide in Nambija Ecuador, kills 300
05/09/1994 Mass murderer Joel Rifkind found guilty in NY

Robert Wolfe

May 18, 2021, 5:35:27 AM5/18/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque

Robert Wolfe

May 19, 2021, 5:40:19 PM5/19/21

Robert Wolfe

May 20, 2021, 7:40:12 AM5/20/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


05/20/1364 Henry Percy, [Harry Hotspur], British soldier/politican
05/20/1470 Pietro Bembo, cardinal/theologian
05/20/1537 Hieronymus Fabricius Ab, Aquapend Italy, physician (De Formato Foetu

05/20/1547 Melchior Bischoff, composer
05/20/1554 Paulo Bellasio, composer
05/20/1593 Jacob Jordaens, Flemish barok artist
05/20/1743 [François D] Toussaint L'Ouverture, (ů Breda), leader (Haiti)
05/20/1750 Stephen Girard, bailed out US bonds during War of 1812
05/20/1754 Hans Gram, composer
05/20/1759 William Thornton, architect (Capitol building, Wash DC)
05/20/1764 J Gottfried Schadow, German sculptor/cartoonist/lithographer
05/20/1768 Dolley Dandridge Payne Madison, 1st lady (1809-17)
05/20/1772 William Congreve, English officer (design fire rocket)
05/20/1799 Honoré de Balzac, France, novelist (Pere Goriot, Human Comedy)
05/20/1806 John Stuart Mill, UK, philosopher/political economist/Utilitarian
05/20/1812 Gustav Adolf Mankell, composer
05/20/1815 Barthélémy Menn, Swiss graphic artist/painter
05/20/1818 William George Fargo, founder (Wells Fargo)
05/20/1822 Emile Erckmann, [E-Chatrian], French writer (Waterloo)
05/20/1822 Frédéric Passy, French economist/pacifist (Nobel 1901)
05/20/1828 James William Reilly, Brig General (Union volunteers), died in 1905
05/20/1830 Amalia Mdga, princess of Saxon-Weimar-Eisenach/wife of prince Henry
05/20/1830 Hector H Malot, French writer (Without Family, Alleen on de world)
05/20/1841 Sara Louisa Oberholtz, social reformer, anti-smoking advocate
05/20/1844 Henri Julien Felix Rousseau, French painter (Dream)
05/20/1850 Eaton Faning, composer
05/20/1851 Emile Berliner, Germany, inventor (flat phonograph record)
05/20/1851 Rose Hawthorne Lathrop, US, nun/daughter of Nathaniel Hawthorne
05/20/1872 Albert Steinrück, German actor (Golem)
05/20/1874 Folkert E Posthuma, minister of Agriculture/Industry
05/20/1876 John Owen Jones, composer
05/20/1881 Wladyslaw Sikorski, premier Poland
05/20/1882 Sigrid Undset, Norway, novelist (Kristin Lavransdatter, Nobel 1928)
05/20/1889 Felix Arndt, composer
05/20/1889 Margery Allingham, detective story writer
05/20/1889 William Lawther, union leader
05/20/1890 Beniamino Gigli, Italy, tenor (Enzo-La Gioconde)
05/20/1894 Adela Rogers St John, journalist/author (Foreign Correspondant)
05/20/1899 Estelle Taylor, US, actress (8 Commandments)
05/20/1899 John M Harlan, Chicago, 91st Supreme Court justice (1955-71)
05/20/1901 Max Euwe, Netherlands, world chess champion (1935-37)
05/20/1903 Jerzy Fitelberg, composer
05/20/1905 Harry Campion, founder (British Central Statistical Office)
05/20/1908 Jimmy Stewart, PA, actor (Mr Smith Goes to Wash, Wonderful Life)
05/20/1909 John Arkell, director of BBC administration
05/20/1911 Annie Schmidt, writer (Fam Doorsnee/Jip & Janneke)
05/20/1911 Gardner F[rancis] Fox, US, sci-fi author (Kothar-Barbarian Swordsman

05/20/1912 Joseph Proce, 3rd victim of NYC's Zodiac killer (survives)
05/20/1913 Henry Cadbury Brown, architect
05/20/1913 Ion Dumitrescu, composer
05/20/1913 William Hewlett, cofounder of Hewlett-Packard Co
05/20/1915 Moshe Dayan, Israeli general/minister of Defense
05/20/1915 Peter Copley, actor (Victim, King & Country)
05/20/1916 John McIntyre, theologian
05/20/1916 Owen Chadwick, chancellor (U of East Anglia)
05/20/1917 Enyss Djemil, composer
05/20/1917 Richard Cobb, historian
05/20/1919 George Gobel, Chicago Ill, comedian/TV personality (I Love My Wife)
05/20/1920 Betty Driver, actress (Penny Paradise)
05/20/1920 John Cruickshank, banker
05/20/1920 William Simpson, British trade union leader
05/20/1921 John Harrison, Vice admiral british/surgeon
05/20/1921 John Marchi, (Rep-R-NY)
05/20/1922 Clifford Butler, vice chancellor (Loughborough University of Technol

05/20/1923 Edith Fellows, Boston, actress (Pennies From Heaven, City Streets)
05/20/1923 Hugh Beach, General British
05/20/1924 Peter Shore, MP/labour minister
05/20/1925 D French Slaughter Jr, (Rep-R-VA, 1985- )
05/20/1926 David Hedison, Providence RI, actor (Colbys, Voyage to Bottom of Sea

05/20/1927 Bud Grant, Wisc, CFL/NFL player/coach (Winnipeg, Minnesota)
05/20/1927 David Frederick Barlow, composer
05/20/1927 Walter Aschaffenburg, composer
05/20/1928 David Berriman, CEO (Rose Thomson Young group of Lloyds trustees
05/20/1929 André Carolus Cirino, Suriname/Indian poet
05/20/1929 David Hedison, [Ara Heditsian], Providence RI, actor (Licence to Kil

05/20/1930 James McEachin, Pennert NC, actor (Harry-Tenafly)
05/20/1930 Robert Bunyard, Commandant (British Police Staff College)
05/20/1931 Chiharu Igaya, Japan, slalom (Olympic-silver-1956)
05/20/1933 Constance Towers, actress (Capitol, Shock Corrider, Naked Kiss)
05/20/1933 Danny Aiello, actor (Moonstruck, Do the Right Thing)
05/20/1936 Anthony Zerbe, US, actor (Papillon, They Call Me Mr Tibbs)
05/20/1937 Earl of Iveagh, pres (Guiness Pics)
05/20/1938 Alan Smithers, British professor
05/20/1938 Christina Bass-Kaiser, 3K spped skater (Olympic-gold-1972)
05/20/1940 Sadaharu Oh, of Yomiuri Giants (Japan), hit 868 career HR
05/20/1941 Goh Chok Sole, premier of Singapore (1990- )
05/20/1941 Maria Liberia-Peters, premier of Dutch Antilles (-1993)
05/20/1942 Lynn Davies, long jumper
05/20/1942 Paula, [Jill Jackson], Tx, singer (Hey Paula)
05/20/1943 Deryck Murray, cricket Manager (West Indies team)
05/20/1943 Ian Vallance, CEO (British Telecom)
05/20/1943 Tison Street, composer
05/20/1944 Boudewijn de Groot, Dutch singer (Good night mister president)
05/20/1944 Cipa Dichter, Rio de Janeiro Brazil, pianist/wife of Misha Dichter
05/20/1944 David M Walker, Columbus Ga, Capt USN/astron (STS 51-A 30, sk:STS-44

05/20/1944 Joe Cocker, England, rock musician (You are so Beautiful to me)
05/20/1944 Keith Fletcher, cricket captain (Essex & England)
05/20/1945 Harold E Ford, (Rep-D-TN, 1975- )
05/20/1945 Lord Hollick, CEO (MAI)
05/20/1945 Nikolai Nikolayevich Fefelov, Russia, colonel/cosmonaut
05/20/1945 Wally Herger, (Rep-R-California)
05/20/1946 Bakhaavaa Buidaa, Mongolia, wrestler (Oly-silver-1972) disqualified
05/20/1946 Cher Bono, Cal, rocker/actress (I Got You Babe, Jack Lalane, Mask)
05/20/1948 Dave Thomas, St Catherines Ontario, comedian (SCTV)
05/20/1948 John R McKernan Jr, (Rep-R-ME, 1983-86/Gov-Maine)
05/20/1948 Samuel Gejdenson, (Rep-D-Connecticut, 1981- )
05/20/1949 Nick Joe Rahall II, (Rep-D-WV, 1977- )
05/20/1951 Michael D Crapo, (Rep-R-Idaho)
05/20/1951 Thomas D 'Tom' Akers, St Louis, Major USAF/astronaut (STS 41, 49, 61

05/20/1951 William Cullen Bryant, actor (Hell Squad)
05/20/1952 Warren Cann, rocker (Ultravox)
05/20/1954 James Henderson, country singer (Black Oak Arkansas)
05/20/1955 Nigel Griffiths, labour MP
05/20/1955 Steve George, rocker (Mr Mister)
05/20/1958 Jane Wiedlin, Wisc, singer/guitarist (GoGos, Fur, Rush Hour)
05/20/1958 Ronald Prescot Reagan Jr, Pres son/TV host (Ron Reagon Show)
05/20/1959 Bronson Pinchot, NYC, actor (Perfect Strangers, Beverly Hills Cop)
05/20/1960 John Cowsill, rock vocalist (Cowsills-Hair)
05/20/1961 Kit Clarke, rocker (Danny Wilson-Mary's Prayer)
05/20/1961 Nick Heyward, guitar/vocals (Haircut 100-Favourite Shirts)
05/20/1962 Lydia Cheng, NYC, Ms Big Apple bodybuilder (1982) (Pumping Iron 2)
05/20/1962 Sylvie Rauch, Munich German FR, nude model
05/20/1963 Brian Nash, Glendale Calif, actor (Joel-Please Don't Eat Daisies)
05/20/1964 Earl Spencer
05/20/1964 Joseph Sinnott Edwards, Chicago, murderer (FBI Most Wanted List)
05/20/1965 Fia Porter, Mexia Tx, actress (Audrey Ames-One Life to Live)
05/20/1966 Mindy Cohn, LA, actress (Facts of Life)
05/20/1969 Suzanne Lawrence, Humble Texas, Miss Texas-America (1991) (4th)


05/20/1277 John XXI, [Petrus Juliani/Hispanus], Port Pope (1276-77), dies
05/20/1444 Bernardinus van Siena, Italian saint, dies at 63
05/20/1449 Peter, Prince/regent of Portugal/writer (Virtuosa Benfeitoria), dies

05/20/1471 Henry VI, king of England (1422-61, 70-71)/France (1431-71), dies
05/20/1506 Christopher Colombus, explorer, dies in poverty, in Spain at 55
05/20/1597 Matthśs Heldt, dies in battle
05/20/1622 Osman II, sultan of Turkey (1618-22), dies
05/20/1648 Wladyslaw IV Wasa, King of Poland, dies
05/20/1650 Francesco Sacrati, composer, dies at 44
05/20/1669 Joris van der Hagen, landscape painter, dies
05/20/1751 Domingo Miguel Bernaube Terradellas, composer, dies at 38
05/20/1782 Carlo Giovanni Testori, composer, dies at 68
05/20/1782 Christoph Gottlieb Schroter, composer, dies at 82
05/20/1834 Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert de Motier, nobleman, 1834, dies
05/20/1834 Marquis de Lafayette, French general, dies
05/20/1841 Joseph Blanco White, theological writert, dies
05/20/1847 Mary Lamb, writer, dies
05/20/1864 John Clare, English poet (Little Trotty Wagtail), dies at 70
05/20/1875 Amalia, wife of King Otto of Greece, dies at 58
05/20/1876 Harold, grandson of English queen Victoria, dies at 8 days old
05/20/1876 Khristo Botev, Bulgarian poet, dies
05/20/1883 William Chambers, author/publisher, dies
05/20/1896 Clara Josephine Wieck Schumann, composer/pianist, dies at 76
05/20/1900 Gustav Heinrich Graben-Hoffman, composer, dies at 80
05/20/1910 Jean-Baptiste Theodore Weckerlin, composer, dies at 88
05/20/1919 Jacob Verdam, philospher, dies
05/20/1923 Hans Goldschmidt, German chemist, dies
05/20/1935 Ivans, [Jacob van Schevichaven], lawyer/detective writer, dies at 68

05/20/1939 Joe Carr, NFL hall of famer/NFL president (1921-39), dies at 59
05/20/1940 Joris [Georges) of Severen, Flemish fascist/Member of parliament, di

05/20/1956 André Eugene Maurice Charlot, actor (Summer Storm), dies
05/20/1956 Max Beerbohm, caricturist/writer (Yet Again), dies
05/20/1968 Kees van Dongen, Dutch/French painter, dies at 91
05/20/1972 Cornelis J van der Klauw, biologist/zoologist, dies at 78
05/20/1972 Walter Winchell, columnist/narrator (Untouchables), dies at 75
05/20/1975 Barbara Hepworth, sculptor, dies
05/20/1975 Jacques Stehman, composer, dies at 62
05/20/1984 Peter Bull, British actor (Dr Doolittle), dies of a heart attack at

05/20/1985 George Memmoli, actor (Earl-Hello Larry), dies at 46
05/20/1986 Bernard Naylor, composer, dies at 78
05/20/1986 Willem Pée, Belgian linguistic, dies at 83
05/20/1989 Gilda Radner, comedienne (Sat Night Live), dies at 42 of cancer
05/20/1989 John R Hicks, English economist (Nobel 1972), dies
05/20/1991 Julian Orbon De Soto, composer, dies at 65

Significant Events:

05/20/ 325 1st Christian ecumenical council opens at NicĹa, Asia Minor
05/20/ 526 Earthquake kills 250,000 in Antioch, Syria
05/20/1293 Earthquake strikes Kamakura Japan, 30,000 killed
05/20/1347 Rienzo calls Rome for people's tribunal
05/20/1498 Vasco da Gama, navigator arrives at Calcutta India
05/20/1501 Joao da Nova Castell discovers Ascension Islands
05/20/1570 Egidius Coppens publishes Abraham Ortelius' 'Theatrum Orbis Terrarum

05/20/1591 Spanish troops in Zutphen surrenders to Willem Louis/Mauritius
05/20/1631 German army under earl Johann Tilly conquerors Maagdenburg
05/20/1690 England passes Act of Grace, forgiving followers of James II
05/20/1704 Elias Neau forms school for slaves in NY
05/20/1774 Britain gives Québec, Labrador & territory north of Ohio
05/20/1775 Citizens of Mecklenburg County, NC declare independence of Britain
05/20/1784 England & Netherlands signs peace treaty (Peace of Paris)
05/20/1825 Charles X becomes King of France
05/20/1830 1st railroad timetable published in newspaper (Baltimore American)
05/20/1845 1st legislative assembly convenes in Hawaii
05/20/1861 Cornerstone of University of Washington laid in Seattle
05/20/1861 Kentucky proclaims its neutrality in Civil War
05/20/1861 North Carolina becomes 11th & last state to secede from Union
05/20/1862 Homestead Act provides cheap land for settlement of West
05/20/1864 Battle at Ware Bottom Church, Virginia, 1,400 killed or injured
05/20/1867 Brit parliament rejects John Stuart Mills law on women sufferage
05/20/1867 Royal Albert Hall foundation laid
05/20/1868 Republican National Convention, meets in Chicago, nominates Grant
05/20/1874 Levi Strauss markets blue jeans with copper rivets, price $13.50 doz

05/20/1875 Intl Bureau of Weights & Measures established by treaty
05/20/1890 A Charlois discovers asteroid #293 Brasilia
05/20/1900 2nd modern Olympic games opens in Paris (lasted 5 months)
05/20/1902 US military occupation of Cuba (since Jan 1, 1899) ends
05/20/1903 R S Dugan discovers asteroid #510 Mabella
05/20/1910 Funeral for Britian's King Edward VII
05/20/1915 Bataafsche Petroleum Me begins oil extraction of Maracaibo
05/20/1916 Codell, Kansas hit by tornado (also on same date in 1917 & 1918)
05/20/1918 1st electrically propelled warship (New México)
05/20/1919 Volcano Keluit on Java, erupts killing 550
05/20/1923 Stanley Baldwin, becomes PM of UK
05/20/1926 Belgian govt of Jaspar takes power
05/20/1926 Thomas Edison says Americans prefer silent movies over talkies
05/20/1927 At 7:40 AM, Lindbergh takes off from NY to cross Atlantic for Paris
05/20/1927 Great Britain via treaty grants Saudi Arabia's kingdom independent
05/20/1927 Saudi Arabia becomes independent (Treaty of Jedda)
05/20/1930 1st airplane catapulted from a dirigible, Charles Nicholson, pilot
05/20/1932 Amelia Earhart leaves Newfoundland 1st woman fly solo across Atlanti

05/20/1932 Engelbert Dollfuss becomes chancellor of Austria
05/20/1939 Pan Am begins transatlantic passenger & air mail service
05/20/1940 Gen Guderians tanks reach The Channel (British expeditionary army)
05/20/1940 Trailing 7-1 in 9th to Pitts, Phils win 8-7
05/20/1941 Archer's 'Christian Calendar & Gregorian Reform' published
05/20/1941 Former Dutch premier Colijn says Neth Indie not ready for independen

05/20/1941 Germany invades Crete
05/20/1944 US Communist Party dissolved
05/20/1948 1st use of Israeli Air Force & 1st war victory, defeating Syrian arm

05/20/1950 Hill Prince wins Preakness
05/20/1954 Chang Kai-shek becomes president of Nationalist China
05/20/1955 Argentine parliament accepts separation of church & state
05/20/1956 Atomic fusion (thermonuclear) bomb dropped from plane-Bikini Atoll
05/20/1959 Shah of Persia visits Netherlands
05/20/1959 Yanks sink to last place, 1st time since May 25, 1940
05/20/1960 Baseball game in Milwaukee postponed due to dense fog
05/20/1961 Mauritania adopts constitution
05/20/1961 White mob attacks 'Freedom Riders' in Montgomery, Alabama
05/20/1963 Sukarno appointed president of Indonesia
05/20/1964 Buster Mathis defeats Joe Frazer to qualify for US Olympic team
05/20/1965 Pakistani Boeing 720-B crashes at Cairo Egypt, killing 121
05/20/1967 10,000 demonstrate against war in Vietnam
05/20/1967 BBC bans Beatle's 'A Day in the Life' (drug references)
05/20/1967 Damascus wins Preakness
05/20/1969 US troop march into Hill 937/Hamburger Hill Vietnam
05/20/1970 100,000 march in NY supporting US policies in Vietnam
05/20/1970 2 die in a NYC subway accident
05/20/1970 Beatles' 'Let it Be' movie premieres in UK
05/20/1971 Pentagon reports blacks constitute 11% of US soldiers in SE Asia
05/20/1972 Affirmed wins Preakness
05/20/1972 Cameroon adopts its constitution
05/20/1972 Indiana Pacers beat NY Nets in 5th ABA championship, 4 games to 2
05/20/1972 Republic of Cameroon declared as constitution is ratified
05/20/1974 Soyuz 14 returns to Earth
05/20/1977 'Beatlemania' opens on Broadway
05/20/1978 3 PFLP members kill a cop near El Al airlines in Orly Airport, Paris

05/20/1978 Steve Cauthen on Affirmed wins 103rd Preakness Stakes (1:54.4)
05/20/1978 US launches Pioneer Venus 1; produces 1st global radar map of Venus
05/20/1979 1st western pop star to tour USSR-Elton John
05/20/1980 Drummer Peter Criss quits Kiss
05/20/1980 Fire in nursing home in Kingston Jamaica, kills 157
05/20/1980 In a referendum, 59.5% of Québec voters reject separatism
05/20/1985 1150 Lebanese/Palestinian prisoners exchanged for 3 Israelis
05/20/1985 Dow Jones industrial avg closes above 1300 for 1st time
05/20/1985 FBI arrests John A Walker Jr, convicted of spying for USSR
05/20/1985 Larry Holmes wins a decision over Carl Williams
05/20/1985 US began broadcasts to Cuba on Radio Marti
05/20/1987 Wrestler Jerry Lawler sues WWF & Harley Race for trademark name 'kin

05/20/1988 Mike Schmidt hits his 535th HR, moving into 8th place
05/20/1989 China declares martial law in Beijing
05/20/1989 Walter McConnel, 57, is oldest to reach 27,000' Mt Everest top
05/20/1992 India launches its 1st satelite independently
05/20/1993 274th & final 'Cheers' on NBC
05/20/1993 Ukraine Premier Leonid Koetsjma resigns
05/20/1993 ap. 10 m meteor comes within 150,000 km of Earth (1993KA)
05/20/1994 Miss India (Sushmita Sen) selected Miss Universe
05/20/1994 Sony Theaters & Cineplex (NYC) hike movie ticket prices to $8.00

Robert Wolfe

May 21, 2021, 7:43:15 AM5/21/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


05/21/ 427 -BC- Plato, [Aristocles], Athens(?), Greek philosopher (Politeia)
05/21/1471 Albrecht Dürer, Nürnberg Germany, Renaissance painter/print maker
05/21/1527 Philip II, King of Spain (1556-98) & Portugal (1580-98)
05/21/1633 Joseph de La Barre, composer
05/21/1671 Azzolino Bernardino Della Ciaia, composer
05/21/1680 Frederich Karl Erbach, composer
05/21/1688 Alexander Pope, England, poet (Rape of the Lock)
05/21/1720 Antonio Corbisiero, composer
05/21/1722 Wilhelm Gottfried Enderle, composer
05/21/1775 Lucien Bonaparte, prince of Canino/Musignano
05/21/1780 Elizabeth Fry, Quaker minister/prison reformer/nurse
05/21/1796 Reverdy Johnson, rep (Union), died in 1876
05/21/1808 Gérard de Nerval, [Labrunie], French poet/writer (Sylvia)
05/21/1821 John F Loudon, entrepreneur/colonial director
05/21/1822 Dabney Herndon Maury, Major General (Confederate Army), died in 1900

05/21/1822 Mosby Monroe Parsons, Brig General (Confederate Army) died in 1865
05/21/1825 George Lafayette Beal, Bvt Major General (Union volunteers)
05/21/1826 Danillo II, ruler of Montenegro
05/21/1834 Charles-Albert Gobat, Switz, politician/lawyer/author (Nobel 1902)
05/21/1835 Newton Martin Curtis, Bvt Major General (Union volunteers)
05/21/1841 Joseph Parry, composer
05/21/1843 Louis Renault, French lawyer
05/21/1844 Henri 'le Douanier' Rousseau, French ambassador/painter
05/21/1851 Léon Bourgeois, France, politician, internationalist (Nobel 1920)
05/21/1855 Emile A G Verhaeren, Belgian poet/writer (Les Flammes Hautes)
05/21/1858 José Battle Ordonez, Uruguay, politician
05/21/1860 Willam Einthoven, inventor (electrocardiograph)
05/21/1865 C J Thomsen, Denmark, archaeologist, named Stone/Iron/Bronze Ages
05/21/1867 Marie Joseph Leon Desire Paque, composer
05/21/1872 Henry Warren, Boston Mass, inventor (Telechon electric clock)
05/21/1873 Emil Ermatinger, Switz, literature historian
05/21/1878 Glenn Hammond Curtiss, US, inventor (hydroplane)
05/21/1878 Louis L H de Visser, Dutch 2nd Chamber member (CPN)
05/21/1880 Pablo Luna y Carne, composer
05/21/1888 May Aufderheide, composer
05/21/1892 John Peale Bishop, US poet (This Side of Paradise)
05/21/1898 Armand Hammer, NYC, millionaire industrialist (Occidental Petroleum)

05/21/1898 Charles Hába, Czech violinist/composer
05/21/1898 Karel Haba, composer
05/21/1899 Ralph Sanford, Springfield Mass, actor (Life & Legend of Wyatt Earp)

05/21/1901 Horace Heidt, Alameda Calif, orch leader (Swift Show Wagon)
05/21/1901 Suzanne Lilar, [Verbist], France/Belgian writer (Le burlador)
05/21/1903 Ali Sastroamidjojo, Indonesian attorney/minister/premier (1953..7)
05/21/1903 Manly Wade Wellman, Angola, sci-fi author (After Dark, Devil's Plane

05/21/1903 Pedro Aramburu, president Argentina
05/21/1904 (Thomas) Fast Waller, Jazz pianist/composer
05/21/1904 Fats Waller, jazz pianist, composer (Ain't Misbehavin')
05/21/1904 Robert Montgomery, Beacon NY, actor/dir (Earl of Chicago, Yellow Jac

05/21/1904 Thomas 'Fats' Waller, US jazz pianist (Honeysuckle Rose)
05/21/1905 Edward Lockspeiser, composer
05/21/1909 Guy de Rothschild, banker
05/21/1911 André Renard, Belgian worker's union leader (Syndical Unifié)
05/21/1916 Harold Robbins, author (Moneychangers, Carpetbaggers)
05/21/1916 Helen Willis Moody Roark, tennis player (US Open 1923-25, 27-29, 31)

05/21/1916 Leonard Manasseh, architect
05/21/1917 Dennis Day, NYC, singer/actor (Jack Benny Show)
05/21/1917 Jean-Louis Curtis, French writer (Just Causes)
05/21/1917 Raymond Burr, Canada, actor (Perry Mason, Ironsides, Godzilla)
05/21/1918 Leonard Mullens, rubber physicist
05/21/1919 Lord Maxwell, College of Justice (Scotland)/senator
05/21/1919 Mark Wood, bishop of Ludlow
05/21/1920 Anthony Steel, London, actor (Malta Story, Wooden Horse)
05/21/1921 Andrei Sakharov, Moscow, physicist, human rights worker (Nobel '75)
05/21/1924 Peggy Cass, TV panelist, actress (To Tell the Truth)
05/21/1924 Robert Parris, Philadelphia, composer (Book of Imaginery Beings)
05/21/1926 Dan Perlsweig, horse trainer
05/21/1926 Joseph Horovitz, composer
05/21/1926 Rick Jason, NYC, actor (Day of the Wolves, Eagles Attack at Dawn)
05/21/1926 Robert Creeley, Mass, poet/novelist (Island)
05/21/1927 Kay Kendall, Yorkshire England, actress (Genevieve, Les Girls)
05/21/1929 Charles Wadsworth, Barnesville Georgia, pianist (Lincoln Center)
05/21/1929 Robert Welch, designer/silversmith
05/21/1930 David Smith, principal/vice chancellor (Edinburgh University)
05/21/1930 Malcolm Fraser, PM of Australia
05/21/1930 Stanley Wells, director (Shakespeare Institute U of Birmingham)
05/21/1931 Desmond Wilcox, broadcaster
05/21/1931 George Vassiliou, president of Cyprus (1988- )
05/21/1932 John Armitage, principal (College of St Hilda & St Bede Durham)
05/21/1932 Robert Sherlaw Johnson, composer
05/21/1933 Barry Norman, Britain, film critic (Film Greats)
05/21/1934 Phillip King, British sculptor
05/21/1935 Terry Lightfoot, clarinetist/bandleader
05/21/1936 Ama Samy, Burma, Jesuit priest/Zen teacher/disciple of Yamada Koun
05/21/1936 Dipak Nandy, founder (Runnymead Trust)
05/21/1937 Marsha Grant, NYC, XXX actress (Naughty Blue Knickers)
05/21/1938 David Groh, Bkln NY, actor (Joe-Rhoda, Don-Another Day)
05/21/1939 Heinz Holliger, composer
05/21/1941 Anatoli Semyonovich Levchenko, USSR, cosmonaut (TM-4)
05/21/1941 Ronald Isley, singer (Isley Brothers-Twist & Shout)
05/21/1942 David Hunt, Wales sec of state
05/21/1942 Robert C Springer, St Louis, Col USMC/astronaut (STS-29, STS-38)
05/21/1943 Hilton Valentine, rocker (Animals-House of the Rising Sun)
05/21/1944 Janet Dailey, US, author
05/21/1944 Mary Robinson, pres of Republic of Ireland
05/21/1944 Mike Degett, horse trainer
05/21/1945 Ernst Messersclmid, Reutlingen Germany, astronaut (STS 22)
05/21/1947 Richard Hatch, Santa Monica Calif, actor (Battlestar Galactica)
05/21/1948 Leo Sayer, [Gerard], England, singer (When I Need Love)
05/21/1949 Andrew Nell, editor (Sunday Times)
05/21/1949 Arno Hintjens, Belgian singer (T C Matic)
05/21/1949 Rosalind Plowright, soprano
05/21/1952 Mr T, [Lawrence Tero], Chicago, actor (A-Team, Rocky III, T & T)
05/21/1954 Marina Langner, Dusseldorf Germany, Miss World runner-up (1975)
05/21/1955 John Galvin, rocker (Molly Hatchet)
05/21/1955 Stan Lynch, rocker (Tommy Petty & Heartbreakers)
05/21/1957 Judge Reinhold, actor (Fast Times at Ridgemont High)
05/21/1957 Sue Woodstra, Colton Ca, volleyball player (Olympic-silver-1984)
05/21/1958 Mike Barson, rocker (Madness)
05/21/1959 Nick Cassavetés, actor (Rosemary's Baby, Quiet Cool)
05/21/1961 Tim Lever, keyboard/sax (Dead or Alive-You Spin Me Round)
05/21/1963 Yelena Vodorezova, USSR, figure skater (Olympic-1976)
05/21/1964 Annabel Schofield, Wales, actress (Laurel Ellis-Dallas)
05/21/1972 Alesha Oreskovich, Tampa FL, playmate (Jun, 1993)


05/21/ 987 Louis V, last Carlovingians King of France (966-987), dies
05/21/1481 Christian I, king of Denmark/Norway/Sweden, dies
05/21/1542 Hernando de Soto, dies while searching for gold, near Mississippi R
05/21/1639 Giovan D 'Tommaso' Campanella, Italian philosopher/poet, dies at 70
05/21/1647 Pieter Corneliszoon Hooft, poet/playwright (Warenar), dies at about

05/21/1650 James G, Marquis of Montrose, Scottish general, hanged
05/21/1703 Roemer Vlacq, Dutch admiral, dies in battle
05/21/1786 Carl W Scheele, Swedish pharmacist/chemist, dies at 43
05/21/1790 Thomas Warton, English poet (Oxford sausage), dies
05/21/1810 Charles GLAAT chevalier d'Eon de Beaumont, French spy, dies at 81
05/21/1812 Joseph Wolfl, composer, dies at 38
05/21/1815 Roman Hoffstetter, composer, dies at 73
05/21/1817 Johann Friedrich Christmann, composer, dies at 64
05/21/1844 Guiseppi Baini, composer, dies at 68
05/21/1860 Johannes Frederick Frohlich, composer, dies at 53
05/21/1885 Gavril Yakimovich Lomakin, composer, dies at 73
05/21/1894 August A Kundt, German physicist, (test of Kundt), dies at 54
05/21/1895 Franz von Suppe, Austrian composer (Poet und Bauer), dies at 76
05/21/1897 Karol Mikuli, composer, dies at 77
05/21/1919 Victor AD Ségalen, [Max Anély], French ship's doctor/writer, dies
05/21/1924 Bobby Franks, killed by Leopold & Loeb, at 14
05/21/1926 Arthur A R Firbank, British writer (Valmouth, Prancing Nigger), dies

05/21/1926 Georgy L'vovich Catoire, composer, dies at 65
05/21/1935 Hugo de Vries, botanist Gruppenweise Artbildung, dies at 87
05/21/1935 Jane Addams, a founder of ACLU (Nobel 1973), dies at 65
05/21/1949 Klaus Mann, German writer, dies at 42
05/21/1954 Janos Hammerschlag, composer, dies at 68
05/21/1970 Vinton Hayworth, actor (Gen Schaeffer-I Dream of Jeannie), dies at 6

05/21/1973 Carlo E Gadda, Italian engineer/writer (Giornale Guerra), dies at 79

05/21/1973 Vaughn Monroe, singer/orch leader (Vaughn Monroe Show), dies at 61
05/21/1976 Sulo Nikolai Salonen, composer, dies at 77
05/21/1978 Joseph EA 'Jo' Spier, cartoonist/water colors painter, dies at 77
05/21/1983 Finn Einar Mortensen, composer, dies at 61
05/21/1984 Andrea Leeds, actress (Stage Door, Earthbound), dies of cancer at 70

05/21/1987 Alejandro Rey, actor (Carlos-Flying Nun), dies at 57
05/21/1988 Dino Conte Grandi, Italy, delegate to league of nations, dies at 92
05/21/1990 Mary Victor Bruce, who flew around empire state bldg in 1930, dies
05/21/1990 Moelvi Mohammed Farouk, Indian spiritual leader, murdered
05/21/1991 Rajiv Gandhi, Indian Prime Minster (1984-91), assassinated
05/21/1992 Brendan Nulholland, Daily Mail reporter, dies at 59, dies
05/21/1992 Elizabeth David, British cookbook writer, dies
05/21/1992 Mrithi, gorilla (Gorilla in the Mist), dies at 24
05/21/1992 Skip Stephenson, TV host (Real People), dies
05/21/1993 John Frost, English lt-kol (operation Market Garden 1944), dies at 8

05/21/1994 John Henry Weidner, Dutch/US resistance fighter, dies at 81

Significant Events:

05/21/ 996 Pope Gregory V crowns his cousin Otto III German emperor
05/21/1040 King Henry III gives Utrecht the Groninger currency
05/21/1216 French crown prince Louis enters England
05/21/1420 Treaty of Troyes-French King Charles VI gives France to English
05/21/1502 Portuguese admiral Da Nova discovers St Helena
05/21/1526 -Jun 8] Sermon of Bathe, Aargau: TC evangelical theology
05/21/1602 Martha's Vineyard 1st sighted (Captain Bartholomew Gosnold)
05/21/1683 West Indian Company sells 1/3 of Suriname
05/21/1793 Curaçao Island Council forbids criticism on House of Orange
05/21/1804 Lewis & Clark Expedition begins
05/21/1809 Battle at Aspern-Essling: Austrian arch duke Karl beats Napoleon
05/21/1825 Prince Willem FK marries Louise AWA of Prussia
05/21/1832 1st Democratic party national convention
05/21/1846 1st steamship arrives in Hawaii
05/21/1856 Lawrence, Kans captured, sacked by pro-slavery forces
05/21/1861 Richmond, Va is designated Confederate Capital
05/21/1863 Siege on Port Hudson, Louisiana begins
05/21/1864 GEN David Hunter takes command of Dept of West Virginia
05/21/1871 -July 28) French regular troops attack Commune of Paris; 17,000 die
05/21/1879 Battle of Iquiquw
05/21/1879 J Palisa discovers asteroid #197 Arete
05/21/1881 American Red Cross founded by Clara Barton
05/21/1881 US Nation Lawn Tennis Association formed
05/21/1897 Yerkes Obsrvatory 40' (1 m) refractor used for 1st time
05/21/1898 US Assay Office in Seattle, Washington authorized
05/21/1901 M Wolf & L Carnera discovers asteroid #480 Hansa
05/21/1904 Federation Internationale de Football Assn (Soccer) forms in Paris
05/21/1908 1st horror movie (Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde) premieres in Chicago
05/21/1914 Greyhound Bus Co begins in Minnesota
05/21/1916 Britain begins 'Summer Time' (Daylight Savings Time)
05/21/1917 Leo Pinckney, 1st American drafted during WW I
05/21/1917 M Wolf discovers asteroids #872 Holda & #873 Mechthild
05/21/1922 H E Wood discovers asteroid #982 Franklina
05/21/1922 Pulitzer prize awarded to Eugene O'Neill (Anna Christie)
05/21/1922 Ruppert buys out Huston interest in Yankees for $15 million
05/21/1924 Leopold & Loeb kidnap Bobby Franks for fun
05/21/1925 George Lloyd of Dolobran becomes British High Director of Egypt
05/21/1925 Roald Amundsun leaves Spitsbergen with 2 seaplanes to North Pole
05/21/1926 White Sox Earl Sheely hits a record 6th consecutive double
05/21/1927 Lindburgh lands in Paris, after 1st solo air crossing of Atlantic
05/21/1928 K Reinmuth discovers asteroid #1304 Arosa
05/21/1929 Automatic electric stock quotation board installed, NYC
05/21/1930 NY Yankee Babe Ruth hits 3 consecutive homers
05/21/1931 Belgian govt of Jaspar falls
05/21/1931 C Jackson discovers asteroid #1196 Sheba
05/21/1932 1st transatlantic solo flight by a woman (Amelia Earhart) lands
05/21/1933 Mt Davidson Cross lit by FDR via telegraph
05/21/1940 AVRO-chairman Willem Vogt fires all Jewish employees
05/21/1940 Reynaud forms French govt
05/21/1941 1st US ship sunk by a U-boat (Robin Moor)
05/21/1941 Singer Johan Heesters visits Dachau concentration camp
05/21/1943 Fastest 9 inning AL baseball game (89 mins), White Sox beat Senators

05/21/1948 NY Yank Joe Dimaggio hits for cycle (single, double, triple, HR)
05/21/1950 Vietnamese troops of Ho Chi-Minh attack Cambodia
05/21/1952 Bkln Dodgers score 15 runs in 1st inning & beat Cin Reds, 19-1
05/21/1952 Dutch Queen Juliana opens Amsterdam-Rhine Canal
05/21/1953 French govt of Mayer resigns
05/21/1955 1st transcontinental round-trip solo flight-sunrise to sunset
05/21/1955 WFRV TV channel 5 in Green Bay, WI (ABC/NBC) begins broadcasting
05/21/1956 US explodes 1st airborne hydrogen bomb over Bikini Atoll
05/21/1956 WITI TV channel 6 in Milwaukee, WI (CBS/ABC) begins broadcasting
05/21/1957 French govt of Mollet resigns
05/21/1958 Indonesian paratroopers reconquers Morotai Island
05/21/1961 Governor Patterson declares martial law in Montgomery
05/21/1964 1st nuclear-powered lighthouse begins operations
05/21/1964 Fire in Wégimond Belgium resort, kills 19
05/21/1964 US begin intelligence flights above Laos
05/21/1966 Heavyweight Cassius Clay KOs Henry Cooper in London
05/21/1966 Kauai King wins Kentucky Derby
05/21/1968 Paul McCartney & Jane Asher attend an Andy Williams concert
05/21/1968 US sub Scorpion sinks off Azores, with all 99 crew lost
05/21/1968 WEKW TV channel 52 in Keene, NH (PBS) begins broadcasting
05/21/1969 Robert Kennedy's murderer Sirhan Sirhan sentenced to death
05/21/1970 National Guard mobilizes to quell disturbances at Ohio State U
05/21/1971 National Guard mobilizes to quell riot in Chattanooga Tenn
05/21/1975 Lowell W Perry confirmed as chairman of Equal Opportunity Comm
05/21/1975 Trial against Baader-Meinhof-group begins in Stuttgart
05/21/1977 Fire in hotel Duke van Brabant Brussels, kills 19
05/21/1977 Jean Cruguet on Seattle Slew wins 102nd Preakness Stakes (1:54.4)
05/21/1977 SD Padres beat Mont Expos, 11-8, in 21 innings
05/21/1978 118 Unification church couples wed in England
05/21/1978 Yamada Mumon Roshi appointed head of Zen Rinzai Sect
05/21/1979 Dan White convicted of manslaughter death of SF mayor Moscone
05/21/1979 Elton John becomes 1st western rocker to perform live in USSR
05/21/1979 Mont Canadiens beat NY Rangers 4 games to 1 for Stanley Cup
05/21/1979 National Volksraad installed in Namibia
05/21/1980 'Empire Strikes Back' premeirs
05/21/1981 Francois Mitterrand becomes president of France
05/21/1981 NY Islanders beat Minn North Stars 4 games to 1 for Stanley Cup
05/21/1982 British troops lands on Falkland Islands
05/21/1982 E Bowell discovers asteroid #3018 Godiva
05/21/1982 P Wild discovers asteroid #2731 Cucula
05/21/1983 Challenger moves to Vandenberg AFB, for mating for STS-7 mission
05/21/1983 David Bowie's 'Let's 'Dance,' single goes #1
05/21/1985 A Gilmore & P Kilmartin discovers asteroid #3305
05/21/1985 Frustaci Septuplets, Calif, Patricia Frustaci gives birth to 7
05/21/1986 Atlanta Brave Rafael Ramirez hits 4 doubles in a game
05/21/1987 Military coup in Fiji Islands under lt col Sitivani Rabuka
05/21/1987 Xignals PC Board BBS begins in Alabama
05/21/1988 Jane Powell weds Dickie Moore
05/21/1988 Risen Star wins Preakness
05/21/1989 Nancy Lopez wins her 3rd LPGA championship
05/21/1990 Dow Jones avg hits a record 2,844.68
05/21/1990 Last episode of 'Newhart' airs
05/21/1991 Ethiopia's Marxist president (Mengistu Haile Mariam) resigns
05/21/1992 NJ senate overrides Governor Florio's veto & lowers sales tax to 6%
05/21/1993 Opposition leader Xanana Gusmao of East-Timor sentenced to life
05/21/1993 Venezuela president Carlos Andrés Pérez fired
05/21/1994 South Yemen secedes from Yemen
05/21/1994 Tabasco Cat wins 119th Preakness Stakes

Robert Wolfe

May 24, 2021, 9:40:17 PM5/24/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


05/24/ 15 Julius Caesar Germanicus, Roman commandant
05/24/1544 William Gilbert, Essex England, physicist (researcher into magnetism

05/24/1610 Giovanni Battista Chinelli, composer
05/24/1619 Philip Wouwerman, painter
05/24/1677 Alexandre de Villenueve, composer
05/24/1736 Juan de Sesse y Balaguer, composer
05/24/1743 Jean-Paul Marat, France, revolutionist
05/24/1751 Charles Emanuel II, King of Sardina (1796-1802)
05/24/1753 Oliver Cromwell, Burlington NJ, black who served with Washington
05/24/1754 Giacomo Conti, composer
05/24/1767 Joseph Ignaz Schnabel, composer
05/24/1781 Louis-Fran‡ois Dauprat, composer/horn player
05/24/1794 William Whewell, British philospher (History of Inductive Science)
05/24/1803 Karel LJL Bonaparte, Corsican/French prince of Canino/Musignano
05/24/1807 Cornelis E van Koetsveld, vicar/literature
05/24/1807 Thomas Duncan, painter
05/24/1810 Abraham Geiger, theologian/author/leader of Reform Judaism
05/24/1811 Charles Clark, Brig General (Confederate Army), died in 1877
05/24/1816 Emanuel Leutze, US, painter (Washington Crossing the Delaware)
05/24/1816 Robert Seaman Granger, (Union Army Bvt Major general, died in 1894)
05/24/1819 Victoria Alexandrine, Queen of Great Britain (1837-1901)
05/24/1831 Richard Hoffman, composer
05/24/1838 Paul Laband, German lawyer
05/24/1840 Frederick Walker, painter
05/24/1841 Charles Napier Henry, painter
05/24/1841 Tito Mattei, pianist/composer
05/24/1850 Ernest Albert Waterlow, water-color painter
05/24/1852 Robert Bontine Cunninghame Graham, author/politician
05/24/1854 Louis Mountbatten, admiral (WW I)
05/24/1855 Arthur Wing Pinero, British playwright
05/24/1858 Johan C Braakensiek, political cartoonist (Green Amsterdammer)
05/24/1866 Armando Frid, Argentina, live until July 28 1990 (124 years)
05/24/1870 Jan C Smuts, philosopher/general/premier South-Africa (1919..48)
05/24/1870 Jan Christian Smuts, proponnent of Commonwealth & League of Nations
05/24/1878 Lillian M Gilbreth, engineer (CIOS Gold Medal-1954)
05/24/1881 Mikulas Schneider-Trvavsky, composer
05/24/1882 Creighton Hale, actor (Gorilla Man, Way Down East)
05/24/1886 Paul Paray, Le Tr‚port Normandy, conductor/composer (Artemis Trouble

05/24/1891 Benedictus H Dancer, botanist
05/24/1891 William F Albright, US old testament scholar/archaeologist
05/24/1893 W H Walter Baade, German/US astronomer (Andromeda)
05/24/1895 Samuel I Newhouse, US millionaire publisher (Parade, Vogue, Glamour)

05/24/1898 Kathleen Hale, British children book writer/illustrator (Orlando)
05/24/1899 Suzanne Lenglen, France, Wimbledon tennis champion (6-times)
05/24/1903 Aram Katchaturian, Armenian composer, (Earth)
05/24/1903 Hilding Hallnas, composer
05/24/1904 George Formby, [William Hoy Booth], British singer/comic
05/24/1904 Kenneth Buckley, British rear-admiral
05/24/1905 Mikhail Sholokhov, USSR, writer (And Quiet Flows the Don, Nobel 1965

05/24/1905 Zdenek Blazek, composer
05/24/1906 Edmund Sargant, solicitor
05/24/1906 John Mayo, director-general (Help the Aged)
05/24/1908 Kresimir Fribec, composer
05/24/1909 Guillermo Diaz-Plaja, Spanish literary/poet (Lorca)
05/24/1909 Wilbur Mills, (Rep-D-Ark)/involved with Fanne Foxe
05/24/1910 Margers Zarins, composer
05/24/1910 Nils-Eric Fougstedt, composer
05/24/1912 Joan Hammond, British operatic soprano
05/24/1912 Joseph Anthony (Deuster), US director/actor (Matchmaker, Tomorrow)
05/24/1913 Audrey Brown, England, 4 X 100m runner (Olympic-silver-1936)
05/24/1914 Clifford Irving, Chairman (Isle of Man Govt)
05/24/1914 Lilli Palmer, [Peiser], Germany, actress (Gentle Sex, Lotte in Weima

05/24/1916 Roden Cutler, Governor (New South Wales)
05/24/1917 Derek Hodgson, British high court judge
05/24/1917 Lord Campbell of Alloway, QC
05/24/1918 Coleman A Young, civil rights leader (Mayor-D-Detroit)
05/24/1918 D V Jennings, solicitor
05/24/1922 Sadao Bekku, composer
05/24/1923 Paul Bramley, oral surgeon
05/24/1923 Siobhan McKenna, Ireland, stage actress (Saint Joan)
05/24/1925 Francois J [Frank] le Roux, chief whip of S Afr Conserv Party
05/24/1925 Mai Zetterling, director/actress (Frieda, Quartet, Lost People)
05/24/1927 John Kelly Jr, US, sculls (Oly-bronze-1956)/brother of Grace Kelly
05/24/1927 Martinus J Mentz, South African Conservative parliament leader
05/24/1927 Timothy Beven, CEO (Barclays Bank)
05/24/1928 Peter Griffiths, MP
05/24/1928 Stanley Baxter, British comic
05/24/1928 William Trevor, Brit writer (Children of Dynmouth, Fools of Fortune)

05/24/1930 Hans-Martin Linde, composer
05/24/1930 Ivor Richardson, Judge (NZ Court of Appeals)
05/24/1932 Arnold Wesker, British playwright
05/24/1932 Elaine Malbin, opera singer
05/24/1932 Graham Arnold, artist
05/24/1932 James Anderton, Chief constable of Manchester England
05/24/1932 Terence Heiser, British senior civil servant
05/24/1933 Christopher Staughton, British Lord Justice of Appeal
05/24/1933 Tony Mullett, director-general (National Criminal Intelligence Servi

05/24/1934 Jane Byrne, (Mayor-D-Chic)
05/24/1936 Harold Budd, composer
05/24/1938 Tommy Chong, Edmonton, Alberta, comedian/actor (Cheech & Chong)
05/24/1939 Gert J Schutte, Dutch 2nd Chamber member (GPV)
05/24/1940 Joseph Brodsky, USSR, author (Less than 1, Nobel 1987)
05/24/1941 Andres Garcia, Santo Domingo Dom Rep, actor (Tiger Shark)
05/24/1941 Baroness Hollis of Heigham, history lecturer (U of East Anglia)
05/24/1941 Bob Dylan, [Zimmerman], Minn, singer/songwriter (Blowin' in Wind)
05/24/1941 Brian Dennis, composer
05/24/1941 Konrad Boehmer, composer
05/24/1941 Martin Mogg, governor (British Durham Prison)
05/24/1941 Tony Valentino, rocker (Standells-Dirty Water)
05/24/1942 Derek Quinn, guitarist (Freddie & Dreamers-I'm Telling You Now)
05/24/1942 Sarah Dash, Trenton, NJ, rocker (LaBelle-Lady Marmalade)
05/24/1943 Gary Burghoff, actor (Radar-M*A*S*H)
05/24/1943 James Levine, British conductor
05/24/1944 Arthur Brown, rock vocalist (Fire)
05/24/1945 Priscilla Presley, Bkln NY, actress (Jenna-Dallas, Naked Gun)
05/24/1945 Richard Ottaway, MP
05/24/1945 Steven Norris, British MP
05/24/1946 Irina Kirszenstein Szewinska, Lennigrad, long jumper (Oly-bronze-197

05/24/1946 Jeremy Treglown, English scholar/editor (TLS)
05/24/1946 Steve Upton, rock drummer (Wishbone Ash-There's the Rub, Locked In)
05/24/1947 Luke Rittner, sect-gen (Arts Council)
05/24/1947 Mike Reid, Altoona Penn, country singer (Walk on Faith)
05/24/1949 John Illsley, rocker (Dire Straits)
05/24/1951 Pat Bradley, golfer (leader in LPGA career earnings)
05/24/1951 Rob Baker, rocker (Red Rider)
05/24/1953 Alfred Molina, actor (Enchanted April, Prick up your Ears)
05/24/1953 Nell Campbell, [Laura], Sydney Australia, actress (Rocky Horror)
05/24/1955 Patti LaBelle, [Holt], Phila Pa, singer (LaBelle-Lady Marmalade)
05/24/1955 Rosanne Cash, Memphis Tn, country singer (Seven Year Ache, I Wonder)

05/24/1955 Thad Ackel, horse trainer
05/24/1956 Helen Terry, rocker (Now You're Mine)
05/24/1957 John G Rowland, (Rep-R-CT, 1985- )
05/24/1959 George Glanos, horse trainer
05/24/1962 Lois Ayres, [Sondra Stillman], XXX actress (Black Chill, Sin City)
05/24/1963 Gene Anthony Ray, Harlem NY, actor (Leroy-Fame)
05/24/1963 Joe Dumars, NBA guard (Detroit Pistons)
05/24/1964 Adrian Moorhouse, British 100m breaststroker (Olympic-gold-1988)
05/24/1965 Chris Jorgis, Palo Alto Calif, US badminton player (Olympic-92)
05/24/1966 Tommy Turner, jockey
05/24/1967 Steve McDonald, rocker (Redd Kross)
05/24/1970 Thomas Alden Page, Glenridge NJ, rocker (New Kids-Hangin' Tough)
05/24/1982 ?, heaviest known viable baby, South Africa (10.2 kg)


05/24/1144 Petronella, wife of earl Floris II the Vette of Holland/regent, dies

05/24/1153 David I, King of Scotland, dies
05/24/1543 Copernicus, allegedly sees 1st copy of De Revolutionibus &, dies
05/24/1543 Nicolas Copernicus, astronomer, dies in Poland
05/24/1612 Robert Cecil, 1st Earl of Salisbury, dies
05/24/1665 Maria de Jesus de Agreda [Maria Coronel], Spanish franciscans, dies
05/24/1670 Ferdinand II, ruler of Toscane, dies at 59
05/24/1696 Albertine Agnes, princess of Orange-Nassau, dies at 62
05/24/1751 William Hamilton, of Gilbertsfield, poet, dies
05/24/1762 Joseph Umstatt, composer, dies at 51
05/24/1773 Jan Zach, composer, dies at 73
05/24/1792 George Brydges, 1st baron Rodney/admiral, dies
05/24/1792 Jakob M R Lenz, writer (That Soldier), dies
05/24/1804 Simon Style, Fries medical/writer, dies at 73
05/24/1817 Juan Mel‚ndez Vald‚s, Spanish lawyer/poet, dies at 63
05/24/1826 Friedrich Fesca, composer, dies at 37
05/24/1831 Bemnjamin Carr, composer, dies at 62
05/24/1844 William Crockford, clubman/gambler, dies
05/24/1850 Jane Porter, novelist (Scottish Chiefs), dies at 74
05/24/1851 Stanko Vraz, [Jakob Frass], Slavic poet (Grammatica), dies at 40
05/24/1861 Elmer Ellsworth, US warrior (Chicago Zouaves), shot to death at 23
05/24/1871 Francisco Salvador Daniel, composer, dies at 40
05/24/1872 Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld, painter, dies
05/24/1876 Henry Kingsley, English/Australian writer, dies at 46
05/24/1879 William Lloyd Garrison, abolitionist (Liberator), dies at 73
05/24/1881 Samuel Palmer, landscape painter, dies
05/24/1894 William Joseph Westbrook, composer, dies at 63
05/24/1941 Lancelot Holland, British vice-admiral ((WW II/Hood), dies in battle

05/24/1948 Alfred Kastner, composer, dies at 78
05/24/1953 Cor Hermus, actor, dies at 63
05/24/1956 Guy Kibbee, actor (Capt Blood, Babes in Arms), dies at 74
05/24/1959 John Foster Dulles, US Secretary of State (1953-59), dies at 71
05/24/1963 Elmore James, blues guitarist, dies at 45 of a heart attack
05/24/1968 Bernard Rogers, composer, dies at 75
05/24/1969 Mitzi Green, actress (Huckleberry Finn, Tom Sawyer), dies at 48
05/24/1972 Asta Nielsen, actress (Joyless Street), dies at 88
05/24/1972 Gavin Muir, actor (Hollister-Betty Hutton Show), dies at 64
05/24/1974 Duke Ellington, blues singer, dies at 75 of cancer
05/24/1976 Henk Lankhorst, pacifist/2nd-Member of parliament (PSP), dies at 62
05/24/1976 Melle J Oldeboerrigter ('Melle'), painter/cartoonist, dies at 65
05/24/1979 Jan Arvan, actor (Red Skelton Show, Zorro), dies
05/24/1981 George Jessel, actor (Diary of a Young Comic), dies at 83
05/24/1981 Jack Warner, [Waters], actor (Captive Heart), dies at 84
05/24/1981 Jaime Rold¢s, President of Ecuador, dies in air crash
05/24/1986 Gunnar Bj”rnstrand, actor (7th Seal, Devil's Eye), dies at 76
05/24/1986 Stephen D Thorne, Lt Cmdr USN/astronaut, dies in a plane crash at 33

05/24/1986 Yakima Canutt, actor/director (Diary of a Young Comic), dies at 91
05/24/1987 Hermione Ferdinanda Gingold, actress (Gigi, Music Man), dies at 89
05/24/1988 Hamish Hamilton, publisher, dies
05/24/1989 Herwig Hensen [Flor Mielants], Flemish dramatist/poet, dies
05/24/1991 Gene Clark, singer/composer (Byrds), dies
05/24/1992 Joan Sanderson, actress, dies
05/24/1993 Jesus Posadas Ocampo, Mexican cardinal/archbishop, dies at 66
05/24/1994 Jean-Pierre E Plooij, writer (Vogel House), dies at 48
05/24/1994 Sandor Lakatos, Hungarian violist/orchestra leader, dies at 69
05/24/1994 Yehuda Mor-Mirkovsky, Israeli kibbutz-founder, dies at 96

Significant Events:

05/24/1086 Abbott Dauferio/Desiderius becomes Pope Victor III
05/24/1153 Malcolm IV becomes king of Scotland
05/24/1300 King Philip IV occupies Flanders, Earl Gwijde captured
05/24/1370 Hanzesteden signs peace treaty with Danish king Waldemar IV
05/24/1430 Jeanne d'Arc captured during battle
05/24/1487 Lambert Simnel, pretender to English throne, crowned in Dublin
05/24/1658 Battle of Dunes (Spanish-French War) fought
05/24/1660 English king Charles II visits Netherlands
05/24/1689 English Parliament guarantees freedom of religion for Protestants
05/24/1726 -26] People's revolt due to increase in gin/brandy tax
05/24/1738 Methodist Church established
05/24/1809 Dartmoor Prison opens to house French prisoners of war
05/24/1815 George Evans discovers Lachlan River, Australia
05/24/1818 Gen Andrew Jackson captures Pensacola Florida
05/24/1822 Battle of Pichincha, Bol¡var secures independence of Quito from Spai

05/24/1824 Pope Leo XII proclaims a universal jubilee
05/24/1829 Pope Pius VIII issues his program for pontificate
05/24/1830 1st passenger rail service in US (Baltimore & Elliots Mill, Maryland

05/24/1844 Samuel FB Morse taps out 'What hath God wrought' (1st telegraph msg)

05/24/1846 Gen Zachary Taylor captures Monterey in M‚xican War
05/24/1854 Anthony Burns, slave, arrested by US Deputy marshals in Boston
05/24/1854 Lincoln University, Penn, 1st Black college in US forms by Prebyts
05/24/1861 Alexandria, VA occupied by Federal troops
05/24/1861 Maj Gen Benjamin Butler declares slaves 'contraband of war'
05/24/1862 Beardslee field telegraph used for 1st time
05/24/1862 Westminster Bridge across Thames opens
05/24/1866 Berkeley, Calif named (for George Berkeley, Bishop of Cloyne)
05/24/1870 Memoria of Jackson Kemper, 1st Missionary Bishop in US
05/24/1873 C H F Peters discovers asteroid #131 Vala
05/24/1878 1st American bicycle race held (Boston)
05/24/1878 CA Parker (Harvard) wins 1st American bike race, Beacon Park Boston
05/24/1881 Canadian ferry Princess Victoria sinks near London Ontario
05/24/1883 Brooklyn Bridge opened by Pres Arthur & Gov Cleveland
05/24/1884 Anti-Monopoly party & Greenback Party forms People's Party in US
05/24/1890 Geo Train & Sam Wall circle world in record 67 days, Tacoma-Tacoma
05/24/1890 Tivoli Theater of Varities opens in London
05/24/1895 Henry Irving becomes 1st theatrical knight
05/24/1899 1st auto repair shop opens (Boston)
05/24/1900 Britain annexes Orange Free State
05/24/1902 Empire Day 1st celebrated in Britain
05/24/1908 Belgium catholic socialistic/liberal parliamentary election
05/24/1909 Bristol University granted Royal Charter
05/24/1915 Italy declares war on Austria-Hungary
05/24/1916 Conscription begins in Britain
05/24/1916 Last British-Indian contract workers arrive in Suriname
05/24/1918 Cleveland beats Yankees 3-2 in 19 inning
05/24/1921 1st parliament for Northern Ireland elected
05/24/1921 British Legion forms
05/24/1922 Record temperature in Netherlands for May (35.6øC)
05/24/1922 Russian-Italian trade agreement signed
05/24/1926 Paavo Nurmi runs world record 3000 m (8:25.4)
05/24/1927 J Comas Sola discovers asteroid #1117 Reginita
05/24/1928 Umberto Nobile fly airship over North Pole again
05/24/1929 Detroit Tigers beats Chicago White Sox, 6-5, in 21 innings
05/24/1930 1st woman to fly from England to Australia solo, lands (Amy Johnson)

05/24/1930 Amy Johnson lands at Port Darwin after flying from London
05/24/1931 1st air-conditioned train installed-B&O Railroad
05/24/1931 C Jackson discovers asteroid #1195 Orangia
05/24/1933 Dmitri Sjostakovitsj' Preludes, premieres in Moscow
05/24/1934 Colombia & Peru sign accord about harbor city Leticia
05/24/1935 1st major league night baseball game, in Cincinnati (Reds 2, Phil 1)

05/24/1935 H Van Gent discovers asteroid #1385 Gelria
05/24/1936 Bishops forbid NSB-membership
05/24/1940 1st night game at NY's Polo Grounds (Giants 8, Braves 1)
05/24/1940 1st night game at St Louis Sportsman Park (Indians 3, Browns 2)
05/24/1940 Dutch Queen Wilhelmina speaks on BBC radio
05/24/1940 Dutch army demobilizes
05/24/1941 Bismarck sinks British battle cruiser HMS Hood (1416 die)
05/24/1943 Admiral D”nitz stops U-boat in Atlantic Ocean
05/24/1944 Enver Hoxha becomes head of Albania anti fascists
05/24/1944 Icelandic voters severe all ties with Denmark
05/24/1946 Bill Dickey replaces Joe McCarthy as Yankee manager
05/24/1951 Racial segregation in Wash DC restaurants ruled illegal
05/24/1951 Willie Mays begins playing for NY Giants
05/24/1954 1st rocket attains 150 mi (241 km) altitude, White Sands, NM
05/24/1954 Dr Peter Murray Marshall becomes 1st black to head an AMA unit
05/24/1954 German airline Lufthansa forms
05/24/1957 Anti American riots breakout in Taipei, Taiwan
05/24/1957 Heavy earthquake strikes Colombia
05/24/1958 Pres Batista opens offensive against Fidel Castro's rebellion
05/24/1958 UP & International News Service merge into United Press Internationa

05/24/1959 1st house with built-in bomb shelter exhibited, Pleasant Hills, Pa
05/24/1959 Empire Day renamed Commonwealth Day in England
05/24/1960 1 millionth Dutch telephone installed
05/24/1961 27 Freedom Riders arrested in Jackson, Mississippi
05/24/1961 Explorer (12) fails to reach Earth orbit
05/24/1962 M Scott Carpenter aboard Aurora 7 launched into Earth orbit
05/24/1963 1st Lockheed A-12 to crash, CIA pilot Ken Collins ejects safely
05/24/1964 Beatles' 3rd appearance on Ed Sullivan
05/24/1964 Longest HR (471') in Balt Memorial Stadium (Harmon Killebrew, Minn)
05/24/1964 Panic in Lima Peru soccer stadium, kills 300
05/24/1967 AFL grants a franchise to Cincinnati Bengals
05/24/1968 Haiti closes down shortwave station 4VEH for 40 days
05/24/1968 Mick Jagger & Marianne Faithfull arrested for drug possession
05/24/1969 Beatles' 'Get Back,' single goes #1 & stays #1 for 5 weeks
05/24/1970 Peter Queen quits Fleetwood Mac to join a religious cult
05/24/1971 A commuter bus plunges into Panama Canal, killing 38 of 43 aboard
05/24/1975 Dutch Govt of De Uyl decides to obtain an F-16
05/24/1975 Soyuz 18B carries 2 cosmonauts to space station Salyut 4
05/24/1976 1st commerial SST flight to North America (Concorde to Wash DC)
05/24/1977 USSR President Podgorny resigns
05/24/1978 Dutch Investment bill (WIR) law goes into effect
05/24/1980 Flyers 4-Isles 5 (OT)-Stanley Cup-Isles win cup 4-2 (15-6)
05/24/1980 Iran rejects a call to World Court to release US hostages
05/24/1980 NY Islanders beat Phila Flyers 4 games to 2 for Stanley Cup
05/24/1981 Al Unser wins, loses, & wins a controversial Indy 500
05/24/1981 Hostage situation ends at Central Bank in Barcelona Spain
05/24/1983 Fred Sinowatz succeeds Bruno Kreisky as chancellor of Austria
05/24/1984 Det Tigers win AL record 17th straight road game
05/24/1985 'View to a Kill' premieres in US
05/24/1985 -25) cyclone hits Bangladesh; about 10,000 die
05/24/1986 Country Singer Garth Brooks marries Sandy
05/24/1986 Margaret Thatcher becomes 1st British PM to visit Israel
05/24/1986 Mont Canadiens beat Calgary Flames 4 games to 1 for Stanley Cup
05/24/1986 Reginald Huffstetler treds water for 985 hrs
05/24/1987 Al Unser Sr, 47, wins his 4th Indy 500
05/24/1988 Power outage in Boston Garden in NHL's Stanley Cup finals
05/24/1989 'Indiana Jones & Last Crusade' premieres
05/24/1989 French war criminal Paul Touvier arrested in monastery in Nice
05/24/1989 NHL's NY Rangers fire GM & coach Phil Esposito
05/24/1990 Andre Dawson recieves a record 5 intentional walks in a game
05/24/1990 Edmonton Oilers beat Boston Bruins, 4 games to 1 for Stanley Cup
05/24/1992 Al Unser Jr wins Indy 500
05/24/1993 Kim Basinger files for bankruptcy to avoid paying $7.4M settlement
05/24/1993 Kurd rebellion kills 33 soldiers & 5 citizens in Turkey

Robert Wolfe

May 24, 2021, 9:40:17 PM5/24/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


05/23/1598 Claude Mellan, French engraver/cartoonist/painter, baptized
05/23/1617 Elias Ashmole, antiquary
05/23/1620 Pieter Neefs de Jongere, Flemish painter, baptized
05/23/1644 Thomas Eisenhut, composer
05/23/1696 Johann Caspar Vogler, composer
05/23/1707 Carolus LinnĹus, Sweden, biological classifier
05/23/1710 François-Gaspard Adam, French sculptor (Tuinbeelden)
05/23/1718 William Hunter, obstetrician/medal writer
05/23/1729 Giuseppe Parini, Italian priest/poet (Il Giorno)
05/23/1734 Friedrich Anton Mesmer, Austria, physician/hypnotist (Mesmerism)
05/23/1737 Louis Francois Chambray, composer
05/23/1741 Andrea Lucchesi, composer
05/23/1753 Giovanni Battista Viotti, violonist/composer
05/23/1754 Andrea Appiani, fresco painter
05/23/1756 Nicolas-Joseph Hullmandel, composer
05/23/1759 Antoinio da Silva Leite, composer
05/23/1790 Jules-Sébastien-César Dumont d'Urville, explorer
05/23/1794 Ignaz Moscheles, composer
05/23/1795 Charles Barry, architect
05/23/1799 Thomas Hood, poet/composer
05/23/1810 Margaret Fuller, writer/critic 1st pro book review column (NY Trib)
05/23/1812 Henri A Esquiros, French poet/writer (Les Vierges Folles)
05/23/1813 Mason Brayman, Bvt Major General (Union volunteers), died in 1895
05/23/1820 James Buchanan Eads, US, engineer/inventor (Eads Bridge-St Louis)
05/23/1824 Ambrose Everett Burnside, Major General (Union volunteers)
05/23/1828 Edward Hitchcock, America's 1st prof of physical ed (Amherst College

05/23/1832 Pieter JBCR van de Aa, geographer
05/23/1837 James Sanks Brisbin, Bvt Mjr General (Union volunteers), died in 189

05/23/1843 Pedro Miguel Marques y Garcia, composer
05/23/1844 'Abdu'l-Bahá, early Bahá'í leader ('Azamat 7, 1)
05/23/1848 Helmuth J L von Moltke, German general/chief of staff
05/23/1849 Károly earl Khuen-Héderváry, Premier of Hungary (1910-12)
05/23/1851 Antoni Stolpe, composer
05/23/1862 William 'Dummy' Hoy, professional baseball player who lived to 99
05/23/1864 Louis Glass, composer
05/23/1866 Gustav Aschaffenburg, German psychiatrist/criminalologist
05/23/1871 Sigurd Lie, composer
05/23/1873 Leo Baeck, rabbi/president (World Union for Progressive Judaism)
05/23/1882 James Gleason, writer/actor (Bishop's Wife, Flying Fool)
05/23/1883 Douglas Fairbanks, US actor (Zorro/3 Musketeers/Robin Hood)
05/23/1886 James Gleason, US screenwriter/actor (Arsenic & Old Lace)
05/23/1888 Adrian Roland Holst, poet (Woest en moe)
05/23/1890 Herbert Marshall, actor (Murder, Razor's Edge, Little Foxes)
05/23/1890 Virginia Eames, entertainer
05/23/1891 Pär Lagerkvist, Sweden, novelist/dramatist (Barabbas, Nobel 1951)
05/23/1898 Frank McHugh, actor (Front Page, Gold Diggers 1935, Mighty Joe Young

05/23/1901 Edmund Rubbra, Northampton England, composer (Morning Watch)
05/23/1902 Mark Lothar, composer
05/23/1903 Walter Reisch, US, screenwriter (Ninotchka, Gaslight, Titanic)
05/23/1906 Hellmuth Christian Wolff, composer
05/23/1907 Kenneth Allen, engineer
05/23/1907 Matthew Campbell, British senior civil servant
05/23/1908 Christian GK Baëta, Togolese chairman (International Broadcasters)
05/23/1908 John Bardeen, US, physicist (transistor, Nobel 1956, 1972)
05/23/1908 Max Abramovitz, US architect (Lincoln Center, UN Building)
05/23/1909 Edwin Arrowsmith, diplomat
05/23/1910 Artie Shaw, [Arthur Arshawsky], NYC, bandleader (Come'on my House)
05/23/1910 Franz Jozef Kline, US expressionist painter
05/23/1910 Hugh Casson CH, architect
05/23/1910 Scatman Crothers, actor (Zapped, Shininh)
05/23/1911 Boris Kremenliev, composer
05/23/1911 Melvin M Payne, president (National Geographic Society)
05/23/1912 David Barran, CEO (Midland Bank, England)
05/23/1912 Jean Françaix, Le Mans France, composer (Le Rui Nu)
05/23/1912 John Payne, Roanoke Va, actor (Restless Gun)
05/23/1912 Marius Goring, Isle of Wight, actor (Herr Palitz-Holocaust)
05/23/1912 Samuel Curran, vice chancellor (Strathclyde University)
05/23/1913 Ian Graeme, major-general
05/23/1914 Alec Dickson, founder (VSO)
05/23/1914 Barbara Ward, economist/writer (Only One Earth)
05/23/1918 Bulent Arel, composer
05/23/1918 Dennis Compton, author/cricketeer
05/23/1919 Betty Garrett, St Joseph Mo, actress (Irene-All in the Family)
05/23/1920 Helen O'Connell, Lima Ohio, singer (Green Eyes, Anapola)
05/23/1920 Sid Melton, Bkln NY, actor (Alf-Green Acres, Charlie-Danny Thomas)
05/23/1921 Humphrey Lyttelton, jazz musician
05/23/1921 James [Benjamin] Blish, US/UK, sci-fi author (Hugo, Star Trek Reader

05/23/1921 Loren Tindall, actor (Meet Me on Broadway, Girl of Limberlost)
05/23/1921 Sanderson Temple, circuit judge
05/23/1923 Alicia de Larrocha, Copenhagen Denmark, pianist (Orquesta Sinfonica)

05/23/1924 Desmond Carrington, British radio host
05/23/1924 Michael McCrum, master of Corpus Christi College Cambridge
05/23/1928 Nigel Davenport, Cambridge England, actor (Without a Clue, Masada)
05/23/1928 Nina Otkalenko, USSR, 800m runner (9 world records)
05/23/1928 Rosemary Clooney, Kentucky, singer/coronet paper towels spokeswoman
05/23/1929 Joe Modise, South African commandant of Umkhonto we Sizwe (1965- )
05/23/1929 Ulla Jacobson, Swedish actress (One Summer of Happiness)
05/23/1931 Barbara Barrie, Chicago, actress (Breaking Away, Barney Miller)
05/23/1931 José Telles Da Conceiçao, Brazil, high jumper (Olympic-bronze-1952)
05/23/1932 James Lester, MP
05/23/1932 John Lyons, Master of Trinity Hall (Cambridge)
05/23/1933 Gerrit J M Braks, Dutch minister of land & fishing (CDA)
05/23/1933 Joan Henrietta Collins, London, actress (Alexis-Dynasty, Bitch)
05/23/1934 Malcolm Gill, deputy head of Banking Depart, Bank for Intl Settlemen

05/23/1934 Robert Moog, inventor (Moog Synthesizer)
05/23/1935 Juliet Campbell, British ambassador to Luxembourg
05/23/1935 Lord Grenfell, head of External affairs European office, world bank
05/23/1936 Robert Sangster, horse owner/trainer
05/23/1937 John Mazza, horse trainer
05/23/1938 John R Miller, (Rep-R-WA, 1985- )
05/23/1938 Peter Preston, editor (Guardian)
05/23/1939 Ron Stevens, horse trainer
05/23/1941 Jackson Hill, composer
05/23/1943 John Newcombe, Australia, tennis pro (Wimbeldon 1967, 70, 71)
05/23/1943 Peter Kenilorea, PM Solomon Islands
05/23/1944 General Norman Johnson, US singer (Down at the Beach Club)
05/23/1944 Giles Smith, TV journalist
05/23/1944 Lady Olga Maitland, MP
05/23/1944 Ramon 'Tiki' Fulwood, US drummer (Funkadelic, Knee Deep)
05/23/1945 Lauren Chapin, actress (Kathy-Father Knows Best)
05/23/1946 Tom Dorris, horse trainer
05/23/1948 Reggie Cleveland, baseball player
05/23/1949 Alan García Pérez, pres of Peru (1985- )
05/23/1950 Linda Thompson, Memphis Tn, actress (Hee Haw)
05/23/1951 Anatoli Karpov, USSR, world chess champion (1975-85)
05/23/1951 Judy Rodman, Riverside Calif, country singer (Girls Ride Horses Too)

05/23/1952 'Marvelous' Marvin Hagler, NJ, middleweight boxing champ (1982-83)
05/23/1952 Deborah Adair, actress (Tracey-Dynasty, Kate-Day of Our Life)
05/23/1955 John Stevens, MEP
05/23/1958 Shelly West, country singer
05/23/1958 Thomas Reiter, German engineer/test pilot/astronaut candidate
05/23/1961 Kevin Romine, baseball player
05/23/1962 Karen Duffy, [Duff], NYC, MTV veejay
05/23/1964 Staci Greason, Denver, actress (Isabella Toscando-Days of Our Lives)

05/23/1966 Graeme Hick, cricketer
05/23/1969 Ramon Caraballo, baseball player


05/23/1125 Hendrik V, Roman catholics German king/emperor (1098/1111-25), dies
05/23/1153 David I, king of Scotland (1124-53), dies at about 68
05/23/1423 Benedict XIII, [Pedro the Luna], Spanish Pope (1394-1423), dies
05/23/1498 Girolamo Savonarola, dictator of Florence (1494-98), hanged at 45
05/23/1568 Adolf van Nassau, German son of Willem the Rich, dies in battle at 2

05/23/1627 Luis de Góngora y Argote, poet/writer, dies
05/23/1648 Luis de Nain, painter, dies
05/23/1668 Philips Wouwerman, Haarlems painter, buried
05/23/1684 Adriaen Backer, Amsterdams painter buried at about 48
05/23/1701 William Kidd, naval captain/pirate, hanged in London
05/23/1754 John Wood, architect/town planner, dies
05/23/1783 James Otis, American lawyer, dies
05/23/1785 William Woollett, engraver, dies
05/23/1834 Charles Wesley, composer, dies at 76
05/23/1838 John W Janssens, gov-gen (Cape Colony), dies at 75
05/23/1842 José de Espronceda y Delgado, Spanish revolutionary/poet, dies at 34

05/23/1851 Lucas Pieter Roodbaard, architect, dies at 69
05/23/1860 Albert Richard Smith, author/lecturer, dies
05/23/1867 Archibald Alison, Scottish historian, dies at 74
05/23/1875 Johann Wilhelm Mangold, composer, dies at 78
05/23/1881 Kit Carson, frontiersman, dies
05/23/1881 Leopold von Ranke, historian, dies
05/23/1883 Cyprian K Norwid, Polish painter/poet/playwright (Wanda), dies
05/23/1887 Ludwig Mathias Lindeman, composer, dies at 74
05/23/1891 Ignace Xavier Joseph Leybach, composer, dies at 73
05/23/1905 Martinus W van AA Meerbeke, head-editor (Time), dies at 75
05/23/1906 Henrik Johan Ibsen, Norwegian playwright (Doll House), dies
05/23/1908 François Coppée, French poet, dies
05/23/1926 Hans Koessler, composer, dies at 73
05/23/1934 Bonnie Parker, outlaw (Bonnie & Clyde), killed in police ambush
05/23/1934 Clyde Barrow, outlaw (Bonnie & Clyde), killed in police ambush
05/23/1937 John Davison Rockfeller, industrialist, dies at 97 in Ormond Beach F

05/23/1940 Andrej N Rimski-Korssakov, Russian musicologist/son of Nikolai, dies

05/23/1940 Paul Nizan, French journalist/writer (Ce Soir/Aden Arabia), dies at

05/23/1941 Lord Herbert Austin, motor manufacturer, dies
05/23/1941 Slavko Osterc, composer, dies at 46
05/23/1945 Heinrich Himmler, Gestapo leader, commits suicide in prison at 44
05/23/1952 Georg Alfred Schumann, composer, dies at 85
05/23/1960 Georges Claude, engineer/inventor, dies
05/23/1961 Joan Davis, comedic actress (I Married Joan), dies at 53
05/23/1965 David Smith, sculptor, dies
05/23/1966 Ruth Gates, actress (Aunt Jenny-Mama), dies at 79
05/23/1967 Philip Coolidge, actor (I Want to Live, Tingler), dies at 58
05/23/1967 Sanne Sannes, photographer, dies at 30
05/23/1968 James Burke, actor (Ellery Queen, Army Surgeon), dies at 81
05/23/1968 Merle Kendrick, orch leader (Window on the World), dies at 72
05/23/1969 Diane DeAubry, entertainer, dies
05/23/1969 Jimmy McHugh, composer (Can't Give You Anything But Love), dies at 7

05/23/1970 Nydia Westman, actress (Going My Way, Young Mr Bobbins), dies at 68
05/23/1973 Athena Lorde, actress (Judith-One Man's Family), dies at 57
05/23/1975 Jackie 'Moms' Mabley, comedienne (Amazing Grace), dies at 81
05/23/1979 Hubert van Doorne, auto manufacturer (DAF), dies at 79
05/23/1981 George Jessel, US comic/toastmaster (Diary of Young Comic), dies at

05/23/1982 Louis J N Gérardin, bicyclist (world champ sprint 1930), dies at 69
05/23/1983 Albert Claude, Belgian biologist (Nobel 1974), dies at 84
05/23/1986 Sterling Hayden, actor (Blue & Gray), dies at 70
05/23/1987 Karel Albert, composer, dies at 86
05/23/1988 David Schoenbrun, CBS broadcast bureau head (Wash, Paris), dies at 7

05/23/1990 Rocky Graziano, boxer/writer/actor (Mr Rock & Roll), dies
05/23/1991 Jean van Houte, Belgian premier, dies
05/23/1991 Peter T Thwaites, British brig-gen/playwright (Love or money), dies
05/23/1992 Atahualpa Yupanqui, Argentine singer/composer/poet/guitarist, dies
05/23/1992 Giovanni Falcone, anti-mafia judge (Palermo), murdered
05/23/1993 James Millhollin, actor (Anston Foster-Grindl), dies
05/23/1994 Carl Althoff, German circus director, dies at 82
05/23/1994 Joe Pass, US jazz guitarist (The Trio), dies at 65

Significant Events:

05/23/1430 Joan of Arc captured by Burgundians, who sell her to English
05/23/1493 Peace of Senlis
05/23/1498 Vasco da Gama arrives in Calcutta
05/23/1533 King Henry VIII & Catherine of Aragon marriage declared null & void
05/23/1544 German emperor Charles V recognizes king Christian III of Denmark
05/23/1555 Giampietro Caraffa elected Pope Paul IV
05/23/1568 Battle at Heiligerlee: Dutch rebels beat Spanish, 100s killed
05/23/1576 Tycho Brahe given Hveen Island to build Uraniborg Observatory
05/23/1618 Defenestration of Prague; beginning of 30 Years War
05/23/1644 Johan Mauritius van Nassau resigns as head of Civil rights activists

05/23/1647 Willem II sworn in as viceroy of Holland
05/23/1660 King Charles II returns from exile sails from Scheveningen to Englan

05/23/1667 King Afonso VI of Portugal flees
05/23/1706 Battle of Ramillies-Marlborough defeats French; 17,000 killed
05/23/1785 Benjamin Franklin announces his invention of bifocals
05/23/1788 SC becomes 8th state to ratify US constitution
05/23/1844 Declaration of Báb (Bahá'í festival) ('Azamat 7, 1)
05/23/1848 Otto Lilienthal, pioneer aviator
05/23/1853 Buenos Aires gains independence from Argentina (reunited 1859)
05/23/1856 N R Pogson discovers asteroid #42 Isis
05/23/1861 3 fleeing slaves enter Fort Monroe Virginia
05/23/1861 Virginia citizens vote 3 to 1 in favor of secession
05/23/1862 Battle at Front Royal, Virginia
05/23/1862 Valley Campaign-Stonewall Jackson takes Ft Royal, Virginia
05/23/1864 Battle of Dallas, GA
05/23/1864 Battle of North Anna, Va, 1st of 3 days of fighting
05/23/1865 -24] Victory parade in Washington, DC (Grand Review)
05/23/1865 Flag flown at full staff over White House, 1st time since Lincoln sh

05/23/1865 Grand Review begins in Washington DC
05/23/1867 Jesse James-gang rob bank in Richmond Missouri (2 die, $4,000 taken)

05/23/1873 Canada's North West Mounted Police force established
05/23/1873 Postal cards sold in SF for 1st time
05/23/1876 1st NL no-hitter (Joe Borden, Boston)
05/23/1878 Atty John Henry Smyth named minister to Liberia
05/23/1882 6' of snow falls in eastern Iowa
05/23/1883 Baseball game between one-armed & one-legged players
05/23/1887 1st transcontinental train arrives in Vancouver, BC
05/23/1898 1st Philippine Expeditionary Troops sail from SF
05/23/19-- B.J. & Peg Hunnicutt of Mill Valley's anniversary (on M*A*S*H)
05/23/1900 Associated Press News Service forms in NY
05/23/1901 Indians score 9 runs after 2 outs in 9th to beat Senators 14-13
05/23/1901 US captures leader of Philippine rebels, Emilio Aguinaldo
05/23/1903 1st automobile trip across US from SF to NY, ended April 1
05/23/1903 1st direct primary election law in US adopted, by Wisconsin
05/23/1908 Dirigible explodes over SF Bay, 16 passengers fall, none die
05/23/1908 Part of Great White Fleet arrives in Puget Sound, Wash
05/23/1911 NY Public Library building at 5th Avenue dedicated by Pres Taft
05/23/1915 Italy declared war on Austria-Hungary during WW I
05/23/1917 Dutch 2nd Chamber okays 1908 conscription draft
05/23/1918 King Oil/Shell refinery on Curaçao officially opens
05/23/1921 'Shuffle Along' 1st black musical comedy, opens in NYC
05/23/1922 'Abie's Irish Rose' 1st of over 2,500 performances
05/23/1922 Harry Greb gave Gene Tunney his only professional boxing defeat
05/23/1922 Walt Disney incorporates his 1st film company Laugh-O-Gram Films
05/23/1923 1st flight of Sabena: Brussel-Lympne, Great Britain
05/23/1923 Stanley Baldwin becomes British premier
05/23/1926 Lebanese constitution established under French mandate
05/23/1928 Bomb attack on Italians embassy in Buenos Aires, 22 die
05/23/1931 Whipsnade Zoo opens in Whipsnade Beds England
05/23/1932 Sir Hubert Ferdinand Opperman sets 24 hr record of 860 mi, 367 yds
05/23/1934 Wallace Carothers manufactures 1st nylon (polymeer 66)
05/23/1935 1st scheduled night game, postponed due to rain (Cincinnati)
05/23/1939 British decoration, George Cross, 1st presented
05/23/1939 British parliament plans to make Palestine independent by 1949
05/23/1939 Dmitri Sjostakovitsj appointed professor at conservatory of Leningra

05/23/1939 Submarine Squalis sank off Portsmouth NH, 26 die
05/23/1941 Heavyweight Joe Louis beats Buddy Baer (disqualification) in Wash DC

05/23/1941 Rudolf Harbig runs world record 1k (2:21.5)
05/23/1943 In Dr Faustus, Serenus Zeitblom begins his bio of Adrian Leverkühn
05/23/1943 Thomas Mann begins writing his novel Dr Faustus
05/23/1944 British/Canadian troops occupy Pontecorvo Italy
05/23/1944 Chinese counter offensive at Hunan front
05/23/1944 Operation-Buffalo: Allied jailbreak out Anzio-bridgehead
05/23/1945 German island of Helgoland in North Sea surrenders to British
05/23/1945 Lord Haw-Haw arrested at Danish boundary
05/23/1947 PC Hooft prize established for literature
05/23/1948 Joe DiMaggio hits 3 consecutive HRs
05/23/1948 Ramat Rahel gateway to Jerusalem is repossessed by Israel
05/23/1949 Federal Republic of [West] Germany proclaimed (Republic Day)
05/23/1953 WHIZ TV channel 18 in Zanesville, OH (NBC/ABC) begins broadcasting
05/23/1956 World Trade Center dedicated in Ferry Building, SF
05/23/1958 Mao Tse tung start 'Great leap forward' movement in China
05/23/1959 Presbyterian church accepts women preachers
05/23/1960 Israel announced capture of Nazi Adolf Eichmann in Argentina
05/23/1960 WGTV TV channel 8 in Athens-Atlanta, GA (PBS) begins broadcasting
05/23/1960 WKBM TV (now WLII) channel 11 in Caguas/San Juan, PR 1st broadcast
05/23/1960 WRCA radio changes call letters back to WNBC (NYC)
05/23/1962 Joe Pepitone 2nd Yankee to hit 2 HRs in 1 inning (Joe DiMaggio)
05/23/1962 OAS leader general Raoul Salan sentenced to life
05/23/1962 Scott Carpenter orbits Earth 3 times in US Aurora 7
05/23/1963 NBC purchases 1963 AFL championship game TV rights for $926,000
05/23/1965 Franz Jonas elected president of Austria
05/23/1965 Pontoon ferry overturned on Shire River Malawi, kills 150
05/23/1966 Beatles release 'Paperback Writer'
05/23/1967 Government bans submarines near South Africa
05/23/1968 Beatles open 2nd Apple Boutique at 161 New Kings Road, London
05/23/1969 BBC orders 13 episodes of Monty Python's Flying Circus
05/23/1969 Lauwerszee Dike in Holland closes
05/23/1969 Who release rock opera 'Tommy'
05/23/1970 Grateful Dead's 1st perfomance outside of US (England)
05/23/1970 SD Padres beat SF Giants 17-16 in 15 innings
05/23/1971 Rock group Iron Butterfly disbands
05/23/1974 Italian Red Brigade officer Mario Sossi freed
05/23/1977 Benin adopts its constitution
05/23/1978 General strike in Peru
05/23/1979 'Kids Are Alright' premieres
05/23/1979 Rocker Tom Petty files chapter 11 bankruptcy
05/23/1979 West-Germany elects Karl Carstens president
05/23/1981 Barcelona fascists take 200 people hostage
05/23/1981 NASA launches Intelsat V
05/23/1982 BBC warns they will bomb Argentina
05/23/1982 Colin Wilson rides a surfboard 294 miles
05/23/1982 Pope John Paul II declares 'Peerke' Donders divine
05/23/1984 Detroit Tigers win AL record tying 16th straight road game
05/23/1986 US & West Europeans veto heavier sanctions against South Africa
05/23/1988 Maryland stops sale of cheap pistols on Jan 1, 1990
05/23/1989 Lincoln Square in Bronx named
05/23/1990 Dow Jones avg hits a record 2,856.26
05/23/1990 NY Yankees hit 6 home runs to beat Minn Twins 12-0
05/23/1991 Last Cubans troops leave Angola
05/23/1991 Phillie Tommy Greene no-hits Mont Expos, 2-0
05/23/1992 NY Yankees play in their 4th straight extra inning game
05/23/1994 270 pilgrims dies in bustle round Mina Saudi-Arabia
05/23/1994 Roman Herzog elected president of Germany

Robert Wolfe

May 24, 2021, 9:40:18 PM5/24/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


05/22/1671 Abraham Patras, governor-general of East-Indies (1735-37)
05/22/1722 Johannes Schmidlin, composer
05/22/1759 Gervais-Francois Couperin, composer
05/22/1780 Jan Emmanuel Dulezalek, composer
05/22/1783 Thomas Forbes Walmisley, composer
05/22/1804 John William (Turk) Livingston, Commander (Union Navy), died in 1885

05/22/1813 Richard Wagner, Leipsig Germany, composer (Ring, Flying Dutchman)
05/22/1820 Alexander Ernst Fesca, composer
05/22/1821 Alfred Sully, Bvt Major General (Union volunteers), died in 1879
05/22/1828 Albrecht Gräfe, pioneer eye surgeon; founded modern ophthalmology
05/22/1844 Mary Cassatt, US, Impressionist painter (Woman Bathing)
05/22/1850 Johann Schrammel, composer
05/22/1852 Emile Sauret, composer
05/22/1859 Arthur Conan Doyle, UK, brought Sherlock Holmes to life twice
05/22/1865 Enrique Morera, composer
05/22/1874 Daniel F Malan, premier of South-Africa (1948-54)
05/22/1874 Francesco Paolo Neglia, composer
05/22/1879 Eastwood Lane, composer
05/22/1879 Jean Emile Paul Cras, composer
05/22/1884 Alceo Toni, composer
05/22/1885 Julio Fonseca, composer
05/22/1891 Robert Gordon Sproul, educator/college pres (Univ of Calif)
05/22/1892 Louis van Tulder, tenor (Kantoorkruk Up to High C)
05/22/1895 Jiddu Krishnamurti, India, spiritual philosopher (Songs of Life)
05/22/1898 René de Fox, actor/composer
05/22/1902 Al Simmons, Milwaukee, outfielder (A's)/lifetime batting avg of .334

05/22/1904 Anne de Vries, writer (Bartje)
05/22/1906 Harry Ritz, US comic (Ritz Brothers-Silent Movie)
05/22/1907 Hergé, [Georges Rémi], Belgian cartoonist (Kuifje)
05/22/1907 Laurence Olivier, actor (Rebecca, Hamlet, Jazz Singer)
05/22/1911 Anatol Rapoport, Russ/US mathem/biologist (olympic theory)
05/22/1912 Henry Cuckoo, Second-Member of Dutch parliament (Boer Party)
05/22/1914 Vance Packard, US sociologist (Hidden Persueders)
05/22/1916 Gordon Binkerd, composer
05/22/1919 Paul Vanden Boeynants, premier Belgium (1966-68, 1978-79)
05/22/1920 Thomas Gold, astronomer; proposed steady-state theory of universe
05/22/1922 Judith Crist, NY, movie critic (TV Guide)
05/22/1924 Charles Aznavour, Paris France, singer (Monsieur Carnavel)
05/22/1924 Claude Andre Francois Ballif, composer
05/22/1924 Helen Wedemeyer, Hilo Hawaii, actor (Hawaii Five-O)
05/22/1925 Jean Tinguely, Swiss speed artist (movement objects)
05/22/1927 Michael Constantine, actor (Room 222, Don't Drink the Water)
05/22/1928 Roscoe Robinson, US gospel singer
05/22/1928 T Boone Pickens, buys large companies (Shamrock)
05/22/1929 Asher Ben-Yohanan, composer
05/22/1930 Dieuwke Y W de Countf-Nauta, Dutch Sect of State (CDA)
05/22/1933 John Browning, Denver Colorado, pianist (Leventritt Award-1956)
05/22/1934 Peter Nero, NYC, pianist (A Sunday in NY)
05/22/1938 Frank Converse, actor (It's About Time, Dr Cook's Garden, Movin' On)

05/22/1938 Richard Benjamin, director/actor (Goodbye Columbus, He & She)
05/22/1938 Susan Strasberg, NYC, actress (In Praise of Older Women, Manitou)
05/22/1940 Michael Sarrazin, actor (Seduction, They Shoot Horses Don't They)
05/22/1941 Paul Winfield, LA, actor (Star Trek II, Huckleberry Finn)
05/22/1941 Sebastian Forbes, composer
05/22/1942 Barbara Parkins, Vancouver BC, actress (Betty-Peyton Place, Asylum)
05/22/1942 Calvin Simon, US rock vocalist (Funkadelic-1 Nation Under a Groove)
05/22/1942 Malika A Sabirova, Russian dancer
05/22/1942 Pallo Jordan, South African ANC member
05/22/1943 Tommy John, pitcher (Yankee/Dodger)
05/22/1948 Richard Baker, (Rep-R-Louisiana)
05/22/1950 Bernie Taupin, musician, writes with Elton John
05/22/1951 Iva Davies, rocker (Icehouse)
05/22/1952 Jan Todd, woman power lifter, once lifted 248 kg in a squat
05/22/1953 John Edward Stevens, NYC, bank robber (FBI Most Wanted List)
05/22/1954 Jerry Dammers, keyboardist (Specials-Special)
05/22/1955 Sam Coppersmith, (Rep-D-Arizona)
05/22/1956 Douglas Heyes Jr, LA Calif, actor (Captains & Kings, Aspen)
05/22/1959 [Patrick] Morrissey, rocker (Depeche Mode-Somebody)
05/22/1961 Dana Williams, Dayton Ohio, singer (Diamond Rio-Meet in the Middle)
05/22/1964 David Lidberg, jockey
05/22/1970 Naomi Campbell, London England, model/actress (Cool as Ice)
05/22/1972 Alison Eastwood, daughter of actor Clint/actress (Tightrope)


05/22/ 337 Constantine the Great, emperor of Rome (306-37)/anti semite, dies
05/22/1501 Robert Gaguin, French writer/diplomat (Arte Metrificandi), dies at 6

05/22/1540 Francesco Guicciardini, Italian historian/pres of Romagna, dies at 5

05/22/1667 Alexander VII, [Fabio Chigi], Italian Pope (1655-67), dies at 68
05/22/1688 Johann A Quenstedt, German Lutherian theologist, dies at 70
05/22/1781 Garret Wesley Mornington, composer, dies at 45
05/22/1801 Heinrich Gottfried Reichard, composer, dies at 59
05/22/1819 John H van Kinsbergen, lt-admiral/founder (Corps Marines), dies at 8

05/22/1825 Domenico Corri, composer, dies at 80
05/22/1859 Ferdinand II, King of Sicily, dies
05/22/1868 Julius Plücker, German mathematician/physicist (formula of P), dies
05/22/1878 Franz von Holstein, composer, dies at 52
05/22/1880 Heinrich WA Freiherr von Gagern, German liberal politician, dies at

05/22/1885 Victor(-Marie) Hugo, French writer (Les Misérables), dies
05/22/1910 Jules Renard, French writer (Le plaisir the rompre), dies at 46
05/22/1925 John [Denton P] French, British field marshal (Boer war/WW I), dies
05/22/1928 William HT Gairdner, Engl missionary (Nile Mission Press), dies at 5

05/22/1939 Willem de Mérode, poet (Precious Blood), dies at 51
05/22/1945 Carel A Lion Cachet, lithographer/wood carver, dies
05/22/1948 Claude McKaye, Jamaican/US author (Banjo, Home to Harlem), dies at 5

05/22/1949 Hans Pfitzner, composer, dies at 80
05/22/1949 Klaus HT Mann, German/US writer (Turning Point), dies
05/22/1953 Vaclav Klicka, composer, dies at 70
05/22/1957 Langston Hughes, poet laureate, dies
05/22/1958 Magdalene Székely-Lulofs, author (Our Italian Employees), dies at 58

05/22/1965 Heinrich Barth, Swiss philosopher (Das Sein in der Zeit), dies
05/22/1967 Henry C Rümke, psychiatrist (Light of Man), dies at 74
05/22/1967 J Langston Hughes, US author (Tambourines to Glory), dies at 65
05/22/1970 Joseph W Krutch, US writer (Measure of Man), dies at 76
05/22/1972 Margaret Rutherford, English actress (Murder Ahoy, VIP's), dies
05/22/1977 Gijsbert van Hall, banker/mayor of Amsterdam (1957-67), dies at 73
05/22/1977 Marius Monnikendam, composer, dies at 80
05/22/1978 Bjarne Brustad, composer, dies at 83
05/22/1984 John Marley, actor (Cat Ballou), dies at 77 following heart surgery
05/22/1987 Mario Zafred, composer, dies at 65
05/22/1988 Giorgio Almirante, Italy, fascist (member of parliament), dies at 73

05/22/1990 Rocky Graziano, boxer, dies at 71, of heart failure
05/22/1991 Lino Brocka, Philippines director, dies
05/22/1993 Mieczyslaw Horszowski, Polish/US pianist (Carnegie Hall), dies at 10

05/22/1994 Mitacq, [Michel Tacq], Belg comic strip artist (Beaver Patrol), dies

Significant Events:

05/22/ 12 -BC- A daytime meteor shower, possibly Zeta Perseid observed in Chin

05/22/ 760 14th recorded perihelion passage of Halley's Comet
05/22/1176 Murder attempt by 'Assassins' on Saladin near Aleppo
05/22/1200 Peace of Goulet
05/22/1370 Jews are expelled from Brussels Belgium
05/22/1594 Earl Mauritius & Willem Louis begins siege of Groningen
05/22/1659 France, England & Netherlands sign 'Hedges Concerto' treaty
05/22/1761 1st life insurance policy in US, issued in Phila
05/22/1784 Ceyloneese student leader Pieter Quint Ondaatje demands democracy
05/22/1807 Townsend Speakman 1st sells fruit-flavored carbonated drinks (Phila)

05/22/1819 1st steam propelled vessel to cross Atlantic (Savannah leaves Ga)
05/22/1843 1000+ colonies depart Independence Missouri for Oregon
05/22/1856 H Goldschmidt discovers asteroid #41 Daphne
05/22/1856 Violence in Senate, SC rep Brooks used a cane on Mass Sen Sumner
05/22/1858 Confederación Granadina (now Colombia) forms
05/22/1863 War Dept establishes Bureau of Colored Troops
05/22/1864 Battle of N Anna River, VA (Totopotamy River, Haw's Shop, Hanovertow

05/22/1868 Great Train Robbery-7 men (Reno Brother) make off with $98,000 in ca

05/22/1872 Amnesty Act restores civil rights to Southerners (except for 500)
05/22/1877 Baden-Baden wins Kentucky Derby
05/22/1883 Cub's Billy Sunday's 1st at bat, begins 14 consecutive strikes out
05/22/1884 1-armed pitcher Hugh Daily fanned 13 hitters
05/22/1885 Tecumseh wins Preakness
05/22/1893 Montreal Athletic Assn beat Ottawa Generals 2-1, in 1st Cup Game
05/22/1900 Associated Press organizes in NYC as non-profit news cooperative
05/22/1900 M Wolf & A Schwassmann discovers asteroid #455 Bruchsalia
05/22/1905 Royal Academy in Delft Holland becomes Technical High School
05/22/1906 10th anniversary Olympic games close at Athens, Greece
05/22/1906 Wright Brothers patents an aeroplane
05/22/1909 1st SF fireboat, David Scannell, launched
05/22/1911 Braves pitcher, Cliff Curtis, loses his 23rd game in a row
05/22/1915 Local train collides with troop train killing 226 (Gretna Scotland)
05/22/1924 In Chicago, Nathan Leopold & Richard Loeb kidnap Robert Franks
05/22/1926 Chiang Kai-shek replaces communists in Guomindang China
05/22/1926 Dutch Communist Party expels David Wśnkoop
05/22/1927 8.3 earthquake strikes Nan-Shan China, 200,000 killed
05/22/1927 Dodgers beat Phillies, 20-4
05/22/1930 Ruth hits 3 consecutive HR (8th-10th of 60 in 1930)
05/22/1930 Yankee 'Bronx Bombers' hit 14 HRs in a game
05/22/1933 World Trade Day/National Maritime Day 1st celebrated
05/22/1939 Hitler & Mussolini sign 'Pact of Steel'
05/22/1940 Dutch Premier De Geer begins working with nazis
05/22/1940 Premier Winston Churchill flies to Paris
05/22/1941 British troops attack Baghdad
05/22/1942 Mexico declares war on nazi-Germany & Japan
05/22/1943 RAF scatters 1st copies of 'The Flying Hollander'
05/22/1943 Stalin disbands Komintern
05/22/1945 6th Marine division reaches suburbs of Naha Okinawa
05/22/1946 Yankees turn triple-play & defeat Tigers' 5-3
05/22/1947 'Truman Doctrine' goes into effect, aiding Turkey & Greece
05/22/1947 1st US ballistic missile fired
05/22/1950 Celal Bayar elected president of Turkey
05/22/1950 E L Johnson discovers asteroid #1580 Betulia
05/22/1950 Poet Gerrit Achterberg wins PC Hooft prize
05/22/1950 Richard Strauss' '4 letzte People' premieres
05/22/1953 Yankee Irv Noren hits into a triple-play, Yanks beat Wash 12-4
05/22/1954 Hasty Road wins Preakness
05/22/1954 KREX TV channel 5 in Grand Junction, CO (CBS) begins broadcasting
05/22/1954 Robert Zimmerman aka Bob Dylan is Bar Mitzvahed
05/22/1955 Oldest man to drive in the Grand Prix (aged 55) finishes 6th
05/22/1956 KRIS TV channel 6 in Corpus Christi, TX (NBC) begins broadcasting
05/22/1957 KBTX TV channel 3 in Bryan, TX (CBS) begins broadcasting
05/22/1957 South Africa govt approves race separation in universities
05/22/1959 Benjamin O Davis Jr becomes 1st black gen-major in USAF
05/22/1962 Neth telephone net becomes completely automated
05/22/1962 Robert A Rushworth, USAF major, takes X-15 to 30,600m
05/22/1962 Roger Maris walks 5 times (record 4 intentionally) in a 9 inn game
05/22/1963 Greek parliament leader Lambrakis injured
05/22/1963 Mickey Mantle hits a ball off Yankee Stadium's facade
05/22/1964 LBJ presents 'Great Society'
05/22/1965 Beatles' 'Ticket to Ride,' single goes #1
05/22/1965 Mad Dog Vachon beats Igor Vodic in Omaha, to become NWA champ
05/22/1967 Egyptian president Nassar closes Straits of Tiran to Israel
05/22/1967 Fire at L'Innovation dept store kills 322 (Brussels, Belgium)
05/22/1969 Stafford & Cernan pilot Apollo 10 LEM 9.4 mi(15km) above lunar surfa

05/22/1970 Arab terrorists kill 9 children & 3 adults on a school bus
05/22/1970 Mel Stottlemyre sets record by walking 11, but wins 2-0
05/22/1972 Ceylon becomes Republic of Sri Lanka as its constitution is ratified

05/22/1972 Ton Sijbrands becomes world draughts champion
05/22/1972 US president Nixon begins visit Moscow
05/22/1974 Ruffian begins her racing career as a filly & dies 14 months later
05/22/1975 Ky Colonels beats Ind Pacers in 8th ABA championship, 4 games to 1
05/22/1976 NASA launches space vehicle S-179
05/22/1976 St Louis Cardinal Reggie Smith hits 3 HR
05/22/1977 Final European scheduled run of Orient Express (94 years)
05/22/1977 Red Sox (6) & Brewers (5) tie single game HR record of 11
05/22/1979 Canadians elect conservatives, Joseph Clark replaces Elliott Trudeau

05/22/1980 Marlo Thomas & Phil Donahue marry
05/22/1981 Soyuz 40 returns to Earth
05/22/1983 Toronto Blue Jay Cliff Johnson hits record 18th pinch hit HR
05/22/1985 Pete Rose 2,108th run passes Hank Aaron as NL run scoring leader
05/22/1985 US sailor Michael L Walker arrested for spying for USSR
05/22/1987 30 killed in a Texas tornado
05/22/1988 Károly Grósz succeeds party leader János Kádár in Hungary
05/22/1990 Dow Jones avg hits a record 2,852.23
05/22/1990 Final episode of 'Newhart' airs
05/22/1990 Microsoft presents Windows 3.0
05/22/1990 North & South Yemen merge to form Republic of Yemen
05/22/1991 Roh Jai Bong resigns as premier of South Korea
05/22/1992 Calif Angels, are involved in a bus crash, in NJ
05/22/1992 India launches its Agni rocket
05/22/1992 Johnny Carson's final appearance as host of Tonight Show
05/22/1994 Toronto NBA franchise unveils name 'Raptors' and logo

Robert Wolfe

May 25, 2021, 7:40:27 AM5/25/21
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Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


05/25/1494 Jacopo Pontormo II, Italy, painter (Funeral procession of Christ)
05/25/1550 Camillus de Lellis, Italian soldier/monastery founder/saint
05/25/1688 Christian August Jacobi, composer
05/25/1726 Giuseppi Paolucci, composer
05/25/1767 Ferdinand Franzl, composer
05/25/1767 Friedrich Johann Eck, composer
05/25/1779 Henry M Baron de Kock, officer/politician
05/25/1781 Ferdinand K J, archduke of Austria-Este/gov-gen (Sicily)
05/25/1803 Ralph Waldo Emerson, US, essayist/philosopher (Concord Hymn)
05/25/1821 Diederich Krug, composer
05/25/1830 Jules de Geyter, Belgian poet (International)
05/25/1845 William Muldoon, Belfast NY, boxing commissioner (help find PAL)
05/25/1847 Alphonse Goovaerts, composer
05/25/1847 John Alexander Dowie, [Elijah the Restorer], US, evangelist
05/25/1852 Louis FMF Franchet d'espŠrey [Desperate Frankey], Fren marshal (WW I

05/25/1865 Frederick Augustus III, King of Saxon (1904-18)
05/25/1865 John Raleigh Mott, organizer (YMCA, Nobel 1946)
05/25/1865 Pieter Zeeman, naturalist (Zeeman effect, Nobel 1902)
05/25/1878 Bill 'Bojangles' Robinson, actor (Stormy Weather, Little Colonel)
05/25/1879 W Maxwell Aitken lord Beaverbrook, Canada/English banker
05/25/1882 Harry Fox, entertainer
05/25/1886 Philip Murray, founded Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO)
05/25/1888 Miles Malleson, writer/actor (Phantom of Opera, Postman's Knock)
05/25/1889 Gilardo Gilardi, composer
05/25/1889 Igor Sikorsky, developed a working helicopter
05/25/1889 Sverre Jordan, composer
05/25/1891 Robert W P Peereboom, Dutch editor in chief (Haarlem Newspaper)
05/25/1898 Bennett Cerf, publisher (Random House) panelist (What's My Line)
05/25/1898 Gene Tunney, world heavyweight boxing champion (1926-30)
05/25/1898 Mischa Levitzki, composer
05/25/1947 Klaus Meine, rocker (Scorpions-No One Like You)
05/25/1901 Milenko Zivkovic, composer
05/25/1902 Helvi Lemmikke Leiviska, composer
05/25/1904 Kurt George Hugo Thomas, composer
05/25/1905 Binnie Barnes, actress (Adv of Marco Polo, Holiday, Diamond Jim)
05/25/1905 Joseph C Harsch, Toledo Ohio, newscaster (Background)
05/25/1907 U Nu, premier Burma (1948-58, 1960-62)
05/25/1908 David Lean, British director (Lawrence of Arabia)
05/25/1908 Theodore Roethke, US, poet (Words for the Wind)
05/25/1911 Andr‚ Renard, Belgian worker union leader (Movement Syndical Unifi‚)

05/25/1916 Lou van Raised, impresario
05/25/1917 Dorothy Sarnoff, US, actress(?)
05/25/1917 Steve Cochran, actor (Mozambique, Gay Senotiys, Dallas, Copacabana)
05/25/1917 Theodore Hesburgh, ex-president (Notre Dame)
05/25/1918 Claude Akins, actor (BJ & Bear, Movin' On, Lobo)
05/25/1918 Peder Lunde, Norway, yachtsman (Olympic-silver-1952)
05/25/1919 Gino Negri, composer
05/25/1919 Lindsey Nelson, Pulaski Tn, sportscaster (NY Mets)
05/25/1921 Hal David, lyricist (Promises Promises-Grammy 1969)
05/25/1922 Enrico Berlinguer, Italian communist/sec-gen of CPI
05/25/1923 John Weitz, spy/author/fashion designer (Friends in High Places)
05/25/1925 Aldo Clementi, composer
05/25/1925 Jeanne Crain, Barstow Calif, actress (Man Without a Star)
05/25/1926 Miles D Davis, US, jazz trumpeter (L'ascenseur pour l'‚chafaud)
05/25/1927 Robert Ludlum, spy novelist (Bourne Identity)
05/25/1928 Frigyes Hidas, composer
05/25/1929 Beverly Sills, [Belle 'Bubbles' Miriam Silverman], Bkln NY, soprano
05/25/1929 David S Ruder, 23rd chairman of Security & Exchange Commission
05/25/1931 John Gabriel, US, actor (Cat Gang, Fantasies)
05/25/1932 Georgi M Grechko, cosmonaut (Soyuz 17, 26, T-14)
05/25/1932 John Grogery Thin, US writer
05/25/1932 K C Jones, Taylor Tx, basketball player (Olympic-gold-1956)
05/25/1934 David J Burke, writer
05/25/1934 Ron Nesson, press secretary (Gerald Ford)
05/25/1935 Barbara Harris, US, actress (Family Plot, Plaza Suite)
05/25/1936 Tom T Hall, Olive Hill Ky, country singer/writer (Harper Valley PTA)

05/25/1938 Ludmil Buldakova, USSR, volleyball player (Olympic-gold-1972)
05/25/1938 Raymond Carver, poet/short story writer (Furious Season)
05/25/1939 Dixie Carter, actress (Designing Women, Edge of Night)
05/25/1939 Ian McKellen, England, actor (Keep, Plenty, Scarlet Pimpernel)
05/25/1943 Leslie Uggams, NYC, singer/actress (Leslie Uggams Show, Roots)
05/25/1943 Sally Jesse Raphael, TV talk show host (Sally)
05/25/1943 Wynand C Malan, South African lawyer/NP/DP-politician
05/25/1944 Frank Oz, Heresford England, puppeteer (Sesame St, Muppet Show)
05/25/1945 Dave Lee Travis, DJ
05/25/1946 Irnema Szewinski Kirszenstein, Poland, 200m runner (1968 Olym Gold)
05/25/1946 Janet E[llen] Morris, US, sci-fi author (Golden Sword, Tempus)
05/25/1947 Jessi Colter, [Miriam Johnson], Phoenix, country singer (I'm Not Lis

05/25/1947 Karen Valentine, Santa Rosa Cal, actress (Room 222)
05/25/1951 Clifford Archer, bassist (Atlantic Star-Touch a 4 Leaf Clover)
05/25/1953 Jane Priest, Perth Australia, Prince Charles' lover
05/25/1953 Rich Alves, Pleasanton Calif, singer (Pirates of Miss-Fred Jake)
05/25/1954 Alison Stern, wife of radio personality Howard Stern
05/25/1955 Connie Selleca, Bronx, actress (Hotel, Capt America II)
05/25/1956 Tatsutoshi Goto, wrestler (WAR/NJPW)
05/25/1957 Hillary Bailey Smith, actress (Nora-One Life to Live)
05/25/1958 Dorothy Straight, 4 year old author (How World Begun)
05/25/1958 Paul Weller, guitar (Jam-This is Modern World, Style Council)
05/25/1959 Cathryn Harrison, London England, actress (Old Woman in Black Moon)
05/25/1960 BenoŒt van Innis, Belgian cartoonist/painter/cartoonist (NY Post)
05/25/1961 Hiro Saito, wrestler (All-Japan/NJPW/Calgary)
05/25/1963 Mike Myers, Canada, comedian (SNL, Wayne's World)
05/25/1965 Mark Knight, Calif, rock guitarist (Bang Tango-Dancin' on Coals)
05/25/1965 Remco Prince, pop guitarist/singer (Burma Shave-Stash)
05/25/1967 Danny Gonzales, jockey
05/25/1969 Matt Borlenghi, LA Calif, actor (Brian Bodine-All My Children)
05/25/1970 Lindsay Greenbush, LA, twin actress (Carrie-Little House on Prairie)

05/25/1970 Sidney Greenbush, LA, twin actress (Carrie-Little House on Prairie)
05/25/1971 Justin Henry, actor (Kramer vs Kramer, 16 Candles)


05/25/ 615 Boniface IV, Pope (608-15), dies
05/25/ 709 Aldhelmus Ealdhelm, English abbot/bishop/poet/saint, dies at about 6

05/25/ 946 Edmund the Older, king of Wessex/England (939-46), dies
05/25/1085 Gregory VII, [Ildefireo], Pope (1073-85), dies
05/25/1261 Alexander IV, [Rinaldo dei conti di Segni], Pope (1254-61), dies
05/25/1510 Georges d'Amboise, French cardinal/viceroy in North Italy, dies at 4

05/25/1555 Gemma Frisius, Fries geographer/astronomer, dies at 46
05/25/1765 Pierre-Joseph Le Blan, composer, dies at 53
05/25/1826 Christian Friedrich Ruppe, composer, dies at 72
05/25/1849 Andreas Michiels, Dutch milt gov of West Sumatra, dies in battle at

05/25/1890 Rosa Bonheur, French painter, dies
05/25/1895 Ahmed Djevdet Pasja, Turkish lawyer/Justice, dies
05/25/1914 Paolo Giorza, composer, dies at 81
05/25/1917 Leon Felix Augustin Joseph Vasseur, composer, dies at 72
05/25/1919 Madame C J Walker, wealthy cosmetics manufacturer, dies at 51
05/25/1924 Theodore Morse, composer, dies at 51
05/25/1926 Symon Petljoera, leader of Ukraine (pogroms), dies at 47
05/25/1934 Gustav T Holst, English composer (Ode to Death), dies at 59
05/25/1934 Gustavus Theodore von Holst, composer, dies at 59
05/25/1936 Jan Levoslav Bella, composer, dies at 92
05/25/1937 Henry O Tanner, artist, dies
05/25/1949 Simon H Spoor, intelligence officer/general (WW II), dies at 47
05/25/1964 Vasily Andreyevich Zolotaryov, composer, dies at 92
05/25/1968 Charles K Feldman, [Gould], producer (Casino Royale), dies at 63
05/25/1968 George KFW von K chler, German marshal (Netherlands 1940), dies at 8

05/25/1971 Jo Etha Collier, young black woman killed by 3 whites in Drew Miss
05/25/1971 Mark Brunswick, composer, dies at 69
05/25/1971 Terence De Marney, actor (Case Thomas-Johnny Ringo), dies at 62
05/25/1974 Donald Crisp, actor/director (Beloved Brat, Dawn Patrol), dies at 91

05/25/1981 Rosa Ponselle, US singer (Metropolitan Opera), dies at 84
05/25/1981 Roy James Brown, US boxer/singer (Good rockin' tonight), dies at 55
05/25/1982 Larry J Blake, actor (Earth vs the Flying Saucers), dies at 68
05/25/1983 Sydney Box, academy award producer, dies at 76
05/25/1984 Piet Ketting, composer, dies at 79
05/25/1985 Harold Hecht, choreographer, dies at 77 of cancer
05/25/1985 Robert Nathan, US writer/poet (Portrait of Jennie), dies at 91
05/25/1986 Chester Bowles, US senator/ambassador, dies at 85
05/25/1990 Vic Tayback, actor (Mel-Alice), dies at 60 of a heart attack
05/25/1991 Dorothy Davis Bostwick, entertainer, dies
05/25/1992 Danny Biasone, persuaded NBA to use 24 second clock, dies at 83
05/25/1992 Johan B W Polak, publisher/publicist (Bloom of d‚cadence), dies at 6

05/25/1992 Marshall Thompson, US actor (To Hell & Back), dies at 66
05/25/1992 Philip C Habib, US diplomat (Middle-East/Asia), dies at 72
05/25/1992 Viktor Grishin, hardline soviet communist, dies at 78, dies
05/25/1993 Dan Seymour, actor (Bombs over Burma, Intrigue, Watusi), dies
05/25/1993 Louise Tazewell, entertainer, dies at 93

Significant Events:

05/25/ 585 -BC- 1st known prediction of a solar eclipse
05/25/1085 St Gregory VII, pope (1073-85), dies (birth date unknown)
05/25/1721 John Copson becomes America's 1st insurance agent
05/25/1784 Jews are expelled from Warsaw by Marshall Mniszek
05/25/1787 Constitutional convention opens at Phila, G Washington presiding
05/25/1810 Argentina declares independence from Napoleonic Spain (Natl Day)
05/25/1825 American Unitarian Assn founded
05/25/1862 Battle of Winchester VA
05/25/1864 Battle of New Hope Church, GA
05/25/1870 Irish Fenians raid Eccles Hill, Qu‚bec
05/25/1876 1st tie in NL history (Athletics & Louisville, 2-2 in 14)
05/25/1887 Gas lamp at Paris Opera catches fire; 200 die
05/25/1898 1st US troop transport to Manila leaves SF
05/25/1900 Eyre M Shaw, 78, becomes oldest gold medalist in Olympics
05/25/1906 After 20 straight wins, Boston Red Sox lose to Chicago White Sox 3-0

05/25/1911 Revolution in M‚xico overthrows President Jos‚ Porfirio Diaz
05/25/1914 British House of Commons passes Irish Home Rule
05/25/1915 Chicago Claude Hendrix no-hits Pitts (Federal League), 10-0
05/25/1917 M Wolf discovers asteroid #874 Rotraut
05/25/1924 V Albitzkij discovers asteroid #1030 Vitja
05/25/1927 Henry Ford stops producing Model T car (begins Model A)
05/25/1928 Amelia Earhart (as a passenger) is 1st woman to fly Atlantic Ocean
05/25/1932 C Jackson discovers asteroid #1244 Deira
05/25/1935 Babe Ruth hits his last 3 home runs, Boston Braves vs Pirates
05/25/1935 Jesse Owens equals or breaks 6 world records in one hour
05/25/1935 Jesse Owens sets 4 track world records
05/25/1936 C Jackson discovers asteroid #1393 Sofala
05/25/1937 1st airmail letter to circle globe returns to NY
05/25/1939 Carl Storck becomes 2nd NFL president
05/25/1940 German troops conquer Boulogne
05/25/1940 Golden Gate Intl Expo reopens
05/25/1941 5,000 drown in a storm at Ganges Delta region in India
05/25/1943 Riot at Mobile Ala shipyard over upgrading 12 black workers
05/25/1943 Trident conference in Wash DC (operation plan '43 against Japan)
05/25/1945 Arther C Clark proposes relay satellites in geosynchronous orbit
05/25/1946 Abdullah ibn Hussein becomes king of Jordan
05/25/1946 Jordan gains independence from Britain (Natl Day)
05/25/1947 Coal dust explosion rocks Centralia Coal Co's Mine #5 killing 111
05/25/1948 Ben Hogan wins PGA golf tournament
05/25/1948 SF receives its 1st telecast
05/25/1949 Chinese Red army occupies Shanghai
05/25/1950 Bkln-Battery Tunnel opens in NYC
05/25/1951 NY Giant Willie Mays 1st major league game (goes 0 for 5)
05/25/1953 1st atomic cannon electronically fired, Frenchman Flat, Nevada
05/25/1953 1st noncommercial educational television station-Houston, Texas
05/25/1955 Series of 19 twisters destroy Udall Kansas & most of Blackwell Okla
05/25/1959 Khrushchev visits Angolia
05/25/1959 Supreme ct rules La prohibiting black-white boxing unconstitutional
05/25/1961 JFK sets goal of putting a man on Moon before the end of decade
05/25/1961 NASA civilian pilot Joseph A Walker takes X-15 to 32,770 m
05/25/1962 Isley Brother relase 'Twist & Shout'
05/25/1962 US unions AFL-CIO begins campaign for 35-hour work week
05/25/1963 Early Wynn wins his 300th baseball game
05/25/1963 Great Britain ends its amateur-professional classes in cricket
05/25/1963 Organization for African Unity formed by Chad, Mauritania & Zambia
05/25/1965 Dave Davies of Kinks stumbles & is knocked unconscious on stage
05/25/1965 India & Pakistan border fights
05/25/1965 Muhammad Ali KOs Sonny Liston in 1st round for HW boxing title
05/25/1965 Roel van Duyn, Martijn Ananar & Rob Faado align in Provo
05/25/1966 Peru & Argentina soccer fans fight in Lima; 248 die
05/25/1967 John Lennon takes delivery of his psychedelic painted Rolls Royce
05/25/1968 Rolling Stones release 'Jumping Jack Flash'
05/25/1969 Sudan military coup under colonel Ja'far al-Numeiry
05/25/1970 Indiana Pacers beat LA Stars in 3rd ABA championship, 4 games to 2
05/25/1972 Heavyweight Joe Frazier KOs Ron Stander
05/25/1973 Argentina peronist Hector C mpora installed as president
05/25/1973 George Harrison releases 'Give Me Love' in UK
05/25/1973 Skylab 2 (US) launched
05/25/1973 US launches 1st Skylab crew Kerwin, Conrad, Weitz
05/25/1975 Warriors beat Bullets for NBA championship, 4 games to 0
05/25/1976 Heavyweight Muhammad Ali KOs Richard Dunn in Munich
05/25/1977 'Beatles Live! At Star-Club in Hamburg Germany' released
05/25/1977 Dutch social democratic party wins parliamentary election
05/25/1978 'Star Wars' released
05/25/1978 Mont Canadiens beat Boston Bruins 4 games to 2 for Stanley Cup
05/25/1979 American Airlines DC-10 crashes in Chicago killing 275
05/25/1979 Israel begins to return Sinai to Egypt
05/25/1979 Raul Gonz les of M‚xico completes 50,000 m walk in record 3:41:38.4
05/25/1980 Jacek Wszoka of Poland sets high jump record (7'8')
05/25/1981 Al Unser becomes 1st Indy 500 winner to be disqualified
05/25/1982 Ferguson Jenkins becomes 7th pitcher to strike out 3,000 batters
05/25/1982 Iranian troops reconquer Khorramshar
05/25/1982 STS-4 vehicle moves to launch pad
05/25/1983 'Return of the Jedi' (Star Wars 3) released
05/25/1983 Fire in Nassermeer Egypt kills 357
05/25/1985 Cyclone ravages Bangladesh; 11,000 killed
05/25/1986 95-year-old woman scores a hole-in-one in Florida
05/25/1986 Hands Across America - 6 million people hold hands from Calif to NY
05/25/1986 KC Royal George Brett gets his 2,000th hit
05/25/1986 Virgilio Barco elected president of Colombia
05/25/1988 PSV wins Europe Cup
05/25/1989 Calgary Flames beat Montreal Canadiens for Stanley Cup
05/25/1989 Eastern Airlines graduates it 1st class of non-union pilots
05/25/1991 Israel evacuates 14,000 Ethiopian Jews
05/25/1992 Jay Leno becomes permanent host of 'Tonight Show'
05/25/1992 NY Yankees score 9 runs before 1st out in 8th inn, beat Brewers 13-7

Robert Wolfe

May 26, 2021, 7:40:13 AM5/26/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


05/26/1478 Clement VII, [Giulio de' Medici], Italy, Pope (1523-34)
05/26/1566 Mohammed III, sultan of Turkey (1595-1603)
05/26/1591 Dirck Janszoon Sweelinck, composer
05/26/1650 John Churchill up Marlborough, English duke/general strategist
05/26/1667 Abraham De Moivre, French mathematician (De Moivre's theorem)
05/26/1689 Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, English essayist, feminist, eccentric
05/26/1773 Hans Georg Nageli, composer
05/26/1782 Joseph Drechsler, composer
05/26/1799 Alexander S Pushkin, Russia, writer (Eugene Onegin)
05/26/1799 August Kopisch, German writer (Die Heinzelmännchen von Köln)
05/26/1806 Henry Knox Thatcher, Comm (Union Navy), died in 1880
05/26/1825 Felipe Gutierrez y Espinoza, composer
05/26/1835 Edward Porter Alexander, Brig General (Confederate Army)
05/26/1846 Arthur Coquard, composer
05/26/1850 Christine [Elizabeth C] Poolman, actress (Stupid force)
05/26/1853 Monroe A Althouse, composer
05/26/1856 George Templeton Strong, composer
05/26/1859 Alfred Edward Housman, Bromsgrove England, poet (A Buried Life)
05/26/1865 Akseli V Gallen-Kallela, Fins painter/graphic artist/illustrator
05/26/1866 John Eigenhuis, writer (Tough Workers)
05/26/1867 Mary, queen of Great Britain/North Ireland
05/26/1871 Camille Huysmans, Belgian premier (1946-47)
05/26/1874 Henry Farman, French aviation pioneer (double decker)
05/26/1876 Jack Root, boxing's 1st light heavyweight champion
05/26/1877 Isadora Duncan, SF, free form/interpretative dancer
05/26/1877 Jean Schlumberger, French writer (La Mort de Sparte)
05/26/1877 Sadao Araki, Japanese general/minister of War (1931-34)
05/26/1884 Charles Winninger, Athens Wisc, actor (Charlie Farrell Show)
05/26/1886 Al Jolson, [Asa Yoelson], jazz singer/silent actor (Mamie, Swanee)
05/26/1890 Kurt Edzard, German sculptor (nudist/portraits)
05/26/1893 Eugene Goossens, London England, conductor/composer (Perseus)
05/26/1893 Norma Talmadge, US actress (Sign on Door, Camille)
05/26/1894 Paul Lukas, Hungarian/US actor (Watch on the Rhine, Sphynx)
05/26/1897 Norma Talmadge, actress (Du Barry Woman of Passion)
05/26/1898 Ernst Bacon, composer
05/26/1898 Gerard Bertouille, composer
05/26/1899 Pieter Menten, war criminal
05/26/1903 Estes Kefauver, (Sen-D-Tn)
05/26/1905 Hans Holewa, composer
05/26/1907 Carleton Young, actor (Reefer Madness, Pride of the Bowery)
05/26/1907 John Wayne, 'Duke', [Marion Michael Morrison], actor (True Grit)
05/26/1908 Malando, [Arie Maasland], composer/orchestra leader (Olé Guapa)
05/26/1908 Robert Morley, England, actor (High Road to China, African Queen)
05/26/1909 Matt Busby, Scottish soccer coach (Manchester United)
05/26/1909 Richard Maibaum, NYC, screenwriter (Goldfinger)
05/26/1910 Adolfo Lopez Mateos, president of Mexico
05/26/1910 Laurance S Rockefeller, CEO (Chase Manhattan Bank)
05/26/1911 Ben Alexander, actor (Dragnet, Outer Gate, Mr Doodles Kicks Off)
05/26/1912 János Kádár, premier Hungary (1956-58)
05/26/1913 Fred Bertrand, Belgian politician
05/26/1913 Peter Cushing, England, actor (Hound of Baskervilles, Star Wars)
05/26/1914 Archie Duncan, Glasgow Scotland, actor (Sherlock Holmes)
05/26/1920 Peggy Lee, [Norma Egstrom], Jamestown ND, singer (Thats All There Is

05/26/1923 Horst Tapper, German director/actor (Derrick)
05/26/1923 James Arness, actor (Matt Dillon-Gunsmoke, Thing)
05/26/1923 Oren Lee Staley, 1st pres of National Farmers Organization (1955-79)

05/26/1923 Roy Dotrice, Guernsey Channel Island, actor (Wizard)
05/26/1924 Cooper Evans, (Rep-R-IA, 1981-87)
05/26/1924 Victor Herbert, Irish/US composer (Kiss in Dark)
05/26/1925 Alec McCowen, Tunbridge Wells England, actor (Never Say Never Again)

05/26/1926 Maria de Lourdes Martins, composer
05/26/1926 Miles Davis, Alton Ill, jazz artist (cool jazz)
05/26/1927 Jacques Bergerac, actor (Gigi, Les Girls, Thunder in Sun)
05/26/1929 Hugo Raes, Flemish writer (Horses Jump & Fresh Sea)
05/26/1934 Abdulah M 'Dulah' Omar, South African attorney/UDF-leader
05/26/1937 Yehuda Yannay, composer
05/26/1938 Teresa Stratas, [Anastasia Stratakis], Toronto Canada, soprano
05/26/1938 William Elden Bolcom, Seattle Washington, composer (Oracles)
05/26/1939 Brent Musburger, sportscaster (CBS-TV)
05/26/1941 Imants Kalnins, composer
05/26/1942 Levon Helm, drummer/singer (Band)
05/26/1942 Ray Ennis, England, guitar (Swinging Blue Jeans-You're No Good)
05/26/1943 Erica G Terpstra, Oly swimmer/Dutch 2nd Chamber member (VVD)
05/26/1944 Verden 'Phally' Allen, keyboardist (Mott the Hoople)
05/26/1945 Garry Peterson, rocker (Guess Who)
05/26/1946 Stevie Nicks, Phoenix Az, rocker (Fleetwood Mac-Bella Donna)
05/26/1947 Sherry Bain, Calif, actress (Pipe Dreams)
05/26/1949 Dan Pastorini, NFL quarterback (Houston Oilers, Oakland Raiders)
05/26/1949 Dayle Haddon, Montréal Québec Canada, actress (Bedroom Eyes)
05/26/1949 Hank Williams Jr, Shreveport La, country singer (Honky Tonk)
05/26/1949 Pam Grier, Winston-Salem NC, actress (Big Bird Cage, Tough Enough)
05/26/1949 Philip Michael Thomas, Columbus Ohio, actor (Miami Vice)
05/26/1951 Muhammed Ahmad Fares, Syria, cosmonaut (Soyuz TM-3)
05/26/1951 Sally Kristen Ride, LA Calif, 1st US woman astronaut (STS-7, STS 41G

05/26/1955 Candace L Collins, Dupo Illinois, playmate (Dec, 1979)
05/26/1956 Joe Penny, actor (Jake & Fatman)
05/26/1959 Wayne Hussey, rocker (Mission-Lover for Life)
05/26/1962 Bob[cat] Goldthwait, comedian (Police Academy)
05/26/1962 Colin Vearncombe, rocker (Black-Wonderful Like)
05/26/1962 Genie Francis, Englewood NJ, actress (General Hospital, Bare Essence

05/26/1963 Charles Van Eman, Pitts, actor (Charlie-All My Children, Dynasty II)

05/26/1963 Eddie Martin Jr, jockey
05/26/1964 Lenny Kravitz, singer (911 is a Joke)
05/26/1966 Helena Bonham Carter, UK, actress (Getting it Right, Lady Jane)
05/26/1966 Zola Budd, Bloemfontein South Africa, track star (Olympics-1988)
05/26/1968 Frederik, Heir Apparent Crown Prince of Denmark
05/26/1976 Benji Gregory, Encino Calif, actor (Brian Tanner-Alf)
05/26/1990 Zenouska Mowatt, granddaughter of English princess Alexandra


05/26/ 735 Beda Venerabilis, English speaking church historian, dies at about 6

05/26/1421 Mohammed I, sultan of Turkey (1413-21), dies
05/26/1512 Bajezid II, governor of Amasja/8th sultan of Turkey, dies
05/26/1609 Cornelis Claesz, mapmaker, buried
05/26/1703 Samuel Pepys, English marine expert (Diary)/composer, dies at 70
05/26/1753 Willem Maurits, earl of Nassau/gov of Zeeuws-Flanders, dies
05/26/1818 Michael A Barclay de Tolly, Russian field marshal/War Minister, dies

05/26/1831 Georg Hermes, German philosopher/theologist (Hermenianen), dies
05/26/1832 Francois-Louis Perne, composer, dies at 59
05/26/1871 Aime Maillart, composer, dies at 54
05/26/1873 August Conradi, composer, dies at 52
05/26/1876 Frantisek Palacky, Czech historian, dies at 77
05/26/1880 John Curwen, composer, dies at 63
05/26/1883 Abd el-Frame, Algerian sultan, dies at about 74
05/26/1891 Frederick Bowen Jewson, composer, dies at 68
05/26/1905 Alphonse de Rothschild, French banker, dies
05/26/1908 Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, Indies theologist (Ahmadiyya motion), dies at 69

05/26/1912 Jan Blockx, Belgian opera composer (Bride of the Sea), dies at 61
05/26/1924 Johann Heinrich Beck, composer, dies at 67
05/26/1924 Victor Herbert, Irish/US cellist/composer/conductor, dies at 65
05/26/1933 Jimmie Rodgers, country singer, dies at 35
05/26/1939 Charles H Mayo, US surgeon/co-founder (Mayo Clinic), dies at 74
05/26/1939 Cornelis J Cutters, supreme commander of Navy (1910-18), dies
05/26/1946 Friedrich AH von Waldeck, monarch of Waldeck, dies
05/26/1951 Lincoln Ellsworth, artic explorer, dies at 71
05/26/1956 Al Simmons, outfielder (A's)/lifetime batting avg of .334, dies at 5

05/26/1959 Ed Walsh, baseball pitcher (1.82 ERA), dies at 78
05/26/1959 Joe Kelly, TV host (Quiz Kids), dies at 57
05/26/1963 Sharon Lynn, actress (Big Executive, Wild Company), dies at 53
05/26/1966 Don Castle, actor (Motor Patrol, Born to Speed), dies at 47
05/26/1966 Neal Dodd, actor (Only Women, You Belong to Me), dies at 86
05/26/1967 Antoon Spinoy, Belgian politician, dies
05/26/1967 George E Stone, actor (5 Star Final, Front Page), dies at 64
05/26/1968 William E 'Little Willie' John, US R&B-singer (Fever), dies at 30)
05/26/1969 Kathryn Minner, entertainer, dies
05/26/1971 John Longden, actor (Man From Interpol), dies at 70
05/26/1973 Jacques Lipchitz, US cubist sculptor, dies at 81
05/26/1974 Kitty Gordon, entertainer, dies at 96
05/26/1976 Martin Heidegger, German philosopher (Holzweg), dies at 86
05/26/1977 Jim Boles, actor (Kraft Music Hall, One Man's Family), dies at 63
05/26/1977 William Powell, rocker (O'Jays), dies of cancer at 35
05/26/1979 George Brent, actor (Baby Face, Dark Victory, 42nd St), dies at 75
05/26/1991 Tom Eyen, US musical/TV writer (Dreamgirls, Mary Hartman), dies
05/26/1993 Cor de Great, pianist/conductor/composer (Vernissage), dies at 78
05/26/1993 Marvin Young, actor, dies
05/26/1994 George Wildman Ball, under minister of Foreign affairs, dies at 84
05/26/1994 Sonny Sharrock, US free-jazz guitarist, dies at 53

Significant Events:

05/26/ 961 German King Otto II crowned
05/26/1328 William of Ockham forced to flee from Avignon by Pope John XXII
05/26/1637 1st battle of Pequot at New Haven Ct kills 500 indians
05/26/1647 Massachusetts disallows priest access to colony
05/26/1736 Battle of Ackia (La), British & Chickasaw Indians defeat French
05/26/1781 Bank of North America incorporated in Philadelphia
05/26/1788 Mary Clark of England gives birth to a baby without a brain
05/26/1790 Territory South of River Ohio created by Congress
05/26/1860 Garibaldi occupies Palermo Italy
05/26/1861 Postmaster General Blair announces end of postal connection with Sou

05/26/1861 Union blockades New Orleans LA & Mobile AL
05/26/1864 Territory of Montana organized
05/26/1865 Battle of Galveston TX, surrender of Edmund Kirby Smith
05/26/1868 President Andrew Johnson avoids impeachment by 1 vote
05/26/1876 HMS Challenger returns from 128,000-km oceanographic exploration
05/26/1887 Legal betting at race tracks begins
05/26/1896 1st American intercollegiate bicycle race, Manhattan Beach NY
05/26/1896 Dow Jones Industrial Average adopted
05/26/1896 Last Czar of Russia, Nicholas II, crowned
05/26/1898 SF approves City Charter, allows Municipal ownership of utiliies
05/26/1900 British troops under Ian Hamilton attack the Vaal in South Africa
05/26/1903 Start of Sherlock Holmes 'Adventure of 3 Gables' (BG)
05/26/1905 A pogrom against Jews in Minsk Belorussia
05/26/1907 Chic White Sox Ed Walsh no-hits NY Highlanders, 8-1 in 5 inning game

05/26/1913 Actors' Equity Association forms (NYC)
05/26/1915 H H Asquith forms a coalition government in England
05/26/1916 F Sy discovers asteroid #858 El Djezair
05/26/1917 Walt Cruise hit 1st HR out of Braves Field
05/26/1918 Georgian Social Democratic Republic declares independence from Russi

05/26/1922 Lenin suffers a stroke
05/26/1923 1st Le Mans Grand Prix d'Endurance was run
05/26/1923 Socialistic Workers Youth International forms in Hamburg
05/26/1924 German govt of Marx resigns
05/26/1924 Pres Coolidge signs Immigration law: restricting immigration
05/26/1926 Lebanon adopts constitution
05/26/1927 15 millionth T-Ford produced
05/26/1928 A's commit 7 errors & lose to Yanks 7-4
05/26/1930 Joe Sewell, hardest to strike out, is struck out twice by Pat Carawa

05/26/1932 Admiral Makoto Saito forms parliament in Tokyo
05/26/1932 C Jackson discovers asteroid #1245 Calvinia
05/26/1933 Phillies Chuck Klein hits for cycle vs St Louis Cards
05/26/1934 Century of Progress Exposition reopens in Chicago
05/26/1937 Dutch Rail NV at law established
05/26/1937 San Francisco Bay's Golden Gate Bridge opens
05/26/1938 House on un-American Activities begins work
05/26/1941 American Flag House (Betsy Ross' Home) given to city of Phila
05/26/1941 Ark Royal airplane sights German battleship Bismarck
05/26/1941 German occupiers begin youth labor
05/26/1942 Belgium Jews are required by Nazis to wear a Jewish star
05/26/1942 Tank battle at Bir Hakeim: African corps vs British army
05/26/1943 1st president of a black country to visit US (Edwin Barclay, Liberia

05/26/1943 Jews riot against Germany in Amsterdam
05/26/1943 Premier Churchill & General Marshall fly from US to North Africa
05/26/1945 US drop fire bombs on Tokyo
05/26/1946 Klement Gottwald becomes premier of Czechoslovakia
05/26/1946 Patent filed in US for H-Bomb
05/26/1948 South Africa elects a nationalist govt with apartheid policy
05/26/1953 Dutch Convair crashes at Schipholweg, 2 die
05/26/1955 Khrushchev arrives in Belgrade
05/26/1956 Aircraft carrier 'Bennington' burns off RI, killing 103
05/26/1956 Reds' John Klippstein, Hershel Freemman & Joe Blacks no-hitter,
05/26/1956 broken up with 2 outs in 10th & lose to Braves in 11th, 2-1
05/26/1958 Ceylon emergency crisis proclaimed
05/26/1958 Union Square, SF becomes state historical landmark
05/26/1959 Harvey Haddix pitches 12 perfect innings, loses in 13th
05/26/1961 Freedom Ride Coordinating Committee establishes in Atlanta
05/26/1961 USAF bomber flies Atlantic in a record of just over 3 hours
05/26/1963 Organization of African Unity established
05/26/1963 Wes Stock becomes only Balt Oriole to win a double header
05/26/1965 Dutch Voting Rights Bill passes
05/26/1965 Revised intl Convention on Safety of Life at Sea takes effect
05/26/1966 Buddhist sets self on fire at US consulate in Hué South-Vietnam
05/26/1966 Guyana (formerly British Guiana) declares independence from UK
05/26/1969 Apollo 10 returns to Earth
05/26/1969 John & Yoko begin their 2nd bed-in (Queen Elizabeth Hotel, Montrael)

05/26/1972 Nixon & Brezjnev signs SALT accord
05/26/1973 Bahrain adopts it's constitution
05/26/1973 Beatles' 'Beatles 1967-1970,' album goes #1
05/26/1973 Chic White Sox beat Cleve Indians, 6-3, in 21 inn (game complete 5/2

05/26/1974 During a David Cassidy concert in London a 14 year old is trampled
05/26/1975 Tennis game in Surrey championships lasts 31 minutes
05/26/1976 N Chernykh discovers asteroid #2426 Simonov
05/26/1977 'Beatlemania' opens in Winter Garden Theater on Broadway
05/26/1977 George Willig climbs NYC World Trade Center
05/26/1977 Movie 'Star Wars' debuts
05/26/1978 1st legal gambling casino opens in Atlantic City
05/26/1980 Dietmar Mogenburg of West Germany ties high jump record at 7'8'
05/26/1980 Phillie Steve Carlton is 1st NLer to record 6, 1-hitters
05/26/1980 Soyuz 36 carries 2 cosmonauts (1 Hungarian) to Salyut 6
05/26/1981 Soyuz T-4 returns to Earth
05/26/1983 Challenger moves to launch pad for STS-7
05/26/1983 LA Lakers set NBA playoff game record of fewest free throws
05/26/1983 NASA launches Exosat
05/26/1984 C Shoemaker & E Shoemake discovers asteroid #3317 Paris
05/26/1984 Floods kill 14 in Tulsa Okla
05/26/1984 Frisbee is kept aloft for 1,672 seconds in Philadelphia
05/26/1984 Tulsa Oklahoma gets 13' of rain, 14 die
05/26/1985 Danny Sullivan wins Indy 500 by 24 seconds following a spin
05/26/1987 Great offensive against Tamil-rebellion in Jaffra Sri Lanka
05/26/1989 At 7:42 AM, radio has a 30 2nd silence, honoring radio
05/26/1989 Danish parliament allows legal marriage among homosexuals
05/26/1990 Phila Phillies retire Mike Schmidt's uniform #20
05/26/1991 Austria passenger flight explodes in Bangkok, 223 die

Robert Wolfe

May 27, 2021, 7:40:13 AM5/27/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


05/27/1332 Ibn Khaldun, Tunis, Arab historian/sociologist (Muqaddimah)
05/27/1595 Benedictus Carpzovius, [Benedikt Carpzov], German lawyer
05/27/1626 William II, prince of Orange
05/27/1738 Bonaventura Furlanetto, composer
05/27/1756 Maximilian I Jozef, King of Bavaria
05/27/1774 Francis Beaufort, admiral/hydrographer (Beaufort wind force scale)
05/27/1794 Cornelius Vanderbilt, millionaire (B & O railroad)
05/27/1799 Fromental Halevy, composer
05/27/1799 Jacques-Francois-Fromental-Elle Halevy, [Elie Levy], composer
05/27/1806 Charles-Joseph Tolbecque, composer
05/27/1815 Henry Parkes, statesman
05/27/1818 Amelia Jenks Bloomer, suffragette known for her pantaloons
05/27/1819 Julia Ward Howe, US, author/lecturer (Battle Hymn of the Republic)
05/27/1822 Henry Wylde, composer
05/27/1822 Joseph Joachim Raff, composer
05/27/1823 John Gray Foster, Major General (Union volunteers), died in 1874
05/27/1836 Edwin Gray Lee, Brig General (Confederate Army), died in 1870
05/27/1836 Jay Gould, US railroad executive, financier
05/27/1837 'Wild Bill' Hickok, [James Butler], cowboy/scout
05/27/1837 Robert Frederick Hoke, Major General (Confederate Army), died in 191

05/27/1849 'Blind' Tom Bethune, pianist/composer
05/27/1854 Georges Eekhoud, Belgian writer (Jeune Belgium)
05/27/1861 Victoria E Matthews, educator
05/27/1867 Arnold Bennett, England, novelist/playwright/critic (Great Babylon)
05/27/1871 Georges-Henri Rouault, Fr expressionist painter (Miserere et Guerre)

05/27/1874 Dustin Farnum, US, actor (Squaw Man, Virginian) [or 1870]
05/27/1874 Richard von Schaukal, Austria poet/writer (Eros Thanatos)
05/27/1879 Lucile Watson, actress (Great Lie, Watch on the Rhine, Let's Dance)
05/27/1881 Rudolf Pannwitz, German writer
05/27/1884 Bax Brod, composer
05/27/1887 Erich Kuttner, German journalist/historian (Vorw„rts)
05/27/1888 Louis Durey, composer
05/27/1891 Claude Adonai Champagne, composer
05/27/1892 Sara Heyblom, actress
05/27/1894 Dashiell Hammett, Maryland, author (Sam Spade, Maltese Falcon)
05/27/1894 Louis-Ferdinand C‚line, France, novelist (Journey to End of Night)
05/27/1894 Samuel Dashiell Hammett, detective story writer (Maltese Falcon)
05/27/1895 Marij Kogoj, composer
05/27/1897 John Douglas Cockroft, English physicist (Radar, Nobel 1951)
05/27/1902 Celius Dougherty, composer
05/27/1332 Ibn Khaldun, Tunis, Arab historian/sociologist (Muqaddimah)
05/27/1595 Benedictus Carpzovius, [Benedikt Carpzov], German lawyer
05/27/1626 William II, prince of Orange
05/27/1906 Robert Shone, director-general (NEDC)
05/27/1907 Felix de Nobel, orchestra leader
05/27/1907 Rachel Louise Carson, biologist/ecologist/writer (Silent Spring)
05/27/1908 Harold Rome, composer (Fanny, Pins & Needles)
05/27/1908 Melle J Oldeboerrigter, [Melle], painter/cartoonist
05/27/1909 Isador Goodman, composer
05/27/1738 Bonaventura Furlanetto, composer
05/27/1910 Daniel Greenway, CEO (Daniel Greenway & Sons)
05/27/1911 Hubert Humphrey, (Sen-D-Minn) 38th VP (1965-69), 1968 Pres candidate

05/27/1911 Torolf Elster, Norse journalist/writer (Frihet och demokrati)
05/27/1911 Vincent Price, St Louis Mo, actor (Fly, Laura)
05/27/1912 John Cheever, writer (Wapshot Chronicle)
05/27/1912 Sam Snead, Hot Springs Va, PGA golfer (Masters 1949, 52, 54)
05/27/1756 Maximilian I Jozef, King of Bavaria
05/27/1774 Francis Beaufort, admiral/hydrographer (Beaufort wind force scale)
05/27/1794 Cornelius Vanderbilt, millionaire (B & O railroad)
05/27/1799 Fromental Halevy, composer
05/27/1913 Mervyn Stockwood, bishop of Southwark England
05/27/1799 Jacques-Francois-Fromental-Elle Halevy, [Elie Levy], composer
05/27/1806 Charles-Joseph Tolbecque, composer
Lord Erroll of Hale, British minister
05/27/1914 Rose Stainton, CEO (British Airways)
05/27/1915 Herman Wouk, US, author (Caine Mutiny, Winds of War)
05/27/1915 Mario del Monaco, Italian opera singer (Verdi/Puccini)
05/27/1916 Norman Griggs, VP (Building Society Association)
05/27/1918 Yasuhiro Nakasone, premier of Japan (1982-87)
05/27/1919 Kam Fong, Honolulu Hawaii, actor (Hawaii Five-0)
05/27/1920 Michael Webster, CEO (DRG)
05/27/1920 William Crawshay, Lord-Lt of Gwent
05/27/1815 Henry Parkes, statesman
05/27/1818 Amelia Jenks Bloomer, suffragette known for her pantaloons
05/27/1819 Julia Ward Howe, US, author/lecturer (Battle Hymn of the Republic)
05/27/1822 Henry Wylde, composer
05/27/1822 Joseph Joachim Raff, composer
05/27/1823 John Gray Foster, Major General (Union volunteers), died in 1874
05/27/1836 Edwin Gray Lee, Brig General (Confederate Army), died in 1870
05/27/1836 Jay Gould, US railroad executive, financier
05/27/1837 'Wild Bill' Hickok, [James Butler], cowboy/scout
05/27/1837 Robert Frederick Hoke, Major General (Confederate Army), died in 191

05/27/1849 'Blind' Tom Bethune, pianist/composer
05/27/1854 Georges Eekhoud, Belgian writer (Jeune Belgium)
05/27/1921 Caryl Chessman, kidnapper who got death penalty (1960)
05/27/1921 Redd Stewart, Ashland City Tn, guitarist/pianist (Pee Wee King Show)

05/27/1922 Christopher Lee, London England, actor (Hound of Baskervilles)
05/27/1922 Sidney AK Keyes, English poet (Iron Laurel)
old Bennett, England, novelist/playwright/critic (Great Babylon)
05/27/1871 Georges-Henri Rouault, Fr expressionist painter (Miserere et Guerre)

05/27/1874 Dustin Farnum, US, actor (Squaw Man, Virginian) [or 1870]
05/27/1874 Richard von Schaukal, Austria poet/writer (Eros Thanatos)
05/27/1879 Lucile Watson, actress (Great Lie, Watch on the Rhine, Let's Dance)
05/27/1923 Henry Kissinger, Secretary of State (1973-77)/Nobel Peace Prize (197

05/27/1923 Lord Freyberg, British Colonel of General Staff
05/27/1925 John Moberly, diplomat
05/27/1927 Bryan Cowgill, deputy chairman (Mirror Group)
05/27/1927 Jan Blokker, writer/journalist (VPRO, People's Newspaper)
05/27/1928 Thea Musgrave, Barnton Midlothian Scot, composer (Mary Queen of Scot

05/27/1881 Rudolf Pannwitz, German writer
05/27/1929 Donald Howard Keats, composer
05/27/1884 Bax Brod, composer
05/27/1930 Eino Tamberg, composer
05/27/1887 Erich Kuttner, German journalist/historian (Vorw„rts)
05/27/1930 John Barth, novelist (Sot-Weed Factor)
05/27/1888 Louis Durey, composer
05/27/1930 William S Sessions, Arkansas, director of FBI
05/27/1931 Florence Sharples, director (British YWCA)
05/27/1931 John Chapple, British chief of General Staff
05/27/1931 Kenny Price, Florence Ky, country singer (Midwestern Hayride, Hee Ha

05/27/1891 Claude Adonai Champagne, composer
05/27/1892 Sara Heyblom, actress
05/27/1894 Dashiell Hammett, Maryland, author (Sam Spade, Maltese Falcon)
05/27/1894 Louis-Ferdinand C‚line, France, novelist (Journey to End of Night)
05/27/1894 Samuel Dashiell Hammett, detective story writer (Maltese Falcon)
05/27/1895 Marij Kogoj, composer
05/27/1897 John Douglas Cockroft, English physicist (Radar, Nobel 1951)
05/27/1902 Celius Dougherty, composer
05/27/1931 Veroslav Neumann, composer
05/27/1932 Jeffrey Bernard, singer
05/27/1934 Harlan [Jay] Ellison, US, sci-fi author (7 Hugos, Doomsman)
05/27/1935 Elias Gistelinck, Flemish composer
05/27/1935 Lee Meriwether, LA Calif, Miss America (Time Tunnel, Barnaby Jones)
05/27/1935 Ramsey Lewis, Chic, pop jazz artist (Hang on Sloopy)
x de Nobel, orchestra leader
05/27/1907 Rachel Louise Carson, biologist/ecologist/writer (Silent Spring)
05/27/1908 Harold Rome, composer (Fanny, Pins & Needles)
05/27/1908 Melle J Oldeboerrigter, [Melle], painter/cartoonist
05/27/1909 Isador Goodman, composer
05/27/1910 Daniel Greenway, CEO (Daniel Greenway & Sons)
05/27/1911 Hubert Humphrey, (Sen-D-Minn) 38th VP (1965-69), 1968 Pres candidate

05/27/1911 Torolf Elster, Norse journalist/writer (Frihet och demokrati)
05/27/1911 Vincent Price, St Louis Mo, actor (Fly, Laura)
05/27/1912 John Cheever, writer (Wapshot Chronicle)
05/27/1912 Sam Snead, Hot Springs Va, PGA golfer (Masters 1949, 52, 54)
05/27/1936 Benjamin Bathurst, vice chief of British Defense Staff
05/27/1936 Eric Anderson, headmaster (Eton)
05/27/1936 Lord Holme, president British Liberal Party
05/27/1936 Louis Gossett Jr, Bkln NY, actor (Officer & Gentleman, Deep)
05/27/1939 Don Williams, Floydada Texas, country singer (I Believe in You)
05/27/1939 Earl Cairns, CEO (S G Warburg & Co)
05/27/1913 Mervyn Stockwood, bishop of Southwark England
05/27/1913 Wolfgang Schulze, [Wols], German cartoonist/painter
05/27/1914 Hugh Le Caine, composer
05/27/1914 Lord Erroll of Hale, British minister
05/27/1914 Rose Stainton, CEO (British Airways)
05/27/1915 Herman Wouk, US, author (Caine Mutiny, Winds of War)
05/27/1915 Mario del Monaco, Italian opera singer (Verdi/Puccini)
05/27/1916 Norman Griggs, VP (Building Society Association)
05/27/1918 Yasuhiro Nakasone, premier of Japan (1982-87)
05/27/1919 Kam Fong, Honolulu Hawaii, actor (Hawaii Five-0)
05/27/1940 Rene Koering, composer
05/27/1941 Adrian Venema, journalist
05/27/1941 Allan Carr, Ill, director (Grease, Happiest Millionaire)
05/27/1941 Davina Phillips, actress
05/27/1942 Kent Bede Bernard, Trinidad, 4X400 runner (Olympic-bronze-1964)
05/27/1942 Priscilla Anne McLean, composer
05/27/1920 Michael Webster, CEO (DRG)
05/27/1920 William Crawshay, Lord-Lt of Gwent
05/27/1921 Caryl Chessman, kidnapper who got death penalty (1960)
05/27/1921 Redd Stewart, Ashland City Tn, guitarist/pianist (Pee Wee King Show)

05/27/1922 Christopher Lee, London England, actor (Hound of Baskervilles)
05/27/1922 Sidney AK Keyes, English poet (Iron Laurel)
05/27/1923 Henry Kissinger, Secretary of State (1973-77)/Nobel Peace Prize (197

05/27/1923 Lord Freyberg, British Colonel of General Staff
05/27/1942 Roger Freeman, British minister of transport
05/27/1943 Bruce Weitz, Norwalk Ct, actor (Hill St Blues, Death of a Centerfold

05/27/1943 Cilla Black, Liverpool England, rock vocalist (You're My World)
05/27/1943 Don Williams, singer
05/27/1925 John Moberly, diplomat
05/27/1927 Bryan Cowgill, deputy chairman (Mirror Group)
05/27/1927 Jan Blokker, writer/journalist (VPRO, People's Newspaper)
05/27/1928 Thea Musgrave, Barnton Midlothian Scot, composer (Mary Queen of Scot

05/27/1929 Donald Howard Keats, composer
05/27/1930 Eino Tamberg, composer
05/27/1944 Christopher J Dodd, (Gov/Sen-D-CT, 1981- )
05/27/1945 Bruce Cockburn, Canada singer/songwriter/folk rocker
05/27/1947 Liana Alexandra, composer
05/27/1947 Peter DeFazio, (Rep-D-Oregon)
05/27/1930 John Barth, novelist (Sot-Weed Factor)
05/27/1930 Simon Barrington-Ward
n, revue-artists/actress (Sweet Chairty)
05/27/1930 William S Sessions, Arkansas, director of FBI
05/27/1931 Florence Sharples, director (British YWCA)
05/27/1931 John Chapple, British chief of General Staff
05/27/1931 Kenny Price, Florence Ky, country singer (Midwestern Hayride, Hee Ha

05/27/1954 Catherine Carr, US breaststroke swimmer (Olympics-2 gold-1972)
05/27/1956 Lisa Niemi, actress (Dirty Dancing, Will Rodgers Follies)
05/27/1956 Steve Pagano, horse trainer
05/27/1957 Duncan Goodhew, swimmer
05/27/1957 Siouxsie Sioux, [Susan Ballion], Kent England (Siouxsie & Banshees)
05/27/1958 Linnea Quigley, Davenport Iowa, actress (Night of Demons)
05/27/1931 Veroslav Neumann, composer
05/27/1932 Jeffrey Bernard, singer
05/27/1934 Harlan [Jay] Ellison, US, sci-fi author (7 Hugos, Doomsman)
05/27/1935 Elias Gistelinck, Flemish composer
05/27/1935 Lee Meriwether, LA Calif, Miss America (Time Tunnel, Barnaby Jones)
05/27/1935 Ramsey Lewis, Chic, pop jazz artist (Hang on Sloopy)
05/27/1958 Neil Finn, rocker (Split Enz-I Got You, Crowded House)
05/27/1960 Ray Armsetad, Kirksville Mo, 4X400 runner (Olympic-gold-1984)
05/27/1961 Cathy Silvers, NYC, actress (Jenny-Happy Days, Foley Square)
05/27/1961 John Lugbill, Wauseon Ohio, US canoist/kayaker (Olympic-92)
05/27/1962 Ravi Shastri, cricketer
05/27/1965 Pat Cash, tennis player (Wimbeldon 1987)
05/27/1936 Benjamin Bathurst, vice chief of British Defense Staff
05/27/1936 Eric Anderson, headmaster (Eton)
05/27/1936 Lord Holme, president British Liberal Party
05/27/1936 Louis Gossett Jr, Bkln NY, actor (Officer & Gentleman, Deep)
05/27/1939 Don Williams, Floydada Texas, country singer (I Believe in You)
05/27/1939 Earl Cairns, CEO (S G Warburg & Co)
05/27/1965 Todd Bridges, actor (Diff'rent Strokes, Fish)
05/27/1966 Sean Kinney, US rock drummer (Alice in Chains-We Die Young)
05/27/1967 Chin Yang, jockey
05/27/1967 Paul Gascoigne, soccer player
05/27/1969 Dondr‚ T Whitfield, Bkln NY, actor (Terence-All My Children)
05/27/1940 Rene Koering, composer
05/27/1941 Adrian Venema, journalist
05/27/1941 Allan Carr, Ill, director (Grease, Happiest Millionaire)
05/27/1941 Davina Phillips, actress
05/27/1942 Kent Bede Bernard, Trinidad, 4X400 runner (Olympic-bronze-1964)
05/27/1942 Priscilla Anne McLean, composer
05/27/1942 Roger Freeman, British minister of transport
05/27/1943 Bruce Weitz, Norwalk Ct, actor (Hill St Blues, Death of a Centerfold

05/27/1943 Cilla Black, Liverpool England, rock vocalist (You're My World)
05/27/1943 Don Williams, singer
05/27/1944 Christopher J Dodd, (Gov/Sen-D-CT, 1981- )
05/27/1945 Bruce Cockburn, Canada singer/songwriter/folk rocker
05/27/1947 Liana Alexandra, composer
05/27/1947 Peter DeFazio, (Rep-D-Oregon)
05/27/1947 Robert Reinacher Jr, horse trainer
05/27/1948 Anna E 'Annelies' Balhan, revue-artists/actress (Sweet Chairty)
05/27/1948 Pete Sears, bassist (Jefferson Starship)
05/27/1951 John Conteh, boxer
05/27/1954 Catherine Carr, US breaststroke swimmer (Olympics-2 gold-1972)
05/27/1956 Lisa Niemi, actress (Dirty Dancing, Will Rodgers Follies)
05/27/1956 Steve Pagano, horse trainer
05/27/1957 Duncan Goodhew, swimmer
05/27/1957 Siouxsie Sioux, [Susan Ballion], Kent England (Siouxsie & Banshees)
05/27/1958 Linnea Quigley, Davenport Iowa, actress (Night of Demons)
05/27/1958 Neil Finn, rocker (Split Enz-I Got You, Crowded House)
05/27/1960 Ray Armsetad, Kirksville Mo, 4X400 runner (Olympic-gold-1984)
05/27/1961 Cathy Silvers, NYC, actress (Jenny-Happy Days, Foley Square)
05/27/1961 John Lugbill, Wauseon Ohio, US canoist/kayaker (Olympic-92)
05/27/1962 Ravi Shastri, cricketer
05/27/1965 Pat Cash, tennis player (Wimbeldon 1987)
05/27/1965 Todd Bridges, actor (Diff'rent Strokes, Fish)
05/27/1966 Sean Kinney, US rock drummer (Alice in Chains-We Die Young)
05/27/1967 Chin Yang, jockey
05/27/1967 Paul Gascoigne, soccer player
05/27/1969 Dondr‚ T Whitfield, Bkln NY, actor (Terence-All My Children)


05/27/ 866 Ordo¤o I, King of Asturia (850-66), dies
05/27/1039 Dirk III Hierosolymita, Count of Holland, dies
05/27/1178 Godfried van Rhenen, bishop of Utrecht, dies
05/27/1525 Thomas M ntzer, anabaptist campaigner, executed
05/27/1541 Margaretha, duchess of Salisbury, beheaded
05/27/1549 Lijsbeth Dirksdr, Fries antabaptist, drowns
05/27/1564 Jean Caulvin, [John Calvin], priest/church reformer, dies at 54
05/27/1569 Fran‡ois de Coligny, French general (Jarnac), dies
05/27/1576 Louis de Boisot, Dutch admiral, drowns at about 44
05/27/1580 Jonker Barthold Entens van Mentheda until Middelstum, dies
05/27/1596 Tibaldi II, Italian painter/sculptor/architect, dies
05/27/1627 Everhardus van Bronchorst, lawyer, dies at 73
05/27/1638 Nicolas Forme, composer, dies at 71
05/27/1647 Achsah Young, becomes 1st woman known to be executed as a witch (MA)

05/27/1652 Jacques Huyn, composer, dies at 39
05/27/1661 Archibald Campbell, Scottish politician, beheaded at about 53
05/27/1690 Giovanni Legrenzi, composer, dies at 63
05/27/1708 Jacques Danican Philidor, composer, dies at 51
05/27/1768 Johann M Fleischmann, German/Dutch stamp/letter designer, dies
05/27/1797 Fran‡ois-Noal 'Gracchus' Babeuf, French utopian socialist, dies at 3

05/27/1840 Niccol• Paganini, violinist, dies at 57
05/27/1855 Nikolaj A Bestoezjev, Russ writer/painter (Account of Holland), dies

05/27/1863 Edward Payson Chapin, Union brig general, dies at 31
05/27/1876 Joseph Bosworth, lexicographer/scholar, dies
05/27/1878 Carlo Marsili, composer, dies at 50
05/27/ 866 Ordo¤o I, King of Asturia (850-66), dies
05/27/1887 Coenraad J van Wooden, cocoa manufacturer, dies at 86
05/27/1896 Allard Pierson, theologist/philosopher/art historian/poet, dies
05/27/1039 Dirk III Hierosolymita, Count of Holland, dies
05/27/1178 Godfried van Rhenen, bishop of Utrecht, dies
a, Nobel), dies
05/27/1914 Joseph Wilson Swan, physicist/chemist, dies
05/27/1916 Joseph S Galli‚ni, General/military governor of Paris, dies
05/27/1525 Thomas M ntzer, anabaptist campaigner, executed
05/27/1541 Margaretha, duchess of Salisbury, beheaded
05/27/1549 Lijsbeth Dirksdr, Fries antabaptist, drowns
05/27/1564 Jean Caulvin, [John Calvin], priest/church reformer, dies at 54
05/27/1569 Fran‡ois de Coligny, French general (Jarnac), dies
05/27/1576 Louis de Boisot, Dutch admiral, drowns at about 44
05/27/1580 Jonker Barthold Entens van Mentheda until Middelstum, dies
05/27/1596 Tibaldi II, Italian painter/sculptor/architect, dies
05/27/1627 Everhardus van Bronchorst, lawyer, dies at 73
05/27/1638 Nicolas Forme, composer, dies at 71
05/27/1918 Henry Adams, US literature historian (Esther), dies at 80
05/27/1934 Meijer Linnewiel, [Prof Kokadorus], Amsterdams street hawker, dies
05/27/1939 Joseph Roth, Austria journalist/writer (Fluctuate ohne Ende), dies
05/27/1941 AH Borgesius, tutor/experimentator/amateur astronomer, dies at 76
05/27/1941 G nther L tjens, German admiral (Bismarck), dies
05/27/1949 Ropert L Ripley, cartoonist (Believe It or Not), dies at 55 in NY
05/27/1647 Achsah Young, becomes 1st woman known to be executed as a witch (MA)

05/27/1652 Jacques Huyn, composer, dies at 39
05/27/1661 Archibald Campbell, Scottish politician, beheaded at about 53
05/27/1690 Giovanni Legrenzi, composer, dies at 63
05/27/1708 Jacques Danican Philidor, composer, dies at 51
05/27/1768 Johann M Fleischmann, German/Dutch stamp/letter designer, dies
05/27/1951 Thomas Blamey, soldier, dies
05/27/1958 Ainslie Pryor, actor (Adventures of Hiram Holiday), dies at 46
05/27/1958 Samuel Stritch, US cardinal/archbishop (Chicago), dies
05/27/1960 Edward Brophy, actor (Champ, Dumbo, Great Guy), dies at 65
05/27/1960 George Zucco, actor (Fog Island, Black Raven, Desire Me), dies at 74

05/27/1963 Lambrakis, Greek EDA-parliament leader, murdered
05/27/1797 Fran‡ois-Noal 'Gracchus' Babeuf, French utopian socialist, dies at 3

05/27/1840 Niccol• Paganini, violinist, dies at 57
05/27/1855 Nikolaj A Bestoezjev, Russ writer/painter (Account of Holland), dies

05/27/1964 Jawaharial Nehru, Independent India's 1st PM, dies at 74
05/27/1969 Jeffrey Hunter, actor (Christopher Pike-Star Trek Cage), dies at 43
05/27/1970 Emmy van Lokhorst, author, dies at 78
05/27/1863 Edward Payson Chapin, Union brig general, dies at 31
05/27/1876 Joseph Bosworth, lexicographer/scholar, dies
05/27/1878 Carlo Marsili, composer, dies at 50
05/27/1971 Chips Rafferty, actor (Kona Coast, Walk into Hell), dies at 62
05/27/1975 Ezzard Charles, heavyweight boxing champion (1949-51), dies at 53
05/27/1976 Ruth McDevitt, actress (Jo-All in the Family), dies at 80
05/27/1982 Jo LagrilliŠre, [Joke], Flemish cartoon character, dies at 47
05/27/1983 Arnoldus Christian Vlok van Wyk, composer, dies at 67
05/27/1887 Coenraad J van Wooden, cocoa manufacturer, dies at 86
05/27/1986 Gaston Duribreux, Flemish writer (Sour Dove), dies at 82
05/27/1896 Allard Pierson, theologist/philosopher/art historian/poet, dies
05/27/1988 Florida Friebus, actress (Bob Newhart Show), dies at 79 of a stroke
05/27/1902 Jan van Droogenbroeck, Flemish poet, dies
05/27/1988 Melvin J 'Cy' Oliver, US jazz composer/orchestra leader, dies at 77
05/27/1988 Renato Salvatori, actor (Burn, Luna, 2 Women), dies
05/27/1910 Robert Koch, German bacteriologist (TB, Cholera, Nobel), dies
05/27/1914 Joseph Wilson Swan, physicist/chemist, dies
05/27/1916 Joseph S Galli‚ni, General/military governor of Paris, dies
05/27/1918 Henry Adams, US literature historian (Esther), dies at 80
05/27/1934 Meijer Linnewiel, [Prof Kokadorus], Amsterdams street hawker, dies
05/27/1939 Joseph Roth, Austria journalist/writer (Fluctuate ohne Ende), dies
05/27/1941 AH Borgesius, tutor/experimentator/amateur astronomer, dies at 76
05/27/1941 G nther L tjens, German admiral (Bismarck), dies
05/27/1949 Ropert L Ripley, cartoonist (Believe It or Not), dies at 55 in NY
05/27/1989 Jack Starrett, director/actor (Chase, Nightwish, 1st Blood), dies
05/27/1991 Ed Dodd, cartoonist (Mark Trail), dies at 88
05/27/1992 Dani‰l Robberechts, Belgian writer (Aankomen in Avignon), dies at 55

05/27/1992 Glenn White, actor, dies
05/27/1992 John Myhers, director/actor (Billion Dollar Hobo), dies
05/27/1951 Thomas Blamey, soldier, dies
05/27/1992 Tony 'Big Tuna' Accardo, mobster (St Valentines Day), dies at 86
05/27/1958 Ainslie Pryor, actor (Adventures of Hiram Holiday), dies at 46
05/27/1993 Willem PG Assmann, Second-Member of parliament, dies at 85
05/27/1994 Red Rodney, [Albino Red/The Red Arrow], bebop-trumpeter, dies at 66
05/27/1994 Theo Swagemakers, portrait painter, dies at 95
05/27/1958 Samuel Stritch, US cardinal/archbishop (Chicago), dies
05/27/1960 Edward Brophy, actor (Champ, Dumbo, Great Guy), dies at 65
05/27/1960 George Zucco, actor (Fog Island, Black Raven, Desire Me), dies at 74

05/27/1963 Lambrakis, Greek EDA-parliament leader, murdered
05/27/1964 Jawaharial Nehru, Independent India's 1st PM, dies at 74
05/27/1969 Jeffrey Hunter, actor (Christopher Pike-Star Trek Cage), dies at 43
05/27/1970 Emmy van Lokhorst, author, dies at 78
05/27/1971 Chips Rafferty, actor (Kona Coast, Walk into Hell), dies at 62
05/27/1975 Ezzard Charles, heavyweight boxing champion (1949-51), dies at 53
05/27/1976 Ruth McDevitt, actress (Jo-All in the Family), dies at 80
05/27/1982 Jo LagrilliŠre, [Joke], Flemish cartoon character, dies at 47
05/27/1983 Arnoldus Christian Vlok van Wyk, composer, dies at 67
05/27/1986 Gaston Duribreux, Flemish writer (Sour Dove), dies at 82
05/27/1988 Florida Friebus, actress (Bob Newhart Show), dies at 79 of a stroke
05/27/1988 Melvin J 'Cy' Oliver, US jazz composer/orchestra leader, dies at 77
05/27/1988 Renato Salvatori, actor (Burn, Luna, 2 Women), dies
05/27/1989 Jack Starrett, director/actor (Chase, Nightwish, 1st Blood), dies
05/27/1991 Ed Dodd, cartoonist (Mark Trail), dies at 88
05/27/1992 Dani‰l Robberechts, Belgian writer (Aankomen in Avignon), dies at 55

05/27/1992 Glenn White, actor, dies
05/27/1992 John Myhers, director/actor (Billion Dollar Hobo), dies
05/27/1992 Tony 'Big Tuna' Accardo, mobster (St Valentines Day), dies at 86
05/27/1993 Jan Wiley, actress (Underdog, Brute Man, She Wolf of London), dies
05/27/1993 Willem PG Assmann, Second-Member of parliament, dies at 85
05/27/1994 Red Rodney, [Albino Red/The Red Arrow], bebop-trumpeter, dies at 66
05/27/1994 Theo Swagemakers, portrait painter, dies at 95

Significant Events:

05/27/1281 Flemish Earl Gwijde Dampierre takes financial responsibility of Brug

05/27/1328 French king Philip VI Valois crowned
05/27/1647 1st woman known to be executed as a witch, Achsah Young in Mass
05/27/1679 Habeaus Corpus act passes in UK
05/27/1689 Anthonie Heinsius succeeds G Fagel as pension advisor of Holland
05/27/1703 St Petersburg (Lenningrad) founded by Peter the Great
05/27/1813 Americans capture Ft George, Canada
05/27/1844 Samuel F.B. Morse completes 1st telegraph line
05/27/1850 Mormon Temple in Nauvoo Illinois destroyed by tornado
05/27/1854 Marine Telegraph from Ft Point to SF completed
05/27/1856 Doctor William Palmer found guilty of poisoning
05/27/1857 H Goldschmidt discovers asteroid #44 Nysa
05/27/1862 Battle of Hanover Court House, VA (Slash Church, Peake's Station)
05/27/1863 CSS Chattahoochie explodes on Chattahoochie River GA, 18 die
05/27/1863 Siege of Port Hudson LA
05/27/1873 1st Preakness Stakes won by Survivor (2:43)
05/27/1887 A Charlois discovers asteroid #267 Tirza
05/27/1896 1st major tornado to strike urban US (St Louis & E St Louis Mo)
05/27/1896 Bay District Race Track closes
05/27/1896 Tornado (900 kph?) hits St Louis Missouri; 306 die
05/27/1900 Lord Roberts' army fights the Vaal in S Africa
05/27/1903 Queen Wilhelmina opens Berlages Merchants bureau in Amsterdam
05/27/1904 NL record of 5 stolen bases in a game (Dennis McGann, NY Giants)
05/27/1905 Japanese fleet destroys Russian East Sea fleet in Straits of Tushima

05/27/1906 1st outlining of Gustav Mahler's 6th symphony, in Essen
05/27/1907 Bubonic Plague breaks out in SF
05/27/1281 Flemish Earl Gwijde Dampierre takes financial responsibility of Brug

05/27/1328 French king Philip VI Valois crowned
05/27/1916 Groundbreaking begins on Hugh Grant Circle in Bronx
05/27/1917 Race riot in East St Louis Illinois, 1 black killed
05/27/1918 Battle of Aisne
05/27/1919 1st transatlantic flight ends; US Navy flying boat takes 11 days
05/27/1920 Tatar ASSR established in Russian SFSR
05/27/1921 After 84 years of British control, Afgh nist n achieves sovereignty
05/27/1647 1st woman known to be executed as a witch, Achsah Young in Mass
05/27/1679 Habeaus Corpus act passes in UK
05/27/1689 Anthonie Heinsius succeeds G Fagel as pension advisor of Holland
05/27/1703 St Petersburg (Lenningrad) founded by Peter the Great
05/27/1813 Americans capture Ft George, Canada
05/27/1844 Samuel F.B. Morse completes 1st telegraph line
05/27/1927 Japanese military intervention in Chinese civil war
05/27/1927 Thomas Masaryk elected Czechoslovakia president
05/27/1931 1st full scale wind tunnel for testing airplanes, Langley Field Va
05/27/1931 Piccard & Knipfer make 1st flight into stratosphere, by balloon
05/27/1933 Austrian communistic party banned
05/27/1850 Mormon Temple in Nauvoo Illinois destroyed by tornado
05/27/1854 Marine Telegraph from Ft Point to SF completed
White Sox 15-11
05/27/1856 Doctor William Palmer found guilty of poisoning
05/27/1935 Supreme Court declares FDR's Natl Recovery Act unconstitutional
anover Court House, VA (Slash Church, Peake's Station)
05/27/1863 CSS Chattahoochie explodes on Chattahoochie River GA, 18 die
05/27/1936 RMS Queen Mary leaves Southampton for NY on maiden voyage
05/27/1937 Carl Hubbell wins his 24th consecutive game (sine July 17, 1936)
05/27/1937 Golden Gate Bridge, SF, dedicated
05/27/1940 British & French begin evacuation of Dunkirk (Operation Dynamo)
05/27/1863 Siege of Port Hudson LA
05/27/1941 Allied troops begin evacuating Kreta
05/27/1873 1st Preakness Stakes won by Survivor (2:43)
05/27/1941 FDR proclaimes an 'unlimited national emergency'
05/27/1887 A Charlois discovers asteroid #267 Tirza
05/27/1941 German battleship Bismarck sunk by British naval force
05/27/1896 1st major tornado to strike urban US (St Louis & E St Louis Mo)
05/27/1896 Bay District Race Track closes
05/27/1896 Tornado (900 kph?) hits St Louis Missouri; 306 die
05/27/1942 Italian army begin siege of French western Fort Bir Hachim
05/27/1943 French defiance under Jean Moulin meets secretly in Paris
05/27/1943 US forbid racial discrimination in war industry
05/27/1944 Allies landing on Biak, Indonesia (operation Horlicks)
05/27/1900 Lord Roberts' army fights the Vaal in S Africa
05/27/1903 Queen Wilhelmina opens Berlages Merchants bureau in Amsterdam
05/27/1904 NL record of 5 stolen bases in a game (Dennis McGann, NY Giants)
05/27/1905 Japanese fleet destroys Russian East Sea fleet in Straits of Tushima

05/27/1906 1st outlining of Gustav Mahler's 6th symphony, in Essen
05/27/1907 Bubonic Plague breaks out in SF
05/27/1944 Japanese advance in Hangkhou China
05/27/1949 Russian stop train traffic West-Berlin
05/27/1950 Bollingen Prize for poetry awarded to Wallace Stevens
05/27/1951 Maritime Museum at Aquatic Park, SF opens
05/27/1916 Groundbreaking begins on Hugh Grant Circle in Bronx
05/27/1917 Race riot in East St Louis Illinois, 1 black killed
05/27/1918 Battle of Aisne
05/27/1919 1st transatlantic flight ends; US Navy flying boat takes 11 days
05/27/1920 Tatar ASSR established in Russian SFSR
05/27/1921 After 84 years of British control, Afgh nist n achieves sovereignty
05/27/1952 European Defense Community forms
05/27/1953 Dutch social democratic/Dutch Liberal Party win municipal elections
05/27/1955 Boston Red Sox Norm Zauchin gets 10 RBIs, beating Senators 16-0
05/27/1927 Japanese military intervention in Chinese civil war
Central HS
05/27/1927 Thomas Masaryk elected Czechoslovakia president

05/27/1931 1st full scale wind tunnel for testing airplanes, Langley Field Va
05/27/1931 Piccard & Knipfer make 1st flight into stratosphere, by balloon
05/27/1933 Austrian communistic party banned
05/27/1960 1st use of oversized catching mitt (Balt Oriole Clint Courtney)
05/27/1933 Century of Progress Exposition opens in Chicago
05/27/1933 Trailing 11-3, Yanks score 12 runs in 8th & beat White Sox 15-11
05/27/1933 Walt Disney's '3 Little Pigs' released
05/27/1935 Supreme Court declares FDR's Natl Recovery Act unconstitutional
05/27/1936 RMS Queen Mary leaves Southampton for NY on maiden voyage
05/27/1937 Carl Hubbell wins his 24th consecutive game (sine July 17, 1936)
05/27/1937 Golden Gate Bridge, SF, dedicated
05/27/1960 Military coup overthrows democratic government of Turkey
05/27/1961 Pres Kennedy announces US goal to reach Moon
05/27/1940 British & French begin evacuation of Dunkirk (Operation Dynamo)
05/27/1961 Ralph Boston of US, sets then long jump record at 27' «'
05/27/1941 Allied troops begin evacuating Kreta
05/27/1963 3 NJ businessman purchase NHL Colorado Rockies, & get approval
05/27/1941 FDR proclaimes an 'unlimited national emergency'
4 'From Russia With Love' premieres in US
05/27/1941 German battleship Bismarck sunk by British naval force
05/27/1942 Italian army begin siege of French western Fort Bir Hachim
05/27/1943 French defiance under Jean Moulin meets secretly in Paris
05/27/1943 US forbid racial discrimination in war industry
05/27/1944 Allies landing on Biak, Indonesia (operation Horlicks)
05/27/1944 Japanese advance in Hangkhou China
05/27/1949 Russian stop train traffic West-Berlin
05/27/1950 Bollingen Prize for poetry awarded to Wallace Stevens
05/27/1951 Maritime Museum at Aquatic Park, SF opens
05/27/1966 55th German F-16 Starfighter crashes
05/27/1966 6 French fighters crash above Spain
05/27/1968 6th Mayor's Trophy Game, Mets beat Yanks 4-3
05/27/1968 NL awards Montreal & SD major league franchises
05/27/1968 Nuclear submarine Scorpion is lost
05/27/1969 Walt Disney World construction begins
05/27/1952 European Defense Community forms
05/27/1953 Dutch social democratic/Dutch Liberal Party win municipal elections
05/27/1955 Boston Red Sox Norm Zauchin gets 10 RBIs, beating Senators 16-0
05/27/1958 Ernest Green & 600 whites graduate from Little Rock's Central HS
05/27/1958 Vanguard SLV-1 launched for Earth orbit (failed)
05/27/1960 1st use of oversized catching mitt (Balt Oriole Clint Courtney)
05/27/1970 British expedition climbs south face of Annapurna I
05/27/1971 UCLA wins NCAA basketball championship
05/27/1973 Rick Wohlhuter uns record 880 yards in 1:44.6
05/27/1975 Paul McCartney releases 'Venus & Mars'
05/27/1960 Military coup overthrows democratic government of Turkey
05/27/1961 Pres Kennedy announces US goal to reach Moon
f elderly women plunge
05/27/1961 Ralph Boston of US, sets then long jump record at 27' «'
05/27/1963 3 NJ businessman purchase NHL Colorado Rockies, & get approval
05/27/1963 to move them to NJ Meadowlands (Devils)
05/27/1964 'From Russia With Love' premieres in US
05/27/1975 Dibble's Bridge Yorkshire, killing 38
05/27/1977 NYC fines George Willig 1› for each of 110 stories he climbed
05/27/1979 Pope John Paul ordains John J O'Conner as a bishop
05/27/1980 South Korean police ends people's uprising; 2,000 killed
05/27/1966 55th German F-16 Starfighter crashes
roid #2434 Bateson
05/27/1966 6 French fighters crash above Spain
rdosing on Tylenol
05/27/1981 Lenny Randle tries to blow a slow roller foul but ump says no
rds Montreal & SD major league franchises
05/27/1968 Nuclear submarine Scorpion is lost
05/27/1969 Walt Disney World construction begins
05/27/1982 C & E Shoemaker discovers asteroid #3194 Dorsey
05/27/1983 Former EPA official Rita Lavelle indicted for contempt of Congress
05/27/1984 C & E Shoemaker discovers asteroid #3671 Dionysius
05/27/1984 Manuela Manleeva wins 3 singles tennis matches in one day
05/27/1985 Inaugural bands parade for Pres Reagan
Annapurna I
05/27/1971 UCLA wins NCAA basketball championship
05/27/1973 Rick Wohlhuter uns record 880 yards in 1:44.6
PTL scandal
05/27/1975 Paul McCartney releases 'Venus & Mars'
00th start (Young & Sutton)
05/27/1975 Phila Flyers beat Buffalo Sabres 4 games to 2 for Stanley Cup
05/27/1975 Worst motor vehicle disaster in UK; bus full of elderly women plunge

05/27/1990 C‚sar Gaviria Trujillo chosen pres of Colombia
05/27/1990 Radical Democratic Party holds 1st political meetings in Moscow
05/27/1991 Austrian Boeing 767-300 explodes at Bangkok, 223 die
05/27/1993 Mafia bombs Uffizi-museum in Florence, kills 6
05/27/1994 Final broadcast of Arsenio Hall talk show
05/27/1975 Dibble's Bridge Yorkshire, killing 38
05/27/1977 NYC fines George Willig 1› for each of 110 stories he climbed
05/27/1979 Pope John Paul ordains John J O'Conner as a bishop
05/27/1980 South Korean police ends people's uprising; 2,000 killed
05/27/1981 A Gilmore & P Kilmartin discovers asteroid #2434 Bateson
05/27/1981 John Hinckley attempts suicide by overdosing on Tylenol

Significant Events:

05/27/1982 C & E Shoemaker discovers asteroid #3194 Dorsey
05/27/1983 Former EPA official Rita Lavelle indicted for contempt of Congress
05/27/1984 C & E Shoemaker discovers asteroid #3671 Dionysius
05/27/1984 Manuela Manleeva wins 3 singles tennis matches in one day
05/27/1985 Inaugural bands parade for Pres Reagan
05/27/1986 Norway Showcase groundbreaking
05/27/1987 Jim & Tammy Bakker appears on 'Nightline' after PTL scandal
05/27/1987 Yank Phil Niekro is 3rd pitcher making 700th start (Young & Sutton)
05/27/1990 74th Indianapolis 500 runs
05/27/1990 C‚sar Gaviria Trujillo chosen pres of Colombia
05/27/1990 Radical Democratic Party holds 1st political meetings in Moscow
05/27/1991 Austrian Boeing 767-300 explodes at Bangkok, 223 die
05/27/1993 Mafia bombs Uffizi-museum in Florence, kills 6
05/27/1994 Final broadcast of Arsenio Hall talk show

Robert Wolfe

May 29, 2021, 7:40:13 AM5/29/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


05/29/1627 Anne ML of Orl‚ans, duchess of Montpensier (Grand Mademoiselle)
05/29/1630 Charles II, King of England (1660-85)
05/29/1673 Cornelis van Bijnkershoek, lawyer/president of High Council
05/29/1716 Louis JM Daubenton, French zoologist
05/29/1730 William Jackson, composer
05/29/1731 Orazio Mei, composer
05/29/1736 Patrick Henry, US, patriot 'Give me liberty or give me death'
05/29/1741 Johann Gottfried Krebs, composer
05/29/1791 Pietro Romani, composer
05/29/1810 Erasmus Darwin Keyes, Major General (Union volunteers), died in 1895

05/29/1810 Juan B Alberdi, [Figarillo], Argentina politician/writer
05/29/1810 Solomon Meredith, Bvt Major General (Union volunteers), died in 1875

05/29/1824 Cadmus Marcellus Wilcox, Major General (Confederate Army)
05/29/1825 David Bell Birney, Major General (Union volunteers), died in 1864
05/29/1826 Ebenezer Butterick, inventor (tissue paper dress pattern)
05/29/1827 Reuben Lindsay Walker, Brig General (Confederate Army), died in 1890

05/29/1837 Alexander F de Savornin Lohmann, Dutch minister/party leader (CHU)
05/29/1837 Luca Fumagalli, composer
05/29/1843 Emile Pessard, composer
05/29/1851 L‚on VA Bourgeois, French premier (1895-96, Nobel 1920)
05/29/1852 Jindrich z Albestu Kaan, composer
05/29/1860 Isaac [Manuel F] Alb‚niz, Spanish pianist/composer (Iberia)
05/29/1864 AH Borgesius, amateur astronomer
05/29/1868 Fr‚deric baron d'Erlanger, French composer/banker
05/29/1874 Gilbert Keith Chesterton, England, novelist (Man Who Made Gold)
05/29/1880 Oswald Spengler, Germany, philosopher (Decline of West)
05/29/1881 Frederik Septimus Kelly, composer
05/29/1883 William Beatton Moonie, composer
05/29/1885 Erwin F Finlay-Freundlich, British astronomer (theory of relativity)

05/29/1890 Francis de Bourguignon, composer
05/29/1894 Beatrice Lillie, Toronto, comedian/actress (Around World in 80 Days)

05/29/1894 Josef von Sternberg, Austrian director (Der blaue Engel)
05/29/1896 George L Funke, botanist (Flower Physiology)
05/29/1897 Erich Wolfgang Korngold, Brno Austria, movie composer (Violanta)
05/29/1897 Ignace Lilien, composer
05/29/1903 Bob Hope, [Leslie Townes], Kent England, entertainer (famous profile

05/29/1904 Robert Knox, bacteriologist
05/29/1905 Fela Sowande, composer
05/29/1905 Gerrit Achterberg, poet (Sailing)
05/29/1905 Jan (Johannes) Teulings, actor/director
05/29/1905 Sebastian Shaw, London, actor (High Season, Spy in Black)
05/29/1906 Hans Joachim Schaeuble, composer
05/29/1906 Terence Hanbury White, novelist
05/29/1909 Neil R[onald] Jones, US, sci-fi author (Space War, Twin Worlds)
05/29/1911 James Marjoribanks, British ambassador
05/29/1911 Louis Wain, agricultural scientist
05/29/1912 John BMR 'John' Hanlo, poet (Go to the Mosque)
05/29/1913 Douglas Black, physician
05/29/1913 Iris Adrian, LA Calif, actress (Blue Hawaii, Bluebeard)
05/29/1915 David Jenklins, librarian (National Library of Wales)
05/29/1915 Igor Buketoff, Hartford Conn, conductor (Iceland Symph 1964-65)
05/29/1915 Lord Huntingfield, British agent to UN Secreteriat
05/29/1916 Lou van Raised, impresario
05/29/1917 John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Mass, (Sen-D-Mass), 35th Pres (1961-1963)
05/29/1918 Isabel Dean, actress (5 Days one Summer, Virgin Island, Ransom)
05/29/1920 Robin Haydon, British diplomat
05/29/1921 Clifton James, NYC, actor (Buster & Billie, David & Lisa)
05/29/1921 George Terry, chief constable of Sussex England
05/29/1921 James Clifton, Spokane Wash, actor (Live & Let Die)
05/29/1922 Iannis Xenakis, Braila Romania, composer/architect/mathematician
05/29/1922 John Heerbecq, Church commissioner
05/29/1923 Earl of Morley, Lord Lt of Devon
05/29/1923 Richard Worsley, quarter master General
05/29/1925 Anthony Grant, MP
05/29/1925 Kennetgh Couzens, CEO (Coal Products)
05/29/1926 Charles Denner, Tarnow Poland, actor (And Now My Love)
05/29/1927 Carl Toms, stage designer
05/29/1927 Dick Hillenius, biologist/writer
05/29/1927 Trevor Holdsworth, CEO (National Power)
05/29/1928 Felix Rohatyn, Vienna Austria, investment banker (NY Big MAC Bonds)
05/29/1929 Katie Boyle, [Lady Sander Saunders], British broadcaster
05/29/1930 Eleanor Fazan, opera/show choreographer
05/29/1934 Heihatjir“ T“j“, Japanese admiral
05/29/1935 Andr‚ P Brink, South African writer (Dry White Season)
05/29/1935 Denis J Worrall, South African DP-politician/leader
05/29/1935 Martin Garrod, Commandant General Royal Marines
05/29/1936 Arlene McQuade, NYC, actress (Rosalie-Goldbergs)
05/29/1937 Alwin Schockemohle, horse show jumper
05/29/1937 Peter Kolman, composer
05/29/1939 Al Unser, auto racer (Indianapolis 500-1970, 71)
05/29/1939 Nanette Newman, writer/actress (Endless Game, Of Human Bondage)
05/29/1941 Douglas Scott, mountaineer
05/29/1942 Kevin Conway, NYC, actor (Flash Point, Cage of Angels)
05/29/1943 Bob Edgar, (Rep-D-PA, 1975-87)
05/29/1943 E Thomas Coleman, (Rep-R-MO, 1976- )
05/29/1943 Terry Pavey, editor (TV Times)
05/29/1944 Helmut Berger, actor (Ash Wednesday, Damned, Picture of Dorian Gray)

05/29/1944 Quentin Davies, (C) MP
05/29/1945 Lord Fraser of Carmyllie, Minister of State (Scotland)
05/29/1945 Martin Pipe, horse trainer
05/29/1946 Robin Johnson, Brooklyn, actress (Times Square)
05/29/1948 Anthony Geary, Coalville Utah, actor (Luke/Bill-General Hospital)
05/29/1948 Linda Esther Gray, opera singer
05/29/1948 Michael Berkley, composer/broadcaster
05/29/1949 Francis Rossi, rocker (Status Quo-Picture of a Matchstick Man)
05/29/1949 Gary Brooker, keyboardist (Procol Harum)
05/29/1950 Rebbie [Maureen] Jackson, Gary Indiana, singer (R U Tuff Enuff)
05/29/1952 Louise Cooper, UK, sci-fi author (Nemesis, Inferno, Infanta, Nocturn

05/29/1953 Rick Henderson, Beaumont Tx, singer (Mason Dixon-Karen Comes Around)

05/29/1955 Jerry Dengler, Colo Springs, singer (Mason Dixon-Karen Comes Around)

05/29/1955 John Hinckley Jr, shot & wounded Pres Reagan in 1981
05/29/1955 Mike Porcaro, rocker (Toto-Roseanna, Africa)
05/29/1956 Greg R, rocker (Bad)
05/29/1956 La Toya Yvette Jackson, Gary Indiana, singer (Playboy, Millipede)
05/29/1956 Larry Blackmon, rocker (Cameo-Alligator Woman)
05/29/1958 Annette Bening, Topeka KS, actress (Grifters, Bugsy, Valmont) [or 5/

05/29/1958 Ivar Sisniega, M‚xico, pentathelete (Olympic-1980)
05/29/1959 Rupert Everett, actor (Princess Daisy, Another Country)
05/29/1959 Tamayo Otsuki, actress (Mrs Yamagami-Davis Rules)
05/29/1960 Mel Gaynor, drummer (Simple Minds-Water Front)
05/29/1961 Melissa Etheridge, US singer/songwriter/guitarist (Never Enough)
05/29/1961 Todd Boonstra, Minneapolis Minn, cross country skier (Olympics-1994)

05/29/1963 Lisa Whelchel, Fort Worth Texas, actress (Blair-Facts of Life)
05/29/1963 Tracey E Bregman Recht, actress (Young & Restless, Concrete Jungle)
05/29/1965 Emilio Sanchez, Madrid Spain, Tennis player (1988 Olympic bronze)
05/29/1973 Tiffany M Sloan, Orange county Calif, playmate (Oct, 1992)
05/29/1977 Danny Gerard, Mt Vernon NY, actor (Alan Silver-Brooklyn Bridge)
05/29/1989 Danielle Riley Keough, grand daughter of Elvis Presley
05/29/1991 Coral Browne, Australian actor (Ruling Class), dies of cancer at 77


05/29/1453 Constantine XI Dragases, last Byzantine Emperor, dies at 49
05/29/1500 Bartholomeu Diaz de Narvaez (Novaez), Portuguese sea explorer, dies
05/29/1544 Jacobus Latomus [Jasques Masson], Belgian inquisitor, dies at about

05/29/1660 Peter Scriverius, lawyer/historian, dies at 44
05/29/1680 Abraham Megerle, composer, dies at 73
05/29/1691 Cornelis Tromp, admiral-general/son of Maarten T, dies at 61
05/29/1750 Giuseppe Porsile, composer, dies at 70
05/29/1788 Jacques Aliamet, French etcher/engraver, dies at 61
05/29/1814 Jos‚phine, empress of France (1804-14), dies
05/29/1815 Cornelis de Gijselaar, politician/patriot, dies at 64
05/29/1816 Madame L'Ouverture, widow of Haiti's leader Toussaint L'O, dies
05/29/1829 Humphry Davy, scientist/inventor (Miner's safety lam), dies
05/29/1833 William Marshall, composer, dies at 84
05/29/1862 Franciszek Wincenty Mirecki, composer, dies at 71
05/29/1877 John Lothrop Motley, (History of United Netherlands), dies at 63
05/29/1883 Albrecht of Prussia/mistress of John van Rossum, dies at 73
05/29/1883 WFLC Marianne, princess of Orange-Nassau, dies
05/29/1885 Alfred von Meissner, Austria physician/writer (Ziska), dies at 63
05/29/1892 Baha'u'llah [Mirza HA Noeri], Persian founder (Baha'i), dies
05/29/1899 Frantz Jehin-Prume, composer, dies at 60
05/29/1905 Leon Francis Victor Caron, composer, dies at 55
05/29/1910 Mili Alexeyevich Balakirev, Russian composer (Islamej), dies at 73
05/29/1911 William Schwenck Gilbert, Engl writer (Gilbert & Sullivan), dies at

05/29/1923 Adolf Oberl„nder, German painter, dies
05/29/1924 Pierre-Paul Cambon, French diplomat (Madrid/London), dies
05/29/1934 Eugenie Besserer, actress (Anna Christie, Madame X), dies at 65
05/29/1934 Heihatjir“ T“g“, Japanese admiral (Russ-Japanese war), dies
05/29/1935 Josef Suk, Czech violinist/composer, dies at 61
05/29/1942 John Barrymore, US actor (Beloved Rogue, Dinner at 8), dies at 60
05/29/1943 Hermann Hans Wetzler, composer, dies at 72
05/29/1948 May Whitty, actress (Gaslight, Mrs Miniver, Suspicion), dies at 82
05/29/1951 Dimitrios Levidis, composer, dies at 66
05/29/1951 Fanny Brice, Zeigfield Girl (Baby Snooks Show), dies at 59
05/29/1951 Josef Bohuslav Foerster, composer, dies at 91
05/29/1951 Robert Kahn, composer, dies at 85
05/29/1955 Dani‰l G van Beuningen, art collector, dies at 78
05/29/1957 George Bacovia [Vasiliu], Romanian poet/composer (Plumb), dies at 75

05/29/1961 Uuno Kalervo Klami, composer, dies at 60
05/29/1967 Geronimo Baqueiro Foster, composer, dies at 69
05/29/1970 John Gunther, author/host (John Gunther's High Road), dies at 68
05/29/1971 Max Trapp, composer, dies at 83
05/29/1973 Eric Applewhite, entertainer, dies
05/29/1977 Goddard Lieberson, composer, dies at 66
05/29/1979 Mary Pickford, actress (Coquette, Suds, Secrets), dies at 86
05/29/1982 Romy Schneider, actress (Cardinal), dies of cardiac arrest at 43
05/29/1985 39, die at Heysel Stadium in Liverpool in a riot prior to soccor mat

05/29/1985 Madge West, actress (Grandma-McLean Stevenson Show), dies at 93
05/29/1991 Coral Browne, actress (Auntie Mame, Ruling Class), dies at 77
05/29/1992 Bill Beyers, actor (Wally-Capitol), dies of AIDS at 37
05/29/1992 Peter John 'Ollie' Halsall, guitarist, dies at 43 of a heart attack
05/29/1992 Pippa Steele, actress (Vampire Lovers), dies
05/29/1993 Billy Conn, boxer (fought Joe Louis 1951), dies at 75 of pneumonia
05/29/1993 Tiny Hofman, Amsterdams activist (Nieuwmarkt), dies at 68
05/29/1994 Erich Honecker, president of German DR (1971-89), dies in Chile at 8

05/29/1994 Ezra Taft Benson, min of Agr/leader of mormon (1985-94), dies at 94

Significant Events:

05/29/ 526 Antioch struck by Earthquake; about 250,000 die
05/29/ 757 St Paul I begins his reign as Catholic Pope
05/29/1138 Anti-Pope Victor IV (Gregorio) overthrows self for Innocentius II
05/29/1176 Battle of Legnano
05/29/1415 Council of Konstanz
05/29/1453 Constantinople falls to Muhammad II (Turks); ends Byzantine Empire
05/29/1453 French banker Jacques Coeurs possessions confiscated
05/29/1506 Earl Willem I van Nassau-Dillenburg weds countess Walburg van Egmont

05/29/1576 Spanish army under Mondrag¢n conquerors Zierik sea
05/29/1630 Gov John Winthrop begins 'History of New England'
05/29/1652 English Admiral Robert Blake drives out Dutch fleet under lt-adm Tro

05/29/1660 Charles II restored to English throne after Puritan Commonwealth
05/29/1692 Battle at La Hogue: English & Dutch fleet beat France
05/29/1692 Royal Hospital Founders Day 1st celebrated
05/29/1721 South Carolina formally incorporated as a royal colony
05/29/1787 'Virginia Plan' proposed
05/29/1790 Rhode Is becomes last of original 13 colonies ratifing Constitution
05/29/1848 Battle at Curtazone: Austrians beat Sardinia-Piemonte
05/29/1848 Wisconsin becomes 30th state
05/29/1849 Patent for lifting vessels granted to Abraham Lincoln
05/29/1861 Asteroid 72, Feronia, discovered (name for Italian goddess of groves

05/29/1861 C H F Peters discovers asteroid #72 Feronia
05/29/1861 Dorothea Dix offers help in setting up hospitals for Union Army
05/29/1864 M‚xican Emperor Maximilian arrives at Vera Cruz
05/29/1874 Present constitution of Switzerland takes effect
05/29/1884 1st steam cable trams start in highgate
05/29/1889 A Charlois discovers asteroid #284 Amalia
05/29/1900 Trademark 'Escalator' registered by Otis Elevator Co
05/29/1902 Dutch State Mine law established
05/29/1909 Frank 'Home Run' Baker's 1st career home run
05/29/1910 Pope's encyclical on Editae Saepe, against church reformers
05/29/1911 1st running of Indianapolis 500
05/29/1914 Ship rams Canadian ship Empress of Ireland on St Lawrence R; 1024 di

05/29/1916 Official flag of president of US adopted
05/29/1916 US forces invade Dominican Republic, stay until 1924
05/29/1919 Einstein's light-bending prediction confirmed by Arthur Eddington
05/29/1922 Ecuador becomes independent
05/29/1928 Fritz von Opel reaches 200 kph in experimental rocket car
05/29/1935 Hague local museum opens
05/29/1940 Adolf Kiefer swims world record 100 yards backstroke (58.8 sec)
05/29/1940 Arthur Seyss-Inquart intalled as Reich commissar of Hague
05/29/1943 Confederacy of Algiers (Churchill-Marshall-Eisenhower)
05/29/1943 Meat & cheese rationed in US
05/29/1945 US 1st Marine division conquerors Shuri-castle Okinawa
05/29/1946 KVP wins Provincial National election in Netherlands
05/29/1951 1st North Pole flight in single engine plane-CF Blair
05/29/1952 2nd Round Conference between Dutch Antilles & Suriname ends
05/29/1953 Edmund P Hillary & Tensing Norkay are 1st to reach summit of Everest

05/29/1954 Kirk & Anne Douglas married
05/29/1954 Pope Pius X issues holy declaration
05/29/1956 WESH TV channel 2 in Daytona Beach-Orlando, FL (NBC) 1st broadcast
05/29/1957 Algerian rebels kill 336 collaborators
05/29/1957 Laos govt of prince Suvanna Phuma resigns
05/29/1959 Charles de Gaulle forms French govt
05/29/1960 Everly Brothers 'Cathy's Clown' hits #1
05/29/1962 Barbra Striesand appears on 'Garry Moore Show'
05/29/1965 Phillies Dick Allen hits 529' HR out of Connie Mack Stadium
05/29/1967 Australian Paul McManus waterskis barefoot for 1:30:19
05/29/1971 L Chernykh discovers asteroid #2127 Tanya
05/29/1973 Thomas Bradley elected 1st black mayor of Los Angeles Calif
05/29/1977 A J Foyt wins Indianapolis 500 for a record 4th time
05/29/1977 NBC News & Information Service (24 hr news) ends on radio
05/29/1977 Janet Guthrie becomes 1st woman to drive in Indy 500
05/29/1977 Sue Press is 1st woman golfer to hit consecutive holes-in one
05/29/1978 1st class postage now 15› (13› for 3 years)
05/29/1979 Radio's 1st rock network 'Source' premieres
05/29/1980 Attempted assassination of Vernon Jordan Jr, National Urban Leag pre

05/29/1980 J Turners 'Juliet & her Nurse' sold for $6,400,000 in NYC
05/29/1980 Larry Bird beats out Magic Johnson for NBA rookie of year
05/29/1983 Yuri Dumchev of USSR throws discus a record 71.86 m
05/29/1984 Boston Red Sox retires #9 (Ted Williams) & #4 (Joe Cronin)
05/29/1985 35 die in rioting between British & Italians at European Cup soccer
05/29/1987 'Twilight Zone' director John Landis found innocent in death of acto

05/29/1987 Michael Jackson attempts to buy Elephant Man's remains
05/29/1987 Robin Ventura set a college baseball record with hits in 57 games
05/29/1988 President Zia ul-Haq fires government/disbands parliament in Pakista

05/29/1989 Student protesters in China construct a replic of Statue of Liberty
05/29/1990 Dow Jones avg hits a record 2,870.49
05/29/1990 NY Mets fire manager Davey Johnson & hire Bud Harrelson
05/29/1992 NY Mets score in 9th to end home shut-out streak at 3 games
05/29/1993 Nazi's kill 5 Turkish women in Solingen Germany
05/29/1994 Al Unser Jr wins 78th Indianapolis 500 in 3:06:29.006 (255.89 kph)
05/29/1994 Great comet-iceball seen above North sea
05/29/1994 Hungary's Socialist Party wins parliamentary election

Robert Wolfe

May 30, 2021, 7:40:11 AM5/30/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


05/30/1220 Alexander Nevski, [Aleksandr], Russian great ruler (1252-63)
05/30/1524 Selîm II Sari, the blonde, sultan of Turkey (1566-74)
05/30/1578 Valentin Dretzel, composer
05/30/1672 Peter I, (the Great), tsar of Russia (1682-1725)
05/30/1757 Henry Addington, Viscount Sidmouth (C), British PM (1801-04)
05/30/1797 Johann Christian Lobe, composer
05/30/1800 Karl W Feuerbach, German mathematician (Position of Feuerbach)
05/30/1808 Joaquim Casimiro Junior, composer
05/30/1812 John Alexander McClernand, Major General (Union volunteers)
05/30/1829 Levin Goldschmidt, German business law expert
05/30/1830 Edward Winslow Hinks, Bvt Major General (Union volunteers)
05/30/1832 George Doherty Johnston, Brig General (Confederate Army)
05/30/1835 Alfred Austin, Leeds England, poet laureate of England (Garden)
05/30/1844 Louis Varney, composer
05/30/1845 Amadeus I FM, duke of Aosta/king of Spain (1870-73)
05/30/1846 Peter Carl Fabergé, Russia, goldsmith/jeweler/egg maker
05/30/1847 Alice Sophia Stopford Green, Ireland, proponent of Irish independenc

05/30/1853 Andries André, actor/husband of Geertruida Meeuwissen
05/30/1853 Karl Fritjof Valentin, composer
05/30/1859 Pierre Marie Felix Janet, France, psychologist/neurologist
05/30/1867 Arthur Vining Davis, Sharon Mass, CEO (Alcoa-1910-57)
05/30/1881 George KFW von Küchler, German field marshal (Invasion Netherlands)
05/30/1883 Riccardo Zandonai, composer
05/30/1887 Alexander Archipenko, Ukraine sculptor/lithographer
05/30/1887 Gino Tagliapietra, composer
05/30/1888 James A Farley, postmaster general (1932-38)
05/30/1891 Iman J Van de Bosch, Belgian resistance fighter
05/30/1894 Hubertus J van Mook, Dutch minister of Colonization (1942-45)
05/30/1896 Howard Hawks, US director/producer: Rio Bravo/Scarface
05/30/1901 Cornelia Otis Skinner, writer (When Our Hearts Were Young & Gay)
05/30/1902 Stepin Fetchit, [Lincoln Perry], actor (Miracle in Harlem)
05/30/1903 Countee Cullen, Balt Md, poet (Black Christ & Other Poems)
05/30/1904 Ernesto de la Guardia Jr, President of Panamá (1956-60)
05/30/1908 Hannes OG Alfvén, Swedish physicist (Nobel 1970)
05/30/1908 Mel[vin J] Blanc, voice of Bugs Bunny, Elmer Fudd & Porky Pig
05/30/1909 Benny Goodman, Chicago Ill, swinger/clarinetist, 'King of Swing'
05/30/1911 Douglas Fowley, NYC, actor (Grandpa-Pistols 'n' Petticoats)
05/30/1912 Hugh Griffith, Welsh actor (Ben Hur, Mutiny on the Bounty, Oliver!)
05/30/1913 Cedric Thorpe Davie, composer
05/30/1914 Bobby Sherwood, Indianapolis Ind, orch leader (Milton Berle Show)
05/30/1916 Joseph W Kennedy, scientist (1 of 4 discoverers of plutonium)
05/30/1922 Harry Clement Stubbs, US, sci-fi author (Needle, Iceworld)
05/30/1923 Jimmy Lydon, Harrington Pk NJ, actor (Richard-Love That Jill)
05/30/1924 Norbert Schemansky, USA, middle heavyweight (Olympic-gold-1952)
05/30/1925 Claude Prey, composer
05/30/1925 Eddy Bruma, Suriname politician
05/30/1926 Christine Jorgensen, pioneer transsexual
05/30/1926 Edouard Van Remoortel, Brussels, conductor (1958-62 St Louis Symph)
05/30/1927 Clint Walker, Hartford Ill, actor (Kodiak, Cheyenne, Dirty Dozen)
05/30/1927 Dick Noel, Bkln NY, TV host (It's a Small Wonder)
05/30/1927 Evelyn Wesler Zemel, US, author (American Glass Animals)
05/30/1929 Michael Mellinger, Bavaria, actor (Goldfinger)
05/30/1932 Pauline Oliveros, Houston Texas, composer (Sound Patterns)
05/30/1932 Seppo Antero Yrjonpoika Nummi, composer
05/30/1934 Alexei A Leonov, Siberia USSR, cosmonaut (Voskhod II Soyuz 19)
05/30/1936 Galina Sjostakovitsj, daughter of Russian composer Dmitri
05/30/1936 Keir Dullea, actor (2001, 2010, David & Lisa)
05/30/1936 Ruta Lee, actress (Operation Eichmann, Marjorie Morningstar)
05/30/1938 Wilfried A de Pree, Dutch 2nd Chamber Member (PvdA)
05/30/1939 Michael J Pollard, Passaic NJ, actor (Bonny & Clyde, Roxanne)
05/30/1940 David Ackroyd, actor (I Come in Peace, Memories of Me)
05/30/1942 Dan Miller, (Rep-R-Florida)
05/30/1943 Gale Sayers, NFL running back (Chicago Bears)
05/30/1944 Larry Davidson, rocker (Dave Clark 5-Glad All Over)
05/30/1945 Meredith MacRae, Houston Tx, actress (Petticoat Junction, My 3 Sons)

05/30/1951 Stephen Tobolowsky, actor (Single White Female, Thelma & Louise)
05/30/1952 Zoltan Kocsis, composer
05/30/1955 Nicky 'Topper' Headon, English drummer (Clash-Complete Control)
05/30/1957 Allison Roe, Auckland NZ, marathoner (NYC-1981)
05/30/1957 Chris Van Jaarsveld, guitarist (Sleeze Beez)
05/30/1958 Marie Fredriksson, Ostra-Lj Swed, singer (Roxette-Must Have Been Lov

05/30/1958 Michael E Lopez-Alegria, Madrid Spain, US Navy Lt Commander/astronau

05/30/1960 Stephen 'Tea Tower' Duffy, rocker (Lilac Time-Paradise Song)
05/30/1961 Ella Arolovich, entertainer
05/30/1961 Ralph Carter, actor (Michael Evans-Good Times)
05/30/1961 Trey Parker, actor (Newsies)
05/30/1962 Tonya Pinkins, Chicago Ill, actress (Livia Frye-All My Children)
05/30/1963 Helen Patricia Sharman, Great Britain, cosmonaut (Soyuz TM-12)
05/30/1963 Lynda Wiesmeier, Washington DC, playmate (Jul, 1982)
05/30/1964 Wynonna Judd, [Christina], Ashland Ky, singer (Judds-Why Not Me)
05/30/1968 Tim Burgess, English rock vocalist (Charlatans-Only One I Know)
05/30/1972 Trey Parker, rapper/actor (Hull High)
05/30/1976 Omri Hairi Katz, LA Calif, actor (Marshall Teller-Eerie Indiana)
05/30/1986 Ashley Slaney, daughter of Olympians Mary Decker & Richard Slaney


05/30/ 727 Hubertus, bishop of Tongeren-Maastricht/saint, dies at about 72
05/30/1035 Boudewijn IV, count of Flanders (988-1035), dies
05/30/1252 Ferdinand III the holy, King of Castilië/León, dies
05/30/1416 Jerome of Prague, burned as a heretic by Church
05/30/1431 Joan of Arc, burned as a witch by English at Rouen at 19
05/30/1434 Prokopius, [Bohemia?], leader of taboriets, dies in battle
05/30/1574 Charles IX, King of France (1560-74), dies
05/30/1593 Christopher Marlowe, English dramatist/poet/spy, murdered
05/30/1640 André Duchesne, French historian/genealogy, dies
05/30/1718 Arnold J van Keppel, earl of Albemarle/general, dies at about 48
05/30/1718 Bernard Nieuwentyt, physician/theologist, dies at 63
05/30/1744 Alexander Pope, English poet (Eloisa to Abelard), dies at 56
05/30/1746 Giovanni Antonio Pollarolo, composer, dies at 69
05/30/1778 Voltaire, [François-Marie Arouet], French writer (Candide), dies
05/30/1791 Ildephons Haas, composer, dies at 56
05/30/1797 Carl Ludwig Junker, composer, dies at 48
05/30/1809 Johan B Scheffer, portrait painter, dies at about 43
05/30/1833 Josef Slavik, composer, dies at 27
05/30/1840 Dominique J de Eerens, gov-gen of Dutch-Indies, dies at 59
05/30/1864 James Barbour Terrill, US attorney/Confederate brig-gen, dies at 26
05/30/1865 William Clarke Quantrill, criminal/Confederate bushwhacker, dies at

05/30/1870 Gustave Vogt, composer, dies at 89
05/30/1906 William Yeates Hurlstone, composer, dies at 30
05/30/1912 Wilbur Wright, US aviation pioneer, dies
05/30/1918 Georgi V Plechanov, Russian revolutionary theorist, dies
05/30/1919 Lord John WS Raleigh, British physicist (Nobel 1904), dies
05/30/1923 Camille Chevillard, composer, dies at 63
05/30/1935 Lothar Windsperger, composer, dies at 49
05/30/1938 Raden Sutomo, Indonesian freedom fighter, dies at 49
05/30/1940 Y de Smit-Rog, eldest Dutchman, dies at 104
05/30/1944 Jessie Ralph, actress (Good Earth, San Francisco), dies
05/30/1947 Sidney Hugo Nicholson, composer, dies at 72
05/30/1953 George Barnes, cinematographer, dies
05/30/1957 Toivo R Pekkanen, Finnish writer (Black Ecstacy), dies
05/30/1959 Thomas Carl Whitmer, composer, dies at 86
05/30/1960 Boris Pasternak, Russian poet (Dr Zhivago), dies at 70
05/30/1961 Rafael L Trujillo Molina, dictator Dom Rep (1930-61), murdered at 69

05/30/1964 Leo Szilard, Hungarians/US nuclear physicst, dies at 66
05/30/1966 Wäinö V Aaltonen, Finnish sculptor, dies at 72
05/30/1967 Claude Rains, actor (Invisible Man), dies at 77
05/30/1969 Gaston Brenta, composer, dies at 67
05/30/1969 John Cipollini, guitarist, dies at 45 of ephysema
05/30/1971 Marcel Dupré, French composer, dies at 85
05/30/1971 Rodd Redwing, actor (Buffalo Bill in Tomahawk Territory), dies at 66

05/30/1972 Margaret Ruthven Lang, composer, dies at 104
05/30/1973 Hal Hastings, orch leader (Chevrolet on Broadway), dies at 66
05/30/1975 Michel Simon, actor (Panic, Plague, Two of Us), dies at 80
05/30/1977 Paul Desmond, US jazz saxophonist, dies at 52
05/30/1979 Jack Raine, actor (Quartet), dies at 82
05/30/1980 Carl Radle, bassist (Derek & Dominoes), dies of a kidney ailment
05/30/1981 Ziaur Rahmen, pres of Bangladesh, is assassinated
05/30/1983 Alfred M Gruenther, US general/NATO-commander (1953-56), dies at 84
05/30/1986 Hank Mobley, US jazz saxophonist, dies at 55
05/30/1987 Frank Carlson, (Gov/Rep/Sen-R-Ks), dies at 94
05/30/1987 Turk Murphy, jazz trombonist, dies at 71
05/30/1988 Ella Raines, actress (Uncle Harry, Runaround, Impact), dies at 66
05/30/1989 Zinka Milanov, Met Opera Diva, dies of a stroke at 83
05/30/1991 Manolo Gomez Bur, entertainer, dies
05/30/1992 Daniel Addes, actor, dies
05/30/1992 Karl Carstens, president Germany (1979-84), dies at 77
05/30/1992 Leen 't Hart, organist/composer, dies at 72
05/30/1993 Herman S Blount, Sun Ra, US jazz pianist (Solar Arkestra), dies at 7

05/30/1993 Sun Ra, blues pianist/orchestra leader, dies of strokes at 79
05/30/1994 Juan Carlos Onetti, Uruguayan writer (La vida breve), dies at 85
05/30/1994 Marcel Bich, Italian/French baron/pen manufacturer (Bic), dies at 79

Significant Events:

05/30/1035 Boudewijn V van Rijsel becomes earl of Flanders
05/30/1087 German emperor Henry IV crowns his son Koenraad
05/30/1100 Burchard becomes bishop of Utrecht
05/30/1381 English boer uprising begins in Essex
05/30/1416 Jerome of Prague burned as a heretic by Church
05/30/1434 Battle at Lipany
05/30/1498 Columbus departs with 6 ships for 3rd trip to America
05/30/1527 U of Marburg (Germany) founded
05/30/1539 Spanish explorer Fernando de Soto lands in Florida
05/30/1574 Henry III follows brother Charles IX as king of France
05/30/1574 Sea battle at Lillo Belgium (Adolf Van Haemstede vs Louis de Boisot)

05/30/1584 Earl Adolf van Nieuwenaar/Meurs becomes viceroy of Gelderland
05/30/1588 Spanish Aramada under Medina-Sidonia departs Lisbon to invade Englan

05/30/1646 Spain & Netherlands signs temporary ceasefire
05/30/1814 1st Treaty of Paris, after Napoleon's 1st abdication
05/30/1822 House slave betrays Denmark Vesey conspiracy (37 blacks hanged)
05/30/1832 Évariste Galois give his theory on free assembly (dies in duel May 3

05/30/1848 2nd battle at Gioto: Sardinia-Piemonte beats Austrians
05/30/1848 William Young patents ice cream freezer
05/30/1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act repealed Missouri Compromise opens north slavery

05/30/1854 Territories of Kansas & Nebraska created
05/30/1858 Hudson's Bay Co rights to Vancouver Island revoked
05/30/1862 Battle of Booneville MS - captured Gen Beauregard evacuates Corinth
05/30/1862 Battle of Front Royal, VA
05/30/1864 Battle of Bethesda Church VA
05/30/1864 Cavalry fight at Old Church (Totopotomoy Creek) Virginia
05/30/1866 Opera 'Die Verkaufte Braut' premieres (Prague)
05/30/1889 Brasierre is invented
05/30/1894 Bobby Lowe is 1st to hit 4 HRs in 1 baseball game
05/30/1901 Hall of Fame for Great American on NYU campus dedicated
05/30/1901 Memorial Day 1st observed in US
05/30/1903 R S Dugan discovers asteroid #511 Davida
05/30/1904 Frank Chance gets hit by pitch 5 times in a doubleheader
05/30/1908 1st federal workmen's compensation law approved
05/30/1908 Aldrich Vineland Currency Act forerunner to Federal Reserve System
05/30/1908 Paris advocate E Archdeacon is 1st passenger in a airplane
05/30/1908 US Assay Office in Salt Lake City, Utah authorized
05/30/1911 1st Indianapolis 500 car race, Ray Harroun wins at 75 MPH (120 KPH)
05/30/1912 US Marines sent to Nicaragua
05/30/1913 1st Balkan War ends, Treaty of London
05/30/1913 Conclusion of 1st Balkan War
05/30/1913 New country of Albania, formed
05/30/1921 Salzburg, Austria, votes to join Germany
05/30/1922 Latvia & Vatican sign accord
05/30/1922 Lincoln Memorial dedicated
05/30/1924 H E Wood discovers asteroid #1032 Pafuri
05/30/1924 Socialist Matteotti falls in Italian parliament by fascists
05/30/1925 British mariners shoot on demonstrators
05/30/1925 Peter DePaolo became 1st man to average over 100 mph at Indy
05/30/1930 Bill Arnold wins Indianapolis 500 car race (161.6 kph)
05/30/1932 Yankees dedicate a plaque to Miller Huggins
05/30/1933 Patent on invisible glass installation
05/30/1935 Babe Ruth's final game, goes hitless for Braves against Phillies
05/30/1937 Denny Shute wins PGA golf tournament
05/30/1937 Memorial Day Massacre - Chicago police shoot on union marchers, 10 d

05/30/1937 Pitcher Carl Hubbell's 24th consecutive victory
05/30/1937 Police kill 10 strikers at Republic Steel Plant in Chicago
05/30/1938 Yanks sweep Red Sox 10-0 & 5-4 in front of 83,533 at Yankee Stadium
05/30/1941 1st anti semitic measures in Serbia
05/30/1941 English Army enters Baghdad, chasing pro-German coup government
05/30/1941 German capture Kreta
05/30/1942 1st Bombing attack on Cologne (1,000 bombers)
05/30/1942 US aircraft carrier Yorktown leaves Pearl Harbor
05/30/1943 French general De Gaulle arrives in Algiers
05/30/1943 US troops reconquer Attu Aleutians
05/30/1946 United flight 521 crashes on takeoff at LaGuardia Airport (NY) 42 di

05/30/1949 East Germans constitution approved
05/30/1949 NPS/VHP win 1st general election in Suriname
05/30/1949 WRTV TV channel 6 in Indianapolis, IN (ABC) begins broadcasting
05/30/1951 Heavyweight Ezzard Charles beats Joey Maxim in Chicago
05/30/1953 1st major league network baseball game-Cleveland 7, Chicago 2
05/30/1954 Dutch bishops forbid membership to non-catholic sporting clubs
05/30/1954 Emile Zatopek runs world record 5K (13:57.2)
05/30/1955 KMVT TV channel 11 in Twin Falls, ID (CBS/NBC/ABC) begins broadcasti

05/30/1955 Tunisia begins domestic self governing
05/30/1956 Bus boycott begins in Tallahassee Florida
05/30/1959 Pres Somoza ends emergency crisis in Nicaragua
05/30/1959 Pres Stroessner disbands Paraguay's parliament
05/30/1959 World's 1st hovercraft tested at Cowes England
05/30/1961 Dutch DC-8 crashes after takeoff at Lisbon, 62 die
05/30/1961 Maris hits his 10th & 11th of 61 HRs
05/30/1962 69 killed in bus crash (Ahmedabad India)
05/30/1964 Beatles 1961 record of 'Cry for a Shadow' is #1 in Australia
05/30/1964 Beatles' 'Love Me Do,' single goes #1
05/30/1965 Viet-cong offensive against US base Da Nang
05/30/1965 Vivian Malone, is 1st black to graduate from University of Alabama
05/30/1966 300 US airplanes bomb North Vietnam
05/30/1966 Graham Hill wins Indianapolis 500 car race (232.2 kph)
05/30/1966 US launches Surveyor 1 to Moon
05/30/1967 Biafra declares independence from Nigeria
05/30/1967 King Hussein of Jordan visits Cairo
05/30/1967 Robert 'Evel' Knievel's motorcycle jumps 16 automobiles
05/30/1968 Beatles begin work on their only double album 'Beatles'
05/30/1968 President De Gaulle disbands French parliament
05/30/1968 University church in Leipzig German DR, blown up
05/30/1968 West German Bondsdag accept emergency crisis law
05/30/1969 Gibraltar adopts constitution
05/30/1969 People revolt in Willemstad, Curaçao
05/30/1971 36 hospitalized during Grateful Dead concert; drunk LSD apple juice
05/30/1971 Train crash at Pigeon droppings, 5 die
05/30/1971 US Mariner 9 1st satellite to orbit Mars launched
05/30/1972 3 Jap PFL terrorists kills 24, wound 72 at Tel Aviv's Lod Intl airpo

05/30/1973 Ajax wins 3rd Europe Cup
05/30/1974 10th Mayor's Trophy Game, Yanks beat Mets 9-4
05/30/1975 Wings release 'Venus & Mars' album
05/30/1976 Bobby Unser sets world record for fastest pit stop (4 seconds)
05/30/1977 Cleve Indian Dennis Eckersley no-hits Calif Angels, 2-0
05/30/1979 Percom Data Company Inc release Microdos for Radio Shack's TRS-80
05/30/1979 Ted Coombs began a 5,193 mile roller skate from LA to NYC
05/30/1980 Turner's painting 'Juliet & Her Nurse' sells for $6.4 million
05/30/1981 'Nightline' extends from 4 nights to 5 nights a week (Friday)
05/30/1982 Closest Indy 500, Gordon Johncock beats Rick Mears by 0.16 seconds
05/30/1982 Spain becomes 16th member of NATO
05/30/1985 Edmonton Oilers beat Flyers 4 games to 1 for Stanley Cup
05/30/1986 Ariane-2 (ESA) launched
05/30/1986 Bobby Rahal is 1st to avg over 170 mph in Indianapolis 500
05/30/1987 West German Mathias Rust lands airplane on Red Square
05/30/1989 Margaret Ray pleads guilty to breaking into David Letterman's house
05/30/1990 135 die in a (6.4) earthquake in Peru
05/30/1990 Dow Jones avg hits a record 2,878.56
05/30/1992 Minn Twin Bert Blyleven becomes 2nd to win as teenager & 40 year old

05/30/1992 NY Yankee Scott Sanderson becomes 9th to beat all 26 teams
05/30/1992 Paul Simon weds Edie Brickell

Robert Wolfe

May 31, 2021, 7:40:13 AM5/31/21
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Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


05/31/1469 Manuel I, King of Portugal (1495-1521) during era of exploration
05/31/1472 Erardus van de Mark, prince-bishop of Luik/cardinal
05/31/1656 Marin Marias, composer
05/31/1664 Giulio Alberoni, Spanish/Italian minister/cardinal
05/31/1674 Friedrich Erhard Niedt, composer
05/31/1701 Alexander Cruden, compiler of a concordance to King James Bible
05/31/1753 Pierre V Vergniaud, French politician/police leader
05/31/1802 Cesare Pugni, composer
05/31/1804 Jeanne-Louise Farrenc, composer
05/31/1810 Horatio Seymour, Gov (Union), died in 1886
05/31/1817 Edouard Deldevez, composer
05/31/1818 John Albion Andrew, Gov (Union), died in 1867
05/31/1819 Walt Whitman, West Hills, NY, poet (Leaves of Grass)
05/31/1837 Ernest Daudet, French writer (White Terror)
05/31/1837 Stephen Dodson Ramseur, Mjr General (Confederate Army), died in 1864

05/31/1837 William Henry Fitzhugh 'Rooney' Lee, Major General (Confederate Army

05/31/1838 Henry Sidgwick, English philosopher (Wife at University)
05/31/1857 Pius XI, [Ambrogio DA Ratti], Italy, 259th Pope (1922-39)
05/31/1860 Walter Richard Sickert, Danish/English painter (The Miner)
05/31/1863 Francis E Younghusband, British journalist/explorer
05/31/1864 Albert J M Bakker, actor (Teun the night watch)
05/31/1866 Vladimir Ivanovich Rebikov, composer
05/31/1872 Charles G Abbot, US, astronomer (Constant Sun)
05/31/1872 William Heath Robinson, England, illustrator/cartoonist (Don Quixote

05/31/1875 Italo Montemezzi, composer
05/31/1879 Mark Hambourg, composer
05/31/1887 Gunnar Olof Bj排ling, Finnish/Swedish language poet (Vilande Day)
05/31/1887 Saint-John Perse, France, poet/diplomat (Nobel 1960)
05/31/1888 Jack Holt, US, golddigger/actor (Cat People, San Francisco, Brimston

05/31/1889 Athene Seyler, London, actress (Make Mine Mink)
05/31/1892 Gregor Strasser, German pharmacist/NSDAP-Reich organization leader
05/31/1892 Konstatin G Paustovski, Russian author (Bespokojnaja Joenostj)
05/31/1892 Louis Fourestier, composer
05/31/1892 Willem Ravelli, baritone singer
05/31/1894 Fred Allen, [John Sullivan], radio comedian (Fred Allen Show)
05/31/1897 Margalo Gillmore, London, actress (Skirts Ahoy, High Society)
05/31/1898 Johan Brouwer, pianist/writer/resistance fighter
05/31/1898 Norman Vincent Peale, Ohio, clergyman (Power of Positive Thinking)
05/31/1900 Helma Wolf-Catz, author
05/31/1902 Billy Mayerl, composer
05/31/1902 Henk Schaer, [Hendricus JM Schaareman], actor/conductor
05/31/1902 Ralph Walter Wood, composer
05/31/1908 Don Ameche, actor (Cocoon, Trading Places)
05/31/1909 Thor Thorvaldsen, Norway, yachtsman (Olympic-gold-1948, 52)
05/31/1912 Barbara Pepper, NYC, actress (Doris Ziffel-Green Acres, Rogue Tavern

05/31/1912 Henry M 'Scoop' Jackson, (Sen-D-Wash)
05/31/1912 Martin Schwarzschild, US astronomer (evolution)
05/31/1914 Akira Ifukube, composer
05/31/1916 Bert Hanstra, Holten Netherlands, director (Fanfare)
05/31/1916 Judy Campbell, actress (Convoy, Bonnie Prince Charlie)
05/31/1920 Edward Bennett Williams, lawyer/team owner (Redskins, Balt Orioles)
05/31/1921 Alida Valli, Pola Italy, actress (Miracle of the Bells, 3rd Man)
05/31/1921 Robert Arthur Ley, UK, sci-fi author (Telepath, Power of X)
05/31/1922 Denholm Elliott, actor (Alfie, Cuba, Doll's House, King Rat)
05/31/1922 Elisabeth, arch duchess of Austria/princess of Liechtenstein
05/31/1923 Rainier III, Prince of Monaco (1949- )
05/31/1923 Wolfgang Lesser, composer
05/31/1928 Jacob Lateiner, Havana Cuba, pianist/professor (Juiliard)
05/31/1929 Aladar Zoltan, composer
05/31/1929 Elaine Stewart, actress (Take the High Ground)
05/31/1930 Clint Eastwood, SF Calif, actor (Dirty Harry), mayor (Carmel, Calif)

05/31/1931 John Schrieffer, US physicist (Nobel 1972)
05/31/1931 Shirley Verrett, New Orleans, mezzo-soprano (Cassandra-Les Troyens)
05/31/1931 Steve Horn, (Rep-R-California)
05/31/1934 Bent Peter Rasch, Denmark, canoe (Olympic-gold-1952)
05/31/1934 Jim Hutton, Binghamton NY, actor (Ellery Queen)
05/31/1934 Karl-Erik Welin, composer
05/31/1938 Peter Yarrow, NYC, (Peter, Paul & Mary-Puff the Magic Dragon)
05/31/1939 Terry Waite, Anglican Church envoy/Lebanese hostage
05/31/1941 Johnny Paycheck, country singer (Take This Job & Shove It)
05/31/1941 Kenneth Cooper, NYC, harpsichordist/professor (Barnard, Bkln)
05/31/1942 Happy Hairston, NBA star (Cin, Detroit, LA)
05/31/1943 Joe Namath, PA, NFL QB (NY Jets), $400,000 man (1969 Superbowl)
05/31/1943 Sharon Gless, LA Calif, actress (Chris Cagney-Cagney & Lacey)
05/31/1944 Mick Ralphs, guitarist (Mott the Hoople, Bad Company)
05/31/1946 Rainer Werner Fassbinder, German play director
05/31/1947 John Bonham, entertainer
05/31/1948 Duncan L Hunter, (Rep-R-CA, 1981- )
05/31/1948 John 'Bonzo' Bonham, drummer (Led Zeppelin-Stairway to Heaven)
05/31/1948 Rhea Perlman, Bkln NY, actress (Carla-Cheers, Zena-Taxi)
05/31/1949 Steven Kampmann, Phila, actor (Kirk-Newhart)
05/31/1950 Gregory Harrison, Catalina Calif, actor (Trapper John, Logan's Run)
05/31/1950 Tom Berenger, actor (Big Chill, Someone to Watch Over Me)
05/31/1956 Bart van Poppel, Dutch bassist/guitarist/singer (Tambourine)
05/31/1958 Mkhuseli Jack, South African UDF-leader (consumer boycots)
05/31/1960 Chris Elliot, actor/comedian (Get a Life, David Letterman Show)
05/31/1960 Norm Johnson, NFL placekicker (Seattle Seahawk)
05/31/1961 Harry Enfield, comedian
05/31/1961 Lea Thompson, actress (Casual Sex, Howard the Duck, Space Camp)
05/31/1963 Wendy Smith, rocker (Prefab Sprout-2 Wheels Good)
05/31/1964 Scotti Hill, Manhasset NY, rock guitarist (Skid Row-Psycho Love)
05/31/1965 Brooke Shields, NYC, model/actress (Blue Lagoon, Endless Love)
05/31/1967 Sandrine Bonnaire, Clermont France, actress (Vagabond, Police)
05/31/1971 Sarah O'Hare, model (Cosmopolitan-Jan 1994)
05/31/1990 Liberty Irene Kasem, daughter of Casey & Jean Kasam


05/31/ 455 Petronius Maximus, senator/Emperor of Rome, lynched
05/31/1091 Hendrik van Verdun, bishop of Luik (1075-91), dies
05/31/1504 Engelbert II, earl of Nassau-Dillenburg-Dietz, dies
05/31/1551 Aristotele 'Basiano' da Sangallo, Italian set designer, dies
05/31/1567 PSeguin de la Grange, French minister/martyr of Reform, dies
05/31/1594 Tintoretto, Italian Mannerist painter, dies at 75
05/31/1620 Willem Louis, earl of Nassau-Dillenburg, dies at 59
05/31/1665 Pieter J Saenredam, architect, dies at 67
05/31/1696 Heinrich Schwemmer, composer, dies at 75
05/31/1740 Frederick-William I, King of Prussia (1713-1740), dies at 51
05/31/1806 Micha瑛 FB Freiherr von Melas, Austrian general, dies
05/31/1809 Ferdinand von Schill, Prussian officer/rebel, dies in battle at 33
05/31/1809 Franz Josef Haydn, Austrian composer (Jahreszeiten), dies at 76
05/31/1832 迅ariste Galois, French revolutionary/mathematician, dies at 20
05/31/1849 LPnard PJ du Bus de Gisignies, gov-gen of Neth-Indies, dies at 69
05/31/1854 Vatroslav Lisinski, composer, dies at 34
05/31/1862 Robert Hatton, Confederate brig-general, dies in battle at about 34
05/31/1900 James Loudon, gov-gen of Neth-Indies (1871-75), dies at 75
05/31/1900 John Power, Irish baronet/whiskey manufacturer, dies in battle
05/31/1906 Hermann Schell, German theologist (Gott und Geist), dies at 56
05/31/1906 King Alfonso XIII, assassinated in Madrid
05/31/1906 Victoria von Battenberg, assassinated in Madrid
05/31/1910 Elizabeth Blackwell, 1st woman physician, dies at 89
05/31/1916 Horace Hood, British spy (Battle of Jutland), dies in battle
05/31/1928 Ludwig Enneccerus, German leader, dies at 85
05/31/1942 Reinhard Heydrich, German protector of Bohemia & Moravia, assassinat

05/31/1947 Adrienne Ames, actress (Black Sheep, 24 Hours), dies at 39
05/31/1947 Henri G Casadesus, Fr altviolist/composer (viola d'amour), dies at 6

05/31/1948 Jose Vianna da Motta, composer, dies at 80
05/31/1952 Walter Schellenberg, German lawyer/headed spy (Venlo), dies
05/31/1955 'Wild Bill' Vukovich, killed in Indy 500
05/31/1955 Raoul Gunsbourg, composer, dies at 95
05/31/1960 Willem Elsschot, [Alfons de Ridder], Flemish writer (Kas), dies at 7

05/31/1962 Adolf Eichmann, war criminal, hanged at Ramie Prison in Israel at 56

05/31/1962 Eduardo Toldra, composer, dies at 67
05/31/1963 Carel C van Essen, archaeologist (Art critic of Rome), dies at 63
05/31/1971 Reinhold Niebuhr, US theologist, dies at 78
05/31/1973 Albert Egges van Giffen, archaeologist, dies at 89
05/31/1974 Adelle Davis, US nutrionalist (Let's stay healthy), dies at 70
05/31/1976 Jacques Monod, French biochemist, dies
05/31/1976 Martha Mitchell wife of former Att Gen John Mitchell, dies in NY at

05/31/1983 Jack Dempsey, heavyweight boxing champ, dies at 87
05/31/1987 Dorothy Patrick, actress (Torch Song, New Orleans, High Wall), dies
05/31/1989 Charles A Hufnagel, doc (artificial heart valve pioneer), dies at 72

05/31/1989 Terry Drinkwater, CBS news correspondant, dies at 53 of cancer
05/31/1991 Angus Wilson, [Johnstone-W], British writer (Wrong Set), dies
05/31/1991 H N 'Swanie' Swanson, literary agent, dies at 91 of a stroke
05/31/1992 Lutz Stavenhagen, top aid to Chancellor Helmut Kohl, dies at 52
05/31/1993 John Granger, actor (Advise & Consent), dies
05/31/1994 Sidney Gilliat, British screenwriter/director, dies at 86

Significant Events:

05/31/ 70 Rome captures 1st wall of the city of Jerusalem
05/31/1417 Jacoba van Bavarian becomes countess of Holland/Zealand/Henegouwen
05/31/1531 'Women's Revolt' in Amsterdam: wool house in churchyard aborted
05/31/1634 US colony Massachusetts Bay annexes Maine colony
05/31/1696 John Salomonsz elected chief of Saint-Eustatius
05/31/1744 French troops conquer Kortrijk
05/31/1790 US copyright law enacted
05/31/1821 1st catholic minster of US initiated in Baltimore Md
05/31/1836 HMS Beagle anchors in Simons Bay, Cape the Good Hope
05/31/1837 NY's Astor Hotel opens ... most elaborate in US
05/31/1847 Rotterdam-Hague Railway opens
05/31/1849 last edition of Orange sheet 'Journal de La Haye'
05/31/1853 Elisha Kane's Arctic expedition leaves NY aboard Advance
05/31/1861 Gen Beauregard is given command of Confederate Alexandria Line
05/31/1861 Mint at New Orleans closes
05/31/1862 Battle of Seven Pines VA (Fair Oaks)
05/31/1864 Raid at Morgan's Kentucky
05/31/1870 Congress passes 1st Enforcement Act (rights of blacks)
05/31/1878 German battleship Grosser Kurf〉st sinks, 284 killed
05/31/1879 1st electric railway opens at Berlin Trades Exposition
05/31/1879 Madison Square Garden opens its doors
05/31/1883 French fleet under Pierre begins siege of Tamatave, Madagascar
05/31/1884 John Kellogg patents 'flaked cereal'
05/31/1889 Johnstown Flood; 2,209 die in Penn
05/31/1891 Work on trans-Siberian railway begans
05/31/1899 -June 5] Conference of Bloemfontein fails
05/31/1899 Bronx acquires Keltch Memorial Park
05/31/1900 British troops under Lord Roberts occupy Johannesburg
05/31/1900 Piet de Law captures Lt-Col Spragges Irish Yeomanry
05/31/1900 US troops arrive in Peking, help put down Boxer Rebellion
05/31/1902 Boer War Ends; Treaty of Vereeniging signed, Britain annexes Transva

05/31/1906 Attack on King Alfonso XIII & Victoria von Battenberg in Madrid
05/31/1908 Miss Pottelsberghe de la Pottery is 1st airplane passenger (Belgium)

05/31/1909 1st NAACP conference (United Charities Building, NYC)
05/31/1910 Cape of Good Hope becomes part of Union of South Africa
05/31/1910 Union of South Africa declares independence from UK
05/31/1912 US marines land on Cuba
05/31/1913 17th amendment (direct election of senators) declared ratified
05/31/1914 Chic White Sox Joe Benz no-hits Cleve Indians, 6-1
05/31/1915 An LZ-38 Zeppelin makes an air raid on London
05/31/1916 Battle of Skagerrak: Brit-German sea battle at Jutland (10,000 dead)

05/31/1916 British battlecruiser Invincible explodes, killing all but 6
05/31/1917 1st jazz record released (Dark Town Strutters Ball)
05/31/1918 M Wolf discovers asteroids #892 Seeligeria & #893 Leopoldina
05/31/1919 NC-4 aircraft commanded by AC Read completes 1st crossing of Atlanti

05/31/1921 Suffy McInnis (1st base) begins an errorless string of 1,700
05/31/1923 China & USSR exchange diplomats
05/31/1926 Portuguese president Bernardino Machedo flees after coup
05/31/1926 Sesquicentennial Exposition opens in Philadelphia
05/31/1927 Ford Motor Company produces last 'Tin Lizzie'
05/31/1927 Tiger 1st baseman Johnny Neun makes an unassisted triple play
05/31/1928 1st aerial cross of Pacific takes off from Oakland
05/31/1929 Atlantic City Convention Center opens
05/31/1929 K Reinmuth discovers asteroid #1108 Demeter
05/31/1930 Building begins on Albert Canal in Belgium
05/31/1935 Babe Ruth grounds out in his final at bat
05/31/1935 Quake kills 50,000 in Quetta Pakistan
05/31/1937 Bkln Dodgers snap NY Giant Carl Hubbell's 24-game winning streak
05/31/1937 German battleships bomb Almeria Spain
05/31/1938 K Reinmuth discovers asteroid #1466 Mundleria
05/31/1940 Premier Winston Churchill flies to Paris
05/31/1941 -June 1) 32.0 cm rain falls on Burlington Kansas (state record)
05/31/1941 German occupiers forbids Jews access to beach & swimming pools
05/31/1942 Sam Snead wins PGA golf tournament
05/31/1947 Communists grab power in Hungary
05/31/1947 Eastern DC-4 crashes between Ft Deposit & Perryville Md, kills 53
05/31/1947 Italian govt of Gasperi forms
05/31/1949 Sam Snead wins PGA golf tournament
05/31/1950 Due to rain, Indy 500 shortened to 345 miles, Johnny Parson wins
05/31/1951 Neth & South Africa sign cultural accord
05/31/1951 S Arend discovers asteroid #1591 Baize
05/31/1953 Lebanese president Camille Shamun disbands government
05/31/1953 WSUN TV channel 38 in St Petersburg-Tampa, FL (IND) 1st broadcast
05/31/1955 Construction begins on Soviet cosmodrome launch facilities
05/31/1955 Great Britain proclaims emergency crisis due to railroad strike
05/31/1955 Supreme Court orders school integration 'with all deliberate speed'
05/31/1956 Mickey Mantle HR just misses clearing Yankee Stadium's roof
05/31/1958 Dick Dale invents 'surf music' with 'Let's Go Trippin'
05/31/1961 Dominican Republic president Trujillo assassinated
05/31/1961 JFK visits Charles de Gaulle in Paris
05/31/1961 Judge Irving Kaufman orders Board of Ed of New Rochelle, to integrat

05/31/1961 Union of South Africa becomes a republic, leaves Commonwealth
05/31/1964 Charles Schmid kills first Pied Piper victim
05/31/1964 SF Giants beat NY Mets, 8-6, in 23 innings (2nd game) (7 hrs 32 mins

05/31/1965 Jim Clark becomes 1st foreigner in 49 years to win Indy
05/31/1969 John Lennon & Yoko Ono record 'Give Peace a Chance'
05/31/1969 Stevie Wonder releases 'My Cherie Amore'
05/31/1970 7.75 Earthquake aftershocks hit Peru; 50-70,000 die
05/31/1970 At 03:23 PM, Yungay Peru levelled by earthquake (50-70,000 die)
05/31/1970 KDUB TV channel 40 in Dubuque, IA (ABC) begins broadcasting
05/31/1971 WDXR (now WKPD) TV channel 29 in Paducah, KY (PBS) begins broadcasti

05/31/1972 Ajax wins Europe Cup in Rotterdam
05/31/1974 Israel & Syria sign an agreement concerning Golan Heights
05/31/1975 Fred Newman made 12,874 baskets in a one-day exhibition
05/31/1976 Loudest PA (76 KW) for Who's Quadrophenia in London
05/31/1977 Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani becomes Heir Apparent to throne of Qatar
05/31/1977 Trans Alaska oil pipeline completed
05/31/1979 J Kveton discovers asteroid #2672 Pisek
05/31/1979 Radio City Music Hall (NYC) reopens
05/31/1979 Zimbabwe proclaims independence
05/31/1980 Police & youthful rebels battle in Zurich
05/31/1983 Phila 76ers sweep Lakers for NBA championship in 4 games
05/31/1985 41 tornadoes hit Northeast US, killing 88
05/31/1985 Guatemala adopts constitution
05/31/1985 New Orleans Saints are sold for $70,204,000
05/31/1987 Edmonton Oilers beat Flyers 4 games to 3 for Stanley Cup
05/31/1987 Saul Ballesteros drives 3 golf balls off Mt McKinley, Alaska
05/31/1989 'Rambling with Gambling' 20,000th radio program on WOR-AM (NYC)
05/31/1989 1st presentation of rock n roll Elvis awards
05/31/1989 Speaker of House Jim Wright resigns
05/31/1990 NYC's Zodiac killer shoots 3rd victim, Joseph Ponce
05/31/1991 Oldest bride - Minnie Munro, 102, weds Dudley Reid, 83, in Australia

05/31/1991 Sides in Angola sign a treaty ending 16 year civil war
05/31/1993 President Dobrica Cosic of little Yugoslavia flees

Robert Wolfe

Jun 1, 2021, 7:40:13 AM6/1/21
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Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


06/01/1503 Wilhelm von Grumbach, German lt col
06/01/1549 Allesandre Spontone, composer
06/01/1563 Robert Cecil, Earl of Salisbury, English chief minister (1598-1625)
06/01/1611 Felician Schwab, composer
06/01/1653 Georg Muffat, composer
06/01/1679 Johan Runius, Swedish poet (Dudaim)
06/01/1755 Frederico Fiorillo, Ital's violist/composer
06/01/1757 Ignaz J Pleyel, Austria composer/piano builder (MÇde the piano)
06/01/1763 Christian Gottlob Saupe, composer
06/01/1765 Christiane Vulpius, wife of Johann W von Goethe
06/01/1765 Friedrich Ludwig Seidel, composer
06/01/1769 Joseph Antoni Frantiszek Elsner, composer
06/01/1771 Ferdinando Paer, composer
06/01/1776 John George Schetky, composer
06/01/1780 Karl von Clausewitz, Prussian strategist
06/01/1790 Salomon J Rappoport, Czech rabbi/learned (Ereg miliem)
06/01/1801 Brigham Young, painter/religious leader (Mormon church)/polygamist
06/01/1804 Mikhail Ivan Glinka, Novosspaskoye Russia, composer (Jota Aragonesa)

06/01/1806 John Buchanan Floyd, Ex-Sect of War (Union), died in 1863
06/01/1825 John Hunt Morgan, Brig General (Confederate cavalry commander)
06/01/1826 Carl Bechstein, German piano inventor
06/01/1826 Hermann Zopff, composer
06/01/1831 John Bell Hood, Gen (Confederate Army), died in 1879
06/01/1844 Galusha Pennypacker, Bvt Major General (Union Army), died in 1916
06/01/1848 Otto Valdemar Malling, composer
06/01/1862 Ant¢nio JdC Feò¢, Portuguese diplomat/poet (Bailatas)
06/01/1878 John Masefield, England, 15th poet laureate (Salt-Water Ballads)
06/01/1882 John Drinkwater, English poet/playwright (Abraham Lincoln)
06/01/1886 Ernst Kurth, Austrian/Swiss musicologist
06/01/1887 Clive Brook, actor/director (List of Adrian Messenger)
06/01/1890 Frank Morgan [Francis P Wupperman], US, actor (Annie Get Your Gun)
06/01/1892 Amanullah, emir/king of Afghanistan (1919-28)
06/01/1892 Samuel L M Barlow, composer
06/01/1898 Curtis Stevens, US, 2 man bobsled (Olympic-gold-1932)
06/01/1898 Edgar 'Cookie' Fairchild, NYC, bandleader (Jerry Colonna Show)
06/01/1898 Lieb Glantz, composer
06/01/1898 Molly Picon, yiddish actress (Milk & Honey, Fiddler on the Roof)
06/01/1899 Werner Janssen, NYC, conductor/composer (New Years Eve in NY)
06/01/1901 John W Van Duren, playwright (I Remember Mama)
06/01/1903 Percy William Whitlock, composer
06/01/1905 Dinora de Carvalho, composer
06/01/1905 Robert Newton, actor (Henry V, Around the World in 80 Days)
06/01/1907 Frank Whittle, England inventor (jet engine)
06/01/1909 Szymon Goldberg, Polish/US violinist/conductor (Neth Chamber orch)
06/01/1911 Gertrude Michael, actress (Cleopatra, Menace, Club Havana)
06/01/1915 John Randolph, US, actor (King Kong)
06/01/1919 Boris Lazarevich Klyuzner, composer
06/01/1921 Nelson Riddle, Oradell NJ, musical conductor (Batman, Frank Sinatra)

06/01/1922 Abdul Rashid, Pakistan, field hockey player (Olympic-gold-1960)
06/01/1922 Joan Caulfield, East Orange NJ, actress (Liz-My Favorite Husband)
06/01/1922 Joan Copeland, actress (Roseland, A Little Sex)
06/01/1925 Richard Erdman, Enid Ok, actor (Stalag 17, Anything Goes)
06/01/1926 Andy Griffith, Mount Airy NC, actor (Andy Griffith Show, Matlock)
06/01/1926 Marilyn Monroe, [Norma Jean Baker], actress (Some Like It Hot)
06/01/1928 Bob Monkhouse, Kent England, comedian (Bonkers)
06/01/1928 Georgi T Dobrovolsky, Odessa, cosmonaut (Soyuz 11)
06/01/1929 Yehudi Wyner, composer
06/01/1930 Edward Woodward, England, actor (Breaker Morant, Wickerman)
06/01/1930 Ty Hardin, Ill, actor (Berserk, PT 109)
06/01/1932 Philo [Rolf] Bregstein, writer (Dingen die niet Voorbjgaan)
06/01/1933 Alan 'the Horse' Ameche, Wisc, NFL fullback (Baltimore Colts)
06/01/1933 Charles Wilson, (Rep-D-TX, 1973- )
06/01/1934 Pat Boone, Florida, singer/actor (April Love, Cross & Switchblade)
06/01/1934 Peter Masterson, Texas, actor (Ambush Bay)
06/01/1934 Sylvia Syms, actress (Asylum, Moonraker, Shirley Valentine)
06/01/1934 Willy Roggeman, Flemish writer (Goldfish, Nardis)
06/01/1935 James George, US, weightlifter (Olympic-silver-1960/bronze-1956)
06/01/1935 John Edward Porter, (Rep-R-IL, 1980- )
06/01/1935 Reverend Ike, SC, evangelist minister
06/01/1936 Bekim Fehmiu, actor (Black Sunday, Permission to Kill, Cagliostro)
06/01/1937 Morgan Freeman, Memphis Tn, actor (Driving Mrs Daisy, Glory)
06/01/1939 Cleavon Little, Chickasha Okla, actor (Blazing Saddles, Toy Soldiers

06/01/1940 RenÇ Auberjonois, NYC, actor (Clayton-Benson, Deep Space Nine)
06/01/1941 Edo de Waart, Amsterdam Holland, conductor (Houston Opera-1976)
06/01/1942 Tom Mankiewicz, LA Calif, screenwriter (Diamonds are Forever)
06/01/1943 Ely of Tongeren, guitarist/singer (Buffoons)
06/01/1943 Richard Goode, Bronx, concert pianist (1980 Avery Fisher Award)
06/01/1944 Robert Powell, England, actor (Jigsaw Man, Shaka Zulu, Secrets)
06/01/1945 Frederica Von Stade, Somerville NJ, mezzo-soprano (Die Zauberflîte)
06/01/1945 Linda Scott, singer (Hey Look at Me Now)
06/01/1946 Carol Neblett, Modesto California, soprano (NYC Opera)
06/01/1947 Jonathan Pryce, Welsh actor (Brazil, Praying Mantis)
06/01/1947 Ron Wood, rock guitarist (Faces, Jeff Beck Group, Rolling Stones)
06/01/1948 Tom Sneva, US auto racer (Indianapolis 500-1983)
06/01/1949 Mike Levine, rocker (Triumph)
06/01/1950 Annemarie Jorritsma-Lebbink, Dutch 2nd Chamber member (VVD)
06/01/1950 Gemma Craven, actress (Wagner, Story of Slipper & Rose)
06/01/1950 Gennadi Mikhailovich Manakov, Russia, colonel/cosmonaut (Soyuz TM-10

06/01/1950 Graham Russell, rocker (Air Supply-All out of Love)
06/01/1953 Diana Canova, West Palm Beach Fla, actress (Corrine-Soap)
06/01/1955 Chiyonofuji, sumo wrestler
06/01/1956 Lisa Hartman Black, Houston, singer/actress (Tabitha, Knots Landing)

06/01/1956 Robin Mattson, actress (Gina-Santa Barbara, Bonnie's Kids, Wolf Lake

06/01/1959 Alan 'Wild'er, English rock vocalist/music (Depeche Mode-Wild!)
06/01/1961 Paul Coffey, NHL forward (Edmonton Oilers, Pitts Penguins)
06/01/1962 Sherri Howard, Sherman Tx, 4X400m hurdler (Olympic-gold-1984)
06/01/1963 Mike Joyce, rocker (Smiths-Ask, Panic, London)
06/01/1965 India Allen, Portsmouth Va, playmate of the year (Dec, 1987)
06/01/1968 Jason Donovan, rocker/actor (Neighbors)


06/01/1191 Philips van de Elzas, count of Vlanderen, dies
06/01/1340 Jan III van Diest, bishop of Utrecht (1322-40), dies
06/01/1434 Jagiello, King of Lithuania/Poland, dies
06/01/1557 JoÉo III, King of Portugal (1521-57), dies at 54
06/01/1568 Gòsbert van Bronkhorst-Batenburg, calvinist leader, beheaded
06/01/1625 HonorÇ d'urfÇ, French writer (L'astrÇe), dies at 67
06/01/1676 Creutz, Swedish admiral (ôland), dies in battle
06/01/1676 Uggla, Swedish admiral (ôland), dies in battle
06/01/1713 Johan Runius, Swedish poet (Dudaim), dies at 34
06/01/1729 Matthaeus de Cock, gov-gen of Neth Indies (1725-29), dies at about 6

06/01/1763 Johann Caspar Vogler, composer, dies at 67
06/01/1810 Johann Paul Wessely, composer, dies at 47
06/01/1823 Louis Nicholas Davout, French field marshall, dies at 53
06/01/1846 Gregory XVI, [Bartolomeo A Cappellari]/Mauro, Pope dies at 80
06/01/1861 John Q Marr, US Union captain, dies in battle at Fairfax Courthouse
06/01/1864 Solomon George Washington Dill, poor white ally of blacks,
06/01/1864 assassinated in his home by white terrorists in SC
06/01/1868 James Buchanan, 15th US president (1857-61), dies at 77
06/01/1879 E Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, Fr/English prince, dies in battle at 22
06/01/1909 Giuseppe Martucci, composer, dies at 53
06/01/1910 Francis S Haden, English surgeon/graphic artist, dies at 91
06/01/1918 Friedrich Richard Faltin, composer, dies at 83
06/01/1918 Jaroslav Novotny, composer, dies at 32
06/01/1925 Lucien G Guitry, French actor/theater director (l'odÇon), dies at 64

06/01/1926 Vasily Mikhaylovich Metallov, composer, dies at 64
06/01/1935 Alberto Cametti, composer, dies at 64
06/01/1938 Odîn, [Edmund] von Horvath, Hungarian/Austrian writer, dies at 36
06/01/1941 Hugh S Walpole, British writer (Killer & the Slain), dies
06/01/1942 Ernest Pingoud, composer, dies at 53
06/01/1943 Leslie Howard, actor/director (Berkeley Square, Invaders), dies at 5

06/01/1946 Ion Antonescu, fascist premier/dictator of Romania, executed
06/01/1946 Leo Slezak, Austria tenor/actor (Mein LebensmÑrchen), dies at 72
06/01/1952 John Dewey, US philosopher (Common Faith), dies at 92
06/01/1954 Martin Anderson Nexî, Danish poet/writer (Pelle Erobreren), dies at

06/01/1955 F Melius Christiansen, composer, dies at 84
06/01/1960 Lester Patrick, NHL coach/star, dies at 76
06/01/1964 Rutkowski Bronislaw, composer, dies at 66
06/01/1968 Helen Keller, blind & deaf/author (Let us Have Faith), dies at 87
06/01/1971 Reinhold Niebuhr, US theologist (Nature & Destiny of Man), dies at 7

06/01/1973 Harvey S Firestone Jr, US tire manufacturer, dies at 75
06/01/1973 Mary Kornman, actress (Desert Trail, Swing it Professor), dies at 57

06/01/1973 Walter Greaza, actor (Leonard-Martin Kane, Treasury Men), dies at 76

06/01/1976 Pieter Balledux, actor/stage manager/resistance fighter, dies at 89
06/01/1979 Jack Mulhall, actor (Buck Rogers, Held for Ransom), dies at 91
06/01/1979 Werner Forssman, German urologist (Nobel 1956), dies
06/01/1980 Richard 'Rube' Marquard, US baseball pitcher, dies at 90
06/01/1981 Carl Vinson, (Rep-D-Ga, 1914-64), dies at 97
06/01/1981 Naim Chadir, PLO-representative in Brussels, murdered
06/01/1982 Hendrik Algra, Newspaper publisher/2nd-Chamber (ARP), dies
06/01/1983 Charles Tham, of Saxon-Coburg-Gotha, count of Flanders/Prince, dies
06/01/1984 Gordon Jacob, composer, dies at 88
06/01/1985 Richard Greene, actor (Adv of Robin Hood), dies at 67
06/01/1987 Errol W Barrow, PM of Barbados (1961-76), dies at 67
06/01/1987 Rashid Karame, 10 time premier of Lebanon, dies in bomb attack at 65

06/01/1990 Eric Barker, actor/writer (Carry on Sergeant, Roommates), dies
06/01/1991 David Ruffin, US musician (My Whole World Ended), overdoses at 50
06/01/1992 Howard Ralston, actor (Pollyana), dies
06/01/1992 Louise Hoff, entertainer, dies
06/01/1992 Michael King, actor (Lonely are the Brave), dies
06/01/1994 Juan JH Rovira, Spanish general, murdered
06/01/1994 Willem CL 'Wim' van der Grinten, lawyer/KVP-politician, dies at 80

Significant Events:

06/01/ 794 Charles the Great opens general synod in Frankfurt
06/01/1283 Albrecht I van Habsburg becomes ruler of Austrian/Bull market
06/01/1638 1st earthquake recorded in US, at Plymouth, Mass
06/01/1657 1st Quakers arrives in New Amsterdam (NY)
06/01/1670 Engl king Charles II & Fr king Louis XIV sign anti-Dutch treaty
06/01/1676 Sea battle at ôland: Danish/Dutch fleet beat Sweden
06/01/1746 French troops conquer Antwerp
06/01/1774 British govt orders Port of Boston closed
06/01/1789 1st US congressional act becomes law (on administering oaths)
06/01/1792 Kentucky admitted as 15th US state
06/01/1794 English fleet under Richard Earl Howe defeats French
06/01/1796 Tennessee admitted as 16th US state
06/01/1808 1st US land-grant university founded-Ohio Univ, Athens, Ohio
06/01/1813 Capt John Lawrence utters Navy motto 'Don't give up the ship'
06/01/1834 HMS Beagle for anchor in Port Famine, Magallanes Street
06/01/1835 6th national black convention (Phila)
06/01/1836 Charles Darwin returns to Capetown
06/01/1843 It snows in Buffalo & Rochester NY & Cleveland Ohio
06/01/1843 Sojourner Truth leaves NY to begin her career as antislavery activis

06/01/1845 Homing pigeon completes 11,000 km trip (Namibia-London) in 55 days
06/01/1855 US adventurer Wm Walker conquers Nicaragua, reestablishes slavery
06/01/1861 1st skirmish in Civil War, Fairfax Court House, Va
06/01/1861 British territorial waters & ports off-limits during Civil War
06/01/1861 Skirmish at Arlington Mills, VA
06/01/1861 US & Confederacy simultaneously stop mail interchange
06/01/1862 2nd/last day of battle at Fair Oaks/7 Pines Va (11,165 casualties)
06/01/1862 Gen Lee assumes command after Joe Johnston is injured at 7 Pines
06/01/1862 Slavery abolished in all US possessions
06/01/1864 -Nov) Shenanoah Valley campaign
06/01/1864 Battle of Cold Harbour, VA (Gaines' Mill, Gaines' Farm)
06/01/1864 Confederate cruiser The Georgia sold to The English
06/01/1866 General Dutch Typographer Union forms
06/01/1866 Renegade Irish Fenians invade Ft Erie Ontario from US
06/01/1868 Texas constitutional convention meets in Austin
06/01/1869 Voting Machine patented by Thomas Edison
06/01/1877 US troops authorized to pursue bandits into Mexico
06/01/1880 US census at 50,155,783
06/01/1881 Bell Phone opens 1st Dutch telephone exchange
06/01/1888 California gets its 1st seismograph
06/01/1890 US census at 62,622,250
06/01/1893 Opera 'Falstaff' is produced (Berlin)
06/01/1898 Trans-Mississippi International Exposition opens in Omaha
06/01/1900 British army occupiers Pretoria South-Africa
06/01/1902 Blue-White United soccer team of Amsterdam forms
06/01/1905 Lewis & Clark Centennial Exposition opens in Portland, Oregon
06/01/1907 -27¯F (-33¯C), Sarmiento, Argentina (South American record)
06/01/1909 Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition opens in Seattle
06/01/1911 1st US group insurance policy written, Passaic, NJ
06/01/1914 Oscar Egg bicycles world record time (44,247 km)
06/01/1915 1st Zeppelin air raid over England
06/01/1916 German attack on Fort Vaux, Verdun
06/01/1918 Yanks turn triple-play, beat Tigers 5-4
06/01/1919 Rhineland Republic forms in Wiesbaden
06/01/1921 Race riot in Tusla Okla (21 whites & 60 blacks killed)
06/01/1923 NY Giants beat Phillies, 22-5
06/01/1925 Lou Gehrig replaces Wally Pipp (1st of record 2130 consec games)
06/01/1926 Ignacy Mocicki elected president of Poland
06/01/1933 Century of Progress world's fair opens in Chicago
06/01/1935 Driving test & license plates introduced in England
06/01/1935 Yanks set solo HR record with 6 beat Boston 7-2
06/01/1937 Chic White Sox Bill Dietrich no-hits St Louis Browns, 8-0
06/01/1937 Prince Konoye becomes Japanese premier
06/01/1938 Superman Comics launched
06/01/1939 1st night game at Phil's Shribe Park (Pirates 5, Phillies 2)
06/01/1939 1st televised heavyweight boxing match-Max Baer vs Lou Nova
06/01/1939 British sub 'Thetis' sinks in Liverpool Bay with all 99 aboard
06/01/1940 Coffee & tea rationed in Holland
06/01/1940 Nazi occupiers kick Jews out of Dutch air guard
06/01/1941 12.59' (31.98 cm) rainfall, Burlington, Kansas (state 24-hr record)
06/01/1941 Germany bans all Catholic publications
06/01/1941 Germany occupies Kreta
06/01/1945 WLB-AM in Minneapolis Minn changes call letters to KUOM
06/01/1946 Assault wins 78th Belmont Stakes (2:30.8) & Triple Crown
06/01/1947 OPA, which issued WW II rationing coupons, disbands
06/01/1948 Israel & Arabs agree to a cease fire
06/01/1949 1st magazine on microfilm offered to subscribers (Newsweek)
06/01/1949 British government grants Cyrenaica (East-Libya) independence
06/01/1949 KSL TV channel 5 in Salt Lake City, UT (CBS) begins broadcasting
06/01/1950 WKZO (now WWMT) TV channel 3 in Kalamazoo, MI (CBS) 1st broadcast
06/01/1951 1st self-contained titanium plant opened Henderson Nevada
06/01/1951 International Cheese treaty signed
06/01/1951 S Arend discovers asteroids #1592 Mathieu & #1593 Fagnes
06/01/1952 Catholic church puts Andre Gides 'Labor' on the index
06/01/1953 KMJ (now KSEE) TV channel 24 in Fresno, CA (NBC) begins broadcasting

06/01/1953 WDAY TV channel 6 in Fargo, ND (ABC/NBC) begins broadcasting
06/01/1954 Emile Zatopek runs record 6 mile: (27:59.2)/10,000m (28:54.2)
06/01/1955 Habib Bourguiba ends exile from Tunisia
06/01/1957 1st US runner breaks 4 minute mile (Don Bowden) [see May 5, 1956]
06/01/1958 Belgian christian-democrats win parliamentary election
06/01/1958 Charles de Gaulle becomes premier of France
06/01/1959 Constitution of Tunisia promulgated (National Day)
06/01/1960 WDTV TV channel 5 in Clarksburg-Weston, WV (CBS) begins broadcasting

06/01/1962 Oscar 2 (ham radio satellite) launched into Earth orbit
06/01/1962 USAF Maj Robert M White takes X-15 to 40,420 m
06/01/1963 Jomo Kenyatta becomes 1st premier of Kenya
06/01/1963 King Victor Emmanual III of Italy, becomes Emperor of Ethiopia
06/01/1965 A Penzias & R Wilson detect 3¯K primordial background radiation
06/01/1965 Explosion at Fukuoka, Japan kills 237 coal miners
06/01/1966 2,400 persons attend White House Conference on Civil Rights
06/01/1966 George Harrison is impressed by Ravi Shankar's concert in London
06/01/1966 Joaquin Balaguer elected president of Dominican Republic
06/01/1966 Shortwave station Radio NY Worldwide changes calls from WRUL to WNYW

06/01/1967 Beatles release Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band in US & goes go

06/01/1967 Mayor-council form of government instituted for Washington, DC
06/01/1968 Simon & Garfunkel's 'Mrs Robinson' hits #1
06/01/1969 Tobacco advertising is banned on Canadian radio & TV
06/01/1970 Soyuz 9 launched into Earth orbit for 18 days
06/01/1971 Ed Sullivan's final TV show on CBS
06/01/1971 Perth Observatory discovers asteroid #2167 Erin
06/01/1972 Dmitri Sjostakovitsj' 15th Symphony, premieres in West Berlin
06/01/1972 Tswanaland becomes Bophuthatswana in South Africa
06/01/1972 West German police arrest RAF-leader Andreas Baader
06/01/1973 Greek Pres Papadopoulos asks for 'parliamentary presidential republi

06/01/1973 Paul McCartney & Wings release 'Live & Let Die'
06/01/1974 Bundy victim Brenda Ball disappears from Burien, Wash
06/01/1974 Chemical plant explodes in Flixborough Lincs kills 29 in UK
06/01/1975 Calif Angel Nolan Ryan 4th no-hitter beats Balt Orioles, 1-0
06/01/1975 Cars in Netherlands must have seatbelts
06/01/1975 Ron Woods replaces Mick Taylor as Rolling Stone guitarist
06/01/1976 Great-Britain & Iceland terminate codfish war
06/01/1977 British Virgin Islands adopts constitution
06/01/1978 High Council destroys judgment against war criminal Pieter Menten
06/01/1979 Rhodesian bishop Able Muzorewa becomes premier
06/01/1979 Supersonics beat Bullets for NBA championship, 4 games to 1
06/01/1979 Wings release 'Old Siam, Sir'
06/01/1980 1st transmission of CNN, Cable News Network
06/01/1980 ANC sets fire to Sasol oil installations in South Africa
06/01/1980 Barbra Striesand appears at an ACLU Benefit in Calif
06/01/1980 H Debehogne discovers asteroids #2543 Machado & #3411
06/01/1980 Ted Turner's Cable News Network begins broadcasting
06/01/1984 KWK-AM in St Louis MO changes call letters to KGLD
06/01/1984 Netherland's Lubbers govt gives 48 sites for cruise missiles
06/01/1984 Weightlifter Alexander Gunyashev of USSR snatches a record 211 kg
06/01/1988 Train crash in Zeeland Neth, kills 2
06/01/1989 Robin Givens & Mike Tyson granted final divorce in NJ
06/01/1990 Cowboy Channel on cable TV begins transmitting
06/01/1990 Detroit Pistons beat Trailblazers in Portland for 1st time since 197

06/01/1990 Dow Jones Avg hits a record high of 2,900.97
06/01/1991 Mount Pinatubo (Philippines) erupts for 1st time in 600 years
06/01/1992 E Lamps (20 year lightbulb) introduced
06/01/1992 Pitts Penguins sweep Chicago Blackhawks to win Stanley Cup
06/01/1992 Snowfall in Colorado
06/01/1993 Brooklyn NY begins recycling
06/01/1993 Connie Chung joins Dan Rather as anchors of CBS Evening News
06/01/1993 Guatemala president Jorge Serrano overthrown by the army
06/01/1993 Melchior Ndadaye elected pres of Burundi

Robert Wolfe

Jun 1, 2021, 7:40:13 AM6/1/21

Robert Wolfe

Jun 1, 2021, 1:40:12 PM6/1/21

Robert Wolfe

Jun 2, 2021, 7:42:16 AM6/2/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


06/02/1491 Henry VIII, King of England (1509-47)
06/02/1504 George/Joris van Egmont, bishop of Utrecht
06/02/1535 Leo XI, [Alessandro O de' Medici], Italy, Pope (1605)
06/02/1577 Giovanni Righi, composer
06/02/1614 Benjamin Rogers, composer
06/02/1624 Jan III Sobieski, King of Poland (1674-96)
06/02/1715 Herman-Francois Delange, composer
06/02/1740 Marquis de Sade, 1st known sadist/writer (Justine)
06/02/1751 Antoni Weinert, composer
06/02/1758 Cornelis RT Krayenhoff, cartographer
06/02/1759 Jan Ekels de Jonge, painter
06/02/1777 Christian Traugott Tag, composer
06/02/1802 Adrian van der Hoop Jr, poet/critic
06/02/1806 Isaac Strauss, composer
06/02/1807 Robert Fuhrer, composer
06/02/1815 Philip Kearny, Major General (Union volunteers), died in 1862
06/02/1821 Ion Bratianu, (Lib), premier of Romania (1876-88)
06/02/1828 James Cutler Dunn Parker, composer
06/02/1830 Olivier Metra, composer
06/02/1831 Benjamin Hardin Helm, Brig General (Confederate Army), died in 1863
06/02/1831 Jan G Palm, Cura㌢os choir master/composer
06/02/1835 Pius X, [Giuseppe Sarto], 257th Roman Catholic pope (1903-14)
06/02/1840 Thomas Hardy, England, poet/novelist (Far from the Madding Crowd)
06/02/1849 Paul-Albert Besnard, French painter/graphic artist (La femme)
06/02/1857 Edward Elgar, Broadheath, England, composer (Pomp & Circumstance)
06/02/1857 Edward William Elgar, composer
06/02/1857 Karl Adolph Gjellerup, Denmark, poet (Poutnici Svetem, Nobel 1917)
06/02/1858 Harry Rowe Shelley, composer
06/02/1863 Paul Felix Weingartner, Germany, conductor (Zara, Dalmatia)
06/02/1864 Ben Webster, actor (Old Curiosity Shop)
06/02/1876 Hakon Borresen, composer
06/02/1883 Bokke RS Pollema, Fries journalist/author (Lock of Hair)
06/02/1890 Hedda Hopper [Elda Furry], US, gossip columnist (From Under My Hat)
06/02/1891 Ernst Kunz, composer
06/02/1894 Erich R芭er, Germany, ice hockey player (Olympic-bronze-1932)
06/02/1898 GP[rges M] Norge, French/Belgian writer (Les oignons)
06/02/1899 Royal Beal, actor (Death of a Salesman)
06/02/1900 David Wynne, composer
06/02/1901 Michael Todd, producer (Around the World in 80 Days)
06/02/1904 John Weissmuller, actor (Tarzan)/100m swimmer (Olympic-gold-1924, 28

06/02/1909 Robin Orr, composer
06/02/1913 Barbara Pym, romantic author (Very Private Eye)
06/02/1913 Bert Farber, Bkln NY, orch leader (Arthur Gudfrey, Vic Damone)
06/02/1915 Lester del Rey, US, sci-fi author (Moon Trilogy, Marooned on Mars)
06/02/1915 Robert Moffat Palmer, composer
06/02/1915 Walter Tetley, animation voice (Sherman-Bullwinkle Show)
06/02/1917 Max Showalter, Caldwell Ks, actor/composer (Stockard Channing Show)
06/02/1920 Yolande Donlan, actress (Jigsaw, Expresso Bongo, Penny Princess)
06/02/1922 Juan A Bardem, Spanish director/critic (C「micos)
06/02/1926 Milo O'Shea, Ireland, actor (Barbarella, Romeo & Juliet)
06/02/1927 Phillip Burton, historian (Vanishing Eagles)
06/02/1929 Alcides Lanza, composer
06/02/1929 Frederic Devreese, composer
06/02/1930 Charles Pete Conrad Jr, Phila, USN/astro (Gem 5 11, Ap 12, Skylab 2)

06/02/1931 Larry Jackson, baseball player
06/02/1932 Barry Levinson, director (Rainman)
06/02/1932 Sammy Turner, Patterson, NJ, singer (Lavender Blue Moods)
06/02/1933 Bob Rozario, Shanghai China, orch leader (Tony Orlando, Marie)
06/02/1933 Jerry Lumpe, baseball player
06/02/1934 Johnny Carter, US singer (Give your baby a standing ovation)
06/02/1936 Sally Kellerman, Long Beach Cal, actress (M*A*S*H, Back to School)
06/02/1936 Vladimir Golubnichy, USSR, 20K walker (Olympic-gold-1960, 68)
06/02/1938 Frits Wols, [Eugene W Wong Loi Sing], Suriname, sec-gen (UNESCO)
06/02/1938 Gene Michael, baseball shortstop/manager/general manger (NY Yankees)

06/02/1939 Charles Miller, rock flutist/saxophonist (War)
06/02/1940 Chris Bernau, actor (Guiding Light)
06/02/1940 Constantine II, deposed King of Greece (1964-73)
06/02/1940 Horace Clarke, baseball 2nd baseman (NY Yankees)
06/02/1940 Jim Maloney, baseball pitcher
06/02/1941 Charlie Watts, drummer (Rolling Stones-Brown Sugar)
06/02/1941 Oda Mayumi, Tokyo, resident artist at the Green Gulch Zen Center
06/02/1941 Stacy Keach, Savannah Ga, actor (Mickey Spillane's Mike Hammer)
06/02/1941 William Guest, Atlanta Ga, singer (Gladys Knight Show)
06/02/1943 Charles Haid, SF Ca, actor (Andy Renko-Hill St Blues, Altered States

06/02/1943 John Lilipaly, Dutch 2nd Chamber member (PvdA)
06/02/1943 Maarten B Engwirda, Dutch 2nd Chamber member (D66)
06/02/1944 Garo Yepremian, NFL place kicker (Miami Dolphins)
06/02/1944 Marvin Hamlisch, US, composer/pianist (Sting, Chorus Line)
06/02/1944 Poul Jensen, Denmark, yachting (Olympic-gold-1976, 80)
06/02/1946 Roger Freed, baseball player
06/02/1948 Albert Innaurato, Phila, playwright/director (Age in Soho)
06/02/1948 Jerry Mathers, Sioux City Iowa, actor (Beaver-Leave It To Beaver)
06/02/1950 Chubby Tavares, rocker (Tavares)
06/02/1950 Joanna Gleason, Toronto Canada, actress (Morgan-Hello Larry)
06/02/1951 Steve Brookins, rocker (.38 Special)
06/02/1953 Craig Stadler, San Diego Calif, PGA golfer (Masters 1982)
06/02/1955 Dana Carvey, Missoula Montana, comedian (Church Lady-SNL)
06/02/1955 Gary Grimes, SF, actor (Summer of '42, Class of '44)
06/02/1958 Lex Lugar, [Larry Pfohl], Atlanta Ga, wrestler (WWF/WCW/NWA)
06/02/1959 Lydia Lunch, US singer/poetess (Teenage Jesus, Jerks)
06/02/1960 Tony Hadley, rocker (Spandau Ballet-True)
06/02/1961 John Cameroon, guitarist (Claw Boys Claw)
06/02/1962 Darnell Coles, baseball player
06/02/1963 Brian Harvey, baseball umpire
06/02/1967 Mike Stanton, baseball player
06/02/1969 Kurt Abbott, baseball player
06/02/1970 Mike Kelly, baseball player
06/02/1976 Adrian Carlos Olivares, Mexico City, singer (Menudo-Cannonball)


06/02/ 657 Eugene I, Italian Pope (654-7), dies
06/02/1564 Gellius Faber, [Jelle Smit], Fries theologist, dies
06/02/1575 Pieter Aertsen, [Long Worm], painter, dies at about 65
06/02/1597 Diederik Sonoy, German/Neth governor of Northern quarter, dies at 67

06/02/1632 Ernst Casimir, count of Nassau-Dietz/mayor of Friesland, dies at 58
06/02/1639 Floris II van Pallandt, earl of Culemborg/politician, dies at 62
06/02/1676 ... d'ybarra, Spanish (admiral?), dies in battle
06/02/1676 ... de Cock, vice-admiral, dies in battle
06/02/1676 ... de Haen, vice-admiral, dies in battle
06/02/1678 Pieter the Great, regent/diplomat, dies at 63
06/02/1750 Johann Valentin Rathgeber, German composer, dies at 68
06/02/1812 John W de Winter, Dutch vice-adm, dies at battle at Kamperduin at 51

06/02/1839 W蕨and YY Nu脇n, painter/lithographer (Wrecked), dies at 26
06/02/1864 George Pierce Doles, US businessman/Confed brig-general, dies at 34
06/02/1865 John E Feisser, founder (1st Dutch baptist church), dies at 59
06/02/1873 Francois Hainl, composer, dies at 65
06/02/1882 Guiseppi Garibaldi, Italian rebel leader, dies at 74
06/02/1896 Gerhard Rohlfs, German explorer (Abbsynia/Ethiopia), dies
06/02/1901 James A Herne, [J Aherne], US playwright (Margaret Fleming), dies
06/02/1904 Redvers H Buller, English general, dies
06/02/1927 Freidrich Hegar, composer, dies at 85
06/02/1937 Louis Vierne, composer, dies at 66
06/02/1940 Willem E Roelofs, painter/cartoonist, dies
06/02/1941 Lou Gehrig, Yankee 1st baseman, dies at 37 of ALS in Riverdale NY
06/02/1943 Leslie Howard, actor (Romeo & Juliet), Nazis shot down his plane at

06/02/1947 Hermann Darewsky, composer, dies at 64
06/02/1949 Dynam-Victor Fumet, composer, dies at 82
06/02/1949 Ernest Ford, composer, dies at 91
06/02/1950 Stanislas Bizot, French checker player (world champ 1925), dies at 7

06/02/1951 Alain, [Emile-Auguste Chartier], French philosopher, dies at 83
06/02/1951 John Erskine, US writer/poet/pianist (Venus Love Goddess), dies at 7

06/02/1956 Jean Hersholt, actress (Emma, Grand Hotel, Greed), dies at 69
06/02/1961 George S Kaufman, playwright/dir/pulitzer prize winner, dies at 72
06/02/1961 Peter H 'Paul' Huf, actor/director (Dutch Comedy), dies at 70
06/02/1962 Franc S Finzgar, Slovic writer (Service Girls), dies
06/02/1967 Zamah Cunningham, actress (Menosha the Magnificent), dies at 74
06/02/1971 Charles de Keukeleire, Belgian director (Evil Eye), dies at 66
06/02/1972 Franz Philipp, composer, dies at 81
06/02/1974 Elliott Sullivan, actor (Sergeant), dies at 66
06/02/1975 Eisaku Sato, premier of Japan, dies at 74
06/02/1976 Alan Dewitt, actor (Mr Tyler-It's About Time), dies at 52
06/02/1977 Forrest Lewis, actor (Great Gildersleeve, Ichabod & Me), dies at 77
06/02/1977 Henri D Gagnebin, Swiss organist/composer, dies at 91
06/02/1977 Stephen Boyd, actor (Fantastic Voyage, Ben-Hur, Lisa), dies at 48
06/02/1979 Jim Hutton, actor (Ellery Queen), dies at 45
06/02/1986 Daniel Sternefeld, Belgian conductor/composer (Elegie), dies at 80
06/02/1987 AndrT Segovia, Spanish guitarist, dies at 94
06/02/1987 Sammy Kaye, orch leader (Sammy Kaye Show), dies at 77
06/02/1988 Horace A Hildreth, (Gov-Maine, 1945-49), dies at 85
06/02/1990 Frederick Mellinger, founder of Fredericks of Hollywood, dies at 76
06/02/1990 Rex Harrison, actor (My Fair Lady), dies at 82 of cancer
06/02/1990 Robert Noyce, co-inventor (semi-conductor)/founded Intel, dies
06/02/1990 Stuart Hall, actor (Cavalcade, Dawn Patrol), dies
06/02/1992 Philip Dunne, founder of Screen Writers Guild, dies at 84 of cancer
06/02/1993 French JFM of Thiel, Dutch 2nd chamber chairman (1963-72), dies at 8

06/02/1993 Johnny Mize, baseball player, dies at 80

Significant Events:

06/02/ 455 Gaiseric & Vandals sack Rome
06/02/ 575 Benedict I begins his reign as Catholic Pope
06/02/ 657 St Eugene I ends his reign as Catholic Pope
06/02/1129 Fulco V's son Godfried marries king Henry I's daughter Mathildis
06/02/1625 Prince Frederik Henry sworn in as viceroy of Holland/Zealand
06/02/1627 English king Charles I establishes Guyana Company
06/02/1633 Prince Frederik Henry conquerors fort Rhine at Cologne
06/02/1676 Battle at Palermo: French beats Dutch/Spanish fleet
06/02/1780 Anti Catholic demonstration attacks parliament in London
06/02/1797 1st ascent of 'Great Mountain' (4,622') in Adirondack NY (C Broadhea

06/02/1834 5th national black convention meet (NYC)
06/02/1835 P.T. Barnum & his circus begin 1st tour of US
06/02/1851 1st US alcohol prohibition law enacted (Maine)
06/02/1857 James Gibbs, Va., patents chain-stitch single-thread sewing machine
06/02/1858 Donati Comet 1st seen named after it's discoverer
06/02/1862 Gen Robert E Lee takes command of Confederate armies of E VA & NC
06/02/1862 Raid at Early's: Maryland towards Washington DC
06/02/1863 Harriet Tubman leads Union guerillas into Maryland, freeing slaves
06/02/1864 Battle of Cold Harbour, Day 2
06/02/1865 At Galveston, Kirby-Smith surrenders Trans-Mississippi Dept
06/02/1866 Renegade Irish Fenians surrender to US forces
06/02/1873 Ground broken on Clay St (SF) for world's 1st cable railroad
06/02/1875 James Augustine Healey became 1st Black Catholic Bishop in US
06/02/1881 Haarlem-Zandvoort Railway opens
06/02/1883 1st night baseball under lights, Ft Wayne Indiana
06/02/1883 Chicago's 'El' opens to traffic
06/02/1886 Grover Cleveland is 1st to wed during presidency (Frances Folsom)
06/02/1899 Black Americans observed day of fasting to protest lynchings
06/02/1902 2nd statewide initiative & referendum law adopted, in Oregon
06/02/1903 Netherlands Korfball League forms
06/02/1903 Pirates win a triple header from Dodgers
06/02/1910 1st roundtrip flight over English Channel (C.S. Rolls, England)
06/02/1910 Pygmies discovered in Dutch New Guinea
06/02/1913 1st strike settlement mediated by US Dep't of Labor-RR clerks
06/02/1913 Demonstrations for general voting right in Neth
06/02/1914 Glenn Curtiss flies his Langley Aerodrome
06/02/1919 Pulitzer prize awarded to Carl Sandburg (Cornhuskers)
06/02/1920 Pulitzer prize awarded to Eugene O'Neill (Beyond the Horizon)
06/02/1922 Suffy McInnis (1st base) ends an errorless string of 1,700 chances
06/02/1924 US citizenship granted to all American Indians
06/02/1925 NY Yankee Lou Gehrig begins his 2,130 consecutive game streak
06/02/1930 1st baby born on a vessel passing through Panama Canal
06/02/1930 Sarah Dickson becomes 1st woman Presbyterian elder in US, Cincinnati

06/02/1932 Franz von Papen 'Cabinet of the Baron' premieres
06/02/1933 WNJ-AM in Newark NJ goes off the air
06/02/1936 Gen Anastasio Somoza takes over as dictator of Nicaragua
06/02/1940 Heavy German bombing on Dunkirk beach
06/02/1943 99th Pursuit Squadron flies 1st combat mission (over Italy)
06/02/1946 Italian plebiscite chooses republic over monarchy (National Day)
06/02/1947 Hungarian premier Ferenc Nagy resigns
06/02/1949 Transjordan renamed Jordan
06/02/1952 650,000 metal workers go on strike in US
06/02/1953 Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II in Westminster Abbey
06/02/1954 John Costello (Cons) becomes premier of Ireland
06/02/1957 US TV interviews Khrushchev
06/02/1958 Alan Freed joins WABC (NYC) radio
06/02/1959 Allen Ginsberg writes his poem 'Lysergic Acid,' SF
06/02/1964 Lal Bahadur Sjastri elected premier of India
06/02/1964 Rolling Stones 1st US concert tour debuts in Lynn, Mass
06/02/1965 2nd of 2 cyclones in less than a month kills 35,000 (Ganges R India)

06/02/1966 US Surveyor 1 lands in Oceanus Procellarum; 1st lunar soft-landing
06/02/1967 Race riots in Roxbury section of Boston
06/02/1968 WBLG (now WTVQ) TV channel 62 in Lexington, KY (ABC) 1st broadcast
06/02/1971 Ajax wins Europe Cup
06/02/1972 Dion & the Belmonts reunion concert at Madison Square Garden
06/02/1974 Mali adopts constitution
06/02/1974 Malta's constitution goes into effect
06/02/1975 1st time snow fell in London in June
06/02/1975 James A Healy, 1st black Roman Catholic bishop, consecrated (Maine)
06/02/1976 East-Timor People's Assembly accepts annexation through Indonesia
06/02/1977 NJ allows casino gambling in Atlantic City
06/02/1979 John Paul II becomes 1st pope to visit a communist country (Poland)
06/02/1979 NASA launches space vehicle S-198
06/02/1979 Pope John Paul II visits Poland
06/02/1981 Barbara Walters asks Katharine Hepburn what kind of tree she would b

06/02/1983 Toilet catches fire on Air Canada's DC-9, 23 die at Cincinnati
06/02/1984 Actress Jill Ireland has a radical masectomy
06/02/1984 B A Skiff discovers asteroid #3617
06/02/1984 Flight readiness firing of Discovery's main engines
06/02/1985 Andreas Papandreous PASOK-party wins election in Greece
06/02/1985 Nancy Lopez beats Alice Miller for the LPGA
06/02/1986 NYC transit system issues a new brass with steel bullseye token
06/02/1986 Regular TV coverage of US Senate sessions begins
06/02/1989 14 year old Scott Isaacs spells spoliator to win 1989 Spelling Bee
06/02/1989 Cincinnati Red Eric Davis hits for cycle
06/02/1989 Rolling Stones Bill Wyman marries Mandy Smith
06/02/1992 Former NY Giant Coach Bill Parcells undergoes open heart surgery
06/02/1992 Wilson Phillips release their 2nd album 'Shadows & Light'
06/02/1994 Chinook helicopter crashes in North Scotland (29 killed)

Robert Wolfe

Jun 3, 2021, 7:42:17 AM6/3/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


06/03/1610 Jacob Neefs, Flemish engraver/publisher, baptised
06/03/1657 Manuel de Egues, composer
06/03/1660 Johannes Schenck, composer
06/03/1685 Cornelis Hop, Amsterdam regent/diplomat
06/03/1738 Johann Christoph Oley, composer
06/03/1746 James Hook, composer
06/03/1750 Frederic Thieme, composer
06/03/1761 Henry Scrapnel, English inventor (shrapnel shell)
06/03/1771 Sydney Smith, preacher/reformer/author
06/03/1773 Caspar G C Reinwardt, German/Dutch biologist
06/03/1773 Michael Gottard Fischer, composer
06/03/1780 William Hone, England, author/bookseller (Every-Day Book)
06/03/1782 Charles Waterton, eccentric naturalist/pioneer
06/03/1801 Frantisek Jan Skroup, composer
06/03/1804 Richard Cobden, founder Anti-Corn-Law League
06/03/1808 Jefferson F Davis, Ky, Pres of Confederate States of America (1861-5

06/03/1812 Pieter Mòer, Dutch gov-gen of Neth Indies (1866-72)
06/03/1815 Martin Edward Green, Brig General (Confederate Army), died in 1863
06/03/1819 Johan B Jongkind, Neth/French painter (Winter Scenes)
06/03/1819 Thomas Ball, US, sculptor/painter/singer
06/03/1824 Charles Kinnaird Graham, Bvt Major General (Union volunteers)
06/03/1828 Jean Alexander Ferdinand Poise, composer
06/03/1828 Jose Inzenga y Castellanos, composer
06/03/1829 Alfonse Charles Renaud de Vilback, composer
06/03/1831 Otho French Strahl, Brig General (Confederate Army), died in 1864
06/03/1832 Alexander Charles Lecocq, composer
06/03/1840 Eugeen van Oye, Flemish writer/poet (Morning Twilight)
06/03/1841 Eduardo Caudella, composer
06/03/1843 Frederik VIII CWK, King of Denmark (1906-12)
06/03/1844 Detlev [Freiherr Friedrich A von] Liliencron, German poet
06/03/1844 Emile Paladilhe, composer
06/03/1844 Garret Augustus Hobart, (R) 24th US VP (1897-99)
06/03/1864 Ransom Eli Olds, auto (Oldsmobile) & truck (REO) manufacturer
06/03/1865 George V, Saksen-Coburg [Windsor], King of Great Britain (1910-36)
06/03/1867 Bela Anton Szabados, composer
06/03/1868 Lvar Henning Mankell, composer
06/03/1869 Maria Radulphus, inspector on Curaáao (Radulphus College)
06/03/1870 Jules JBV Bordet, Belgian bacteriologist (syphillis, Nobel 1919)
06/03/1877 Raoul Dufy, France, Fauvist painter (Palm)
06/03/1879 Pieter Y Adriani, Dutch lawyer
06/03/1887 Emil Axman, composer
06/03/1893 Assen Karastoyanov, composer
06/03/1895 Kavalam Madhava Panikkar, India, diplomat (Asia & Western Dominance)

06/03/1900 Gerard den Brabander, [Jan G Jofriet], poet (Nothing New)
06/03/1901 Maurice Evans, Dorchester England, actor (Maurice-Bewitched)
06/03/1902 Edward Wayne, physician (Queen of Scotland)
06/03/1904 Charles Richard Drew, pioneer of blood plasma research
06/03/1904 Jan Peerce, [Jacob Pincus Perelmuth], NYC, tenor (NY Met Opera)
06/03/1906 Josephine Baker, dancer/Parisian night club owner (Folies-Bergäre)
06/03/1906 Robert Brown Black, British diplomat/gov (Hong Kong)
06/03/1907 Antonio Emmanvilovich Spadavecchia, composer
06/03/1908 Adele Dixon, actress (Calling the Tune)
06/03/1908 Eddie Acuff, actor (Guns of the Pecos, Phantom Creeps, Outer Gate)
06/03/1910 Wilfred Thesiger, explorer
06/03/1911 Ellen Corby, Racine Wisc, actress (Grandma Walton-Waltons)
06/03/1911 Mason Gross, Dr/TV professor (Think Fast, Two for the Money)
06/03/1911 Olaf Okern, Norway, Nordic skier (Olympic-medal-1948)
06/03/1911 Paulette Goddard, [Marion Levy], Switz, actress (Great Dictator)
06/03/1912 Richard D'Aeth, president (Hughes Hall Cambridge)
06/03/1912 William Douglas-Home, playwright (Now .. Barabbas)
06/03/1915 Iris Meredith, actress (Son of Davy Crockett, Lawless Land)
06/03/1915 Leo Gorcey, US, actor (Mannequin, Road to Zanzibar)
06/03/1918 Patrick Cargill, actor (Help, Hammerhead)
06/03/1920 Lord Brandon of Oakbrook, Lord of appeal in Ordinary
06/03/1922 Alain Resnais, France, director (Providence, Hiroshima, Mon Amour)
06/03/1922 Ivan Patachich, composer
06/03/1923 Michael Jaffe, director (Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge England)
06/03/1924 Michael Gow, commandant (Royal College of Defense Studies)
06/03/1925 Thomas Winning, Roman catholic archbishop of Glasgow
06/03/1925 Tony Curtis, [Bernard Schwartz], actor (Some Like It Hot, Trapeze)
06/03/1926 Allen Ginsberg, beat poet (Howl)
06/03/1926 Carlos Veerhoff, composer
06/03/1926 Colleen Dewhurst, Montreal Canada, actress (Maggie-Blue & Grey)
06/03/1926 Hamilton Fish Jr, (Rep-R-NY, 1969- )
06/03/1926 Janez Maticic, composer
06/03/1926 Roscoe G Bartlett, (Rep-R-Maryland)
06/03/1928 Donald Judd, US, statue artist (minimal art)
06/03/1928 Sheila Faith, MP/MEP
06/03/1929 Chuck Barris, Phila, TV game show producer/host (Gong Show)
06/03/1930 Marion [Eleanor] Zimmer Bradley [Breen], sci-fi author (Storm Queen)

06/03/1931 Francoise Arnoul, actress/composer (French Cancan, Jacko & Lise)
06/03/1932 Dakota Staton, singer
06/03/1934 Jim Gentile, baseball player
06/03/1935 Raoul Franklin, chancellor (City University London)
06/03/1936 Colin Meads, rugby player
06/03/1936 Harry Pitt, vice chancellor (Reading University)
06/03/1936 Larry McMurtry, US writer
06/03/1936 Philip Attenborough, CEO (Hodder & Stoughton)
06/03/1937 Solomon P Ortiz, (Rep-D-TX, 1983- )
06/03/1939 David Frederick Stock, composer
06/03/1939 Phil Gallie, MP
06/03/1942 Anita Harris, singer/actress (Follow that Camel)
06/03/1942 Curtis Mayfield, singer (Freddie's Dead, Superfly)
06/03/1942 Duane Josephson, baseball player
06/03/1943 Billy Cunningham, NBA/ABA (Phila 76ers, Carolina Cougers)
06/03/1943 Eddie McGrady, MP
06/03/1944 Edith McGuire, US 200m sprinter (Olympic-gold-1964)
06/03/1944 Michael Clarke, drummer (Byrds-Turn! Turn! Turn!, 8 Miles High)
06/03/1945 Hale Irwin, PGA golfer (US Open 1974, 79)
06/03/1946 Anita Pollack, Labour MEP
06/03/1946 Earl of Cromer, managing director (Inchcape (China) Ltd)
06/03/1946 Ian Hunter, England, rocker (Mott the Hoople-All the Young Dudes)
06/03/1946 John Paul Jones, English pop bassist/keyboardist (Led Zeppelin)
06/03/1946 Tristan Rogers, Australia, actor (Robert Scorpio-General Hospital)
06/03/1947 Penelope Wilton, actress (Cry Freedom, Norman Conquests)
06/03/1949 David Evenett, Conservative MP
06/03/1949 Stephen Ruppenthal, composer
06/03/1950 Marlene Elejarde, Havana Cuba, 4x100m runner (Olympic-silver-1968)
06/03/1950 Suzi Quatro, Detroit, singer (Stumblin' In)/actress (Happy Days)
06/03/1951 Christopher Cross, Texas, singer (Sailing)
06/03/1951 Deniece Williams, [Chandler], singer (Love Wouldn't Let Me Wait)
06/03/1952 Billy Powell, keyboards (Lynyrd Skynyrd-That Smell, Freebird)
06/03/1954 Dan Hill, rocker (Sometimes When We Touch)
06/03/1956 Suren Nalbandyan, USSR, lightweight (Olympic-gold-1976)
06/03/1958 Scott Valentine, actor (Nick-Family Ties, My Demon Lover)
06/03/1960 Barry Lyons, baseball player
06/03/1960 Jack Daugherty, baseball player
06/03/1960 Steve Lyons, baseball player
06/03/1961 Peter Glen Vidmar, LA Calif, gymnist (Olympic-2 gold-1984)
06/03/1963 Yuri Yuriyevich Krikun, Russia, cosmonaut
06/03/1964 Nelson Liriano, baseball player
06/03/1966 Wasim Akram, cricketer
06/03/1970 Carl Everett, baseball player
06/03/1971 Aaron Ledesma, baseball player


06/03/ 545 Chlotilde, wife of French king Clovis/saint, dies at about 70
06/03/1107 Kilidj Arslan I, Seldjoeken-sultan, dies in battle
06/03/1594 Michel Renichon, priest, executed
06/03/1661 Gottfried Scheidt, composer, dies at 67
06/03/1679 Jean-Francius Miller, painter, buried
06/03/1688 Maximilian H of Bayern, prince-bishop of Luik, dies at 66
06/03/1732 Pieter Vuyst, Dutch gov-gen of Ceylon, executed
06/03/1764 Hans A Brorson, Danish poet/bishop of Ribe, dies at 69
06/03/1804 Jean-Engelbert Pauwels, composer, dies at 35
06/03/1809 John 'Christmas' Beckwith, composer, dies at 58
06/03/1844 Louis-Antoine, the Bourbon, French duke of Angoulàme, dies
06/03/1858 Julius Reubke, composer, dies at 24
06/03/1861 Stephen A Douglas, 'Little Giant', senator (Lincoln-debates, dies
06/03/1864 James P McMahon, US Union colonel (164th NY), dies in battle
06/03/1864 Peter A Porter, US Union colonel (8th NY), dies in battle
06/03/1872 Heinrich Esser, composer, dies at 53
06/03/1875 Georges [Alexandre-CÇsar-Lâopold] Bizet, French composer, dies at 36

06/03/1877 Sophia Frederika Mathilde, princess of WÅrttemberg, dies at 58
06/03/1881 Japanese giant salamander, dies in Dutch zoo at 55; oldest amphibian

06/03/1888 Cark Reidel, composer, dies at 60
06/03/1890 Henryk Oskar Kolberg, composer, dies at 76
06/03/1898 Nikolai Afanisev, composer, dies at 77
06/03/1898 Samuel Plimssoll, English parliament leader, dies at 74
06/03/1899 Johann Baptist Strauss, Austria, composer (Waltz King), dies at 73
06/03/1913 Josef Richard Rozkosny, composer, dies at 79
06/03/1924 Franz Kafka, Czech writer (Trial, Amerika, Metamorphosis), dies
06/03/1933 William Muldoon, Belfast NY, boxing commissioner, dies at 88
06/03/1943 Folkert E Posthuma, Min of Agriculture, dies
06/03/1946 Michail I Kalinin, Pres (Supreme Soviet), dies at 60
06/03/1948 Hiroshi 'Can' Kikuchi, Japan (stage)writer (Tjitj kaâru), dies at 59

06/03/1949 Amedos Peter Giannine, founder of Bank of America dies at 79
06/03/1959 Ole Windingstad, composer, dies at 73
06/03/1963 John XXIII, [Angelo G Roncalli], Pope (1958-63), dies at 81
06/03/1963 Paul Maxey, actor (Matt-Lassie, Mayor-People's Choice), dies at 57
06/03/1966 Alice Calhoun, actress (Flowing Gold, Between Friends), dies at 65
06/03/1967 Arthur Mitchell Ransome, critic/children's book author, dies
06/03/1967 Arthur W Tedder of Glenguin, British air marshal (WW II), dies at 76

06/03/1967 Gertrude 'Mickey' MacFadden, entertainer, dies
06/03/1967 Hans Fischbîck, Austrian financier, dies
06/03/1970 Douwe Hermans Kiestra, [Harm Harmstra], Fries boer/writer, dies at 7

06/03/1970 H G Hjalmar Schacht, pres Germany Kingdom bank/minister of Eco, dies

06/03/1975 Ozzie Nelson, actor (Adventures of Ozzie & Harriet), dies at 69
06/03/1977 Roberto Rossellini, Italian director (Roma cittÖ aperta), dies at 71

06/03/1981 Carleton Coon, anthropology prof (What in the World), dies at 76
06/03/1986 Anna Neagle, [Marjorie Robertson], actr (Courtney Affair)/dancer, di

06/03/1986 Arthur Charles Ernest Hoeree, composer, dies at 89
06/03/1986 Patricia Wheel, actress (Christine-Woman to Remember), dies at 42
06/03/1987 Will Sampson, actor (From Here to Eternity, Yellow Rose), dies at 54

06/03/1989 Ruhollah Khomeini, Iranian ayatollah, dies at 89
06/03/1990 Tom Brown, actor (Judge Priest, Hello Sucker, Ex-Champ), dies at 77
06/03/1991 Andy Milligan, cinematographer/director (Carnage, Sweeney Todd), die

06/03/1991 Eva La Gailliene, Brit/US actress/director (Resurrection), dies at 9

06/03/1991 Harry Glicken, volcanologist, killed by Mt Unzen Volcano in Japan
06/03/1991 Thomas C Lasorda, artist/son Dodger manager, dies of pneumonia at 33

06/03/1992 Patrick Peyton, Rosary Priest, dies at 83 of kidney failure
06/03/1992 Robert Morley, actor (Around the World in 80 Days), dies at 84
06/03/1992 William E Gaines, publisher (Mad Magazine), dies at 70
06/03/1993 Bob Fitzsimmons, NY radio DJ (WNEW AM/WABC AM/WHN AM), dies at 53
06/03/1994 Hub Matthijsen, violinist/bandmaster, dies at 52

Significant Events:

06/03/ Date in the song 'Ode to Billy Joe' by Bobby Gentry
06/03/1098 Christian Crusaders seize Antioch, Turkey
06/03/1357 Peace of Aat
06/03/1539 Hernando De Soto claims Florida for Spain
06/03/1621 Dutch West India Company receives charter for 'New Netherlands'
06/03/1621 WIC, West Indian Co, under Heeren XIX, founded
06/03/1748 Amsterdam establishes municipal postal service
06/03/1752 Moscow houses & churchs destroyed by fire
06/03/1770 Mission San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo founded in Calif
06/03/1781 Jack Jouett rides to warn Jefferson of British attack
06/03/1789 Alex Mackenzie explores Mackenzie River (Canada)
06/03/1833 4th national black convention meets (Phila)
06/03/1847 Rotterdam-Hague Railway opens
06/03/1860 Comanche, Iowa completely destroyed by 1 of a series of tornadoes
06/03/1861 1st Civil War land battle-Union defeats Confederacy at Philippi, WV
06/03/1861 Skirmish at Philippi, West Virginia
06/03/1864 Battle of Cold Harbour continues
06/03/1875 C H F Peters discovers asteroid #144 Vibilia & #145 Adeona
06/03/1876 Lacrosse introduced in Britain & Canada
06/03/1884 John Lynch (R-MS) chosen 1st black major-party natl convention chair

06/03/1888 'Casey at the Bat' published (SF Examiner)
06/03/1913 Dutch 1st Chamber accepts Health laws
06/03/1916 ROTC established by Act of Congress
06/03/1918 Supreme Court rules child labor laws unconstitutional
06/03/1919 Liberty Life Insurance Co (Chicago) organized by blacks
06/03/1921 A sudden cloudburst kills 120 near Pikes Peak, Colorado
06/03/1924 Gila Wilderness Area established by Forest Service
06/03/1925 Goodyear airship 'Pilgrim' makes 1st flight (1st with enclosed cabin

06/03/1929 1st trade show at Atlantic City Convention Center (electric light)
06/03/1929 Border dispute between Peru & Chile resolved
06/03/1929 Chile, Peru & Bolivia sign accord about Tacna-Arica-area
06/03/1932 Lou Gehrig hits 4 consecutive HRs; Yanks beat A's 20-13
06/03/1932 Von Hindenburg disbands German Parliament
06/03/1933 A's score 11 runs in 2nd, Yanks score 10 in 5th & win 17-11
06/03/1933 Pope Pius XI encyclical 'On oppression of the Church in Spain'
06/03/1934 Dr Frederick Banting co-discoverer of insulin, is knighted
06/03/1935 French Normandie sets Atlantic crossing record of 1,077 hours
06/03/1937 Duke of Windsor (Edward 8) weds Mrs Wallis Warfield Simpson in Franc

06/03/1938 German law on 'Entartete Art' legalizes art robbery
06/03/1940 Last British/French troop leave Dunkirk
06/03/1941 Attack on telephone exchange in Schiphol
06/03/1941 Author Irving Wallace marries writer Sylvia Kahn
06/03/1941 German occupiers stamp 'J' on Jewish passports
06/03/1942 Battle of Midway Island begins
06/03/1943 United Nations Relief & Rehabilitation Administration forms
06/03/1944 Nazis pull out of Rome
06/03/1946 Intl Milt Tribunal opens in Tokyo against 28 Japanese war criminals
06/03/1946 US Supreme court rules race separation on buses, unconstitutional
06/03/1947 British viceroy of India lord Mountbatten visits Pakistan
06/03/1948 200' (5.08 m) Hale telescope dedicated at Palomar Observatory
06/03/1948 Korczak Ziolkowski begins sculpture of Crazy Horse near Mt Rushmore
06/03/1949 1st negro to graduate from US Naval Academy (Wesley Anthony Brown)
06/03/1949 Dragnet is 1st broadcast on radio (KFI in Los Angeles)
06/03/1953 KVOS TV channel 12 in Bellingham/Vancouver, WA (CBS) begins
06/03/1955 KLFY TV channel 10 in Lafayette, LA (CBS) begins broadcasting
06/03/1956 3rd class travel on British Railways abolished
06/03/1956 KGUN TV channel 9 in Tucson, AZ (ABC) begins broadcasting
06/03/1957 Howard Cosell's 1st TV show
06/03/1959 1st US Air Force Academy graduation
06/03/1959 Eisenhower routes Canadain premier Diefenbaker message off the moon
06/03/1959 Singapore adopts constitution
06/03/1961 JFK & Khrushchev meet in Vienna
06/03/1962 Air France Boeing 707 crashes on takeoff from Paris, kills 130
06/03/1962 Lee Harvey Oswald arrives by train to Oldenzaal
06/03/1962 WBKO TV channel 13 in Bowling Green, KY (ABC) begins broadcasting
06/03/1964 Ringo Starr collapses from tonsilitis & pharyngitis
06/03/1964 Rolling Stones begin 1st US tour (with Bobby Goldsboro & Bobby Vee)
06/03/1965 Gemini 4 launched; 2nd US 2-man flight (McDivitt & White)
06/03/1966 European DX Council formed in Copenhagen (shortwave listeners)
06/03/1966 Gemini 9 launched; 7th US 2-man flight (Stafford & Cernan)
06/03/1968 Poor Peoples March on Washington
06/03/1968 Yanks turn 21st triple-play in their history lose 4-3 to Twins
06/03/1971 Chic Cub Ken Holtzman 2nd no-hitter beats Cin Reds, 1-0
06/03/1972 1st female US rabbi installed, Sally J Priesand at 25
06/03/1972 Yanks score 8 times in 13th beating White Sox 18-10
06/03/1973 Tupolev 144 crashes at Paris, 15 killed
06/03/1974 Yitzhak Rabin forms Israeli govt
06/03/1976 Queen's Bhoemian Rhapsody goes gold
06/03/1976 US presented with oldest known copy of Magna Carta
06/03/1977 Balt Orioles pull their 6th triple play (9-6-4-6-6 vs KC Royals)
06/03/1977 Belgium govt of Tindemans forms
06/03/1977 US & Cuba talk about diplomatic relations
06/03/1979 'Madwoman of Central Park West' opens on Broadway
06/03/1979 Ex-president Idi Amin of Uganda flees to Libya
06/03/1979 Ixtoc I rig in Gulf of Mexico blows; 3 million bbl of oil spilled
06/03/1980 Crew of Soyuz 36 returns to Earth aboard Soyuz 35
06/03/1980 ESPN begins televising college world series games
06/03/1980 Jimmy Carter wins enough delegates for renomination
06/03/1981 Pope John Paul II released from hospital after attempt on life
06/03/1982 Israeli ambassador Shlomo Argov seriously wounded by Palestinians
06/03/1984 Patty Shoehan wins LPGA by a record 10 strokes
06/03/1985 Massive anti-ETA demonstration in Basques
06/03/1986 Battles in Beirut; 53 killed
06/03/1986 E F Helin discovers asteroid #3767
06/03/1987 Cubs & Astro tie Oriole & Ranger record of 3 grand slams in a game
06/03/1988 Margo Adams sues Red Sox 3rd baseman Wade Boggs for palimony
06/03/1989 Chinese troops kill hundred of pro-democracy students in Beijing
06/03/1989 Country singer Rebe McEntire weds her manager Narvel Blackstone
06/03/1989 Houston Astros beat LA Dodgers, 5-4, in 22 innings (7:14:09)
06/03/1989 Leaking pipe of Asha, USSR causes 2 trains to catch fire; 460 die
06/03/1989 Troops in China shoot & kill 100s in Tiananmen Square, Beijing
06/03/1991 Mount Unzen erupts in Japan. Worst eruption in Japanese history
06/03/1992 Joan Lunden ordered to pay her ex-husband $18,000 a month support
06/03/1994 5.9 earthquake/floods SE Java (150+ killed)
06/03/1994 WIIZ (98.7) FM goes off the air

Robert Wolfe

Jun 5, 2021, 7:40:19 AM6/5/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


06/05/1664 Mustafa II, sultan of Turkey (1695-1703)
06/05/1665 Nicolas Bernier, composer
06/05/1686 Cristoph Raupach, composer
06/05/1718 Thomas Chippendale, England, furniture maker (baptized)
06/05/1723 Adam Smith, Kirkcaldy Scot, economist (Wealth of Nations) (baptized)

06/05/1759 Theodor Zwetler, composer
06/05/1760 Johan Gadolin, Finnish chemist (discovered yttrium)
06/05/1771 Ernst August, duke of Cumberland/king of Hanover (1837-51)
06/05/1771 Willem F Graaf van Bylandt, military man
06/05/1798 Alexey Fyodorovich L'vov, composer
06/05/1813 Prosper Philippe Catherine Sainton, composer
06/05/1819 John Couch Adams, English astronomer (co-discover Neptune)
06/05/1823 George Thorndike Angell, Mass, lawyer (ASPCA)
06/05/1825 Jabez Lamar Monroe Curry, Georgia, educator (Rep-Ala, 1857-61)
06/05/1826 Ivar Christian Hallstrom, composer
06/05/1827 Beverly Holcombe Robertson, Brig General (Confederate Army)
06/05/1831 Marcus Joseph Wright, Brig General (Confederate Army), died in 1922
06/05/1862 Allvar Gullstrand, Swedish physician (Nobel 1911)
06/05/1863 Arthur Somervell, composer
06/05/1867 Max Friedl„nder, German art historian (Altniederl„ndische Malerei)
06/05/1874 Jack Chesbro, baseball pitcher (NY Yankees - won 41 in 1904)
06/05/1877 Johan W Albarda, 1st SDAP-minister (1939-45)
06/05/1878 Franklyn Farnum, actor (Cowboy & Bandit, Scarlet Car, Frontier Days)

06/05/1878 [Francisco] Pancho Villa, Mexico, revolutionary/guerrilla leader
06/05/1879 Adolf Wiklund, composer
06/05/1882 Igor F Stravinsky, Oranienbaum Russia, composer (Rite of Spring) [OS

06/05/1883 John Maynard Keynes, Cambridge England, economist/math/journalist
06/05/1884 Ivy Compton-Burnett, novelist
06/05/1885 Georges Mandel, [Louis Rothschild], French Foreign minister (-1940)
06/05/1887 Ruth Benedict, US, anthropologist (Patterns of Culture)
06/05/1888 Raden Mas Nato Suroto, Indonesia, poet (Melatiknoppen)
06/05/1892 Alexander Loudon, diplomat (Washington)
06/05/1893 Albert M„hl, German writer (Heart vull Drift)
06/05/1895 August Baeyens, Flemish composer (Coriolanus)
06/05/1895 William Boyd, Ohio, cowboy (Hopalong Cassidy)
06/05/1898 Federico Garc¡a Lorca, Spain, poet/dramatist (Blood Wedding)
06/05/1900 Barbara Gooden, novelist
06/05/1900 Dennis Gabor, inventor (holography (3D laser photography))
06/05/1901 Anastasia N Romanova, great ruler of Russia/daughter of last tsar
06/05/1905 Art Donovan, NFL defensive tackle (Balt, NY Yanks, Dallas)
06/05/1905 John Abbott, London, actor (Smogasboard)
06/05/1906 Kenneth Anderson, deputy comptroller (British GPO)
06/05/1906 Margaret Rawlings, actress (Roman Holiday)
06/05/1906 Viscount Rochdale, British CEO
06/05/1907 Rudolf Peieris, physicist
06/05/1908 Jack Jacob, senior master of British Supreme Court
06/05/1909 Alfred Uhl, composer
06/05/1911 Arthur Vick, vice chancelor (Queens University, Belfast)
06/05/1911 Charles Fletcher, physician/CEO (ASH)
06/05/1912 Adrian Morri‰n, literary (1 Untidy Man)
06/05/1912 Josef Neckermann, German FR, equestrian dressage (Olympic-gold-1968)

06/05/1913 Friedrich Wildgans, composer
06/05/1914 Beatrice de Cardi, archeaeoligist
06/05/1914 Rose Hill, singer/actress
06/05/1914 Stan Jones, Douglas Az, actor (Sheriff of Cochise)
06/05/1915 Alfred Kazin, US writer/literature critic (Inmost Leaf)
06/05/1915 Lancelot Ware, founder (MENSA)
06/05/1916 Eddie Joost, baseball player
06/05/1918 Branimir Sakac, composer
06/05/1919 Akeo Watanabe, Tokyo Japan, conductor (Nippon Phil Orch 1956-68)
06/05/1920 Cornelius Ryan, US historian/writer (Italians: Face of a Nation)
06/05/1920 Kurt Edelhagen, West German jazz pianist
06/05/1920 Marion Motley, AAFC, NFL fullback (Cleveland Browns, Pittsburgh)
06/05/1923 Daniel Rogers Pinkham, Lynn Massachusetts, composer (Signs of Zodiac

06/05/1925 Bill Hayes, Harvey Ill, actor (Your Show of Shows, Days of our Life)

06/05/1925 Dorothy Claire, LaPorte Ind, singer (Winchell & Mahoney)
06/05/1925 William L Dickinson, (Rep-R-AL, 1965- )
06/05/1928 Robert Lansing, SD Calif, actor (12 O'Clock High, Equalizer, Automan

06/05/1928 Tony Richardson, England, director (Delicate Balance, Hotel NH)
06/05/1930 Nikolay Nikolayevich Sidel'nikov, composer
06/05/1930 Robert Buchanan, founder (Center for History of Tech Bath University

06/05/1931 Jacques Demy, France, director (Lola, Magic Donkey)
06/05/1931 John Dellow, commisioner (London Metropolitan Police)
06/05/1932 A R Dawson, rugby player
06/05/1932 Christy Brown, Dublin, novelist (My Left Foot, Down All the Days)
06/05/1934 Bill D Moyers, Hugo Okla, news commentator (Bill Moyers' Journal)
06/05/1934 F Curtis Michel, LaCrosse Wisconsin, astronaut
06/05/1935 Misha Mengelberg, composer
06/05/1935 Peter Schat, composer
06/05/1935 Peter Treasure, opera composer (Labyrint, Houdine, Symposion)
06/05/1936 Barry Wilson, deputy chief (British Defense Staff)
06/05/1937 Stanley Lunetta, composer
06/05/1937 Waylon Jennings, Littlefield Tx, country singer (Dukes of Hazzard)
06/05/1938 Karin Balzer, German DR, hurdler (Olympic-gold-1968)
06/05/1938 Marion Chapman, smallest known premature baby to survive (280 g)
06/05/1939 Joe Clark, [Charles Joseph], (P-C) 16th Canadian PM (1979-80)
06/05/1939 Ken Follett, spy author (Eye of the Needle)
06/05/1939 Margaret Drabble, British author (Needle's Eye)
06/05/1940 Moira Anderson, singer
06/05/1941 Duane Duke Sims, baseball player
06/05/1941 Jeffrey Rooker, Labour MP
06/05/1941 Martha Argerich, Buenos Aires Argentina, pianist (debut 1949)
06/05/1941 Spalding Gray, actor (Beaches, Clara's Heart, Heavy Petting)
06/05/1942 Charles Dodge, composer
06/05/1942 Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, pres of Equatoriaal Guinee (1979- )
06/05/1943 Bill Hopkins, composer
06/05/1944 Chris Finnegan, UK, middleweight boxing champ (Olympic-gold-1968)
06/05/1944 Tommie Smith, US sprinter (Olympic-gold-1968); gave black power salu

06/05/1945 Don Reid, Va, country singer (Statler Bros-Flowers on the Wall)
06/05/1945 John Carlos, track star (Olympic bronze 1968); gave black power salu

06/05/1945 John Wesley Carlos, NYC, 200m runner (Olympic-bronze-1968)
06/05/1945 Spencer Batiste, conservative MP
06/05/1946 Fred Stone, rock guitarist (Sly & Family Stone-Stand)
06/05/1946 Gillian Hills, Cairo Egypt, actress (Blow-up, Clockwork Orange)
06/05/1946 Michael Monarch, rocker (Steppenwolf)
06/05/1946 Stefania Sandrelli, Viareggio Italy, actress (Key)
06/05/1947 David Hare, playwright
06/05/1947 Eric Molobi, South Africa, ANC-activist
06/05/1947 Laurie Anderson, composer
06/05/1950 Adrian Cosma, Romania, team handball (Olympic-silver-1976)
06/05/1950 Ronnie Dyson, US, singer (Hair, All over your face)
06/05/1954 Nicko McBrain, English hard rock drummer (Iron Maiden-Powerslave)
06/05/1954 Phil Neale, cricketer
06/05/1955 Nancy Stafford, Fla, Miss Florida (1977)/actress (Joan-St Elsewhere)

06/05/1956 Kenny G, saxophonist (Duotones)
06/05/1956 Richard A Searfoss, Mount Clemons Mich, Mjr USAF/Astronaut (STS 58)
06/05/1959 Michael Winans, gospel singer (Winans)
06/05/1961 Terri Nunn, Calif, singer (Berlin-You Take my Breathe Away)
06/05/1962 Astrid, Belgian princess/daughter of Albert II
06/05/1964 Mags, rocker (Fuzzbox-Into Rescue)
06/05/1966 Billy Spiers, baseball player
06/05/1967 Joe Deloach, US, 200m runner (Olympic-gold-1988)
06/05/1967 Ray Lankford, baseball player
06/05/1971 Marky Mark, [Wahlberg], Mass, rap singer
06/05/1974 Chad Allen Lazzari, Cerritos Cal, actor (David-Our House, My 2 Dads)

06/05/1974 Chassity Lazzari, Cerritos Cal, actress


06/05/ 221 -BC- Chu Yuan, China's poet drowns
06/05/ 754 Boniface, [Winfrid], English saint/archbishop (Dokkum), dies at 79
06/05/ 754 Eoda, English speaking bishop of Utrecht, murdered
06/05/1288 Hendrik VI, earl of Luxembourg/Laroche (1281-88), dies in battle
06/05/1443 Ferdinand, Portuguese saint/slave to Fez, dies
06/05/1568 Lamoraal, earl of Egmont/prince of Gavere, beheaded
06/05/1568 Philips van Montmorency count of Horne, admiral/statesman, beheaded
06/05/1568 Willem Key, painter, dies at about 47
06/05/1625 Orlando Gibbons, English organist/composer (Silver Swan), dies at 41

06/05/1667 Pietro Sforza, Italian theologist (Assertiones Theologicae), dies
06/05/1722 Johann Kuhnau, composer, dies at 62
06/05/1816 Giovanni Paisiello, Italian composer (Serva Padrona), dies at 76
06/05/1826 Carl Maria Friedrich Ernst von Weber, composer (Oberon), dies at 39
06/05/1852 Tomasz Napoleon Nidecki, composer, dies at 45
06/05/1861 John Garland, US Union colonel/brig-general, dies in battle
06/05/1861 Tomas Genoves y Lapetra, composer, dies at 55
06/05/1864 William Edmonson 'Grumble' Jones, Conf brig-gen, dies in battle at 3

06/05/1868 Anselm Huttenbrenner, composer, dies at 73
06/05/1885 Julius Benedict, composer, dies at 80
06/05/1894 Immanuel Faisst, composer, dies at 70
06/05/1900 Stephen Crane, author (Red Badge of Courage), dies
06/05/1908 Luca Fumagalli, composer, dies at 71
06/05/1915 Brzeska, sculptor, dies
06/05/1916 Horatio H Kitchener, British General (Sudan), drowns at 65
06/05/1919 Eugen Levin‚, head of 2nd Bavarian soviet republic, assassinated
06/05/1923 George H Breitner, impressionist painter, dies at 65
06/05/1927 Paul Lacombe, composer, dies at 89
06/05/1930 Jules Pascin, [Julius Pincas], Bulgarian/US painter/cartoonist, dies

06/05/1939 El˜ah Beardsworth, world quick shaving champion, dies
06/05/1939 Frank Van de Goes, writer/marxist theorist, dies
06/05/1944 Riccardo Zandonai, composer, dies at 61
06/05/1953 Bill Tilden, tennis champ, dies at 60
06/05/1953 Roland Young, actor (David Copperfield, Irene, Dulcy), dies at 65
06/05/1953 William Farnum, actor (Drifter, Scarlet Letter), dies at 76
06/05/1966 Natacha Rambova, costume designer, dies at 69
06/05/1967 Edna Park Edwards, entertainer, dies at 72
06/05/1970 'Jopie' Pengel, [Johan A], premier Suriname (1963-69), dies
06/05/1970 Jay Irving, cartoonist (Draw Me a Laugh), dies at 69
06/05/1973 Max Terhune, actor (Range Justice, Night Riders), dies at 82
06/05/1976 Jean Paul Getty, US oil magnate/billionaire, dies at 83
06/05/1976 Walter Field, entertainer, dies at 101
06/05/1978 John Meulenhoff, publisher, dies at 71
06/05/1979 Pauline Offner, Zen Theravadin nun, dies at 53
06/05/1980 Lauritz Lauritzen, German politician, dies
06/05/1981 Philo McCullough, actor (Branded, Ridin' Thru), dies
06/05/1984 Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale, Indies Sikh leader
06/05/1988 Clarence M Pendleton, chairman of comm on Civil Rights (1981-88) die

06/05/1990 J Zeldenrust, pathology-anatomy, dies
06/05/1992 Laurence Naismith, actor (Scrooge, Gypsy Girl), dies
06/05/1992 Max Lerner, US writer/columnist (NY Post), dies at 88
06/05/1993 Conway Twitty, country singer (Linda on My Mind), dies at 59

Significant Events:

06/05/ 70 Titus & his Roman legions breach the middle wall of Jerusalem
06/05/ 754 Friezen murders bishop Boniface & over 50 companions
06/05/1288 Battle of Woeringen: Reinald I vs Jan I
06/05/1305 Bordeaux's archbishop Bertrand the Got elected Pope Clement V
06/05/1507 England & Netherlands sign trade agreement
06/05/1625 Spanish troops under Sp¡nola conquer Breda
06/05/1632 Prince Frederik Henry conquerors Roermond
06/05/1661 Isaac Newton admitted as a student to Trinity College, Cambridge
06/05/1783 Joseph & Jacques Montgolfier make 1st public balloon flight
06/05/1794 Congress prohibits citizens from serving in foreign armed forces
06/05/1805 1st recorded tornado in 'Tornado Alley' (Southern Illinois)
06/05/1806 1st trotter to break 3 minute mile (Yankee)
06/05/1806 Batavian Republic becomes Kingdom of Holland
06/05/1808 -6] Battle at Wagram: French army beats Austrians
06/05/1827 Turks capture Acropolis & takes Athens during Greek War of Independ
06/05/1833 Ada Lovelace (future 1st computer programmer) meets Charles Babbage
06/05/1848 Statue of prince Willem the Silent unveiled
06/05/1849 Danish National Day-Denmark becomes a constitutional monarchy
06/05/1855 Anti-foreign anti-Roman Catholic Know-Nothing Party's 1st convention

06/05/1857 Walter Woodbury & James Page open photo studio in Batavia (Djakarta)

06/05/1861 Federal marshals seize arms & gunpower at Du Pont works DE
06/05/1863 Battle of Franklin's Crossing, VA (Deep Run)
06/05/1863 CSS 'Alabama' captures 'Tailsman' in Mid Atlantic
06/05/1864 Battle of Piedmont, VA (Augusta City)
06/05/1869 3rd Belmont Stakes, Fenian wins
06/05/1870 Constantinople in fire; 900 die
06/05/1872 Republican National Convention meets (Phila)
06/05/1875 Pacific Stock Exchange formally opens
06/05/1876 Bananas become popular in US, at Centennial Exposition in Phila
06/05/1882 Storm & floods hits Bombay; about 100,000 die
06/05/1885 J Palisa discovers asteroid #248 Lameia
06/05/1888 Democrats nominate Grover Cleveland for president
06/05/1899 Alfred Dreyfus' acquitted
06/05/1900 Lord Roberts' army occupies Pretoria
06/05/1910 J Helffrich discovers asteroids #699 Hela & #700 Auravictrix
06/05/1911 Red Sox Joe Wood strikes out 3 pinch hitters in 9th for 5-4 win
06/05/1912 US marines invade Cuba (3nd time)
06/05/1913 Dutch Disability laws go into effect
06/05/1917 10 million US men begin registering for draft in WW I
06/05/1920 1st rivet driven on Bank of Italy headquarters at 1 Powell
06/05/1925 Willie MacFarlane wins US Open golf tournament
06/05/1926 Indians triple-play Yankees & win 15-3
06/05/1929 2nd British Labour govt of MacDonald forms
06/05/1929 Ramsey MacDonald forms minority Labour govt in Britain
06/05/1931 Jules Renkin becomes premier of Belgium
06/05/1933 US goes off gold standard
06/05/1934 1st formal meeting of Baker Street Irregulars (NYC)
06/05/1937 A Bohrmann discovers asteroid #1455 Mitchella
06/05/1937 Charles Kurtsinger on War Admiral wins 69th Belmont Stakes (2:28.6)
06/05/1937 Henry Ford introduces 32 hour work week
06/05/1940 1st synthetic rubber tire exhibited Akron Oh
06/05/1940 American Negro Threater organizes
06/05/1940 Battle of France begins in WW II
06/05/1940 Gen Von Bock starts German offensive in Somme
06/05/1940 General De Gaulle becomes under minister of Defense
06/05/1940 Gov of Suriname & Neth Antilles refuse entry to Jewish refugees
06/05/1940 Netherlands rations petroleum
06/05/1941 Sandor Szabo beats B Nagurski in St Louis, to become wrestling champ

06/05/1942 British offensive in North Africa under general Ritchie
06/05/1942 Elwood Ordnance Plant near Joliet Illinois kills 54
06/05/1942 USA declares war on Bulgaria, Hungary & Romania
06/05/1943 German occupiers arrest Leuven University students
06/05/1943 Johnny Longden on Count Fleet wins 75th Belmont Stakes (2:28.2)
06/05/1944 1st B-29 bombing raid; 1 plane lost due to engine failure
06/05/1944 King Victor Emanuel abdicates the throne for his son Umberto
06/05/1945 London: 1st performance opera Peter Grimes of Benjamin Britten
06/05/1945 USA, UK, USSR, France declare supreme authority over Germany
06/05/1946 Fire at LaSalle Hotel cocktail lounge kills 61 (Chicago Ill)
06/05/1947 Sec of State George C Marshall outlines 'Marshall Plan'
06/05/1950 US Supreme Court undermines legal foundations of segregation
06/05/1953 Denmark adopts a new constitution
06/05/1953 US Senate rejects China PR membership to UN
06/05/1955 NY Yankee Mickey Mantle hits 550' HR off Chicago Billy Pierce
06/05/1956 Fed court rules racial segregation on Montgomery buses anti-Const
06/05/1963 Princess Mar˜ke changes her name to Christina
06/05/1963 State of siege proclaimed in Iran, Ayatollah Khomeini arrested
06/05/1966 Cin Red Leo Cardenas hits 4 HRs in a doubleheader
06/05/1967 6 day war between Israel & Arab neighbors begin
06/05/1967 Murderer Richard Speck sentenced to death in electric chair
06/05/1967 WSBE TV channel 36 in Providence, RI (PBS) begins broadcasting
06/05/1968 12:16AM PST-Sirhan Sirhan shoots Bobby Kennedy, who dies next day
06/05/1969 Race riot in Hartford Connecticut
06/05/1970 KPAX TV channel 8 in Missoula, MT (CBS) begins broadcasting
06/05/1972 'If You Had Wings' opens
06/05/1972 UN Conference on Human Environment opens in Stockholm
06/05/1972 Yugoslav president Tito visits USSR
06/05/1975 British population agrees to European Common Market membership
06/05/1975 Egypt president Sadat reopens Suez Canal (closed since 1967)
06/05/1975 Suez Canal reopens (after 6 Day War caused it to close)
06/05/1976 Bold Forbes wins Belmont Stakes
06/05/1976 Teton Dam in Idaho burst causing $1 billion damage (14 die)
06/05/1977 1st personal computer, Apple II, goes on sale
06/05/1977 Coup in Seychelles (National Day)
06/05/1977 Trailblazers beat 76ers for NBA championship, 4 games to 2
06/05/1979 Seychelles adopts constitution
06/05/1980 Soyuz T-2 carries 2 cosmonauts to Salyut 6 space station
06/05/1981 Center of Disease Control reports of a pneumonia affecting gays (AID

06/05/1981 George Harrison releases 'Somewhere in England'
06/05/1981 TODAY/PC runs for 1st time
06/05/1982 Conquistador Cielo wins Belmont Stakes by 14« lengths
06/05/1982 Waterfront streetcar begins operating in Seattle
06/05/1983 Yannich Noah becomes 1st Frenchman to win French Open since WW II
06/05/1984 Indira Gandhi orders attack on Sikh's holiest site (Golden Temple)
06/05/1986 SD Padre Steve Garvey ejected for 1st time
06/05/1988 Russian orthodox church celebrates 1,000th anniversary
06/05/1989 Billy Smith, last original NY Islander, retires
06/05/1989 Paul McCartney releases 'Flowers in the Dirt'
06/05/1989 Toronto Blue Jays Skydome stadium opens, Mil Brewers win 5-3
06/05/1991 Mikhail Gorbachev recieves his 1990 Nobel Peace Prize
06/05/1991 Space Shuttle STS 40 (Columbia 12) launched
06/05/1993 Liberian Charles Taylors rebellion kills 550 fugitives
06/05/1993 Singer Mariah Carey weds Tommy Mottola, CEO (Sony Music)
06/05/1993 Somali warlord Aidids murders 23 Pakistani
06/05/8239 -BC- presumed origin of Mayan Era of Creation

Robert Wolfe

Jun 6, 2021, 7:40:13 AM6/6/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


06/06/1436 Regiomontanus (Johannes MÅller), prepares astronomical tables
06/06/1502 JoÉo III, King of Portugal (1521-57)
06/06/1599 Diego Vel†zquez, Spain, painter (Rokeby Venus) (baptized)
06/06/1606 Pierre Corneille, France, dramatist (El Cid, Horace)
06/06/1621 PÇter Zrinyi, Hungarian exile of Croatia
06/06/1625 Domenico Guidi, Italian sculptor
06/06/1661 Giacomo Antonio Perti, composer
06/06/1676 Georg Reidel, composer
06/06/1695 Adriaen Valckenier, gov-gen Neth-Indies (1737-41)
06/06/1722 Adrien Trudo Sale, composer
06/06/1735 Anton Schweitzer, composer
06/06/1755 John Flaxman, English sculptor (Tomb of Westminster Abbey)
06/06/1755 Nathan Hale, hanged patriot, had but one life to give for his countr

06/06/1756 John Trumbull, US painter (Declaration of Independence)
06/06/1765 Cornelis Loots, accountant/poet (Dwingelandò)
06/06/1799 Aleksandr Sergeyevich, Russia, poet, founder of modern Russian Lit
06/06/1799 Alexandr Pushkin, Russia, writer (Eugene Onegin) (5/26 OS)
06/06/1804 Petter Conrad Boman, composer
06/06/1807 Adrien Francois Servais, composer
06/06/1813 Israel Washburn, gov (Union), died in 1883
06/06/1815 Francesco Antonio Norberto Pinto, composer
06/06/1819 William Howard Glover, composer
06/06/1829 John Baillie McIntosh, Bvt Major General (Union Army), died in 1888
06/06/1840 John Stainer, composer
06/06/1840 William Francis Bartlett, Bvt Major General (Union volunteers)
06/06/1847 Gerben Postma, [Ids], Fries writer (Swealtsjeblommen)
06/06/1850 Karl F Braun, Germany, co-developed wireless telegraphy (Nobel 1909)

06/06/1860 William R Inge, English theologist/Deacon St Paul's Cathedral
06/06/1868 Robert Falcon Scott, British leader of ill-fated south pole expediti

06/06/1869 Siegfried Wagner, German opera composer/conductor
06/06/1872 Alexandra Fjodorovna Romanova, last Russian tsarina (1894-1918)
06/06/1875 Thomas Mann, Germany, novelist (Magic Mountain-Nobel 1929)
06/06/1875 Walter Percy Chrysler, found Chrysler Corp (1925)
06/06/1878 Vincent [de Moro-]Giafferi, French criminal (DieudonnÇ, Landru)
06/06/1879 L Patrick Abercrombie, English architect
06/06/1880 William T Cosgrave, president Irish Free state
06/06/1886 Paul Dudley White, heart specialist
06/06/1890 Dorothy Heyward, NYC, playwright (Porgy)
06/06/1891 Istvan Kardos, composer
06/06/1891 Ted Lewis, actor/writer (Is Everybody Happy?)
06/06/1893 Ludovic Feldman, composer
06/06/1894 Sabin V Dragoi, composer
06/06/1896 Italo Balbo, Italian pilot/gov-gen of Libya (La marcia su Rome)
06/06/1896 Robert Sheriff, playwright (Journey's End)
06/06/1898 Johannes J FouchÇ, president South-Africa
06/06/1898 Ninette de Valois, [Edris Stannus], Engl, ballerina (Royal Ballet)
06/06/1898 Walter Abel, St Paul Mn, actor (Suspicion, Dream Girl)
06/06/1900 Arthur Askey, actor (Bees in Paradise, Ghost Train)
06/06/1901 Achmed Sukarno, Java, PM of Indonesia (1945-67)
06/06/1902 Avraham Daus, composer
06/06/1903 Aram Il'yich Khachaturian, Tiflis Georgia, musician/composer (Gayane

06/06/1905 John Gart, Russia, orch leader (Paul Winchell Show)
06/06/1906 Max Zorn, German mathematician (lemma of Zorn)
06/06/1907 Bill Dickey, NY Yankee hall-of-fame catcher (1928-43), manager (1946

06/06/1909 Isaiah Berlin, philosopher
06/06/1910 Ben Aerden, [John Mikkelsen], actor (Hamlet)
06/06/1910 Toshitsugu Ogiwara, composer
06/06/1913 Jiri Hajek, Czech jurist/foreign minister
06/06/1915 Dhimitâr Shuteriqi, Albania, writer (Älirimtarât The liberator)
06/06/1915 Vincent Persichetti, Phila Pennsylvania, composer (Sibyl)
06/06/1916 Robert McNamara, US banker/min of Defense
06/06/1917 Kirk Kerkorian, CEO (MGM, UA)
06/06/1918 Richard Crane, Newcastle Ind, actor (Surfside 6)
06/06/1920 Maria Montez, [Maria AV de Santo Silas], US actress (Arabian Nights)

06/06/1922 Ian Hamilton, composer
06/06/1924 Serge Nigg, composer
06/06/1926 Klaus Tennstedt, Merseburg Germany, conductor (Fidelio)
06/06/1928 George Deukmejian, Menands NY, (Gov-Cal)
06/06/1929 Boguslaw Schaffer, composer
06/06/1932 Billie Whitelaw, Coventry England, actress (Omen, Adding Machine)
06/06/1932 David R Scott, San Antonio Tx, Col USAF/astronaut (Gem 8, Apol 9, 15

06/06/1933 Heinrich Rohrer, Swiss physicist (tunneling microscope-Nobel 1986)
06/06/1934 Ad G J Lansink, chemist/Dutch 2nd Chamber member (CDA)
06/06/1934 Albert II FHTCEM, king of Belgium (1993- )
06/06/1934 Philippe Entremont, France, pianist/conductor (Vienna Chamber Orch)
06/06/1935 Bobby Mitchell, NFL running back, wide receiver (Browns, Redskins)
06/06/1935 Dalai Lama 14, Tibet, spiritual leader of Tibet's Lamaistic Buddhist

06/06/1935 Harry Crews, US writer
06/06/1935 Misja Mengelberg, jazz pianist/composer (Reconstruction)
06/06/1936 Levi Stubbs, rocker (4 Tops-Same Old Song)
06/06/1939 Gary 'US' Bonds, [Anderson] singer/songwriter (New Orleans)
06/06/1939 Louis Andriessen, composer (Reconstruction)
06/06/1939 Marian Wright-Edelman, health care president (Childrens Defense Fund

06/06/1939 Nganani Enos J Mabuza, S African leader of Inyandza Natl Movement
06/06/1940 Phillip Rhodes, composer
06/06/1942 Sandra Morgan, US 4 X 100m freestyle swimmer (Olympic-gold-1956)
06/06/1943 Willie D Davenport, Troy Al, 110m hurdler (Olympic-gold-1968)
06/06/1944 Peter Albin, rocker (Big Brother & Holding Co)
06/06/1945 David Dukes, SF, actor (Beacon Hill, 79 Park Avenue, Winds of War)
06/06/1945 David E Bonior, (Rep-D-MI, 1977- )
06/06/1946 Chelsea Brown, Chicago Ill, comedienne (Laugh-in, Matt Lincoln)
06/06/1947 Marion Coakes, England, equestrian show jumper (Olympic-silver-1968)

06/06/1949 Edgar Warren Williams, composer
06/06/1949 Robert Englund, actor (Freddy Kreuger-Nightmare on Elm St, V)
06/06/1951 Dwight Twilley, country singer (Twilley Don't Mind)
06/06/1952 Yukihiro Yakahashi, rocker (Yellow Magic Orchestra)
06/06/1953 Ken Calvert, (Rep-R-California)
06/06/1954 Harvey Fierstein, playwright (Torch Song Trilogy)
06/06/1954 Nicko McBrain, rocker (Iron Maiden-Number of the Beast)
06/06/1955 Dana Carvey, US comedian (SNL, Wayne's World)
06/06/1955 Sandra Bernhard, Flint Mich, actress (King of Comedy)/bugs Letterman

06/06/1956 Bjîrn Bîrg, Sodertlage Sweden, tennis champ (Wimbeldon 1976-79)
06/06/1956 Marilyn Jones, Pitts Pa, actress (Carey-King's Crossing)
06/06/1959 Amanda Pays, actress (Max Headroom, Off Limits)
06/06/1960 Gary Graham, actor (Money on the Side)
06/06/1960 Lola Forner, Alicante SW Spain, Miss Spain (1979)
06/06/1960 Steve Val, rock guitarist (Passion & Warfare)
06/06/1961 Sydney Walsh, actress (Mo-Hooperman)
06/06/1964 Dee C Lee, [Diane Sealey], rocker (Style Council-You're Best Thing)
06/06/1964 Sherry J Traylor, Mexico Missouri, Miss Missouri-America (1991)
06/06/1965 David Whyte, rocker (Brother Beyond-Can You Keep a Secret)
06/06/1966 Angela Cavagna, Genoa Italy, singer
06/06/1967 Max Casella, actor (Vinnie-Doogie Howser)
06/06/1969 Douglas Lee Mitchell, Miles Mi, heavy metal artist (Southgang)
06/06/1975 Damon Pampolina, rocker (Party-Rodeo, That's Why)
06/06/1975 Staci Keanan, [Anastasia Love Sagorsky], actress (Nicole-My 2 Dads)
06/06/1976 Lukas Hass, actor (Lady in White, Witness, Music Box)


06/06/ 840 Agobard, archbishop of Lyon (anti-semite), dies
06/06/1134 Norbertus van Xanten, monastery founder, dies at about 51
06/06/1686 Joannes B van Neercassel, RC spiritual leader of Neth, dies at 60
06/06/1735 Georg Osterreich, composer, dies at 71
06/06/1784 Joan Derk van de Capellen, leader of democratic Patriots, dies at 42

06/06/1785 Johann Michael Demmler, composer, dies at 36
06/06/1816 Christiane Vulpius, wife of Johann W von Goethe, dies at 51
06/06/1852 Tommaso Marchesi, composer, dies at 79
06/06/1861 Giuseppe Concone, Italian child singer, dies at 59
06/06/1862 Turner Ashby, General, killed near Harrisonburg VA
06/06/1877 Prairie Flower, daughter of Ponca & chief Standing Bear, dies
06/06/1878 Gottfried Herrmann, composer, dies at 70
06/06/1881 Henry Vieuxtemps, composer, dies at 61
06/06/1883 Ciprian Porumbescu, composer, dies at 29
06/06/1898 Constant A Serrure, Flemish historian, dies at 62
06/06/1914 Walter T Watts-Dunton, England, lawyer/poet/writer (Aylwin), dies
06/06/1916 Yuan Shikai, president of China, dies at 56
06/06/1917 Iacob Moresianu, composer, dies at 59
06/06/1922 Lillian Russell, entertainer, dies at 60
06/06/1926 Henry Tate, composer, dies at 52
06/06/1928 Heinrich Gottlieb Noren, composer, dies at 67
06/06/1935 Jacques Urlus, tenor (Opera of Leipzig, Song of Erde), dies at 68
06/06/1937 Jean Harlow, [Harlenean Carpenter], US actress (China Seas), dies
06/06/1940 E E Clive, actor (Bulldog Drummond, Night Muss Fall), dies at 56
06/06/1943 Karl Landsteiner, Austrian/US pathologist, dies at 75
06/06/1944 Danny Brotheridge, British, 1st to die during D-Day
06/06/1944 Gerrit John van de Peat, artist/resistance fighter, executed at 41
06/06/1945 Meinoud M Rost van Tonningen, anti semite/NSB (1937-41), suicide
06/06/1956 Margaret Wycherly, actress (Claudia), dies at 75
06/06/1958 Lily Theresa Strickland, composer, dies at 71
06/06/1961 Carl Gustav Jung, Swiss psychatrist (öber Alchemie), dies at 85
06/06/1962 Guinn Williams, actor (Big Boy-Circus Boy), dies at 63
06/06/1962 Yves Klein, French sculptor/painter, dies at 34
06/06/1964 Robert Warwick, actor (Konga, Zorro, Lady Godiva), dies at 85
06/06/1965 Lester Matthews, (Sir Dennis-Adv of Fu Manchu), dies at 64
06/06/1966 Claudette Orbison, wife of singer Roy, dies in a motorcyle crash
06/06/1967 Edward G Givens Jr, astronaut, dies in an auto accident at 37
06/06/1968 Franklin C Fry, US minister (World Rad of Church), dies
06/06/1968 Robert F Kennedy, (Sen-D-NY), assassinated in LA by Sirhan Sirhan
06/06/1971 Arnold Elston, composer, dies at 63
06/06/1974 Blanche Yurka, actress (Tale of 2 Cities, Cry of Werewolf), dies at

06/06/1975 Larry Blyden, actor (Joe & Mabel, What's My Line), dies at 49
06/06/1976 J Paul Getty, oil magnate/billionaire, dies at 83 in London
06/06/1976 Victor Varconi, actor (Divine Lady, King of Kings), dies at 85
06/06/1977 Sophie Stewart, actress (As You Like It), dies at 69
06/06/1979 Jack Haley, actor (Wizard of Oz), dies at 79
06/06/1984 A[rthur] Bertram Chandler, author (Empress of Outer Space), dies at

06/06/1985 Siem Devout, actor, dies at 54
06/06/1988 Ella Raines, actress (Brute Force), dies of throat cancer at 67
06/06/1991 Larry Kert, actor (Tony-West Side Story), dies of AIDS
06/06/1991 Stan Getz, jazz saxophonist (Girl from Impanima), dies at 64
06/06/1991 Sylvia Porter, economist/author (Money Book), dies at 77
06/06/1992 Georgia Brown, British actress (Lock up your daughters), dies at 58
06/06/1992 Larry Riley, actor (Soldier Story, Knots Landing), dies of AIDS at 3

06/06/1992 Thòs van Lier, lawyer/2rd Chamber member (PvdA), dies at 44
06/06/1993 James Bridges, writer/director (Paper Chase), dies of cancer at 57
06/06/1993 Peter Tazelaar, adjutant of queen Wilhelmina, dies at 73
06/06/1994 John Slot, mayor of Eethen/Hardenberg/Ede, dies

Significant Events:

06/06/1002 German king Henry II the Saint crowned
06/06/1523 Gustavus I becomes king of Sweden (Swedish National Day)
06/06/1639 Massachusetts grants 500 acres of land to erect a gunpowder mill
06/06/1664 New Amsterdam renamed New York
06/06/1752 3rd great fire in Moscow in 2 weeks; 1/3 of city destroyed
06/06/1772 Haitian explorer Jean Baptiste-Pointe Dusable settles Chicago
06/06/1795 Fire destroy 1/3 of Copenhagen; 18,000 injured
06/06/1801 Peace of Badajoz: Spain-Portugal
06/06/1809 Sweden declares independence, constitutional monarchy established
06/06/1813 US invasion of Canada halted at Stoney Creek (Ont)
06/06/1816 10' snowfall in New England, 'year without a summer' (Krakatoa)
06/06/1831 2nd national black convention (Phila)
06/06/1844 Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) founded in London
06/06/1862 Battle of Memphis-city is surrendered
06/06/1862 Battle of Port Royal, SC (Port Royal Ferry)
06/06/1862 Skirmish at Harrisonburg, PA
06/06/1863 Battle of Milliken's Bend, LA & Williamsport, MD
06/06/1864 Battle of Lake Chicot, AR (Dutch Bayou)
06/06/1875 Netherlands goes on the gold standard
06/06/1882 Cyclone in Arabian Sea (Bombay India) drowns 100,000
06/06/1882 Electric iron patented by Henry W Seely, NYC
06/06/1885 Opera 'LakmÇ' is produced (Paris)
06/06/1889 Great Fire in Seattle destroys 25 downtown blocks
06/06/1890 United States Polo Association formed, NYC
06/06/1896 George Samuelson leaves NY harbor to row across Atlantic
06/06/1904 National Tuberculosis Association organized, Atlantic City, NJ
06/06/1905 French Foreign minister DelcassÇ resigns on German request
06/06/1911 Nicaragua signs treaty turning over customs to US (not ratified)
06/06/1913 Rabbit Maranville, was thrown out trying to steal home 3 times
06/06/1914 1st air flight out of sight of land (Scotland to Norway)
06/06/1918 Battle of Belleau Wood, 1st US victory of WW I
06/06/1919 Finland declares war on bolsheviks
06/06/1919 Man O' War wins 1st victory as a 2-year-old at Belmont
06/06/1920 Gen Wrangel opens offensive against red Army
06/06/1924 Cyril Walker wins US Open golf tournament
06/06/1924 S Belyavskij discovers asteroid #1031 Arctica
06/06/1925 Walter Percy Chrysler founded Chrysler Corp (Iacocca was 8 months ol

06/06/1926 Egyptian cabinet-Adly Pasja forms
06/06/1931 G Neujmin discovers asteroid #1210 Morosovia
06/06/1931 Yanks turn triple-play but lose 7-5 to Indians
06/06/1932 Carlos Davila coup against pres Juan Montero of Chile
06/06/1932 US Federal gas tax enacted
06/06/1933 1st drive-in theatre opens (Camden NJ)
06/06/1933 US Employment Service created
06/06/1934 Securities & Exchange Commission established
06/06/1934 Yankee Myrl Hoag hits 6 singles in one game
06/06/1936 Aviation gasoline 1st produced commercially Paulsboro NJ
06/06/1936 Tony Manero wins US Open golf tournament
06/06/1937 Phillies trailing 8-2 to St Louis, forfeit game
06/06/1938 Sigmund Freud arrives in London
06/06/1939 NY supreme court justice JF Crater legally declared dead
06/06/1941 1st navy vessel constructed as mine layer Terror launched
06/06/1942 1st nylon parachute jump (Hartford Ct-Adeline Gray)
06/06/1942 Japanese forces retreat, ending Battle of Midway
06/06/1942 Japanese troop land on Kiska, Aleutians
06/06/1944 D-Day: 150,000 Allied Expeditionary Force lands in Normandy, France
06/06/1944 Nazi troops executed 96 prisoners by firing squad
06/06/1944 Nazis executed 96 prisoners by firing squad
06/06/1944 Theodore Roosevelt Jr receives congressional medal of honor
06/06/1945 'Free Preople' play, premieres in Amsterdam
06/06/1946 11 Basketball of America Assn teams meet to schedule 1st season
06/06/1946 Henry Morgan is 1st to take off shirt on TV
06/06/1946 Martin Kresses begins publishing 'Eric the Viking' comic strip
06/06/1947 Treaty drawn for establishment of Intl Patent Institute
06/06/1949 WKY (now KTVY) TV channel 4 in Oklahoma City, OK (NBC) 1st broadcast

06/06/1950 German DR & Poland sign treaty of Oder-Neissegrens
06/06/1953 J Churms discovers asteroid #2025
06/06/1955 Bill Haley & Comets, 'Rock Around the Clock' hits #1
06/06/1958 Premier Charles de Gaulle says Algeria will always be French
06/06/1960 Roy Orbison releases 'Only the Lonely'
06/06/1960 South Africa police kills 11 Pondo's at Nqusa Hill
06/06/1963 Gasunie established
06/06/1964 Beatles arrive in netherlands
06/06/1965 Yankees Tom Tresh bangs 3 consecutive HRs beating White Sox 12-0
06/06/1966 Gemini 9 completes 45 orbits after rendezvous with 'angry alligator'

06/06/1966 Activist James Meredith wounded by white sniper in Mississippi
06/06/1966 Claus Von Bulow & Martha (Sunny) Crawford wed
06/06/1966 NFL & AFL announce their merger
06/06/1966 Stokely Carmichael launches 'Black Power' movement, 1966
06/06/1967 Israeli troops occupy Gaza
06/06/1968 WKHA TV channel 35 in Hazard, KY (PBS) begins broadcasting
06/06/1971 Air West filght 706 collides with Navy Phantom jet over LA, 50 die
06/06/1971 Soyuz 11 takes 3 cosmonauts to Salyut 1 space station
06/06/1971 WHAE (now WGNX) TV channel 46 in Atlanta, GA (CBN) begins broadcasti

06/06/1972 David Bowie releases 'Rise & Fall of Ziggy Stardust'
06/06/1972 Explosion at world's largest coal mine kills 427 (Wankie Rhodesia)
06/06/1972 Gold hits record $60 an ounce in London
06/06/1972 US bombs Haiphong, North-Vietnam; 1000s killed
06/06/1975 British voters decide to remain in Common Market
06/06/1975 Provisional Revolutionary Government of South Vietnam established
06/06/1976 Celtics beat Suns for NBA championship, 4 games to 2
06/06/1977 Doobie Brothers sponsor a Golf Classic & Concert for United Way
06/06/1977 Joseph L Howze installed as bishop of Roman Catholic diocese (Miss)
06/06/1977 Supreme Court tosses out automatic death penalty laws
06/06/1977 Washington Post reports building of neutron bomb
06/06/1978 A Mrkos discovers asteroids #2199 Klet & #3339
06/06/1978 Proposition 13 cuts California property taxes 57%
06/06/1979 200th running of horse's Derby in England
06/06/1979 Josef Mengeles corpse excavated
06/06/1979 Royal Air force receives 1st F-16
06/06/1979 Willie Horton becomes 43rd player to hit 300 HRs in the majors
06/06/1980 Bjorn Borg beats John McEnroe for Wimbeldon title
06/06/1982 30,000 Israeli troops invade Lebanon to drive out PLO
06/06/1982 Bernard Glassman, installed as abbot of Zen Center of NY
06/06/1983 Li Xiannian becomes pres/Deng Xiaoping supreme commander of China PR

06/06/1983 Nicaragua exspells 3 US diplomats
06/06/1984 1,200 die in Sikh 'Golden Temple' uprising India
06/06/1985 Body of Nazi criminal, Dr Josef Mengele located & exhumed
06/06/1985 Chris Evert wins a grand slam title for 13th straight year (French)
06/06/1985 Dutch 2nd Chamber accepts 'status' of Aruba
06/06/1985 Soyuz T-13 carries 2 cosmonauts to Salyut 7 space station
06/06/1986 JÅrgen Schull sets world discus record (74.07 m)
06/06/1987 Craig Perret on Bet Twice wins 119th Belmont Stakes (2:28.4)
06/06/1987 NY Yankees play their 13,000th game
06/06/1988 3 giant turtles found in Bronx sewage plant
06/06/1989 Mets turn their 1st triple play in 7 years but lose to Cubs 8-4
06/06/1991 Dana Plato receives 6 yr suspended sentence for robbing a video stor

06/06/1991 NBC announces Jay Leno will replace Johnny Carson on May 25,1992
06/06/1992 A P Indie wins Belmont Stakes
06/06/1992 David Bowie & model Iman marry in Switzerland
06/06/1992 Monica Seles defeats Stefi Graf to win French Tennis Open
06/06/1992 NY Met Eddie Murray sets RBI record by a switch hitter
06/06/1992 Sacramento beats Orlando 21-17 to win WLAF World Bowl 2 (Montreal)
06/06/1993 Punsalmaagiyn Otsjirbat recognized as president of Mongolia
06/06/1993 Ramiro de LÇon Carpio elected pres of Guatemala
06/06/1994 6.0 earthquake/avalanche destroys Toez Colombia (about 1000 killed)
06/06/1994 Cricketer Brian Lara hits record 501 not out/390 runs in 1 day
06/06/1994 Tupolev-154 crashes at Xian China (160 killed)
06/06/2012 Transit of Venus (between Earth & Sun) occurs

Robert Wolfe

Jun 7, 2021, 7:42:17 AM6/7/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


06/07/1502 Gregory XIII, Pope, introduced Gregorian calendar in 1582
06/07/1619 Paulus Voet, jurist/historian
06/07/1730 Georg von Pasterwiz, composer
06/07/1736 Karl Frieberth, composer
06/07/1770 Earl of Liverpool, (C) British PM (1812-27)
06/07/1778 George Bryan 'Beau' Brummel, London England, English dandy
06/07/1811 James Young Simpson, Scotland, obsterician (used chloroform)
06/07/1812 Theophilus Toulmin Garrard, Brig Gen (Union volunteers), died in 190

06/07/1825 Richard D Blackmore, England, author (Norie, Lorna Doone)
06/07/1829 Eduard F W Pfl ger, German physiologist (Ademhalings Quotient)
06/07/1833 Alexander Ritter, composer
06/07/1840 Charlotte MAAVCL, princess of Belgium/Emperor of Mexico (1864-67)
06/07/1843 Susan Elizabeth Blow, US, pioneered kindergarten education
06/07/1845 Leopold von Auer, Hungarians/US violinist
06/07/1846 Wladyslaw Gorski, composer
06/07/1848 EugŠne-Henri-Paul Gauguin, French painter (Tahiti)
06/07/1848 Paul Gaugin, [Eugene Henri], French post-impressionist painter
06/07/1865 Guido Gasperini, composer
06/07/1867 Luigi Maurizio Tedeschi, composer
06/07/1873 Landon Ronald, composer
06/07/1874 Theodor Streicher, composer
06/07/1879 Knud J V Rasmussen, Danish pole explorer (Thule)
06/07/1884 Julius P Hoste, Belgium minister/daily newspaper publisher (Last New

06/07/1885 Percy Brier, composer
06/07/1887 William Walraven, journalist/writer (Indian Current)
06/07/1891 Athos Palma, composer
06/07/1891 Koos [Jacobus J] Vorrink, Dutch politician (SDAP/AJC/PvdA)
06/07/1896 Robert Mulliken, US, chemist/physicist (Nobel 1966)
06/07/1896 Vivien Kellems, TV hostess (Power of Women)
06/07/1897 George Szell, Budapest Hungary, conductor (Metropolitan 1942-45)
06/07/1899 Elizabeth Bowen, Dublin, novelist (Death of the Heart, Encounters)
06/07/1900 Jan [Johannes AA] Engelman, poet/translator/critic (Garden of Eros)
06/07/1903 Marguerite Yourcenar, France/US writer (M‚moires d'Hadrien)
06/07/1909 Jessica Tandy, London, actress (Birds, Cocoon, Batteries Not Include

06/07/1909 Peter W Rodino, (Rep-D-NJ, 1949- )/chaired Watergate council
06/07/1911 Franz Reizenstein, composer
06/07/1917 Dean Martin, [Dino Crocetti], singer/comedian (Jerry Lewis' partner)

06/07/1917 Gwendolyn Brooks, US poet (Bean Eaters, Annie Allen, Pulitzer 1950)
06/07/1918 Irene Vorrink, Dutch minister of health & environment
06/07/1920 Georges Marchais, leader French Communist Party
06/07/1922 Hubert Du Plessis, composer
06/07/1922 Rocky Graziano, boxer/entertainer (Pantomime Quiz, Martha Raye Show)

06/07/1924 Dolores Gray, Chic Ill, singer/actress (Designing Woman, Kismet)
06/07/1925 Camille Flammarion, French astronomer/writer (Thunder & Lightning)
06/07/1925 Pieternella 'Nel' van Arem, actress (Sea Gull)
06/07/1926 Dick Williams, Wall Lake Iowa, choral director (Andy Williams Show)
06/07/1928 Charles Louis Strouse, composer
06/07/1929 John Turner, Richmond England, (L) 17th Canadian PM (1984)
06/07/1931 Henry Weinberg, composer
06/07/1931 Lang Jeffries, Ontario Canada, actor (Skip-Rescue 8)
06/07/1931 Virginia McKenna, actress (Born Free, Chosen, Lions are Free, Simba)

06/07/1933 Henk E King, Dutch sect of Finances (VVD)
06/07/1934 Philippe Entremont, French pianist
06/07/1937 Neeme J„rvi, Tallinn Estonia, conductor (Estonia Opera 1971)
06/07/1940 Tom Jones, [Thomas Woodward], Welsh singer (What's New Pussycat)
06/07/1941 Jaime Laredo, Bolivia, violinist (Qn Elisabeth of Belgium prize 1959

06/07/1942 Anneke Gr”nloh, Indonesian/Dutch singer (Fire Sand)
06/07/1943 Ken Osmond, actor (Eddie Haskel-Leave it To Beaver)
06/07/1943 Mel Levine, (Rep-D-CA, 1983- )
06/07/1943 Nikki Giovanni, poet (LHJ Woman of the Year 1973)
06/07/1944 Bill Rafferty, Queens NY, comedian (Laugh-In, Real People)
06/07/1944 Clarence White, guitarist (Byrds-Turn! Turn! Turn!)
06/07/1944 Townes Van Zandt, US singer/songwriter
06/07/1946 Bill Kreutzmann, drummer (Grateful Dead-Uncle John's Band)
06/07/1946 Jenny Jones, comedienne/talk show host (Jenny Jones Show)
06/07/1947 Thurman Munson, baseball catcher/captain (NY Yankees)
06/07/1951 Anne Twomey, actress (Refuge, Secret, Deadly Friend, Imagemaker)
06/07/1952 Liam Neeson, actor (Schindler's List, Husbands & Wives, Suspect)
06/07/1954 Lui Passaglia, Vancouver BC, CFL place kicker (B.C. Lions)
06/07/1955 Joey Scarbury, Ontario Calif, singer (Greatest American Hero)
06/07/1958 Christopher Marcantel, Smithtown NY, actor (Chip-Nurse, Loving)
06/07/1958 Francesca Thyssen, lugano Switz, baroness
06/07/1958 O+> (Prince), [Rogers Nelson], Minn, rocker/actor (1999, Purple Rain

06/07/1962 Janice Lawrence, Lucedale Miss, basketball player (Olympic-gold-1984

06/07/1962 Paddy McAloon, rocker (Prefab Sprout-2 Wheels Good)
06/07/1967 Sarah Malin, Greenwich Ct, actress (Stephane Prescott-Another World)

06/07/1971 Mark Wahlberg, Mass, rapper/Calvin Klein underwear model
06/07/1989 Michael Joseph Tamboli, Eldesburg Md, born 01:23:45 PM on 6-7-89


06/07/ 555 Vigilius, Italian Pope (537-55), dies
06/07/1329 Robert Bruce, King of Scotland (1306-29), dies at 53
06/07/1337 Willem III the Good, earl of Holland/Zealand, dies at about 49
06/07/1492 Kazimierz IV, King of Poland (1447-92), dies at 64
06/07/1549 Eelke Fouckens, Fries
06/07/1555 Maarten van Rossum, army leader, dies at about 76
06/07/1571 Pier Francesco Corteccia, composer, dies at 68
06/07/1624 Anna van H Bartolomaeus, Flemish monk/saint, dies at 74
06/07/1631 Mumtax Mahal, wife of Shah Jahan of India, her tomb (Taj Mahal)
06/07/1654 Giambattista Andreini, Italian playwright/actor, dies at 76
06/07/1667 Thomas de Keyser, Amsterdam master builder/painter, buried
06/07/1672 Willem J van Gendt, admiral/governor of Breda, dies at about 37
06/07/1701 Ferdinand W, Prince of W rttemberg-Neustadt, dies at 41
06/07/1754 Nikolaj Eigtved, Danish, architect (Amalienborg Square), dies at 52
06/07/1778 Johann Georg Zechner, composer, dies at 62
06/07/1784 Jean-Baptiste Canavas, composer, dies at 71
06/07/1789 Vaclav Jan Kopriva, composer, dies at 81
06/07/1800 Willem A Alting, governor-genl of Neth-Indies (1780-97), dies at 75
06/07/1838 Laure S-MP duchess d'abrantŠs, French marshal Junot, dies
06/07/1840 Frederik Willem III, King of Prussia (1797-1840), dies at 69
06/07/1862 William B Mumford, 1st US citizen hanged for treason, at 42
06/07/1863 Franz Xavier Gruber, composer, dies at 75
06/07/1877 Winand CH Staring, geologist (Bottom of Netherlands), dies at 68
06/07/1893 Johann Schrammel, composer, dies at 43
06/07/1906 Johan P Van de Kellen, stamp cutter/lithographer, dies at 74
06/07/1915 Benjamin Lambord, composer, dies at 35
06/07/1926 Henry Charles Tonking, composer, dies at 63
06/07/1927 Voikov, Soviet ambassador to Warsaw, murdered
06/07/1928 Chiang Tsolin, Chinese warlord of North-China, murdered
06/07/1932 Emil Pauer, composer, dies at 76
06/07/1935 Ivan V Mitsjoerin, Russian botanist, dies
06/07/1937 Jean Harlow, actr (Bombshell), dies at 26 from gallbladder infection

06/07/1938 Norbert Fonteyne, Flemish writer (How Flemings Came Late), dies
06/07/1940 James Hall, writer/actor (Millie, Hell's Angels), dies at 39
06/07/1945 Nishida Kitaro, scholar/philosopher/Zen practitioner, dies at 74
06/07/1945 Ruben Marcos Campos, composer, dies at 69
06/07/1948 Georges Adolphe Hue, composer, dies at 90
06/07/1951 Bobel, Braune, Naumann, Ohlendorf, Pohl, Schallenmair & Otto Schmidt

06/07/1951 Nazi war criminals, hanged
06/07/1956 Julien Benda, Fren philosopher/writer (La trahison des clercs), dies

06/07/1957 Elizabeth S Kingsley, double-Crostic puzzle creator, dies
06/07/1961 Robert Griffith, producer of Pajama Game, dies
06/07/1963 Zasu Pitts, actress (Wedding March, Life With Father), dies at 65
06/07/1965 Judy Holliday, comedienne (Born Yesterday, Adam's Rib), dies at 42
06/07/1965 Richard Billinger, Austria poet/writer (Bauernpassion), dies
06/07/1966 Hans/Jean Arp, French/Swiss painter/poet/sculptor, dies at 78
06/07/1967 Dorothy Parker, US writer (Enough Rope), dies
06/07/1967 Pauline Brooks, actress (Make a Million), dies
06/07/1968 Dan Duryea, actor (Pride of the Yankees), dies at 60
06/07/1969 Leo Gorcey, actor (Bowery Boys), dies at 53
06/07/1970 Edward M Forster, England, writer (Maurice, A passage to India), die

06/07/1973 Lane Bradford, actor (Dead Man's Gold, Gun Hawk) , dies
06/07/1976 Bobby Hackett, jazz cornetist/orch leader (Air time '57), dies at 61

06/07/1980 Henry [Valentine] Miller, US writer (Tropic of Capricorn), dies
06/07/1980 Richard Bonnelli, actor (Enter Madame), dies
06/07/1983 Charles von Saksen-Coburg-Gotha, Belgium prince, buried
06/07/1983 Daniele Amfiteatrov, composer, dies at 81
06/07/1984 George Givot, actor (Versatile Vaudeville), dies at 81
06/07/1987 John Blofeld, writer/translator/Zen practitioner, dies at 73
06/07/1989 Milton van Embricqs, Suriname/Dutch publicist, dies
06/07/1989 Percy Stuart, Suriname/Dutch sports journalist, dies
06/07/1990 Barbara Baxley, actress (Norma Rae), dies at 63 of a heart attack
06/07/1991 Eric Francis, actor (Shillingbury Blowers), dies
06/07/1992 Bob Sweeney, director/actor (Toby Tyler), dies
06/07/1992 William France, founder (Daytona 500), dies at 82
06/07/1993 Drazen Petrovic, NBA player (NJ Nets), dies in auto-accident at 28
06/07/1994 Dennis Potter, British TV writer (Pennies from Heaven), dies at 59
06/07/1994 Joseph Ruzindana, Rwandian bishop of Bjumba, murdered
06/07/1994 Thadd‚ Nsengijumva, chairman of Rwandan bishop's conference, murdere

06/07/1994 Vincent Nsengijumva, Rwandan archbishop of Kigali, murdered

Significant Events:

06/07/ 421 Eudocia A Athenais marries Oostromeins emperor Theodosius II
06/07/ 555 Vigilius ends his reign as Catholic Pope
06/07/1099 1st Crusaders arrive in Jerusalem
06/07/1340 Rotterdam Netherlands founded
06/07/1413 King Ladislaus of Naples occupies Rome
06/07/1494 Treaty of Tordesillas
06/07/1601 Louis Gunther of Nassau weds countess Anna Margaretha of Manderschei

06/07/1614 2nd parliment of King James I, disolves passing no legislation
06/07/1654 Louis XIV crowned king of France
06/07/1672 Battle by Solebay: Dutch adm M de Ruyter beats French/English fleet
06/07/1692 Earthquake in Port Royal, Jamaica, kills 3000
06/07/1694 English invasion army under Thomas Talmash reaches Brest
06/07/1769 Daniel Boone begins exploring Bluegrass State of Kentucky
06/07/1775 United Colonies change name to United States
06/07/1776 Richard Lee (VA) moves Decl of Independence in Continental Congress
06/07/1780 Anti-Catholice riot in London, 100s die
06/07/1839 Hawaiian Declaration of Rights is signed
06/07/1860 Workmen start laying track for Market Street Railroad, SF
06/07/1862 Skirmish at Union Church, VA (Peninsular)
06/07/1863 Battle of Milliken's Bend, LA-Jefferson Davis' home burnt
06/07/1863 Mexico City captured by French troops
06/07/1864 Abe Lincoln renominated for Pres by Republican Party
06/07/1866 Irish Fenians raid Pigeon Hill, Qu‚bec
06/07/1887 Monotype type-casting machine patented by Tolbert Lanston, Wash DC
06/07/1892 John J Doyle of Clev Spiders is 1st to pinch hit in a baseball game
06/07/1892 Republican convention in Minneapolis begins
06/07/1896 G Harpo & F Samuelson leave NY to row the Atlantic (takes 54 days)
06/07/1898 Social Democracy of America party holds 1st national convention, Chi

06/07/1900 Boer general Christian de Law occupiers British train depot Roodewal

06/07/1901 M Wolf discovers asteroid #471 Papagena
06/07/1905 Norway dissolves union with Sweden (in effect since 1814)
06/07/1906 Chicago Cubs score 11 in 1st inning, beating NY Giants 19-0
06/07/1909 Cleveland Industrial Exposition opens
06/07/1912 St Pius X encyclical 'On Indians of South America'
06/07/1912 US army tests 1st machine gun mounted on a plane
06/07/1916 Germany troop march into Fort Faux, Verdun
06/07/1924 George Leigh-Mallory disappears 775' from Everest's summit
06/07/1926 Swedish cabinet of Ekman forms
06/07/1929 Vatican City becomes a soverign state
06/07/1930 Earl Sande on Gallant Fox wins 62nd Belmont Stakes (2:31.l)
06/07/1930 NY Times agrees to capitalize the n in 'Negro'
06/07/1936 Yanks beat Indians 5-4 in 16; longest game without a strikeout
06/07/1938 1st play telecast with original Broadway cast, 'Susan & God'
06/07/1938 Boeing 314 Clipper flying boat 1st flown (Eddie Allen)
06/07/1939 1st king & queen of England to visit US, George VI & Elizabeth
06/07/1940 British/French troops evacuate Narvik
06/07/1941 Craig Wood wins US Open golf tournament
06/07/1941 Eddie Arcaro on Whirlaway wins 73rd Belmont (2:31) & triple crown
06/07/1942 Germany Armys march into Sebastopol
06/07/1942 Japanese troops lands on Attu, Aleutian Islands
06/07/1944 Canadian 50th division occupies Bayeux
06/07/1944 Claus von Stauffenberg meets Hitler
06/07/1946 US Supreme Court bans discrimination in interstate travel
06/07/1948 Communist complete takeover of Czechoslovakia; Pres Bernes resigns
06/07/1948 KVP wins Dutch Second-Parliamentary election
06/07/1953 1st color network telecast in compatible color, Boston, Mass
06/07/1953 Mary Terrell wins struggle to end segregation in Wash DC restaurants

06/07/1953 WDAU (now WYOU) TV chan 22 in Scranton Wilkes-Barre, PA (CBS) begins

06/07/1954 1st microbiology laboratory dedicated (New Brunswick NJ)
06/07/1955 '$64,000 Question' premieres on CBS TV
06/07/1955 1st President to appear on color TV (Eisenhower)
06/07/1958 Battles between Turkish & Greeks Cypriots break out
06/07/1959 KLX-AM in Oakland Calif changes call letters to KEWB (now KNEW)
06/07/1962 NASA civilian test pilot Joseph A Walker takes X-15 to 31,580 m
06/07/1964 Beatles travel canals of Amsterdam
06/07/1965 Gemini 4 completes 62 orbits
06/07/1965 Morocco King Hassan suspends constitution, grabs power
06/07/1967 2 Moby Grape members arrested for contributing to deliquency of mino

06/07/1967 Israel captures Wailing Wall in East Jerusalem, Jericho & Bethlehem
06/07/1968 Sirhan Sirhan indicted for Bobby Kennedy assassination
06/07/1969 Bob Dylan & Johnny Cash combine on a Grand Ole Opry TV special
06/07/1969 Tommy James & Shondells release 'Crystal Blue Persuasion'
06/07/1970 Jockey Willie Shoemaker passes Johnny Longden with his 6,033 win
06/07/1970 The Who's Tommy is performed at NY's Lincoln Center
06/07/1971 Soviet Soyuz 11 crew completes 1st transfer to orbiting Salyut
06/07/1972 German Chancellor Willy Brandt visits Israel
06/07/1972 Hsan Hua, Zen teacher, conducted 1st ordination ceremony in America
06/07/1972 Pirate's Gene Alley bases-loaded wall, beats Padres 1-0 in 18th
06/07/1973 West German chancellor Willy Brandt visits Israel
06/07/1975 Spain's Manuel Orantes wins US Open, beating Jimmy Connors in 3 sets

06/07/1977 Anita Bryant leads successful crusade against Miami gay rights law
06/07/1978 Bullets beat Supersonics for NBA championship, 4 games to 3
06/07/1979 Bhaskara 1, Indian Earth resources/meteorology satellite, launched
06/07/1979 Portugal govt of Mota Pinto resigns
06/07/1979 Rocker Chuck Berry is charged with tax evasion
06/07/1980 John McEnroe beats Bj”rn B”rg for US Open
06/07/1980 Temperance Hill wins Belmont Stakes (50:1 long shot)
06/07/1980 Tommy John wins his 200th, 3-0 on a 2-hitter
06/07/1981 Bjorn Borg wins his 6th French Open singles (defeats Ivan Lendl)
06/07/1981 Israeli F-15/F-16 destroys alleged Iraqi plutonium production facili

06/07/1982 Habr‚s rebel army occupies capital of Chad, N'djamena
06/07/1982 LA Dodger Steve Garvey is 5th to play in 1,000 consecutive games
06/07/1982 NY Mets draft Dwight Gooden, Roger McDowell & Randy Myers
06/07/1982 Pres Reagan meets Pope John Paul II & Queen Elizabeth
06/07/1983 A Gilmore & P Kilmartin discovers asteroid #3152
06/07/1983 Steve Carlton temporarily passes Nolan Ryan with his 3,552 strike ou

06/07/1986 Madonna's 'Live to Tell,' single goes #1
06/07/1987 Tony Awards won primarily by 'Les Miserables'
06/07/1988 Aluminium contaminates Cornish England's water supply
06/07/1989 23 year old olympic barefoot South African runner Zola Budd retires
06/07/1989 Atlanta Fulton County Comm approves $210M stadium for the Falcons
06/07/1989 Suriname SLM-173 (DC-8) crashes near Paramaribo Airport killing 173
06/07/1989 Wayne Gretzky wins his 9th NHL Hart (MVP) Trophy in 10 years
06/07/1990 Michael Jackson hospitalized for chest pains
06/07/1991 Singer Jimmy Osmond weds Michelle Larson

Robert Wolfe

Jun 8, 2021, 11:40:17 AM6/8/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


06/08/1318 Eleonora Plantagenet, daughter of King Eduard II/wife of Reinald II
06/08/1625 Giovanni Domenico Cassini, discovered 4 satellites of Saturn
06/08/1671 Tommaso Albinioni, Ital's composer (Adagio in G-minor)
06/08/1722 Jakob Friedrich Kleinknecht, composer
06/08/1740 Gabriele Mario Piozzi, composer
06/08/1753 Nicolas-Marie Dalayrac, composer
06/08/1756 Cornelis van Foreest, mayor of Alkmaar
06/08/1783 Joseph Lincke, composer
06/08/1804 Jan Baptist van Son, RC politician
06/08/1805 Luigi Ricci, composer
06/08/1806 Gideon Johnson Pillow, Brig General (Confederate Army), died in 1878

06/08/1810 Robert A Schumann, Zwickau Saxony Germany, composer (Fantastiest cke

06/08/1812 Spyridon Xyndas, composer
06/08/1813 David D Porter, US Admiral (Civil War)
06/08/1813 David Dixon Porter, Rear Admiral (Union Navy), died in 1891
06/08/1814 Charles Reade, England, novelist (Cloister & Hearth)
06/08/1821 John Dunlap Stevenson, Bvt Mjr Gen (Union volunteers), died in 1897
06/08/1824 James Loudon, gov-gen of Neth-Indies
06/08/1824 William Montgomery Gardner, Brig Gen (Confederate Army), died in 190

06/08/1829 John Everett Millais, England, painter (Order of Release)
06/08/1834 George Garrett, composer
06/08/1837 Jan Kleczynski, composer
06/08/1837 Moriz Heyne, German germanist (Beowulf)
06/08/1847 Ida Sazton McKinley, 1st lady (1897-1901)
06/08/1856 Natalia Janotha, composer
06/08/1858 Antonio Nicolau, Spanish composer/conductor
06/08/1867 Frank Lloyd Wright, Richland Center Wisc, master builder (Guggenheim

06/08/1881 Prospero Bisquertt, composer
06/08/1888 Guëmundur J¢nsson Kamban, Icelandic writer (Sk lholt)
06/08/1888 Poul Julius Ouscher Schierbeck, composer
06/08/1889 Joseph L Hromadka, Czech theologist (Lenin prize 1957)
06/08/1894 Erwin Schulhoff, Czech/Russian composer/pianist (Ogelala)
06/08/1896 Samuel Gonard, chairman (International Red Cross)
06/08/1900 Herman J Friedericy, [H J Merl˜n], writer (Last general)
06/08/1902 Albe, [Renaut A Joostens], Flemish writer (Andalusisch Diary)
06/08/1903 Gerrit C Berkouwer, theologist (Dogmatic Studies)
06/08/1903 Ronald Shiner, actor (Carry on Admiral, Keep it Clean, Aunt Clara)
06/08/1906 Charel Janssens, Belgium, actor
06/08/1910 Aleksandr T Tvardovski, Russian conductor
06/08/1910 John W Campbell, US, sci-fi writer (Moon is Hell)
06/08/1911 Van Lingle Mungo, SC, pitcher (Dodgers, Giants)
06/08/1913 Janos Jagamas, composer
06/08/1914 Joseph de Pietro, US, 56kg weightlifter (Olympic-gold-1948)
06/08/1915 Gustaaf AWC baron van Hemert Dingshof, mayor of Maarn Neth
06/08/1916 Francis Crick, British co-discovered DNA's structure (Nobel 1962)
06/08/1917 Byron R Whizzer White, Ft Collins, NFLer/Supreme Court Just (1962-

06/08/1918 Robert Preston, Newton MA, actor (Music Man, Mame, Last Starfighter)

06/08/1920 Bert Leysen, Belgian TV director
06/08/1921 Alexis Smith, Penticton BC Canada, actress (Jessica-Dallas, Follies)

06/08/1921 Sheila Ryan, actress (Big Fix, Mule Train, Ringside, Caged Fury)
06/08/1921 Suharto, general/president Indonesia (1967- )
06/08/1922 Myron Healy, Petalumus Calif, actor (Wyatt Earp)
06/08/1923 Karel Goeyvaerts, Flemish composer (Summer Games)
06/08/1924 George Kirby, Chicago, comedian (ABC Comedy Hour)
06/08/1924 Sheldon Allman, Chicago, actor (Norm-Harris Against the World)
06/08/1925 Barbara Pierce Bush, Rye NY, 1st lady (1989-93)
06/08/1925 Eddie Gaedel, 3'7' St Louis Browns pinch-hitter (he walked)
06/08/1926 Anatol Vieru, composer
06/08/1928 Jiri Dvoracek, composer
06/08/1928 Kat[i]e [Gertrude] Wilhelm, US, sci-fi author (Hugo, Hamlet Trap)
06/08/1929 Jerry Stiller, Bkln NY, comedian/actor (Stiller & Meara, Hairspray)
06/08/1930 Bo Gunnar Widerberg, Malm” Sweden, director (Elvira Madigan)
06/08/1930 Dana Wynter, London, actress (Airport, Invasion of the Body Snatcher

06/08/1930 Yannis Ioannidis, composer
06/08/1932 Hans Gunter Helms, composer
06/08/1933 Joan Rivers, [Molinsky], Bkln, comedienne (Late Show, Hollywood Sq)
06/08/1934 Millicent Martin, Romford Eng, actress (Alfie, Nothing but the Best)

06/08/1936 James Darren, Phila, actor (TJ Hooker, Diamond Head, Venus in Furs)
06/08/1937 Bruce McCandless II, Boston, Cap USN/astronaut (STS 41B, STS-31)
06/08/1939 Bernie Casey, Wyco WV, actor (Boxcar Bertha, Rent-a-Cop)
06/08/1939 Herb Adderley, Phila, NFL hall of famer (Packers, Cowboys)
06/08/1940 Nancy Sinatra, Jersey City, singer, her boots were made for walkin'
06/08/1941 Clarence 'Fuzzy' Haskins, US pop singer (Funkadelic-Knee Deep)
06/08/1941 Joop H van den Berg, Dutch 2nd Chamber member (PvdA)
06/08/1942 Chuck Negron, singer (3 Dog Night-Joy to the World)
06/08/1942 Willie D Davenport, Troy Alabama, 110m hurdler (Olympic-gold-1968)
06/08/1943 Colin Baker, actor (Swallows & Amazons)
06/08/1943 Willie Davenport, US, 110m hurdler (Olympic-gold-1968)
06/08/1944 Boz Scaggs, [William Royce], Dallas Tx, rocker (Steve Miller Band)
06/08/1944 Don Grady, actor (Robbie Douglas-My 3 Sons)
06/08/1946 Elizabeth A Lynn, US, sci-fi author (Watchtower, Red Hawk)
06/08/1947 Joan La Barbara, composer
06/08/1947 Mick Box, rocker (Uriah Heep)
06/08/1949 Emmanuel Ax, Lvov Poland, pianist (Artur Rubinstein Comp-1974)
06/08/1949 Hildegard Falck, German FR, 800m runner (Olympic-gold-1972)
06/08/1950 Alex Van Halen, drummer (Van Halen-Jump, 1984)
06/08/1950 Elmar Oliveira, Waterbury Connecticut, violinist (Naumburg 1978)
06/08/1950 Kathy Whitton Baker, Midland Tx, actress (Right Stuff, 16 Candles)
06/08/1955 Griffin Dunne, actor (American Werewolf in London, Who's That Girl)
06/08/1958 Keenen Ivory Wayans, comedian (In Living Color)
06/08/1960 Mike Hucknail, rocker (Simply Red-Every Time We Say Goodbye)
06/08/1961 Ursula Buchfellner, Munich Ger, playmate (Oct, 1979)/actr (Bloodline

06/08/1962 Nick Rhodes, rocker (Duran Duran-Hungry Like the Wolf)
06/08/1963 Kino Haitsma, pianist/arrangeur (Josephine)
06/08/1964 Nelli [Antoinette HC] Fiere-Cooman, Neth, runner (WR 60 m in 7.00)
06/08/1965 Robert Platus, NYC, rocker (Milli Vanilli-Girl You Know This)
06/08/1966 Doris Pearson, rocker (5 Star-Silk & Steel)
06/08/1967 Neil Mitchell, rocker (Wet, Wet, Wet-Wishing I Was)
06/08/1972 P[eter] J[ason] Farley, Hackensack, bass (Trixter-Give It To Me Good


06/08/ 218 Macrinus, emperor of Rome (217-18), murdered
06/08/ 632 Mohammed, prophet of Islam (Koran), dies (according to tradition)
06/08/1115 Peter van Amiens, French minister of crusades, dies at about 64
06/08/1376 'Black Prince' of Wales, son of King Edward of England, dies at 46
06/08/1612 Hans Leo Hassler, composer, dies at 49
06/08/1688 Hans Bontemantel, Amsterdams merchant, buried
06/08/1695 Christian Huygens, inventor/astronomer (ring of Saturn), dies at 66
06/08/1711 Katharina Lescaille, [Netherlands Sappho], poetess, dies at 61
06/08/1768 Johann J Winckelmann, German archaeologist, dies at 50
06/08/1790 Charles-Joseph van Helmont, composer, dies at 75
06/08/1796 Felice de Giardini, composer, dies at 80
06/08/1803 Joannes Natalis Paquot, Belgian priest/historian, dies at 80
06/08/1806 George Wythe, US attorney (signed Decl of Indep), dies at about 79
06/08/1809 Thomas Paine, writer (Age of Reason, Common Sense), dies at 72
06/08/1814 Friedrich Heinrich Himmel, composer, dies at 48
06/08/1831 Sarah Kemble Siddons, English actress (Lady Macbeth), dies at 75
06/08/1845 Andrew Jackson, (D) 7th pres (1828-37), dies at 78
06/08/1870 Johann Gottlob Topfer, composer, dies at 78
06/08/1871 Satank, Kiowa indian chief, shot to death
06/08/1876 George Sand, author, dies in Nohant France
06/08/1884 Henry Clay Work, composer, dies at 51
06/08/1906 Christian Frederik Emil Horneman, composer, dies at 65
06/08/1908 Johan Lindegren, composer, dies at 66
06/08/1919 Jacob Fabricius, composer, dies at 78
06/08/1940 Frederick Shepherd Converse, composer, dies at 69
06/08/1947 Tom O'Brien, actor (Flying Fool), dies at 56
06/08/1948 Franz Carl Bornschein, composer, dies at 69
06/08/1953 Godfrey Tearle, actor (39 Steps, Mandy, At Dawn We Die), dies at 68
06/08/1954 Alan M Turing, British mathematician (Turing machine), dies
06/08/1967 Elliot Griffis, composer, dies at 74
06/08/1969 Robert Taylor, actor (Death Valley Days), dies at 57
06/08/1971 Harold Lloyd Jr, actor (Frankenstein's Daughter), dies at 40
06/08/1972 Jimmy Rushing, US blues singer, dies at 68
06/08/1973 Eino Mauno Aleksanteri Linnala, composer, dies at 76
06/08/1975 William F Jenkins, author (Time Tunnel, Land of Giants), dies at 78
06/08/1979 Herb Polesie, producer/playwright (20 Questions), dies at 79
06/08/1979 Louis Salvador Palange, composer, dies at 61
06/08/1982 Jean Wi‚ner, French composer (Olive chez les nŠgres), dies at 86
06/08/1982 [Leroy] Satchel Paige, US baseball pitcher, dies at 75
06/08/1987 Yogi Horton, drummer (Luther Vandross), commits suicide at 33
06/08/1988 Eli Mintz, actor (Boardwalk), dies
06/08/1988 Virgil Oliver Jr, entertainer, dies
06/08/1991 Bertice Reading, Dutch actress (Moon in the Gutter), dies
06/08/1991 Heidi Br hl, German actress (M„dels vom Immenhof), dies
06/08/1991 Mary Bacon, jockey, dying of cancer, commits suicide by gun at 43
06/08/1992 Beverly Carter, entertainer, dies
06/08/1992 Farag Foeda, Egyptian writer/publicist, murdered
06/08/1993 Ren‚ Bousquet, French Vichy-police chief deports jews, dies at 84

Significant Events:

06/08/ 68 Rome Senate accepts emperor Galba
06/08/ 452 Italy invaded by Attila the Hun
06/08/ 536 St Silverius begins his reign as Catholic Pope
06/08/ 570 Religion of Islam (submission) founded in Mecca
06/08/ 793 Vikings plunder St Cuthbert convent Lindisfarne
06/08/ 979 Louis V de Luie, crowned King of France
06/08/1551 Pope Julius III excommunicates Duke Ottario Farnese of Parma
06/08/1632 Prince Frederik Henry conquerors Sittard
06/08/1694 English troop landing at Brest attack (300 killed)
06/08/1783 Laki Volcano in southern Iceland begins 8-month eruption
06/08/1786 1st commercially-made ice cream sold (NY)
06/08/1815 39 German states unite under Act of Confederation
06/08/1824 Washing machine patented by Noah Cushing of Quebec
06/08/1829 1st UK municipal swimming pool outside of London, opens in Liverpool

06/08/1834 HMS Beagle sails from Port Famine to Cape Turn
06/08/1846 Battle at Gwanga: British troops beat Bantu
06/08/1856 Pitcairn Islanders arrive on Norfolk Island
06/08/1861 People of Tennessee vote to succeed from Union
06/08/1861 US Sanitary Commission is given executive approval
06/08/1862 Valley Campaign-Battle of Cross Keys, Virginia
06/08/1865 Tristanderl und Z sholde, premieres
06/08/1869 Ives W McGaffey of Chicago patents 1st vacuum cleaner (it sucks)
06/08/1875 A Borrelly discovers asteroid #146 Lucina
06/08/1886 1st Civil Rights Act passes
06/08/1887 A Borrelly discovers asteroid #268 Adorea
06/08/1889 Cable Cars begin service in LA
06/08/1889 Start of Sherlock Holmes Adventure 'Boscombe Valley Mystery' (BG)
06/08/1892 Homer A Plessy refuses to go to segregated RR car (Plessy v Ferguson

06/08/1900 Start of Sherlock Holmes 'Adventure of 6 Napoleons' (BG)
06/08/1911 Belgium govt of Schollaert falls
06/08/1914 34.7øF (1.5øC) in De Bilt, Netherlands
06/08/1915 92øF (33.3øC) in De Bilt, Netherlands
06/08/1915 William Jennings Bryan quits as Secretary of State
06/08/1917 Walt Disney graduates from Benton High School
06/08/1918 Nova Aquila, brightest nova since Kepler's nova of 1604, discovered
06/08/1923 S Belyavskij discovers asteroid #995 Sternberga
06/08/1927 Tony Lazzeri hits 3 HRs Yanks beat White Sox 12-11
06/08/1928 1st US-to-Australia flight lands (Sir Charles Kingford)
06/08/1931 Suriname Work Committee under Louis Doedel forms in Paramaribo
06/08/1935 Sam Parks Jr wins US Open golf tournament
06/08/1935 Willis Saunders on Omaha wins 67th Belmont Stakes (2:30.6)
06/08/1937 World's largest flower blooms in NY Botonical Garden, 12' calla lily

06/08/1939 British king George VI visits US
06/08/1940 British troop leave Narvik, Norway
06/08/1940 Discovery of element 93, neptunium, announced
06/08/1940 Last British troops leave Narvik Norway
06/08/1941 English & French troop overthrow pro-German Syria
06/08/1942 Bing Cosby records 'Silent Night'
06/08/1944 Dutch Resistance fighter Frans Duwaer arrested
06/08/1946 Sukarno calls for anti colonial defiance in Indonesia
06/08/1948 'Milton Berle Show' premieres on NBC TV
06/08/1948 John Rudder becomes 1st negro commissioned officer in US marines
06/08/1949 Siam changes name to Thailand
06/08/1950 Boston Red Sox beats St Louis Browns 29-4
06/08/1950 Jean Duvieusart becomes Belgian premier
06/08/1953 Cluster of 6 tornaodes touch down in Flint Michigan killing 113
06/08/1953 Segregated lunch counters in DC forbidden by Supreme Court
06/08/1953 Tornadoes kill 110 in Mich & Ohio
06/08/1956 WDAM TV channel 7 in Laurel-Hattiesburg, MS (NBC) begins broadcastin

06/08/1959 1st official 'missile mail' lands (Jacksonville, Fla)
06/08/1959 X-15 makes 1st unpowered flight, from a B-52 at 11,500 m
06/08/1960 1st date in James Clavell's novel 'Nobel House'
06/08/1960 Argentine government demands release of Adolf Eichmann
06/08/1961 English prince Edward, duke of Knows, marries Katharine Worsley
06/08/1962 Jim Beatty runs world record 2 mile (8:29.8)
06/08/1965 US troops ordered to fight offensively in Vietnam
06/08/1965 USSR launches Luna 6; missed Moon
06/08/1966 NFL & AFL announce plans to become NFC & AFC in 1970
06/08/1967 Israel attacks USS Liberty in Mediterranean, killing 34 US crewmen
06/08/1968 Bermuda adopts its constitution
06/08/1968 Don Drysdale pitches a record 58th consecutive scoreless inning
06/08/1968 Gary Puckett & Union Gap release 'Lady Will Power'
06/08/1968 James Earl Ray, alleged assassin of Martin Luther King Jr, captured
06/08/1968 New colonial constitution for Bermuda adopted
06/08/1968 Rolling Stones release 'Jumpin' Jack Flash'
06/08/1969 KDNL TV channel 30 in Saint Louis, MO (IND) begins broadcasting
06/08/1969 Mickey Mantle Day, 60,096 saw #7 retired (I was there-BTG)
06/08/1969 Rolling Stones guitarist Mick Taylor replaces Brian Jones
06/08/1972 N Chernykh discovers asteroid #3230
06/08/1973 Admiral Luis Carrero Blanco appointed premier of Spain
06/08/1974 Keyboardist Rick Wakeman quits rock group 'Yes'
06/08/1974 US & Saudi Arabia sign military-economic contract
06/08/1975 2 passenger trains collided near Munich Germany killing 35
06/08/1975 USSR launches Venera 9 for Venus landing
06/08/1978 Nevada jury rules Howard Hughes 'Mormon Will' is a forgery
06/08/1979 Source, 1st computer public information service, goes online
06/08/1979 Wings release 'Back to the Egg' album
06/08/1982 Brazilian B-727 flight crashes into mountain; 135 die
06/08/1982 Los Angeles beats Phila 76ers, for NBA championship
06/08/1982 Reagan addresses joint session of British Parliament
06/08/1983 Charlos Vieira begins 191 hr 'nonstop' cycling in Leiria, Portugal
06/08/1986 Alleged Nazi Kurt Waldheim elected pres of Austria
06/08/1986 Boston Celtics win NBA championship #16 over Houston Rockets
06/08/1986 Longest 9 inning AL game (4h16m), Balt Orioles beat Yankees 18-9
06/08/1987 Oliver North's secretary Fawn Hall tesifies at Iran-Contra hearing
06/08/1990 Phil Bradley hits 18th inside-the-park HR in Oriole history
06/08/1991 Former NY Jet Mark Gastineau wins 1st pro boxing fight in 12 seconds

06/08/1991 Monica Seles beats Arantxa Sanchez Vicario, 6-3, 6-4 for French Open

06/08/1991 Victory parade held in Wash DC (Persian Gulf War)
06/08/1992 NY Yankee pitcher Steve Howe is banned from baseball for 7th time
06/08/1992 Thomas Klestil succeeds Waldheim as president of Austria
06/08/1993 Premier Marc Bazin of Haiti resigns
06/08/1994 7.8 earthquake strikes North Bolivia
06/08/1994 Mass murderer Joe Rifkind sentenced to 27 years
06/08/2004 Transit of Venus (between Earth & Sun) occurs

Robert Wolfe

Jun 9, 2021, 7:40:10 AM6/9/21
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Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


06/09/1510 Nicolaas van Nieuwland, corrupt 1st bishop of Harlem
06/09/1573 Henricus Hondius, etcher/publisher
06/09/1588 Johann Andreas Herbst, composer
06/09/1597 Pieter J Saenredam, architecture painter
06/09/1640 Leopold I, Emperor of Holy Roman Empire
06/09/1672 Peter I Aleksejevitsj, the Great, Russian tsar/Emperor (Zaandam)
06/09/1781 George Stephenson, Newcastle England, (principal RR locomotive)
06/09/1791 John Howard Payne, US, author/actor/diplomat (Home Sweet Home)
06/09/1792 FrÇdÇric LG, Earl the Merode, Belgian revolutionary
06/09/1810 Otto Nicolai, composer
06/09/1812 Hermann von Fehling, German chemist (Fehling's reagens)
06/09/1812 Johann G Galle, German astronomer (discovered Neptune)
06/09/1828 Carlo Marsili, composer
06/09/1829 Gaetano Braga, composer
06/09/1833 John Rogers Cooke, Brig General (Confederate Army), died in 1891
06/09/1843 Bertha von Suttner, Austria, novelist/pacifist (Nobel 1905)
06/09/1849 Joseph Vezina, composer
06/09/1854 Gerardus J P J Bolland, philospher (Bolland Society)
06/09/1865 Alberic Magnard, composer
06/09/1865 Carl Nielsen, Norre-Lyndelse Denmark, composer (Det Uuslukkelige)
06/09/1879 Oscar Back, Austrian-Dutch viola player
06/09/1884 Johannes Clinge Doorenbos, journalist/conductor
06/09/1886 Kusaku Yamada, composer
06/09/1888 Adrian Grigor'yevich Shaposhnikov, composer
06/09/1888 Hugo Kauder, composer
06/09/1890 Leslie Banks, English actor/director (Jamaica Inn, 48 Hours)
06/09/1893 Cole Porter, Indiana, composer/lyricist (Anything Goes, Kiss Me Kate

06/09/1893 Samuel N Behrman, US screenwriter (Tale of 2 Cities, Daddy Long Legs

06/09/1898 Curzio Malaparte, [Kurt E Suckert], Italian author (Kaputt)
06/09/1900 Fred Waring, Tyrone Penn, musician/conductor/inventor (Waring Blende

06/09/1900 Prosper Cocquyt, Belgian brewer/pilot
06/09/1905 Walter Kraft, composer
06/09/1906 Tonio Selwart, Germany, actor (Barefoot Contessa, Naked Maja)
06/09/1908 Robert Cummings, Joplin Mo, actor (Love that Bob, Dial M For Murder)

06/09/1910 Vbilmos Demian, composer
06/09/1912 Ingolf Dahl, Hamburg Germany, composer (Andante & Arioso)
06/09/1913 Alida Margaretha Bosshardt, lt-colonel of Army (Heils)
06/09/1914 Barbara Mullen, actress (Thunder Rock, Innocent Sinners)
06/09/1914 Hermann Haller, composer
06/09/1915 Les Paul, Waukesha Wi, guitarist/inventor (Les Paul guitar)
06/09/1916 Robert S McNamara, US Sec of Defense (1961-68)/head of World Bank
06/09/1918 Rob de Vries, actor/director
06/09/1919 Izaak Boleslavski, Russian skater
06/09/1921 Agnes Keleti, Hungary, gymnist (Olympic-gold-1952, 56)
06/09/1922 George Axelrod, playwright (Breakfast at Tiffany)
06/09/1923 Gerald Gîtting, German DR president (CDU)
06/09/1924 Christine Goitschel, France, slalom (Olympic-gold-1964)
06/09/1924 Tony Britton, Birmingham Eng, actor (Day of Jackal, Girl in my Soup)

06/09/1925 [John] Keith Laumer, [Anthony LeBaron], US, sf author (Retief's War)

06/09/1926 Mona Freeman, Baltimore, actress (Black Beauty, Dear Wife, Heiress)
06/09/1927 Franco Donatoni, composer
06/09/1927 Norman Sisisky, (Rep-D-VA, 1983- )
06/09/1929 Johnny Ace, [John M Alexander Jr], US R&B singer (My Song)
06/09/1929 Keith A St H Gardner, Jamaica, 4x400m runner (Olympic-bronze-1960)
06/09/1929 Robert E Badham, (Rep-R-CA, 1977- )
06/09/1930 Jackie Mason, comedian (World According to Me, Chicken Soup)
06/09/1930 Lin[wood] [Vrooman] Carter, US, sci-fi author (Thongor of Lemuria)
06/09/1930 Marvin Kalb, NYC, educator/newscaster (CBS/NBC)
06/09/1933 Dick Orkin, Williamsport Pa, actor (Tim Conway Show)
06/09/1933 Don Young, (Rep-R-AK, 1973- )
06/09/1934 Donald Duck, famous fowl
06/09/1934 Helga Haase, German FR, 500m speed skater (Olympic-gold-1960)
06/09/1934 Jackie Wilson, Detroit, singer (Lonely Teardrops)
06/09/1934 Joe Santos, Bkln NY, actor (Rockford Files, AKA Pablo, Shamus)
06/09/1934 Pal Karolyi, composer
06/09/1938 Charles Wuorinen, NYC, composer (Pulitzer 1980)
06/09/1940 Dick Vitale, US, sportscaster
06/09/1941 John Lord, England, keyboardist (Deep Purple-Hush)
06/09/1943 Joe [William] Haldeman, US, sci-fi author (Hugo, Nebula, Worlds Apar

06/09/1944 Brigid Bazlen, Wisc, actress (Pam-Too Young to go Steady)
06/09/1945 Faina Myelink, USSR, discus thrower (Olympic-gold-1972)
06/09/1947 Mitch Mitchell, drummer (Jimi Hendrix Experience-Purple Haze)
06/09/1948 Nathaniel Rosen, Altadena Calif, cellist (Tchaikovsky Gold 1978)
06/09/1951 Benny Neyman, singer (I Know Not How)
06/09/1951 Bonnie Tyler, [Gaynor Hopkins], rocker (Total Eclipse of the Heart)
06/09/1951 Dave Parker, baseball player (Pittsburgh Pirates, NL MVP 1978)
06/09/1954 Pete Byrne, rocker (Naked Eyes)
06/09/1958 Donald Michael Santini, Mass, murderer (FBI Most Wanted List)
06/09/1961 Michael J Fox, Edm, actor (Family Ties, Back to the Future, Teen Wol

06/09/1962 Eddie Lundon, rocker (China Crisis-Christian)
06/09/1963 Johnny Depp, Queensboro Ky, actor (21 Jump Street)
06/09/1969 Mitch McLee, [Douglas Lee Mitchell], Miles Mi, drummer (Southgang)


06/09/ 68 Claudius Nero, Roman emperor (54-68), commits suicide at 31
06/09/1361 Philippe de Vitry, composer, dies at 69
06/09/1382 Philip of Lead, lawyer of Utrecht, dies
06/09/1572 Jeanne d'Albret, queen of Navarra, dies at 44
06/09/1597 JosÇ de Anchieta, Spanish jesuit/missionary, dies
06/09/1717 Jeanne-Marie Bouvier de la Mothe-Guyon, French mystic, dies at 69
06/09/1717 Louis Le Quointe, composer, dies at 64
06/09/1820 Wilhelmina FS, princess of Prussia/Orange, dies at 68
06/09/1825 M Pauline Bonaparte, Corsican duchess of Parma/Guastalla, dies at 44

06/09/1832 Manuel Garcia, composer, dies at 57
06/09/1839 Gerrit J Pòman, Dutch minister of War (1798-1800), dies at 89
06/09/1847 Pierre-Simon Ballanche, French philosopher/poet (OrphÇe), dies
06/09/1863 Benjamin Franklin 'Grimes' Davis, Union major, dies in battle at 30
06/09/1870 Charles Dickens, English writer (David Copperfield), dies
06/09/1870 Erik Drake, composer, dies at 82
06/09/1892 Friedrich Wilhelm Langhans, composer, dies at 59
06/09/1897 Alvin Graham Clark, dies 3 weeks after 1st use of Yerkes 40' lens
06/09/1907 Manuel Estrada Vabrera, president Guatemala, murdered
06/09/1908 JosÇ FdT Coelho, Portuguese writer (Os meus amores), dies at 46
06/09/1922 Albert Baertsoen, Flemish painter/etcher, dies
06/09/1931 Henrique Oswald, composer, dies at 79
06/09/1932 Natalia Janotha, composer, dies at 76
06/09/1939 Owen Moore, actor (High Voltage, She Done Him Wrong), dies at 52
06/09/1957 Robert Oboussier, composer, dies at 56
06/09/1958 Robert Donat, actor (Citadel, Goodbye Mr Chips, 39 Steps), dies at 5

06/09/1960 RenÇ Maran, Martiniques writer (Batouala, Prix Goncourt), dies
06/09/1962 Henry Kendall, actor (Shadow, Romance & Riches), dies at 65
06/09/1964 W Maxwell Aitken, Lord Beaverbrook, Engl Min of Info, dies at 85
06/09/1967 Stefan Boleslaw Poradowski, composer, dies at 64
06/09/1975 David Frederick Barlow, composer, dies at 48
06/09/1976 James A Farley, US Postmaster General (1932-38), dies at 88
06/09/1976 Paul T B Rodenko, poet/writer (No Loyality with 1 heks), dies
06/09/1976 Sybil Thorndike, actress (Melba, Major Barbara), dies at 93
06/09/1977 Hans Andreus, [Johan W van de Zant), poet, dies at 51
06/09/1980 Leonard Huizinga, journalist/writer (Olivier & Adrian), dies at 73
06/09/1981 Allen Ludden, game show host (Password), dies at 63
06/09/1981 Russell Hayden, actor (Hidden Gold, Apache Chief, Justice), dies
06/09/1982 Guillaume Jorissen, Flemish politician, dies at 60
06/09/1982 Hank Ladd, TV host (Arrow Show, Waiting for the Break), dies at 74
06/09/1987 Grandon Rhodes, actor (Gentleman From Nowhere), dies
06/09/1987 Madge Kennedy, actress (Marrying Kind, 3 Bad Sisters), dies
06/09/1989 Piet[er J] Lieftinck, Dutch minister of Finance (1945-52), dies
06/09/1991 Bob Irwin, entertainer, dies
06/09/1991 Claudio Arrau, Chilian/US pianist/composer, dies at 88
06/09/1991 Max van Praag, Dutch singer, dies at 77
06/09/1992 Cathy Bennett, jury selection expert, dies of breast cancer at 41
06/09/1992 Clarence Miller, blues/jazz vocalist, dies at 69 of a heart attack
06/09/1993 Alexis Smith, dancer/actress (Follies), dies at 72 of Cancer
06/09/1993 Arthur Alexander, singer/songwriter (You Better Move On), dies at 53

06/09/1994 Jan Tinbergen, economist (Plan of Labor, Nobel 1969), dies at 91

Significant Events:

06/09/ 641 Arabic/Islamic army contrasts with the Hippo over Alexandria
06/09/ 922 French republic chooses Robert I, King of France
06/09/1075 Battle at Homburg/Unstrut: German king Henry IV beats Saksen
06/09/1456 23rd recorded perihelion passage of Halley's Comet
06/09/1525 Tax revolt in Hertogenbosch
06/09/1534 Jacques Cartier 1st sails into mouth of St Lawrence River
06/09/1628 1st deportation from what is now US, Thomas Morton from Mass
06/09/1720 Sweden & Denmark signs 3rd Treaty of Stockholm
06/09/1732 Royal charter for Georgia granted to James Oglethorpe
06/09/1742 Battle of Bloody Marsh-Spanish assault on Simons Island, Georgia
06/09/1772 1st Protestant church west of Penn (in Ohio) holds communion
06/09/1784 John Carroll appointed supervisor of US Catholic Missions
06/09/1789 Spanish capture British schooner Northwest America near Vancouver I
06/09/1790 1st book copyrighted under constitution, Philadelphia Spelling Book
06/09/1822 Charles Graham receives 1st patent for false teeth
06/09/1851 San Francisco Committee of Vigilance forms (1st time)
06/09/1862 Battle of Port Republic, last of 5 battles in Jacksons Valley camp
06/09/1863 Battle of Brandy Station, VA (Fleetwood, Beverly Ford)
06/09/1864 Battle of Big Shanty, GA
06/09/1864 Battle of Kenesaw Mountain, GA (Pine Mt, Pine Knob, Golgotha)
06/09/1865 Battle of Grand Gulf, MS
06/09/1868 1st meeting of Board of Regents, University of California
06/09/1869 Charles Elmer Hires sells his 1st root beer (Phila)
06/09/1870 Washington: Pres Grant meets with Sioux chief Red Cloud
06/09/1883 1st commercial electric railway line begins operation (Chicago El)
06/09/1890 Opera 'Robin Hood' is produced (Chicago)
06/09/1891 Painter Gauguin arrives in Papeete, Tahiti
06/09/1898 China leases Hong Kong's new territories to Britain for 99 years
06/09/1899 Jim Jeffries KOs Bob Fitzsimmons for Heavyweight boxing crown
06/09/1901 NY Giants get record 31 hits to beat Cin Reds 25-13
06/09/1902 1st Automat restaurant opens (818 Chestnut St, Phila)
06/09/1907 K Lohnert discovers asteroid #635 Vundtia
06/09/1914 Honus Wagner becomes 1st baseball player to get 3,000 hits
06/09/1919 General steel metal strike in France
06/09/1919 Red Army captures Ufa
06/09/1919 Universal metal strike in France
06/09/1923 Bulgarian premier Stamboeliski & King Boris III overthrown
06/09/1928 1st aerial cross of Pacific lands in Brisbane Australia
06/09/1929 Venezuelan rebel Urbina lets Dutch/Curaáaose hostages free
06/09/1930 Paavo Nurmi runs world record 6 mile (29:36.4)
06/09/1931 1st showing of a Donald Duck cartoon
06/09/1931 C Jackson discovers asteroid #1197 Rhodesia
06/09/1931 Goddard patents rocket-fueled aircraft design
06/09/1933 Spanish president Zamora takes power
06/09/1934 1st Donald Duck cartoon, Wise Little Hen, released
06/09/1934 Lawson Little beats Gene Sarazen by 3 strokes for US Open
06/09/1936 Olin Dutra beats Gene Sarazen by 1 stroke for US Open
06/09/1938 Second Chamber agrees to return Jews to nazi-Germany
06/09/1940 General Charles de Gaulle's 1st meeting with Winston Churchill
06/09/1940 Norway surrenders to Germany during WW II
06/09/1940 W Lawson Little wins US Open golf tournament
06/09/1941 Ammunition plant at Fort Smederovo in Belgrade explodes; kills 1,500

06/09/1941 Archbishop De Young bans priest cooperation on Rijks radio
06/09/1942 Adipatie Ario Soejono becomes minister in cabinet-Gerbrandy
06/09/1942 German-Neth press reports, 3 million Dutch sent to East-Europe
06/09/1942 Nazis kill all inhabitants of Lidice Czechoslovakia
06/09/1943 Congress passes 'pay-as-you-go' income tax
06/09/1944 23 puppies (record litter) born to Lena, a foxhound, Ambler, Penn
06/09/1944 Russian offensive in Carelia
06/09/1946 19 guests at Canfield Hotel die in fire (Dubuque Iowa)
06/09/1946 66,545 fans help Yanks break million attendance mark, the earliest
06/09/1946 Bhumibol Adulyadej, becomes king of Thailand
06/09/1946 NY Giant Mel Ott becomes 1st manager to be ejected from both
06/09/1946 games of a doubleheader
06/09/1948 WBZ TV channel 4 in Boston, MA (NBC) begins broadcasting
06/09/1949 Mrs Georgia Neese Clark of Kansas becomes 1st woman treasurer of US
06/09/1953 South African premier Malan visits Netherlands
06/09/1953 Tornado strikes Worcester Mass destroying Assumption College
06/09/1955 100¯F-Hottest day in Seattle Washington
06/09/1956 Heavy earthquake strikes Afghanistan, 400 killed
06/09/1957 Anthony Eden resigns as British PM
06/09/1959 1st ballistic missile sub launched (George Washington-Groton, Ct)
06/09/1960 ABC & AFL sign a 5 year contract
06/09/1963 1st Sunday night game in baseball SF Giants lose to Houston Colts 3-

06/09/1963 Barbra Striesand appears on 'Ed Sullivan Show'
06/09/1963 JFK names Winston Churchill US honarary citizen
06/09/1963 Movie 'Cleopatra' opens in NY
06/09/1964 Jack Nicklaus wins British Open golf tournament
06/09/1965 Michel Fazy runs mile in 3:53.6
06/09/1967 Israeli troops reach Suez Canal
06/09/1967 Monkees appear at Hollywood Bowl
06/09/1968 Yugoslav president Tito promises reforms
06/09/1969 Brian Jones quits Rolling Stones
06/09/1969 Warren Burger confirmed as US Chief Justice
06/09/1970 Argentine milt junta under lt-gen Lanusse drives out pres Ongan°a
06/09/1970 Harry A Blackmun becomes a Supreme Court Justice
06/09/1971 Abdul Zahir appointed premier of Afghanistan
06/09/1971 Paul McCartney's album 'Ram' goes gold
06/09/1972 14' of rain in 6 hrs burst Rapid City SD dam, drowns 200
06/09/1972 1st all-nite grad parties
06/09/1972 Bruce Springsteen signs a record deal with Columbia
06/09/1973 Secretariat wins 105th Belmont Stakes (2:24) & Triple Crown
06/09/1974 Supergroup Blind Faith's (Clapton, Windwood, Baker) 1st concert
06/09/1975 E Roemer discovers asteroid #1983 Bok
06/09/1975 Fire in prison hospital kills 10 prisoners & 1 guard (Sanford Fla)
06/09/1977 George & Patti Harrison divorce
06/09/1977 Silver jubilee of Queen Elizabeth celebrated with fireworks
06/09/1978 Gutenberg Bible (1 of 21) sells for $2.4 million, London
06/09/1978 Larry Holmes wins a decision over Ken Norton for WBC crown
06/09/1979 Coastal wins Belmont Stakes
06/09/1979 Michael Cairney topples a record row of 169,713 dominoes
06/09/1979 Phillies wear burgundy uniforms for 1st & last time
06/09/1979 Willie Horton is honored at Seattle's Kingdome
06/09/1980 Comedian Richard Pryor suffers burns from free basing cocaine
06/09/1980 Phillies & SF Giants end their game at 3:11 AM
06/09/1980 Soyuz T-2 returns to Earth
06/09/1982 Israel wipes out Syrian SAM missiles in Bekaa Valley
06/09/1983 M Thatchers Conservative Party wins British parliamentary election
06/09/1984 'Laserphonic Fantasy' premieres
06/09/1984 Cyndi Lauper's 1st #1 'Time After Times'
06/09/1984 Donald Ducks 50th birthday celebrated at Disneyland
06/09/1984 JÅrgen Hingsen of W Germany sets record for decathlon, 8,798 pts
06/09/1984 NASA launches Intelsat V, it failed
06/09/1984 Polygram's Hanover Germany plant produces its 10 millionth CD
06/09/1984 Swale wins Belmont Stakes (8 days later Swale dies)
06/09/1985 American Thomas Sutherland is kidnapped & held hostage in Lebanon
06/09/1985 Bernard Hinault wins Tour de France
06/09/1985 LA Lakers beats Boston Celtics in 6 games for NBA title
06/09/1985 USSR's Vega 1 deposits lander on surface of Venus
06/09/1986 Angel Don Sutton (298 wins) beats White Sox Tom Seaver (306 wins) 3-

06/09/1986 Dow Jones-index hits record 45.71 points
06/09/1986 Rogers Comm report on Challenger disaster blames Morton Thiokol
06/09/1988 Attorney General Meese orders Joseph Doherty deported to UK
06/09/1989 'Star Trek V' premieres
06/09/1989 Barry Switzer resigns as head coach of Oklahoma's football
06/09/1989 Michael Changs French Open win makes him youngest male to go to fina

06/09/1989 Rare tornado in Philadelphia kills 1
06/09/1990 Andrew Cuomo marries Kerry Kennedy
06/09/1990 Czechoslovakia beats US 5-1 in World Cup soccer
06/09/1990 Go & Go wins 122nd Belmont Stakes
06/09/1990 Kerry Kennedy (daughter of Robert) & Andrew Coumo (Mario's son) wed
06/09/1990 Monoica Salas beats Steffi Graff for French Open title
06/09/1991 Hansel wins Belmont Stakes
06/09/1991 Jim Courier beats Andre Agassi for French Open
06/09/1991 World Bowl-World League of American Football 1st championship
06/09/1993 Japanese crown prince Naruhito weds Masaka Owada
06/09/1993 Montreal Candians beat LA Kings 4 games to 1 for Stanley Cup
06/09/1994 5.6 earthquake strikes South-Mexico
06/09/1994 Angolian plane bombs school in Waku Kungo (89 killed)
06/09/1997 British lease on New Territories in Hong Kong expires

Robert Wolfe

Jun 10, 2021, 11:40:16 PM6/10/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque

Robert Wolfe

Jun 12, 2021, 7:40:13 AM6/12/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


06/12/1468 Juan del Encina, composer
06/12/1519 Cosmos de Medici, art patron (Accademia del Disegno)
06/12/1526 Marc-Antoine de Muret, composer
06/12/1599 Jan W van Brederode, governor (Hertogenbosch)/field marshal
06/12/1771 Patrick Gass, Falling Springs PA, sgt of Lewis & Clark Expedition
06/12/1795 John Marston Jr, Comm (Union Navy), died in 1885
06/12/1798 Samuel Cooper, General (Confederate Army), died in 1876
06/12/1819 Charles Kingsley, [Parson Lot], Engl vicar/historian (Westward Ho!)
06/12/1821 Henry Moses Judah, Brig General (Union volunteers), died in 1866
06/12/1825 John Cook, Bvt Major General (Union volunteers), died in 1910
06/12/1829 Johanna Spyri, Switzerland, writer (Heidi)
06/12/1840 Jakub Arbes, Czech author (Moderní Upíri)
06/12/1842 Rikard Nordraak, composer
06/12/1851 Oliver Joseph Lodge, England, early radio pioneer
06/12/1857 Achille Simonetti, composer
06/12/1874 Willem Louis Frederic Landre, composer
06/12/1876 Narciso Garay, composer
06/12/1877 Thomas C Hart, US admiral (Asiatic fleet)
06/12/1878 James O Curwood, US, journalist/writer (Kazan the wolfdog)
06/12/1881 Juan de Hernandez, composer
06/12/1885 Werner Erich Josten, Elberfeld Germany, composer (Jungle)
06/12/1890 Egon Schiele, Austrian painter/graphic artist
06/12/1892 John Donald Robb, composer
06/12/1893 Kommer Kleśn, actor (Paul Vlaanderen)
06/12/1897 Alexandre Tansman, Lodz Poland, composer (Dyptique)
06/12/1897 Anthony Eden, Earl of Avon (C), British PM (1955-57)
06/12/1900 Amadeo Roldan, composer
06/12/1902 Hendrik J Elias, Flemish historian
06/12/1904 Eino Roiha, composer
06/12/1907 Giorgio Nataletti, composer
06/12/1908 Max Tailleur, adjudant to Prince Bernhard/Jewish humorist
06/12/1908 Otto Skorzeny, German/Austrian SS Führer (Mussolini/Horthy)
06/12/1909 Archie Bleyer, Corona NY, orch leader (Arthur Godfrey)
06/12/1909 Mansel Treharne Thomas, composer
06/12/1911 Milovan Djilas, Yugoslavia, writer/politician (New Class)
06/12/1912 Russell 'Lucky' Hayden, Chico Calif, actor (Judge Roy Bean)
06/12/1914 Maurice Ohana, British?/French? pianist/composer (La Célestine)
06/12/1914 William Lundigan, Syracuse NY, actor (Climax)
06/12/1915 David Rockefeller, banker/international power broker
06/12/1916 Irwin Allen, disaster-movie producer (Towering Inferno)
06/12/1917 Priscilla Lane, US, actress (Arsenic & Old Lace)
06/12/1919 Uta Hagen, Germany, actress (Boys From Brazil)/teaches acting
06/12/1919 Vera Hruba Ralston, Czech, actress (Dakota, Accused of Murder)
06/12/1920 Peter Jones, England, actor (From a Bird's Eye View)
06/12/1921 Hendrik J Witteveen, economist/minister of Finance/ director IMF
06/12/1921 James Houston, Toronto, author/filmmaker (Tikta'Liktak)
06/12/1921 Vera Hruba Ralston, actress (Dakota, Flame, Surrender, Timberjack)
06/12/1922 Leif Thybo, composer
06/12/1923 Marta Pan, Hungarian/French sculptor (Great spiral)
06/12/1924 George Herbert Walker Bush, (R) 43rd VP (1981-89) 41st Pres (1989-93

06/12/1927 Henry Slesar, Brooklyn NY, headwriter (Edge of Night)
06/12/1928 Vic Damone, [Vito Farinola], Bkln, singer (Street Where You Live)
06/12/1929 Anne Frank, Holland, Nazi victim/diarist (Diary of Anne Frank)
06/12/1930 Barbara Harris, famous African
06/12/1930 Hans Koetsier, speed artist (KLM-Schiphol)
06/12/1932 Jim Nabors, Sylacauga Al, actor/singer (Gomer Pyle)
06/12/1932 Mamo Wolde, Ethiopia, marathoner (Olympic-gold-1968)
06/12/1932 Rona Jaffe, novelist (Mazes & Monsters)
06/12/1936 Bill Zeliff, (Rep-R-New Hampshire)
06/12/1939 Francis X McCloskey, (Rep-D-Indiana)
06/12/1939 Frank McCloskey, (Rep-D-IN, 1983- )
06/12/1939 GAI Schuśt, Dutch jurist (right of information)
06/12/1941 Chick Corea, Chelsea Mass, jazz pianist (Delhpi I, Toy Dance)
06/12/1941 Lucille Roybal-Allard, (Rep-D-California)
06/12/1941 Roy Harper, Manchester, rocker (Folkjokeopus)
06/12/1943 Marv Albert, NYC, 'Yes!' sportscaster (NBC-TV)
06/12/1943 Reg Presley, rock vocalist (Troggs-Wild Thing)
06/12/1944 Linda Foster, Lancaster England, actress (Doris-Hank)
06/12/1944 Maurice Jackson, US singer (Independents-Leaving You)
06/12/1945 James Naughton, US, actor (Trauma Center) [or 7/6/46]
06/12/1947 Ronald J Freeman II, Elizabeth NJ, 4x400m runner (Olympic-gold-1968)

06/12/1951 Brad Delp, guitarist (Boston-More Than a Feeling)
06/12/1952 Ben E Carlos, drummer (Cheap Trick-Dream Police)
06/12/1952 Dale Krantz, singer (Crossings-Collis Band)
06/12/1952 Oliver Knussen, Glasgow Scotland, composer (Chicara)
06/12/1952 Seigfried Brietzke, German DR, coxless rower (Oly-gold-1972, 76, 80)

06/12/1953 Grace Jones, Kingston Jamacia (she claims but actually 5/19/48)
06/12/1953 Rebecca Holden, Austin Tx, actress (April-Knight Rider)
06/12/1953 Rocky Burnette, Memphis, rocker (Towing the Line)
06/12/1954 Tineke Schouten, TV host
06/12/1957 Jim Morris, impressionist/comedian (Ronald Reagan, George Bush)
06/12/1957 Timothy Busfield, East Lansing Mich, actor (Elliot-30 Something)
06/12/1959 Jenilee Harrison, Glendale Calif, actress (Cindy-3's Company, Dallas

06/12/1959 Kenneth Herdigein, Suriname/Dutch actor (Say Once Aaa)
06/12/1962 Ally Sheedy, [Alexandria], NYC, actress (Wargames, Blue City)
06/12/1962 Michael Link, Provo Utah, actor (Earl-Julia)
06/12/1965 Cathy Tyson, Liverpool England, actress (Serpant & Rainbow)
06/12/1965 Cindy Lee Berryhill, US singer/songwriter (Baby)
06/12/1965 Gwen Torrence, Atlanta GA, US Olympic runner (Olympic-gold-92)


06/12/ 816 Leo III, Italian Pope (795-816), dies
06/12/1490 Adrian Vilain II of Rassegem, peace of Tours, murdered at about 40
06/12/1616 Cornelis F Schuyt, organist/composer (Madrigalen), dies
06/12/1675 Charles Emanuel II, Duke of Savoy (1638-75), dies at 40
06/12/1687 Jurriaen van Streeck, still life painter, dies
06/12/1761 Meinrad Spiess, composer, dies at 77
06/12/1778 Philip Livingston, US merchant (signed Decl of Indep), dies at 62
06/12/1789 Jean E Liotard, [Turk], Swiss painter (Maria-Theresia), dies
06/12/1799 William Collins, English poet (Ode to Evening), dies
06/12/1850 Jean V Constantly de Rebecque, Swiss/Dutch army leader, dies at 77
06/12/1853 John C the Young, historian/archivist, dies at 60
06/12/1858 Cornelis Smit, ship builder/ship owner, dies at 74
06/12/1858 William Horsley, composer, dies at 83
06/12/1878 Hendrik J Jut, murderer [head of Jut], dies at 26
06/12/1887 Gustav Weber, composer, dies at 41
06/12/1888 Carel Vosmaer, art historian/poet/editor (Neth Spectator), dies at 6

06/12/1912 Frédéric Passy, French economist/pacifist (Nobel 1901), dies
06/12/1917 Maria Teresa Carreno, composer, dies at 63
06/12/1922 Wolfgang Kapp, German politician (Kapp putsch 1920), dies at 63
06/12/1928 Salvador Diaz Miron, Mexicans poet, dies
06/12/1932 René de Clerq, Flemish poet/writer (Book of Love), dies
06/12/1932 Theodorus Heemskerk, lawyer/Dutch sec of state (1866..88), dies at 7

06/12/1936 Isidore Weiss,French world checker champion, dies
06/12/1941 Guy de PourtalŐs, Swiss/French writer (Płche miraculous), dies
06/12/1942 Walter Leigh, composer, dies at 36
06/12/1946 Count Hisaichi Terauchi, Japanese field marshal, dies
06/12/1947 Jazeps Medins, composer, dies at 70
06/12/1952 Michael von Faulhaber, Cardinal/archbishop of Munich, dies
06/12/1957 James F 'Jimmy' Dorsey, US orchestra leader, dies at 53
06/12/1962 John Ireland, composer, dies at 82
06/12/1962 John N Ireland, English composer/pianist (Epic march), dies
06/12/1963 Medgar Evers, NAACP official, shot in Jackson Miss, at 37
06/12/1966 Hermann Scherchen, German conductor/music publisher, dies at 74
06/12/1966 Thomas Chalmers, actor (Blind Alleys, Outrage), dies at 81
06/12/1968 Fidelio Friedrich Finke, composer, dies at 76
06/12/1972 Edmund Wilson, US writer (To the Finland station), dies
06/12/1972 Saul David Alinsky, radical writer (John L Lewis), dies at 63
06/12/1980 Milburn Stone, actor (Doc-Gunsmoke), dies at 75
06/12/1983 Norma Shearer, Academy Award actress (Romeo & Juliet), dies at 80
06/12/1986 Antoon Breyne, Belgian journalist, dies at 76
06/12/1986 Tony Desimone, combo leader (Ernie in Kovacsland), dies at 66
06/12/1988 Marcel Poot, Belgian baron/composer, dies at 87
06/12/1989 Peter Conrad Baden, composer, dies at 80
06/12/1992 Edward Fleming, Danish director (Lille spejl), dies
06/12/1992 Gerda Nicolson, actress (Next of Kin, Clinic), dies
06/12/1992 Serge Daney, French film critic (Les cahiers du cinéma, Traffic), di

06/12/1994 Menachem Mendel Schneerson, Lubavitcher leader (1950-94), dies at 92

06/12/1994 Nicole Brown Simpson, ex-wife of OJ, murdered at 35 (probably by OJ)

06/12/1994 Ronald Goldman, waiter, murdered with OJ's ex-wife Nicole Simpson

Significant Events:

06/12/ 28 Gaius Carrinas' triumphant procession through Rome
06/12/ 816 St Leo III ends his reign as Catholic Pope
06/12/1442 King Alfonso V van Aragón occupies Naples
06/12/1523 Fries rebel leader Jancko Douwama arrested
06/12/1575 Willem of Orange marries Charlotte de Bourbon
06/12/1665 English rename New Amsterdam, NY, after Dutch pull out
06/12/1672 French army reach Lobith the Rhine
06/12/1701 Act of Settlement gives English crown to Sophia, Princess of Hanover

06/12/1775 1st naval battle of Revolution-Unity (Am) captures Margaretta (Br)
06/12/1776 Virginia adopts Declaration of Rights
06/12/1787 Law passes providing a senator must be at least 30 years old
06/12/1792 George Vancouver discovers site of Vancouver, BC
06/12/1812 Napoleon's invasion of Russia begins
06/12/1819 Dutch colonial troops driven out of Palembang Sumatra
06/12/1838 Hopkins Observatory, dedicated in Williamstown, Mass
06/12/1838 Territory of Iowa organized
06/12/1839 1st baseball game played in America
06/12/1840 Meteorite hits Uden, Netherlands
06/12/1845 George Abernethy becomes 1st governor of Oregon Country
06/12/1849 Gas mask patented by Lewis Haslett, Louisville, Ky
06/12/1859 Comstock Silver Lode in Nevada discovered
06/12/1861 Missouri Governor Claiborne Jackson calls for 50,000 volunteers
06/12/1861 to stop Federates from taking over his state
06/12/1864 Lee sends Early into Shenandoah Valley
06/12/1864 Skirmish at Mcafee's Cross Road Georgia, about 57 dies in battle
06/12/1867 Austro-Hungarian Empire forms
06/12/1880 1st baseball perfect game-John Richmond of Worcester beats Cleve
06/12/1885 Roof collapse kills 30 at murder trial in France
06/12/1889 Single tornado kills 119, injures 146 (New Richmond Wisc)
06/12/1892 Neth Society for Currency & Coin collecting forms
06/12/1897 Possibly most severe quake in history strikes Assam India. Shock
06/12/1897 waves felt over an area size of Europe. Negligible death toll
06/12/1898 Philippine nationalists declares independence from Spain to US contr

06/12/1900 German Navy Law calls for massive increase in sea power
06/12/1903 Niagara Falls, Ontario incorporated as a city
06/12/1907 Yanks commit 11 errors & lose 14-6 to Tigers
06/12/1908 Lusitania crosses Atlantic in record 4 days 15 hours (NYC)
06/12/1913 'Dachshund' by Pathe Freres, early animated cartoon, released
06/12/1917 Secret Service extends protection of president to his family
06/12/1918 1st airplane bombing raid by an American unit, France
06/12/1919 Dutch 2nd Chamber accord for equal Christian-public education
06/12/1920 Farmer Labor Party organized (Chicago)
06/12/1922 St Louis gets record 10 hits in a row & beats Phillies 14-8
06/12/1925 William DeHart Hubbard of US, sets long jump record at 25' 10 3/4'
06/12/1926 Brazil leaves League of Nations
06/12/1928 NY Yankee Lou Gehrig hits 2 triples & 2 HRs to be White Sox 15-7
06/12/1930 Heavyweight Max Schmeling KOs Jack Sharkey in NYC
06/12/1933 Financial & Economy World conference opens (66 countries)
06/12/1935 Weapons pact ends 3 year war of Gran Chaco (Bolivia vs Paraguay)
06/12/1936 1st 50 KW US radio station (Pittsburgh Pa)
06/12/1936 C Jackson discovers asteroid #1394 Algoa
06/12/1937 Ralph Guldahl wins US Open golf tournament
06/12/1937 USSR executes 8 army leaders as Stalin's purge continues
06/12/1939 Baseball Hall of Fame opens in Cooperstown NY
06/12/1939 Byron Nelson wins US Open golf tournament
06/12/1942 Anne Frank begins her diary
06/12/1942 Hitler orders importing Slavic slaves
06/12/1942 Tornado kills 35 in Oklahoma City
06/12/1943 Himmler orders extermination of all Polish ghettos
06/12/1944 1st V-1 rocket assault on London
06/12/1944 British 12th batallion conquers Bréville
06/12/1944 US troop march into Carentan/Caumont, Normandy
06/12/1945 Attack on 7th Marine regiment on Kunishi Ridge, Okinawa
06/12/1947 Babe Didrikson is 1st American to win Br Women's Amateur Golf Champ
06/12/1948 Ben Hogan wins US Open golf tournament
06/12/1948 Eddie Arcaro on Citation wins 80th Belmont Stakes (2:28.2)
06/12/1948 Eddie Arcaro becomes 1st jockey to win triple crown twice
06/12/1950 2 Air France DC-4s crash near Bahrain, about 100 die
06/12/1952 420th kitten (record) born to cat named Dusty, Bonham, TX
06/12/1952 USSR declares peace treaty with Japan invalid
06/12/1954 Milwaukee Braves Jim Wilson no-hits Phillies, 2-0
06/12/1955 Monitor (full weekend program) begins on NBC radio network
06/12/1957 Paul Anderson of US back-lifts a record 2850 kg (6,270 lbs)
06/12/1959 SF Giants Mike McCormick no-hits Phillies, 3-0 in 5 inning game
06/12/1960 KORN (now KDLT) TV channel 5 in Mitchell-Sioux Falls, SD (ABC) begin

06/12/1961 Dutch Lockheed Electricity 'Sirius' accident at Cairo, kills 20
06/12/1962 Laos prince Souvanna Phouma forms coalition govt
06/12/1962 USAF Maj Robert M White takes X-15 to 56,270 m
06/12/1963 'Cleopatra' premieres in NYC
06/12/1964 South Africa sentences Nelson Mandela to life imprisonment
06/12/1965 Beatles are awarded MBE
06/12/1965 Rolling Stones release 'Satisfaction'
06/12/1965 South Vietnam Gen Nguyen Cla Ky succeeds Phan Huy Quat as premier
06/12/1967 Israel wins 6 day war
06/12/1967 Race riot in Cincinnati Ohio (300 arrested)
06/12/1967 Supreme Court unanimously ends laws against interracial marriages
06/12/1967 USSR launches Venera 4 for parachute landing on Venus
06/12/1967 Wash Senators beat Chic White Sox, 6-5, in 22 innings
06/12/1970 Pitts Pirate Dock Ellis no-hits San Diego Padres, 2-0
06/12/1971 T Smirnova discovers asteroid #2216 Kerch
06/12/1971 Tricia Nixon & Edward F Cox marry at White House
06/12/1973 Yanks trade wife swapper Mike Kekich for Lowell Palmer
06/12/1977 Ground-breaking ceremonies for Pres Kennedy library
06/12/1978 David Berkowitz sentenced in NY Supreme Court to 25 yrs to life
06/12/1978 US House of Representatives allows live radio coverage
06/12/1979 Kevin St Onge throws a playing card a record 185'
06/12/1979 Opening ceremony at Cambridge Buddhist Assn meditation in Boston
06/12/1979 Sanista occupies parts of Managua
06/12/1980 Reagan said he would submit to periodic medical tests
06/12/1981 Baseball players begin a 50 day strike, their 3rd strike
06/12/1981 Only candidate Hassan Gouled Aptidon wins Djibouti pres election
06/12/1982 750,000 anti-nuclear demonstrators, rally in Central Park NYC
06/12/1982 Battle of Mount Longdon Falkland Islands
06/12/1986 P W Botha declares South African national emergency
06/12/1987 Central Afr Rep ex-emperor Jean-Bédel Bokassa sentenced to death
06/12/1988 Andy Hampton is 1st American to win Round of Italy
06/12/1989 Ben Johnson, Canadian Olympian, admits using steroids
06/12/1991 Boris Yelstin elected president of Russian Federation
06/12/1991 Mount Pinatubo volcano on Philippines erupts
06/12/1994 -17] Pope John Paul II visits Spain

Robert Wolfe

Jun 13, 2021, 7:40:16 AM6/13/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


06/13/ 40 Gnaeus Julius Agricola, Roman general; conquered Wales, No England
06/13/ 823 Charles II, the Bald, King of France (843-77)/emperor (875-77)
06/13/ 823 Karel II de Kale, Roman emperor (875-77)
06/13/1592 Tobias Michael, composer
06/13/1612 Karel van Cro˜, prince of Chimay/Duke of Aarschot
06/13/1627 Fidel Molitor, composer
06/13/1701 Angelo Antonio Caroli, composer
06/13/1736 Henryk Klein, composer
06/13/1752 Fanny Burney, England, author (Camille, Evelina)
06/13/1757 Christian Ludwig Dieter, composer
06/13/1761 Anton Wranitzky, composer
06/13/1763 Jos‚ B de Andrada e Silva, premier of Brazil
06/13/1765 Anton Eberl, composer
06/13/1773 Thomas Young, philospher/artist (light interference)
06/13/1775 Antoni Henryk Radziwill, composer
06/13/1786 Winfield Scott, army general (Union)/presidential candidate
06/13/1795 Thomas Arnold, English educator/historian (History of Rome)
06/13/1806 Bernard de Hair, vicar/poet/church historian
06/13/1809 George Philip St Cooke, Bvt Major General (Union Army), died in 1895

06/13/1820 WF Hendrik, the Navigator, prince of the Netherlands/admiral
06/13/1821 Albert, duc de Broglie, France, premier (1873-74, 1977)
06/13/1821 Navy Gustavus Vasa Fox, Asst Secy (Union), died in 1883
06/13/1823 Gustave Paul Cluseret, Brig General (Union volunteers), died in 1900

06/13/1824 Julius Eichberg, composer
06/13/1825 Benjamin Jefferson Hill, Brig General (Confederate Army), died in 18

06/13/1829 Antonio Zamara, composer
06/13/1831 James Clerk Maxwell, physicist, formulated electromagnetic theory
06/13/1854 Charles Algernon Parsons, British inventor (steam turbine)
06/13/1863 Josef Venantius von Woss, composer
06/13/1864 Johan R Kjell‚n, Swedish sociologist
06/13/1865 William Butler Yeats, Ireland, poet (Wild Swans at Coole-Nobel 1923)

06/13/1866 Lambertus Z˜l, sculptor (Trade scholarship)
06/13/1869 Ede Poldini, composer
06/13/1875 Max d' Ollone, composer
06/13/1879 John G Golden church, reformed vicar
06/13/1881 Lois Weber, 1st US woman film director (What Do Men Want?)
06/13/1888 Fernando A Nogueira de Seabra Pessoa, Portuguese poet
06/13/1892 Basil Rathbone, Johannesburg S Africa, actor (Sherlock Holmes)
06/13/1893 Dorothy Leigh Sayers, England, novelist (9 Taylors)
06/13/1894 Isaak E Babel, Russian writer (Konarm˜a, Mar˜a)
06/13/1894 Jacques-Henri Lartigue, France, photographer
06/13/1894 Mark van Doren, Ill, author (Happy Critic)
06/13/1897 Paavo Johannes Nurmi, Finland, 5K runner (Olympic-gold-1920/24/28)
06/13/1899 Carlos Ch vez, Mexico City, conductor/composer (Sinfon¡a India)
06/13/1900 Ian Hunter, S Africa, actor (Sir Richard-Robin Hood)
06/13/1901 Tage F Erlander, Swedish premier (1946-69)
06/13/1903 Harold 'Red' Grange, 'Galloping Ghost' of football (Illinois Bears)
06/13/1903 Philipp Kutev, composer
06/13/1911 Albert Cleage, famous African
06/13/1911 Luis W Alvarez, physicist (Nobel-1968)
06/13/1912 Mary Wickes, St Louis Mo, actress (Dennis the Menace, Julia, Doc)
06/13/1913 Ralph Edwards, Merino Colo, TV host (This is Your Life)
06/13/1915 J Donald Budge, US tennis player (1st to hold world's 4 major titles

06/13/1918 Ben Johnson, Foraker Okla, actor (Chisum, Battle Force, Dillinger)
06/13/1919 Leif Kayser, composer
06/13/1920 Knut Nordahl, Sweden, soccer players (Olympic-gold-1948)
06/13/1924 Percy Rodrigues, Canada, actor (Brainwaves)
06/13/1926 Paul Lynde, Mt Vernon Ohio, comedian (Uncle Arthur-Bewitched)
06/13/1927 Knut Wiggen, composer
06/13/1935 Christo, Bulgaria, artist, wrapper (Running Fence)
06/13/1937 Eleanor Norton, (Rep-D-Dist of Col)
06/13/1938 Gwynne Howell, British opera singer
06/13/1940 Bobby Freeman, SF, rocker (Do You Want to Dance)
06/13/1941 Robert Forester, Rochester NY, actor (Banyon, Nakia)
06/13/1941 Tom Hallick, Buffalo NY, actor (Search)
06/13/1942 James Carr, US, gospel singer (To Love Somebody)
06/13/1943 Edward Skorek, Poland, volleball player (Olympic-gold-1976)
06/13/1943 Malcolm McDowell, English actor (Clockwork Orange, Royal Flash)
06/13/1944 Joe Amato, NHRA top fuel drag racing champion (1991)
06/13/1945 Ronald J Grabe, NYC, Col USAF/astronaut (STS 51-J, 30, 42, 57)
06/13/1947 Daniel PA 'Danie' Schutte, S African underminister of Justice
06/13/1947 Jerrold Nadler, (Rep-D-NY)
06/13/1947 Peter Holm, boyfriend of Joan Collins
06/13/1951 Liz Phillips, composer
06/13/1951 Richard Thomas, NYC, (John Boy-Waltons, Last Summer, Johnny Belinda)

06/13/1953 Tim Allen, Denver Colo, comedian (Home Improvement)
06/13/1954 Daniel Seemiller, Pitts, US Olympic table tennis player (Olympic-92)

06/13/1963 Bettina Bunge, Switz, tennis player (Virginia Slims of Calif 1983)
06/13/1963 Catarina Lindqvist, Sweden, tennis player (Swedish Open 1986)
06/13/1964 Jennifer Gillom, basketball player, (Olympic-gold-1988)
06/13/1968 Deniece Peterson, rocker (5 Star-Silk & Steel)
06/13/197- Charlie Rivera, singer (Menudo)
06/13/1970 Lance Ringnald, Des Moines Iowa, US gymnist (Olympic-92)
06/13/1971 Broderick nonuplets, Sydney Australia (7 of 9 survived infancy)
06/13/1986 Ashley Olsen, actress (Full House)
06/13/1986 Mary Kate Olsen, actress (Full House)


06/13/ 323 -BC- Alexander III the Great, King of Macedonia, dies of fever at 32

06/13/1142 Godfried II, duke of Brabant/Neth-Lotharingen, dies
06/13/1371 Jan V of Virneburg, bishop of Utrecht (pledge Vollenhove), dies
06/13/1550 Johann Spangenberg, composer, dies at 66
06/13/1550 Veronica Gambara, Italian poet, dies at 64
06/13/1612 Charles van Cro˜, prince of Chimay, dies at 51
06/13/1665 Auke Stellingwerf, lt-admiral of Friesland, dies in battle at about

06/13/1665 Egbert Meussen Kortenaer, vice-admiral, dies in battle at about 29
06/13/1665 Jacob van Wassenaer, [Foggy Obdam], lt-admiral, dies in battle at 55

06/13/1821 [Iza„k J] Alexander Gogel, minister of Finance/patriot, dies at 55
06/13/1825 Johan Peter Melchior, German sculptor, dies at 82
06/13/1839 Martin-Pierre Dalvimare, composer, dies at 66
06/13/1865 Cleaveland J Campbell, Union brig-general, dies at about 29
06/13/1873 Angelo Maurizio Gaspare Mariani, composer, dies at 51
06/13/1886 Ludwig II, King of Bavaria, drowns
06/13/1905 Theodoros Delyannis, premier Greece, murdered
06/13/1905 Tippo-Tip, [Hamed ben Mohammed], Zanzibar merchant, dies at about 67

06/13/1920 Essad Pasja, Albanian military man/minister, murdered at peace confe

06/13/1927 Henry CK 'Clan' Petty-Fitzmaurice, gov of India (1888-94), dies at 8

06/13/1928 Damaso Ledesma, composer, dies at 60
06/13/1934 Theodor D„bler, German writer (Tie Sternenkind), dies
06/13/1939 Volter A Kilpi, Finnish writer (Suljetuilla Porteilla), dies at 64
06/13/1946 Edward Bowes, radio host (Major Bowes Amateur Hour), dies at 71
06/13/1954 Nikolai Obouhov, composer, dies at 62
06/13/1961 Ben Jones, Missouri, horse trainer (Citation, Whirlaway), dies at 79

06/13/1962 Eugene Goossens, British composer (Perseus), dies at 69
06/13/1965 Martin Buber, German/Israel philosopher/zionist/theologist, dies at

06/13/1972 Clyde L Mcphatter, US singer (Drifters-Without Love), dies at 39)
06/13/1973 Alvin Derold Etler, composer, dies at 60
06/13/1973 Frantisek Suchy, composer, dies at 82
06/13/1976 Don Bolles, US journalist (against Arizona), dies
06/13/1977 Tom C Clark, former Supreme Court Justice (1949-67), dies in NY at 7

06/13/1979 Darla Hood, actress (Little Rascals), dies
06/13/1982 Abdul Aziz Khaled, King of Saudi-Arabia, dies at 69
06/13/1984 Marinus de Jong, composer, dies at 92
06/13/1986 Benny Goodman, the clarinet playing King of Swing, dies in NY at 77
06/13/1987 Geraldine Page, actress (Blue & Gray), dies at 62
06/13/1993 Donald 'Deke' K Slayton, US major/astronaut: Apollo 18, dies at 69
06/13/1994 James Pollack, US room designer, dies at 55

Significant Events:

06/13/1325 Sheik Ibn Battuta begins 1st world trip, Tangiers to Mecca
06/13/1373 Anglo-Portuguese Treaty of Alliance (world's oldest) signed
06/13/1392 Assassination attempt on Pierre de Craon Van Clisson of France, fail

06/13/1611 John Fabricius dedicates earliest sunspot publication
06/13/1655 Adriana Nooseman-van de Bergh is 1st actress in Amsterdam theater
06/13/1665 Sea battle at Lowestoft: English fleet beats Dutch
06/13/1774 Rhode Island becomes 1st colony to prohibit importation of slaves
06/13/1777 Marquis de Lafayette lands in US
06/13/1789 Mrs Alexander Hamilton serves ice cream for dessert to Washington
06/13/1798 Mission San Luis Rey de Francia founded in California
06/13/1828 Sim¢n Bol¡var proclaimed dictator
06/13/1837 1st Mormon missionaries to British Isles leave Kirtland, Ohio
06/13/1855 Opera 'Les Vˆpres Sicilenne' is produced (Paris)
06/13/1863 Battle of Winchester VA
06/13/1863 Samuel Butler publishes 1st part of 'Erewhon,' Christchurch, NZ
06/13/1863 Skirmish at Berryville Virginia
06/13/1865 Pres Johnson proclaims reconstruction confederate states
06/13/1866 House passes 14th Amendment (Civil rights for blacks)
06/13/1868 Oscar J Dunn (a black) is elected Lt Governor of Louisiana
06/13/1871 Hurricane kills 300 in Labrador
06/13/1873 J C Watson discovers asteroid #132 Aethra
06/13/1879 A Borrelly discovers asteroid #198 Ampella
06/13/1886 Fire destroys nearly 1,000 buildings in Vancouver, BC
06/13/1888 Congress creates Department of Labor
06/13/1889 2' of snow accumulates in Rawlins Wyoming
06/13/1890 Eagle Ave in the Bronx is cut out & named
06/13/1895 mile Levassor wins 1st Paris-Bordeaux-Paris auto race (24 kph)
06/13/1898 Yukon Territory of Canada organized, Dawson chosen as capital
06/13/1900 China's Boxer Rebellion against foreigners & Christians
06/13/1902 Prussian Upper house gives 350 million marks to Poland
06/13/1905 NY Giant Christy Mathewson 2nd no-hitter, beats Chic Cubs, 1-0
06/13/1907 Lowest temp ever in 48 US states for June, 2øF in Tamarack Calif
06/13/1908 Heavyweight Tommy Burns KOs Bill Squires in Paris
06/13/1910 Pilot Charles Hamilton makes 1st 1-day round-trip from NY to Phila
06/13/1910 William D Crum, a SC physician, appointed minister to Liberia
06/13/1912 NY Giant Christy Matthewson wins his 300th game
06/13/1913 Yanks win 13th game of year after losing 36 games
06/13/1917 Germany bombs London
06/13/1918 Philles & Cards tie 8-8 in 19 innings
06/13/1921 Yanks' pitcher Babe Ruth hits 2 HRs beating Tigers 11-8
06/13/1924 Gaston Doumergue elected as 1st protestant French premier
06/13/1924 Yanks win by forfeit over Tigers, their 3rd forfeit win
06/13/1927 Ticker-tape parade welcomed Charles A Lindbergh to NYC
06/13/1930 22 people killed by hailstones in Siatista Greece
06/13/1932 Air force's Marmaduke Brutal becomes leader of revolutionary junta
06/13/1932 Great Britain & France sign peace treaty
06/13/1933 1st sodium vapor lamps installed (Schenectady NY)
06/13/1933 Federal Home Owners Loan Corporation authorized
06/13/1933 German Secret State Police (Gestapo) established
06/13/1934 C Jackson discovers asteroid #1349 Bechuana
06/13/1935 James T Braddocks beats Max Baer for HW boxing champ
06/13/1937 Joe DiMaggio hits 3 consecutive HRs against St Louis Browns
06/13/1937 Stalin executes Rus officers Tuchachevski, Jakir, Putna & Uberevitch

06/13/1940 Paris evacuates before German advance
06/13/1942 1st V-2 rocket launch, Peenem nde, Germany; reached 1.3 km
06/13/1942 FDR creates Office of War with Elmer Davis as head
06/13/1942 Germany puts 4 saboteurs on Long Island
06/13/1942 OSS, Office of Strategic Services, form
06/13/1944 Nazi Germany begins V-1 (Fieseler Fi-103) buzz-bomb attacks
06/13/1945 Orokoe peninsula Okinawa captured, with 6,000 dead
06/13/1946 1st transcontinental round-trip flight in 1-day, California-Maryland

06/13/1946 King Umberto II of Italy abdicates
06/13/1947 1st night game at Fenway Park (Red Sox 5, White Sox 3)
06/13/1948 Babe Ruth's final farewell at Yankee Stadium, he dies Aug 16th
06/13/1950 South African parliament accept 'Groups Area Act'
06/13/1951 UN arm forces reach Pyongyang Korea
06/13/1952 soviet fighters shoot Swedish Dakota down over East Sea, kills 8
06/13/1953 Ben Hogan wins his 4th US Golf Open
06/13/1953 KOAA TV channel 5 in Pueblo-Colorado Spgs, CO (NBC) 1st broadcast
06/13/1955 Mercedes racing car kills 77 at Le Mans France
06/13/1956 Parliamentary election: Dutch democratics 50/KVP 49
06/13/1956 Real Madrid wins 1st Europe Cup
06/13/1957 Mayflower II from Plymouth, England, reaches Plymouth Mass
06/13/1957 Ted Williams becomes 1st ALer to have 2, 3-HR games in a season
06/13/1959 Billy Casper wins US Open golf tournament
06/13/1960 Prince Norodom Sihanoek becomes head of Cambodia
06/13/1962 Norway named ombudsman
06/13/1966 Supreme Court's Miranda decision; suspect must be informed of rights

06/13/1967 'You Only Live Twice' premieres in US
06/13/1967 Thurgood Marshall nominated as 1st black Supreme Court justice
06/13/1969 Mick Taylor leaves John Mayall Band & joins Rolling Stones
06/13/1969 T Smirnova discovers asteroid #2111 Tselina
06/13/1970 Beatles' 'Let It Be,' album goes #1 & stays #1 for 4 weeks
06/13/1970 Beatles' 'Long & Winding Road,' single goes #1 & stays #1 for 2 week

06/13/1971 Kathy Whitworth wins LGPA championship
06/13/1971 NY Times began publishing 'Pentagon Papers'
06/13/1971 Perth Observatory discovers asteroids #1806 Derice & #1978 Patrice
06/13/1972 T Smirnova discovers asteroid #2604
06/13/1975 Felix Aguilar Observatory discovers asteroid #2219 Mannucci
06/13/1977 Convicted Martin Luther King assassin James Earl Ray recaptured
06/13/1980 Paul McCartney releases 'Waterfall'
06/13/1980 Rep John Jenrette Jr (D-SC) indicted in 'Abscam' investigation
06/13/1980 UN Security Council calls for South Africa to free Nelson Mandela
06/13/1981 39 Unification church couples wed in Germany
06/13/1981 Teenager fires 6 blanks at Queen Elizabeth II
06/13/1981 Tom Snyder interviews Charles Manson on 'Tomorrow'
06/13/1982 Fahd becomes king of Saudi Arabia when King Khalid dies at 69
06/13/1982 Jan Stephenson wins LPGA title
06/13/1983 Pioneer 10 becomes 1st man-made object to leave Solar System
06/13/1986 Pres Reagan criticizes South African state of emergency
06/13/1986 Steve Garvey 1st ejection from a game, after Atlanta's triple-play
06/13/1988 Boston Red Sox are 10 games back in AL, & go on to win AL East
06/13/1988 George Harrison releases 'This is Love'
06/13/1988 US Supreme Court refuses to hear Yonkers argument they aren't racist

06/13/1989 Detroit sweeps Los Angeles, for NBA championship
06/13/1990 Boeing 767 sets nonstop commercial flight, Seattle to Narobi Kenya
06/13/1990 Wash DC mayor Marion Barry announces he will not seek a 4th term,
06/13/1991 A spectator is killed by lightning at US Open Golf tournament
06/13/1991 NHL owners present contract to players (leads to Apr 1, 1992 strike)

06/13/1993 Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani re elected president of Iran
06/13/1993 YokoZuna beats Hulk Hogan to become WWF champ

Robert Wolfe

Jun 14, 2021, 7:40:12 AM6/14/21
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Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


06/14/1529 Ferdinand, archduke of Austria
06/14/1671 Tomaso Albinoni, composer
06/14/1691 Jan Francisci, composer
06/14/1730 Antonio Maria Gasparo Giaccino Sacchini, composer
06/14/1736 Charles-Augustin de Coulomb, physicist (formulated Coulomb's Law)
06/14/1760 Candido Jose Ruano, composer
06/14/1763 Johannes Simon Mayr, composer
06/14/1769 Dominique Della-Maria, composer
06/14/1805 Robert Anderson, Bvt Major General (Union Army), died in 1871
06/14/1811 Harriet Beecher Stowe, author (Uncle Tom's Cabin)
06/14/1820 John Bartlett, US, editor (compiled Familiar Quotations)
06/14/1821 Jozef Lies, Flemish painter
06/14/1835 Nikolay Rubinstein, composer
06/14/1836 Thomas Wilberforce Egan, Bvt Major General (Union volunteers)
06/14/1844 Edouard Naville, Swiss egyptologist
06/14/1854 Frederik Rung, composer
06/14/1855 Robert Marion La Follette, Wisconsin, pres candidate (Progressive)
06/14/1856 Andrey Markov, Russia, mathematician (Markov Chain)
06/14/1864 Alois Alzheimer, Germany, psychiatrist/pathologist (Alzheimer Diseas

06/14/1865 Auguste Jean Maria Charles Serieyx, composer
06/14/1868 Karl Landsteiner, Austria, immunologist/pathologist (Nobel 1930)
06/14/1874 Edward Bowes, radio host (Major Bowes Amateur Hour)
06/14/1882 Ion Antonescu, fascist premier/dictator of Roemenia
06/14/1882 Michael Zadora, composer
06/14/1883 Lucien Cerfaux, Belgian bible leader
06/14/1884 John Mccormack, Irish/US singer (Irish People's Leader)
06/14/1895 Louis Finkelstein, US historian/theologist (Pharizees)
06/14/1899 Kawabata Yasunari, Zen writer (Nobel Literature 1968)
06/14/1904 Benno Ammann, composer
06/14/1906 Carl Esmond, Wien (Vienna) Austria, actor (Smash-Up)
06/14/1906 Gil Lamb, Minneapolis, actor (Hit Parade of 1947, Riding High)
06/14/1907 Ren‚ Char, French poet/painter
06/14/1908 John Scott Trotter, Charlotte NC, orch leader (George Gobel Show)
06/14/1909 Burl Ives, Hunt Ill, folk singer/actor (Cat on a Hot Tin Roof)
06/14/1910 Rudolf Kempe, Niederpoyritz Germany, conductor (Tonhalle Orch 1965-7

06/14/1916 Karl-Rudi Griesbach, composer
06/14/1917 Lash La Rue, Gretna La, cowboy actor (Lash of the West, Wyatt Earp)
06/14/1918 Carter Harman, composer
06/14/1918 Dorothy McGuire, Omaha Neb, actress (Old Yeller, Summer Magic)
06/14/1918 Leroy T Walker, Atlanta Ga, US Olympic consultant (1960, 68, 72)
06/14/1919 Sam Wanamaker, Chic Ill, actor (Holocaust, Competition, Raw Deal)
06/14/1920 Helmer-Rayner Sinisalo, composer
06/14/1921 Gene Barry, NYC, actor (Bat Masterson, Name of the Game, Burke's Law

06/14/1923 Theodore Bloomfield, composer
06/14/1925 Pierre Salinger, newsman (ABC)/press secretary (John Kennedy)
06/14/1928 Ernesto 'Che' Guevara Serna, Arg/Cuba revolutionary
06/14/1929 Cy Coleman, [Seymour Kaufman], songwriter (Witchcraft, Sweet Charity

06/14/1931 Marla Gibbs, Chicago Ill, actress (Florence-Jeffersons, Mary-227)
06/14/1932 Coleridge-Taylor Perkinson, composer
06/14/1933 Jerzy Kosinski, novelist (Painted Bird, Being There)
06/14/1935 Jan N˜land, cattle breeder/Dutch 2nd Chamber member (CDA)
06/14/1939 Steny H Hoyer, (Rep-D-MD, 1981- )
06/14/1940 Ben Davidson, LA Calif, actor (Rhino-Ball Four, Code R)
06/14/1940 Bill Baker, (Rep-R-California)
06/14/1940 Jack Bannon, LA Calif, actor (Art-Lou Grant, Trauma Center)
06/14/1940 John Mizelle, composer
06/14/1941 John Edgar Widerman, US writer
06/14/1943 F James Sensenbrenner, (Rep-R-Wisconsin)
06/14/1943 Muff Mervyn Winwood, singer (Spencer Davis Group-Gimme Some Lovin)
06/14/1943 W J [Billy] Tauzin, (Rep-D-LA, 1980- )
06/14/1946 Donald Trump, master builder (Trump Towers/Plaza/Castle)
06/14/1946 Ralph McAllister Ingersol II, NYC, newspaper publisher
06/14/1949 Bob Frankston, programmer (VisiCalc)
06/14/1949 Rochelle Firestone, Kansas City MO, actress (Hellhole)
06/14/1952 Eddie Mekka, Worcester Mass, actor (Carmine-Laverne & Shirley)
06/14/1953 David Thomas, US singer/songwriter (Pere Ubu)
06/14/1954 Will Patton, Charleston SC, actor (No Way Out, Ballzaire the Cajun)
06/14/1958 Carina Persson, Stockholm Sweden, playmate (August, 1983)
06/14/1958 Eric Heiden, Wisc, «/1/1«/5/10K speed skater (Olympic-5 golds-1980)
06/14/1960 Tonie Campbell, LA Calif, 100m hurdler (Olympic-bronze-1988)
06/14/1961 'Boy George' O'Dowd, androgynous vocalist & druggie (Culture Club)
06/14/1961 Grace Jackson, St Ann Jamaica, 200m runner (Olympic-silver-1988)
06/14/1963 Chris DeGarmo, guitarist (Queensryche-Breaking the Silence)
06/14/1967 Wendy Lian Williams, St Louis Mo, US diver (Olympic-bronze-88, 92)
06/14/1968 Yasmine Bleeth, actress (Ryan's Hope, 1 Life to Live)
06/14/1969 Steffi Graf, Bruhl West Germany, tennis player (Grand Slam 1988)
06/14/1970 Simone Fleurice Eden, Arcadia Ca, playmate (Feb, 1989)
06/14/1994 Nicholas Pietro, son of Vanna White
06/14/2160 Montgomery Edward Scott, Aberdeen, Scotland (Star Trek)


06/14/1144 Aboe 'l-Kasim Mahmoed ibn Omar al-Zapowersjari, theologist, dies at

06/14/1349 G nther Van Schwarzburg, German anti-king 1349, dies at about 44
06/14/1594 Orlandus Lassus, composer (Prophet sybillarum), dies at about 61
06/14/1709 Gottfried Wegner, composer, dies at 65
06/14/1750 Franz Anton Maichelbeck, composer, dies at 47
06/14/1752 Daniel Marot, French/Neth, architect/engraver, dies at about 88
06/14/1789 Johann Wilhelm Hertel, composer, dies at 61
06/14/1800 Jean-Baptiste Kl‚ber, French general/architect, murdered at 47
06/14/1801 Benedict Arnold, Revolutionary War general, dies in London
06/14/1828 Charles Augustus, grand duke of Saxon-Weimar-Eisenach, dies
06/14/1828 Charles, Duke of Prussia, dies at 70
06/14/1873 Friedrich von Raumer, German historian/parliamentarian, dies at 92
06/14/1891 Nicolo Gabrielli, composer, dies at 77
06/14/1907 A Adolf Daens, Belgian priest/politician (CVP), dies
06/14/1911 Johan Severin Svendsen, composer, dies at 70
06/14/1920 Max Weber, German sociologist/economist/historian, dies
06/14/1928 Emmeline Pankhurst-Goulden, English feminist, dies
06/14/1933 Albert Ross Parsons, composer, dies at 85
06/14/1936 Gilbert K Chesterton, English writer/poet (Father Brown), dies
06/14/1944 Joaqu¡n Alvarez Quint‚ro, Spanish playwright (El Patio), dies at 71
06/14/1944 Lubor Niederle, Czech archaeologist/slavist, dies at 78
06/14/1944 Robert H Iseley, US pilot/lt-comdr (Saipan), dies in battle
06/14/1948 Ernst Henrik Ellberg, composer, dies at 79
06/14/1948 John Blackwood McEwen, composer, dies at 80
06/14/1951 Hendrik Baels, Belgian politician, dies at 73
06/14/1960 Ana Pauker-Rabensohn, Romanian Foreign Minister (1945-52), dies at 6

06/14/1960 Vladimir Nikolayevich Kryukov, composer, dies at 57
06/14/1962 Anna Sleasers, first Boston Strangler victim
06/14/1962 Mykhaylo Verikivsky, composer, dies at 65
06/14/1964 Ko Arnoldi, actor/director, dies at 81
06/14/1965 Guido Guerrini, composer, dies at 74
06/14/1965 H V Kaltenborn, newscaster (Who Said That?), dies at 86
06/14/1968 Karl-Birger Blomdahl, composer, dies at 51
06/14/1968 Salvatore Quasimodo, Italian poet/essayist (Nobel 1959), dies
06/14/1974 Knud Christian Jeppesen, composer, dies at 81
06/14/1977 Alan Reed, actor (Mr Adams & Eve/voice (Fred Flintstone), dies at 69

06/14/1977 Robert Middleman, actor (Barney-Monroes), dies at 66
06/14/1978 Theodore Karyotakis, composer, dies at 74
06/14/1982 Marie Rambert, [Cyviam Ramberg], Polish/British ballerina, dies at 9

06/14/1982 Marjorie Bennett, actress (Blossom-Dobie Gillis), dies at 87 of canc

06/14/1986 Alan Jay Lerner, Broadway librettist, dies in NY at 67
06/14/1986 Jorge Luis Borges, Arg author (Book of Sand), dies in Geneva at 86
06/14/1986 Marlin Perkins, 'Wild Kingdom' host, dies near St Louis at 81
06/14/1989 Pete de Freitas, drummer Echo & the Bunnyman, dies
06/14/1991 Joy Finzi, [Joyce A Black], British painter, dies
06/14/1991 Peggy Ashcroft, British actress (A passage to India), dies
06/14/1993 Vincent Hamlin, cartoonist (Alley Oop), dies at 93
06/14/1994 Henry Mancini, composer (Pink Panther), dies of cancer at 70
06/14/1994 Marcel Mouloudji, French actor/chansonnier (Le d‚serteur), dies at 7

06/14/1994 Simon Prior, British auto maker, dies of injuries

Significant Events:

06/14/1541 Duke Willem van Gulik of Gelre marries Jeanne d'Albret
06/14/1597 At 4:30 AM Willem Barents leaves Novaya Zemlya for Netherlands
06/14/1615 Jacques Le Maire sail to Zuidland/Terra Australis
06/14/1642 1st compulsory education law in America passed by Massachusetts
06/14/1673 Battle at Schooneveld: Michiel de Ruyter beats French/English fleet
06/14/1775 US Army founded
06/14/1777 Continental Congress adopts Stars & Stripes replacing Grand Union fl

06/14/1800 Battle of Marengo (Alessandria): Bonaparte vs Austria
06/14/1834 Hardhat diving suit patented by Leonard Norcross, Dixfield, Maine
06/14/1834 Sandpaper patented by Isaac Fischer Jr, Springfield, Vermont
06/14/1841 1st Canadian parliament opens in Kingston, Ontario
06/14/1846 Belgian Liberal Party forms
06/14/1846 California (Bear Flag) Republic proclaimed in Sonoma
06/14/1847 Bunson invents a gas burner. Lab teachers celebrate worldwide
06/14/1850 Fire destroys part of SF
06/14/1861 Harpers Ferry evacuated by rebels in face of McClellan's advance
06/14/1863 Battle of 2nd Winchester, Virginia
06/14/1864 Battle of Pine Mt, Gen Leonidas Polk killed in action
06/14/1864 Congress rules Black soldiers must receive equal pay
06/14/1870 All-pro Cincinnati Red Stockings suffer 1st loss in 130 games
06/14/1876 1st player to hit for cycle (George Hall, Phila Athletics)
06/14/1876 California Street Cable Car Railroad Co gets its franchise
06/14/1881 Player piano patented by John McTammany, Jr, Cambridge, Mass
06/14/1900 Hawaiian Republic becomes US Territory of Hawaii
06/14/1904 Dutch troops occupies Kuto Reh, Sumatra, killing all inhabitants
06/14/1906 J H Metcalf discovers asteroid #600 Musa
06/14/1906 Pogrom against Jews in Bialystok, Polish Russia
06/14/1907 Govt of Transvaal gets 50,000 Chinese day workers
06/14/1907 Norway restricts woman's voting rights
06/14/1917 Gen Pershing & his HQ staff arrived in Paris during WW I
06/14/1919 1st nonstop air crossing of Atlantic (Alcock & Brown) leaves Nfld
06/14/1922 Charles Hoffner wins PGA golf tournament
06/14/1923 Recording of 1st country music hit (Little Old Log Cabin in the Lane

06/14/1924 WOKO-AM radio begins transmitting from Albany NY
06/14/1928 Republican Natl Convention, met in KC, nominated Herbert Hoover
06/14/1929 Prussia & Vatican sign Concord
06/14/1931 French 'St Philbert' overturned off St Nazaire France, drowns 450
06/14/1931 Reinhard Heydrichs 1st meeting with Himmler
06/14/1932 German cabinet of von Papen forms
06/14/1934 Hitler & Mussolini meet in Vienna
06/14/1934 Max Baer KO's Primo Carnera in 11 for HW box champ in Long Island Ci

06/14/1934 WOQ-AM in KC Missouri goes off the air
06/14/1935 Chaco War between Bolivia & Paraguay ends
06/14/1936 C Jackson discovers asteroid #1490 Limpopo
06/14/1936 Oranienburg Concentration Camp opens
06/14/1938 Chlorophyll patented by Benjamin Grushkin
06/14/1938 Dorothy Lathrop wins 1st Caldecott Medal (kid books author)
06/14/1940 German forces occupied Paris during WW II
06/14/1940 Nazis open a concentration camp at Auschewitz
06/14/1941 Ground broken for Boeing Plant II (ex-AFLC Plant 13) Wichita KS
06/14/1942 1st bazooka rocket gun produced Bridgeport Ct
06/14/1942 Anne Frank begins her diary
06/14/1942 French cabinet of Reynaud resigns
06/14/1942 Walt Disney's 'Bambi' is released
06/14/1944 1st B-29 raid against mainland Japan
06/14/1944 General Charles de Gaulle lands at Courselles France
06/14/1945 Rod Argent, rocker (Zombies-Never Even Thought)
06/14/1946 Canadian Library Association established
06/14/1948 Klemens Gottwald becomes president of Czechoslovakia
06/14/1949 State of Vietnam forms, Bao Dai installed as Emperor
06/14/1949 WROC TV channel 8 in Rochester, NY (NBC) begins broadcasting
06/14/1951 1st commercial computer, UNIVAC 1, enters service at Census Bureau
06/14/1952 Boston Brave Warren Spahn strikes out 18 Cubs in 15 innings
06/14/1952 General strike in Tunisia
06/14/1952 Julius Boros wins US Open golf tournament
06/14/1952 Keel laid for 1st nuclear powered sub Nautilus
06/14/1953 Eisenhower condemns McCarthy's book burning proposal
06/14/1953 Elvis Presley graduates from LC Humes High School in Memphis, Tenn
06/14/1953 Military coup by general Gustavo Rojas Pinilla in Columbia
06/14/1953 Yanks sweep Indians 6-2, 3-0 before 74,708 win streak at 18 straight

06/14/1954 Pres Eisenhower signs order adding words 'under God' to the Pledge
06/14/1957 42.0 cm rain falls on East St Louis, Illinois (state record)
06/14/1957 Edouard Carpentier beats Lou Thesz, to become NWA wrestling champ
06/14/1958 British parachutists lands on Cyprus
06/14/1958 Nelson Mandela weds Winnie Madikizela
06/14/1958 Tommy Bolt wins US Open golf tournament
06/14/1961 106øF, hottest temperature in San Francisco
06/14/1963 NY Met Duke Snider hits his 400th HR
06/14/1963 Valery Bykovsky in Vostok 5 orbits earth 81 times in 5 days
06/14/1965 Beatles release album 'Beatles VI'
06/14/1965 Cincinnati Red Jim Maloney no-hits NY Mets but loses in 11, 1-0
06/14/1965 John Lennon's 2nd book 'A Spaniard in the Works' is published
06/14/1966 Dutch police beat construction workers, 60 injured
06/14/1967 Launch of Mariner V for Venus fly-by
06/14/1967 USSR launches Kosmos 166 for observation of Sun from Earth orbit
06/14/1968 Off duty Dutch military permitted to wear regular clothing
06/14/1969 John & Yoko appear on David Frost's British TV Show
06/14/1969 Oakland A's Reggie Jackson gets 10 RBIs to beat Red Sox 21-7
06/14/1970 Cincinnati Red Stockings loses 1st game after winning 130 straight
06/14/1974 Angels' Nolan Ryan strikes out 19 Red Sox in 12 innings
06/14/1975 Janis Ian releases 'At 17'
06/14/1975 USSR launches Venera 10 for Venus landing
06/14/1976 'Gong Show' premieres on TV (syndication)
06/14/1976 12th Mayor's Trophy Game Yanks beat Mets 8-4
06/14/1978 Down 9-7 in 10th with 2 outs, Yanks Paul Blair hits a 3 run HR
06/14/1978 Sierra Leone adopts constitution
06/14/1979 Rock group 'Little Feat' disbands
06/14/1980 E Bowell discovers asteroid #2937 Gibbs, #2938 Hopi & #3160 Angerhof

06/14/1982 Argentina surrenders to Britain on Falkland Is, ends 74-day conflict

06/14/1983 5 killed in a fire at a Ramada Inn in Fort Worth, Tx
06/14/1984 Southern Baptist convention decide on no women clergy members
06/14/1985 Lebanese Shiite Moslem gunmen hijack TWA 847 after Athens' takeoff
06/14/1987 4th full-duration test firing of redesigned SRB motor
06/14/1987 LA Lakers win NBA title with a 106-93, victory over Celtics
06/14/1989 Ground breaking begins in Minn on world's largest mall
06/14/1989 Nolan Ryan becomes 2nd pitcher to defeat all 26 teams
06/14/1989 Pistons sweep LA for NBA title, Kareem Abdul Jabber's final NBA game

06/14/1989 Queen Elizabeth II knights Ronald Reagan
06/14/1989 Rocker Carol King gets a star in Hollywood's walk of fame
06/14/1990 Detroit Pistons beat Portland, 4 games to 1 for NBA championship
06/14/1990 US Supreme Court upholds police rights for intoxication checkpoint
06/14/1991 Leroy Burrell of USA sets 100m record (9.90) in NYC
06/14/1991 Space Shuttle STS 40 (Columbia 12) lands
06/14/1993 Japanese space probe Sakigake passes Earth
06/14/1993 Tansu Ciller appointed 1st female premier of Turkey
06/14/1994 NY Rangers beat Vancouver Canucks 3-2, win Stanley Cup, 4 games to 3

Robert Wolfe

Jun 16, 2021, 1:40:15 PM6/16/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


06/15/1221 Frederik II, [Strijdbare], duke of Austria
06/15/1330 Edward, the black prince, prince of Wales (1343-1376)
06/15/1553 Ernst, archduke of Austria
06/15/1623 Cornelis de Witt, statesman
06/15/1636 Johann David Mayer, composer
06/15/1728 Pietro Alessandro Pavona, composer
06/15/1749 George Joseph Vogler, composer
06/15/1763 Franz Danzi, composer
06/15/1767 Rachel Donelson Jackson, wife of Pres Andrew (1828-37) (died 1828)
06/15/1815 Phiz [Habl“t Knight Browne], English illustrator (Pickwick Papers)
06/15/1821 Nikolay Ivanovich Zaremba, composer
06/15/1833 Edward Moody McCook, Bvt Mjr General (Union volunteers), died in 190

06/15/1843 Edvard Grieg, Bergen Norway, composer (Bewitched One)
06/15/1864 Joseph Guy Ropartz, composer
06/15/1865 L H Perquin, religious radio speaker
06/15/1865 Paul Gilson, composer
06/15/1878 Eduard R Verkade, actor/director
06/15/1884 Harry Langdon, US, comic/director (Strong Man)
06/15/1886 Charles Wood, composer
06/15/1888 Maria Dermo–t, Java, Dutch novelist (10,000 Things)
06/15/1888 Ram¢n L¢pez Velarde, Mexican poet (La Sangre Devota)
06/15/1894 Robert Russell Bennett, Kansas City, composer/arranger (Oklahoma!)
06/15/1898 Willem Scheps, journalist
06/15/1900 Otto Clarence Luening, Milwaukee Wisconsin, composer (Sonority Canon

06/15/1900 Paul J Mares, US, jazz trumpetist/composer (Farewell blues)
06/15/1901 John Wesley Work, composer
06/15/1902 Erik H Erickson, psychologist (Existentionalist)
06/15/1902 Max Rudolf, Frankfurt Germany, conductor (G”teberg Symphony Orch)
06/15/1906 Louis RJ Ridder van Rappard, mayor of Zoelen
06/15/1910 Berend Giltay, composer
06/15/1910 David Rose, London England, orch leader (Red Skelton Show, Stripper)

06/15/1914 Cees [Cornelis A B] Bantzinger, cartoonist/illustrator
06/15/1914 Saul Steinberg, Romania, cartoonist/illustrator (NYer)
06/15/1914 Yuri Andropov, Russian KGB chief/1st secretary
06/15/1918 Andreas M Donner, Dutch state leader
06/15/1918 N'garta Tombalbaye, president Chad
06/15/1921 Erroll Garner, US, jazz pianist (Misty)
06/15/1922 John Veale, composer
06/15/1922 Morris K [Mo] Udall, (Rep-D-AZ, 1961- )
06/15/1923 Erland Josephson, Swedish actor/dramatist (Utflykt)
06/15/1925 Gene Baker, baseball player
06/15/1925 Jaime Sabines, Mexican poet (Tarumba, Maltiempes)
06/15/1926 Jan Carlstedt, composer
06/15/1929 Gideon N N Nxumalo, composer
06/15/1932 Mario Cuomo, NYC, (Gov-D-NY)
06/15/1935 Belinda Lee, England, actress (Who Done It, Runaway Bus)
06/15/1936 Alexandru Hrisanide, composer
06/15/1937 Rolf Riehm, composer
06/15/1937 Waylon Jennings, singer of innumerable country songs (Ramblin' Man)
06/15/1938 Billy Williams, baseball player
06/15/1938 Jean-Claude Eloy, composer
06/15/1940 Willem Frederik Bon, composer
06/15/1941 Harry Nilsson, [Johnny Niles], laid-back singer/songwriter (Popeye)
06/15/1942 Bruce DalCanton, baseball player
06/15/1942 Tony Coelho, (Rep-D-CA, 1979- )
06/15/1942 Xaveria Hollander, [DeVries], Surabaya Indonesia, auth (Happy Hooker

06/15/1943 Aron Kincaid, LA Calif, actor (Warren-Bachelor Father, Ski Party)
06/15/1944 Inna Ryskai, USSR, volleyball player (Olympic-2 gold/2 silver-1964-7

06/15/1945 Nicola Pagett, actress (Oliver's Story, Privates on Parade)
06/15/1945 Rod Argent, England, keyboardist (Zombies-She's Not There)
06/15/1946 Jim Varney, Lexington KY, 'Hey Vern', actor (Ernest Goes to Jail)
06/15/1946 Judy Pace, LA Calif, actress (Young Lawyers)
06/15/1946 Ken Henderson, baseball player
06/15/1947 Lee Purcell, NC, actor (Big Wednesday, Mr Majestyk)
06/15/1947 Paul Patterson, composer
06/15/1948 Champ Summers, baseball player
06/15/1949 Dusty Baker, baseball player (LA Dodgers)
06/15/1950 Heidi Sch ller, Germany, 1st woman to take olympic oath (1972)
06/15/1950 Noddy Holder, rock vocalist/guitarist (Slade-Cum On Feel The Noize)
06/15/1951 Tom Forzani, CFL wide receiver (Calgary Stampeders)
06/15/1953 Rita Lee, Federic Wisc, playmate (November, 1977)
06/15/1954 Jim Belushi, Chicago Ill, comedian (Sat Night Live, Trading Places)
06/15/1954 Terri Gibbs, Augusta Ga, blind singer (Somebody's Knockin')
06/15/1955 Julie Hagerty, actress (Airplane, Princesses)
06/15/1955 Tree Rollins, Winter Haven Fla, NBA center (Cleve Cavaliers)
06/15/1956 Lance Parrish, baseball player
06/15/1956 Polly Draper, Palo Alto Calif, actress (Ellyn-30 Something, Hooters)

06/15/1957 Brett Butler, baseball player
06/15/1957 Clio Goldsmith, Paris France, actress (Gift, Heat of Desire)
06/15/1958 Wade Boggs, Nebraska, Red Sox/Yank 3rd baseman (AL bat champ 1985-88

06/15/1959 Eileen Davidson, actress (Young & Restless, House on Sorority Row)
06/15/1963 Helen Hunt, LA Calif, actress (Jill-Amy Prentiss, Lisa-It Takes Two)

06/15/1963 Scott Rockenfield, drummer (Queensryche-Breaking the Silence)
06/15/1964 Courtney Cox, Birmingham Ala, actress (Family Ties, Cocoon II)
06/15/1965 Carrie Mitchum, LA Calif, actress (Donna-Bold & Beautiful)
06/15/1970 Janie Eickhoff, Long Beach Calif, US cyclist (Olympic-92)
06/15/1973 Neil Patrick Harris, Albuquerque NM, actor (Doogie Howser)
06/15/1978 RoRo, [Romell Chapman], Atlanta Ga, rapper (Another Bad Creation)


06/15/ 923 Robert I, King of France, dies in battle
06/15/ 948 Romanus I Lecapenus, Armenian emperor of Byzantium (919-44), dies
06/15/ 991 Theophano, German Emperor/wife of Emperor Otto II, dies
06/15/1246 Frederik II 'the Strijdbare', duke of Austria, dies in battle at 25
06/15/1337 Angelus Clarenus/da Cingoli, Italian leader, dies
06/15/1341 Andronicus III Paleologus, Byzantine emperor (1328-41), dies
06/15/1381 Wat Tyler, leader of English Peasants' Revolt, beheaded in London
06/15/1389 Lazar I, Serbian prince, dies in battle
06/15/1389 Murad I, Osmaans sultan, dies in battle
06/15/1397 Earl of Eu, French knight (in Turkish captivity), dies
06/15/1467 Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy, dies at 76
06/15/1557 Sebastiaan Van Noyen, military master builder, dies
06/15/1580 Nicolaas van Nieuwland, corrupt 1st bishop of Haarlem, dies at 70
06/15/1666 Pieter de Bitter, admiral (Colombo, Goa)
06/15/1677 Giovanni Battista Chinelli, composer, dies at 67
06/15/1702 Georg E Rumphius, German nature explorer, dies
06/15/1703 Gillis Schey, admiral (battle at Lowestoft), dies at 58
06/15/1708 Romeyn de Hooghe, painter/goldsmith, buried at 62
06/15/1760 Antoine Court, French reformed theologist, dies at 69
06/15/1772 Louis C Daquin, [d'Acquin], French organist/composer (La rose), dies

06/15/1814 Charles Palissot de Montenoy, French writer/politician, dies at 84
06/15/1828 Brizio Petrucci, composer, dies at 91
06/15/1831 Peter Fuchs, composer, dies at 78
06/15/1836 Th‚odore Dotrenge, South Netherland orangist, dies at about 74
06/15/1839 Hans Skramstad, composer, dies at 41
06/15/1844 Thomas Campbell, poet (Ye Mariners of England), dies at 66
06/15/1849 James Knox Polk, 11th Pres (1845-1849), dies in Nashville, Tenn at 5

06/15/1858 Ary Scheffer, painter/etcher/sculptor, dies at 63
06/15/1865 Edmun Ruffin, US secessionist/writer, commits suicide
06/15/1865 Jakob Zeugheer, composer, dies at 61
06/15/1869 Albert Grisar, composer, dies at 60
06/15/1875 Johan Peter Cronhamm, composer, dies at 72
06/15/1888 Frederik III NK van Hohenzollern, German Emperor/king of Prussia, di

06/15/1893 Ferenc Erkel, Hungarian composer/conductor (B nk B n), dies at 82
06/15/1895 Richard Genee, composer, dies at 72
06/15/1905 Hermann von Wissmann, German African expl/gov East-Africa, dies
06/15/1907 William Le Baron Jenney, US architect, dies
06/15/1920 Michel-Gaston Carraud, composer, dies at 55
06/15/1923 Alexander Stamboeliski, premier Bulgaria (1919-23), dies
06/15/1934 Alfred Bruneau, composer, dies at 77
06/15/1938 Ernst L Kirchner, German painter, dies at 58
06/15/1952 Jakob Jud, Swiss linguist/etymologist, dies at 70
06/15/1958 Fran‡ois de Vries, economist, dies at 74
06/15/1962 Alfred Cortot, French pianist, dies at 84
06/15/1967 Edward Eagan, boxer (Oly-gold-20)/bobsledder (Oly-gold-32), dies at

06/15/1968 Samuel Earl 'Wahoo Sam' Crawford, baseball pitcher, dies at 88
06/15/1968 West Montgomery, jazz guitarist dies of a heart attack at 48
06/15/1969 Georges Pompidou, president of France, dies
06/15/1978 Anton Roosjen, politician/NCRV-chairman, dies at 83
06/15/1982 Art[hur E] Pepper, US, alto saxophonist, dies at 56
06/15/1982 Neil Fitzgerald, Irish actor (Bride of Frankenstein), dies at 90
06/15/1984 Meredith Willson, composer (Meredith Willson Show), dies at 82
06/15/1984 Ned Glass, actor (Charade, Street Music), dies at 78 of heart failur

06/15/1984 Robert Meredith Willson, composer, dies at 82
06/15/1987 Walter W Heller, US economist (Old Myths & New Realities), dies at 7

06/15/1989 Ray McAlly, actor, dies in Dublin at 63
06/15/1989 Victor French, actor (Highway to Heaven), dies at 54 of cancer
06/15/1992 Eddie Lopat, pitcher (NY Yankees), dies at 73
06/15/1992 Leo Halle, soccer goalie (Go Ahead, Orange), dies
06/15/1993 John Connally, (Gov-D/R-Texas), dies at 76
06/15/1993 Mahfoud Boucebi, Algerian psychiatrist, murdered
06/15/1993 Vera, fashion designer (scarves), dies at 87
06/15/1994 David Lawson, executed in NC (wanted execution shown on Donahue)
06/15/1994 Kristen Pfaff, US bass guitarist (Hole-Live through this), dies at 2

06/15/1994 Manos Hadjidakis, Greek composer (Never on Sunday), dies at 68

Significant Events:

06/15/ 763 -BC- Assyrians record total solar eclipse event on clay tablet
06/15/1094 Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar [El Cid] occupiess Valencia on the Moren
06/15/1215 King John signs Magna Carta at Runnymede, England
06/15/1219 King Valdemar brought victory for Denmark
06/15/1246 Battle at Leitha: Hungary-Austrian
06/15/1381 Wat Tyler, leader of English Peasants' Revolt, beheaded in London
06/15/1389 Battle of Kossovo; Turks defeat Serbs, Bosnians
06/15/1567 Jews are expelled from Genoa Italy
06/15/1590 Pope Leo X threatens to excommunicate Martin Luther
06/15/1643 Able Tasmania returns to Batavia after discovering Tasmania
06/15/1664 NJ established
06/15/1741 Capt Bering leaves Petropavlovsk, sailing to America
06/15/1775 George Washington appointed commander-in-chief of American Army
06/15/1779 General Anthony Wayne captures Stony Point, Bronx
06/15/1785 2 French balloonists die in world's 1st fatal aviation accident
06/15/1802 Toussaint L'Ouverture leaves Haiti, prisoner on French ship H‚ros
06/15/1804 12th amendment ratified; deals with manner of choosing president
06/15/1836 Arkansas becomes 25th state
06/15/1844 Goodyear patents vulcanization of rubber
06/15/1846 Oregon Treaty signed, setting US-British boundary at 49øN
06/15/1851 Jacob Fussell, Baltimore dairyman, sets up 1st ice-cream factory
06/15/1857 SF Water Works organized
06/15/1860 1st White settlement in Idaho (Franklin)
06/15/1861 Johnston evacuates Harpers Ferry
06/15/1862 Gen JEB Stuart completes his 'ride around McClellan'
06/15/1864 -17]6 Skirmish at Gilgal Church, Georgia
06/15/1864 Battle for Petersburg begins as Gen Grant assaults Confederate line
06/15/1864 Congress passes legislation equalizing pay for Black soldiers
06/15/1864 Robert E Lee's home area (Arlington, VA) becomes a miltary cemetery
06/15/1866 C H F Peters discovers asteroid #88 Thisbe
06/15/1866 Prussia attacks Austria
06/15/1869 Celluloid patented by John Wesley Hyatt, Albany, NY
06/15/1869 Mike McCoole (US) defeats Tom Allen (England) in bare-knuckle bout
06/15/1871 Phoebe Couzins is 1st woman graduate of a US collegiate law school
06/15/1876 Sara Spencer (R) is 1st woman to address a US presidential cconventi

06/15/1876 Tsunami's after earthquake floods NE coast of Japan, kills 28,000
06/15/1877 Henry O Flipper becomes 1st black graduate at West Point
06/15/1887 NY Giants beat Phila Phillies 29-1
06/15/1889 Start of Sherlock Holmes Adv 'Stockbroker's Clerk' (BG)
06/15/1894 Phillies beat Cincinnati Reds, 21-8
06/15/1897 Liberals/social-democrats win Dutch 2nd Parliamentary election
06/15/1898 US House of Reps accept annexation of Hawaii
06/15/1898 US marines attack Spanish off Guant namo Cuba
06/15/1901 Willie Anderson wins US Open golf tournament
06/15/1902 Canada's Maritime Provinces switch from Eastern to Atlantic time
06/15/1902 Justin Clark of Corsicana, Tx minors hits 8 home runs in 1 game
06/15/1904 Side-wheeler 'General Slocum' burns in NY's East River (1,031 die)
06/15/1907 44 nations meet in 2nd Hague Peace Conference
06/15/1908 World congress for Woman's rights opens in Amsterdam
06/15/1915 US government mints 1st $50 gold pieces, for Panama Pacific Expo
06/15/1918 1' of snow falls in Northern Pennsylvania
06/15/1918 50th running of Belmont Stakes (Johren wins)
06/15/1919 1st nonstop Atlantic flight (Alcock & Brown) lands in Ireland
06/15/1923 Belgium's Theunis term ends because of mine, post & railroad strike
06/15/1924 1st transmission of radio Bloemendaal
06/15/1924 Ford Motor Company manufactures its 10 millionth automobile
06/15/1924 Native Americans are proclaimed US citizens
06/15/1925 B Jekhovsky discovers asteroid #1093 Freda
06/15/1926 7th French cabinet-Briand falls
06/15/1929 1st time NY curb stock exchange transacts more business than NY Exch

06/15/1931 Poland & USSR sign friendship treaty
06/15/1933 C Jackson discovers asteroids #1278 Kenya & #1279 Uganda
06/15/1934 C Jackson discovers asteroid #1324 Knysna
06/15/1934 Great Smokey Mountains National Park dedicated
06/15/1934 K Reinmuth discovers asteroid #1322 Coppernicus
06/15/1939 C Jackson discovers asteroid #1676 Kariba
06/15/1940 38 Italians Fiat bombers bomb Luc-and-Province
06/15/1940 Bread & flour rationed in Holland
06/15/1940 French Fort Verdun & Paris captured by Germans
06/15/1940 Soviet Army occupies Lithuania
06/15/1943 Congress of racial Equality (CORE) forms
06/15/1944 US forces begin invasion of Saipan in Pacific
06/15/1945 ANJV established in Concert building, Amsterdam
06/15/1945 Dutch political party ANJV forms
06/15/1947 1st night game at Detroit Briggs Stadium (Tigers 4, Athletics 1)
06/15/1947 Lew Worsham wins US Open golf tournament
06/15/1948 WPIX TV channel 11 in NY, NY (IND) begins broadcasting
06/15/1948 WTNH TV channel 8 in New Haven, CT (ABC) begins broadcasting
06/15/1950 Dutch police seize condoms
06/15/1950 Itzigsohn discover asteroid 1581 Abanderada, 1582 Martir & 1779 Para

06/15/1951 1st coml electronic computer dedicated Phila
06/15/1951 Joe Louis scored his last knock out victory
06/15/1953 WLFI TV channel 18 in Lafayette, IN (CBS) begins broadcasting
06/15/1954 Great Britain's 2 biggest steel factory nationalized
06/15/1957 42.01 cm (16.54') of rainfall, East St Louis, Ill (state record)
06/15/1957 Dick Mayer wins US Open golf tournament
06/15/1957 Yanks trade Billy Martin & Ralph Terry for Ryne Duran
06/15/1960 Angel Cordero wins his 1st of over 7000 horse races
06/15/1960 Argentina complains to UN about Israeli illicit transfer of Eichman
06/15/1962 Phillies score 10 runs in an inning against Reds en route to 13-8 wi

06/15/1962 South Africa passes a bill setting death penalty for many crimes
06/15/1962 WWUP TV channel 10 in Sault Ste. Marie, MI (CBS) begins broadcasting

06/15/1963 Israeli premier David Am Gurion resigns
06/15/1963 SF Giants Juan Marichal no-hits Houston Colt .45s, 1-0
06/15/1964 Last French troops leave Algeria
06/15/1965 South Africa begins economic boycott of Dutch products
06/15/1967 Gov Reagan signs liberalized California abortion bill
06/15/1968 John Lennon & Yoko Ono plant an acorn at Conventry Cathedral
06/15/1969 'Hee Haw' with Roy Clark & Buck Owens premieres on CBS TV
06/15/1969 Orville Moody wins US Open golf tournament
06/15/1971 Vernon E Jordan Jr, appointed exec director of National Urban League

06/15/1972 Rock fall inside Vierzy Tunnel (France) causes 2 train crash; 107 di

06/15/1972 West German police arrested RAF leader Ulrike Meinhof
06/15/1973 'American Graffiti' opens in NYC
06/15/1977 Spain's 1st free elections since 1936 (41 years)
06/15/1977 Wim Polak becomes mayor of Amsterdam
06/15/1978 Belgian govt resigns
06/15/1978 Italy's pres Leone resigns due to Lockheed affair
06/15/1978 Jordan's King Hussein marries Elizabeth Halaby, 26-yr-old American
06/15/1978 Soyuz 29 carries 2 cosmonauts to Salyut 6; they stay 139 days
06/15/1979 1st space shuttle SRB qualification test firing; 122 seconds
06/15/1980 Jack Nicklaus wins for the 4th time US Open golf tournament
06/15/1980 Jorge Orta of Cleveland gets 6 hits in a baseball game
06/15/1982 Riots in Argentina after Falklands/Malvinas defeat
06/15/1983 Supreme Court struck down state & local restrictions on abortion
06/15/1984 Thomas Hearns KOs Roberto Duran
06/15/1985 En route to Halley's Comet, USSR's Vega 2 drops lander on Venus
06/15/1986 Pravda announces high-level Chernobyl staff fired for stupidity
06/15/1986 Raymond Floyd wins US Open golf tournament
06/15/1987 Bettino Craxi's Socialistic Party wins election in Italy
06/15/1988 NASA launches space vehicle S-213
06/15/1988 Turkish premier ™zal meets Greek premier Papandreou in Athens
06/15/1989 Balt Orioles pull their 9th triple play (vs Yankees)
06/15/1989 Ronald Reagan is knighted by Queen Elizabeth
06/15/1990 'Dick Tracy' with Warren Beatty & Madonna premieres
06/15/1991 Philippines volcano Mount Pinatubo errupts
06/15/1992 1st Berlin Air Show in 60 years
06/15/1992 Director Frank Perry (Mommie Dearest) marries Virginia Bush Ford
06/15/1992 Erie Sailors (Fla Marlin farm team) 1st game beat Jamestown 6-5 in 1

06/15/1992 Ghana Airways inaugurates flights to JFK Airport (NYC)
06/15/1994 NY Giants cut quarterback Phil Simms

Robert Wolfe

Jun 17, 2021, 11:40:15 PM6/17/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


06/16/1633 Nathaniel Schnittelbach, composer
06/16/1637 Giovanni Paulo Colonna, composer
06/16/1752 Meingosus Gaelle, composer
06/16/1834 Wesley Merritt, Major General (Union volunteers), died in 1910
06/16/1837 Eli Long, Bvt Major General (Union Army), died in 1903
06/16/1843 David Popper, composer
06/16/1843 Jan Malat, composer
06/16/1853 Johan Gustaf Emil Sjogren, composer
06/16/1858 Gustav V, king of Sweden
06/16/1861 Scato Gocko de Vries, paleography/librarian
06/16/1863 Paul Antonin Vidal, composer
06/16/1874 Arthur Meighen, (C) 9th PM of Canada (1920-21, 1926)
06/16/1879 Fritz Schulz, German historic rights (Classical Novel Law)
06/16/1879 Theo[dorus J] Th˜ssen, writer (Kees the boy)
06/16/1895 Stan Laurel, [Arthur S Jefferson], comedian (Laurel & Hardy)
06/16/1896 Jean Peugeot, French auto manufacturer (Peugot)
06/16/1896 William Fitzgerald Jenkins, author (Time Tunnel, Land of Giants)
06/16/1899 Helen Traubel, US, singer (Sieglinde in Walk re, Nightclubs)
06/16/1899 Nelson Doubleday, US, publisher (Doubleday)
06/16/1900 Jan van Tilburg, governor Suriname (PVDA, 1955-62)
06/16/1901 Conrad Beck, composer
06/16/1902 Barbara McClintock, US, cytogeneticist (Jumping Genes, Nobel 1983)
06/16/1902 Kornelis Posthumus, chemist
06/16/1903 Huldreich Georg Fruh, composer
06/16/1904 Gerard Holt, architect
06/16/1907 Jack Albertson, Malden Mass, actor (Thin Man, Chico & the Man)
06/16/1907 John Hadfield, author/publisher
06/16/1909 Willi Boskovsky, Austria, conductor (new years concert)
06/16/1910 E G Marshall, Owatonna Minn, actor (Lawrence-Defenders, Caine Mutiny

06/16/1910 Ilona Massey, Budapest Hungary, actress/singer (Ilona Massey Show)
06/16/1910 Lord Richardson, president (General Medical Council)
06/16/1911 Georg Meistermann, German (glass)painter (Raumpl„nen)
06/16/1912 Enoch Powell, England, MP (C)/racist/Greek professor
06/16/1912 John Peel, MP
06/16/1914 Stewart Griffith, secretary (MCC)
06/16/1915 Mariano Rumor, premier Italy
06/16/1916 Francis Lopez, composer
06/16/1917 Katharine Graham, newspaper publisher (Wash Post)
06/16/1919 Lord Aberdare, committee chairman (House of Lords)
06/16/1920 John Howard Griffin, US, photographer/author (Black Like Me)
06/16/1921 Lord Perry of Walton, SDP/vice chancellor (Open University England)
06/16/1923 Ake Hermanson, composer
06/16/1923 Henryk Czyz, composer
06/16/1925 Faith Domergue, New Orleans, actress (House of 7 Corpses)
06/16/1927 Robert Matthews, master (Clare College Cambridge England)
06/16/1927 Tom Graveny, cricketer
06/16/1928 Harold Hanham, vice chancellor (Lancaster University)
06/16/1928 Sergiu Comissiona, Buch Romania, conductor (Haifa Symph 1959-64)
06/16/1929 James Kirtland Randall, composer
06/16/1930 David Konstant, bishop of Leeds
06/16/1931 Ivo Petric, composer
06/16/1931 Robert F [Bob] Smith, (Rep-R-OR, 1983- )
06/16/1932 Ralph Robins, CEO (Rolls-Royce)
06/16/1934 Eileen Atkins, actress (Equus, Devil Within Her)
06/16/1934 Lord Patrick Beresforord, blood-stock agent
06/16/1934 Lucia Dlugoszewski, composer
06/16/1935 Jim Dine, Cincinnati Oh, pop artist (St John the Divine)
06/16/1936 August Willemsen, poet/interpreter
06/16/1936 Fred Oster, TV host
06/16/1937 August Busch III, CEO (Anheuser-Busch)
06/16/1937 Erich Segal, author (Love Story, Oliver's Story)
06/16/1938 James Bolam, actor (Crucible of Terror)
06/16/1938 Joyce Carol Oates, US, novelist (Garden of Earthly Delights) (1946)
06/16/1938 Mickie Finn, Hugo Okla, TV hostess/banjo player (Mickie Finn's)
06/16/1940 Billy 'Crash' Craddock, Greensboro NC, singer
06/16/1940 Hans Dorrest˜n, cabaret performer
06/16/1941 Lamont Dozier, Detroit, songwriter (Dozier-Holland-Dozier)
06/16/1942 Eddie Levert, US singer (O'Jays-For the Love of Money)
06/16/1942 Giacomo Agostini, Lovere, Italy, world motorcycle race champion
06/16/1943 Joan Van Ark, NYC, actress (Valene-Dallas/Knots Landing)
06/16/1944 Takamiyama [Jesse Kuhaulua], Hawaii, 1st non-Japanese sumo champion
06/16/1946 Lord Astor, of Hever
06/16/1946 Neil MacGregor, director (British National Gallery)
06/16/1948 Brian Eno, rocker (Here Comes the Warm Jets)
06/16/1949 Kale Browne, San Rafael Calif, actor (Michael Hudson-Another World)
06/16/1950 James Smith, US, singer (Stylistics-Can't Give you Anything)
06/16/1950 Jesse Dizon, Oceanside Calif, actor (Ramon-Operation Petticoat)
06/16/1951 Roberto Duran, boxer (fists of stone, no m…s)
06/16/1951 Sonia Braga, Maringa Brazil, actress (Dona Flor & Her 2 Husbands)
06/16/1952 Aleksandr Zaitsev, USSR, pairs figure skating (Olympic-gold-1976, 80

06/16/1952 Gino Vanelli, Canada, singer (Living Inside Myself)
06/16/1953 Ian Mosley, Paddington London, drums, (Marillion-Clutching at Straws

06/16/1955 Ian Buchanan, actor (General Hospital, Gary Shandling Show)
06/16/1955 Laurie Metcalf, actress (Roseanne)
06/16/1957 Adri van Tiggelen, soccer star (Sparta/PSV)
06/16/1968 Patrick Stuart, Hollywood Cal, actor (Will Cortlandt-All My Children


06/16/ 956 Hugo, the Great, duke of France, dies
06/16/1216 Innocent III, pope, dies at 54
06/16/1246 Lutgardis/Ludgardis, Flemish mystic/saint, dies at about 64
06/16/1361 John Tauler, German mystic (Gottesfreunde) dies at about 61
06/16/1575 Hadrianus Junius, [Adriaen the Jonghe], medical/historian, dies at 6

06/16/1620 Carlo Saraceni, [Carlo Veniziano], Italian painter (Judith), dies
06/16/1644 Johannes a Sancto Thoma, [Poinset], Portuguese theologist, dies at 5

06/16/1651 Marsilio Casentini, composer, dies at 74
06/16/1671 Stenka Razin, Cossack rebel leader, tortured, executed in Moscow
06/16/1686 -BC- Hammurabi the Great, dies in Babylon
06/16/1722 John Churchill up Marlborough, English general strategist, dies at 7

06/16/1752 Giulio Alberoni, Spanish/Italian minister/cardinal, dies at 88
06/16/1793 Louis A count d'Affry, general/French ambassador in Netherland, dies

06/16/1804 Johann Adam Hiller, composer, dies at 75
06/16/1808 Georg Wenzel Ritter, composer, dies at 60
06/16/1812 Franz Pforr, German painter/cartoonist (Lukasbund), dies at 23
06/16/1815 Frederik Willem, duke of Brunswick (1813-15), dies in battle
06/16/1831 Joseph Ignaz Schnabel, composer, dies at 64
06/16/1837 Valentino Fioravanti, composer, dies at 72
06/16/1892 Victor Tesch, Belgian lawyer/min of Justice, dies at 80
06/16/1901 Hermann Grimm, German writer/poet/historian, dies
06/16/1910 Wendelin Weissheimer, composer, dies at 72
06/16/1932 Frederik W Van Oaths, psychiatrist/writer (Blades of Grass), dies
06/16/1940 Dubose Heyward, US writer (Porgy, Star Spangled Virgin), dies
06/16/1940 Vitezslava Kapralova, composer, dies at 25
06/16/1941 Lodo of Hamel, 1st Dutch secret affiliate, dies
06/16/1946 Miloje Milojevic, composer, dies at 61
06/16/1958 Jose Pablo Moncayo Garcia, composer, dies at 45
06/16/1959 George Reeves, actor (Superman, Gone With the Wind), shoots himself
06/16/1962 Hans Rudolf Krik, Danish writer/critic (Vredens Sín), dies at 64
06/16/1969 Harold RLG 1st Earl Alexander of Tunis, Brit field marshal, dies at

06/16/1969 John BMR 'John' Hanlo, poet (Oote oote boe), dies at 57
06/16/1969 John Scott, rocker with the Pretenders, dies at 25
06/16/1969 Karl Hubert Rudolf Schiske, composer, dies at 53
06/16/1970 Heino Eller, composer, dies at 83
06/16/1975 Don Robey, US gospel/impresario/producer, dies at 71
06/16/1976 Francis E Meloy Jr, US ambassador to Lebanon, kidnapped & killed
06/16/1977 Wernher von Braun, rocket scientist (V1/V2), dies at 65 of smoking
06/16/1979 Ben Weber, composer, dies at 62
06/16/1981 Humphrey Keervelt, director (Suriname Planning Bureau), murdered
06/16/1981 John S Knight, US newspaper magnate, dies at 86
06/16/1982 John Honeyman-Scott, guitarist (Pretenders), overdoses on drugs
06/16/1987 Henk H Badings, mine engineer/composer (Orestes, Ka‹n), dies at 80
06/16/1990 Eva Turner, British soprano, dies
06/16/1990 Megan Leigh, XXX actress (Deep Throat III), commits suicide
06/16/1991 Vicky Brown, US singer (Power of Love), dies
06/16/1992 Joris Diels, Flemish/Dutch director/actor (It's a Cruel World), dies

06/16/1993 John B Connally, gov of Texas/shot with JFK in 1963, dies at 76

Significant Events:

06/16/ 632 Origin of Persian [Yezdegird] Era
06/16/1338 German monarch declares pope & king's decree redundant
06/16/1567 Mary Queen of Scots thrown into Lochleven Castle prison
06/16/1671 Cossack rebel leader Stenka Razin tortured, executed in Moscow
06/16/1673 Peace of Vossem: Fren King Louis XIV & Frederik Willem of Brandenbur

06/16/1755 British capture Fort Beaus‚jour, expel Acadians
06/16/1779 Vice-adm Hardy sails out of Isle of Wright against Spanish Armada
06/16/1784 Holland forbids orange clothes
06/16/1815 Battle at Ligny: French army under Napoleon beats Prussia
06/16/1815 Battle at Quatre-Bras: allies strike French
06/16/1822 Denamrk Vessy leads slave rebellion in South Carolina
06/16/1823 King Willem I opens shipyard at Rotterdam-Antwerp
06/16/1832 Battle of Kellogg's Grove, Ill
06/16/1842 Natchex Mississippi, hit by tornado; about 500 die
06/16/1858 Abraham Lincoln says 'A house divided against itself cannot stand'
06/16/1861 Battle of Vienna, VA & Secessionville, SC (James Island)
06/16/1864 Battle of Lynchburg VA
06/16/1864 Siege of Petersburg & Richmond begins
06/16/1864 Skirmish at Golgotha Georgia
06/16/1871 Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of Mystic Shrine founded, NYC
06/16/1873 Pres Grant decrees Wallowa Valley for Nez-Perc‚ indians
06/16/1879 Gilbert & Sullivan's 'HMS Pinafore' debuts at Bowery Theatre NYC
06/16/1882 17' hailstones weighing 1.75 lbs fall in Dubuque Iowa
06/16/1883 1st baseball 'Ladies' Day' (NY Gothams beat Cleve Spiders 5-2)
06/16/1884 1st roller coaster used (Coney Island NY)
06/16/1896 Temperture hits 127øF at Fort Mojave, Calif
06/16/1898 China's emperor De Sang (Guang Xu) receives Kang Youwei
06/16/1903 1st Highlander (Yankee) shut-out victory 1-0 over White Sox
06/16/1903 Ford Motors incorporates
06/16/1904 Bloomsday (date of events in James Joyce's Ulysses)
06/16/1909 1st US airplane sold commercially, by Glenn Curtiss for $5,000
06/16/1913 South-African parliament forbids blacks owning land
06/16/1916 Boston Brave's Tom Hughes 2nd no-hitter beats Pitts, 2-0
06/16/1917 1st Congress of Soviets convene in Russia
06/16/1922 Henry Berliner demonstrates his helicopter to US Bureau of Aeronauti

06/16/1923 Sun Yat Sen founds military academy
06/16/1927 Tommy Armour wins US Open golf tournament
06/16/1931 Austrian govt of Ender falls
06/16/1932 Germany forbids SA/SS-gang fights
06/16/1932 Pres Hoover & VP Charles Curtis renominated by Rep Convention
06/16/1933 National Industrial Recovery Act becomes law (later struck down)
06/16/1933 US Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) created
06/16/1936 Dutch queen Wilhelmina opens the Waal bridge
06/16/1936 Pope Pius XI receives Anton Mussert (Dutch Nazi collaborator)
06/16/1937 Marx Brothers' 'A Day At The Races' opens in LA
06/16/1938 St Louis Browns walk Boston Red Sox Jimmy Foxx 6 times in a row
06/16/1940 Commuinist govt installed in Lithuania
06/16/1940 General De Gaulle arrives in Bordeaux
06/16/1941 1st US federally owned airport opened Wash DC
06/16/1943 Race riot in Beaumont Texas (2 die)
06/16/1944 Iceland adopts constitution
06/16/1944 US bombs Kyushu, Japan
06/16/1946 Lloyd Mangrum wins golf's US open after 2 playoffs
06/16/1947 1st network news-Dumont's 'News from Washington'
06/16/1947 Pravda denounces Marshall Plan
06/16/1949 Gas turbine-electric locomotive demonstrated, Erie Pa
06/16/1951 Ben Hogan wins golf's US open for 2nd year in a row
06/16/1952 Soviet Fighters shoot Swedish Catalina reconnaissance flight down
06/16/1954 Dutch military conscription shortened from 20 to 18 months
06/16/1954 Ngo Dinh Diem elected president of Vietnam
06/16/1955 Pope Pius XII ex-communicates Argentine Pres Juan Peron
06/16/1956 Cary Middlecoff wins US Open golf tournament
06/16/1957 French offensive in Algeria
06/16/1957 White Sox reliever Dixie Howell hits 2 HRs to beat Wash Senators 8-6

06/16/1958 Govt troops land on North-Celebes Indonesia
06/16/1960 Pres Eisenhower cancels trip to Japan
06/16/1961 Dave Garroway is fired as Today Show host
06/16/1961 Discoverer 25 launched
06/16/1961 Soviet ballet dancer Rudolf Nureyev defects to West in Paris
06/16/1962 2 US army officers killed in Saigon
06/16/1962 Caspar Weinberger (Sec of Def 1981-87), indicted on Iran-contra char

06/16/1963 Levi Eshkol replaces David Ben-Gurion as Israeli PM
06/16/1963 Valentina Tereshkova (USSR) is 1st woman in space, aboard Vostok 6
06/16/1964 Amnesty granted to 3,000 political prisoners
06/16/1964 Quake strikes Niigata Japan
06/16/1967 50,000 attend Monterey International Pop Festival
06/16/1968 Lee Trevino is 1st to play all 4 rounds of golf's US open under par
06/16/1969 Supreme Court rules suspension of Adam Clayton Powell Jr from House
06/16/1970 Kenneth A Gibson elected 1st black mayor of Newark, NJ
06/16/1970 Race riots in Miami Florida
06/16/1971 Racial disturbance in Jacksonville Florida
06/16/1973 Leonid I Brezhnev visit US
06/16/1975 Bucks trade Kareem Abdul-Jabber & Walt Wesley to LA for 4 players
06/16/1975 Hale Irwin wins US Open golf tournament
06/16/1975 Italy's Communist party PCI, wins
06/16/1975 Randy Farland finds a 14-leaf clover near Sioux Falls, SD
06/16/1976 Student uprisings begin in Soweto, South Africa (Soweto Day)
06/16/1977 'Beatlemania' opens on Broadway
06/16/1977 Fianna Fail-party wins Irish elections
06/16/1977 Leonid Brezhnev named president of USSR
06/16/1977 Ron Guidry's 1st complete game, 7-0 over KC Royals
06/16/1978 Cin Red Tom Seaver no-hits St Louis Cards, 4-0
06/16/1978 Ringo releases 'Bad Boy' album; Wings releases 'I've Had Enough'
06/16/1979 Carl Yastrzemski hits his 1,000th extra base hit
06/16/1979 H-E Schuster discovers asteroid #2275
06/16/1979 Muslim Brotherhood kills 62 shiks in Aleppo Syria
06/16/1982 Britain requests Argentina arrange for return of prisoners
06/16/1983 Charlos Vieira completes 191 hr 'nonstop' cycling in Leiria Portugal

06/16/1983 European Space Agency launches European Comm Satellite 1, Oscar 10
06/16/1983 Pope John Paul II visits Poland
06/16/1983 Ringo releases 'Old Wave' album in West Germany
06/16/1983 USSR party leader Yuri Andropov elected president
06/16/1984 Edwin Moses wins his 100th consecutive 400-meter hurdles race
06/16/1984 Matt de Waal finishes 14,290-mi round trip from Salt Lake City (106d

06/16/1985 Andy North wins US Open golf tournament
06/16/1985 T C Chen, ahead by 4 strokes in final round of US Open
06/16/1986 1 day general strike in South Africa
06/16/1987 Joe Robbie Stadium in Miami, opens
06/16/1988 Boston Red Sox Barrett steals home
06/16/1989 'Ghostbusters II' premieres
06/16/1989 Funeral for Imre Nagg, leader of Hungarian uprising in 1956
06/16/1990 Nelson & Winnie Mandela visit Leidseplein, Amsterdam
06/16/1991 Boris Yeltsin elected president of Russian SSR
06/16/1991 Minnesota Twins win a team record 15 games in a row
06/16/1991 NYC Mayor Dinkins declares 'Joseph Doherty Week' (through 23rd)
06/16/1991 Otis Nixon steals NL record 6 bases in 1 day
06/16/1991 With 3 runs in 9th, Balt ends Twins 15 game win streak 6-5
06/16/1992 Colo Rockies 1st minor league team's (Bend Oregon in Class A) game
06/16/1992 Great Brit postage stamp 350 year battle near Edgehill
06/16/1992 Jeff King is 5th to be thrown out twice trying to steal in an inning

06/16/1992 Red Sox Mark Reardon sets record of 342 saves (vs Yanks 1-0)

Robert Wolfe

Jun 17, 2021, 11:40:15 PM6/17/21
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Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


06/17/1239 Edward I, King of England (1272-1307)
06/17/1604 Johan Maurits, count of Nassau-Siegen (Maurits House)
06/17/1682 Charles XII, King of Sweden (1697-1718)
06/17/1703 John B Wesley, England, religion co-founder (Methodists)
06/17/1714 Cesar F Cassini, 'the Thury', French astronomer (geodesic labor)
06/17/1725 Joseph Anton Bauer, composer
06/17/1742 William Hooper, signer (Decl of Ind)
06/17/1750 Michel Woldemar, composer
06/17/1756 Pierre-Joseph Cambon, French member of Committee of Salut Public
06/17/1811 Jon Sigurdsson, Iceland, leader/collects Icelandic legends
06/17/1817 Ivan K A‹vazovski, Russan painter (Harbor Scenes)
06/17/1817 Thomas Maley Harris, Bvt Mjr General (Union volunteers), died in 190

06/17/1818 Charles Gounod, Paris, France, opera composer (Faust)
06/17/1818 Sophia Frederika Mathilde, queen of W rttemberg
06/17/1823 John Henry Hobart Ward, Brig General (Union volunteers), died in 190

06/17/1828 Jan K J de Jonge, historian
06/17/1830 Rochard Montgomery Gano, Brig General (Confederate Army), died in 19

06/17/1832 William Crookes, chemist/physicist; discovered thallium
06/17/1837 Vincent Strong, civil war fighter, died in 1863
06/17/1838 Bankim C Chattopadhyaya, writer (Kapala-Kundala)
06/17/1838 Chattopadhyaya/Bankim Chandra, Bengalese writer (Monastery of Deligh

06/17/1845 Hendrik P Staal
06/17/1855 Fritz Steinbach, composer
06/17/1858 Eben Sumner Draper, (Gov-MA)
06/17/1861 Sidney James Jones, composer
06/17/1867 John Robert Gregg, Ireland, inventor (shorthand)
06/17/1870 George Cormack, created 'Wheaties' cereal
06/17/1871 James Weldon Johnson, lawyer (1st black admitted to Florida Bar)
06/17/1871 Nicolae Iorga, writer/poet/literature historian/pres of Romania
06/17/1875 Philipp A Kohnstamm, philosopher/theorist (Mensch & World)
06/17/1878 Albert Thomas, French socialist politician
06/17/1882 Igor F Stravinsky, Oranienbaum Russia, composer (Rite of Spring) [NS

06/17/1883 Alexandre Cellier, composer
06/17/1888 Bernhard van den Sigtenhorst Meyer, composer
06/17/1895 Louise Fazenda, US, actress/com‚dienne (Almost an actress)
06/17/1895 Slavko Osterc, composer
06/17/1898 Maurits C Escher, graphic artist
06/17/1900 Hermann Reuter, composer
06/17/1900 Martin Bormann, propoganda minister of Hitler
06/17/1904 Coenrad van Emde Boas, sexologist
06/17/1904 Ralph Bellamy, Chicago, actor (Air Mail, Dive Bomber, Trading Places

06/17/1908 John Verrall, composer
06/17/1910 Herbert Owen Reed, composer
06/17/1910 Red Foley, Blue Lick Ky, country singer (Mr Smith Goes to Washington

06/17/1912 Don Gillis, Cameron Missouri, composer (Symphony #5«)
06/17/1914 John R Hersey, author (Hiroshima, Bell for Adano, Wall)
06/17/1915 Stringbean, [David Akeman], Ky, banjoist/comedian (Hee Haw)
06/17/1916 Einar Englund, composer
06/17/1918 Maldwyn Thomas, president (Welsh Liberal Party)
06/17/1919 Antonius C 'Ton' Lutz, Dutch actor/director (Lucifer)
06/17/1919 Galina Ivanova Ustvol'skaya, composer
06/17/1919 Kingman Brewster, college president (Yale)
06/17/1919 Max Dendermonde, [Henk Hazelhoff], literary
06/17/1920 Beryl Reid, actress (Joseph Andrews, Psychomania, Yellowbeard)
06/17/1920 Fran‡ois Jacob, France, biologist/bacteriologist (Nobel 1965)
06/17/1920 Patrick Duffy, MP
06/17/1922 Herbert Kelsey Jones, composer
06/17/1922 Jerry Fielding, Pitts Pa, orch leader (Lively Ones)
06/17/1922 Paul Schall ck, German writer (Don Quixote in Cologne)
06/17/1923 Elroy 'Crazylegs' Hirsch, AAFC, NFL halfback, end (LA Rams)
06/17/1924 Henk J Hoekstra, president (CPN)
06/17/1925 Keith Larsen, Salt Lake City Utah, actor (Hunter, Brave Eagle)
06/17/1926 Alan Walters, political economist
06/17/1926 Manuel Enriquez, composer
06/17/1927 Austin J Murphy, (Rep-D-PA, 1977- )
06/17/1928 James Brown, soul singer (Hot Pants)
06/17/1929 Michael L Strang, (Rep-R-CO, 1985- )
06/17/1929 Tigran Petrosyan, USSR, world chess champion (1963-69)
06/17/1930 Brian Statham, cricketer
06/17/1930 James Gathers, Sumter SC, 200m runner (Olympic-bronze-1952)
06/17/1930 Romuald Twardowski, composer
06/17/1931 Virginia McKenna, London, actress (Born Free, Gathering Storm)
06/17/1932 Derek Ibbotson, athlete
06/17/1932 John P Murtha, (Rep-D-PA, 1974- )
06/17/1933 Christian Ferras, French violinist/conductor
06/17/1939 Donald Anderson, Labour MP
06/17/1940 Bobby Bell, NFL linebacker (KC Chiefs)
06/17/1940 Tony Marlow, conservative MP
06/17/1942 Norman Kuhlice, England, rocker (Swinging Blue Jeans-You're No Good)

06/17/1943 Christopher Brown, composer
06/17/1943 Newton L Gingrich, (Rep-R-Georgia, 1979- )
06/17/1945 Eddy Merckx, Belgium, cyclist (5 time winner of Tour de France)
06/17/1945 Ken Livingstone, Labour MP
06/17/1945 Tony Roche, tennis coach
06/17/1946 Barry Manilow, NYC, singer/pianist (Mandy, I Write the Songs)
06/17/1946 Marcy Kaptur, (Rep-D-HA, 1983- )
06/17/1948 David Concepcion, Venezuela, all star shortstop (Cincinnati Reds)
06/17/1948 Rub‚n Blades, Panama, singer/actor (Fatal Beauty, Critical Condition

06/17/1951 Joe Piscopo, Passaic NJ, comedian (SNL, Miller Lite commercials)
06/17/1954 Mark Linn-Baker, St Louis, actor (Larry Appleton-Perfect Strangers)
06/17/1956 Nicholas Cook, cricketer
06/17/1957 Philip Chevron, English pop musician (Pogues-Peace & Love)
06/17/1958 Dan McVicar, Independence Mo, actor (Clarke-Bold & Beautiful)
06/17/1964 Christy Cannon, XXX actress (Christy in the Wild)
06/17/1964 Michael Gross, West Germany, swimmer (Olympic-2 world records-1984)
06/17/1964 Steve Rhodes, cricketer
06/17/1965 Kami Cotler, Long Beach Calif, actress (Elizabeth-Waltons)
06/17/1969 Kevin Thornton, Amarillo, vocalist (Color Me Badd-Want to Sex You Up

06/17/1975 Frederick Koehler, Queens NY, actor (Chip-Kate & Allie)
06/17/1977 Bernardo Federico Tomas, Prince of Netherlands
06/17/1977 Jason Miller, Silver Springs Md, actor (New Mickey Mouse Club)


06/17/ 656 Osman ibn Affan, 3rd kalief of Islam (644-56) murdered
06/17/ 676 Adeodatus II, Italian Pope (672-76), dies
06/17/ 855 Leo IV, Italian Pope (847-55), dies
06/17/1091 Dirk V, count of Holland (1061-91), dies
06/17/1119 Boudew˜n VII with the Axe, earl of Flanders (1111-19), dies
06/17/1501 Jan I Olbracht, King of Poland, dies
06/17/1672 Orazio Benevoli, composer, dies at 67
06/17/1678 Giacomo Torelli, composer, dies at 69
06/17/1696 Jan III Sobieski, King of Poland (1674-96), dies at 72
06/17/1696 Johannes II Sobieski, King of Poland (1674-96), dies
06/17/1719 Joseph Addison, English poet/writer/secretary of state, dies at 47
06/17/1797 Aga Mohammed Khan, cruel ruler of Persia, castrated & killed
06/17/1815 Hammida, Algerian admiral, dies in battle
06/17/1863 Isham W Garrott, US attorney/Confederate brig-general, dies in battl

06/17/1885 Gen Edwin H K Freiherr von Manteuffel, mayor (Elzas-Lothar'n), dies
06/17/1905 M ximo G¢mez, Cuban general, dies at 68
06/17/1906 Harry N Pillsbury, US chess player, dies
06/17/1906 William Dale, international legal consultant, dies
06/17/1910 Lady Mosley, biographer, dies
06/17/1918 Derek Barber, CEO (Countryside Commission), dies
06/17/1928 Ramon de Basterra, Spanish writer/diplomat (Virulo, mocedades), dies

06/17/1936 Kenneth Loach, TV director (Singing the Blues in Red), dies
06/17/1938 Peter Michael, CEO (Cray Electronics), dies
06/17/1939 Eugene Weldman, last guillotined in France
06/17/1941 Johan Wagenaar, composer/conductor (Cyrano de Bergerac), dies at 78
06/17/1951 Carl Vogler, composer, dies at 77
06/17/1952 Alberto Williams, composer, dies at 89
06/17/1953 Walter Niemann, composer, dies at 76
06/17/1959 Abdul Mouse, Indonesian nationalist foreman/author, dies at about 68

06/17/1961 Jeff Chandler, [Ira Grossel], actor (Away all boats), dies at 40
06/17/1963 Alain FB Alanbrooke, 1st viscount of Brookeborough, dies at 79
06/17/1963 John Whiting, British dramatist/actor (Devils), dies
06/17/1965 Arnold Me˜er, leader (Fascist Nationally Front), dies
06/17/1973 Luis Van Rooten, actor (One Man's Family), dies at 66
06/17/1974 Pamela Britton, actress (Blondie, My Favorite Martian), dies at 50
06/17/1978 Cully Richards, actor (Don't Call Me Charlie), dies at 68
06/17/1979 Lou Frizzel, actor (Dusty Rhoades-Bonanza), dies at 58
06/17/1983 Peter Mennin, composer, dies at 60
06/17/1984 Chet Allen, actor (Jerry-Bonino, Slats-Troubleshooter), dies at 51
06/17/1984 Swale, Kentucky Derby winner, collapses & dies
06/17/1985 Piet de Somer, Belgian rector of University of Leuven, dies at 67
06/17/1986 Jef Keuleers, Belgian worker's union leader, dies at 75
06/17/1986 Kate Smith, singer (God Bless America), dies in Raleigh NC at 78
06/17/1987 Dick Howser, NY Yankee & KC Royal mgr, dies at 51 of brain cancer
06/17/1989 David S Griggs, astronaut, dies in crash of WW II vintage plane
06/17/1989 John Matusek, Oakland Raider/actor, dies at 38 of a heart attack
06/17/1990 Dick Elffers, graphic artist, dies
06/17/1990 Palmira Henry, fashion designer, dies at 44 of cerebral hemorrhage
06/17/1992 Dewey Balfa, bayou fiddler, dies at 65
06/17/1992 Frederick Exley, novelist (Fan's Note), dies at 63
06/17/1993 Angus Suttie, English potter, dies of AIDS at 46
06/17/1993 French of Nouhuys, civil servant in Indonesia, dies at 88

Significant Events:

06/17/ 2 -BC- Venus-Jupiter conjunction, 'star of Bethlehem?'
06/17/ 653 St Martin I ends his reign as Catholic Pope
06/17/ 656 Ali ibn Abu Talib chosen kalief of Islam
06/17/ 676 Deusdedit III ends his reign as Catholic Pope
06/17/1091 Floris II de Vette becomes earl of Holland
06/17/1119 Charles the Good becomes earl of Flanders
06/17/1291 Akko reconquered after 200 years by French crusaders, & destroyed
06/17/1397 Union of Kalmar established between Denmark, Sweden & Norway
06/17/1579 Sir Francis Drake lands on coast of Calif
06/17/1580 Battle at Hardenberg: Spanish troops beat rebels
06/17/1583 Brabant: duke of Parma beats French mercenaries
06/17/1700 Mass orders priest to leave the colony
06/17/1745 American colonials capture Louisburg, Cape Breton I from French
06/17/1775 Battle of Bunker Hill (actually it was Breed's Hill)
06/17/1789 3rd Estate in France declared itself a national assembly
06/17/1815 Stephen Decatur conquerors Algerian frigate Mashouda
06/17/1837 Charles Goodyear obtains his 1st rubber patent
06/17/1850 Paddle-wheeler 'G P Griffith' burns off Mentor Ohio (206 die)
06/17/1855 Heavy French/British bombing of Sebastopol, 2000+ killed
06/17/1856 Republican Party opens its 1st national convention in Philadelphia
06/17/1861 Battle of Boonville, MI-Brig General Lyon defeats Conmfederate force

06/17/1863 Battle at Middleburg Virginia
06/17/1863 Battle of Aldie, Confederates fail to drive back Union in Virginia
06/17/1863 Naval Engagement at Warsaw Sound GA-USS Weehawken vs CSS Atlanta
06/17/1863 Travelers Insurance Co of Hartford chartered (1st accident insurer)
06/17/1864 -18] Confederate troops pull back out Solves/lost Mt, Georgia
06/17/1864 General John B Hood replaces General Johnston
06/17/1864 Skirmish at Mud Creek/Noyes's (Nose) Creek, Georgia
06/17/1876 1st to hit 2 HRs; & score 5 runs in 9 inn NL game (George Hall, A's)

06/17/1876 Battle of Rosebud/Battle Where Girl Saved Her Brother
06/17/1880 John Ward, Providence, pitches perfect game vs Buffalo
06/17/1882 Tornado kills 130 in Iowa
06/17/1885 Statue of Liberty arrived in NYC aboard French ship `Isere'
06/17/1894 1st US poliomyelitis epidemic breaks out, Rutland, Vermont
06/17/1897 William Frank Powell, NJ educator, named minister to Haiti
06/17/1898 US Senate agrees to annex Hawaii
06/17/1909 A Kopff discovers asteroid #682 Hagar
06/17/1911 Belgium govt of De Broqueville forms
06/17/1915 League to Enforce Peace forms in Philadelphia
06/17/1916 1st national congress of Sarekat Islam at Bandoeng Java
06/17/1916 US troops under Gen Pershing march into Mexico
06/17/1917 British king George V takes the name Windsor
06/17/1919 'Barney Google' cartoon strip, by Billy De Beck, premieres
06/17/1920 Dutch 2nd Chamber accept Anti-revolution law
06/17/1930 Chuck Klein sets Phillies hitting streak at 26 straight games
06/17/1932 Oil tanker Cymbeline explodes in Montreal, Canada
06/17/1933 Kansas City Massacre: 1 FBI agent, 4 cops & 1 gangster killed by mob

06/17/1937 Marx Brothers' 'A Day At The Races' opens in NY
06/17/1938 Japan declares war on China
06/17/1940 France asks Germany for terms of surrender in WW II
06/17/1940 General De Gaulle departs Bordeaux for London
06/17/1940 Germany occupiers ration bread in Holland
06/17/1942 1st WW II American expeditionary force lands in Africa (Gold Coast)
06/17/1944 -19] French troops under Lattre de Tssigny conquer Elba
06/17/1944 Col Blake, poet [Mr of Heaven Good Heart] arrive in London
06/17/1944 Iceland declares independence from Denmark at Thingvallir, Iceland
06/17/1944 Resistance fighter Col Blake reachs London
06/17/1945 Day of Unity in West Germany (National Day)
06/17/1946 SW Bell innaugurates mobile telephone commercial service, St Louis
06/17/1947 1st round-the-world civil air service leaves NYC
06/17/1947 Earnest Reuter becomes mayor of Berlin
06/17/1948 Joe Cronin pinch hit HRs in both ends of a doubleheader
06/17/1950 1st kidney transplant (Chicago)
06/17/1950 Egypt, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia & Syria sign security pact
06/17/1952 2 mine cave-ins at Charleroi, Belgium
06/17/1953 Riots in East Germany for reunification
06/17/1954 CIA exile army lands in Guatemala (JF Dulles & United Fruit Co)
06/17/1954 Heavyweight Rocky Marciano KOs Ezzard Charles in NYC
06/17/1954 Televised Senate Army McCarthy hearings ends
06/17/1957 Tuskegee boycott begins (Blacks boycotted city stores)
06/17/1958 Radio Moscow reports execution of Hungarian ex-premier Imre Nagy
06/17/1959 Eamon de Valera elected pres of Ireland
06/17/1960 Ted Williams hit his 500th HR
06/17/1961 Gene Littler wins US Open golf tournament
06/17/1961 Russian ballet dancer Rudolph Nureyev defects to west in Frankfurt
06/17/1962 Brazil Beats Czechosolakia in soccer's 7th World Cup at Santiago
06/17/1962 Jack Nicklaus wins US Open golf tournament
06/17/1963 British House of Commons debates Profumo-Christine Keeler affair
06/17/1963 Supreme Court rules against Bible reading/prayer in public schools
06/17/1965 11.08' (28.14 cm) of rainfall, Holly, Colorado (state 24-hour record

06/17/1965 1st bombing by B-52 (50 km north of Saigon)
06/17/1965 Kinks arrive in NYC beginning their 1st US tour
06/17/1967 1st Chinese hydrogen bomb explodes
06/17/1967 Barbra Striesand: A Happening in Central Park performed
06/17/1967 China becomes world's 4th thermonuclear (H-bomb) power
06/17/1968 Belgium govt of Eyskens-Merlot forms
06/17/1968 KQEC TV channel 32 in San Francisco, CA (PBS) begins broadcasting
06/17/1971 C U Cesco discovers asteroid #2399 Terradas
06/17/1972 5 arrested for burglarizing Democratic Party HQ at Watergate
06/17/1972 Chile president Allende forms new government
06/17/1972 Looking Glass releases 'Brandy'
06/17/1973 Johnny Miller wins US Open golf tournament
06/17/1973 Russian party leader Brezjnev visits US
06/17/1974 Felix Aguilar Observatory discovers asteroids #2997 & #3083
06/17/1975 Voters in Northern Mariana Is approve commonwealth status with US
06/17/1976 ABA (Nets, Pacers, Nuggets & Spurs) merges into NBA
06/17/1976 Indonesia annexes Portuguese East-Timor
06/17/1978 Ron Guidry sets Yankee record with 18 strike-outs
06/17/1979 Hale Irwin wins again US Open golf tournament
06/17/1980 C Shoemaker discovers asteroid #2586 Matson
06/17/1981 Battle between muslims & christians in Cairo, 14 killed
06/17/1982 Pres Reagan 1st UN Gen Assembly address ('evil empire' speech)
06/17/1982 President Galtieri resigns after leading Argentina to defeat
06/17/1984 John Turner succeeds Pierre Trudeau as premier of Canada
06/17/1985 18th Space Shuttle Mission (51-G)-Discovery 5 launched
06/17/1986 Chief Justice Warren Earl Burger resigns Antonin Scalia nominated
06/17/1988 Bruce Springsteen separates from Juliette Phillips
06/17/1988 Givens' Family reports Mike Tyson beats his wife Robin Givens
06/17/1988 Microsoft releases MS DOS 4.0
06/17/1988 Women sentenced to 90 years in 1st product tampering murder case
06/17/1989 US beats Guatemala 2-1, in 3rd round of 1990 world soccer cup
06/17/1991 Country entertainer Minnie Pearl suffers a stroke at 78
06/17/1991 Pres Zachary Taylors body is exhumed to test how he died
06/17/1992 Conn Gov Lowell Weicker & WFAN DJ Don Imus change places for 1 day
06/17/1992 Phila 76ers trade Charles Barkley to Phoenix Suns
06/17/1992 Slaughtering by Inkhata-followers at Boipatong, S Africa, kills 42
06/17/1994 1994 World Cup soccer match begin, Germany vs Bolivia in Chicago
06/17/1994 OJ Simpson doesn't turn himself in on murder charges, LA cops chase

Robert Wolfe

Jun 19, 2021, 7:40:17 PM6/19/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


06/19/1556 James VI, of Scotland (1567-1625)/James I of England (1603-25)
06/19/1608 Thomas Fuller, England, literary (History of the Holy War)
06/19/1613 Christian de Placker, composer
06/19/1623 Blaise Pascal, mathematician/physicist/religious writer (Pascal)
06/19/1708 Johann Gottlieb Janitsch, composer
06/19/1717 Johann Wenzel Anton Stamitz, composer
06/19/1741 Reinier Vinkeles, engraver
06/19/1749 Jean-Marie Collot d'Herbois, France, chairman (National Convention)
06/19/1764 John Barrow, England, founded Royal Geographical Society
06/19/1764 José Gervasio Artigas, general/father of Uruguay
06/19/1766 Edmund Weber, composer
06/19/1782 Hugues FR de Lamennais, French priest/writer (L'avenir)
06/19/1782 John Bray, composer
06/19/1783 Thomas Sully, US portrait painter (Queen Victoria)
06/19/1790 John Gibson, British (?) sculptors
06/19/1810 Ferdinand David, violist/compser (Hohe Schule des Violinspiels)
06/19/1811 Henry Prince, Brig General (Union volunteers), died in 1892
06/19/1814 Johannes H Weissenbruch, landscape painter
06/19/1815 John William Glover, composer
06/19/1834 Edgar H G Degas, French painter (ballerina)
06/19/1842 Carl Johann Adam Zeller, composer
06/19/1843 Charles Edouard Lefebvre, composer
06/19/1854 Alfredo Catalani, composer
06/19/1856 Elbert Hubbard, US, editor/publisher/author (Message to Garcia)
06/19/1858 Charles Haddon George Alexander, [George Samson], British actor
06/19/1858 Dirk Fock, governor-general of Neth Indies (1921-26)
06/19/1861 Douglas Haig, British fieldmarshal (Sudan, WW I)
06/19/1865 May Whitty, Liverpool England, actress (Mrs Minerva, Suspicion)
06/19/1867 Eduard Jacobs, cabaret artist
06/19/1868 Heinrich Schenker, [A Niloff], Austrian musicologist (Urlinie)
06/19/1877 Charles Coburn, Macon Ga, actor (Acad-1943, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes

06/19/1878 James M Kilroe, priest of St Mary Star of the Sea, in the Bronx
06/19/1880 Johann Sigurjonsson, Icelandic writer (Dr Rung)
06/19/1885 Stevan Hristic, composer
06/19/1886 Robert Herberigs, composer
06/19/1889 Enrico Celio, pres of Switzerland
06/19/1896 Bessie Wallis Warfield Simpson, Duchess of Windsor, divorcee
06/19/1897 Moe Howard, [Moses Horowitz], comedian (3 Stooges)
06/19/1898 Paul Muller-Zurich, composer
06/19/1899 George Calinescu, Romania, literature (Enigma Otilei)
06/19/1900 Laura Hobson, NYC, TV writer/panelist (I've Got a Secret)
06/19/1901 Edward Lambert, British diplomat
06/19/1902 Guy Lombardo, London Ontario Canada, orch leader (Auld Lang Syne)
06/19/1903 Henry Louis Gehrig, 1st baseman (NY Yankees) 'Iron Horse'
06/19/1903 Walter R Hammond, British cricket player
06/19/1904 Balis Dvarionas, composer
06/19/1905 George Voskovec, Czech, actor (Fred-Nero Wolfe, Peter-Skag)
06/19/1905 Taneli Kuusisto, composer
06/19/1908 Mildred Natwick, Balt Md, actress (She Wore a Yellow Ribbon)
06/19/1908 Quentin N Burdick, (Sen-D-ND, 1960- )
06/19/1909 Edwin Gerschefski, composer
06/19/1909 Osamu Dazai, Japan, novelist (Tsugaru, No Longer Human)
06/19/1912 Jerry Jerome, Bkln NY, saxophonist (Words & Music)
06/19/1912 Martin Gabel, Phila, TV host (With this Ring)
06/19/1914 Alan Cranston, (Sen-D-CA, 1969- )
06/19/1914 Harry Lauter, White Plains NY, actor (Waterfront)
06/19/1914 Lester Flatt, Earl Scrugg's partner (Beverly Hillbillies theme)
06/19/1914 Morgan Morgan-Giles, British Lt admiral/parliament leader
06/19/1918 Evelle Jansen Younger, prosecutor of Charles Manson, Sirhan Sirhan
06/19/1919 Louis Jourdan, Marselles France, actor (Gigi, Can-Can, Madame Bovary

06/19/1919 Pauline Kael, movie critic (NY Times)
06/19/1921 Allan Davis, mayor of London
06/19/1921 Herman Berserik, painter/graphic artist
06/19/1921 Howell T Heflin, (Sen-D-Alabama, 1979- )
06/19/1922 Aage Neals Bohr, Denmark, physicist/study atomic nucleus (Nobel 1975

06/19/1924 Leo Nomellini, NFL defensive tackle (SF 49ers)
06/19/1925 Alfred B Nzo, South African sec-gen ANC (1969- )
06/19/1925 Charlie Drake, British comic
06/19/1927 Karel Kupka, composer
06/19/1928 Nancy Marchand, Buffalo NY, actress (Beacon Hill, Margaret-Lou Grant

06/19/1928 Raymond Powell, British parliament leader
06/19/1930 Bryan Kneale, British sculptor
06/19/1930 Jul Levi, composer
06/19/1932 Marisa Pavan, actress (John Paul Jones, Solomon & Sheba, Rose Tattoo

06/19/1932 Pier Angeli, Italy (Sodom & Gomorrah, Vintage, Battle of the Bulge)
06/19/1933 Viktor I Patsayev, USSR, cosmonaut (Soyuz 11)
06/19/1934 Terence Clark, British diplomat
06/19/1936 Gena Rowlands, Cambria Wisc, actress (Gloria, Tempest, Brinks Job)
06/19/1936 Shirley Goodman, Am's R&B-zangeres: Shirley & Lee/Feel so good)
06/19/1938 Charles Gwathmey, architect (5 Architects)
06/19/1938 John Sheil, Dutch court justice
06/19/1939 Peter Duffell, Brits lt-generaal/minister of Defense
06/19/1941 Marlene Warfield, Queens NY, actress (Victoria-Maude)
06/19/1942 Elaine 'Spanky' McFarlane, rocker (Spanky & Our Gang-Lazy Day)
06/19/1942 Jos Brink, Dutch TV host (Op Zoek)
06/19/1942 Neil Chalmers, director (National History Museum, London)
06/19/1942 Robert [Bob] W Kasten Jr, (Sen-R-WI, 1981- )
06/19/1943 Malcolm McDowell, actor (Clockwork Orange, Caligula)
06/19/1945 Tim Hovey, LA Calif, actor (Queen Bee, Toy Tiger, Man Afraid)
06/19/1945 Tobias Wolff, US writer
06/19/1947 James T Walsh, (Rep-R-NY)
06/19/1947 Phylicia Ayers-Allen Rashad, Houston, actress (Clair-Bill Cosby)
06/19/1947 Salman Rushdie, Pak, novelist (Midnight's Children, Satanic Verses)
06/19/1949 Kathleen Turner, Springfield Mo, actress (Peggy Sue Got Married)
06/19/1950 Connie Forslund, San Diego Calif, actress (Shining Season)
06/19/1951 Ann Wilson, San Diego, singer (Heart-What About Love)
06/19/1952 Robert Ainsworth, British parliament leader
06/19/1953 Larry Dunn, [Dunhill], US keyboardist (Earth Wind & Fire)
06/19/1954 Jim Cooper, (Rep-D-TN, 1983- )
06/19/1954 Michael O'Brien, British parliament leader
06/19/1959 Mark DeBarge, rocker (DeBarge-Who's Johnny)
06/19/1962 Ken Tohill, jockey
06/19/1962 Paula Julie Abdul, Van Nuys Calif, singer/choreographer (Straight Up

06/19/1962 Sid Fenech, jockey
06/19/1973 Josie Davis, actress (Charles in Charge)
06/19/1978 Garfield the Cat, animated character 'Big fat hairy deal'
06/19/1984 Emil Coleman, orchestra leader (Arthur Murray Party)


06/19/1113 Odo/Odardus van Kamerśk, French writer/bishop of Kamerśk, dies
06/19/1312 Piers Gaveston, earl of Cornwall, beheaded
06/19/1341 Juliana van Falconieri, Italian saint/Swedish tenor, dies
06/19/1542 Leo Jud[ae], Swiss pastor/church reformer
06/19/1554 Sixt[us] Birck [Xystus Betulius], German writer (Judith), dies at 53

06/19/1652 Louis de Geer, Neth/Swedish industrialist/millionaire, dies at 64
06/19/1730 Jean-Baptiste Loeillet, composer, dies at 49
06/19/1759 Charles-Joseph-Balthazar Sohier, composer, dies at 31
06/19/1762 Johann Ernst Eberlin, composer, dies at 60
06/19/1787 John Brown, (British?) theologist, dies
06/19/1794 Richard H Lee, US farmer (signed Decl of Independence), dies at 62
06/19/1811 Samuel Chase, US judge (signed Declar of Independence), dies at 70
06/19/1820 Joseph Banks, English natural historian (Cook/Australia), dies
06/19/1822 John Bray, composer, dies on 40th birthday
06/19/1837 Aleksander A Bestoezjev-Marlinsky, Russian writer, dies in battle
06/19/1840 John Cockerill, English/Belgian industrial/orangist, dies at 50
06/19/1867 Maximilian F J, Austrian arch duke/Emperor of Mexico, dies
06/19/1902 John E E Dalberg baron van Acton, English historian, dies at 69
06/19/1915 Sergey Ivanovich Taneyev, composer, dies at 58
06/19/1921 Ramón López Velarde, Mexican poet (La Sangre Devota), dies at 33
06/19/1922 Johannes C Kapteyn, Dutch astronomer, dies at 71
06/19/1932 Solomon Tshkisho Platje, South Africans writer, dies
06/19/1937 James M Barrie, Scottish writer (Dear Brutus/Peter Pan), dies
06/19/1939 Grace Abbott, social worker (US Children Bureau), dies at 60
06/19/1940 Aurélien FM Lugné-Poe, French actor (Pirouette), dies at 70
06/19/1940 Maurice Jaubert, composer, dies at 40
06/19/1944 Han Yong-woon, Zen teacher, dies in Seoul County, Korea at 65
06/19/1947 Willem H Fly, typographer/co-founder (SDAP), dies at 84
06/19/1953 Ethel Rosenberg, executed at Sing Sing, in 5 tries
06/19/1953 Julius Rosenberg, executed at Sing Sing, in 3 tries
06/19/1956 Lulu [Luise] Strauss und Torney, German poet/writer, dies
06/19/1962 Frank Borzage, US, director (7th Heaven, Strange Cargo), dies at 69
06/19/1965 James B Collip, Canada bio-chemistry/physiology (insulin), dies
06/19/1966 Ed Wynn, comedian (Ed Wynn Show), dies at 86
06/19/1966 Marjan Kozina, composer, dies at 59
06/19/1973 Roger Delgado, actor (Adventures of Sir Francis Drake), dies at 53
06/19/1982 John Cheever, US writer (Wapshot Chronicle, Pulitzer), dies at 70
06/19/1984 Lee Krasner Pollock, US painter, dies at 75
06/19/1984 Wladimir Rudolfovich Vogel, composer, dies at 88
06/19/1986 Coluche, [Michel Colucci], French comic, dies at 41
06/19/1986 Len Bias, 1st pick of Celtics, suffers fatal cocaine-induced seizure

06/19/1986 Murray P Haydon, artificial heart recipient, dies in Louisville at 5

06/19/1988 Zdenek Blazek, composer, dies at 83
06/19/1989 Hy Gardner, newspaper columnist, dies at 80
06/19/1989 Isidore Feinstein Stone, author (I F Stone's Weekly), dies at 81
06/19/1991 Jean Arthur [Gladys Greene], US actress (Shane), dies
06/19/1992 Kitty McKane Godfree, Tennis champ (Wimbeldon 1924, 26), dies at 96
06/19/1993 William Golding, author (Lord of the Flies, Nobel 1983) dies at 81

Significant Events:

06/19/ 240 -BC- Eratosthenes estimates circumference of Earth
06/19/ 987 Louis IV, crowned king of France
06/19/1205 Pope Innocent III firess Adolf I as archbishop of Cologne
06/19/1269 King Louis IX of Frances decrees all Jews must wear a badge of shame

06/19/1369 Duke Philip the Stoute marries Margaretha van Male
06/19/1464 French King Louis XI forms postal service
06/19/1572 Garrison under Adrian van Swieten occupy Oudewater
06/19/1586 English colonists sailed from Roanoke Island NC
06/19/1754 Albany Congress held by 7 British colonies & Iroquois indians
06/19/1770 General Church of New Jerusalem established
06/19/1778 Washington's troops finally leave Valley Forge
06/19/1825 Gioacchino Rossini's 'Il viaggio a Reims', premieres
06/19/1835 New Orleans gives US govt Jackson Square to be used as a mint
06/19/1846 1st baseball game (Cartwright Rules)-NY Nines 23, Knickerbockers 1
06/19/1850 Swedish/Norwegian crown prince Charles weds Dutch princess Wilhelmin

06/19/1861 Anaheim Post Office established
06/19/1861 Francis Pierpont is elected provisional governor of West Virginia
06/19/1862 Slavery outlawed in US territories
06/19/1863 Battle at Middleburg Virginia (100+ casualties)
06/19/1864 CSS 'Alabama' sunk by USS 'Kearsarge' off Cherbourg, France
06/19/1864 Skirmish at Pine Knob Georgia
06/19/1865 All slaves in Texas freed
06/19/1865 Siege of Richmond, VA
06/19/1867 J Gilpatrick on Ruthless wins 1st Belmont Stakes (Jerome Park NY)
06/19/1868 Maj Gen E R S Canby removes mayor of Columbia SC
06/19/1875 Formal opening of US Marine Hospital at Presidio
06/19/1889 Start of Sherlock Holmes adventure 'Man with the Twisted Lip'
06/19/1910 1st airship in service 'Germany'
06/19/1910 Father's Day celebrated for 1st time (Spokane, Wash)
06/19/1912 Tennessee University opened as Tennessee A & L State College
06/19/1921 census in Great-Britain
06/19/1922 Paavo Nurmi runs world record 5000m (14:28.2)
06/19/1923 Baldwin-Mellon-agreement concerning Britain entering the war
06/19/1924 Paavo Nurmi runs world record 1500m (3:52.6)
06/19/1930 C Jackson & H E Wood discovers asteroid #1595 Tanga
06/19/1931 1st photoelectric cell installed commercially West Haven Ct
06/19/1932 1st concert given in SF's Stern Grove
06/19/1932 Hailstones kill 200 in Hunan Province, China PR
06/19/1933 Austrian government-Dollfuss bans nazi-organizations
06/19/1934 Federal Communications Commission (FCC) created
06/19/1936 Dutch Premier Colijn denies relation with German call-girl
06/19/1936 German boxer Max Schmeling World Champion KOs Joe Louis
06/19/1937 Franco-troops conquer Bilbao Basques
06/19/1938 'Olympian Flyer' express train crashes in Montana, killing 47
06/19/1938 Italy beats Hungary 4-1 in soccer's 3rd World Cup at Paris
06/19/1940 'Brenda Starr,' 1st cartoon strip by a woman, appears in Chicago
06/19/1940 German 7th Armour division under gen-maj Garbage occupies Cherbourg
06/19/1940 Göring orders seizure of Dutch horses, car, buses & ships
06/19/1941 US president Roosevelt signs Two Ocean Navy Expansion Act
06/19/1942 Pitts Pirate Paul Waner gets hit #3,000
06/19/1943 NFL's Phila Eagles & Pitts Steelers merge, (disolves on Dec 5)
06/19/1943 Race riot in Beaumont Texas
06/19/1944 -20] Sea battle of Philippines Sea
06/19/1944 300 Japanese aircrafts shot down
06/19/1944 French troops free Elba
06/19/1944 Heavy air raid on US fleet at Guam 'Turkey Shoot'
06/19/1944 Japanese troops conquer Changsha China
06/19/1946 1st TV sports spectacular-Joe Louis KOs Billy Conn
06/19/1947 1st plane (F-80) to exceed 600 mph (1004 kph)-Albert Boyd, Muroc Ca
06/19/1948 USSR blocks access road to West Berlin
06/19/1950 A G Wilson discovers asteroid #1980 Tezcatlipoca
06/19/1952 'I've Got A Secret' debuts on CBS-TV with Garry Moore as host
06/19/1952 Bkln Dodger Carl Erskine no-hits Chicago Cubs, 5-0
06/19/1953 Albert W Dent, elected president of Natl Health Council
06/19/1953 Julius & Ethel Rosenberg convicting of spying for USSR
06/19/1953 WCSC TV channel 5 in Charleston, SC (CBS) begins broadcasting
06/19/1953 WTPA (now WHTM) TV channel 27 in Harrisburg, PA (ABC) 1st broadcast
06/19/1954 Ed Furgol wins US Open golf tournament
06/19/1955 Jack Fleck wins US Open golf tournament
06/19/1955 Mickey Mantle hits career HR # 100
06/19/1955 Phils beat Cubs 1-0 in 15, ties longest shut out in Phillies history

06/19/1959 Senate rejects Ike's appointment of Lewis Strauss for Sec of Comm
06/19/1960 Loretta Lynn records 'Honky Tonk Girl'
06/19/1961 Kuwait declares independence from UK
06/19/1961 NY Yankee Roger Maris hits his 25th of 61 HRs
06/19/1963 2 Russian space missions return to Earth
06/19/1963 Charter members of Canadian Football Hall of Fame chosen
06/19/1963 Greek cabinet of Pipinolis forms
06/19/1963 Valentina Tereshkova 1st woman in space returns to Earth
06/19/1964 Civil Rights Act of 1964 passes 73-27
06/19/1965 Algerian coup under colonel Houari Boumédienne, pres Ben Bella flees

06/19/1965 KYW-AM in Cleveland Ohio returns call letters to Philadelphia
06/19/1967 Muhammad Ali is convicted for refusing induction in US Army
06/19/1967 Paul McCartney admits on TV that he took LSD
06/19/1968 50,000 participate in Solidarity Day March of Poor People's Campaign

06/19/1969 State troopers ordered to Cairo Ill, to quell racial disturbances
06/19/1970 A Nikolayev & V Sevastyanov return after 18 days in Soyuz 9
06/19/1970 Conservatives win British parliamentary election
06/19/1970 Jim Bouton's controversial 'Ball Four' is published
06/19/1971 Mayor declares state of emergency in Columbus Ga, racial disturbance

06/19/1972 40,000 pilots strike against naval officer
06/19/1973 Pete Rose & Willie Davis both get career hit # 2,000
06/19/1974 KC Royal Steve Busby 2nd no-hitter beats Milwaukee Brewers, 2-0
06/19/1974 Yemen Arab Republic (North Yemen) suspends constitution
06/19/1976 King Charles XVI Gustaf of Sweden marries Dutchess Silvia Sommerlath

06/19/1976 US Viking 1 goes into Martian orbit after 10-month flight from Earth

06/19/1977 Hubert Green wins US Open golf tournament
06/19/1977 Pope Paul VI makes 19th-cen bishop John Neumann 1st US male saint
06/19/1977 Red Sox set 3 game record of 16 HRs, all against Yanks
06/19/1979 Mali's constitution goes into effect
06/19/1980 Battle between police & demonstrators in Capetown, 34 killed
06/19/1981 Boeing commercial Chinook 2-rotor helicopter is certified
06/19/1981 European Space Agency's Ariane carries 2 satellites into orbit
06/19/1981 Heaviest known orange (2.5 kg) exhibited, Nelspruit, S Africa
06/19/1981 India's APPLE satellite, 1st to be stabilized on 3 axes, launched
06/19/1983 'Octopussy' premieres in US
06/19/1984 1st live TV appearance by Chief Justice Warren Burger (Nightline)
06/19/1985 Reggie Jackson hits his 513th HR to move into 10th place
06/19/1986 Argentina beats West Germany 3-2 in soccer's 13th World Cup
06/19/1987 ETA bomb attack on Barcelona, 15 killed
06/19/1987 Geffen records sign their 1st artist (Donna Summer)
06/19/1987 Supreme Court rules school teaching evolution need not teach creatio

06/19/1987 Wee Willie Keeler's 44 game hitting streak ends
06/19/1988 Coup in Haiti
06/19/1988 Danny Spitz, heavy metal artist (Anthrax), weds Valerie
06/19/1991 2 of Mia Farrow's daughters arrested for shoplifting lingerie
06/19/1991 Colombian drug baron Pablo Escobar surrenders to police
06/19/1992 Guardian Angel Curtis Sliwa is shot twice in NYC
06/19/1992 Inkhata-blood bath in Boipatong South-Africa
06/19/1992 NY Yankees 1st game in Baltimore Oriole's Camden Yards
06/19/1994 Ernesto Samper elected president of Colombia

Robert Wolfe

Jun 19, 2021, 7:40:18 PM6/19/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


06/18/1581 Thomas Overbury, poet (baptised)
06/18/1667 Louise Henri‰tte, daughter of Frederik Hendrik
06/18/1681 Feofan Prokopovich, theologian, archbishop of Novgorod, westernizer
06/18/1716 Joseph M Vien, French (court)painter
06/18/1723 Giuseppe Scarlotti, composer
06/18/1740 Karel van Poucke, Flemish sculptor
06/18/1744 Augustin Holler, composer
06/18/1757 Ignace Joseph Pleyel, composer
06/18/1758 Pieter PJQ Ondaatje, Ceylon/Dutch jurist/patriot
06/18/1780 Michael Henkel, composer
06/18/1799 Prosper M‚niŠre, French ear doctor (M‚niŠre Syndrome)
06/18/1799 William Lassell, discoverer (satellites of Uranus & Neptune)
06/18/1809 Sylvanus William Godon, Commander (Union Navy), died in 1879
06/18/1812 Ivan Goncharov, Russia, novelist/travel writer (Oblomov)
06/18/1818 Charles Francois Gounod, composer
06/18/1820 Martin Andreas Udbye, composer
06/18/1822 Henry David Leslie, composer
06/18/1824 Johannes Heykamp, Catholic archbishop of Utrecht
06/18/1839 William Henry Seward Jr, Brig General (Union volunteers), died in 19

06/18/1850 Richard Heuberger, composer
06/18/1854 Edward Wyllis Scripps, publisher/journalist
06/18/1857 Henry Clay Folger Jr, US, businessman/Shakespeare fan
06/18/1858 Hans Schardt, Swiss geologist
06/18/1860 Hugo Loudon, President of Koninkl˜ke Oil Commission
06/18/1861 Jos‚ FdT Coelho, Portuguese writer (Os Meus Amores)
06/18/1868 Mikl¢s Horthy von Nagybanya, Hungarian kingdom regent (1920-44)
06/18/1877 James Montgomery Flagg, illustrator 'I want you' recruiting poster
06/18/1881 Eduard C 'Edo' Fimmen, worker's union leader
06/18/1882 Georgi Dimitrov, Bulgaria premier (1946-49) [or 6/28]
06/18/1884 Edouard Daladier, premier France (1933..40)
06/18/1886 George Mallory, England, mountain climber ('because it is there')
06/18/1889 Paul Joostens, Flemish painter
06/18/1891 Hans Ruin, Swedish/Finnish literature historian
06/18/1892 Edward Steuermann, composer
06/18/1896 Blanche Sweet, Chicago, actress (Home Sweet Home, Avenging Conscienc

06/18/1896 Philip Barry, US, dramatist (Philadelphia Story)
06/18/1901 Jeanette MacDonald, actress/singer (When I'm Calling You)
06/18/1901 Jimmy Dale, Bronx NYC, orch leader (Sonny & Cher)
06/18/1901 Llewellyn Rees, British theater actor (Invisible Creature)
06/18/1903 Raymond Radiguet, French journalist/writer (Le diable ouch corps)
06/18/1904 Keye Luke, Canton China, actor (Across the Pacific, Yangtse Incident

06/18/1904 Manuel Rosenthal, Paris France, composer (Bootleggers)
06/18/1905 Eduard Tubin, composer
06/18/1906 Kay Kyser, Rocky Mount NC, orch leader (Kay Kyser's Kollege)
06/18/1907 Benny Payne, Phila, pianist (Billy Daniels Show)
06/18/1907 Froelich Rainey, Wisc, quiz moderator (What in the World)
06/18/1908 Bud Collyer, NYC, TV emcee (Beat the Clock, To Tell the Truth)
06/18/1908 Maria E Vieira da Silva, Portuguese painter (Infinite Passage)
06/18/1910 Avon Long, Balt Md, actor (Roots: Next Generation)
06/18/1910 Dick Foran, Flemington NJ, actor (OK Crackerby)
06/18/1910 Ray McKinley, Ft Worth Tx, orch leader (Glenn Miller Time)
06/18/1912 Henry Brandon, Berlin Germany, actor (Drums of Fu Manchu)
06/18/1913 Sammy Cahn, lyricist (3 Coins in a Fountain)
06/18/1913 Sylvia Porter, financial writer (Sylvia Porter's Money Book)
06/18/1915 Victor Legley, composer
06/18/1916 John Young, actor/TV panalist (Masquerade Party)
06/18/1917 Akhmet Jevdet Ismail Hajiyev, composer
06/18/1917 Richard Boone, LA Calif, actor (Paladin-Have Gun Will Travel)
06/18/1918 Bob Carroll, singer/actor (Stage Two Revue, Stranger)
06/18/1919 Mel Brandt, Bkln NY, actor (Faraway Hill)
06/18/1919 Ted Leadbitter, British MP (Lab)
06/18/1920 Aster Berkhof, [Louis Van de Bergh], Flemish writer (Furious Christ)

06/18/1920 Ian Carmichael, English actor (Lucky Jim, I'm Alright Jack)
06/18/1922 Donald L Keene, NYC, Japanese translator/critic
06/18/1923 Herman Krebbers, violist/concert master
06/18/1924 Liesbeth den Uyl-van Vessem, feminist/wife of Joop den Uyl
06/18/1925 Robert Arthur, Aberdeen Wash, actor (12 O'Clock High, Just For You)
06/18/1926 Patricia Hutchinson, British ambassador (Uruguay)
06/18/1926 Tom Wicker, columnist (NY Times)
06/18/1927 Dennis Landau, CEO (Cooperative Wholesale Society)
06/18/1927 Paul Eddington, actor (Devil Rides Out, Devil's Bride)
06/18/1927 Simeon Pironkov, composer
06/18/1928 Michael Blakemore, British theater director
06/18/1929 Eva Bartok, Budapest Hungary, actress (Assassin, Crimson Pirate)
06/18/1929 James Bishop, editor (London News Publications)
06/18/1929 J rgen Habermans, German sociologist (Frankfurter Schule)
06/18/1930 Peter Phillips, CEO (AB Electronics)
06/18/1931 Della Smith, cookbook writer/British broadcaster
06/18/1931 Peter Batty, TV/movie producer
06/18/1933 Jean Wicki, Switzerland, 4-man bobsled (Olympic-gold-1972)
06/18/1933 Tommy Hunt, US singer (Flamingos-Lovers Never Say Goodbye)
06/18/1934 Brian Kenny, deputy supreme allied commander of Europe
06/18/1934 Carl de Winter, sect-gen (Federation of British Artists)
06/18/1936 R Ronald Venetian, [Vene], president Suriname (1991- )
06/18/1937 Gail Godwin, US, author (Perfectionists, Odd Woman)
06/18/1937 John D [Jay] Rockefeller IV, (Sen-D-WV, 1985- )
06/18/1937 Vitaly M Zhobolov, USSR, cosmonaut (Soyuz 21)
06/18/1938 Joop M Worrell, Dutch 2nd Chamber member (PvdA)
06/18/1939 Lou Brock, one-time baseball stolen base leader (St Louis Cards)
06/18/1939 Lynn Whiting, horse trainer
06/18/1940 Bob Duncan, governor of Gartree Prison in UK
06/18/1942 Hans Vonk, conductor
06/18/1942 Paul McCartney, Liverpool, rocker, (Beatles), writes silly love song

06/18/1942 Rogert Ebert, Urbana Ill, film critic (Siskel & Ebert at the Movies)

06/18/1942 Thabo M Mbeki, South African economist/1st vice-president (1994- )
06/18/1944 Paul Lansky, composer
06/18/1947 Douglas Young, composer
06/18/1947 Linda Thorson, Toronto, actress (Tara-Avengers, Julia-1 Life to Live

06/18/1949 Jerry Hollendorfer, horse trainer
06/18/1950 Annelie Ehrhardt, German DR, 100m hurdler (Olympics-gold-1972)
06/18/1951 Henny Huisman, TV host
06/18/1952 Barry Champagne, Louisiana, stunt coorindator (Licence to Kill)
06/18/1952 Carol Kane, Cleveland Ohio, actress (Dog Day Afternoon, Simka-Taxi)
06/18/1952 Isabella Rossellini, actress (Blue Velvet, Tough Guys Don't Dance)
06/18/1953 Jerome Smith, US guitarist (KC & the Sunshine Band-Boogie Shoes)
06/18/1957 Andrea Evans, actress (Young & Restless, Tina-One Life to Live)
06/18/1958 Daniels Koran, saxophonist (Atlantic Star-Touch a 4 Leaf Clover)
06/18/1961 Alison Moyet, rock vocalist (Yaz, Alf)
06/18/1962 Jan[ice] Merrill, track star (US record long distance holder 1979)
06/18/1963 Bruce Smith, NFL defensive end (Buffalo Bills)
06/18/1963 Darren 'Dizzy' Reed, US musician (Guns n' Roses-Sweet Girl of Mine)
06/18/1963 Omar Londono, jockey
06/18/1969 Fernando Valenzula, jockey
06/18/197- Michael Sutton, actor (Stone-General Hospital)
06/18/1971 Nathan Morris, [Alex Vanderpool], Phila Pa, rapper (Boyz II Men)
06/18/1974 Bumper Robinson, actor (Webster, Night Court)


06/18/ 741 Leo III de Isaurier, Byzantine Emperor (717-41), dies
06/18/1291 Alfonso III, King of Aragon (1285-91), dies
06/18/1464 Rogier van der Weyden, Flemish painter, dies at 65
06/18/1580 Juliana van Stolberg, Engraver of Nassau, dies
06/18/1588 Anna, daughter of prince Willem I/Anna van Saksen, dies at 24
06/18/1629 Piet Heyn, lt-admiral (Spanish silver fleet), dies in battle at 51
06/18/1669 Abraham Cr˜nssen, Swiss admiral, conquered Suriname, dies
06/18/1686 Johann Quirsfeld, composer, dies at 43
06/18/1726 Michel-Richard de Lalande, composer, dies at 68
06/18/1772 Gerard of Swieten, botanist/painter of Maria Theresia, dies at 72
06/18/1799 Johann Andre, composer, dies at 58
06/18/1817 Joannes Siberg, governor-general of Neth-Indies (1801-05), dies
06/18/1821 Charles Hague, composer, dies at 52
06/18/1824 Ferdinand III JJ-B, archduke of Austria/ruler of Toscane, dies at 55

06/18/1850 Antoni Weinert, composer, dies at 99
06/18/1853 Branko Radicevic, Serbian poet (1st Serbian Uprising), dies
06/18/1859 Joseph Hartmann Stuntz, composer, dies at 65
06/18/1866 Jacobus T Abels, painter, dies at 62
06/18/1876 August Rockel, composer, dies at 61
06/18/1880 John Sutter, US colonist (gold discovered on his land), dies at 77
06/18/1884 Juan B Alberdi, [Figarillo], Arg writer (Crime of Guerra), dies at 7

06/18/1886 Joannes A Paredis, Belgian/Neth bishop of Roermond, dies at 90
06/18/1902 Samuel Butler, British writer (Eerewhon), dies
06/18/1909 Learmont Drysdale, composer, dies at 42
06/18/1911 Franjo Zaver Kuhac, composer, dies at 76
06/18/1916 Helmuth J L von Moltke, German chief general of staff, dies at 67
06/18/1921 Eduardo Acevedo D¡az, Uruguay writer (Nativa, Lanza y sable), dies
06/18/1921 Herman Baccaert, Flemish philological/writer (Kantkennis), dies at 3

06/18/1922 John C Kapteyn, astronomer, dies at 71
06/18/1928 Roald E G Amundsen, Norwegian pole explorer, dies
06/18/1934 Francisco Lacerda, composer, dies at 65
06/18/1935 August Reusner, composer, dies at 64
06/18/1936 Maksim Gorki, [Alexei M Peshkov], Russian writer (Mother), dies
06/18/1937 Gaston Doumergue, premier/president of France (1913..34), dies
06/18/1939 French LM 'Sas' van Aerschot, Flemish actor, dies at 73
06/18/1942 Arthur Willard Pryor, composer, dies at 71
06/18/1942 John Kubris, Czech resistance fighter, shot by Heydrich
06/18/1942 Josef Gabc¡k, Czech resistance fighter, shot by Heydrich
06/18/1945 Colonel Roberts, commandant 22nd regiment marines, dies in battle
06/18/1945 Simon B Buckner, US lt-gen/commandant of 10th Army, dies
06/18/1952 Efim D Bogoljubov, Russian chess player, dies at 63
06/18/1955 Walter Rein, composer, dies at 61
06/18/1955 Willy Burkhard, composer, dies at 55
06/18/1959 Ethel Barrymore, [Blythe], actress (None but the lonely), dies at 79

06/18/1962 Volkmar Andreae, Swiss conductor/composer (Bruckner), dies at 82
06/18/1964 Alexander Shamil'yevich Melik-Pashayev, composer, dies at 58
06/18/1965 George Melachrino, composer, dies at 56
06/18/1967 Humberto de Alencar Castelo Branco, Brazil pres (1964-67), dies at 6

06/18/1973 Fritz Mahler, composer, dies at 71
06/18/1973 Willem Vogt, radio pioneer/founder AVRO, dies at 84
06/18/1974 Georgi K Zhukov, Russian marshal/minister of Defense, dies at 77
06/18/1975 Faisal Ibn Mussed Abdul Aziz, Saudi prince, beheaded in Riyadh
06/18/1975 shopping center parking lot for killing his uncle the king
06/18/1976 Victor Lord, character on One Life to Live, dies
06/18/1982 Curt Jurgens, actor (Disorder), dies of an acute heart attack at 66
06/18/1982 John Cheever, Pulitzer prize winning author, dies at 70 in Ossining
06/18/1982 Roberto Calvi, director (Banco Ambrosiano), hangs himself
06/18/1991 Joan Caulfield, actress (My Favorite Husband), dies of cancer at 69
06/18/1992 Peter Allen, entertainer (Legs Diamond), dies of aids at 48

Significant Events:

06/18/ 860 Swedish Vikings attack Constantinople
06/18/1155 Pope Adrian IV crowns Frederick I Barbarossa Roman-German Emperor
06/18/1316 Peace of Fexhe: prince-bishop Adolf II of Mark & Luikse towns
06/18/1538 Treaty of Nice: ends war between Emperor Charles V & King French I
06/18/1580 States of Utrecht forbid catholic worship
06/18/1629 Sea battle at Dungeness: Piet Heyn vs Dunkerk Cape
06/18/1778 British Redcoats evacuate Phila
06/18/1779 French fleet occupies St Vincent
06/18/1812 War of 1812 begins as US declares war against Britain
06/18/1815 Battle of Waterloo; Napoleon defeated by Wellington & Bl cher
06/18/1821 Opera 'Der Freisch tz' is produced (Berlin)
06/18/1822 Part of US-Canadian boundary determined
06/18/1822 Slave revolt leaders Denmark Vesey & Peter Poyas arrested in SC
06/18/1836 HMS Beagle/Charles Darwin leave South-Africa
06/18/1839 Dutch prince Willem Alexander PFL weds niece Princess Sophia
06/18/1863 After long neglect, Confederates hurriedly fortify Vicksburg
06/18/1864 At Petersburg, Grant ends 4 days of assaults
06/18/1872 Woman's Sufferage Convention held at Merchantile Liberty Hall
06/18/1873 Susan B Anthony fined $100 for attempting to vote for President
06/18/1878 C H F Peters discovers asteroid #188 Menippe
06/18/1892 Macademia nuts 1st planted in Hawaii
06/18/1898 Amusement pier opens, Atlantic City, NJ
06/18/1898 Fred Herd wins US Open golf tournament
06/18/1900 Empress DouairiŠre orders I-Ho-Chuan (Boxers) to kill all foreigners

06/18/1900 Gen Luigi Pelloux resigns as premier of Italy
06/18/1903 1st transcontinental auto trip begins in SF; arrives NY 3-mo later
06/18/1909 Nannie Burroughs forms national training School for Women
06/18/1910 Alex Smith wins US Open golf tournament
06/18/1915 Jerome Travers becomes 2nd amateur to win golf's US Open
06/18/1916 Yanks score in every inning but 8th beat Indians 19-3
06/18/1924 Pope Pius XI's encyclical Maximam gravissimamque
06/18/1926 Theodor Lessing laid-off 'because he is a Jew' in Hanover
06/18/1927 Paavo Nurmi runs world record 2000 m: 5:24,6
06/18/1934 US Highway planning surveys nationwide authorized
06/18/1936 1st bicycle traffic court in America established, Racine, WI
06/18/1936 Polish parliament gives pres Ignacy Moscicki dictatorial power
06/18/1940 Gen Charles de Gaulle on BBC tells French to defy nazi occupiers
06/18/1940 German occupiers slaughter cattle, pigs & chickens
06/18/1941 Heavyweight Joe Louis KOs Billy Conn
06/18/1941 Turkey signs peace treaty with nazi-Germany
06/18/1942 Bernard W Robinson, becomes 1st black ensign in US Navy
06/18/1942 Eric Nessler of France stays aloft in a glider for 38h21m
06/18/1945 William Joyce (Lord Haw-Haw) Brit radio traitor charged with treason

06/18/1947 Cincinnati Red Ewell Blackwell no-hits Boston Braves, 6-0
06/18/1948 American Library Association adopts Library Bill of Rights
06/18/1948 National Security Council authorizes covert operations for 1st time
06/18/1948 Phillies pitching great Robin Roberts debut, loses 2-0 to Pirates
06/18/1948 UN Commission on Human Rights adopts Intl Decl of Human Rights
06/18/1950 Cleve Indians score 14 runs in 1st inning, beat A's 21-2
06/18/1951 De Gaulle wins French parliamentary election
06/18/1953 Egypt proclaimed a republic, General Neguib becomes president
06/18/1953 USAF C124 Globemaster crashes near Tokyo killing 129 servicemen
06/18/1954 Pierre MendŠs-France forms French government
06/18/1956 Last of foreign troops leaves Egypt as Brits leave Suez Canal
06/18/1957 John Diefenbacker (C) takes office as PM of Canada
06/18/1959 1st telecast transmitted from England to US
06/18/1960 Arnold Palmer wins US Open golf tournament
06/18/1960 Giants hire Tom Sheehan as baseball's oldest debuting manager (66)
06/18/1961 CBS radio cancels Gunsmoke
06/18/1961 KBMT TV channel 12 in Beaumont, TX (ABC) begins broadcasting
06/18/1963 3,000 blacks boycot Boston public school
06/18/1964 African Groundnut Council forms in Dakar
06/18/1967 Houston Don Wilson no-hits Atlanta Braves, 2-0
06/18/1967 Jack Nicklaus wins US Open golf tournament
06/18/1967 Monterey Pop Festival
06/18/1968 Supreme Court bans racial discrimination in sale & rental of housing

06/18/1972 BEA Trident crashes after takeoff from Heathrow killing 118
06/18/1972 Jack Nicklaus wins US Open golf tournament
06/18/1972 West Germany wins soccer world championship
06/18/1973 NCAA makes urine testing mandatory for participants
06/18/1974 Gaston Thorn forms Luxembourg govt
06/18/1975 Fred Lynn gets 10 RBIs in a Red Sox 15-1 victory over Tigers
06/18/1975 NBC News & Information Service (24 hr news) premieres on radio
06/18/1976 A Joseph William Turner watercolor auctioned for œ340,000
06/18/1976 NBA & ABA agree to merge
06/18/1977 Billy Martin & Reggie Jackson get into a dug out altercation
06/18/1977 Space Shuttle test model 'Enterprise' carries a crew aloft
06/18/1978 Andy North wins US Open golf tournament
06/18/1978 Victor de la Torre wins Peru election
06/18/1979 Billy Martin becomes Yankee manager (2nd time), replacing Bob Lemon
06/18/1979 Pres Carter & Leonid I Brezhnev sign SALT 2 treaty
06/18/1980 'Blues Brothers' with Dan Akwoyd & John Belushi premieres
06/18/1980 C Shoemaker discovers asteroid #2891 McGetchin
06/18/1980 Dutch 2nd Chamber joins oil boycott of South Africa
06/18/1980 E Bowell discovers asteroid #2569 Madeline
06/18/1980 John Belushi's 'Blues Brothers' premieres
06/18/1980 Mrs Shakuntala Devi mentally multiplies 2 13-digit #s in 28 sec
06/18/1981 Sandra Day O'Connor, 1st woman on high court
06/18/1982 ABC's All Talk radio network expands to 22 stations
06/18/1982 Voting Rights Act of 1965 extended by Senate by 85-8 vote
06/18/1983 7th Shuttle Mission-Challenger 2 launched-Sally Ride 1st US woman
06/18/1983 IRA's Joseph Doherty arrested in NYC
06/18/1984 Fuzzy Zoeller wins US Open golf tournament
06/18/1984 Perth Observatory discovers asteroid #3541
06/18/1985 Boston Red Sox Fred Lynn gets 10 RBIs
06/18/1986 52 die in plane/helicopter collision over Grand Canyon
06/18/1986 Don Sutton becomes 19th pitcher to win 300 games
06/18/1986 plane/ helicopter crash above Grand Canyon, kills 25
06/18/1987 Charles Glass, ABC journalist, kidnapped in Lebanon
06/18/1989 Comet Churyunov-Gerasimenko at perihelion
06/18/1989 Curtis Strange wins his 2nd US golf open
06/18/1990 1st ever lose for Cameroon in World Cup, USSR-4 Cameroon-0
06/18/1990 1st sudden death US Open Golf Championship is won by Hale Irwin
06/18/1991 Boris Yeltsin, president of Russia, arrives in US
06/18/1991 Mud storm in Antofagasta Chile, kills 80
06/18/1991 SF Giant pitcher Dave Dravecky's cancerous left arm is amputated
06/18/1991 Yankee pitchers pick-off 3 Toronto Blue Jays
06/18/1992 Actor Jameson Parker weds actress Darleen Carr
06/18/1992 Ottawa Senators make goalie Peter Sidorkiewicz their 1st draft
06/18/1992 Tampa Bay Lightning make goalie Wendell Young their 1st draft
06/18/1993 Expo's Dennis Martinez is 92nd to win 200 games
06/18/1993 Toru Takemitsu's 'Archipelago' premieres in Aldeburgh England
06/18/1994 Aleksander Popov swims world record 100m free style (48.21 sec)
06/18/1994 US ties Switzerland 1-1 in their 1st game of 1994 soccer world cup

Robert Wolfe

Jun 20, 2021, 7:40:13 AM6/20/21
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Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


06/20/1566 Sigismund III, King of Poland/Sweden
06/20/1585 Lazaro Valvasensi, composer
06/20/1615 Salvatore Rosa, Italian painter/musician [or 7/21]
06/20/1634 Charles Emanuel II, Duke of Savoy (1638-75)
06/20/1642 George Hickes, English linguistic (Old German Philology)
06/20/1647 Johan Georg III, ruler of Saxon (1680-91)
06/20/1674 Nicholas Rowe, England, poet laureate (Jane Shore, Tamerlane)
06/20/1694 Hans A Brorson, bishop of Ribe
06/20/1723 Adam Ferguson, Scottish sociologist/historian
06/20/1730 Nonnosus Madlseder, composer
06/20/1743 Anna L Barbauld, writer of hymns
06/20/1756 Joseph Martin Kraus, composer
06/20/1763 Theobald Wolfe Tone, Irish nationalist
06/20/1819 Jacques Offenbach, Cologne, French composer (Tales of Hoffmann)
06/20/1823 Jesse Lee Reno, Major General (Union volunteers), died in 1862
06/20/1824 George E Street, British (?) architect
06/20/1824 John Tyler Morgan, Brig General (Confederate Army), died in 1907
06/20/1833 L‚on-J-F Bonnat, painter
06/20/1852 Theodorus Heemskerk Jzn, lawyer/minister of interior (1866..88)
06/20/1858 Medardo Rosso, Italian sculptor (portraits)
06/20/1861 Arthur Battelle Whiting, composer
06/20/1866 Ivans, [Jacob van Schevichaven], lawyer/detective writer
06/20/1866 Lord George ESMH Carnarvon, England, egyptologist (Toetanchamon)
06/20/1868 Helen Miller Shepard, philanthropist/established Hall of Fame
06/20/1875 Othenio Able, Austria, paleontologist
06/20/1883 Giannotto Bastianelli, composer
06/20/1883 Leah Baird, actress (Lady Gangster)
06/20/1887 Arnaut Colnot, painter/graphic artist
06/20/1894 George Delacorte, NYC, philanthropist/publisher (Dell Books)
06/20/1894 Lloyd A Hall, Illinois, pioneer in food chemistry
06/20/1899 Anthon van der Horst, organist/composer
06/20/1899 Helen Traubel, St Louis, Missouri, soprano (or 6/16/1903)
06/20/1899 Jean Moulin, hero of the French Resistance during WW II
06/20/1900 Ernest White, composer
06/20/1903 Glenna Collett Vare, RI, Natl Am Golf champ (1922, 25, 28-30, 35)
06/20/1904 Heinrich von Brentano di Tremezzo, German Foreign Minister
06/20/1906 Bob Howard, Newton Mass, singer/pianist (Sing it Again)
06/20/1906 Catherine Cookson, England, novelist (Bannaman Legacy)
06/20/1907 Lillian Hellman, playwright (Toys in the Attic, Little Foxes)
06/20/1909 Errol Flynn, actor (Captain Blood, Robin Hood, Against All Flags)
06/20/1911 Gail Patrick, Birmingham Ala, actress (My Man Godfrey, Love Crazy)
06/20/1911 Lord Brightman, British judge of appeals
06/20/1914 Friedrich Zipp, composer
06/20/1915 Terence Young, Shanghai China, director (Dr No, Thunderball)
06/20/1916 Johnny Morris, British broadcaster
06/20/1916 William Balchin, geographer
06/20/1919 Bruce Gordon, London England, actor (Frank Nitti-Untouchables)
06/20/1919 Ronald Hines, Dutch actor (Pack of Lies)
06/20/1920 DeForest Kelley, Atlanta Ga, actor (Dr Leonard McCoy-Star Trek)
06/20/1920 Haydn Tudor Evans, British high court judge
06/20/1923 Marcus Bakker, Dutch 2nd Chamber member (CPN)
06/20/1924 Audie Murphy, Kingston Tx, WW II hero/actor (Destry, Joe Butterfly)
06/20/1924 Chet Atkins, Luttrell Tenn, guitarist (Me & My Guitar)
06/20/1924 Rainer Barzel, German CDU-CSU-fractieleader/minister
06/20/1925 Doris J Hart, St Louis Mo, tennis player (Wimbeldon 1951)
06/20/1926 Arthur Bell, royal botanic gardens director (Kew Gardens)
06/20/1928 David Mitchell, British parliament leader
06/20/1928 Jean-Marie Le-Pen, France, leader National Front party
06/20/1928 Martin Landau, actor (Mission Impossible, Space 1999, Tucker)
06/20/1928 Robert Satanowski, composer
06/20/1929 Ronald Hines, British actor (Pack of Lies)
06/20/1930 Ellie Rabb, US, actor (Fabulous Baker Boys, Extreme Close-up)
06/20/1930 John Waine, bishop (Chelmsford)
06/20/1931 Arne Nordheim, Larvik Norway, conductor/composer (Aftonland)
06/20/1931 James Tolkan, actor (Weekend War, Leap of Faith, Second Sight)
06/20/1931 Olympia Dukakis, actress (Moonstruckm, Cemetary Club)
06/20/1931 Richard Southwood, zoologist/chancellor (Oxford University)
06/20/1932 Robert Rozjdestvenski, Russian poet (Requiem, Userjoz)
06/20/1933 Brett Halsey, Santa Ana Calif, actress (Paul-Follow the Sun)
06/20/1933 Claire Tomalin, biographer/editor
06/20/1933 Danny Aiello, NYC, actor (Moonstruck, Radio Days)
06/20/1933 Earl of Cranbrook, CEO (Nature Conservancy Council)
06/20/1933 Jean Boiteux, France, 400m freestyle swimmer (Olympic-gold-1952)
06/20/1934 Brian Barder, British high commissar in Australia
06/20/1934 Cornel Taranu, composer
06/20/1934 Rossana Podesta, Tripoli Libya, actress (Hercules, Ulysses)
06/20/1934 Wendy Craig, English actress (Joseph Andrews)
06/20/1935 Anthony Pilkington, CEO (Pilkington Pic)
06/20/1936 Billy Guy, US singer (Coasters-Young Blood)
06/20/1938 Nikolay Avksentevich Martinov, composer
06/20/1939 Budge Rogers, British rugby player
06/20/1940 John Mahoney, actor (Fraiser, Frantic, 8 Men Out, Tin Men)
06/20/1941 Stephen Frears, director (Prick Up Your Ears, Dangerous Liaisons)
06/20/1941 Ulf D Merbold, German physicist/astronaut (STS 9, STS 42)
06/20/1942 Brian Wilson, Inglewood Calif, singer (Beachboys-In My Room)
06/20/1943 Andy Etchebarren, baseball catcher (Balt Orioles)
06/20/1944 Dave Nelson, baseball player
06/20/1944 Terry Funk, wrestler (WCW/SMW/NWA/WWF/JWA)
06/20/1945 Anne Murray, Nova Scotia Canada, singer (Snow Bird)
06/20/1945 David S Monson, (Rep-R-UT, 1985- )
06/20/1945 James F Buchli, New Rockford ND, USMC/astr (STS 51C, 61A, 29, 48)
06/20/1945 John McCook, Ventura Cal, actor (Codename: Firefox, Bold & Beautiful

06/20/1946 Andr‚ Watts, Nuremberg Germany, concert pianist (Oberon)
06/20/1946 Duke of Gloucester
06/20/1947 Candy Clark, actress (Man Who Fell to Earth, Q, American Graffiti)
06/20/1947 David French, British director
06/20/1947 John Forbes, horse trainer
06/20/1950 Lionel Richie, Alabama, singer (Commodores, Hello, Penny Lover)
06/20/1951 Peter Gordon, composer
06/20/1952 John Goodman, actor (Roseanne, Everyone's All American, Babe)
06/20/1952 Larry Riley, Memphis Tn, actor (Harry-Stir Crazy, Knots Landing)
06/20/1953 Brian Duffy, Boston Mass, Major USAF/astronaut (STS 45, 57)
06/20/1953 Cyndi Ann Stephanie Lauper, Bkln, singer (Girls Just Want to Have Fu

06/20/1953 Raul Ramirez, tennis player
06/20/1954 Alan Lamb, British cricket player
06/20/1955 Michael Anthony, rocker (Van Halen-Jump, 1984)
06/20/1957 Butch Patrick, Inglewood Calif, actor (Real McCoys, Eddie-Munsters)
06/20/1958 Dickie Thon, baseball player
06/20/1960 John Taylor, rocker (Duran Duran-Girls on Film)
06/20/1960 Michael Corbett, Collingwood NJ, actor (David-Young & Restless)
06/20/1961 Gary Varsho, baseball player
06/20/1961 Karin Enke, Dresden German DR, speed skater (Olympic-gold-1980, 84)
06/20/1963 Kirk Baptiste, Beaumont Tx, 200m runner (Olympic-silver-1984)
06/20/1967 Joseph William Cathcart, rock guitarist (Nelson-Love & Affection)


06/20/ 840 Louis de Vrome, emperor of French rich, dies
06/20/1585 Christianus Adrichomius, writer (Theatrum Terrae Sanctae), dies at 5

06/20/1597 Willem Barents, explorer (discovered Spitsbergen & Bereneil), dies
06/20/1649 Maria Tesselschade Roemers Visscher, author, dies
06/20/1751 Adriaen Valckenier, gov-gen of Neth-Indies (1737-41), dies at 56
06/20/1787 Karl F Able, German/British viola player/composer, dies at 63
06/20/1833 Philip Knapton, composer, dies at 44
06/20/1837 Giovanni Furno, composer, dies at 89
06/20/1837 William IV, King of England, dies
06/20/1842 Michael Umlauf, composer, dies at 60
06/20/1846 Pieter Adams, architect of Rotterdam, dies at about 67
06/20/1876 Antonio L de Santa Ana, pres Mexico, dies at 79
06/20/1883 Olivier Gloux, [Gustave Aimard], French world explorer, dies at 64
06/20/1888 Cesare Dominiceti, composer, dies at 66
06/20/1888 John H Zuckertort, German chess player, dies at 45
06/20/1890 Theodore Edouard Dufaure de Lajarte, composer, dies at 63
06/20/1904 Anthony F A Sandys, (British?) painter, dies
06/20/1915 Emil Rathenau, German industrialist (AEG), dies
06/20/1922 Vittorio Monti, composer, dies at 54
06/20/1923 Joseph Leopold Rockel, composer, dies at 85
06/20/1925 Wilhelm Posse, composer, dies at 72
06/20/1933 Clara Zetkin, German feminist/communist, dies
06/20/1940 Jehan Alain, French organist/composer, dies in battle at 29
06/20/1941 Stephanie H (Lapidoth-)Swarth, author (Lonely flowers, dies
06/20/1947 Benjamin 'Bugsy' Siegel, gangster, shot dead in Beverly Hills Cal
06/20/1948 George Frederick Boyle, composer, dies at 61
06/20/1953 Hendrik de Man, sociologist (Belgian Working people Party), dies at

06/20/1958 Kurt Alder, German chemist (Nobel 1950), dies
06/20/1959 Hitoshi Ashida, Japanese politician, dies at 71
06/20/1960 Mahlon Hamilton, actor (Peg O'My Heart, High School Girl), dies at 8

06/20/1963 Gordon Jones, actor (Mike the Cop-Abbott & Costello), dies at 52
06/20/1963 Joseph Self, murderer, executed; last Wash state execution in 25 yrs

06/20/1963 Ralph Sanford, actor (Life & Legend of Wyatt Earp), dies at 64
06/20/1964 Edgar Barrier, actor (Cobra Woman, Rocky, Macbeth), dies at 57
06/20/1965 Ira Louvin, country singer (Louvin Brothers), dies at 41
06/20/1966 Georges LemaŒtre, originator of 'big bang' theory, dies at 71
06/20/1972 Howard Johnson, US restaurant/hotel founder, dies at 75
06/20/1975 Daniel Ayala Perez, composer, dies at 68
06/20/1977 Abner Biberman, actor (Imhook-Kodiak), dies at 68
06/20/1978 Karel G Bakker, actor (Coffee House), dies at 66
06/20/1980 Gustaf Allan Pettersson, composer, dies at 68
06/20/1984 Estelle Winwood, actress (Miracle on 34th Street), dies at 99
06/20/1984 Sunny Johnson, actress (Animal House), dies cerebral hemorrhage at 3

06/20/1986 Tim Herbert, comedian (Dagmar's Canteen), dies at 71
06/20/1990 Ina Balin, actress (Patsy), dies at 52, of pulmonary hypertension
06/20/1994 Bram Koopmans, cyclist/coach, dies at 78

Significant Events:

06/20/ 451 Germans & Romans beat Atiila's the Hun at Catalarinische Fields
06/20/1212 French & Spanish crusaders unite against the Almohaden at Toledo
06/20/1402 Battle of Angora (Ankara)-Tatars defeat Turkish Army
06/20/1567 Jews are expelled from Brazil by order of regent Don Henrique
06/20/1632 Britain grants 2nd Lord Baltimore rights to Chesapeake Bay area
06/20/1756 146 Brit soldiers imprisoned in India-Black Hole of Calcutta-most di

06/20/1756 India rebels defeat Calcutta on British army
06/20/1779 Battle of Stone Ferry
06/20/1782 Congress approves Great Seal of US & eagle as it's symbol
06/20/1789 Oath of Tennis Court (for a new constitution) in France taken
06/20/1791 King Louis XVI caught trying to escape French Revolution
06/20/1793 Eli Whitney applies for a cotton gin patent
06/20/1819 Savannah becomes 1st steamship to cross any ocean (Atlantic)
06/20/1825 Coronation of French king Charles X the Bourbon
06/20/1837 England issues its 1st stamp, 1P Queen Victoria
06/20/1855 Commissioners appointed to lay out SF streets west of Larkin
06/20/1863 1st bank chartered in US (National Bank of Davenport Iowa)
06/20/1863 Skirmish at Greencastle Pennsylvania
06/20/1863 West Virginia admitted as 35th US state
06/20/1864 Battle of Kinston NC & Battle of Abingdon VA
06/20/1864 Battle of Petersburgs VA - in trenches
06/20/1864 Schermutselingen at Lattermore's Mills/Powder Springs Georgia
06/20/1866 Italy declares war on Austria
06/20/1867 Pres Andrew Johnson announces purchase of Alaska
06/20/1871 Ku Klux Klan trials began in federal court in Oxford Miss
06/20/1874 1st US Lifesaving Medal awarded (Lucian Clemons)
06/20/1893 Lizzie Borden acquitted in murder of parentst in New Bedford Mass
06/20/1895 1st female doctor of science earned (Caroline Willard Baldwin)
06/20/1895 A Charlois discovers asteroid #404 Arsinoe
06/20/1895 Canal of Smock official opens
06/20/1895 Nicaragua, El Salvador & Honduras form a short-lived confederation
06/20/1907 1st Portland Rose festival
06/20/1910 'Krazy Kat' comic strip by George Herriman debuts in NY Journal
06/20/1911 NAACP incorporates (NY)
06/20/1915 German offensive in Argonnes
06/20/1917 J Palisa discovers asteroid #876 Scott
06/20/1919 German govt of Scheideman resigns
06/20/1920 Yanks win protest of 1-0 White Sox win & game is replayed
06/20/1921 11.5' (29.2 cm) of rainfall, Circle, Montana (state record)
06/20/1926 Mordecai W Johnson becomes 1st black president of Howard University
06/20/1931 Karl Buresch becomes chancellor of Austrian
06/20/1936 Jesse Owens of US sets 100 meter record at 10.2
06/20/1939 C Jackson discovers asteroid #1817 Katanga
06/20/1939 Test flight of 1st rocket plane using liquid propellants
06/20/1940 Heavyweight Joe Louis KOs Arturo Godoy (NYC)
06/20/1942 Adolf Eichmann proclaims deportation of Dutch Jews
06/20/1942 German troops conquer Tobruk, North Africa
06/20/1943 Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) founded
06/20/1943 Detroit race riot kills 35
06/20/1943 German round up Jews in Amsterdam
06/20/1943 National Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) organizes
06/20/1943 New Qu‚bec (Chubb) Crater discovered in northern Qu‚bec (3« km dia)
06/20/1944 Congress charters Central Intelligence Agency
06/20/1944 Soviet forces conquer Wiborg
06/20/1944 US attacks Japanese fleet in Philippines Sea
06/20/1947 Pres Truman vetoes Taft-Hartley Act
06/20/1948 'Toast of the Town' hosted by Ed Sullivan premieres on CBS-TV
06/20/1948 Deutsche Mark introduced in West-Germany
06/20/1950 Dutch Air Force base Tjililitan given to Indonesia
06/20/1950 Joe Dimaggio's 2,000th hit, Yanks beat Indians 8-2
06/20/1956 Venezuelan Super Constellation crashes in NJ, 74 killed
06/20/1960 Federation of Mali (& Senegal) becomes independent of France
06/20/1960 Heavyweight Floyd Patterson KOs Ingemar Johnstown (NYC)
06/20/1963 1st Mayor's Trophy Game, Mets beat Yanks 6-2
06/20/1963 Beatles form 'Beatles Ltd' to handle their income
06/20/1963 US & USSR agree to set up 'Hot Line'
06/20/1964 Ken Venturi wins US Open golf tournament
06/20/1966 Billy Casper wins US Open golf tournament
06/20/1966 Sheila Scott completes 1st round-the-world solo flight by a woman
06/20/1967 Muhammad Ali convicted of refusing induction into armed services
06/20/1967 Phillies Larry Jackson beats NY Mets for 18th straight time
06/20/1968 Jim Hines becomes 1st person to run 100 meters in under 10 seconds
06/20/1969 150,000 attend Newport '69, Jimi Hendrix gets $120,000 to appear
06/20/1969 Georges Pompidou sworn in as president of France
06/20/1969 White Rhodesia agrees to race separation
06/20/1970 British govt of Edward Heath forms (with Margaret Thatcher)
06/20/1970 Oriole's Brooks Robinson get his 2,000 career hit, a 3 run HR
06/20/1973 Juan Per¢n returns to Argentina
06/20/1974 Felix Aguilar Observatory discovers asteroid #2124 Nissen
06/20/1976 Carl Fugate, Starkwether accomplice, paroled
06/20/1976 Czechoslovakia becomes European soccer champ
06/20/1976 Jerry Pate wins US Open golf tournament
06/20/1976 River Country opens
06/20/1977 Menahem Begin forms Israeli cabinet
06/20/1977 Oil enters Trans-Alaska pipeline exits 38 days later at Valdez
06/20/1981 Mudjahedin uprises against Iran regime
06/20/1982 Israeli PM Menachem Begin arrives in Washington
06/20/1982 Tom Watson wins US Open golf tournament
06/20/1983 Larry Nelson wins US Open golf tournament
06/20/1983 Yankee Bobby Murcer retires
06/20/1986 Drs at Bethesda Naval remove 2 small benign polyps from Reagan's col

06/20/1987 Johnny Carson marries 4th wife Alexis Mass
06/20/1988 Curtis Strange wins US Open golf tournament
06/20/1988 Haiti's general assembly dissolves
06/20/1988 NYC WABC-AM becomes flagship radio station of NJ Devils
06/20/1988 Price is Right model Janice Pennington is knocked out by a TV camera

06/20/1990 40,000-50,000 die in a (7.6) earthquake in Iran
06/20/1990 Nelson Mandela lands in NYC to begin a tour of US
06/20/1993 Chicago Bulls defeat Phoenix Suns 4 games to 2 for NBA title
06/20/1994 Bomb attack on Islamic temple in Mashad Iran (70 killed)
06/20/1994 Ernie Els win's 1994 Golf US Open
06/20/1994 OJ Simpson arraigned on murder of Nicole Simpson & Ronald Goldman

Robert Wolfe

Jun 24, 2021, 7:40:16 PM6/24/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


06/21/1002 Leo IX, [Bruno graaf von Egesheim und Dagsburg], Pope (1049-54)
06/21/1577 Giovanni Del Turco, composer
06/21/1596 Michael Fjodorovitsj, tsar of Russia (1613-45)/1st Romanov
06/21/1640 Abraham Mignon, still life painter
06/21/1668 Cajetan Kolberer, composer
06/21/1688 Alexander Pope, English poet (Rape of the Lock)
06/21/1730 Norinaga Moto'ori, Japanese leader
06/21/1732 Johann Christoph Frederic Bach, composer
06/21/1732 Martha Washington, 1st, 1st lady (1789-97)
06/21/1740 Hendrik van W˜n, archivist (Algemeen R˜ksarchief)
06/21/1763 Pierre P Royer-Collard, French attorney/philosopher
06/21/1774 Daniel D Tompkins, (D-R), 6th US vice-president (1817-25)
06/21/1781 Sim‚on-Denis Poisson, French mathematician (Poisson verdeling)
06/21/1790 Wilhelm Speyer, composer
06/21/1805 Karl Friedrich Curschmann, composer
06/21/1817 James Brewerton Ricketts, Bvt Major General (Union Army), died in 18

06/21/1818 Ernst II, duke of Saxon-Coburg-Gotha (1844-93)/composer
06/21/1818 Joseph Abel Haskin, Brig General (Union volunteers), died in 1874
06/21/1819 Jacques L Offenbach, [Jakob Eberst], German composer (Orph‚e enfers)

06/21/1823 Edward Elmer Potter, Bvt Mjr General (Union volunteers), died in 188

06/21/1839 Joaquim M Machado de Assic, Brazil, writer (Epitaph of a small winne

06/21/1839 Johannes P R Tak, Dutch liberal politician
06/21/1839 John Decatur Barry, Brig General (Confederate Army), died in 1867
06/21/1844 Ernest F Cambier, Belgian colonial pioneer (1st railway Congo)
06/21/1851 Daniel Carter Beard, US, organized 1st boy scout troop
06/21/1859 Henry O Tanner, artist
06/21/1862 Henry Holden Huss, composer
06/21/1865 Albert Herbert Brewer, composer
06/21/1873 Henry M Tomlinson, British writer (Sea & Jungle)
06/21/1876 Willem H Keesom, physicist (helium vast)
06/21/1882 Rockwell Kent, artist/painter/illustrator (Canterbury Tales)
06/21/1883 Fjodor W Gladkow, Russian writer (Cement)
06/21/1890 Egon Schiele, Austrian painter
06/21/1891 Hermann Scherchen, Berlin Germany, conductor (Nature of Music)
06/21/1892 Hilding Rosenberg, Bosj”kloster Sweden, composer (Babels Torn)
06/21/1892 Reinhold Niebuhr, US, theologian (Nature & Destiny of Man)
06/21/1893 Alois H ba, Czech (opera)composer (That Mother)
06/21/1899 Pavel Haas, composer
06/21/1900 Dorothy Stickney, US actress (And So They Were Married)
06/21/1900 Gunnar Ek, composer
06/21/1902 Wilhelm Maler, composer
06/21/1903 Al Hirschfeld, cartoonist (NINA, 1975 Tony Award)
06/21/1903 Alf Sj”berg, Swedish film maker
06/21/1903 Dorothy Stickney, actress (And So They Were Married)
06/21/1903 Helene Costello, dancer/actress (Love Toy)
06/21/1905 Jacques Goddot, French publisher (Tour de France)
06/21/1905 Jean Paul Sartre, existentialist/writer (Le Mur, Nobel 1964; decline

06/21/1906 Luis Maria Millet, composer
06/21/1909 Kurt Schwaen, composer
06/21/1910 Bela Tardos, composer
06/21/1910 Charles Jones, composer
06/21/1912 Mary McCarthy, US, novelist (Group)
06/21/1914 Jan Decadt, composer
06/21/1920 Helen Cattanach, British Army Nursing Service (QARANC)
06/21/1921 Frank Scott, Fargo ND, pianist (Lawrence Welk Show)
06/21/1921 Jane Russell, Bemidji, MN, actress full-figured gal (Outlaw)
06/21/1921 Jean Kent, London England, actress (Adv of Sir Francis Drake)
06/21/1921 Joan Tetzel, actress (Hell Below Zero, Joy in the Morning)
06/21/1922 Judy Holliday, NYC, comedienne/actress (Born Yesterday, Adam's Rib)
06/21/1923 John Compton, Lynchburg Tn, actor (Shannon-D.A.'s Man)
06/21/1924 Wally Fawkes, cartoonist/jazz clarinettist
06/21/1925 Maureen Stapleton, Troy NY, actress (Airport, Coccoon, Plaza Suite)
06/21/1927 Carl Stokes, (Cleve-Mayor)
06/21/1927 Jackie Collum, baseball player
06/21/1928 Judith Raskin, NYC, soprano (Susanna-Le Nozze di Figaro)
06/21/1929 John Morgan, British ambassador to Mexico
06/21/1930 Gerald Kaufman, British MP (shadow Foreign Secretary)
06/21/1930 Mike McCormack, NFL offensive tackle (NY Yankees, Cleveland, Phila)
06/21/1930 Patricia Lindop, radio biologist
06/21/1930 Peter Marshall, police commissioner (London)
06/21/1931 Lawrence K Grossman, News president (NBC-TV)
06/21/1931 Margaret Heckler, US Secretary of Health & Human Services (1983-85)
06/21/1932 Bernard Ingham, press secretary (Margaret Thatcher)
06/21/1932 Lalo [Boris] Schifrin, Buenos Aires Argentina, composer
06/21/1932 Ocie Lee 'OC' Smith, US jazz singer (Little Green Apples)
06/21/1933 Bernie Kopell, NYC, actor (Love Boat, Get Smart, That Girl)
06/21/1935 Fran‡oise Sagan, [Quoirez], France, novelist (Bon Jour Trieste)
06/21/1935 Monte Markham, Manatee Fla, actor (Second Hundred Years, Dallas)
06/21/1937 Anna Davies, prof of Comparative Philology (Oxford U)
06/21/1937 John Edrich, cricketer
06/21/1938 Dan Burton, (Rep-R-IN, 1983- )
06/21/1938 Ron Ely, Hereford Tx, actor (Tarzan, Doc Savage)
06/21/1939 Charles Boone, composer
06/21/1940 Joe Flaherty, Pitts Pa, comedian (SCTV, Blue Monday)
06/21/1940 Mariette Hartley, NYC, actress (Poloroid spokesperson, Marooned)
06/21/1942 Marg Margolies-Mezvinsky, (Rep-D-Pennsylvania)
06/21/1942 William Bradford Reynolds, Conn, US asst attorney general
06/21/1944 Corinna Tsopel, Athens Greece, actress (Man Called Horse)
06/21/1944 Frans Luitjes, Dutch athlete
06/21/1944 Ray Davies, singer/guitarist (Kinks-Come Dancing)
06/21/1946 Brenda Holloway, US singer/songwriter (When I'm Gone)
06/21/1946 Kate Hoey, British MP (Lab)
06/21/1946 Malcolm Rifkind, British QC MP (Sect of State for Defense)
06/21/1946 Maurice Saatchi, CEO (Saatchi & Saatchi)
06/21/1947 Dana Rohrabacher, (Rep-R-California)
06/21/1947 Lex van Delden, actor (Soldat of Orange)
06/21/1947 Meredith Baxter-Birney, Ca, actr (Family Ties, Bridget loves Bernie)

06/21/1947 Michael Gross, Chicago Ill, actor (Family Ties, FBI murders)
06/21/1948 Joey Malland, rocker (Badfinger-Come & Get It)
06/21/1948 Leo Sayers, rocker (You Make Me Feel Like Dancing)
06/21/1949 Jim Bacchus, (Rep-D-Florida)
06/21/1950 Joey Kramer, NYC, hard rock drummer (Aerosmith-Toys in the Attic)
06/21/1951 Nils Lofgren, guitarist/singer/songwriter (East Street Band)
06/21/1953 Benazir Bhutto, 1st female leader of a Moslem nation (Pakistan)
06/21/1953 Charlie Moore Jr, baseball player
06/21/1953 Robyn Douglass, Sendai Japan, actress (Lonely Guy, Romantic Comedy)
06/21/1954 Anne Kirkbride, actress
06/21/1954 Robert Pastorelli, Bkln NY, actor (Eldin-Murphy Brown)
06/21/1955 David Marshall Grant, actor (Bat 21, Legs, French Postcards)
06/21/1956 Mikhail Burtsev, USSR, sabres (Olympic-gold-1976)
06/21/1956 Rick Sutcliffe, pitcher (LA Dodgers, Chicago Cubs)
06/21/1957 Mark Brzezicki, rocker (Big Country-Wonderland)
06/21/1958 Gennadi Ivanovich Padalka, Russia, major/cosmonaut
06/21/1959 Tom Chambers, NBA forward, center (Seattle SuperSonics, Phoenix Suns

06/21/1962 Marc Copage, LA Calif, actor (Corey Baker-Julia)
06/21/1963 Jeff Musselman, baseball player
06/21/1964 Kari Kennell, Colorado Springs Co, playmate (Feb, 1988)
06/21/1964 Kari Whitman, actress (Eric's Revenge)
06/21/1964 Sammi Davis-Voss, Kidderminster England, actress (Hope & Glory)
06/21/1965 Michael Dolan, actor (Hamburger Hill, Liberace)
06/21/1966 Nan Woods, actress (1 More Saturday Night)
06/21/1967 Nicole Kidman, Honolulu Hawaii, actress (Dead Calm, Far & Away)
06/21/1967 Tim Simenson, rocker (Bomb the Bass)
06/21/1969 Donovan Osborne, baseball player
06/21/1971 Dipendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev, Crown Prince/son of King of Nepal
06/21/1973 Juliette Lewis, actress (Holly-Family For Joe, I Married Dora)
06/21/1982 William of Wales, Prince Chuck & Lady Di's baby


06/21/ 524 Chlodomir, king of the France to Orl‚ans (511-24), dies at about 28
06/21/1208 Philips van Zwaben Hohenstaufen, Roman-German King, dies
06/21/1377 Edward III, king of England (1327-77), dies
06/21/1529 John Skelton, English poet, dies at about 69
06/21/1573 Antonie van Burgundy, mayor of sealand, dies in battle
06/21/1591 Aloysius [Luigi] van Gonzaga, Prince/Italian Jesuit saint, dies
06/21/1874 Anders J ngstr”m, Swedish astronomer/physicist ( -unit, dies at 59
06/21/1876 Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, Mexican general (took Alamo), dies at 8

06/21/1884 Alexander, prince/last male descendant of Johan W Friso, dies
06/21/1887 Adolf Schimon, composer, dies at 67
06/21/1900 Polibo Fumagalli, composer, dies at 69
06/21/1908 Nikolai A Rimski-Korssakov, Russian composer (Sheherazade), dies at

06/21/1913 Stefan O Iosif, Romanian poet (Beautiful Irine), dies
06/21/1914 Glauco Velasquez, composer, dies at 30
06/21/1917 Ant¢nio JdC Fe˜¢, Port diplomat/poet (Cancioneiro Chinˆs), dies at 5

06/21/1925 John H Leopold, poet/classical (translated Omar Khayyam), dies
06/21/1934 [James] Thorne Smith, US, sci-fi author (Stray Lamb, Turnabout)
06/21/1940 Edouard Vuillard, French painter/graphic artist, dies
06/21/1940 Hendrik Marsman, poet/writer/critic, dies
06/21/1944 Jan Bonekamp, resistance fighter/friend of Hannie Schaft, dies
06/21/1945 Josef Hora, Czech writer/poet (Verzinkende Shades), dies at 53
06/21/1946 Heinrich Kaminski, composer, dies at 59
06/21/1957 Don McBride, actor (Mr Clyde-My Friend Flicka), dies at 68
06/21/1957 Frantisek Kupka, Czech writer, dies at 85
06/21/1964 Andrew Goodman, US civil rights activist, murdered at 20
06/21/1964 James Chaney, US civil rights activist, murdered at 21
06/21/1964 Michael Schwerner, US civil rights activist, murder at 21
06/21/1965 Bernard M Baruch, pres advisor (termed 'Cold War'), dies at 94
06/21/1969 Maureen 'Little Mo' Connolly, 1st woman grand slam (1953), dies at 3

06/21/1970 Achmed Sukarno, PM of Indonesia (1945-67), dies at 68
06/21/1972 Seth Bingham, composer, dies at 90
06/21/1973 Frank Leahy, football coach (Notre Dame), dies at 64
06/21/1975 Heinz Lau, composer, dies at 49
06/21/1979 Julian Orchard, actor, dies
06/21/1981 Gunnar Ek, composer, dies on 81st birthday
06/21/1983 Anton G J van de Velde, Flemish writer/director (T˜l), dies at 87
06/21/1988 Robert Lee 'Bobby' Dodd, US football coach
06/21/1989 Lee Quencey Calhoun, hurdler (Olympic-gold-1956, 60), dies at 56
06/21/1989 Simon of Collem, journalist/TV host, dies
06/21/1992 Thomas Whitfield, gospel vocalist, dies at 38 of a heart attack
06/21/1993 Frank Moro, entertainer, dies
06/21/1993 Jerry Strivelli, actor, dies

Significant Events:

06/21/ 524 Battle at Vezerone: Bourgundy beats France
06/21/ 996 Pope Gregory V crowns Otto III Roman Catholic German emperor of Elza

06/21/1128 Battle of Akspoele: earl Willem of Normandia beats Diederik
06/21/1498 Jews are expelled from Nurenberg Bavaria by Emperor Maximillian
06/21/1572 Garrison under Adrian of Swieten conquers Gouda
06/21/1607 1st Protestant Episcopal parish in America established, Jamestown
06/21/1667 Dutch Admiral Michiel de Ruyter occupies Sheerness, England
06/21/1672 Dutch pension advisor Johan de Witt seriously wounded
06/21/1684 MA Bay Colony's charter revoked
06/21/1749 Pieter Steyn installed as pension advisor of Neth
06/21/1768 1st US bachelor of medicine degree (Dr John Archer)
06/21/1788 US Constitution goes into effect as NH is 9th to ratify
06/21/1791 French King Louis XVI & family flees
06/21/1792 Vancouver meets Spanish ships Sutil & Mexicana off Vancouver, BC
06/21/1805 Great Stoneface Mt found in NH
06/21/1821 African Methodist Episcopal Zion (AMEZ) Church organizes (NYC)
06/21/1834 Cyrus Hall McCormick patents reaping machine
06/21/1849 Battle at Wagh„usel: Prussian troops beat Baden rebels
06/21/1858 Louisiana chess prodigy Paul Morphy arrives in Europe
06/21/1869 Opera 'Die Meistersinger' is produced (Munich)
06/21/1879 F W Woolworth opens 1st store (failed almost immediately)
06/21/1887 Britain celebrates golden jubilee of Queen Victoria
06/21/1893 1st Ferris wheel premieres (Chicago's Columbian Exposition)
06/21/1894 Workers in Pittsburgh strike Pullman sleeping car company
06/21/1898 Guam becomes a territory of US
06/21/1900 Dodgers score 7 in top of 11th to go ahead of Phillies, 20-13, In
06/21/1900 bottom of 11th Phillies stalls so umpire forfeits game to Dodgers
06/21/1903 Sherlock Holmes 'Adventure of Mazarine Stone' takes place (BG)
06/21/1906 M Wolf discovers asteroid #601 Nerthus
06/21/1907 Alex Ross wins US Open golf tournament
06/21/1913 Tiny Broadwick becomes 1st woman to parachute from an airplane
06/21/1915 Anti-British revolt in South-Africa ends with arrest of Gen De Law
06/21/1916 Boston Rube Forster no-hits NY Yankees, 2-0
06/21/1916 Mexican troops beat US expeditionary force under Gen Pershing
06/21/1917 Hawaiian Red Cross forms
06/21/1919 Bauer forms German govt
06/21/1919 German Admiral von Reuter scuttles his own fleet
06/21/1923 Marcus Garvey sentenced to 5 years for using mail to defraud
06/21/1924 Assembly NCRV, Dutch Christian Radio Vereeniging, forms
06/21/1930 Ruth hits 3 HRs as Yanks blow 6-0 lead in 7th & lose 15-7
06/21/1932 Heavyweight Jack Sharkey KOs Max Schmeling (NYC)
06/21/1933 1st Great Lakes-to-Gulf of Mexico barge trip completed, New Orleans
06/21/1937 French People's front govt-Blum falls
06/21/1938 Baseball's Pinky Higgins gets 12th straight hit
06/21/1939 Doctors reveal Lou Gehrig has amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
06/21/1940 German occupiers disband States-General/Council of State
06/21/1941 2nd French troops occupies Damascus Syria
06/21/1941 After winning 20 straight at Fenway, Lefty Grove loses to Browns
06/21/1942 129øF (54øC), Tirat Zevi, Israel (Asian record)
06/21/1942 President Roosevelt/premier Churchill arrives in Washington, DC
06/21/1942 Rommel takes Tobruk in North Africa
06/21/1943 Federal troops put down racial riot in Detroit 30 dead
06/21/1944 Very heavy bombing on Berlin
06/21/1945 US defeat Japanese forces on Okinawa during WW II
06/21/1946 10 die in fire at Baker Hotel, Dallas Texas
06/21/1948 1st stored computer program run, on Manchester Mark I
06/21/1948 Lord Mountbatten becomes gov-gen of India
06/21/1948 WNAC (now KNEV) TV channel 7 in Boston, MA (CBS) begins broadcasting

06/21/1949 H L Giclas discovers asteroid #1886 Lowell
06/21/1956 Anti-protons detected in the atmosphere
06/21/1956 German DR frees almost 19,000 prisoners
06/21/1956 Oriole Connie Johnson beats WS Jack Harshman (1-0) in dual 1 hitters

06/21/1958 French franc devalues
06/21/1962 USAF Maj Robert M White takes X-15 to 75,190 m
06/21/1963 Pope Paul VI (Giovanni Battista Montini) succeeds John XXIII
06/21/1965 Gary Player wins US Open golf tournament
06/21/1966 Queen Juliana opens Coen tunnel
06/21/1968 Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren resigns
06/21/1969 1st reported hearing of pirate radio WGHP (With God's Help Peace)
06/21/1969 Dmitri Sjostakovitsj' 14th Symphony, premieres in Moscow
06/21/1969 John Pennel pole vauts world record (5.45 m)
06/21/1969 Zager & Evans release 'In the Year 2525'
06/21/1970 Brazil beats Italy, 4-1, to win soccer's World Cup (in Mexico City)
06/21/1970 Tiger shortstop Cesar Gutierrez goes 7 for 7 in 12 inn game
06/21/1970 Tony Jacklin wins US Open golf tournament
06/21/1971 50,000 attend Celebration of Life, rock concert, McCrea Louisiana
06/21/1971 Int Court of Justice askes South-Africa to pull out of Namibia
06/21/1971 Lee Trevino wins US Open golf tournament
06/21/1972 Hurricane Agnes hits US east coast; 118 die
06/21/1975 Soyuz 19 returns to Earth
06/21/1976 Berlinguers PCI wins election in Italy
06/21/1977 Former White House chief of staff HR Haldeman enters prison
06/21/1977 Menachem Begin (Likud), becomes Israel's 6th PM
06/21/1981 12-bottle case of 1979 Napamedoc Cabernet wine auctioned for $24,000

06/21/1981 David Graham wins US Open golf tournament
06/21/1981 Riots at Casablanca, kills 66-200
06/21/1981 Socialists/communists win French parliamentary election
06/21/1982 Paul McCartney releases 'Take it Away'
06/21/1982 Wash DC jury finds John Hinckley Jr innocent by insanity
06/21/1983 Tennis ace Arthur Ashe undergoes double bypass heart surgery
06/21/1985 American, Brazilian & West German forensic pathologists confirm
06/21/1985 Josef Mengeles corpse identified
06/21/1986 Heike Drechsler of East Germany long jumps 7.45 m (women's record)
06/21/1986 Pres Reagan gives speech defending his judicial appointments
06/21/1987 Discovery rolls over from OPF to Vandenberg AFB
06/21/1987 Mike Tyson sexually harasses a parking lot attendent
06/21/1987 Scott Simpson wins US Open golf tournament
06/21/1988 Los Angeles beats Detroit, for NBA championship
06/21/1988 Many killed at demonstration against general Ne Win in Rangoon
06/21/1989 Carlton Fisk becomes AL catcher HR hitter, 307th at Yankee stadium
06/21/1989 Melanie Griffith & Don Johnson remarry
06/21/1989 Supreme Court rules ok to burn US flag as a political expression
06/21/1990 7.7 Earthquake with 100s of aftershocks hits Iran; about 50,000 die
06/21/1990 Little Richard gets a star on Hollywood's walk of fame
06/21/1990 NYC's Zodiac killer shoots 4th victim, Larry Parham
06/21/1990 Parliament of W & E Germany recognize Oder-Neissegrens
06/21/1990 US House of Reps vote 254-177 to stop US flag burning, doesn't pass
06/21/1991 Eleanor Mondale marries Greg 'Thunder' Malban (Minn DJ)
06/21/1991 Islanders Denis Potvan & Michael Bossy inducted into NHL Hall of Fam

06/21/1991 J”rg Haider resigns as premier of Karinthia
06/21/1992 Actor Michael Chiklis (Commish) marries Michelle Epstein
06/21/1992 Actress Marina Sirtis (Star Trek NG) marries rocker Michael Lamper
06/21/1992 Tom Kite wins US Open golf tournament
06/21/1993 English mathematician Andrew Wiles proves last theorem of Fermat
06/21/1993 STS-57 (Endeavour) launches into orbit
06/21/2001 Total solar eclipse in Madagascar-Atl Ocean (4m56s)

Robert Wolfe

Jun 24, 2021, 7:40:16 PM6/24/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


06/22/1478 Philips de Schone, Archduke of Austrian/King of Castilia (Philips I)

06/22/1611 Pablo Bruna, composer
06/22/1613 Lambert Pietkin, composer
06/22/1674 Eugene J P, Earl of Merode, Belgian marquis of Westerloo
06/22/1684 Francesco Onofrio Manfredini, composer
06/22/1701 Nikolaj Eigtved, architect (Christiansborg Castle)
06/22/1741 Alois Luigi Tomasini, composer
06/22/1742 Heinrich Gottfried Reichard, composer
06/22/1757 George Vancouver, surveyed Pacific coast from SF to Vancouver I
06/22/1763 Etienne N M‚hul, French organist/opera composer (Le Jeune Henri)
06/22/1796 Nikoli A Poveloi, Russian writer/publisher (Sotsjinenija) [OS]
06/22/1814 James Henry Lane, MC (Union), died in 1866
06/22/1824 Frederic Louis Ritter, composer
06/22/1830 Theodor Leschetizky, composer
06/22/1837 Paul Morphy, New Orleans, greatest chess player of all time (1857-61

06/22/1840 Ernest Debes, German cartographer (Baedeker)
06/22/1856 Henry Rider Haggard, author (King Solomon's Mine, She, Dawn)
06/22/1858 Giacomo Puccini, Italy, operatic composer (Madama Butterfly)
06/22/1859 Frank Heino Damrosch, author/musician/teacher (found Inst of Music)
06/22/1864 Hermann Minkowski, German mathematician
06/22/1869 Hendrikus Col˜n, Dutch premier (AR 1933-39)
06/22/1881 JHF Gr”nloh, [Nescio], author (Above the Vale)
06/22/1883 Jose Rolon, composer
06/22/1887 Albert PAA Besnard, poet/journalist (Uprising & Remorse)
06/22/1887 Julian S Huxley, London, biologist/philosopher, Darwin's Bulldog
06/22/1891 Franz de Backer, Flemish writer (White Enemy)
06/22/1891 Harry Seymour, actor (Boy Meets Girl, Tenderfoot, Broadway Hostess)
06/22/1893 Aaro A Hellaakoski, Finnish geographer/poet (J„„peili)
06/22/1893 Osvald Chlubna, composer
06/22/1896 Francis C Denebrink, US Naval officer (WW I, WW II, Korea)
06/22/1897 Norbert Elias, English/Dutch philosopher (Process of Civilization)
06/22/1898 Erich Maria Remarque, novelist (All Quiet on the Western Front)
06/22/1899 Dorothy Devore, actress (Narrow Street, Senior Daredevil)
06/22/1899 Michal Kalecki, Polish economist
06/22/1900 Jennie Tourel, St Petersburg Russia, mezzo-soprano (Met Opera 1943-4

06/22/1901 Jack Whiting, Phila Pa, actor/singer (Marge & Gower Champion Show)
06/22/1901 Naunton Wayne, actor (Quartet, Hidden Room, Double Confession)
06/22/1902 Arnold J d'Ailly, director (Nederlandsche Bank)
06/22/1902 David Burns, actor (Music Man, Hello Dolly!)
06/22/1903 Carl Hubbell, pitcher (NY Giants)-253 wins, 2.97 lifetime ERA
06/22/1905 Walter Leigh, composer
06/22/1906 Billy Wilder, movie director (Some Like It Hot, Apartment, Stalag 17

06/22/1906 Richard Fanshawe, England, equestion 3 day event (Olympic-bronze-193

06/22/1907 Anne Morrow Lindbergh, aviator/author (Gift from the Sea)
06/22/1909 Katherine Dunham, dancer/choreographer
06/22/1909 Mike Todd, [Avrom Goldbogen], US director (80 days)
06/22/1910 Katherine Dunham, US, dancer/choreographer/anthropologist
06/22/1910 Peter Pears, Farnham England, tenor (Death in Venice)
06/22/1911 Guus Jansen, actor (?)
06/22/1911 Marie Philipsen-Braun, swimmer (Olympic-gold-1928)
06/22/1912 Vit Nejedly, composer
06/22/1918 Richard Eastham, actor (Not With My Wife, You Don't)
06/22/1920 Paul Frees, Chicago Ill, animation voice (Bullwinkle)
06/22/1921 Barbara F Vucanovich, (Rep-R-NV, 1983- )
06/22/1921 Gower Champion, choreographer (42nd Street, Showboat)
06/22/1921 Joseph Papp, Bkln, stage producer/director (Pirates of Penzance)
06/22/1922 Bill Blass, Ft Wayne Ind, fashion designer (Nancy Reagan)
06/22/1926 Ruth Zechlin, composer
06/22/1928 Orson Bean, Burlington Vt, comedian (I Got Secret, To Tell the Truth

06/22/1929 Ralph Waite, actor (Last Summer, Cool Hand Luke, 5 Easy Piece)
06/22/1931 Henk Vonhoff, Dutch politician (VVD)
06/22/1932 Michael Horvit, composer
06/22/1933 Dianne Feinstein, (Mayor-D-SF)/(Sen-D California)
06/22/1934 Arthur Miller, legal reporter
06/22/1936 Kris Kristofferson, singer/actor (Amerika, Millenium)
06/22/1936 Verne Allison, singer (Dells-Open Up My Heart)
06/22/1941 Ed Bradley, Phila, CBS news correspondant (60 Minutes)
06/22/1941 Michael Lerner, actor (8 Men Out, Harlem Nights)
06/22/1942 Margreet M H Kamp, Dutch politician (VVD) 2nd Chamber
06/22/1942 Toyohiro Akiyama, Japan, cosmonaut (Soyuz TM-11)
06/22/1943 Jimmy Castor, NYC, rocker (Troglodyte)
06/22/1944 Klaus Maria Brandauer, Austrian actor (Mephisto, Out of Africa)
06/22/1944 Michael Obst, German FR, coxsman (Olympic-gold-1960)
06/22/1944 Peter Asher, London, singer (Peter & Gordon-World Without Love)
06/22/1945 Howard Kaylan, rocker (Flo & Eddie/Turtles-Happy Together, Eleanor)
06/22/1946 Andrew Rubin, New Bedford Mass, actor (Police Academy)
06/22/1947 David L Lander, Bkln NY, actor (Squiggy-Laverne & Shirley)
06/22/1947 Don Henley, drummer/singer (Eagles, Boys of Summer)
06/22/1947 Octavia E[stelle] Butler, US, sci-fi author (Hugo, Wild Seed)
06/22/1948 'Pistol' Pete Maravich, NBA star (Atlanta Hawks)
06/22/1948 Todd Rundgren, rock singer (Hello it's Me, Bang on the Drum All Day)

06/22/1949 Alan Osmond, Ogden Utah, singer (Osmond Brothers, Donnie & Marie)
06/22/1949 Lindsay Wagner, LA Ca, actress (Bionic Woman, Paper Chase, Nighthawk

06/22/1949 Meryl Streep, NJ, actress (French Lieutenant's Woman, Sophie's Choic

06/22/1950 Murphy Cross, Harve de Grace Md, actor (Phyl & Mikhy, Perfect)
06/22/1954 Amparo Mu¤oz, Malgra Spain, Miss Universe (1974)
06/22/1954 Charles T Canady, (Rep-R-Florida)
06/22/1954 Chris Lemmon, actor (Brothers & Sisters, Richard-Duet)
06/22/1954 Freddie Prinze, NYC, comedian/actor (Chico & the Man)
06/22/1956 Derek Forbes, rocker (Simple Minds-Water Front)
06/22/1956 Green [Gartside], rocker (Scritti Politti-Flesh & Blood)
06/22/1957 Garry Beers, Sydney Australia, rocker (Inxs-Kiss the Dirt)
06/22/1957 Nick Santagata, jockey
06/22/1960 Colleen Devine, San Gabriel Cal, actress (Irreconcilable Differences

06/22/1960 Tracy Pollan, actress (Family Ties)/aka Mrs Michael J Fox
06/22/1961 Jimmy Somerville, rocker (Bronski Beat, Communards-You Are My World)

06/22/1962 Ruby Turner, rocker (No Where to Run)
06/22/1963 Anne-Marie Ruddock, rocker (Amazulu-Excitable)
06/22/1964 Kevin Sargeant, rocker (Thrashing Doves-Reprobate's Hymm)
06/22/1964 Mike Edwards, British rock vocalist (Jesus Jones-Devil you Know)
06/22/1965 Tommy Cunningham, rocker (Wet Wet Wet-Wishing I Was)
06/22/1968 Paula Irvine, Hollywood Calif, actress (Lily Blake-Santa Barbara)
06/22/1973 Lacy Goranson, Evanston Ind, actress (Becky-Roseanne)


06/22/1276 Innocent V, [Pierre the Tarantaise], Pope (1276), dies
06/22/1735 Pirro Conte d' Albergati Capacelli, composer, dies at 71
06/22/1745 Hubert Renotte, composer, dies at 41
06/22/1754 Nicholas Siret, composer, dies at 91
06/22/1777 Josef Christian, German sculptor, dies
06/22/1843 Gabriele Prota, composer, dies at 88
06/22/1874 Howard Staunton, world chess champion, designer of chess pieces, die

06/22/1897 Ralph Abercromby, British meteorologist, dies at about 54
06/22/1898 Anton Kerner Ritter von Marilaun, Austria botanist, dies at 66
06/22/1903 George White, black resident of Delaware, lynched
06/22/1906 Fritz Schaudinn, German animal scholar: examined amoebasis, dies at

06/22/1909 Detlev [Freiherr Friedrich A von] Liliencron, German poet, dies at 6

06/22/1910 Marie, Princess of Wied/Orange Nassau, dies
06/22/1922 Henry H Wilson, Field Marshal, murdered in London
06/22/1925 Felix Klein, German mathematician (Riemannsche Fl„chen), dies at 76
06/22/1926 Hermann Suter, composer, dies at 56
06/22/1928 George Siegmann, actor (Birth of Nation, Queen of Sheba), dies at 46

06/22/1940 Vladimir K”ppen, Russ/German/Aust meteorologist, dies at 93
06/22/1945 Gen Oesj˜ima, Japanese commander of Okinawa, commits harakiri
06/22/1945 Isamu Tsjo, Japanese chief-staff 32nd Army, commits harakiri
06/22/1945 Mitsuri Ush˜ima, Jap lt-gen/commandant 32nd Army, commits harakiri
06/22/1950 Julio Fonseca, composer, dies at 65
06/22/1954 Don Hollenbeck, newscaster (CBS Weekend News), dies at 49
06/22/1955 Wyllis Cooper, TV narrator (Volume One), dies at 56
06/22/1961 Betty Elder, actress (Annie Get Your Gun), dies
06/22/1964 Havank, [HF of of the Kallen], detective writer (Shade), dies at 60
06/22/1965 David O Selznick, producer (Gone With the Wind), dies at 63
06/22/1967 Adrian Grigor'yevich Shaposhnikov, composer, dies at 79
06/22/1969 Judy Garland, singer/actress (Wizard of Oz), dies in London at 47
06/22/1973 Jacques Leon Wolfe, composer, dies at 77
06/22/1974 Darius Milhaud, French composer (Le boeuf sur le toŒt), dies at 81
06/22/1979 Emory Parnell, St Paul Minn, actor (Life of Riley), dies at 85
06/22/1979 Julius Sommer, dies of heart failure, buried in Dayton Ohio
06/22/1981 Lola Lane, actress (Zanzibar, Mystery Ship, Big Fight), dies
06/22/1982 Alan Webb, actor (King Lear, Challenge to Lassie), dies at 75
06/22/1984 Joseph Losey, director (Go-Between, M, Concrete Jungle), dies at 75
06/22/1987 Fred Astaire, actor/dancer, dies at Century City Hospital in LA at 8

06/22/1988 Bramwell Fletcher, actor (Mummy, Raffles, Svengali), dies at 84
06/22/1988 Dennis Day, Jack Benny Show singer, dies of ALS at 71
06/22/1988 Ross Ford, actor (Reform School Girl, Jungle Patrol), dies
06/22/1989 Bengt Viktor Johansson, composer, dies at 74
06/22/1991 Cameron Miller, entertainer, dies
06/22/1991 Kevin O'Connor, actor (Bogie), dies of cancer at 56
06/22/1992 Chuck Mitchell, actor (Penitentiary), dies
06/22/1992 Frederic I Rinaldo, writer (Abbott & Costello meet Frankenstein), di

06/22/1992 M F K Fisher, cook book author, dies at 83 of Parkinson Disease
06/22/1993 Hannah Troy, fashion designer (petite), dies at 93 of heart attack
06/22/1993 M'hammed Boukhozba, Algerian sociologist, murdered at 52
06/22/1993 Pat Nixon, 1st lady (1969-75), dies of lung cancer at 81

Significant Events:

06/22/ 431 Council of Ephesus (3rd ecumenical council) opens
06/22/ 816 Pope Stephen IV, [V] elected to succeed Leo III
06/22/1342 Bilbo Baggins returns to his home at Bag End, (Shire Reconning)
06/22/1476 Battle at Morat/Murten: Charles the Stout invades Switzerland
06/22/1497 Antitax insurrection in Cornwall suppressed at Blackheath
06/22/1559 Jewish quarter of Prague burned & looted
06/22/1611 Henry Hudson & son set adrift in Hudson Bay by mutineers
06/22/1633 Galileo Galilei forced to recant Earth orbits Sun by Pope
06/22/1633 (but on Oct 31, 1992, Vatican admits it was wrong)
06/22/1675 Royal Greenwich Observatory established in England by Charles II
06/22/1772 Slavery outlawed in England
06/22/1774 English parliament accepts Quebec Act
06/22/1775 1st Continental currency issued ($3,000,000)
06/22/1799 England & Russia decide to invade Bataafse Republic
06/22/1807 British board USS Chesapeake, a provocation leading to War of 1812
06/22/1808 Zebulon Pike reaches his peak
06/22/1812 Napoleon's Libya occupies Russia
06/22/1815 2nd abdication of Napoleon (after Waterloo)
06/22/1847 Doughnut created
06/22/1848 Barnburners (anti-slavery) party nominates Martin Van Buren for Pres

06/22/1849 Stephen C Massett opens courthouse using only piano in Calif
06/22/1851 Fire destroys part of SF
06/22/1864 Battle of Ream's Station, VA (Wilson's Raid)
06/22/1864 Skirmish at Culp's (Kulp's) House, Georgia
06/22/1868 Arkansas re-enters US
06/22/1870 Congress creates Department of Justice
06/22/1873 Prince Edward Island joins Canada
06/22/1874 Dr Andrew T Sill, of Macon, Missouri, finds science of osteopathy
06/22/1875 Garonne Flood: great damage in Verdun & Toulouse, kills about 1,000
06/22/1889 Louisville Colonels set ML baseball record with 26th consecutive los

06/22/1893 British fleet under vice-admiral George Tryon leaves Beirut
06/22/1894 Harry Houdini marries Bessie Rahner
06/22/1906 Hakon VII crownd king of Norway
06/22/1910 1st airship with passengers sets afloat-Zeppelin Deutscheland
06/22/1911 King George V of England crowned
06/22/1918 Circus train rammed by troop train kills 68 (Ivanhoe Illinois)
06/22/1921 Paavo Nurmi runs world record 10,000m (30:40.2)
06/22/1925 G Shajn discovers asteroid #1058 Grubba
06/22/1925 Spain & France fight Morocco
06/22/1930 Lou Gehrig hits 3 HRs in a game, Ruth hits 3 in doubleheader
06/22/1931 RVU, Radio-Volks-University, forms
06/22/1933 German social-democratic party (SPD) forbidden
06/22/1936 Harry Froboess dives 110 m from airship into Bodensee & survives
06/22/1936 Virgin Islands receives a constution from US (Organic Act)
06/22/1937 Joe Louis KOs James Braddock for heavyweight boxing crown (Chicago)
06/22/1938 Joe Louis KOs Max Schmeling at 2:04 of 1st round at Yankee Stadium
06/22/1939 Future Queen Elizabeth of England meets future husband Philip
06/22/1940 France falls to Nazi Germany; armistice signed, France disarms
06/22/1940 SS rounds up 31 German/Polish/Dutch Jews in Roermond
06/22/1941 Finland invades Karelia
06/22/1941 Germany, Italy & Romania declares war on Soviet Union during WW II
06/22/1942 Japanese submarine in mouth of Columbia River, Oregon
06/22/1943 WEB DuBois becomes 1st Black member of National Institute of Letters

06/22/1944 British 14th army frees Imphal Assam
06/22/1944 FDR signs 'GI Bill of Rights' (Servicemen's Readjustment Act)
06/22/1947 12' rain in 42 mins (Holt, MO)
06/22/1949 Ezzard Charles defeats Jersey Joe Walcott for boxing title
06/22/1951 Gene Rayburn & Dee Finch show premieres on NBC radio
06/22/1954 Congress passes revised organic act for Virgin Islands
06/22/1955 Antonio Segni forms cabinet in Italy
06/22/1955 US air patrol show down above Bering sea
06/22/1957 KC stops using streetcars in it's transit system
06/22/1958 Game in KC between A's & Red Sox delayed 29 minutes due to tornado
06/22/1959 Eddie Lubanski bowls 2 consecutive perfect games
06/22/1959 Most Phillies strike out in a game (16 by Sandy Koufax)
06/22/1959 Shunryu Suzuki completes his historical Japan to SF voyage
06/22/1959 Vanguard SLV-6 launched for Earth orbit (failed)
06/22/1961 Beatles record Aint She Sweet, Cry for a Shadow, When the Saints
06/22/1961 Mo‹se Tsjombe frees Congo
06/22/1962 1st test flight of Hoovercraft
06/22/1962 French Boeing 707 crashes at Guadeloupe, 113 killed
06/22/1969 Aretha Franklin arrested in Detroit for creating a disturbance
06/22/1969 Cleveland's Cuyahgo River catches fire
06/22/1970 Pres Nixon signs 26th amendment (voting age lowered to 18)
06/22/1970 WSWO TV channel 26 in Springfield, OH (ABC) suspends broadcasting
06/22/1973 Dutch High Council stops fluorine addition to drink water
06/22/1973 George Harrison releases 'Living in the Material World'
06/22/1973 Skylab 2's astronauts land
06/22/1977 Former AG John Mitchell starts 19 months in Alabama prison
06/22/1977 Walt Disney's 'Rescuers' released
06/22/1978 James Christy's discovery of Pluto's moon Charon announced
06/22/1978 Neo-Nazis call off plans to march in Jewish community of Skokie, Ill

06/22/1978 Pluto's moon Charon discovered by James Christy
06/22/1979 Pro Football Researchers Association founded at Canton, Ohio
06/22/1980 Jim King begins riding Miracle Strip Roller coaster 368 hours
06/22/1981 2 Habash terrorists attack a travel agency in Greece killing 2
06/22/1981 Iran president Bani Sadr flees
06/22/1981 John McEnroe exhibites a disgraceful act of misbehavior at Wimbeldon

06/22/1981 Mark David Chapman pleads guilty to killing John Lennon
06/22/1982 Manhattan institutes bus-only lanes
06/22/1982 Prince Chuck & Lady Di take Prince William home from hospital
06/22/1983 1st time a satellite is retrieved from orbit by Space Shuttle
06/22/1983 NHL institutes a 5 minute sudden death overtime period
06/22/1984 Carl Pohlad becomes CEO of Minn Twins
06/22/1984 Joseph Luns resigns as secretary-general of NATO
06/22/1986 Pirate Radio Euro Weekend (Holland) begins transmitting
06/22/1986 Spain's premier Gonzalez' Socialistic Party wins elections
06/22/1987 Tom Seaver retires after 3rd try with NY Mets
06/22/1990 Billy Joel performs a concert at Yankee Stadium
06/22/1990 Florida passes a law prohibits wearing a throng bathing suit
06/22/1990 Longest game in Toronto, Yanks beat Blue Jays 8-7 in 15 inns
06/22/1991 Underwater volcano, Mount Didicas, erupts in Philippines
06/22/1992 2 skeletons excuvated in Yekaterinburg IDed as Czar Nicholas II & wi

06/22/1993 NY Met Anthony Young ties record of 23rd straight lose
06/22/1993 Wilson Pickett plead guilty to auto assault due to drunk driving
06/22/1994 Houston Rockets beats NY Knicks 4 games to 3 for NBA championship
06/22/1994 US beats Colombia 2-1 in 1994 soccer world cup (1st win since 1950)

Robert Wolfe

Jun 24, 2021, 7:40:16 PM6/24/21
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Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


06/23/1160 Johannes de Matha, French saint (stichtte orde der trinitari‰rs)
06/23/1540 Johann Baptista Serranus, composer
06/23/1612 Justus G Schottel, [Schottelius], German poet
06/23/1749 Konrad Back, composer
06/23/1763 Jos‚phine Martiniques, empress of France (1804-14)
06/23/1774 Matth˜s Siegenbeek, literary (Defeated Germans spelling)
06/23/1801 Daniel Smith Donelson, Major General (Confederate Army) died in 1863

06/23/1818 Simon Vissering, economist/minister of Finances (1879-81)
06/23/1822 Young Marshall Moody, Brig General (Confederate Army), died in 1866
06/23/1824 Carl Reinecke, composer
06/23/1837 Ernest Guiraud, composer
06/23/1838 Edwin Henry Stoughton, Brig General (Union volunteers), died in 1868

06/23/1846 George Sax, inventor (saxophone)
06/23/1848 Antoine Joseph Sax, inventor (saxophone)
06/23/1852 Stephane Raoul Pugno, composer
06/23/1855 Maude Valerie White, composer
06/23/1859 Florentinus M Wibaut, Amsterdams social alderman (building of houses

06/23/1875 Carl Milles, Uppsala Sweden, fountain sculptor (Wedding of Rivers)
06/23/1876 Irvin S Cobb, Ky, writer/humorist (Old Judge Priest)
06/23/1877 Blair Fairchild, composer
06/23/1877 Hermann Stephani, composer
06/23/1884 Werner Krauss, actor (Cabinet of Dr Caligari, Joyless Street)
06/23/1887 Ernst Rowohlt, German publisher (Rowohlt-Verlag)
06/23/1887 John Finley Williamson, Canton Ohio, conductor (Westminster Choir)
06/23/1888 Anna Achmatova, [AA Gorenko], Russian conductor (Tsjetki)
06/23/1888 Lee Moran, actor (Circus Clown)
06/23/1892 Able Kiviat, US, runner (Olympic-gold-1912)
06/23/1892 Edmund Cobb, western actor (Comanche Territoy, Wild Horse)
06/23/1892 Mieczyslaw Horszowski, Polish/US pianist
06/23/1893 Donald McBride, actor (Mr Clyde-My Friend Irma)
06/23/1894 Alfred Kinsey, entomologist/sexologist (Kinsey Report)
06/23/1894 Edward VIII, King of Great Brit/N-Ireland/emperor of India (1936)
06/23/1897 Winifred Wagner-William, German organist (Wagner Festival)
06/23/1899 Alexander Moiseyevich Veprik, composer
06/23/1901 Mariel-Henri Jaspar, Belgian minister/ambassador
06/23/1901 Paul (II) Verhoeven, director
06/23/1902 Howard T Engstrom, Boston, computer designer (Univac)
06/23/1903 Anthony Veiller, writer
06/23/1903 Hans C Branner, Danish writer (Speelgoed/De ruiter)
06/23/1904 Carleton Coon, prof of anthropology (What in the World)
06/23/1908 Paulus Akkerman ('Paul fen N˜enborn'), Fries schr˜ver: Each om each
06/23/1910 Jean Anouilh, France, dramatist (Thieves' Carnival)
06/23/1911 David Ogilvy, advertising whiz (Ogilvy & Mathers)
06/23/1912 Alan Turing, mathematician pioneer in computer theory (Turing Machin

06/23/1912 Maurice Dallimore, actor (Collector, Lad: A Dog)
06/23/1913 William P Rogers, US secretary of state (1969-73)
06/23/1915 Dennis Price, actor (Adventurers, Charley Moon, Millionairess)
06/23/1916 Irene Worth, Nebraska, actress (Deathtrap, Nicolas & Alexandra)
06/23/1917 Sid Watters Jr, horse trainer
06/23/1920 Paul Des Marais, composer
06/23/1921 Jean, Grand Duke of Luxembourg (1964- )
06/23/1922 Francis Thorne, Bay Shore NY, composer (Burlesque Overture)
06/23/1922 Leonard Dorfman, horse trainer
06/23/1925 Amada Galvez Santos Ocampo, composer
06/23/1926 Lars Johan Werle, composer
06/23/1927 Bob Fosse, Chicago Ill, choreographer/director (Cabaret, Damn Yankee

06/23/1929 Dave King, Twickenham England, comedian (Kraft Music Hall)
06/23/1929 Henri Pousseur, Malm‚dy Belgium, composer (Homo Habitis)
06/23/1929 June Carter Cash, Maces Spring Va, country singer (Johnny Cash Show)

06/23/1930 Donn F Eisele, Columbus Ohio, Col USAF/astronaut (Apollo 7)
06/23/1933 Bert Convy, game show host (Win, Lose or Draw)
06/23/1935 Gy”rgy K rp ti, Hungary, water polo (Olympic-gold-1952, 56, 64)
06/23/1936 Berend Boudew˜n, TV host)
06/23/1940 Adam Faith, England, singer (Poor Me, What Do You Want?)
06/23/1940 Diana Trask, Australia, singer (Sing Along With Mitch)
06/23/1940 Wilma Rudolph, St Bethlehem Tenn, runner (Olympic-3 gold-1960)
06/23/1943 James Levine, musical conductor (Tosca)
06/23/1944 Rosetta Hightower, US singer (Don't Hang Up)
06/23/1946 Russ Thacker, Wash DC, producer (Golden Seal)
06/23/1946 Ted Shackelford, Okla City Okla, actor (Gary-Dallas, Knots Landing)
06/23/1947 Bryan Brown, actor (F/X, Gorillas in the Mist, Kim, Tai-Pan)
06/23/1948 Clarence Thomas, 108th US Supreme Court Justice (1991- )
06/23/1948 Nigel Osborne, composer
06/23/1950 Sally Geeson, Sussex England, actress (Bless This House)
06/23/1953 Filbert Bayi, Karatu Tanzania, 3k steeplechase (Olympic-silver-1980)

06/23/1955 Debbie Boostrom, playmate (Aug, 1981)
06/23/1957 Lee John, [John L Mcgregor], English singer/actor (Body Talk)
06/23/1961 Mark Drillich, pop bassist (Kong-Slauerhoff)
06/23/1962 Paul LaGreca, Bronx NY, actor
06/23/1964 Joey Allen, Ft Wayne Indiana, rock guitarist (Warrant-Cherry Pie)
06/23/1964 Trent Bushey, Haverhill Mass, actor (David Rampal-All My Children)
06/23/1967 Laurie Wood, Orange Calif, playmate (March, 1989)
06/23/1973 Mark Larsen, jockey
06/23/1974 Maria Carolina Christina, Princess of Netherlands


06/23/ 758 Ho-tse Shen-hui, Zen teacher/disciple of Hui-neng, dies at 74
06/23/1075 Theoduinus, Beiers prince-bishop of Luik, dies
06/23/1137 Adalbert I, archbishop of Mainz, dies
06/23/1139 Andries van Kuik, bishop of Utrecht, dies
06/23/1444 Marcus, [Manuel] Eugenicus, Byzantine bishop of Efeze/theologist, di

06/23/1771 Jean-Claude Trial, composer, dies at 38
06/23/1801 Bendix Friedrich Zinck, composer, dies at 58
06/23/1817 Otto Carl Erdmann Kospoth, composer, dies at 63
06/23/1833 Nikolaus Paul Zmeskall, composer, dies at 73
06/23/1866 Samuel Sarphati, Amsterdam physician/social activist, dies at 53
06/23/1878 George Backing, English sea officer/explorer (B's River, dies at 81
06/23/1888 Emil Naumann, composer, dies at 60
06/23/1891 Francis Henry Brown, composer, dies at 73
06/23/1895 Joseph Paul Skelly, composer, dies at 44
06/23/1901 Charles Kensington Salaman, composer, dies at 87
06/23/1919 Amy G C A Bonet-Maury, French reformed theologist, dies
06/23/1928 Thomas H Rollinson, composer, dies at 84
06/23/1951 Armin Knab, composer, dies at 70
06/23/1956 Reyngol'd Moritsevich Glier, composer, dies at 81
06/23/1958 Edvard Armas Jarnefeldt, composer, dies at 88
06/23/1959 Jean Gallon, composer, dies at 80
06/23/1961 Franz de Backer, Flemish writer (Doctrine of Rubens), dies at 70
06/23/1965 Mary Boland, actress (Boy Trouble, New Moon), dies at 83
06/23/1969 Stanley Andrews, actor (Old Ranger-Death Valley Days), dies at 78
06/23/1971 George Blagoi, entertainer, dies
06/23/1971 Walter Schulthess, composer, dies at 76
06/23/1972 Elton Britt, country singer (Sat Night Jamboree), dies at 54
06/23/1973 Fay Holden, actress (Mother-Andy Hardy films), dies at 77
06/23/1975 William Hansen, actor (Homebodies), dies at 64
06/23/1980 John Laurie, actor (39 Steps, Jericho, Kidnapped), dies at 83
06/23/1980 Odile Versois, actress (Nude in a White Car, Young Lovers), dies
06/23/1980 Sanjay Gandhi, Indian politician, dies
06/23/1980 Walter Rodney, Guyanese historian (bomanslag), dies
06/23/1981 Zarah Leander, Swedish/German singer/actress (Gabriela), dies at 79
06/23/1986 Nigel Stock, actor (Lost Continent, Young Sherlock Holmes), dies
06/23/1988 Dayton Lummis, actor (Moonfire, Flight that Disappeared), dies
06/23/1988 Evert Werkman, Dutch journalist (The Slogan), dies at 73
06/23/1991 Bill Buysman, Dutch guitarist/singer (Kilima Hawaiians), dies
06/23/1992 Lou Ramos, entertainer, dies
06/23/1992 Renie Irene Brouillet Conley, US, costume designer (Cleopatra), dies

Significant Events:

06/23/1298 Albrecht von Habsburg chosen Roman Catholic German king
06/23/1305 French-Flemish peace treaty signed at Athis-sur-Orge
06/23/1585 Spanish army under Tassis beats Amerongen Staatse troops
06/23/1661 Marriage contract for Charles II of England & Catharina of Portugal
06/23/1683 William Penn signs friendship treaty with Lenni Lenape indians
06/23/1757 Robert Clive defeats Indians at Plassey, wins control of Bengal
06/23/1760 Battle of Landshut, Silesia
06/23/1775 1st regatta held on Thames, England
06/23/1784 1st US balloon flight (13 year old Edward Warren)
06/23/1810 John Jacob Astor organizes Pacific Fur Co (Astoria, Oregon)
06/23/1821 Dutch troops conquer Palembang
06/23/1848 Bloody insurrection of workers in Paris
06/23/1854 Antwerp-Roosendaal railway goes into use
06/23/1860 Congress establishes Government Printing Office
06/23/1860 US Secret Service created
06/23/1863 Tullahoma campaign, TN
06/23/1865 At Ft Towson, Gen Stand Watie surrenders last sizeable confed army
06/23/1868 Christopher Latham Sholes patents 'Type-writer'
06/23/1902 Gioacchino Rossini's unveils monument to Santa-Croce
06/23/1903 M Wolf discovers asteroid #512 Taurinensis
06/23/1909 Confessional parties win Dutch 2nd Parliamentary election
06/23/1915 Yanks get record 16 walks & 3 wild pitches beat A's Bruno Hass, 15-0

06/23/1917 Ammunition factory in Boleweg Bohemia explodes, killing 1,000
06/23/1917 Molla Bjurstedt wins US Lawn Tennis Assn title
06/23/1918 Boston Red Sox Dutch Leonard's 2nd no-hitter beats Tigers, 5-0
06/23/1919 Marcus Garvey's Universal Negro Improvement Assn (UNIA) incorporates

06/23/1919 Nitti govt forms in Italy
06/23/1924 8 month Twenste textile strike ends
06/23/1924 V Albitzkij discovers asteroid #1022 Olympiada
06/23/1925 British warship fires on Hong Kong harbor strikers
06/23/1925 Landslides create 3-mile long 'Slide Lake' (Gros Ventre Wyoming)
06/23/1926 8th cabinet-Briand of France forms
06/23/1927 Lou Gehrig hits 3 HRs in 11-4 victory over Red Sox
06/23/1930 Chicago Cubs beat Philadelphia Phillies 21-8
06/23/1931 Wiley Post & Harold Catty took off for flight around world
06/23/1933 Don McNeill's Pepper Pot (Breakfast Club) begins 35« year run on NBC

06/23/1935 Anthony Eden offers Mussolini, Somalian harbor
06/23/1938 Civil Aeronautics Authority (US) established
06/23/1938 Marineland opens in Florida-1st aquarium
06/23/1939 Bronko Nagurski beats Lou Thesz in Houston, to become wrestling cham

06/23/1939 France turns over Sanjak of Alexandretta (Hatay) to Turkey
06/23/1940 Marcel Louette seeks opposition group 'White Brigade' on Antwerp
06/23/1940 RAF bombs Schiphol
06/23/1943 RAF discovers Werner von Brauns V1/V2-base in Peenem nde
06/23/1944 4 tornadoes strike Appalachia, killing 153
06/23/1944 Russian offensive in central front sector
06/23/1944 Thomas Mann becomes a US citizen
06/23/1947 Truman's veto of Taft-Hartley Act overridden by congress
06/23/1949 1st 12 women graduate from Harvard Medical School
06/23/1949 Dutch Constellation plunge at Bari in sea, 33 die
06/23/1950 Swiss parliament refuses voting right for women
06/23/1950 Yanks & Tigers hit record 11 HRs, Tigers win 10-9
06/23/1951 British diplomats Guy Burgess & Donald Maclean flee to USSR
06/23/1951 Most expensive US hailstorm ($1.5M crop damage & $14M property-Kansa

06/23/1952 US airplanes bomb energy centers at Yalu Korea
06/23/1954 122øF (50øC), Overton, Nevada (state record)
06/23/1955 Walt Disney's 'Lady & the Tramp' released
06/23/1956 Gamal Abdel Nasser elected president of Egypt
06/23/1957 S B Nicholson discovers asteroid #1647 Menelaus
06/23/1958 Dutch Reformed Church accept women ministers
06/23/1958 Fed judge rules race separation must end in 2« years in Little Rock
06/23/1958 Foundation Praemium Erasmianum (Erasmusprijs) established
06/23/1960 Japan signs security treaty with the US
06/23/1961 Antarctic Treaty goes into effect
06/23/1961 Phillies overcome 9-0, losing 11-2 they score 4 in 8th & 6 in 9th
06/23/1961 South Pole treaty goes into effect
06/23/1961 USAF Maj Robert M White takes X-15 to 32,830 m
06/23/1962 Laos Suvanna Phuma forms cabinet
06/23/1963 Julius Boros wins golf's US Open
06/23/1963 NY Mets Jimmy Piersall, hits his 100th HR, he circles bases backward

06/23/1963 Pres Kennedy tours West-Europe
06/23/1964 Gen Maxwell Taylor appointed US ambassador in South Vietnam
06/23/1967 Jim Ryun sets mile record (3:51.1, Bakersfield CA)
06/23/1967 John Entwistle of rock group Who weds Alison Wise
06/23/1967 LBJ & Alexei Kosygin hold 1st of 2 summit meetings in Glassboro, NJ
06/23/1967 US Senate censures Thomas J Dodd (D-Ct) for misusing campaign funds
06/23/1969 Joe Frazier beats Jerry Quarry for heavyweight boxing title
06/23/1969 Warren E Burger sworn in as Supreme Court Chief Justice
06/23/1970 Charles Rangel defeats Adam Clayton Powell in Democratic primary
06/23/1970 Rocker Chubby Checker arrest for marijuana pocession
06/23/1971 Phillies Rick Wise no-hits Cincinnati Reds, 4-0
06/23/1971 WTVP TV channel 47 in Peoria, IL (PBS) begins broadcasting
06/23/1972 Hurricane Agnes is costliest natural disaster in American history
06/23/1972 Nixon & Haldeman agree to use CIA to cover up Watergate
06/23/1972 Pres Nixon signs act barring sex discrimination in college sports
06/23/1973 Phillies Ken Brett 4th consecutive game HR in which he pitched
06/23/1974 Sandra Haynie wins LPGA by 2 strokes over JoAnne Carner
06/23/1975 Lou Graham wins US Open golf tournament
06/23/1975 Rocker Alice Cooper falls of stage in Vancouver, breaks 6 ribs
06/23/1976 CCN Tower in Toronto, tallest free-standing structure (555 m) opens
06/23/1977 13th Mayor's Trophy Game, Mets beat Yanks 6-4
06/23/1979 Charlie Daniels Band releases 'Devil Went Down to Georgia'
06/23/1979 Rock group, the Knack releases 'My Sharona'
06/23/1980 West German wins European soccer title (2-1 against Belgium)
06/23/1981 33 inning game ends, Pawtucket 3, Rochester 2
06/23/1981 Amanda Maccaro becomes 1st American to win Russian Ballet Competitio

06/23/1981 French govt of Mauroy forms, with 4 communists
06/23/1981 NYC mayor Koch turns down a $7,500 offer to perform comedy
06/23/1982 -117øF; All time low at South Pole
06/23/1982 Himmy, of Australia, weighs in at domestic cat record 20.7 kg (45 lb

06/23/1982 Mary Hart joins Entertainment Tonight
06/23/1983 Syria throws out PLO leader Arafat
06/23/1985 Bomb destroys Air India Boeing 747 in air near Ireland, 329 die
06/23/1985 Laffit Pincay Jr becomes 2nd jockey to win $100 million
06/23/1986 Tip O'Neill refuses to let Reagan address House
06/23/1987 W Landgraf discovers asteroid #3683 Baumann
06/23/1988 Charlotte Hornets & Miami Heat begin their NBA expansion draft
06/23/1988 Yank manager Billy Martin's 5th term ends, Lou Pinella named manager

06/23/1989 Movie 'Batman' premieres
06/23/1990 A rally to save Alien Nation from cancellation held at Stat of Liber

06/23/1990 Moldavia declares independence
06/23/1990 TV Guide selects Arsenio Hall as TV personality of year
06/23/1991 Tony Randall & Jack Klugman star in Bdwy performance of Odd Couple
06/23/1992 'Tin Bigha Day' protest in India of corridor opening to Bangladesh
06/23/1992 Rabin wins Israeli parliamentary election
06/23/1993 Lindsay Wagner (Bionic Woman) files for divorce from Lawrence Mortor

Robert Wolfe

Jun 24, 2021, 7:40:16 PM6/24/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


06/24/1244 Hendrik I, the Child, 1st count of Hessen (1256-1308)
06/24/1322 Johanna, duke of Brabant/Limburg (Joyful Entry)
06/24/1499 Johannes Brenz, German theologist (Netherland Brentianen)
06/24/1533 Robert Dudley, earl of Leicester/English commander-in-chief in Neth
06/24/1542 Juan de la Cruz, [de Yepes], Spanish Carmelet/poet/saint
06/24/1561 Rombout Hogerbeets, lawyer/pension minister of Lead
06/24/1572 Jan Campanus, composer
06/24/1590 Samuel Ampzing, poet (Taelbericht der Neth Spellinge)
06/24/1619 R歪klof Volckertsz of Goens, governor-general (East Indies)
06/24/1669 Fran㎜is van Aerssen, vice-admiral (Suriname/Algeria)
06/24/1746 Jean Baptiste Rochefort, composer
06/24/1747 Johann Melchior Dreyer, composer
06/24/1762 Johann Paul Wessely, composer
06/24/1771 E I Du Pont, France, chemist/scientist (Du Pont)
06/24/1783 Johann Heinrich von Th]en, economist/geographer/farmer
06/24/1797 John Hughes, archbishop, founded Fordham University in the Bronx
06/24/1803 George James Webb, composer
06/24/1808 Anna Caroline Oury, composer
06/24/1811 John Archibald Campbell, Asst Secy War (Confederacy), died in 1889
06/24/1813 Henry Ward Beecher, Litchfield Ct, clergyman/orator (Independent)
06/24/1820 Henry Rootes Jackson, Brig General (Confederate Army), died in 1898
06/24/1822 Birkett Davenport Fry, Brig General (Confederate Army), died in 1891

06/24/1832 Edward Harland, Brig General (Union volunteers), died in 1915
06/24/1838 Gustav von Schmoller, German economist (Cathederal Socialism)
06/24/1839 Gustavus Franklin Swift, founded Swift & Co
06/24/1842 Ambrose Bierce, US, satirist (Devil's Dictionary)
06/24/1847 Gervais Bernard Gaston Salvayre, composer
06/24/1848 Brooks Adams, US philosopher (Theory of Social Revolutions)
06/24/1850 Horatio Herbert Kitchener, England, original Order of Merit member
06/24/1852 Victor Adler, Austrian Foreign minister
06/24/1873 Thomas Carl Whitmer, composer
06/24/1877 Aleksei M Remizov, Russian writer (Iveren)
06/24/1888 Gerrit T Rietfield, architect (Juliana Hall, Sonsbeek Pavillion)
06/24/1891 Irving Pichel, actor/director (Mme Butterfly, Oliver Twist)
06/24/1894 Rudolf Hess, German nazi minister
06/24/1895 Jack Dempsey, [Manassa Mauler], heavyweight boxing champion (1919-26

06/24/1899 Magdalene SzLely-Lulofs, author (Hongertocht]
06/24/1901 Harry Partch, Oakland Calif, composer (Oedipus)
06/24/1903 Phil Harris, singer/actor (Anything Goes, High & Mighty, Robin Hood)

06/24/1904 Kurt Kusenberg, German writer (Wein Auf Lebenszeit)
06/24/1906 Pierre Fournier, French violon cellist
06/24/1907 Jose de Lima Siquiera, composer
06/24/1908 Hugo Distler, composer
06/24/1909 Milton Katims, NYC, conductor/violist (WOR-NYC)
06/24/1909 William G Penney, British physicist (1st British Atom Bomb)
06/24/1912 Norman Cousins, editor (Saturday Review)
06/24/1913 Max van Praag, Dutch singer
06/24/1915 Fred Hoyle, cosmologist (proposed steady-state universe theory)
06/24/1916 John Ciardi, poet/critic (translated Dante)
06/24/1919 Al Molinaro, Kenosha Wisc, actor (Odd Couple, Happy Days)
06/24/1920 Bernhard Krol, composer
06/24/1921 Billy Casper, golfer
06/24/1922 Aadje [Alida WM] Lyre, twin daughter of Prince Hendrik(?)
06/24/1922 Rietje [Maria SC) Lyre, twin daughter of Prince Hendrik(?)
06/24/1922 Roy Elihu Travis, NYC, composer (Passion of Dedipus)
06/24/1922 Roy Travis, composer
06/24/1922 Sibohan McKenna, Ireland, stage actress (Saint Joan)
06/24/1923 Jack Carter, Bkln NY, comedian/actor (Amazing Dobermans, Octagon)
06/24/1924 Ranasinghe Premadasa, president of Sri Lanka (1989-93)
06/24/1927 Joseph Pierce Jr, horse trainer
06/24/1930 Claude Chabrol, Paris France, director (Les Cousins, OphJla)
06/24/1930 Herbert C Klien, (Rep-D-New Jersey)
06/24/1932 David McTaggart, cofounded Greenpeace
06/24/1934 Bob Holthus, horse trainer
06/24/1935 Pete Hamill, journalist (NY Post)
06/24/1935 Terry Riley, Colfax Calif, composer (Spectra)
06/24/1938 Boris Lagutin, USSR, light-middleweight boxer (Olympic-gold-1964, 68

06/24/1938 Lowell Cross, composer
06/24/1938 Walter Willison, Monterrey Park Calif, actor (McDuff the Talking Dog

06/24/1939 Henry Lawrence Garett III, Miami Fla, Sect of Navy (1989-92)
06/24/1942 Michele Lee, LA Calif, actress/singer (Karen-Knots Landing, Love Bug

06/24/1942 Mick Fleetwood, English pop drummer (Fleetwood Mac-Go Your Own Way)
06/24/1943 Georg Stanford Brown, Havana Cuba, actor (Terry Webster-Rookies)
06/24/1944 Arthur Brown, England, rocker (Fire)
06/24/1944 Bruce Johnston, singer/bassist (Beachboys-Surfin' Girl)
06/24/1944 Jeff Beck, Surrey England, singer/songwriter (Jeff Beck Group)
06/24/1945 Betty Stove, Netherlands, tennis player (US Doubles 1972)
06/24/1945 Colin Blunstone, rocker (Zombies-Never Even Thought)
06/24/1946 Ellison S Onizuka, Hawaii, Mjr USAF/ast (STS 51C, 51L-Chal disaster)

06/24/1947 Peter Weller, actor (Robocop, 1st Born, Of Unknown Origin)
06/24/1947 Walter Willison, entertainer
06/24/1950 LPn J P M Frissen, ambassador/Dutch 2nd Chamber member (CDA)
06/24/1950 Mercedes R Lackey, US, sci-fi author (Arrow's Fall, Magic's Pawn)
06/24/1950 Nancy Allen, NYC, actress (Carrie, 1941, Robocop, Dress to Kill)
06/24/1951 Ivar Formo, Norway, 50K cross country skier (Olympic-gold-1976)
06/24/1951 Raelene Boyle, Australia, sprinter (Oly-Silver-72)
06/24/1956 Joe Penny, actor (Jake & the Fatman)
06/24/1957 Astro, [Terrence Wilson], British rock vocalist (UB40-Red Red Wine)
06/24/1958 Victor M Gerena, NYC, security guard robbed $7 million (FBI wanted)
06/24/1959 Andy McClusky, rocker (Orchestal Manoeveres in the Dark-Electricity)

06/24/1960 Nate Carr, Erie Pa, freestyle wrestler (Olympic-bronze-1988)
06/24/1961 Curt Smith, rocker (Tears for Fears-Shout)
06/24/1961 Natalya Shaposhnikova, USSR, sidehorse vaulter (Olympic-gold-1980)
06/24/1964 David Daniel, jockey
06/24/1965 Danielle Spencer, Bronx, actress (Dee Thomas-What's Happening)
06/24/1967 Crystal Carson, actress (Cartel, Zero Boys)
06/24/1969 Melissa Gurney, Calif, tennis player (Virginia Slims of SD, 1986)
06/24/1970 Glenn Medeiros, singer (Someday Love)


06/24/1475 Albrecht van Eyb, German parson (Bamberg & Eichstдt), dies at 54
06/24/1629 Carolus Scribani, Italian/Flemish jesuit/writer, dies
06/24/1652 Andries Bicker, merchant/Amsterdam regent, dies at 65
06/24/1673 John of Paffenrode, ruler of Ghussigny/poet, dies in battle
06/24/1712 Simon van de Pose, governor of Cape colony (1679-99), dies at 72
06/24/1724 Johann Theile, composer, dies at 77
06/24/1778 Peter Burmannus Secundus, [Pieter Burman], classical, dies
06/24/1803 Matthew Thornton, Irish/US physician/signer (Decl of Ind), dies at 8

06/24/1817 Thomas Mckean, US attorney/signer (Decl of Independence), dies at 83

06/24/1861 Abd〕-Medjid, 31st sultan of Turkey (1839-61), dies at 38
06/24/1882 Joachim Raff, composer, dies at 60
06/24/1891 Ann Sheppard Mounsey, composer, dies at 80
06/24/1894 M F Sadi Carnot, president of France (1887-94), murdered
06/24/1908 Grover Cleveland, 22nd & 24th Pres (1885-89, 93-97), dies at 71
06/24/1913 Frank Lynes, composer, dies at 55
06/24/1922 Walter Rathenau, German foreign minister killed by anti-semites
06/24/1936 Nandor Zsolt, composer, dies at 49
06/24/1944 Rio Gebhardt, composer, dies at 36
06/24/1952 Lodew鰐 Mortelmans, composer, dies at 84
06/24/1959 Lou Bandy, [Lodew鰐 F Dieben], revue-artist (Life is Real), dies at

06/24/1962 Lucile Watson, actress (Great Lie, Model Wife, Florian), dies at 83
06/24/1969 Maria Belgado, entertainer, dies
06/24/1969 Ted Hecht, actor (Time to Kill, Song of India, Gangster), dies
06/24/1969 Willey Ley, US science writer, dies at 62
06/24/1971 Jack Good, actor (Father Goose), dies
06/24/1971 Kenneth Washington, actor (Sgt Baker-Hogan's Heroes), dies at 53
06/24/1973 Mary Carr, actress (Forbidden Trail, 2nd Wife), dies at 99
06/24/1984 William Keighley, dir (Man who came to Dinner), dies of a stroke at

06/24/1987 Jackie Gleason, actor (Honeymooners), dies at 71 in Fort Lauderdale
06/24/1991 Martin Rosenblatt, actor, dies
06/24/1991 Rufino Tamayo, Mexican painter, dies
06/24/1992 Juris Podnieks, cameraman/director (Commandant), drowns
06/24/1992 Tom Alexander, actor, dies
06/24/1992 Tony LeMans, singer/songwriter, dies in a car crash at 29

Significant Events:

06/24/ 451 10th recorded perihelion passage of Halley's Comet
06/24/ 843 Vikings destroy Nantes
06/24/1128 Afonso I of Portugal defeats army of his mother Theresa
06/24/1298 Rindfleish Persecutions-Jews of Ifhauben Austria massacred
06/24/1314 Battle of Bannockburn; Scotland regains independence from England
06/24/1322 Jews are expelled from France for 3rd time
06/24/1340 Battle at Lock: English fleet beats France/Genuezen, 10-30,000 kille

06/24/1396 Crusaders under earl of Nevers reach Vienna
06/24/1397 Sultan Bajezid I release caught crusaders free, for ransom
06/24/1441 Eton College founded by Henry VI
06/24/1497 John Cabot claims eastern Canada for England
06/24/1509 Henry VIII crowned King of England
06/24/1535 Anabaptists Protestants conquerered & disbanded
06/24/1540 Henry VIII divorces his 4th wife, Anne of Cleves
06/24/1597 Cornelis de Houtmans fleet reaches Bantam, West Java
06/24/1647 Lord Baltimore's niece ejected requesting vote at Maryland Council
06/24/1662 Dutch invasion of Macau repulsed (Macau Day)
06/24/1690 King Willem III's army lands at Carrickfergus, Ireland
06/24/1692 Kingston Jamaica founded
06/24/1717 1st Free mason's grand lodge mental home opens in London
06/24/1778 David Rittenhouse observes a total solar eclipse in Philadelphia
06/24/1793 1st republican constitution in France adopted
06/24/1806 English under commodore Popham/col Beresford reach Buenos Aires
06/24/1813 Battle of Beaver Dam-British & Indian forces defeat US forces
06/24/1817 1st coffee planted in Hawaii on Kona coast
06/24/1821 Battle of Carabobo; Bol。var defeats royalists outside of Caracas
06/24/1841 Fordham University (then St John's College), opens in the Bronx
06/24/1843 Vincenzo Soliva decrees no Jew can live outside of ghetto in Italy
06/24/1852 J R Hind discovers asteroid #18 Melpomene
06/24/1859 Battle of Solferino, N-Italy: France/Sardinia-Austria
06/24/1861 Battle of Mathias Point, VA-US attacks Confederate batteries
06/24/1861 Tennessee becomes 11th (& last) state to secede from US
06/24/1863 Planning an invasion of Pennsylvania, Lee's army crosses Potomac
06/24/1866 Battle at Custozza: Prussian-Austria beats Italian army
06/24/1881 200 drown as train runs off bridge near Cuautla Mexico
06/24/1882 NL expels umpire Richard Higham for dishonesty
06/24/1884 John Lynch is 1st black elected chairman of Republican convention
06/24/1885 Samuel David Ferguson becomes 1st US black bishop
06/24/1894 Decision to begin modern Olympics every 4 years
06/24/1897 Hail injures 26 in Topeka Kansas
06/24/1898 American troops, drive Spanish forces from La Guasimas Cuba
06/24/1900 Dutch Social-Democratic Worker's party & Socialistenbond merge
06/24/1901 Jewish National Fund starts
06/24/1903 Russia prohibits meetings dealing with zionist
06/24/1908 A Kopff discovers asteroids #663 Gerlinde & #664 Judith
06/24/1909 Best 72 holes of golf at US open (George Sargent-290)
06/24/1911 John McDermott becomes 1st American to win US open golf tournament
06/24/1914 G Neujmin discovers asteroid #789 Lena
06/24/1914 King Peter I of Sweden names son Alexander the Prince-regent
06/24/1915 800 dies as excursion steamer Eastland capsizes in Chicago
06/24/1917 Russian Black Sea fleet munity at Sebastopol
06/24/1920 Chuvash Autonomous Region formed in RSFSR
06/24/1922 AFPA changes name to NFL, Chicago Staleys become Chicago Bears
06/24/1923 Pope Pius XI speaks against allies occupying Ruhrgebied
06/24/1928 Johnny Farrell wins US Open golf tournament
06/24/1930 1st radar detection of planes, Anacostia DC
06/24/1931 USSR & Afghanistan sign neutrality treaty
06/24/1932 Coup ends absolute monarchy in Thailand
06/24/1936 Joe DiMaggio becomes 5th to hit 2 HRs in 1 inn, Yanks beat Browns 18

06/24/1936 Mary McLeod Bethune named director of Negro Affairs in Natl Youth Ad

06/24/1938 500 ton meteorite hits Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
06/24/1939 Pan Am's 1st US to England flight
06/24/1940 France signs an armistice with Italy during WW II
06/24/1941 Nazis exterminate entire male population of Gargzdai
06/24/1942 Admiral Ernest King orders Tulagi (Solomon Island) annexed
06/24/1943 Allies begin 10-day bombing on Hamburg
06/24/1946 29.77 cm (11.72') of rainfall, Mellen, Wisc. (state 24-hr record)
06/24/1946 Georges Bidault elected premier of France
06/24/1947 Flying saucers sighted over Mount Rainier by pilot Ken Arnold
06/24/1947 Jim Ferrier wins PGA golf tournament
06/24/1948 Republican Natl Convention in Phila nominates NY gov Thomas Dewey
06/24/1948 Soviet Union begins Berlin Blockade
06/24/1949 'Hopalong Cassidy' becomes 1st network western (NBC)
06/24/1949 AM de Jongs murderer, Ton of Gog arrested in Scheveningen
06/24/1949 Cargo airlines 1st licensed by US Civil Aeronautics Board
06/24/1950 French government-Bidault resigns
06/24/1950 M Itzigsohn discovers asteroid #1821 Aconcagua
06/24/1950 NY Giant Wes Westrum hits 3 HRs & a triple
06/24/1951 Persians army nationalizes oil installations
06/24/1953 KSWS (now KOBR) TV channel 8 in Roswell, NM (NBC) begins broadcastin

06/24/1955 Harmon Killebrew hits his 1st HR (off Billy Hoeff)
06/24/1956 WISC TV channel 3 in Madison, WI (CBS) begins broadcasting
06/24/1961 Beatles record 'If You Love Me Baby'
06/24/1961 Iraq demands dominion over Kuwait
06/24/1962 Jack Reed's 22nd inn HR leads Yanks over Tigers 9-7
06/24/1963 1st demonstration of home video recorder, at BBC Studios, London
06/24/1963 Levi Esjkol forms Israeli govt
06/24/1963 Zanzibar granted internal self-government by Britain
06/24/1966 Bombay-NY Air India flight crashes into Mont Blanc (Switz), 117 die
06/24/1966 Period of relative peace following WW II exceeds that following WW I

06/24/1967 Za脚e adopts constitution
06/24/1968 Canadian Sandra Post becomes 1st non-US & 1st rookie LPGA winner
06/24/1968 Deadline for redeeming silver certificate dollars for silver bullion

06/24/1968 Jim Northrup hits 2 grand-slammers to help Tigers beat Cleve 14-3
06/24/1968 Joe Frazier TKOs Manda Ramos for world heavyweight boxing title
06/24/1968 Resurrection City in Wash DC closed permanently
06/24/1970 Bobby Murcer ties record of 4 consecutive HRs
06/24/1970 Senate votes overwhelmingly to repeal Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
06/24/1972 Wake Island becomes unincorporated territory of US (US Air Force)
06/24/1972 Yvonne Braitwaite Burke becomes 1st black chair in Dem convention
06/24/1973 Marlene Raymond (15), limboes under a flaming bar at 6 1/8'
06/24/1975 Eastern 727 crashes at JFK Airport NY, kills 113
06/24/1975 Moon tremor perceived (hit by Taurid meteors)
06/24/1977 IRS reveals Jimmy Carter paid no taxes in 1976
06/24/1980 Affirmed wins $500,000 Hollywood Cup, 1st horse to win $2 million
06/24/1982 Equal Rights Amendment goes down to defeat
06/24/1982 Jean-Loup Chretien, 1st spacionaut, 2 others, lift off (Soyuz T-16)
06/24/1982 Mary Hart's 1st appearance on Entertainment Tonight
06/24/1983 7th Space Shuttle Mission-Challenger 2 lands at Edwards AFB
06/24/1983 Don Sutton becomes 8th pitcher to strikeout 3,000 batters
06/24/1984 Joe Morgan sets career HR mark for 2nd basemen with #265
06/24/1985 18th Space Shuttle Mission (51-G)-Discovery 5 returns to Earth
06/24/1985 Challenger moves to Vandenberg AFB for mating of STS 51-F
06/24/1986 Guy Hunt elected 1st Republican governor of Alabama in 112 years
06/24/1986 US Senate approves 'tax reform'
06/24/1988 Cleve pitcher Doug Jones sets record of 14 consecutive saves
06/24/1992 Billy Joel, gets an honorary diploma from Hicksville HS
06/24/1992 Eddie Antar, CEO (Crazy Eddies), $74 m stock fraud caught in Israel
06/24/1992 John Gotti begins life sentence in jail
06/24/1993 Arab terror group plans bombing of Holland/Lincoln Tunnels caught

Robert Wolfe

Jun 25, 2021, 7:40:13 AM6/25/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


06/25/1373 Johanna II, Queen of Naples (1414-35)
06/25/1709 Francesco Araja, composer
06/25/1735 Benvenuto Robbio San Rafaele, composer
06/25/1796 Ferdinando Giorgetti, composer
06/25/1813 William Hugh Keim, Brig General (Union volunteers), died in 1862
06/25/1823 James Dunwody Bulloch, Capt (Confederate Navy), died in 1901
06/25/1852 Antonio Gaud¡, Spanish architect (Sagrada Familia, Barcelona)
06/25/1858 Georges Courteline [Moineaux], French playwright
06/25/1860 Gustave Charpentier, French composer (opera Louise)
06/25/1862 Vasily Georgiyevich Wrangell, composer
06/25/1864 Walther Hermann Nernst, Prussian physical chemist (Nobel 1920)
06/25/1865 Robert Henri, US painter, leader of Ashcan school
06/25/1878 Jean Gallon, composer
06/25/1886 Henry 'Hap' Arnold, commanding general, US Army Air Force (WW II)
06/25/1887 George Abbott, Forestville NY, producer (Damn Yankees, Pajama Game)
06/25/1889 Ethel Glenn Hier, composer
06/25/1893 Charlotte Greenwood, Phila, actress (Oklahoma, Moon over Miami)
06/25/1894 Hermann Oberth, Germany, founded modern astronautics (V2/Redstone)
06/25/1897 Basil Radford, actor (Quartet, Whiskey Galore, Night Train)
06/25/1897 Hans Barth, composer
06/25/1900 Izak D du Plessis, South African writer/director (3rd World)
06/25/1900 Lord Louis Mountbatten, of Burma, royal relative/earl/baron/admiral
06/25/1901 Adolf Brunner, composer
06/25/1903 Arthur Tracy, street singer (Vincent Lopez Show, Limelight)
06/25/1903 George Orwell, [Eric A Blair], British writer (Animal Farm, 1984)
06/25/1904 John van Axel, [John P Kraakman], director (Overschotje)
06/25/1906 Roger Livesey, actor (Drums, Life & Death of Col Blimp)
06/25/1907 J Hans D Jensen, Germany, physicist (atomic nucleus-Nobel 1963)
06/25/1909 Daniel Fuchs, US writer (Summer in Williamsburg)
06/25/1911 Reed Hadley, actor (Rimfire, Shock, Grand Canyon)
06/25/1911 William H Stein, US biochemist (Nobel 1972)
06/25/1913 Aim‚ C‚saire, Martinique, writer (Ecrivian Martiniquais)
06/25/1915 Peter Lind Hayes, SF Calif, comedian/singer (Peter Lind Hayes Show)
06/25/1916 Theodore P Toynbee, British journalist/writer (Savage Days, Barricad

06/25/1921 Peter Charles Arthur Wishart, composer
06/25/1924 Sidney Lumet, Phila, director (Group, Pawnbroker, Fail Safe)
06/25/1925 Clifton Chenier, blues singer (Bayou Blues, Bon Ton Roulet)
06/25/1925 June Lockhart, NYC, actr (Lassie, Lost in Space, Petticoat Junction)

06/25/1925 Robert Venturi, US, architect (Levittown NY, Las Vegas)
06/25/1925 Ziggy Talent, Manchester NH, singer (Vaughn Monroe Show)
06/25/1926 Ingeborg Bachmann, Austria author/poet
06/25/1926 Pierre Culliford, Brussels Belgium, cartoonist (Smurfs)
06/25/1928 William Joseph Russo, composer
06/25/1933 Gary Crosby, Calif, actor (Bill Dana Show, Adam 12, Chase)
06/25/1933 Michelangelo Pistoletto, Italian artist (glass painter)
06/25/1935 Eddie Floyd, US singer/composer (Calif Girl, Falcons-Knock on Wood)
06/25/1935 Kurt Schwertsik, composer
06/25/1935 Laurent Terzieff, Paris, actor (Head Over Heels, Milky Way)
06/25/1935 Wynand Breytenbach, S Afr under minister of Defense (1986- )
06/25/1936 Harold Melvin, US singer (Blue Notes-My Hero)
06/25/1936 Paul Nowee, writer (Arendsoog)
06/25/1940 Thomas K”hler, German DR, luger (Olympic-gold-1964, 68)
06/25/1942 Patrick Michael Mitchell, Ottawa, one of FBI's most wanted
06/25/1942 Willis Reed, basketball hall-of-famer center (NY Knicks)
06/25/1945 Carly Simon, NYC, singer (Anticipation, You're So Vain)
06/25/1946 Ian McDonald, guitarist (King Crisom)
06/25/1948 Michael Lembeck, Bkln, actor (Max-One Day at a Time)
06/25/1949 Brenda Sykes, Shreveport La, actress (Ozzie's Girls, Getting Straigh

06/25/1949 Jimmie Walker, Bronx NY, comedian (JJ-Good Times, At Ease)
06/25/1949 Kene Holliday, NYC, actor (Tyler-Matlock, Carter Country)
06/25/1949 Phyllis George-Brown, Denton Tx, Miss America (1971)/sportscaster
06/25/1950 Belinda Montgomery, Winnipeg Manitoba, actress (Man From Atlantis)
06/25/1950 Tatyana Averina, USSR, speed skater 1K, 3K (Olympic-gold-1976)
06/25/1952 Tim Finn, song writer (Puberty Blues)
06/25/1954 John Kimmel, horse trainer
06/25/1955 Michael Sabatino, actor (Lawrence-Days of Our Life, Bold & Beautiful

06/25/1958 Debbie Green, South Korea, volleyball player (Olympic-silver-1984)
06/25/1963 George Michael, England, rock vocalist (Wham-I Want Your Sex)
06/25/1963 Mike Myers, Canada, comedian (SNL-Wayne's World)
06/25/1967 Brian Wanek, Mequon Wis, speed skater (Olympics-1994)
06/25/1967 Joan Smith, Rochester NY, biathelete (Olympics-1994)


06/25/1142 Gulielmus of Vercelli, Italian hermit/monastery founder/saint, dies
06/25/1212 Simon de Montfort, a leader of the crusades, dies at 67
06/25/1423 Reinald IV, duke of Gelre, dies
06/25/1514 Berta Jacobsdr, [Suster Bertken], hermit, dies at 87
06/25/1522 Franchinus Gaffurius, composer, dies at 71
06/25/1710 Antonius Matthaeus, lawyer/historian, dies at 74
06/25/1767 Georg Philipp Telemann, composer, dies at 86
06/25/1785 Pierre Talon, composer, dies at 63
06/25/1822 Earnest T Amadeus Hoffmann, German writer/judge/composer, dies at 46

06/25/1840 Leopold earl of Limburg Stirum, general/politician, dies at 82
06/25/1876 Boston Custer, brother of George Custer, dies at Little Bighorn
06/25/1876 George A Custer, US general, dies at Little Bighorn
06/25/1876 John Patton, trumpeter, dies at Little Bighorn
06/25/1876 Lame White Man, Cheyenne, dies at Little Bighorn
06/25/1876 Myles Keogh, US officer, dies at Little Bighorn
06/25/1876 Thomas W Custer, brother of George Custer, dies at Little Bighorn
06/25/1884 Hans Rott, composer, dies at 25
06/25/1896 Emile AH Seipgens, priest/brewery/literature, dies at 58
06/25/1898 Ferdinand J Cohn, German botanist/publicist, dies at 70
06/25/1906 Stanford White, Architect, shot dead atop Madison Square Garden whic

06/25/1906 he designed by Harry Thaw jealous husband of Evelyn Nesbit
06/25/1926 Symon Petljoera, pres Ukraine (pogroms), murdered in Paris
06/25/1929 Georges Courteline [Moineaux], French playwright, dies
06/25/1937 Colin Clive, actor (Bride of Frankenstein, Jane Eyre), dies at 39
06/25/1943 Spencer Charters, actor (Big Town Girl, St Louis Kid), dies at 68
06/25/1954 Eduard M Me˜ers, lawyer (Civil Code), dies at 74
06/25/1956 Alfred C Kinsey, US zoologist/sexologist, dies at 62
06/25/1956 Ernest J King, US fleet admiral/Chief of Naval Operations, dies at 7

06/25/1959 Charles Starkwether, murderer, executed
06/25/1960 WH Walter Baade, German/US astronomer (Andromeda), dies at 67
06/25/1964 Gerrit Rietfield, architect (Julianahal/Sonsbeekpaviljoen), dies at

06/25/1968 Tony Hancock, actor/writer (Call Me Genius, Rebel), dies at 43
06/25/1976 Johnny Mercer, US songwriter (That old Black Magic), dies at 66
06/25/1977 Endre Szervanszky, composer, dies at 65
06/25/1977 Petko Staynov, composer, dies at 80
06/25/1978 Hussein al-Ghasjmi, president of North-Yemen, murdered
06/25/1983 Alberto Evaristo Ginastera, composer, dies at 67
06/25/1984 Paul-Michel Foucault, French philosopher, dies at 57
06/25/1986 Gery Florizoone, Flemish poet, dies at 63
06/25/1987 Boudleaux Bryant, song writer (for Everly Bros), dies at 67
06/25/1988 Axis Sally, [Mildred E Gillars], US nazi propagandist (WW II), dies
06/25/1990 Peggy Glanville-Hicks, composer, dies at 77
06/25/1992 James Stirling, Scottish D-Day parachutist/architect, dies
06/25/1992 Jerome Brown, Phila Eagle defensive tackle, dies in car crash at 27
06/25/1992 William E Harris, entertainer, dies

Significant Events:

06/25/ 253 St Lucius I begins his reign as Catholic Pope
06/25/1080 Wibbert of Ravenna chosen as anti-pope Clemens III
06/25/1139 Battle of Ourique: Afonso I defeats Moors
06/25/1178 5 Canterbury monks report something exploding on Moon
06/25/1183 Peace of Konstanz
06/25/1243 Sinibaldo dei Fieschi elected as Pope Innocentius IV
06/25/1298 Rindfleish Persecutions-250 Jews killed in Rothenburg Germany
06/25/1606 Alkmaarse clergy asks 'Great dertelheyt'
06/25/1606 St Jansday is forbidden
06/25/1630 Fork introduced to American dining by Gov Winthrop
06/25/1638 A lunar eclipse becomes 1st astronomical event recorded in US
06/25/1672 1st recorded monthly Quaker meeting in US held, Sandwich, Mass
06/25/1675 Battle at Rathenow: Brandenburgers beat Sweden
06/25/1716 Eugenius of Savoye named land guardian of Austrian Netherlands
06/25/1749 General fast because of drought in MA
06/25/1788 Virginia becomes 10th state to ratify US constitution
06/25/1798 US passes Alien Act allowing president to deport dangerous aliens
06/25/1834 Pope Gregory XVI's encyclical 'Singulari nos' published
06/25/1835 1st building constructed at Yerba Buena (now SF)
06/25/1861 Western Virginia campaign
06/25/1863 US General George Meade replaces General Hooker to be more aggresive

06/25/1864 Horse tramway at the Hague, opens
06/25/1864 Petersburg Campaign-Federals begin digging tunnels under Reb lines
06/25/1868 FL, AL, LA, GA, NC & SC readmitted to US
06/25/1870 Opera 'Die Walk re' is produced (Munich)
06/25/1876 Custer & 7th Cavalry wiped out by Sioux & Cheyenne at Little Big Hor

06/25/1888 Republican Convention, in Chicago, nominates Benjamin Harrison
06/25/1894 American Railway Union under Eugene V Debs goes on strike
06/25/1903 Yanks & White Sox end deadlocked at 6-6 in 18
06/25/1905 Warsaw & Lodz revolt against Russian occupation
06/25/1909 George Sargent wins US Open golf tournament
06/25/1913 Dutch Parliamentary election (confess party looses majority)
06/25/1916 Tsar Nicolaas II fires minister of Foreign affairs Sasonov
06/25/1918 Bakoe-Turkish communist party forms
06/25/1919 1st advanced monoplane airliner flight (Junkers F13)
06/25/1919 Revolt of Spartacus in Hamburg
06/25/1920 League of Nations places Intl head of Justice in Hague
06/25/1921 Jack Hutchinson becomes 1st American to win golf's British Open
06/25/1924 K Reinmuth discovers asteroid #1023 Thomana
06/25/1925 Military putsch under gen Theodorus P ngulos in Greece
06/25/1928 NY Giant Fred Lindstrom ties record of 9 hits in a doubleheader
06/25/1929 Pres Hoover authorizes building of Boulder Dam (Hoover Dam)
06/25/1932 Gene Sarazen wins US Open golf tournament
06/25/1934 Yank pitcher John Broaca ties record by striking out 5 times
06/25/1935 Joe Louis defeats Primo Carnera at Yankee Stadium
06/25/1937 Cub Augie Galan becomes 1st player to switch hit HRs in a game
06/25/1938 Federal minimum wage law guarantees workers 40› per hour
06/25/1940 Adolf Hitler views Eiffel towe & grave of Napoleon in France
06/25/1941 FDR issues Executive Order 8802 forbidding discrimination
06/25/1941 Fair Employment Practices Commission established
06/25/1941 Finland declares war on Soviet Union
06/25/1942 British RAF staged a 1,000 bomb raid on Bremen Germany (WW II)
06/25/1942 British premier Winston Churchill travels from US to London
06/25/1943 Crematory III at Birkenau is finished
06/25/1943 Race riots in Detroit
06/25/1943 Racial unrest in Detroit
06/25/1943 Seyss-Inquart orders mass arrests of Dutch physicians
06/25/1944 British assault at Caen Normandy
06/25/1945 General Headquarter on Okinawa, falls
06/25/1947 1st edition of Anne Franks 'The back of house' published
06/25/1947 Heavyweight Joe Louis KOs Tami Mauriello
06/25/1948 Joe Louis KOs Jersey Joe Walcott in 11 to reatain championship
06/25/1948 Truman signs Displaced Persons Bill (205,000 Europeans to US)
06/25/1949 Presidential election in Syria (some women allowed to vote)
06/25/1950 Israeli airline El Al begins service
06/25/1951 1st color TV broadcast-CBS' Arthur Godfrey from NYC to 4 cities
06/25/1952 Dutch social democratic party wins 2nd-Parliamentary election
06/25/1952 Jim Turnesa wins PGA golf tournament
06/25/1953 1st passenger to fly commercially around the world < 100 hours
06/25/1953 86øF in Anchorage Alaska
06/25/1956 51 die in collision of 'Andrea Doria' & 'Stockholm' (Cape Cod)
06/25/1956 WKNO TV channel 10 in Memphis, TN (PBS) begins broadcasting
06/25/1960 Earthquake in NE Belgium
06/25/1960 Madagascar gains independence of France
06/25/1961 Balt & Calif use a record 16 pitchers in a game (8 each) in 14 inns
06/25/1961 Iraq announces that Kuwait is a part of Iraq (Kuwait disagrees)
06/25/1961 Yankee's Roger Maris hits his 40th of 61 HRs
06/25/1962 Cabinet-In”n forms in Turkey
06/25/1962 Mozambique Liberation Front (FRELIMO) forms
06/25/1962 Supreme Court rules NY school prayer unconstitutional
06/25/1962 Yankee Jack Reed's 22nd inning HR wins a 7 hour game
06/25/1963 JFK speaks at Pauls Church in Frankfurt
06/25/1963 South Africa worker's union leader Curnick Ndlovu arrested
06/25/1964 Prince A Taylor becomes 1st black methodist bishop (NJ)
06/25/1965 Gyula Kallai succeeds J nos K d r as premier of Hungary
06/25/1966 Beatles' 'Paperback Writer,' single goes #1 & stays #1 for 2 weeks
06/25/1966 Dmitri Sjostakovitsj' 13rd Symphony, premieres in Leningrad
06/25/1966 Kosmos 122, 1st Soviet weather satellite, launched
06/25/1967 400 million watch Beatles 'Our World' TV special
06/25/1967 KPBS TV channel 15 in San Diego, CA (PBS) begins broadcasting
06/25/1967 Mohammed Ali (Cassius Clay) sentenced to 5 years
06/25/1968 Bobby Bonds hits a grand slam in his 1st major league game (Giants)
06/25/1972 Berenice Gera becomes 1st female umpire in pro baseball
06/25/1972 Juan Per¢n elected presidenti of Argentina
06/25/1973 John Dean begins testimony before Senate Watergate Committee
06/25/1973 Russian party leader Brezjnev visits France
06/25/1973 Udo Beyer of East Germany puts the shot a record 20.47 m
06/25/1975 Mozambique gains independence from Portugal (National Day)
06/25/1977 LBJ denies report he had a cancer during his presidency
06/25/1977 Roy C Sullivan of Va is struck by lightening for 7th time!
06/25/1978 Argentina beats Holland 3-1 in soccer's 11th World Cup at Buenos Air

06/25/1979 E F Helin & S J Bus discovers asteroid #2343 Siding Spring,
06/25/1979 Failed attack on NATO commander Haig in Obourg, Belgium
06/25/1981 Supreme Court upholds male-only draft registration, constitutional
06/25/1982 Porn star John Holmes acquitted on murder charges
06/25/1982 SF holds its 1st County Fair
06/25/1982 Sec of State Alexander Haig Jr resigns, replaced by Schultz
06/25/1983 Udo Beyer of East Germany sets record for shot put, 22.22 m
06/25/1984 STS 41-D launch attempt scrubbed because of computer problem
06/25/1985 Fireworks factory near Hallett, OK explodes (21 die)
06/25/1986 Former Belgium premier Vanden Boeynants sentenced for fraud
06/25/1987 Pope John Paul II receives Austrian Pres Kurt Waldheim
06/25/1988 Iceland's president Vigdis Finnbog dottir elected (90+%)
06/25/1988 Neth soccer team wins European Cup (2-0 against USSR)
06/25/1989 1st US postmark dedicated to Lesbian & Gay Pride (Stonewall, NYC)
06/25/1990 120øF in Phoenix Arizona
06/25/1990 NBC decides to air episodes of 'Quantum Leep' for 5 straight days
06/25/1991 Slovenia & Croatia declare independence from Yugoslavia
06/25/1992 Alexnaders Departmentr store closes all 11 stores
06/25/1992 Jerome Brown, Phila Eagle defenseman, dies in auto crash at 27
06/25/1992 STS 50 launched
06/25/1993 NY Islander goalee Billy Smith elected to NHL Hall of Fame
06/25/1993 Parliamentary election in Morocco
06/25/1994 1500th goal in World Cup history scored by Caceres of Argentina
06/25/1994 Cleve Indians 18 game home win streak ends to Yanks 11-6
06/25/1994 Japanese premier Tsutomu Hata resigns

Robert Wolfe

Jun 26, 2021, 7:40:12 AM6/26/21
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Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


06/26/1582 Johannes Schultz, composer
06/26/1655 Jean Deutz, merchant/Amsterdam regent
06/26/1702 Philip Doddridge, England, Dr/nonconformist clergyman
06/26/1730 Charles Joseph Messier, astronomer (cataloguer of 'M objects')
06/26/1742 Arthur Middleton, signer Declaration of Independence
06/26/1747 Leopold Kozeluch, composer
06/26/1749 Louis Joseph Claude Saint-Amans, composer
06/26/1760 Johan I Jozef, monarch of Liechtenstein/field marshal
06/26/1763 George Morland, England, artist of rural landscapes
06/26/1819 Abner Doubleday, Major General (Union volunteers)/invented baseball
06/26/1823 Frederick Bowen Jewson, composer
06/26/1824 Kelvin, [William Thomson], British physicist (Kelvin Scale)
06/26/1824 Moritz Furstenau, composer
06/26/1831 Julius Rodenberg, [Levy], German writer (Kriegs- u Friedenslieder)
06/26/1837 Martin Davis Hardin II, Brig General (Union volunteers), died in 192

06/26/1837 Victor Jean Baptiste Girardey, Brig General (Confederate Army)
06/26/1854 Robert Laird Borden, (C), 8th Canadian PM (1911-20)
06/26/1865 Bernard Berenson, art critic (Italian Painters of the Renaissance)
06/26/1865 Charles E Bonin, French explorer/diplomat (China)
06/26/1865 George Pearce, actor (Country Kid, British Agent, Valiant)
06/26/1866 Josef Swickard, actor (Lost City, Tale of 2 Cities)
06/26/1869 Martin Anderson Nexö, Danish poet/writer (Tabte Generation)
06/26/1874 Mikhail Vladimirovich Ivanov-Boretsky, composer
06/26/1875 Camille Zeckwer, composer
06/26/1876 Nico[laas P] de Young, radio play actor
06/26/1878 Albert Siklos, composer
06/26/1878 Ernest Torrence, actor (Hunchback of Notre Dame, King of Kings)
06/26/1885 André Maurois, [Emile Herzog], French writer (Balzac)
06/26/1885 Anna MF van Wageningen-Salomons, [Ada Gerlo], author (girl student)
06/26/1887 Anthony G de Rothschild, Britain, philanthropist
06/26/1891 Heinrich Lemacher, composer
06/26/1891 Sidney Coe Howard, US, dramatist (Swords, Pulitzer 1925)
06/26/1892 Pearl Sydenstricker Buck, China, author (Good Earth-Nobel 1938)
06/26/1893 'Big Bill' Broonzy, Miss, blues singer/guitarist (Blues by Broonzy)
06/26/1894 Bill Wirges, Buffalo NY, orch leader (Growing Paynes)
06/26/1894 Jeanne Eagels, actress (Rain, Under False Colors)
06/26/1895 Jankel Adler, Polish painter
06/26/1895 Robert Graves, English writer/poet (I Claudius)
06/26/1897 Viola Dana, actress (Willow Tree, 40 Winks, Silent Lover)
06/26/1898 Willy Messerschmitt, German aircraft designer
06/26/1900 Joseph EA 'Jo' Spier, cartoonist/water colors painter/lithographer
06/26/1901 Stuart Symington, (Sen-D-Mo)
06/26/1901 William Busch, composer
06/26/1902 Antonia Brico, Rotterdam Holland, conductor/pianist (Antonia)
06/26/1903 Ashley Clarke, president (Venice in Peril Fund)
06/26/1903 Floyd 'Babe' Herman, Brooklyn Dodgers' slugger (.324 lifetime averag

06/26/1904 Peter Lorre, Germany, actor (M, Casablanca, Beast with 5 Fingers)
06/26/1905 Jack Longland, British director of education (Derbyshire)
06/26/1906 Stefan Andres, German writer (Wir sind Utopia)
06/26/1909 'Col Tom' Parker, Elvis Presley's manager
06/26/1909 Betty Askwith, author
06/26/1909 Nicholas Polunin, environmentalist
06/26/1910 Charles Spry, Australian security chief
06/26/1911 Edward Levi, professor (Intro to Legal Reasoning)
06/26/1913 Babe [Mildred Ella] Didrikson, Port Arthur TX, hurdler (Oly-gold-32)

06/26/1913 Maurice Wilkes, inventor (stored program concept for computers)
06/26/1914 Laurie Lee, male poet/author (I Can't Stay Long)
06/26/1914 Richard Maltby, orch leader (Vaughn Monroe Show)
06/26/1914 Wolfgang Windgassen, Annemasse Germany, tenor (Stuttgart Opera)
06/26/1916 Alex Dreier, Honolulu Hawaii, newscaster (Whats it all about World?)

06/26/1917 William Hamilton, British MP
06/26/1919 Lord Rawlinson, of Ewell, British attorney general
06/26/1920 Michael Eastham, high court judge
06/26/1922 Alan Peacock, economist
06/26/1922 Campbell Adamson, CEO (Abbey National Pictures)
06/26/1922 Eleanor Parker, Ohio, actress (Caged, Detective Story, Hans Brinker)

06/26/1922 Frances Rafferty, Sioux City Iowa, actress (December Bride)
06/26/1923 David Haslam, British rear admiral (hydrographer)
06/26/1924 Peter Miles, British keeper of privy purse
06/26/1924 Syd Lawrence, bandleader
06/26/1925 Pavel I Belyayev, USSR, cosmonaut (Voskhod II)
06/26/1927 Leslie Carpenter, CEO (Reed International)
06/26/1928 Jacob Druckman, Philadelphia, composer (Animus I Auerole)
06/26/1929 Alexander Fenton, CEO (Euro Ethnological Research Center in Edinburg

06/26/1929 Francesco Cossiga, president of Italy (1985- )
06/26/1929 Ian Prestt, ornithologist
06/26/1930 Willem G Statius Muller, Neth Antilles, conductor/pianist/composer
06/26/1931 Alan Bailey, British sect dept of transport
06/26/1931 Colin Wilson, author (Afterlife, Book of Great Mysteries)
06/26/1931 Lucien Goethals, composer
06/26/1933 Claudio Abbado, Milan Italy, composer/conductor (London Symph-1982)
06/26/1933 David Winnick, British MP
06/26/1933 Pat Morita, [Noriyuki], Calif, actor (Arnold-Happy Days, Karate Kid)

06/26/1934 John V Tunney, (Rep/Sen-D-Calif)
06/26/1934 Josef Sommer, actor (Witness, Target, Iceman, Forced March)
06/26/1934 Luis Felipe Pires, composer
06/26/1935 Douglas Peterson, (Rep-D-Florida)
06/26/1936 Robert Maclennan, British MP
06/26/1937 Henk van der Meyden, journalist (de Telecount/Privé)
06/26/1937 Peter Pike, MP
06/26/1938 Neil Abercrombie, (Rep-D-Hawaii, 1986-88)
06/26/1939 Charles Robb, (Sen-D-Va)/husband of Lynda Bird Johnson
06/26/1939 Smangaliso P Mkhatshwa, sec-gen of South Africa (1983-88)
06/26/1940 Billy Davis Jr, St Louis Mo, singer (5th Dimension-One Less Bell)
06/26/1942 Larry Taylor, rocker (Canned Heat-On the Road Again)
06/26/1943 Georgie Fame, rock vocalist (Get Away, Ballad of Bonnie & Clyde)
06/26/1943 Jean Knight, US singer (Mr Big Stuff)
06/26/1943 John Allen Strang, composer
06/26/1944 Ruth Kempson, linguist
06/26/1945 Barry Schrader, composer
06/26/1946 Clive Francis, London England, actor (Masada)
06/26/1951 Breyson Cooper, jockey
06/26/1951 Pamela Bellwood, NYC, actress (Ellen-W.E.B., Claudia-Dynasty)
06/26/1952 Gordon McQueen, soccer player
06/26/1953 Ralph Ezell, Union Miss, singer (Shenandoah-Sunday in the South)
06/26/1954 Robert Davi, actor (Raw Deal)
06/26/1955 Mary Margaret Brownie, RI, fictional id of Prymaat in Coneheads
06/26/1955 Mick Jones, rocker (Big Audio Dynamite-Tighten Up)
06/26/1956 Azhar Cachalia, Scottish/S Afr United Democratic Front-leader
06/26/1956 Bernard A Harris Jr, Temple Texas, MD/Astronaut (STS 55, sk:63)
06/26/1956 Chris Isaak, US rock singer/songwriter (Wicked Game)
06/26/1956 Mick Jones, English rock vocalist/guitarist (Clash-Havana 3 AM)
06/26/1956 Robert Davi, actor (License to Kill, Raw Deal, Wild Thing)
06/26/1960 Barbara Edwards, Albuqueque NM, playmate of year (Sept, 1983)/actres

06/26/1961 Greg LeMond, US bicyclist/Tour de France winner
06/26/1962 George PN earl of St Andrews, under English prince Edward
06/26/1963 Devin Reneé De Vasquez, Baton Rouge La, playmate (June, 1985)/actres

06/26/1963 Wendy Lucero-Schayes, Denver Co, US diver (Olympic-92)
06/26/1964 Zeng Jinlian, Hunan China, became tallest woman known (2.46 m, 8'1')

06/26/1966 Bryan Webb, horse trainer
06/26/1970 Chris O'Donnell, actor (School Ties)


06/26/ 363 Flavius C Julianus, [Apostata], emperor of Rome (361-63), dies
06/26/1541 Franciscp Pizarro, Spanish conquistador, dies
06/26/1631 Justinus van Nassau, ltalian admiral (Armada), dies
06/26/1657 Tobias Michael, composer, dies at 65
06/26/1661 Lazaro Valvasensi, composer, dies at 76
06/26/1666 Richard Fanshawe, diplomat/translator/poet, dies
06/26/1688 Ralph Cudworth, philospher/cleric, dies
06/26/1778 Angelo Antonio Caroli, composer, dies at 77
06/26/1793 Gilbert White, naturalist/cleric, dies
06/26/1798 Eugene Godecharle, composer, dies at 56
06/26/1819 Johann Wilhelm Stadler, composer, dies at 71
06/26/1819 Slome Duikelar, [Abraham J Swalff], Yiddish writer, dies
06/26/1827 Christian A Vulpius, German writer (Ornaldo Ornaldini), dies
06/26/1836 Claude-Joseph Rouget de Lisle, author/composer (Marseillaise), dies
06/26/1863 Andrew Hull Foote, US Union lt admiral, dies
06/26/1906 Alexander Muir, poet (Maple Leaf Forever), dies at 76
06/26/1922 Albert HK, monarch of Monaco (1889-1922), dies at 73
06/26/1926 Christina Goedvolk, wife of Henry Jut, dies
06/26/1937 Georg A Erman, German egyptologist (Grammar of Ancient Egypt), dies
06/26/1938 James Weldon Johnson, black leader (NAACP), dies in car crash at 67
06/26/1939 Ford M Ford, [Hueffer], British writer, (Tietjens Saga) dies at 66
06/26/1942 Titus Brandsma, [Anno Sjoerd], priest (Dachau), dies
06/26/1943 Fritz Schmidt, German street photographer, commits suicide
06/26/1945 Erno Rapee, composer, dies at 54
06/26/1945 Nikolay Nikolayevich Tcherepnin, composer, dies at 72
06/26/1956 Clifford Brown, US jazz trumpeter, dies at 25
06/26/1960 John Brenden Kelly, rower (Olympic-gold-1920, 24), dies at 70
06/26/1961 HélŐne Dutrieu, comédienne/stuntwoman/1st Belgian pilot, dies
06/26/1961 Kenneth F Fearing, US, poet (Afternoon of a pawnbroker), dies at 58
06/26/1963 Obe Postma, Fries, poet/geography/historian (Own Cart), dies
06/26/1965 Johan C T Kikkert, painter/etcher/critic, dies at 82
06/26/1965 Reginald Beckwith, actor/writer (39 Steps, Dr in Love), dies at 56
06/26/1967 Francoise Dorléac, actress (That Man From Rio), dies at 35
06/26/1971 Guillermo Uribe Holguin, composer, dies at 91
06/26/1971 Inia Te Wiata, opera singer, dies
06/26/1971 Juan Manen, composer, dies at 88
06/26/1972 David Lichine, [Lichtenstein], Russian/US choreographer, dies at 61
06/26/1973 Arnold Richardson, composer, dies at 59
06/26/1973 Ernest Truex, actor (Fluffy, Scared, His Girl Friday), dies at 82
06/26/1975 Jose Maria Escrivá de Balaguer Albás, founder (Opus Dei), dies at 73

06/26/1977 Lou Reizner, rock vocalist/producer (Rod Stewart, Tommy), dies at 43

06/26/1977 Oskar Morgenstern, German/US economist, dies at 75
06/26/1978 Rabbaji, president of South-Yemen, executed
06/26/1979 Charles Clore, financier, dies
06/26/1981 Peter Kreuder, German composer, dies
06/26/1982 Alexander Mitscherlich, German psychotherapist, dies
06/26/1982 André Tchaikowsy, pianist/composer, dies
06/26/1982 Charles Russhon, USAF lt col/liaison for James Bond films, dies at 7

06/26/1982 Sandy Powell, costume designer, dies at 82
06/26/1983 Walter O'Keefe, songwriter/TV host (Mayor of Hollywood), dies at 82
06/26/1984 Carl Foreman, producer, dies of cancer at 69
06/26/1984 George H Gallup, pollster (Gallup Poll), dies at 82
06/26/1990 Mary Ward, [Myra Syriër], actress (Playing for Keeps), dies
06/26/1991 Paul Andor, actor (Mad Lover, Enemy of Women), dies
06/26/1992 Geert Vissers, Dutch TV host (Gay Dating Show), dies
06/26/1992 Phil Rubenstein, US, actor (Tango & Cash, Robocop), dies
06/26/1993 Catherine Leno, mother of Tonight Show host Jay, dies at 82 of cance

06/26/1993 Jack Bittner, entertainer, dies
06/26/1993 Roy Campanella, 3xMVP catcher (Dodgers), dies at 71 of a heart attac

06/26/1993 Willy C of Hemert, director/(text)poet (Small Truth), dies at 81
06/26/1994 Roelof Kiers, VPRO-programmer/director (Macchiavelli), dies at 56

Significant Events:

06/26/ 684 St Benedict II begins his reign as Catholic Pope
06/26/1409 Council of Pisa selects Petros Philargi as 3rd Pope: Alexander V
06/26/1483 Richard III usurps English throne
06/26/1553 Christ's Hospital in England granted a charter
06/26/1794 Battle of Colors: France under Jourdan beats Austrian army
06/26/1807 Lightning hits gunpowder warehouse in Luxembourg; 230 die
06/26/1844 US pres John Tyler marries Julia Gardiner in NYC
06/26/1848 1st pure food law enacted in US
06/26/1857 62 recieve Victoria Cross
06/26/1857 Cawnpore England massacre
06/26/1862 Battle of Beaver Dam Creek-Union repulse Confederacy in Virginia
06/26/1862 Day 2 of 7 Days-Battle of Mechanicsville VA (Meadow Bridge)
06/26/1862 US Army of Virginia established under Gen John Pope
06/26/1870 1st section of Atlantic City (NJ) Boardwalk opens
06/26/1870 Wagner's opera 'Valkyrie' premieres in Munich
06/26/1900 Dr Walter Reed begins research that beats Yellow Fever
06/26/1902 England establishes Order of Merit
06/26/1902 M Wolf & L Carnera discovers asteroid #488 Kreusa
06/26/1902 Order of Merit instituted by King Edward VII
06/26/1902 Start of Sherlock Holmes 'Adventure of 3 Garidebs' (BG)
06/26/1906 Hongar Szisz wins 1st Grand-Prix (Le Mans, France)
06/26/1907 Bolscheviks overthrows transport in Tiflis
06/26/1909 Victoria & Albert Museum opens in London
06/26/1911 Nieuport sets an aircraft speed record of 83 mph (133 kph)
06/26/1912 Gustav Mahlers 9th Symphony premieres in Vienna
06/26/1915 Germany supresses its 'Vorwarts' newspaper after it called for peace

06/26/1916 Cleveland Indians experiment with #s on their jerseys (one game)
06/26/1917 1st US Expeditionary Force arrive in France during WW I
06/26/1919 NY Daily News begins publishing
06/26/1924 After 8 years of occupation, US troops leave Domincan Republic
06/26/1929 ENKA/Vereinigte Glanzstoff Factory merge AKU (Genl Kunstzijde Union)

06/26/1934 FDR signs Federal Credit Union Act establishing credit unions
06/26/1934 Germany & Poland sign no-attack treaty
06/26/1934 W E B Du Bois resigns position at NAACP
06/26/1935 SDAP & CPH achieve majority in city council in Amsterdam
06/26/1935 Work service for recent graduate obligatory in Germany
06/26/1936 1st flight of Fw61 helicopter
06/26/1936 Everett Marshall beats Ali Baba in Columbus, to become wrestling cha

06/26/1936 L Boyer discovers asteroid #2021 Poincare
06/26/1938 Cin Red Lonny Frey hits 8 doubles in a doubleheader
06/26/1940 End of USSR experimental calendar; Gregorian readopted 6/27
06/26/1941 Finland enters WW II against Russia
06/26/1941 Lithuanian facists massacre 2,300 Jews in Kovno
06/26/1942 German assault on British at Mersa Matruh
06/26/1945 UN Charter signed by 50 nations in SF
06/26/1946 Dutch National Front leader Arnold Meijer sentenced to 5 years
06/26/1946 Fred Allen's last radio show, his guest is Jack Benny
06/26/1948 US denounces Soviet blockade of Berlin
06/26/1949 1st Belgian parliamentary election where women can vote (CVP gains)
06/26/1949 Walter Baade discovers asteroid Icarus inside orbit of Mercury
06/26/1950 Pres Gottwald of Czech confirms Milada Horákovás death
06/26/1952 Dutch social democratic party wins majority (29%)
06/26/1952 Nelson Mandela & 51 others infringe South Africa curfew
06/26/1953 KCTV (now KLST) TV channel 8 in San Angelo, TX (CBS) 1st broadcast
06/26/1953 Russian vice-premier/interior minister Beria arrested
06/26/1955 Actor Geoffrey Holder marries Carmen de Lavallade
06/26/1955 Freedom Charter signed in South-Africa
06/26/1955 Trinidad actor Geoffrey Holder marries Carmen de Lava
06/26/1957 Hurricane Audrey strikes Louisiana claiming 500 lives
06/26/1958 Gaston Eyskens becomes premier of Belgium
06/26/1958 Mackinac Straits Bridge, Michigan dedicated
06/26/1958 Vanguard SLV-2 launched for Earth orbit (failed)
06/26/1959 Ingemar Johansson of Sweden KOs Floyd Patterson as boxing champ
06/26/1959 Queen Elizabeth & Pres Eisenhower open St Lawrence Seaway
06/26/1960 British Somaliland (now Somalia) gains independence from Britain
06/26/1960 Italian Somaliland declares independence from Italian-administration

06/26/1960 Madagascar (formerly Malagasy Rep) declares independence from France

06/26/1962 Blacks begin passive resistance in Cairo Ill
06/26/1962 Boston Red Sox Earl Wilson no-hits LA Angels, 2-0
06/26/1962 WSEC (now WLRN) TV channel 17 in Miami, FL (PBS) begins broadcasting

06/26/1963 Alfons Gorbach forms Austrian cabinet
06/26/1963 Dutch 2nd Chamber condemns commercial TV
06/26/1963 Kennedy visits W Berlin 'Ich bin ein Berliner' (I am a Berliner)
06/26/1964 Beatles release 'A Hard Day's Night' album
06/26/1964 Blacks & Whites riot over racial segregation in St Augustine
06/26/1964 Moőse Tsjombe forms cabinet in Congo
06/26/1965 Wallon party forms in Belgium
06/26/1966 Kanton Bazel leads female suffrage in Switzerland
06/26/1967 Pope Paul VI names 27 new cardinals
06/26/1968 Iwo Jima & Bonin Islands returned to Japan by US
06/26/1970 Frank Robinson hits 2 grand slams as Orioles beat Senators 12-2
06/26/1973 London production of 'Grease' premieres
06/26/1974 Liz Taylor's 5th divorce (Richard Burton)
06/26/1975 Indian PM Indira Gandhi declares a state of emergency
06/26/1976 WS shortstop Toby Harrah plays DH without touching a batted ball
06/26/1977 42 die in fire inmate causes at Maury County Jail in Columbia Tenn
06/26/1978 Brittany separatists bomb Palace of Versailles in France
06/26/1978 First dedicated oceanographic satellite, SEASAT 1, launched
06/26/1979 Heiavyweight Muhammad Ali confirms that his 3rd retirement is final
06/26/1981 'For Your Eyes Only' premieres in US
06/26/1982 A Gilmore & P Kilmartin discovers asteroid #3521
06/26/1982 Marie Osmond marries Steve Craig
06/26/1983 'Loving' premieres on TV
06/26/1984 1st flight of Shuttle Discovery (41-D) scrubbed at T -4s
06/26/1984 Barbra Striesand records 'Here We Are at Last'
06/26/1984 Tiny Tim gets married
06/26/1986 South African journalist Zwelakhe Sisulu arrested
06/26/1987 Losing 9-0 to Red Sox, Yanks score 11 in 3rd & win 12-11 in 10 inn
06/26/1987 Supreme Court Justice Lewis F Powell Jr announces his retirement
06/26/1989 Melanie Griffith & Don Johnson marry for 2nd time
06/26/1989 Supreme Court rules 16 year olds can recieve death penalty
06/26/1990 122°F in Phoenix Arizona
06/26/1991 ANC leader Nelson Mandela addresses congress
06/26/1991 Ky medical examiner announces Zachary Taylor died of natural causes
06/26/1992 India leases Tin Bigha corridor to Bangladesh
06/26/1992 NYC's MTA votes to ban cigarette ads on Jan 1, 1993
06/26/1992 Supreme Court rules fund soliciting can be banned at airports
06/26/1993 Actress Julia Roberts & country singer Lyle Lovett wed
06/26/1993 NY Met Eddie Murray is 20th to get 1,600 RBIs
06/26/1993 US Tomahawk-rockets hit Iraqi secret service, Baghdad
06/26/1994 Air Ivory Fokker's-27 crashed at Abidjan (16 killed/1 lives)
06/26/1994 US loses to Romania 1-0 in 1994 soccer world cup

Robert Wolfe

Jun 28, 2021, 1:40:11 AM6/28/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


06/27/1462 Louis XII, the Just, King of France (1498-1515)
06/27/1550 Charles IX, King of France (1560-74)
06/27/1718 Wenzel Raimund Pirck, composer
06/27/1745 Johann Nepomuk Went, composer
06/27/1789 Philipp Friedrich Silcher, composer
06/27/1805 Stephen Elvey, composer
06/27/1808 Everhardus J Potgieter, Dutch writer/publisher (The Guide)
06/27/1812 John Pike Hullah, composer
06/27/1819 Carl Albert Loeschhorn, composer
06/27/1821 August Conradi, composer
06/27/1828 Junius Daniel, Brig General (Confederate Army), died in 1864
06/27/1833 Vladislav Ivanovich Zaremba, composer
06/27/1838 Bankim Chandra Chatterjee, Bengali novelist (Anandamath)
06/27/1846 Charles S Parnell, English/Irish Home Rule Party-Lower house leader
06/27/1846 Charles Stewart Parnell, Ireland, nationalist
06/27/1850 Ivan Vazov, Bulgaria, poet/novelist/playwright (Under the Yoke)
06/27/1850 Jacob Adolf Hagg, composer
06/27/1850 Lafcadio Hearn, US, journalist/author (Chita)
06/27/1862 May Irwin, US comedienne/singer (Hot Time in the Old Town)
06/27/1869 Emma Goldman, anarchist/publisher (Mother Earth)
06/27/1872 Paul Laurence Dunbar, Dayton Ohio, poet/novelist (Oak & Ivory)
06/27/1878 Jean F Van Royen, Dutch bibliophile/secretary-general of PTT
06/27/1880 Helen Keller, blind-deaf author/lecturer had more sense than many
06/27/1882 Eduard Spranger, German psychologist/educator
06/27/1884 Forrester Harvey, actor (Tarzan, Chump at Oxford, Man of 2 Worlds)
06/27/1884 Gaston Bachelard, French philosopher (La psychanalyse du feu)
06/27/1885 Arthur Harmat, composer
06/27/1889 Alfred Courtens, Belgian sculptor
06/27/1889 Moroni Olsen, actor (Kentucky, Annie Oakley, Black Gold, Snow White)

06/27/1898 Tibor Harsanyi, composer
06/27/1900 Otto E Passman, (Rep-D-La, 1947-77)
06/27/1906 Vernon P Watkins, Welsh poet (Ballad of Mari Lwyd)
06/27/1907 John McIntire, Spokane Ws, actor (Naked City, Wagon Train, Virginian

06/27/1907 Valerie Cossart, London, actress (Hartmans)
06/27/1909 Gianandrea Gavazzeni, composer
06/27/1910 Karel Reiner, composer
06/27/1911 Alfred Scott Witherbee Jr, US Lusitania officer
06/27/1911 V K Narayana Menon, composer
06/27/1912 Audrey Christie, Chic Ill, actress (Dorothy-Fair Exchange)
06/27/1913 Willie Mosconi, world champion pool player (1941-57)
06/27/1914 Alexander Pola, [Abraham Polak], actor/writer (Farce Major)
06/27/1914 Giorgio Almirante, Italy, fascist (member of parliament (1948-87))
06/27/1916 Hallvard Olav Johnsen, composer
06/27/1918 Adolph Kiefer, US, 100m backstroke swimmer (Olympic-gold-1936)
06/27/1920 I A L Diamond, screenwriter (1960 Acad Award-Apartment)
06/27/1921 G M J Veldkamp, Dutch politician (CDA)
06/27/1922 George Theophilus Walker, Washington DC, composer (Praise of Lillies

06/27/1923 Paul F Conrad, Cedar Rapids Iowa, cartoonist (Pulitzer 1964, 71, 84)

06/27/1927 Bob Keeshan, aka Capt Kangaroo/Clarabelle (Good Morning Captain)
06/27/1927 Peter Bayliss, Thames England, actor (From Russia With Love)
06/27/1927 Robert Casey, Rochester NY, actor (Henry-Aldrich Family Show)
06/27/1930 H Ross Perot, Texas, billionaire/presidental candidate (1992)
06/27/1930 Tamio Kono, Sacramento Cal, Weightlifter (Olympic-gold-1952, 65, 60)

06/27/1931 Alojz Srebotnjak, composer
06/27/1931 Ryszard Kwiatkowski, composer
06/27/1932 Hugh Wood, composer
06/27/1934 Anna Moffo, Wayne Penn, soprano (or 1932)
06/27/1936 John MD 'Shali' Shalikashvili, Polish/US general (NATO)
06/27/1937 Joseph P Allen IV, Crawfordsville Ind, PhD/astronaut (STS-5, STS 51A

06/27/1938 Bruce E Babbitt, (Gov-D-AL)
06/27/1938 Shirley Ann Field, actress (Beat Girl, Kings of the Sun)
06/27/1941 James P[atrick] Hogan, UK, sci-fi author (Giants' Star)
06/27/1942 John Howard McGuire, composer
06/27/1944 Cornelis J 'Kees' Ouwens, writer/poet (Intieme Handelingen)
06/27/1944 Patrick Sercu, Belgium, 1K time trial (Olympic-gold-1964)
06/27/1945 Catherine Lacoste, Paris France, golfer (US Women's Open 1967)
06/27/1945 John Veltch, horse trainer
06/27/1945 Norma Kamali, NYC, dress designer (Costumes for the Wiz)
06/27/1946 Daria Semegen, composer
06/27/1946 Janice Giteck, composer
06/27/1948 Angel Penna Jr, horse trainer
06/27/1950 Benjamin Peterson, US, heavyweight boxer (Olympic-gold-1972)
06/27/1950 Julia Duffy, Minneapolis Mn, actress (Stephanie-Newhart, Baby Talk)
06/27/1951 Sidney M Gutierrez, Albuquerque NM, Mjr USAF/astronaut (STS 40, 59)
06/27/1951 Ulf Andersson, Sweden, International Chess Grandmaster (1972)
06/27/1955 Frank H G de Grave, Dutch 2nd Chamber member (VVD)
06/27/1955 Isabelle Adjani, Paris, actress (Story of Adele H, Driver, Ishtar)
06/27/1956 Jeff Odintz, horse trainer
06/27/1957 Jack Poels, rock vocalist/gitarist (Rowwen HŠze-In the wei)
06/27/1958 Jeffrey Lee Pierce, singer/songwriter (Gun Club)
06/27/1959 Lorrie Morgan, Nashville Tn, country singer (Out of Your Shoes)
06/27/1959 Trisha Yearwood, Nashville Tenn, singer (She's in Love With the Boy)

06/27/1960 Brian Drillinger, actor
06/27/1960 Jim Nussle, (Rep-R-Iowa)
06/27/197- Robby Rosa, singer (Menudo)/actor (Salsa)


06/27/ 444 Cyrillus van Alexandria, patriarch of Alexandria, dies
06/27/1137 Guigo de Castro, [Venerabilis], 5th prior of Grande Chartreuse, dies

06/27/1296 Floris V, count of Holland & Zeeland, dies
06/27/1458 Alfonso V, King of Aragon/Sicily/Naples (Alfonso I), dies
06/27/1543 Agnolo Firenzuola, [Giovannini], Ital monk (De golden ezel), dies
06/27/1638 Lukaris Cyrillus, patriarch of Alexandria/Constantinople, dies
06/27/1641 Michiel Jansz of Mierevelt, royal painter, dies at 74
06/27/1654 Johann V Andreae, German vicar/writer (Christenburg), dies at 67
06/27/1679 Pablo Bruna, composer, dies at 68
06/27/1757 Willem Gideon Deutz, Amsterdam regent/banker/merchant, dies at 59
06/27/1785 Egbert de Free Temminck, Amsterdam regent, dies at 84
06/27/1814 Johann Friedrich Reichardt, composer, dies at 61
06/27/1829 James Smithson, dies, his will establishes Smithsonian Institute
06/27/1829 Louis-Sebastien Lebrun, composer, dies at 64
06/27/1832 Claude-Joseph Rouget de Lisla, composer, dies at 72
06/27/1839 Ranjit Singh, gov of Lahore, dies
06/27/1844 Hyrum Smith, founder/leader of Mormon chuch, lynched in Carthage Ill

06/27/1844 Joseph Smith Jr, founder/leader of Mormon chuch, lynched at 38
06/27/1848 Denis A Affre, archbishop of Paris (1840-48), shot to death at 54
06/27/1859 Jean C Baud, gov-gen of Dutch-Indies (1834-36), dies at 69
06/27/1862 Chatham Roberdeau Wheat, Confederate major, dies in battle at about

06/27/1863 Martin E Green, Confederate brig-general, shot dead at 38
06/27/1876 Christian G Ehrenberg, German zoologist (micro-organisms), dies at 8

06/27/1889 Carlotta Patti, Italian soprano, dies
06/27/1889 Whitney Eugene Thayer, composer, dies at 50
06/27/1917 Gustav von Schmolle, German economist (Historical School), dies
06/27/1918 Jos‚phin P‚ladan, French writer/CEO (French Red Cross), dies
06/27/1934 Max Pallenberg, Austria actor (Brave Suender), dies in air crash at

06/27/1944 Werner Wehrli, composer, dies at 52
06/27/1948 George Templeton Strong, composer, dies at 92
06/27/1950 Milada Hor kov , Czech advocate/anti fascist, hanged
06/27/1954 Francis L Casadesus, French violinist/composer/conductor, dies at 83

06/27/1957 Malcolm Lowry, English writer (Ultramarine), dies at 48
06/27/1958 Robert Greig, actor (Devil Doll, Indian Love Call), dies at 78
06/27/1961 Paul (II) Guilfoyle, actor (Apache, Final Anaylsis), dies at 58
06/27/1964 Daniel Lazarus, composer, dies at 65
06/27/1965 Anthony Veiller, writer, dies at 62
06/27/1966 Arthur D Waley, [Schloss], British sinology/poet (Monkey), dies
06/27/1969 Richard Vance Maxfield, composer, dies at 42
06/27/1973 Earl Browder, leader US Communist Party (1930-45), dies at 82
06/27/1973 Ernest Truex, actor (Pop-Pete & Gladys, Mr Peepers), dies at 73
06/27/1975 Robert Stolz, Austrian composer (Fr hling im Prater), dies at 94
06/27/1980 Steve Peregrin Took, percussionist (T-Rex), dies at 31
06/27/1982 Jack Mullaney, actor (My Living Doll, It's About Time), dies at 49
06/27/1983 Maxie Anderson & Don Ida, balloonists, die during a race
06/27/1986 Don Rogers, of Cleveland Browns, dies of cocaine poisoning
06/27/1986 Edna Mae Cooper, actress (Folly of Vanity, Grounds for Divorce), die

06/27/1988 Leonie Fuller Adams, US poetess (High Falcon), dies at 88
06/27/1989 Alfred J Ayer, English philosopher (Logical Positivism), dies
06/27/1989 Jack Beutel, actor (The Outlaw), dies
06/27/1991 Klas Bruinsma, leader criminal organization, murdered
06/27/1991 Willem J [Molly] Geertsema, liberal/foreign minister), dies
06/27/1992 Allen James, vocalist/actor (Show Boat), dies at 84 of lung cancer
06/27/1992 Sandy Amoros, Bkln Dodger, dies at 62 of pneumonia
06/27/1992 Stefanie Ann Sargent, guitarist (7 Year Bitch), dies of overdose at

06/27/1993 Wolfgang Grams, German RAF-terrorist, shot to death at 40

Significant Events:

06/27/ 678 St Agatho begins his reign as Catholic Pope
06/27/1524 Earl Henry III of Nassau weds Mencia de Medoza, 16-years old marques

06/27/1693 1st sea battle of Lagos: England & Holland vs France
06/27/1693 1st woman's magazine 'Ladies' Mercury' published (London)
06/27/1743 English defeat French at Dettingen
06/27/1756 French fleet conquer St Philips Castle of Minorca
06/27/1806 Buenos Aires captured by British
06/27/1847 NY & Boston linked by telegraph wires
06/27/1857 H Goldschmidt discovers asteroid #45 Eugenia
06/27/1862 -28] Battle at Garnett's/Golding's Farms, Virginia
06/27/1862 Battle of Gaines' Mill, VA (Cold Harbor, Chickahominy Bluffs) Day 3
06/27/1863 Skirmish at Fairfax (Courthouse) Virginia
06/27/1864 Atlanta Campaign-Battle of Kennesaw Mountain GA
06/27/1867 Bank of Calif opens doors
06/27/1876 1st NLer to get 6 hits in 9 inn game (Dave Force, Phila Athletics)
06/27/1876 Democratic Party elects Samuel Tilden as presidents candidate
06/27/1884 J Palisa discovers asteroid #237 Coelestina
06/27/1890 George Dixon becomes 1st black boxing champ (Bantamweight)
06/27/1893 Great stock crash on NY stock exchange
06/27/1903 Willie Anderson wins US Open golf tournament
06/27/1905 Mutiny on Russian warship Potemkin
06/27/1909 Etten-Leur 1st airplane flight in Neth (Belg count De Lambert)
06/27/1914 Jack Johnson wins 20 round decision over Frank Moran (Paris)
06/27/1914 US signs treaty of commerce with Ethiopia
06/27/1915 100øF (38øC), Fort Yukon, Alaska (state record)
06/27/1915 Dutch SDAP demonstrates against conscription
06/27/1917 1st baseball player (Hank Gowdy) to enter WW I military service
06/27/1922 Newberry Medal 1st presented for kids literature (Hendrik Van Loon)
06/27/1929 1st color TV demo (NYC)
06/27/1929 Pres Von Hindenburg refuses to pay German debt of WW I
06/27/1930 P Parchomenko discovers asteroid #1166 Sakuntala
06/27/1934 Federal Savings & Loan Association created
06/27/1935 Danno O'Mahoney beats Jim Londos in Boston, to become wrestling cham

06/27/1939 1st night game at Cleveland Municipal Stadium (Indians 5, Tigers 0)
06/27/1939 Brooklyn Dodgers tie Boston Braves, 2-2, in 23 innings
06/27/1940 Soviet Army attacks Romania
06/27/1940 USSR returns to Gregorian calendar
06/27/1941 Bialystok Poland falls to Germany
06/27/1941 Nazi manifest against the Jews in Amsterdam
06/27/1942 FBI captures 8 Nazi saboteurs from a sub off NY's Long Island
06/27/1942 PQ-17 convoy leaves Iceland for Archangelsk
06/27/1944 Cherbourg, France liberated by Allies
06/27/1945 Foundation 1940-45 established
06/27/1947 98øF (36.8øC) in De Bilt Netherlands
06/27/1947 WRC TV channel 4 in Washington, DC (NBC) begins broadcasting
06/27/1949 W Baade discovers asteroid #1566 Icarus
06/27/1950 Chandler Harper wins PGA golf championship
06/27/1950 North Koreans troops reach Seoul
06/27/1950 Pres Truman orders Air Force & Navy into Korean conflict
06/27/1950 UN Security Council calls on members for troops to aid South Korea
06/27/1950 US sends 35 military advisers to South Vietnam
06/27/1951 M Itzigsohn discovers asteroid #1588 Descamisada
06/27/1953 Joseph Laniel appointed French premier
06/27/1954 1st atomic power station opens (Obninsk, near Moscow, Russia)
06/27/1954 CIA-sponsored rebels overthrow elected government of Guatemala
06/27/1955 1st automobile seat belt legislation enacted (Illinois)
06/27/1956 Indians trailing Orioles 9-1 come back to win 12-11 in 11 innings
06/27/1957 390 die by Hurricane Audrey in coastal La & Tx
06/27/1958 Billy Pierce's perfect game bid broken with 2 outs in 9th
06/27/1958 Harry Burrell flies KC-135 record (5:27:42.8) NY to London
06/27/1959 Mickey Wright wins 2nd straight US Women's Golf Open
06/27/1960 British Somaliland becomes part of Somalia
06/27/1960 Chlorophyll 'A' synthesized Cambridge Mass
06/27/1962 NASA civilian pilot Joseph Walker takes X-15 to 6,606 kph, 37,700 m
06/27/1962 Ross Perot begins Electronic Data Systems
06/27/1963 Bill J Kramer & Dakotas record Lennon & McCartney 'I Call Your Name'

06/27/1963 Pres Kennedy spent 1st full day in Ireland
06/27/1963 USAF Major Robert A Rushworth in X-15 reaches 86,900 m
06/27/1963 Phillies Johnny Callison hits for cycle, but Phillie centerfielder
06/27/1963 Tony Gonzalez's error ends his record 205 consecutive errorless game

06/27/1966 1st sci-fi soap opera, 'Dark Shadows,' premieres
06/27/1966 4th Mayor's Trophy Game; Yanks beat Mets 5-2
06/27/1967 Race riot in Buffalo NY (200 arrested)
06/27/1968 Ludvik Vaculik publishes 'Manifest of 2000 words' in Prague
06/27/1969 50,000 attend Denver Pop Festival
06/27/1969 Honduras/El Salvador breaks diplomatic relations due to soccer match

06/27/1969 Police raid Stonewall Gay Bar in Greenwich Village, NY
06/27/1971 JoAnne Carner wins US women's golf open
06/27/1971 T Smirnova discovers asteroid #2121 Sevastopol
06/27/1973 'Live & Let Die' premieres in US
06/27/1973 John W Dean tells Watergate Committee about Nixon's 'enemies list'
06/27/1973 Uruguay suspends constitution
06/27/1974 US president Nixon visits USSR
06/27/1976 Air France Airbus hijacked in Germany to Uganda
06/27/1976 Israeli raid on Entebbe, Uganda
06/27/1976 Portuguese general Antonio Eanes elected president
06/27/1977 5-4 Supreme Court decision allows lawyers to advertise
06/27/1977 Djibouti (Afars & Issas) claims Independence from France
06/27/1978 Henry Rono of Kenya sets record for 3,000 m, 7:32.1
06/27/1978 Soyuz 30 carries 2 cosmonauts (1 Polish) to Salyut 6 space station
06/27/1978 US Seasat 1, 1st oceanographic satellite, launched into polar orbit
06/27/1979 Supreme Court rules employers may use quotas to help minorities
06/27/1980 Dodger's Jerry Reuss' no-hits SF Giants 8-0
06/27/1980 Italian plane crashes into Tyrrheense Sea, kills 81
06/27/1981 Cambodia adopts its constitution
06/27/1982 4th Space Shuttle Mission-Columbia 4 launched
06/27/1983 Highest price paid for painting by a living artist-œ960,200-Mir¢
06/27/1983 Maxie Anderson & Don Ida die during a balloon race
06/27/1983 NASA launches space vehicle S-205
06/27/1983 Soyuz T-9 carries 2 cosmonauts to Salyut 7 space station
06/27/1984 Fire destroys a set in 'A View to the Kill'
06/27/1984 France wins soccer's European Cup
06/27/1984 Supreme Court ends NCAA monopoly on college football telecasts
06/27/1985 1st hotel strike in NY
06/27/1986 Anne White shocks Wimbeldon by wearing only a body stocking
06/27/1986 In referendum, Irish uphold ban on divorce
06/27/1986 Robby Thompson (SF) sets record, caught stealing 4 times in 1 game
06/27/1986 US informs New Zealand it will not defend it against attack
06/27/1986 World Court rules US aid to Nicaraguan contras illegal
06/27/1987 Supreme Court Justice Powell retires
06/27/1988 Mike Tyson KOs Michael Spink in 91 seconds, in Atlantic City ($67m)
06/27/1990 Jos‚ Canseco signs record $4,700,000 per year Oak A's contract
06/27/1992 193rd ranked Andrei Olhovsky defeats #1 seed Jim Courier at Wimbeldo

06/27/1992 Dan O'Brien fails on pole vault & eliminated from Olympics decathalo

06/27/1992 Denmark upsets German 2-0, to win European Soccer championship
06/27/1993 NY Met pitcher Anthony Young loses record 24th straight game
06/27/1994 Asteroid #216 Cleopatra (í 230 km) eclipses star GSC 11640124
06/27/1994 NY Daily News increases prices to 50›

Robert Wolfe

Jun 28, 2021, 7:40:12 AM6/28/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


06/28/1367 Sigismund, German Emperor/king of Hungary/Bohemia
06/28/1476 Paul IV, [Giampietro Caraffa], inquisition/Pope (1555-59)
06/28/1490 Albert, Margrave of Brandenburg, cardinal (attacked by Luther)
06/28/1490 Albrecht von Brandenburg, German archbishop/monarch of Mainz/cardina

06/28/1547 Cristofano Malvezzi, composer
06/28/1550 John Drusius, Flemish hebrew translator
06/28/1577 Peter Paul Rubens, Siegen, Flemish Baroque painter (Circumcision)
06/28/1586 Paul Siefert, composer
06/28/1712 Jean Jacques Rousseau, France, composer/social contractor (Confessio

06/28/1734 Jean-Jacques Beauvarget-Charpentier, composer
06/28/1742 William Hoope, US attorney (signed Decl of Independence)
06/28/1787 Henry G W Smith, leader of British-Indian forces
06/28/1806 Napoleon Coste, composer
06/28/1808 Cristina di Trivulzio di Belgioioso, Italian princess/politican
06/28/1816 Jacob PP baron van Zuylen van N˜evelt, min of For affairs (1852-53)
06/28/1824 Paul Broca, France, brain surgeon/anthro (located speech center)
06/28/1824 William Tatus Wofford, Brig General (Confederate Army), died in 1884

06/28/1825 Richard ACE Erlenmeyer, German chemist (Erlenemyer kolf)
06/28/1831 Joseph Joachim, Kittsee Germany, violinist (Hungarian Concerto)
06/28/1847 Sveinbjorn Sveinbjornsson, composer
06/28/1852 Hans Huber, composer
06/28/1853 Edwin Arthur Jones, composer
06/28/1865 Otto Julius Bierbaum, German writer/journalist (Sonderbare Geschicte

06/28/1867 Luigi Pirandello, Italy, writer (6 Characters-Nobel 1934)
06/28/1867 William Courtleigh, actor (Eyes of Youth, Madame X)
06/28/1873 Alexis Carrel, France, surgeon/sociologist/biologist (Nobel 1912)
06/28/1874 Oley Speaks, composer
06/28/1879 Sigurd von Koch, composer
06/28/1885 Giuseppe Mule, composer
06/28/1887 Boleslav Vomacka, composer
06/28/1889 Frank Mayo, actor (Burning Gold, Hell's Headquarters)
06/28/1892 Edward H Carr, England, historian (History of Soviet Russia)
06/28/1893 Luciano Gallet, composer
06/28/1893 Nils Bjorkander, composer
06/28/1894 Lois Wilson, Pitts Pa, actress (Alice-Aldrich Family)
06/28/1895 Kazimierz Sikorski, composer
06/28/1897 Jacobus J E Hondius, graphic artist
06/28/1902 John Dillinger, US bank robber/public enemy #1
06/28/1902 Pierre Brunet, France, figure skater pair (Olympic-gold-1928, 32)
06/28/1902 Richard Rodgers, Hammels Station NY, composer (Rodgers & Hammerstein

06/28/1903 Alan Bunce, Westfield NJ, actor (Albert-Ethel & Albert)
06/28/1904 Wlodzimierz Pozniak, composer
06/28/1906 Maria Goeppert Mayer, US atomic physicist (Nobel 1963)
06/28/1906 Safford Cape, composer
06/28/1908 James L Reinsch, media-adviser (Roosevelt/Churchill/Kennedy)
06/28/1909 Arnold Shaw, composer
06/28/1909 Eric Ambler, detective writer (Epitaph for a Spy)
06/28/1909 French van Immerseel, Belgian graphic artist
06/28/1912 Carl F von Weisz„cker, German physicist/philosopher
06/28/1913 George Walter Selwyn Lloyd, English composer (Serf, John Socman)
06/28/1914 Charles Urbanus, baseball player
06/28/1917 Willem 'Wim' Sonneveld, singer/actor (My Fair Lady)
06/28/1918 Bert Schierbeek, [Lambertus], writer/poet (Cross Roads)
06/28/1921 PV Narasimha Rao, premier of India (1991- )
06/28/1923 Lloyd Labeach, Panama City, 100m/200m runner (Olympic-bronze-1948)
06/28/1924 Henk van Stiprian, radio host
06/28/1925 Giselher W Kleber, German (opera)composer (That R„uber)
06/28/1926 Mel Brooks, NYC, comedian/actor/director (Blazing Saddles, Spaceball

06/28/1927 Theo van Tijn, Dutch marxist/social-historian
06/28/1930 Nikolay Nikolayevich Karetnikov, composer
06/28/1933 Gunnar Reynir Sveinsson, composer
06/28/1934 Carl M Levin, (Sen-D Michigan, 1979- )
06/28/1936 Bill Orton, (Rep-R-UT, 1983- )
06/28/1936 Major R Owens, (Rep-D-NY)
06/28/1938 Leon E Panetta, (Rep-D-CA, 1977- )
06/28/1942 'Chris' Martin Thembisile Hani, sec-gen (S Africa Communist Party)
06/28/1942 Jim Kolbe, (Rep-R-AZ, 1985- )
06/28/1942 Sjoukje D˜kstra, Holland, figure skater (Olympic-gold-1964)
06/28/1943 Ed Pastor, (Rep-D-Arizona)
06/28/1945 David Knights, bassist (Pocol Harum)
06/28/1945 Jane Harmon, (Rep-D-California)
06/28/1946 Bruce Davison, actor (Willard, High Risk)
06/28/1946 Gilda Radner, Detroit Mich, actor (SNL, Haunted Honeymoon, Gilda Liv

06/28/1946 John 'Mike' Lounge, Denver Colo, astr (STS 51-I, STS 26, STS 35)
06/28/1946 Robert L Asprin, US, sci-fi writer (Thieves World, Cold Cash War)
06/28/1946 Robert Xavier Rodriguez, composer
06/28/1947 Mark Helprin, US writer
06/28/1947 Patrick Kincaid, who wrote the TODAY program; send him a card
06/28/1948 Kathy Bates, academy award winning actress (Misery)
06/28/1949 Don Baylor, Texas, baseball player (1979 AL RBI leader)
06/28/1954 Alice Krige, actress (Chariots of Fire, Sleepwalkers, Ladykiller)
06/28/1954 Ava Barber, Knoxville Tn, country singer (Lawrence Welk Show)
06/28/1955 Nikolai Simyatov, USSR, nordic skier (Olympic-3 golds-1976)
06/28/1958 Sergei Shakrai, USSR, figure skater (Olympic-silver-1980)
06/28/1960 John Elway, NFL QB (Denver Broncos)
06/28/1961 Jay Schroeder, NFL quarterback (Wash Redskins, LA Raiders)
06/28/1961 Jeff Malone, NBA guard (Washington Bullets)
06/28/1962 Anisoara Stanciu-Cusmir, Romania, long jumper (Olympic-gold-1984)
06/28/1963 Andy Cousin, rocker (All About Eve-All About Scarlet & Other Stories

06/28/1966 John Cusak, actor (Stand By Me, Sure Thing, Better Off Dead)
06/28/1966 Mary Stuart Masterson, Houston Tx, actress (Some Kind of Wonderful)
06/28/1969 Danielle Brisebois, Bkln NY, actress (Archie's Place, Big Bad Mama 2

06/28/1969 Tichina Arnold, NYC, actress (Ryan's Hope, Sharla-All My Children)
06/28/1970 Jack Stephen Burton, actor (Chris-Out of this World, Days of Our Lif

06/28/1970 Steve Burton, Indianapolis Ind, actor (Jason-General Hospital)
06/28/1971 Aileen Quinn, actress (Annie)


06/28/ 548 Theodora, dancer/empress of Byzantine (Nika-oproer), dies
06/28/ 573 Alboin, king of Longobarden, probably poisoned by his wife
06/28/ 767 Paul I, [Paolo Orsini?], Italian Pope (757-67), dies
06/28/1061 Floris I, count of Holland, dies
06/28/1385 Andronicus IV Paleologus, Byzantine anti-emperor, dies
06/28/1598 Abraham Ortelius, [Ortels/Hortels], South Neth geographer, dies at 7

06/28/1617 Johan Evertsen de Captain, Swiss admiral, dies in battle
06/28/1714 Cornelis Chastelein, colonial director, dies at 56
06/28/1714 Daniel van Papenbroeck, Flemish jesuit/historian, dies at 86
06/28/1742 Johann Joseph Ignaz Brentner, composer, dies at 52
06/28/1748 Marretje Arends, [Matje of Nieuwendijk], Amsterdam plunderer, hanged

06/28/1748 Pieter van Dort, Amsterdam plunderer, hanged
06/28/1776 Thomas Hickey, American sergeant convicted of treason, hanged
06/28/1788 Johann Christoph Vogel, composer, dies at 32
06/28/1798 Pierre Dutillieu, composer, dies at 44
06/28/1806 Johann Friedrich Ludwig Sievers, composer, dies at 64
06/28/1813 Gerhard JD von Scharnhorst, Prus min of War (1807-10), dies in battl

06/28/1836 James Madison, 4th US pres (1809-17), dies in Montpelier Va at 85
06/28/1846 Adrian van de Ende, vicar/protestant reformer, dies at 77
06/28/1855 Giovanni Agostino Perotti, composer, dies at 86
06/28/1857 Joseph Fischhof, composer, dies at 53
06/28/1872 Ludwig Friedrich Hetsch, composer, dies at 66
06/28/1876 August W Ambros, Austria musicologist, dies at 59
06/28/1889 Maria Mitchell, 1st US woman astronomer (Vassar), dies at 71
06/28/1890 Edouard Gregoir, composer, dies at 67
06/28/1891 Jose Inzenga y Castellanos, composer, dies at 63
06/28/1909 Israel Durham, Phillies president dies
06/28/1910 Gustave Leon Huberti, composer, dies at 67
06/28/1912 Josef V Sl dek, Czech poet (Za soumraku), dies at 66
06/28/1914 Franz Ferdinand, Austrian archduke (Sarajevo, Bosnia), assassinated
06/28/1914 Sophie, Princess of Austria, assassinated
06/28/1937 Max Adler, Austrian socialist theorist, dies at 64
06/28/1940 Italo Balbo, Italian pilot/gov-gen of Libya, dies at 44
06/28/1946 Eduard Veterman, Dutch painter/playwright, dies in an auto accident
06/28/1950 Henry Balfour Gardiner, composer, dies at 72
06/28/1954 Red deer, dies in Milwaukee Zoo at 26; oldest known deer
06/28/1957 Alfred D”blin, German/French author/co-founder (Sturm), dies at 78
06/28/1957 Ede Poldini, composer, dies at 88
06/28/1958 Alfred Noyes, British poet/essayist (Robin Hood), dies
06/28/1962 Mickey Cochrane, baseball hall of fame catcher, dies at 59
06/28/1963 Frank 'Home Run' Baker, (hit 2 HRs in 1911 world series) dies at 77
06/28/1964 King Calder, actor (Lt Grey-Martin Kane Private Eye), dies at 64
06/28/1971 Henri Puvrez, Belgian sculptor (Serenity), dies at 78
06/28/1971 Joseph Colombo, mobster, shot dead at 48
06/28/1974 Frank Sutton, actor (Sgt Carter-Gomer Pyle USMC), dies at 55
06/28/1975 Rod Serling, writer/host (Twilight Zone, Night Gallery), dies at 60
06/28/1976 Stanley Baker, actor (Accident, Guns of Navarone), dies at 49
06/28/1979 Paul Dessau, composer, dies at 84
06/28/1980 Heal Gahagan Douglas, (Rep-D-Ca), lost to Nixon, dies at 79
06/28/1980 Herbie Faye, comedian (Doc, Phil Silvers Show), dies at 81
06/28/1980 Jos‚ Iturbi, Spanish/US pianist (Peque¤a danza Espa¤ola, dies at 84
06/28/1980 Yoshiro Irino, composer, dies at 58
06/28/1981 Peter Paul Kreuder, composer, dies at 75
06/28/1982 Gerard(us M) Rutten, director (Sterren stralen overal), dies
06/28/1982 Harry Mills, US, singer (Mills Brothers), dies at 70
06/28/1985 James Craig, actor (Human Comedy, Kismet), dies of lung cancer at 74

06/28/1988 Kurt Raab, writer/actor (Boarding School, Stationmaster's Wife), die

06/28/1989 Joris Ivens, director (Indonesia), dies at 90
06/28/1990 Estelle Lamont, entertainer, dies
06/28/1991 Klas Bruinsma, Clergyman, dies
06/28/1992 Mikhail Tai, World chess champion (1960-61), dies at 55
06/28/1993 Boris Christoff, Bulgaria/Italian bass (Don Carlos), dies at 79

Significant Events:

06/28/ 767 St Paul I ends his reign as Catholic Pope
06/28/1119 Battle of Sarmada - Emir Ilghazi defeats Frank Crusaders
06/28/1245 1st Council of Lyons (13th ecumenical council) opens
06/28/1461 Edward IV crowned king of England
06/28/1519 King Carlos I elected Roman Catholic German emperor Charles V
06/28/1575 Spanish troops conquer Buren
06/28/1583 Duke French van Valois returns to France
06/28/1593 Earl Mauritius conquerors Geertruidenberg
06/28/1629 Peace of AlŠs: Rights of French huguenots limited
06/28/1635 French colony of Guadeloupe established in Caribbean
06/28/1675 Battle at Fehrbellin: Brandenburgs army beats Sweden
06/28/1748 Riot after public execution in Amsterdam, 200+ killed
06/28/1770 Quakers open a school for blacks in Philadelphia
06/28/1776 Charleston, SC repulses British sea attack
06/28/1778 Battle of Monmouth, NJ (Gen Washington beats Clinton)
06/28/1778 Mary Ludwig Hayes 'Molly Pitcher' aids American patriots
06/28/1807 British troops lands at Ensenada, Argentina
06/28/1820 Tomato is proven non-poisonous
06/28/1832 Gerrit Moll measures noise of guns
06/28/1838 Britain's Queen Victoria crowned in Westminster Abbey
06/28/1859 1st dog show held (Newcastle-on-Tyne, England)
06/28/1861 Leipzig Observatory discovers short-period (6.2 yrs) Comet d'Arrest
06/28/1862 Day 4 of 7 Days-Battle of Savage's Station/Garnett's Farm, VA
06/28/1869 Amsterdam typographer strike
06/28/1874 Freedmen's Bank closes
06/28/1886 C H F Peters discovers asteroid #259 Aletheia
06/28/1887 Phillies most lopsided shut-out beating Indianapolis 24-0
06/28/1892 Phillies tie club record of 16 straight victories
06/28/1894 Labor Day established as a federal employees holiday
06/28/1902 Congress authorizes Louisiana Purchase Expo $1 gold coin
06/28/1904 International Anti-Military Cooperation (IAMV) forms in Amsterdam
06/28/1905 Russian sailors mutiny aboard battleship 'Potemkin'
06/28/1909 1st French air show, Concours d'Avation opens
06/28/1911 Joseph Caillaux forms govt in France
06/28/1914 Austria invades Siberia (WW I)
06/28/1917 Potato entrepreneurs begins in Amsterdam
06/28/1918 1st flight between Hawaiian Islands
06/28/1919 Carl Mazes pitches a complete double-header against Yanks
06/28/1919 Harry S Truman married Elizabeth Virginia Wallace in Independence
06/28/1919 Treaty of Versailles ending WW I signed
06/28/1923 Dodgers lost 7-0 lead, as Philles score 8 in bottom of 9th
06/28/1923 Queen Wilhelmina & Prince Henry for state visit to London
06/28/1924 Tornado strikes Sandusky Ohio & Lorain Ohio, killing 93
06/28/1928 Alfred E Smith (NY-Gov) nominated for president at Dem Convention
06/28/1928 Friedrich Schmiedl attempted rocket mail in Austria (unsuccessful)
06/28/1934 Hitler flies to Essen (Night of Long Knifes)
06/28/1938 Queen Victoria ascends to British throne
06/28/1939 Joe Louis KOs Tony Galento to retain heavyweight title
06/28/1939 Pan Am opens southern route transatlantic air service (Dixie Clipper

06/28/1939 Yanks hit 13 HRs, sweep A's 23-2 & 10-0
06/28/1940 'Quiz Kids?' premieres on radio
06/28/1940 Romania cedes Bessarabia to Soviet Union
06/28/1942 Dumont TV network begins (WABD NY)
06/28/1945 Polish Provisional Govt of National Unity set up by Soviets
06/28/1946 Enrico de Nicola becomes 1st pres of Italy
06/28/1948 US/British airlift to West-Berlin begins
06/28/1950 North Korean forces capture Seoul, South Korea [or 1/4/1951?]
06/28/1951 'Amos 'n' Andy' premieres on CBS TV
06/28/1954 111øF (44øC) at Camden, South Carolina (state record)
06/28/1956 1st atomic reactor built for private research operates Chicago Ill
06/28/1956 Riots break out in Poznan Poland, 38 die
06/28/1958 Brazil becomes world soccer champ in Sweden
06/28/1958 Nancy Ramey swims world record 100m (1:09.6)
06/28/1960 10.40' (26.42 cm) of rainfall, Dunmor, Kentucky (state 24-hour recor

06/28/1961 Phils & SF set then record longest night game (5h11m) 7-7 15 inn tie

06/28/1962 Thalidomide drug banned in Netherlands
06/28/1963 Belaunde Terry inaugrated as pres of Peru
06/28/1963 Khrushchev visits East-Berlin
06/28/1964 Organization for Afo-American Unity forms in NY by Malcolm X
06/28/1965 1st US ground combat forces in Vietnam authorized by Pres Johnson
06/28/1965 A R Klemola discovers asteroid #2179 Platzeck
06/28/1965 Princess Beatrice & Claus von Amsberg announce engagement
06/28/1967 George Harrison is fined œ6 for speeding
06/28/1967 Israel annexes East-Jerusalem
06/28/1968 Daniel Ellsberg indicted for leaking Pentagon Papers
06/28/1971 Fillmore East closes
06/28/1971 Phillies' Rick Wise hits 2 HRs & no-hits Reds
06/28/1971 Supreme Court (8-0) overturns draft evasion conviction of Muhammad A

06/28/1971 T Smirnova discovers asteroid #3093
06/28/1973 Lawsuit in Detroit challenges Little League's 'no girls' rule
06/28/1974 Fall of earth & rocks kill 200. (Quebrada Blanca Canyon, Columbia)
06/28/1974 Wings release 'Band on the Run' & 'Zoo Gang' in UK
06/28/1975 David Bowie releases 'Fame'
06/28/1975 Golfer Lee Trevino is struck by lightning at Western Open (Ill)
06/28/1976 Hijacked French Airbus lands in Entebbe, Uganda
06/28/1977 Supreme Court allows Federal control of Nixon tapes papers
06/28/1978 UNICEF chooses rock group Kansas as ambassadors of goodwill
06/28/1979 OPEC raises oil prices 24%
06/28/1980 NYC transit fare rises from 50› to 60›
06/28/1981 74 government officials die in attack in Iran
06/28/1982 Prince Chuck & Lady Di name their baby 'William'
06/28/1983 Bridge section along I-95 in Greenwich, Ct collapsed kills 3
06/28/1983 NASA launches Galaxy-A
06/28/1985 Discovery ferried back to Kennedy Space Center via Bergstrom AFB, Tx

06/28/1986 Irish population condemns divorce
06/28/1986 Kenneth & Nellie Pike challenge Ala Dem runoff win by AG C Graddick
06/28/1987 Don Baylor sets career hit-by-pitch mark at 244 (Pitcher Rick Rhoden

06/28/1987 E F Helin discovers asteroid #3680 Sasha
06/28/1988 Mike Tyson sues to break contract with manager Bill Cayton
06/28/1990 17th annual Daytime Emmy Awards
06/28/1992 Burharnuddin Rabbani becomes president of Afghanistan
06/28/1992 Italians govt of Amato forms
06/28/1992 Pres Bush's daughter Dorothy marries Bobby Koch
06/28/1992 US Dream Team beats Cuba in 1st exhibition basketball game, 133-57
06/28/1993 NCRV shows last 'Cheers' in Neth
06/28/1994 NY Met Pitcher Dwight Gooden suspended for 60 days due to drug charg

Robert Wolfe

Jun 29, 2021, 7:40:12 AM6/29/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


06/29/1397 Johan II, King of Aragon (Spain)
06/29/1517 Rembert Dodoens, [Rembertus Dodonaeus], physician/botanist
06/29/1738 Constantin Reindl, composer
06/29/1783 August Alexander Klengel, composer
06/29/1798 Willibald Alexis, [Georg W H„ring], German writer (Schloss Avalon)
06/29/1805 Hiram Powers, US sculptor (Greek Slave)
06/29/1824 Victor J van Hinsbergh, South Neth engraver (PTT Stempels)
06/29/1831 William Thomas Clark, Bvt Mjr General (Union volunteers), died in 19

06/29/1842 Josef Labor, composer
06/29/1849 Sergei J Witte, Neth/Russ count/premier Russia
06/29/1850 Joseph Paul Skelly, composer
06/29/1858 George Washington Goethals, engineer (built Panama Canal)
06/29/1861 William James Mayo, surgeon/co-founder Mayo clinic in Minnesota
06/29/1863 James Harvey Robinson, Ill, historian (Ordeal of Civilization)
06/29/1864 Anton Beer-Walbrun, composer
06/29/1864 Pietro Bonfante, Italian lawyer (Roman right)
06/29/1865 Shigechiyo Izumi, achieved oldest authenticated age (120 y 237 d)
06/29/1865 William E Borah, lawyer/(Sen-R-Id)
06/29/1870 Joseph Carl Breil, composer
06/29/1874 Georg Gohler, composer
06/29/1879 Zsigmond M¢ricz, Hungarian writer (S rarany [Mud gold])
06/29/1880 Ludwig Beck, chef Germany general staff ('July 20th plot')
06/29/1885 Andre Gailhard, composer
06/29/1885 Humberto Allende, composer
06/29/1885 S Pedro H Allende, Chilian composer
06/29/1885 Virginia Pope, (NY Times)
06/29/1886 George Frederick Boyle, composer
06/29/1886 James Van DerZee, famous African
06/29/1886 Robert Schuman, French premier
06/29/1893 Aare Merikanto, composer
06/29/1893 Antoon Schweigmann, religious poet/resistance fighter
06/29/1896 Irene Browne, actress (All at Sea, Peg O' My Heart)
06/29/1897 Ottmar Gerster, composer
06/29/1900 Antoine Saint-Exup‚ry, France, aviator/writer (Wind, Sand & Stars)
06/29/1901 Frieda Inescort, Edinburgh Scotland, actress (Pride & Prejudice)
06/29/1901 Hendrik Diels, Flemish conductor
06/29/1901 Nelson Eddy, actor/baritone (Great Duets with Jeanette MacDonald)
06/29/1905 Manuel Altolaguirre, Spanish poet/publisher (La lenta libertad)
06/29/1907 Joan Davis, St Paul Minn, actress (I Married Joan)
06/29/1907 Paul O'Dwyer, pres of City Council (D-NYC)
06/29/1908 Leroy Anderson, composer
06/29/1908 Paul Lebeau, Flemish writer (De last roos, Xanthippe)
06/29/1908 Rene Gerber, composer
06/29/1909 Eric Ambler, screenwriter
06/29/1909 Leroy Anderson, US, composer (Syncopated Clock)
06/29/1910 Franc Henry Loesser, US songwriter/composer (Most Happy Fella)
06/29/1911 Bernard Herrmann, composer
06/29/1911 Bernhard, Germany, Prince (Constort to Queen Juliana of Netherlands)

06/29/1911 Klaus E J Fuchs, German/British/German nuclear physicist
06/29/1912 John Toland, US, political writer
06/29/1912 Jos‚ Pablo Moncayo Garcia, Guadalajara M‚xico, composer (Huapango)
06/29/1914 Rafael Kubelik, Bychory Czechoslovakia, conductor (Cornelia Farooli)

06/29/1916 Ruth Warwick, St Joseph Mo, actress (All My Children, Peyton Place)
06/29/1919 Slim Pickens, Kingsburg Calif, actor (Dr Strangelove, Blazing Saddle

06/29/1920 Ray Harryhausen, movie special effect artist
06/29/1922 Vasko Popa, Yugoslavia/Serbian poet (Heaven is a Side Issue)
06/29/1923 Chou Wen-Chung, Cheefoo China, composer (Mode of Shang)
06/29/1924 Ezra Laderman, NYC, composer (Jacob & the Indians)
06/29/1925 Cara Williams, Bkln NY, actress (Pete & Gladys, Cara Williams Show)
06/29/1925 Hale Smith, composer
06/29/1928 Ian Bannen, Scotland, actor (Eye of the Needle, Gorky Park)
06/29/1929 Johnny Ace, Memphis, ballad singer (My Song)
06/29/1929 Michio Mamaia, composer
06/29/1929 Peter George, US, light middleweight (Olympic-gold-1952)
06/29/1930 Robert Evans, US, director/actor (Best of Everything)
06/29/1933 Roscoe 'Fatty' Arbuckle, actor (Keystone Comedies, Mabel & Fatty)
06/29/1934 Carl Levin, (Sen-D-MI)
06/29/1936 David Jenkins, US, figure skater (Olympic-gold-1960)
06/29/1936 Harmon Killebrew, baseball player (Minnesota Twins)
06/29/1936 Leonard Lee, US singer (Shirley & Lee-Let the Good Times Roll)
06/29/1938 Billy Storm, singer (Valiants-This is the Night)
06/29/1940 Louise S Groenman, Dutch 2nd Chamber member (D66)
06/29/1940 Viacheslav Artyomov, composer
06/29/1941 Margritta Gummel, German DR, shot putter (Olympic-gold-1968)
06/29/1941 Stokeley Carmichael, [Kwame Toure], US, Black Power-activist
06/29/1942 Bas J van der Vlies, Dutch 2nd Chamber member (SGP)
06/29/1942 Larry Snyder, jockey
06/29/1943 Roger Ruskin Spear, rocker (Bonzo Dog Band-Urban Spaceman)
06/29/1944 Collin Peterson, (Rep-D-Minnesota)
06/29/1944 Gary Busey, Goose Creek Tx, actor (Buddy Holly Story, Star in Born)
06/29/1945 'Little' Eva Boyd, rock vocalist (Locomotion)
06/29/1947 Richard Lewis, comedian/actor (Anything But Love) (or 6/6/49)
06/29/1948 Fred Grandy, Sioux City Iowa, actor (Gopher-Love Boat)/(Rep-R-Iowa)
06/29/1949 Dan Dierdorf, NFLer, sportscaster (Monday Night Football)
06/29/1953 Rosa Mota, Port marathoner (Olympic-gold-1988)
06/29/1955 Charles J Precourt, Waltham Mass, Lt Col USAF/Astronaut (STS 55)
06/29/1957 Maria Conchita Alonso, Cuba, actress (Moscow on the Hudson)
06/29/1958 Richard Mettee, horse trainer
06/29/1959 Kim Hiett, jockey
06/29/1959 Larry Parham, 4th victim of NYC's Zodiac killer (1st to die)
06/29/1960 Sergey Kopylov, USSR, cyclist (Olympic-gold-1980)
06/29/1962 Amanda Donohoe, London, actress (CJ Lamb-LA Law)
06/29/1963 Anne-Sophie Mutter, Rheinfeldin Germany, violinist (Berlin Phil)
06/29/1964 Pepper Johnson, NFL line backer (NY Giants)
06/29/1964 Stedman Pearson, rocker (5 Star-Silk & Steel)
06/29/1965 Barry D, [Iain Bakker], English pop musician (Jesus Jones)
06/29/1967 Melora Hardin, Houston Tx, actress (Family Tree, Best Times)
06/29/1972 Samantha Smith, Houlton Mo, actress (Elizabeth-Lime Street)
06/29/1993 Angela & Amy Lakeberg, US Siamese twin (separated on Aug 20th)


06/29/1021 Notker Labeo, tutor in convent Sankt Gallen, dies
06/29/1293 Hendrik van Gent, Flemish neo-Augustian philosopher/theologist, dies

06/29/1306 Musho [Hokai], Zen teacher/found subtemple at Jochiji, dies
06/29/1458 Mapheus Vegius, [Maffeo Vegio], Italian lawyer/humanist/poet, dies
06/29/1620 John Aerts, Flemish sculptor
06/29/1744 Andre Campra, composer, dies at 84
06/29/1779 Anton R Mengs, German writer/neo-classic painter Madrid, dies at 51
06/29/1784 Caesar Rodney, US judge/singer (Declar of Independence), dies at 55
06/29/1790 Feike H Van de Crew, Fries writer (Mayke Jakkelis), dies
06/29/1798 Kaat Mussel [Catharina Mulder], exerciser, dies
06/29/1818 Carl P Fohr, German painter/cartoonist, dies at 22
06/29/1840 Lucien Bonaparte, prince of Canino/Musignano, dies at 65
06/29/1852 Henry Clay, the great compromiser, dies at 75
06/29/1860 Thomas Addison, English physician (A-Biermer Disease), dies at 67
06/29/1875 Ferdinand I KLJM de Goedige, Emperor of Austria, dies at 82
06/29/1880 George W Vreede, lawyer/politician, dies
06/29/1903 Rentaro Taki, composer, dies at 23
06/29/1911 Oscar Carr‚, circus director, dies at 64
06/29/1923 Gustave Adolph Kerker, composer, dies at 66
06/29/1923 J C Gomez, General/Venezuela's 1st VP, assassinated
06/29/1933 Roscoe 'Fatty' Arbuckle, US actor (Keystone comedies), dies at 46
06/29/1940 Paul Klee, Swiss/German painter/tutor (Modern Art), dies
06/29/1941 Ignace Paderewski, Polish statesman pianist, dies in NY at 80
06/29/1953 Jules van Nuffel, composer, dies at 70
06/29/1955 Max Pechstein, German painter/graphic artist (Oceania), dies at 73
06/29/1956 Johannes F 'Johan' Bakker Jr, actor, dies at 62
06/29/1959 A Cecil Snyder, Chief Justice of Puerto Rico, dies at 51
06/29/1964 Milenko Zivkovic, composer, dies at 63
06/29/1965 Sid Marion, entertainer, dies at 64
06/29/1966 Arthur Meulemans, Belgian composer: Egmont, dies
06/29/1966 Isabel Dawn, writer, dies
06/29/1966 Ronald Shiner, actor (Aunt Clara, Forbidden, Girls at Sea), dies at

06/29/1967 Jayne Mansfield [Vera Jane Palmer], actress, dies in a car crash at

06/29/1968 Kitty Kelly, actress (Ladies of Jury, Behind Office Doors), dies at

06/29/1969 Moise K Tsjombe, premier Congo/Zaire, dies
06/29/1969 Vesselin Stoyanov, composer, dies at 67
06/29/1970 Roman Ingarden, Polish philosopher (Studia philosophica), dies at 77

06/29/1970 Stefan Andres, German writer (Wir sind Utopia), dies at 64
06/29/1971 Georgi T Dobrovolsky, cosmonaut (Soyuz 11-land accident), dies at 43

06/29/1971 Viktor Patsayev, cosmonaut (Soyuz 11-landing accident), dies at 38
06/29/1971 Vladimir Volkov, cosmonaut (Soyuz 11-landing accident), dies at 35
06/29/1975 Jerry Verno, actor (River of Unrest, Ourselves Alone), dies at 79
06/29/1976 Leonora Summers, entertainer, dies
06/29/1977 Anton D Hildebrand, children's book writer (Monus), dies at 70
06/29/1978 Bob Crane, actor (Hogan's Heroes), murdered at 59
06/29/1979 Lowell George, rocker (Mothers of Invention, Little Feat), dies at 3

06/29/1981 Mohammed Hussein Beheshti, Iran ayatollah/politician, murdered
06/29/1982 Gerard[us PM] Knuvelder, literature historian (Anthology), dies
06/29/1982 Henry King, director, dies at 86
06/29/1986 Ida Mae McKenzie, entertainer, dies
06/29/1986 John P East, (Sen-R-NC), dies at 55
06/29/1986 Robert Drivas, actor (Our Private World), dies at 47
06/29/1990 Irving Wallace, author (Book of Lists, Peoples Almanac), dies at 74
06/29/1992 Mohammed Boediaf, president of Algeria, murdered

Significant Events:

06/29/1312 Roman Catholics German King Henry VII crowned
06/29/1377 French invasion fleet lands at Rye England
06/29/1428 Jacoba of Bavaria signs ceasefire with Philip the Good
06/29/1613 Shakespeare's Globe Theater burns down
06/29/1694 Dutch fleet attacks French grain transports
06/29/1767 British passes Townshend Revenue Act levying taxes on America
06/29/1776 Mission Dolores founded by SF Bay
06/29/1776 Va state constitution adopted & Patrick Henry made governor
06/29/1800 Free mason lodge establishes in Alkmaar
06/29/1822 Prince Charles Bonaparte marries niece Zena‹de Bonaparte
06/29/1854 Gadsden Purchase (parts of Az, NM) from Mexico for $10 million
06/29/1854 Netherlands allows corporal punishment
06/29/1857 Battle at Chinhat (Indies rebel under Barkat Ahmed beat British)
06/29/1858 Great fire in London harbor
06/29/1858 Treaty of Algun, China cedes north bank of Amur River to Russia
06/29/1862 Day 5 of 7 Days-Battle of Savage's Station Va
06/29/1863 George A Custer (23) appointed Union Brig-general
06/29/1863 Lee orders his forces to concentrate near Gettysburg, PN
06/29/1863 Very 1st First National Bank opens in Davenport, Iowa
06/29/1864 Grand Trunk Railway accident; 100 killed
06/29/1867 Pope Pius IX declares Gorcumse holy martyrs
06/29/1891 100øF (SF, CA)
06/29/1897 Chicago beats Louisville 36-7 (baseball)
06/29/1899 Brazo River in Texas floods 12 miles wide causing $10 mil damage
06/29/1903 British govt protests against abuser in Belgian Congo
06/29/1904 2 prehistoric bones found in Weerdingerveen, Drenthe
06/29/1906 Alex Smith wins US Open golf tournament
06/29/1911 Freiherr Gautsch von Frankenthurn becomes premier
06/29/1913 2nd Balkan War begins-Bulgaria overthrows Greek/Serbian troops
06/29/1914 G Neujmin discovers asteroid #791 Ani
06/29/1916 Boeing aircraft flies for 1st time
06/29/1922 K Reinmuth discovers asteroid #979 Ilsewa
06/29/1926 Carter Woodson wins Springarn Medal for research of Black history
06/29/1927 1st flight from West Coast arrives in Hawaii
06/29/1929 1st high-speed jet wind tunnel completed Langley Field Ca
06/29/1929 Mexico & Vatican sign Concord
06/29/1931 109øF (43øC), Monticello, Florida (state record)
06/29/1931 Pope Pius XI encyclical on Nun abbiamo bisogno Mussolini
06/29/1932 USSR & China sign no attack treaty
06/29/1933 Heavyweight Primo Carnera KOs Jack Sharkey (NYC)
06/29/1936 Empire State Building emanates high definition TV-343 lines
06/29/1936 Pope Pius XI encyclical to US bishops 'On motion pictures'
06/29/1939 4th Dutch cabinet of Colijn falls
06/29/1939 Dixie Clipper completes 1st commercial plane flight to Europe
06/29/1940 Anjer (Carnation) Day-anniversary of Prince Bernhard
06/29/1940 US passes Alien Registration Act requiring Aliens to register
06/29/1941 DiMaggio extends hitting streak to 42 breaking Sisler's record
06/29/1942 Dmitri Sjostakovitsj' 7th Symphony, premieres
06/29/1943 pope Pius XII encyclical Mystic Corporis (mystic body of Christ)
06/29/1944 Garbage & von Rundstedt travel to Berchtesgaden
06/29/1944 German counter attack at Caen
06/29/1944 Nazi Paul Touvier shoots 7 Jews dead
06/29/1944 Soviet Armys join in Bobroesjk
06/29/1944 US 7th army corp conquers Cherbourg
06/29/1945 20.6 cm rainfall at Litchville North Dakota (state record)
06/29/1945 Ruthenia, formerly in Czechoslovakia, becomes part of Ukrainian SSR
06/29/1946 Black Sabbath-Brits arrest 2700 Jews in Palestine as alleged terrori

06/29/1947 Yanks beat Senators 3-1 starting a 19 game win streak
06/29/1949 South Africa begins implementing apartheid; no mixed marriages
06/29/1949 US troops withdraw from Korea after WW II
06/29/1950 US beats England 1-0 in a world cup soccer game (next win in 1994)
06/29/1952 1st aircraft carrier to sail around Cape Horn-Oriskany
06/29/1953 XETV TV channel 6 in Tijuana-San Diego, CA (IND) begins broadcasting

06/29/1954 Atomic Energy Comm voted against reinstating Dr J Robert Oppenheimer

06/29/1956 Charles Dumas, makes 1st high jump over 7' (2.13 m)-LA, Calif
06/29/1956 Federal interstate highway system act signed
06/29/1956 PM Drees refuses resignation of queen Juliana (Greet Hofmans)
06/29/1957 Malenkov, Molotov, Kaganowitsj & Sjepilov leave USSR communist party

06/29/1958 Brazil beats Sweden 5-2 in soccer's 6th World Cup at Stockholm
06/29/1959 Pope John XXIII 1st encyclical 'On truth, unity, & peace, in charity

06/29/1960 KYA-AM in San Francisco changes call letters to KDBQ (for 2 weeks)
06/29/1961 Launch of Transit 4a, with 1st nuclear power supply (SNAP-3)
06/29/1962 1st flight Vickers (British Aerospace) VC-10 long-range airliner
06/29/1962 JFK dines with premier MacMillan in London
06/29/1963 Beatles' 1st song 'From Me to You' hits UK charts
06/29/1963 SVB, Students Unions, established under Barrel Regtien
06/29/1964 1st draft of Star Trek's pilot 'Cage' released
06/29/1964 Civil Rights Act of 1964 passed after 83-day filibuster in Senate
06/29/1965 USAF Capt Joseph Henry Engle reaches 85,530 m in X-15
06/29/1966 KBSC (now KVEA) TV channel 52 in Corona-Los Angeles, CA begins
06/29/1966 US bombs fuel storage facilities near N Vietnamese cities
06/29/1967 Israel removes barricades, re-unifying Jerusalem
06/29/1967 Keith Richards is sentenced to 1 year in jail on drugs charge
06/29/1969 1st Jewish worship service at White House
06/29/1970 US ends 2 month military offensive into Cambodia
06/29/1971 Soyuz 11 docks with Salyut 1 for 22 days
06/29/1972 Supreme Court rules (5-4) that Death Penalty is cruel & unusual
06/29/1972 USSR launches Prognoz 2 into earth orbit (549/200,000 km)
06/29/1974 Milt coup in Ethiopia
06/29/1975 20.57 cm (8.10') of rainfall, Litchville, N. Dakota (state 24-hr rec

06/29/1976 Seychelles gains independence from Britain
06/29/1977 Supreme Court rules out death penalty for rapists of adults
06/29/1978 VP Walter F Mondale begins trip to Mid-East
06/29/1979 'Moonraker' premieres in US
06/29/1981 Bomb attack on headquarters of Islamic Party in Teheran, 72 killed
06/29/1981 Hu Yaobang succeeds Hua Guofeng as leader of China PR
06/29/1982 Voting Rights Act of 1965 extended
06/29/1983 Angel Cordero wins his 5,000th horse races
06/29/1983 Challenger flies back to Kennedy Space Center via Kelly AFB
06/29/1984 USSR offers to start talking about banning SDI
06/29/1985 NASA launches Intelsat VA
06/29/1985 STS 51-F vehicle moves to launch pad
06/29/1986 Argentina becomes world champion soccer team (3-2 against W-Germany)

06/29/1986 Boston Red Sox trade for Tom Seaver
06/29/1986 Sparky Anderson is 1st to win 600 games as manager in both leagues
06/29/1989 Susan Lucci loses daytime emmy for 10th straight year
06/29/1990 Marla Maples father sues National Enquirer for $12M
06/29/1991 6.0 earthquake hits southern Calif
06/29/1992 2 earthquakes including 7.4 hits southern Calif
06/29/1992 NHL arbitrator decides that Eric Lindross goes to Flyers & not anger

06/29/1994 Socialist, Tomiichi Murayama, elected premier of Japan

Robert Wolfe

Jun 30, 2021, 3:40:14 PM6/30/21
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Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


06/30/1468 Johan, the Standvastige, monarch of Saxon
06/30/1470 Charles VIII, King of France (1483-98), invaded Italy
06/30/1503 Johan Frederik, ruler of Saxon (1532-47)
06/30/1669 Mauritius Vogt, composer
06/30/1685 John Gay, author (Baggars' Opera)
06/30/1722 Jiri Antonin Benda, composer
06/30/1723 Christian Ernst Graf, composer
06/30/1743 Niels Schiorring, composer
06/30/1748 Jacques D 'comte' Cassini, French astronomer
06/30/1768 Elizabeth Kortright Monroe, 1st lady (1817-25)
06/30/1789 E J Horace Vernet, French painter
06/30/1791 F‚lix Savart, French surgeon/physicist (law of Biot & Savart)
06/30/1807 Friedrich T Vischer, German philosopher/writer (Auch einer)
06/30/1810 Stanko Vraz, [Jakob Frass], Slavic/Croatain poet (illyrisme)
06/30/1811 Vissarion Belinsky, Sveaborg, Finland, Russian critic, journalist
06/30/1817 Joseph D Hooker, British botanist
06/30/1818 Edward John Hopkins, composer
06/30/1819 William A Wheeler, (R) 19th VP (1877-81)
06/30/1823 Hendrik J Schimmel, writer/dramatist
06/30/1837 Stephen D Ramseur, youngest West Pointer to be Maj Gen
06/30/1846 Ricardo Drigo, composer
06/30/1847 Jacob T Cremer, min of Cologne/pres (Dutch Min of Finance)
06/30/1853 Adolf Furtw„ngler, German archaeologist (Antiken Gemmen)
06/30/1856 Gerrit Kalff, writer (history of Dutch writers)
06/30/1860 Gyula Andr ssy Jr, Hungarian minister of Foreign affairs (1918-20)
06/30/1868 C V France, actor (Skin Game, Adventure in Blackmail)
06/30/1879 Walter Hampden, actor (Five Fingers, Sabrina, Hunchback of Notre Dam

06/30/1882 Sven R Lidman, Swedish writer (Tvedr„ktens Barn)
06/30/1890 Gertrude McCoy, actress
06/30/1892 Laszlo Lajtha, composer
06/30/1892 Pierre Blanchar, actor (Magnificent Sinner)
06/30/1893 Walter Ulbricht, president German DR
06/30/1894 Gavrilo Princip, Bosnian assassin (arch duke Ferdinand)
06/30/1896 Wilfred Pelletier, Montreal Canada, conductor (Voice of Firestone)
06/30/1898 George Chandler, Waukegan Ill, actor (Lassie)
06/30/1899 Frantisek Tomasek, bishop of Prague/cardinal
06/30/1902 Madge Bellamy, actress (White Zombie, Gordon of Ghost City)
06/30/1904 Glenda Farrell, actress (Golddiggers of 1935)
06/30/1905 Nestor Paiva, actor (Comanche, Fear, Tarantula, Killer Ape)
06/30/1908 Lucino Tinio Sacramento, composer
06/30/1909 Juan Bosch, poet/pres of Dominican Republic (1962-63)
06/30/1911 Czeslaw Milosz, Polish/American writer (Bells in Winter, Nobel 1980)

06/30/1911 Virginia Smith, (Rep-R-NB, 1975- )
06/30/1912 (J) Tibor de Machula, Hungarian/Dutch cellist
06/30/1912 Dan Reeves, NFL team owner (Cleveland/LA Rams)
06/30/1912 J Tibor de Powerula, [de Abrah mfalva], Hungarian/Dutch cellist)
06/30/1913 Harry Wismer, Port Huron Mich, AFL owner (NY Titans)
06/30/1914 Natko Devcic, composer
06/30/1916 David Wayne, actor (Adam's Rib, Andromeda Strain, 3 Faces of Eve)
06/30/1917 Buddy Rich, Bkln NY, drummer/orch leader (Buddy Rich Band-Away We Go

06/30/1917 Lena Horne, Bkln NY, singer (Stormy Weather)
06/30/1917 Robert Vandekerckhove, Belgian politician
06/30/1918 Stuart Foster, Binghamton NY, singer (Galen Drake Show)
06/30/1918 Susan Hayward, Flatbush Bkln, actress (I Want to Live, Tulsa)
06/30/1919 Lee Krieger, entertainer ()
06/30/1920 Zeno Colo, Italy, downhill skier (Olympic-gold-1952)
06/30/1925 Jim Levitch, horse trainer
06/30/1925 Micheline Lannoy, Belgium, figure skating pairs (Olympic-gold-1948)
06/30/1925 Will Gay Bottje, composer
06/30/1927 Joe Skeen, (Rep-R-NM, 1981- )
06/30/1927 Joseph R Skeen, (Rep-R-New Mexico)
06/30/1930 June Valli, Bronx NY, singer (Your Hit Parade)
06/30/1930 Mac Benson, horse trainer
06/30/1931 James Loughran, British conductor
06/30/1931 Johannes Gru˜ters, Dutch mayor (D66-Lelystad)
06/30/1931 June Thorburn, actress (Touch & Go, Children Galore)
06/30/1932 Martin Mailman, composer
06/30/1934 Harry Blackstone Jr, magician (Blackstone Book of Magic & Illusion)
06/30/1936 Nancy Dussault, Pensacola Fla, actress (Muriel-Too Close for Comfort

06/30/1936 Pauls Dambis, composer
06/30/1936 Tony Musante, Bridgeport Ct, actor (David Toma-Toma, Nowhere to Hide

06/30/1938 Billy Mills, US, 10K runner (Olympic-gold-1964)
06/30/1938 Chris Hinze, flutist (Vivat Vivaldi)
06/30/1938 William Mervin Mills, Pine Ridge SD, 10K runner (Olympic-gold-64)
06/30/1939 Lindembergue Cardoso, composer
06/30/1941 Micki Grant, composer
06/30/1943 Florence Ballard, singer (Supremes)
06/30/1944 Glenn Shorrock, vocalist (Little River Band-Help Is On Its, Way)
06/30/1944 Ron Swoboda, baseball outfielder (NY Yankees, NY Mets)
06/30/1947 Jasper van 't Hof, jazz pianist (Live in Montreux)
06/30/1947 Yuri Petrovich Sheffer, Russia, cosmonaut
06/30/1950 Donna Jean Willmott, Akron Ohio, FALN member (FBI most wanted)
06/30/1950 Pablo Castillo, jockey
06/30/1951 Andr‚ Hazes, Dutch barkeeper/singer (W˜ houden van Oranje)
06/30/1951 Stanley Clarke, bass (New Barbarians-Find Out Hideaway)
06/30/1951 Stephen S Oswald, Seattle Washington, astronaut (STS 42, 56, sk: 67)

06/30/1955 Mark MacDonald, horse trainer
06/30/1956 Ronald Winans, gospel singer
06/30/1958 Esa-Pekka Salonen, Helsinki Finland, conductor (Giro)
06/30/1959 Gina Goldberg, playmate (May, 1981)
06/30/1962 Julianne Regan, rocker (All About Eve-All About Scarlet)
06/30/1963 Rupert Graves, actor (Damage, Handful of Dust, Maurice)
06/30/1966 'Iron' Mike Tyson, heavyweight boxing champ (1986-90)
06/30/1967 Tina Bockrath, Dayton Oh, playmate (May, 1990)/actress
06/30/1970 Brian Bloom, actor (As the World Turns)


06/30/1109 Alfonso VI, (imperator totius Hispaniae), king of Leon, dies
06/30/1520 Montezuma, 'great speaker' of the Azteken, dies
06/30/1538 Charles van Egmond, duke of Gelre/earl of Zutphen, dies at 70
06/30/1649 Simon Vouet, French painter
06/30/1655 Jacob Boonen, South Netherlands clergyman/lawyer, dies at 81
06/30/1666 Adam Krieger, composer, dies at 32
06/30/1666 Alexander Brome, British poet
06/30/1685 Archibald Campbell, Scottish politician, beheaded at about 55
06/30/1817 Abraham Gottlob Werner, German geologist
06/30/1819 Ernst Ludwig Gerber, composer, dies at 72
06/30/1839 Johan O Wallin, Swedish poet/archbishop (Dead Angel), dies
06/30/1862 Richard Griffith, US Confederate brig-general, dies in battle at 48
06/30/1882 Charles J Guiteau, assassin (Pres Garfield), hanged
06/30/1889 Eugenio Terziani, composer, dies at 64
06/30/1890 Samuel Parkman Tuckerman, composer, dies at 71
06/30/1899 Jon Helgason, Icelandic poet (Ur Landsudri), dies
06/30/1905 John Hay, US politician, dies
06/30/1914 Bai Long, [White Wolf], Chinese Robin Hood/crowd leader, dies
06/30/1919 John WS Raleigh, British physicist (Nobel 1904), dies
06/30/1923 Claude Antoine Terrasse, composer, dies at 56
06/30/1924 Jacob Israel de Han, poet/writer (Pypelyntjes), dies
06/30/1934 Ernst R”hm, German staff member, executed at 46
06/30/1934 Gregor Strasser, German pharmacist/NSDAP-leader, murdered
06/30/1934 Karl Earnest, German SA-leader, murdered
06/30/1934 Kurt von Schleiger, German chancellor (1932-33), murdered
06/30/1942 Arnoldus J H Aerts, bishop of New-Guinea, executed at 62
06/30/1946 Michael Zadora, composer, dies at 64
06/30/1953 Elsa Beskow, (Maartman), Swedish author (children's book), dies
06/30/1953 Gote Carlid, composer, dies at 32
06/30/1959 Lazare Saminsky, composer, dies at 76
06/30/1960 Clarence Cameron White, composer, dies at 79
06/30/1961 Lee De Forest, radio pioneer, dies at 87
06/30/1965 Bessie Barriscale, actress (Plain Jane, Show Folks), dies
06/30/1968 John Gough, actor (Circus Kid, 2 for Tonight), dies at 73
06/30/1969 Jan Evangelista Zelinka, composer, dies at 76
06/30/1971 3 cosmonauts, die as Soyuz XI depressurizes during reentry
06/30/1973 Elmer Layden, one of Notre Dame's legendary 4-horsemen, died
06/30/1974 Martin Luther King Sr, shot in church, by a black man
06/30/1975 Ozzie Nelson, US actor (Adventures of Ozzie & Harriet), dies
06/30/1979 Alfons Vranckx, Belgian politician, dies
06/30/1980 Virginia Brown Faire, actress (Lonesome Trail, Temptress), dies
06/30/1983 Bo Gentry, songwriter/producer dies
06/30/1983 Mary Livingstone, actress (Jack Benny Show), dies at 75
06/30/1984 Lillian Hellman, playwright, (Little Foxes) dies of cardiac arrest
06/30/1987 Federico Mompou, composer, dies at 94
06/30/1987 King Donovan, actor/director (Enforcer, Perfect Furlough), dies
06/30/1992 Doug Delauder, entertainer, dies
06/30/1992 Jim Alaimo, vocalist, dies after heart surgery at 53
06/30/1992 Nico Booken, director (Jewish Labor Social), dies
06/30/1993 George 'Spanky' McFarland, actor (Our Gang), dies at 64

Significant Events:

06/30/ 296 St Marcellinus begins his reign as Catholic Pope
06/30/ 833 Louis, king of Austria, crowned
06/30/ 949 Otto I the Great gives away bishopdom of Utrecht
06/30/1294 Jews are expelled from Berne Switzerland
06/30/1371 Arnold II of Horne chosen bishop of Utrecht
06/30/1397 Denmark, Norway & Sweden sign Union of Kalmar under Queen Margaretha

06/30/1520 Spanish conquerers under Cortes take gold from Aztecs
06/30/1528 Bourgondisch army occupies Utrecht
06/30/1548 Emperor Charles V orders Catholics to become Lutherans
06/30/1596 English/Dutch fleet reach Cadiz
06/30/1607 Annales Ecclesiastici (Scientific History of Catholicism) published
06/30/1690 Battle at Beachy Head: French under Tourville beat Neth/English flee

06/30/1700 Gelderland goes on Gregorian calendar (tomorrow is 12/7/1700)
06/30/1741 Pope Benedict XIV encyclical forbidding traffic in alms
06/30/1794 Battle of Fort Recovery, Ohio
06/30/1834 Congress creates Indian Territory (now Oklahoma)
06/30/1859 Charles Blondin is 1st to cross Niagara Falls on a tightrope
06/30/1861 CSS Sumter slips past USS Brooklyn blockade
06/30/1862 Battle at Nelson's Farm, Virginia
06/30/1862 Day 6 of 7 Days-Battle of White Oak Swamp VA (Frayser's Farm)
06/30/1862 Gustave Flaubert completes 'Salammbo'
06/30/1863 Battles in Hanover Pennsylvania: 80 casualties
06/30/1863 Dutch colony Suriname counts population of 33,000 slaves
06/30/1865 8 alleged conspirators in assasination of Lincoln are found guilty
06/30/1870 Ada Kepley becomes 1st female law college graduate
06/30/1871 Guatemala revolts for agarian reforms
06/30/1881 Henry Highland Garnet, named minister to Liberia
06/30/1893 Excelsior diamond (blue-white 995 carats) discovered
06/30/1894 Korea declares independence from China, asks for Japanese aid
06/30/1894 London Tower Bridge opens
06/30/1900 4 German liners burn at Hobokon Docks NJ, 326 die
06/30/1902 S I Bailey discovers asteroid #504 Cora
06/30/1906 John Hope becomes 1st black president of Morehouse College
06/30/1906 Pure Food & Drug Act & Meat Inspection Act adopted
06/30/1908 Boston's Cy Young's 2nd no-hitter, beats NY Highlanders, 8-0
06/30/1908 Giant fireball impacts in Siberia (Tunguska Event) (Enckes comet?)
06/30/1909 Heavyweight Jack Johnson & Tony Ross fight to no decision
06/30/1910 Russia absorbs Finland
06/30/1911 Adolphe Messimy appointed French minister of War
06/30/1911 US Assay Office in St Louis, Missouri closes
06/30/1913 2nd Balkan War begins
06/30/1913 NY Giants score 10 in 10th to beat Phillies 11-1
06/30/1914 Mahatma Gandhi's 1st arrest, campaigning for Indian rights in S Afri

06/30/1916 Chick Evans Jr wins golf's US Open
06/30/1923 New Zealand claims Ross Dependency in Antarctica
06/30/1927 Augusto Cesar Sandino issues his Manifesto Politico
06/30/1927 US Assay Office in Deadwood, South Dakota closes
06/30/1929 Bobby Jones wins golf's US Open
06/30/1930 1st round-the-world radio broadcast Schenectady NY
06/30/1933 50,000 demonstrate in Antwerp against fascism/war
06/30/1933 Card's Dizzy Dean strikesout 17 Cubs to win 8-2
06/30/1933 US Assay Offices in Helena Mon, Boise Id & Salt Lake City Utah close

06/30/1934 'Night of Long Knives,' Hitler stages bloody purge of Nazi party
06/30/1934 French Equitorial Africa constituted a single administrative unit
06/30/1934 NFL's Portsmouth Spartans become Detroit Lions
06/30/1934 Night of the long knifes - Hitler liquidates SA
06/30/1935 C Jackson discovers asteroid #1784 Benguella
06/30/1935 Danno O'Mahoney beats Ed George in Boston, to become wrestling champ

06/30/1936 'Gone With the Wind' by Margaret Mitchell, published
06/30/1936 40 hour work week law approved (federal)
06/30/1936 Haile Selassie asks League of Nations for sanctions against Italy
06/30/1938 Final game at Phila's Baker Bowl, Giants beat Phils 14-1
06/30/1939 Heinkel He. 176 rocket plane flies for 1st time, at Peenem nde
06/30/1940 'Brenda Starr' cartoon strip, by Dale Messick, 1st appears
06/30/1940 US Fish & Wildlife Service established
06/30/1941 Pro-nazi group declares Ukraine independence
06/30/1942 US Mint in New Orleans ceases operation
06/30/1942 US bombs Celebes & Timor
06/30/1943 Gen MacArthur begins Operation Cartwheel (island-hopping)
06/30/1944 Allies land on Vogelkop, New Guinea
06/30/1944 French Cotentin Peninsula in allied hands
06/30/1944 General strike against nazi terror in Copenhagen
06/30/1944 Universal strike against nazi terror in Copenhagen
06/30/1945 17-day newspaper strike in NY begins
06/30/1948 Cleve Indian Bob Lemon no-hits Detroit Tigers, 2-0
06/30/1948 Transistor as a substitute for Radio tubes announced (Bell Labs)
06/30/1949 Dutch troops evacurate Djakarta
06/30/1950 Pres Truman orders US troops into Korea
06/30/1951 NAACP begins attack on school segregation & discrimination
06/30/1952 'Guiding Light' soap opera moves from radio to TV
06/30/1952 Hussein Sirri Pasja forms Egyptian government
06/30/1956 United DC-7 & TWA collide over Grand Canyon killing 128
06/30/1958 Dutch Govt of Drees ends obligatory dismissal of married teachers
06/30/1959 During a game in Wrigley Field, 2 balls were in play at same time
06/30/1960 Congo becomes independent of Belgium under premier Patrice Lumumba
06/30/1960 US stops sugar import from Cuba
06/30/1960 Za‹re (formerly Belgian Congo) declares independence from Belgium
06/30/1961 Buddy Rogers beats Pat O'Conner in Chicago, to become NWA champ
06/30/1961 Explorer (12) fails to reach Earth orbit
06/30/1962 French Foreign Legion leaves Algeria
06/30/1962 LA Dodger Sandy Koufax no-hits NY Mets, 5-0
06/30/1962 Murie Lindstrom wins US Women's Golf Open
06/30/1962 Premier Ben Khedda disbands Algerian liberation fighters
06/30/1962 Rwanda & Burundi become independent
06/30/1963 Cardinal Giovanni B Montini crowned Pope Paul VI
06/30/1963 Cardinal Montini elected Pope Paul VI, 262nd head of RC Church
06/30/1964 Centaur 3 launch vehicle fails to make Earth orbit
06/30/1964 Last UN-troops leave Congo
06/30/1965 NFL grants Atlanta Falcons a franchise
06/30/1966 Beatles land in Tokyo for a concert tour
06/30/1966 Leopoldville Congo is renamed Kinshasa
06/30/1967 Maj Robert H Lawrence Jr named 1st black astronaut
06/30/1967 Mo‹se Tsjombe kidnapped to Algeria
06/30/1967 Phillies Cookie Rojas pitches, plays 9th positions since joining Phi

06/30/1967 Robert H Lawrence names 1st black astronaut
06/30/1968 E German party leader Ulbricht receives 'Order of October Revolution

06/30/1968 Gaullisten win French parliamentary election, 358 of 458 chairs
06/30/1969 Derek Clayton of Australia sets Marathon record at 2:08:34
06/30/1969 Spain cedes Ifni to Morocco
06/30/1970 1st baseball game at Cincinnati's Riverfront Stadium
06/30/1970 Brazil beats Italy 4-1 in soccer's 9th World Cup at Mexico City
06/30/1970 T Smirnova discovers asteroid #2139 Makharadze
06/30/1971 Biesheuvel govt forms
06/30/1972 1st leap second day; also 1981, 1982, 1983, 1985
06/30/1972 Cincinnati Reds are 11 games back in NL, & go on to win pennant
06/30/1973 Biggest US tanker 'Brooklyn' christened (230,000 ton)
06/30/1973 Observers aboard Concorde jet observe 72-min solar eclipse
06/30/1975 Bundy victim Shelley Robertson disappears in Colorado
06/30/1975 Cher, just 4 days after divorcing Sonny Bono marries Gregg Allman
06/30/1975 Heavyweight Muhammad Ali KOs Joe Bugner in Malaysia
06/30/1975 U of Calif reports milkyway system 3C123 is 8 billion light years
06/30/1976 John Walker of New Zealand sets record for 2000 m, 4:51.4
06/30/1977 Jimmy Carter cans B-1A bomber later 'B-1's the B-52'
06/30/1977 Marvel Comics publish 'Kiss book' tributing rock group Kiss
06/30/1977 US Railway Post Office final train run (NY to Wash DC)
06/30/1977 Yankee DH Cliff Johnson hit 3 consecutive HRs in Toronto
06/30/1978 English prince Michael marries baroness Marie-Christine von Reibnitz

06/30/1978 Larry Doby becomes manager of Chicago White Sox
06/30/1978 Willie McCovey becomes 12th to hit 500 HRs
06/30/1979 Johnny Rotten & Joan Collins appear together on BBC's Juke Box Jury
06/30/1980 West German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt visits Moscow
06/30/1981 China's Communist Party condemns late Mao Tse-tung's policy
06/30/1982 Federal Equal Rights Amendment fails 3 states short of ratification
06/30/1982 Orbiter Challenger (OV-099) rolled out at Palmdale
06/30/1984 Failed coup by cocaine growers in Bolivia
06/30/1984 Last sixpence minted in Great-Britain (in use since 1551)
06/30/1985 39 remaining hostages from Flight 847 are freed in Beirut
06/30/1985 LA Dodger Pedro Gonzalez sets NL record of 15 HRs in June
06/30/1986 Georgia sodomy law upheld by Supreme Court (5-4)
06/30/1987 Patrik Sjoberg of Sweden set a new world record in high jump
06/30/1988 Brooklyn dedicates a bus depot honoring Jackie Gleason
06/30/1989 Attorney General Thornburgh orders Joseph Doherty deported to UK
06/30/1989 Congressman Lukins found guilty of having sex with a 16 year old gir

06/30/1989 NASA closes down tracking stations in Santiago, Chile & Guam
06/30/1989 NY State Legislature passes Staten Island seccession bill
06/30/1989 Sudan suspends interim constitution following coup
06/30/1992 1st pay bathroom in US opens: 25› (NYC)
06/30/1992 Actress Cecil Hoffman (Zoe-LA Law) marries Paul Slye
06/30/1992 Fidel Ramos installed as president of Philippines
06/30/1992 NHL decides Eric Lindross goes to Flyers instead of Rangers
06/30/1992 Total solar eclipse in Uruguay (5m21s)
06/30/1994 Airbus A330 crash at Toulouse France (7 killed)
06/30/1994 Pre-trial hearings open in LA against OJ Simpson
06/30/1994 US Ice Skating Federation bars Tonya Harding for life

Robert Wolfe

Jul 1, 2021, 7:40:18 AM7/1/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


07/01/1381 Laurentius Justitianus, [Lorenzo Giustiniani], saint
07/01/1506 Louis II, king of Hungary/Bohemia (1516-26)
07/01/1511 Hadrianus Junius, [Adriaen de Jonghe], medical/historian/humanist
07/01/1534 Frederik II, King of Denmark/Norway (1559-88)
07/01/1560 Charles van Croś, prince of Chimay/duke of Aarschot
07/01/1586 Claudio Saracini, composer
07/01/1646 G W Leibniz, German mathematician/philosopher; postulated monads
07/01/1663 Franz Xaver Murschhauser, composer
07/01/1688 Johann Ludwig Steiner, composer
07/01/1735 James Lyon, composer
07/01/1742 Georg C Lichtenberg, German physicist/writer (types of Lichtenberg)
07/01/1764 Georg Chistoph Grosheim, composer
07/01/1788 Jean-Victor Poncelet, mathematician, founded projective geometry
07/01/1802 Gideon Welles, Secy Navy (Union), died in 1878
07/01/1804 George Sand, France, novelist (Valentine, Le Figaro)
07/01/1807 Thomas Green Clemson, mining engineer, endowed Clemson University
07/01/1810 Walter White, secretary (NAACP)
07/01/1812 Willem J d'Ablaing van Giessenburg, genealogist/heraldicus
07/01/1833 Alfred Thomas Archimedes Torbert, Bvt Major General (Union Army)
07/01/1840 Robert S Ball, Irish mathematician/astronomer
07/01/1844 Verney L Cameroon, English explorer (Tanganyika)
07/01/1857 Roger Connor, 1st baseman (NY Giants)
07/01/1861 Samuel D Riddle, horse owner (Man 'o War)
07/01/1872 Louis Blériot, 1st man to fly an airplane across English Channel
07/01/1879 Léon Jouhaux, France, socialist/co-founder UN's ILO (Nobel 1951)
07/01/1881 Piet[er] L Kramer, architect (Amsterdam School)
07/01/1887 Charles D Brown, actor (Barefoot Boy, Disbarred, Night Editor)
07/01/1892 James M Cain, Minneapolis Mn, novelist (Postman Always Rings Twice)
07/01/1892 Jean Lurçat, French painter
07/01/1893 Walter Francis White, Atlanta Georgia
07/01/1898 André-Marie Charue, bishop of Namen Belgium
07/01/1899 Charles Laughton, England, actor (Mutiny on Bounty, Spartacus)
07/01/1899 Henry 'Indiana' Jones Jr, fictional character 'Indiana Jones'
07/01/1899 Konstantśn Tsatsos, president Greece
07/01/1901 Irna Phillips, Chicago, created 6 soap operas (Guiding Light)
07/01/1902 Billy Wyler, director (Ben Hur, Mrs Miniver)
07/01/1902 José Luis Sert, Spanish/US architect
07/01/1903 Amy Johnson, British pilot
07/01/1903 Beatrix Lehmann, actress (Candles at Nine, Staircase)
07/01/1906 Edward Lansing Gordon Jr, Jackson Miss, long jumper (Olympic-gold-32

07/01/1907 Bill Stern, Rochester NY, sportscaster (Saturday Night Fights)
07/01/1908 Estee Lauder, CEO (Estee Lauder's cosmetics)
07/01/1908 Paul Hardy, Belgian writer (Best of Painted Furniture)
07/01/1908 Peter Anders, German opera singer
07/01/1909 Madge Evans, Manhattan NYC, TV panelist (Masquerade Party)
07/01/1911 Alvino Rey, Cleve Ohio, orch leader (King Family)
07/01/1912 Ahmad H al-Bakr, Iraqi field marshal/president/premier
07/01/1912 David Brower, environmentalist/president Sierra Club
07/01/1914 Cristyl Cranz, Germany, slalom (Olympic-gold-1936)
07/01/1915 Jean Stafford, US writer (Boston Adventure, Lion & Carpenter)
07/01/1915 Willie Dixon, Vicksburg Miss, bassist (Walkin' the Blues)
07/01/1916 Olivia de Havilland, Tokyo Japan, actress (Adventures of Robin Hood)

07/01/1919 Hans Bender, German poet
07/01/1921 Seretse Khama, 1st premier/president of Botswana (Bechuanaland)
07/01/1925 Farley Granger, actor (Arnold, Rope, Deathmask)
07/01/1926 Hans Werner Henze, Güttersloh Germany, composer (Das Floss Medusa)
07/01/1927 Hans Eklund, composer
07/01/1928 Constance Ford, US actress (Cabinet of Calgary, Ada-Another World)
07/01/1928 Volker Wangenheim, composer
07/01/1929 Gerald M Edelman, US biochemist (Nobel 1972)
07/01/1930 Andreas JAI Bruggeman, mayor of Ship bell/Village leader
07/01/1930 Imelda Marcos, former 1st lady (Philipines)/shoe collector
07/01/1931 Leslie Caron, Boulogne-Biliancourt France, actr (Lili, Father Goose)

07/01/1932 Bobby Day, [Robert Byrd), Fort Worth Tx, rock vocalist (Rockin' Robi

07/01/1933 Frank Baumann, baseball player
07/01/1933 Peter Walwyn, British race horse trainer
07/01/1934 Claude Berri, Paris France, director (Le Sex Shop, L'Homme Blesse)
07/01/1934 Jamie Farr, Toledo Oh, actor (Klinger-M*A*S*H, AfterMASH)
07/01/1934 Jean Marsh, London England, actress (Dark Places, Eagle has Landed)
07/01/1934 Sydney Pollack, director (Tootsie, Presumed Innocent)
07/01/1937 Ebrahim I Ebrahim, South African ANC'er/Umkhonto we Sizwe-leader
07/01/1939 Charles Hatcher, (Rep-D-GA, 1981- )
07/01/1939 Delaney Bramlett, Okla, rocker (Shindogs, Delaney & Bonnie)
07/01/1940 Kenneth Clarke, British minister
07/01/1941 John Gould, British composer/musical comic
07/01/1941 Rod Gilbert, Canada, NHL wing (NY Rangers)
07/01/1941 Sally Quinn, Georgia, CBS newscaster (Morning Show)
07/01/1941 Twyla Tharp, Indiana, choreographer (Twyla Tharp Dance Troupe)
07/01/1942 Genevieve Bujold, Montréal, actress (King of Hearts, Choose Me)
07/01/1942 Karen Black, Park Ridge Ill, (5 Easy Pieces, Trilogy of Horror, Pyx)

07/01/1942 William Carney, (Rep-R-NY, 1979-86)
07/01/1945 Deborah Harry, Miami Fla, singer (Blondie-Heart of Glass)
07/01/1946 June Montiero, US singer (Toys-A Lover's Concerto)
07/01/1946 Ron Silver, NYC, actor (Gary-Rhoda, Entity, Silkwood, Best Friends)
07/01/1951 Daryl Anderson, Seattle, actor (Animal-Lou Grant)
07/01/1951 Fred Schneider, vocals/guitarist (B-52's-Rock Lobster)
07/01/1951 Trevor Eve, Wales, actor (Shadow Chasers)
07/01/1952 Dan Aykroyd, Ottawa Canada, comedian/actor (SNL, Dragnet)
07/01/1955 Keith Whitley, Sandy Hook Ky, country singer (Don't Close Your Eyes)

07/01/1956 Lorna Patterson, Whittier Calif, actress (Airplane, Pvt Benjamin)
07/01/1958 Nancy Lieberman, Bkln NY, basketball player (Olympic-silver-1976)
07/01/1960 Evelyn 'Champagne' King, Bronx NY, singer (Shame, I'm In Love)
07/01/1961 Diana Frances Spencer, Sandringham England, Princess of Wales
07/01/1961 [Fred] Carlton Lewis, Birmingham Al, track star (Oly-gold-84, 88, 92

07/01/1964 Poi Burton, rocker (Transvision Vamp-Velveteen)
07/01/1967 Pamela Anderson, Ladysmith BC, playmate (Feb, 1990) (Home Improvemen


07/01/1378 Jan I V van Arkel, bishop of Utrecht/Luik, dies
07/01/1589 Christophe Plantin, French/Belgian book publisher, dies
07/01/1592 Marc A Ingegneri, Italian violinist/composer (Responsoria), dies
07/01/1627 Nathaniel Bacon, English painter, dies at 41
07/01/1662 Simon Ives, composer, dies at 61
07/01/1691 Marc'Antonio Pasqualini, composer, dies at 77
07/01/1723 Willem van de Pose, gov of Cape Colony (1699-1797), dies at about 59

07/01/1742 Bohuslav Matej Czernohorsky, Czech monk/composer, dies at 58
07/01/1776 Francis Salvador, 1st Jew to die in American Revolutionary War
07/01/1784 Wilhelm Friedmann Bach, composer (Sinfonias 64), dies at 73
07/01/1805 Georg Ritschel, composer, dies at 60
07/01/1839 Mahmud II, sultan of Turkey (1808-39), dies at 53
07/01/1847 George F Kersting, German painter, dies at 61
07/01/1863 John Fulton Reynolds, Union general-major, dies in battle at 42
07/01/1883 Manuel Gregorio Tavarez, composer, dies at 39
07/01/1885 Hermann von Fehling, German chemist (Fehling's reagens), dies at 73
07/01/1894 Julius PJA van Nyevelt, Dutch min of Foreign affairs, dies at 77
07/01/1910 Marius Petipa, Fren ballet dancer/choreographer (Casse-noisette), di

07/01/1922 Giovanni Verga, Italian writer (I mala voglia), dies
07/01/1925 Erik Alfred Leslie Satie, French composer (Dreamy Fish), dies at 59
07/01/1925 John P Veth, painter/etcher/lithographer/art historian, dies
07/01/1939 Louis Davids [Simon David], cabaret performer/chorus performer, dies

07/01/1943 Auguste Reitsma, Dutch resistance fighter (census director), execute

07/01/1943 C Bakker, Dutch resistance fighter (census bureau), executed
07/01/1943 C L Barentsen, Dutch resistance fighter (census bureau), executed
07/01/1943 Coos Hartogh, Dutch resistance fighter (census bureau), executed
07/01/1943 Cor Roos, Dutch resistance fighter (census bureau), executed
07/01/1943 Henri Halberstadt, Dutch resistance fighter (census dir), executed
07/01/1943 Johan Brouwer, hispanist/writer/Dutch resistance fighter, executed
07/01/1943 Karl Gröger, Dutch resistance fighter (census bureau), executed
07/01/1943 Koen Limperg, Dutch resistance fighter (census bureau), executed
07/01/1943 Sam Bloemgarten, Dutch resistance fighter (census bureau), executed
07/01/1943 Willem Arondeus, Dutch resistance fighter (census bureau), executed
07/01/1943 Willem Brouwer, Dutch resistance fighter (census bureau), executed
07/01/1947 Clarence Lucas, composer, dies at 80
07/01/1949 Louis Davids, [Simon David], cabaret artist, dies at 65
07/01/1950 Edward Faber Schneider, composer, dies at 77
07/01/1950 Eliel Saarinen, Fins/US architect (Chicago Trib building, dies at 76

07/01/1953 Azzedine Bey, Tunisian heir to the throne, murdered
07/01/1953 Jacob D du Toit [Totius], South African poet/theologist, dies
07/01/1958 Apie [Adrian P] Prince, writer (I go my eige job), dies
07/01/1958 Harry Nicholls Holmes, Dr (crystallized vitamin A), dies at 78
07/01/1958 Rudolf von Laban, Czech/German choeographer (modern dance), dies
07/01/1963 Camille Chautemps, premier France, dies
07/01/1964 Pierre Monteux, French/US conductor: Concert worker, dies at 89
07/01/1965 Claude Thornhill, composer, dies at 55
07/01/1968 Virginia Weidler, actress (All This & Heaven Too), dies at 42
07/01/1973 Mario La Broca, composer, dies at 76
07/01/1974 Juan D Perón, president of Argentina (1946-55, 73-74), dies at 78
07/01/1979 Richard Ward, actor (Beacon Hill), dies at 64
07/01/1980 Charles Percy Snow, British writer (Friends & Associates), dies at 7

07/01/1981 George Voskovec, actor (Fred-Nero Wolfe, Peter-Skag), dies at 76
07/01/1982 John Everett Watts, composer, dies at 51
07/01/1982 Shon Coco Palm, [Jacobo JM Palm], Curaçan, composer, dies
07/01/1982 Vera [A Veronica] Bondam, [Veronica], actress, dies at 86
07/01/1983 R Buckminster Fuller, inventor/philosopher, dies in LA at 87
07/01/1986 Roy Poole, actor (Winds of War), dies at 62
07/01/1988 Hellmuth Christian Wolff, composer, dies at 82
07/01/1988 Lex van Delden, composer/writer, dies at 68
07/01/1989 William Ching, actor (Moonlighter, Terror in Haunted House), dies
07/01/1990 Anna Palk, actress (Play it Cool, Frozen Dead), dies
07/01/1990 Jurriaan Schrofer, graphic designer, dies
07/01/1991 Joost Baljeu, painter/founder-editor Structure, dies
07/01/1991 Michael Landon, actor (Bonanza), dies at 54 of cancer
07/01/1992 Franco Cristaldi, Italian producer (Amarcord), dies

Significant Events:

07/01/ 69 Bataafs nobleman Gaius Julius Civilis proclaimed emperor of Syria
07/01/ 649 Pope Martinus I elected to succeed Theodore I
07/01/1097 1st Crusaders defeat Sultan Kilidj Arslan of Nicea
07/01/1233 Earl Otto II van Gelre grants Arnhem state justice
07/01/1252 King Alfonso X 'el Sabio' of Castilië/León crowned
07/01/1253 Battle at Westkapelle-Floris the Guardian beats Gwśde van Dampierre
07/01/1347 Engagement of Count Louis of Male to Margaretha to daughter of Jan I

07/01/1390 French & Genuese armada sails out against barbarian pirates
07/01/1517 Inquisitor Adrian Boeyens (pope Adrianus VI) becomes cardinal
07/01/1535 Sir Thomas More went on trial in England charged with treason
07/01/1656 1st Quakers (Mary Fisher/Ann Austin) arrives in Boston (arrested)
07/01/1689 Matsuo Basho, zen poet, leaves for 150 days journey on Honshu Japan
07/01/1690 Battle of Colors: French beats Spanish/Dutch army
07/01/1747 Battle at Lafeld: France beat English/Dutch army
07/01/1776 1st vote on Declaration of Independence
07/01/1795 John Rutledge becomes 2nd chief justice of Supreme Court
07/01/1797 Napoleons fleet reaches Alexandria Egypt
07/01/1810 Louis Napoleon resigns as king of the Netherlands
07/01/1816 Fr frigate Medusa wrecked; basis of Géricault's 'Raft of the Medusa'

07/01/1820 1st edition of newspaper 'Courrier de la Meuse' published'
07/01/1823 United Provinces of Central America gain independence from Mexico
07/01/1847 1st US postage stamps go on sale, 5Ť Franklin & 10Ť Washington, NYC
07/01/1847 Amateur astronomer M Hencke discovers 2nd asteroid Hebe
07/01/1847 K L Hencke discovers asteroid #6 Hebe
07/01/1850 At least 626 ships lie at anchor around SF Bay
07/01/1859 1st intercollegiate baseball game, Amherst beats Williams 66-32
07/01/1859 Balloon covers a record 809 miles over St Louis
07/01/1861 1st public schoolhouse opens at Washington & Mason St, SF
07/01/1861 War Dept decrees the KA & TN are to be canvassed for volunteers
07/01/1862 Battle at Booneville Mississippi: Confed superior power driven out
07/01/1862 Battle of Malvern Hill, VA (Harrison's Landing, Crew's Farm)
07/01/1862 Congress outlaws polygamy (1st time); bad news for Utah
07/01/1862 Day 7 of 7 Days-Battle of Malvern Hill
07/01/1862 Lincoln appoints Isaac Newton sec of agriculture-no kidding!
07/01/1863 -2] Battle at Baltimore: Crump's Crossroads Virginia
07/01/1863 Battle of Gettysburg, Pa; Lee's northward advance halted
07/01/1863 Free city delivery of mail begins in 49 US cities; postage 3Ť/ź oz
07/01/1863 Slavery abolished in Suriname & Netherlands Antilles
07/01/1864 Battle of Petersburg, VA [->JUL 31] -front US3695 CS---
07/01/1867 Dominion of Canada forms (New Bruns, Nova Scotia, Ontario & Québec)
07/01/1869 Dutch newspaper stamp tax repealed
07/01/1869 US mint at Carson City, Nevada opens
07/01/1870 James W Smith of SC is 1st black to enter West Point
07/01/1873 Henry Flipper of Ga is 2nd black to enter West Point
07/01/1873 Prince Edward Island becomes 7th Canadian province
07/01/1874 1st US kidnapping for ransom, 4-year-old Charles Ross, $20,000
07/01/1874 First Chamber accept law against child labor
07/01/1875 Universal Postal Union established
07/01/1877 1st edition of 'Amsterdammer' published
07/01/1878 Treaty of Berlin
07/01/1881 1st international telephone conversation, Calais, ME-St Stephen, NB
07/01/1881 US Assay Office in St Louis, Missouri opens
07/01/1883 ANWB forms in Utrecht
07/01/1884 V Knorre discovers asteroid #238 Hypatia
07/01/1889 Frederick Douglass named Minister to Haiti
07/01/1889 US mint at Carson City, Nevada reopens
07/01/1893 SF Bay City Club opens 1st US bicycle race track, made of wood
07/01/1896 Harbor of Ymuiden opens
07/01/1897 Bronx acquires Hutton Square
07/01/1898 Teddy Roosevelt & his Rough Riders charge up San Juan Hill
07/01/1899 Gideon Society established to place bibles in hotels
07/01/1899 SF City Hall turned over to city, after 29 years of building
07/01/1902 Start of Sherlock Holmes 'Disappearance of Lady Frances Carfax' (BG)

07/01/1903 1st Tour de France bicycle race begins
07/01/1904 3rd modern Olympic games opens in St Louis
07/01/1910 Chicago's Comiskey Park opens
07/01/1910 Union of South Africa becomes a dominion
07/01/1911 German boat Panther nears for Agadir Morocco
07/01/1913 Serbia & Greece declare war on Bulgaria
07/01/1915 Australia begins Commonwealth Lighthouse Service
07/01/1915 Australian Survey Corps becomes part of Military Forces
07/01/1916 Battle on the Somme: British 4th Army walks to German lines
07/01/1916 British court martial (Easter uprising)
07/01/1916 Eisenhower marries Mary `Mamie' Geneva Doud in Denver Colo
07/01/1916 General Douglas Haig: 'The one are in splendid spirits'
07/01/1917 257cm-mirror for Mount Wilson Observatory mounted
07/01/1917 Race riots in East St Louis Illinois (40 to 200 reported killed)
07/01/1917 Reds Fred Toney pitches completes doubleheader victories over Pirate

07/01/1919 1st class postage drops from 3Ť to 2Ť
07/01/1920 Wash Senator Walter Johnson no-hits Boston Red Sox, 1-0
07/01/1923 1st permanent radio network-AT&T (WEAF NY & WMAF Mass)
07/01/1924 Light Brigade established
07/01/1924 Through regular transcontinental airmail service established, NYC-SF

07/01/1925 NY Giant Hack Wilson hits 2 HRs in 3rd inning beating Phillies, 16-7

07/01/1925 SDAP wins 4 chairs in Second-Parliamentary election
07/01/1925 Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs created in UK
07/01/1929 US Immigration law of 1924 in effect
07/01/1930 Great-Britain signs accord for Independence of Iraq
07/01/1931 Ice vending machines introduced in LA 25 lbs, 15Ť
07/01/1931 Phillies Chuck Klein hits for cycle vs Chicago Cubs
07/01/1931 Trans African Railway in use (Benguela, Angola-Jadotville, Congo)
07/01/1932 Helen Moody wins Wimbeldon
07/01/1932 NY Gov FDR nominated for president at Dem Convention in Chicago
07/01/1933 G Neujmin discovers asteroid #1590 Tsiolkovskaja
07/01/1933 German nazi regime decides married women shouldn't work
07/01/1934 1st x-ray photo of entire body, Rochester, NY
07/01/1935 General Neth Persbureau (ANP) forms in Amsterdam
07/01/1936 AVRO-studio in Hilversum opens
07/01/1936 Watchfulness Committee forms in Amsterdam
07/01/1937 Rev Martin Niemöller (Bekennende Kirche) arrested in Germany
07/01/1937 Spanish bishops support Franco & fascists
07/01/1938 J Donald Budge wins Wimbledon tennis championship
07/01/1940 Australia refuses entry to Dutch Jewish refugees
07/01/1941 1st coml TV licenses granted-W2XBS-WNBT (NBC) & WCBW (CBS), NYC
07/01/1941 Bulova Watch Co pays $9 for 1st ever network TV commercial
07/01/1941 Joe Dimaggio on way to 56, ties Willie Keeler's 44 game hit streak
07/01/1941 WCBW (now WCBS) TV channel 2 in NY, NY (CBS) begins broadcasting
07/01/1941 WNBT TV (W2XBS, Now WNBC) channel 4 in NYC (NBC) begins broadcasting

07/01/1942 German troops conquer Sebastopol
07/01/1943 1st withholding tax from paychecks
07/01/1944 Bretton Woods Conference starts, establishing IMF & World Bank
07/01/1944 Earl Claus von Stauffenberg promoted to colonel
07/01/1945 Allies troop land on Balikpapan
07/01/1946 Rajah cedes Sarawak to British crown
07/01/1946 US drops atom bomb on Bikini atoll (4th atomic explosion)
07/01/1947 Brit Dominion Affairs office becomes Commonwealth Relations office
07/01/1948 NYC subway fare goes to 10Ť, bus fare to 7Ť & combo fare at 12Ť
07/01/1949 Bao Dai's Republic of Vietnam gains independence from France
07/01/1949 Ted Schroeder wins Wimbledon
07/01/1949 WBRC TV channel 6 in Birmingham, AL (ABC) begins broadcasting
07/01/1949 WCCO TV channel 4 in Minneapolis-St Paul, MN (CBS) begins broadcasti

07/01/1950 1st US ground troops in Korea
07/01/1950 NYC bus fare rises to 10Ť equal to subway fare, combo fare at 15Ť
07/01/1950 WHBF TV channel 4 in Rock Island, IL (CBS) begins broadcasting
07/01/1951 Cleve Indian Bob Feller, 3rd no-hitter beats Det Tigers, 2-1
07/01/1953 KLAS TV channel 8 in Las Vegas, NV (CBS) begins broadcasting
07/01/1953 KTVH (now KWCH) TV channel 12 in Hutchinson-Wichita, KS (CBS) begins

07/01/1953 KWCH TV channel 12 in Hutchinson-Wichita, KS (CBS) begins broadcasti

07/01/1954 WDBO (now WCPX) TV channel 6 in Orlando, FL (CBS) begins broadcastin

07/01/1955 KOTA TV channel 3 in Rapid City, SD (ABC/NBC) begins broadcasting
07/01/1955 Tony Trabert wins Wimbledon
07/01/1956 Elvis Presley wearing a tuxedo appears on Steve Allen Show
07/01/1956 Ibrahim Hashiroe succeeds Said el-Moefti as premier of Jordan
07/01/1957 International Geophysisal Year begins (until Dec 31, 1958)
07/01/1957 WRLP TV channel 32 in Greenfield/Keene/Brat, MA (IND) 1st broadcast
07/01/1959 Heinrich Lübke elected pres of West-Germany
07/01/1959 Israeli Knesseth agress to weapon sales to West-Germany
07/01/1959 WVTV TV channel 18 in Milwaukee, WI (IND) begins broadcasting
07/01/1959 World Refugee Year begins
07/01/1960 British Somaliland becomes Somalia
07/01/1960 Fidel Castro nationalizes Esso, Shell & Texaco in Cuba
07/01/1960 Ghana becomes a republic
07/01/1960 Italian Somaliland gains independence, unites with Somali Republic
07/01/1960 No passports needed inside Benelux
07/01/1960 USSR shoots down US RB-47 reconnaissance plane
07/01/1961 Haleakala National Park established in Hawaii
07/01/1961 KNDU TV channel 25 in Richland-Pasco-Kennew, WA (NBC) 1st broadcast
07/01/1961 Mickey Wright beats Betsy Rawls to win US Women's Golf Open
07/01/1962 Algeria agrees to independence
07/01/1962 Burundi & Rwanda gain independence from Belgium (National Days)
07/01/1963 Beatles record 'She Loves You' & 'I'll Get You'
07/01/1963 Pres Kennedy arrives in Rome
07/01/1963 US postal service institutes (Zone Improvement Plan) zip code
07/01/1965 KUID TV channel 12 in Moscow, ID (PBS) begins broadcasting
07/01/1965 Kinderstraf trial starts
07/01/1966 Construction crews begin tearing up Market St to build BART
07/01/1966 Explorer 33 launched
07/01/1966 Medicare goes into effect
07/01/1967 BBC starts their World Radio Club
07/01/1967 Beatles' 'Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band,' goes #1 for 15 wee

07/01/1968 John Lennon's 1st full art exhibition (You are Here)
07/01/1968 US, Britain, USSR & 58 nations sign Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty
07/01/1969 Charles Philip Arthur George invested as Prince of Wales
07/01/1969 John & Yoko are hospitilized after a car crash
07/01/1971 British & Argentina sign accord about Falkland Islands
07/01/1971 Golden Gate Bridge paid for (so why is there still a toll?)
07/01/1972 Ms. magazine begins publishing
07/01/1973 1st US-China basketball game, US collegiates beats Shanghai 96-61
07/01/1974 General Pinochet becomes president of Chile
07/01/1974 Isabel Perón succeeds husband Juan as pres of Argentina
07/01/1974 Monmouthshire renamed Gwent & becomes part of Wales
07/01/1975 Felix Aguilar Observatory discovers asteroid #2680
07/01/1975 WEDway People Mover inaugurated
07/01/1976 Kenneth Gibson, is 1st black president of US Conference of Mayors
07/01/1977 Virginia Wade beats Betty Stove for Wimbledon's woman's singles
07/01/1978 Former Pres Nixon makes 1st public speech since resigning in 1974
07/01/1978 Northern Territory of Australia becomes self-governing
07/01/1979 Stampede Pass, Washington is covered with 6' of snow
07/01/1980 Steve Overt runs world record 3:48.8 mile in Oslo
07/01/1981 Laurel Canyon Calif murders (4 die, 1 wounded)
07/01/1981 Prince Willem Alexander opens Willems Bridge in Rotterdam
07/01/1981 Radio Shack 3rd release of Model III TRSDOS 1.3
07/01/1982 2,100 Unification church couples wed in NYC
07/01/1982 ABC national music radio network scheduled premiere (never happened)

07/01/1982 Challenger moves overland to Dryden
07/01/1982 General Reynaldo Bignone sworn in as president of Argentina
07/01/1982 Kosmos 1383, 1st search & rescue satellite, launched
07/01/1982 Over 2000 Unification Church couples marry at NY MSG
07/01/1987 Bork nominated to Supreme Court, rejected in Oct by senate
07/01/1987 NYC radio station WFAN-AM becomes 1st 24 hour all sports radio
07/01/1989 Hugh Hefner (Playboy editor) weds playmate Kimberly Conrad
07/01/1989 NFL owners vote unanimously to form WLAF
07/01/1989 Playboy publisher Hugh Hefner marries Playmate Kimberly Conrad
07/01/1990 1st Zen winter session in Sydney Zen Center's Gorrick's Run Zendo
07/01/1990 Despite Andy Hawkins no-hitting White Sox, Yankees lose 4-0
07/01/1990 German Democratic Republic accepts Deutsche Mark as its currency
07/01/1990 In Victoria, Australia, helmetless bike riding becomes illegal
07/01/1992 6.6 earthquake in Big Bear Valley of Los Angeles
07/01/1992 Ali Kafi becomes president of Algeria
07/01/1992 Fox broadcasting adds Wednesday night TV programming
07/01/1993 1 second is added to the clock
07/01/1993 Russian manned space craft TM-17, launches into orbit
07/01/1993 STS-57 (Endeavour) lands
07/01/1994 Fokker's-28 crashes at Tidjikja, Mauritania (94 killed)
07/01/1994 Roman Herzog sworn in as German president
07/01/1994 Yassar Arafat returns to Gaza strip
07/01/1997 UK returns Hong Kong to China

Robert Wolfe

Jul 2, 2021, 7:40:15 AM7/2/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


07/02/ 419 Valentinian III, Roman emperor (425-55)
07/02/1489 Thomas Cranmer, England, archbishop/reformer/martyr
07/02/1581 Johann Staden, composer
07/02/1589 Guillaume van Messaus, composer
07/02/1636 Daniel Speer, composer
07/02/1644 Abraham a Santa Clara, [Johann Megerle), German prime minister
07/02/1652 Guillielmus 'Willem' Kerricx, Flemish sculptor (Rozenkrans)
07/02/1714 Christoph W Ritter von Gluck, Austria composer (Il there pastore)
07/02/1737 Francois Leonard Rouwyzer, composer
07/02/1746 Hardenack Otto Conrad Zinck, composer
07/02/1756 Christian G K”rner, German lawyer/father of Karl
07/02/1763 Peter Ritter, composer
07/02/1793 Antoine Prumier, composer
07/02/1810 Robert Augustus Toombs, Secy State (Confederacy), died in 1885
07/02/1814 Atale Therese Annette Wartel, composer
07/02/1821 Charles Tupper, (C) 6th Canadian PM (1896)
07/02/1822 Douglas Strutt Galton, English engineer (rails/trains)
07/02/1830 John Bordenave Villepigue, Brig General (Confederate Army)
07/02/1834 Hendry P G Quack, lawyer/economist/secr Dutch Bank
07/02/1836 Henry Eugene Davies, Major General (Union volunteers), died in 1894
07/02/1847 Marcel Bertrand, French mine engineer (tectonic geology)
07/02/1857 Francesco Spetrino, composer
07/02/1865 Lili Braun, Prussia, feminist/socialist writer (Im Schatten Titanen)

07/02/1867 Herbert Prior, actor (Caught Short, Slave of Desire)
07/02/1876 Wilhelm Cuno, German ship owner/republic chancellor (1922-23)
07/02/1877 Hermann Hesse, Switzerland, novelist/poet (Steppenwolf, Nobel 1946)
07/02/1880 Albert Szirmai, composer
07/02/1884 Otto B”hm, Prussia, scientist (helped create England Radar)
07/02/1887 Marcel Tabuteau, CompiŠgne France, oboist (Phila Orch 1915-54)
07/02/1888 Selman Waksman, Russ/US microbiologist (Nobel 1951)
07/02/1889 Cor Hermus, actor
07/02/1893 August Maes, Flemish actor/director (Shylock-Hamlet)
07/02/1894 Walter Brennan, Swampscott Mass, actor (Real McCoys, At Gun Point)
07/02/1903 Alexander F Douglas-Home, (C) British PM (1963-64)
07/02/1903 Olav AFEC of Sleesw˜k-Holstein-S-G, King Olav V of Norway (1957- )
07/02/1904 Carl Weinrich, composer
07/02/1904 Gerarda 'Meik' Rueter, sculptor
07/02/1905 Jean-Rene Lacoste, France, tennis champ/alligator shirt designer
07/02/1906 Alan Webb, actor (King Lear, Taming of Shrew, Challenge of Lassie)
07/02/1906 Hans Bethe, physicist (Nobel 1967), peace worker
07/02/1906 Robert Levine Sanders, composer
07/02/1907 Eppo Doeve, cartoonist/painter
07/02/1908 Thurgood Marshall, Md, 1st black Supreme Court justice (1967-91)
07/02/1909 Hermann Bengtson, German historian (Greeks Ancient Times)
07/02/1910 Earl Hawley Robinson, composer
07/02/1910 Hans G nther Adler, German writer
07/02/1910 William Douglas Denny, composer
07/02/1911 Diego Fabbri, Italian, playwright/leader Vatican movie studio
07/02/1914 Frederick Fennell, Cleveland Ohio, conductor (Time & Winds)
07/02/1915 Bert Decorte, Flemish poet
07/02/1916 Barry Gray, radio personality (started call-in radio)
07/02/1916 Ken Curtis, Lamar Colo, actor (Ripcord, Festus-Gunsmoke)
07/02/1917 Pierre Dubois, literary
07/02/1919 Johnny Bradford, Long Branch NJ, actor (Ransom Sherman Show)
07/02/1922 Dan Rowan, Beggs Okla, comedian (Rowan & Martin's Laugh-in)
07/02/1922 Genrikh Matusovich Vagner, composer
07/02/1924 Rick Besoyan, composer
07/02/1925 Marvin Rainwater, Wichita Ks, country singer (Ozark Jubilee)
07/02/1925 Patrice E Lumumba, Zaire, revolutionary/1st premier of Congo
07/02/1925 Yasushi Akutagawa, composer
07/02/1926 Lee Allen, Pittsburg, Ks, tenor sax (Walkin' With Mr Lee)
07/02/1927 Brock Peters, actor/singer (Carmen Jones, To Kill a Mockingbird)
07/02/1927 Cornelius 'Kees' Broekman, Holland, speed skater (Olympic-silver-195

07/02/1927 Jerome Meyer, horse trainer
07/02/1928 Estelita Rodriguez, actress (Cuban Fireball, Havana Rose)
07/02/1928 Pavel Kohout, Czech, author (Poor Murderer)
07/02/1930 Carlos Sa£l Menem, president of Argentinia (1989- )
07/02/1931 Robert Ito, Vancouver BC, actor (Sam-Quincy ME)
07/02/1932 Sammy Turner, Paterson NJ, vocalist (Lavender Blue)
07/02/1933 David Benjamin Lewin, composer
07/02/1935 Dick Dolman, economist/Dutch politician 2nd Chamber
07/02/1935 Gilbert Kalish, Brooklyn NY, pianist/professor (SUNY Stony Brook)
07/02/1937 Dick Berardino, baseball player
07/02/1937 Polly Holliday, Jasper Ala, actress (Flo-Alice, Flo-Flo)
07/02/1937 Richard Petty, auto race driver (Daytona 500-1979,81)
07/02/1939 John H Sununu, US Secretary of State (R, 1989-91)
07/02/1939 M[ichael] A[nthony] Foster, US, sci-fi author (Gameplayers of Zan)
07/02/1939 Michael N Castle, (Rep-R-Delaware)
07/02/1939 Paul Williams, rocker (Temptations-My Girl)
07/02/1940 Georgi Ivan Ivanov, 1st Bulgarian space traveler (Soyuz 33)
07/02/1945 James Orville Fulkerson, composer
07/02/1947 Ervin Hall, Phila, 100m hurdler (Olympic-silver-1968)
07/02/1947 Luci Baines Johnson Nugent Turpin, daughter of Pres LBJ
07/02/1950 Johnny Colla, rocker (Huey Lewis & News-Need a New Drug)
07/02/1952 Linda M Godwin, Cape Girardeau Mo, PhD/astronaut (STS 37, 59)
07/02/1953 Tony Armas, baseball player
07/02/1954 Wendy Schaal, Chicago Ill, actress (It's a Living, Julie-Fantasy Is)

07/02/1956 Jeffrey Cooper, rock guitarist (Midnight Star-No Parking)
07/02/1956 Jerry Hall, Mesquite Tx, model/Mrs Mick Jagger
07/02/1956 Julie Montgomery, KC Mo, actress (Samantha-1 Life to Live, Kindred)
07/02/1957 Mike Anger, rocker (Blow Monkeys-Wicked Ways)
07/02/1959 Hoogie Drexler, jockey
07/02/1959 Wendy B Lawrence, Jacksonville Fla, USN Lt Cmdr/astronaut (sk: STS 6

07/02/1961 Alba Parietti, Torino Italy, actress (Galagoal, Abbronzatissima)
07/02/1961 James McNichol, LA Calif, actor (Fitzpatricks, California Fever)
07/02/1964 Dave Parsons, rocker (Transvision Vamp, Sham 69-That's Life)
07/02/1964 Joe Magrane, baseball player
07/02/1964 Jos‚ Canseco, Havana Cuba, Oakland As (1986 Rookie Year, 1988 AL MVP

07/02/1964 Shannon Ritter, jockey
07/02/1966 Tim Spehr, baseball player
07/02/1967 Debee Ashby, Coventry England, topless model


07/02/ 783 Bert(h)a/Berthrada, mother of Charles the Great, dies
07/02/ 936 Henry I the Vogelaar, German king (919-36)/duke of Saxon 912-36, die

07/02/1298 Adolf van Nassau, RC-German king (1292-98), dies in battle at about

07/02/1504 Stefanus III Bogdanowitsj, ruler of Moldavia (1457-1504), dies
07/02/1566 Nostradamus, [Michel de Nostre-Dam], French astrologist, dies at 62
07/02/1619 Olivier de Serres, French farming pioneer (silkworms), dies
07/02/1644 William Gascoigne, introduced telescopic sights, is killed at 24
07/02/1663 Thomas Selle, composer, dies at 64
07/02/1708 Willem of Nassau, mister of Zuylenstein/lt-gen/baron Enfield, dies
07/02/1778 Jean-Jacques Rousseau, composer, dies at 66
07/02/1794 Franz Xaver Thomas Pokorny, composer, dies at 64
07/02/1798 John Fitch, American inventor, clockmaker, etc, dies
07/02/1822 Denmark Vesey, & 5 aides hanged at Blake's Landing, Charleston, SC
07/02/1861 Peter A de Genestet, vicar/poet, dies at 31
07/02/1863 Stephen Hinsdale Weed, US Union brig-general, dies in battle at 28
07/02/1878 Francois-Emmanuel-Joseph Bazin, composer, dies at 61
07/02/1882 James Garfield, assassinated by 'job-seeker'
07/02/1895 William Rockstro, composer, dies at 72
07/02/1911 Felix Mottl, composer, dies at 54
07/02/1914 Joseph Chamberlain, British minister to Germany, dies at 78
07/02/1915 Gen Porfirio [Jos‚ de la Cruz] Diaz, president Mexico, dies
07/02/1917 Herbert Beerbohm Tree, English actor/director (Hamlet), dies
07/02/1918 Mohammed V Resjad, sultan of Turkey (1909-18), dies
07/02/1926 Emile Cou‚, French pharmacist (recovery by auto suggestion, dies
07/02/1929 Gladys Brockwell, actress (Oliver Twist), dies at 34
07/02/1930 Anders Randolf, actor (Love of Sunya, Dangerous Curves), dies at 59
07/02/1936 Harry Northrup, actor (Who's Knocking at My Door), dies at 60
07/02/1937 Amelia Earhart Putnam, pilot/1st female to fly Atl, presumed dead
07/02/1937 Fred L Noonan, US navigator, disappeared over Pacific Ocean
07/02/1940 Ben[jamin] Turpin, US comic (Saps at Sea, His New Job), dies
07/02/1940 Bertram Shapleigh, composer, dies at 69
07/02/1946 Anthony Overton, publisher/cosmetics manufacturer/banker, dies at 81

07/02/1949 Georgi Dimitrov, Bulgaria premier (1946-49), dies at 67
07/02/1951 Earnest F Sauerbruch, German nazi/surgeon, dies at 75
07/02/1952 Henriette Bosmans, composer, dies at 56
07/02/1961 Ernest Hemingway, author, shot himself to death in Ketchum Id at 61
07/02/1961 Louis-Ferdinand C‚line, writer (Voyage Au Bout de la Nu), dies at 67

07/02/1964 Glenn 'Fireball' Roberts, biggest NASCAR money winner, dies in crash

07/02/1965 Betsy [Theodora E] Ranucci-Beckmann, actress (Klatergoud), dies
07/02/1968 Francis Brennan, US cardinal of Philadelphia, dies at 74
07/02/1970 Jessie Street, Australian civil rights activist, dies
07/02/1971 Edward Ballantine, composer, dies at 84
07/02/1972 Joseph F Smith Jr, leader US mormon chuch, dies at 95
07/02/1973 Betty Grable, US actress (How to Marry a Millionaire), dies at 56
07/02/1973 George Macready, US, actor (Martin Peyton-Peyton Place), dies at 73
07/02/1973 Swede Savage, dies of injuries at Indianapolis 500
07/02/1975 James Robertson Justice, actor (DR at Large, Dr om Love), dies at 70

07/02/1976 Frances Howard, actress (Swan, Shock Punch), dies
07/02/1977 Vladimir V Nabokov, Russian/US writer (Lolita), dies at 78
07/02/1981 Robert Emmett Keane, actor (Rookie Cop, Red Dragon), dies
07/02/1982 Poul Rovsing Olsen, composer, dies at 59
07/02/1984 Ramiro Cortes, composer, dies at 50
07/02/1987 Karl Linnas, accused Nazi, dies of heart failure in Russia
07/02/1987 Michael Bennet, choreographer (Chorus Line), dies of AIDS at 44
07/02/1990 Muntu Myeza, S Afr anti-apartheid activist, dies in auto at 39
07/02/1990 Snooky Lanson, musician, dies
07/02/1991 Lee Remick, actress (Days of Wine & Roses), dies at 55 of cancer
07/02/1992 Borisav Pekic, Servisch writer/politician, dies
07/02/1992 Franco Cristaldi, Italian producer/Claudia Cardinale's husband, dies

07/02/1992 Jose Monje (Camaron de la Isla), Spanish flamenco singer, dies
07/02/1993 Don Drysdale, pitcher (Dodgers), dies at 56 of a heart attack
07/02/1993 Fred Gwynne, actor (Herman-Munsters), dies at 66 of pancreatic cance

07/02/1994 Andres Escobar, Colombia world cup soccer star, shot for losing to U

07/02/1994 Maung Maung, premier of Burma (1988), dies at 69

Significant Events:

07/02/ 311 St Militiades begins his reign as Catholic Pope
07/02/1140 Hartbert becomes bishop of Utrecht
07/02/1214 Battle of La Roche-aux-Moines (Angers)
07/02/1298 Battle on Hasenb hl (G”llheim) between German kings Adolf & Albrecht

07/02/1576 Muitende Spanish soldiers conquer Zierik Sea
07/02/1600 Battle of New Port (Spain vs Prince Maurice)
07/02/1644 Battle of Marston Moor; Parliamentary forces defeat royalists
07/02/1777 Vermont becomes 1st American colony to abolish slavery
07/02/1787 de Sade shouts from Bastille that prisoners are being slaughtered
07/02/1794 2nd Battle of Seneffe: France-Austria
07/02/1808 Simon Fraser completes his trip down Fraser R, BC, lands at Musqueam

07/02/1843 An alligator falls from sky during a Charleston SC thunderstorm
07/02/1847 Envelope bearing 1st US 10› stamps, still exists today
07/02/1849 Garibaldi in Rome begins hunger strike
07/02/1858 Partial emancipation of Russian serfs
07/02/1861 Battle of Hoke's Run, WV - small Union voctory
07/02/1862 Lincoln signs act granting land for state agricultural colleges
07/02/1863 Battle of Gettysburg (2nd day)
07/02/1863 R Morgan's:Burksville, KY to Salineville, OH [->JUL 26]
07/02/1864 GEN Early reaches Winchester en route for Washington DC.
07/02/1864 Gen Early & Confederate forces reach Winchester
07/02/1864 Statuary Hall in US Capitol established
07/02/1867 1st US elevated railroad begins service, NYC
07/02/1881 Pres Garfield shot by Charles J Guiteau a disappointed office-seeker

07/02/1885 Canada's North-west Insurrection ends with surrender of Big Bear
07/02/1890 Sherman Antitrust Act prohibits industrial monopolies
07/02/1894 Government obtains injunction against striking Pullman Workers
07/02/1900 Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin 1st airship LZ-1, flies
07/02/1901 Butch Cassidy & Sundance Kid rob train of $40,000 at Wagner Montana
07/02/1902 John J McGraw becomes manager of NY Giants (stays for 30 years)
07/02/1903 AL/NL batting champ Ed Delahanty, disappears, found dead days later
07/02/1906 Yanks win by forfeit, for their 1st time
07/02/1916 Lenin says Imperialism is caused by capitalism
07/02/1916 Russian offensive in Armenia
07/02/1921 1st million dollar gate ($1.7m) boxing match (Dempsey KOs Carpentier

07/02/1921 Jack Dempsey KOs George Carpentier in NYC
07/02/1926 US Army Air Corps created; Distinguish Flying Cross authorized
07/02/1927 1st American to win Wimbledon in 20 years (Helen Wills Moody)
07/02/1932 FDR makes 1st presidential nominating conventional acceptance speech

07/02/1933 Carl Hubbell shuts-out Cards 1-0 in 18 innings without a walk
07/02/1934 General Laz ro C rdenas lelected president of Mexico
07/02/1935 C Jackson discovers asteroid #1357 Khama
07/02/1935 Great Britain boxers beat US team in 1st intl Golden Gloves
07/02/1937 Amelia Earhart & Fred Noonan disappear over Pacific Ocean
07/02/1937 C Jackson discovers asteroids #1429 Pemba & #1456 Saldanha
07/02/1937 J Donald Budge wins Wimbledon
07/02/1938 Helen Wills Moody (US) wins her 8th & final Wimbledon singles
07/02/1940 Dutch PM Col˜n publishes 'Borders of 2 Worlds' (German victory)
07/02/1940 Lake Washington (Seattle) Floating bridge dedicated
07/02/1941 DiMaggio breaks Willie Keeler's 44 game hitting streak (45th of 56)
07/02/1941 Earthquake hits Palestine
07/02/1941 Nazi mass murder in Lvov/Lemberg (7,000 dead)
07/02/1943 Indians score 12 runs in 4th inning & beat Yankees 12-0
07/02/1943 Lt Charles Hall, becomes 1st black pilot to shoot down Nazi plane
07/02/1944 Marshal von Kluge replaces General von Rundstedt
07/02/1946 Dutch Beel govt forms
07/02/1946 Harbor workers end strike at Rotterdam & Amsterdam
07/02/1947 Military coup discovered in France
07/02/1948 Robert Falkenburg wins Wimbledon
07/02/1949 'Red Barber's Clubhouse' sports show premieres on CBS (later NBC) TV

07/02/1949 Louise Brough wins Wimbledon
07/02/1951 Bob & Ray show premieres on NBC radio
07/02/1951 Island advisor of Cura‡ao installed
07/02/1951 Leidse astronomers discover radio signal out of Milky Way system
07/02/1952 Princess Beatrice opens miniature city of Madurodam
07/02/1952 Zulu-leader Mangosuthu Buthelezi marries Irene Mzila
07/02/1955 'Lawrence Welk Show' premieres on ABC
07/02/1955 Desmond Tutu marries Leah Nomalizo Shinxani
07/02/1955 Louise Brough wins Wimbledon
07/02/1956 Elvis Presley records 'Hound Dog' & 'Don't Be Cruel'
07/02/1957 1st sub powered by liquid metal cooled reactor completed-Seawolf
07/02/1957 1st submarine designed to fire guided missiles launched, Grayback
07/02/1959 'Plan 9 From Outer Space,' one of the worse films ever, premieres
07/02/1959 Prince Albert marries Princess Paola in Brussels
07/02/1961 Maris hits 29th & 30th en route to 61 homers
07/02/1962 Cubans minister of Foreign affairs Ra£l Castro arrives in Moscow
07/02/1962 Fidel Castro visits Moscow
07/02/1964 Cilla Black records Beatle's 'Its For You,' McCartney plays piano
07/02/1964 Civil Rights Bill passes
07/02/1964 Pres Johnson signs Civil Rights Act
07/02/1966 1st France nuclear explosion on Mururoa atoll
07/02/1966 Billie Jean King wins her 1st of 6 Wimbledon single titles
07/02/1969 Leslie West & Felix Pappalardi form rock group Mountain
07/02/1970 1st Boeing 747 to land in Amsterdam & Brussels
07/02/1972 Bob Seagren pole vaults world record 5.63m
07/02/1972 India & Pakistan sign peace accord
07/02/1973 Nation Black Network begins operation on radio
07/02/1974 Fernando Mameda of Portugal sets record for 10,000 m (27:13.81)
07/02/1976 Formal reunification of North & South Vietnam
07/02/1976 Supreme Court ruled death penalty not inherently cruel or unusual
07/02/1977 Sweden's Bj”orn B”rg won Wimbledon men's singles over Jimmy Connors
07/02/1978 Pitcher Ron Guidry sets Yankee record of 13-0 start
07/02/1980 Grateful Dead's Bob Weir & Mickey Hart are arrested for incitement
07/02/1981 L E Gonzalez discovers asteroid #3495 Colchagua
07/02/1982 Larry Walters using lawn chair & 42 helium balloons, rose to 16,000'

07/02/1982 Soyuz T-6 returns to Earth
07/02/1983 John McEnroe wins Wimbledon
07/02/1985 Andrei Gromyko appointed president of USSR
07/02/1985 European Space Agency launches Giotto to Halley's Comet
07/02/1986 General strike against Pinochet regime in Chile
07/02/1986 Supreme Court upheld affirmative action in 2 rulings
07/02/1988 Steffi Graff beats Martina Navratilova for Wimbledon crown
07/02/1990 Imelda Marcos & Adnan Khashoggi found not guilty of racketeering
07/02/1990 Panic in tunnel of Mecca: 1,426 pilgrims trapped
07/02/1991 Riot at Guns N' Roses concert in St Louis
07/02/1992 Braniff Airlines goes out of business
07/02/1993 Boat sinks at Bocaue Philippines, 325 die
07/02/1993 F-28 crashes at Sorong Irian Barat, 41 die
07/02/1993 Kansas Royals rename stadium Ewing Kaufman Stadium after founder
07/02/1993 Moslem fundamentalists in Sivas Turkey, set hotel on fire, kill 36
07/02/1993 NY Met Anthony Young loses a record 25th straight game (goes to 27)
07/02/1994 37 dies in US Air DC-9 crash in NC
07/02/1994 Conchita Martinez beats Martina Navratilova to win Wimbeldon
07/02/1994 US Air DC-9 crash in NC, 37 killed

Robert Wolfe

Jul 3, 2021, 7:40:13 AM7/3/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


07/03/1423 Louis XI, King of France (1461-83)
07/03/1567 Samuel de Champlain, explorer (Lake Champlain)
07/03/1683 Edward Young, English poet (Revenge, Complaint)
07/03/1687 Arnold Hoogvliet, poet (Abraham the patriarch)
07/03/1728 Robert Adam, architect/designer (Adelphi Terrace, London)
07/03/1731 Samuel Huntington, (Gov-Ct), Continental Congress pres
07/03/1738 John Singleton Copley, Mass, finest colonial American artist
07/03/1794 Eberhard F Walcker, German organ builder (Paulskirche Frankfurt)
07/03/1796 Nikoli A Poveloi, Russian writer/publisher (Sotsjinenija) [NS]
07/03/1802 Joseph Labitzky, composer
07/03/1814 Janis Cimze, composer
07/03/1819 Louis Theodore Gouvy, composer
07/03/1828 John Austin Wharton, Major General (Confederate Army), died in 1865
07/03/1846 Achilles Alferaki, composer
07/03/1850 Alfredo Kiel, composer
07/03/1854 Leos Jan cek, Hukvaldy Moravia Czech, composer (Foster Suite)
07/03/1855 Piotr Maszynski, composer
07/03/1860 William Wallace, composer
07/03/1861 Peter Jackson, heavyweight, boxing hall of famer
07/03/1862 Friedrich Ernst Koch, composer
07/03/1870 Richard B Bennett, (C) 11th Canadian PM (1930-35)
07/03/1871 Vicente Arregui Garay, composer
07/03/1872 Habib Ullah Chan, emir of Afghanistam (1901-19)
07/03/1874 Apirana Turupa Ngata, Kawaka NZ, Maori political/cultural leader
07/03/1875 Earnest F Sauerbruch, German nazi/surgeon
07/03/1878 George M Cohan, composer
07/03/1880 Carl Schuricht, composer
07/03/1881 Leon Errol, Australian actor (Ziegfeld Follies, What a Blonde!)
07/03/1883 Alfred Korzybski, Poland, scientist (Science & Sanity)
07/03/1883 Franz Kafka, Czech, author (Metamorphosis, Trial, Amerika)
07/03/1886 Raymond A Spruance, US admiral/fleet commander/ambassador
07/03/1892 Wilhelm Rettich, composer
07/03/1895 Oles' Semyonovich Chishko, composer
07/03/1896 Doris Lloyd, actress (Bachelor Father, Charley's Aunt, Sarah & Son)
07/03/1899 Klimenty Arkad'yevich Korchmaryov, composer
07/03/1899 Otto Reinhold, composer
07/03/1900 John Mason Brown, Louisville Ky, critic (Tonight on Broadway)
07/03/1906 Francis Steegmuller, US, biographer (Cocteau)
07/03/1906 George Sanders, Russia, actor (All About Eve-Academy Award 1950)
07/03/1906 Gwendolen Rees, zoologist
07/03/1907 Arthur Steel, architect (Group '32)
07/03/1907 Gene Gutche, composer
07/03/1909 Earl L Butz, US Secretary of Agriculture (1971-76); a real Butz
07/03/1909 Stavros Niachos, Greece, shippig magnate (Those Fabulous Greeks)
07/03/1910 Bernard Burrows, British diplomat
07/03/1910 Eric Franklin, Indian civil servant
07/03/1912 Edward Jones, North Ireland lord justice of appeals
07/03/1913 Dorothy Kilgallen, Chic Ill, columnist (What's My Line?)
07/03/1913 Hugh MacKenzie, British vice admiral
07/03/1913 William Deakin, warden (St Anthony's College Oxford)
07/03/1918 Lord Mulley, Labour MP
07/03/1920 John Ayers Lessard, composer
07/03/1920 Louise Allbritton, Okla City, actr (Celia-Stage Door, Got a Secret)
07/03/1921 Susan Peters, actress (Random Harvest, Young Ideas)
07/03/1922 Art Fowler, baseball player
07/03/1922 Corneille [Cornelis G of Beverloo], painter (Africa, Antilles)
07/03/1922 Fran‡ois Reichenbach, French director (La douceur du Village)
07/03/1923 Baroness Ryder, of Warsaw & Cavendish, worked for sick & disabled
07/03/1924 Geoffrey Sammons, senior partner (Allen & Overy)
07/03/1925 Michael Oliver, cardiologist
07/03/1925 Tony Curtis, [Bernard Schwartz] Bronx NY, actor (Some Like it Hot)
07/03/1926 Joseph M Gaydos, (Rep-D-PA, 1969- )
07/03/1926 Meyer Kupferman, composer
07/03/1927 Ken Russell, England, director (Tommy, Altered States, Gothic)
07/03/1927 William McMillan, moderator (Gen Assembly of Church of Scotland)
07/03/1928 Evelyn Anthony, English historical novelist (Poellenberg Inheritance

07/03/1928 John Wills, lord-lt of Avon England
07/03/1929 Eustace Gibbs, vice marshal (Diplomatic Corps)
07/03/1930 Carlos Kleiber, Berlin Germany, conductor (Bavarian State Orch 1968)

07/03/1930 Pete Fountain, New Orleans, jazz clarinetist (Lawrence Welk 1957-59)

07/03/1931 Andres Burnier, [Catharina Dessaur], criminologist/author (Jongensuu

07/03/1932 John Waite, British high court judge
07/03/1935 Harrison H 'Jack' Schmitt, Santa Rita NM, astronaut (Apollo 17)
07/03/1935 John Swan, PM (Bermuda)
07/03/1936 Anthony Lester, CEO (Runnymede Trust)
07/03/1937 Tom Stoppard, playwright (Rosencrantz & Guildenstern-1968 Tony)
07/03/1938 David Gandolfo, horse trainer
07/03/1938 Shin Geum Dan, North Korea, 400m/800m runner (1962 world record)
07/03/1939 Jay Tarses, Balt Md, actor/writer (Open All Night, Duck Factory)
07/03/1940 Cesar Tovar, baseball player
07/03/1940 Fontella Bass, St Louis Mo, vocalist (Rescue Me)
07/03/1940 Heather Steel, British judge
07/03/1940 Lance Larson, US, 100m freestyle swimmer (Olympic-silver-1960)
07/03/1941 Gloria Allred, feminist attorney
07/03/1942 Kurtwood Smith, New Lisbon Wisc, actor (Rambo III, Robocop)
07/03/1943 Gary Waldhorn, actor (To the Camp & Back)
07/03/1943 Geraldo Rivera, [Gerry Rivers], NYC, news personality (20/20, Gerald

07/03/1943 Judith Durham, singer
07/03/1943 Norman E Thagard, Marianna Fl, MD/astro (STS 7, 51-B, 30, 42, sk:71)

07/03/1944 Paul Young, actor (Another Time Another Place)
07/03/1945 Iain MacDonald-Smith, England, yachtsman (Olympic-gold-1968)
07/03/1945 Michael Cole, Madison Wisc, actor (Pete-Mod Squad)
07/03/1945 Michael Martin, MP
07/03/1945 Mike Corby, guitarist (Babys-Back on My Feet Again)
07/03/1947 Betty Buckley, Big Springs Tx, actress (Abby-8 is Enough, 1776, Cats

07/03/1948 Paul BarrŠre, US rock vocalist/guitarist (Little Feat-Sailin' Shoes)

07/03/1948 Peter Ruzicka, composer
07/03/1949 Jan Smithers, N Hollywood Calif, actress (Bailey-WKRP)
07/03/1949 Susan Penhaligon, Manilla Philippines, actress (Dracula, Nasty Habit

07/03/1950 Damon Harris, rocker (Temptations-My Girl)
07/03/1951 Jean-Claude Duvalier, [Papa Doc], deposed Haitian president-for-life

07/03/1951 Richard Hadlee, Christchurch, NZ, leading cricket bowler
07/03/1952 Alan Autry, NFLer (Green Bay Packers)/actor (Heat of the Night)
07/03/1952 Bill Badgett Jr, horse trainer
07/03/1953 Alynne Beth Amkraut, entertainer
07/03/1953 Frank Tanana, baseball pitcher (Calif Angels)
07/03/1955 Julia Lyndon, Buffalo NY, playmate (August, 1977)
07/03/1955 Matt Keough, baseball player (Oakland A's, NY Yankees)
07/03/1957 Danny Heep, baseball player
07/03/1957 Laura Branigan, singer (Gloria)
07/03/1958 Aaron Tippin, Pensacola Fl, singer (You've Got to Stand for Somethin

07/03/1958 Robert Forth, Clarence NY, US shooter (Olympic-92)
07/03/1959 Andreas Wisniewski, Berlin German FR, actor (Living Daylights)
07/03/1959 Stephen Pearcy, rock vocalist (Ratt-Round & Round)
07/03/1959 Stoyan Deltchev, Bulgaria, horizontal bar gymnist (Olympic-gold-1980

07/03/1960 Jack Daugherty, baseball player
07/03/1961 Liz Stewart, SF Calif, playmate (July, 1984)
07/03/1961 Vince Clarke, England, rocker (Yaz-Situation, Only You)
07/03/1962 Hunter Tylo, model
07/03/1962 Taylor Dayne, [Lesley Wundermnan], Baldwin NY, vocalist
07/03/1962 Tom Cruise, Syracuse, actor (Risky Business, Color of Money, Rainman

07/03/1963 Don August, baseball player
07/03/1964 Gary Ryan, rocker (Blackhearts)
07/03/1964 Pia Reyes, Manila Philipines, playmate (Nov, 1988)
07/03/1964 Warren Newson, baseball player
07/03/1965 Greg Vaughn, baseball player
07/03/1965 Shinya Hashimoto, wrestler (NJPW)
07/03/1966 Moises Alou, baseball player
07/03/1968 Jeff Phillips, Westwood NJ, actor (Hart Jessup-Guiding Light)
07/03/1969 Elan Carter, Nutley NJ, playmate (June, 1994)
07/03/1975 Keri Houlihan, Penn, actress (Molly-Our House)
07/03/1986 ..., 1st Dutch test tube baby born


07/03/ 683 Leo II, Pope (681-83), dies
07/03/1090 Egbert II van Brunswick, Fries count, dies in battle
07/03/1570 Antonio Paleario, Italian humanist, executed by inquisition at 67
07/03/1778 Jean-Jacques Rousseau, French writer/composer (Pygmalion), dies
07/03/1801 Johann Nepomuk Went, composer, dies at 56
07/03/1809 Joseph Quesne, composer, dies at 62
07/03/1862 William Barksdale, Confederate brig-general, dies in battle at 40
07/03/1863 Alonzo Hersford Cushing, US Union lt, dies in battle at about 22
07/03/1863 Lewis Addison Armistead, Conf brig-gen Gettysburg/dies in battle at

07/03/1863 Little Crow, [Ta-oya-te-duta], Santee Sioux indian chief, dies
07/03/1863 Richard Brooke Garnett, US Confederate brig-gen, dies in battle at 4

07/03/1863 Samuel Kosciuzko Zook, US Union general-major, dies in battle at 40
07/03/1873 Josef Michal Ksawery Jan Poniatowski, composer, dies at 57
07/03/1891 Stefano Golinelli, composer, dies at 72
07/03/1904 Theodor Herzl, Austrian journalist/Zionist, dies
07/03/1908 Joel Chandler Harris, created Uncle Remus, dies at 59
07/03/1910 Julius Slabbe, Belgian writer, dies
07/03/1934 Henry WAE, Prince of Netherlands/father of Queen Juliana, dies
07/03/1948 Adrien H Gerhard, Dutch SDAP-politician, dies at 90
07/03/1952 Daniel Zamudio, composer, dies at 64
07/03/1952 Henriette Bosmans, composer, dies
07/03/1957 Richard Mohaupt, composer, dies at 52
07/03/1960 Alfred Henry Ackley, composer, dies at 73
07/03/1965 Clarence Loomis, composer, dies at 75
07/03/1966 Andre Gailhard, composer, dies at 81
07/03/1966 Cornelis 'Kees' Boeke, theorist, dies at 81
07/03/1966 Joseph Deems Taylor, composer, dies at 80
07/03/1967 John Clark, actor (Last Day of the War), dies at 50
07/03/1969 Brian Jones, guitarist (Rolling Stones), drowns to death at 25
07/03/1969 Hermann Grabner, composer, dies at 83
07/03/1971 Jim Morrison, rock singer (Doors), dies of heart failure in Paris
07/03/1971 Ricci Riano, entertainer, dies at 71
07/03/1973 Charles Ancerl, Czech conductor (Prague/Toronto), dies
07/03/1974 John C Ransom, US poet (World's Body), dies
07/03/1976 Hans Bentz van de Berg, actor, dies at 58
07/03/1977 Hugh Le Caine, composer, dies at 63
07/03/1977 Mohammed al-Zahaby, Egyptian minister, murdered
07/03/1978 James Daly, actor (Medical Center), dies at 59
07/03/1979 Louis Durey, composer, dies at 91
07/03/1981 Ross Martin, actor (Mr Lucky, Wild Wild West), dies at 61
07/03/1982 Henry King, US director (Song of Bernadette, Gunfighter), dies
07/03/1984 Raoul Salan, French general/OAS leader (Algeria), dies at 85
07/03/1986 Rudy Vallee, singer (Vagabond Dreams), dies at 84
07/03/1987 Viola Dana, actress (Willow Tree, 40 Winks, Silent Lover), dies at 9

07/03/1988 Gabriel Dell, actor (Framed, Cutter), dies at 68 of leukemia
07/03/1989 Andrei Gromyko, Soviet diplomat, dies just short of his 80th birthda

07/03/1989 Jim Backus, actor (Magoo, Gilligan's Island), dies at 76 of pneumoni

07/03/1990 Ludi Claire Hugo, entertainer, dies
07/03/1990 Maurice Girodias, French publisher, dies
07/03/1991 Irina N˜inska, Russian/US dancer, dies
07/03/1992 Arline Bletcher, entertainer, dies
07/03/1992 Marc Tannenbaum, rabbi (only Jew to attend Vatican II), dies at 66
07/03/1993 'Curly' Joe DeRita, last of Three Stooges, dies of pneumonia at 83
07/03/1994 Harry Ebbeling, PC-corrector, dies at 54
07/03/1994 Pieter Hennipman, economist, dies at 85

Significant Events:

07/03/ 683 St Leo II ends his reign as Catholic Pope
07/03/ 987 Hugo Capet crowned king of France
07/03/1090 Battle at Hagenoorde: German emperor beats earl Egbert II
07/03/1187 Crusaders enter Tiberias
07/03/1428 Treaty of Delft-between Jacoba of Bayern & Philip the Good
07/03/1468 Duke Charles the Stout marries Princess Margaretha of York
07/03/1608 City of Qu‚bec founded by Samuel de Champlain
07/03/1754 George Washington surrenders to French, Ft Necessity (7 Years' War)
07/03/1775 Washington takes command of Continental Army at Cambridge, Mass
07/03/1778 British forces massacre 360 men, women & children in Wyoming, Pa
07/03/1806 Michael Keens exhibits 1st cultivated strawberry
07/03/1814 Americans capture Fort Erie, Canada
07/03/1816 French frigate 'Medusa' runs aground off Cap Blanc. Gross
07/03/1816 incompetence kills 150 in calm seas
07/03/1819 1st savings bank in US (Bank of Savings in NYC) opens its doors
07/03/1839 1st state normal school in US opens, Lexington, Mass, with 3 student

07/03/1848 Slaves freed in Danish West Indies (now US Virgin Islands)
07/03/1852 Congress authorizes US's 2nd mint (San Francisco, Calif)
07/03/1861 Colonal Jackson receives his commission as brigadier general.
07/03/1861 Pony Express arrives in SF with overland letters from NY
07/03/1863 Battle of Donaldsonville, LA
07/03/1863 Battle of Gettysburg Pa ends, major victory for North
07/03/1864 Battle of Chattahoochie River, GA [until Jul 9]
07/03/1864 Harpers Ferry, WV - Federals evacuate in face of Early's advance
07/03/1871 Jesse James robs bank in Corydon, Iowa ($45,000)
07/03/1883 SS Daphne sinks on Clyde River Scotland; 195 die
07/03/1886 1st NY Tribune printing using 1st commercial linotype machine
07/03/1888 NY Giant pitcher Rube Marquard ties record of 19 game win-streak
07/03/1890 Idaho admitted as 43rd US state
07/03/1895 Start of Sherlock Holmes 'Adventure of Black Peter' (BG)
07/03/1898 Dutch Automobile Club established (KNAC)
07/03/1898 Joshua Slocum completes 1st solo circumnavigation of the globe
07/03/1898 US Navy defeats Spanish fleet in Santiago harbor, Cuba
07/03/1905 Heavyweight Marvin Heart KOs Jack Root in Reno
07/03/1905 Kuyper govt forms in Holland
07/03/1907 Pope decree forbids modernization of theology
07/03/1911 Ty Cobb hits in his 40th straight game. Does not get a hit next day
07/03/1912 NY Giant pitcher Rube Marquard ties record of 19 game win-streak
07/03/1915 US military forces occupy Haiti, remain until 1934
07/03/1916 1st of 3 fatal shark attacks occurred near NJ shore (4 die)
07/03/1918 SDAP'er Suze Groenweg elected 1st woman in Dutch parliament
07/03/1920 Java Technical School Bandung opens
07/03/1920 Royal Air Force holds an air display at Hendon, England
07/03/1920 William T Tilden wins Wimbledon
07/03/1923 Harbor strike in Hull/Grimsby/Cardiff/Bristol over to London
07/03/1928 1st color TV broadcast in London (John Logic Baird)
07/03/1930 Veterans Administration created
07/03/1931 Heavyweight Max Schmeling KOs Stribling in Cleveland
07/03/1932 1st Sunday game at Fenway Park, Yanks beat Red Sox 13-2
07/03/1932 John McGraw retires from baseball
07/03/1934 C Jackson discovers asteroid #1367 Nongoma
07/03/1934 FDIC pays off 1st insured depositors, Fon du Lac Bank, East Peoria I

07/03/1939 Ernst Heinkel demonstrates 800-kph rocket plane to Hitler
07/03/1939 Lou Gehrig day; Gehrig makes 'luckiest man' speech
07/03/1940 ARP-leader/ex-premier Col˜n argues cooperation with Germany
07/03/1940 British Royal Navy sinks French fleet in North Africa
07/03/1940 German occupiers forbids using Dutch royal names
07/03/1942 Germany troop march into Sebastopol
07/03/1944 Oriole Park (minor league baseball stadium) burns down in Baltimore
07/03/1947 252,288 people (record) pass through Grand Central Station, NYC
07/03/1947 Cleveland Indians purchase Larry Dolby, the 1st black in AL
07/03/1947 Soviet Union doesn't partake in Marshall Plan
07/03/1950 1st time US & North Korean forces clash in Korean War
07/03/1951 Sam Snead wins PGA golf tournament
07/03/1952 Puerto Rico's constitution approved by US Congress
07/03/1953 Victor Seixas wins Wimbledon
07/03/1954 Food rationing ends in Britain
07/03/1954 Maureen Connolly wins Wimbledon
07/03/1958 'Andy Williams Show' premieres on ABC (later on CBS & NBC)
07/03/1962 Algerian Revolution against French ends (Algeria gains ind on 7/5)
07/03/1965 Phillies Dick Allen & Frank Thomas get into a fight during practice
07/03/1965 USSR & Persia sign dam building & economic aid pact
07/03/1966 Brave pitcher Tony Cloninger, is 1st NL to hit 2 grand slams in a ga

07/03/1966 Race riots in Omaha Nebraska
07/03/1967 'News at 10' premieres on English TV
07/03/1968 Cleve Indian Luis Tiant strikes out 19 Minn Twins
07/03/1969 78,000 attend Newport Jazz Festival, Newport, RI
07/03/1970 200,000 attend Atlanta Pop Festival
07/03/1970 British aircraft crashes at Barcelona, 112 killed
07/03/1970 Calif Angels Clyde Wright no-hits Oakland A's, 8-0
07/03/1970 L Chernykh discovers asteroid #3702
07/03/1974 Soyuz 14 carries 2 cosmonauts to space station Salyut 3
07/03/1976 Adolfo Suarez becomes premier of Spain
07/03/1977 Turkey: premier Ecevit goes off
07/03/1978 Establishment Amazon Pact
07/03/1980 73,096 in Cleveland watch Indians beat Yankees 7-0
07/03/1981 NYC transit fare rises from 60› to 75›, new brass Y-cut-out token
07/03/1982 Martina Navratilova defeats Chris Evert Lloyd at Wimbledon
07/03/1982 Riot at building Stopera Amsterdam (damages Ÿ 1 million)
07/03/1983 Calvin Smith of US becomes fastest man alive (9.93 s for 100 m)
07/03/1983 John McEnroe regains men's singles title at Wimbledon
07/03/1984 Dolphin rocket launched off San Clemente Island
07/03/1984 Supreme Court rules Jaycees may be forced to admit women as members
07/03/1985 CBS announces a 21% stock buy-back to thwart Ted Turner's takeover
07/03/1986 Kuwait's National Assembly (Majlis al Umma) dissolves
07/03/1986 Pres Reagan presided over relighting of renovated Statue of Liberty
07/03/1987 2 men became 1st hot-air balloon travelers to cross Atlantic
07/03/1988 US Vincennes in Strait of Hormoez shoots Iran Airbus A300, kills 290

07/03/1989 Peter Koech of Kenya sets 3k steeplechase rec (8:05.39) in Stockholm

07/03/1989 Supreme Court rules states do not have to provide funds for abortion

07/03/1989 The movie 'Batman,' set record of quickest $100 million (10 days)
07/03/1991 Donald Trump gives Marla Maples a 7.45 karat diamond ring
07/03/1992 Gary Dell'Abate (Howard Stern Show) marries Mary
07/03/1992 Mass Senator Ted Kennedy marries Victoria Reggie (38)
07/03/1993 Steffi Graf wins Wimbledon
07/03/1994 30 die in 3 fatal auto accidents in Texas
07/03/1994 Pete Samras beats Goran Ivanisevic to win Wimbeldon (straight sets)
07/03/1994 Romania eliminates Argentina 3-2 in soccer world cup

Robert Wolfe

Jul 5, 2021, 7:40:12 PM7/5/21
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Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


07/05/1546 Johann Steuerlein, composer
07/05/1654 Antonio Maria Pacchioni, composer
07/05/1729 Claudio M da Costa, Brazilian poet
07/05/1755 Sarah Kemble Siddons, Brecon England, tragic actress (Fatal Marriage

07/05/1764 Janos Lavotta, composer
07/05/1775 William Crotch, composer
07/05/1781 Stamford Raffles, founded Singapore
07/05/1793 Pavel I Pestel, Russian officer
07/05/1794 Sylvester Graham, developed graham cracker
07/05/1801 David G Farragut, Knoxville Tenn, naval hero
07/05/1801 David Glasgow Farragut, Vice Admiral (Union Navy), died in 1870
07/05/1810 Phineas Taylor Barnum, Bethel Conn, circus promoter (Barnum & Bailey

07/05/1812 Robert Browning, English poet (Ring & Book)/wed Elizabeth Barrett
07/05/1828 Paul J C Gabriel, painter/water colors painter/etcher
07/05/1847 Agnes Marie Jacobina Zimmermann, composer
07/05/1852 Stefano Gobatti, composer
07/05/1853 Cecil John Rhodes, South Africa, politician/diamond merchant
07/05/1857 Clara Zetkin, German women's rights advocate/communist
07/05/1858 Maria J 'Marie' Bakker, actress
07/05/1867 Andrew Ellicott Douglass, Dendrochronologer (study of tree rings)
07/05/1868 William H Singer, US painter/collector (Singer Museum, Laren)
07/05/1874 Gerhard von Keussler, composer
07/05/1877 Wanda A Landowska, Warsaw Poland, harpsichordist (Musique Ancienne)
07/05/1878 Joseph Holbrooke, English pianist/conductor/composer
07/05/1879 Dwight Filley Davis, donated tennis' Davis Cup
07/05/1879 Jacob Weinberg, composer
07/05/1879 Volkmar Andreae, Swiss conductor/composer (Tonhalle Orchestra)
07/05/1880 Jan Kubelik, composer
07/05/1881 Augustyn Hlond, Polish cardinal
07/05/1885 Andr‚ Lhote, French painter/art historian (Trait‚ du paysage)
07/05/1886 Felix Timmermans, Flemish writer/painter/cartoonist (Pallieter)
07/05/1886 Willem Drees, PM of Netherland (PvdA, 1948-58)/Indoneisa (AOW)
07/05/1889 Jean Cocteau, France, writer/artist/director (Le Potamak, Orph‚e)
07/05/1891 John Northrop, US, biochemist, crystallized enzymes (Nobel 1946)
07/05/1895 Gordon Jacob, composer
07/05/1897 Paul Ben-Haim (Frankenburger), M nchen Germany, Israeli composer
07/05/1899 Domingo Santa Cruz Wilson, composer
07/05/1899 Marcel Achard, French screen/playwright (Jean de la Lune)
07/05/1900 Bernardus J Cardinal Alfrink, cardinal of Utrecht Netherlands
07/05/1902 Henry Cabot Lodge, (Sen-R)/ambassador (VP candidate 1960)
07/05/1903 Irwin Fischer, composer
07/05/1904 Don Goddard, Binghamton NY, news ancher (ABC Evening News 1958-59)
07/05/1904 Franz Adolf Syberg, composer
07/05/1904 Milburn Stone, Bruton Ks, actor (Doc-Gunsmoke)
07/05/1905 Isa Miranda, [Ines Sampietro], Italian model/actress (La ronde)
07/05/1909 Andrei Gromyko, USSR, diplomat/USSR President (1985-89) [7/18 NS]
07/05/1910 Robert K Meston, US sociologist (functionalism)
07/05/1911 Georges Pompidou, banker/premier/president France
07/05/1913 Smiley Lewis, Louisiana, vocalist (I Hear You Knockin')
07/05/1914 Jacob Soetendorp, rabbi
07/05/1918 George Rochberg, Paterson NJ, composer (Concord Quartet)
07/05/1920 Issachar Miron, composer
07/05/1923 John McKay, WV, football coach (USC, Tampa Bay)
07/05/1924 Beverly Tyler, Scranton Pa, actress (Fireball, Lorelei-Big Town)
07/05/1924 Jan¢s Starker, Budapest Hungary, cellist (Chic Symph 1953-58)
07/05/1926 Haya van Someren-Downer, 2nd Member of parliament (Dutch Lib Party)
07/05/1926 Kenneth Gaburo, composer
07/05/1928 Warren Oates, Depoy Ky, actor (East of Eden, Stoney Burke)
07/05/1929 Katherine Helmond, Galveston Tx, actress (Soap, Mona-Who's the Boss)

07/05/1930 Yutaka Makino, composer
07/05/1933 Terence Cooper, Northern Ireland, actor (Casino Royale)
07/05/1936 Shirley Knight, Goessei Kansas, actress (Endless Love, Secrets)
07/05/1937 Brooke Hayward, LA Calif, author (Haywire)
07/05/1937 Frouwke J Laning-Boersema, Dutch politician (CDA) 2nd Chamber
07/05/1937 Nita M Lowey, (Rep-D-New York)
07/05/1938 Stanley Joel Silverman, composer
07/05/1940 Karen Shepherd, (Rep-D-Utah)
07/05/1942 Ada J Bas-Jansen, Dutch politician (CDA) 2nd Chamber
07/05/1944 Jamie Robertson, guitarist (Band)
07/05/1944 Robbie Robertson, singer/=
07/05/1945 Curtis Blefary, baseball player (1965 AL rookie of year)
07/05/1945 Jeffrey Kramer, NYC, actor (Ted Stein-Struck by Lightning)
07/05/1948 Julie Nixon Eisenhower, Wash DC, daughter of Richard Milhaus
07/05/1949 Benny Stolovitz, fictional character on LA Law
07/05/1950 Gary Matthews, baseball player (1973 NL rookie of year)
07/05/1951 Geert John Hessing, drummer (Catapult)
07/05/1951 Huey Lewis [Hugh Cregg], rocker (& the News-Need a New Drug)
07/05/1951 Richard 'Goose' Gossage, relief pitcher (Yankees, Padres, A's)
07/05/1952 David Dreier, (Rep-R-California, 1981- )
07/05/1952 Michael Don McNabb, composer
07/05/1952 Terence T 'Tom' Henricks, Bryan Oh, USAF/astronaut (STS 44, 55)
07/05/1955 Michael Gismondi, rocker (Michael Stanley Band)
07/05/1956 James Lofton, NFL wide reciever (Bills, Packers, Raiders)
07/05/1958 Meredith Ann Pierce, US, sci-fi author (Darkangel)
07/05/1958 Patsy Pease, Winston-Salem NC, actress (Kimberly-Days of Our Lives)
07/05/1959 Marc Cohn, singer (Walking in Memphis)
07/05/1959 Patricia Pease Jeffers, NC, actress (Kimberly-Days of our Life)
07/05/1964 Mark H lascells, grandson of English princess Mary
07/05/1972 Leetha Weapons, XXX actress (Savage Fury)
07/05/1972 Michael Bays, Enrico Calif, actor (Bronx Zoo, Days of Our Live)
07/05/1972 Tatsuhito Takaiwa, wrestler (NJPW)


07/05/1539 Antonio M Zaccaria, Italian physician/saint, dies
07/05/1803 William Jackson, composer, dies at 73
07/05/1851 Juanita, Mexican, lynched in Calif
07/05/1852 Johann Baptist Weigl, composer, dies at 69
07/05/1871 Cristina di Trivulzio di Belgioioso, Italian princess, dies
07/05/1883 Frederick Scotson Clark, composer, dies at 42
07/05/1884 Victor Masse, composer, dies at 62
07/05/1886 Henry Gerhard, founder (Social-Democratic Union), dies at 57
07/05/1887 August F Pott, German philological (That Personennamen), dies
07/05/1905 Carel V Gerritsen, free thinker, dies
07/05/1907 Maria Anna Mahler, Gustav Mahlers eldest daughter, dies at 5
07/05/1908 Jonas LI Lie, Norse writer (Kommandírens díttre), dies at 74
07/05/1909 Emil Bohn, composer, dies at 70
07/05/1911 George J Stoney, Irish physicist, dies
07/05/1925 Hjalmar Borgstrom, composer, dies at 61
07/05/1935 Dani‰l Plooy, new testament expert, dies
07/05/1941 Oskar Fried, composer, dies at 69
07/05/1944 William Gillies Whittaker, composer, dies at 67
07/05/1948 Carole Landis, US actress (1 Million BC, Topper Returns), dies at 29

07/05/1948 Peter JM Aalberse, Dutch minister of Labor, dies at 77
07/05/1950 Kenneth Shadrick, Pvt from WV becomes 1st US fatality in Korean War
07/05/1950 Salvatore Giuliano, Sicilian bandit, shot by police
07/05/1963 Daniel Ruyneman, composer, dies at 76
07/05/1969 Tom Mboya, Kenyian economics minister, assassinated in Narobi Kenya
07/05/1969 Walter Gropius, architect/found (Bauhaus school of design), dies at

07/05/1969 Wilhelm Backhaus, German pianist (Rubinstein-1905), dies at 85
07/05/1979 Judson Laire, actor/singer (Papa-Mama), dies at 76
07/05/1980 Archibald James Potter, composer, dies at 61
07/05/1981 Jorge Urrutia Blondel, composer, dies at 75
07/05/1983 Arie Querido, psychiatrist (social psychiatry), dies
07/05/1983 Harry James, swing-era bandleader/trumpet player, dies in Las Vegas
07/05/1983 Vaclav Trojan, composer, dies at 76
07/05/1985 Gerard Schmook, Flemish literature historian/custodian, dies at 86
07/05/1985 Marion Byron, actress (Steamboat Bill Jr), dies at 73
07/05/1989 Ernesto Halffter, composer, dies at 84
07/05/1990 Mitch Snyder, homeless advocate, commits suicide at 46 by hanging
07/05/1991 Howard Nemerow, poet/Us poet laureate (Pulitzer), dies
07/05/1993 Harrison E Salisbury, US journalist (NY Times), dies at 84

Significant Events:

07/05/ 649 St Martin I begins his reign as Catholic Pope
07/05/ 767 Duke of Nepi names his brother (leek) Pope Constantine II
07/05/1294 Pietro del Murrone elected as Pope Coelestinus V
07/05/1295 Scotland & France sign anti-English covenant
07/05/1450 Pope Nicolas V names Walraven van Meurs bishop of M nster
07/05/1643 1st recorded tornado in US (Essex County, Massachusetts)
07/05/1687 Isaac Newton's PRINCIPIA published by Royal Society in England
07/05/1750 Slave revolt on Cura‡ao
07/05/1791 Jos‚ Mar¡a Narv ez discovers Point Grey, now in Vancouver, BC
07/05/1808 Battle of Buenos Aires
07/05/1809 -6) Battle of Wagram - Napoleon beats archduke Charles
07/05/1811 Venezuela, 1st South American country to gain independence from Spai

07/05/1814 Americans defeat British & Canadians at Chippewa, Ontario
07/05/1830 France invades Algeria, begins a 40 year conquest
07/05/1832 HMS Beagle/Charles Darwin departs Rio de Janeiro
07/05/1834 Provisional government established in Oregon Country
07/05/1841 Thomas Cook opens 1st travel agency
07/05/1843 Committee of 9 appointed to establish civil govt in Oregon Country
07/05/1859 Capt NC Brooks discovers Midway Islands
07/05/1863 Battle of Jackson, MS & Battle of Birdsong Ferry, MS
07/05/1864 Battle of Smith's Expedition, MS (Tupelo, Harrisburg)
07/05/1865 Secret Service begins as part of US Treasury Dept
07/05/1865 William Booth founded Salvation Army in London
07/05/1871 Trial against Kiowa chief Satanta (White Bear) & Big Tree, begins
07/05/1891 Hail kills 6 horses in Rapid City, SD
07/05/1900 Compulsory education law passes Dutch 1st Chamber
07/05/1905 NY Giants 18 game win streak ends as Phillies win in 10th
07/05/1913 Queen Wilhelmina meets SDAP-leader Troelstra
07/05/1914 Boston Braves are 15 games back in NL, & win World Series
07/05/1914 Germany offers Austria war aid to fight against Russia in Serbia
07/05/1919 Red Sox Babe Ruth hits 2 HRs in a game for his 1st of 72 times
07/05/1922 1st general election in Netherlands
07/05/1922 Uprising of social righteousness in Rio de Janeiro
07/05/1924 Military revolt in Sao Paulo Brazil
07/05/1929 A Deutsch discovers asteroid #1148 Rarahu
07/05/1929 WOWO-AM, Indiana returns to air, 1 day after transmitter burns down
07/05/1932 Antonio de Oliveira Salazar becomes premier/dictator of Portugal
07/05/1933 German party Catholic Center disbands
07/05/1935 1st Hawaii Calls radio program is broadcast
07/05/1935 Chicago Cubs are 10« games back in NL, & go on to win the pennant
07/05/1935 FDR signs National Labor Relations Act
07/05/1936 120øF (49øC), Gannvalley, South Dakota (state record)
07/05/1937 117øF (47øC), Medicine Lake, Montana (state record)
07/05/1937 C Jackson discovers asteroids #1428 Mombasa & #1430 Somalia
07/05/1937 Joe DiMaggio's 1st grand slammer
07/05/1937 Republican offensive by Brunete in Spain
07/05/1938 Herb Caen's 1st column in SF Chronicle
07/05/1940 Diplomatic relations broken between Britain & Vichy govt in France
07/05/1941 German occupiers disband political parties
07/05/1943 Battle of Gulf of Kula
07/05/1943 Battle of Koersk, USSR begins (6,000 tanks)
07/05/1944 Harry Crosby takes 1st rocket airplane, MX-324, for maiden flight
07/05/1945 Labour Party wins British parliamentary election
07/05/1946 Louis Reard's bikini swimsuit design debuts at Paris fashion show
07/05/1947 Larry Doby signs with Cleveland Indians-1st black player in AL
07/05/1947 Margaret Osborne wins Wimbledon
07/05/1948 Britain's National Health Service Act begins
07/05/1948 E L Johnson discovers asteroid #1618 Dawn
07/05/1949 NY Giants purchase Monty Irvin & Henry Thompson, their 1st blacks
07/05/1950 Law of Return passes, guarantees all Jews right to live in Israel
07/05/1951 Junction transistor invention announced, Murray Hill, NJ
07/05/1953 Maureen Connolly wins Wimbledon
07/05/1953 WANC TV channel 21 in Asheville, NC (IND) begins broadcasting
07/05/1956 France raises tobacco tax 20% due to war in Algeria
07/05/1958 Althea Gibson wins Wimbledon
07/05/1958 J Pengel forms cabinet/Emanuels premier of Suriname
07/05/1959 Ben-Gurion's Israeli cabinet resigns
07/05/1959 Indonesia restores constitution
07/05/1960 Mongolia adopts constitution
07/05/1961 80 die in collisions in Algiers
07/05/1961 KUSD TV channel 2 in Vermillion, SD (PBS) begins broadcasting
07/05/1962 96 murder at massacre in Oran, Algeria
07/05/1962 Algeria gains independence after 132 years of French rule
07/05/1962 Mantle hits 2 homers en route to 4 consecutive homers
07/05/1963 1st Beatle tune to hit US charts, Del Shannon 'From Me to You' at #8

07/05/1966 NYC transit fare rises from 15› to 20›
07/05/1966 National Guard mobilizes in Omaha after 3rd night of rioting
07/05/1966 Saturn I rocket launched at Cape Kennedy
07/05/1967 Congo uprising under Belgian mercenary Jean Schramme
07/05/1968 'Manifest of 1000 words' published in Prague
07/05/1968 John Lennon sells his psychedelic painted Rolls-Royce
07/05/1969 Rod Laver wins his 4th Wimbledon championship
07/05/1969 Rolling Stones play a free concert in London's Hyde Park
07/05/1970 Air Canada DC-8 crashes 7 miles from Toronto's airport killing 109
07/05/1971 26th amendment certified (reduces voting age to 18)
07/05/1972 Pierre Messmer appointed French premier
07/05/1973 'Live & Let Die,' James Bond film premieres
07/05/1973 Isle of Man begins issuing their own postage stamps
07/05/1973 Maj Gen Juvenal Habyarimana becomes president of Rwanda
07/05/1973 Rwanda military coup under general-major Habyalimana
07/05/1974 Chris Evert wins Wimbledon
07/05/1975 Arthur Ashe wins Wimbledon
07/05/1975 Cape Verde Is gain independence after 500 years of Portuguese rule
07/05/1977 Pakistan's army, led by Gen Mohammad Zia ul-Haq, seizes power
07/05/1978 Soyuz 30 spacecraft touches down in Soviet Kazakhstan
07/05/1980 Bj”rn B”rg wins Wimbledon
07/05/1981 Premier Begins, Likud party wins Israel's elections
07/05/1981 Rajan Mahadevan recites 31,811 digits of ã from memory
07/05/1982 Challenger flies to Kennedy Space Center via Ellington AFB, Texas
07/05/1983 Baby girl born in Roanoke, Va., to a mother brain dead for 84 days
07/05/1983 France invades Algeria
07/05/1983 NJ Devils purchase AHL Maine Mariners as their farm team
07/05/1983 Woman gives birth to baby 84 days after brain death (Roanoke, VA)
07/05/1984 Supreme Court weakens 70-year-old 'exclusionary rule'-evidence seize

07/05/1984 with defective court warrants can now be used in criminal trials
07/05/1985 117ø F (47ø C), St George, Utah (state rec) (103ø spread, UT 1985)
07/05/1985 Premier Mugabe wins Zimbabwe elections
07/05/1986 Ingrid Kristiansen of Norway sets 10K woman's record (30:13.74)
07/05/1986 Nancy Reagan cuts red, white & blue ribbon; reopens Statue of Libert

07/05/1987 Australian Pat Cash wins Wimbledon, upsets #1 seed Ivan Lendl
07/05/1989 Barry Bond's HR sets father-son (Bobby) HR record at 408
07/05/1989 Mark McGwire's gets 100th HR, 2nd fastest (1400 at bats) (to Kiner)
07/05/1989 Rod Stewart hits his head while on stage & knocks himself out
07/05/1989 South-African Pres Pieter Botha visits ANC leader Nelson Mandela
07/05/1989 Toronto Blue Jays are 10 games back in AL, & go on to win AL East
07/05/1990 Zina Garrison upsets Steffi Graf in Wimbledon semi-finals
07/05/1991 Lillian Cucuzza wins name Florida baseball team contest (Marlins)
07/05/1992 Andre Agassi defeats Goran Ivanisevic to win Wimbledon
07/05/1992 Sixto Dur n Ball‚n elected president of Ecuador
07/05/1993 Kurdisch guerrilla's murder 32 villager in East Turkey
07/05/1993 Richard Chelimo run world record 10 km (27:07.91)

Robert Wolfe

Jul 5, 2021, 7:40:12 PM7/5/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


07/04/1546 Murad III, sultan of Turkey (1574-95)
07/04/1610 Cornelis Evertsen the Elder, Swiss vice-admiral
07/04/1610 Paul Scarron, French playwright (Virgile Travesti)
07/04/1694 Louis C Daquin (d'Acquin), French organist/composer (La rose)
07/04/1715 Christian Gellert, Saxony, poet/novelist (Fables & Tales)
07/04/1753 Jean-Pierre-Francois Blanchard, 1st balloon flights in England, US
07/04/1762 Marco Santucci, composer
07/04/1769 Louis-Luc Loiseau de Persuis, composer
07/04/1793 Franz Xaver Pechacek, composer
07/04/1799 F J Oscar I, King of Sweden/Norway (1844-59)
07/04/1804 Nathaniel Hawthorne, Mass, author (House of 7 Gables, Scarlet Letter

07/04/1807 Giuseppe Garibaldi, freedom fighter (Risorgimento)/unified Italy
07/04/1819 Reuben Eaton Fenton, Governor (Union), died in 1885
07/04/1826 Green Clay Smith, Bvt Major General (Union volunteers), died in 1895

07/04/1826 Stephen Foster, Lawrencevil, Pa, composer (Oh! Susanna, Swanee River

07/04/1828 James Johnston Pettigrew, Brig General (Confederate Army)
07/04/1828 Theodor W Ahlwardt, German orientalist
07/04/1829 Hermann Kotzchmar, composer
07/04/1840 James McGranahan, composer
07/04/1841 Edward Gailliard, Flemish linguist/archaeologicalist
07/04/1841 Marie von Wied, Princess of Orange Nassau
07/04/1842 Gustav Ratzenhofer, Austria, sociologist/judge/field marshal
07/04/1842 Gyula Erkel, composer
07/04/1845 Thomas John Barnardo, English social worker
07/04/1847 James Anthony Bailey, Detroit, circus impresario (Barnum & Bailey)
07/04/1850 Ole Olsen, composer
07/04/1854 Heinrich Zollner, composer
07/04/1867 Stephen Mather, organized US National Park Service
07/04/1869 Karl Seitz, president of Austria
07/04/1870 Pieter Van de Line, geologist (Dutch boulders)
07/04/1872 Calvin Coolidge, [Silent Cal], Plymouth Vt, (R) 29th pres (1923-29)
07/04/1875 Giovanni & Giacomo Tocci, Italy, siamese twins
07/04/1876 William Farnum, US, actor (Spoilers, Man who Fights Alone)
07/04/1878 George M Cohan, actor/singer (Phantom Pres, Give my regards to Bdwy)

07/04/1880 George Mullin, pitcher (Detroit Tigers-no-hitter on 7/4/1912)
07/04/1880 Pat Rooney, vaudevillian/actor (Night Club)
07/04/1882 Cornelis van der Lugt Melsert, actor/director
07/04/1883 Alan Brooke, English general
07/04/1883 Maximilian Oseyevich Shteynberg, composer
07/04/1883 Rube Goldberg, who made the easy outrageously difficult
07/04/1884 Alexander Byvanck, art historian/archaeologist
07/04/1885 Louis B Mayer, Minsk Russia, motion-picture executive (MGM)
07/04/1886 Heinrich Kaminski, composer
07/04/1888 Henry Armetta, Italian/US actor (Bell for Adano, Big Store)
07/04/1894 Henry Carlson, basketball coach (originated figure 8 play)
07/04/1895 Massimo Campigli, Italian painter/illustrator
07/04/1896 Adolf Hallis, composer
07/04/1898 Gertrude Lawrence, English actress (Mimi, Rembrandt)
07/04/1898 Johnny Lee, Missouri, actor (Calhoun-Amos 'n' Andy)
07/04/1899 Benjamin P‚ret, French writer/poet (La r‚volution surr‚aliste)
07/04/1900 Louis 'Satchmo' Armstrong, New Orleans LA, jazz musician (Hello Doll

07/04/1902 George Murphy, New Haven Ct, (Sen-R-Calif)/actor/dancer (MGM Parade)

07/04/1902 Meyer Lansky, mobster (Started numbers)
07/04/1902 Vince Barnett, Pittsburgh, actor (Star is Born, Human Jungle)
07/04/1903 Flor Peeters, Antwerp Belgium, organist/composer (Lied Symphony)
07/04/1904 Artur Malawski, composer
07/04/1905 Dante Fiorillo, composer
07/04/1905 Lionel Trilling, author (1969 Poses Award, Liberal Imagination)
07/04/1908 Aurelio Peccei, Italian businessman/chairman (Club of Rome)
07/04/1909 Alec Templeton, Cardiff Wales, pianist/composer (Concertino Lirico)
07/04/1910 Francis D Foley, US lt adm (WW II, Guadalcanal)
07/04/1910 William T 'Champion Jack' Dupree, US boxer/slaughterhouse pianist
07/04/1911 Mitch Miller, Rochester NY, sing along with Mitch (Yellow Rose of Tx

07/04/1912 Virginia Graham, Chicago Ill, TV personality (Girl Talk, Where Was I

07/04/1915 Jimmie Rogers, Detroit Mich, singer (Sugar Hill Time)
07/04/1916 Tokyo Rose, [Iva Toguri D'Aquino], WW II propogandist
07/04/1918 Abigail Van Buren, twin sister, advice columnist
07/04/1918 Ann Landers, twin sister, advice columnist
07/04/1918 Buster Davis, Johnstown Pa, choral director (Garry Moore Show)
07/04/1918 Taufa'ahau Tupou IV, King of Tonga (1965- )
07/04/1920 Leona Helmsley, (wife of Harry), real estate billionaire/tax cheat
07/04/1921 Gerard Debreu, France, economist (Nobel 1983)
07/04/1924 Eva Marie Saint, Newark NJ, actress (On the Waterfront)
07/04/1926 Mary Stuart, Miami Fla, actress (Jo-Search for Tomorrow)
07/04/1927 Gina Lollobrigida, Subiaco Italy, actress (Trapeze, Falcon Crest)
07/04/1927 Neil Simon, playwright (Odd Couple, Plaza Suite, Biloxi Blues)
07/04/1928 Cathy Berberian, Armenia, US singer
07/04/1928 Patrick Tilley, UK, sci-fi author (1st Family, Blood River)
07/04/1928 Paul de Wispelaere, Flemish writer/essayist/critic
07/04/1928 Stephen Boyd, [William Millar], actor (Fantastic Voyage, Ben-Hur)
07/04/1928 Sylvius G M 'Boy' Rozendal, premier (Netherland's Antilles)
07/04/1929 Al Davis, Brocton Mass, NFL team owner (LA Raiders)
07/04/1929 Bill Tuttle, baseball player
07/04/1929 Chuck Tanner, baseball player
07/04/1930 George Steinbrenner, NY Yankees owner/ship builder/horse owner
07/04/1935 Paul Scoon, governor-general of Grenada (1978- )
07/04/1937 Hector Palma, horse trainer
07/04/1938 Bill Withers, WV, rhythm & blues singer (Lean on Me)
07/04/1939 Ed Bernard, Phila, actor (Joe-Police Woman, Jim-White Shadow)
07/04/1940 Joost P van Iersel, Dutch politician (CDA) 2nd Chamber
07/04/1940 Walter Greenman, horse trainer
07/04/1942 Hal Lanier, baseball player
07/04/1942 Michael GCF, English prince of Knows
07/04/1943 Alan Wilson, rocker (Canned Heat-On the Road Again)
07/04/1943 Dave Rowberry, rocker (Animals-House of the Rising Sun)
07/04/1943 Emerson Boozer, NFL running back (NY Jet)/sportscaster
07/04/1946 Michael Milken, LA Calif, partner (Intl Capital Access Group)
07/04/1946 Ron Kovic, disabled vietnam vet (Born on 4th of July)
07/04/1947 Morganna Roberts, Louisville Ky, (Baseball's kissing bandit)
07/04/1948 Ed Armbrister, baseball player
07/04/1948 Jeremy Spencer, rocker (Fleetwood Mac-Oh Well)
07/04/1948 Ren‚ Arnoux, France, formula-1 racer (6th place-1980)
07/04/1950 David Jensen, rock British DJ
07/04/1951 Ralph Johnson, rocker (Earth Wind & Fire-Shining Star)
07/04/1954 Jim Beattie, baseball pitcher (NY Yankees)
07/04/1955 John Waite, vocalist (Babies/Bad English-Forget Me Not, Missing You)

07/04/1958 Kirk Pengilly, Sydney Australia, rocker (Inxs-Kiss the Dirt)
07/04/1959 Bill McCorvey, Montgomery Ala, singer (Pirates of Miss-Fred Jake)
07/04/1961 Vinny Castilla, baseball player
07/04/1962 Pam Shriver, Balt Md, tennis player (US Open's Doubles 1983,4,6,7)
07/04/1963 Henri Leconte, France, tennis player (French finalist 1988)
07/04/1963 Jose Oquendo, baseball player
07/04/1964 Mark Allen Slaughter, Las Vegas, guitarist (Slaughter-Stick it Live)

07/04/1967 Rick Wilkins, baseball player


07/04/ 966 Benedictus V Grammaticus, Italian (anti?)Pope (5/22-6/23 964), dies
07/04/1187 Reinoud van Chƒtillon, French prince of Antioch, dies
07/04/1301 Willem II Berthout van Mechelen, bishop of Utrecht, dies in battle
07/04/1307 Rudolf III, Duke of Austria/King of Bohemia dies
07/04/1498 Filips van Burgundy, admiral-general of Netherlands, dies
07/04/1519 Johann Tetzel, (German?) monk, dies at about 79
07/04/1541 Pedro de Alvarado, Spanish occupier, dies at about 56
07/04/1578 Charles de Berlaymont, baron of Hierges, gov/viceroy of Names, dies
07/04/1603 Philippus the Monte, priest/bandmaster/composer, dies at 82
07/04/1623 William Byrd, English composer (Ave verum corpus), dies at 80
07/04/1627 Thomas Middleton, Elizabethan dramatist (Women Beware Women), dies
07/04/1672 Ambrosius Reiner, composer, dies at 67
07/04/1757 Jean-Joseph Vade, composer, dies at 38
07/04/1768 Willem van Hairs, Fries nobleman/poet (Suicide), dies at 58
07/04/1780 Charles Alexander, Duke of Lotharingen South Neth, dies at 67
07/04/1787 Charles, prince de Rohan-Soubise, marshal of France, dies at 71
07/04/1789 Claudio M da Costa, Brazilian poet, dies at 59
07/04/1826 John Adams, 2nd president (1797-1801), dies at 90
07/04/1826 Thomas Jefferson, 3rd president (1801-09), dies at 83
07/04/1831 James Monroe, 5th president (1817-25), dies at 73
07/04/1845 Pierre P Royer-Collard, French philosopher/Council of 500, dies
07/04/1848 Francois Rene de Chateaubriand, French novelist (Atala)/diplomat, di

07/04/1851 Martin-Joseph Mengal, composer, dies at 67
07/04/1854 Karl F Eichhorn, German historic rights, dies at 72
07/04/1856 Istvan Ferenczi, Hungarian sculptor, dies
07/04/1889 Auguste Mermet, composer, dies at 79
07/04/1891 Frederic Louis Ritter, composer, dies at 67
07/04/1901 John Fiske, [Edmund Fisk Green], US historian/philosopher, dies
07/04/1910 Giovanni V Schiaparelli, Italian astronomer (Mars), dies at 75
07/04/1910 Louis Bourgault-Ducoudray, composer, dies at 70
07/04/1917 Johan HC Nucleus, translator (Sanskreet), dies at 84
07/04/1923 Florimond Fonteyne, Flemish priest/politician (Volkseeuw), dies at 6

07/04/1929 Otto Taubmann, composer, dies at 70
07/04/1931 Hussein ibn-Ali, sjarif Mecca/king/kalief of Hedzjaz (1917-24), dies

07/04/1934 'Madame' Marie Curie-Sklodovska, Polish/French chemist, dies
07/04/1934 Chaim Nachman Bialik, zionist poet, dies
07/04/1938 Otto Bauer, Austrian social democrat, dies at 56
07/04/1938 Suzanne Lenglen, 6 time Wimbeldon champ, dies at 39 of anemia
07/04/1943 Wladyslaw Sikorski, gen/premier of Poland in exile (1939-43), dies
07/04/1946 Othenio Able, Austria paleontology, dies at 71
07/04/1957 Judy Tyler, actress (Princess-Howdy Doody), dies at 24 in car crash
07/04/1962 Rex Bell, cowboy (Cowboys & Injuns), dies at 56
07/04/1963 Fritz Reuter, composer, dies at 66
07/04/1963 Grant Richards, actor (Doug-Doorway to Danger), dies at 48
07/04/1970 Harold Vanderbilt, America Cup winner (1930, 34, 37), dies at 85
07/04/1971 Thomas C Heart, US admiral/commander (Pacific Fleet), dies at 94
07/04/1973 Leonid Stein, Russian chess player, dies at about 39
07/04/1974 Mohammed SA al-Hoesseini, Mufti of Jerusalem/pres Com Palestine, die

07/04/1982 Sylvestre A Guzm n Fern ndez, pres Dominican Rep, commits suicide
07/04/1983 Claus Adam, composer, dies at 65
07/04/1985 John de Quay, Dutch premier (1959-63), dies at 83
07/04/1986 Flor Peeters, Flemish baron/organist/composer, dies at 83
07/04/1988 Adrian Adonis, [Keith Franke], WWF wrestler, killed in auto accident

07/04/1992 Astor Piazzolla, Argentine composer (tango nuevo), dies at 71
07/04/1992 Joe Newman, US jazz trumpetist (Count Basie), dies
07/04/1993 Anne Shirley, actress (Stella Dalla), dies of lung cancer at 74
07/04/1993 Felix White, choreographer (Black Vibrations Theatre), dies at 65

Significant Events:

07/04/1054 Brightest known super-nova (Crab Nebula) starts shining (23 days)
07/04/1187 Battle of Hittin (Tiberias): Saladin defeats Reinoud of Chƒtillon
07/04/1301 Battle at Breukelen: Holland vs Lichtenberg
07/04/1415 Angelo Correr becomes Pope Gregory XII
07/04/1636 City of Providence, Rhode Island form
07/04/1653 Barebones Parliment goes into session in England
07/04/1672 States of Holland declares 'Eternal Edict' void
07/04/1693 Battle at Boussu-lez-Walcourt: French-English vs Dutch army
07/04/1754 George Washington gives Ft Necessity to France
07/04/1776 Declaration of Independence-US gains independence from Britain
07/04/1779 French fleet occupies Grenada
07/04/1789 1st US tariff act
07/04/1802 US Military Academy officially opens (West Point, NY)
07/04/1810 French troops occupy Amsterdam
07/04/1817 Construction on Erie Canal begins
07/04/1819 William Herschel makes last telescopic observation of 1819 comet
07/04/1827 Slavery abolished in NY
07/04/1828 Construction begins on B & O (Baltimore-Ohio) 1st US passenger RR
07/04/1829 Cornerstone laid for 1st US mint (Chestnut & Juniper St, Phila)
07/04/1832 'America' 1st sung publicly
07/04/1836 Wisconsin Territory formed
07/04/1845 Texas Congress votes for annexation to US
07/04/1845 Thoreau moves into his shack on Walden Pond
07/04/1861 In a special session of 27th Congress Lincoln requests 400,000 troop

07/04/1861 Skirmish at Harper's Ferry, WV
07/04/1862 Battle at Morgan's Kentucky
07/04/1862 Lewis Carroll creates Alice in Wonderland for Alice P Liddell
07/04/1863 Boise, Idaho founded (now capital of Idaho)
07/04/1863 Failed Confederate assault on Helena Arkansas (640 casualties)
07/04/1863 General Lee's army withdraws from Gettysburg
07/04/1863 Skirmish at Smithburg, TN
07/04/1863 Vicksburg, Mississippi surrenders to Union forces
07/04/1864 -9] Battle at Chattahoochee River, Georgia
07/04/1865 1st edition of 'Alice in Wonderland' is published
07/04/1866 Firecracker thrown in wood starts fire destroying « of Portland, Me
07/04/1873 Aquarium opens in Woodward Gardens
07/04/1874 Social Democratic Workmen's Party of North America formed
07/04/1875 White Democrats kill several blacks in terrorist attacks in Vicksbur

07/04/1876 1st public exhibition of electric light in SF
07/04/1879 Africaner Union forms by Rev SJ du Toit at Cape colony
07/04/1881 Brooker T Washington establishes Tuskegee Institute (Alabama)
07/04/1882 Telegraph Hill Observatory opens in SF
07/04/1883 Buffalo Bill Cody presents 1st wild west show, North Platte, Nebr
07/04/1884 1st US bullfight held (Dodge City Ks)
07/04/1884 Statue of Liberty presented to US in Paris
07/04/1886 1st scheduled transcontinental passenger train reaches Pt Moody, BC
07/04/1888 1st organized rodeo competition held, Prescott, Ariz
07/04/1889 Washington state constitutional convention holds 1st meeting
07/04/1893 A Borrelly discovers asteroid #369 Aeria
07/04/1894 Elwood Haynes successfully tests one of 1st US autos at 6 MPH
07/04/1894 Republic of Hawaii established
07/04/1895 Katherine Lee Bates publishes 'America the Beautiful'
07/04/1898 French liner 'La Bourgogne' collides with bark Cromartyshire, 560 di

07/04/1898 US flag hoisted over Wake Island (Spanish-American War)
07/04/1903 Pacific Cable (SF, Hawaii, Guam, Phil) opens, Pres TR sends message
07/04/1905 Phila A's beat Boston Red Sox 4-2 in 20 inning game
07/04/1906 Gr Brit, France & Italy grant Independence to Ethiopia
07/04/1907 Heavyweight Tommy Burns KOs Bill Squires in Calif
07/04/1908 NY Giant George 'Hooks' Witse no-hits Phila Phillies, 1-0 in 10 inn
07/04/1910 Jack Johnson KOs James Jeffries in 15 rounds, ending come-back try
07/04/1911 105øF (41øC) at Vernon, Vermont (state record)
07/04/1911 106øF (41øC) at Nashua, New Hampshire (state record)
07/04/1911 Ty Cobb goes 0 for 4 & ends a 40 game hit streak
07/04/1912 Detroit Tiger George Mullen no-hits St Louis Browns, 7-0
07/04/1912 Heavyweight Jack Johnson KOs Jim Flynn in Las Vegas
07/04/1914 1st US motorcycle race (300 miles, Dodge City Ks)
07/04/1918 Altar dedicated at full-scale replica of Stonehenge at Maryhill, Wa
07/04/1919 ADGB (Allgemeine Deutsche Gewerkschaftsbund) party forms
07/04/1919 Cincinnati Reds are 10« games back in NL, & win World Series
07/04/1919 Jack Dempsey KOs Jess Willard in Cuba for heavyweight championship
07/04/1919 M Wolf discovers asteroid #914 Palisana
07/04/1923 Heavyweight Jack Dempsey KOs Tom Gibbons in Shelby Mont
07/04/1925 44 die when Dreyfus Hotel in Boston collapses
07/04/1925 Yanks Lefty Grove beats A's Herb Pennock 1-0 in 15 innings
07/04/1926 NSDAP-party forms in Weimar
07/04/1927 ir Sukarno forms PNI (Perserikatan Nasional Indonesia) in Batavia
07/04/1929 AM radio station WOWO, Indiana's transmitter burns down
07/04/1933 Work begins on Oakland Bay Bridge
07/04/1934 Jordanians revolt in Amsterdam after reduction in employment
07/04/1936 Helen Hull Jacobs wins Wimbledon female tennis championship
07/04/1936 League of Nations starts sanctions against Italy
07/04/1938 1st game at Shribe Park, Phila; Braves beat Phillies 10-5
07/04/1938 France-Turkish friendship treaty
07/04/1939 Red Sox Jim Tabor hits 2 grand slams in 1 game
07/04/1939 Yankees retire 1st uniform (Lou Gehrig #4), 1st Old Timers Day
07/04/1940 British destroys French battle fleet at Oran, Algeria, 1267 die
07/04/1940 German occupiers forbids anti-nazis speeches
07/04/1941 Howard Florey & Norman Heatley meet for 1st time, 11 days later
07/04/1941 they successfully recreate pencillin
07/04/1942 1st American bombing mission over enemy-occupied Europe (WW II)
07/04/1942 US air offensive against nazi-Germany begins
07/04/1944 1st Japanese kamikaze attack, US fleet near Iwo Jima
07/04/1944 Allied assault on Carpiquet airport at Caen
07/04/1944 Gestapo arrests German Social Democrat Julius Leber
07/04/1946 Anti Jewish riots in Kielce Poland (39 die)
07/04/1946 Philippines gains independence from US
07/04/1947 Jack Kramer wins Wimbledon
07/04/1950 Truman signs public law 600 (Puerto Ricans write own consitution)
07/04/1953 Imre Nagy succeeds Matyas R kosi as premier of Hungary
07/04/1953 Maureen Connolly wins Wimbledon
07/04/1954 WMSL (WYUR, now WAFF)TV channel 48 in Huntsville, AL (ABC) begins
07/04/1954 West Germany beats Hungary 3-2 for soccer's 5th World Cup in Bern
07/04/1956 Independence National Historical Park established in Philadelphia
07/04/1956 US most intense rain fall (1.23' in 1 minute) at Unionville Maryland

07/04/1957 Dutch 2nd Chamber accepts temporary tax increase
07/04/1959 America's new 49-star flag honoring Alaska statehood unfurled
07/04/1959 Cayman Islands separated from Jamaica, made a crown colony
07/04/1960 America's new 50-star flag honoring Hawaiian statehood unfurled
07/04/1960 Mickey Mantle hits career homer # 300
07/04/1962 Island Records begins
07/04/1962 KIKU (now KHNL) TV channel 13 in Honolulu, HI (IND) 1st broadcast
07/04/1966 LBJ signs Freedom of Information Act
07/04/1967 Freedom of Information Act goes into effect
07/04/1967 Opening ceremony of Tassajara Zen Mountain Centre
07/04/1967 Phillies Clay Dairymple ties NL record of 6 walks in doubleheader
07/04/1968 radio astronomy satellite Explorer 38 launched (í 450 m)
07/04/1969 'Give Peace a Chance' by Plastic Ono Band is released in UK
07/04/1969 140,000 attend Atlanta Pop Festival featuring Led Zep & Janis Joplin

07/04/1969 Ann Jones defeats Billie Jean King for Wimbledon Ladies championship

07/04/1969 Italian Rumor govt resigns
07/04/1970 100 injured in race rioting in Asbury Park NJ
07/04/1973 CARICOM - Caribbean Community & Common Market, forms
07/04/1973 In audience with Italian cyclists, Pope Paul VI praises athletes who

07/04/1973 'offer the magnificent show of a healthy, strong, generous youth'
07/04/1975 Bundy victim (?) Nancy Baird disappears from Layton, Utah
07/04/1975 Fictional wedding date of Coneheads
07/04/1976 Opening ceremony of the Dai Bosatsu monastery Catskill Mt NY
07/04/1976 Raid on Entebbe-Israel rescues 229 Air France passengers
07/04/1977 Cubs use fielder Larry Bittner as a pitcher
07/04/1977 Nigel Harrison replaces Gary Valentine as bassist of Blondie
07/04/1978 L Chernykh discovers asteroid #3332
07/04/1978 Memphis firefighters halt 3-day strike under a court order
07/04/1979 Algerian ex-president Ben Bella freed
07/04/1982 4th Space Shuttle Mission-Columbia 4 lands at Edwards AFB
07/04/1982 Jimmy Connors beats John McEnroe for his last Wimbledon championship

07/04/1982 Miguel de la Madrid Hurtado elected president of Mexico
07/04/1983 Yankee Dave Righetti no-hits the Red Sox
07/04/1984 Funeral for S Nakagawa & burial half his ashes next to N Senzaki
07/04/1984 Yuri Sedykh of USSR throws hammer a record 86.33 m
07/04/1985 Tinker Bell's nightly flight begins
07/04/1987 Discovery moves to Launch Pad 39B for STS-26 mission
07/04/1987 Martina Navratilova wins 6th straight Wimbledon defeats Steffi Graf
07/04/1987 Nazi Klaus Barbie, 'Butcher of Lyon' convicted by a French court
07/04/1987 SS'er Klaus Barbie, 'Beast of Lyon', sentenced to life
07/04/1988 Steffan Edberg beats Boris Becker for Wimbledon crown
07/04/1988 US navy shoots down Iranian civilian jetliner over Gulf, kills 290
07/04/1989 14 year old actress Drew Barrymore, attempts suicide
07/04/1989 Unmanned Russian Mig-23 crashes in Bellegem-Kooigem, Belgium (1 dies

07/04/1990 Wrestler Brutus Beefcake injured during parasailing
07/04/1992 John Phillips, rocker (Mamas & Papas), undergoes a liver transplant
07/04/1992 Stefi Graf beats Monica Seles to win Wimbledon
07/04/1993 Dave Winfield hits 442nd HR to move into 19th place
07/04/1993 Pete Sampras wins Wimbledon
07/04/1993 Pizza Hut blimp deflates & lands safely on W 56th street in NYC
07/04/1994 Russian manned space craft TM-18, lands
07/04/1994 US loses to Brazil 1-0 in 1994 World Cup quarter finals

Robert Wolfe

Jul 10, 2021, 3:40:12 PM7/10/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque

Robert Wolfe

Jul 10, 2021, 3:40:12 PM7/10/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


07/10/1509 John Calvin, Protestant religious reformer/theologian
07/10/1517 Odet de Coligny, Cardinal of Chƒtillon/bishop
07/10/1526 Philip III van Cro˜, duke of Aarschot/earl of Porcien
07/10/1638 David Teniers III, Flemish painter (tap˜tkartons)
07/10/1697 Francois Hanot, composer
07/10/1723 William Blackstone, England, jurist (Blackstone's Commentaries)
07/10/1759 Eleanore Sophia Maria Westenholz, composer
07/10/1778 Sigismund Neukomm, composer
07/10/1779 Alois Basil Nikolaus Tomasini, composer
07/10/1792 George Mifflin Dallas, (D) 11th VP (1845-49)
07/10/1818 John Stuart 'Cerro Gordo' Williams, Brig General (Confederate Army)
07/10/1820 Andrew Porter, Brig General (Union volunteers), died in 1872
07/10/1821 Christopher Columbus Augur, Major General (Union volunteers)
07/10/1824 Rudolf von Benningsen, German lawyer/politician
07/10/1826 Theodore Edouard Dufaure de Lajarte, composer
07/10/1830 Camille Pissaro, French-Antillian painter (impressionism)
07/10/1833 Lucius Eugene Polk, Brig General (Confederate Army), died in 1892
07/10/1835 Henryk Wieniawski, Lubin Poland, violinist/composer (Souv de Moscou)

07/10/1843 James A McNeill Whisller, US/British painter/graphic artist
07/10/1846 Elisabeth F”rster-Nietzsche, German writer (Der junge Nietzsche)
07/10/1852 Alfred von Kiderlen-Waechter, German foreign minister
07/10/1856 Nikola Tesla, Yugoslavia, physicist, developed alternating current
07/10/1858 Karl Flodin, composer
07/10/1865 John 'Pa' van de Steur, philanthropist (Steurtjes)
07/10/1867 Finley Peter Dunne, US, journalist/humorist (Mr Dooley)
07/10/1867 Max Prinz von Baden, German chancellor (Oct-Nov 1918)
07/10/1870 Maurice Lugeon, Swiss geologist: nappisme
07/10/1871 Marcel Proust, France, novelist (Remembrance of Things Past)
07/10/1875 Mary McLeod Bethune, SC, slave/educator (Bethune-Cookman College)
07/10/1877 H‚lŠne Dutrieu, com‚dienne/stuntwoman/1st Belgian pilot
07/10/1879 Harry Nicholls Holmes, Penn, Dr (crystallized vitamin A)
07/10/1882 Ima Hogg, Texas art patron/founder of Houston Symphony
07/10/1882 Riccadro Pick-Mangiagalli, composer
07/10/1883 Johann Blaskowitz, German general
07/10/1883 Sam Wood, US, communist fighter/director (For Whom the Bell Tolls)
07/10/1886 John SSPV Barley, viscount of Limerick/director of Palestine
07/10/1887 Alfred Ernest Whitehead, composer
07/10/1888 Giorgio De Chirico, Greece, Metaphysical painter (Soothsayer)
07/10/1888 Graham McNamee, sportscaster (1st Rose Bowl)
07/10/1888 Toyohiko Kagawa, Kobe, Japan, Christian social reformer
07/10/1890 Andre Souris, composer
07/10/1892 George 'Smart' Summerville, US actor (Keystone Cops)
07/10/1894 Jimmy Francis McHugh, composer
07/10/1895 Carl Orff, Munich Germany, composer (Antigonae; Mozart prize 1969)
07/10/1895 John Gilbert, [Pringle], US actor (Heart o' the Hills)
07/10/1895 Maarten P Free, lawyer/criminologist/member High Council
07/10/1895 Nahum Goldmann, Switz, pres Zionist World Organization
07/10/1897 Lloyd Goodrich, American Arts Museum director
07/10/1898 Herbert Marcuse, German/US sociologist (Eros & Civilization)
07/10/1902 G nther Weisenborn, [Eberhard F”rster], German/Argentine writer
07/10/1902 Kurt Alder, German chemist (Nobel 1950)
07/10/1902 Nicolas Guillen, Cuban poet (Motivos de son)
07/10/1903 John Wyndham P L B Harris, US, sci-fi author (Day of the Triffids)
07/10/1904 Isa Krejci, composer
07/10/1911 Djuanda Kartawidjaja, premier of Indonesia
07/10/1913 Ljuba Welitsch, Borisovo, Bulgaria, soprano (Nedda-Pagliacci)
07/10/1915 Saul Bellow, Quebec, novelist (Nobel 1976-Mr Samler's Planet)
07/10/1917 Don Herbert, Waconia Minn, Mr Wizard
07/10/1919 Rusty Gill, St Louis Mo, singer (Polka Time)
07/10/1920 David Brinkley, Wilmington NC, NBC News anchor (Huntley-Brinkley)
07/10/1920 Owen Chamberlain, codiscovered antiproton (Nobel 1959)
07/10/1921 Jake LaMotta, Bronx, middleweight boxing champ (1949-51) (Raging Bul

07/10/1921 Jeff Donnell, South Windham Maine, actor (Gidget Goes to Rome)
07/10/1921 Revaz Il'yich Lagidze, composer
07/10/1921 [Leopold J] Paul Cammermans, Flemish actor (Getatoe‰erde Rose)
07/10/1922 Herb McKenley, Jamacia, 4 X 400m relay runner (Olympic-gold-1952)
07/10/1923 Jean Kerr, US author (Please Don't Eat the Daisies)
07/10/1925 Dorothea Hochletiner, Austria, giant slalom (Olympic-bronze-1956)
07/10/1926 Carleton Carpenter, Bennington Vt, actor (Up Periscope, Summer Stock

07/10/1926 Fred Gwynne, NYC, actor (Car 54 Where Are You, Munsters)
07/10/1927 David N Dinkins, (1st black Mayor-D-NYC, 1990-93)
07/10/1927 William Smithers, Richmond Va, actor (Witness, Peyton Place, Attack!

07/10/1930 Jacques Klein, Brazilian pianist
07/10/1931 Alice Munro, author (Dance of the Happy Shades)
07/10/1931 Del Insko, harness racer (toothpick in mouth, 1969 money leader)
07/10/1931 Julian May, US, sci-fi author (Golden Torc, Magnificat)
07/10/1931 Nick Adams, Nanticoke Pa, actor (Johnny Yuma-Rebel)
07/10/1933 Chuan-Kwang Yang, Taiwan, decathlete (Olympic-silver-1960)
07/10/1933 Jerry Herman, Broadway composer (Hello Dolly)
07/10/1936 Barbara B Kennelly, (Rep-D-Connecticut, 1982- )
07/10/1936 Jan Wincenty Hawel, composer
07/10/1937 Sandy Stewart, Phila Pa, singer (Sing Along With Mitch, Mr President

07/10/1939 Lawrence Pressman, Ky, actor (Man From Atlantis, Hellstrom Chronicle

07/10/1940 Dawid J 'Dawie' de Villiers, S African minister of energy (1989- )
07/10/1940 Mills Watson, Oakland Calif, actor (Harper Valley PTA, BJ & Bear)
07/10/1941 Ian Whitcomb, England, rocker (You Turn Me On)
07/10/1941 Robert Pine, Scarsdale NY, actor (Joe Getraer-CHiPs)
07/10/1942 Pyotr I Klimuk, cosmonaut (Soyuz 13, 18, 30)
07/10/1943 Arthur Ashe, tennis pro (1968 US Open, 1975 Wimbeldon)
07/10/1945 Ron Glass, actor (Sgt Harris-Barney Miller, Frank's Place)
07/10/1945 [Sarah] Virginia Wade, England, tennis star (Wimbeldon 1977)
07/10/1946 Sue Lyon, Davenport Iowa, actress (Lolita, Night of the Iguana)
07/10/1947 Arlo Guthrie, singer (Alice's Restaurant, City of New Orleans)
07/10/1947 Jeff Hanna, Detroit Mich, country singer (Nitty Gritty Dirt Band)
07/10/1949 Mark Shera, Bayonne NJ, actor (SWAT, Barnaby Jones)
07/10/1949 Ronnie James, rocker (Dio-Holy Diver)
07/10/1950 Willie Ford, US R&B-singer (Dramatics-Me & Mrs Jones)
07/10/1954 Andre Dawson, Miami Fla, outfielder (Expos, Cubs, 1987 NL MVP)
07/10/1954 Neil Francis Tennant, rocker (Pet Shop Boys-Left to My Own Devices)
07/10/1955 Pamela Theresa Jiles, NO LA, 4X400m relayer (Olympic-silver-1976)
07/10/1960 Rob de Weerd, guitarist (Tr”ckener Kecks)
07/10/1960 Roger Craig, NFL reciever (SF 49ers)
07/10/1964 Felipe Martinez, jockey
07/10/1972 Damon Sharpe, Cleveland Ohio, actor/musician (Guys Next Door)


07/10/ 138 Publius A Hadrianus, Roman emperor (117-138), dies
07/10/ 518 Anastasius I Dikoros, [Dyrrhachium/Durazzo], Byzantine emperor, dies

07/10/ 983 Benedict VI, Italian Pope (974-83), dies
07/10/1103 Erik I Ejegod, the good hearted, King of Denmark (1095-1103), dies
07/10/1480 Ren‚, last heir of house of Anjou, dies
07/10/1535 Jacob Van Campen, Reconstruction bishop, beheaded
07/10/1559 Henry II, King of France (1547-59), dies
07/10/1573 Willem van Bronkhorst, Brattenburg/Stein/army leader, dies
07/10/1584 Willem I 'the Silent', [Willem of Orange], earl of Nassau, dies at 5

07/10/1594 Paulo Bellasio, composer, dies at 40
07/10/1668 Adam-Nicolas Gascon, composer, dies at 45
07/10/1686 Ercole Ferrata, Italian sculptor/restauranteur, dies at 76
07/10/1690 Domenico Gabrielli, composer, dies at 39
07/10/1690 John van Brakel, sea officer (Chatham), dies in battle at 48
07/10/1692 Bridget Bishop, first Salem witch hanged
07/10/1762 Johann F Gronovius, physician/botany, dies at 76
07/10/1838 Willem earl van Hogendorp, Dutch colonial governor, dies at about 43

07/10/1839 Fernando Joseph Maria Sor, composer, dies at 61
07/10/1851 Louis-Jacques-Mand‚ Daguerre, French painter (daguerreotypie), dies
07/10/1863 Clement Clarke Moore, ('Twas the Night Before Xmas), dies at 83
07/10/1863 Paul Jones Semmes, US businessman/Confederate brig-general, dies at

07/10/1868 Carlo Conti, composer, dies at 71
07/10/1884 Paul Charles Morphy, US lawyer/chess wizard, dies at 47
07/10/1888 Rafael Hernando, composer, dies at 66
07/10/1891 Pedro A de Alarc¢n, Spanish editor-in-chief (El L tigo), dies at 58
07/10/1902 Albert FA, king of Saxon (1873-1902), dies at 74
07/10/1908 Eliza Laurillard, vicar/poet/writer, dies at 78
07/10/1910 Johann G Galle, German discoverer of Neptune by telescope, dies
07/10/1915 Hendrik W Mesdag, painter (Panorama Mesdag), dies
07/10/1920 Eug‚nie M de Mont˜o y de Guzman, Emperor of France, dies at 94
07/10/1920 John A 'Jacky' Kilverston, adm/designer (dreadnought), dies at 79
07/10/1924 Johannes B van Heutsz, gov-gen of Dutch Indies (1904-09), dies at 73

07/10/1927 Kevin O'Higgins, Irish Free State VP, assassinated
07/10/1937 Attilio Brugnoli, composer, dies at 56
07/10/1937 Johan[nes] B Schepers, Fries writer (Braga), dies at 71
07/10/1940 Donald Francis Tovey, composer, dies at 64
07/10/1941 Ferdinand 'Jelly Roll' Morton, pioneer jazz pianist, dies at 56 in L

07/10/1943 Arthur Finlay Nevin, composer, dies at 72
07/10/1945 Robert Goddard, Rocket pioneer, dies
07/10/1952 Rued Immanuel Langgard, composer, dies at 58
07/10/1953 Sidney Homer, composer, dies at 88
07/10/1955 Henry W Methorst, Dutch director Central Bureau of Statistic, dies
07/10/1957 Sholem Asch, Polish/Israeli writer (East River), dies
07/10/1965 Jacques Audiberti, French poet (Le cavalier seul), dies at 66
07/10/1967 Albertine Sarrazin, French author (La TraversiŠre), dies at 29
07/10/1971 Mohamed Madbouh, Moroccan general/putschist, shot to death
07/10/1975 Achiel H van Acker, Belgian premier (1945-46, 1954-58), dies at 77
07/10/1977 Norman Paris, orch leader (For Your Pleasure), dies at 41
07/10/1978 Michel Gusikoff, composer, dies at 85
07/10/1979 Arthur Fiedler, orch leader (Boston Pops), dies at 84
07/10/1982 Maria Jeritza, [Jedlicka], Aust/US, singer (Metropolitan Opera), die

07/10/1983 Werner Egk, composer, dies at 82
07/10/1985 Fernando Pereira, military activist, murdered
07/10/1987 John Hammond, reviewer (Melody Maker), dies at 76
07/10/1989 Mel Blanc, voice of cartoon characters (Bugs Bunny), dies at 81
07/10/1990 Hans Faverey, poet, dies
07/10/1991 Gerome Ragal, author (Hair), dies at 48 of cancer
07/10/1993 Masugi Ibuse, Japanese author (Kuroi ame (Black rain)), dies at 95
07/10/1993 Will Rogers Jr, (Rep-D)/actor (Boy from Okla), dies at 81

Significant Events:

07/10/ 552 Origin of Armenian calendar
07/10/1520 King Charles V & King Henry VIII signs treaty of Calais
07/10/1568 Battle on Eems: Dutch Water garrison beats Spanish
07/10/1584 Spanish army leader Richebourg conquerors Liefkenshoek, Belgium
07/10/1598 Spanish theater plays 'Moros y Los Cristianos' in Rio Grande
07/10/1627 English fleet under George Villiers reach La Rochelle
07/10/1629 1st non-Separatist Congregational Church in US founded (Salem, MA)
07/10/1690 Battle of Beachy Head-French fleet defeat Anglo-Dutch fleet
07/10/1690 Neth-French sea battle at Beachy Head (Cornelis Evertsen)
07/10/1775 Horatio Gates, issues order excluding blacks from Continental Army
07/10/1810 Emperor Napoleon corpse leaves Netherlands for France
07/10/1832 Pres Jackson vetoed legislation to re-charter 2nd Bank of US
07/10/1850 VP Fillmore becomes pres following Zachary Taylor's death
07/10/1862 US begins construction of Central Pacific Railroad
07/10/1863 Battle of Charleston, SC (Morris Island) [->SEP 06]
07/10/1863 Battle of Jackson, MS - captured by federals [->JUL 16] US1000 CS133

07/10/1866 Indelible pencil patented by Edson P Clark, Northampton, Mass
07/10/1873 French poet Paul Verlaine wounds Arthur Rimbaud with pistol
07/10/1875 L Schulhof discovers asteroid #147 Protogeneia
07/10/1890 Wyoming becomes 44th state of US (1st with female suffrage)
07/10/1892 1st concrete-paved street built (Bellefountaine, Ohio)
07/10/1893 Daniel Hale Williams performs world's 1st successful heart surgery
07/10/1905 Dutch Queen Wilhelmina opens Technical Hague court
07/10/1908 H Kamerlingh Onnes makes helium liquid (-269ø C)
07/10/1910 Chicago White Sox Comiskey Park opens, visiting Browns win 2-0
07/10/1911 105øF (41øC) at North Bridgton, Maine (state record)
07/10/1912 Hannes Kolehmainen runs world record 5000m (14:36.6)
07/10/1913 134øF (57øC), Greenland Ranch, Calif (US record)
07/10/1913 Romania declares war on Bulgaria
07/10/1914 Boston Red Sox purchase Babe Ruth from Baltimore Orioles
07/10/1915 British/South African troops march into German SW-Africa
07/10/1917 Emma Goldman imprisoned for obstructing draft
07/10/1918 Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic established
07/10/1919 Dutch 1st Chamber approves woman sufferage
07/10/1919 Pres Wilson personally delivers Treaty of Versailles to Senate
07/10/1923 2-pound hailstones kill 23 & many cattle. (Rostov, Russia)
07/10/1923 All non-fascist parties disolved in Italy
07/10/1924 Denmark takes Greenland as Norway ends claim
07/10/1924 Railroad worker strike ends in Amsterdam
07/10/1924 Strike of Werkspoor in Amsterdam ends
07/10/1925 Jury selection took place in John T Scopes evolution trial
07/10/1925 USSR's official news agency TASS established
07/10/1926 Lake Denmark, NJ arsenal explodes, kills 21, $75m damage
07/10/1926 Robert T 'Bobby' Jones wins US Open golf tournament
07/10/1928 H E Wood discovers asteroid #3300
07/10/1929 In game between Pirates & Phillies 9 HRs hit 1 in each inning
07/10/1929 US issues newer, smaller-sized paper currency
07/10/1933 1st police radio system operated, Eastchester Township, NY
07/10/1934 1st sitting US president to visit South America, FDR in Colombia
07/10/1934 AL beats NL 9-7 in 2nd All Star Game (Polo Grounds NY)
07/10/1934 Carl Hubbell strikes out Ruth, Gehrig & Foxx in All star game
07/10/1936 109øF (43øC) Cumberland & Frederick, Maryland (state record)
07/10/1936 110øF (43øC) at Runyon, New Jersey (state record
07/10/1936 111øF (44øC) Phoenixville, Pennsylvania (state record)
07/10/1936 112øF (44øC) at Martinsburg, West Virginia (state record
07/10/1936 New Straits Convention allows Turkish rearmament of Dardanelles
07/10/1936 Phillies Chuck Klein becomes 4th to hit 4 HRs in a game
07/10/1937 Dutch Django Reinhardts 'Quintette, premieres in du Hot Club'
07/10/1938 Howard Hughes flies around the world in 91 hours
07/10/1940 Battle of Britain began as Nazi forces attacked by air
07/10/1940 German planes attack British ships in the Canal
07/10/1942 Himmler orders sterilization of all Jewish woman in Ravensbr ck Camp

07/10/1942 Netherland's govt in exile (London) recognizes Soviet Union
07/10/1943 6th day of battle at Kursk
07/10/1943 US & Britain invade Sicily in WW II (Operation Husky)
07/10/1945 Lt-adm Marc Mitscher named chief of US Navy staff
07/10/1946 Belgian cabinet-Acker, resigns
07/10/1947 200 die when train derails & fell into a river in Canton, China
07/10/1947 Cleveland Indian Don Black no-hits Phila A's, 3-0
07/10/1949 1st practical rectangular TV tube announced-Toledo, Oh
07/10/1949 WJAR TV channel 10 in Providence, RI (NBC) begins broadcasting
07/10/1950 'Your Hit Parade' premieres on NBC (later CBS) TV
07/10/1951 Armistice talks to end Korean conflict began at Kaesong
07/10/1951 E L Johnson discovers asteroid #1609 Brenda
07/10/1951 NL beats AL 8-3 in 18th All Star Game (Briggs Stadium, Detroit)
07/10/1953 Pravda reports arrest of Beria [affiliate of imperialist]
07/10/1956 650,000 US steel workers go on strike
07/10/1956 NL beats AL 7-3 in 23rd All Star Game (Griffith Stad, Washington)
07/10/1958 1st parking meter installed in England (625 installed)
07/10/1958 Ex-king Norodom Sihanoek appointed premier of Cambodia
07/10/1960 Belgium sends troops to Congo
07/10/1962 Martin Luther King Jr arrested during demonstration in Georgia
07/10/1962 NL beats AL 3-1 in 32nd All Star Game (DC Stadium, Wash)
07/10/1962 Telstar, 1st geosynchronous communications satellite, launched
07/10/1964 Mo‹se Tsjombe becomes premier of Congo
07/10/1965 Beatles' 'Beatles' 'VI,' album goes #1 & stays #1 for 6 weeks
07/10/1965 Rolling Stones score their 1st #1, 'I Can't Get No Satisfaction'
07/10/1966 Orbiter 1 launched to Moon
07/10/1969 Chilean Association of Librarians created
07/10/1969 NL votes to split into 2 divisions
07/10/1971 Failed attempt on King Hassan II Shirat Morocco, 101 killed
07/10/1971 Lee Trevino wins British Open golf tournament
07/10/1972 Democratic convention opens in Miami Beach Florida (McGovern)
07/10/1972 Herd of stampeding elephants kills 24, Chandka Forest India
07/10/1973 Bahamas declares Independence from UK & adopts constitution
07/10/1974 OPEC ends oil boycott against Netherlands
07/10/1976 Chemical factory in Milan explodes (dioxane cloud)
07/10/1978 Bloodless military coup in Mauritania
07/10/1978 E F Helinand E Shoemaker discovers asteroid #3484
07/10/1978 Military coup in Mauritania, president Moktar flees
07/10/1980 Ayatollah Khomeini releases Iran hostage Richard I Queen
07/10/1980 Willie Jones hospitalized for heat stroke with record 46.5ø C temp
07/10/1981 CERN achieves 1st proton-antiproton beam collision (570 GeV)
07/10/1982 Miguel Vasquez makes 1st public quadruple somersault on trapeze
07/10/1982 Samuel Morses 'Gallery of the Louvre' sells for $3250000
07/10/1983 E Bowell discovers asteroids #3222 Lillerand #3751
07/10/1985 Coca-Cola Co announces it will resume selling old formula Coke
07/10/1985 French agents sink Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in New Zealand
07/10/1989 Paula Ivan runs female world record 1 mile (4:15.61)
07/10/1990 AL beats NL 2-0 in 61st All Star Game (Wrigley Field Calif)
07/10/1990 Andrew Dice Clays cries on Arsenio Hall Show
07/10/1992 John Ellis becomes CEO of Seattle Mariners
07/10/1992 Spaceship Giotto (Halley 1986) approaches comet Grigg-Skjellerup
07/10/1992 SuriPop VII, Suriname Popular Song Festival
07/10/1992 US Major Soccer League folds after 14 seasons
07/10/1993 Melchior Ndadaye becomes 1st Hutu Burundi pres/Sylvie Kinigi, PM
07/10/1993 Yobes Ondieki runs world record 10km (26:58.38)
07/10/1994 Fred Norris (from the Howard Stern Show) marries Allison

Robert Wolfe

Jul 10, 2021, 5:40:12 PM7/10/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque

Robert Wolfe

Jul 10, 2021, 5:40:12 PM7/10/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque

Robert Wolfe

Jul 11, 2021, 4:53:06 PM7/11/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


07/11/ 154 Bar Daisan [Bardesanes], Syrian theologist
07/11/1274 Robert Bruce, King of Scotland (1306-29)
07/11/1540 Adolf van Nassau, German son of Willem the Rich/Juliana of Stolberg
07/11/1558 Robert Greene, Elizabethan dramatist (Friar Bacon)
07/11/1657 Frederik I, King of Prussia (1701-13)
07/11/1662 Maximilian II Emanuel, ruler of Bayern
07/11/1738 Albert-Kasimir, duke of Saxon/viceroy of Hungary/Netherlands
07/11/1754 Thomas Bowdler, famous prude, bowdlerized Shakespeare
07/11/1767 John Quincy Adams, Braintree (Quincy) Mass, 6th Pres (D) (1825-1829)

07/11/1810 EugŠne L Simonis, Belgian sculptor
07/11/1811 Joseph Lanman, Comm (Union Navy), died in 1874
07/11/1816 French A Durlet, Belgian sculptor/architect
07/11/1824 Adolphe-Abraham Samuel, composer
07/11/1825 Edward Henry Hobson, Brig General (Union volunteers), died in 1901
07/11/1826 Alexander Afanasjev, Russ story teller (Narodnye roesskie skazki)
07/11/1836 Carlos Gomez, composer
07/11/1837 Paul Lacombe, composer
07/11/1838 John Wanamaker, merchant (Wanamakers Dept Store)
07/11/1841 Dani‰l de Longe, composer
07/11/1841 William Paul Roberts, Brig General (Confederate Army), died in 1910
07/11/1844 Peter I Karadjordjevic, King of Serbia/Yugoslavia
07/11/1851 Millieand Christine, NC, siamese twins
07/11/1857 Alfred Binet, French child psychologist
07/11/1857 Iacob Moresianu, composer
07/11/1860 Johannis J van Lar, chemist (thermodynamics)
07/11/1861 Anton Stepanovich Arensky, composer
07/11/1861 George William Norris, (Rep/Sen-Neb) (Lame duck-amendement)
07/11/1862 Liza Nina Mary Frederica Lehmann, composer
07/11/1871 Stjepan Radic, founder/leader Croatian Boer party
07/11/1876 Max Jacob, French writer (Concentration Camp, Le siŠge de J‚rusalem)

07/11/1885 Roger de la Fresnaye, French sculptor/painter
07/11/1888 Carl Schmitt, German nazi-lawyer (Verfassungslehre)
07/11/1888 Lyman Bryson, Valentine Nebr, educator (UN Casebook)
07/11/1890 Arthur W Tedder Van Glenguin, British air marshal (WW II)
07/11/1890 Georg Annenkov, Russian/French painter
07/11/1892 Giorgio Federico Ghedini, composer
07/11/1892 Thomas Mitchell, NJ, academy award winning actor (Outlaw, Adventures

07/11/1894 Walter Wanger, [Feuchtwanger], US producer (Stagecoach)
07/11/1898 Hendrik J Pos, philosopher/chairman Committee of Watchfulness)
07/11/1898 Herman de Man, [Salomon H Hamburger], writer/Radio Orange
07/11/1899 E B White, writer (Charlotte's Web, Elements of Style)
07/11/1902 Leo Collard, Belgian minister of Education (1946/54-58)
07/11/1906 Harry Von Zell, Indianapolis Ind, TV announcer (Burns & Allen)
07/11/1906 Herbert Wehner, German communist politician (SPD)
07/11/1910 Irene Hervey, LA Calif, actress (Aunt Meg-Honey West)
07/11/1913 Paul Myron Anthony Linebarger, US, sci-fi author (Space Lords)
07/11/1914 Ahti Sonninen, composer
07/11/1915 Colin Purdie Kelly, US, 1st US air hero during WW II
07/11/1915 Yul Brynner, Sakhalin Is Japan, actor (King & I, 10 Commandments)
07/11/1916 Gough Whitlam, (ALP) Australia, PM (1972-75)
07/11/1916 Howard Brubeck, composer
07/11/1922 Gene Evans, Hollbrook Az, actor (My Friend Flicka, Matt Helm, Alamo)

07/11/1925 Nicolai Gedda, Swedish actress (?)
07/11/1926 Ralph D Abernathy, US, president (SCLC)
07/11/1926 Rodolfo Arizaga, composer
07/11/1927 Herbert Blomstedt, Springfield Mass, conductor (Oslo Phil 1954-61)
07/11/1928 Robert Washburn, composer
07/11/1929 Hermann Prey, Berlin Germany, baritone (Wolfram-Tannha ser)
07/11/1930 Gregory C Bell, Terre Haute Ind, long jumper (Olympic-gold-1956)
07/11/1931 Herman de Vries, statue artist
07/11/1931 Tab Hunter, actor (Damn Yankees, Lust in the Dust, Battle Cry)
07/11/1931 Thurston Harris, Indianapolis, vocalist (Little Bitty Pretty One)
07/11/1932 Ron McAnally, horse trainer
07/11/1935 Earlene Dennis Brown, Latero Tx, shot putter (Olympic-bronze-1960)
07/11/1938 Terry Garthwaite, US guitarist/singer (Joy of Cooking)
07/11/1939 Larry Laoretti, Mahopac NJ, golfer (US Seniors Open 1992)
07/11/1939 Seth Gaaikema, night club performer
07/11/1940 Rafael Martinez, horse trainer
07/11/1942 Marian Sarst„dt, dancer/ballerina
07/11/1943 Susan Seaforth Hayes, SF, actress (Days of our Life, Young & Restles

07/11/1945 Robin Muyser, bassist (Lesson Baroques)
07/11/1946 Beverly Todd, Ohio, actress (Roots, Having Babies, Redd Foxx Show)
07/11/1946 Edward J Markey, (Rep-D-MA, 1976- )
07/11/1950 Bonnie Pointer, singer (Pointer Sisters-Jump, I'm So Excited)
07/11/1952 Stephen Long, US actor(?)
07/11/1953 Leon Spinks, US, heavyweight boxing champ (1978, Olympic-gold-1976)
07/11/1953 Peter Bergman, Guantanamo Bay Cuba, actor (Starland Vocal Band)
07/11/1955 Sergey Babinov, USSR, ice hockey star (Olympic-gold-1972)
07/11/1956 Sela Ward, Meridian Miss, actress (Hilary-Emerald Point NAS)
07/11/1957 Michael Rose, rocker (Black Uhuru-Brutal, Positive)
07/11/1957 Pete Murphy, rocker (Love Hysteria)
07/11/1958 Mark Lester, Oxford England, actor (Oliver, Prince & Pauper)
07/11/1958 Ray Dodds, rocker (Fairground Attraction-You Send Me)
07/11/1959 Richie Sambora, guitarist (Bon Jovi-You Give Love a Bad Name)
07/11/1959 Suzanne Vega, rock vocalist (My Name is Luka)
07/11/1964 Earl Jones, Inkster Mich, 800m runner (Olympic-bronze-1984)
07/11/1966 Butch Reid, horse trainer
07/11/1966 Debbe Dunning, actress (Home Improvement)
07/11/1966 Mel Appleby, rocker (Mel & Kim-Coming to America)
07/11/1971 Brett Hauer, Edina Minn, US hockey defenseman (Olympics-1994)
07/11/1977 Brandy Gold, Northridge Calif, actress (Annie-Baby Makes 5)
07/11/1987 Matej Gaspar, Yugoslavia, 5,000,000,000th person (UN)


07/11/ 155 Pius I, bishop of Rome (approx 140-155)/saint/martyr, dies
07/11/1174 Amalrik I, [Morri], French King of Jerusalem, dies
07/11/1302 Jacques de Chƒtillon, count of Saint-Pol/gov of Flaanders, dies
07/11/1302 Pierre Flote, French 1st legist/chancellor of king Philip IV, dies
07/11/1382 Nicholas van Oresme, French philospher/bishop of Lisieux, dies
07/11/1535 Joachim I Nestor, ruler (Brandenburg), dies at 51
07/11/1540 Jan Szapolyai, anti-king of Hungarian, dies
07/11/1593 Giuseppe Arcimboldo, 1st surrealist painter, dies (birth date unkn)
07/11/1667 John Fox, Amsterdam writer, buried
07/11/1686 Michel Anguier, French sculptor, dies at 75
07/11/1690 Friedrich H duke van Schomberg, marshal, dies in battle at 75
07/11/1763 Pehr Forsk†hl, Finnish botanist/explorer, dies
07/11/1768 Jose Melchior de Nebra Blascu, composer, dies at 66
07/11/1781 Adolph Carl Kunzen, composer, dies at 60
07/11/1804 Alex Hamilton, killed by VP Aaron Burr in pistol duel near Weehawken

07/11/1806 James Smith, Irish/US attorney/signer (Decl of Ind), dies at 87
07/11/1826 Carl Bernhard Wessely, composer, dies at 57
07/11/1847 Joachim G le Sage at Trousers, RC foreman/publicist, dies at 71
07/11/1874 Xavier FMG earl Merode, Belg pontifical defense minister, dies at 54

07/11/1876 Ottho G Heldring, vicar (H-gestichten), dies at 72
07/11/1882 EugŠne L Simonis, Belgian sculptor, dies on 72nd birthday
07/11/1898 Charles Chanoine, French lt/mass murderer in Senegal, dies
07/11/1909 Simon Newcomb, celestial mechanics authority, dies
07/11/1914 Julius Rodenberg, [Levy], German writer (Die Deutsche Rundschau), di

07/11/1916 Rik Wouters, Belgian painter/sculptor (Doll Virgin), dies
07/11/1921 Gabriel Lippmann, French physicist, dies at 75
07/11/1926 Gertrude M L Bell, British archaeologist (Desert & Sown), dies at 57

07/11/1937 George Gershwin, composer (American in Paris), dies at 38
07/11/1942 Simon de la Bella, Dutch president (NVV), dies in Dachau
07/11/1944 Wolfgang Redlich, German major/pilot, dies in battle
07/11/1948 Gerhard Kittel, German anti-semite theologist, dies
07/11/1950 Timotei Popovici, composer, dies at 79
07/11/1957 Aga Khan III, leader of isma‹lieten (Indian transition), dies
07/11/1960 Gunnar Olof Bj”rling, Fin-Swedish language poet (Kiri-ra!), dies at

07/11/1964 Maurice Thorez, sec-general French communistic party, dies at 64
07/11/1965 Ray Collins, actor (Halls of Ivy, Perry Mason), dies at 75
07/11/1966 Delmore Schwartz, US poet/critic (Shenandoah), dies at 52
07/11/1971 Carleton Young, actor (Court of Last Resorts), dies at 64
07/11/1971 John W Campbell, US, sci-fi writer (Space Beyond), dies at 61
07/11/1973 Alexander Vasil'yevich Mosolov, composer, dies at 72
07/11/1973 Isabel Randolph, actress (Mrs Nester-Our Miss Brooks), dies at 83
07/11/1973 Robert Ryan, US actor (Dirty Dozens, Longest Day), dies at 63
07/11/1974 P„r Lagerkvist, Swedish author (Nobel 1951), dies at 83
07/11/1980 Boleslaw Woytowicz, composer, dies at 80
07/11/1980 Peggy Knudson, actress (April-So This is Hollywood), dies at 57
07/11/1984 Karel Mengelberg, composer, dies at 81
07/11/1987 Thomas F Waddell, founder (Gay Olympics), dies of AIDS at 50
07/11/1989 Laurence Olivier, acting great (Hamlet), dies at 82
07/11/1990 Onno Molenkamp, actor, dies at 67
07/11/1991 Hitoshi Igarashi, Japanese interpreter (Satanic Verses), murdered
07/11/1992 Annette Fischer, Danish chairman Amnesty Intl, dies
07/11/1992 Antoon J Hubben, mayor of Maasbree/President KVM/Unie BLHP, dies at

07/11/1993 Deng Yingchao, high ranking communist China official, dies at 88
07/11/1993 Henri van Soede, sub commandant (WW II), dies at about 83
07/11/1993 Kelly Ahrendt, 1st death by rabies in NY since 1954, dies
07/11/1993 Mario Bauza, Cubans/US jazz musician, dies at 82
07/11/1993 Sergey Vozovikov, cosmonaut, dies during underwater test at 34
07/11/1994 Savannah, XXX star (Superstars), shoots herself after car crash, at

Significant Events:

07/11/1244 Chwarizneense Turken defeats Jerusalem
07/11/1302 Battle of Kortr˜k Belgium (France vs Flanders)
07/11/1302 Guldensporen battle of Belgium
07/11/1347 Bohemia heir to the throne elected German anti-king Charles IV
07/11/1376 English 'Good Parliament' meets
07/11/1423 Arnold van Egmont becomes duke of Gelre
07/11/1533 Pope Clement VII excommunicated England's King Henry VIII
07/11/1690 Battle of Drogheda Boyne (Willem III (Neth-Engl) beat Jacobus II (Ir

07/11/1708 Battle at Oudenaarde: Great Alliance beats France
07/11/1740 Jews are expelled from Little Russia by order of Czarina Anne
07/11/1781 Thomas Hutchins designated Geographer of US
07/11/1789 US Marine corp forms
07/11/1792 Prussia army moves into French territory
07/11/1798 US Marine Corps created by an act of Congress
07/11/1801 French astronomer Jean-Louis Pons discovers his 1st comet
07/11/1804 VP Aaron Burr kills Alex Hamilton in a pistol duel near Weehawken
07/11/1812 US invades Canada (Detroit frontier)
07/11/1861 Battle of Laurel Mountain VA-Gen Morris forces retreat of rebels
07/11/1861 Battle of Rich Mountain, VA - Rosecrans forces rebels to surrender
07/11/1862 Lincoln appoints General Halleck general-in-chief
07/11/1863 Japanese battle cruiser shoots at Dutch warship Medusa, kills 4
07/11/1864 Battle of Fort Stevens, DC (Early's Raid, Tennallytown, MD)
07/11/1864 Confederate forces led by Gen J Early begin invasion of Wash DC
07/11/1868 J C Watson discovers asteroid #100 Hekate
07/11/1888 118øF (48øC), Bennett, Colorado (state record)
07/11/1888 Pennsylvania's Monongehela River rises 32' after 24 hour rainfall
07/11/1897 Solomon Andree leaves Spitsbergen by balloon towards North Pole
07/11/1900 Boer general De la Rey captures Scots Greys & Lincolns
07/11/1901 L Carnera discovers asteroid #472 Roma
07/11/1905 Black intellectuals & activists organize Niagara movement
07/11/1905 Niagara Movement founded by WEB Dubois
07/11/1914 Babe Ruth debuts as a pitcher for Boston Red Sox, he beats Cleve 4-3

07/11/1915 Germany cruiser K”nigsberg sinks off Dar-es-Salam
07/11/1916 1st federal grant-in-aid for state roads enacted
07/11/1918 M Wolf discovers asteroid #895 Helio
07/11/1919 Dutch 2nd chamber approves 8-hour day/No Sunday work
07/11/1921 Mongolia gains independence from China (National Day)
07/11/1924 Moslem-Hindu rebellion in Delhi
07/11/1925 Queen Wilhelmina names H Col˜n head of govt
07/11/1931 NY Giants beat Phillies 23-8
07/11/1934 FDR became 1st pres to travel through Panama Canal
07/11/1936 Triborough Bridge linking Manhattan, Bronx & Queens opens
07/11/1939 Yanks host 7th All Star Game, McCarthy starts 6 Yanks, AL wins 3-1
07/11/1941 German troops attack Dnjepr
07/11/1943 7th day of battle at Kursk
07/11/1944 Bill Boggs, Phila, TV host/producer (Midday, Morton Downey Jr Show)
07/11/1944 NL beats AL 7-1 in 12th All Star Game (Pitts' Forbes Field)
07/11/1950 NL beats AL 4-3 (14 inn) in 17th All Star Game (Comiskey Park Chic)
07/11/1950 Ted Williams breaks his elbow; 1st extra inning All Star Game
07/11/1952 Gen Eisenhower nominated as Republican presidential candidate
07/11/1954 1st White Citizens Council organizes in Indianola, Miss
07/11/1955 Congress authorizes all US currency to say 'In God We Trust'
07/11/1955 New USAF Academy dedicated at Lowry AFB in Colo with 300 cadets
07/11/1960 Czechoslovakia adopts Constitution
07/11/1960 Ivory Coast, Dahomey, Upper Volta & Niger declare independence
07/11/1960 Mo‹se Tsjombe declares Congolese county Katanga independence
07/11/1960 NL beats AL 5-3 in 28th All Star Game (Municipal Stadium, KC)
07/11/1961 Gene Kiniski beats Verne Gagne in Minneapolis, to become NWA champ
07/11/1961 NL beats AL 5-4 in 29th All Star Game (Candlestick Park, SF)
07/11/1962 1st transatlantic TV transmission via satellite (Telstar I)
07/11/1962 Cosmonaut Micolaev set then record longest space flight - 4 days
07/11/1962 Fred Baldasare is 1st to swim English Channel underwater (scuba)
07/11/1963 South-African ANC Walter Sisulu/Andrew Mlangeni/Govan Mbeki arrested

07/11/1965 Israeli Mapai-party nominates David Ben Gurion
07/11/1967 Kenny Rogers forms 1st Edition
07/11/1967 Longest All Star Game, NL beats AL 2-1 (15 inn) (Anaheim Stadium, Ca

07/11/1969 David Bowie releases 'Space Oddity'
07/11/1969 Rolling Stones release 'Honky Tonk Woman'
07/11/1971 Chilean parliament nationalizes US copper mines
07/11/1971 Phillies Deron Johnson 3 HRs caps his 4 in a row
07/11/1973 Brazilian Boeing 707 crashes at Paris, 122 killed
07/11/1974 House Judiciary Committee releases evidence on Watergate inquiry
07/11/1974 World Football League plays 1st games
07/11/1975 L Chernykh discovers asteroid #2489 Suvorov
07/11/1977 Medal of Freedom awarded posthumously to Rev Martin Luther King Jr
07/11/1978 Auto with liquid gas crashes & explodes in Spain, 160 killed
07/11/1978 NL beats AL 7-3 in 49th All Star Game (San Diego Stadium)
07/11/1979 US Skylab enters atmosphere over Australia & disintegrates
07/11/1980 American hostage Richard I Queen freed by Iran
07/11/1981 Sebastian Coe of UK sets record for 1000 m, 2:12.18
07/11/1982 Italy beats West Germany 3-1 for soccer's 12th World Cup in Madrid
07/11/1983 E Bowell discovers asteroid #3485 Barucci
07/11/1984 England's MusicBox begins satellite transmission to Europe
07/11/1984 Lucas Mangope re-elected president of Bophuthatswana
07/11/1984 NL beats AL 3-1 in 55th All Star Game (Candlestick Park SF)
07/11/1985 Astros' Nolan Ryan, 1st to strike out 4000 (Mets' Danny Heep)
07/11/1985 Refurbished Columbia moves overland from Palmdale to Dryden
07/11/1986 Ingrid Kristiansen of Norway runs 10,000 m in world record 30:13.74
07/11/1986 Maricica Puica of Romania runs 2,000 m in 5:28.69 (record for women)

07/11/1986 Mary Beth Whitehead christens surrogate Baby M, Sara
07/11/1987 Heart's 'Alone,' single goes #1 for 3 weeks
07/11/1988 Mike Tyson hires Donald Trump as an advisor
07/11/1989 AL beats NL 5-3, (3rd of last 4 All Star Games) in California
07/11/1989 President Ronald Reagan sportscasts All Star Game
07/11/1990 NYC police arrest 'Dartman' (stabbed over 50 women with darts)
07/11/1991 Nigerian DC-8 crashes near Djeddah, 261 die
07/11/1991 Total solar eclipse is seen in Hawaii
07/11/1992 Pres candidate Ross Perot at NAACP speach calls them 'you people'

Robert Wolfe

Jul 12, 2021, 7:40:12 AM7/12/21
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Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


07/12/ 100 -BC- [Gaius] Julius C‘sar, Roman Emperor
07/12/1644 Arnold Moonen, vicar/literature (David's saint graduals)
07/12/1675 Evaristo E Felice dall' Abaco, Italian cellist/composer
07/12/1730 Josiah Wedgwood, England, pottery designer/manufacturer (Wedgwood)
07/12/1757 Christian Danner, composer
07/12/1801 John Hill Hewitt, composer
07/12/1802 Charles-Louis Hanssens, composer
07/12/1807 Silas Casey, Major General (Union volunteers), died in 1882
07/12/1817 Henry David Thoreau, Concord Mass, naturalist/pacifist (Walden Pond)

07/12/1821 Cesare Dominiceti, composer
07/12/1821 Daniel Harvey Hill, Lt Gen (Confederate Army), died in 1889
07/12/1832 Otis Crandell Davis, Ala, 400m/4X400m relayer (Olympic-gold-1960)
07/12/1840 Abraham Goldfaden, Eastern European Yiddish dramatist
07/12/1849 William Osler, Canada, physician/author (circulatory system)
07/12/1854 George Eastman, Waterville NY, inventor (Kodak camera)
07/12/1864 George Washington Carver, studied the peanut
07/12/1868 Stefan George, Germany, lyric poet (Algabal)
07/12/1884 Amedeo Modigliani, Italy, painter/sculptor (Reclining Nude)
07/12/1885 George Butterworth, composer
07/12/1886 Jean Hersholt, Danish/US actor (One in White, Aryan)
07/12/1888 Tojohiko Kagawa, Japan, Christian-social reformer (Grain of Wheat)
07/12/1895 Kirsten Flagstead, Norse soprano (Wagner)
07/12/1895 Oscar Hammerstein II, NYC, lyricist who worked with Richard Rodgers
07/12/1895 R Buckminster Fuller, architect/inventor (geodesic dome)
07/12/1900 Fjodor Godunov-Tcherdynchev, Russian poet (Life of Tchernyshevsky)
07/12/1904 Pablo Neruda, Chile, poet (Residence on Earth-Nobel 1971)
07/12/1905 John CF, under English king George V
07/12/1908 Ernest Burnelle, Belgian politician
07/12/1908 Johan Franco, composer
07/12/1908 Milton Berle, Harlem NYC, comedian (Uncle Miltie, Mr Television)
07/12/1909 Joey Faye, NYC, comedian (Joey Faye's Follies)
07/12/1912 Souphanouvong, prince/president Laos
07/12/1917 Andrew Wyeth, US, painter (Christina's World)
07/12/1920 Keith Andes, Ocean City NJ, actor (Farmer's Daughter, Away All Boats

07/12/1922 Clark MacGregor, politician (involved in Watergate)
07/12/1922 James E[dwin] Gunn, US, sci-fi author (Station in Space, Immortal)
07/12/1922 Mark O Hatfield, (Sen-R Oregon, 1967- )
07/12/1923 James E Gunn, US, sci-fi writer (New Encyclopedia of Science Fiction

07/12/1924 Jaap Geraedts, composer
07/12/1927 Gualberto T Hernandez, perfect minister Neth Antilles
07/12/1929 Pavle Merku, composer
07/12/1931 Andr‚ Laporte, Flemish composer
07/12/1931 Bob Traxler, (Rep-D-MI, 1974- )
07/12/1934 Van Cliburn Jr, [Harvey Lavan], La, pianist (Tchaikovsky 1958)
07/12/1936 Jan Nemec, Prague Czech, director (Diamonds of the Night)
07/12/1937 Bill Cosby, Phila, actor/comedian (I Spy, Cosby, Leonard Part 6)
07/12/1937 Mickey Edwards, (Rep-R-OK, 1977- )
07/12/1938 Mickey Stratton, Meriden Ct, softball catcher (Hall of Fame 1969)
07/12/1942 Richard Stoltzman, Omaha Nebraska, clarinetist (Tashi)
07/12/1943 Christie McVie, rocker (Fleetwood Mac-Got A Hold on Me)
07/12/1943 Ernie Anastos, Nashua NH, news anchor (WCBS, WABC)
07/12/1943 Paul Silas, NBAer (Boston Celtic, Seattle SuperSonic)
07/12/1944 Bill McCollum, (Rep-R-Florida, 1981- )
07/12/1944 Denise Nicholas, Detroit Mich, actress (Room 222, Baby I'm Back)
07/12/1948 Richard Simmons, exercise guru (Deal-a-Meal)
07/12/1948 Walter Egan, rocker (Not Shy, Fundamental Roll)
07/12/1949 Jay Thomas, Kermit Tx, DJ/actor (Mork & Mindy, Cheers, Murphy Brown)

07/12/1950 Eric Carr, drummer (Kiss-Beth)
07/12/1951 Cheryl Ladd, Huron SD, actress (Charlie's Angels, Purple Hearts)
07/12/1951 Jamey Sheridan, Pasadena Calif, actor (Another World)
07/12/1956 Mel Harris, [Mary Ellen], Bethlehm Pa, actress (Hope-30 Something)
07/12/1957 Buddy Foster, actor (Hondo, Mayberry RFD)
07/12/1962 Grecia Colmenares, Venezuela, actress
07/12/1964 Judi Evans, Cal, actress (Guiding Light, Adrienne-Days of our Life)
07/12/1971 Kristi Yamaguchi, figure skater (Olympic-gold-1992)


07/12/ 783 Bertha 'with the great feet', wife of French king Pippin III, dies
07/12/1073 Johannes Gualbertus, Italian monk/saint, dies
07/12/1429 John [Jean C] Gerson, Fren theologist (Theologica mystic), dies at 6

07/12/1450 Jack Cade, slain in a revolt against British King Henry VI
07/12/1536 Desiderius Erasmus, humanist/priest (Novum instrumentum omne), dies
07/12/1575 Ren‚e/Renata de France, duchess of Ferara/daughter of Louis XII, die

07/12/1633 Simon Besler, composer, dies at 49
07/12/1640 Henry Casimir I, count of Nassau-Dietz, dies
07/12/1733 Ann-Th‚rŠse de Marguent de Lambert, French marquess/author, dies at

07/12/1742 Evaristo EF dall' Abaco, Ital cellist/composer, dies on 67th birthda

07/12/1773 Johann Joachim Quantz, German royal flautist/composer, dies at 76
07/12/1839 Christian Traugott Tag, composer, dies at 62
07/12/1882 Alfred Humphreys Pease, composer, dies at 44
07/12/1883 Hermann Zopff, composer, dies at 57
07/12/1897 Felix Godefroid, composer, dies at 78
07/12/1898 Paul Voulet, French captain/mass murderer in Senegal, dies
07/12/1899 Esquire Mauritius A de Savornin Lohman, gov of Suriname, dies at 67
07/12/1902 Pieter Caland, Dutch hydraulic engineer (New Waterway), dies at 74
07/12/1906 Henrique Alves de Mesquita, composer, dies at 70
07/12/1916 Aritius S Talma, Dutch minister of Agriculture, dies at 52
07/12/1917 Fournier, Swiss/French postage stamp merchant/forger, dies
07/12/1926 Charles Wood, composer, dies at 40
07/12/1933 Willem H Drucker, lawyer, dies at 45
07/12/1935 Alfred Dreyfus, French officier (Dreyfus Affair), dies
07/12/1953 Joseph Jongen, composer, dies at 79
07/12/1956 Maurice Lippens, Belgian governor of Congo (1921-23), dies at 80
07/12/1966 D T Suzuki, Zen Buddhism scholar, dies in Tokyo Japan at 96
07/12/1976 Ted Mack, TV host (Original Amateur Hour), dies at 72
07/12/1977 Ed Holmes, actor (Growing Paynes, Once Upon a Tune), dies at 66
07/12/1977 Frantisek Suchy, composer, dies at 75
07/12/1979 Kalervo Tuukkanen, composer, dies at 69
07/12/1979 Minnie Ripperton, [Andrea Davis], singer (Lovin' You), dies at 30
07/12/1980 John W Davis, Pres (WV State college), dies at 92
07/12/1981 Ben Se˜es, historian (WW II), dies at 73
07/12/1982 Kenneth More, Brit actor (Genevieve), dies of Parkinson disease at 6

07/12/1988 Joshua Logan, Broadway producer, dies at 79 of palsy
07/12/1988 Raymond W Goldsmith, US economist, dies at 83
07/12/1992 Albert Pierrepont, last British executioner (433 men/17 women), dies

07/12/1992 Reginald Beck, England, director, dies
07/12/1993 Lily van Lugt Melsert, actress (Tomorrow will be better), dies at 91

Significant Events:

07/12/ 526 St Felix IV begins his reign as Catholic Pope
07/12/1109 Crusaders capture Syria's harbor city of Tripoli
07/12/1290 Jews are expelled from England by order of King Edward I
07/12/1442 King Alfonso V of Arag¢n becomes king of Naples
07/12/1543 England's King Henry VIII weds Catherine Parr (6th & last wife)
07/12/1575 Willem van Orange marries Charlotte de Bourbon
07/12/1689 Orangeman's Day-Battle of Boyne, Protestant victory in Ireland
07/12/1690 Battle of Boyne-King William III defeats catholic king James II
07/12/1691 Antonio Pignatelli elected as Pope Innocentius XII
07/12/1691 Battle of Aughrim (Aghrim) England, William III beats James II
07/12/1700 Gelderland accepts Gregorian calendar; yesterday was June 30, 1700
07/12/1771 James Cook sails Endeavour back to Downs England
07/12/1774 Citizens of Carlisle, Penn. pass a declaration of independence
07/12/1776 Capt Cook departs with Resolution for 3rd trip to Pacific Ocean
07/12/1785 1st manned flight by gas balloon in Netherlands
07/12/1801 Battle at Algeciras: British fleet beats French & Spanish
07/12/1812 US forces led by Gen Hull invade Canada (War of 1812)
07/12/1817 1st flower show held (Dannybrook, County Cork, Ireland)
07/12/1817 Karl Drais von Sauerbronn demonstrates bicycle course
07/12/1843 Mormon leader Joseph Smith say God OKs polygamy
07/12/1850 Dutch 2nd Chamber accepts establishment of Provincial States
07/12/1859 Paper bag manufacturing machine patented by William Goodale, Mass
07/12/1862 Congress authorizes Medal of Honor
07/12/1862 Federal troops occupy Helena Arkansas
07/12/1874 Ontario Agricultural College founded
07/12/1874 Start of Sherlock Holmes Adventure, 'Gloria Scott' (BG)
07/12/1876 Paul Henry discovers asteroid #164 Eva
07/12/1878 Fever epidemic in New Orleans begin, it will kill 4,500
07/12/1882 1st ocean pier in US completed, Washington, DC
07/12/1900 114øF (46øC), Basin, Wyoming (state record)
07/12/1902 Australian parliament agrees to female suffrage
07/12/1906 Alfred Dreyfus found innocent in France
07/12/1909 16th Amendment approved (power to tax incomes)
07/12/1910 J Helffrich discovers asteroid #701 Oriola
07/12/1912 1st foreign feature film exhibited in US-'Queen Elizabeth'-NYC
07/12/1914 Babe Ruth makes his baseball debut, pitches for Red Sox
07/12/1918 Japanese battleship explodes in Bay of Tokayama, 500 killed
07/12/1920 Lithuania & USSR sign peace treaty, Lithuania becomes independent re

07/12/1923 K Reinmuth discovers asteroids #997 Priska & #3682
07/12/1926 Guomindangleger draws against warlord Wu Peifu
07/12/1926 Paavo Nurmi walks world record 4x1500m (16:26.2)
07/12/1927 Babe Ruth hits 30th of 60 HRs
07/12/1928 1st televised tennis match
07/12/1930 Robert T 'Bobby' Jones wins US Open golf tournament
07/12/1931 Cubs & Cards hit a record 23 doubles in a game (2nd game of DH)
07/12/1933 Congress passes 1st minimum wage law (33› per hour)
07/12/1934 US Disciplinary Barracks on Alcatraz Island abandoned
07/12/1934 Willy de Supervise swims world record 400m (5:16.0)
07/12/1935 Belgium recognizes Soviet Union
07/12/1937 -13) Tupolev ANT-25 non-stop flight Moscow to San Jacinto Calif
07/12/1943 Battle of Kolombangara (2nd battle of Gulf of Kula)
07/12/1943 National Committee Freies Deutschland forms
07/12/1943 Russian offensive at Orel
07/12/1943 Tank battle at Prochorowka (Russians beat Nazi, about 12,000 die
07/12/1944 Theresienstadt Family camp disbands, with 4,000 people gased
07/12/1944 US government recognizes authority of General De Gaulle
07/12/1946 Vance Dinges hits only Phillie pinch hit inside-the-park HR
07/12/1948 1st jets to fly across Atlantic (6 RAF de Havilland Vampires)
07/12/1949 AL beats NL 11-7 in 16th All Star Game, NL makes a record 5 errors
07/12/1949 Baseball owners agree to erect warning paths before each fence
07/12/1949 Dutch KLM Constellation crashes near Bombay, 45 die
07/12/1949 LA Rams sign Norm Van Brocklin
07/12/1951 Mob tries to keep black family from moving into all-white Cicero Ill

07/12/1951 NY Yankees Allie Reynolds no-hits Cleve Indians, 8-0
07/12/1952 East German SED decides to form German DR army
07/12/1953 KTVB TV channel 7 in Boise, ID (NBC/ABC) begins broadcasting
07/12/1954 Major League Baseball Players Assn founded
07/12/1955 NL beats AL 6-5 (12 innings) in 22nd All Star Game (Milwaukee)
07/12/1957 1st President to fly in helicopter-Dwight Eisenhower
07/12/1957 US surgeon gen Leroy Burney reports connection smoking & lung cancer

07/12/1960 Congo, Chad & Central African Republic declare independence
07/12/1960 Echo I, 1st passive satellite launched
07/12/1960 USSR's Sputnik 5 launched with 2 dogs
07/12/1960 XEWT TV channel 12 in Tijuana-San Diego, CA (IND) begins broadcastin

07/12/1962 1st time 2 manned crafts in space (USSR)
07/12/1962 Rolling Stones 1st performance (Marquee Club, London)
07/12/1966 10.51' (26.70 cm) of rainfall, Sandusky Ohio (state record)
07/12/1966 Most rain fell in 1 day in Ohio, 10.5' in Sandusky
07/12/1966 NL beats AL 2-1 (10 innings) in 37th All Star Game (Busch, St Louis)

07/12/1966 Race riot in Chicago
07/12/1967 23 die in Newark race riot
07/12/1967 5th Mayor's Trophy Game, Mets beat Yanks 4-0
07/12/1967 Blacks in Newark, riot, 26 killed, 1500 injured & over 1000 arrested

07/12/1967 Greek regime deprives 480 Greeks of their citizenship
07/12/1968 Couve de Murville forms govt in France
07/12/1970 Blues-Rock singer Janis Joplin debuts in Kentucky
07/12/1970 Tanzania signs contract with China for building Tanzam-railway
07/12/1970 Thor Heyerdahl crosses Atl Ocean in 'Ra' docks in Barbados
07/12/1971 Juan Corona, indicted for 25 murders
07/12/1972 Democrats nominated George McGovern for president in Miami Fla
07/12/1974 John Erhlichman convicted of violating Daniel Ellsberg's rights
07/12/1975 Sao Tom‚ e Pr¡ncipe gains independence from Portugal (Nat'l Day)
07/12/1977 1st free flight test of space shuttle Enterprise
07/12/1978 Sun Bank Building opens
07/12/1979 Kiribati (formerly Gilbert Islands) declares independence from UK
07/12/1982 Britain announces it was returning 593 Argentine POWs
07/12/1982 FEMA promises survivors of a nuclear war will get their mail
07/12/1983 Chad govt troops reconquer Ab‚ch‚
07/12/1984 Geraldine Ferraro, NY becomes 1st woman major-party VP candidate
07/12/1985 Doctors discover a cancerous growth in Pres Reagan's colon
07/12/1985 STS 51-F launch scrubbed at T -3s because of main engine shutdown
07/12/1987 1st time in 20 years a delegation from USSR lands in Israel
07/12/1987 50 white South Africans meets ANCers in Dakar
07/12/1987 Phillies Kent Tekulve pitches his 900th game in relief
07/12/1988 Margo Adams alleges Red Sox Wade Bogg's 'Delta Force' revenge plan
07/12/1988 USSR launches Phobos II for Martian orbit
07/12/1989 NY Yankee pitching great Ron Guidry retires (170-91 .651, 3.29 ERA)
07/12/1990 Chicago White Sox Melido Perez no-hits Yankees 8-0 in a rain
07/12/1990 shortened 6 inning game at Yankee Stadium (7th no-hitter of 1990)
07/12/1992 Axl Rose arrested on riot charges in St Louis of Jul 2, 1991 concert

07/12/1993 7.8 earthquake hits Hokkaido Japan, 160 killed
07/12/1993 Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical 'Sunset Promenade' opens in London
07/12/1993 Don Imus begins broadcasting to Boston on WEEI (590 AM)
07/12/1994 65th All Star Game, NL Beats AL at 3 Rivers Stadium, Pitts
07/12/1994 Nomination hearings for Steven Breyer for supreme court justice begi

Robert Wolfe

Jul 13, 2021, 7:40:11 AM7/13/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


07/13/1396 Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy
07/13/1527 John Dee, London, alchemist/astrologer/mathematician
07/13/1590 Clement X, [Emilio Altieri], Italy, Pope (1670-76)
07/13/1608 Ferdinand III, King of Hungary/Bohemia/German Emperor
07/13/1773 Wilhelm H Wackenroder, German writer (Fantasies over Art)
07/13/1793 John Clare, Northamptonshire peasant poet (Shepard's Calendar)
07/13/1815 James Alexander Seddon, Secy War (Confederacy), died in 1880
07/13/1821 Nathan Bedford Forrest, slave trader/Confed lt-gen/KKK Grand Wizard
07/13/1847 Corn‚lie Huygens, feminist/author (Barthold Meryan)
07/13/1850 Hipolito Irigoyen, president Argentina (1916-22, 1928-30)
07/13/1853 Albert U B††th, Swedish poet (Vid Allfarw„g)
07/13/1859 Sydney Webb, England, writer/wife of Beatrice Potter
07/13/1863 Emma Mary Wooley, educator (Mary Anna Wells)
07/13/1872 Alfons Van de Perre, Flemish physician/representative of people
07/13/1877 Karl Erb, German tenor
07/13/1884 Francis B Young, British physician/writer (White Ladies)
07/13/1884 John Francis Larchet, composer
07/13/1888 Fernando A N de Seabra Pessoa, Portuguese poet (Mensagem)
07/13/1891 Franco Casavola, composer
07/13/1894 Isaak Babel, Russian short-story writer/dramatist (Red Calvary)
07/13/1895 Sidney Blackmer, US actor (Ted Roosevelt in 12 movies)
07/13/1898 Martin David, German/Neth historian
07/13/1900 JH Scheps, Dutch 2nd-Member of parliament (social democratic)
07/13/1901 Mickey 'Toy Bulldog' Walker, welterweight boxing champ (1922-26)
07/13/1906 Harry Sosnik, Chicago, orch leader (Jack Carter Show, Your Hit Parad

07/13/1909 David Branson, composer
07/13/1909 Paul Constantinescu, composer
07/13/1909 Washington Castro, composer
07/13/1913 Carolina Gisolf, Holland, high jumper (Olympic-silver-1928)
07/13/1913 Dave Garroway, Schnectady NY, TV host (Today Show)
07/13/1913 Ladislav Holoubek, composer
07/13/1921 Ernest Gold, composer
07/13/1922 Anchor Jírgenson, premier of Denmark (1972-82)
07/13/1922 Lois Kibbee, actress (Edge of Night)
07/13/1923 Susie Bond, Louisville Ky, actress (Flo, Temperature Rising)
07/13/1924 George Handy, horse trainer
07/13/1926 Meyer Kupferman, NYC, composer (In Fimi Tres)
07/13/1927 Karl I Pelgrom, sculptor
07/13/1928 Bob Crane, Waterbury Ct, actor (Col Hogan-Hogan's Heroes)
07/13/1928 Donal Michalsky, composer
07/13/1929 Red Terrill Jr, horse trainer
07/13/1931 Bill Moor, Toledo Oh, actor (Hanky Panky)
07/13/1932 Per Norgard, composer
07/13/1934 Alexei S Yeliseyev, cosmonaut (Soyuz 5, 8, 10)
07/13/1934 Roger Reynolds, composer
07/13/1934 Wole Soyinka, Nigeria, dramatist (Road, Kongi's Harvest)
07/13/1935 Jack F Kemp, (Rep-R-NY)/right-wing/US Secretary of Housing (1989-93)

07/13/1940 Patrick Stewart, actor (Capt Picard-Star Trek Next Generation)
07/13/1940 Paul Prudhomme, cajun chef
07/13/1941 Robert Forster, Rochester NY, actor (Lady in Red, Alligator)
07/13/1942 Harrison Ford, Chic Ill, actor (Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Frantic)
07/13/1942 Rod Chandler, (Rep-R-WA, 1983- )
07/13/1942 Roger McGuinn, guitarist (Byrds-Turn Turn Turn, Mr Tambourine Man)
07/13/1944 Erno Rubik, Budapest, inventor (Rubik's cube)
07/13/1945 Jean-Pierre E Plooij, writer (Duvelsmoer)
07/13/1946 Cheech Marin, [Richard], comedian (Cheech & Chong-Up in Smoke)
07/13/1946 Michael Shea, US, sci-fi author (Fat Face, Polyphemus)
07/13/1948 Alf Hansen, Norway, double sculls (Olympic-gold-1976)
07/13/1948 Daphne Maxwell Reid, actress (Frank's Place)
07/13/1948 Don Sweet, Vancouver, CFL, NFL place kicker (Montr‚al, Green Bay)
07/13/1948 Robert Underwood, (Rep-D-Guam)
07/13/1948 Ronald K Machtley, (Rep-R-Rhode Island)
07/13/1949 Helena Fibingerova, Czech, shot putter (Olympic-bronze-1976)
07/13/1950 George D 'Pinky' Nelson, Iowa, PhD/astro (STS 41C, STS 61-C, STS-26)

07/13/1951 Didi Conn, Bkln NY, actress (Denise-Benson, Helen-Practice)
07/13/1954 David Thompson, NBA guard (Phoenix Suns, Seattle Supersonics)
07/13/1954 Louise Mandrell, Corpus Christi Tx, country singer (Mandrell Sisters

07/13/1956 Mark 'Animal' Mendoza, rocker (Twisted Sister-We're Not Gonna Take I

07/13/1958 Joy Scott, jockey
07/13/1963 Bobby Rock, Houston Tx, rock drummer (Nelson-Love & Affection)
07/13/1963 Martin Meza, jockey
07/13/1963 Spud Webb, NBA guard (Atlanta Hawks)
07/13/1966 Myong Hui Choe, North Korea, gymnist (Olympic-1980)
07/13/1970 Steven J Brown, Hackensack NJ, guitarist (Trixter-Give It To Me Good

07/13/1974 Jean ..., Miss Suriname 1993


07/13/ 574 John III, Italian Pope (561-74), dies
07/13/ 939 Leo VII, Italian Pope (936-39), dies
07/13/1024 Henry II, the Monk, German King (1002-24), dies
07/13/1105 Rashi, [Rabbi Shlomo Yitzaki], Jewish intellectual, dies
07/13/1309 Jan I van Nassau, bishop of Utrecht, dies
07/13/1380 Bertrand du Guesclin, French King of Granada, dies at about 60
07/13/1621 Albrecht/Albertus, archduke of Austria, dies at 61
07/13/1755 Edward Braddock, British general, dies in battle at Pittsburgh
07/13/1762 James Bradley, 3rd Astronomer Royal, dies
07/13/1785 Stephen Hopkins, US judge/signer (Decl of Independence), dies at 78
07/13/1793 Jean Paul Marat, French revolutionary, murdered by Charlotte Corday
07/13/1813 Johann Friedrich Peter, composer, dies at 67
07/13/1844 Johann Gansbacher, composer, dies at 66
07/13/1860 John Ackersd˜k, Dutch state house builder, dies at 69
07/13/1861 Robert Selden Garnett, US Confederate brig-general, dies at 41
07/13/1863 John S Bowen, US architect/Confederate gen-major, dies at 32
07/13/1877 Wilhelm E Freiherr von Ketteler, German bishop of Mainz, dies at 65
07/13/1889 Carli Zoeller, composer, dies at 49
07/13/1890 John C 'Pathfinder' Fr‚mont, US explorer/governor (Ariz), dies at 76

07/13/1894 Juventino Rosas, composer, dies at 26
07/13/1903 August Reissmann, composer, dies at 77
07/13/1923 Asger Hamerik, composer, dies at 80
07/13/1925 Gerben Postma [Ids], Fries writer (Lytse Fryske Spraekleare), dies
07/13/1927 James E K Aggrey, Ghana/US theologist, dies
07/13/1936 Izydor Lotto, composer, dies at 91
07/13/1936 Jos‚ Calvo Sotelo, Spanish minister of Finance, murdered
07/13/1943 Kurt Huber, German philosopher/resistance fighter, dies
07/13/1946 Alfred Stieglitz, US photographer/art dealer (Camera Work), dies at

07/13/1951 Arnold Sch”nberg, Austria/US composer (Verkl„rte Night), dies at 76
07/13/1954 M C Frida Kahlo, Mexican painter/wife of Diego Rivera, dies at 47
07/13/1955 Ruth Ellis, hanged
07/13/1956 Vladimir Grigor'yevich Zakharov, composer, dies at 54
07/13/1958 Karl Erb, German tenor, dies on 81st birthday
07/13/1960 Anna Blaman, [Johanna P Vrugt], Dutch writer (Life & Death), dies at

07/13/1973 Lon Chaney Jr, actor (Hawkeye, Pistols 'n' Petticoats), dies at 67
07/13/1973 Martian Negrea, composer, dies at 80
07/13/1973 Willy Fritsch, German actor (Spies, Women in the Moon), dies
07/13/1974 Patrick MS Blackett, British physicist (Nobel 1948), dies
07/13/1976 Max Butting, composer, dies at 87
07/13/1978 Antonio Veretti, composer, dies at 78
07/13/1982 John Alexander, actor (Alien PI), dies at 85
07/13/1988 Huub Bals, film promotor, dies at 50
07/13/1988 Samuel L Mendel, oldest US war veteran, dies at 104
07/13/1989 Abdul Rahman Qassemlu, Iran leader, murdered
07/13/1989 Arnaldo Ochoa Sanchez, Cubans general, executed
07/13/1991 Cor Ria Leeman, Flemish (youth)writer, dies
07/13/1992 Alex Wojciechowicz, NFLer (Philadelphia Eagles), dies at 76
07/13/1993 Davey Allisson, race car drive, dies in a plane crash at 32
07/13/1993 Edwin 'Rick' Baker, author (Rick's Report/AIDS Diary), dies at 31

Significant Events:

07/13/ 432 -BC- Origin of Metonic Cycle
07/13/ 574 John III ends his reign as Catholic Pope
07/13/1174 Scottish King William captured
07/13/1522 Hunger appeal by women of Utrecht
07/13/1568 Dean of St Paul's Cathedral perfects a way to bottle beer
07/13/1573 Haarlem surrenders after 7 months to Spanish army
07/13/1700 Russian-Turkish peace
07/13/1772 Capt James Cook begins 2nd trip (Resolution) to South Seas
07/13/1787 Congress establishes Northwest Territory (excludes slavery)
07/13/1787 Ord of 1787-a territory can become 3 to 5 states at 60,000 pop
07/13/1793 French rev writer Jean Paul Marat murdered by Charlotte Corday
07/13/1832 Source of Mississippi River discovered (Henry R Schoolcraft)
07/13/1836 US patent #1 (after 9,957 unnumbered patents), for locomotive wheels

07/13/1851 John F Loudon discovers tin on East Indian Island of Billiton
07/13/1854 US forces shell & burn San Juan del Norte, Nicaragua
07/13/1861 Battle of Corrick's Ford, VA (Carrick's Ford) - Union army takes
07/13/1861 total control of western Virginia CS20 US53
07/13/1862 Battle of Murfreesboro, TN (Forrest's Raid) US895 CS150
07/13/1863 Anti-draft mobs lynch blacks in NYC; about 1,000 die
07/13/1863 Battle of Bayou La Fourche, LA
07/13/1863 Battle of Tupelo, MS (Harrisburg) [->JUL 15] US648 CS700
07/13/1863 Rebellion at Morgan's, Ohio [->JUL 26]
07/13/1864 Early retreats from Washington City back to Shenandoah Valley
07/13/1865 Horace Greeley advises his readers to 'Go west young man'
07/13/1865 P T Barnum's museum burns down
07/13/1868 Oscar J Dunn, former slave, installed as lt governor of Louisiana
07/13/1878 Treaty of Berlin amended terms of Treaty of San Stefano
07/13/1882 200 die as train derails near Tcherny, Russia
07/13/1896 Ed Delahanty, becomes 2nd major leaguer to hit 4 HRs in a game
07/13/1898 Guglielmo Marconi patents radio
07/13/1898 SF Ferry Building at foot of Market St opens
07/13/1900 Phillies beat Pittsburgh 23-8
07/13/1908 4th modern Olympic games opens in London
07/13/1917 Vision of Virgin Mary appeared to children of F tima, Portugal
07/13/1919 Race riots in Longview & Gregg counties Texas
07/13/1923 Draft law passes
07/13/1925 French occupation force begins evacuating country
07/13/1926 Paavo Nurmi runs world record 3000m (8:20.4)
07/13/1930 Sarnoff reports in NY Times 'TV would be a theater in every home'
07/13/1934 Babe Ruth hits HR #700 against Detroit
07/13/1935 US-Russian commerce treaty takes effect
07/13/1936 112ø F (44ø C), Mio, Michigan (state record)
07/13/1936 114ø F (46ø C), Wisconsin Dells, Wisc (state record)
07/13/1938 Kr”ller-M ller museum opens in Holland
07/13/1941 Vic Ghezzi wins PGA golf tournament
07/13/1942 German occupiers imprison 800 prominent Dutch as hostages
07/13/1942 SS shoots 1,500 Jews in Josefov Poland
07/13/1943 1st All Star night game (AL beats NL 5-4 at Shribe Pk, Phila)
07/13/1944 Vilnius, Lithuania, liberated
07/13/1945 1st atom bomb explodes in New Mexico
07/13/1948 AL beats NL 5-2 in 15th All Star Game (Sportsman Park, St Louis)
07/13/1949 Pope Pius XII excommunicates communist novels
07/13/1950 Ren‚ Pleven forms French government
07/13/1953 J A Bruwer discovers asteroids #1658 Innes & #3284
07/13/1954 AL beats NL 11-9 in 21st All Star Game (Cleveland Stadium)
07/13/1956 WCBI TV channel 4 in Columbus, MS (CBS) begins broadcasting
07/13/1960 AL beats NL 6-0 in 29th All Star Game (NY Yankees host)
07/13/1960 Democratic Natl convention nominates Sen John F Kennedy for presiden

07/13/1960 KDBQ-AM in San Francisco CA changes call letters to KYA
07/13/1960 US Democratic convention nominates JFK as presidential candidate
07/13/1961 NL beats AL 5-4 (10 innings) in 30th All Star Game (SF Candlestick)
07/13/1962 500 Indonesian parachutist land in New-Guinea
07/13/1963 Early Wynn, wins his 300th & last game at 43
07/13/1965 NL beats AL 6-5 in 36th All Star Game (Metropolitan Stadium, Minn)
07/13/1966 Richard Speck, murders 8 nurses in Chicago
07/13/1967 Race riots break out in Newark, 27 die
07/13/1969 Russia launches unmanned Luna 15 to Moon
07/13/1970 Amsterdam metro begins being built
07/13/1971 AL beats NL 6-4 in 42nd All Star Game (Tiger Stadium, Detroit)
07/13/1972 C Torres discovers asteroid #3050 Carrera
07/13/1972 LA Rams (Irsay) & Baltimore Colts (Rosenbloom) swap owners
07/13/1972 T Smirnova discovers asteroid #2112 Ulyanov
07/13/1973 Bobby Murcer's 3 homers accounted for all RBIs, beating KC 5-0
07/13/1973 Campora resigns as pres of Argentina
07/13/1975 8.5' (21.6 cm) of rainfall, Dover, Delaware (state record)
07/13/1976 Courtmartial begins in USSR for Valeri Sablin (Hunt for Red Oct)
07/13/1976 NL beats AL 7-1 in 47th All Star Game (Veteran's Stadium Phila)
07/13/1977 NYC experiences 25 hr black-out
07/13/1978 Albania drops diplomatic relations with China PR
07/13/1978 Alexander Ginzburg sentenced by Soviet court to 8 years
07/13/1978 BBC bans Sex Pistols 'No One is Innocent'
07/13/1978 Lee Iacocca fired as Ford Motor Pres by chairman Henry Ford II
07/13/1978 Russian dissident Ginsburg/Piatkus/Sjtsjaranki sentence to work camp

07/13/1978 Walter Poenisch completes swim of 207 km from Cuba to Florida
07/13/1979 George Harrison releases 'Faster'
07/13/1982 NL scores 4-1 victory over AL for 11th straight All-Star triumph
07/13/1982 Train crash at Aalter Belgium, 5 killed
07/13/1984 Sergei Bubka of USSR pole vaults a record 5.89 m
07/13/1985 Live Aid, a rock concert in London, Phila, Moscow & Sydney
07/13/1985 Yankees retire Roger Maris (#9) & Elston Howard (#32) uniforms
07/13/1991 Bob Milacki & 3 other Balt Oriole pitchers no-hit A's 2-0
07/13/1993 64th All Star Game AL beats NL for 6th straight (9-3) at Camden Yard

07/13/1994 OJ Simpson (charged with murder) gives hair samples for testing

Robert Wolfe

Jul 15, 2021, 5:40:13 PM7/15/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


07/15/1573 Inigo Jones, London, architect (restored St Paul's Cathedral)
07/15/1606 Rembrandt van Ròn, Leiden, Netherlands, painter (Night Watch)
07/15/1638 Giovanni Buonaventura Viviani, composer
07/15/1700 Johann Christoph Richter, composer
07/15/1701 Pierre Joubert, became oldest known Canadian (113 y 124 d at death)
07/15/1704 August Gottlieb Spangenberg, founder of Moravian Church in N America

07/15/1779 Clement Clarke Moore, US, author ('Twas the Night Before Xmas)
07/15/1796 Thomas Bulfinch, mythologist (Bulfinch's Mythology)
07/15/1798 Charles H Bell, Comm (Union Navy), died in 1875
07/15/1802 John Barnett, composer
07/15/1808 Henry Cole, promotor (Great Exhibition of 1851)
07/15/1808 Henry Edward Manning, cardinal/archbishop (Westminster)
07/15/1812 Benno Adam, animal painter
07/15/1817 John Fowler, English engineer (London Metropolitan Railway)
07/15/1818 Heinrich Esser, composer
07/15/1848 Vilfredo F D Pareto, Italian economist/sociologist
07/15/1849 Moritz Heuzenroeder, composer
07/15/1850 Francesca Xavier Cabrini, [Mother Cabrini], 1st US saint
07/15/1864 Marie Tempest, [Marie Susan Etherington], actress (Yellow Sands)
07/15/1865 Alfred Charles William Harmsworth, 1st viscount Northcliffe
07/15/1870 Ernest Walker, composer
07/15/1872 JosÇ Enrique Rod¢, Montevideo Uruguay, writer (Motivos the Proteo)
07/15/1875 Frank 'Pop' Morgenweck, basketball hall of famer (elected 1962)
07/15/1875 Jean Van de Eeckhoudt, Belgian painter
07/15/1878 Willem Paerels, Neth/Belgian painter/graphic artist
07/15/1884 Enrique Soro Barriga, composer
07/15/1889 Marjorie Rambeau, SF Calif, actress (Primrose Path, Torch Song)
07/15/1892 Walter Benjamin, German literature critic/writer
07/15/1898 Noel Gay, [Richard Moxon Armitage], composer
07/15/1898 Norman Demuth, composer
07/15/1901 Pyke FC Koch, surrealistic painter
07/15/1902 Jean Rey, Belgium, pres of European Commission (1967-70)
07/15/1902 Raymond Hackett, US, husband of Blanche Sweet/actor (Faithless Lover

07/15/1905 Dorothy Fields, lyricist (I'm in the Mood for Love)
07/15/1906 Edmund Davies, British lord of appeal
07/15/1906 Lord Edmund-Davies, British lord of appeal
07/15/1907 Paterson Fraser, British air marshal
07/15/1910 Ronald Binge, composer
07/15/1911 Juliet Pannett, portrait painter
07/15/1911 Lord Shackelton, explorer/govt minister
07/15/1913 Murvyn Vye, Quincy Mass, actor (Bob Cummings Show)
07/15/1913 Ralph Hammond Innes, novelist
07/15/1915 Alexander Durie, vice president (British AA)
07/15/1915 Ron Smith, union leader (British Postal Workers)
07/15/1916 George Maduro, Antillian resistance fighter (Willemsorde/Madurodam)
07/15/1917 Robert Conquest, author (Back to Life)
07/15/1918 Lord Buxton of Alsa, ITV pioneer
07/15/1919 Iris Murdoch, Ireland, novelist (Severed Head, Unicorn)
07/15/1920 Eldon Rudd, (Rep-R-AZ, 1977- )
07/15/1920 Ruthven Wade, British Air Chief marshal
07/15/1921 Jack Hamilton Beeson, composer
07/15/1922 Jeffrey Benson, CEO (600 group)
07/15/1922 Jiri Lederer, Czechoslovakia, journalist/dissident
07/15/1924 David Cox, warden (Nuffield College, Oxford)
07/15/1924 Jeremiah A Denton, (Sen-R-AL, 1981-86)
07/15/1925 Phil Carey, Hackensack NJ, actor (Asa Buchanan-One Life to Live)
07/15/1926 John Graham, British ambassador to NATO
07/15/1926 John Lambert, composer
07/15/1927 Ann Jellicoe, theater director/playwright
07/15/1927 Carmen Zapata, NYC, actress (Hagen, Viva Valdez, Man & the City)
07/15/1929 Larry Lamb, newspaper editor
07/15/1930 Charles Kelly, chief constable (Staffordshire England)
07/15/1931 Eugene Louw, South African minister of Internal affairs
07/15/1932 Nina Van Pallandt, Coopenhagen Denmark, actress (American Gigolo)
07/15/1933 James Ball, economist
07/15/1933 Julian Bream, guitarist
07/15/1934 Harrison Birtwistle, Accringto Lancashire, composer (Trombeau)
07/15/1934 Simon Gournlay, president (British National Farmer's Union)
07/15/1935 Alex Karras, Gary Ind, NFLer (Detroit Lions)/actor (George-Webster)
07/15/1935 Ken Kercheval, Wolcottville Ind, actor (Cliff Barnes-Dallas)
07/15/1936 Marion Roe, MP (C)
07/15/1938 Carmen Callil, publisher
07/15/1938 Enrique Figuerola Camue, Cuba, 100m runner (Olympic-silver-1964)
07/15/1939 Patrick Wayne, LA Calif, actor (Rounder, Shirley, Beyond Atlantis)
07/15/1939 Ronald Hadfield, chief constable (West Midlands England)
07/15/1939 William David Hellerman, composer
07/15/1941 Geoffrey Burgon, composer
07/15/1942 Henry McCubbin, Labour MEP
07/15/1942 Philip R Sharp, (Rep-D-Indiana, 1975- )
07/15/1943 Diligenti quintuplets, Buenos Aires, Argentina
07/15/1943 Jocelyn Burnell, astronomer
07/15/1944 Jan-Michael Vincent, Denver, actor (Hooper, Tribes, Buster & Billie)

07/15/1944 Millie Jackson, US model/singer (Get it out 'cha system)
07/15/1945 Gene Upshaw, NFL offensive tackle (Oakland Raider)
07/15/1946 Hassabal Bolkiah Mu'izzadin Waddaulah, sultan of Brunei
07/15/1946 Linda Ronstadt, Tucson Az, singer (Different Drum)
07/15/1948 Enrique Basilio, hurler, 1st lady to light Olympic flame (Mexico-196

07/15/1949 John Arthur Casken, composer
07/15/1949 Trevor Horn, rock producer (Buggles-Video Killed, Yes, Frankie)
07/15/1951 Jesse 'The Body' Ventura, wrestler/actor (Predator, Running Man)
07/15/1952 David Bell, horse trainer
07/15/1952 Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, (Rep-R-Florida)
07/15/1952 Jill Long, (Rep-D-Indiana)
07/15/1953 Cathy Larmouth, playmate (Jun, 1981)
07/15/1953 Jean-Bertrand Aristide, president of Haãti (1991- )
07/15/1953 John Denham, Labour MP
07/15/1956 Kathy Kreiner, Canada, giant slalom (Olympic-gold-1976)
07/15/1957 Kate Kellaway, critic
07/15/1960 Kim Alexis, Lockport NY, model (Sports Illustrated swimsuit cover)
07/15/1960 Willie Aames, Newport Beach Ca, actor (8 is Enough, Paradise, Zapped

07/15/1961 Forest Whitaker, actor (Bloodsport, Platoon, Stakeout)
07/15/1962 Brigitte Nielsen, Eisinore Denmark, actress (Red Sonja, Rocky IV)
07/15/1963 Shari Headley, Brooklyn NY, actress (Mimi Reed-All My Children)
07/15/1964 Leonard Stabb, actor (Hunter Guthrie-One Life to Live, Guiding Light

07/15/1966 Kristoff St John, NYC, actor (Adam-Generations, Young & Restless)
07/15/1969 Peter Ciavaglia, Albany NY, US hockey forward (Olympics-1994)
07/15/1973 Brian Austin Green, N Hollywood Cal, actor (David-Beverly Hills 9021


07/15/1085 Robert Guiscard, Duke of Apulia & Calabria, dies at 70
07/15/1274 John F Bonaventura, Ital/French theologist/dominican/saint, dies
07/15/1291 Rudolf I, King of Germany & Holy Roman Empire, dies
07/15/1381 John Ball, English priest/ideologist of Boer uprising, hanged
07/15/1411 Johannes Parvus, [Jean Petit], French theologist, dies
07/15/1416 John, Duke of Berry, captain of Paris, dies
07/15/1417 Willem J Eggert, financier (W E Center, Purmerend), dies
07/15/1609 Annibale Carracci, painter, dies
07/15/1685 James Scott, Duke of Monmouth, illegitimate son of Charles 2, execut

07/15/1738 Antonio Maria Pacchioni, composer, dies at 84
07/15/1751 John Wilson, botanist, dies
07/15/1765 Charles Andrew Vanloo, painter, dies
07/15/1782 Robert Wainwright, composer, dies at 33
07/15/1784 Johan B Straub, South German sculptor, dies
07/15/1789 Jacques Duphly, composer, dies at 74
07/15/1798 Gaetano Pugnani, composer, dies at 66
07/15/1810 Jean-Baptiste Rey, composer, dies at 75
07/15/1839 Winthrop Mackworth Praed, politician/poet, dies
07/15/1854 Wincenty Studzinski, composer, dies at 39
07/15/1857 Carl Czerny, composer, dies at 66
07/15/1865 Reinier C Bakhuizen van de Brink, Dutch historian, dies at 55
07/15/1868 William Thomas Morton, dentist (1st to use ether), dies
07/15/1869 A J Hayne, black captain of Arkansas militia, assassinated
07/15/1876 Aleksander Fredro, Polish comedy writer (Zemstra), dies at 82
07/15/1881 William 'Billy the Kid' Bonney, killed by Pat Garrett
07/15/1883 Tom Thumb, [Charles Sherwood Stratton], 40' dwarf, dies
07/15/1904 Anton Pavlovich Chechov, Russian writer (Uncle Vanya), dies
07/15/1910 Daniâl Kinet, auto racer/1st Belgian flyer, dies
07/15/1912 Francisco Lazaro, Portuguese marathon runner (Olympics), dies at 21
07/15/1915 Ludwik Grossman, composer, dies at 80
07/15/1929 Hugo Von Hofmannsthal, playwright/poet, dies
07/15/1930 Leopold von Auer, Hungarian/US violinist, dies
07/15/1933 Irving Babbitt, US writer (Democracy & Leadership), dies at 67
07/15/1934 Jules Renkin, Belgian PM (1931-32), dies
07/15/1935 Pieter WA Cort van de Linden, Dutch premier (1913-18), dies at 89
07/15/1937 Walter Gay, artist, dies
07/15/1939 Johon Mellanby, physiologist, dies
07/15/1939 Percy Scott Worthington, architect, dies
07/15/1940 Robert Wadlow, world's tallest man (8'11.1'), dies at 32
07/15/1948 John J Pershing, [Black Jack], US general (Mexico, WW I), dies at 87

07/15/1957 George Cleveland, actor (Grampa-Lassie), dies at 74
07/15/1957 Marie C of Zeggelen, author (Dessajongen), dies at 87
07/15/1958 Julia Lennon, mother of Beatle John, dies in an auto accident
07/15/1958 Nuries-Said, Iraqi soldier/statesman, assassinated, dies
07/15/1959 Ernest Bloch, Swiss/US composer (Macbeth), dies at 78
07/15/1959 Peter A Egge, Norwegian writer (The Dream), dies
07/15/1960 Lawrence Mervil Tibbett, baritone, dies
07/15/1975 Charles Weidman, US dancer/choreographer (Fables for Our Time), dies

07/15/1976 Paul William Gallico, writer, dies at 78
07/15/1980 Eddie Jackson, comedian (Jimmy Durante Show), dies at 84
07/15/1980 Henri Martelli, composer, dies at 85
07/15/1982 Wendy Caulfield, 1st Green River victim, found near Seattle
07/15/1983 Eddie Foy Jr, actor (Eddie-Fair Exchange), dies of cancer at 78
07/15/1986 Benny Rubin, actor/comedian (Benny Rubin Show), dies at 87
07/15/1986 Florence Halop, actress (Florence-Night Court), dies at 63
07/15/1988 Eleanor Estes, author (Ginger Pye, Moffats), dies at 82
07/15/1990 Margaret Mary Lockwood, actress (Man in Grey, Wicked Lady), dies
07/15/1990 Troy Dixon, rapper (Trouble T-Roy of Heavy D), dies at 22 of a fall
07/15/1991 Bert Convy, actor (Snoop Sisters, Win Lose or Draw), dies at 57
07/15/1992 Henk van der Molen, guitarist/composer/writer (Martine Bòl), dies
07/15/1993 David Brian, US actor (Damned Don't Cry, Fort Worth), dies at 78

Significant Events:

07/15/1099 1st Crusaders capture & plunder Jerusalem
07/15/1307 Duke Henrik van Karinthiâ chosen king of Bohemia
07/15/1410 Battle of Tannenburg-Teutonic Knights vs King Ladislas II of Poland
07/15/1500 Duke Albrecht of Saxon beats Friese rebellion
07/15/1662 Charles II grants charter to establish Royal Society in London
07/15/1779 US troops under Gen A Wayne conquer Ft Stony Point, NY
07/15/1795 'Marseillaise' becomes French national anthem
07/15/1815 Napoleon Bonaparte captured
07/15/1856 Natal established as a British colony separate from Cape Colony
07/15/1862 CSS Arkansas vs USS Cardondelet & Queen of the West engage at Yazoo

07/15/1863 Pres Davis orders service duty for confederate army
07/15/1867 SF Merchant's Exchange opens
07/15/1869 Margarine is patented by Hippolye MÇga-Mouriäs for use by French Nav

07/15/1870 Georgia becomes last confederate to be readmitted to US
07/15/1870 Hudson's Bay & Northwest Territories transferred to Canada
07/15/1870 Manitoba becomes 5th Canadian province & NW Territories created
07/15/1876 Baseballs 1st no-hitter, St Louis' George W Bradley no-hits Hartford

07/15/1888 Bandai volcano (Japan) erupts for 1st time in 1,000 years
07/15/1890 A Charlois discovers asteroid #294 Felicia
07/15/1893 Commodore Perry arrives in Japan
07/15/1900 President Steyn/General De Law escape Brandwater Basin
07/15/1901 NY Giant Christy Mathewson no-hits St Louis, 5-0
07/15/1904 1st Buddhist temple in US established, Los Angeles
07/15/1906 Republic museum opens Rembrandt hall in Amsterdam
07/15/1911 46' of rain (begining 7/14) falls in Baguio, Philippines
07/15/1912 British National Health Insurance Act goes into effect
07/15/1914 Mexican president Huerta flees with 2 million pesos to Europe
07/15/1916 22.22' (56.4 cm) of rain falls in Altapass NC (state record)
07/15/1918 2nd Battle of Marne began during WW I
07/15/1920 Ruth ties his record of 29 HRs in a season
07/15/1922 1st duck-billed platypus publicly exhibited in US, at NY zoo
07/15/1922 Gene Sarazen wins US Open golf tournament
07/15/1923 Italian parliament accepts new constitution
07/15/1923 Robert T 'Bobby' Jones wins US Open golf tournament
07/15/1926 VPRO (Free thinking Protestant Radio Broadcast) established
07/15/1929 1st airport hotel opens-Oakland Ca
07/15/1932 President Hoover cuts own salary 15%
07/15/1933 Wiley Post began 1st solo flight around world
07/15/1936 Dutch 2nd Chamber agree to temporarily increase defense budget
07/15/1937 Buchenwald Concentration Camp opens
07/15/1937 Japanese attack Marco Polo Bridge, invade China
07/15/1939 Clara Adams (NYC) is 1st woman to complete round world flight
07/15/1940 1st betatron placed in operation, Urbana, Il
07/15/1941 Florey & Heatley present freeze dried mold cultures (Pencillin)
07/15/1942 1st deportation camp at Westerbork, Jews sent to Auschwitz
07/15/1944 Greenwich Observatory damaged by WW II flying bomb
07/15/1945 Byron Nelson wins PGA golf tournament
07/15/1946 British North Borneo Co transfers rights to British crown
07/15/1948 Alcoholic Anonymous founded in Britain
07/15/1948 Pres Truman nominated for another term (Phila)
07/15/1949 Czech tennis stars Jaroslav Drobny & Vladimir Cernik, defect to US
07/15/1949 WBTV TV channel 3 in Charlotte, NC (CBS) begins broadcasting
07/15/1950 K Reinmuth discovers asteroid #1750 Eckert
07/15/1952 1st transatlantic helicopter flight begins
07/15/1952 Gerald D Lascelles (under English princess Mary) weds Angela Dowding

07/15/1954 110¯F (43¯C) at Balcony Falls, Virginia (state record)
07/15/1954 1st coml jet transport plane built in US tested (Boeing 707)
07/15/1954 KOCO TV channel 5 in Oklahoma City, OK (ABC) begins broadcasting
07/15/1954 WBOC TV channel 16 in Salisbury, MD (CBS/NBC/ABC) begins broadcastin

07/15/1955 WNDU TV channel 16 in South Bend, IN (NBC) begins broadcasting
07/15/1957 Dutch Super Constellation crashes near New Guinea, 56 die
07/15/1958 Pres Eisenhower sends US troops to Lebanon; they stay 3 months
07/15/1960 Balt Orioles' Brooks Robinson goes 5 for 5 including the cycle
07/15/1961 Spain accept equal rights for men & women
07/15/1962 Algeria becomes member of Arab League
07/15/1962 Neth & Indonesia accord over New-Guinea
07/15/1963 KAIT TV channel 8 in Jonesboro, AR (ABC) begins broadcasting
07/15/1963 Paul McCartney is fined ú17 for speeding
07/15/1964 Barry M Goldwater (Sen-R-Az) nominated for president by Republicans
07/15/1965 Athanassiades Novas succeeds Papandreo as premier of Greece
07/15/1965 US scientists display close-up photos of Mars from Mariner IV
07/15/1967 LA Wolves beat Wash Whips 6-5 in OT to be United Soccer Ass champs
07/15/1967 Roberto DeVicenzo of Argentina wins golf's British Open
07/15/1968 'One Life to Live' premieres on TV
07/15/1968 NJ Americans moved to Comack & become NY Nets (ABA)
07/15/1968 Soap opera 'One Life To Live' premieres
07/15/1969 Cincinnati Red Lee May hits 4 HRs in a doubleheader
07/15/1969 Rod Carew ties record with his 7th steal of home in a season
07/15/1970 Denmark beats Italy 2-0 in 1st world female soccer championship
07/15/1971 Pres Nixon announces he would visit People's Rep of China
07/15/1972 Lee Trevino wins his 2nd consecutive golf's British Open
07/15/1973 Calif Angel Nolan Ryan 2nd no-hitter beats Detroit Tigers, 6-0
07/15/1973 Paul Getty III kidnapped
07/15/1973 Ray Davies, announces retirement from Kinks then attempts suicide
07/15/1973 Willie McCovey becomes 15th to hit 400 HRs
07/15/1974 Archbishop Makarios is deposed as president of Cyprus
07/15/1974 Military coup on Cyprus: president Makarios flees
07/15/1975 NL beats AL 6-3 in 46th All Star Game (Milwaukee's County Stadium)
07/15/1975 Soyuz 19 & Apollo 18 launched; rendezvous 2 days later
07/15/1976 36-hr kidnap of 26 schoolchildren & their bus driver in Calif
07/15/1979 Morarji Desai resigns as premier of India
07/15/1980 Johnny Bench hits his 314th HR as a catcher breaks Yogi Berra's reco

07/15/1982 Body of Wendy Caulfield, 1st Green River victim, found near Seattle
07/15/1982 Columbia flies to Kennedy Space Center via Dyess AFB, Texas
07/15/1982 Senate confirms George Shultz as 60th sec of state by vote of 97-0
07/15/1983 8 killed, 54 wounded, by Armenian extremists bomb at Orly, France
07/15/1983 Orly Airport in Paris bombed, 5 killed/21 injured
07/15/1984 Hollis Stacy wins her 3rd US women's open golf title
07/15/1984 John Lennon releases 'I'm Stepping Out'
07/15/1986 AL beats NL for 2nd time in 15 yrs, winning 57th All-Star Game 3-2
07/15/1987 John Poindexter testifies at Iran-Contra hearings
07/15/1987 State of siege ends in Taiwan
07/15/1991 US troops leave northern Iraq
07/15/1994 Israel & Jordan agree to talks in Wash DC on July 25th
07/15/1994 NJ Nets Derrek Coleman accused of rape in Detroit

Robert Wolfe

Jul 15, 2021, 5:40:13 PM7/15/21
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Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


07/14/1486 Andrea del Sarto, Italy, painter (Recollets)
07/14/1602 Jules Mazarin, France, cardinal, French 1st Minister (1642-61)
07/14/1610 Ferdinand II, monarch of Toscane
07/14/1707 Jacques-Philippe Lamoninary, composer
07/14/1756 Thomas Rowlandson, English painter/cartoonist/etcher
07/14/1794 John G Lockhart, [Scorpion], biographer (Life of Sir Walter Scott)
07/14/1804 Ludwig A Benedek, Austrian general
07/14/1818 Nathaniel Lyon, Brig General (Union volunteers), died in 1861
07/14/1830 Richard Henry Jackson, Bvt Major General (Union volunteers)
07/14/1831 William Dwight, Brig General (Union volunteers), died in 1888
07/14/1834 James Abbott McNeill Whistler, artist (Whistler's Mother)
07/14/1839 Edward Sydney Smith, composer
07/14/1854 Alexander Alexandrovich Kopilov, composer
07/14/1855 Richard Samuel Hughes, composer
07/14/1857 Maytag, inventor (washing machine)
07/14/1858 Emmeline Pankhurst, England, found (Women's Social & Political Union

07/14/1862 Florence Bascom, US, 1st American woman PhD
07/14/1862 Gustav Klimt, Austria, Art Nouveau painter
07/14/1865 Annie Jones, Virginia, bearded lady
07/14/1868 Gertrude M L Bell, British archaeologist (Desert & The Sown)
07/14/1869 Owen Wister, US, novelist (Virginian)
07/14/1874 'Abbas Hilmi II, last khedive (Ottoman viceroy) of Egypt (1892-1914)

07/14/1874 AndrÇ Debierne, French chemist/physicist (Actinium)
07/14/1880 Donald Meek, Glasgow Scotland, actor (Stage Fair, Stagecoach)
07/14/1883 Alexandru Zirra, composer
07/14/1884 Charles Meldrum Daniels, Dayton Oh, swimmer (Olympic-gold-1904, 08)
07/14/1890 Ossip Zadkine, [Zadkin], Russ/French sculptor (Destroyed City)
07/14/1893 John G Stròdom, premier of South-Africa (1954-58)
07/14/1893 Spencer Williams, Vidalia La, actor (Andy-Amos 'n' Andy)
07/14/1895 Cliff Edwards, 'Ukulele Ike', Hannibal Mo, singer (54th Street Revue

07/14/1895 Frank Raymond Leavis, British literary critic (Culture & Environment

07/14/1901 George Tobias, NYC, actor (Abner Kravitz-Bewitched)
07/14/1901 Gerald Raphael Finzi, composer
07/14/1902 Truman J Hedding, US vice-admiral (WW II)
07/14/1903 Irving Stone, US, author (Love is Eternal, Lust for Life)
07/14/1903 Ken Murray, NYC, comedian (Ken Murray Show, Judy Garland Show)
07/14/1904 Isaac Bashevis Singer, Poland, Yiddish novelist (Enemies-Nobel 1978)

07/14/1906 Arthur James Bramwell Hutchings, composer
07/14/1906 Tom Carvel, ice cream mogul (Carvels)
07/14/1908 Joseph KotÑlla, German war criminal (4 of Breda)
07/14/1909 Annabella, [Suzanne G Charpentier], Paris, actress (Dinner at Ritz)
07/14/1910 William Hanna, animator (Hanna-Barbera)
07/14/1911 J de Graaf, president (Church & Peace)
07/14/1911 Terry-Thomas, England, actor (It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World)
07/14/1912 Woodrow Wilson 'Woodie' Guthrie, folk singer (This Land Is Your Land

07/14/1913 Fritz Erler, German politician (SDP)
07/14/1913 Gerald R Ford, [Leslie King], 41st VP (1973-74)/38th pres (R-1974-77

07/14/1916 Natalia Ginzburg, Italian author (Family dictionary)
07/14/1917 Douglas Edwards, Alda Okla, newscaster (CBS Evening News, FYI)
07/14/1918 Arthur Laurents, NYC, playwright (West Side Story, Gypsy)
07/14/1918 Ingmar Bergman, Uppsala Sweden, director (Cries & Whispers)
07/14/1918 Jay Wright Forrester, invented random-access magnetic core memory
07/14/1919 Lino Ventura, Italy, actor (Happy New Year, Pain in the A--)
07/14/1922 Peter Andrew Tranchell, composer
07/14/1923 Dale Robertson, Harrah Ok, actor (Death Valley Days, Walter-Dynasty)

07/14/1923 Frances Lear, Larchmont NY, Woman's magazine publisher (Lears)
07/14/1925 Luis Antonio Escobar, composer
07/14/1926 Harry Dean Stanton, actor (Alien, Cool Hand Luke, Alien)
07/14/1926 Jan Krenz, composer
07/14/1927 John Chancellor, Chicago Ill, news anchor (NBC, VOA)
07/14/1928 Nancy Olson, Milwaukee, actress (Absent-Minded Professor, Pollyanna)

07/14/1928 Ole Schmidt, composer
07/14/1928 Pierre Olaf, Cauderan France, actor (Kraft Music Hall)
07/14/1930 Eric Norman Stokes, composer
07/14/1930 Polly Bergen, Knoxville Tn, actress (Rhoda-Winds of War, Baby Talk)
07/14/1931 Donald Eugene Webb, Okla City, murderer (FBI Most Wanted List)
07/14/1931 Robert Stephens, Bristol England, actor (Uncle Kurt-Holocaust)
07/14/1932 Roosevelt Grier, Cuthbert Ga, NFLer (NY Giants)/actor (Movin' On)
07/14/1933 Robert Bourassa, MontrÇal, premier of QuÇbec (1970-76, 1985- )
07/14/1934 Leo Joseph Koury, Pitts, murderer (FBI Most Wanted List)
07/14/1936 Gloria Lambert, Worcester Mass, singer (Sing Along With Mitch)
07/14/1936 Robert F Overmyer, Lorain Ohio, Col USMC/astronaut (STS 5, STS 51B)
07/14/1943 Lynn Loring, NYC, actress (Patty-Fair Exchange, Barbara-FBI)
07/14/1945 Peter James Leonard Klatzow, composer
07/14/1947 Steve Stone, Cleveland Ohio, sportscaster (Monday Night Baseball)
07/14/1948 Tommy Matola, rock manager/CEO (CBS records)
07/14/1949 Lukas D Barnard, head of South Africa secret service (NIS)
07/14/1951 Esther Dyson, Zurich Switz, computer publisher (Release 1.0)
07/14/1951 Judi Brown, E Lansing Mich, 400m hurdler (Olympic-silver-1984)
07/14/1952 Chris Cross, rock singer (Arthur)
07/14/1952 Eric Laneuville, New Orleans La, actor (Larry-Room 222, St Elsewhere

07/14/1952 George Louis Francis Lewis, composer
07/14/1952 Jerry Houser, LA Calif, actor (Slapshot, Summer of '42, Class of '44

07/14/1952 Stan Shaw, Chic Ill, actor (Mississippi, Roots Next Generation)
07/14/1954 Jos Zoomer, drummer (Vandenberg)
07/14/1954 Ralph D'Amico, jockey
07/14/1958 Eric Heiden, US speed skater (Olympic-gold-1980)
07/14/1959 Rodney Rash, horse trainer
07/14/1960 Ray Herndon, Scottsdale Ar, singer (McBride & Ride-Can I Count on Yo

07/14/1961 Jackie Earle Haley, Northridge Calif, actor (Breaking Away)
07/14/1965 Reina Olea, female jockey
07/14/1968 Mark Lenz, US, 3m spring diver (Olympic-gold-1992)
07/14/1970 Missy Gold, Great Falls Mont, actress (Katie-Benson)
07/14/1977 Victoria Ingrid AlicÇa DÇsirÇe, Princess heir apparent of Sweden


07/14/1223 Philippe II Augustus, King of France (1180-1223), dies
07/14/1298 Jacobus de Voragine, Italian bishop/writer (Gulden legend), dies
07/14/1614 Camillus de Lellis, Ital soldier/monastery founder/saint, dies at 64

07/14/1711 Johan Willem Friso, Prince of Orange/(Nassau-Dietz), dies at 23
07/14/1744 Immanuel J Pyra, German poet (Temple of wahren Dichtkunst), dies at

07/14/1762 Cornelis Hop, Amsterdams regent/diplomat, dies at 77
07/14/1770 David It Kindt, Flemish architect (Mammelokker, Gent), dies at 71
07/14/1779 George Ross, US judge/signer (Declaration of Independence), dies at

07/14/1788 Johann Gottfried Muthel, composer, dies at 60
07/14/1793 Jacques Cathelineau, French royalist, dies in battle at 44
07/14/1803 Esteban Salas y Castro, composer, dies
07/14/1812 Christian G Heyne, German archaeologist, dies at 82
07/14/1816 Francisco AG de Miranda, Venezuela freedom fighter, dies at 66
07/14/1873 Ferdinand David, violinist/composer, dies at 63
07/14/1895 Alexander Ewing, composer, dies at 65
07/14/1904 S J Paul Kruger, president South-Africa, dies
07/14/1908 William Mason, composer, dies at 79
07/14/1923 Louis Ganne, composer, dies at 61
07/14/1942 Neel [Cornelia H] Doff, Neth/French/Belgian painter's model, dies
07/14/1943 Johannes F 'Frits' Bakker Sr, actor, dies at 74
07/14/1948 Palmiro Togliatti, Italy's CPI chairman, assassinated
07/14/1954 Jacinto Benavente y Martinez, Spanish playwright, dies at 87
07/14/1956 Jaroslav Ridky, composer, dies at 58
07/14/1958 Abdoel Illah, crown prince of Iraq, murdered
07/14/1958 Faisal II, King of Iraq (1939-58), assassinated at Baghdad
07/14/1958 Noeri el-Said, premier of Iraq, murdered
07/14/1959 Grock, [Adrien Wettach], Swiss clown/circus director, dies at 79
07/14/1965 Adlai Stevenson, US amb to UN/pres candidate (D, 1952, 56), dies
07/14/1968 Konstatin G Paustovski, Russian sailor/author, dies at 76
07/14/1968 Westbrook Van Voorhis, announcer (March of Time), dies at 64
07/14/1970 Preston Foster, actor (Waterfront, Gunslinger), dies at 69
07/14/1973 Clarence White, guitarist (Byrds), killed by a car
07/14/1974 Carl A Spaats, 1st chief of staff of USAF, dies at 83
07/14/1975 Zutty Singleton, US jazz drummer, dies at 77
07/14/1979 George De Witt, TV host (Name that Tune), dies at 56
07/14/1982 George Amadee Tremblay, composer, dies at 71
07/14/1984 Al Shaft, [Clown prince of baseball], baseball player, dies at 91
07/14/1984 Kenny Delmar, comedian (School House), dies at 74
07/14/1984 Philippe Wynne, US soul singer (I'll Be Around), dies at 43
07/14/1986 Raymond Loewy, US industrial designer, dies at 92
07/14/1991 Nic of Bridges, Flemish poet, dies
07/14/1991 Rita MarÇchal, actress (Good During Only During), dies
07/14/1993 LÇo FerrÇ, French singer/composer (Mon GÇnÇral), dies at 76

Significant Events:

07/14/1520 Battle of Otumba Mexico: Hernan Cortes & Tlascala's vs Azsign
07/14/1535 Emperor Charles V conquerors Tunis
07/14/1682 Henry Purcell appointed organist of Chapel Royal, London
07/14/1714 Battle of Aland, Russian fleet overpowers larger Swedish fleet
07/14/1771 Mission San Antonio de Padua founded in California
07/14/1789 Bastille Day-citizens of Paris storm Bastille prison
07/14/1798 1st direct federal tax on states-on dwellings, land & slaves
07/14/1822 Slave revolt in SC under Denmark Vesey/Peter Poyas
07/14/1832 Opium exempted from federal tariff duty
07/14/1845 1st postmasters' provisional stamps issued, NYC
07/14/1845 Fire in NYC destroys 1,000 homes & kills many
07/14/1850 1st public demonstration of ice made by refrigeration
07/14/1853 Commodore Perry requests trade relations with Japan
07/14/1853 Pres Franklin Pierce opens 1st industrial exposition (NY)
07/14/1861 Gen McDowell advances toward Fairfax Courthouse, VA with 40,000 troo

07/14/1861 Navel Engagement at Wilmington NC - USS Daylight establishes blockad

07/14/1863 Battle of Falling Waters, MD (Beaver Creek)
07/14/1865 1st ascent of Matterhorn
07/14/1865 Whymper, Hudson, Croz, Douglas & Hadow 1st to climb Matterhorn
07/14/1868 Tape measure enclosed in a circular case patented, AJ Fellows, Ct
07/14/1877 General strike brings US railroad to a stand still
07/14/1893 A Charlois discovers asteroid #370 Modestia
07/14/1909 Germany chancellor Bernhard von BÅlow resigns
07/14/1911 46' of rain begins to fall in Baguio, Philippines
07/14/1912 Kenneth Mcarthur runs Olympic record marathon (2:36:54.8)
07/14/1914 1st patent for liquid-fueled rocket design granted (Dr R Goddard)
07/14/1914 NL's Boston Braves start climb from last place to world series sweep

07/14/1914 Robert Hutchins Goddard patents a liquid-fuel rocket motor
07/14/1916 33.6 cm rainfall at Effingham SC (state record)
07/14/1916 St Louis Brown Ernie Koob pitches all 17 inns in a 0-0 tie vs Boston

07/14/1918 Dutch govt reclaims South seas
07/14/1927 1st commercial airplane flight in Hawaii
07/14/1932 Belgian Chamber rules Dutch language for education of Flanders
07/14/1933 German govt demands sterilization of those with hereditary illness
07/14/1933 NSDAP becomes only party in Germany
07/14/1934 116¯ F (47¯ C), Orogrande, New Mexico (state record)
07/14/1934 C Jackson discovers asteroids #1325 Inanda & #1326 Losaka
07/14/1934 NY Times erronously declares Ruth 700 HR record to stand for all tim

07/14/1934 Phillies score 11 runs in an inning, beats Cincinnati 18-0
07/14/1936 1 million demonstrate to support French People's Front govt
07/14/1936 116¯ F (47¯ C), Collegeville, Indiana (state record)
07/14/1938 Mussolini publishes anti-jewish/African manifest
07/14/1940 Lithuania becomes Lithuanian SSR
07/14/1941 6,000 Lithuanian Jews are exterminated at Viszalsyan Camp
07/14/1941 Ceasefire of Joan of Arc (ends combat in Lebanon & Syria)
07/14/1941 Jam rationed in Holland
07/14/1942 1st transport of Amsterdam Jews to Westerbork
07/14/1942 Riots against Jews in Amsterdam
07/14/1944 Attempt to liberate prisoners in Amsterdam fails, John Post arrested

07/14/1947 C A Wirtanen discovers asteroid #1747 Wright
07/14/1949 USSR explodes their 1st atom bomb
07/14/1950 RE Wayne awarded 1st Distinguished Flying Cross in Korea
07/14/1951 1st color telecast of a sporting event (CBS-horse race)
07/14/1951 Citation becomes 1st horse to win $1,000,000 in races
07/14/1951 George Washington Carver monument unveiled
07/14/1952 SS United States crosses Atlantic in 84:12 (record westward)
07/14/1953 1st Natl monument dedicated to a Negro-George Washington Carver
07/14/1953 Communist offensive in Korea
07/14/1953 NL beats AL 5-1 in 20th All Star Game (Crosley Field Cincinnati)
07/14/1954 117¯F (47¯C), East St Louis, Illinois (state record)
07/14/1954 118¯F (48¯C), Warsaw & Union, Missouri (state record)
07/14/1955 2 killed, many dazed when lightning strikes Ascott racetrack, Englan

07/14/1956 Boston Red Sox Mel Parnell no-hits Chicago White Sox, 4-0
07/14/1957 Soviet steamer 'Eshghbad' sinks in Caspian Sea, drowning 270
07/14/1958 General Abdul K Kassem forms a military govt in Iraq
07/14/1958 Iraqi army overthrows monarchy; republic replaces Hashemite dynasty
07/14/1959 1st atomic powered cruiser, Long Beach, Quincy Mass
07/14/1961 Astro's Eddie Matthews hits HR #500
07/14/1961 Finland's Miettunen govt forms
07/14/1961 Pope John XXIII publishes encyclical Mater et magistrate
07/14/1962 Borehole for Mont Blanc-tunnel finished
07/14/1962 Brave's Hank Aaron hits HR #500
07/14/1964 Jacques Anquetil wins his 5th Tour de France
07/14/1965 Israeli/Jordanian border fights
07/14/1965 US Mariner IV, 1st Mars probe, passes at 6,100 miles (9,800 km)
07/14/1966 Richard Speck rapes & kills 8 nurses in a Chicago dormitory
07/14/1967 Astro Eddie Matthews hits his 500th HR off SF Giant Juan Marichal
07/14/1967 Surveyor 4 launched to Moon; explodes just before landing
07/14/1968 Brave Hank Aaron hits his 500th HR off SF Giant Mike McCormick
07/14/1968 Houston Astro Don Wilson strikes-out 18, beats Reds 6-1
07/14/1968 WSWO TV channel 26 in Springfield, OH (ABC) begins broadcasting
07/14/1969 'Futbol War' between El Salvador & Honduras begins
07/14/1969 Soccer war - Salvador-Honduras (1000 dead)
07/14/1969 WMUL (now WPBY) TV channel 33 in Huntington, WV (PBS) 1st broadcast
07/14/1970 NL wins 8th straight All Star Game, 5-4 in 12 inn (Riverfront, Cin)
07/14/1972 L Zhuravleva discovers asteroids #1959 Karbyshev & #2423 Ibarruri
07/14/1973 Phil Everly storms off stage declaring an end to Everly Brothers
07/14/1974 Bundy victms Janice Ott & Denise Naslund disappear, Lk Sammamish, WA

07/14/1975 EPCOT Center (Florida) plans announced
07/14/1976 Jimmy Carter wins Democratic pres nomination in NYC
07/14/1976 USSR banishes dissident Andrei Amalrik to Netherlands
07/14/1977 N Chernykh discovers asteroids #2286 Fesenkov, #2492 Kutuzov,
07/14/1977 North Korea shoots down US helicopter, killing 3
07/14/1978 Anatoly Shcharansky convicted of anti-Soviet agitation
07/14/1983 Crane (Rep-R-Il) & Studds (Rep-D-Mas) admit to sex with pages
07/14/1984 STS 41-D vehicle moves to Vandenberg AFB for remanifest of payloads
07/14/1985 Columbia returns to Kennedy Space Center via Offutt AFB, Neb
07/14/1985 Kathy Baker beats Judy Clark to win golf's US Women's Open
07/14/1985 Last USFL game-Baltimore Stars defeats Oakland Invaders, 28-24
07/14/1986 10 killed & 60 injured at ETA-bomb attack in Madrid
07/14/1986 2nd govt of Lubbers sworn in
07/14/1986 Jane Geddes beats Sally Little to win golf's US Women's Open
07/14/1986 NASA's plan to implement recommendations of Rogers commission
07/14/1986 Paul McCartney releases 'Press'
07/14/1986 Richard W Miller became 1st FBI agent convicted of espionage
07/14/1987 Greyhound Bus buys Trailways Bus for $80 million
07/14/1987 Lt Col Oliver North concludes 6 days of Congressional testimony
07/14/1987 NL defeats AL, 2-0 in 13, in 58th All-Star Game in Oakland, Calif
07/14/1987 Steve Miller's star is unveiled on Hollywood's Walk of Fame
07/14/1987 Taiwan ends 37 years of martial law
07/14/1988 200,000 demonstrate in Soviet Armenia for incorp of Nagorno-Karabak
07/14/1988 Mike Schmidt passes Mickey Mantle with his 537th HR into 7th place
07/14/1989 16th James Bond movies 'License to Kill' premieres
07/14/1990 'Howard Stern's Summer Show' premieres on WWOR-TV
07/14/1991 Failed military coup in Mali
07/14/1992 AL beats NL 13-6 at 63rd All Star Game (Jack Murphy Stadium SD)
07/14/1993 Aeroflot starts non-stop flights between Moscow & NY

Robert Wolfe

Jul 17, 2021, 3:40:12 AM7/17/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque

Robert Wolfe

Jul 17, 2021, 7:40:12 AM7/17/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


07/17/1487 Esma'il I, shah who converted Iran from Sunni to Shi'ah
07/17/1674 Isaac Watts, England, writer/preacher/hymnist (Horae Lyrican)
07/17/1702 Johann Schneider, composer
07/17/1744 Elbridge Gerry, (DR) 5th VP (Mass-Gov), invented gerrymandering
07/17/1763 John H van de Palm, theologist/literature/speaker
07/17/1763 John Jacob Astor, Germany, richest man in US, banker/fur trader
07/17/1775 August Harder, composer
07/17/1817 Ignace Xavier Joseph Leybach, composer
07/17/1827 Frederick A Able, English chemist/inventor (cordiet)
07/17/1832 Johan August Soderman, composer
07/17/1839 Friedrich Gernsheim, composer
07/17/1853 Francesco Fanciulli, composer
07/17/1859 Luis Mu¤oz Rivera, Puerto Rico, journalist (founded Federalist Party

07/17/1871 Lyonel C A Feininger, US cartoonist/painter
07/17/1875 Donald Francis Tovey, Eton England, musicologist/composer
07/17/1876 Maxim M Litvinov, [Meyer H Wallach], Russian diplomat
07/17/1876 Rosa Jackson Lumpkin, Georgia, lived to be 115 (died in 1991)
07/17/1876 Vittorio Gnecchi, composer
07/17/1878 Henri Zagw˜n, composer
07/17/1883 Bart de Ligt, anti militarist theologist (Peace as Was, Nobel 1966)
07/17/1883 Mauritz Stiller, Swedish actor/director (Erotikon)
07/17/1885 Benjamin James Dale, composer
07/17/1888 Agnon [SJ Czaczkes], Hebrew writer (Curve becomes Right)
07/17/1888 Shmuel Agnon, Israel, novelist (Day Before Yesterday-Nobel 1966)
07/17/1889 Erle Stanley Gardner, US detective writer (Perry Mason)
07/17/1898 Berenice Abbott, Springfield Oh, photographer (World of Atget)
07/17/1900 James Cagney, actor (Yankee Doodle Dandy), hold that grapefruit
07/17/1902 Christina Stead, Australia, novelist (Man Who Loved Children)
07/17/1903 Valerian Mikhaylovich Bogdanov-Berezovsky, composer
07/17/1905 William Gargan, Bkln NY, actor (Dynamite, Ellery Queen)
07/17/1908 Rudolf Petzold, composer
07/17/1909 Hardy Amies, London England, royal dressmaker (Queen Elizabeth II)
07/17/1912 Art Linkletter, Saskatchwan Canada, TV host (People are Funny)
07/17/1912 Pal Kov cs, Hungary, sabres (Olympic-gold-1952)
07/17/1913 Everett Helm, composer
07/17/1913 Roger Garaudy, French philosopher
07/17/1914 Lucille Benson, Scottsboro Ala, actress (Lilly-Bosom Buddies)
07/17/1915 Dorothy Poynton-Hill, US, platform diver (Olympic-gold-1932)
07/17/1915 Esther Williamson Ballou, composer
07/17/1916 Eleanor Steber, Wheeling WV, soprano (Metropolitan Opera-1940)
07/17/1917 Lou Bourdeau, baseball player/manager (1948 AP Athlete of Year)
07/17/1917 Phyllis Diller, Lima Ohio, comedienne (Boy, Did I Get a Wrong Number

07/17/1920 Bill Monroe, New Orleans La, newscaster (NBC-TV, Congressional Repor

07/17/1920 Rudolf Karpati, Hungary, sabres (Olympic-gold-1956, 60)
07/17/1921 George Barnes, Chicago Hgts, guitarist (Skip Farrell Show)
07/17/1930 Ryohei Hirose, composer
07/17/1932 Niccolo Castiglioni, composer
07/17/1932 Wojciech Kilar, composer
07/17/1934 Donald Sutherland, Canada, actor (M*A*S*H, Body Snatchers)
07/17/1934 Pat McCormick, comedian (Don Rickles Show, New Bill Cosby Show)
07/17/1934 Philippe Capdenat, composer
07/17/1935 Diahann Carroll, Bronx, actress (Julia, Claudine, Dominique-Dynasty)

07/17/1935 P D Q Bach, [Peter Schickele], Iowa, composer (5th of Beethoven)
07/17/1939 Spencer Davis, Wales, vocalist (Gimme Some Lovin)
07/17/1940 Phyllis Davis, Port Arthur Tx, actress (Love American Style, Vega$)
07/17/1941 Daryle Lamonica, Oakland Raider QB (AFL leading passer 1967)
07/17/1942 Connie Hawkins, Harlem Globetrotter/NBA (Phoenix Suns, ABA MVP 1968)

07/17/1942 Gale Garnett, Auckland NZ, singer (We'll Sing in the Sunshine)
07/17/1945 Fenneken Fockema Andreae, actress (The Sea Gull)
07/17/1947 Camilla Parker Bowles, London England, Prince Charles' lover
07/17/1948 Brian Glascock, drummer (Motels-Only the Lonely)
07/17/1948 Cathy Ferguson, 100m backstroke swimmer (Olympic-gold-1964)
07/17/1949 Terry 'Geezer' Butler, bassist (Black Sabbath)
07/17/1951 Lucie Arnaz, LA Calif, actress (Kim-Here's Lucy, Jazz Singer)
07/17/1952 David Hasselhoff, Balt Md, (Revenge of the Cheerleaders, Night Rider

07/17/1952 Phoebe Snow, singer (Theme from 'It's a Different World')
07/17/1952 Robert R[ick] McCammon, US, sci-fi author (Baal, Mystery Walk)
07/17/1952 Th‚ Lau, singer/guitarist/composer (The Scene, Row Row Row)
07/17/1956 Bryan Trottier, Val Marie Sask, NHL Center (NY Islanders)
07/17/1960 Jan Wouters, soccer star (Ajax, Bayern Munich)
07/17/1960 Karen Price, Pasadena Calif, playmate (January, 1981)
07/17/1960 Scott Norwood, NFL kicker (Buffalo Bills-Superbowl XXV goat)
07/17/1962 Jay Barrs, Jacksonville Fla, US archer (Olympic-gold-88, 92)
07/17/1963 Denise Miller, Bkln NY, actress (Billie-Archie Bunker's Place)
07/17/1964 Heather Langenkamp, actress (Marie-Just the 10 of Us)
07/17/1970 Mandy Smith, England, rocker (I Just Can't Wait) wife of Bill Wyman


07/17/ 924 Edward, the Older, English speaking king (899-924), dies
07/17/1025 Boleslaw I Chobry, [the brave], duke/king of Poland, dies
07/17/1070 Boudew˜n VI, count of Flanders/Henegouwen, dies
07/17/1345 Jacob Van Artevelde, [Manner Man], Flemish broker, lynched
07/17/1627 Lieven de Key, Flemish master builder (Vleeshal), dies at about 67
07/17/1682 Johann Heinrich Kittel, composer, dies at 29
07/17/1709 Pascal Collasse, composer, dies at 60
07/17/1746 Anthonie van de Heim, Dutch pension advisor (1737-46), dies at 53
07/17/1762 Peter III Fjodorovitsj, Emperor of Russia (1762), dies at 34
07/17/1763 Wenzel Raimund Pirck, composer, dies at 45
07/17/1794 Jean-Frederic Edelmann, composer, dies at 45
07/17/1826 Joseph Graetz, composer, dies at 65
07/17/1838 John Whites, hydraulic engineer, dies at 82
07/17/1851 Beni Egressy, composer, dies at 37
07/17/1863 James Johnston Pettigrew, US attorney/Confederate, dies at 35
07/17/1864 Daniel McCook Jr, US Union-brig-gen, dies at 29
07/17/1864 Dirk Dark Curtius, attorney/liberal minister of Justice, dies at 71
07/17/1871 Carl Tausig, composer, dies at 29
07/17/1875 Gabor Matray, composer, dies at 77
07/17/1878 Aleardo [Gaetano] Aleardi, Italian/Aust poet (Tre Fiumi), dies at 65

07/17/1901 John Farmer, composer, dies at 64
07/17/1903 James McNeill Whistler, US/British painter/graphic artist, dies at 6

07/17/1912 J-Henri Poincar‚, French mine engineer/mathematician, dies at 58
07/17/1915 Francesco Fanciulli, composer, dies on 62nd birthday
07/17/1918 Aleksei N Romanov, son of tsar Nicolas II, executed
07/17/1918 Alexandra Fjodorova, wife of czar Nicolas II, shot to death at 46
07/17/1918 Anastasia N Romanova, daughter of tsar Nicholas, executed at 17
07/17/1918 Botkin, personal physician of czar Nicolas II, shot to death
07/17/1918 Charitonov, cook of czar Nicolas II, shot to death
07/17/1918 Demidova, lady in waiting of czar Nicolas II, shot to death
07/17/1918 Maria Romanova, daughter of czar Nicolas II, shot to death
07/17/1918 Nicolas II Aleksandrovitsj, last tsar of Russia, executed at 50
07/17/1918 Olga Romanova, daughter of czar Nicolas II, shot to death
07/17/1918 Tatjana Romanova, daughter of czar Nicolas II, shot to death
07/17/1918 Trupp, lackey of czar Nicolas II, shot to death
07/17/1922 Heinrich Rubens, German physicist, dies at 57
07/17/1928 Alvaro Obregon, general/pres of Mexico, assassinated
07/17/1928 Giovanni Giolitti, 5x premier of Italy (1892..1921), dies
07/17/1937 Henry Constant Gabriel Pierne, composer, dies at 73
07/17/1944 Hugh Rigby, English portrait painter (King George V 1928-32), dies
07/17/1946 Dragoljub 'Draza' Mihailovic, Yugoslav general/helped Nazi, executed

07/17/1946 Mikhailovich, resistance leader, executed by Tito regime
07/17/1947 Raoul Wallenberg, Swedish diplomat in WW II (saved Jews), dies at 34

07/17/1953 Bernhard van den Sigtenhorst Meyer, composer, dies at 65
07/17/1953 Maude K Adams, US actress (Little Minister), dies
07/17/1954 Dirk B Nanninga, painter, dies at 85
07/17/1955 Bronislaw Zygmunt Szulc, composer, dies at 73
07/17/1959 Billy Holliday [Eleanora Fagan], US blues singer, dies at 44
07/17/1959 Ernest Bloch, Swiss/US composer (Macbeth), dies at 78
07/17/1959 Henri Pourrat, French writer (Le chasseur de la nuit), dies
07/17/1961 Ty Cobb, Detroit Tiger hall of fame baseball player, dies at 75
07/17/1965 Luiz Cosme, composer, dies at 57
07/17/1966 August Baeyens, Flemish composer (Piranesi-suite), dies at 71
07/17/1967 John Coltrane, US jazz sax/composer (Round Midnight), dies at 40
07/17/1971 Cliff Edwards, 'Ukulele Ike', singer (54th Street Revue), dies at 76

07/17/1974 Jay Hanna 'Dizzy' Dean, pitcher (St Louis Cards), dies at 63
07/17/1975 Modoc, the elephant, dies at age 78 (oldest known nonhuman mammal)
07/17/1980 Donald Barry, actor (Mr Gallo-Mr Novak), dies at 68
07/17/1984 J Delos Jewkes, singer/actor (Stars & Stripes Forever), dies at 89
07/17/1985 Czeslaw Josef Marek, composer, dies at 93
07/17/1985 Margo, actress (Rumba, Viva Zapata), dies at 68 of a brain tumor
07/17/1988 Bruiser Brody, wrestler, stabbed to death
07/17/1993 Ineke Shutter, choreography (Black girl goes to school), dies at 61
07/17/1993 Scott Salmon, US choreographer (La cage aux folles), dies at 51
07/17/1993 Vladimir Barmyn, Russian inventor (Stalinorgel), dies at 84

Significant Events:

07/17/ 561 John III begins his reign as Catholic Pope succeeding Pelagius I
07/17/ 855 St Leo IV ends his reign as Catholic Pope
07/17/1054 Emperor Henry III crowns his son Henry IV king
07/17/1070 Arnulf III the Hapless becomes earl of Flanders
07/17/1203 Venetianen conquer Constantinople, emperor Alexius III flees
07/17/1245 Pope bans emperor Frederik II Hohenstaufen for 3rd time
07/17/1393 Osmanen occupy Turnovo, Bulgaria
07/17/1473 Charles the Stout conquerors N˜megen
07/17/1549 Jews are expelled from Ghent Belgium
07/17/1583 Spanish & Walloon troops conquer Dunkerk
07/17/1596 At 10:30AM Dutch explorer Willem Barents arrives at Novaya Zemlya
07/17/1712 English government signs ceasefire with France
07/17/1727 Simon van Slingelandt appointed Dutch pension advisor
07/17/1774 Capt Cook arrives at New Hebrides (Vanuata)
07/17/1775 1st military hospital approved
07/17/1794 African Church of St Thomas in Philadelphia, dedicated
07/17/1794 Richard Allen organizes Phila's Bethel African Meth Episcopal Church

07/17/1841 British humor magazine 'Punch' 1st published
07/17/1850 Harvard Observatory takes 1st photograph of a star (Vega)
07/17/1856 Sunday school excursion train collides killing 46 children (Phila)
07/17/1861 Congress authorizes paper money
07/17/1862 Navel Engagement at Pascagoula River MS: USS Potomac Expedition
07/17/1862 US army authorized to accept blacks as laborers
07/17/1862 United army officially divides corps
07/17/1863 Battle of Honey Springs - largest battle in Indian Territory
07/17/1864 CSA President Davis replaces Gen Joe Johnston with John Bell Hood
07/17/1866 Italian fleet under adm Persano capture Austrian Fort Lissa
07/17/1867 1st permanent university dental school in US, Harvard
07/17/1879 1st railroad opens in Hawaii
07/17/1897 1st ship arrives in Seattle carrying gold from Yukon
07/17/1898 Spanish American War-Spaniads surrender to US at Santiago Cuba
07/17/1902 Baltimore (AL) didn't have enough men to field their team
07/17/1911 Overthrown shah of Persia Mohammed Ali lands on Astrabad with army
07/17/1912 IAF (Intl Amateur Athletic Federation) forms in Sweden
07/17/1914 NY Giants beat Pitts Pirates, 3-1, in 21 innings
07/17/1915 Italian offensive at Isonzo
07/17/1917 British Royal family changes its name from Hanover to Windsor
07/17/1918 Longest errorless game, Cubs beat Phillies 2-1 in 21 innings
07/17/1919 Finland adopts constitution
07/17/1919 Yanks 21 hits, Browns 17 hits Browns win 7-6 in 17, on squeeze play
07/17/1922 Cura‡ao harbor workers begin strike under Felix Chacuto
07/17/1923 Carl Mays gave up 13 runs & 20 hits in 13-0 lose to Indians
07/17/1924 St Louis Card Jesse Haines no-hits Boston Braves, 5-0
07/17/1926 Paavo Nurmi walks world record 4x1500m (16:11.4)
07/17/1929 USSR drops diplomatic relations with China
07/17/1935 Variety's famous headline 'Sticks Nix Hick Pix'
07/17/1936 Military uprising under Gen Franco/begins Spanish civil war
07/17/1938 Douglas (Wrong Way) Corrigan leaves NY for LA, wound up in Ireland
07/17/1939 Henry Picard wins PGA golf tournament
07/17/1941 Joe DiMaggio's 56 game hitting streak ends
07/17/1942 3' of rain falls on Pennsylvania, flooding kills 15
07/17/1942 Estimated 34.5' (87.5 cm) of rainfall, Smethport, Pa (state record)
07/17/1943 RAF bombs Germany rocket bases
07/17/1944 2 ammunition ships explodes at Port Chicago, California kills 322
07/17/1944 Russian troops march into Poland
07/17/1945 Potsdam Conference (FDR, Stalin, Churchill) holds 1st meeting
07/17/1946 Resistance leader Mikhailovich executed by Tito regime
07/17/1948 C A Wirtanen discovers asteroid #1685 Toro
07/17/1948 Proclamation of constitution of Republic of (South) Korea
07/17/1950 Indonesian troops land on Buru, South-Molukka
07/17/1951 King Leopold II of Belgium gives up throne to son Boudew˜n I
07/17/1952 Shah of Persia named Ghavam Sultaneh premier
07/17/1954 1st major league game where majority of team is black (Dodgers)
07/17/1954 Construction begins on Disneyland. . .
07/17/1954 Theodor Heuss re-elected president of West Germany
07/17/1955 . . . Disneyland opens its doors in rural Orange County
07/17/1955 Arco, Idaho becomes 1st US city lit by nuclear power
07/17/1958 King Hussein declares himself head of Jordan/Iraqi federation
07/17/1959 2,000 ft long by 1,300 foot wide section of ridge falls into Madis
07/17/1959 Dr Leakey discovers oldest human skull (600,000 years old)
07/17/1959 Tibet abolishes serfdom
07/17/1961 John Chancellor becomes news anchor of Today Show
07/17/1961 Roger Maris loses a HR (of his 61) due to a rain-out in 5th
07/17/1962 East Berliner Peter Fechter flees over Berlin Wall
07/17/1962 Robert White in X-15 sets altitude record of 108 km (354,300 ft)
07/17/1962 Senate rejects medicare for aged
07/17/1964 Don Campbell sets record for turbine vehicle, 690.91 kph (429.31 mph

07/17/1965 WLCY (now WTSP) TV channel 10 in St Petersburg-Tampa, FL (ABC) begin

07/17/1966 Jim Ryun sets mile record (3m51s3)
07/17/1966 Pioneer 7 launched
07/17/1967 Monkees perform at Forest Hills NY, Jimi Hendrix is opening act
07/17/1967 Race riots in Cairo Illinois
07/17/1968 Beatle's animated film 'Yellow Submarine' premieres in London
07/17/1968 Revolt in Iraq
07/17/1970 30,000 attend Randall's Island Rock Festival, NYC
07/17/1972 1st 2 women begin training as FBI agents at Quantico
07/17/1973 Military coup in Afghanistan; King Mohammad Zahir Shah flees
07/17/1974 1st quadrophinic studio in UK is open by Moody Blues
07/17/1974 Bob Gibson becomes 2nd pitcher to strike-out 3,000
07/17/1974 John Lennon is ordered to leave US in 60 days
07/17/1975 Apollo 18 & Soyuz 19 make 1st US/USSR linkup in space
07/17/1975 Ringo Starr & Maureen Cox divorce
07/17/1976 21st modern Olympic games opens in Montr‚al
07/17/1976 ABA merges into NBA
07/17/1976 Indonesian president Suharto annexes East Timor
07/17/1978 Reggie Jackson refusal to bunt causes mgr Billy Martin to suspend hi

07/17/1979 NL beats AL 7-6 in 50th All Star Game (Kingdome Seattle)
07/17/1979 Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio Somoza flees to Miami
07/17/1979 Sebastian Coe runs world record 3:49 mile in Oslo
07/17/1979 Simone Veil becomes chairman of European Parliament
07/17/1980 Bolivian military coup; general Garcia Meza becomes president
07/17/1980 Ronald Reagan formally accepts Republican nomination for president
07/17/1980 Zenko Suzuki becomes premier of Japan
07/17/1981 Humbar Estuary Bridge, UK, world's longest span (1.4 km), opens
07/17/1981 Israeli bombers destroy PLO/al-Fatah headquarters in Beirut
07/17/1981 Lobby Walkways at KC's Hyatt Regency collapse 114 die, 200 injured
07/17/1983 1st USFL championship (Mich Panthers beats Phila Stars 24-22)
07/17/1984 Pierre Mauroy resigns as premier of France
07/17/1984 Soyuz T-12 carries 3 cosmonauts to space station Salyut 7
07/17/1987 10 teens die in Guadalupe River flood (Comfort, Tx)
07/17/1987 Iran & France breaks diplomatic relations
07/17/1988 Florence Griffith Joyner of USA sets 100m woman's record (10.49)
07/17/1988 Highest temperature ever recorded in San Francisco, 103ø F (39ø C)
07/17/1989 1st test flight of US stealth-bomber
07/17/1989 Paul McCartney releases 'This One'
07/17/1990 Hussein's Revolutionary Day speech claims Kuwait stole oil from Iraq

07/17/1990 NY Yankee Deion Sanders hits an inside park homer
07/17/1990 PLO-leader Jasser Arrafat marries Soha Tawil in Tunis
07/17/1992 Slovak parliament askes for self rule
07/17/1993 Graeme Obree bicycles world record time, 51,596 km
07/17/1994 Brazil beats Italy in a shoot out, for their 4th soccer world cup
07/17/1994 Hulk Hogan beats Ric Flair to win the WCW wrestling championship

Robert Wolfe

Jul 18, 2021, 3:40:15 PM7/18/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


07/18/1340 Philip van Artevelde, wine salesman of Flanders
07/18/1534 Zacharias Ursinus, German theologist (Heidelberger Catechism)
07/18/1552 Rudolf II, of Habsburg, emperor of Germany
07/18/1635 Robert Hooke, Isle of Wight, physicist (Micrographia)
07/18/1670 Giovanni Bononcini, composer
07/18/1711 Pierre-Joseph Le Blan, composer
07/18/1720 Gilbert White, 'father of British naturalists'
07/18/1766 Friedrich Fleischmann, composer
07/18/1796 Feargus O'Connor, County Cork, leader of English Chartists
07/18/1810 Peter Singer, composer
07/18/1811 William Makepeace Thackeray, England, Victorian novelist (Vanity Fai

07/18/1823 Leonard Fulton Ross, Brig General (Union volunteers), died in 1901
07/18/1827 Pierre L Goossens, archbishop of Mechelen/Cardinal
07/18/1848 William Gilbert Grace, Victorian England's greatest cricketer
07/18/1853 Hendrik Antoon Lorentz, Holland, physicist (Nobel 1902)
07/18/1862 Napoleon V Bonaparte, French pretender to throne
07/18/1862 Nikolaj N Joedenitsj, Russian general/counter-revolutionary
07/18/1865 Laurence Housman, England, author/playwright (Victoria Regina)
07/18/1870 Emil Mlynarski, composer
07/18/1871 Giacomo Balla, Italian painter (Dog a/d dials)
07/18/1872 Julius Fucik, composer
07/18/1880 Otto Vrieslander, composer
07/18/1882 Manuel Galvez, Argentina writer/poet/historian (Paraguay)
07/18/1887 Vidkun Al Quisling, Norwegian minister of Defense/premier (1942-45)
07/18/1888 Alexander Rosemeier, Indonesian/Dutch painter
07/18/1890 Charles Wilson, Pres of General Motors (1940-53)/Sec of Def (1953-57

07/18/1891 Gene Lockhart, NYC, actor (Going My Way, Christmas Carol)
07/18/1893 Josef Huttel, composer
07/18/1894 Bernard Wagenaar, Arnhem Holland, composer (3 Songs for Chinese)
07/18/1894 Richard Dix, US actor (10 Commandments, Cimarron)
07/18/1898 Herbert Marcuse, German philosopher/sociologist (Eros & Civilization

07/18/1899 Willem Kernkamp, Dutch overseas minister (Islam & Woman)
07/18/1902 Charles W J Mengelberg, composer/conductor
07/18/1902 Nathalie Sarraute, [Tscherniak), Russian/French (stage]author
07/18/1903 Bozidar Kunc, composer
07/18/1903 Chill Wills, Seagoville Texas, actor (Fronteir Circus, Rounders)
07/18/1906 Clifford Odets, US, dramatist (1961 Award of Merit-Golden Boy)
07/18/1906 S I Hayakawa (Sen-R-CA), educator (Language in Action)
07/18/1907 Yvonne Desportes, composer
07/18/1909 Andrei Gromyko, USSR, diplomat/USSR President (1985-89) [7/5 OS]
07/18/1910 Red Skelton, comedian (Clem Kadiddlehopper, Freddie the Freeloader)
07/18/1911 Hume Cronyn, London Ontario, actor (World According to Garp, Cocoon)

07/18/1912 Henry L 'Hank' Miller, US pilot/lt adm (WW II-Pacific)
07/18/1913 Jan Slot, mayor of Eethen/Hardenberg/Ede
07/18/1913 Marvin Miller, St Louis Mo, actor (Space Patrol, Millionaire)
07/18/1914 Harriet Hilliard Nelson, Des Moines, singer/actress (Ozzie & Harriet

07/18/1914 Herbert Collum, composer
07/18/1914 John G Bearer, writer (Metro, Drunken Canary, Fast Heartbeat)
07/18/1914 Jozef Cals, Dutch politician (KVP, Mammoth Law)
07/18/1914 Mack Robinson, US, 200m dash (Olympic-silver-1932)
07/18/1916 Isaac [Ietje] A Diepenhorst, Dutch lawyer/minister (East & West)
07/18/1918 Jane Frazee, Duluth Minn, actress/singer (Alice-Beulah)
07/18/1918 Nelson Mandela, Qunu S Africa, political prisoner (ANC)/Pres (1994-

07/18/1918 Pamela Brown, England, actress (Alice in Wonderland, Dracula)
07/18/1921 John H Glenn Jr, Cambridge Ohio, Col USMC astronaut (Mer 6, Sen-D-Oh

07/18/1923 Hector Tosar, composer
07/18/1924 Howard Roberts, Burlington NJ, choral director (Leslie Uggams Show)
07/18/1924 Inge S”rensen, Denmark, 200m breaststroke (Olympic-bronze-1936)
07/18/1925 Shirley Strickland de la Hunty, Austria, 100m dash (Oly-bronze-1948)

07/18/1926 Jane Hylton, London England, actress (Adv of Sir Lancelot)
07/18/1927 Kurt Masur, German actor(?)
07/18/1928 Simon Vinkenoog, writer
07/18/1929 'Screamin Jay' Hawkins, Cleveland, rocker (I Put a Spell on You)
07/18/1929 Dick Totten Button, Englewood NJ, figure skater (Olympic-gold-48, 52

07/18/1930 Siegfried Kurz, composer
07/18/1931 'Papa' Dee Allen, US percussionist (War-World is a Ghetto)
07/18/1933 Aad Nuis, writer/Dutch 2nd Chamber member (D66)
07/18/1933 Raymund Murray Schafer, Sarnia Ontario, Canada, composer (Patria)
07/18/1933 Yevgeny Yevtushenko, Russia, poet (Bratsk Station)
07/18/1935 Tenley Albright, Boston Mass, figure skater (Olympic-gold-1952, 56)
07/18/1938 Britt Leach, Gadsen Ala, actor (Mickey-Spencer's Pilots)
07/18/1939 Brian Auger, London, fusion keyboardist (Befour, Genesis)
07/18/1939 Dion DiMucci, Bronx, rocker (Dion & Belmonts-Teenager in Love)
07/18/1939 Hunter S Thompson, writer (Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas)
07/18/1940 James Brolin, LA Calif, actor (Dr Kiley-Marcus Welby, Peter-Hotel)
07/18/1940 Joseph Torre, outfield/manager (Braves, Mets, 1971 NL MVP)
07/18/1941 Jack Jersey, [de N˜s], Indonesian/Dutch singer/producer
07/18/1941 Lonnie Mack, Aurora Indiana, rocker (Baby What's Wrong)
07/18/1941 Marcia Jones Smoke, Okla, 500m kayak (Olympic-bronze-1964)
07/18/1941 Martha Reeves, Detroit Mich, singer (& Vandellas-Dancing in St)
07/18/1942 Alexander EHAML, prince of the Belgians/son of Leopold III
07/18/1943 Bobby Sherman, Santa Monica Calif, singer (Shindig, Here Comes Bride

07/18/1943 Calvin Peete, black PGA golfer
07/18/1944 Jonelle Allen, NYC, actress (Bessie-Palmerstown USA, Berringers)
07/18/1947 Ayn Rumen, Bkln NY, actress (Janet-McLean Stevenson Show)
07/18/1947 Kurt Mann, Roslyn NY, actor
07/18/1948 Cesar Zuiderw˜k, drummer (Golden Earring)
07/18/1952 James Forbes, basketball player (Olympic-silver-1972)
07/18/1954 Ricky Skaggs, Cordell Ky, country singer (Heartbroke, Toy Hearts)
07/18/1954 Tobias Picker, composer
07/18/1955 Teresa Ann Savoy, London England, actress (Caligula)
07/18/1958 Margo [AM] Vliegenthart, Dutch 2nd Chamber member (PvdA)
07/18/1958 Nigel Twist, rocker (Alarm-In the Summertime)
07/18/1959 Audrey Landers, Phila, actress (Afton-Dallas, Chorus Line)
07/18/1961 Elizabeth McGovern, Evanston Ill, actress (Once Upon a Time in Amer)

07/18/1970 Patrick Dancy, TV rocker (Guys Next Door-I Was Made For You)
07/18/1994 Ricardo Dela Corte, Italy, test tube baby born to oldest (62) mother


07/18/ 640 Arnulf, bishop of Metz (614-640)/politician, dies at about 58
07/18/1100 Godfried IV van Bouillon, count of Antwerp, dies
07/18/1374 Francesco Petrarch, Italian poet (Italia Mia), dies at 69
07/18/1544 Ren‚ van Chalon, viceroy of Holland, dies in battle at 25
07/18/1608 Joachim III Frederik, ruler (Brandenburg), dies at 61
07/18/1610 Michelangelo Merisi, Italian painter, dies at 38
07/18/1642 Willem earl of Nassau-Siegen, gov of Ft Emmerik/Heusden, dies
07/18/1650 Christoph Scheiner, German astronomer, dies at 74
07/18/1735 Johann Krieger, composer, dies at 83
07/18/1831 Thomas Greatorex, composer, dies at 72
07/18/1833 Joseph Comb, missionary to Moluccas, dies at 63
07/18/1854 Abbas Hilmi I, viceroy of Egypt, dies at about 41
07/18/1872 Benito Ju rez, Cuban justice/general (battle of Acapulco), dies at 6

07/18/1898 Emil Hartmann, composer, dies at 62
07/18/1899 Horatio Alger Jr, Amer clergyman/author (Disagreeeable Woman), dies
07/18/1901 Alfredo Carlo Piatti, composer, dies at 79
07/18/1902 John White, composer, dies at 47
07/18/1908 Jaime Nuno, composer, dies at 83
07/18/1915 George William Louis Marshall-Hall, composer, dies at 53
07/18/1938 Vladimir M Kirsjon, Russian playwright, executed at 35
07/18/1939 Witold Maliszewski, composer, dies at 65
07/18/1941 Dionyssios Lavrangas, composer, dies at 80
07/18/1944 George A Hartland, English house leader (Norwich 1931-35), dies at 6

07/18/1944 Thomas Sturge Moore, English poet (Centaurs' Booty), dies at 74
07/18/1949 V¡tezslav Augustin R Nov k, Slovak composer (Profundis), dies at 78
07/18/1956 Willem Kerncamp, Dutch overseas minister (Islam & Woman), dies at 57

07/18/1958 Henry Farman, French aviation pioneer (double decker, dies at 84
07/18/1965 Shalva Mikhailovich Taktakishvili, composer, dies at 64
07/18/1966 Bobby Fuller, rocker (I Fought the Law), found dead
07/18/1966 German Germanovich Galinin, composer, dies at 44
07/18/1967 Humberto de Alencar Castelo Branco, Brazil pres (1964-87), dies at 6

07/18/1969 Barbara Pepper, actress (Doris Ziffel-Green Acres), dies at 57
07/18/1970 Lucien H d'Azambuja, French astronomer (chromosphere of Sun), dies
07/18/1973 Jack Hawkins, actor (Ben Hur, Ben-Four Just Men), dies at 62
07/18/1975 Federico Ghisi, composer, dies at 74
07/18/1981 Wilhelm HC Tenhaeff, para-psychologist, dies at 87
07/18/1984 James Oliver Huberty, shot by police after killing 21 in McDonalds
07/18/1986 Stanley Rous, British soccer official, dies at 91
07/18/1987 Gilberto Freye, Brazilian sociologist/writer, dies at 87
07/18/1989 Rebecca Schaeffer, actress (My Sister Sam) is shot by a fan at 21
07/18/1990 Georges Dargaud, French publisher (Asterix, Kuifje), dies
07/18/1990 Karl Menninger, psychatrist (Menninger Clinic), dies at 96 of cancer

07/18/1991 Andr‚ Cools, Belgian budget minister, murdered
07/18/1992 Jan Pelleboer, meteorologist, dies
07/18/1992 Mollie Parnis, fashion designer, dies
07/18/1992 Rudolf Ising, cartoonist (Looney Tunes, Merrie Melodies), dies at 88

07/18/1992 Viktor Louis, Russian journalist, dies
07/18/1993 Jean Negulesco, director (3 Coins in a Fountain), dies at 93
07/18/1993 John Beck, US producer (Harvey, Singing Nun), dies at 83
07/18/1993 Sergei Y Vozovikov, Russian major/cosmonaut, dies in accident at 35
07/18/1993 Vladimir Pavlovich Barmin, Chief designer of Soviet launch pads, die

Significant Events:

07/18/ 64 Great Fire of Rome begins (Nero didn't fiddle)
07/18/ 390 -BC- Battle of Allia-Gauls inflict heavy casualties on Romans
07/18/1290 King Edward I of England orders expulsion of Jews
07/18/1330 Battle of Velbuzd
07/18/1536 Pope's authority declared void in England
07/18/1716 Jews are expelled from Brussels Belgium
07/18/1753 Lemuel Haynes, escapes from slaveholder in Framingham Mass
07/18/1766 Society of the Dutch Literary established
07/18/1814 British capture Prairie du Chien (Wisc)
07/18/1853 1st train to cross US-Canada boundary, Portland, Me.-Montr‚al, PQ
07/18/1853 Completion of Grand Trunk Line, Americas 1st intl railroad
07/18/1861 Battle of Blackburn's Ford, VA US57 CS68 - Manassas -
07/18/1862 Battle of Newburgh, IN - captured by Union forces
07/18/1863 Battle of Fort Wagner, SC - Second assault US1500 CS174
07/18/1870 Pontifical infalliability proclaimed
07/18/1872 Britain introduces secret ballot voting
07/18/1897 James Foulis wins US Open golf tournament
07/18/1904 P Gotz discovers asteroid #538 Friederike
07/18/1907 French troops attack Casablanca
07/18/1913 After 68 straight innings Christy Mathewson gives up a walk
07/18/1914 US army air service 1st comes into being, in Signal Corps
07/18/1915 Boston Braves start move from last place to become world series cham

07/18/1918 US & French forces launch Aisne-Marne offensive in WW I
07/18/1923 England's House of Lords accepts new divorce law
07/18/1924 KPD points out Rote Frontk„mpferbund against Nazi
07/18/1925 Hitler publishes Mein Kampf
07/18/1927 Ty Cobb's 4,000th career hit
07/18/1931 1st air-conditioned ship (Mariposa) launched
07/18/1932 Belgium, Luxembourg & Netherland sign Unity treaty
07/18/1932 US & Canada sign a treaty to develop St Lawrence Seaway
07/18/1935 Amsterdam city council accept city growth plan throught the year 200

07/18/1936 Spanish Civil War begans, Gen Francisco Franco led uprising
07/18/1938 Douglas 'Wrong Way' Corrigan arrives in Ireland-left NY for Calif
07/18/1940 1st successful helicopter flight, Stratford, Ct
07/18/1940 British govt signs Bruma law under Japanese pressure
07/18/1941 SS drowns 40 Jews in Dvina River, Belorussia
07/18/1942 1st legal NJ horse race in 50 years; Garden State Park track opens
07/18/1942 Messerschmitt Me 262 Schwalbe, 1st jet fighter, takes 1st flight
07/18/1944 7:45 Operation-Goodwood: British assault at Caen
07/18/1944 Allies air raid railways at Vaires Paris
07/18/1944 Arne Andersson runs world record 1 mile (4:01.6)
07/18/1944 British Mosquito's occupy Cologne & Berlin
07/18/1944 British air raid on German convoy SW of Helgoland
07/18/1944 Polish troops under gen Else occupy Ancona Italy
07/18/1944 US troop march into St L“
07/18/1947 King George VI signs Indian Independence Bill
07/18/1947 Tigers shut out Yanks 2-0, end 19 game win streak
07/18/1947 US begins administerating Trust Territory of Pacific Islands
07/18/1948 Pat Seerey of Chicago White Sox hits 4 HRs in a game
07/18/1951 Jersey Joe Walcott KOs Ezzard Charles in 5 for heavyweight belt
07/18/1951 Uruguay accepts its constitution
07/18/1951 Jersey Joe Walcott at 37 becomes oldest to win heavyweight champion
07/18/1952 KWGN TV channel 2 in Denver, CO (IND) begins broadcasting
07/18/1954 Cards losing 8-1 to Phillies begin stalling in 5th, they forefeit ga

07/18/1955 1st electric power generated from atomic energy sold commercially
07/18/1955 280 mm rain in Martinstown, Dorset (UK-record)
07/18/1956 Ern” Ger” succeeds Matyas R kosi as party leader of Hungary
07/18/1959 1st black to win a major golf tournament (William Wright)
07/18/1960 1st UN troops reach Congo
07/18/1960 Baseball's NL votes to add Houston & NY franchises
07/18/1960 Premier Kishi of Japan, resigns
07/18/1963 Failed military coup in Syria
07/18/1964 Race riot in Harlem (NYC); riots spread to Bedford-Stuyvesant (Bkln)

07/18/1965 Zond 3 launched to fly by Moon, enters solar orbit
07/18/1966 Carl Sagan turns 1 billion seconds old
07/18/1966 Gemini 10 launched (John Young & Michael Collins)
07/18/1967 Silver hits record $1.87 an ounce in NY
07/18/1968 C Torres discovers asteroid #2654 Ristenpart
07/18/1968 Intel incorporates
07/18/1969 Joe Namath agrees to sell interest in Bachelors 3, to stay in NFL
07/18/1969 Mary Jo Kopechne & Sen Kennedy plunge off Chappaquiddick bridge
07/18/1970 Arthur Brown arrested for stripping on stage in Palemo Sicily
07/18/1970 Ron Hunt gets hit by a pitch for a record 119th time
07/18/1970 WJCL TV channel 22 in Savannah, GA (ABC) begins broadcasting
07/18/1970 Willie Mays hits # 3,000
07/18/1971 Eddy Merckx wins his 3rd Tour de France
07/18/1972 200,000 attend Mt Pocono rock festival in Penns
07/18/1972 Egypt president Sadat throws 20,000 Russian military aids out
07/18/1974 World's tallest structure, 646-m Polish radio mast, completed
07/18/1976 Lucien van Impe wins Tour de France
07/18/1976 Thiokol conducts 2-min firing of space shuttle's SRB at Brigham, Ut
07/18/1978 Billy Martin suspends Reggie Jackson for not bunting
07/18/1978 Egyptian & Israeli officials begin 2 days of talks
07/18/1979 Gold hits record $303.85 an ounce in London
07/18/1980 Billy Joel's Glass Houses album tops charts
07/18/1980 Failed attack on Iran ex-premier Bakhtiar in Neuilly France
07/18/1980 Quett Masire installed as president of Botswana
07/18/1980 Rohini 1, 1st Indian satellite, launches into orbit
07/18/1981 Poland communist party selects ex-party leader Edward Gierek
07/18/1984 James Huberty kills 21 McDonalds patrons in San Ysidro Calif
07/18/1984 Walter F Mondale wins Democratic presidential nomination in SF
07/18/1986 Videotapes released showing Titanic's sunken remains
07/18/1987 Molly Yard elected new pres of Natl Org for Women
07/18/1987 Yanks Don Mattingly ties record of HRs in 8 cons games
07/18/1988 Abu Nidal terrorists kill 9 on City of Poros cruise ship
07/18/1988 Shooting begins on 'Licence to Kill'
07/18/1989 48 cm rainfall at Rockport, West Virginia (state record)
07/18/1991 Florida Marlins' logo unveiled
07/18/1992 Film critic Roger Ebert marries Chaz Hammel-Smith
07/18/1992 Helen Windsor (daughter of English prince Edward) weds Timothy Taylo

07/18/1992 Singers Whitney Houston & Bobby Brown marry
07/18/1993 Afghanistan president Ishaq Khan & premier Nawaz Sharif flee
07/18/1993 Liberal-Democratic Party loses Japan's parliamentary election
07/18/1994 Comet Shoemaker-Levy collides with Jupiter
07/18/1994 Court upholds NBA salary cap and draft rights
07/18/1994 Crayola announces introduction of scented crayons
07/18/1994 Houston Astros tie NL comeback record, trailing 10-0, beat Cards 15-

07/18/1994 NY Jets sign USA soccer goalkeeper Tony Miola as a place kicker

Robert Wolfe

Jul 19, 2021, 7:40:11 AM7/19/21
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Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


07/19/1592 Erhard Buttner, composer
07/19/1735 Garret Wesley Mornington, composer
07/19/1742 Jean-Baptiste Davaux, composer
07/19/1750 Alessio Prati, composer
07/19/1782 Jonathan Blewitt, composer
07/19/1797 Johann Gottlieb Schneider, composer
07/19/1814 Samuel Colt, inventor (colt revolver)
07/19/1817 Mary Ann Ball Bickerdyke, US, army nurse (union)
07/19/1823 George Henry Gordon, Bvt Major General (Union volunteers)
07/19/1828 Roger Atkinson Pryor, Brig General (Confederate Army), died in 1919
07/19/1833 John Wesley Turner, Bvt Major General (Union Army), died in 1899
07/19/1834 Edgar Degas, France, impressionist painter (Bouquet)
07/19/1846 Charles Edward Pickering, pioneered American spectroscopist
07/19/1848 Cornelis A Pekelharing, artist (fabric seller)
07/19/1849 F A Alphonse Aulard, French historian
07/19/1851 Hendrik J Jut, Dutch murderer (head of Jut)
07/19/1854 Dani‰l Josephus Jitta, lawyer/member Council of State
07/19/1860 Lizzie Borden, murderer, gave her mother forty whacks
07/19/1863 Hermann Bahr, Austria writer (That Neuen Men)
07/19/1865 Charles Horace Mayo, surgeon/co-founder (Mayo Clinic)
07/19/1881 Friedrich J H Dessauer, German physicist (radiologist)
07/19/1888 EugŠne Jungers, Belgian governor of Rwanda Urundi
07/19/1893 Vladimir Majakovski, Russian poet (NS)
07/19/1894 Joris [Georges] of Severen, Flemish fascist/Member of parliament
07/19/1896 A J Cronin, England, author (Citadel, Shining Victory)
07/19/1898 Herbert Marcuse, Berlin, communist philosopher (One-Dimensional Man)

07/19/1898 Juan Bautista Plaza-Alfonzo, composer
07/19/1899 Paul de Great, Dutch communist politician (CPN)/Editor (The Truth)
07/19/1900 Arno Breker, German sculptor (3rd Republic)
07/19/1900 Marc Turfkru˜er, Flemish movie journalist/writer
07/19/1902 Gerard[us M] Rutten, director (Miraculous Life of Willem Parel)
07/19/1905 Boyd Neel, Blackheath, Kent England, conductor (Story of an Orch)
07/19/1905 Edgar P Snow, US author/journalist: Red star about China
07/19/1905 Louis Philip Kentner, composer
07/19/1906 Klaus Egge, Gransherad, Telemark Norway, composer (Noregsonger)
07/19/1906 Wim van Doorne, auto manufacturer (DAF)
07/19/1907 Gunter Bialas, composer
07/19/1909 Jeno Vecsey, composer
07/19/1914 Josef Palenicek, composer
07/19/1916 James D Ramage, US lt-Adm (WW II-Palau/Guam/Philippines)
07/19/1916 Phillip Cavaretta, baseball player (NL MVP 1945)
07/19/1917 Robert Aitken, Phila, Zen co-founder (Diamond Sangha)
07/19/1917 William W Scranton, (Gov-R-Pa)
07/19/1919 Patricia Medina, Liverpool England, actress (High-Low)
07/19/1920 Robert Mann, Portland Oregon, composer/violinist (String Quartet 195

07/19/1922 George McGovern, (Sen-D-SD)/pres candidate (D-1972)
07/19/1923 Pat Hingle, Denver Colo, actor (Baby Boom, Norma Rae, Bloody Mama)
07/19/1924 Sybren Polet, [Sijbe Minnema], writer/poet (Mannekino)
07/19/1926 Helen Gallagher, Bkln, actress (Ryan's Hope, Strangers When We Meet)

07/19/1926 Max Sordam, Suriname warden/writer (Dictionary Sranantongo)
07/19/1927 Jan Myrdal, Swedish writer/journalist (Albania Defiant)
07/19/1928 John Bratby, painter/writer (Breakdown)
07/19/1929 Sofia Muratova, USSR, gymnist,(Olympic-6 gold/3 silv/4 bronze-1952-6

07/19/1937 George Hamilton IV, NC, actor (Evel Knievel, Love at 1st Bite)
07/19/1937 Larry Boxx, founded Land B Computer Serv
07/19/1938 Richard Jordan, NYC, actor (Dune, Old Boyfriends, Interiors)
07/19/1938 Vikki Carr, [Florencia Casillas], El Paso Tx, singer (Let it Be Him)

07/19/1940 Dennis Cole, Detroit, actor (Felony Squad, Brackens's World)
07/19/1941 Jennifer Dunn, (Rep-R-Washington)
07/19/1941 Jerry Huckaby, (Rep-D-LA, 1977- )
07/19/1941 Natalya Bessmertnova, Moscow, dancer (Bolshoi, Lenin Prize 1970)
07/19/1941 Neelie Smit-Kroes, Dutch politician (VVD)/minister of Traffic
07/19/1943 Roy D Bridges Jr, Atlanta Ga, Col USAF/astronaut (STS 51F, STS 61F)
07/19/1945 George Dzunda, Germany, actor (Deer Hunter)
07/19/1946 Alan Gorrie, bass/singer (Average White Band)
07/19/1946 Ilie Nastase, Bucharest Romania, tennis player (US Open 1972)
07/19/1947 Bernie Leadon, guitarist/vocalist (Eagles-Take it Easy)
07/19/1947 Brian May, guitarist (Queen-We are the Champions)
07/19/1947 Gerard Schwarz, Weehawken NJ, trumpeter/conductor (LA Chamber Orch)
07/19/1948 Beverly Archer, Oak Park Ill, actress (Iola-Mama's Family)
07/19/1948 Keith Godchaux, keyboardist (Grateful Dead)
07/19/1950 Simon Cadell, actor (Pride & Extreme Prejudice)
07/19/1952 Alan Collins, guitarist (Lynyrd Skynyrd)
07/19/1952 Dominic Muldowney, composer
07/19/1952 Howard Donald Saunders, Danbury Ct, murderer (FBI Most Wanted List)
07/19/1954 Kathleen Turner, actress (Accidental Tourist, Jewel of Nile)
07/19/1956 Great Yatsu, [Yoshiaki Yatsu], wrestler (NJPW/WCCW/WWF)
07/19/1956 Peter Barton, Valley Stream LI, actor (Powers of Matthew Star)
07/19/1959 Terri Treas, KC Kansas, actress (Hannah-7 Brides for 7 Brothers)
07/19/1961 Suzi Schott, Springfield Ill, playmate (August, 1984)
07/19/1962 Anthony Edwards, Santa Barbara Calif, actor (It Takes Two)
07/19/1963 Sandor Wladar, Hungary, 200m backstroke swimmer (Olympic-gold-1980)
07/19/1964 Teresa Edwards, Cairo Ga, basketball player (Olympic-Gold-84, 88, 92

07/19/1968 Carolie DeVonne Howe, Chugwater Wyoming, Miss Wyoming-America (1991)

07/19/1972 Andrew Kavovit, actor (Paul-As the World Turns)
07/19/1976 R J Williams, actor (General Hospital, Full House)


07/19/ 514 Symmachus, Italian Pope (498-514), dies
07/19/1054 Bernold[us] Benno/Bernulphus, bishop of Utrecht (1027-54)/saint, die

07/19/1234 Floris IV, count of Holland, dies in tournament
07/19/1346 Dirk IV, mister of Valkenburg (1332-46), dies in battle
07/19/1374 Francesco Petrarca, [Petracco], Italian mountaineer/poet, dies at 69

07/19/1534 Willem van Andkenvoirt, cardinal/bishop of Utrecht, dies at about 70

07/19/1545 George Carew, English admiral, drowns
07/19/1545 Roger Grenville, English captain of Mary Rose, drowns
07/19/1625 Samuel Besler, composer, dies at 50
07/19/1688 Cornelis van Aerssen, governor of Suriname (1683-88), murdered at 50

07/19/1700 Hieronymus Gradenthaler, composer, dies at 62
07/19/1740 Fran‡ois van Aerssen, vice-admiral (Suriname), dies at 71
07/19/1742 John-Baptist Xavery, Flemish sculptor, dies at 45
07/19/1810 Luise, queen of Prussia/wife of Frederik Willem III, dies at 34
07/19/1811 Christian Gotthilf Tag, composer, dies at 76
07/19/1838 Frederic Nicolas Duvernoy, composer, dies at 72
07/19/1844 Heinrich Domnich, composer, dies at 77
07/19/1847 Johann Wilhelm Wilms, composer, dies at 75
07/19/1852 Anne-Fran‡ois Mellinet, French/Belgian general (Antwerp), dies at 83

07/19/1882 Ivan S Gagarin, Catholic theologist ( tudes religieuses), dies at 67

07/19/1892 Thomas Cook, CEO (Cook Travel Bureau), dies
07/19/1895 Charles T Stork, great industrialist (machine factory), dies at 73
07/19/1907 Hector H Malot, French lawyer/author (Alone in the World), dies at 7

07/19/1914 Alexander Conze, German archaeologist, dies at 82
07/19/1918 Joost van Vollenhoven, Neth, gov-gen (French West-Africa), dies
07/19/1922 Cornelis A Pekelharing, artist (fabric seller), dies on 74th birthda

07/19/1940 Samuel H Chang, US newspaper magnate, murdered in Shanghai
07/19/1944 Carl Bock, Danish Gestapo-affiliate, liquidated
07/19/1944 Harry AP Eyres, British diplomat (Constantinople, Albania), dies at

07/19/1944 Will Marion Cook, composer, dies at 75
07/19/1951 Max Ettinger, composer, dies at 77
07/19/1954 Jean Roger-Ducasse, composer, dies at 81
07/19/1955 Koos, [Jacobus J] Vorrink, Dutch social-democrat (SDAP/AJC/PvdA), di

07/19/1957 Curzio Malaparte, [Kurt E Suckert], Ital author (Kaputt), dies at 59

07/19/1958 Robert Earl Hughes, weighed 1,041 lbs (473 kg), dies at 32
07/19/1964 Carol Veazie, actress (Maude-Norby), dies at 69
07/19/1965 Syngman Rhee, president of South-Korea (1948-60), dies at 90
07/19/1969 Mary Jo Kopechne, drowns at 28, in Ted Kennedy's car
07/19/1969 Pavel I Apostolov, Russian military bandmaster, dies
07/19/1970 Barry Wood, singer (Your Hit Parade), dies at 61
07/19/1974 Earl Warren, gov of Calif/Supreme court justice (1953-68), dies at 8

07/19/1974 Joe Flynn, actor (McHale's Navy), dies at 59
07/19/1976 Sal Bag, journalist, dies at 70
07/19/1977 John R Powers, US director model bureau, dies at 80
07/19/1981 Louis Cheslock, composer, dies at 81
07/19/1984 Carol Eberts Veazie, actress (Maude Endles-Norby), dies at 89
07/19/1984 Geert Lubberhuizen, publisher (Busy At), dies at 68
07/19/1990 Herbert Nelson, actor (Guilding Light), dies at 76 of a stroke
07/19/1990 Johnny Wayne, comedian (Wayne & Shuster), dies at 72 of cancer
07/19/1992 Bert Bridgeman, puppeteer (Dutch marionette theater), dies
07/19/1992 Heinz Galinski, Pres (Central council for Jews in Germany), dies at

07/19/1992 Paolo Borsellino, Italian anti-mafia judge, murdered by mafia
07/19/1993 Elmar Klos, Czech director (Shop on Main Street), dies at 83
07/19/1993 Szymon Goldberg, Polish violinist/conductor, dies at 84

Significant Events:

07/19/ 64 Circus Maximus in Rome catches fire
07/19/ 514 St Symmachus ends his reign as Catholic Pope
07/19/ 532 Start of Dionysian Pascal Cycle
07/19/1195 Battle at Alarcos: Almohaden beats Alfons VIII of Castilia
07/19/1321 -BC- origin of Era of Menophres
07/19/1380 Thomas of Buckinghams invasion army lands on Calais
07/19/1425 Duke John VI van Brabant pledges Holland/Zealand to Philip the Good
07/19/1510 38 Jews are burned at stake in Berlin Prussia
07/19/1524 Boer war begins in Germany
07/19/1545 King Henry VIII's flagship Mary Rose sinks at Portsmouth; 73 die
07/19/1553 15-year-old Lady Jane Grey deposed as England's Queen after 9 days
07/19/1572 Battle at Saint-Ghislain: Spanish army beats The Genlis' mercenaries

07/19/1575 Spanish viceroy Gilles of Hierges attacks Oudewater
07/19/1599 Jacob van Necks merchant fleet leaves Java
07/19/1674 Court of Holland bans books of Hobbes/Spinoza/Meyer
07/19/1688 Soldiers killed governor of Aerssen in Paramaribo
07/19/1702 Swedish troops under King Charles XII occupy Crack¢w
07/19/1816 Survivors of French frigate Medusa rescued off Senegal after 17 days

07/19/1836 HMS Beagle/Charles Darwin reaches Ascension
07/19/1848 1st women's rights convention (Seneca Falls, NY)
07/19/1848 German Bondsdag demands Dutch county of Limburg
07/19/1860 1st railroad reaches Kansas
07/19/1862 Forrest's 1st raid
07/19/1863 Battle of Buffington's Island, OH
07/19/1864 Battle of Winchester, VA (Stephenson's Depot) [->JUL 20]
07/19/1867 Dutch Red Cross forms
07/19/1867 Reconstruction enacted
07/19/1870 France declares war on Prussia; Franco-Prussian war begins
07/19/1875 Emma Abbott, a floating hospital for sick kids, makes trial trip, NY

07/19/1877 1st Wimbledon tennis championships held
07/19/1880 SF Public Library starts lending books
07/19/1881 Sioux chief Sitting Bull twists backing to the US
07/19/1881 Sioux indian chief Sitting Bull back to US
07/19/1882 J Palisa discovers asteroid #226 Weringia
07/19/1904 Dutch Premier Kuypers disbands 1st Chamber
07/19/1907 K Lohnert discovers asteroid #639 Latona
07/19/1909 1st baseman Neil Ball turns unassisted triple-play
07/19/1914 Boston Braves begin drive from last to 1st place in NL
07/19/1915 Naval accident
07/19/1918 German armies retreat across Marne River in France (WW I)
07/19/1923 WRC-AM in Washington DC begins radio transmissions
07/19/1925 V Albitzk˜ discovers asteroid #1059 Mussorgskia
07/19/1926 2nd French cabinet of Herriot, forms
07/19/1927 Ty Cobb gets his 4,000th hit
07/19/1928 H E Wood discovers asteroid #1305 Pongola
07/19/1928 King Foead of Egypt disbands parliament
07/19/1936 Spanish premier Casares Quiroga surrenders to Jos‚ Giral
07/19/1937 Entartete Art Fair opens in Munich
07/19/1937 Joris Ivens' 'Spanish Earth' premieres
07/19/1939 1st use of fiberglass sutures, R.P. Scholz, St Louis, Mo
07/19/1940 Nazi occupiers imprison 231 prominent Dutch citizens in Buchenwald
07/19/1940 Nazi occupiers in Neth forbid anti-nazi films
07/19/1941 1st US Army flying school for black cadets dedicted (Tuskegee Ala)
07/19/1941 BBC World Service begins playing V(ictory) (...-) 5th of Beethoven
07/19/1941 British PM Winston Churchill launched his 'V for Victory' campaign
07/19/1941 President Roosevelt appointed FEP Committee
07/19/1942 Dmitri Sjostakovitsj' 7th Symphony, premieres in US
07/19/1942 German occupiers confisicates bicycles in Rotterdam & Hague
07/19/1943 500 allied air forces raid Rome during WW II
07/19/1944 1,200+ 8th Air Force bombers bomb Germany
07/19/1944 500 15th Air Force-Liberators surround M nich
07/19/1944 Allied troops occupy Faubourg de Vaucelles, at Caen
07/19/1944 Danish defiance fails on assault on Taarbaek Fort at Copenhagen
07/19/1944 Democratic convention opens in Chicago
07/19/1944 Earl Claus von Stauffenberg visits RC church in Berlin-Dahlem
07/19/1944 General Bradley flies to England
07/19/1944 Japanese aircraft carriers Taiho/Shokaku sinks
07/19/1944 NY archbishop Spellman flies to Europe
07/19/1944 Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg 1st meets Eichmann
07/19/1948 French govt of Schuman, resigns
07/19/1949 Laos becomes associated state within French Union
07/19/1950 French/Vietnamese offensive against Viet Minh
07/19/1952 15th modern Olympic games opens in Helsinki, Finland
07/19/1953 KIMA TV channel 29 in Yakima, WA (CBS) begins broadcasting
07/19/1953 WAKR (now WAKC) TV channel 23 in Akron, OH (ABC) begins broadcasting

07/19/1955 Balclutha ties up at Pier 43 & becomes a floating museum
07/19/1955 Yarkon water project in Negev Desert Israel opens
07/19/1956 US refuse to lend Egypt money to build Aswan Dam
07/19/1957 1st rocket with nuclear warhead fired, Yucca Flat, Nevada
07/19/1957 Don Bowden becomes 1st American to break 4 minute mile (3m58s7)
07/19/1958 Charly Gaul wins Tour de France
07/19/1960 Italian Govt Tambroni, resigns
07/19/1960 SF Giants Juan Marichal debuts, with a 1 hitter against Phillies
07/19/1961 1st in-flight movie shown (TWA)
07/19/1962 Hungarian communist party expels R kosi & Ger”
07/19/1963 NASA civilian test pilot Joe Walker in X-15 reaches 105 km
07/19/1963 Phila Phillies Roy Siever hits HR # 300
07/19/1964 Bobby Nichols wins PGA golf tournament
07/19/1965 Shooting begins on Star Trek 2nd pilot 'Where No Man Has Gone Before

07/19/1966 50 year old Frank Sinatra marries 21 year old Mia Farrow in Las Vega

07/19/1966 Gov James Rhodes declares state of emergency in Cleveland (race riot

07/19/1967 Race riots in Durham NC
07/19/1967 US launches Explorer 35 for lunar orbit (800/7400 km)
07/19/1969 Apollo 11 goes into Moon orbit
07/19/1971 B Burnasheva discovers asteroid #2259 Sofievka
07/19/1971 Premier Numeiry of Sudan flees
07/19/1971 Sudan military coup under maj Hashem al-Atta, Numeiry flees
07/19/1973 Willie Mays named to NL all star team for 24th time (ties Musial)
07/19/1974 Cleve Indian Dick Bosman no-hits Oakland A's, 4-0
07/19/1974 David Bowie's Diamond Dog tour ends in NYC
07/19/1974 Felix Aguilar Observatory discovers asteroid #3118
07/19/1975 Apollo & Soyuz linked in orbit for 2 days, separate
07/19/1976 Rock group Deep Purple disbands
07/19/1977 Floods in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, kills 76
07/19/1977 N Chernykh discovers asteroid #2228 Soyuz-Apollo
07/19/1977 NL beats AL 7-5 in 48th All Star Game (Yankee Stadium, NY)
07/19/1978 Yanks start 14« game comeback with 2-0 win
07/19/1979 2 supertankers collide off Tobago-260,000 TONS of oil spill
07/19/1979 Nicaragua Liberation Day; Sandinistas take over from Somoza
07/19/1979 Patricia Harris, becomes sect of HEW
07/19/1980 22nd modern Olympic games opens in Moscow; US & others boycott
07/19/1980 David Bowie appears in role of Elephant Man in Denver
07/19/1982 Bolivian government resigns
07/19/1982 David S Dodge becomes 1st American hostage in Lebanon
07/19/1984 1st female to captain a 747 across Atlantic (Lynn Rippelmeyer)
07/19/1984 Geraldine A Ferraro, (Rep-D-NY), won Democratic VP nomination
07/19/1985 Christa McAuliffe chosen 1st school teacher to fly space shuttle
07/19/1985 Dam in Fiemme Valley Italy bursts; 200 die
07/19/1986 Caroline Kennedy weds Edwin A Schlossberg in Centerville, Mass
07/19/1987 Don Mattingly sets AL record of extra base hits in 10 cons games
07/19/1989 United flight 232 crashes in Iowa
07/19/1990 BASF plant in Cincinnati explodes in flames, 1 dies
07/19/1990 Cincinnati Red Pete Rose is sentence to 5 months for tax evasion
07/19/1990 Richard Nixon library opens in Yorba Linda, Calif
07/19/1991 Miss Black America contestant accuses Mike Tyson of rape
07/19/1991 With NY Yankee victory, 10 of 14 AL teams are at .500 or better
07/19/1992 NYC Ballet star Peter Martins, arrested for beating his wife
07/19/1993 Pres Clinton fires FBI director William Sessions
07/19/1994 1st game ever cancelled at Seattle Kingdome (falling tiles)
07/19/2781 -BC- Presumed start of Egyptian calendar

Robert Wolfe

Jul 20, 2021, 7:40:11 AM7/20/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


07/20/1304 Francesco Petrarch, Italy, poet (Italia Mia)
07/20/1513 Gaspar Schetz, Dutch treasurer-general
07/20/1519 Innocent IX, [Giovanni A Facchinetti], 230th Catholic pope (1591)
07/20/1600 Simon Ives, composer
07/20/1663 Pierre Drevet, French engraver
07/20/1709 James Harris, philosopher
07/20/1720 Ignaz Vitzthumb, composer
07/20/1726 William Jones, composer
07/20/1744 Henri Hamal, composer
07/20/1761 Joseph Lefebvre, composer
07/20/1762 Jakob Haibel, composer
07/20/1766 Thomas Bruce, count of Elgin & Kincardine, British diplomat
07/20/1779 Ignaz Schuster, composer
07/20/1785 Mahmud II, sultan of Turkey (1808-39)/Westernizer/reformer
07/20/1793 Aleksander Fredro, Polish comedy writer (Pan Jowiolski)
07/20/1796 Edward Hodges, composer
07/20/1803 Jakob Zeugheer, composer
07/20/1804 Richard Owen, British zoologist
07/20/1806 John Sterling, writer (Representative Victorian)
07/20/1811 James Bruce, Count of Elgin & Kincardine, governor (Jamaica)
07/20/1814 Ivan S Gagarin, Russian theologist
07/20/1816 William Bowman, English anatomist
07/20/1819 Paul Henrion, composer
07/20/1824 Alexander Schimmelfennig, Brig General (Union volunteers)
07/20/1837 Hans Sommer, composer
07/20/1847 Max Liebermann, German impressionist painter
07/20/1852 Theodorus Heemskerk Jzn, lawyer/Dutch premier (AR, 1908-13)
07/20/1853 Geo[rge] Poggenbeek, water colors painter
07/20/1860 Johannes Walter, German geologist (Die Denudation of WÅste)
07/20/1864 Erik Karlfeldt, Sweden, poet (Nobel 1918-refused; 1931-posthumous)
07/20/1872 Alick Maclean, composer
07/20/1872 Deodat de Severac, composer
07/20/1873 Witold Maliszewski, composer
07/20/1880 Hermann earl Keyserling, German philosopher/writer
07/20/1881 Leon de Smet, Flemish painter
07/20/1885 Gustave Charlier, Belgian literature historian
07/20/1887 Willem H Drucker, lawyer
07/20/1889 John Charles Reith, 1st Baron Reith, 1st dir-gen BBC (1927-38)
07/20/1890 Theda Bara, actress (Under Two Flags, Cleopatra) [or 0729]
07/20/1890 Verna Felton, Salinas Calif, actress (Hilda-December Bride)
07/20/1893 Alexander, king of Greece (1917-20)
07/20/1893 Richard Billinger, Austria poet/writer (Woher ich comb)
07/20/1897 Tadeusz Reichstein, Swiss chemist (Nobel 1950)
07/20/1900 Gottfried von Haberler, Austrian economist
07/20/1900 Maurice Gilliams, Flemish writer/poet/essayist (Maria's Life)
07/20/1902 Cesare Zavattini, Italian screenwriter (Bicycle security)
07/20/1902 Dilys Powell, English writer (Descent from Parnassus)
07/20/1903 Jef van de Wiele, Belgian politician
07/20/1908 Gunnar de Frumerie, composer
07/20/1910 Cicely Veronica Wedgwood, British historian (William the Silent)
07/20/1912 John Dacie, hematologist
07/20/1913 Lucien Goldmann, Romania/Fren sociologist/philosopher (Le dieu cachÇ

07/20/1919 Edmund Hillary, one of 1st 2 men to scale Mt Everest
07/20/1920 Elliot L Richardson, Attorney General (1973)/Sec of Defense (1973)
07/20/1920 Jack Harman, British general
07/20/1920 Jeffrey Petersen, British diplomat
07/20/1920 Lev Aronin, USSR, International Chess Grandmaster (1950)
07/20/1924 Hans Lodeizen, [Johannes A Frederik], poet (Inner Self)
07/20/1924 Lola Albright, Akron, Ohio, actress (Delta Country, Kid Galahad)
07/20/1924 Thomas Berger, US, novelist (Vital Parts, Little Big Man)
07/20/1925 Jacques Delors, economist
07/20/1927 Anthony Cavendish, British MI 6 agent/banker
07/20/1927 Michael Gielen, Austrian conductor/composer
07/20/1928 Jan Meyers, (Rep-R-Kansas, 1985- )
07/20/1928 Pavel Kohout, Czech dramatist/director
07/20/1928 Peter Ind, jazz musician
07/20/1930 Sally Ann Howes, London England, actress (Dead of Night)
07/20/1932 Nam June Paik, Seoul Korea, video artist (Medium is the Medium)
07/20/1933 Jose Vicente Asuar, composer
07/20/1933 Nelson Doubleday, publisher (Doubleday)/owner (NY Mets)
07/20/1935 Ted Rogers, comedian
07/20/1936 Barbara A Mikulski, (Rep-D-MD, 1977-86/Sen-D-MD, 1986- )
07/20/1938 Diana Rigg, Doncaster England, actress (Emma Peel-Avengers, Hospital

07/20/1938 Jo Ann Campbell, Jacksonville Fla, Lawrence Welk's champagne lady
07/20/1938 Lord McGowan
07/20/1938 Natalie Wood, [Natasha Gurdin], SF, (Gypsy, Rebel Without a Cause)
07/20/1939 Judy Chicago, [Cohen], Chicago, artist (Dinner Party)
07/20/1940 Tony Oliva, ball player, batting champ (AL Rookie of Year 1964)
07/20/1941 Viktor Afanasiyevich Lyakhov, Russia, cosmonaut (Soyuz 32, T-9)
07/20/1942 T G Sheppard, [William Browder], Humbolt Tn, singer (Devil in Bottle

07/20/1943 Chris Amon, Grand Prix racer
07/20/1943 John Lodge, bassist (Moody Blues-Nights in White Satin)
07/20/1944 Wim Van Drimmelen, Dutch sect Science Council of Government policy
07/20/1945 Larry E Craig, (Rep-R-Idaho, 1981- )
07/20/1946 Kim Carnes, singer (Bette Davis Eyes)
07/20/1947 Carlos Santana, Mexico, rock guitarist (Santana-Black Magic Woman)
07/20/1947 Gerd Binnig, Frankfurt, physicist (tunneling microscope-Nobel 1986)
07/20/1947 James Harris, Monroe La, NFL quarterback (Buffalo, LA, San Diego)
07/20/1948 Richard H Lehman, (Rep-D-CA, 1983- )
07/20/1951 Larry Black, Miami Fla, 4x100 runner (Olympic-gold-1972)
07/20/1954 Jay Jay French, NYC, guitarist (Twisted Sister-Not Gonna Take It)
07/20/1955 Michael Anthony, bassist (Van Halen-1984, Jump)
07/20/1956 Charlie Magri, world champ flyweight boxer (1983)
07/20/1956 Mima Jausovec, Yugoslavia, tennis player (French Open-1977)
07/20/1956 Paul Cook, drummer (Sex Pistols)
07/20/1957 Donna Dixon, Va, Mrs Dan Ackwoyd/actress (Couch Trip, Bossom Buddies

07/20/1958 Michael McNeill, synthesizer (Simple Minds-Don't You Forget About Me

07/20/1959 Radney Foster, Del Rio Tx, singer (Foster & Lloyd-Crazy Over You)
07/20/1960 Katie Rabbet, London England, Prince Andrew's former girlfriend
07/20/1966 Beth Coats, Albuquerque NM, biathelete (Olympics-1994)
07/20/1968 Chris Kennedy, actor (Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure)
07/20/1970 ?, 1st baby born on Alcatraz Island
07/20/1971 Charles Johnson, Fort Pierce Fla, catcher (US Olympics 1992)
07/20/1978 Charlie Korsmo, actor (Dick Tracy, What About Bob)
07/20/1991 Scott Larue Willis, son of Bruce Willis & Demi Moore


07/20/1031 Robert II de Vrome, King of France (996-1031), dies
07/20/1201 Agnes of France, queen of France, dies [or 7/18]
07/20/1322 Frederik II van Sierck, bishop of Utrecht (1317-22), dies
07/20/1454 Johan II, King of Castiliâ, dies at 49
07/20/1573 Lancelot of Brederode, water beggar, beheaded
07/20/1597 Franciscus Raphelengius [French of Ravelingen], Neth publisher, dies

07/20/1607 Paulus Merula, lawyer/historian, dies
07/20/1609 Federico Zuccari, Italian Mannerist painter, dies (birth date unknow

07/20/1613 Heinrich Julius, [von Braunschweig-WolfenbÅttel], duke, dies
07/20/1636 John Oldham, trader in Mass, murdered by indians
07/20/1732 Francesco Bartolomeo Conti, composer, dies at 51
07/20/1752 John C Pepusch, English theater dir/composer (Beggar's opera), dies
07/20/1762 Christoph Nichelsmann, German klavecinist/composer, dies
07/20/1808 Francois-Hippolyte Barthelemon, composer, dies at 66
07/20/1819 John Playfair, Scottish geologist/mathematician, dies
07/20/1824 Joan M Kemper, lawyer (layed-out Civil Code), dies
07/20/1825 Joseph-Denis Doche, composer, dies at 58
07/20/1859 Hans E Schack, Danish politician/writer (Fantasy), dies
07/20/1866 Faa di Bruno, Italian captain (Er d'italia, Lissa), commits suicide
07/20/1866 G F Berhard Riemann, German mathematician (zeta-function), dies
07/20/1868 Antoine Prumier, composer, dies at 75
07/20/1868 Jan Bedrich Kittl, composer, dies at 62
07/20/1870 Vladimir D Nabokov, Russian lawyer/min of justice (1918-19), dies
07/20/1881 Thomas Fermor-Hesketh, English 1st baron of Hesketh, dies
07/20/1888 Henri Braekeleer, Flemish painter, dies
07/20/1898 Yuri Arnold, composer, dies at 86
07/20/1903 Leo XIII, [Vincenzo G Pecci], Pope (1878-1903), dies at 93
07/20/1908 Federico Chueca, composer, dies at 62
07/20/1914 Leo van Gheluwe, composer, dies at 76
07/20/1923 Pancho Villa, [Doroteo Arango], Mexican rebel, murdered at 55
07/20/1927 Ferdinand I VAM, King of Romania, dies at 61
07/20/1936 Arthur Battelle Whiting, composer, dies at 75
07/20/1936 JosÇ Sanjurjo y Sacanell, Spanish general/high director, dies
07/20/1937 Guglielmo Marconi, Ital engineer/marquis (radio, Nobel 1909), dies
07/20/1939 Joseph Mendes da Costa, sculptor, dies
07/20/1940 Y G Van de Peat, Dutch director of employment, commits suicide
07/20/1942 Patric Cobb, British sea officer, dies in battle
07/20/1944 ... Brandt, col/German staff chief, dies in bombing
07/20/1944 ... Mertz, German colonel (July 20th plotter), executed
07/20/1944 Arthur J Treadwell, English mayor of Stoke Newington, dies at about

07/20/1944 Claus Schenk von Stauffenberg, count/German antifascist colonel, die

07/20/1944 Friedrich Olbricht, German general (July 20th plotter), executed
07/20/1944 Gen Schmundt, gen/Hitler's Army adjunct, dies in bomb explosion
07/20/1944 Heinz Burns, German (Olympic-gold-1936), dies in bombing
07/20/1944 Korten, chef gen of Germany Luftwaffe, dies in bomb explosion
07/20/1944 Ludwig Beck, gen/chief Germany general staff (July 20th plot), dies
07/20/1944 Pierre ViÇnot, French ambassador to London/writer, dies
07/20/1944 Werner von Haeffen, German lieutenant (July 20th plotter), executed
07/20/1945 Paul ValÇry, French poet (Le cimetiäre Marin, Mon Faust), dies at 73

07/20/1951 Abdullah Ibn Hussein, Jordan's King (1946-51), killed in Jerusalem
07/20/1951 Mustafa Shuqri Ashu, tailor/murderer of king Abdullah, shot to death

07/20/1954 Blair Moody, (Sen-Mich), dies at 52
07/20/1957 Phil Hanna, singer (Once Upon a Tune), dies at 46
07/20/1962 AndrÇ Renard, Belgium worker's union leader (MSU), dies at 51
07/20/1962 George MacAulay Trevelyan, English royal historian, dies at 86
07/20/1968 Joseph Keilberth, German conductor (Bayreuther Festival), dies
07/20/1973 Bruce Lee, [Lee Yuen Kam], Chinese/US actor (Enter the Dragon), dies

07/20/1974 Allen Jenkins, actor (Fugitive from a Chain Gang), dies at 74
07/20/1983 Frank Reynolds, news anchor (ABC Evening News), dies at 59
07/20/1984 Gail Kubik, composer, dies at 69
07/20/1984 Jim [James] Fixx, jogger/writer (Jim Fixx on Running), dies at 52
07/20/1986 Helen Craig, actress (Rich Man Poor Man), dies at 74
07/20/1990 Sara Heyblom, actress, dies
07/20/1993 Donald Alexander, System director/producer (East Valley), dies at 79

Significant Events:

07/20/ 514 St Hormisdas begins his reign as Pope succeeding Pope Sympowerus
07/20/1031 Henry I succeeds father Robert II as King of France
07/20/1498 Emperor Maximilian names Albrecht gubernator/potestaat' of Neth
07/20/1608 Reynier van Oldenbarnevelt marries Anna Weytzen in Delft
07/20/1619 Gerardus Vossius resigns as Dutch regent States college leader
07/20/1749 Earl of Chesterfield says 'Idleness is only refuge of weak minds'
07/20/1773 Scottish settlers arrive at Pictou, Nova Scotia (Canada)
07/20/1808 Napoleon decrees all French Jews adopt family names
07/20/1810 Colombia declares independence from Spain
07/20/1836 Charles Darwin climbs Green Hill on Ascension
07/20/1847 German astronomer Theodor discovers Comet Brorsen-Metcalf
07/20/1855 1st train from Rotterdam to Utrecht in Netherlands
07/20/1858 Fee 1st charged to see a baseball game (50õ) (NY beats Bkln 22-18)
07/20/1858 Gathering of Plombiäres - Napoleon III meets Cavour
07/20/1861 Confederate state's congress began holding sessions in Richmond, Va
07/20/1864 Battle of Atlanta, GA (Peachtree Creek, Chattahoochie River) -Atlant

07/20/1864 Battle of Peachtree Creek-Atlanta Campaign
07/20/1866 Sea battle of Lissa-Austria vs Italy
07/20/1868 1st use of tax stamps on cigarettes
07/20/1871 British Columbia becomes 6th Canadian province
07/20/1872 Mahlon Loomis receives patent for wireless ... radio is born
07/20/1876 1st US intercollegiate track meet held, Saratoga, NY; Princeton wins

07/20/1877 Military shoots on stopped railroad workers in Balt, kills 9
07/20/1878 1st telephone introduced in Hawaii
07/20/1881 Sioux Indian leader Sitting Bull, surrenders to federal troops
07/20/1890 'Gibbons Stamp Monthly' begins publishing
07/20/1890 Snow & hail in Calais, ME
07/20/1894 2000 fed troops recalled from Chicago, having ended Pullman strike
07/20/1903 Giuseppe Sarto elected Pope Pius X
07/20/1906 Bkln Dodger Mal Eason no-hits St Louis Cards, 2-0
07/20/1910 Former Dutch premier Abraham Kuyper acquitted of corruption
07/20/1911 Boston Red Sox Smokey Joe Wood no-hits St Louis Browns, 5-0
07/20/1911 Generals Henry Wilson/Auguste Dubail sign plan for British
07/20/1911 Expeditionary army in case of war with Germany
07/20/1912 Phillies Sherry Magee steals home twice in 1 game
07/20/1913 Turkish troop take Adrianopel & Erdine from Bulgaria
07/20/1914 Armed resistance against British rule begins in Ulster
07/20/1917 WW I draft lottery held; #258 is 1st drawn
07/20/1922 Togo made a mandate of League of Nations
07/20/1923 Yanks hit into a triple-play but beat A's 9-2
07/20/1924 FÇderation Internationale des Echecs (FIDE) forms in Paris
07/20/1925 Beirut sultan Pasja al-Atrasj calls Druzen for holy war against Fran

07/20/1925 Italian-Serbian/Croatian/Slav treaty about Dalmatiâ
07/20/1927 Lindbergh begins NY flight (Spirit of St Louis)
07/20/1930 106¯F (41¯C), Washington, DC (district record)
07/20/1933 Vatican state secretary Pacelli (Pius XII) signs accord with Hitler
07/20/1934 118¯F (48¯C), Keokuk, Iowa (state record)
07/20/1938 Finland awarded 1940 Olympic games after Japan withdraws
07/20/1940 Germany occupiers forbid Dutch Communist Party (CPN) in Netherland
07/20/1940 Nazi collaborator Rost of Tonningen appointed director of Marxist
07/20/1940 Singles record charts 1st published by Billboard-Tommy Dorsey #1
07/20/1941 Yanks beat Tigers 12-6 in 17
07/20/1942 Legion of Merit Medal authorized by congress
07/20/1942 Time puts Russian composer Dmitri Sjostakovitsj on its cover
07/20/1942 Women's Army Auxiliary Corps began basic training at Fort Des Moines

07/20/1943 Joint Chiefs of Staff question adm Nimitz (landing Gilbert Island)
07/20/1944 Brit/Canadian troops occupy (Hill 67/Ifs/Bras/Frenouville, Normandy
07/20/1944 British premier Winston Churchill flies to France to meet Montgomery

07/20/1944 Canadian Cameroon Highlanders conquer St-AndrÇ
07/20/1944 Canadian troops occupy Fleury Normandy
07/20/1944 Death March of 1,200 Jews from Lipcani Moldavia begins
07/20/1944 Field marshal von Kluge consults with German commandant at Caen
07/20/1944 Flying Fortresses of US 8th Air Force attack Leipzig/Dessau
07/20/1944 Heavy storm hampers British offensive at Caen
07/20/1944 Japanse aircraft carrier Hijo sunk by US air attack
07/20/1944 July 20th Plot-Failed assassination attempt on Hitler
07/20/1944 Liberators of US 8th Air Force attack Gotha Russelsheim/Eisenach
07/20/1944 Pres FDR nominated for an unprecedented 4th term at Dem convention
07/20/1944 US 15th Air Force attacks Friedrichshaven Memmingen
07/20/1944 US 9th AF bombs railroad at Chaulnes SablÇ-sur-Sarthe/Dreux
07/20/1944 US invades Japanese-occupied Guam in WW II
07/20/1944 Violent battles in Verriäres-hill (Normandy)
07/20/1947 1st political action of Neth Army on Java & Sumatra
07/20/1948 Lou Thesz beats Bill Longson, to become NWA wrestling champ
07/20/1948 Syngman Rhee elected president of South-Korea
07/20/1948 US Communist Party chairman William Forster arrested
07/20/1949 Israel's 19 month war of independence ends
07/20/1949 Vasil Kolarov elected premier of Bulgaria
07/20/1950 'Arthur Murray Party' premieres on ABC TV (later DuMont, CBS, NBC)
07/20/1952 Emile Zatopek runs Olympic Record 10K (29:17.0)
07/20/1952 Fausto Coppi wins Tour de France
07/20/1953 USSR/Israel recover diplomatic relations
07/20/1954 Tennis champ Maureen Connolly's right leg is crushed in an accident
07/20/1954 West German secret service head Otto John defects to German DR
07/20/1956 France recognizes Tunisia's independence
07/20/1956 Great Britain refuses to lend Egypt money to build Aswan Dam
07/20/1956 Yankee pitcher Whitey Ford ties AL record of 6 straight strike-outs
07/20/1958 Dow Finsterwald wins PGA golf tournament
07/20/1960 1st submerged submarine to fire Polaris missile (George Washington)
07/20/1960 Sirima Bandaranaike becomes 1st female premier of Ceylon
07/20/1960 USSR recovered 2 dogs; 1st living organisms to return from space
07/20/1962 Dmitri Sjostakovitsj completes his 13th Symphony
07/20/1962 France & Tunisia recover diplomatic relations
07/20/1963 17 African states & Madagascar sign peace treaty with EC
07/20/1963 Verne Gagne beats Crusher Lisowski in Minneapolis, to become NWA cha

07/20/1964 1st surfin' record to go #1-Jan & Dean's 'Surf City'
07/20/1964 Dmitri Sjostakovitsj completes his 10th String quartet
07/20/1965 18.18' (46.18 cm) of rainfall, Edgarton, Missouri (state 24-hr recor

07/20/1967 Pablo Neruda receives 1st Viareggio-Versile prizes
07/20/1967 Race riots in Memphis Tenn
07/20/1968 Jane Asher breaks her engagement with Paul McCartney on live TV
07/20/1969 1st men on Moon, Neil Armstrong & Edwin Aldrin, Apollo 11
07/20/1969 Eddy Merckx wins Tour de France
07/20/1970 LA Angel Bill Singer no-hits Phillies, 5-0
07/20/1973 Jack Brisco beats Harley Race in Houston, to become NWA champ
07/20/1974 Heng Yo & Heng Ju, completes 1,000 mile (SF-Seattle) pilgrimage
07/20/1974 Turkey invades Cyprus
07/20/1976 Last US troops leave Thailand
07/20/1976 US Viking 1 lands on Mars at Chryse Planitia, 1st Martian landing
07/20/1977 Flash flood hits Johnstown, Pa, kills 80 & causing $350 mil damage
07/20/1979 44-kg Newfoundland dog pulls 2293-kg load, Bothell, Wash
07/20/1980 Joop Zoetemelk wins Tour de France
07/20/1982 Bombs planted by Irish Republican Army explode in 2 London parks
07/20/1982 IRA bomb attacks in London
07/20/1984 Uwe Hohn of East Germany throws javelin a record 104.8 m
07/20/1985 Divers find wreck of Spanish galleon Atocha
07/20/1987 Don Mattingly ties 1st base majors fielding record with 22 put-outs
07/20/1988 Michael Dukakis selected Democratic presidential nominee
07/20/1989 93¯ F, highest overnight low ever recorded in Phoenix Arizona
07/20/1989 Burma govt puts author Aung San Suu Kyi under house arrest
07/20/1990 Justice William Brennan resigns from Supreme Court after 36 years
07/20/1991 Kirk Cameron marries Growing Pains co-star Chelsea Noble in upstate

07/20/1991 Mike Tyson is accused of raping a Miss Black America contestant
07/20/1992 Round World Air Race begins in Paris
07/20/1993 Fire in the press box at Altanta Fulton County Stadium
07/20/1994 Major parts of Comet Shoemaker-Levy hit Jupiter (July 16th-22nd)
07/20/1994 OJ Simpson offers $500,000 reward for evidence of ex-wife's klller
07/20/1996 26th Olympic games open at Atlanta, Georgia (sched)

Robert Wolfe

Jul 21, 2021, 7:40:10 AM7/21/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


07/21/1515 St Philippus Nerius, [Philippo Neri], Italian merchant/priest
07/21/1620 Jean Picard, French astronomer
07/21/1664 Matthew Prior, English poet
07/21/1676 Anthony Collins, English philosopher (A discourse on free-thinking)
07/21/1706 Pierre Lyonet, zoologist/cryptologist (Anatomy of Wilgehoutrups)
07/21/1748 Louis-Henry Paisible, composer
07/21/1758 Elizabeth Hamilton, author (Cats: A Celebration)
07/21/1762 Willem GF Bentinck, earl/politician/organist
07/21/1779 Gottlob Wiedebein, composer
07/21/1797 Franz Schoberlechner, composer
07/21/1802 David Hunter, Major General (Union volunteers), died in 1886
07/21/1804 Victor Schoelcher, Guadeloupe, abolished french slavery
07/21/1810 Henri V Regnault, French physicist/chemist
07/21/1815 Stewart Van Vliet, Bvt Major General (Union Army), died in 1901
07/21/1816 Paul Julius Baron von Reuter, founded Reuters news service
07/21/1817 John Gilbert, painter/illustrator
07/21/1817 Joseph K Barnes, Major General (Union Army), died in 1883
07/21/1821 Vasile Alecsandri, Romania, poet/ Foreign Minister/diplomat
07/21/1822 Ludwig Theodore Gouvy, composer
07/21/1826 James Gillpatrick Blunt, Major General (Union volunteers)
07/21/1828 John Rutter Brooke, Bvt Major General (Union volunteers)
07/21/1856 Harry A P Eyres, British diplomat (Constantinople, Albania)
07/21/1856 Louise Blanchard Bethune, 1st US woman architect
07/21/1857 A S C Wallis, [AdŠle SC von Antal-Opzoomer], writer
07/21/1863 C Aubrey Smith, London England, actor (Prisoner of Zenda)
07/21/1864 Frances Folsom Cleveland, 1st lady (1885-89, 93-97)
07/21/1865 Robert Kahn, composer
07/21/1885 Frances Parkinson Keyes, novelist (Dinner at Antoine)
07/21/1892 Anton Schnack, German writer/poet
07/21/1892 G˜sbert Friedhoff, architect (tax office Wibautstraat)
07/21/1892 Lenore Ulric, US actress (Notorious, Better Woman) [or 1894]
07/21/1895 Ken Maynard, US, cowboy/actor/producer (Bigfoot)
07/21/1896 Jean Rivier, Villemomble France, composer (V‚nitienne)
07/21/1898 Ernest Willem Mulder, composer
07/21/1899 Ernest Hemmingway, Oak Park, for whom the bell tolled... (Nobel 1954

07/21/1899 Hart Crane, US, poet (Bridge)
07/21/1901 Allyn Joslyn, Milford Pa, actor (They Won't Forget, Cafe Society)
07/21/1902 Belcampo, [Herman P Sch”nfeld Wichers], writer
07/21/1903 Theodore Karyotakis, composer
07/21/1906 Daniel Ayala Perez, composer
07/21/1911 Jozef Cyrankiewicz, premier Poland
07/21/1911 Marshall McLuhan, Canada, writer (Medium is the Massage)
07/21/1914 Philippe AriŠs, French historian
07/21/1915 Duke of Norfolk
07/21/1920 Isaac Stern, Kremenetz, Russia, violinist (debut SF Symph)
07/21/1920 Manuel Valls Gorina, composer
07/21/1921 Billy Taylor, Greenville NC, orch leader (David Frost Show)
07/21/1922 Kay Starr, Dougherty Okla, singer (Rock & Roll Waltz, Club Oasis)
07/21/1923 Henny Alma, [Hendrika E van de Trousers], actress (Soldier of Orange

07/21/1924 Don Knotts, Morgantown WV, actor (Amdy Griffth Show, 3's Company)
07/21/1925 Lovro Zupanovic, composer
07/21/1926 Karel Reisz, director (Everybody Wins, Isadora, Who'll Stop the Rain

07/21/1926 Norman Jewison, director (Moonstruck, ...And Justice For All)
07/21/1926 Paul Burke, New Orleans, actor (Thomas Crown Affair)
07/21/1927 Stefan Niculescu, composer
07/21/1931 Gene Littler, golfer (1961 US Open)
07/21/1931 Leon Schidlowsky, composer
07/21/1933 John C Gardner, scholar/writer (Grendel, Sunlight Dialogues)
07/21/1934 Edolphus Towns, (Rep-D-New York, 1983- )
07/21/1935 Kaye Stevens, US, singer (Jerry Lewis Show)
07/21/1938 Anton Emil Kuerti, composer
07/21/1938 Les Aspin, (Rep-D-Wisc, 1971-93)/Minister of Defense (1993-94)
07/21/1940 James E Clyburn, (Rep-D-South Carolina)
07/21/1941 Jim Bates, (Rep-D-CA, 1983- )
07/21/1942 Fred Hetzel, NBA star (SF, Cincinnati, Milwaukee Bucks)
07/21/1942 Patricia Elliot, Gunnison Co, actress (Renee-Empire, One Life to Liv

07/21/1943 David Downing, NYC, actor (Backstairs at the White House)
07/21/1943 Edward Herrmann, Wash DC, actor (Day of the Dolphin, Reds)
07/21/1944 Buchi Emecheta, Nigerians/English writer (Price of Bride)
07/21/1944 Paul Wellstone, (Sen-D-Minnesota)
07/21/1945 Alton Maddox, NY black activist/attorney (Tawana Brawley case)
07/21/1945 Leigh Lawson, Atherston England, actress (Fire & Sword, Charlie Boy)

07/21/1946 Zbigniew Kaczmarek, Poland, lightweight (Olympic-gold-1976)
07/21/1947 Cat Stevens, [Yusaf Islam], rock vocalist (Peace Train, Father & Son

07/21/1947 John J Duncan Jr, (Rep-R-Tennessee)
07/21/1947 Wendell Burton, San Antonio Tx, actor (Lucas-New Dick Van Dyke Show)

07/21/1948 Art Hindle, Halifax Nova Scotia, actor (Jeff-Dallas, Berrengers)
07/21/1949 Ludmila Smirnova, USSR, pairs figure skater (Olympic-silver-1972)
07/21/1951 Doug Collins, US, basketball player (Olympic-silver-1972)
07/21/1951 Slick Watts, NBA (Seattle SuperSonic)
07/21/1952 Robin Williams, Chicago Ill, comedian (Mork & Mindy, Awakenings)
07/21/1955 Henry Preistman, rocker (Christians-Harvest the World)
07/21/1955 Tacho Ocheriski, singer (Putting on the Ritz)
07/21/1957 Jon Lovitz, Tarzana Calif, actor (SNL, League of their Own, Critic)
07/21/1960 Lance Guest, Saratoga Calif, actor (Lance-Lou Grant)
07/21/1962 Ike Eisenmann, Houston Tx, actor (Scott-Fantastic Journey)
07/21/1964 Susan Swift, Houston Tx, actress (Chisholms)
07/21/1968 Racquel Darian, XXX actress (Class Act, Joined)
07/21/1972 Shinjiro Otani, wrestler (NJPW)
07/21/1977 Sarah Biasini, daughter of actress Romy Schneider


07/21/1160 Peterus Lombardus, Italian theologist/bishop of Paris, dies
07/21/1425 Manuel Paleologus, Byzantine Emperor (1391-1425)/writer, dies
07/21/1544 Ren‚ of Chalon [Renatus of Nassau), prince of Orange, slain in battl

07/21/1717 Niccol• Amenta, Italian poet (La Gostanza), dies
07/21/1782 Placidus Cajetan von Camerloher, composer, dies at 63
07/21/1796 Robert Burns, Scottish poet, dies
07/21/1821 Maurice JM Broglie, bishop of Gent, dies at about 55
07/21/1831 Emil Aarestrup, Danish physician/poet (Ritornellen), dies at 55
07/21/1861 Francis Stebbins Bartow, Confederate colonel, dies in battle at 44
07/21/1870 Josef Strauss, Austrian composer (Dynamiden), dies at 42
07/21/1888 Matthias J Scheeben, German theologist (Natur und Gnade), dies at 53

07/21/1891 Franco Faccio, composer, dies at 51
07/21/1910 Johan Peter Selmer, composer, dies at 66
07/21/1917 Christopher J Forster, British RAF-pilot/capt, dies in battle
07/21/1922 Djemal Pasja, dictator of Turkey, murdered
07/21/1928 Ellen A Terry, Brits actress/dir (Imperial Theatre), dies at 81
07/21/1943 Charles William Paddock, 100m runner (Olympic-gold-1920), dies at 42

07/21/1944 Gerrit van den Bosch, led illegal Dutch CPN party (Dachau), dies
07/21/1944 Henning von Tresckow, Gen-Maj, 'July 20th plotter', commits suicide
07/21/1948 Arshile Gorky, abstract expressionist, dies at 43
07/21/1948 Donald Nichols Tweedy, composer, dies at 58
07/21/1950 Albert Riemenschneider, composer, dies at 71
07/21/1957 Bernard Spooner, US inventor (bulletproof jacket), dies
07/21/1967 Albert J Luthuli, president South Africa (ANC), dies
07/21/1967 Basil Rathbone, actor (Sherlock Holmes), dies at 75
07/21/1967 Jimmy Foxx, baseball hall of famer (Det Tigers/534 HRs), dies at 59
07/21/1967 Pierre Kemp, poet, dies at 80
07/21/1968 Ruth St Denis, US choreography, dies at about 90
07/21/1972 Jigme Dori Wangchuck, King of Bhutan, dies
07/21/1974 Willem F K Hussem, painter/poet (Steltlopen on Sea), dies at 74
07/21/1975 Fie Carelsen, actress, dies at 85
07/21/1976 Christopher Ewart-Biggs, Brit ambassador to Ireland is assassinated
07/21/1982 Dave Garroway, TV host (Today Show), dies at 69
07/21/1982 Jean J A Girault, French director (Gendarme Saint-Tropez), dies at 5

07/21/1985 Mickey Shaughnessy, actor (Chicago Teddy Bears), dies at 65
07/21/1985 Vicki Vola, actress (Miss Miller-Mr District Attorney)
07/21/1986 Paulo Correia, Guinee-Bissaus colonel/putschist, executed
07/21/1986 Virginia Hewitt, actress (Carol-Space Patrol), dies at 60
07/21/1990 Manuel Puig, Argentina writer, dies
07/21/1993 Henk Kersting, bureau chef (Associated Press-WW II), dies at 88
07/21/1993 Piet Wielinga, TV producer (Dutch Glory), dies at 56
07/21/1993 Robert J Glass, film producer (ET), is killed at 53

Significant Events:

07/21/ 230 St Pontianus begins his reign as Catholic Pope
07/21/ 365 Alexandria hit by Earthquake; about 50,000 die
07/21/ 866 John appointed bishop of the kingdom
07/21/ 976 Emperor Otto II gives earl Leopold I, East Bavaria
07/21/1320 Count Louis of Nevers marries 8-year old daughter of Philips V
07/21/1568 Battle at Jemmingen: Alva's troops beat Dutch rebellion
07/21/1579 Mechelen surrenders to duke of Parma
07/21/1588 English fleet defeats Spanish armada
07/21/1595 Alvara Mendana discovers Marquesas Island
07/21/1730 States of Holland put death penalty on 'sodomy'
07/21/1749 Pieter Steyn becomes pension advisor of Holland
07/21/1774 Peace of K tsj k Kainardji (end Russian-Turkish war
07/21/1798 Napoleon Bonaparte wins Battle of Pyramids in Egypt
07/21/1825 Java prince Dipo Negoro/Mangkubumi declare war on all non-islamics
07/21/1831 Belgium gains independence from Netherland, Leopold I made king
07/21/1836 1st Canadian RR opens, between Laprairie & St John, Qu‚bec
07/21/1846 Mormons found 1st English settlement in Calif (San Joaquin Valley)
07/21/1861 1st major battle of Civil War ends (Bull Run), Va-South wins
07/21/1866 Cholera-epidemic kills hundreds in London
07/21/1867 City Gardens on Folsom opens
07/21/1873 Jesse James & James Younger gang's 1st train robbery (Adair Iowa)
07/21/1877 -27) US army breaks railroad strike
07/21/1880 Compressed air accident kills 20 workers on Hudson River tunnel, NY
07/21/1896 National Federation of Afro-American Women & Colored Women's
07/21/1898 Spain cedes Guam to US
07/21/1900 Pope Leo XIII encyclical to Greek-Melkite rite
07/21/1904 Camille Jenatzy sets world auto speed record at 65.79 MPH
07/21/1919 Anthony Fokker's establishes airplane factory at Hamburg & Amsterdam

07/21/1919 Dirigible crashes through bank skylight killing 13 (Chicago, Ill)
07/21/1921 Indians (9) & Yankees (7) hit a record 16 doubles
07/21/1923 Phillies score 12 in 6th & beat Cubs 17-4
07/21/1928 1st woman to win an olympic gold medal - Halina Knonpacka of Poland
07/21/1928 H E Wood discovers asteroid #1096 Reunerta
07/21/1930 110øF (43øC) at Millsboro, Delaware (state record)
07/21/1930 US Veterans Administration established
07/21/1931 Reno race track, becomes 1st in US to use daily double wagering
07/21/1933 Haifa Harbor in Palestine opens
07/21/1934 113øF (45øC), near Gallipolis, Ohio (state record)
07/21/1935 C Jackson discovers asteroid #1358 Gaika
07/21/1940 Soviet Union annexes Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania
07/21/1940 VARA-management accepts Rost of Tonningens demands
07/21/1941 200 Jewish Torahs are burned in Ukraine
07/21/1941 Himmler orders building of Majdanek concentration camp
07/21/1942 8 die as coal waste heap slides in river valley near Oakwood, Va
07/21/1944 General Koiso becomes premier Japan
07/21/1944 US forces free Guam of Japanese invaders
07/21/1944 Von Kluge warns Hitler of impending collapse of front in Normandy
07/21/1945 Detroit Tigers & Phila A's play 24 inning 1-1 tie
07/21/1946 J‚sus T Pi¤erol becomes 1st native born Puerto Rican governor
07/21/1947 Indonesia begins 1st political election
07/21/1948 WSPD TV channel 13 in Toledo, OH (NBC) begins broadcasting
07/21/1949 Senate ratifies North Atlantic Treaty by a vote of 82-13
07/21/1951 Dalai Lama returns to Tibet
07/21/1952 Earthquake in South-California, 14 killed
07/21/1952 Premeir Ghavam ash-Sultaneh of Persia, resigns
07/21/1954 At Geneva, France agrees to independence of North & South Vietnam
07/21/1955 1st sub powered by liquid metal cooled reactor launched-Seawolf
07/21/1956 Cin Red pitcher Brooks Lawrence loses after 13 straight wins
07/21/1957 1st black to win a major US tennis tournament (Althea Gibson)
07/21/1957 Lionel Hebert wins PGA golf tournament
07/21/1959 1st atomic powered merchant ship, Savannah, christened, Camden NJ
07/21/1960 Country of Katanga forms in Africa
07/21/1961 Launch of Mercury 4 (Liberty Bell) with Grissom
07/21/1962 160 civil right activists jailed after demonstration in Albany Ga
07/21/1962 Battles on Chinese & Indies boundary
07/21/1963 Jack Nicklaus wins PGA golf tournament
07/21/1964 Neth last whaling ship Willem Barents Sea sold to Japan
07/21/1965 Pakistan, Iran & Turkey sign Regional Co-Operation pact
07/21/1966 Gemini X returns to Earth
07/21/1968 John Janssen wins Tour de France: 1st Dutchman
07/21/1968 Julius Boros wins PGA golf tournament
07/21/1969 Neil Armstrong steps on Moon at 2:56:15 AM (GMT)
07/21/1969 Russia's Luna 15 impacts moon after 52 lunar orbits
07/21/1970 Aswan Dam completed
07/21/1970 Libya orders confiscation of all Jewish property
07/21/1972 2 passenger trains collide head-on killing 76 (Seville, Spain)
07/21/1972 27.5 cm rainfall at Fort Ripley, Minnesota (state record)
07/21/1972 Bloody Friday: 22 IRA-bombs explode in Belfast
07/21/1972 In NY, 57 murders occur in 24 hours
07/21/1973 Hank Aaron becomes 2nd major leaguer to hit 700 HRs
07/21/1973 USSR launches Mars 4 for fly-by (2600 km) of red planet
07/21/1974 Eddy Merckx wins his 5th Tour de France
07/21/1975 Billy Martin fired as Texas Rangers manager
07/21/1975 NY Met Felix Milan hits 4 singles; erased by Joe Torres 4 double pla

07/21/1976 1st outbreak of 'Legionnaire's Disease' kills 29 in Phila
07/21/1977 Libian-Egyptian border fights
07/21/1977 Sri Lanka premier Bandaranaike loses election
07/21/1978 Bolivia milt coup under general Juan Pereda, pres Hugo Banzer flees
07/21/1978 US Postal Service & unions agree on a contract averting mail strike
07/21/1978 World's strongest dog, 80-kg St Bernard, pulls 2909-kg load 27 m
07/21/1979 N Chernykh discovers asteroids #2585 Irpedina & #3298
07/21/1979 National Women's Hall of Fame (Seneca Falls, NY) dedicated
07/21/1980 Jean-Claude Droyer climbs Eiffel Tower in 2 hrs 18 mins
07/21/1983 Polish govt ends 19 months of martial law
07/21/1983 Storm cuts short Diana Ross' free concert in NY's Central Park
07/21/1983 US announces Lebanon freed American hostage David Dodge
07/21/1984 1st documented case of a robot killing a human in US
07/21/1984 Marita Koch of E Germany sets world women's mark for 200m, 21.71s
07/21/1985 Bernard Hinault wins Tour de France
07/21/1986 Pleasure Island plans unveiled
07/21/1988 ESA's Ariane-3 launches 2 communications satellites (1 Indian)
07/21/1989 Eastern Airlines submits a reorganization plan to creditors
07/21/1989 Greg LeMond (US) wins Tour de France in fastest time
07/21/1989 Mike Tyson TKOs Carl 'the Truth' Williams in 1:33 of 1st round
07/21/1990 Goodwill Games opens in Seattle Wash
07/21/1990 Pink Floyds' 'Wall' is performed where Berlin Wall once stood

Robert Wolfe

Jul 22, 2021, 7:40:13 AM7/22/21
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Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


07/22/1478 Philip I (the Handsome), 1st Habsburg King of Spain (1506)
07/22/1597 Virgilio Mazzocchi, composer
07/22/1642 Johann Quirsfeld, composer
07/22/1647 Margaretha M Alacoque, French mystic/saint
07/22/1649 Clement XI, [Giovanni F Albani], Italy, Pope (1700-21)
07/22/1651 Ferdinand Tobias Richter, composer
07/22/1721 Francois-Joseph Krafft, composer
07/22/1722 Jean-No‰l/Joannes Natalis Paquot, Belgian priest/historian
07/22/1784 Friedrich W Bessel, German astronomer (star parallax, Bessel Functio

07/22/1804 Jean C F Demolombe, [prince the l'ex‚gŠse], French lawyer
07/22/1820 Louis Powell Harvey, Governor (Union), died in 1862
07/22/1822 Gregor Mendel, monk/geneticist, discoverer of laws of heredity
07/22/1822 Hamilton Prioleau Bee, Brig General (Confederate Army) died in 1897
07/22/1822 John George Walker, Major General (Confederate Army), died in 1893
07/22/1830 Herbert Stanley Oakeley, composer
07/22/1830 William Sooy Smith, Brig General (Union volunteers), died in 1916
07/22/1833 Benjamin Hanby, composer
07/22/1834 Daniel McCook,, Jr, Brig General (Union volunteers), died in 1864
07/22/1844 William Archibald Spooner, London, reverend/inventor (spoonerisms)
07/22/1849 Emma Lazarus, poet ('New Colossus'-base of Statue of Liberty)
07/22/1853 Victor Roger, composer
07/22/1871 Akos Buttykai, composer
07/22/1872 David D Salas, Antillian writer (Josefina)
07/22/1873 Ettore Pozzoli, composer
07/22/1878 Lucien Febvre, French historian (Un destin (Martin Luther)
07/22/1879 Gustaf Heintze, composer
07/22/1882 Edward Hopper, US painter (House by the Railroad)
07/22/1887 Gustav Hertz, German quantum physicist (Nobel 1925)
07/22/1888 Raymond Chandler, Chic, mystery writer (Long Goodbye)
07/22/1889 Frederick Preston Search, composer
07/22/1890 Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy, mom of JFK, RFK & Ted
07/22/1892 Arthur Seyss-Inquart, Austrian chancellor (1930s)/war criminal
07/22/1895 Hans Rosbaud, Graz Austria, conductor (Tonhalle Orch Z rich)
07/22/1898 Alexander Calder, sculptor (mobiles, stabiles)
07/22/1898 Stephen Vincent Ben‚t, US, writer (Devil & Daniel Webster)
07/22/1901 Charles Weidman, Nebraska, modern dancer/choreographer (Candide)
07/22/1902 Vladimir Nikolayevich Kryukov, composer
07/22/1908 Amy Vanderbilt, authority on etiquette (Complete Book of Etiquette)
07/22/1910 Edith Abbo, daughter of Mien Wenneker/Prince Henry?
07/22/1913 Lucia Albanese, Italian soprano (NY Met Opera)
07/22/1914 Cecil Effinger, composer
07/22/1916 Hipolito M Ocalia, Cura‡aos landscape painter
07/22/1918 Pim [Albrecht W] Lyre, lawyer/son of prince Henry
07/22/1921 William V Roth Jr, (Sen-R-Delaware, 1971- )
07/22/1923 Robert J Dole, (Sen-R Kansas, 1969- )
07/22/1924 Margaret Whiting, Detroit, singer (Kreisler Bandstand, Strauss Famil

07/22/1926 Bryan Forbes, director/producer (Endless Games, King Rat)
07/22/1927 George Hunter, South Africa, light heavyweight boxer (Oly-gold-1948)

07/22/1928 Georg Dreyfus, composer
07/22/1928 Orson Bean, actor/comedian (I've Got a Secret, To Tell the Truth)
07/22/1930 Leoncjusz Ciuciura, composer
07/22/1930 Marcia Henderson, Andover Mass, actress (Kathleen-Aldrich Family)
07/22/1930 Yuri P Artyukhin, cosmonaut (Soyuz 14)
07/22/1931 Charles Huxtable, General commanded English ground Armies
07/22/1932 Oscar de la Renta, Dom Rep, designer (Coty Hall of Fame-1973)
07/22/1933 Chuck Cassey, Chicago, choral director (Jimmy Dean Show)
07/22/1936 Krasimir Kyurkchiiski, composer
07/22/1939 Terence Stamp, England, actor (Collector, Alien Nations)
07/22/1940 Alex Trebek, Sudbury Ontario, TV game host (High Rollers, Jeopardy)
07/22/1940 Stan Ross, NYC, actor (New Bill Cosby Show)
07/22/1940 Yuriy Klimov, USSR, team handball (Olympic-gold-1976)
07/22/1941 George Clinton, rocker (Testify, Funkadelics)
07/22/1941 Susie Maxwell Berning, golfer (US Women's Open 1968,72,73)
07/22/1941 Thomas Wayne, rocker (Tragedy)
07/22/1944 Estelle Bennett, NYC, vocalist (Ronettes-Be My Baby)
07/22/1944 Guich Koock, Austin Tx, actor (Harley Puckett-Carter Country)
07/22/1944 Sparky Lyle, relief pitcher (NY Yankees, Cy Young)
07/22/1946 Steve Friedman, TV news executive
07/22/1947 Albert Brooks, LA Calif, comedian (Broadcast News, Lost in America)
07/22/1947 Curt Weldon, (Rep-R-Pennsylvania)
07/22/1947 Danny Glover, actor (Lethal Weapon)
07/22/1947 Don Henley, drummer (Eagles-Desparado)
07/22/1949 Lasse Viren, Finland, 5K/10K runner (Olympic-gold-1972, 76)
07/22/1952 Madeleine Collinson, Malta, twin playmate (Oct, 1970)
07/22/1952 Mary Collinson, Malta, twin playmate (Oct, 1970)
07/22/1954 Henriette Allais, playmate (Mar, 1980)
07/22/1955 Willem Dafoe, Wisc, actor (Platoon, Roadhouse 66, Mississippi Burnin

07/22/1956 Michael Spinks, US, middleweight boxer (Olympic-gold-1976)
07/22/1956 Mike Pointer, rocker (Marillion)
07/22/1957 Dave Steib, pitcher (Toronto Blue Jays)
07/22/1958 Sandra Elizabeth Greenberg, Spokane Wash, playmate (June, 1987)
07/22/1963 Joanna Going, actress (Another World)
07/22/1964 Bonnie Langford, English actress (Wombling Free)
07/22/1965 Patrick Laborteaux, LA Calif, actor (Albert-Little House on Prairie)

07/22/1965 Shawn Michaels, [Mike Hickenbottom], San Antonio, wrestler (WWF/AWA)

07/22/1967 Pat Badger, heavy metal bassist (Extreme-More Than Words)
07/22/1971 Charlotte Gainsbourg, London England, actress (Little Thief)
07/22/1989 Caroline Giuliani, daughter of Rudy (Mayor-R-NYC, 1994- )
07/22/1993 Patricia Quinn, 11th child of actor Anthony Quinn (78)


07/22/1035 Robert II/I, Duke of Normandy, dies
07/22/1387 French Ackerman, Ghent rebel/leader of Reisers, murdered at about 57

07/22/1461 Charles VII, King of France (1422-61), dies at 58
07/22/1477 Adolf van Egmond, duke of Gelre/earl of Zutphen, dies in battle at 3

07/22/1499 Neithart Fox, [Jonker Fox], German passage leader, slain in battle
07/22/1635 Pietro Antonio Tamburini, composer, dies at 45
07/22/1676 Clement X, [Emilio Altieri], Italian Pope (1670-76), dies at 86
07/22/1786 Vaclav Kalous, composer, dies at 71
07/22/1794 Jean-Benjamin de La Borde, composer, dies at 59
07/22/1802 Marie-Fran‡ois-Xavier Bichat, a founder of histology, dies
07/22/1826 Giuseppe Piazzi, monk/mathematician (found 1st asteroid), dies at 80

07/22/1832 Napoleon FKJ Bonaparte, [l'aiglon], king of Rome, dies at 21
07/22/1840 Josef Jawurek, composer, dies at 83
07/22/1848 Karl Guhr, composer, dies at 60
07/22/1861 Barnard Elliot Bee, US Confederate brig-general, dies at 37
07/22/1863 Carl Schuberth, composer, dies at 52
07/22/1864 James Birdseye Mcpherson, US Union gen-major, dies in battle at 35
07/22/1864 William Henry Talbot Walker, Confederate gen-mjr, dies in battle at

07/22/1868 Zikmund Michal Kolesovsky, composer, dies at 51
07/22/1870 Josef Strauss, composer, dies at 42
07/22/1880 Anna Caroline Oury, composer, dies at 72
07/22/1882 Edward Hopper, US painter (House by the Railroad), dies
07/22/1913 Adh‚mar Esmein, French reichts leader, dies at 65
07/22/1929 Bror Beckman, composer, dies at 63
07/22/1932 Roses Fox, Trade union leader, dies at 71
07/22/1934 John Dillinger, shot dead at Biograph Theater in Chicago, at 33
07/22/1940 Marie Bregendahl, Danish author (& dídsnat), dies at 72
07/22/1950 William LM King, premier of Canada (1921-30, 35-48), dies at 75
07/22/1952 Antonio Maria Valencia, composer, dies at 49
07/22/1952 August Balthazar, Belgian politician, dies at 58
07/22/1953 Cy Kendall, actor (Mysteries of Chinatown), dies at 55
07/22/1955 Joseph Foley, actor (Mr Peepers), dies at 45
07/22/1967 Carl Sandburg, poet (Abraham Lincoln: Prarie Years), dies at 89
07/22/1968 Giovanni Guareschi, Italian author: Don Camillo/Peppone, dies at 60
07/22/1972 Hugo Kauder, composer, dies at 84
07/22/1972 Pavel Borkovek, composer, dies at 78
07/22/1974 Wayne L Morse, (Sen-Oregon), dies at 73
07/22/1979 Hope Summers, actress (Clara-Andy Griffith Show), dies at 78
07/22/1980 Fred Kaps [Abram PA Bongers], magician (world champ 1955), dies at 5

07/22/1988 Luigi Lucioni, Italian, landscape painter (opera stars), dies at 87
07/22/1992 David Wojnarowicz, artist, dies at 37 of AIDs
07/22/1992 Souleiman Franjieh, president Lebanon (1970-76), dies
07/22/1992 Wayne McLaren, actor (Marlboro Man), dies at 51 of lung cancer

Significant Events:

07/22/ 259 Dionysius elected as bishop of Rome, succeeding Sixtus II
07/22/ 260 St Dionysius begins his reign as Catholic Pope
07/22/1298 English defeat Scots at Battle of Falkirk
07/22/1306 King Phillip the Fair, orders expulsion of Jews out of France
07/22/1489 'Tractate Niddah' a talmudic edition, 1st printed
07/22/1489 Treaty of Frankfurt
07/22/1587 2nd English colony established on Roanoke Island off NC
07/22/1632 Foundation laid in Madrid for Buen Retiro-palace for king Philip IV
07/22/1686 City of Albany, NY chartered
07/22/1775 George Washington takes command of troops
07/22/1796 Cleveland, Ohio, founded by Gen Moses Cleaveland
07/22/1812 Duke of Wellington defeats French at Battle of Salamanca, Spain
07/22/1854 J R Hind discovers asteroid #30 Urania
07/22/1864 Battle of Atlanta, GA (Decatur) - siege begins [->SEP 01]
07/22/1864 Battle of Atlanta-Hood attacks Sherman & suffers terrible losses
07/22/1864 Hood attacks Sherman & suffers heavily -Atlanta-
07/22/1864 US3641 CS8499
07/22/1898 Belgica crew see 1st sunrise in 1600 hrs-1st to endure Antarct winte

07/22/1901 Serbia recovers diplomatic relations with Montenegro
07/22/1905 Phila Athletic's Weldon Henley no-hits St Louis Browns, 6-0
07/22/1908 W Lorenz discovers asteroid #665 Sabine
07/22/1912 5th Olympic games in Stockholm closes
07/22/1916 A bomb went off during a Preparedness Day parade in SF killing 10
07/22/1917 Alexander Kerensky becomes Russian PM
07/22/1917 British bomb German lines at Ypres, 4,250,000 grenades
07/22/1917 M Wolf discovers asteroids #879 Ricarda, #880 Herba & #881 Athene
07/22/1918 Lightning kills 504 sheep in Utah's Wasatch National Park
07/22/1921 James M Barnes wins US Open golf tournament
07/22/1923 Walter Johnson becomes 1st to strikeout 3,000
07/22/1925 Yankees purchase infielder Leo Durocher
07/22/1926 105ø F (41ø C), Waterbury, Connecticut (state record)
07/22/1926 108ø F (42ø C), Troy, NY (state record)
07/22/1926 Cin Red Curt Walker ties record of 2 triples in an inning
07/22/1930 G Neujmin discovers asteroid #1306 Scythia
07/22/1930 H Van Gent discovers asteroids #1666 van Gent, #1752 van Herk &
07/22/1930 #1945 Wesselink
07/22/1933 1st solo flight round the world 7d 19hrs (Wiley Post)
07/22/1933 Caterina Jarboro sings 'Aida,' NYC-1st negro prima donna in US
07/22/1933 Wiley Post completes 1st round-the-world solo flight
07/22/1935 C Jackson discovers asteroids #1359 Prieska & #1360 Tarka
07/22/1935 Lester Walton appointed minister to Liberia
07/22/1936 Phillies John Moore hits 3 consecutive HRs
07/22/1937 Irish premier Eamon de Valera wins elections
07/22/1937 Senate rejects FDR proposal to enlarge Supreme Court
07/22/1939 1st black woman judge (Jane Matilda Bolin-NYC)
07/22/1940 Dutch prime minister De Geer meets Hitler seeking peace talks
07/22/1942 Gasoline rationing begins in US during WW II
07/22/1942 Warsaw Ghetto Jews (300,000) are sent to Treblinka extermination Cam

07/22/1943 Allied forces captured Palermo, Sicily
07/22/1944 Soviets set up Polish Committee of National Liberation
07/22/1946 Estelle Bennett, rocker (Ronettes)
07/22/1947 -8øF (-13øC), Charlotte Pass, NSW (Australian record)
07/22/1950 King Leopold, after 6 years in exile, returns to Belgium
07/22/1951 Gen Francisco Craveiro Lopesappointed pres of Portugal
07/22/1952 Poland adopts Communist-imposed Constitution
07/22/1954 Virgin Islands (US) adopts constitution (Revised Organic Act)
07/22/1954 WTHI TV channel 10 in Terre Haute, IN (CBS) begins broadcasting
07/22/1955 1st VP to preside over cabinet meeting-R Nixon
07/22/1955 Phillies longest win streak since 1892 hits 11
07/22/1960 Cuba nationalizes US owned sugar factories
07/22/1961 WBNB TV channel 10 in Charlotte Amaile, VI (CBS) begins broadcasting

07/22/1962 1st US Venus probe, Mariner 1, fails at lift-off
07/22/1962 Chic White Sox Floyd Robinson goes 6 for 6 (all singles)
07/22/1962 Gary Player wins PGA golf tournament
07/22/1963 Beatles release 'Introducing the Beatles'
07/22/1963 Sonny Liston KOs Floyd Patterson to retain heavyweight championship
07/22/1964 Steve Ballesteros wins Britsh Golf Open
07/22/1965 Edward Heath succeeds Alec Douglas-Hume as leader of Brit Cons party

07/22/1967 Atlanta Braves use a record 5 pitchers in 9th inning
07/22/1967 Jimi Hendrix quits as opening act of the Monkees' tour
07/22/1969 Aretha Franklin arrested for disturbing peace in Detroit
07/22/1969 USSR launches Sputnik 50 & Molniya 1-12 communications satellite
07/22/1971 Sudan military coup under premier Numeiry
07/22/1972 10.84' (27.53 cm) of rainfall, Fort Ripley, Mn (state 24-hr record)
07/22/1972 Venera 8 makes soft landing on Venus
07/22/1973 Sue Berning wins her 3rd US Golf Open championship
07/22/1975 House of Reps votes to restore citizenship to Gen Robert E Lee
07/22/1981 Turkish terrorist Mehmet Ali Agca sentenced in a Rome to life
07/22/1982 Academic Text Processing Service established in Seattle
07/22/1983 -128.6ø F (-89.2øC) recorded, Vostok, Antarctica (world record)
07/22/1983 Dick Smith makes 1st solo helicopter flight around the world
07/22/1983 Poland's PM Januzelski lifts martial law
07/22/1984 Kathy Whitworth wins a record 85th pro golf tournament
07/22/1984 Laurent Fignon wins Tour de France
07/22/1986 House of Reps impeaches Judge Harry E Claiborne on tax evasion
07/22/1987 Said Aouita of Morocco sets 5k record (12:58.39) in Rome
07/22/1987 Soyuz TM-3 launched with 3 cosmonauts (1 Syrian)
07/22/1987 US began escorting re-flagged Kuwaiti tankers in Persian Gulf
07/22/1988 500 US scientists pledge to boycott Pentagon germ-warfare research
07/22/1990 Greg Lemond of US wins bicycling's 3rd tour de France
07/22/1990 Nick Faldo of England wins British Open Golf championship
07/22/1991 Jeffrey Dahmer confesses to killing 17 males in 1978
07/22/1992 Colombia drug baron Pablo Escobar escapes prison
07/22/1993 NY Yankee Don Mattingly hits his 200th HR
07/22/1994 23rd & last part of Comet Shoemaker-Levy hit Jupiter (since July 16t

07/22/1994 Mariners play Red Sox as home team at Fenway, as Kingdome is repaire

07/22/1994 OJ Simpson pleads 'Absolutely 100% Not Guilty' of murder

Robert Wolfe

Jul 23, 2021, 7:40:14 AM7/23/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


07/23/1339 Louis I, Duke of Anjou/King of Naples (Battle at Poitiers)
07/23/1401 Francesco Sfoza, soldier
07/23/1659 Antonius Schultingh, [Schultingius], lawyer
07/23/1734 Antonio Maria Gasparo Sacchini, opera composer
07/23/1735 Johannes Herbst, composer
07/23/1769 Alexey Nikolayevich Titov, composer
07/23/1773 Karl Ludwig Hellwig, composer
07/23/1775 Francois-Eugäne Vidocq, British police detective
07/23/1793 Joseph Hartmann Stuntz, composer
07/23/1796 Franz Adolf Berwald, composer
07/23/1803 Johann Vesque von Puttlingen, composer
07/23/1806 Eduard Marxsen, composer
07/23/1816 Charlotte Sanders Cushman, US, actress (Lady MacBeth)
07/23/1822 Darius Nash Couch, Major General (Union volunteers), died in 1897
07/23/1823 Coventry Kersey Dighton Patmore, poet
07/23/1824 Gabriel Colvin Wharton, Brig General (Confederate Army), died in 190

07/23/1825 Richard Hol, composer/organist/conductor
07/23/1827 Pieter Caland, Dutch hydraulic engineer (New Waterway)
07/23/1828 Jonathan Hutchinson, surgeon/scientist
07/23/1834 James 'Cardinal' Gibbons, archbishop of Baltimore
07/23/1838 Edouard [Judas] Colonne, composer/violinist
07/23/1841 Edward John Armstrong, poet
07/23/1849 Geza Zichy, composer
07/23/1853 William H Gillette, actor (Sherlock Holmes on stage)
07/23/1856 Arthur H Bird, composer
07/23/1856 Bal Gangadhar Tilak, British-Indian Hindi leader
07/23/1857 French [M J Franáois] Erens, lawyer/literary (Pursue Years)
07/23/1861 Alexander W F Idenburg, gov-gen of Neth Indies (1909-16)
07/23/1865 Friedrich Aereboe, landhuishoudkundige
07/23/1876 William Gillies Whittaker, composer
07/23/1883 Alan Francis Brooke, 1st viscount Alanbrooke field marshal
07/23/1884 Albert Warner, US producer (Warner Bros)
07/23/1884 Apolinary Szeluto, composer
07/23/1886 Arthur Whitten Brown, aviator
07/23/1886 Salvador de Madariaga y Rojo, writer/diplomat
07/23/1888 Gluyas Williams, SF, cartoonist (Fellows Citizen)
07/23/1888 Milan Stoyadinovich, Serbia, fascist Yugoslavia PM (1935-39)
07/23/1888 Raymond T Chandler, US detective writer (Farewell My Lovely)
07/23/1891 Maurus H Hulsman, head director (Friends of Curaáao)
07/23/1892 Haile Selassie, [Ras Tafari Makonnen], emperor of Ethiopia (1930-74)

07/23/1892 Petros John Petridis, composer
07/23/1893 Karl Menninger, psychiatrist (Menninger Clinic)
07/23/1894 Arthur Treacher, Brighton England, announcer (Merv Griffin Show)
07/23/1898 Mervyn 'Red' Dutton, Manitoba, 2nd NHL pres (1943-46)
07/23/1899 Gustav Heinemann, German union president
07/23/1902 Walter Burle Marx, composer
07/23/1904 Adone Zecchi, composer
07/23/1905 Erich Itor Kahn, composer
07/23/1906 Wolfgang Gentner, German nuclear physicist
07/23/1907 Elspeth Huxley, author
07/23/1908 Karl Swenson, Bkln NY, actor (Lara-Little House on the Prairie)
07/23/1910 Pimen, [Sergei Irzjekov], patriarch Russian-Orthodox Cathederal
07/23/1912 Michael Wilding, actor (Courtney Affair, World of Suzie Wong)
07/23/1913 Coral Browne, Melbourne Aust, actress (Margaret-Time Express)
07/23/1913 Michael Foot, MP
07/23/1914 Alastair Down, CEO (Burmah Oil)
07/23/1916 Ben Weber, St Louis Missouri, composer (Thorne Music Award-1965)
07/23/1917 Charles Kerruish, president (Tyndwald Isle of Man)
07/23/1917 John Stokes, MP
07/23/1917 Kurt Kreuger, St Moritz Switz, actor (Fear, Unfaithfully Yours)
07/23/1919 [Harold] Pee Wee Reese, Hall of Fame shortstop (Dodgers)
07/23/1920 Marcel Maeyer, [de Maeyer], Belgian speed artist/graphic artist
07/23/1921 Calvert DeForest, Brooklyn NY, comedian (Larry 'Bud' Melman)
07/23/1921 David Lawmn, CEO (Prestige Group)
07/23/1921 Harry Hookway, pro-chancellor (Loughborough University)
07/23/1921 Jerome Rosen, composer
07/23/1921 Peter Twiss, test pilot
07/23/1924 Betsy Haworth, deacon/minister
07/23/1925 Gloria De Haven, LA, actress (Bog, Yellow Cab Man, Irene-Nakia)
07/23/1925 Pierre Baugniet, Belgium, pairs ice skater (Olympic-gold-1948)
07/23/1927 Al[fred] A McCandless, (Rep-R-CA, 1983- )
07/23/1927 Elliot M See Jr, Dallas Texas, astronaut
07/23/1928 Leon Fleisher, SF Calif, pianist/conductor (Annapolis Symph 1973-77)

07/23/1929 Andrew Rutherford, warden (Goldsmith's College)
07/23/1931 Jan Torell, Limhamm Sweden, director (New Land, Emigrants)
07/23/1931 Richard Searby, deputy-chairman (News Corp Ltd-Australia)
07/23/1931 Viktor Korchnoi, chess champ
07/23/1932 Alistair Graham, headmaster (Mill Hill School)
07/23/1933 Bert Convy, St Louis Mo, actor (Snoop Sisters, Win Lose or Draw)
07/23/1933 Richard Rogers, architect
07/23/1934 Nicholas Barrington, high commissioner (Pakistan)
07/23/1936 Anthony M Kennedy, Calif, 106th Supreme Court justice (1988- )
07/23/1936 Don Drysdale, Van Nuys Calif, pitcher (LA Dodgers-Cy Young 1962)
07/23/1938 Ronny Cox, Cloudcroft Mass, actor (St Elsewhere)
07/23/1940 Gary Stites, singer (Lonely For You)
07/23/1942 John de Hont, guitarist (ZZ & Masks)
07/23/1942 Madeline Bell, US singer (Black Nativity)
07/23/1945 Dino Danelli, drummer (Young Rascals)
07/23/1946 Andy McKay, sax/oboe player (Roxy Music)
07/23/1947 David Essex, rock vocalist/actor (That'll Be the Day)
07/23/1947 Spencer Christian, weatherman (Good Morning America)
07/23/1949 Clive Rice, cricketer
07/23/1950 Belinda J Montgomery, actress (Man From Atlantis, Stone Cold Dead)
07/23/1950 Blair Thornton, guitarist (Bachman-Turner-Overdrive)
07/23/1950 Kaity Tong, news anchor (WABC-TV NYC) [50]
07/23/1951 Edie McClurg, actress (Cinderella-1985, Hogan Family)
07/23/1952 Janis Siegel, NYC, jazz singer (Manhattan Transfer-Tuxedo Junction)
07/23/1953 Graham Gooch, cricketer
07/23/1954 Annie Sprinkle, [Ellen Steinberg], XXX actress (Centerfold Fever)
07/23/1955 Marisa DeFranco, rocker (DeFranco Family)
07/23/1958 Lydia Cornell, El Paso Tx, actress (Sara Rush-Too Close for Comfort)

07/23/1961 Martin Gore, rocker (Depeche Mode-Just Can't Get Enough)
07/23/1961 Woody Harrelson, Midland Tx, actor (Woody Boyd-Cheers)
07/23/1964 Greg Best, Lynchburg VA, Equestrian athlete (Olympic-silver-88, 92)
07/23/1965 Slash, [Saul Hudson], England, guitarist (Guns & Roses-Sweet Child)
07/23/1968 Beth Ehlers, Queens NY, actress (Harley Cooper-Guiding Light)
07/23/1968 Stephane Seymour, model (Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Cover-1988)
07/23/1970 Sam Waters, Camp Springs Md, singer (Color Me Badd-Want to Sex You U

07/23/1971 Alison Krauss, Decatur Ill, country singer (2 Highways)
07/23/1972 Marlon Wayans, comedian (In Living Color)
07/23/1982 Schottzie Schott, dog mascot of Cincinnati Reds


07/23/ 945 Richarius, bishop of Luik (922-45), dies
07/23/1373 Birgitta van Sweden, Swedish saint, dies
07/23/1403 Henry Percy, [Harry Hotspur], killed in battle, dies
07/23/1562 Gottfried/Gîtz von Berlichingen, German Knight of kingdom, dies
07/23/1581 Georges Lalaing, viceroy of Friesland, dies
07/23/1645 Michael Fjodorovitsj, tsar of Russia (1613-45)/1st Romanov, dies
07/23/1685 Pietro Reggio, composer, dies at 53
07/23/1690 Richard Gibson, minature painter, dies
07/23/1757 Domenico Scarlatti, composer/harpsicordist, dies
07/23/1757 G Domenico Scarlatti, Italian composer (La Silvia), dies at 71
07/23/1793 Thomas Mckean, US attorney/signer (Decl of Independence), dies at 72

07/23/1803 Arthur Wolfe, 1st viscount Kilwarden/Chief Justice of Ireld, murdere

07/23/1816 Elizabeth Hamilton, author (Cats: A Celebration), dies at 68
07/23/1829 Wojciech Boguslawski, composer, dies at 72
07/23/1840 Frantisek Max Knize, composer, dies at 55
07/23/1844 Christian Gobrecht, 4th US chief engraver (1840-44), dies in office
07/23/1866 Thomas Forbes Walmisley, composer, dies at 83
07/23/1875 Isaac Merritt Singer, inventor (sewing machine), dies at 63
07/23/1878 Miguel Hilarion Eslava y Elizondo, composer, dies at 70
07/23/1885 Ulysses S Grant, 18th US pres, dies in Mount McGregor NY, at 63
07/23/1904 John Simon, public health pioneer, dies
07/23/1905 Jean-Jacques, painter, dies
07/23/1909 Ernest F Cambier, Belgian colonial pioneer (1st Congo railway), dies

07/23/1909 Zygmunt Noskowski, composer, dies at 63
07/23/1916 William Ramsey, chemist, dies
07/23/1927 Saad Zaghlul, Egyptian parliament chairman, dies at 74
07/23/1930 Glenn Hammond Curtiss, aviator, dies
07/23/1933 Max Schillings, German composer/conductor (Mona Lisa), dies at 65
07/23/1943 Emanuel Querido, publisher (Sobibor), dies
07/23/1943 Meòer de Hond, [Emanuel Querido], rabbi (Sobibor), dies
07/23/1944 Helmuth J von Moltke, German earl (July 20th plotter), executed
07/23/1946 James Maxton, politician, dies
07/23/1948 D[avid] W[ark] Griffith, US director/producer, dies
07/23/1951 Henri Philippe PÇtain, French marshal (Verdun/Vichy regime), dies
07/23/1951 Robert Joseph Flaherty, documentary film maker, dies
07/23/1955 Cordell Hull, statesman, dies
07/23/1955 Harry Haden, actor (Harry-Stu Erwin Show), dies at 73
07/23/1964 John PML de Vries, germanist/sociologist, dies
07/23/1966 [Edward] Montgomery Clift, actor (From Here to Eternity), dies
07/23/1968 Don Lillis, NFL president (NY Jets)
07/23/1968 Henry Hallett Dale, physiologist, dies
07/23/1969 Deli Floyd, writer, dies
07/23/1971 Van Heflin, actor (Great Adventure), dies at 60
07/23/1973 Eddie Rickenbacker, WW I fighter pilot, dies
07/23/1973 Marius-Francois Gaillard, composer, dies at 72
07/23/1976 Wilhelmina Von Bremen, 4X100 relay sprinter (Oly-gold-32), dies at 6

07/23/1977 RenÇ de Fox, tailor/actor/composer, dies at 79
07/23/1979 Keith Godchaux, rocker (Grateful Dead), dies in a car accident at 32

07/23/1982 Vic Morrow, actor (Cimmaron), killed during 'Twilight Zone' at 53
07/23/1983 Georges Auric, composer, dies at 84
07/23/1984 Lloyd Gough, actor (Black Bart, Tolsa), dies of aortic aneurism at 7

07/23/1985 Kay Kyser (James King Kern Kyser), US bandleader, dies
07/23/1986 Jouko Paavo Kalervo Tolonen, composer, dies at 73
07/23/1990 Joe Turner, jazz pianist, dies at 82 of cardiac arrest
07/23/1992 Arletty, French actress (Hotel, Longest Day), dies at 94
07/23/1992 Maxine Audley, Brits actress (Vikings, Our Man in Havana), dies

Significant Events:

07/23/ 636 Arabs gain control of most of Palestine from Byzantine Empire
07/23/ 685 John V begins his reign as Catholic Pope
07/23/1148 Cursaders attack Damascus
07/23/1215 Frederik II crowns himself Roman Catholic king
07/23/1253 Jews are expelled from Vienne France by order of Pope Innocent III
07/23/1298 Jews are massacred at Wurzburg Germany
07/23/1298 Rindfleish Persecutions-Jewish community Wurzburg Germany annihilate

07/23/1403 Battle of Shrewsbury fought by Percys against King Henry IV
07/23/1431 Council of Basel opens
07/23/1558 Battle at Grevelingen: Gen/earl Lamoraal van Egmont beat France
07/23/1594 Groningen surrenders to earl Mauritius/Willem Louis
07/23/1599 Caravaggio's 1st public commission for paintings
07/23/1745 Charles Stuart, the Younger, lands at Eriskay Island, Hebrides
07/23/1798 Napoleon captures Alexandria, Egypt
07/23/1803 Robert Emmett's insurrected in Dublin
07/23/1812 Battle of Mogilev Russia-Napolean fights Czar Alexander I
07/23/1827 1st US swim school opens (Boston Mass)
07/23/1829 William Austin Burt patents 'typographer' (typewriter)
07/23/1834 HMS Beagle anchors in Bay of Valparaiso
07/23/1848 Battle of Custoza-Italian War of Independence, starts
07/23/1852 1st interment in US National Cemetary at Presidio
07/23/1858 Jewish Disabilities Removal Act passed by British Parliament
07/23/1863 Alexandra Park opens in North London
07/23/1864 Battle of Woodstock, VA
07/23/1866 Cincinnati Baseball club (Reds) established
07/23/1870 Emperor Napoleon III appoints Empress EugÇnie as Regent of France
07/23/1871 C H F Peters discovers asteroid #114 Kassandra
07/23/1877 1st US municipal railroad, Cincinnati Southern, begins operations
07/23/1877 1st telephone & telegraph line in Hawaii completed
07/23/1880 1st commercial hydroelectric power planet begins, Grand Rapids, Mich

07/23/1886 Steve Brodie supposedly survives plunge from Brooklyn Bridge
07/23/1888 John Boyd Dunlop, applies to patent pneumatic tire
07/23/1895 A Charlois discovers asteroid #405 Thia
07/23/1900 Pan-African Congress meets in London
07/23/1904 Ice cream cone created by Charles E Menches during La Purchase Expo
07/23/1906 Pogroms against Jews in Oddessa
07/23/1908 A Kopff discovers asteroids #666 Desdemona & #667 Denise
07/23/1909 M Wolf discovers asteroid #683 Lanzia
07/23/1913 Arabs attack Jewish community of Rechovot Palestine
07/23/1914 Austria-Hungary issues ultimatum to Serbia leading to WW I
07/23/1920 Kenya becomes a British crown colony
07/23/1921 Chinese communist party forms under Henk Sneevliet
07/23/1921 Edward Gourdin of US, sets then long jump record at 25' 2 3/4'
07/23/1925 NY Yankee Lou Gehrig hits his 1st of 23 career grand slammers
07/23/1926 Belgian NMBS/SNCFB forms
07/23/1926 France cabinet of PoincarÇ, forms
07/23/1930 Earthquake strikes Ariano Italy, 1,500 killed
07/23/1931 Ashmore & Cartier Is in Indian Ocean transferred to Australia
07/23/1931 France announces they can't afford to send a team to 1932 LA olympic

07/23/1932 C Jackson discovers asteroid #1246 Chaka
07/23/1937 Isolation of pituitary hormone announced (Yale University)
07/23/1938 C Jackson discovers asteroid #1468 Zomba
07/23/1940 'Blitz' begins, all-night raid on London
07/23/1942 German troops conquer Rostow
07/23/1942 Treblinka Concentration Camp destroyed
07/23/1943 Battle of Koersk, USSR ends in Nazi defeat (6,000 tanks)
07/23/1944 Conference of Bretton Woods signed; IMF operations begin
07/23/1944 Soviet Army marches into Lublin Poland
07/23/1944 US forces invade Japanese-held Tinian in WW II
07/23/1944 US troops occupy Pisa Italy
07/23/1945 Marshal Henri PÇtain, leader Vichy-regime, goes on trial
07/23/1946 Menachem Begins opposition group bombs King David Hotel
07/23/1947 1st (US Navy) air squadron of jets, Quonset Point, RI
07/23/1948 Progressive party convention nominates Henry Wallace for President
07/23/1952 General Neguib seizes power, Monarchy overthrown in Egypt (Natl Day)

07/23/1952 Milt coup under general Mahommed Naguib Courtney affair
07/23/1956 Bell X-2 rocket plane sets world aircraft speed record of 3,050 kph
07/23/1958 1st 4 women named to peerage in House of Lords
07/23/1959 VP Richard Nixon begins visit on USSR
07/23/1965 Beatles 'Help' is released in UK
07/23/1966 Cavern Club in Liverpool reopens
07/23/1966 John Pennel pole vaults record (5.34 m)
07/23/1966 Napoleon XIV releases 'They're Coming to Take Me Away, Ha! Ha!'
07/23/1967 -27] 43 die in race riot in Detroit (2,000 injured, 442 fires)
07/23/1967 Pirate Radio Swinging Scotland closes down for financial reasons
07/23/1968 Fred Blasie wins 5th wrestling world championship belt
07/23/1968 PLO's 1st hijacking of an El Al plane
07/23/1968 Race riot in Cleveland, 11 including 3 cops killed
07/23/1969 NL beats AL 9-3 in 40th All Star Game (RFK Stadium, Washington)
07/23/1969 NL beats AL for 7th consecutive time
07/23/1972 1st Earth Resources Technology Satellite (ERTS) is launched
07/23/1972 Eddy Merckx (Belgium) wins his 4th consecutive Tour de France
07/23/1973 Ozark AL plane knocked out of air by lightning, St Louis-36 die
07/23/1973 Qaboos bin Said Al Said, becomes Sultan & Prime Minister of Oman
07/23/1974 Greek military dictatorship collapses
07/23/1974 NL beats AL 7-2 in 45th All Star Game (3 Rivers, Pittsburgh)
07/23/1976 Balt Oriole Reggie Jackson homers in 6th straight game
07/23/1976 Wings release 'Let 'em In'
07/23/1977 Washington jury convicts 12 Hanafi Moslems on hostage charges
07/23/1978 Israeli cabinet rejects Sadat's call for return of 2 Sinai areas
07/23/1978 Phillies Steve Carlon becomes 78th pitcher to win 200
07/23/1979 E Bowell discovers asteroid #2736 Ops
07/23/1979 George Brett gets his 1,000th hit
07/23/1980 Billy Carter admits to being paid by Libya
07/23/1980 River of No Return Wilderness Area designated by Jimmy Carter
07/23/1980 Soyuz 37 ferries 2 cosmonauts (1 Vietnamese) to Salyut 6
07/23/1982 FCC approves AM stereo radio, KTSA San Antonio goes stereo
07/23/1984 Vanessa Williams, 1st black Miss America, resigns due to posing nude

07/23/1986 Britain's Prince Andrew marries Sarah Ferguson
07/23/1986 King Hassan II meets with Israeli premier Simon Peres
07/23/1987 Petra Felke (E Ger) throws javelin 78.89 m (women's record)
07/23/1987 RNI (Bkln NY pirate radio station) begins broadcasting on 1620 AM
07/23/1987 Said Aouita of Morocco runs world record 5,000 m (12:58.39)
07/23/1988 Saskatchewan's Dave Ridgway kicks record 8 field goals vs Edmonton
07/23/1989 FOX-TV tops ABC, NBC & CBS for 1st time (America's Most Wanted)
07/23/1989 Winds gust to 85 MPH at Fort Smith Arkansas
07/23/1990 South-Africa worker's union leader Billy Nair arrested
07/23/1991 James Farentino of Dynasty arrested in Canada for cocaine possession

07/23/1992 Bruce Springsteen begins a world tour
07/23/1992 Emperor Haile Selassie, [Ras Tafari Makonnen] of Ethiopia's funeral
07/23/1993 British Aerospace 147 crash at Yinchuan, 55 killed
07/23/1993 Chinese B737 crash at Yinchuan, at least 66 killed
07/23/1993 Chris Boardman bicycles world record time: 52,270 km
07/23/1994 All 40,000 ceiling tiles in Kingdome must be replaced
07/23/1994 Don Mattingly becomes 5th NY Yankee to hit 2,000 HRs
07/23/1994 Goodwill Games open in St Petersburg
07/23/1994 Longest baseball rain delay (3:39) as Giants beat Mets 4-2 in NYC

Robert Wolfe

Jul 24, 2021, 7:40:23 AM7/24/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


07/24/1380 Johannes van Capestrano, Italian saint
07/24/1686 Benedetto Marcello, composer
07/24/1720 Louise Ulrike, queen of Sweden/wife of Adolf Frederik
07/24/1738 Elizabeth 'Betje' Wolff-Bekker, author/poet (Sara Burgerhart)
07/24/1759 Victor Emanuel I, King of Sardinia (1802-21)
07/24/1775 E Fran‡ois Vidocq, French police officer (police de s–ret‚)
07/24/1783 Sim¢n Bol¡var, freed 6 Latin American republics from Spanish rule
07/24/1796 Herman van Sonsbeeck, lawyer/statesman
07/24/1796 John Middleton Clayton, Delaware, (Sen-Del)/US Sec of State (1849-50

07/24/1798 John Adams Dix, Major General (Union volunteers), died in 1879
07/24/1802 Alexandre Dumas PŠre, France, author (3 Musketeers)
07/24/1802 Ira Aldridge, famous African
07/24/1803 Adolphe Charles Adam, French composer/critic (Si j'‚tait roi)
07/24/1803 Alexander Jackson Davis, US, architect (gothic revivalist)
07/24/1815 Antoine T D'Abbadie, French explorer (Ethiopia)
07/24/1817 Adolf WAKF, grand duke of Luxembourg (1890-1905)
07/24/1818 Felix Godefroid, composer
07/24/1826 Francisco S L¢pez, [Tiran], president of Paraguay (1862-70)
07/24/1827 Julius Adolph de Lagnel, Brig General (Confederate Army), died in 19

07/24/1832 Johann Christoph Lauterbach, violinist
07/24/1841 Raimundo Madrazo y Garretta, painter
07/24/1842 Ambrose Bierce, Ohio, writer (Nuggets & Dust)
07/24/1857 Henrik Pontoppidan, Denmark, writer (Promised Country, Nobel 1971)
07/24/1858 Wolfgang Kapp, German politician (Kapp Putsch 1920)
07/24/1862 Johan A de Sleeve, [Adwaita], philosopher/classical/poet (Brahman)
07/24/1864 B[enjamin] Frank[lin] Wedekind, German writer (Lulu)
07/24/1864 Michel Gaston Carraud, composer
07/24/1867 Frederic Benson, novelist
07/24/1870 Fred Law Olmsted Jr, architect/landscaper
07/24/1878 Lord Dunsany, [Edward JMD Plunkett], Irish sci-fi writer (Time & God

07/24/1880 Ernest Bloch, Geneva Switzerland, composer (MacBeth)
07/24/1884 Abraham Rutgers, Dutch governor (Suriname, 1928-33)
07/24/1886 Junichiro Tanizaki, Japan, writer (Snow Dusting)
07/24/1894 Walter Schulthess, composer
07/24/1895 Robert Graves, England, poet/historical novelist (I, Claudius)
07/24/1896 Hermann Kasack, German writer (Die Stadt hinter dem Strom)
07/24/1897 Elmar Berkovich, Hungarian/Dutch designer (Eindhoven Theatre)
07/24/1897 Karl von Mechow, German writer (Auf Dem Wege, Vorsommer)
07/24/1898 Amelia Earhart, US pilot, into the wild blue yonder
07/24/1898 Frank Mortelmans, Belgian painter
07/24/1900 Zelda Fitzgerald, 1st wife of F Scott
07/24/1902 Hans Chemin-Petit, composer
07/24/1902 Nora Swinburne, England, actress (Quo Vardis, Dinner at Ritz, River)

07/24/1903 Robert Mills Delaney, composer
07/24/1904 James R Killian Jr, MIT pres (1948-59)
07/24/1910 Edward Ford, registrat Order of Merit
07/24/1913 George H Brown, film producer
07/24/1913 Johnny McAfee, Dallas Tx, singer (Sammy Kaye Show)
07/24/1914 Edwin Mirvish, owner (Old Vic)
07/24/1914 Frank Silvera, Kingston Jamaica, actor (High Chaparral)
07/24/1914 Kenneth B Clark, Canal Zone, civil rights activist (Dark Ghetto)
07/24/1914 Riccardo Malipiero, composer
07/24/1915 Frank Thistlethwaite, vice chancellor (University of East Anglia)
07/24/1916 Bob Eberly, Mechanicsville NY, singer (Jimmy Dorsey Band)
07/24/1916 John D MacDonald, novelist (Deep Blue Goodbye)
07/24/1917 Robert Farnon, composer/conductor/arranger
07/24/1917 Simon Slattvik, Norway, cross country ski jumper (Olympic-gold-1952)

07/24/1918 Ruggiero Ricci, SF Calif, composer/violinist (Paganini)
07/24/1920 Alexander H Cohen, NYC, Broadway producer (Beyond the Fringe)
07/24/1920 Bella Abzug, (Rep-D-NY)
07/24/1922 Charles Mathias Jr, (Sen-R-MD, 1969-86)
07/24/1922 Leo Kraft, composer
07/24/1924 David Loram, British vice-admiral (Supreme Allied Commander)
07/24/1924 Glenn Loren Glasow, composer
07/24/1924 Janine Charrat, French ballerina/choreographer
07/24/1924 Lord Digby, lord-lt for Dorset
07/24/1925 Ignacio Aldecoa, Spanish writer (Gran Sol, Caballo the Pica)
07/24/1926 Hans-G nther Winkler, Germany, equestrian jumper (Olympic-gold-1956)

07/24/1926 James Hele, high master (St Paul's School)
07/24/1927 James J Howard, (Rep-D-NJ, 1965- )
07/24/1927 Wilfred Josephs, composer
07/24/1929 Peter Yates, director (Breaking Away, Bullitt)
07/24/1930 Charles Hambro, CEO (Hambros)
07/24/1930 Jacqueline Brookes, Montclair NJ, actress (Nora-Jack & Mike)
07/24/1932 William D Ruckelshaus, headed Environmental Protection Agency
07/24/1934 Jimmy Holiday, US singer (How Can I Forget)
07/24/1934 Thomas Ambler, CEO (Texaco)
07/24/1934 Willie Davis, NFL defensive end (Cleveland Browns, Green Bay)
07/24/1935 Les Reed, songwriter
07/24/1935 Pat Oliphant, cartoonist
07/24/1935 Trevor Chinn, CEO (Lex)
07/24/1936 Mark Goddard, Lowell Mass, actor (Don West-Lost in Space)
07/24/1936 Ruth Buzzi, Westerly RI, comedienne (Laugh-In, Margie-That Girl)
07/24/1937 Baroness Blatch, British minister of state for Education
07/24/1937 Barry Lloyd Vercoe, composer
07/24/1937 Quinlan Terry, architect
07/24/1938 Colin Southgate, CEO (Thorn EMI)
07/24/1939 Barry [Norman] Malzberg, sci-fi author (Revelations, Beyond Apollo)
07/24/1939 Bob Lilly, NFL defensive tackle (Dallas Cowboys)
07/24/1939 Walter Bellamy, New Bern NC, NBA center (knicks/(Olympic-gold-1960)
07/24/1940 Carroll A Campbell Jr, (Rep-R-SC, 1979-86)
07/24/1942 Chris Sarandon, US, actor (Child's Play, Dog Day Afternoon, Lipstick

07/24/1943 Henk Vos, chemical analyst/Dutch politician (PvdA) 2nd Chamber
07/24/1943 Lyudmila Bragina, USSR, 1500m runner (Olympic-gold-1972)
07/24/1944 Barbara Thompson, jazz musician/composer/bandleader
07/24/1947 M Jacques Fouroux, rugby player
07/24/1947 Michael Coveney, drama critic
07/24/1947 Neil McIntosh, CEO (VSO, Center for British Teaching)
07/24/1947 Peter Serkin, NYC, pianist (Tashi)
07/24/1947 Robert Hays, Bethesda Md, actor (Airplane!, Starman, Scandalous)
07/24/1947 Zaheer Abbas, Pakistani cricketer
07/24/1949 Marjanne Sint, president (PvdA)
07/24/1949 Michael Richards, LA Calif, comedian (Fridays, Kramer-Seinfeld)
07/24/1950 Sam Behrens, actor (General Hospital, LA Law)
07/24/1951 Chris Smith, Labour MP
07/24/1951 Lynda Carter, Phoenix Az, Miss USA (1973)/actress (Wonder Woman)
07/24/1952 Vin Weber, (Rep-R-MN, 1981- )
07/24/1953 Jon Faddis, jazz trumpeter
07/24/1953 Julian Brazier, MP
07/24/1953 Steve Grogan, NFL QB (New England Patriots)
07/24/1954 Philippe Alliot, race driver (grand prix)
07/24/1955 Lubov Odinokova, USSR, team handball (Olympic-gold-1976, 80)
07/24/1957 Dorothy Mays, playmate (Jul, 1979)
07/24/1957 Pam Tillis, Plant City Fla, country singer (Melancholy Child)
07/24/1959 Edward Liddie, Union Ga, Judo fighter (Olympic-bronze-1984)
07/24/1963 Julie Krone, Benton Harbor Mich, jockey (1st female to win Belmont-9

07/24/1963 Kadeem Hardison, actor (Dwayne-Different World)
07/24/1963 Karl Malone, LA, US basketball player (Utah Jazz/Olympic-gold-92)
07/24/1963 Paul Geary, Boston Mass, heavy metal drummer (Extreme-More Than Word

07/24/1967 Jasper Teule, rock singer/bassist (Pilgrims-Once to Everything)
07/24/1968 John P Navin Jr, Phila, actor (Joey Elliot-Jennifer Slept Here)
07/24/1970 Stephane Adams, NJ, playmate (Nov, 1992)
07/24/1976 Anita Nall, US, breaststroke swimmer (Olympics-gold-1992)
07/24/1990 Evan James Springsteen, LA Calif, rocker Bruce Springsteen's son


07/24/1345 Jacob van Artevelde, statesman, murdered
07/24/1652 Johann Weichmann, composer, dies at 32
07/24/1704 Istv n Gy”ngy”si, Hungarian poet (Janos Kem‚ny), dies in battle
07/24/1712 Cornelis earl of Nassau, general-major/mister of Woudenberg, dies
07/24/1739 Benedetto Marcello, composer, dies on 53rd birthday
07/24/1756 George Vertue, engraver, dies
07/24/1758 John Dyer, poet, dies
07/24/1809 Johann Gottfried Eckard, composer, dies at 74
07/24/1812 Joseph Schuster, composer, dies at 63
07/24/1819 Sophie Gail, composer, dies at 43
07/24/1826 Jacob Kimball, composer, dies at 65
07/24/1831 Maria Agata Szymanowska, composer, dies at 41
07/24/1837 Charles Hodges, English/Dutch portrait painter
07/24/1842 John Sell Cotman, landscape painter, dies
07/24/1846 Joseph Leopold Eybler, Austrian composer/choir master, dies at 81
07/24/1846 Louis Napoleon, French king of the Netherlands (1806-10), dies at 67

07/24/1862 Martin Van Buren, 8th pres (1837-41), dies in Kinderhook NY at 80
07/24/1865 Johan Filip von Schantz, composer, dies at 30
07/24/1868 George Cattermole, painter/illustrator, dies
07/24/1876 Thomas Molleson Mudie, composer, dies at 66
07/24/1883 Matthew Webb, English Channel swimmer, dies
07/24/1900 Ferdinand Hamet, Dutch missionary in Mongolia, murdered at 59
07/24/1931 Marie WF Treub, Dutch economist/minister of finance, dies
07/24/1933 Max von Schillings, composer, dies at 65
07/24/1936 James Philip Dunn, composer, dies at 52
07/24/1944 Jan Postma, leader of illegal Dutch political party (CPN), executed
07/24/1947 Ernest Austin, composer, dies at 72
07/24/1950 Robert W Lehnhoff, [Executioner of Groningen], SS f hrer, executed
07/24/1954 Mary Church Terrell, educator/civil rights leader, dies at 90
07/24/1957 Sacha Guitry, actor/playwright/director (Lovers & Thieves), dies
07/24/1960 Carl Deis, composer, dies at 77
07/24/1960 Hans Albers, German actor (Blue Angel), dies
07/24/1964 Erwin F Finlay-Freundlich, British astronomer, dies
07/24/1965 Constance Bennett, actress (Madame X, Topper), dies at 59
07/24/1966 Montgomery Cliff, actor (From Here to Eternity), dies at 45
07/24/1966 Tony Lema, US golfer, dies at 32
07/24/1969 Witold Gombrowicz, Polish author (Ferdydurke, Dziennik), dies at 64
07/24/1971 Alan Rawsthorne, composer, dies at 66
07/24/1972 Bobby Ramirez, drummer (White Trash), killed at 23 in bar brawl
07/24/1974 Chris Chubbock, newscaster shoots self on air
07/24/1974 James Chadwick, physicist, dies
07/24/1979 Archie Duncan, actor (Sherlock Holmes), dies at 65
07/24/1980 Peter Sellers, actor (Pink Panther, Mouse that Roared), dies at 54
07/24/1986 Fritz A Lipman, discoverer (co-enzymes, Nobel 1953), dies at 87
07/24/1991 Isaac B Singer, Polish/US writer (Yentl, Nobel 1978), dies at 87
07/24/1992 Khaled Mahmoud Saeed, asst to Palestine terrorist Abu Nidal, murdere

07/24/1992 Lillian Oppenheimer, orgamist, dies at 93 of a heart attack
07/24/1993 Ben[jamin S] Polak, Dutch physician/resistance fighter, dies
07/24/1993 Francis Bouygues, French entrepreneur/billionaire, dies at 70

Significant Events:

07/24/1534 Jacques Cartier, lands in Canada, claims it for France
07/24/1554 Queen Maria of England marries Philip, king of Naples/Jerusalem
07/24/1567 James VI ascends to Scottish throne
07/24/1577 Spanish army/German mercenaries conquer Names
07/24/1577 Treason of Don Juan in Brussels
07/24/1581 States of Holland/Zealand recognized by Willem van Orange
07/24/1651 Anthony Johnson, a free black, receives grant of 250 acres in Va
07/24/1673 Edmund Halley enters Queen's College, Oxford, as an undergraduate
07/24/1683 1st settlers from Germany to US, leave aboard Concord
07/24/1692 French defeat William III of England at Steinkirk (Enghein)
07/24/1701 Fort Pontchartrain (Detroit) founded by Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac

07/24/1704 British Admiral Georg‚ Rooke takes Gibralter from Spain
07/24/1712 Battle at Denain: France under Villars beat Dutch army
07/24/1758 George Washington admitted to Virginia House of Burgess
07/24/1783 Georgia becomes a protectorate of tsarist Russia
07/24/1799 William Clark (of Lewis & Clark) is willed the slave York
07/24/1833 HMS Beagle departs Maldonado Uruguay
07/24/1847 Brigham Young & his Mormon followers arrive at Salt Lake City, UT
07/24/1847 Rotary-type printing press patented by Richard March Hoe, NYC
07/24/1851 Window tax abolished in Britain
07/24/1861 Skirmish at Taylor Mountain, (W)VA - CS Gen Wise retreats.
07/24/1863 Battle at Battle Mountain, Virginia
07/24/1864 Battle of Winchester, VA US1200 CS600
07/24/1866 Tennessee becomes 1st Confederate state readmitted to Union
07/24/1870 1st trans-US rail service begins
07/24/1877 1st time federal troops are used to combat strikers
07/24/1883 Arabi Pasha declares a holy war in Egypt
07/24/1900 Race riot in New Orleans, 2 white policemen killed
07/24/1905 Treaty of Bj”rk”: Emperor Wilhelm II/czar Nicolaas II
07/24/1915 Excursion ship Eastland capsizes in Lake Michigan, 852 die
07/24/1919 Race Riot in Washington DC (6 killed, 100 wounded)
07/24/1921 Belgium's L‚on Scieur wins Tour de France
07/24/1923 Allied Powers & Turkey sign peace treaty, Lausanne
07/24/1925 Scopes guilty of teaching evolution in a Tn HS, fined $100 & costs
07/24/1929 NY to SF footrace ends (2« months) winner was 60 year old Monteverde

07/24/1929 Pres Hoover proclaims Kellogg-Briand Pact which renounces war
07/24/1931 Paavo Nurmi runs world record 2 mile (8:59.6)
07/24/1934 1st ptarmigan hatched & reared in captivity, Ithaca, NY
07/24/1935 1st greeting telegram sent in Britain
07/24/1936 118ø F (48ø C), Minden, Nebraska (state record)
07/24/1936 121ø F (49ø C), near Alton, Kansas (state record)
07/24/1936 Gen Mola & Cabanellas form Spanish anti-govt
07/24/1937 Alabama drops charges against 5 blacks accused of rape in Scottsboro

07/24/1940 1st illegal 'Newsletter of Pieter It Hen' published un Neth
07/24/1940 Linthorst Homan, de Quay & Einthoven forms Dutch Union
07/24/1943 RAF bombs Hamburg (20,000 dead)
07/24/1944 300 allied airplanes explode grenades in Normandy
07/24/1944 Soviet forces liberate concentration camp Majdanek
07/24/1944 US troops land on Tinian
07/24/1945 US destroyer Underhill torpedoes Guam
07/24/1946 9 Spokane baseball players (Western League), die in a bus crash
07/24/1948 4 Duluth Minn Dukes (St Louis Cards Class C farm team) die in crash
07/24/1948 Soviets blockades Berlin from west
07/24/1950 V-2/WAC Corporal rocket launch; 1st launch from Cape Canaveral
07/24/1952 112øF (44øC), Louisville, Georgia (state record)
07/24/1952 Emile Zatopek runs Olympic record 5K (14:06.6)
07/24/1952 Pres Truman settles 53-day steel strike
07/24/1953 KEYT TV channel 3 in Santa Barbara, CA (ABC) begins broadcasting
07/24/1955 Ali Sastroamidjojo of Govt resigns in Indonesia
07/24/1957 KTVC TV channel 6 in Ensign, KS (CBS) begins broadcasting
07/24/1958 14 people named 1st life peers in UK
07/24/1959 500,000th Dutch TV set registered
07/24/1959 VP Nixon argues with Khrushchev, known as 'Kitchen Debate'
07/24/1960 Jay Hebert wins PGA golf tournament
07/24/1961 Beginning of a trend, a US commercial plane is hijacked to Cuba
07/24/1961 Edwin Newman becomes news anchor of Today Show
07/24/1963 124 Unification church couples wed in Korea
07/24/1963 Dutch govt of Marijnen forms
07/24/1963 Sonny Liston KOs Floyd Patterson to retain heavyweight championship
07/24/1964 -27) race riot in Rochester, New York, 4 killed
07/24/1965 Bob Dylan release 'Like a Rolling Stone'
07/24/1965 Casey Stengel resigns as manager of NY Mets
07/24/1966 Al Geiberger wins PGA golf tournament
07/24/1967 Beatles sign a petition in Times to legalize marijuana
07/24/1967 Charles de Gaulle says 'Vive le Qu‚bec libre! Long live free Quebec!

07/24/1967 Chinese army/air force/fleet repress uprising in Wuhan City
07/24/1967 Don January wins PGA golf tournament
07/24/1967 Norway requests European Common Market membership
07/24/1967 Race riot in Cambridge Maryland
07/24/1969 Apollo 11 returns to Earth
07/24/1969 Hoyt Wilhelm pitches in a record 907th major league game
07/24/1969 Muhammad Ali is convicted for refusing induction in US Army on appea

07/24/1971 WUHQ TV channel 41 in Battle Creek, MI (ABC) begins broadcasting
07/24/1972 Jigme Singye Wangchuk becomes king of Bhutan at 16
07/24/1973 NL beats AL 7-1 in 44th All Star Game (Royals Stadium, KC)
07/24/1973 Sue Berning wins US golf open for 3rd time
07/24/1974 Supreme Court unanimously rules Nixon must turn over Watergate tapes

07/24/1975 Apollo 18 returns to Earth
07/24/1978 'Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band' premeirs in NYC
07/24/1979 Pres Carter names Paul Volcker, pres of Federal Reserves
07/24/1979 Red Sox Carl Yastrzemski hits his 400th HR
07/24/1981 Mohammed Ali Rajai elected president of Iran
07/24/1982 E Bowell discovers asteroid #2763 Jeans
07/24/1982 KHJ (LA) & KFRC (SF) become 2nd & 3rd stereo AM stations
07/24/1983 Laurent Fignon wins Tour de France
07/24/1983 Pine Tar Game, Brett's HR disallowed against Yanks (overturned)
07/24/1984 Seve Ballesteros wins British Open
07/24/1985 Gandhi signs peace contract with Sikh leader Harchand Singh Longowai

07/24/1986 SF Federal jury convicts navy radioman Jerry Whitworth of espionage
07/24/1987 IBM-PC DOS Version 3.3 (updated) released
07/24/1988 US & Jamacia play scoreless tie, in 2nd round of 1990 world soccer c

07/24/1990 Ms. Magazine hits newstands again after an 8 month haitus
07/24/1992 Faye Vincent reinstates Yankee owner George Steinbrenner (eff 3/1/93

07/24/1992 Vickers Viscount crashes, 70 die
07/24/1993 Met Vince Coleman injures 3 when he throws cherry bomb at Dodger fan

07/24/1993 NY Met Anthony Young loses record 27th straight

Robert Wolfe

Jul 25, 2021, 7:40:12 AM7/25/21
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Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


07/25/ 975 Thietmar, bishop of Merseburg, German chronicler
07/25/1109 Afonso I, the Conqueror, king of Portugal (1143-85)
07/25/1404 Philips van Saint-Pol, Duke of Brabant
07/25/1517 Jacques Peletier (du Mans), French poet
07/25/1575 Christoph Scheiner, Germany, astronomer
07/25/1579 Valerius Otto, composer
07/25/1626 Geeraerdt Burns, theologist/poet/historian
07/25/1654 Agostino Steffani, composer
07/25/1657 Philipp Heinrich Erlebach, composer
07/25/1683 Pieter Langend˜k, painter/etcher/playwright (Wiskunstenaars)
07/25/1691 Alessandro Galilei, Italian architect (Cappella Corsini)
07/25/1715 Immanuel J Pyra, German poet (Temple of Wahren Dichtkunst)
07/25/1761 Charlotte von Kalb, German writer
07/25/1772 Gottlob Benedikt Bierey, composer
07/25/1775 Anna Symmes Harrison, Ohio, 9th 1st lady (1841)
07/25/1778 Heinrich Gebhard, composer
07/25/1780 Christian Theodor Weinlig, composer
07/25/1786 Giacomo Cordella, composer
07/25/1800 Heinrich R G”ppert, German paleo-botanist
07/25/1804 Carlo Boncompagni di Mombello, Italian minister of Education
07/25/1816 Christian B Freiherr von Tauchnitz, German publisher (T Edition)
07/25/1822 Schuyler Hamilton, Major General (Union volunteers), died in 1903
07/25/1824 Richard James Oglesby, Union (Union volunteers), died in 1899
07/25/1832 Simon Hassler, composer
07/25/1840 Flora Adams Darling, founded Daughters of American Revolution
07/25/1848 Arthur Earl Balfour, (C), British PM (1902-05) (Balfour Declaration)

07/25/1855 Edward Solomon, composer
07/25/1865 Jac[obus] P Th˜sse, biologist (Contact with Plants
07/25/1866 Frederick F Blackman, English botanist
07/25/1867 Max Dauthendy, German painter/author (That ewige Hochzeit)
07/25/1870 John D Domela Nieuwenhuis Nyegaard, vicar (Young Flanders)
07/25/1876 Gabri‰lla V M Elisabeth, Queen of Belgium
07/25/1883 Alfredo Casella, Turin Italy, composer (La Giara)
07/25/1884 Davidson Black, Canada, doctor of anatomy (identified Peking Man)
07/25/1885 Benito Lynch, Irish/Argentine writer (Apart caranchos de la Florida)

07/25/1896 Richard N Gale, English general/paracommandant (Normandy)
07/25/1897 Hermann Ambrosius, composer
07/25/1899 Ralph Dumke, Indiana, actor (Movieland Quiz)
07/25/1901 Walter Breedveld/Reinier de Muntel, writer (Een ship vergaat)
07/25/1902 Eric Hoffer, longshoreman/author (True Believer)
07/25/1903 Andre Fleury, composer
07/25/1905 Elias Canetti, Bulgarian/British novelist (Life-Terms, Nobel 1981)
07/25/1907 Jack Gilford, NYC, actor (Save the Tiger, Cocoon, Arthur 2)
07/25/1907 Karl Holler, composer
07/25/1916 Ko van D˜k Jr, Dutch actor (Zaak M P)
07/25/1918 Nan Grey, [Eschal Miller], actress (3 Grief Girl, Dracula's Daughter

07/25/1924 Estelle Getty, NYC, actress (Sophia Petrillo-Golden Girls)
07/25/1924 Frank Church, (Sen-D-Id, 1957-81)
07/25/1925 Jerry Paris, SF Calif, director/actor (Jerry-Dick Van Dyke Show)
07/25/1926 Teodor Grigoriu, composer
07/25/1927 Midge Decter, St Paul Minn, anti woman's lib (Liberated Woman...)
07/25/1930 Maureen Forrester, Montreal Canada, contralto (Ressurection Symphony

07/25/1931 Cornelis P Van Dyke, CDA-minister Ontwikkelingssam/Internal minister

07/25/1932 Gibson N Kente, composer
07/25/1932 Paul J Weitz, Erie Pennsylvania, astronaut (Skylab 2, STS 6)
07/25/1935 Adnan Khashoggi, Saudi businessman/billionaire/arms dealer
07/25/1935 Barbara Harris, actress (Plaza Suite, Family Plot)
07/25/1935 Laurent Terzieff, Paris France, actor (Pharoah-Moses the Law Giver)
07/25/1939 Richard Akre Trythall, composer
07/25/1940 John Pennel, pole vaulter (James E Sullivan Award-1963)
07/25/1941 Nate Thurmond, NBA star (Cleveland Cavaliers)
07/25/1943 Janet Margolin, NYC, actress (Take the Money & Run, David & Lisa)
07/25/1943 Jim McCarty, rocker (Yardbirds-For Your Love)
07/25/1944 Helga I 'Mijanou' van Baarzel, actress (Klaverweide-Alicia)
07/25/1945 Donna Theodore, Broadway singer (Hollywood Talent Scouts)
07/25/1948 Brian M[ichael] Stableford, UK, sci-fi author (Day of Wrath)
07/25/1948 Steve Goodman, Chicago, singer/songwriter (Somebody Elses Trouble)
07/25/1950 Mark Clarke, rocker (Uriah Heep)
07/25/1951 Vanessa, [Conny Witteman], Dutch model/singer
07/25/1951 Verdine White, US bassist (Earth, Wind & Fire)
07/25/1952 'Gorgeous' Jimmy Garvin, [Williams], NWA/WCW/AWA wrestler
07/25/1954 Ken Greer, rocker (Red Rider)
07/25/1954 Lynn Frederick, Middlesex England, actress (Schizophrenia)
07/25/1954 Walter Payton, NFL running back (Chicago Bears)
07/25/1955 Bantubonke Holomisa, minister of Defense of Transkei (1988- )
07/25/1956 Iman, model/aka Mrs David Bowie/actress (Star Trek VI)
07/25/1957 Bogdan Musiol, German DR, bobsled (Olympic-bronze-1980)
07/25/1957 Daniel W Bursch, Bristol PA, Lt Cmdr USN/Astronaut (Sk:STS 51)
07/25/1958 Henk Wanders, bassist (Frank Boe˜en Group)
07/25/1958 Thurston Moore, US guitarist/songwriter (Sonic Youth)
07/25/1961 Katherine Kelly Lang, LA Calif, actress (Brooke-Bold & Beautiful)
07/25/1965 Marty Brown, Owensboro Ky, country singer (Wildest Dreams)
07/25/1966 Elke Jeinsen, Hanover, Germany, playmate (May, 1993)
07/25/1967 Dave Jareckie, Mexico City Mexico, US biathelete (Olympics-1994)
07/25/1969 Angela Melini, Saigon, Vietnam, playmate (Jun, 1992)
07/25/1970 Nicholas CEJ Windsor, under English prince Edward, duke of Knows
07/25/1975 Jay R Ferguson Jr, Dallas Tx, actor (Taylor Newton-Evening Shade)
07/25/1978 Louise Brown, Oldham England, world's 1st 'test tube baby'


07/25/ 306 Gaius Flavius V Constantius, under-emperor of Rome 297-306, dies
07/25/1471 John Soreth, French general, dies
07/25/1492 Innocent VII, [Giovanni B Cibo], Italian Pope (1484-92), dies
07/25/1564 Ferdinand I, German Emperor, dies at 61
07/25/1580 Baltazar Alvarez, Spanish jesuit/writer, dies at 47
07/25/1593 Steven Haghen, navigator/governor of Ambon (1617-18), dies at 61
07/25/1616 Andreas Libavius, German alchemist, dies
07/25/1675 Nicolas Saboly, composer, dies at 61
07/25/1721 Geleyn Evertsen, lt-admiral of Zealand, dies at 66
07/25/1759 Johann C Altnikol, German organist/klavecinist/composer, dies at 39
07/25/1759 Theodoor Verhaegen, Flemish sculptor, dies
07/25/1794 Andr‚-Marie Ch‚nier, French poet (Avis aux Fran‡ais sur leurs), dies

07/25/1804 William Forsyth, English gardening expert (Forsythia), dies
07/25/1814 Charles Dibdin, composer, dies at 69
07/25/1826 Pavel I Pestel, Russian officer, hanged at 34
07/25/1853 Joaquin Murietta, Chilian/Us military man, murdered
07/25/1857 Joseph Napoleon Ney Moskova, composer, dies at 54
07/25/1866 Aloys Schmitt, German music theory/composer/royal pianist, dies
07/25/1896 Richard Gale, English general/para-commandant (Normandy), dies
07/25/1911 Filippo Capocci, composer, dies at 71
07/25/1918 Carlos Guido y Spano, Arg poet (Mexico, canto ‚pico), dies
07/25/1922 Jarolslaw Zielinski, composer, dies at 75
07/25/1927 Matilde Serao, [Tuffolina], Italian writer (Land of Cockayne), dies
07/25/1932 Cyriel Buysse, Flemish baron/writer (It Bolleken), dies [or 1936]
07/25/1934 Engelbert Dollfuss, Austrian chancellor assassinated by nazis
07/25/1944 Lesley J McNair, US lt-general, killed by US bomb at St-L“
07/25/1946 Narziss Oh, German psychology, dies
07/25/1952 Herbert Murrill, composer, dies at 43
07/25/1955 Ilmari Hannikainen, composer, dies at 62
07/25/1955 Isaak Iosifovich Dunayevsky, composer, dies at 55
07/25/1958 'Sensational' Sherri Martel, woman's wrestling champ (WWF)
07/25/1958 Harry Warner, US movie pionier (Warner Bros), dies at 81
07/25/1959 Isaac Halevi Herzog, chief rabbi of Israel (1936-59), dies at 71
07/25/1961 J H F Gr”nloh, [Nescio], author (Above the Vale), dies at 80
07/25/1966 Montgomery Clift, movie actor (From Here to Eternity), dies
07/25/1969 Douglas Stuart Moore, composer, dies at 75
07/25/1971 Leroy Robertson, composer, dies at 74
07/25/1981 Ian Martin, actor (Uncle Bill-O'Neills), dies at 69
07/25/1982 Beene Dubbelboer, writer (Turfgasgenerator), dies at 76
07/25/1983 Jerome Moross, composer, dies at 69
07/25/1986 Theodore H 'Ted' Lyons, pitcher (Chic White Sox), dies at 85
07/25/1986 Vincente Minnelli, movie director, dies in LA at 76
07/25/1987 Malcolm Baldrige, Secretary of Commerce, dies of internal injuries
07/25/1991 Kaganovitch, Russian minister of Transport for Stalin, dies
07/25/1992 Alfred Drake, Broadway actor (Oklahoma), dies at 77 of heart failure

07/25/1993 Nan Grey, [Eschal Miller], actress (Invisible Man Returns), dies at

Significant Events:

07/25/ 841 Battle at Fontenay: Louis & Charles beat their brother Lotharius I
07/25/1139 Count Alfonso I of Portugal becomes king
07/25/1261 Emperor Michael VIII of Byzantium recaptures Constantinople
07/25/1360 Jews are expelled from Breslau Silesia
07/25/1521 About 300 heretics burned in Vr˜dagmarkt Gent
07/25/1585 Amsterdam bans 45 roman catholics
07/25/1593 France's Protestant King Henri IV converts to Roman Catholic
07/25/1670 Austrian Emperor Leopold I expels 4,000 Jews from Vienna
07/25/1670 Don Juan Domingo Zu¤iga y Fonseca becomes gov-gen of Southern Neth
07/25/1729 North Carolina becomes royal colony
07/25/1759 British capture Fort Niagara from French (7 Years' War)
07/25/1775 Maryland issues currency depicting George III trampling Magna Carta
07/25/1792 Dutch patriots exiles finds 'Bataafs Legion'
07/25/1799 French-Egyptian forces under Napolean I beat Turks at Battle of Abuk

07/25/1814 Battle of Niagara Falls (Lundy's Lane); Americans defeat British
07/25/1822 Gen Agust¡n de Iturbide crowned Agust¡n I, 1st emperor of M‚xico
07/25/1832 1st railroad accident in US, Granite Railway, Quincy, Mass-1 dies
07/25/1835 Ibrahim Pasha's army attacks Jewish settlers of Hebron Palestine
07/25/1848 1st battle at Custozza: Austrians under Radetzky beat Italian
07/25/1850 Gold discovered in Oregon (Rogue River)
07/25/1860 1st US intercollegiate billard match (Harvard vs Yales)
07/25/1863 Skirmish at Barbee's Crossroads, Virginia
07/25/1866 David Faragut appointed as 1st admiral of US Navy
07/25/1866 US Grant named 1st general of Army
07/25/1868 US Congress forms Wyoming Territory (Dakota, Utah & Idaho)
07/25/1871 Carrousel patented by Wilhelm Schneider, Davenport, Iowa
07/25/1898 1st US troops land & occupy Puerto Rice, at Guanica Bay
07/25/1902 Heavyweight James J Jeffries KOs Bob Fitzsimmons
07/25/1903 Castle on top of Telegraph Hill closes
07/25/1909 France's Louis Bl‚riot, makes 1st airplane flight across Engl Channe

07/25/1912 Comoros proclaimed a French colonies
07/25/1913 Carl Weilman strikes out 6 times in a 15 inning game
07/25/1913 Pirates Max Carey goes hitless, but scores 5 runs against Phillies
07/25/1914 Germany soc-democrat 'No German blood for Austrian tyrant'
07/25/1916 Explosion at Lake Erie & Cleveland Waterworks
07/25/1918 Annette Adams sworn in as 1st woman district attorney of US, Calif
07/25/1918 Race riot in Chester Pennsylvania (3 blacks & 2 whites killed)
07/25/1920 Red Sox turn triple-play, but Ruth's 35th HR leads Yanks to 8-2 win
07/25/1922 AT&T begins broadcasting on WBAY (NYC-later WEAF, WNBC, WRCA & WFAN)

07/25/1923 German mark devalued to 600,000 Dmark=$1
07/25/1930 Phila Athletics triple steal in 1st & 4th innings vs Cleveland
07/25/1933 1st Dutch live radio concert: Duke Ellington
07/25/1934 Failed nazi coup in Austria
07/25/1935 C Jackson discovers asteroid #1641 Tana
07/25/1936 115 acre Orchard Beach opens in the Bronx
07/25/1936 G Neujmin discovers asteroid #3761
07/25/1938 Jewish artsens not allowed in Germany
07/25/1938 Revolutionary offensive of Ebro Spain (Hollander Piet)
07/25/1939 5th Dutch govt of Colijn, forms
07/25/1939 NY Yankee Atley Donald sets AL rookie record with 12 consecutive win

07/25/1940 John Sigmund begins swimming for 89 hrs 46 mins in the Mississippi R

07/25/1941 FDR bans selling benzine/gasoline to Japan
07/25/1941 Red Sox Lefty Grove becomes 12th to win 300 games (his last victory)

07/25/1942 German troops strike at Tsym Lyanskaja
07/25/1943 1st warship named for a Black person, SS Leonard Roy Harmon, launche

07/25/1943 Benito Mussolini dismissed as premier of Italy during WW II
07/25/1943 Opposition group Zwaantje forms in Delfzijl
07/25/1943 RAF bombs Fokker airplane factory in Amsterdam
07/25/1944 1st jet fighter used in combat (Messerschmitt 262)
07/25/1944 Allied jailbreak at St-L“ (behind German lines)
07/25/1944 US troop march into Guam
07/25/1944 USAF kills 136, wounds 621 GI's at St-L“
07/25/1946 1st bikini is shown at a Paris fashion show
07/25/1946 US detonates underwater A-bomb at Bikini (5th atomic explosion)
07/25/1947 US Air Force, Navy & War Dept form US Dept of Defense
07/25/1947 US Deptartment of Army created
07/25/1949 St Louis Cardinal Stan Musial hits for thew cycle beating Bkln 14-1
07/25/1951 L Boyer discovers asteroid #1714 Sy
07/25/1952 Commonwealth of Puerto Rico created (Constitution Day)
07/25/1952 Goethe Link Observatory discovers asteroid #1788 Kiess
07/25/1952 Puerto Rico's constitution goes into effect
07/25/1953 NYC transit fare rises from 10› to 15›, 1st use of subway tokens
07/25/1956 Andria Doria collided with MS Stockholm & sank. (7/26?)
07/25/1956 Italian liner Andrea Doria sank after colliding with the Stockholm
07/25/1956 Jack Burke wins PGA golf tournament
07/25/1956 Jordan attacks UN Palestine force
07/25/1956 Passenger ship Stockholm rams Andrea Doria at Nantucket Island
07/25/1957 Monarchy in Tunisa abolished in favor of a republic
07/25/1960 Company Industrielle et ForestŠre (Indufor) forms in Brussels
07/25/1960 US Republicans convention nominate Nixon as presidential candidate
07/25/1961 Maris hits home runs 37, 38, 39 & 40 in a double header
07/25/1963 Belgian Senate accept Law on language regulations
07/25/1963 US, Russia & England sign nuclear test ban treaty
07/25/1964 Beatles' 'Hard Day's Night, A,' album goes #1 & stays #1 for 14 week

07/25/1964 Race riot in Rochester NY
07/25/1965 Folk-rock begins, Dylan uses electricity at Newport Folk Festival
07/25/1966 Mao Tse Tung swims Yangtse River
07/25/1966 Supremes release 'You Can't Hurry Love'
07/25/1966 Yankee manager Casey Stengel elected to Hall of Fame
07/25/1967 Construction begins on SF MUNI METRO (Market Street subway)
07/25/1968 H Wroblewski discovers asteroid #1993 Guacolda
07/25/1968 Pope Paul VI encyclical On regulation of birth
07/25/1969 70,000 attend Seattle Pop Festival
07/25/1972 NL beats AL 4-3 in 43rd All Star Game (Fulton County Stad, Atlanta)
07/25/1972 US health officials concede blacks were used as guinea pigs in
07/25/1972 40 year syphillis experiment
07/25/1973 George Harrison pays œ1,000,000 tax on his Bangladesh concert & albu

07/25/1973 USSR launches Mars 5
07/25/1974 T Smirnova discovers asteroid #2345 Fucik
07/25/1975 'A Chorus Line,' longest-running Broadway show (6,137), premieres
07/25/1978 Bob Lemon replaces Billy Martin as Yankee manager
07/25/1978 Cin Red Pete Rose sets NL record hitting in 38 consecutive games
07/25/1979 109 cm rainfall at Alvin Texas (state record)
07/25/1980 Train crash at Winsum, 9 die
07/25/1981 Voyager 2 encounters Saturn
07/25/1983 1st nonhuman primate (baboon) conceived in a lab dish, San Antonio
07/25/1983 Washington Public Power Supply System defaulted $2.25 billion
07/25/1984 Cosmonaut Svetlana Savitskaya became 1st woman to walk in space
07/25/1985 Spokeswoman for Rock Hudson confirmed he had AIDS
07/25/1985 Steve Cram runs world record 1 mile (3:46.32)
07/25/1985 Uganda suspends constitution following coup
07/25/1986 Sikhs extremist kill 16 hindus in Muhktsar India
07/25/1987 Sherri Martel beats Fabulous Moolah for WWF Woman's Championship Bel

07/25/1987 USSR launches Kosmos 1870, 15-ton Earth-study satellite
07/25/1988 Pedro Delgado wins Tour de France
07/25/1990 KC Royal George Brett hits for the cycle
07/25/1990 Nadezhda Ryashkina of USSR sets 10K walk woman's record (41:56.23)
07/25/1990 Roseanne Barr sings National Anthem at San Diego Padre game
07/25/1990 US Ambassador tells Iraq, US won't take sides in Iraq-Kuwait dispute

07/25/1991 Howard Stern adds a 4th radio market (KLSX FM-Los Angeles)
07/25/1992 25th Olympic Summer games opens in Barcelona, Spain
07/25/1993 Israeli offensive against terrorist bases in South Lebanon
07/25/1993 Miguel Indurain wins his 3rd Tour de France
07/25/1994 Comet Shoemaker-Levy should collide with Jupiter

Robert Wolfe

Jul 26, 2021, 7:40:13 AM7/26/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


07/26/1467 Ferdinand II, King of Naples
07/26/1694 Johann Samuel Endler, composer
07/26/1739 George Clinton, NY, (D-R) 4th VP (1805-12)
07/26/1782 John Field, Irish pianist/composer (Nocturnes)
07/26/1791 Franz Xaver Wolfgang Mozart, composer
07/26/1796 George Catlin, US, author/painter (American Indian scenes)
07/26/1799 Isaac Babbitt, invented babbitt's metal for bearings
07/26/1801 Ret Major General John Drake Sloat, Comm (Union Navy), died in 1867
07/26/1805 Constantine Brumidi, artist (Myrtle Murdock)
07/26/1820 John Marshall Jones, Brig General (Confederate Army), died in 1864
07/26/1829 August Beernaert, Belgian premier (1884-94) (Nobel-1909)
07/26/1856 George Bernard Shaw, Dublin Ire, dramatist (Pygmalion-Nobel 1925)
07/26/1860 Philippe J Bunau-Varilla, French engineer (Colombia-Panama)
07/26/1863 Jazeps Vitols, composer
07/26/1865 Philipp Scheidemann, German Parliament (SPD)/mayor of Kassel
07/26/1866 Francesco Cilea, composer
07/26/1872 George Louis Beer, historian (authority on British colonies)
07/26/1874 Serge Koussevitzky, Vishny-Volotchok, Russia conductor (Boston Symp)

07/26/1875 Carl Gustav Jung, Switzerland, Dr (founded analytic psychology)
07/26/1876 Ernest Schelling, Belvidere NJ, composer/conductor (Victory Ball)
07/26/1877 Hubert Ahaus, missionary (Harvest Fields)
07/26/1881 Alexander J Kropholler, architect
07/26/1891 Jacques Pirenne, Belgian historian
07/26/1892 Philipp Jarnach, composer
07/26/1893 George Grosz, German painter (Gott mit uns)
07/26/1894 Aldous L Huxley, England, author (Brave New World)
07/26/1894 Ludovicus J Rogier, historian (Henric van Veldeken)
07/26/1895 Robert Graves, English writer/poet (I Claudius) [or 6/26]
07/26/1896 Charles Butterworth, US, lawyer/actor (Mad Genius)
07/26/1897 Paul Gallico, US author
07/26/1899 Carel C van Essen, archaeologist (Italian & Roman art critic)
07/26/1899 Danton Walker, Mariette Ga, columnist (Broadway Spotlight)
07/26/1902 Gracie Allen, SF Calif, Mrs George Burns/comedian (Burns & Allen)
07/26/1903 Donald Voorhees, Allentown Pa, conductor (Bell Telephone Hour)
07/26/1904 Jack Allan Westrup, composer
07/26/1906 Armando Jose Fernandes, composer
07/26/1907 Istvan Pelle, Hungary, gymnist (Olympic-gold-1932)
07/26/1908 Salvador Allende Gossens, Chile's last elected president (1970-73)
07/26/1909 Gerardina I 'Diny' van Amstel, actress (Dijntje & Trijntje)
07/26/1913 Lou Salica, US, flyweight boxer (Olympic-bronze-1932)
07/26/1917 Bertil Nordahl, Sweden, soccer players (Olympic-gold-1948)
07/26/1917 Richard Burnell, England, double sculls (Olympic-gold-1948)
07/26/1920 Bob Waterfield, NFL QB (Rams)
07/26/1922 Andrzej Koszewski, composer
07/26/1922 Blake Edwards, writer/director (10, SOB, Breakfast at Tiffany's)
07/26/1922 Jason Robards Jr, actor (A Thousand Clowns, Act 1, Any Wednesday)
07/26/1922 Marjorie Lord, SF Calif, actress (Kathy-Danny Thomas Show)
07/26/1924 Elias Motsoaledi, South African Umkhonto we Sizwe-commandant
07/26/1924 Louis Bellson, Rock Falls Ill, orch leader (Pearl Bailey Show)
07/26/1926 Don Carter, bowling great (1st PBA president)
07/26/1926 James Best, Corydon Ind, actor (Savages, Sounder, Rolling Thunder)
07/26/1928 Hans Haselbock, composer
07/26/1928 Stanley Kubrick, NYC, director (2001, Dr Strangelove, Lolita)
07/26/1928 Tadeusz Baird, composer
07/26/1929 Alexis Weissenberg, Sofia Bulgaria, pianist (Levintritt-1948)
07/26/1929 Jean Shepherd, humorist (Playboy satire Award 1966, 1967, 1969)
07/26/1931 Takashi Ono, Japan, gymnist (Olympic-gold-1956, 60)
07/26/1934 Anthony Gilbert, composer
07/26/1936 Antonio Mastrogiovanni, composer
07/26/1936 Kathryn Hays, actress (Kim-As the World Turns)
07/26/1940 Mary Jo Kopechne, Ted Kennedy's d(r)iving buddy
07/26/1941 Bobby Hebb, Nashville Tn, country singer (Sunny)
07/26/1941 Brenton Wood, Shreveport La, rocker (Gimme Little Sign)
07/26/1941 Darlene Love, singer/actress (Lethal Weapon)
07/26/1941 Hans Gualth‚rie van Weezel, Dutch 2nd Chamber member (CDA)
07/26/1942 Dobie Gray, Brookshire Tx, singer (In Crowd)
07/26/1943 Mick Jagger, Eng, rock vocalist (Rolling Stone) , never gathers moss

07/26/1943 Roger Smalley, composer
07/26/1944 Kiel Martin, Pitts Pa, actor (Det LaRue-Hill Street Blues)
07/26/1944 Micki J King, springboard diver (Olympic-gold-1972)
07/26/1945 Linda Harrison, Berlin Md, actress (Bracken's World, Planet of Apes)

07/26/1946 Helen Mirren, [Eleni Mironova], England, actress (Cook Thief Wife)
07/26/1948 Norair Nurikian, Bulgari, bantam weight (Olympic-gold-1972, 76)
07/26/1949 Roger Taylor, British pop musician (Queen-Bohemian Rhapsody)
07/26/1949 William M Shepherd, Oak Ridge Tn, Capt USN/astronaut (STS 27, 41, 52

07/26/1950 Paul McHale, (Rep-D-Pennsylvania)
07/26/1950 Susan George, London England, actress (Straw Dogs, Mandingo)
07/26/1951 William Surles 'Bill' McArthur Jr, Laurinburg NC, astro (STS 58)
07/26/1952 Ludmila Maslakova, USSR, relay runner (Olympic-silver-1980)
07/26/1954 Lawrence Watt-Evans, US, sci-fi author (Hugo, Sword of Bheleu)
07/26/1954 Vitas Gerulaitis, Brooklyn NY, tennis star (Australia 1987)
07/26/1955 Nicholas Walker, Bogota Col, actor (Capitol, Jimmy-General Hospital)

07/26/1956 Dorothy Hamill, Riverside Ct, figure skater (Olympic-gold-1976)
07/26/1958 Ramona Neubert, German DR, long jumper/pentathlete (Oly-4th-80)
07/26/1960 LaTaunya Pollard, East Chic Ind, (Olympics-1980, 84)
07/26/1961 Andy Connel, rocker (Swingout Sister-Swingout)
07/26/1961 Gary Cherone, Boston, heavy metal vocalist (Extreme-More Than Words)

07/26/1963 Andrew C Timmons, Scottsdale Az, guitarist (Danger Danger-Screw It)
07/26/1963 Marianne Berglund, Sweden, cyclist (1983 Ruffles Tour of Texas)
07/26/1965 Jennifer Ashe, actress (As the World Turns)
07/26/1973 Mike Burke, NY Yankees pres/CEO of Madison Sq Garden


07/26/ 811 Nicephorus I, Byzantine Emperor (802-11), dies in battle
07/26/1342 Charles I Robert van Anjou, King of Hungary (1307-42), dies
07/26/1471 Paul II, [Pietro Barbo], Italian Pope (1464-71), dies at 54
07/26/1533 Atahualpo, Inca ruler, dies
07/26/1541 Francisco Pizarro, Spanish explorer, murdered in Lima
07/26/1630 Charles Emanuel I, the Great, Duke of Savoy (Peace of Lyon), dies
07/26/1677 Michael Franck, composer, dies at 68
07/26/1719 Johann Georg Christian Storl, composer, dies at 43
07/26/1770 Michael Schevenstuhl, composer, dies at 65
07/26/1801 Daniel Dal Barba, composer, dies at 86
07/26/1826 Freidrich Wilhelm Weis, composer, dies at 82
07/26/1836 Jose Melchor Gomiz y Colomer, composer, dies at 45
07/26/1863 Sam Houston, president of Texas, dies at 70
07/26/1872 Michele Carafa, composer, dies at 84
07/26/1910 Philipus J Hoedemaker, theologist, dies at 71
07/26/1916 Gellio Benevenuto Coronaro, composer, dies at 52
07/26/1918 Eduard 'Mick' Mannock, British WW I flyer (Victoria Cross), dies
07/26/1920 Carlos Troyer, composer, dies at 83
07/26/1925 William Jennings Bryan, lawyer (Scopes-monkey trial), dies at 65
07/26/1941 Marx Dormoy, French socialist, killed by a time bomb
07/26/1942 Titus, [Anno S] Brandsma, philosopher (Dachau), dies
07/26/1944 Reza Sjah Pahlawi, [Reza Chan], cossack officer/shah of Persia, dies

07/26/1946 Morris Hirshfield, Polish/US painter, dies
07/26/1952 Maria Eva 'Evita' Duarte Peron, Argentina's 1st lady, dies at 33
07/26/1953 Nikolaos Plastiras, Greece premier (1945-50, 51-2), dies
07/26/1954 Hans Lodeizen, [Johan Frederik], poet (Travel to Congo), dies at 26
07/26/1956 Miguel Bernal Jiminez, composer, dies at 46
07/26/1957 Carlos Castillo Armas, president of Guatemala, murdered
07/26/1959 Manuel Altolaguirre, Spanish poet/publisher (Amor), dies at 54
07/26/1967 Matth˜s Vermeulen, composer, dies at 79
07/26/1968 Lilian Harvey, British actress (Congress Dances), dies
07/26/1974 Arthur K Watson, US businessman (IBM), dies at 55
07/26/1977 Gena Branscombe, composer, dies at 95
07/26/1977 Hans-Otto Borgmann, composer, dies at 75
07/26/1981 Donald Lybbert, composer, dies at 58
07/26/1982 Betty Walker, actress (Steve Lawrence Show), dies at 54
07/26/1984 Ed 'Psycho' Gein, dies
07/26/1986 Averell Harriman, statesman, dies in Yorktown Heights, NY at 94
07/26/1987 Joe Liggins, US composer (I've a Right to Cry), dies at 71
07/26/1990 Brian Mydland, keyboardist (Grateful Dead), dies at 38
07/26/1992 Mary Wells, US, soul singer (My Guy), dies at 49
07/26/1993 Daniel Fuchs, US, screenwriter (Hard Way), dies at 84
07/26/1993 Matthew B Ridgway, US general (NATO), dies at 98

Significant Events:

07/26/ 811 Battle at Pliska: Bulgarian under monarch Krum beat Byzantine
07/26/1576 Muitende Spanish troops conquer Aalst
07/26/1579 Francis Drake leaves SF to cross Pacific Ocean
07/26/1656 Rembrandt declares he is insolvent
07/26/1758 British battle fleet under gen James Wolfe conquerors Louisbourg
07/26/1759 French troops vacate Ticonderoga, New York
07/26/1775 Benjamin Franklin becomes 1st Postmaster General
07/26/1788 NY becomes 11th state to ratify constitution
07/26/1788 Sydney, Australia settled by British colonists
07/26/1790 US passes Assumption bill making US responsible for state debts
07/26/1805 Naples/Calabria struck by Earthquake; about 26,000 die
07/26/1822 Secret meeting of Simon Bolivar & Jos‚ de San Martin
07/26/1826 Vilnus Lithuanian riots cause death of many Jews
07/26/1832 HMS Beagle anchors in Montevideo
07/26/1835 1st sugar cane plantation started in Hawaii
07/26/1847 Liberia declares independence from American Colonization Society
07/26/1848 1st Woman's Rights Convention (Senecca Falls NY)
07/26/1858 Baron Lionel de Rothschild is 1st Jew elected to British Parliament
07/26/1863 At Salineville, OH John Hunt Morgan & 364 troops surrender
07/26/1863 Battle of Salineville, OH John Hunt Morgan & 364 troops surrender
07/26/1864 -31] Riot at McCook's: to Lovejoy Station GA, US600 CS---
07/26/1864 -31] Riot at Stoneman's: to Macon GA, US1000 CS---
07/26/1864 Battle at Ezra Chapel (Church), Georgia [Hood's Third Sortie]
07/26/1865 Patrick Francis Healy is 1st black awarded PhD (Louvain Belgium)
07/26/1866 Canoe Club opens in England
07/26/1887 1st Esperanto book published
07/26/1897 37.5 cm rainfall at Jewell, Maryland (state record)
07/26/1905 P Gotz discovers asteroid #568 Cheruskia
07/26/1908 Federal Bureau of Investigation established
07/26/1914 Austrian-Hungary condemns Serbian ultimatum
07/26/1914 British Min of Navy Winston Churchill orders British fleet to remain

07/26/1914 German chief of staff/gen von Moltke states ultimatum on Belgium
07/26/1915 International School for Wijsbegeerte forms
07/26/1917 J Edgar Hoover gets job on ministry of Justice
07/26/1918 Race riot in Philadelphia (3 whites & 1 black killed)
07/26/1923 James Hoyt Wilhelm, pitcher
07/26/1926 National Bar Association incorporates
07/26/1926 Philippines govt asks US to plebiscite for independence
07/26/1928 Heavyweight Gene Tunney KOs Tom Heeney (NYC)
07/26/1928 Yanks score 11 runs in 12th beating Tigers 12-1
07/26/1933 Joe Dimaggio ends 61 game hitting streak in Pacific Coast League
07/26/1939 Yankee catcher Bill Dickey hits 3 consecutive HRs
07/26/1941 'Camp Amersfoort' opened by Germany occupiers
07/26/1941 1st Dutch Austrians depart Hague
07/26/1942 RAF bombs Hamburg
07/26/1942 RC churches protest, Dutch bishops stand against spread of Judaism
07/26/1943 120ø F (49ø C), Tishmoningo, Oklahoma (state record)
07/26/1944 Japanese suicide attack on US lines in Guam
07/26/1944 Russian troops arrive in Weichsel
07/26/1944 US offensive at St-L“/2nd Armour div occupies St Gilles
07/26/1945 Churchill resigns as Britain's PM
07/26/1945 Japanese govt disregards US ultimatum
07/26/1945 US cruiser Indianapolis reaches Tinian with atom bomb
07/26/1947 Department of Defense established
07/26/1947 National Security Act establishes CIA
07/26/1948 1st black host of a network show-CBS' Bob Howard Show
07/26/1949 C A Wirtanen discovers asteroid #1951 Lick
07/26/1949 WCPO TV channel 9 in Cincinnati, OH (CBS) begins broadcasting
07/26/1950 KNIL (Royal Dutch Dutch east indies Army) unites
07/26/1951 Netherlands ends state of war with Germany
07/26/1952 King Faruk of Egypt, resigns [Black Saturday]
07/26/1952 Mickey Mantle hits his 1st grand-slammer
07/26/1953 Cuban pirate radio station's 1st transmission at Santiago de Cuba
07/26/1953 Fidel Castro leads attack on Moncada Barracks, begins Cuban revol
07/26/1954 WCET TV channel 48 in Cincinnati, OH (PBS) begins broadcasting
07/26/1955 Doug Ford wins PGA golf tournament
07/26/1955 Ted Allen throws a record 72 consecutive horseshoe ringers
07/26/1956 Egypt seizes Suez Canal
07/26/1956 Italian passenger ship Andrea Doria sinks, 52 die
07/26/1957 Mickey Mantle hits career HR # 200
07/26/1957 USSR launches 1st intercontinental multistage ballistic missile
07/26/1958 Army launches 4th US successful satellite, Explorer IV
07/26/1959 C Hoffmeister discovers asteroid #2183
07/26/1960 Italian cabinet of Fanfani forms
07/26/1962 Maria Oeljanov, 1st airship with nuclear missiles, arrives in Cuba
07/26/1963 Skopje, Yugoslavia, destroyed by earthquake, kills 1,000+
07/26/1963 US Syncom 2, 1st geosynchronous communications satellite, launched
07/26/1964 Teamsters President Jimmy Hoffa convicted of fraud & conspiracy
07/26/1964 Train from Povoa de Varzin, Portugal derails near Oporto, 94 die
07/26/1964 US union leader James Hoffa sentenced for fraud
07/26/1965 Republic of Maldives gains independence from Britain (Nat'l Day)
07/26/1966 WRLH TV channel 31 in Lebanon, NH (NBC) begins broadcasting
07/26/1967 Twins beat Yanks 3-2 in 18
07/26/1969 Sharon Sites Adams, 39, becomes 1st lady to solo sail the Pacific
07/26/1971 Apollo 15 launched (Scott & Irwin) to 4th manned landing on Moon
07/26/1971 N Chernykh discovers asteroid #1836 Komarov
07/26/1974 USSR's Soyuz fails to dock with Salyut 3
07/26/1975 Soyuz 18B returns to Earth
07/26/1979 Estimated 109 cm (43') of rain falls in Alvin, TX (national record)
07/26/1981 2 climbers rappell 550 m down cliff near Angel Falls, Venezuela
07/26/1981 E Bowell discovers asteroids #2845 Franklinken & #2882 Tedesco
07/26/1981 NY Mayor Ed Koch is given Heimlich maneuver in a Chinese restaurant
07/26/1982 Canada's Anik D1 Comsat launched by US Delta rocket
07/26/1983 Challenger moves to Vandenberg AFB for mating for STS-8
07/26/1983 Jarmila Kratochvilova of Czech sets 800m woman's record (1:53.28)
07/26/1983 Light flashes seen on Jupiter moon Io
07/26/1986 Lebanese kidnappers released Rev Lawrence Martin Jenco
07/26/1987 Stephen Roche wins Tour de France
07/26/1990 General Hospital tapes its 7,000th episode
07/26/1990 US beats Soviet Union 17-0 in baseball at Goodwill Games
07/26/1991 Expo's Mark Gardner no hits Dodgers for 9 innings, but loses in 10th

07/26/1992 Rocker Paul Stanley (Kiss) weds model Pamela Bowen
07/26/1993 Boeing 737-500 crashes in South Korea, 66 killed
07/26/1993 Mars Observer takes 1st photo of Mars, from 5 billion km

Robert Wolfe

Jul 27, 2021, 7:40:12 AM7/27/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


07/27/1502 Pier Francesco Corteccia, composer
07/27/1518 Elizabeth Talbot, countess of Shrewsbury/builder of country houses
07/27/1609 Heinrich Pape, composer
07/27/1612 Murad IV, sultan of Turkey (1923-40)/conquered Baghdad
07/27/1667 Jean Bernoulli, mathematician
07/27/1734 Jakob Zupan, composer
07/27/1741 Francois-Hippolyte Barthelemon, composer
07/27/1768 Charlotte Corday d'Armont, murdered Jean-Paul Marat in bath
07/27/1777 Thomas Campbell, poet (Hohenlinden, Battle of the Baltic)
07/27/1781 Mauro Giuliani, composer
07/27/1784 André-Georges-Louis Onslow, English/French composer (chamber music)
07/27/1784 Georges Onslow, composer
07/27/1801 George Biddle Airy, 7th Astronomer Royal
07/27/1802 Benedikt Randhartinger, composer
07/27/1812 Thomas Lanier Clingman, Brig General (Confederate Army), died in 189

07/27/1820 John Franklin Farnsworth, Brig General (Union volunteers)
07/27/1824 Alexandre Dumas fils, France, playwright/novelist (Camille)
07/27/1835 GiosuŐ Carducci, Italy, poet (Nobel 1906)
07/27/1840 Ranald Slidell Mackenzie, Bvt Major General (Union volunteers)
07/27/1848 Roland baron Eötvös, Hungarian physicist
07/27/1848 Vladimir de Pachmann, painter
07/27/1857 Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis Budge, orientalist/museum curator
07/27/1857 José Celso Barbosa, Puerto Rico, found Federalist Party in 1900
07/27/1867 Enrique Granados, Lérida Spain, composer (Maria del Carmen)
07/27/1870 Joseph Hilaire Pierre Belloc, England, author (Path to Rome)
07/27/1872 Stanislav Binicki, composer
07/27/1877 Ernö [Ernst von] Dohnányi, Hungary, composer (Msg to Posterity)
07/27/1878 Jean F van Royen, German secretary (PTT)
07/27/1879 Francesco Gaeta, Italian poet (Il Libro Della Giovinezza)
07/27/1880 Donald Crisp, Scotland, actor (How Green Was My Valley, Pollyana)
07/27/1880 Joseph Tinker, baseball Hall of Famer, 1/3 of fame double play combo

07/27/1881 Hans Fischer, German physicist (Nobel 1930)
07/27/1894 Gerald F Bogan, US vice-admiral (WW II-Pacific Ocean)
07/27/1899 Harl McDonald, near Boulder Colorado, composer (Santa Fé Trail)
07/27/1900 Hans Haug, composer
07/27/1903 Clive Martin Douglas, composer
07/27/1904 Anton Dolin, [Patrick Healey-Kay], dancer (Girl From Petrovka)
07/27/1906 Leo Durocher, Mass, baseball manager (Brooklyn Dodgers, NY Giants)
07/27/1907 Denis Rickett, private secretary to Clement Attlee
07/27/1908 Lord Jenkins of Putney, Labour Arts minister
07/27/1910 Julien Gracq, [Louis Poirier], French writer (André Breton)
07/27/1912 Igor Markevitch, Kiev Ukraine, conductor (Le Paradis Perdo)
07/27/1913 Mary Green, headmistress (Kidbrooke School)
07/27/1913 Vittorio Sereni, Italian poet (Diario d'Algeria)
07/27/1916 Asfa Wossen, Crown prince of Ethiopia/son of emperor Haile Selassi
07/27/1916 Kennan Wynn, NYC, actor (Dr Strangelove, Absent Minded Professor)
07/27/1916 Siegfried Reda, composer
07/27/1917 John Cunningham, executive director (British Aerospace)
07/27/1917 Robert Cowans, executive director (British Aerospace)
07/27/1918 Eero Aukusti Sipila, composer
07/27/1918 Leonard Rose, Washington DC, concert cellist (NY Phil 1943-51)
07/27/1920 Beatrice Pearson, Texas, actress (Moving Finger)
07/27/1920 James Munn, British university commissioner
07/27/1922 Lillian Hayman, Balt Md, actress (Leslie Uggams Show)
07/27/1922 Norman Lear, TV writer/producer (All in The Family)
07/27/1924 Otar Vasil'yevich Taktakishvili, composer
07/27/1924 Vincent Canby, critic (NY Times)
07/27/1926 Peter Coker, captain
07/27/1928 Sakari Mononen, composer
07/27/1929 Harvey Fuqua, vocalist (Moonglows-Sincerely)
07/27/1929 Jack Higgins, [Harry Patterson], novelist
07/27/1929 Marc Wilkinson, composer
07/27/1930 Ronald Dearing, chairman (British Post Office)
07/27/1930 Shirley Williams, co-founder (Social Democratic Party)/labour minist

07/27/1931 Jerry Van Dyke, Danville Ill, actor (My Mother the Car, Coach)
07/27/1932 Beverly B Byron, (Rep-D-MD, 1979- )
07/27/1932 Curnick M Ndlovu, Jailed South Africian worker's union leader
07/27/1932 Diane Webber, LA Calif, playmate (May, 1955 & Feb, 1956)
07/27/1932 Robert Cowan, CEO (Highlands & Islands Enterprises)
07/27/1933 Nick Reynolds, rocker (Kingston Trio-Scarlet Ribbons)
07/27/1934 John Pardoe, CEO (Sight & Sound Education)/Liberal MP
07/27/1937 Anna Dawson, actress/comedienne
07/27/1937 Chuck Jackson, Latta SC, singer (Any Day Now, I don't want to cry)
07/27/1937 Don Galloway, Brooksville Ky, actor (Arrest & Trial, Ironside)
07/27/1938 Shirley Anne Field, England, actress (Alfie, War Lover)
07/27/1939 Irv Cross, NFL sportscaster (CBS-TV)
07/27/1939 James McGee, pathologist/professor (Morbid Anatomy at Oxford)
07/27/1939 James Victor, Puerto Rico, actor (Boulevard Night, Streets of LA)
07/27/1941 Johannes Fritsch, composer
07/27/1942 Barbara Ferris, London England, actress (Nice Girl Like Me)
07/27/1942 John Pleshette, NYC, actor (Richard-Knots Landing, 7th Avenue)
07/27/1943 Al Ramsey, rocker (Gary Lewis & the Playboys-This Diamond Ring)
07/27/1943 Bill Bradley, Crystal City Mo, NY Knick/(Sen-D-NJ)/Rhodes scholar
07/27/1943 Stu Gilliam, Detroit, actor/comedian (Roll Out, Harris & Company)
07/27/1944 Bobbie Gentry, Mississippi, what did Billi-Jo throw off the bridge
07/27/1946 Ricardo Anasagasti, [Ricardo M Meul], Curaçaos dancer/actor
07/27/1946 Toktar Ongarbajewitch Aubakirov, Russia, cosmonaut (Soyuz TM-13)
07/27/1947 Betty Thomas, St Louis Mo, actress (Lucy Baines-Hill Street Blues)
07/27/1947 Wayne Dowdy, (Rep-D-MS, 1981- )
07/27/1948 Henny Vrienten, Dutch bassist/singer (Doe Maar)
07/27/1948 Peggy Fleming Jenkins, San Jose Calif, figure skater (Olym-gold-1968

07/27/1949 Maureen McGovern, Youngstown Oh, singer (Got To Be a Morning After)
07/27/1950 Michael Vaughn, rocker (Paper Lace)
07/27/1951 Janet Eilber, Detroit Mich, actress (Hard to Hold, Romantic Comedy)
07/27/1953 Wim G J M van de Camp, Dutch 2nd Chamber member (CDA)
07/27/1955 Allan Border, cricket captain (Australia)
07/27/1957 Gezina E 'Liesbeth' van Apeldoorn, actress (Composer)
07/27/1957 Hansi Muller, skier
07/27/1958 Christopher Dean, Olympics skater (Torvill & Dean/Olympic-gold-1984)

07/27/1959 David East, cricketer
07/27/1960 Jo Durie, England, tennis player
07/27/1967 Sasha Mitchell, LA Calif, actor (Spike of Bensonhurst)


07/27/ 82 St Joseph of Arimathea, dies
07/27/ 432 Celestine I, Italian Pope (422-32), dies
07/27/1101 Koenrad, RC-German king (1087-98), dies
07/27/1128 Willem van Normandia, earl of Flanders, dies in battle
07/27/1227 Otto II van Lippe, bishop of Utrecht (1216-27)
07/27/1233 Ferrand of Portugal, earl of Flanders, dies at 45
07/27/1498 Vespasiano da' Bisticci, Italian book seller/writer, dies at about 7

07/27/1638 Johan VIII de Jongere, count of Nassau-Siegen, dies in battle at 54
07/27/1675 Henri de La Tour d'Auvergne Vicomte de Turenne, gen (France), dies
07/27/1689 John Graham, of Claverhouse, 1st viscount Dundee/soldier, killed, di

07/27/1720 Johann Samuel Welter, composer, dies at 69
07/27/1759 Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertuis, astronomer/mathematician, dies
07/27/1777 William Hayes, composer, dies at 69
07/27/1783 Johann Philipp Kirnberger, German music theroist/violist, dies at 62

07/27/1811 Miguel Hidalgo y Castilla, Mexican priest/freedom fighter, executed
07/27/1822 Joseph Supries, composer, dies at 60
07/27/1828 Gilbert Charles Stuart, painter, dies
07/27/1841 Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov, poet/novelist, dies
07/27/1844 John Dalton, physicist/chemist, dies
07/27/1864 Margaret E Breckinridge, US nurse/daughter of VP John, dies
07/27/1881 Johann Christian Lobe, composer, dies at 84
07/27/1883 Montgomery Blair, lawyer (Dred Scot V Sandford), dies at 70
07/27/1916 Charles Fryatt, British capt of SS Brussels, executed by Germans, di

07/27/1924 Ferruccio Benvenuto busoni, pianist/composer, dies
07/27/1924 Ferruccio Busoni, Italian pianist/composer, dies at 58
07/27/1934 Louis HG Lyautey, French minister of Defense (1916-17), dies at 79
07/27/1942 William Matthew Finders Petrie, Egyptologist, dies
07/27/1944 Victor Jean Leonard Vreuls, composer, dies at 68
07/27/1946 Gertrude Stein, US/French author/poet (Ida, Tender Buttons), dies
07/27/1948 Francesco Spetrino, composer, dies at 91
07/27/1952 W de Basil, [US Voskresenski], Russia, ballet dancer, dies
07/27/1960 Vása Príhoda, Czech violinist, dies at 59
07/27/1961 Theodore Chanler, composer, dies at 59
07/27/1962 Edward Godfrey Richard Aldington, novelist/biographer, dies
07/27/1968 Anton van Duinkerken, [Willem J M A Asselbergs], literary, dies
07/27/1970 Antonio de Oliveira Salazar, dictator of Portugal (1932-68), dies
07/27/1971 Bernhard Paumgartner, Austrian conductor/composer, dies at 83
07/27/1974 Lightning Slim, blues singer, dies at 61
07/27/1976 Ray Brennan, becomes 1st to, die of 'Legionnaire's Disease'
07/27/1978 Aasan Ferit Alnar, composer, dies at 72
07/27/1978 [John] Willem van Otterloo, conductor/composer (Symphonic), dies at

07/27/1980 Pahlawi Mohammed Reza, shah of Persia (1941-79), dies in Cairo at 60

07/27/1981 Billy [William] Wyler, US director (Ben Hur, Funny Girl), dies
07/27/1981 Ray Harrison, dancer (American Song), dies at 64
07/27/1981 William Wyler, US director (Ben Hur), dies
07/27/1982 Dan Seymour, actor (We the People, Sing it Again), dies at 67
07/27/1982 Vladimir Smirnov, Russian foil fencer (Olympic-gold-1980), dies at 2

07/27/1984 James Mason, British actor (Lolita), dies at 75 of a heart attack
07/27/1984 Oswald Jacoby, US contract bridge champion, dies at 81
07/27/1985 Joseph 'Smoky Joe' Wood, pitcher (Boston Red Sox), dies at 95
07/27/1986 Leroy Holmes, orch leader (Tonight Show, 1956-57), dies at 72
07/27/1987 Travis Jackson, baseball player (NY Giants), dies at 83
07/27/1990 Bobby Day, rocker (Rockin' Robin), dies of cancer at 58
07/27/1990 Kim Thomas-Friedland, news anchor (FNN), dies at 32
07/27/1993 Reggie Lewis, NBA star (Boston Celtics), dies of heart failure at 27

Significant Events:

07/27/ 432 St Celestine I ends his reign as Catholic Pope
07/27/1214 1st battle of Bouvines (King Philips II vs Emperor Otto IV
07/27/1230 Treaty of San-Germano between Emperor Frederik II & Pope Gregory IX
07/27/1280 Sogen Mugaku, founder of Engakuji temple arrives in Japan from China

07/27/1298 Albert I, son of Rudolf of Habsburg, crowned Holy Roman Emperor
07/27/1298 Roman Catholics German King Albrecht I von Habsburg installed
07/27/1360 Danish King Waldemar IV destroys Visby Gotland
07/27/1365 Isabella of England marries Enguerrand of Coucy at Windsor
07/27/1501 Copernicus formally installed as canon of Frauenberg Cathedral
07/27/1586 Sir Walter Raleigh brings 1st tobacco to England from Virginia
07/27/1641 Prince Frederik Henry captures castle of Gennep
07/27/1643 Cromwell defeats Royalist at Battle of Gainsborough
07/27/1655 Jews of New Amsterdam petition for a Jewish cemetary
07/27/1661 Parliament confirms Navigation Act
07/27/1689 Battle of Killicrankie, Viscount Dundee defeats Whig General Mackay
07/27/1689 Jacobite Scottish Highlanders defeat royal force at Killiecrankie
07/27/1694 Bank of England granted 12 year charter by Act of Parliament
07/27/1789 Congress establishes Dept of Foreign Affairs (State dept)
07/27/1794 Coup of thermidor/fall of Robespierre in Paris
07/27/1809 Battle at Talavera: British/Spanish army vs French army
07/27/1816 Fort Blount on Apalachicola Bay Fla, attacked by US Troops
07/27/1830 Revolution breaks out in Paris, opposing laws of Charles X
07/27/1836 Adelaide, South Australia founded
07/27/1837 US Mint opens in Charlotte, NC
07/27/1839 Chartist riots break out in Birmingham England
07/27/1844 Fire destroys US mint at Charlotte, NC
07/27/1861 Battle of Mathias Point, VA - Rebel forces repel a Federal landing
07/27/1861 Confederate troops occupy Fort Fillmore, New Mexico
07/27/1861 McClellan replaces McDowell thus is given command of the
07/27/1862 Hurricane hits Canton; about 40,000 die
07/27/1862 Steamer 'Golden Gate' burns & sinks off west coast of Mexico
07/27/1866 Atlantic telegraph cable successfully laid (1,686 miles long)
07/27/1879 C H F Peters discovers asteroid #200 Dynamene
07/27/1880 Battle of Maiwand, at which Dr Watson was wounded, breaks out
07/27/1891 Titus van Wyck succeeds M de Savornin Lohman as gov of Suriname
07/27/1897 14.75' (37.5 cm) of rainfall, Jewell, Maryland (state 24-hr record)
07/27/1897 Dutch govt of Pierson/Goeman Borgesius resigns
07/27/1898 Start of Sherlock Holmes 'Adventure of Dancing Men' (BG)
07/27/1905 J Palisa discovers asteroid #569 Misa
07/27/1908 A Kopff discovers asteroid #668 Dora
07/27/1909 Orville Wright tests 1st US Army airplane, flying 1h12m
07/27/1913 Belgian Philippe Thys wins Tour de France
07/27/1918 Socony 200, 1st concrete barge in US, launched to carry oil, NY
07/27/1919 Chicago race riot (15 whites & 23 blacks killed, 500 injured)
07/27/1920 Radio compass used for 1st time for aircraft navigation
07/27/1920 Resolute beats Shamrock IV (England) in 14th running of America's Cu

07/27/1921 2nd govt of Ruijs de Beerenbrouck forms
07/27/1921 Frederick Banting & Charles Best isolates insulin at U of Toronto
07/27/1922 International Geographical Union forms in Brussels
07/27/1924 8th Olympic games closes in Paris
07/27/1928 AVRO, General Vereniging Radio Omroep, forms
07/27/1929 Dike of Wieringermeerpolder finished
07/27/1930 André Leducq wins Tour de France
07/27/1931 Chilean president Carlos IbáĄez forced out
07/27/1932 Paul Gorgoulov, French president Doumer's assassin, sentenced to dea

07/27/1933 G Van Biesbroeck discovers asteroid #1312 Vassar
07/27/1933 K Reinmuth discovers asteroid #1284 Latvia
07/27/1934 French socialistic/communistic party of People's Front forms
07/27/1935 Floods at Yangtzee Jiang & Hoangh, kills 200,000
07/27/1937 US win Davis Cup tennis tournament
07/27/1940 Billboard magazine starts publishing bestseller charts
07/27/1941 German army enters Ukraine
07/27/1941 Japanese forces land in Indo-China
07/27/1944 1st British jet fighter used in combat (Gloster Meteor)
07/27/1944 Soviet Army frees Majdanek concentration camp
07/27/1944 US regains possession of Guam from Japanese
07/27/1944 US troops occupy le Mesnil-Herman/Hill 183 Normandy
07/27/1945 US Communist Party forms
07/27/1946 Boston Red Sox Rudy York hits 2 grand slams in 1 game, gets 10 RBIs
07/27/1947 Yogi Berri starts record 148 game errorless streak
07/27/1949 1st jet-propelled airline (De Havilland Comet) flies
07/27/1950 Pres Truman promises aid to Taiwan
07/27/1952 Emile Zatopek runs Olympic record marathon (2:23:03.2)
07/27/1953 1st insulin isolated by F Banting & C Best in Toronto
07/27/1953 North Korea & UN sign armistice
07/27/1953 Vatican disallows priest holiday work in factory
07/27/1954 Armistice divides Vietnam into two countries
07/27/1954 Chick Harbert wins PGA golf tournament
07/27/1955 Austria regains full independence after 4-power occupation
07/27/1955 Bulgaria shoots down a plane heading for Israel (58 die)
07/27/1955 Goethe Link Observatory discovers asteroid #1751 Herget
07/27/1955 Israeli passenger plane shot down above Bulgaria, 58 die
07/27/1957 St James' Theater in London closes
07/27/1960 VP Nixon nominated for pres at Republican convention in Chicago
07/27/1962 Mariner 2 launched to Venus; flyby mission
07/27/1962 Martin Luther King Jr jailed in Albany Georgia
07/27/1963 Fritz Von Erich beats Verne Gagne in Omaha, to become NWA champ
07/27/1963 General Amin al-Hafez becomes president of Syria
07/27/1965 Pierre Harmel forms Belgium govt
07/27/1967 Arabs Federation premier Hoesein Al Bayoomi resigns
07/27/1968 Race Riot in Gary Indiana
07/27/1969 Pioneer 10 launched
07/27/1972 NHL star Maurice 'Rocket' Richard signs with WHL Quebec Nordiques
07/27/1973 Walter Blum becomes 6th jockey to ride 4,000 winners
07/27/1974 House Judiciary Committee votes 27-11 recommends Nixon impeachment
07/27/1976 8.2 Tangshan earthquake kills estimated 240,000 Chinese
07/27/1976 Japanese ex-premier Tanaka arrested (Lockheed Affair)
07/27/1977 John Lennon is granted a green card for permanent residence in US
07/27/1978 Portuguese pres Eanes fires premier Soares
07/27/1980 Palestinian throws hand grenade on Jewish children in Antwerp, 1 dea

07/27/1982 Indian PM Indira Gandhi 1st visit to US in almost 11 years
07/27/1985 Steve Cram runs world record mile (3:46.78)
07/27/1986 Greg Lemond is 1st American to win Tour de France
07/27/1987 John Demjanjuk, accused Nazi 'Ivan the Terrible' testifies in Israel

07/27/1988 Boston's worst traffic jam in 30 years
07/27/1988 General Sein Lwin succeeds Ne Win as pres of Burma
07/27/1988 Radio Shack announces Tandy 1000 SL computer
07/27/1989 Atlanta Brave Dale Murphy is 10th to get 6 RBIs in an inning (6th)
07/27/1990 White-Russia declares independence
07/27/1990 Zsa Zsa Gabor begins a 3 day jail sentence for slapping a cop
07/27/1991 Rocker Jani Lane, (Warrant-Cherry Pie) marries model Bobbie Brown
07/27/1991 TV Guide publishes it's 2000th edition
07/27/1993 Detroit Tiger Fryman hits for cycle but loses 12-7 to Yankees
07/27/1993 Javier Sotomayor jumps world record 2.45 m high
07/27/1993 Mafia bombs historical buildings in Rome/Milan/Vatican City, 5 kille

07/27/1993 NBC TV awarded 1996 Olympic coverage for $456 million
07/27/1993 NY Met Anthony Young wins ending his losing streak at 27 games

Robert Wolfe

Jul 28, 2021, 7:40:12 AM7/28/21
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Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


07/28/1165 Ibn al-'Arabi, Muslim mystic/philosopher
07/28/1456 Jacopo Sannazaro, Italian poet (Arcadia)
07/28/1514 Maximilian van Bourgondi‰, viceroy of Holland
07/28/1609 Judith J Leyster, Dutch house painter, baptised
07/28/1719 John Nepveu, governor-general of Suriname (1769-79)
07/28/1745 Piotr A von der Pahlen, milt governor (St Petersburg)
07/28/1746 Thomas Heyward, soldier, signed Decl of Ind
07/28/1750 Philippe Fabre d' glantine, France, poet/satirist/politician
07/28/1778 Charles Stewart, Rear Admiral (Union Navy), died in 1869
07/28/1804 Ludwig A Feuerbach, German philospher (Der Mensch ist)
07/28/1808 Charles Lucas, composer
07/28/1809 Ormsby MacKnight Mitchel, Major General (Union volunteers)
07/28/1813 Alberto Mazzucato, composer
07/28/1825 William Duncan Smith, Brig General (Confederate Army), died in 1862
07/28/1833 James Henry Lane, Brig General (Confederate Army), died in 1907
07/28/1835 Jose Garcia Robles, composer
07/28/1837 Christian Barnekow, composer
07/28/1844 Gerard Manley Hopkins, England, poet (Windhover)
07/28/1859 Balington Booth, founder (Volunteers of America)
07/28/1866 Beatrix Potter, England, children's author (Tale of Peter Rabbit)
07/28/1868 George Morren, Flemish painter/sculptor
07/28/1868 Thomas P Krag, Norse author/novelist/writer (Jon Graeff/Ulf Ran)
07/28/1870 Henri Jaspar, premier of Belgium (1927-31)
07/28/1872 Albert P Sarraut, Fren gov-gen of Indo-China (1911..19)/PM (1933/36)

07/28/1874 Ernst Cassirer, Germany, philosopher/educator (Essay on Man)
07/28/1887 Marcel Duchamp, French painter (Nude Descending a Staircase)
07/28/1892 Joe E Brown, Holgate Ohio, comedian (Buck Circus Hour)
07/28/1892 Petro Petridis, Greek composer (Isotope Suite)
07/28/1893 Rued Immanuel Langgard, composer
07/28/1897 Emmy Arbous, actress/cabaretiŠre
07/28/1900 Maurice Johnstone, composer
07/28/1901 Rudy Vallee, Vt, singer (Vagabond Dreams, My Time Is Your Time)
07/28/1901 Sandor Vandor, composer
07/28/1902 Kenneth F Fearing, US, poet (Dead Reckoning)
07/28/1904 [John] Selwyn [Brooke] Lloyd, British statsman
07/28/1907 Earl S Tupper, invented Tupperware
07/28/1907 Vivian Vance, Cherryvale Ks, actress (Ethel Mertz-I Love Lucy)
07/28/1908 Zbigniew Turski, composer
07/28/1909 Malcolm Lowry, English novelist (Under the Volcano)
07/28/1910 Bill Goodwin, SF Calif, announcer (Burns & Allen, Boing Boing Show)
07/28/1911 Ann Doran, Amarillo Tx, actress (Longstreet, Shirley)
07/28/1911 Gerhard Stoeck, Germany, javelin thrower (Olympic-gold-1936)
07/28/1912 Eleazar de Carvalho, Iguat£ Brazil, conductor/tuba (Tiradentes)
07/28/1916 David Brown, NYC, director (Jaws, Planet of the Apes)
07/28/1916 Laird Cregar, Phila, actor (Charley's Aunt, Hangover Square)
07/28/1922 Jacques Piccard, Switzerland, undersea explorer (bathyscaph Trieste)

07/28/1923 Knows L Lee, US vice-admiral (WW II-Marianas/Palau)
07/28/1925 Larry Pruden, composer
07/28/1928 Adrian Ratiu, composer
07/28/1929 Jacqueline Lee Bouvier Kennedy Onassis, 1st lady (1961-63)
07/28/1929 Remco [Wouter] Campert, literary/poet/son of Jan Campert
07/28/1930 Darryl Hickman, Hollywood Cal, actor (Human Comedy, Tea & Sympathy)
07/28/1934 Jacques D'Amboise, dancer/educator (NYC Ballet Company)
07/28/1934 Norman D Shumway, (Rep-R-California, 1979- )
07/28/1937 Peter Duchin, NYC, pianist/bandleader (Peter Duchin Orch)
07/28/1938 Alberto Fujimoro, president of Peru (1990- )
07/28/1938 George Cummings, rocker (Dr Hook & Medicine Show)
07/28/1938 Robert Hughes, [Studley Forrest], Australia, writer/critic (Barcelon

07/28/1940 Phil Proctor, comedian (Firesign Theater)
07/28/1941 Riccardo Muti, Napoli Italy, conductor (Philadelphia Orch)
07/28/1943 Lawrence Elkins, football player FL (Houston Oilers)
07/28/1943 Mike Bloomfield, blues guitarist/singer (Analine)
07/28/1944 Daniel Morelon, France, 1K speed skater (Olympic-gold-1968, 72)
07/28/1945 Jim Davis, cartoonist (Garfield)
07/28/1945 Richard William Wright, rock guitarist (Pink Floyd-Brick in the Wall

07/28/1946 Douglas H Bosco, (Rep-D-CA, 1983- )
07/28/1946 Linda Kelsey, Minneapolis, actress (Billie-Lou Grant, Kate-Day by Da

07/28/1947 Aleksei Sergeyevich Boroday, Russia, colonel/cosmonaut
07/28/1947 Barbara Ann Ferrell Edmondson, Miss, 4x100m runner (Olympic-gold-196

07/28/1947 Elena Novikova-Belova, USSR, foils (Olympic-gold-1968)
07/28/1947 Miguelina Cobian, Santiago Cuba, 4x100m runner (Olympic-silver-1968)

07/28/1947 Sally Struther, Portland Oregon, actress (Gloria-All in the Family)
07/28/1948 Georgia Engel, Wash DC, actress (Georgette-Mary Tyler Moore Show)
07/28/1949 Marilyn Quayle, wife of vice president Dan Quayle (1989-93)
07/28/1949 Steve Took, rocker (T-Rex)
07/28/1949 Vida Blue, major-league pitcher (Cy Young & AL MVP 1971)
07/28/1951 Greg Gluffria, rocker (House of Lords-Sahara)
07/28/1952 Monique of the Ven, actress (Turkish Fruit)
07/28/1952 Vajiralongkorn, Crown Prince/Heir Apparent to throne of Thailand
07/28/1953 Steve Duncan, Knoxville Tn, singer (Desert Rose Band-Love Reunited)
07/28/1954 Ken Margolis, rocker (Mink DeVille)
07/28/1956 Ludwig Klages, German philosopher (study of graves)
07/28/1958 Terry Fox, ran 'Marathon of Hope' across Canada
07/28/1961 Scott E Parazynski, Little Rock Ark, MD/astronaut (sk: STS 66)
07/28/1963 Patrizia Pellegrino, Naples Italy, (Italy's Miss Teenager 1980)
07/28/1967 Lori Loughlin, Queens, actress (Edge of Night, New Kids, Full House)

07/28/1969 Garth Snow, Wrentham Mass, US hockey goaltender (Olympics-1994)
07/28/1969 Jarrod Hanks, Lafayette LA, US gymnist (Olympic-92)
07/28/1972 Elizabeth Berkley, actress (Jessie-Saved by the Bell)


07/28/ 450 Theodosius II de Jongere, emperor Austrian Empire, dies
07/28/1057 Victor II, [Gebhard], Pope (1055-57), dies
07/28/1330 Michael III, Tsar of Bulgaria, dies in battle
07/28/1540 Richard Cromwell, England 'Lord Protector', dies
07/28/1540 Thomas Cromwell, King Henry VIII's chief minister, executed
07/28/1557 Anna van Kleef, queen of England/4th wife of Henry VIII, dies at 41
07/28/1641 John Amner, composer, dies at 61
07/28/1655 Cyrano de Bergerac, French dramatist/novelist, dies at 36 in Paris
07/28/1655 Suzuki Shosan, Samurai/monk/propagator of Zen Buddhism, dies at 76
07/28/1667 Abraham Cowley, English poet (Mistress/Sex libri plantarum), dies
07/28/1711 Gerard Lairesse, painter, buried
07/28/1723 Mariana Alcoforado, nun (schreef no Lettres Portuguese), dies at 63
07/28/1741 Antonio Lucio Vivaldi, composer, dies at 63
07/28/1746 John Peter Zenger, journalist, involved in 1st admendment fight, die

07/28/1750 Johann Sebastian Bach, German composer (Art of the Fugue), dies at 6

07/28/1778 Arvid Niclas Hopken, composer, dies at 68
07/28/1794 Maximilien Robespierre, Fr revolutionary/avocat (1781), guillotined
07/28/1794 Robespierre, & 22 other terrorists executed to thunderous cheers
07/28/1802 Giuseppe Sarti, Italian composer (Il er pastore, Ifigenia), dies at

07/28/1811 Heinrich J von Collin, Austria dramatist/poet (Coriolan), dies
07/28/1837 John Ross, composer, dies at 73
07/28/1838 Bernhard Henrik Crusell, composer, dies at 62
07/28/1849 Charles Albert, King of Sardinia (1831-49), dies
07/28/1850 Stefano Pavesi, composer, dies at 71
07/28/1863 James Deshler, US Confederate brig-general, dies in battle at 30
07/28/1864 Johann Hermann Kufferath, composer, dies at 67
07/28/1864 Samuel Benton, US Confederate brig-general, dies in battle at about

07/28/1869 Carl G Carus, German arts/psychologist/philosopher, dies
07/28/1872 Friedrich Kaiser, astronomer (Kaiser-Compass), dies
07/28/1895 Joannes Kappeyne van Coppello, Internal minister (1877-89), dies at

07/28/1904 Plehve, Russian foreign minister (bomb under carriage), dies
07/28/1915 Vilbrun G Sam, rebellion leader/president of Haiti, lynched
07/28/1937 Abdul Muslim Mahomayev, composer, dies at 51
07/28/1937 Joseph Lee, father of Playgrounds movement, dies
07/28/1939 William J Mayo, US surgeon/co-founder Mayo Clinic, dies at 78
07/28/1940 Johann Richard Ohlsson, composer, dies at 66
07/28/1965 Maurice Yvain, composer, dies at 74
07/28/1968 Charles W Mayo, US surgeon, dies at 70
07/28/1968 Otto Hahn, German physicist/chemist (Nobel 1944), dies at 89
07/28/1969 Ernst Tittel, composer, dies at 59
07/28/1969 Frank H Loesser, US songwriter/composer (Guys & Dolls), dies at 59
07/28/1969 Gabriel von Wayditch, composer, dies at 80
07/28/1970 John Barbirolli, English conductor (NY Philharmonic Orch), dies at 7

07/28/1971 Diane Arbus, [Nemerov], photographer (Vogue), commits suicide at 48
07/28/1972 Heal Traubel, US singer (Sieglinde in Walk re, Nightclubs), dies
07/28/1974 Truman Bradley, host (Science Fiction Theater), dies at 69
07/28/1976 Jacob Soetendorp, rabbi, dies at 62
07/28/1978 Jan Willem van Otterloo, composer, dies at 70
07/28/1980 Cecil Burleigh, composer, dies at 95
07/28/1982 George Kleinsinger, composer, dies at 68
07/28/1984 Bess Flowers, actress (View from Pompey's Head), dies at 85
07/28/1985 Grant Williams, actor (Shrinking Man), dies of toxic poisoning at 54

07/28/1986 Charles Aubroeck, Belgian painter/sculptor (Yzertoren), dies at 91
07/28/1987 James Burnham, philosopher (Coming Defeat of Communism), dies at 81
07/28/1990 Armando Frid, of Argentina (Born May 24, 1866 Guin rec), dies at 124

07/28/1991 Luis Aravena Munoz, Chilean singer/exiled to Netherlands, dies
07/28/1993 Herbert Joeks, [van Hugten], actor (Pipo the Clown), dies at 77

Significant Events:

07/28/ 754 Pope Stephen II, [III] makes Pippin de Korte, King of France
07/28/1148 Crusaders attack Damascus
07/28/1402 Battle at Ancyra/Angora/Ankara: Timur Lenk beats sultan Bajezid I
07/28/1586 Sir Thomas Harriot introduces potatoes to Europe
07/28/1588 Spanish Armada sails to overthrow England's Queen Elizabeth I
07/28/1609 Admiral George Somers settles in Bermuda
07/28/1635 Spanish marshal Piccolomini conquerors Schenkenschans
07/28/1741 Capt Bering discovers Mount St Elias, Alaska
07/28/1821 Peru declares independence from Spain (National Day)
07/28/1830 Revolution in France replaces Charles X with Louis Philippe
07/28/1849 Memmon is 1st clipper to reach SF, 120 days out of NY
07/28/1851 Total solar eclipse captured on a daguerreotype photograph
07/28/1858 Nadar takes 1st airborne photo (in a balloon)
07/28/1862 Confederate forces defeated at More's Hill, Mo
07/28/1864 2nd day of battle at Deep Bottom Run Virginia
07/28/1864 Atlanta Campaign-Battle of Ezra Church
07/28/1864 Battle of Atlanta, GA (Ezra Church) -second sortie US700 CS4642
07/28/1866 Metric system becomes a legal measurement system in US
07/28/1868 14th Amendment ratified, citizenship to ex-slaves
07/28/1882 Opera 'Parsifal' is produced (Bayreuth)
07/28/1883 Shocks triggered by volcano Epomeo (Isle of Ischia, Italy)
07/28/1883 destroyed 1,200 houses at Casamicciola killing 2,000
07/28/1896 City of Miami incorporated
07/28/1898 Spanish troops in Ponce, Puerto Rico, surrender
07/28/1898 Start of Sherlock Holmes 'Adventure of Retired Colourman'(BG)
07/28/1900 Hamburger created by Louis Lassing in Connecticut
07/28/1906 Yankees turn triple-play, beat Cleveland 6-4
07/28/1911 96øF (35.6øC) in De Bilt Netherlands
07/28/1913 US wins its 1st Davis Cup since 1902, beating England, 3-2
07/28/1914 Austria-Hungary attacks Serbia-WW I begins
07/28/1914 Foxtrot 1st danced at New Amsterdam Roof Garden (NYC, by Harry Fox)
07/28/1914 Minister of Navy W Churchill routes British fleet to Scapa Flow
07/28/1915 10,000 blacks march on 5th Ave (NYC) protesting lynchings
07/28/1915 US forces invade Haiti, stays until 1924
07/28/1917 Silent Parade in NYC to protest murders of blacks in race riots
07/28/1919 Vr˜e Vakbewegings Internationale (VVI) forms in Amsterdam
07/28/1926 US & Panamanian pact about safeguard of Panama Canal
07/28/1928 9th Olympic Games open in Amsterdam
07/28/1929 Chicago Cardinals become 1st NFL team to train out of state (Mich)
07/28/1930 114ø F (46ø C), Greensburg, Kentucky (state record)
07/28/1931 Congress makes 'Star-Spangled Banner' our 2nd national anthem
07/28/1931 White Sox score 11 in 8th to beat Yankees 14-12
07/28/1932 Battle between unemployed war veterans & federal troops, 4 die
07/28/1932 Pres Hoover evicts bonus marchers from their encampment
07/28/1933 1st singing telegram delivered (to Rudy Vallee), NYC
07/28/1933 NFL divides into 2, 5 team divisions
07/28/1933 Spain admits the USSR
07/28/1934 118ø F (48ø C), Orofino, Idaho (state record)
07/28/1935 Belgium's Romain Maes, wins Tour de France
07/28/1935 G Neujmin discovers asteroid #1386 Storeria
07/28/1938 K Reinmuth discovers asteroid #1485 Isa
07/28/1939 5th Dutch cabinet of Col˜n falls
07/28/1940 Radio Orange, London begins
07/28/1940 Yankee Charle Keller hits 3 HRs to beat White Sox 10-9
07/28/1942 Nazis liquidate 10,000 Jews in Minsk Belorussia Ghetto
07/28/1942 Zionists partisans ZOB established in Poland
07/28/1943 Italian Facist dictator Benito Mussolini resigns
07/28/1943 Pres FDR announces end of coffee rationing in US
07/28/1944 Hitler routes 4 division of South France to Normandy
07/28/1944 US 8th Army corp occupies Coutances France
07/28/1945 US Army B-25 crashes into 79th floor of Empire State Bldg, 14 die
07/28/1945 US Senate ratifies UN charter 89-2
07/28/1947 Iuliu Maniu's Boer party becomes forbidden in Romania
07/28/1948 I.G. Farben chemical plant explodes in Ludwigshafen, Germany, 182 di

07/28/1951 Walt Disney's 'Alice In Wonderland' released
07/28/1957 White Sox' James Landis struck out 5 times in a game
07/28/1958 Baltimore Colts wins NFL-championship
07/28/1959 Hawaii's 1st US election sends 1st Asian-Americans to Congress
07/28/1960 Republican National convention selects Richard Nixon as candidate
07/28/1962 19 die in a train crash in Steelton Pa
07/28/1962 Mariner I launched to Mars falls into Atlantic Ocean
07/28/1964 Ranger 7 launched toward the Moon; sent back 4308 TV pictures
07/28/1965 LBJ sends 50,000 soldiers to Vietnam
07/28/1967 Pirate Radio Station 390 (Radio Invicta) (England) closes down
07/28/1971 16 time gold glover Brook Robinson commits 3 errors in 6th inning
07/28/1971 Dutch ends censorship of 'Blue Movie'
07/28/1973 Skylab 3's astronauts (Bean, Garriott & Lousma) launched
07/28/1974 69 die when packed bus strikes heavy truck (Belem, Brazil)
07/28/1976 242,000 die in Tientsin-Tangshan (China) 8.2 earthquake
07/28/1976 8.2 & 7.4 earthquake devastate Tangsha, China (240-750,000 die)
07/28/1976 Eldon Joersz & Geo Morgan set world air speed record of 3,530 kph
07/28/1976 White Sox John Odom (5 inn) & Francisco Barrios (4 inn) no-hits A's
07/28/1977 1st oil flow through Alaska pipeline
07/28/1977 Roy Wilkins turn over NAACP leadership to Benjamin L Hooks
07/28/1978 600,000 attend Watkins Glen Summer Jam in NY
07/28/1978 At Old Timer's Game it's announced Martin will again manage Yankees
07/28/1978 Perth Observatory discovers asteroid #3188 & #3422
07/28/1978 Price of gold tops $200-an-oz level for 1st time
07/28/1979 Dave Kingman becomes 6th to have a 2nd 3 HR game
07/28/1980 Peru adopts constitution, Fernando Bela£nde Terry becomes president
07/28/1984 23rd modern Olympic games opens in Los Angeles
07/28/1985 Alan Garc¡a sworn in as president of Peru
07/28/1986 Bomb attack in East-Beirut, 25 killed
07/28/1987 Angel Cordero Jr becomes 4th jockey to win 6,000 races
07/28/1988 IBM announces price hike on older models
07/28/1988 Israeli diplomats arrive in Moscow for 1st visit in 21 years
07/28/1988 Jordan cancels $1.3 billion development plan in West Bank
07/28/1988 Winnie Mandella's home in Soweto, South Africa destroyed by arson
07/28/1988 Yanks' Tommy John makes 3 errors on 1 play yet beats Brewers 16-3
07/28/1989 superconductors able to operate at 33 to 37 Gigahertz
07/28/1990 Alberto Fujimoro installed as president of Peru
07/28/1990 Blackout hits Chicago
07/28/1991 Buffalo Bills beat Phila Eagles, 17-13 in American Bowl in Wembley
07/28/1991 Expo's Dennis Martinez pitches baseball's 15th perfect game (Dodgers

07/28/1991 Miguel Indurain of Spain wins Tour de France bicycle race
07/28/1992 Ground breaking of Fla Marlins 7,500 seat spring training stadium
07/28/1993 Mariner Ken Griffey Jr is 3rd to hit HRs in 8 straight games
07/28/2061 31st recorded perihelion passage of Halley's Comet

Robert Wolfe

Jul 29, 2021, 7:40:11 AM7/29/21
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Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


07/29/1590 Gilles Hayne, composer
07/29/1605 Simon Dach, German poet
07/29/1620 Nicolaas Heinsius, philological/diplomat
07/29/1646 Johann Theile, German composer (Adam & Eve)
07/29/1723 Christleib Siegmund Binder, composer
07/29/1739 Johannes Ritschel, composer
07/29/1755 Franz Gotz, composer
07/29/1758 Antonius van Gils, RC theologist (Against Relief)
07/29/1778 Carl Borromaus Neuner, composer
07/29/1805 Alexis de Tocqueville, France, statesman/writer (Democracy in Americ

07/29/1817 James Blair Steedman, Major General (Union volunteers), died in 1883

07/29/1820 Clement Laird Vallandigham, MC (Union), died in 1871
07/29/1828 Cuvier Grover, Bvt Major General (Union Army), died in 1885
07/29/1830 Alvan Cullem Gillem, Major General (Union volunteers), died in 1875
07/29/1849 Max Nordau, [S dfeld], German arts/writer/zionist leader
07/29/1853 Esther de Boer-of Rich, actress (Kniertje-Hope of Blessing)
07/29/1853 Henry Morton Dunham, composer
07/29/1854 Georg Kerschensteiner, German theorist (Theory of Bildung)
07/29/1861 Alica Hathaway Lee Roosevelt, 1st wife of Theodore Roosevelt
07/29/1861 Sergei D Sazonov, Russian minister of Foreign Affairs (1910-16)
07/29/1865 Nicola Spinelli, composer
07/29/1869 Booth Tarkington, US, novelist (17, Magnificent Ambersons)
07/29/1871 [Gregory Efimovich] Rasputin, mad Russian monk
07/29/1876 Maria Ouspenskaya, Russian/US actress (Waterloo Bridge)
07/29/1878 Don Marquis, Ill, journalist/poet (archy & mehitabel)
07/29/1883 Benito Mussolini, [Il Duce], Fascist Italian dictator (1922-43)
07/29/1883 Manuel Infante, Spanish composer/conductor
07/29/1884 Henri Liebrecht, Belgian playwright/journalist
07/29/1887 Rudi Stephan, composer
07/29/1887 Sigmund Romberg, Nagykanizsa Hungary, operetta composer (Blossom Tim

07/29/1891 Bernhard Zondek, German/Israeli gynecologist
07/29/1892 Charles L Bass, actor (Business in White Slavery)
07/29/1892 William Powell, actor (Thin Man, My Man Godfrey)
07/29/1893 Arre Merikanto, Finnish composer (12 music engineer)
07/29/1898 Isidor Isaac Rabi, Poland, physicist (explored atom, Nobel 1944)
07/29/1900 Alexander Vasil'yevich Mosolov, composer
07/29/1900 Don Redman, Piedmont WV, orch leader (Sugar Hill Times)
07/29/1900 Eyvind Johnson, Sweden, novelist (Return to Ithaca-Nobel 1974)
07/29/1905 Clara Bow, silent screen actress (It, Saturday Night Kid)
07/29/1905 Dag Hammarskj”ld, Sweden, 2nd UN Sect-General (1953-61) (Nobel 1961)

07/29/1905 Thelma Todd, actress (Dangerous Female, Devil's Brother)
07/29/1907 Melvin Belli, Sonora Calif, lawyer, SF's 'King of Torts'
07/29/1909 Georgy Mushel, composer
07/29/1911 Jan Cikker, composer
07/29/1913 Stephen McNally, NYC, actor (Split Second, 30 Seconds over Tokyo)
07/29/1914 'Professor' Irwin Corey, comedian (Car Wash)
07/29/1918 Vladimir Doedentzev, Russian writer
07/29/1921 Richard Egan, SF Calif, actor (Empire, Redigo, Pollyanna)
07/29/1924 Lloyd Bochner, Toronto, (Cecil-Dynasty, Lonely Lady, Naked Gun 2«)
07/29/1924 Robert Horton, LA Calif, actor (Kings Row, Wagon Train, Arena)
07/29/1925 Mikis Michael George Theodorakis, Chios Greece, composer (Raven)
07/29/1926 Russel Firestone, polo great (Circle F-1959 champs)
07/29/1927 Harry K V Mulisch, writer (Bericht an de rattenking)
07/29/1928 Bidzina Alexandrovich Kvernadze, composer
07/29/1930 Paul Taylor, dancer & choreographer (Paul Taylor Dance Company)
07/29/1932 Nancy Landon Kassebaum, (Sen-R-Kansas, 1979- )
07/29/1933 Robert Fuller, Troy NY, actor (Laramie, Wagon Train)
07/29/1935 Peter Schreier, Meissen Germany, tenor (Dressden State Opera 1961)
07/29/1936 Elizabeth Dole, US Secretary of Transportation (1983-87)
07/29/1938 Peter Jennings, Toronto Canada, news anchor (ABC Evening News)
07/29/1939 Annea Lockwood, composer
07/29/1941 David Warner, Manchester NH, actor (Holocaust)
07/29/1943 Ingrid Kramer, Dresden Germany, diver (Olympic-gold-1964)
07/29/1943 Roz Kelly, Mt Vernon NY, actress (Owl & Pussycat, Happy Days)
07/29/1946 Neal Doughty, keyboardist (REO Speedwagon)
07/29/1950 Radu Voina, Romania, team handball (Oly-silver/2 bronze-1972, 76, 80

07/29/1951 Deborah Pryce, (Rep-R-Ohio)
07/29/1951 Leslie Easterbrook, LA Calif, actress (Ryan's Hope, Police Acadamy 5

07/29/1953 Geddy Lee, lead singer (Rush-Tom Sawyer)
07/29/1954 Flo Hyman, Inglewood Calif, volleyball player (Olympic-silver-1984)
07/29/1955 'Country' Jem Finer, English banjo player (Pogues-Straight to Hell)
07/29/1956 Patti Scialfa, singer (As Long as I Can Be)/Mrs Bruce Springsteen
07/29/1959 Gary Springer, NYC, actor (Bernice Bobs Her Hair)
07/29/1959 Nelli Kim, USSR, gymnist (Olympic-2 golds-1976)
07/29/1963 Alexandra Paul, NYC, actress (Christine, American Flyers, Dragnet)
07/29/1964 Lisa Peluso, Phila, actress (Search for Tomorrow, Ava-Loving)
07/29/1968 Kristen Babb-Sprague, Calif, US synchronized swimmer (Olympic-gold-9

07/29/1970 Maria Checca, Bogota Colombia, playmate (Aug, 1994)
07/29/1971 Bryan Dattilo, Kanakee Ill, actor (Lucas-Days of our Life)
07/29/1971 Jayne Fenner, Four Marks England, US sailing (Olympic-92)
07/29/1972 Wil Wheaton, actor (Star Trek Next Generation-Wesley, Stand By Me)
07/29/1973 Stephen Dorff, Atlanta, actor (I Know My Name is Steven)
07/29/1973 Wanya Morris, [Squirt], Phila Pa, rapper (Boyz II Men)


07/29/1030 Olaf Haraldsson, King of Norway, dies in battle of Stiklestad
07/29/1095 Ladislaus I Arpad de Heilige, King of Hungary, dies
07/29/1099 Urban II, [Odo van Lagery], French Pope (1088-99), dies
07/29/1164 Olaf, King of Norway, dies
07/29/1596 Jacobus Latomus, Flemish poet (Psalms/Jeremias) dies at about 84
07/29/1632 Samuel Ampzing, vicar/poet (Biblical Treasures), dies
07/29/1644 Urban VIII, [Maffeo Barberini], Pope (1623-44), dies
07/29/1649 David Teniers I, Flemish painter (altaar stukken), dies
07/29/1786 Franz Asplmayr, composer, dies at 58
07/29/1797 Christoph Rheineck, composer, dies at 48
07/29/1808 SelŒm III, poet/composer/sultan of Turkey (1789-1808), dies
07/29/1825 Micah Hawkins, composer, dies at 48
07/29/1838 Jonathan Huntington, composer, dies at 66
07/29/1844 Franz Xaver Wolfgang Mozart, composer, dies at 53
07/29/1856 Robert A Schumann, German pianist/composer (Humoresque), dies at 46
07/29/1857 Charles LJL Bonaparte, Corsican/French prince of Canino, dies at 54
07/29/1859 Auguste Mathieu Panseron, composer, dies at 63
07/29/1863 Edward Needle Kirk, US Union brig-general, dies in battle at about 3

07/29/1886 Adolf Muller, composer, dies at 84
07/29/1886 Solomon Gazfried, rabbi/author (Kitzur Shulchan Aruch), dies
07/29/1890 Vincent Van Gogh, painter, dies in Auvers, France
07/29/1897 Joost G Kist, lawyer/president of High Council (1885-97), dies at 74

07/29/1900 Umberto I, Italian King (1878-1900) assassinated by Gaetano Bresci
07/29/1906 Alexandre Luigini, composer, dies at 56
07/29/1911 Oscar Carr‚, circus director, dies at 64
07/29/1913 Tobias MC Asser, lawyer (Nobel 1911), dies
07/29/1922 Edward Gailliard, Flemish language/archaeologist, dies at 81
07/29/1930 Alexander von Fielitz, composer, dies at 69
07/29/1933 Gerhard Rusenkrone Schjelderup, composer, dies at 73
07/29/1956 Ludwig Klages, German philosopher (Study of Graves), dies at 83
07/29/1960 Richard Simon, co-founder (Simon & Shuster), dies
07/29/1963 Dorian Le Gallienne, composer, dies at 48
07/29/1966 Pal Jardanyi, composer, dies at 44
07/29/1970 John Barbirolli, composer, dies at 70
07/29/1970 Jonel Perlea, composer, dies at 69
07/29/1974 Cass Elliot, singer of Mamas & Papas chokes to death at 30 in London

07/29/1975 James [Benjamin] Blish, sci-fi author (Star Trek Reader), dies at 54

07/29/1978 Wesley La Violette, composer, dies at 84
07/29/1979 Herbert Marcuse, philosopher (Eros & Civilization), dies at 81
07/29/1980 Jan Tausinger, composer, dies at 58
07/29/1982 Cor[nelis R J] Kieboom, resistor/President Feyenoord, dies at 81
07/29/1982 Harold Sakata, actor (Kenji-Sarge), dies at 62
07/29/1982 Richard N Gale, English general/paracommandant, dies at 86
07/29/1983 David Niven, actor (Rugues), dies in Switzerland at 73
07/29/1983 J B Charles, [Willem H Nagel], criminologist/writer, dies
07/29/1983 Luis Bu¤uel, movie director, dies at 83 of cirrhosis of liver
07/29/1983 Raymond Massey, actor, dies of pneumonia in Beverly Hills, Calif at

07/29/1984 Fred Waring, orch leader (Fred Waring Show), dies at 84
07/29/1984 Woodrow Parfey, actor (Time Express), dies at 61 of a heart attack
07/29/1985 James F Nolan, actor (Dante), dies of cancer at 69
07/29/1988 Ellin Berlin [MacKay], Mrs Irving Berlin, dies at 86
07/29/1990 Bruno Kreisky, union chancellor Austria, dies
07/29/1992 Tavio Amorin, Togolese politician, murdered
07/29/1993 AJA Quintus Bosz, Indonesian/Suriname lawyer, dies at 78

Significant Events:

07/29/ 362 Emperor Julianus of Constantinople ends education laws
07/29/ 626 Avaren/Slaves under khagan Bajan begin siege of Constantinople
07/29/1014 Battle of Strumitsa-valley: Byzantine destroys Bulgarian armies
07/29/1030 Battle at Stiklestad (Trondheim)
07/29/1179 Lando Sittino proclaimed (anti-)pope Innocent III
07/29/1579 Antwerp request union with of Utrecht
07/29/1585 Friese academy opens
07/29/1588 Attacking Spanish Armada defeated & scattered by English defenders
07/29/1634 Dutch fleet under Johannes van Walbeeck lands on Cura‡ao
07/29/1655 Biggest townhall in the world opens in Amsterdam
07/29/1693 Battle at Neerwinden: French beats English/Dutch army
07/29/1715 10 Spanish treasure galleons sunk off Florida coast by hurricane
07/29/1773 1st schoolhouse west of Allegheny Mtns completed, Schoenbrunn, OH
07/29/1783 Skaptar Volcano on Iceland erupts killing about 9,000
07/29/1786 1st newspaper published west of Alleghanies, Pitts Gazette
07/29/1835 1st sugar plantation in Hawaii begins
07/29/1844 NY Yacht Club forms
07/29/1851 A De Gasparis discovers asteroid #15 Eunomia
07/29/1858 1st commercial treaty between US & Japan signed
07/29/1858 US citizens allowed to live anywhere in Japan
07/29/1864 3rd & last day of battle at Deep Bottom Run, Virginia
07/29/1864 Battle of Macon, GA (Stoneman's Raid)
07/29/1874 Major Walter Copton Wingfield patents a portable tennis court
07/29/1899 1st motorcycle race, Manhattan Beach, NY
07/29/1899 Southern Calif Golf Assn forms
07/29/1902 Union of Orthodox Rabbis of US & Canada forms
07/29/1907 1st helicopter ascent in Douai, France
07/29/1908 St Louis Browns Rube Waddell strikes out 16 Phila Athletics
07/29/1910 JWEL Hilgers is 1st Dutchman to fly above Dutch territory
07/29/1911 Boston Red Sox Joe Wood no-hits St Louis Browns, 5-0
07/29/1913 Albania becomes soevereinity under prince Wilhelm von Wied
07/29/1914 1st transcontinental phone link made between NYC & SF
07/29/1914 Austrian-Hungary bombs Belgrade
07/29/1914 British fleet leaves Portland/passes Straits of Dover
07/29/1914 Russia mobilize troops along Austrian boundary
07/29/1915 US marines land in Haiti, stay until 1924
07/29/1916 Postal check & Girodienst establishes
07/29/1920 1st transcontinental airmail flight from NY to SF
07/29/1920 Mexican rebel Pancho Villa surrenders
07/29/1921 New rules of language assumed (equal rights Flemings/Walen Belgium)
07/29/1923 Albert Einstein speaks on pacifism in Berlin
07/29/1923 KPD holds struggle day against fascism, in Germany
07/29/1924 Paul Runyan wins PGA golf championship
07/29/1927 1st iron lung intalled (Bellevue hospital, NY)
07/29/1928 Walt Disney's 'Steamboat Willie' is released
07/29/1929 Belgium Maurice Dewaele wins Tour de France
07/29/1930 115ø F (46ø C), Holly Springs, Mississippi (state record)
07/29/1937 C Jackson discovers asteroid #1431 Luanda
07/29/1937 Japanese troops occupies Peking & Tientsin
07/29/1938 Olympic National Park established
07/29/1942 Eastern Blvd in the Bronx renamed Bruckner Blvd
07/29/1943 Nazi's evacuate Hollandsche Theater in Amsterdam
07/29/1944 Allied air force bomb Germany for 6 hours
07/29/1944 US 4th Armour division occupiers Avranches
07/29/1945 Cruiser Indianapolis torpedoed, US 3rd atom bomb on board?
07/29/1947 Gas leak explodes in a beauty parlor, 10 women die in Harrisonburg V

07/29/1948 King George VI opens 14th modern Olympic games in London
07/29/1949 Airlift in West-Germany to West-Berlin ends
07/29/1952 1st nonstop transpacific flight by a jet
07/29/1953 US bombers shot down at north of Wladiwostok
07/29/1955 Smokey Burgess hits 3 HRS to help Pirates beat Reds 16-5
07/29/1956 Cathy Cornelius wins US Women's Golf Open in a playoff
07/29/1956 Jacques Cousteau's Calypso anchors in 7,500 m of water (record)
07/29/1956 WCKT (now WSVN) TV channel 7 in Miami, FL (IND) begins broadcasting
07/29/1957 Heavyweight Floyd Patterson KOs Hurricane Jackson
07/29/1957 International Atomic Energy Agency established by UN
07/29/1957 Jack Paar's Tonight show premieres
07/29/1958 Pres Eisenhower signs NASA & Space Act of 1958
07/29/1958 Southern Pacific Bay ferries stop running
07/29/1960 J Schubart discovers asteroid #2000 Herschel
07/29/1961 Phillies lose 1st of 23 straight games
07/29/1961 Wallis & Futuna Islands become a French overseas territory
07/29/1965 Beatles movie 'Help' premieres, Queen Elizabeth attends
07/29/1965 Gemini 5 returned after 12d 7h 11m 53s
07/29/1965 Major league record 26 strikeouts, Phillies (16), Pirates (10)
07/29/1966 Nigerians chief of staff Jakubu Gowon makes coup
07/29/1967 Fire aboard carrier USS Forrestal in Gulf of Tonkin kills 134
07/29/1967 Moderate quake (6.5) strikes Caracas Venezuela causing severe damage

07/29/1967 U S S Forrestal explodes kills 134. $100 million damage
07/29/1968 Cincinnati Red George Culver no hits Phillies, 6-1
07/29/1968 Mount Arenal, Costa Rica kills 80 in Pelee-type eruption
07/29/1968 Pope Paul VI reaffirms stand against artificial birth control
07/29/1969 Mariner 6 begins transmitting far-encounter photos of Mars
07/29/1970 6 days of race rioting in Hartford Ct
07/29/1973 Greek plebiscite chooses republic over monarchy
07/29/1974 2nd impeachment vote against Nixon by House Judiciary Committee
07/29/1974 St Louis Card Lou Brock steals his 700th base
07/29/1975 Ford became 1st US pres to visit Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz
07/29/1975 Pres Jakubu Gowon of Nigeria makes coup
07/29/1978 600,000 attend 'Summer Jam' rock festival, Watkins Glen, NY
07/29/1978 Penny Dean swims English Channel in record 7h40m
07/29/1978 Pioneer 11 transmits images of Saturn & its rings
07/29/1981 Iran ex-president Bani Sadr flees to Paris
07/29/1981 Prince Charles of England weds Lady Diane Spencer
07/29/1982 Andy Taylor of rock group Duran Duran weds Tracie Wilson
07/29/1983 'Friday Night Videos' premieres on NBC TV
07/29/1983 Steve Garvey ends his NL record 1,207 consecutive game streak
07/29/1984 23rd Summer Olympics opens in LA
07/29/1985 19th Space Shuttle Mission (51-F)-Challenger 8-launched
07/29/1986 Bomb attack in West-Beirut, 30 killed
07/29/1986 NY jury rules NFL violated antitrust laws, awards USFL $1 in damages

07/29/1987 Ben & Jerry's & Jerry Garcia agree on a new flavor Cherry Garcia
07/29/1988 FDIC bails out 1st Republic Bank, Dallas, with $4 billion
07/29/1988 Gorbachev pushes plan electing president & parliament in March, 1989

07/29/1988 Judge orders NASA to release unedited tape from Challenger cockpit
07/29/1988 Last US Playboy Club (Lansing Mich) closes
07/29/1988 South African govt bans anti-apartheid film 'Cry Freedom'
07/29/1989 Javier Sotomayor of Cuba sets high jump record (8'0') in San Juan
07/29/1989 Phillies retire Steve Carltons # 32
07/29/1989 Vince Coleman, record streak stopped at 50 straight stolen bases
07/29/1990 Boston Red Sox set major league record with 12 doubles in a game
07/29/1990 South Africa Communist Party begins 1st legal conference
07/29/1991 1st Sunday Night game at Shea Stadium (Mets beat Cubs 6-0)
07/29/1991 Donald Trump gives Marla Maples a 7« caret engagement ring
07/29/1992 Ray Sharkey, actor (Wiseguys), arrested for narcotic possession
07/29/1993 Cin Red pitcher Thomas Browning arrested for marijuana pocession
07/29/1993 Walter Koenig (Checkov-Star Trek) suffers a mild heart attack
07/29/1994 Parliamentary election in Aruba

Robert Wolfe

Jul 30, 2021, 7:40:14 AM7/30/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


07/30/1511 Giorgio Vasari, Italy, painter/art historian (Vasari's Lives)
07/30/1747 Antonio Benedetto Maria Puccini, composer
07/30/1751 Maria A [Nannerl] Mozart, Austrian pianist
07/30/1763 Samuel Rogers, English poet (Italy, a poem)
07/30/1793 Josepf Francois Snel, composer
07/30/1815 Thomas Jackson Rodman, Bvt Brig General (Union volunteers)
07/30/1817 Charles Radoux-Rogier, composer
07/30/1818 Emily Brontâ, England, novelist (Wuthering Heights)
07/30/1818 John Heemskerk Azn, minister of Internal minister (1866..88)
07/30/1824 Eugenio Terziani, composer
07/30/1831 Helene P Blavatsky, founder (Theosophist Cooperation)
07/30/1837 Elon John Farnsworth, Brig General (Union volunteers), died in 1863
07/30/1838 Eugen Richter, German parliament leader (liberal)
07/30/1845 Jacob C van Marken, CEO (CalvÇ-Delft)
07/30/1855 James Edward Kelly, US, sculptor 'Sculptor of American History'
07/30/1855 Wilhelm von Siemens, German industrialist
07/30/1856 Richard B Haldane, British viscount/lord-chancellor (Life of A Smith

07/30/1857 Thorstein Veblen, US, economist (Theory of the Leisure Class-1899)
07/30/1863 Henry Ford, Dearborn Township, Mich, auto maker (Ford)
07/30/1868 Alfred Weber, German economist/sociologist
07/30/1872 Clementine, Princess of Belgium, wife of Prince Napoleon Bonaparte
07/30/1875 James William Tate, composer
07/30/1880 Robert Rutherford McCormick, US, editor/publisher (Chicago Tribune)
07/30/1882 Leo van Puyfielde, Flemish art historian
07/30/1886 Johan Algot Haquinius, composer
07/30/1887 Felix A Vening Meinesz, geophysicist (black force)
07/30/1887 Timothy Mara, NFL owner (NY Giants)
07/30/1888 Jean-Jacques Bernard, French writer (Mon päre Tristan Bernard)
07/30/1888 Raden Sutomo, Indonesian freedom fighter
07/30/1889 Vladimir Zworykin, electronics engineer/inventor, father of TV
07/30/1890 Casey Stengel, baseball manager (Yankees (1949-60)/NY Met's 1st)
07/30/1897 Jacques de Kadt, Dutch 2nd chamber member (PvdA)/writer)
07/30/1898 Henry Moore, England, sculptor (Vertebrae)
07/30/1899 Gerald Moore, England, pianist (Am I Too Loud)
07/30/1899 Henricus Moorman, Dutch vice-admiral (KVP)
07/30/1899 John Woods Duke, composer
07/30/1899 Vladimir K Zworykin, Russian/US, technician (ionoscope)
07/30/1906 L'udovit Rajter, composer
07/30/1906 Serafin Pro, composer
07/30/1909 Cyril Northcote Parkinson, England, historian (Pursuit of Progress)
07/30/1912 Anne B Ridler, British poetess (Who is my neighbor?)
07/30/1913 Ivo Lhotka-Kalinski, composer
07/30/1921 Georg G Lampe, painter/director Free Academy
07/30/1921 Grant Johannesen, Salt Lake City Ut, pianist (OstÇnd 1st prize 1947)

07/30/1921 Jacques Vanderschueren, Belgium, European minister
07/30/1922 Zbigniew Wiszniewski, composer
07/30/1923 Dipa Nusantara Aidit, Indonesian communist/leader of PKI (1951-65)
07/30/1924 Christopher Shaw, composer
07/30/1924 William Gass, Fargo ND, novelist/philosopher (Omensetter's Luck)
07/30/1925 Antoine Duhamel, composer
07/30/1925 Jacques Sernas, Lithuania, actor (La Dolce Vita, Helen of Troy)
07/30/1926 Peter T Thwaites, British brig-gen/playwright (Love or money)
07/30/1927 Richard Johnson, actor (Never So Few, Restless, Beyond the Door)
07/30/1929 Christine McGuire, Middletown Oh singer (McGuire Sisters-Sugartime)
07/30/1929 Sid Kroft, Athens Greece, puppeteer (Barbara Mandrell Show)
07/30/1931 Joan Vohs, St Albans NY, actress (Fort Ti, Vice Squad, Sabrina)
07/30/1933 Edd 'Kookie' Byrnes, LA, actor (77 Sunset Strip, Jack the Ripper)
07/30/1934 Andre Prevost, composer
07/30/1934 Ben Piazza, Ark, actor (Blues Brothers, Ben Casey, Dallas)
07/30/1936 George 'Buddy' Guy, US blues guitarist (Stone Crazy)
07/30/1936 Istvan Zelenka, composer
07/30/1936 Ralph Taeger, Richmond Hill NY, actor (Klondike, Acapulco, Hondo)
07/30/1936 Yuri Alexandrovich Falik, composer
07/30/1938 Vayachselav Ivanenko, USSR, 50K walker (Olympic-gold-1988)
07/30/1939 Eleanor Smeal, heads National Organization for Women
07/30/1939 Peter Bogdanovich, director/producer (Last Picture Show)
07/30/1940 Clive Sinclair, British computer inventor (ZX Spectrum)
07/30/1940 Patricia Schroeder, (Rep-D-Colorado, 1973- )
07/30/1940 Reva Rose, Chicago Ill, actress (Temperature's Rising)
07/30/1941 Count Desmond, [Edward Benjamin], Binghamton NY, sword swallower
07/30/1941 Paul Anka, Ottawa Ontario, singer (Put Your Head on My Shoulder)
07/30/1944 Frances de la Tour, actress (Bejewlled, Wombling Free)
07/30/1944 Teresa Cahill, opera singer
07/30/1945 David Sanborn, saxophonist (David Letterman Show)
07/30/1947 Arnold Schwarzenegger, Austria, body builder (Commando, Terminator)
07/30/1947 William Atherton, Ct, actor (Real Genius, Ghostbusters, Class of 44)

07/30/1949 Joyce Jones, US singer (First Choice)
07/30/1950 Frank Stallone, NYC, Sylvestor's brother/actor (Barfly, Outlaw Force

07/30/1950 Wime de Craene, Flemish chansonnier/composer
07/30/1953 Aleksandr Nikolayevich Balandin, Russia, cosmonaut (Soyuz TM-9)
07/30/1954 Ken Olin, Chicago Ill, actor (Hill St Blues, Michael-30 Something)
07/30/1956 Delta Burke, Orlando Fla, actress (Suzanne-Designing Women)
07/30/1956 Phil Fearon, rocker (Galaxy, Kandidate-I Don't Want to Lose You)
07/30/1957 Bert Oosterbosch, bicyclist
07/30/1957 Bill Cartwright, basketball player (NY Knicks, Chic Bulls)
07/30/1957 Mark Tymchyshyn, Minneapolis, actor (Gavin-As The World Turns)
07/30/1957 Rat Scables, Damned, rocker
07/30/1958 Daley Thompson, London, Decathalete (Olympic-gold-1980, 1984)
07/30/1958 Kate Bush, Plumstead England, singer/songwriter (Wild Things)
07/30/1958 Richard Burge, actor (Another World)
07/30/1961 Larry Fishburne, actor (Red Heat, School Daze)
07/30/1962 Vladimir Nikolayevich Dezhurov, Russia, lt-colonel/cosmonaut
07/30/1963 Chris Mullen, Bkln NY, US basketball player (Warriors/Olympic-gold-9

07/30/1963 Ingrid Butts, Denver Colo, cross country skier (Olympics-1994)
07/30/1963 Monique Gabrielle, LA Cal, actress (Bad Girls 4, Amazon Women on Moo

07/30/1965 Tex Axile, rocker (Transvision Vamp-Velveteen)
07/30/1975 Tifini Hale, Palm Springs Calif, rocker (Party-Rodeo, That's Why)


07/30/ 579 Benedict I, Italian Pope (575-79), dies
07/30/1516 Johan V Nassau, earl of Nassau-Vianden/Dietz, dies
07/30/1528 Jacopo d'antonio Negreti Palma, Italian painter, dies at about 48
07/30/1652 John Cloppenburg, vicar/theologist, dies at 68
07/30/1653 Gabriel Naude, composer, dies at 53
07/30/1655 Sigmund Theophil Staden, composer, dies at 47
07/30/1712 Abraham Elsevier, publisher
07/30/1718 William Penn, English Quaker/colonizer (No cross, no crown), dies
07/30/1727 Franz Weichlein, composer, dies at 67
07/30/1741 Wierich PL count von Daun, gov-gen of Austria & Netherlands, dies
07/30/1781 Augustin Ullinger, composer, dies at 35
07/30/1796 Nicolas the Pigage, French classical architect, dies
07/30/1832 Jean-A-C Chaptal, French chemist/Internal minister, dies
07/30/1865 George Wright, US Union brig-general (scheepsongeluk), dies at 61
07/30/1898 Otto von Bismarck, German 'Iron' chancellor, dies
07/30/1903 Servas Daems, [Peeter Klein], Flemish writer (Wheelbarrows), dies
07/30/1912 Moetsoehito, 122nd emperor of Japan, dies
07/30/1914 Jean JaurÇs, leading socialist, assassinated in Paris
07/30/1918 Chaim Soloveitchik, Rabbi of Brisk, talmudic scholar, dies
07/30/1927 Robert Marquies de Flers, French writer (Monsieur Bretonneau, dies
07/30/1936 Adolf Philipp, composer, dies at 72
07/30/1943 Benjamin James Dale, composer, dies at 58
07/30/1957 Sem Dresden, composer/conductor, dies at 76
07/30/1958 Alexander Albrecht, composer, dies at 72
07/30/1964 Junichiro Tanizaki, Japanese writer (Key), dies
07/30/1966 Edward G Craig, English actor/director (On art of theatre), dies
07/30/1967 Alfried Krupp, German industrialist, dies
07/30/1968 Jon Leifs, composer, dies at 69
07/30/1970 George Szell, Hungarian/US conductor (Cleveland Orch), dies at 73
07/30/1973 Erich Katz, composer, dies at 72
07/30/1974 Lev Konstantinovich Knipper, composer, dies at 75
07/30/1977 JÅrgen Ponto, West German banker, murdered
07/30/1979 Beppie Nooò, actress, dies at 67
07/30/1980 Charles McGraw, actor (Michael-Falcon, Smith Family), dies at 66
07/30/1980 Norman Lloyd, composer, dies at 70
07/30/1983 Howard Deitz, MGM executive, dies at 86 of Parkinson's disease
07/30/1983 Lynn Fontanne, Broadway's premier actress (Emmy 1965), dies at 95
07/30/1990 Ian Gow, British Conservative parliament leader, murdered
07/30/1991 Leonardus S van Egerat, travel expert, dies at 68
07/30/1992 Joe Shuster, co-creator of Superman, dies at 78, dies
07/30/1992 Titti Sotto, latin songwriter, dies at 48 of aids
07/30/1993 Edward Raczynski, Polish president in exile (1979-86), dies at 102
07/30/1993 Jay Scott, [Jeffrey Scott Beaven], US/Canada movie critic, dies at 4

07/30/1993 John Castrios, 1st murder in Washington NH in 200 years, dies at 45

Significant Events:

07/30/ 579 Benedict I ends his reign as Catholic Pope
07/30/ 657 St Vitalian begins his reign as Catholic Pope succeeding Eugene I
07/30/1419 Hussiets besiege townhall of Prague/killed councillors
07/30/1537 Resistant of Bomy: French/Dutch ceasefire
07/30/1601 Spanish garrison of Rhine birch surrenders to Earl Mauritius
07/30/1618 Prince Maurits' troops pull into Utrecht
07/30/1619 House of Burgesses Virginia formed, 1st elective US governing body
07/30/1626 Earthquake hits Naples; 10,000 die
07/30/1650 Prince Willem II occupies Amsterdam
07/30/1653 Johan the Witt sworn in as pension advisor of Holland
07/30/1678 English troops lands in Flanders
07/30/1715 Spanish gold & silver fleet disappears off St Lucie, Florida
07/30/1729 City of Baltimore founded
07/30/1733 Society of Freemasons opens 1st American lodge in Boston
07/30/1739 Caspar Wistar begins glass manufacturing in Allowaystown, NJ
07/30/1775 Capt Cook with Resolution returns to England
07/30/1792 500 Marseillaisian men sing France's national anthem for 1st time
07/30/1809 English invasion army lands in Walcheren
07/30/1822 James Varick becomes 1st bishop of Afr Meth Episcopal Zion Church
07/30/1824 Gioacchino Rossini becomes manager of ThÇÉtre Italian, Paris
07/30/1826 Java prince Dipo Negoro surprise attacks Dutch colony, 82 killed
07/30/1836 1st English newspaper published in Hawaii
07/30/1839 Slave rebels, take over slaver Amistad
07/30/1844 1st US yacht club organized, NY Yacht Club
07/30/1864 Battle of Chambersburg, PA - burned by Union forces under McCausland

07/30/1864 Battle of the Crater: Gen Burnsides fails on attack of Petersburg
07/30/1864 Confederate troops attack Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, in fire
07/30/1865 Pope Pius IX visits Suriname
07/30/1866 Race riot in New Orleans
07/30/1870 Staten Island ferry 'Westfield' burns, killing 100
07/30/1874 1st baseball teams to play outside US, Boston-Phila in British Isles

07/30/1878 Russian assault on Plevna Turkey, 7,300 Russian casualties
07/30/1889 Start of Sherlock Holmes adventure 'Naval Treaty' (BG)
07/30/1902 Anti-Jewish rioters attack funeral procession of Rabbi Joseph (NYC)
07/30/1905 Dutch Covenant of Worker's union, NVV, established
07/30/1905 M Wolf discovers asteroid #570 Kythera
07/30/1908 Around the World Autombile Race ends in Paris
07/30/1909 John A Heyder becomes president of baseball's National League
07/30/1909 US Army accepts delivery of 1st military airplane
07/30/1911 J Palisa discovers asteroid #716 Berkeley
07/30/1913 Conclusion of 2nd Balkan War
07/30/1914 Austrian-Hungary & Russia end general mobilization
07/30/1914 France troops advance 10 km to German border
07/30/1914 John French appointed British supreme commander
07/30/1916 G Neujmin discovers asteroid #951 Gaspra
07/30/1916 German saboteurs blow up a munitions plant on Black Tom Island, NJ
07/30/1922 K Reinmuth discovers asteroid #983 Gunila
07/30/1923 New Zealand claims Ross Dependency
07/30/1926 Albanian boundaries deduced
07/30/1928 George Eastman demonstrates 1st color movie
07/30/1930 Uruguay beats Argentina 4-2 for soccer's 1st World Cup in Montevideo

07/30/1932 10th modern Olympic games opens in Los Angeles
07/30/1932 G Van Biesbroeck discovers asteroid #2253 Espinette
07/30/1937 Phillies Dolph Camilli, plays 1st base & registers no put outs
07/30/1938 C Jackson discovers asteroid #1467 Mashona
07/30/1938 Gen Metaxas names himself premier of Greece
07/30/1939 Belgium Sylväre Maes wins 33rd Tour de France
07/30/1941 German occupiers forbid SDAP, VDB, ARP, RKSP, CHU & SGP in Netherlan

07/30/1942 FDR signs bill creating women's Navy auxiliary agency (WAVES)
07/30/1942 German SS kills 25,000 Jews in Minsk, Belorussia
07/30/1942 German occupiers set night curfew on Jews in Netherlands
07/30/1943 Last Judy Garland-Mickey Rooney movie released (Girl Crazy)
07/30/1944 Heavy battles at Tessy-sur-Vire & Villebaudon Normandy
07/30/1944 US 30th division reaches suburbs of St-Lì Normandy
07/30/1945 Philippines Sea: US cruiser Indianapolis torpedoed/sinks, 880 die
07/30/1946 1st rocket attains 100 mi (167 km) altitude, White Sands, NM
07/30/1948 Emile Zatopek runs Olympic record (10K - 29:59.6)
07/30/1948 Professional wrestling premieres on prime-time network TV (DuMont)
07/30/1951 E L Johnson discovers asteroid #2718
07/30/1955 Louison Bobet wins his 3rd Tour de France
07/30/1956 US motto 'In God We Trust' authorized
07/30/1960 1st AFL preseason game Boston Patriots defeat Bills in Buffalo (28-7

07/30/1961 Jerry Barber wins PGA golf tournament
07/30/1962 AL beats NL 9-4 in 33rd All Star Game (Wrigley Field Chicago)
07/30/1964 US naval fire on Hon Ngu/Hon Mo, North Vietnam
07/30/1965 LBJ signs Medicare bill, which went into effect following year
07/30/1966 Beatles' 'Yesterday... & Today,' album goes #1 & stays #1 for 5 week

07/30/1966 England beats West Germany 4-2 for soccer's 8th World Cup in London
07/30/1966 US airplanes bombs demilitarized zone in Vietnam
07/30/1967 Race riot in Milwaukee (4 killed)
07/30/1968 Beatles' Apple Boutique closes, entire inventory is given away
07/30/1968 Wash Senator Ron Hansen makes 1st unassisted triple-play in 41 years

07/30/1969 Barbra Striesand opens for Liberace at International Hotel, Las Vega

07/30/1969 KAEC TV channel 19 in Lufkin, TX (ABC) begins broadcasting
07/30/1969 Mariner 6 passes Venus on 3410 km (74 photos)
07/30/1970 30,000 attend Powder Ridge Rock Festival, Middlefield Ct
07/30/1970 Smirnova discover asteroid 1835 Gajdariya, 2032 Ethel & 2349 Kurchen

07/30/1971 George Harrison releases 'Bangladesh'
07/30/1971 Japanese Boeing 727 collides with an F-86 fighter killing 162
07/30/1971 US Apollo 15 (Scott & Irwin) lands on Mare Imbrium on the Moon
07/30/1973 Texas Ranger Jim Bibby no-hits Oakland A's, 6-0
07/30/1974 House of Reps recommends 3 articles of impeachment of Nixon
07/30/1975 Teamsters Pres Jimmy Hoffa disappears in suburban Detroit
07/30/1976 Giulio Andreotti sworn in as premier of Italy
07/30/1976 Japanese beat Russian for Olympic gold in woman's volleyball
07/30/1980 British New Hebrides becomes independent & takes name Vanuatu
07/30/1980 Vanuatu (then New Hebrides) gains independence from Britain & France

07/30/1981 Belgian Senate accept laws against racism
07/30/1983 Official speed record for a piston-driven aircraft, 832 kph, Calif
07/30/1983 Weight lifter Sergei Didyk of USSR jerks a record 261 kg
07/30/1984 Alvenus tanker at Cameron La, spills 2.8 million gallons of oil
07/30/1984 Soap Opera 'Santa Barbara' premieres on NBC TV
07/30/1985 Discovery moves to Vandenberg AFB for mating of STS 51-I mission
07/30/1988 Cin Red pitcher John Franco sets a record of 13 saves in 1 month
07/30/1988 James Ogilvy (under Engl princess Alexandra) marries Julia Rawlinson

07/30/1988 King Hussein disolves Jordan's House of Representatives
07/30/1988 Ronald J Dossenbach begins world record ride, pedaling across Canada

07/30/1988 from Vancouver BC, to Halifax, NS (13 days, 15 hr, 4 min)
07/30/1989 Chile amends its constitution
07/30/1990 5 Bank of Credit & Commerce members found guilty of money
07/30/1990 Soldiers opens fire on worshippers in Monrovian church, 200-600 die
07/30/1991 MTV announces it will split into 3 channels in 1993
07/30/1991 Red Sox Carlos Quintana is 11th to get 6 RBIs in an inning (3rd)

Robert Wolfe

Jul 31, 2021, 7:40:12 AM7/31/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


07/31/1396 Philips, the Good, Duke of Burgundy//Brabant/Limburg/count
07/31/1443 Albrecht III van Saxon-Meisen, duke of Saxon
07/31/1527 Maximilian II, German King/Emperor (1564-76)
07/31/1578 Catharina Belgian van Nassau, daughter of Willem of Orange
07/31/1629 Johann Jakob Lowe von Eisenach, composer
07/31/1654 Jacob Hop, politician/diplomat
07/31/1743 August R van Hekeren van Suideras, orangist
07/31/1748 Isaac Ouwater, Amsterdam painter/cartoonist
07/31/1763 James Kent, Fredericksburgh NY, legal scholar (Columbia)
07/31/1767 Amelie Julia Candielle, composer
07/31/1803 John Ericsson, US, invented screw propeller/built USS Monitor
07/31/1808 Frederick Nichols Crouch, composer
07/31/1816 George Henry Thomas, Major General (Union Army), died in 1870
07/31/1817 Philip Cook Jr, Brig General (Confederate Army), died in 1894
07/31/1818 Heinrich Kiepert, German cartographer/geographer
07/31/1825 Thomas Hart Taylor, Brig General (Confederate Army), died in 1901
07/31/1828 Fran‡ois Auguste Gevaert, Belgian composer (Le diable au moulin)
07/31/1830 Frantisek Zdenek Xavier Alois Skuhersky, composer
07/31/1834 Peter H Hugenholtz, reforms vicar/founder (Free Borough)
07/31/1837 William Clarke Quantrill, Col (Confederate Army), died in 1865
07/31/1841 George Melville, polar explorer, naval engineer
07/31/1844 Ignazio Guidi, Italian orientalist/archaeologist
07/31/1847 Ignacio Cervantes, composer
07/31/1848 Jean Robert Planquette, Fren composer (Lesson cloches the Corneville

07/31/1884 Karl F Goerdeler, mayor (Leipzig), 'July 20th Plot'
07/31/1886 Constantly Permeke, Flemish painter/statues artist (Zeug)
07/31/1893 Charles Wilfred Orr, composer
07/31/1894 Roy Bargy, Mich, orch leader (Jimmy Durante Show)
07/31/1900 Elmo Roper, pollster (Roper Poll)
07/31/1900 Erich Katz, composer
07/31/1901 Jean Debuffet, French painter/sculptor (Landscape with 2 Personages)

07/31/1904 Arthur Daley, sportswriter (NY Times-Pulitzer 1956)
07/31/1911 George Liberace, Menasha Wisc, violinist (Liberace Show)
07/31/1912 Irv Kupcinet, Chicago Ill, TV host (Tonight! America After Dark)
07/31/1912 Milton Friedman, economist (Nobel 1976)
07/31/1913 Bryan Hextall, NHL hall of famer
07/31/1919 Curt Gowdy, Green River Wyo, sportscaster (ABC)
07/31/1919 Norman Del Mar, composer
07/31/1919 Primo Levi, Italy, chemist/writer (Survival in Aushchwitz)
07/31/1920 Rudolf Halaczinsky, composer
07/31/1921 Whitney M Young Jr, civil rights leader, head of Urban League
07/31/1923 Ahmet Ertegun, CEO (Atlantic Records)
07/31/1928 Bill Frenzel, (Rep-R-MN, 1971- )
07/31/1929 Don Murray, Calif, actor (Bus Stop, Advise & Consent, Endless Love)
07/31/1929 Oriana Fallaci, Italian journalist
07/31/1932 Robert W Davis, (Rep-R-MI, 1979- )
07/31/1935 Geoffrey Lewis, Plainsfield NJ, actor (Earl-Flo, Gun Shy)
07/31/1937 Isabelle F Daniels, Jakin Georgia, 4X100m relayer (Olympic-bronze-56

07/31/1939 France Nuyen, Marselles France, actress (St Elsewhere, Diamond Head)

07/31/1939 John R West, (Gary Lewis & Playboys-This Diamond Ring), rocker
07/31/1940 Stanley Jaffe, producer (Fatal Attraction)
07/31/1943 Lobo, rocker
07/31/1943 Susan Flannery, NYC, actress (Leslie Stewart-Dallas)
07/31/1943 William Bennett, US Secretary of Education (1985-88)/drug czar
07/31/1944 Geraldine Chaplin, Santa Monica Ca, actress (Dr Zhivago, 3 Musketeer

07/31/1944 Sherry Lansing, Chicago Ill, actress (China Syndrome, Black Rain)
07/31/1945 Tomas Vackar, composer
07/31/1945 William Floyd Weld, (Gov-R-Mass)
07/31/1946 Bob Welch, rocker (Fleetwood Mac-Oh Well)
07/31/1946 Gary Lewis, Jerry's son, singer, (& The Playboys-This Diamond Ring)
07/31/1947 Karl Greene, rocker, (Herman's Hermits)
07/31/1950 Lane Davies, actor (Mason-Santa Barbara, Impure Thoughts)
07/31/1951 Barry Van Dyke, Atlanta Ga, actor (Lt Dillon-Battlestar Galactica)
07/31/1951 Evonne Goolagong Cawley, NSW Aust, tennis player (Wimbeldon 1971)
07/31/1953 Hugh McDowell, chelloist (ELO-Telephone Line)
07/31/1954 Flo Hyman, LA Calif, volleyball player (Olympic-silver-1984)
07/31/1957 Dirk Blocker, LA Calif, actor (Baa Baa Black Sheep, Ryan's Four)
07/31/1957 Irina Nazariva, USSR, 4 X 400m relay (Olympic-gold-1980)
07/31/1957 Victoria E Cooke, Hollywood Ca, playmate (Aug, 1980)
07/31/1958 Bill Berry, US pop drummer (REM-Sentimental Hygiene)
07/31/1958 Wally Kurth, actor (Days of Our Lives)
07/31/1962 Kym Malin, Dallas Tx, playmate (May, 1982)
07/31/1962 Sandra 'Sweetness' Hodge, basketball player (Harlem Globetrotters)
07/31/1963 Norman Cook, rocker (Housemartins-Happy Hour, Over There)
07/31/1966 Marina V A Mowatt [Ogilvy], daughter of English princess Alexandra
07/31/1966 Tylin John, Encino CA, playmate (Mar, 1992)
07/31/1967 Sean O'Neill, Toledo OH, US Olympic table tennis player (Olympic-92)

07/31/1970 David Sacco, Malden Mass, US hockey forward (Olympics-1994)
07/31/1973 Jerry Rivera, Puerto Rico, spanish singer


07/31/1358 Etienne Marcel, French textile merchant/reformer/Boer leader, dies
07/31/1556 St Ignatius of Loyola, founder of Society of Jesus, dies in Rome
07/31/1566 Bartholom‚ de Casas, Spanish historian/bishop of Chiapa, dies at 92
07/31/1648 Benedictus J van Haeften, poet (Regia through Crucis), dies at 60?
07/31/1693 Willem Calf, Rotterdams still life painter, dies at 73
07/31/1750 Johan V, King of Portugal, dies
07/31/1784 Denis Diderot, French writer/philosopher (Jacques le fataliste), die

07/31/1790 Johann Christian Frischmuth, composer, dies at 48
07/31/1795 Jos‚ B da Gama, Portuguese poet (East Uraguay), dies at 54
07/31/1811 Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, Mexican hero priest, executed by Spanish
07/31/1875 Andrew Johnson, 17th pres, dies in Tennessee at 66
07/31/1886 Franz von Liszt, [Ferencz], Hungarian pianist/composer, dies at 74
07/31/1914 A J Jean JaurŠs, French socialist (L'Humanit‚/Les Preuves), murdered

07/31/1932 Francesco Paolo Neglia, composer, dies at 58
07/31/1940 Whitney Krakower, US gangster, murderrd by 'Bugsy' Siegel
07/31/1942 Francis E Younghusband, British journalist/explorer, dies
07/31/1944 Antoine de Saint-Exup‚ry, French pilot/writer (Small Prince), dies
07/31/1951 J of Oudshoorn, [John K Feylbrief], writer (Maze of Sentences), dies

07/31/1953 Robert Taft, (Sen-R-Oh) 'Mr Republican', dies in NY at 63
07/31/1960 Karl Hasse, composer, dies at 77
07/31/1966 Alex E von Falkenhausen, German general, dies
07/31/1967 Mario Varvoglis, composer, dies at 81
07/31/1967 Richard Kuhn, German chemist, dies
07/31/1972 Paul-Henri Spaak, Belgian premier/sect-gen (NATO, 1957-61), dies at

07/31/1977 Stacy Moskowitz, shot to death by Son of Sam, at 20
07/31/1978 Enoch Light, orch leader (Gulf Road Show with Bob Smith), dies at 70

07/31/1981 Gen Omar Torrijos, leader of Panama, dies in plane crash
07/31/1984 Bill Raisch, one armed actor (Fred Johnson-Fugitive), dies at 79
07/31/1984 Paul Le Flem, composer, dies at 103
07/31/1985 Eugene Carson Blake, sec-gen World Council of Churches, dies at 78
07/31/1986 Theodore 'Teddy' Wilson, US jazz pianist/arranger, dies at 73
07/31/1992 G Harold Carswell, supreme court justice candidate 1970, dies at 72
07/31/1992 Sjoerd de Free, reporter (Radio Herr˜zend Netherland), dies
07/31/1993 Baudouin, king of Belgium (1951-93), dies at 62 from heart problems
07/31/1993 Paul Henry, US Republicans Congressional leader, dies at 51

Significant Events:

07/31/ 432 St Sixtus III begins his reign as Catholic Pope
07/31/ 768 [Philip] begins & ends his reign as Catholic Pope
07/31/1291 Egyptian Mamelukken occupies Akko, crusaders driven out of Palestine

07/31/1498 Christopher Columbus discovers island of Trinidad
07/31/1620 Pilgrim Fathers depart (through England) to America
07/31/1667 Peace of Breda: 2nd English war-Suriname vs New-Netherlands ends
07/31/1751 Fire in Stockholm destroys 1,000 houses
07/31/1771 Paul Potters 'Great ossendrift' sold for Ÿ9050 in Amsterdam
07/31/1777 Marquis de Lafayette, 19, made major-general of Continental Army
07/31/1790 1st US patent granted, to Samuel Hopkins for a potash process
07/31/1794 All Jacob˜nse clubs together in Haarlem
07/31/1809 1st practical US railroad track (wooden, for horse-drawn cars), Phil

07/31/1813 British invade Plattsburgh, NY
07/31/1830 Charles X of France resigns by force
07/31/1861 9300 mm rainfall in July in Cherrapunji, Assam: world record
07/31/1864 Ulysses S Grant is named General of Volunteers
07/31/1872 C H F Peters discovers asteroids #122 Gerda & #123 Brunhild
07/31/1874 Patrick Francis Healy, SJ, inaugurated as pres of Georgetown U
07/31/1900 Boer General Prinsloo & Roux surrenders in Brandwater Basin
07/31/1901 Abraham Kuyper becomes premier of Netherlands
07/31/1910 Chic Cub King Cole no-hits St Louis, 4-0 in a 7 inning game
07/31/1910 Clement van Maasd˜k gives flying demonstratiion
07/31/1911 Hungarian education is only taught in German
07/31/1912 US government prohibits movies & photos of prize fights (censorship)

07/31/1914 German Emperor Wilhelm II threatens war, orders Russia to demobilize

07/31/1914 Oil discovered in Lake of Maracaibo
07/31/1917 3rd battle of Ypres begins
07/31/1922 18-year-old Ralph Samuelson rides world's 1st water skis (Minn)
07/31/1922 Italy's general strike against fascist violence
07/31/1923 Belgian Chamber discusses bilinguality at Ghent University
07/31/1925 Last allied occupying troops leave Ruhrgebied
07/31/1925 Unemployment Insurance Act passed in England
07/31/1929 Aristide Briand becomes premier of France
07/31/1930 Lou Gehrig grand slams as Yanks beat Red Sox 14-13
07/31/1932 Cleveland Municipal Stadium opens-Phila A's beat Indians 1-0
07/31/1932 German Election (NSDAP gets 37.3%)
07/31/1935 3rd Dutch govt of Col˜n sworn in
07/31/1935 C Jackson discovers asteroids #1362 Griqua & #2865
07/31/1936 Tokyo Japan is awarded the 1940 Olympics (later cancelled)
07/31/1940 Riech's commissar Seyss-Inquart bans homosexuals
07/31/1942 German SS gases 1,000 Jews in Minsk, Belorussia
07/31/1948 Pres Truman dedicates Idlewild Field (Kennedy Airport), NY
07/31/1949 Lightning strikes a baseball field in Fla, kills SS & 3rd baseman
07/31/1953 Dept of Health, Education & Welfare created
07/31/1954 Mil Braves' Joe Adcock sets record of 18 total bases (4 hrs, 1 doubl

07/31/1955 KRNT (now KCCI) TV channel 8 in Des Moines, IA (CBS) 1st broadcast
07/31/1955 WHIS (now WVVA) TV channel 6 in Bluefield, WV (NBC) 1st broadcast
07/31/1958 Anti-Chinese uprising in Tibet
07/31/1960 El˜ah Muhammad, leader of Nation of Islam, calls for a black state
07/31/1960 KSOO (now KSFY) TV channel 13 in Sioux Falls, SD (NBC) 1st broadcast

07/31/1961 2nd All Star Game of 1961 ends 1-1 due to rain at Fenway Park
07/31/1961 Israel welcomes its 1,000,000th immigrant
07/31/1962 Federation of Malaysia formed
07/31/1963 Arturo Illia elected president of Argentina
07/31/1963 Cleve ties record of 4 consecutive HRS (Held, Ramos, Francona, Brown

07/31/1964 Al Parker glides 644 miles without any motor
07/31/1964 George Lascelles marries Patricia Tuckwell
07/31/1964 US Ranger 7 takes 4,316 pictures before crashing on Moon
07/31/1966 Alabamans burn Beatle products due to John Lennon's anti-Jesus remar

07/31/1966 Charles Whitman wounds 46 & kills 5 at University of Texas
07/31/1968 Beatles close Apple Boutique, giving clothes away for free
07/31/1969 KWIH TV channel 44 in Winona, MN (IND) begins broadcasting
07/31/1969 Mariner 6 flies past Mars
07/31/1969 National Guard mobilizes in racial disturbances in Baton Rouge, La
07/31/1970 Chet Huntley retires from NBC, ends 'Huntley-Brinkley Report'
07/31/1972 Chic White Sox Dick Allen hits 2 inside-the-park-homers in Minn
07/31/1972 Thomas Eagleton withdraws as Democratic VP candidate
07/31/1973 ABA Virginia Squires trade Julius Erving to NY Nets
07/31/1976 Seychelle Independence (Independence day)
07/31/1976 Waldemar Cierpinski runs Olympic marathon (2:09:55.0)
07/31/1978 Gunman shoots his way into Iraqi Embassy in Paris
07/31/1978 NY Yanks now 7« out of 1st, picked up 7 games in previous 2 weeks
07/31/1979 N Chernykh discovers asteroids #2402 Satpaev & #2416 Sharonov
07/31/1980 John Phillips of Mamas & Papas is arrested on drug charges
07/31/1980 Soyuz 37 crew returns to Earth aboard Soyuz 36
07/31/1981 42 day old, 2nd major league baseball strike ends
07/31/1981 Arnette Hubbard installed as 1st woman president of Natl Bar Assn
07/31/1982 46 kids & 7 adults die as 2 buses & several cars collide in France
07/31/1982 Autobus in Beaune France catches fire; 53 die
07/31/1984 Leeza Gibbon's 1st appearance on Entertainment Tonight
07/31/1984 US men's gymnastics team won team gold medal at LA Summer Olympics
07/31/1984 Venz commandos terminate hijacking of an aircraft, 2 killed
07/31/1987 'Living Daylights' premieres in US
07/31/1987 Battle between Iranian pilgrims & Saudi-Arabian troops, 402 killed
07/31/1987 Eddie Murray hits his 300th HR
07/31/1987 Guns & Roses song 'Appetite for Destruction' is released
07/31/1987 Rockwell International awarded contract to build a 5th shuttle
07/31/1988 Last Playboy club closes (Lansing Michigan)
07/31/1988 Miami Dolphins beat SF 49ers 27-21 in London
07/31/1988 Willie Stargell became 200th man inducted in Baseball's Hall of Fame

07/31/1990 Bosnia-Hercegovina declares independence
07/31/1990 Nolan Ryan becomes 20th major league pitcher to win 300 games
07/31/1992 Thai Airbus crashes into mountain at Kathmandu, 113 die
07/31/1993 Allman Bros guitarist Dickey Betts arrested for shoving 2 cops
07/31/1993 Inkatha-arm forces killed 49 ANC-followers in Johannesburg
07/31/1993 Prince Ronald 'Ronnie' Mutebi crowned king of Uganda
07/31/1994 Phil Rizzuto (NY Yankee) enters the Hall of Fame

Robert Wolfe

Aug 1, 2021, 7:40:13 AM8/1/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


08/01/ 10 -BC- Claudius, 4th Roman emperor (41-54 AD)
08/01/ 126 Publius Helvius Pertinax, Roman emperor (193 AD)
08/01/ 848 Frantisek Kmoch, composer
08/01/1322 Peter van Herenthals, South Netherlands theologist/church historian
08/01/1495 Jan van Scorel, Dutch painter/architect
08/01/1520 Sigismund II Augustus, King of Poland
08/01/1642 Ahmed II, 21st sultan of Turkey (1691-95)
08/01/1659 Antoine Mouque, composer
08/01/1685 Pietro Giuseppe Sandoni, composer
08/01/1714 Richard Wilson, British landscape painter
08/01/1744 Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, believed in inheritance of acquired traits
08/01/1753 Charles, 3rd earl Stanhope, reformer/inventor
08/01/1755 Giuseppe Antonio Capuzzi, composer
08/01/1766 Ignaz Anton Franz Xavier Ladurner, pianist/composer
08/01/1766 Jeffrey Wyatville, architect
08/01/1770 William Clark, Charlottsville VA, 2nd lt of Lewis & Clark Expedition

08/01/1779 Francis Scott Key, composer (Star-Spangled Banner)
08/01/1786 Louis C Luzac, judge/Dutch Internal minister
08/01/1814 Maxcy Gregg, Brig General (Confederate Army), died in 1862
08/01/1815 Richard Henry Dana, novelist/lawyer spent 2 years before mast
08/01/1818 Maria Mitchell, 1st US woman astronomer on Nantucket Island
08/01/1819 Herman Melville, US, author (Moby Dick, Billy Budd)
08/01/1824 Edward Francis Fitzwilliam, composer
08/01/1840 Aldine Sillman Kieffer, composer
08/01/1843 Robert Todd Lincoln, Capt (Union volunteers), died in 1926
08/01/1847 Guido Papini, composer
08/01/1847 Guido Papini, violinist/composer
08/01/1858 Hans Rott, composer
08/01/1858 Paul Barth, German philosopher/sociologist
08/01/1862 Montague Rhodes James, scholar/author/editor
08/01/1863 Gaston Doumergue, premier/pres of France (1913..34)
08/01/1871 Oskar Fried, composer
08/01/1877 Charlotte Hughes, 1990 (oldest person in Great Britain)
08/01/1877 Jan van den Tempel, Dutch 2nd Chamber Member (SDAP)
08/01/1881 Emilie Rose Macaulay, English writer
08/01/1882 Vaclav Klicka, composer
08/01/1886 Isaac Keesing, founder (System Keesing)
08/01/1888 Vito Frazzi, composer
08/01/1889 John F Mahoney, developed pencillin treatment of syphillis
08/01/1890 George II, king of Greece
08/01/1892 Constantly Burniaux, Belg, art historian (Lesson temps inquiets)
08/01/1895 Benjamin E Mays, SC, black educator (Morehouse, Howard University)
08/01/1898 Morris Stoloff, Phila, violinist (Picnic, Pal Joey)
08/01/1899 William Steinberg, Cologne, conductor (Boston Symph-1969-71)
08/01/1901 Gerard Blitz, Belgian swimmer/founder (Club Méditerranée)
08/01/1902 Henry Curls, general/chief military authority (1944-46)
08/01/1906 William Hayter, diplomat
08/01/1908 Miloslav Kabelac, composer
08/01/1909 Nigel Henderson, admiral
08/01/1911 Ronald MacDonald, British major-general
08/01/1912 Henry Jones, Phila Pa, actor (Phyllis, Falcon Crest, Gun Shy)
08/01/1913 Jerome Moross, Brooklyn NY, composer (Frankie & Johnny)
08/01/1914 Jack Delano, composer
08/01/1916 Viscount Hanworth, barrister
08/01/1917 Benjamin Roberts, British industrial relations expert
08/01/1918 Wyndraeth Morris-Jones, British political scientist
08/01/1919 Stanley Middleton, novelist
08/01/1920 Jeffrey Segal, actor (Traitors)/playwright
08/01/1920 Sammy Lee, Fresno Calif, platform diver (Olympic-gold-1948, 52)
08/01/1921 Jack Kramer, Las Vegas, tennis star (Wimbeldon 1947)
08/01/1922 Arthur Hill, Saskatchewan Canada, actor (Owen Marshall, Glitter)
08/01/1922 Frank Hauser, British theatrical director
08/01/1923 Gwyn Ward Thomas, Britsh TV director
08/01/1923 Yoshinao Nakada, composer
08/01/1926 Karl Kohn, composer
08/01/1927 André Cools, Belgium, minister of Budget/vice-premier
08/01/1930 Geoffrey Holder, Trinidad, dancer/actor (Annie, The Wiz)
08/01/1930 Lionel Bart, composer
08/01/1931 Bart Conner, US, parallel bars gymnist (Olympic-gold-1984)
08/01/1931 Lucien E Blackwell, (Rep-D-Pennsylvania)
08/01/1931 Monty Losowsky, prof of medicine (St James University England)
08/01/1931 Sean O Riada, composer
08/01/1933 Dom DeLuise, Bkln NY, comedian, actor (End, Cannonball Run, Fatso)
08/01/1933 Erwin Nypels, economist/Dutch 2nd Chamber Member (D66)
08/01/1933 Richard Lloyd Jones, secretary Welsh Office
08/01/1936 Larie Taylor, sociologist/broadcaster
08/01/1936 Yves Saint-Laurent, fashion designer (Opium, Obsession)
08/01/1937 Alfonse M D'Amato, Brooklyn NY, (Sen-R-NY 1981- )
08/01/1939 Stephen Sykes, Bishop of Ely
08/01/1940 Joan Joyce, Waterbury Ct, softball pitcher (Hall of Fame 1983)
08/01/1940 Mervyn Kitchen, cricket umpire
08/01/1941 Ron Brown, actor (Charlie the Lonesome Cougar)
08/01/1942 Giancarlo Giannini, Italy, actor (Seduction of Mimi)
08/01/1942 Jerry Garcia, SF, rocker (Grateful Dead-Uncle Joe's Band)
08/01/1943 Andy Roxburgh, manager Scotland soccer team
08/01/1944 Elske Terveld, Dutch state secretary Social Business (PvdA)
08/01/1944 Yuri V Romanenko, USSR, cosmonaut (Soyuz 26, Soyuz 38, Soyuz TM-2)
08/01/1946 Frederick C Boucher, (Rep-D-Virginia)
08/01/1946 J Guillermo, husband of princess Christina of Netherlands
08/01/1946 Richard O Covey, Fayetteville Ar, USAF/astro (STS 51I, 26, 38, 61)
08/01/1946 Rick Boucher, (Rep-D-VA, 1983- )
08/01/1946 Tom Loeffler, (Rep-R-TX, 1979- )
08/01/1947 Rick Anderson, rocker (Tubes)
08/01/1947 Rick Coonce, rocker (Grass Roots)
08/01/1948 Robert Spink, British MP
08/01/1949 Primous, III Fountain, composer
08/01/1950 Doug Tract, [Greaseman], Bronx NY, radio DJ
08/01/1951 David Jasper, British principal (St Chad's College Durham England)
08/01/1951 Robin Heifetz, composer
08/01/1952 Brian Patrick Clarke, Gettysburg Pa, actor (Merle-Eight is Enough)
08/01/1953 Robert Cray, Columbus Ga, blues singer/songwriter (1987 Grammy)
08/01/1957 Glen Gorbous, Canada, longest throw of a regulation baseball (445'10

08/01/1958 Taylor Negron, LA Calif, actor (Silvio-Detective School)
08/01/1959 Joe Elliot, rocker (Def Leppard-Hysteria, Rock of Ages)
08/01/1960 Chuck D, [Chuck Ridenhour], US rapper (Public Enemy)
08/01/1960 Marta Chávarri Figueroa, Madrid Spain, The Marquesa de Cubas
08/01/1961 Danny Blind, soccer star (Sparta/Ajax)
08/01/1962 Joetta Clark, East Orange NJ, 800m runner (Olympic-1992)
08/01/1964 Nick Christian Sayer, rocker (Transvision Vamp-Velveteen)
08/01/1964 Rob Camilletti, Cher's boyfriend
08/01/1967 Gregg Jefferies, infielder (NY Mets, KC Royals)
08/01/1968 Stacey Augmon, Pasadena Cal, basketball player (Olympic-bronze-1988)

08/01/1973 Tempestt Bledsoe, Chicago, actress (Vanessa-Cosby Show)
08/01/1978 Dhani Harrison, George Harrison's 1st child


08/01/ 527 Justinus I, Byzantine emperor (518-27), dies
08/01/1137 Louis VI, King of France, dies (1108-37)
08/01/1190 Floris III, Count of Holland, dies
08/01/1628 Francesco Gonzaga, composer, dies at 37
08/01/1667 Paul Foot, lawyer/historian, dies at 48
08/01/1714 Anne Stuart, queen of England (1702-14), dies at about 49
08/01/1743 Richard Savage, English poet/playwright, dies at about 46
08/01/1805 Friedrich Christoph Gebtewitz, composer, dies at 51
08/01/1813 Carl Stenborg, composer, dies at 60
08/01/1821 Elizabeth Inchbald (Simpson), actress/author, dies
08/01/1834 Robert Morrison, missionary in China/translated bible, dies
08/01/1837 Walter Geikie, painter, dies
08/01/1846 Peter Ritter, composer, dies at 83
08/01/1857 Charles Turner, engraver, dies
08/01/1882 Henry Clarence Kendall, Australian poet, dies of tuberculosis at 43
08/01/1883 Karl Wilhelm Dindorf, classic scholar, dies
08/01/1902 Ludwig Beckmann, painter, dies
08/01/1911 Konrad Duden, German linguist (Das grosse Duden Lexicon), dies
08/01/1920 Bal Gangadhar Tilak, British-Indian hindu leader, dies
08/01/1922 Vaclav Juda Novotny, composer, dies at 72
08/01/1925 John Pieter Veth, painter/lithographer/etcher/writer, dies at 61
08/01/1926 Israel Zangwill, British zionists writer (Ghetto tragedies), dies
08/01/1934 Piotr Maszynski, composer, dies at 79
08/01/1943 Ismar Elbogen, German/US learned/rabbi (Jewish Lexicon), dies at 68
08/01/1946 Andrei Vlasov, Russian general (Red Army, Wehrmacht) executed at 45
08/01/1957 Harvey Glatmin, 1st bondage-photo victim, executed [or 8/18/59]
08/01/1963 Theodore Roethke, US poet (Praise to the end!), dies
08/01/1965 Kiyoshi Nobutoki, composer, dies at 77
08/01/1966 Bud Powell, US jazz pianist/composer, dies
08/01/1973 Gian Francesco Malipiero, composer, dies at 91
08/01/1973 Walter Ulbricht, pres German DR, dies at 80
08/01/1977 Francis Gary Powers, US U-2 pilot, dies at 47
08/01/1979 Joseph Kotälla, German war criminal (4 of Breda), dies at 71
08/01/1981 Seppo Antero Yrjonpoika Nummi, composer, dies at 49
08/01/1983 Peter Arne, actor (Straw Dogs), bludgeoned to death in London at 62
08/01/1985 Joseph Walker, cameraman, dies at 92
08/01/1986 Willem Klein, variety artist, dies at about 73
08/01/1987 Pola Negri, actress (Forbidden Paradise), dies at 92
08/01/1988 Florence Eldridge, Broadway actress (The Swan), dies at 86
08/01/1988 John Cardinal Dearden, US cardinal, dies at 80
08/01/1988 Trindad Silva, actor (Hill St Blues), dies at 38 in an auto accident

08/01/1989 John Ogdon, composer, dies at 52
08/01/1990 Norbert Elias, German/English/Neth philosopher/sociologist, dies
08/01/1992 Chico Alvarez, trumpeteer (Stan Kenton Orch), dies at 72 of cancer
08/01/1992 Stanley Dudek, US platform diver (watershows), dies
08/01/1993 Alfred Manessier, Fr painter (glass-in-lead), dies in car crash at 8

08/01/1993 Anatoli Koretski, Russian general-major, murdered
08/01/1993 Ewing Kaufman, founder/owner (KC Royals), dies of lung cancer at 76
08/01/1993 Lea Verschuuren-Smulders, author (Kleutertje Luister), dies at 72
08/01/1993 Viktor Poljanitsjko, governor of Kaukasus, murdered

Significant Events:

08/01/ 12 -BC- Lyon: altar given to Rome/emperor August
08/01/ 527 Justinianus I succeeds Justinus I as emperor of Byzantium
08/01/ 649 Pope Martinus I chosen successor of Theodorus I [or 8/7]
08/01/ 860 Peace of Koblenz: Charles the Bare, Louis the German & Lotharius II
08/01/ 902 Aghlabidisch emir Ibrahim II destroys Taormina, Sicily
08/01/1021 Synod of Pavia: emperor Henry II convicts married priest
08/01/1086 English barons become submissive to king Willem the Occupier
08/01/1177 Peace Treaty of Venice: Emperor Frederik I & Pope Alexander III
08/01/1203 Alexius IV Angelus appointed co-regent of Byzantium
08/01/1291 Everlasting League forms, basis of Swiss Confederation (Independence

08/01/1404 Earl Engelbert I of Nassau marries Johanna of Poland
08/01/1498 Christopher Columbus lands on 'Isla Santa' [vasteland America]
08/01/1589 Murder attempt by monk Jacques Clement on French King Hendrik III
08/01/1619 1st black Americans (20) land at Jamestown, Virginia
08/01/1626 Earl Earnest Casimir conquerors Oldenzaal
08/01/1716 1st sculling race (London Bridge to Chelsea)
08/01/1716 Waterman's race on Thames 1st rowed
08/01/1732 Foundation laid for Bank of England
08/01/1774 Priestly discovers oxygen
08/01/1781 English army under general Cornwallis occupies Yorktown, Virginia
08/01/1785 Caroline Herschel becomes 1st woman discoverer of a comet
08/01/1789 US Customs begins enforcing Tariff Act
08/01/1790 1st US census (population of 3,939,214; 697,624 are slaves)
08/01/1794 Whiskey Rebellion begins
08/01/1798 Battle on Nile-Nelson defeats French fleet
08/01/1812 Rare tornado hits Westchester County, NY
08/01/1814 Belgium King Willem I accept blame in Southern defeat
08/01/1831 London Bridge opens
08/01/1834 Slavery abolished in British empire
08/01/1836 HMS Beagle/Charles Darwin returns to Bahia Brazil
08/01/1838 Emancipation of British slaves on Bahamas
08/01/1842 Rotherhithe Thames Tunnel opens
08/01/1852 SF Methodists establish 1st black church, Zion Methodist
08/01/1861 Brazil recognizes Confederacy
08/01/1863 Battle of Little Rock AK & Start of Chattanooga campaign
08/01/1863 Cavalry action near Brandy Station-End of Gettysburg Campaign
08/01/1864 Battle of Petersburg, VA
08/01/1867 Blacks vote for 1st time in a state election in South (Tenn)
08/01/1869 1st voyage down Colorado River
08/01/1873 SF's 1st cable car begins service
08/01/1876 Colorado becomes 38th state
08/01/1877 A Borrelly discovers asteroid #173 Ino
08/01/1881 US Quarantine Station authorized for Angel Island, SF Bay
08/01/1883 A papyrus offered to Brit Museum for ť10,000 (forgery)
08/01/1883 Amsterdam's Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky gets electric lights
08/01/1883 Inland postal service begins in Great Britain
08/01/1886 Great Britain annexes Kermadec-Island near New Zealand
08/01/1896 George Samuelson completes rowing Atlantic (NY to England)
08/01/1901 Burial within SF City limits prohibited
08/01/1902 Building begins on Dutch public housing
08/01/1902 Mine accident in Wollongong, Australia (100 die)
08/01/1903 1st coast-to-coast automobile trip (SF-NY) completed
08/01/1906 Bkln Dodger Harry McIntire no-hits Pitts for 10 2/3 loses in 13th
08/01/1907 Bank of Italy opens 1st branch at 3433 Mission Street, SF
08/01/1907 Signal Corps of US army starts aircraft division
08/01/1909 British SS Waratah disappears on Sydney to London, 300 killed
08/01/1914 British fleet reaches Scapa Flow
08/01/1914 Emperor Wilhelm II declares war on his nephew tsar Nicolas II (WW I)

08/01/1914 France & Germany mobilize
08/01/1916 Hawaii National Park established
08/01/1917 Frank Little, IWW organizer, lynched in Butte, MT
08/01/1918 British troops enter Vladivostok
08/01/1918 M Wolf discovers asteroid #896 Sphinx
08/01/1918 Pitts Pirates beat Boston Braves, 2-0, in 21 innings
08/01/1919 Queen Wilhelmina opens First Air Fair in Amsterdam
08/01/1920 Peace of Riga-Independence of Latvia
08/01/1922 Hendrikus Colijn becomes political editor-in-chief of The Standard
08/01/1925 Shortwave-radio link between Kootwśk & Netherland East-Indies
08/01/1926 Battles between Druzen & French in Damascus
08/01/1926 Failed assassination on Gen Primo de Rivera in Barcelona
08/01/1929 C Jackson discovers asteroid #1186 Turnera
08/01/1929 E Skvortsov discovers asteroid #1149 Volga
08/01/1933 Death penality for anti fascists in Germany
08/01/1933 Dutch colonial regime in Batavia arrest ir Sukarno
08/01/1933 NRA (National Recovery Administration) established
08/01/1936 Adolph Hitler opens 11th Olympic Games in Berlin
08/01/1936 Benjamin E Mays named president of Morehouse College
08/01/1937 C Jackson discovers asteroid #1432 Ethiopia
08/01/1941 NY Yankee Lefty Gomez walks must (11) in a shutout (Yanks 9, St L 0)

08/01/1942 German occupier demands listing of all Dutch telephone subscribers
08/01/1943 Japan declares Burma Independence under U Ba Maw
08/01/1943 Race riot in Harlem NYC
08/01/1944 Adam Clayton Powell elected 1st black congressman from East
08/01/1944 US 90th division occupies St Hilaire-du-Harcourt
08/01/1944 US troops enter Tessy-sur-Vir
08/01/1944 Uprising in Warsaw ghetto
08/01/1945 Japanese city Tojama destroyed by B-29's
08/01/1946 Pres Truman establishes Atomic Energy Commission (AEC)
08/01/1950 1st Major League baseball player to fight in Korea (Curt Simmons)
08/01/1950 American Bowling Congress ends all-white-males rule
08/01/1950 Guam adopts constitution (Organic Act)
08/01/1950 King Leopold of Belgium abdicates, Baudouin becomes King
08/01/1950 Territory of Guam created
08/01/1951 David Ben Gurions Mapai-party wins Israeli parliamentary election
08/01/1953 Calif introduces sales tax (for education)
08/01/1953 Fidel Castro arrested in Cuba
08/01/1953 KMBC TV channel 9 in Kansas City, MO (MET/ABC) begins broadcasting
08/01/1953 KOBI TV channel 5 in Medford, OR (NBC) begins broadcasting
08/01/1953 Northern Rhodesia becomes part of Federation of Rhodesia & Nyasaland

08/01/1954 Louison Bobet wins his 2nd Tour de France
08/01/1954 WKBT TV channel 8 in La Crosse, WI (CBS) begins broadcasting
08/01/1955 1st microgravity research begins
08/01/1955 Tengku Abdul Rahman forms Malacca govt
08/01/1955 WILL TV channel 12 in Urbana-Champaign, IL (PBS) begins broadcasting

08/01/1956 KRCR TV channel 7 in Redding-Chico, CA (ABC) begins broadcasting
08/01/1957 1st coml building heated by Sun (Albuquerque NM)
08/01/1957 Glen Gorbous throws a baseball a record 136 m (445'10')
08/01/1958 1st class postage up to 4Ť (had been 3Ť for 26 years)
08/01/1958 US atomic sub USS Nautilus 1st dives under North Pole
08/01/1959 New Continental baseball league formed
08/01/1959 WAAY TV channel 31 in Huntsville, AL (ABC/NBC) begins broadcasting
08/01/1960 Benin (Dahomey) gains independence from France
08/01/1960 Chubby Checker releases 'The Twist'
08/01/1960 Dahomey gains independence
08/01/1961 German DR limits traffic to West Berlin
08/01/1961 New SF Hall of Justice opens
08/01/1961 Whitney Young Jr named executive director of National Urban League
08/01/1962 Boston Red Sox Bill Monboquette no-hits Chic White Sox, 1-0
08/01/1962 Failed attack on president Nkrumah of Ghana
08/01/1963 Beatles Book is sold out on its 1st day of sale
08/01/1963 Germany FR annexes Elten village
08/01/1963 WQAD TV channel 8 in Moline, IL (ABC) begins broadcasting
08/01/1964 ALM (Antillian Airlines) begins operation
08/01/1964 Beatles' 'Hard Day's Night, A,' single goes #1 & stays #1 for 2 week

08/01/1966 Charles Whitman climbs U of Texas tower & shoots 12 dead
08/01/1967 Izaäk Samkalden becomes mayor of Amsterdam
08/01/1967 WBRA TV channel 15 in Roanoke, VA (PBS) begins broadcasting
08/01/1968 WXIX TV channel 19 in Cincinnati-Newport, OH (IND) begins broadcasti

08/01/1969 110,000 attend Atlantic City Pop Festival
08/01/1969 Mariner 6 sends close-up photo's of Mars
08/01/1970 EAA Convention moves from Rockford Ill to Oshkosh, Wi
08/01/1970 KTSD TV channel 10 in Pierre, SD (PBS) begins broadcasting
08/01/1970 Willie Stargell (Pirates) ties record of 5 extra base hits in a game

08/01/1971 CBS presents Masterpiece Theatre's 6 Wives of Henry VIII
08/01/1971 George Harrison's concert for Bangladesh takes place in NYC
08/01/1972 1st article exposing Wategate scandal (Bernstein-Woodward)
08/01/1972 Nate Colbert of SD Padres hits record tying 5 HRs in a double header

08/01/1973 H J Witteveen appointed as director of IMF
08/01/1973 Munson & Fisk get into a brawl at Fenway Park
08/01/1974 Virginia Squires trade Julius 'Dr J' Erving to NY Nets
08/01/1975 38 government leaders signs Helsinki accord
08/01/1975 Billy Martin replaces Bill Virdon as manager of NY Yankees
08/01/1975 Helsinki Pact guaranteeing boundaries, rights signed by 35 nations
08/01/1976 21st Olympic games close at Montreal Canada
08/01/1976 Liz Taylor's 6th divorce (re-divorces Richard Burton)
08/01/1976 Seattle Seahawks play 1st (preseason) game (SF 27, Seattle 20)
08/01/1977 SF Giant Willie McCovey hits NL record 18th grand slammer
08/01/1978 Commandos occupy Iraqi embassy in Paris, 1 dead
08/01/1978 Pete Rose goes hitless, ends his 44 game hitting streak (ties NL)
08/01/1979 Maria de Lurdes Pintasilgo forms govt in Portugal
08/01/1980 Gerd Wessig of East Germany set high jump record
08/01/1981 Harvard College discovers asteroid #3401
08/01/1981 MTV premieres at 12:01 AM
08/01/1981 Poland premier Jagielski resigns
08/01/1982 Greg Louganis, US becomes 1st diver to score 700 (752.67) in 11 dive

08/01/1982 Heavy Israeli air bombardment on Beirut
08/01/1985 15.4 cm rainfall at Cheyenne, Wyoming (state record)
08/01/1986 Bert Blyleven becomes 10th pitcher to strike out 3,000
08/01/1986 Tennis ace John McEnroe marries actress Tatum O'Neal
08/01/1987 Bananarama's Siobhan Fahey marries Eurythmics Dave Stewart
08/01/1987 Crossbow flight record (2,005 yds 1'9') set by Harry Drake in Nevada

08/01/1987 Mike Tyson beats Tony Tucker to become undisputed boxing champ
08/01/1987 Nurse Mary R Stout chosen chairperson of Vietnam Veterans of America

08/01/1988 Deep Rover 1-man research submarine unveiled at Crater Lake, Oregon
08/01/1990 Iraq pulls out of talks with Kuwait
08/01/1990 Stanton Cook becomes CEO of Chicago Cubs
08/01/1991 Actress Hedy Lamarr, 77, arrested for shoplifting in Florida
08/01/1992 NBC's 'Saturday Today' premieres
08/01/1992 USA/USSR Around World Air Race begins at Santa Monica
08/01/1993 Walter Koenig, Checkov of Star Trek, suffers a heart attack
08/01/1998 -8] Gay & Lesbian Games #5 open in Amsterdam

Robert Wolfe

Aug 2, 2021, 7:40:12 AM8/2/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


08/02/1455 Johan Cicero, monarch of Brandenburg (1486-99)
08/02/1627 Samuel Dircksz van Hoogstraten, painter
08/02/1696 Mahmud I, Sultan of Ottoman (Turkey) (1730-54)/fought Austria & Russ

08/02/1723 Nicolas de Pigage, French classical architect
08/02/1746 Joan Lucaz, Dutch journalist/patriot
08/02/1754 Pierre Charles L'Enfant, France, architect laid out Wash DC
08/02/1775 Jose Angel Lamas, composer
08/02/1802 Nicholas Patrick Stephen Wiseman, 1st archbishop of Westminster
08/02/1818 (Willem) Alexander FCNM, prince of the Netherlands/general-major
08/02/1826 William Denison Whipple, Bvt Major General (Union Army), died in 190

08/02/1832 Henry Steel Olcott, co-founder (Theosophical Society)
08/02/1835 Elisha Grey, inventor (Telephone)
08/02/1854 Francis Marion Crawford, British author
08/02/1858 Catherina van Rennes, composer
08/02/1858 William Watson, British poet (Prince's Quest, Father of Forest)
08/02/1865 Irving Babbitt, US writer (Rousseau & Romanticism)
08/02/1867 Ernest C Dowson, British poet
08/02/1868 Constantine I, king of Greece
08/02/1878 Aino J M Kallas, Finnish writer (White Ship, Estonian Tales)
08/02/1878 Princess Ingeborg, of Sweden
08/02/1881 Stanislaw Kazuro, composer
08/02/1882 Nanny I Larsen-Todsen, Swedish opera singer
08/02/1882 Rik Wouters, Belgian painter/sculptor (Virgin Doll)
08/02/1884 R¢mulo Gallegos, Venezuela, novelist (Do¤a B rbara)/pres (1947-48)
08/02/1888 Oscar Rasbach, composer
08/02/1890 Pauline Hall, composer
08/02/1891 Arthur Bliss (Edward Drummond), London, composer (Olympians)
08/02/1891 Arthur Drummond Bliss, composer
08/02/1891 Mihail Jora, composer
08/02/1892 Jack Warner, US movie studio head (Warner Bros)
08/02/1892 John Kieran, NYC, columnist/author (Natural History of NYC)
08/02/1900 Helen Morgan, [Riggins], US, singer/actress (Applause)
08/02/1900 Marinus Adam, conductor/composer
08/02/1905 Karl Amadeus Hartmann, composer
08/02/1905 Myrna Loy, Helena Mont, actress (Jazz Singer, Thin Man, Vanity Fair)

08/02/1908 George Kimble, geographer
08/02/1909 Lord Benson, accountant
08/02/1910 Gertruida EW 'Truss' van Aalten, actress (Girl in Blue Hat)
08/02/1910 Lou Zara, NYC, writer (Stump the Authors)
08/02/1914 Felix Leclerc, composer
08/02/1914 Gary Merrill, Hartford Conn, actor (Young Dr Kildare, All About Eve)

08/02/1916 Beatrice Straight, Old Westbury NY, actress (Poltergeist, Nun's Stor

08/02/1916 Reginald Murley, surgeon
08/02/1922 Carroll O'Connor, NYC, actor (All in the Family, Heat of the Night)
08/02/1922 Lord Murray of Epping Forest, general secretary (TUC)
08/02/1922 Paul Laxalt, (Sen-R-NV, 1974- )
08/02/1923 Brian Neill, Lord Justice of Appeal
08/02/1924 James Baldwin, NY, author (Go Tell it on Mountain, Another Country)
08/02/1925 Alan Wicker, British broadcaster
08/02/1926 Betsy Bloomingdale, dept store mogul
08/02/1927 Peter Swinnereton-Dyer, mathematician
08/02/1929 John Gale, theatrical producer
08/02/1929 John Hannam, MP
08/02/1929 Lord Waddington, Governor of Bermuda
08/02/1930 Ron de Lugo, (Rep-D-Virgin Islands, 1973-79, 81- )
08/02/1931 Henryck Schiller, composer
08/02/1931 Philippa Duke Schuyler, composer
08/02/1932 Lamar Hunt, NFL owner (KC Chiefs)
08/02/1932 Marvin David Levy, composer
08/02/1932 Peter O'Toole, Ireland, actor (Lord Jim, Beckett, Lawrence of Arabia

08/02/1933 Alan Tuffin, trade union leader
08/02/1934 Albert W Hall, actor (Apocalypse Now)
08/02/1934 Carl Cecil Cain, Freeport Ill, basketball player (Olympic-gold-1956)

08/02/1934 Valery Bykovsky, cosmonaut (Vostok 5, Soyuz 22, 31)
08/02/1935 Brian Wolfson, CEO (Wembley Pic)
08/02/1935 John MacIvor Perkins, composer
08/02/1936 Anthony Edward Payne, composer
08/02/1936 Christopher Hogg, CEO (Courtaulds & Reuters)
08/02/1937 Ronald Brierley, company chairman
08/02/1937 William Cannon, football player (Heisman-1959)
08/02/1938 Brunhilde Hendrix, German FR, relay runner (Olympic-silver-1960)
08/02/1938 Yvonne R egg, Switzerland, giant slalom (Olympic-gold-1960)
08/02/1939 Edward Pattern, Atlanta Ga, singer (Gladys Knight & the Pips)
08/02/1940 Doris Kenner, Passaic NJ, singer (Shirelles-Soldier Boy)
08/02/1941 Homer Banks, US singer/songwriter (Be What You Are)
08/02/1942 Garth Hudson, rock keyboardist (The Band)
08/02/1942 Leo Beenhakker, soccer trainer
08/02/1943 Garth Hudson, Canada pop musician (The Band-Life is a Carnival)
08/02/1943 Jeltje van Newenhoven, Dutch 2nd Chamber member (PvdA)
08/02/1943 Rose Tremain, British novelist/playwright
08/02/1944 Joanna Cassidy, [Caskey], Haddonfield NJ, actress (240 Robert)
08/02/1945 John Bowis, MP
08/02/1948 Robert P Holdstock, UK, sci-fi author (Ghost Dance, Labyrinth)
08/02/1949 'Fat' Larry James, US drummer (Fat Larry's Band)
08/02/1949 Bertalan Farkas, Bulgaria, cosmonaut (Soyuz 36/35)
08/02/1950 Kathryn Harrold, Tarzewell Va, actress (MacGruder & Loud)
08/02/1951 Andrew Gold, Burbank, rocker (Lonely Boy)
08/02/1952 Angel Herrera, Cuba, FW/LW boxer (Olympic-gold-1976, 80)
08/02/1952 Paul David Crews, SC, murderer (FBI Most Wanted List)
08/02/1953 Anne Leuchars, British TV journalist
08/02/1954 Sammy Mcilroy, British soccer star
08/02/1955 Jimmy Lowe, Nashville Tenn, country singer (Pirates of Ms-Fred Jake)

08/02/1955 Roberta Wallach, NYC, actress (Civil Wars)
08/02/1956 Isabel Pantoja, Spain, spanish singer (Genio y Figura)
08/02/1959 Britt Helfer, Utah, actress (Lily-Loving, Alley Cat)
08/02/1960 Apollonia, [Patricia Kotero], Santa Monica Ca, actress (Purple Rain)

08/02/1960 Linda Fratianne, US, figure skater (Olympic-silver-1980)
08/02/1961 Pete de Freitas, rock drummer (Echo & the Bunnyman)
08/02/1963 Cynthia Stevenson, Oakland Calif, actress (Player, Watch it, Bob)
08/02/1965 Takayuki Iizuka, wrestler (NJPW)
08/02/1966 Joseph Wanag, Wilson Ct, US judoka (Olympic-92)
08/02/1967 Aaron Krickstein, Ann Arbor, Mich, tennis player (Tel Aviv 1983)
08/02/1967 Derek Wells, LA Calif, actor (Fitzpatricks)
08/02/1973 Kia Goodwin, Livingston NJ, actress (Tiffany Holloway-227)
08/02/1977 Edward Furlong, Pasedina Calif, actor (John Connor-Terminator 2)
08/02/1991 Gabriel Anthony Cohen, son of Meredith Viera & Richard Cohen
08/02/1993 Cassidy Gifford, daughter of Frank & Kathy Lee


08/02/ 257 Stefanus I, bishop of Rome (254-57)/heretic fighter, dies
08/02/ 640 Severinus, Italian Pope (640), dies
08/02/ 686 John V, 1st Greeks-Syrian Pope (685-86), dies
08/02/1075 John VIII Xiphilinus, theologian/patriarch of Constantinople, dies
08/02/1100 William II [Rufus], king of England, shot in New Forest
08/02/1332 Christoffel II, king of Denmark (Handf‘stning), dies at 55
08/02/1512 Alessandro Achillini, Italian physician/philosopher, dies at 48
08/02/1589 Henry III, king of Poland/France (1573-89), dies
08/02/1600 Arent van Village, governor of East-Zealand, dies at about 70
08/02/1649 Elisabeth Bas, wife of Adm Swartenhondt, dies at about 78
08/02/1655 Alfonso de la Cueva, Spanish marquis of Bedmar/diplomat, dies at 83
08/02/1788 Thomas Gainsborough, English painter (Blue Boy), dies at 61
08/02/1792 Nathanael Gottfried Gruner, composer, dies at 60
08/02/1799 Jacques-Etienne Montgolfier, balloonist, dies
08/02/1811 William Williams, US merchant/signer (Decl of Indep), dies at 80
08/02/1827 James Hewitt, composer, dies at 57
08/02/1849 Mehemet Ali, British viceroy to Egypt, dies
08/02/1858 A Emma WT von Waldeck-Pyrmont, queen/regent dies at 76
08/02/1869 Alexandrine Tinne, explorer, murdered
08/02/1872 Judocus Smits, Catholic founder (The Time), dies at 59
08/02/1873 Frank Mori, composer, dies at 53
08/02/1876 Wild Bill Hickok, shot dead (from behind) by Jack McCall while
08/02/1876 playing poker. He held a pair of Aces & a pair of 8's
08/02/1881 Marcus Andrews Hislop Clarke, author, dies
08/02/1892 douard Joseph Stevens, Belgian graphic artist, dies at 72
08/02/1903 Martha Jane Cannary, [Calamity Jane], US desperado, dies
08/02/1912 Albert U B††th, Swedish poet (Dikter), dies at 59
08/02/1914 Gabriel Edouard Xavier Dupont, composer, dies at 36
08/02/1916 Hamish MacCunn, composer, dies at 48
08/02/1921 Enrico Caruso, Italian opera singer, dies at 48
08/02/1922 Alexander Graham Bell, Scottish/US physicist (telephone), dies
08/02/1922 [Wilhel]Mina JPR Kruseman, author/feminist, dies
08/02/1923 Warren Harding, 29th Pres (1921-23), dies at Palace Hotel SF at 57
08/02/1932 Gheorghe Cucu, composer, dies at 50
08/02/1934 Paul Von Hindenburg, dies at 86, Hitler takes over German presidency

08/02/1936 Louis Bi‚riot, aviator, dies
08/02/1938 Bjarni Thorsteinsson, composer, dies at 76
08/02/1941 Jos‚ Juan Tablada, Mexican poet (La Feria), dies at 70
08/02/1942 Friedrich Aereboe, Dutch landlord, dies at 77
08/02/1945 Emil Nikolaus von Reznicek, composer, dies at 85
08/02/1945 Pietro Mascagni, composer, dies at 81
08/02/1954 Rene Amengual, composer, dies at 42
08/02/1955 Ruprecht, crown prince of Bayern, dies
08/02/1955 Wallace Stevens, US poet/writer (Owl's Clover), dies at 75
08/02/1956 Albert Woolson, burden veteran US Union army, dies at 109
08/02/1958 Joseph Holbrooke, English pianist/composer (3 Blind Mice), dies
08/02/1959 Prospero Bisquertt, composer, dies at 78
08/02/1961 Giovanni B Angioletti, Italian writer (I grandi ospiti), dies
08/02/1963 Oliver Hazzard Perry La Farge, US anthropologist/writer, dies at 83
08/02/1964 Jack Kirkwood, actor (Fibber McGee & Molly), dies at 69
08/02/1964 Jose Maria Castro, composer, dies at 71
08/02/1965 Milton Babbitt, US composer, dies
08/02/1967 Claude A Barnett, founded Associated Negro Press, dies at 78
08/02/1969 Clarence Dickinson, composer, dies at 96
08/02/1971 Ludwig Marcuse, German philosopher, dies at 77
08/02/1972 Brian Cole, rocker with the Association, dies of heroin OD at 28
08/02/1972 Paul Goodman, US social critic/writer, dies at 60
08/02/1972 Rudolf Ganz, composer, dies at 95
08/02/1976 Fritz Lang, director (Cloak & Dagger, Metropolis), dies at 85
08/02/1978 Carlos Chavez y Ramires, Mexican composer, dies at 79
08/02/1978 Satomi Myodo, Zen nun/attendant of Hakuun Yasutani Roshi, dies at 82

08/02/1979 Thurmon Munson, killed in a plane crash at Akron Oh at 32
08/02/1982 Cathleen Nesbitt, English actress (Separate Tables), dies at 93
08/02/1982 Rudolf Maros, composer, dies at 65
08/02/1985 Frank Faylen, vaudevillian, dies at 79 of pneumonia
08/02/1987 Myron Stout, US abstract artist, dies at 79
08/02/1988 Raymond Carver, poet/short story writer (Furious Season), dies at 50

08/02/1988 Roger Vuataz, composer, dies at 90
08/02/1991 Gabriel Cohen, son of Meredith Viera & Richard Cohen
08/02/1992 Ephraim Katz, Israeli/US encyclopedist (film encyclopedia), dies
08/02/1992 Julio C Fern ndez, Cuban/US journalist (founder Alma Mater), dies
08/02/1992 Michel Berges, French composer, dies at 44 of a heart attack

Significant Events:

08/02/ 257 St Stephen I ends his reign as Catholic Pope
08/02/ 640 Severinus ends his reign as Catholic Pope
08/02/ 686 John V ends his reign as Catholic Pope
08/02/1057 Frederik van Lotharingen elected as 1st Belgium, Pope Stephen IX [X]

08/02/1375 1st roller skating rink opens (London)
08/02/1492 Jews are expelled from Spain by King Ferdinand & Queen Isabella
08/02/1552 Treaty of Passau: Emperor Charles V accepts Lutheran religion
08/02/1578 Battle of R˜menam
08/02/1581 Leidse University names Snellius math professor
08/02/1704 Duke of Marlborough beats French & Bavarians at Blenheim
08/02/1718 Austrian joins Triple Alliance
08/02/1776 Formal signing of Declaration of Independence
08/02/1786 Utrechtse Vroedschap flees
08/02/1798 British under Adm Horatio Nelson beat French at Battle of Nile
08/02/1802 Napoleon declared 'Counsel for Life'
08/02/1819 1st parachute jump in US
08/02/1831 Ten day campaign begins, Dutch army occupies Belgium
08/02/1832 1,300 Illinois militia defeat Sac & Fox indians, end Black Hawk War
08/02/1832 Black Hawk defeated (IA)
08/02/1832 Whites decimate Indians in Battle of Bad Axe River, Wisc
08/02/1858 1st street mailboxes-Boston, Mass
08/02/1858 Govt of India transferred from East India Company to Crown
08/02/1861 Skirmish at Dug Springs, MI
08/02/1864 2nd Saratoga Racetrack (NY) opens
08/02/1865 Lewis Carroll publishes 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland'
08/02/1865 Trans Atlantic Cable being laid by SS Great Eastern snaps & is lost
08/02/1873 1st trial run of SF cable car, Clay Street between Kearny & Jones
08/02/1877 SF Public Library opens with 5,000 volumes
08/02/1884 Dutch Queen Emma appointed regent
08/02/1894 Death duties 1st introduced in Britain
08/02/1894 Women suffrage approved
08/02/1903 Unsuccessful uprising of Macedonians against Turkey
08/02/1904 M Wolf discovers asteroid #539 Pamina
08/02/1906 Chicago White Sox begin record 19 game win streak
08/02/1909 1st Lincoln head pennies minted
08/02/1909 Army Air Corps formed as Army takes 1st delivery from Wright Brother

08/02/1911 Ha‹ti's dictator Simon flees on US warship near Jamaica
08/02/1912 John J McDermott wins US Open golf tournament
08/02/1914 Belgian govt receives German ultimatum
08/02/1914 German press report that French didn't bomb N renberg
08/02/1914 German troops overthrows Luxembourg
08/02/1914 Great Britain mobilizes
08/02/1914 Russian troops invade Eastern Prussia
08/02/1914 Sherlock Holmes Adventure 'His Last Bow' takes place
08/02/1920 Marcus Garvey presents his 'Back To Africa' program in NYC
08/02/1922 China, hit by a typhoon; about 60,000 die
08/02/1926 K Reinmuth discovers asteroid #1064 Aethusa
08/02/1928 Mussolini signs peace treaty with Abyssinia (Ethiopia)
08/02/1929 Phillies Don Hurst sets NL record of 6 consecutive games with a HR
08/02/1931 Spanish Catalonia agrees (99+%) for autonomous status
08/02/1932 Charlie Grimm replaces Roger Hornsby as manager of Chic Cubs
08/02/1934 1st airplane train, plane tows 3 mail gliders behind it
08/02/1934 Adolph Hitler becomes commander-in-chief of Germany
08/02/1934 William Franks twirls an indian club overhead 17,280 times in 1 hour

08/02/1938 1st test of a yellow baseball (Dodgers vs Cardinals)
08/02/1939 Hatch Act prohibits political activity by federal workers
08/02/1940 Clermont-Ferrand sentences Gen Charles de Gaulle to death
08/02/1940 KL-House of saxon & commandos focus on Gross Rosen, Silesia
08/02/1941 Jews are expelled from Hungarian Ruthenia
08/02/1942 250 Dutch Catholic & Jews arrested, transported to Amersfoort camp
08/02/1943 Lt John F Kennedy's PT-boat 109 sinks at Solomon islands
08/02/1943 Riot at Treblinka Concentration Camp (crematorium destroyed)
08/02/1944 Amsterdam soccer team 'The Volewijckers' plays in orange shirts
08/02/1944 Jewish survivors of Kovono Ghetto emerge from their bunker
08/02/1944 Turkey breaks diplomatic relationship with nazi-Germany
08/02/1945 Potsdam Conference ended, with Stalin, Truman & Churchill
08/02/1949 K Reinmuth discovers asteroids #1682 Karel, #1820 Lohmann,
08/02/1949 #2465, #2591, #3020 & #3183
08/02/1953 KCPQ TV channel 13 in Tacoma-Seattle, WA (IND) begins broadcasting
08/02/1954 Tahar Ben Ammar appointed premier of Tunisia
08/02/1958 Jordan & Iraq disolve their Arab Federation, after 3 months
08/02/1959 Bob Rosburg wins PGA golf tournament
08/02/1959 Milwaukee Brave Bill Bruton hits 2 bases loaded triples
08/02/1961 Beatles 1st gig as house band of Liverpool's Cavern Club
08/02/1961 Cyrille Adula becomes premier of Congo
08/02/1961 St Louis Cards (NFL) beat Toronto Argonauts (CFL) 36-7 in Toronto
08/02/1962 NASA civilian test pilot Joseph A Walker takes X-15 to 32,600 m
08/02/1964 Dutch government gives Indonesia export guarantees
08/02/1964 North Vietnam fires on a US destroyer in Gulf of Tonkin
08/02/1964 Race riot in Jersey City NJ
08/02/1965 Morley Safer's sends 1st Vietnam report indicating we are losing
08/02/1966 Radio Vila (New Hebrides) begins transmitting
08/02/1967 New Orleans Saints 1st pre-season game, they lose to LA Rams 16-77
08/02/1967 US's Lunar Orbiter 5 launched; enters lunar orbit Aug 5
08/02/1969 Pres Nixon visits Romania
08/02/1970 Songwriter Sammy Cahn marries Tita Curtis in Calif
08/02/1972 Gold hits record $70 an ounce in London
08/02/1973 George Brett gets his 1st hit
08/02/1975 104øF (40øC) at Providence, Rhode Island (state record)
08/02/1975 107øF (42øC) at Chester/New Bedford, Massachusetts (state record)
08/02/1975 Billy Martin named manager of NY Yankees (1st time)
08/02/1979 Gilda Radner Live From New York opens on Broadway
08/02/1980 Fascist bomb attack on Bologna Italy, 86 killed
08/02/1980 US swimmers set 3 world records at National championships
08/02/1982 Roger Ebert's Movie News premieres on ABC FM network
08/02/1983 STS-8 vehicle moves to launch pad
08/02/1983 US District Court begins trying Yonkers accuse of race discriminatio

08/02/1985 5 die in a train crash in Westminster Colo
08/02/1985 Delta L-1011 crashes at Dallas/Ft Worth, 133 die
08/02/1985 NASA launches space vehicle S-209
08/02/1986 Jackie Joyner-Kersee (US) sets record for heptathlon (7161 pts)
08/02/1986 TODAY/PC born today
08/02/1987 Cin Red Eric Davis becomes 7th & earliest 30 HR 30 steal man
08/02/1987 Don Brown sets flight record for handbow (1,336 yds 1'3')
08/02/1987 Kevin Seitzer (KC Royals), gets 6 hits in one baseball game
08/02/1987 Michael Andretti runs fastest Indy car race in history (171.49 MPH)
08/02/1988 Raymond Acevedo is retired from singing group Menudo
08/02/1988 System Enhancement Assoc settles case with PKware (ARC vs PKARC)
08/02/1990 Iraq invades & occupies Kuwait, Emir flees to Saudi Arabia
08/02/1991 Funk singer Rick James, arrested on sexual torture charges
08/02/1991 Hedy Lamaar is arrested for shoplifting in LA
08/02/1991 Space shuttle STS 43 (Atlantis 9) launched
08/02/1993 NYC radio (WFAN) personality Don Imus' lung collapes
08/02/1993 Train crash in tunnel at Vega de Anzo Spain, 12 killed

Robert Wolfe

Aug 3, 2021, 7:40:12 AM8/3/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


08/03/1645 August Kuhnel, composer
08/03/1748 Carl Ludwig Junker, composer
08/03/1753 Charles, Earl Stanhope, England, radical politician/scientist
08/03/1770 Frederik Willem III, reactionary king of Prussia (1797-1840)
08/03/1811 Elisha Graves Otis, inventor (safe elevator)
08/03/1816 John Eugene Smith, Bvt Major General (Union Army), died in 1897
08/03/1817 Albrecht FR, arch duke of Austria (Battle at Custozza)
08/03/1818 HM Jozef Schadde, Flemish architect (New Stock exchange Antwerp)
08/03/1820 Luther Orlando Emerson, composer
08/03/1820 William Miller, Brig General (Confederate Army), died in 1909
08/03/1823 Thomas Francis Meagher, Brig General (Union volunteers), died in 186

08/03/1824 William Burnham Woods, Bvt Major General (Union volunteers)
08/03/1832 Ivan Zajc, composer
08/03/1833 Auguste Schmidt, German teacher/feminist
08/03/1847 John de Mere, lawyer/tutor of Dutch Queen Wilhelmina
08/03/1850 Paul A Daum, writer/founder/editor (Batavian Newspaper)
08/03/1851 Isabella Caroline Somerset, temperance leader
08/03/1854 Fernand de La Tombelle, composer
08/03/1867 Stanley Baldwin, (C) British PM (1923-24, 1924-29, 1935-37)
08/03/1871 Vernon Louis Parrington, author (Romantic Revolution, Pulitzer 1928)

08/03/1872 Haakon VII, Charlottenlund Denmark, King of Norway (1905-57)
08/03/1878 Constantino Gaito, composer
08/03/1882 Charles O'Neill, composer
08/03/1882 Segundo Luis Moreno Andrade, composer
08/03/1884 Louis Gruenberg, near Brest Litovsk Poland, composer (Daniel Jazz)
08/03/1885 Naphtali Siegfried Salomon, composer
08/03/1887 Rupert Brooke, British WW I poet (1914)
08/03/1892 Oscar van Hemel, composer
08/03/1894 Harry Heilmann, SF Cal, baseball hall of famer outfielder (Detroit)
08/03/1894 John H Van Maarseveen, minister of Justice/Internal minister
08/03/1900 Arnoldus J Struycken, lawyer
08/03/1900 Ernie Pyle, England, correspondant during WW II
08/03/1900 John T Scopes, Tennessee teacher convicted for teaching evolution
08/03/1901 Bernard Reichel, composer
08/03/1901 John Stennis, (Sen-D-Miss)
08/03/1901 Stefan Wyszynski, Polish cardinal
08/03/1902 Habib Bourguiba, 1st president of Tunisia (1957-87)
08/03/1902 Judson Laire, NYC, actor/singer (Papa-Mama, Adm Broadway Revue)
08/03/1902 Ray Block, France, orch leader (Ed Sullivan, Jackie Gleason)
08/03/1904 Clifford D[onald] Simak, US, sci-fi author (Hugo, Empire, Way Statio

08/03/1905 Dolores Del Rio, Mexico, actress (What Price Glory?)
08/03/1906 Alexandre Trauber, Hungarian/French set designer (H“tel du Nord)
08/03/1906 Leonard Huizinga, journalist/writer (Adrian & Olivier)
08/03/1907 Irene Tedrow, Denver Colo, actress (Lucy-Dennis the Menace, Mr Novak

08/03/1911 Karel G Bakker, actor (Lady Windermere's waaier)
08/03/1914 Rick Slabbinck, Flemish painter
08/03/1915 Sal Santen, writer
08/03/1918 James MacGregor Burns, political writer (The Lion & the Fox)
08/03/1920 Maria Karnilova, Hartford Ct, actress (Olga-Ivan the Terrible)
08/03/1920 P D James, mystery writer (Cover Her Face)
08/03/1921 Alec Wyton, composer
08/03/1921 Hayden Carruth, Waterbury Ct, novelist (Crow & Heart)
08/03/1921 Marilyn Maxwell, actress (East of Sumatra)
08/03/1921 Richard Adler, composer
08/03/1923 Anne Klein, fashion designer (Anne Klein II)
08/03/1923 Roger Foulon, French/Belgian songwriter
08/03/1924 Leon Uris, US, novelist (Exodus, QB VII, Battle Cry)
08/03/1924 Max van der Stoel, Dutch Foreign minister (PvdA)
08/03/1926 Tony Bennett, Queens NY, singer (Left a body part in SF)
08/03/1927 Enrique Pinella, composer
08/03/1927 Gordon Scott, Portland Oregon, actor (Tarzan & the Trappers)
08/03/1929 Bethel Leslie, NYC, entertainer (Capt Newman MD, Rabbit Trap)
08/03/1930 James Komack, NYC, writer/director/actor (Courtship of Eddie's Fathe

08/03/1931 Alex Cord, actor (Brotherhood, Fire, Street Asylum)
08/03/1932 Mario Montes de Oca, Mexican poet
08/03/1933 Tjong King, illustrator of children books (Miep Diekman)
08/03/1935 Georgi S Shonin, Russia, cosmonaut (Soyuz 6)
08/03/1935 Richard D Lamm, (Gov-D-Colo)
08/03/1938 George Memmoli, NYC, actor (Earl-Hello Larry)
08/03/1938 Terry '5 Wigs' Wogan, British talk show host (Irish Days)
08/03/1940 John W Carlin, (Gov-D-KS)
08/03/1940 Joseph Dorfman, composer
08/03/1940 Lance Alworth, Houston Tx, NFL hall of famer (Charger, Cowboys)
08/03/1940 Martin Sheen [Ramon Estevez], NY, actor (Subject Was Roses, Wall St)

08/03/1941 Beverly Lee, Passaic NJ, singer (Shirelles-Soldier Boy)
08/03/1941 Martha Stewart, cookbook author/actress (Those Two)
08/03/1945 Ron Hendren, Pinehurst NC, TV host (Entertainment Tonight)
08/03/1949 B B Dickerson, rocker (War-World is a Ghetto)
08/03/1949 Morris 'BB' Dickerson, US bassist (War, Low Rider, Outlaw)
08/03/1950 JoMarie Payton, actress (Hariette-Family Matters/Perfect Strangers)
08/03/1950 John Landis, director (Twilight Zone, Blues Brothers)
08/03/1950 Waldemar Cierpinski, German DR, marathoner (Olympic-gold-1976, 80)
08/03/1951 Hans William Schlegel, German FR, cosmonaut
08/03/1951 Jon Graham, rocker (Earth Wind & Fire-Celebrate)
08/03/1951 Marcel Dionne, Qu‚bec, NHL center (LA Kings, NY Rangers)
08/03/1952 Jay North, North Hollywood Calif, actor (Dennis the Menace, Maya)
08/03/1954 Denise Craig, WBL forward (Dayton Rockettes, NY Stars)
08/03/1956 Kirk Brandon, rocker (Theatre of Hate, Spear of Destiny-Outland)
08/03/1958 Cindy Nixon, Nashville Tenn, singer (Girls Next Door-Don't Be Cruel)

08/03/1959 Victoria Jackson, Miami Fla, actress (Casual Sex, SNL, UHF)
08/03/1960 Tim Mayotte, Springfield Mass, tennis player (Olympic-silver-1988)
08/03/1961 Lee Rocker, rocker (Stray Cats-Gonna Ball)
08/03/1962 Tina Lehtola, Finland, women's ski jumper (world's record holder)
08/03/1963 Carlo Imperato, Bronx, actor (Fame)
08/03/1963 James Hetfield, heavy metal rocker (Metallica-Helpless)
08/03/1966 Christine Richters, Fullerton Ca, playmate (May, 1986)
08/03/1967 John Femia, Bkln NY, actor (Square Pegs, Hello Larry)
08/03/1972 John Lilley, Wakefield Mass, US hockey forward (Olympics-1994)
08/03/1974 Jenny Beck, actress (Claire Carroll-Guns & Paradise)


08/03/ 808 P'ang Yun, [Layman P'ang], Exemplary Zen practitioner, dies in China

08/03/1387 Olaf V Hakonsson, King of Denmark (1376-87)/Norway (1380-87), dies
08/03/1530 Philibert Chalon, prince of Orange, dies
08/03/1531 Fern n P‚rez de Oliva, Spanish poet (Dignity of Man), dies at 37
08/03/1716 Sebastian Duron, composer, dies at 56
08/03/1779 Henry Kobell, painter/cartoonist, dies at 27
08/03/1780 Etienne B de Condillac, French philospher (sensualism), dies at 64
08/03/1784 Giovanni Battista Martini, composer, dies at 78
08/03/1797 Jeffrey Amherst, English gov-gen of America, dies at 80
08/03/1800 Carl Friedrich Christian Fasch, composer, dies at 63
08/03/1802 Henry DFL, prince of Prussia/general strategist/diplomat, dies
08/03/1811 Sebastiaan C Nederburgh, director-gen of East Indie Co, dies at 49
08/03/1823 Jacob A Lacks, politician/colonial director, dies at 74
08/03/1825 Ambrogio Minoja, composer, dies at 72
08/03/1833 Stoffel Muller, sect leader, dies
08/03/1835 Wenzel Muller, composer, dies at 67
08/03/1877 Karl Georg Lickl, composer, dies at 75
08/03/1884 Paul Abadie, French master builder (Sacr‚-Coeur, Montmartre), dies
08/03/1886 Per August Olander, composer, dies at 62
08/03/1890 Louise Ackermann-Choquet, French author (Journal), dies at 76
08/03/1902 August Friedrich Martin Klughardt, composer, dies at 54
08/03/1910 Nicolas Kinet, Belgian pilot, dies
08/03/1916 Roger Casement, Irish nationalist (Easter uprising 1916), dies
08/03/1918 Albert P Hahn, political cartoonist, dies
08/03/1924 Joseph Conrad, Polish/British writer (Heart of Darkness), dies
08/03/1934 Carl F baron von Langen-Parow, German (Olympic-gold-1928)
08/03/1938 Bartholome s de Lies, anti-militaristic vicar, dies at 55
08/03/1939 Eugust Enna, composer, dies at 80
08/03/1948 Albert F Pollard, British historian (Evolution of parliament), dies
08/03/1954 Colette, France, novelist (Claudine), dies at 81
08/03/1964 Flannery O'Connor, writer (Good Man is Hard to Find), dies at 39
08/03/1966 Lenny Bruce, [Leonard Schneider] comedian, dies of a morphine overdo

08/03/1968 Constantine Rokossovski, vice-premier of Poland (1952-56), dies at 7

08/03/1977 Makarios III, [Michail Moeskos], archbishop/president Cyprus, dies
08/03/1978 Ezzedin Kalak, Palestinian PLO representative in Paris, murdered
08/03/1979 Renato Fasano, composer, dies at 76
08/03/1981 Robert Peci, Italian brother of Red Brigade leader, murdered
08/03/1983 Carolyn Jones, actress (Morticia-Addams Family), dies at 54 of cance

08/03/1986 Paul [Saul] de Groot, chairman Dutch Communist party, dies
08/03/1986 Willem Ruis, Dutch TV host, dies at 41
08/03/1992 Wang Hongwen, vice-President Chinese Comm Party, dies
08/03/1993 James Donald, actor (In Which We Serve, Way Ahead), dies at 76

Significant Events:

08/03/ 881 Battle at Saucourt: French King Louis III beats the Vikings
08/03/1108 Louis VI, King of France, crowned
08/03/1312 Power of Luik Patriarch murders over 200
08/03/1492 All Jews are expelled from Spain
08/03/1492 Columbus sets sail from Palos, Spain for 'Indies'
08/03/1529 Women's peace (treaty of Cambrai)-emperor Charles V & King French I
08/03/1596 David Fabricius discovers light variation of Mira (1st variable star

08/03/1640 2,000 men VOC-army surrounds the city of Malakka
08/03/1645 Battle of Allersheim
08/03/1678 Robert LaSalle builds 1st ship in America, Griffon
08/03/1692 Battle at Steenkerke: French beats English/Dutch army
08/03/1704 English/Dutch fleet under Rooke/Callenburgh occupy Gibraltar
08/03/1778 Teatro alla Scale opens in Milan
08/03/1833 HMS Beagle reaches river mouth of Rio Negro
08/03/1852 1st intercollegiate rowing race, Harvard beats Yale by 4 lengths
08/03/1855 Rotterdam-Gouda railway opens
08/03/1860 American Canoe Association founded at Lake George NY
08/03/1861 Federal fleet bombs Galveston Texas
08/03/1863 Governor Seymour asks Lincoln to suspend draft in NY
08/03/1863 Saratoga Racetrack (NY) opens
08/03/1864 Battle of Mobile AL
08/03/1881 US Nation Lawn Tennis Association removes 'Nation' from name
08/03/1882 Congress passes 1st law restricting immigration
08/03/1889 A Charlois discovers asteroid #285 Regina
08/03/1889 J Palisa discovers asteroid #286 Iclea
08/03/1904 British journalist Francis Younghusband visits forbidden city Lhasa
08/03/1904 M Wolf discovers asteroid #540 Rosamunde
08/03/1914 1st ship through Panama Canal
08/03/1914 Belgium rejects demand to allow free crossing for German army
08/03/1914 French fleet sails to North-Africa
08/03/1914 German battle cruiser Goeben leaves Messina
08/03/1914 Germany invades Belgium & declares war on France in WW I
08/03/1914 Great Britain declares war on Germany
08/03/1914 Turkey signs military pact with Germany
08/03/1914 World Alliance for Promoting Intl Friendship through Churches forms
08/03/1914 Yankee catcher Nunamaker throws out 3 would be stealers in 1 inning
08/03/1918 Wolf discovers asteroid #897 Lysistrata, #898 Hildegard & #899 Jokas

08/03/1921 1st aerial cropdusting (Troy Ohio to kill caterpillars)
08/03/1921 Due to a technicality, 8 Chicago White Sox accused in Black Sox
08/03/1921 scandal are acquited, however Landis throws them out of baseball
08/03/1923 VP Calvin Coolidge becomes 30th president
08/03/1924 Cyclist Piet Moeskops regains world sprint championist
08/03/1925 Last US troops leave Nicaragua (there since 1912)
08/03/1930 2nd time in 1930, Chuck Klein of Phillies hits in 26 straight games
08/03/1930 E Skvortsov discovers asteroid #1167 Dubiago
08/03/1933 Yanks are shut out for 1st time after 308 games
08/03/1937 K Reinmuth discovers asteroids #1437 Diomedes & #1457 Ankara
08/03/1940 German occupiers forbid ritual slaughters & English & French movies
08/03/1940 Italian troops attack British-Somalia
08/03/1940 K Reinmuth discovers asteroid #1881 Shao
08/03/1940 Lithuanian SSR is accepted into USSR
08/03/1941 Benzine sales limited in US
08/03/1941 German troops conquer Roslavl USSR
08/03/1943 Nazi occupiers attack city Orel, leave it in fire
08/03/1944 Allied troops conquer Myitkyina Burma
08/03/1944 Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp gases 4,000 gypsies
08/03/1946 Belgiangovt-Huysmans, forms
08/03/1948 FDR advisor Alger Hiss accused to be a 'communist'
08/03/1948 M Itzigsohn discovers asteroid #1569 Evita
08/03/1949 Republic Indonesia ends ceasefire
08/03/1952 15th Olympic games close in Helsinki Finland
08/03/1953 Frank Blair becomes news anchor of Today Show
08/03/1954 1st VTOL (Vertical Take-off & Land) flown
08/03/1955 Automobile Association of America ends support of auto racing
08/03/1955 Hurricane Connie begins pounding US for 11 days
08/03/1955 Roger Moens runs world record 800 m (1:45.7)
08/03/1956 Willie Williams of US sets 100 meter record at 10.1
08/03/1957 British offensive against imam Galeb Ben Ali of Oman
08/03/1958 USS Nautilus begins 1st crossing of Arctic Ocean under icecap
08/03/1959 50 killed in uprising in Guinea-Bissau
08/03/1959 AL beats NL 5-3 in 27th All Star Game (Dodger Stadium)
08/03/1960 Niger gains independence from France
08/03/1962 NY Met Frank Thomas hits his 6th HR in 3 games
08/03/1963 Allan Sherman releases 'Hello Mudda, Hello Fadda'
08/03/1963 Beatles final performance at Cavern Club in Liverpool
08/03/1963 Great Train Robbery-œ2.5 M ($3.25 M) robbed
08/03/1967 45,000 US soldiers sent to Vietnam
08/03/1967 James Law rides entire NYC subway in 22 hrs 12 minutes
08/03/1969 Reds beats Phillies 19-17
08/03/1970 4 day NFL strike ends
08/03/1970 Hurricane 'Celia' becomes most expensive Gulf storm in history
08/03/1970 L Chernykh discovers asteroid #2140 Kemerovo
08/03/1970 Mairiam Hargrave of Yorkshire, passes her driving test on 40th try
08/03/1971 Paul McCartney announces formation of his group Wings
08/03/1972 British premier Heath proclaims emergency crisis due to harbor strik

08/03/1972 Chozen-ji/Intl Zen Dojo founded by Omori Sogen Roshi, in Hawaii
08/03/1973 Flash fire kills 51 at amusement park (Isle of Man, UK)
08/03/1973 National People's party wins Dutch Antilles National elections
08/03/1974 Guitarist Jeff Baxter quits Steely Dan & joins Doobie Brothers
08/03/1975 500 drown when 2 river boats collide & sink in China's West River
08/03/1975 Louisiana Superdome is dedicated
08/03/1975 Poland & West germany reach accord about returning ethnic Germans
08/03/1977 Radio Shack issues a press release introducing TRS-80 computer
08/03/1979 Fastest jai-alai shot (188 mph), Jose Arieto at Newport Jai Alai, RI

08/03/1980 22nd Olympic games close at Moscow, USSR
08/03/1980 Duke Snider & Al Kaline enter baseball's Hall of Fame
08/03/1981 13,000 Air Traffic Controllers (PATCO) begin their strike
08/03/1981 E Bowell discovers asteroids #3115 Baily & #3690
08/03/1982 Clyde King replaces Gene Michaels as Yankee manager
08/03/1983 John Sain of South Bend, Ind builds 3.91 m house of cards
08/03/1984 365.7 million shares traded in NY Stock Exchange
08/03/1984 Bomb attack on Madras India airport, 32 killed
08/03/1985 'Nihilator' set harness pacing mile (1:49.6) in East Rutherford, NJ
08/03/1985 Train crash at Flaujac, France: 35 killed
08/03/1987 Chicago Bears beat Dallas Cowboys 17-6 in London, England (NFL expo)

08/03/1987 Discovery in Orbital Processing Facility is powered up for STS-26
08/03/1988 Skip Storch swims 246 km of Hudson River from Albany to NYC
08/03/1989 5th jockey to win 6,000 races (Jorge Valesquez)
08/03/1989 Lawrence Delisle drives his 4 kids into river
08/03/1989 Rickey Henderson sets AL mark of 50 steals in 9 seasons
08/03/1990 98.8øF (37.1øC) in Cheltenham, Glos. (UK record)
08/03/1990 NY Yankee Kevin Mass sets record with 10th HR in 1st 72 at bats
08/03/1990 Radio Kuwait resigns air, due to Iraqi invasion
08/03/1990 US announces commitment of Naval forces to Gulf regions
08/03/1991 Pan Am games open in Havana
08/03/1992 Dodgers win 3,000th game since moving to Los Angeles (3,000-2,531)
08/03/1992 Paramount inaugurates New York Street on TV/movie lot
08/03/1993 NBA Michael Jordan's father James found dead near McColl SC

Robert Wolfe

Aug 4, 2021, 7:40:13 AM8/4/21
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Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


08/04/1502 Pieter Coecke van Aelst, Flemish painter/carpet designer
08/04/1664 Louis Lully, composer
08/04/1687 Johan Willem Friso, prince of Orange/monarch of Nassau-Dietz
08/04/1705 Vaclav Matyas Gurecky, composer
08/04/1731 Giuseppe Colla, composer
08/04/1748 Maximilian Stadler, composer
08/04/1755 Nicolas-Jacque Conte, inventor (modern pencil)
08/04/1776 Pierre-Simon Ballanche, French philosopher/poet (Prol‚gomŠnes)
08/04/1776 Wenzel Sedlak, composer
08/04/1792 Percy Bysshe Shelley, England, romantic poet (Adonais)
08/04/1799 Olof Wilhelm Udden, composer
08/04/1816 Israel Vogdes, Brig General (Union volunteers), died in 1889
08/04/1818 Lovell Harrison Rosseau, Major General (Union volunteers)
08/04/1823 Oliver Hazard Perry Throck Morton, (Gov-Ind), died in 1877
08/04/1832 Gaspar N£¤ez de Arce, Spain, poet 'Spanish Tennyson'
08/04/1839 Walter Pater, London England, writer (Plato & Platoism)
08/04/1843 Flor van Duyse, composer
08/04/1846 Silas Gamaliel Pratt, composer
08/04/1859 Knut Hamsun, Norway, writer/Nazi (Hunger-Nobel 1920)
08/04/1870 Harry Lauder, Scotland, comedian/singer (Roman in the Gloamin)
08/04/1873 Damasco Berenguer y Fuste, Spanish general/minister of War
08/04/1881 Guy de PourtalŠs, Swiss/French writer (Nietzsche & Italy)
08/04/1883 Ren‚ 'Sascha' Schickele, German writer/founder (St rmer)
08/04/1888 Philip Greeley Clapp, composer
08/04/1892 Johanna Bordewijk-Roepman, composer
08/04/1897 Joseph Calleia, Malta, actor (Jungle Book, Gilda, Touch of Evil)
08/04/1900 Arturo Umberto Illia, pres of Argentina (1963-66)
08/04/1900 Douglas L Mays, cartoonist (Punch)
08/04/1900 Elizabeth, Britain's Queen Mother
08/04/1903 Helen Kane, [Schroeder], US singer/actress (Good Boy)
08/04/1904 Witold Gombrowicz, Polish author (Ferdydurke, Pornography)
08/04/1906 Marie-Jos‚ von Saksen-Coburg, Belgian Princess
08/04/1909 Glenn Cunningham, US middle distance runner in the 1930's
08/04/1910 William H Schuman, NYC, composer (Amer Festival Overture, Julliard)
08/04/1912 David Raksin, Phila Penns, composer (Modern Times)
08/04/1912 Raoul Wallenberg, Swedish diplomat in WW II (saved 10,000s of Jews)
08/04/1913 Wesley Addy, Omaha Neb, actor (Bostonian, Loving)
08/04/1914 Rik Slabbinck, Flemish painter
08/04/1915 Irving Fields, NYC, pianist (Ilona Massey Show)
08/04/1920 Helen Thomas, UPI journalist (starts press conferences)
08/04/1921 Maurice 'Rocket' Richard, Montreal Canadien (MVP-1947)
08/04/1923 Arthur Butterworth, composer
08/04/1928 Udham Singh, India, field hockey player (Olympic-gold-1952, 56, 64)
08/04/1930 David MG Curry, South african Labour Party parliament leader
08/04/1933 Nathan Eugene Brooks, Cleve Oh, flyweight boxer (Olympic-gold-1952)
08/04/1933 Rudi van Dantzig, choreographer/ballet dancer (Painted Birds)
08/04/1934 Dallas Green, baseball manager (Phillies, Yankees)
08/04/1934 Jonas Savimbi, Angolian leader of Unita
08/04/1934 Rutger Kopland, [R of the Hoofdakker], poet
08/04/1935 Micha‰l Slory, Suriname poet (Bitter Combat)
08/04/1937 David Vickerman Bedford, composer
08/04/1937 Jacobus H 'Chose' van de Merwe, S Afr attorney/CP parliament leader
08/04/1939 Frankie Ford, Gretna La, rock vocalist (Sea Cruise)
08/04/1940 Rosemarie 'Timi' Yuro, US singer (Hurt)
08/04/1941 Quincey Daniels, Biloxi Miss, boxer (Olympic-bronze-1960)
08/04/1941 Ted Strickland, (Rep-D-Ohio)
08/04/1942 David Russell Lange, PM (L) New Zealand (1984- )
08/04/1943 Michael J McCulley, San Diego Calif, Cmdr USN/astronaut (STS-34)
08/04/1943 Rodney Stuart Pattison, British yachtsman (Olympics)
08/04/1943 Tina Cole, Hollywood, singer (King Cousins)/actress (Katie-My 3 Sons

08/04/1944 Richard Belzer, KOed by Hulk Hogan/comedian (How to be a Stand Up)
08/04/1945 Fred Hansen, US, pole vaulter (Olympic-gold-1964)
08/04/1946 Maureen Cox Starkey, 1st wife of Beatle Ringo Starr
08/04/1948 James C Slattery, (Rep-D-Kansas, 1983- )
08/04/1949 John Riggins, NFL running back (NY Jets, Wash Redskins)
08/04/1951 Lane Evans, (Rep-D-IL, 1983- )
08/04/1952 Bobby Buntrock, Denver Colo, actor (Harold Baxter-Hazel)
08/04/1952 Daniel Bautista, Mexico, 20k walker (Olympic-gold-1976)
08/04/1952 Kristoffer Tabori, LA Calif, actor (Rappaccini's Daughter)
08/04/1955 Andrew M Allen, Phila Pa, Captain USMC/astronaut (STS 46, 62)
08/04/1955 Charles D 'Sam' Gemar, Yankton SD, army/astronaut (STS 38, 48, 62)
08/04/1957 Robert E Andrews, (Rep-D-New Jersey)
08/04/1958 Greg Foster, Maywood Ill, 110m hurdler (Olympic-silver-1984
08/04/1958 Mary Decker Tabb Slaney, NJ, olympic track star (mile record 4:16.71

08/04/1960 Robbin Crosby, heavy metal rocker (Ratt-Round & Round)
08/04/1962 Paul Williams, rocker (Flock of Seagulls)
08/04/1962 Roger Clemens, Dayton Ohio, Boston Red Sox pitcher (Cy Young, MVP)
08/04/1965 Crystal Chappell, Silver Spring Md, actress (Carly-Days of our Lives

08/04/1966 Kensuke Sasaki, wrestler (WCW/NJPW/Calgary, Power Warrior)
08/04/1967 Mike Marsh, US, 200m runner (Olympic-Gold-1992)
08/04/1969 Max Cavalera, Brazilian rock vocalist/guitarist (Sepultura)
08/04/1972 Wesley Snipes, actor (Passenger 57)


08/04/1060 Henry I, King of France (1060), dies at 27
08/04/1204 Boniface of Montferrat, markgraaf of M, dies
08/04/1265 Simon de Montfort, English baron, dies in battle
08/04/1306 V clav III, last Premysliden-king of Bohemia (1305-06), murdered
08/04/1430 Philip of Saint-Pol, duke of Brabant, dies at 26
08/04/1526 Juan Sebasti…n Cano, Spanish explorer, dies
08/04/1566 Girolamo della Robbia, Italian sculptor (Majolica relief), dies
08/04/1584 John vanf Hembyze, South Netherlands Calvinist, dies at 71
08/04/1633 George Abbott, English theologist/archbishop of Canterbury, dies at

08/04/1639 Juan R Alarcon y Mendoza, Mexican/Spanish playwright, dies at 58
08/04/1666 Johan Evertsen, ltalian admiral of Zeeland, lynched in Brielle
08/04/1708 Vincenzo De Grandis, composer, dies at 77
08/04/1712 Johann Jacob de Neufville, composer, dies at 27
08/04/1821 William Floyd, US soldier/signer (Declar of Independence), dies at 8

08/04/1850 Frantisek Tucek, composer, dies at 68
08/04/1856 Johann Gottlieb Schneider, composer, dies at 59
08/04/1875 Hans Christian Andersen, Danish fairy tale writer, dies at 70
08/04/1889 Carl Ludwig Amand Mangold, composer, dies at 75
08/04/1891 George Washington Williams, historian (History of Negro), dies at 41

08/04/1892 Abby Plates & Spouse, killed by Lizzie Borden(?)
08/04/1904 Arnold Krug, composer, dies at 54
08/04/1915 Richard Kiepert, German cartographer (Africa), dies at 68
08/04/1920 Vladimir Ivanovich Rebikov, composer, dies at 54
08/04/1922 Enver Pasja, Turkish general/politician, dies at 41
08/04/1925 Alfons Van de Perre, Flemish physician, dies
08/04/1930 Siegfried Wagner, composer, dies at 61
08/04/1931 Daniel H Williams, doctor (pioneer in surgery), dies
08/04/1936 Henry Schoenfeld, composer, dies at 78
08/04/1938 LH Perquin, Dutch radio announcer, dies at 73
08/04/1938 Pearl White, US actress/stunt woman (Perils of Pauline), dies
08/04/1938 Rudolf G Binding, German poet/writer, dies at 70
08/04/1942 Alberto Franchetti, composer, dies at 81
08/04/1973 Eddie Condon, jazz guitarist (Eddie Condon's Floor Show), dies at 68

08/04/1977 Emil Bloch, German philosopher, dies at 92
08/04/1981 Melvyn Douglas, [Hesselberg], actor (Woman's Face, Hud), dies at 80
08/04/1984 Edmon Ryan, actor (Human Monster), dies at 79 of a heart attack
08/04/1984 Mary Miles Minter, silent screen star, dies at 82 of heart failure
08/04/1984 Walter Burke, actor (Jack the Giant Killer), dies at 75 of emphysema

08/04/1985 Zbynek Vostrak, composer, dies at 65
08/04/1991 Nikiforos Vrettakos, Greek poet (Hodyne), dies at 80
08/04/1992 Frantisek Tomasek, archbishop of Prague/cardinal, dies at 93
08/04/1992 Ralph Cooper, creator of Amateur Night at the Apollo, dies of cancer

08/04/1993 Bernard Barrow, actor (Louie-Loving, Johnny-Ryan's Hope), dies
08/04/1993 Kenny Drew, US/Danish jazz pianist (Moonlight Desert), dies at 64

Significant Events:

08/04/1181 Supernova seen in Cassiopia
08/04/1265 Battle at Evesham: English prince Edward beats Simon van Montfort
08/04/1347 English troops conquer Ft Calais
08/04/1351 Sea battle at Zwartewaal: Willem V beats Hoeksen & English
08/04/1558 1st printing of Zohar (Jewish Kabbalah)
08/04/1578 Battle of Alcazarquivir, Moroccans defeat Portuguese
08/04/1666 Hurricane hits Guadeloupe, Martinique & St Christopher; thousands di

08/04/1666 Sea battle between Netherlands & England
08/04/1693 Dom Perignon invents champagne
08/04/1695 French garrison of surrenders to Willem III
08/04/1735 Jury acquits John Zenger (NY Weekly Journal) charged with seditious
08/04/1735 libel by royal governor of NY (victory for Freedom of press)
08/04/1753 George Washington becomes a master mason
08/04/1777 Retired British cavalry officer Philip Astley establishes 1st circus

08/04/1789 French National Meeting ending feudal system
08/04/1790 US Coast Guard founded as Revenue Cutter Service
08/04/1821 1st edition of Saturday Evening Post (publishes until 1969)
08/04/1830 Plans for city of Chicago laid out
08/04/1864 Land & naval action new Brazos Santiago, Texas
08/04/1881 122øF (50øC), Seville, Spain (European record)
08/04/1886 Colombia adopts constitution
08/04/1892 Queen Wilhelmina & Emma open Merwede Canal between Amsterdam-Rhine
08/04/1892 Sunday school teacher Lizzie Borden arrested in Fall River, Mass
08/04/1897 Henry A Rucker appointed Collector of Internal Revenue for Georgia
08/04/1903 Cardinal Giuseppe Sarto of Venice elected Pope Pius X
08/04/1904 M Wolf discovers asteroid #541 Deborah
08/04/1910 A's Jack Coombs & White Sox Ed Walsh pitch a 16 inn scoreless tie
08/04/1914 German army executes, a Belgium priest, by firing squad
08/04/1914 German fleet under admiral Souchon fire on Algerian coast
08/04/1914 Germany declares war on Belgium; Britain declares war on Germany
08/04/1914 King Albert I becomes supreme commander of Belgian army
08/04/1914 Lord Kitchener becomes British minister of War
08/04/1916 US agrees to buy Virgin Islands from Denmark for $25 million
08/04/1917 Pravda calls for killing all capitalists, priests & officers
08/04/1921 K Reinmuth discovers asteroid #954 Li
08/04/1925 Col˜n Dutch govt, forms
08/04/1925 US marines leave Nicaragua after 13-year occupation
08/04/1926 H E Wood discovers asteroid #1663 van den Bos
08/04/1926 S Belyavsk˜ discovers asteroid #1065 Amundsenia
08/04/1927 Peace Bridge between US & Canada opened
08/04/1929 60,000 SA'ers/SS'ers march by Munich
08/04/1929 M Wolf discovers asteroids #2373 & #3626
08/04/1930 Child labor laws estralished in Belgium
08/04/1934 NY Giants Mel Ott sets record of 6 runs in game & beats Phillies 21-

08/04/1936 Ioannis Metaxas names himself dictator of Greece
08/04/1941 Winston Churchill departs on Prince of Wales to US
08/04/1942 British premier Winston Churchill arrives in Cairo
08/04/1942 German occupier orders all Dutch homing pigeons destroyed
08/04/1943 British premier Churchill travels on the Queen Mary to Canada
08/04/1943 Russian units reach suburbs of Orel
08/04/1944 British 8th army reaches suburbs of Florence Italy
08/04/1945 Golfer Byron Nelson records most tournament wins (18) in a season
08/04/1945 Red Sox Tom McBride is 3rd to get 6 RBIs in an inning (4th)
08/04/1948 5 day southern filibuster succeeds in maintaining poll tax
08/04/1949 NBL & NBAA merge into National Basketball Association
08/04/1953 Black families move into Trumbull Park housing project in Chicago
08/04/1953 Vic Raschi sets pitcher record by driving in 7 runs & wins 15-0
08/04/1956 1st motorcycle rode over 200 mph (Wilhelm Herz-210 mph/338 kph)
08/04/1956 Indonesia says it will not pay debts to the Netherlands
08/04/1958 Dumont TV Network crumbles
08/04/1960 Rocket propelled USAAF research aircraft sets record at 2,150 MPH
08/04/1961 108øF, Spokane, WA
08/04/1965 Cook Islands enters into free association with New Zealand
08/04/1967 British pirate radio station Radio 355 resigns air
08/04/1967 Shortwave group ANARC's 1st convention (Chicago)
08/04/1968 100,000 attend Newport Pop Festival, Costa Mesa, Calif
08/04/1968 WXTV TV channel 41 in New York-Paterson, NY (UNI) begins broadcastin

08/04/1969 Willie Stargell is 1st to hit a HR outside of Dodger Stadium
08/04/1970 Asteroid #2993 discovered
08/04/1970 Jim Morrison arrested for drunkenness
08/04/1970 T Smirnova discovers asteroid #2575 Bulgaria
08/04/1971 US launches 1st satellite into lunar orbit from manned spacecraft
08/04/1974 Crawford-Butler Act allows Puerto Ricans to elect own governor
08/04/1977 Pres Carter establishes Dept of Energy
08/04/1979 Italian govt of Cossiga begins
08/04/1981 Columbia mated with SRBs & external tank for STS-2 mission
08/04/1981 Oliver North is assigned to white house duty
08/04/1983 Bettino Craxi sworn in as premier of Italy
08/04/1983 L G Karachkina discovers asteroid #3063 Makhaon
08/04/1983 Revolution in Burkina
08/04/1984 Carl Lewis wins gold medal in 100-meter dash at LA Summer Olympics
08/04/1984 Cliff Johnson sets a record with his 19th pinch hit HR
08/04/1984 Prince's 'Purple Rain,' album goes to #1 & stays #1 for 24 weeks
08/04/1984 Republic of Upper Volta becomes Bourkina Fasso (National Day)
08/04/1985 Calif Angel Rod Carew gets his 3,000th hit
08/04/1985 Phil Rizzuto Day, Yanks retire #10
08/04/1985 White Sox Tom Seaver is 17th to win #300, beating Yankees
08/04/1986 OPEC lowers oil production 20%
08/04/1987 FCC vote 4-0 to rescind fairness doctrine for broadcasters
08/04/1988 Congress votes $20,000 to each Japanese-American interned in WW II
08/04/1988 Hertz car rental will pay out $23 million in consumer fraud case
08/04/1990 95.5øF (35.3øC) in De Bilt Neth (highest Aug temp in Neth)
08/04/1990 European community proposes a boycott of Iraq
08/04/1993 Angolese air force bombs Huambo
08/04/1993 Rwandian Hutu's & Tutsi's sign peace treaty in Arusha
08/04/1996 26th Olympic games close at Atlanta, Georgia (sched)

Robert Wolfe

Aug 5, 2021, 7:40:11 AM8/5/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


08/05/1540 Joseph Justice Scaliger, proposed Julian dating
08/05/1604 John Eliot, 'Apostle to Indians,' Bible translator
08/05/1607 Philipp Friedrich Boddecker, composer
08/05/1623 Antonio Cesti, composer
08/05/1624 William, Jamestown Va, 1st black child born in English America
08/05/1694 Leonardo Ortensio Salvatore de Leo, composer
08/05/1711 Johan Lulofs, physicist/philosopher/astronomer
08/05/1749 Thomas Lynch, signer (Declaration of Independence)
08/05/1797 Friedrich August Kummer, composer
08/05/1802 Niels H Able, Norse mathematician (Abelse comparisons)
08/05/1811 C L Ambroise Thomas, French composer (El Cid, Fran‡oise the Rimini)
08/05/1813 Carnot Posey, Confederate brig-general
08/05/1813 Ivar A Aasen, Norse linguistic/poet
08/05/1815 Edward J Eyre, British explorer/governor (Jamaica)
08/05/1822 Johann Georg Herzog, composer
08/05/1823 Joseph E Labb‚, French lawyer
08/05/1828 Giovanni Rossi, composer
08/05/1828 WFAA Louisa/Lovisa, queen of Sweden/Norway/princess of Netherlands
08/05/1829 Heinrich Franz Daniel Stiehl, composer
08/05/1829 Milo Smith Hascall, Brig General (Union volunteers), died in 1904
08/05/1830 James A Healy, 1st black bishop in America
08/05/1843 James Scott Skinner, composer
08/05/1850 Anton Simon, composer
08/05/1850 Guy de Maupassant, France, author (Boule de Suif)
08/05/1856 Achad Ha'am, [AsjŠr Ginsberg], Hebrew philosopher/writer
08/05/1860 Joseph Carey Merrick, 'Elephant Man'
08/05/1864 Resurreccion Maria de Azkue, composer
08/05/1866 Alfred Holy, composer
08/05/1868 Oskar Merikanto, composer
08/05/1876 Mary R Beard, Indianapolis, historian (Woman as a Force in History)
08/05/1882 Joe English, Irish/Flemish signaler (WW I)
08/05/1886 Oscar Espla, composer
08/05/1887 Reginald Owen, English/US actor (Dr Watson-Sherlock Holmes)
08/05/1889 Conrad P Aiken, US, poet/writer (Ushant/Conversation)
08/05/1890 Erich Kleiber, Vienna Austria, conductor (NBC Symphony 1945-46)
08/05/1890 Hans Gal, composer
08/05/1890 Naum Gabo, Russian/US sculptor
08/05/1890 Naum Gabo, [Pevsner], Russian/US sculptor (Stillife Flower)
08/05/1899 Conrad Aiken, US, poet/short story writer/critic (Selected Poems)
08/05/1900 Bodi Rapp, [Johanna PAC Goetmakers], mezzo-soprano/song theorist
08/05/1901 Juan Carlos Paz, composer
08/05/1906 John Huston, Nevada Mo, director/writer (African Queen, Chinatown)
08/05/1906 Wassely Leontief, Russ/US economist (Nobel 1973)
08/05/1908 Harold Holt, PM of Australia (1966-67); supported US in Vietnam
08/05/1910 Nan Gindele, US javelin thrower (World Record 1932-38)
08/05/1911 Robert Taylor, Filley Neb, actor (Death Valley Days)
08/05/1912 Abb‚ Pierre, [Henri Pierre GrouŠs], French priest who helps poor
08/05/1913 Nelly Aenders, [Petronella Meyer], actress (Spanish Fly)
08/05/1914 Anita Colby, Wash DC, model/actress (Pepsi Cola Playhouse)
08/05/1914 David Brian, NYC, actor (Accussed of Murder, Dawn at Sorocco)
08/05/1914 Stjepan Sulek, Croatian violinist/composer (Coriolan)
08/05/1920 G V [Sonny] Montgomery, (Rep-D-Mississippi, 1967- )
08/05/1920 Selma Diamond, London Ontario, comedienne (Selma-Night Court)
08/05/1923 Richard Kleindienst, attorney general (1972)
08/05/1925 Cor Witschge, actor (Pipo the Clown)
08/05/1926 Betsy Jolas, composer
08/05/1927 Gunnar Bucht, composer
08/05/1930 Neil Armstrong, Ohio, X-15 pilot, 1st Moonwalker (Gemini 8, Apollo 1

08/05/1932 Tera de Marez Oyens, composer
08/05/1933 Joan Weldon, SF, actress (So This is Love, Them)
08/05/1934 Vern Gosdin, Woodland Al, country singer (Set 'em Up Joe)
08/05/1935 John Saxon, Bkln, actor (Bees, Nightmare on Elm St, Electric Horsema

08/05/1936 John Dancy, Jackson Tx, newscaster (Prime Time Sunday)
08/05/1938 Hayes Wendell Jones, Sturksville Mich, 110m hurdler (Oly-gold-1964)
08/05/1938 Ja'net Dubois, Phila, actress (Willona-Good Times)
08/05/1939 Irene, Princess of Netherlands
08/05/194- Jo Collins, Ore, Playboy playmate (Dec, 1964)
08/05/1941 Leonid D Kizim, cosmonaut (Soyuz T-3, T-10, T-15)
08/05/1942 Rick Huxley, guitarist (Dave Clark 5-Glad All Over)
08/05/1943 Rodney Pattisson, England, yachtsman (Olympic-gold-1968)
08/05/1943 Sammi Smith, singer
08/05/1944 Loni Anderson, St Paul Minn, actress (Jennifer-WKRP in Cincinnati)
08/05/1945 Jacob Reitsma, economist/Dutch 2nd Chamber member (CDA)
08/05/1946 Erika Slezak, Hollywood, Calif, actress (Viki-One Life to Live)
08/05/1946 Rick van der Linden, rocker (Ekseption)
08/05/1947 Rick Derringer, rocker (I am the Real American (Hulk Hogan's theme)
08/05/1950 Holly Palance, LA Calif, actress (Thorn Birds, Ripley's Believe It)
08/05/1950 Rose Mittermaier, German FR, slalom/downhill (Olympic-gold-1976)
08/05/1953 Samantha Sang, singer (Emotion)
08/05/1954 Eddie 'Fingers' Ojeda, Bx, (Twisted Sister-We're Not Gonna Take It)
08/05/1956 Ferdi Bolland, Dutch singer/guitarist (Bolland & Bolland)
08/05/1956 Maureen McCormick, actress (Marcia-Brady Bunch)
08/05/1957 Andrei Yevgeniyevich Zaitsev, cosmonaut
08/05/1957 Pavel Vinogradov, Russia, cosmonaut
08/05/1959 Pete Burns, rocker (Dead or Alive-Spin Me Round)
08/05/1960 Heidi S”renson, playmate (Jul, 1981)
08/05/1960 Mike Nocito, rocker (Johnny Hates Jazz-Turn Back the Clock)
08/05/1961 Tawny Kitaen, (Coverdale), actress (Bachelor Party, Witchboard)
08/05/1962 Patrick Ewing, Jamaica, basketball center (NY Knicks/Olympic-gold-92

08/05/1966 Jonathan Silverman, LA Calif, actor (Brighton Beach Memoirs)
08/05/1975 Ami Foster, actress (Margaux-Punky Brewster)
08/05/2184 Christine Lauren Chapel, Davenport Heights, Vermont (Star Trek)
08/05/2186 Kevin Thomas Riley, Tasvennir, Tarsus IV (Star Trek)


08/05/1157 Dirk VI, Count of Holland, dies
08/05/1644 J Henry Alting, theologist (Statenvertaling), dies at 61
08/05/1778 Thomas Linley, composer, dies at 22
08/05/1830 Karl Friedrich Horn, composer, dies at 68
08/05/1834 Gijsbert K van Hogendorp, Dutch min of Foreign affairs, dies at 71
08/05/1852 Frantisek L Celakovsky, Czech slavist/poet, dies at 53
08/05/1856 Rubert Lucas Pearsall, composer, dies at 61
08/05/1862 Thomas Williams, US Union brig-general, dies in battle at 47
08/05/1863 Adolf Friedrich Hesse, composer, dies at 53
08/05/1889 Willem Ruys J Dz, ship owner, dies at 80
08/05/1891 Henry Charles Litolff, composer, dies at 72
08/05/1895 Friedrich English, German textile manufacturer/marxist, dies
08/05/1900 James Augustine Healy, black Roman Catholic bishop, dies at 80
08/05/1901 Victoria, Emperor of Germany/Queen of Prussia, dies at 60
08/05/1910 Wojciech Gawronski, composer, dies at 42
08/05/1916 George Butterworth, composer, dies at 31
08/05/1916 Nikolay Ivanovich Kazanli, composer, dies at 46
08/05/1932 Isra‰l Querido, writer (Jordan), dies
08/05/1940 Frederick A Cook, US, explorer (North Pole), dies at 75
08/05/1947 Joannes D M Cornelissen, historian (Johann de White), dies
08/05/1950 Emil Abderhalden, Swiss physiologist/bio-chemistry, dies at 73
08/05/1955 Carmen Miranda, singer/actress (Down Argentine Way), dies at 42
08/05/1957 Heinrich O Wieland, German chemist (Nobel 1927), dies at 80
08/05/1958 Joseph Holbrooke, composer, dies at 80
08/05/1959 Edgar Guest, US poet/newspaperman, dies at 77
08/05/1961 Sidney Holland, PM of New Zealand (1949-57), dies at 67
08/05/1962 Marilyn Monroe, found dead of apparent self-inflicted drug overdose
08/05/1971 Josef Stanislav, composer, dies at 74
08/05/1972 Frederic Tozere, actor (Mr Phillips-Stanley), dies at 71
08/05/1976 Adrian Roland Holst, poet (Past the Roads), dies at 88
08/05/1978 Queenie Smith, actress/dancer (Funny Side), dies at 79
08/05/1983 Judy Canova, singer/comedienne (Chatterbox), dies at 66 of cancer
08/05/1984 Howard Culver, actor (Howie-Gunsmoke), dies at 66
08/05/1984 Richard Burton, actor (Cleopatra), dies at 58 of cerebral hemorrhage

08/05/1985 Theodore Sturgeon, sci-fi author (Hugo, It, Caviar), dies at 67
08/05/1987 Zygmunt Mycielsky, composer, dies at 79
08/05/1990 Herman Gooding, Suriname police-inspector, dies
08/05/1991 Paul Brown, NFL founder (Cleveland Browns, Cin Bengals), dies at 82
08/05/1991 Soichiro Hondo, CEO & founder (Honda), dies of liver cancer at 84
08/05/1992 Jeff Porcaro, drummer (Toto-Africa), dies at 38 of cardiac arrest
08/05/1992 Robert Muldoon, premier NZ (1975-84)/President IMF, dies

Significant Events:

08/05/ 135 Betar last outpost of Bar Kochba falls to Rome
08/05/1264 Anti-Jewish riots break out in Arnstadt Germany
08/05/1391 Jews are massacred in Toledo & Barcelona Spain
08/05/1399 Battle at Worskla: Tataren beat Russians & Litouwers
08/05/1420 Duke John VI of Bavaria visits 'Christ's bride'/virgin Liduina
08/05/1435 Battle at Ponza: king Alfonso V of Arag¢n captured by Genuezen
08/05/1583 Gilbert claims Newfoundland (1st English colony in North America)
08/05/1587 Spanish troops conquer Lock
08/05/1654 French troops occupy Stenay
08/05/1666 English fleet beats Dutch under Michiel the Ruyter
08/05/1667 State of Holland obtain Eternal Edict
08/05/1772 1st partition of Poland, between Austria, Prussia & Russia
08/05/1775 1st Spanish ship, San Carlos, enters SF Bay
08/05/1781 Battle at Doggers Bank: Dutch fleet vs English fleet
08/05/1837 1st ascent of Mt Marcy (5,344') highest in Adirondack, NY
08/05/1846 Oregon country divided between US & Britain at 49th parallel
08/05/1858 Cyrus W Field completes 1st transatlantic telegraph cable
08/05/1861 Enlistment increases from 3 months to 2 years
08/05/1861 Naval Engagement at Fernandina, FL-USS Vincennes ends rebel blockade

08/05/1861 US Army abolishes flogging
08/05/1861 US levies its 1st Income Tax (3% of incomes over $800)
08/05/1862 Battle of Baton Rouge, LA
08/05/1864 Battle of Mobile Bay Al-Farragut is given rank of vice-admiral
08/05/1864 Spectrum of a comet observed for 1st time, by Giovanni Donati
08/05/1884 Cornerstone for Statue of Liberty laid on Bedloe's Island (NYC)
08/05/1891 1st travelers checks issued (American Express)
08/05/1901 Peter O'Connor of Ireland, sets then long jump record at 24' 11 3/4'

08/05/1914 1st traffic light installed (Euclid Ave. & E. 105th St, Cleveland)
08/05/1914 Dutch Cort Van de Linden govt issues silver bonds as money
08/05/1914 Massive German assault on forts around Luik
08/05/1914 US beats Australia, 3-2, to win Davis Cup
08/05/1914 US, Nicaragua sign treaty granting canal rights to US
08/05/1914 Westerschelde leaves due to German invasion in Belgium
08/05/1915 German troops over run Warsaw
08/05/1917 British troops attack canal of Ypres in Boesinghe Belgium
08/05/1921 1st radio baseball broadcast Pirates-8, Phillies-0 (KDKA, Pitts)
08/05/1921 K Reinmuth discovers asteroid #955 Alstede
08/05/1921 Treaty of Berlin: US & Germany sign separate peace treaty
08/05/1923 1st American to swim English Channel (Henry Sullivan)
08/05/1924 Comic strip 'Little Orphan Annie,' by Harold Gray, debuts
08/05/1926 1st talkie movie 'Don Juan' at Warner Theatre, NY
08/05/1926 French & German trade agreement signed
08/05/1926 Houdini stays in a coffin under water for 1« hrs
08/05/1927 Phillies Cy Williams hits for cycle in just 4 at bats
08/05/1931 Det Tiger Tommy Bridges perfect game is broken up with 2 outs in 9th

08/05/1936 At Berlin Olympics, Jesse Owens wins his 3rd Olympic medal
08/05/1937 Ranger (US) beats Endeavour II (England) in 17th America's Cup
08/05/1940 'Acquaintance' blows-up Zandvoortse synagouge
08/05/1940 St Louis Brown John Whitehead no-hits Detroit Tigers, 4-0 in 6 innin

08/05/1942 German troops cross Kuban River
08/05/1943 Soviet forces reconquer Orel & Bjelgorod
08/05/1944 US 79th/90th division occupy Laval/Mayenne
08/05/1944 US troops occupy Vannes Bretagne
08/05/1945 Atom Bomb dropped on Hiroshima (Aug 6th in Japan)
08/05/1947 Netherlands ceases political action in Indonesia, due to UN pressure

08/05/1948 Babe Didrikson Zaharias wins US Golf Open
08/05/1949 Earthquake hits Quito; about 6000 die
08/05/1950 Ezzard Charles KOs Freddie Beshore to retain HW boxing title
08/05/1951 Armed uprising in Ambonezen Camp Middelburg
08/05/1953 Operation 'Big Switch' Korean War prisoner exchanged at Panmunjom
08/05/1954 Boxing Hall of Fame's 1st election selects 24 modern & 15 pioneers
08/05/1956 KUAM TV channel 8 in Agana, GU (CBS/ABC/NBC) begins broadcasting
08/05/1956 WCYB TV channel 5 in Bristol-Kingsport, VA (NBC) begins broadcasting

08/05/1957 'American Bandstand,' begins network TV (ABC)
08/05/1957 WJZ-TV in Baltimore MD begins radio transmissions
08/05/1958 Atomic sub USS Nautilus completes 1st trip under North Pole
08/05/1958 Philip Kapleau, Zen teacher, 1st awakening under Yasutani Roshi
08/05/1959 42.4 cm rainfall in Decatur Co, Iowa (state record)
08/05/1959 Chic Cardinals (NFL) beat Toronto Argonauts (CFL) 55-26 in Toronto
08/05/1960 Burkina (formerly Upper Volta) declares independence from France
08/05/1960 Detroit trades mgr Jimmy Dykes for Cleve's mgr Joe Gordon
08/05/1961 118øF (48øC), Ice Harbor Dam, Washington (state record)
08/05/1961 Chic Bears (NFL) beat Mont Alouettes (CFL) 34-16 in Montreal
08/05/1962 1st quasar located by radio
08/05/1962 Nelson Mandela arrested for incitement & illeagally leaving S Afr
08/05/1962 UN command forbids flights to Katangese airports
08/05/1963 Britain, US & USSR sign nuclear test ban treaty
08/05/1963 Craig Breedlove sets world auto speed record at 407.45 MPH
08/05/1963 US, USSR & Great Britain agree to discuss banning nuclear testing
08/05/1964 Actress Anne Bancroft & comedian Mel Brooks wed
08/05/1964 Beatles record 'Leave My Kitten Alone'
08/05/1964 Congo rebellion: Christopher Gbenye/Pierre Mulele conquer Stanleyvil

08/05/1964 US begins bombing North Vietnam
08/05/1965 Dave Marr wins PGA title
08/05/1966 Jose Torres beats Eddie Cotton to retain light-HW boxing title
08/05/1966 Martin Luther King Jr stoned during Chicago march
08/05/1966 Beatles release 'Revolver' album in US
08/05/1966 Beatles release 'Yellow Submarine' & 'Eleanor Rigby' in UK
08/05/1967 1st time an AFL team beats an NFL team, Broncos beats Detroit 13-7
08/05/1967 Bobby Gentry releases her only hit 'Ode to Billy Joe'
08/05/1967 Pirate Radio Station 333 (Radio Britain) & Radio London close down
08/05/1968 WMCV (now WZTV) TV channel 17 in Nashville, TN (IND) 1st broadcast
08/05/1968 WZTV TV channel 17 in Nashville, TN (IND) begins broadcasting
08/05/1969 Mariner 7 flies past Mars
08/05/1969 Pirate Willie Stargell is 1st to hit a ball out of Dodger Stadium
08/05/1970 US Black Panther leader Huey Newton let out of jail
08/05/1971 WNPE TV channel 16 in Watertown, NY (PBS) begins broadcasting
08/05/1972 Moody Blues release 'Nights in White Satin'
08/05/1972 Uganda president Idi Amin throws out all 80,000 Asians
08/05/1973 Atlanta Braves Phil Niekro no-hits SD Padres, 9-0
08/05/1973 USSR launches Mars 6
08/05/1974 Joan Jett forms her rock group Runaways
08/05/1975 Phillies 1st 8 batters get hits for a major league record, win 13-5
08/05/1978 H L Giclas discovers asteroid #2118 Flagstaff
08/05/1978 New Orlean Saints beat Phil Eagles 14-7 in Mexico City (NFL expo)
08/05/1979 Government of Mauretania signs peace treaty with Polisario
08/05/1980 NY Met Doug Flynn ties record of 3 triples in a game
08/05/1981 E Bowell discovers asteroid #3402 Wisdom
08/05/1981 Federal govt began firing striking air traffic controllers
08/05/1981 Pres Regan fires 11,500 air traffic controllers who struck 2 days ag

08/05/1984 Joan Benoit (US) wins 1st Olympic marathon for women (2h24m52s)
08/05/1984 Lou Pinella day at Yankee Stadium
08/05/1984 Toronto Blue Jay Cliff Johnson sets record with 19 pinch hit HRs
08/05/1985 Baseball players go on strike for 2 days
08/05/1985 Chic White Sox Tom Seaver wins #300 over Yanks at Yankee Stadium
08/05/1985 Flexible-wing glider altitude record (214,250') set by Larry Tudor
08/05/1986 Ingrid Kristiansen of Norway sets 5k woman's record (14:37.33)
08/05/1986 US Senate votes for SDI-project (Star Wars)
08/05/1988 Mario Biaggi (Rep-D-NY) convicted of racketeering resigns seat
08/05/1991 Sergei Bubka of USSR sets pole vault record (20'¬') in Malm” Sweden

Robert Wolfe

Aug 6, 2021, 7:42:21 AM8/6/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


08/06/ 966 Berengarius II, king of Italy
08/06/1504 Matthew 'Nosey' Parker, archbishop of Canterbury
08/06/1619 Barbara Strozzi, composer
08/06/1638 Nicolas de Malebranche, French philosopher
08/06/1651 Francois Fenelon, France, writer (Playing for Time)
08/06/1651 Johann Michael Zacher, composer
08/06/1664 Johann Christoph Schmidt, composer
08/06/1665 Jean-Baptiste Lully, composer
08/06/1697 Charles VII, Holy Roman emperor (1742-45)
08/06/1748 Bernhard Haltenberger, composer
08/06/1775 Louis-Antoine the Bourbon, French duke of Angoulˆme/General of Franc

08/06/1804 Justinus van de Brugghen, Dutch lawyer/minister of Justice (1856-58)

08/06/1809 Alfred Lord Tennyson, poet laureate of England
08/06/1811 Judah Philip Benjamin, Secy War/Secy State (Confederacy), died in 18

08/06/1819 Samuel Powhatan Carter, Bvt Major General (Union volunteers)
08/06/1845 Anthonie A Vorsterman of Oyen, genealogist/heraldicus
08/06/1856 Nestor de TiŠre, Flemish poet (Roze Kate)
08/06/1858 Albert Fuchs, composer
08/06/1859 J Arthur S Berson, Austria meteorologist (Balloon flights, Amazon)
08/06/1861 Edith Kermit Carow Roosevelt, 2nd wife of Theodore Roosevelt
08/06/1868 Paul Claudel, France, diplomat/poet (L'Otage-1909)
08/06/1873 John Wesley Work, composer
08/06/1873 Mary Carr Moore, composer
08/06/1875 Marcel Labey, composer
08/06/1875 Thomas Mann, German writer (Die Buddenbrooks, Nobel)
08/06/1879 Joseph Wirth, German politician (Stalin Peace Prize)
08/06/1881 Alexander Fleming, England, bacteriologist (penicillin; Nobel 1954)
08/06/1882 Gerrit H Kersten, vicar/founder (Calvinist party)
08/06/1883 Francesco Santoliquido, composer
08/06/1883 Scott Nearing, US sociologist/pacifist/author (The Good Life)
08/06/1885 Jozef M E Meeus, Belgian director H-Heart union
08/06/1886 Edward Ballantine, composer
08/06/1892 Hoot Gibson, US western actor (Horse Soldier, Last Outlaw)
08/06/1893 Guthrie McClintic, Seattle Wash, Broadway producer/dir (Winterset)
08/06/1896 Cyril Mockridge, composer
08/06/1902 Michal Vilec, composer
08/06/1902 Vladimir M Kirsjon, Russian dramatist/playwright [OS]
08/06/1904 Henry Payne Iba, Easton Mo, US basketball coach (Olympic-gold-64, 68

08/06/1906 Ken Strong, NFL, AFL halfback (Staten Island, NY Yanks, NY Giants)
08/06/1908 George Singer, composer
08/06/1908 Helen Hull Jacobs, Berkley Calif, US tennis champ (1932-35)
08/06/1908 Svend Erik Tarp, composer
08/06/1910 Charles Crichton, director (Battle of Sexes)
08/06/1910 Friedrich Schroder, composer
08/06/1911 Lucille Ball, Jamestown NY, comedienne/actress (I Love Lucy, Mame)
08/06/1916 Dom[inic] Mintoff, premier Malta
08/06/1916 Michael Burke, sports executive (NY Yankees, NY Knicks)
08/06/1917 Robert Mitchum, Bridgeport Ct, actor (Winds of War, North & South)
08/06/1919 Pauline Betz Addie, Dayton Ohio, tennis champ (Wimbeldon 1946)
08/06/1921 Ella Raines, Sinoqualmie Falls Wash, actress (Janice Dean RN)
08/06/1922 Freddie Laker, CEO (Laker airlines)
08/06/1923 Jack Parnell, London England, orch leader (Englebert Humperdick Show

08/06/1923 Jackie Kelk, Brooklyn NY, actor (Homer-Aldrich Family)
08/06/1923 William B Williams, Babylon NY, DJ (WNEW, Sammy & Company)
08/06/1925 Barbara Bates, Denver Colo, actress (Kathy-It's a Great Life)
08/06/1925 Leland Smith, composer
08/06/1926 J[anet] O[pal] Jeppson, [nee Janet Asimov], author (2nd Experiment)
08/06/1927 Andy Warhol, artist/movie producer (Frankenstein, Bad)
08/06/1927 William David Ford, (Rep-D-Michigan, 1965- )
08/06/1928 Janice-Lee York Romary, Calif, fencer (Olympics-1952-68)
08/06/1929 Anneliese Kuppers, German FR, equestrian dressage (Oly-silver-1956)
08/06/1930 Abbey Lincoln, actress/singer (Nothing But a Man)
08/06/1934 John Storey Bonington, UK, mountain climber (Annapurna I in 1970)
08/06/1934 Leopold M de Beer, Dutch 2nd Chamber member (VVD)
08/06/1934 Piers Anthony Dillingham Jacob, UK, sci-fi author (Chthon, Phthor)
08/06/1937 Barbara Windsor, actress (Study in Terror)
08/06/1938 Carry Tefsen, actress (Say Some time A)
08/06/1938 Peter Bonerz, Portsmouth NH, actor (Jerry-Bob Newhart Show, 9 to 5)
08/06/1939 William 'Sonny' Sanders, US singer (Rayber Voices)
08/06/1940 Louise Sorel, LA Calif, actress (BS I Love You, Crimes of Passion)
08/06/1941 Doris Ernestine Hays, composer
08/06/1941 Hubertus AGM 'Bert' Andr‚, actor (Turkish Fruit-Come Back)
08/06/1943 Muchael Anderson Jr, London, actor (Clayt-The Monroes)
08/06/1943 Ray Buktenica, Greenwich Village NYC, actor (Rhoda, House Calls)
08/06/1944 Swoosie Kurtz, actress (Vice Versa, World According to Garp)
08/06/1947 Sally Eaton, Ill, actress
08/06/1948 Michael Peters, choreographer
08/06/1949 Joyce McKinney, Avery County NC, Miss Wyoming (1972)
08/06/1950 Dorian Harewood, Dayton Ohio, actor (Earl-Glitter, Trauma Center)
08/06/1950 Nathan Purdee, actor (Nathan-Young & Restless, Hank-1 Life to Live)
08/06/1950 Winston E Scott, Miami Fla, USN Commander/astronaut
08/06/1951 Catherine Hicks, Scottsdale Az, actress (Star Trek IV, Child's Play)

08/06/1951 Dorian Harewood, US actor (Glitter, Trauma Center)
08/06/1952 Barrel Scherpenzeel, rocker (Earth & Fire)
08/06/1952 Wojiech Fortuna, Poland, ski jumper (Olympic-gold-1972)
08/06/1954 Carl C Perkins, (Rep-D-KY, 1984- )
08/06/1956 Stepfanie Kramer, LA Calif, actress (Claudia-We Got it Made, Hunter)

08/06/1956 Vinnie Vincent, heavy metal rocker (Solo-Ashes to Ashes)
08/06/1957 Faith Prince, Augusta Ga, broadway actress (Guys & Dolls, Carousel)
08/06/1958 Randy DeBarge, rocker (Debarge)
08/06/1958 Simon Francken, bassist (Ivy Green)
08/06/1959 Joyce Sims, rocker (All & All)
08/06/1961 Carol Norman, Ardmore Okla, bowler (LPBT Rookie of Year 1982)
08/06/1962 Thomas Jefferson, Cleve Ohio, 200m runner (Olympic-bronze-1984)
08/06/1963 Kimberley Conrad Hefner, Moulton Al, playmate of year (Jan, 1988)
08/06/1963 Thomas Bohrer, US West Islip NY, rower (Olympic-92)
08/06/1964 Moosie Drier, Chic Ill, actor (Laugh-in)
08/06/1965 David Robinson, Fla, NBA center (San Antonio Spurs/Olympic-gold-92)
08/06/1968 Chris Boardman, English cyclist (world record time)
08/06/1976 Soleil Moon Frye, Glendora Calif, actress (Punky Brewster)


08/06/ 258 Sixtus II, bishop of Rome (257-58), beheaded
08/06/ 523 Hormisdas, Pope (514-23), dies
08/06/1195 Henry the Lion, duke of Saxon/Bayern, dies
08/06/1221 Dominicus, Italian religious order founder (Dominicans)
08/06/1272 Stefanus V, prince of Transylvania/king of Hungary (1270-72), dies
08/06/1458 Callistus III, [Alfonso the Borja], Pope (1455-58), dies at 79
08/06/1548 Georg Rhau/Rhaw, German cantor/composer/music publisher, dies
08/06/1623 Anne Hathaway, wife of William Shakespeare, dies
08/06/1661 Jacqueline-M-A the Sainte Madeleine Arnauld, French abbess, dies
08/06/1666 Tsjerk H de Vries, fleet guardian, dies in Battle at 43
08/06/1686 Paul Hainlein, composer, dies at 60
08/06/1718 Jacob F Muller, [Sjako/Jaco], Germ/Neth crowd leader, beheaded at 28

08/06/1727 Fran‡ois Valentijn, vicar/writer, dies at 61
08/06/1746 Christian VI, king of Denmark/Norway, dies
08/06/1775 Heinrich Nikolaus Gerber, composer, dies at 72
08/06/1783 Willem Bachiene, vicar/theologist/geography/astronomer, dies at 70
08/06/1784 Karl Kohaut, composer, dies at 57
08/06/1799 Joseph Friebert, composer, dies at 74
08/06/1816 Karl Frieberth, composer, dies at 80
08/06/1820 Anton Wranitzky, composer, dies at 59
08/06/1820 M A Elisa Bonaparte, Corsican monarch of Lucca, dies at 43, dies
08/06/1821 Antonio Bartolomeo Bruni, composer, dies at 64
08/06/1848 Nicola Vaccai, composer, dies at 58
08/06/1853 Josif Josifovich Genishta, composer, dies at 57
08/06/1862 Francisco Acu¤a de Figueroa, Uruguay national anthem, dies at 71
08/06/1867 Faustin- lie Soulouque, emperor of Haiti, dies (birth date unknown)
08/06/1886 Wilhelm Scherer, German literature historian, dies at 45
08/06/1890 William Kemmler, US, 1st executed in electric chair
08/06/1895 George Frederick Root, composer, dies at 74
08/06/1900 Wilhelm Liebknecht, German journalist/socialist, dies at 74
08/06/1914 Ellen Wilson, 1st lady (1913-14), dies at 54
08/06/1924 John Henry Roberts, composer, dies at 76
08/06/1928 William Henry Grattan Flood, composer, dies at 68
08/06/1935 Alexander Gustav Adolfovich Winkler, composer, dies at 70
08/06/1937 Annie E F Horniman, England, theater owner (Abbey Theatre), dies at

08/06/1937 Ferdinand CS Schiller, British philosopher (Mind!), dies at 72
08/06/1954 Theo[by] Van Re˜n, sculptor/drawer/lithograph, dies at 70 [or 8/10]
08/06/1959 Preston Sturges [Edmund P Biden], US director/screenwriter, dies at

08/06/1961 Jozef E Van Roey, Flemish cardinal/archbishop of Mechelen, dies at 8

08/06/1964 Cedric Hardwicke, actor (Capt Hook-Peter Pan), dies at 71
08/06/1965 Nancy Carroll, actress (Alice-Aldrich Family), dies at 60
08/06/1965 Peter Ronnefeld, composer, dies at 30
08/06/1966 Paul Myron Anthony Linebarger, sci-fi author (Space Lords), dies at

08/06/1968 Ernest Burnelle, Belgian politician, dies
08/06/1969 Theodor Adorno, German philosopher/sociologist, dies
08/06/1970 Ingolf Dahl, composer, dies at 58
08/06/1973 Fulgencio Batista y Zaldivar, dictator Cuba, dies
08/06/1976 Gregor Piatigorsky, composer, dies at 73
08/06/1978 Edward Durrell Stone, US architect, dies at 76
08/06/1978 Paul VI, [Giovanni Montini], Italian Pope (1963-78), dies at 80
08/06/1979 Kurt Kasznar, actor (Cmdr Fitzhugh-Land of the Giants), dies at 65
08/06/1980 Charles Urbanus, baseball player, dies at 66
08/06/1986 William J Schroeder, (longest-survivor with permanent artificial
08/06/1986 heart, dies at 54, after 620 days with Jarvik VII man-made pump)
08/06/1987 Ira C Eaker, commandant USAF in Europe (WW II), dies at 91
08/06/1988 J Skelly Wright, US judge (anti-segregatinist), dies at 77
08/06/1989 Hubert Beuve-M‚ry, French newspaper founder (Le Voice), dies
08/06/1990 Jacques Soustelle, French ethnology/minister of Information, dies
08/06/1991 Harry Reasoner, newscaster (60 Minutes), dies at 68
08/06/1991 Shapour Bakhtiar, premier Iran (1979), dies in Paris
08/06/1993 Milton 'Milt' Thompson, US NASA-test pilot/chief-engineer, dies at 6

Significant Events:

08/06/ 258 St Sixtus II ends his reign as Catholic Pope
08/06/ 523 St Hormisdas ends his reign as Catholic Pope
08/06/ 768 [Constantine] ends his reign as Catholic Pope
08/06/ 939 Battle at Simancas-Spain beats Moors
08/06/1181 Supernova observed by Chinese & Japanese astronomers
08/06/1588 Spanish Armada under Medina Sidonia anchors
08/06/1601 Spanish garrison of Meurs surrender to earl Mauritius
08/06/1623 Maffeo Barberini elected Pope Urban VIII
08/06/1625 Earl Earnest Casimir appointed as viceroy of Groningen
08/06/1661 Holland sells Brazil to Portugal for 8 million guilders
08/06/1675 Russian Czar Aleksei bans foreign hairs cut
08/06/1774 Mother Ann (Lee) comes to NY (Shaker movement)
08/06/1787 Constitutional Convention in Phila begans debate
08/06/1806 Holy Roman Empire ends; it was neither holy, Roman, nor an empire
08/06/1815 US flotilla ends piracy by Algiers, Tunis & Tripoli
08/06/1821 1st edition of 'Courrier of Pays-Bas' newspaper published in Brussel

08/06/1824 Battle at Jun n - Sim¢n Bol¡vars army beats Spanish
08/06/1825 Bolivia gains independence from Peru (National Day)
08/06/1854 Congress passes Confiscation Act
08/06/1861 Lexington KY-Union milt camp established in neutral state
08/06/1862 Confederate Army ironclad 'Arkansas' is badly damaged in Union attac

08/06/1864 Rebels evacuate Ft Powell, Mobile Bayd
08/06/1866 E Stephan discovers asteroid #89 Julia
08/06/1870 Battle at Spicheren: Prussia beats France
08/06/1870 White conservatives suppresed black vote & captured Tenn legislature

08/06/1871 J C Watson discovers asteroid #115 Thyra
08/06/1890 1st use of electric chair in US, John Hart, in NY for murder
08/06/1890 Cy Young pitches & wins 1st game
08/06/1905 26.7 cm rainfall at Princeton, Indiana (state record)
08/06/1908 St Louis Card John Lush's 2nd no-hitter, beats Dodgers, 2-0 in 6 inn

08/06/1910 NYC Mayor Wm J Gaynor seriously wounded during assassination attempt

08/06/1914 Austria-Hungary declares war against Russia
08/06/1914 French cavalry enter Belgium
08/06/1914 German Zeppelin bombs Luik City, 9 killed
08/06/1914 Serbia declares war against Germany
08/06/1918 Ferdinand Foch becomes marshal of France
08/06/1919 1st air flight over a major body of water in Australia (Harry Butler

08/06/1919 Romanian forces destroys Bela Kun Republic in Budapest
08/06/1921 Clason Point, Bronx to College Point, Queens muni ferry system begin

08/06/1923 K Reinmuth discovers asteroid #998 Bodea
08/06/1926 NY's Gertrude Ederle becomes 1st woman to swim English Channel
08/06/1930 Supreme Court Justice John Force Crater disappears in NYC
08/06/1934 US troops leave Haiti, which had been occupied since 1915
08/06/1937 Franco-artillery fire on Madrid
08/06/1937 Indians overturn Yankees' 7-6 win by a protest
08/06/1937 US & USSR sign trade treaty
08/06/1944 All 1,200 Jewish death marchers from Lipcani Moldavia have died
08/06/1944 Anti-German attack at Avranches fails
08/06/1944 Deportation of 70,000 Jews from Lodz Poland to Auschwitz begins
08/06/1944 US 20th Army corp under general Walker occupies Nantes
08/06/1945 Hiroshima Peace Day-atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima by 'Enola Gay'
08/06/1946 US officially submits to jurisdiction of World Court
08/06/1948 Bob Mathias, US, wins decathlon at London Olympics
08/06/1948 Dreesgovt (KVP/Social Democratics/CHU/Liberal) forms
08/06/1948 Fanny Blankers-Koen (Neth) is 1st women to win 3 golds at Olympics
08/06/1951 Typhoon floods kill 4,800 in Manchuria
08/06/1952 Satchel Paige, 47, becomes oldest pitcher to win a complete shutout
08/06/1954 WLAC (now WTVF) TV channel 5 in Nashville (CBS) begins broadcasting
08/06/1958 Glenn Davis sets record of 49.2 in 400-meter hurdles
08/06/1960 Pitt Steelers (NFL) beat Toronto Argonauts (CFL) 43-16 in Toronto
08/06/1961 Gherman S Titov, 2nd Russian in space aboard Vostok 2 (17 orbits)
08/06/1962 Jamaica gains independence from Britain
08/06/1965 Beatles release 'Help' album in UK
08/06/1965 Federal Voting Rights Act guarantees black voting rights
08/06/1965 Indian troops ocuppy Pakistan
08/06/1965 US president Johnson signs voting law
08/06/1966 Heavyweight Cassius Clay KOs Brian London
08/06/1966 Salazarbrug over Tag opens (longest suspension bridge of Europe)
08/06/1966 US citizens demonstrate against war in Vietnam
08/06/1967 Minn Twin Dean Chance perfect games Boston Red Sox, 2-0 in 5 innings

08/06/1969 Balt Orioles pull their 3rd triple play (5-4-3 vs KC Royals)
08/06/1972 Garry Player wins PGA golf tournament
08/06/1972 Hank Aaron hits 660th & 661st HR for record HRs with one club
08/06/1974 6th time Phils get just 1 assist in game; no other team did it twice

08/06/1974 Explosion & fire destory Great Northern RR yard in Wenatchee, Wash
08/06/1977 C-I Lagerkvist discovers asteroid #2191 Uppsala
08/06/1978 John Mahaffey wins PGA golf tournament
08/06/1979 David Graham wins PGA golf tournament
08/06/1980 E Bowell discovers asteroid #2570 Porphyro
08/06/1980 Z Vavrova discovers asteroids #2522, #2523 & #2544 Gubarev
08/06/1981 Argentina ex-president Isabel Per¢n freed
08/06/1981 Due to strike, Yanks, A's, Philles & Dodgers declared 1st « champs
08/06/1981 NASA launches Fltsatcom-5, it failed
08/06/1982 WQXI (Atlanta) is 1st to use Harris Corp AM stereo system
08/06/1983 Minn Vikings beat St Louis Cards 28-10 in London, England (NFL expo)

08/06/1983 Supertanker Castillo de Bellvar crashes at South Africa
08/06/1984 203.05 million shares traded in NY Stock Exchange
08/06/1984 Carl Lewis wins 2nd (long jump) of 4 gold medals in Summer Olympics
08/06/1985 19th space shuttle mission (51-F), Challenger 8, lands at Edwards AF

08/06/1985 Major League Baseball Players Assn go on strike
08/06/1985 STS 51-I vehicle moves to launch pad
08/06/1986 Orioles (Dwyer & Sheets) & Rangers (Harrah) hit record 3 grand slams

08/06/1986 Phil Katz releases PKARC version 1.0, for IBM
08/06/1986 Record 3 grand slams hit in game Tx vs Balt (Harrah, Sheets & Dwyer)

08/06/1988 Oakland A's Jose Canseco becomes 11th to hit 30 HRs & steal 30 bases

08/06/1988 Rich Gossage 300th career save (beats Phillies)
08/06/1989 Boston Red Sox retire Carl Yastrezemski's #8
08/06/1989 Jaime Paz Zamora inaugurated as president of Bolivia
08/06/1989 Pilot Union tells pilots okay to cross Eastern picket lines
08/06/1990 NY Yankee Kevin Mass sets record with 11th HR in 1st 86 at bats
08/06/1990 Pres Ghulam Ishaq Kahn dismisses premier Benazir Bhutto in Pakistan
08/06/1992 Harold Wilson's academy award is auctioned for $60,500
08/06/1993 Japan Hosokawa govt begins
08/06/1993 Pope John Paul II publishes Veritatis splendor encyclical

Robert Wolfe

Aug 7, 2021, 7:40:13 AM8/7/21
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Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


08/07/ 317 Flavius Julius Constantius II, Emperor Egypt/Byzantine/Rome (337-61)

08/07/1598 Georg Stiernhielm, 'father of Swedish poetry' (Hercules)
08/07/1742 Nathanael Greene, American Revoluntionary War General
08/07/1746 Daniel W Wyttenbach, classical/historian
08/07/1751 Wilhelmina FS, princess of Prussia/Orange/wife of Willem V
08/07/1779 Carl Ritter, cofounder of modern science of geography
08/07/1783 John Heathcoat, inventor (lace-making machinery)
08/07/1818 Henry Charles Litolff, composer
08/07/1823 Faustina Hasse Hodges, composer
08/07/1826 Carl AE Ahlqvist, [A Oksanen], Finnish poet (Suomalainen Runousoppi)

08/07/1829 Thomas Ewing Jr, Major General, Bvt (Union volunteers), died in 1896

08/07/1833 Powell Clayton, Brig General (Union volunteers), died in 1914
08/07/1836 Evander McIvor Law, Brig General (Confederate Army), died in 1920
08/07/1867 Emil Nolde, [Hansen], German painter/graphic artist
08/07/1868 Granville Bantock, English composer/conductor (Hebridean Symphony)
08/07/1870 19 kittens, born to Tarawood Antigone (4 still born)
08/07/1872 Andries CD the Graeff, governor-general of Neth Indies (1926-31)
08/07/1876 Mata Hari, [Margaretha G Zelle], dancer/courtesan/spy (WW I)
08/07/1880 Earnest Laqueur, chemist/pharmacology/psychology (sexual hormones)
08/07/1885 Billie Burke, Washington DC, actress (Glinda-Wizard of Oz)
08/07/1886 Louis Hazeltine, inventor (neutrodyne circuit, making radio possible

08/07/1887 Jan HA Eman, Aruban politician
08/07/1887 Luckey Roberts, composer
08/07/1896 Ernesto Lecuona, Havana Cuba, composer (Malague¤a)
08/07/1897 Franz J Weinrich, [Heinrich Lerse], German writer (Himmlisches)
08/07/1903 Louis Leakey, anthropologist (1964 Richard Hooper Medal)
08/07/1903 Saburo Moroi, composer
08/07/1904 Ralph J Bunche, founder/diplomat (UN) (Nobel 1950)
08/07/1906 Gerhard Frommel, composer
08/07/1911 R Nicholas Ray, US director (Rebel Without a Cause)
08/07/1914 Ted Moore, South Africa, cinematographer (James Bond)
08/07/1918 Cees Buddingh', poet/writer/interpreter
08/07/1920 Jan Walravens, Flemish writer (Motionless at Sea)
08/07/1921 Karel Husa, Prague Czechoslovakia, composer (Trojan Women)
08/07/1925 Julian Orbon De Soto, composer
08/07/1926 Amo Houghton, (Rep-R-New York)
08/07/1926 Stan Freberg, LA Calif, satirist/ad executive
08/07/1927 Edwin W Edwards, (Gov-La)
08/07/1928 Abebe Bikila, Ethiopian marathon runner (Olympic-gold-1960, 64)
08/07/1928 Amazing [James] Randi, Toronto Ontario, skeptic magician
08/07/1928 Herbert H Bateman, (Rep-R-Virginia)
08/07/1929 Don Larsen, pitcher (NY Yankees), on what must have been a perfect d

08/07/1929 Richard T Schulze, (Rep-R-PA, 1975- )
08/07/1929 Ruth Carter-Stapleton, Plains Ga, 1st sister/evangelist
08/07/1930 Leon Bismarck 'Bix' Beiderdecke, US, jazz trumpetist
08/07/1930 Velio Tormis, composer
08/07/1932 Abebe Bikila, Ethiopia, marathoner (Olympic-gold-1960, 64)
08/07/1932 Ann Harding, US, actress (East is West, Janie)
08/07/1932 Maria ML 'Marijke' Bakker, actress (Mammaloe-Pipo the Clown)
08/07/1933 Jerry [Eugene] Pournelle, US, sci-fi author (Mercenary, Red Dragon)
08/07/1936 Charles Pope, US soul singer (Tams-Hey Girl Don't Bother Me)
08/07/1936 Richard L[ouis] Tierney, US, sci-fi author (Winds of Zarr)
08/07/1938 Helen Caldicott, Melbourne Australia, physician/anti-war activist
08/07/1940 Marlyn Mason, San Fernando Cal, actress (Making It, Peyton Place)
08/07/1940 Tom Barlow, (Rep-D-Kentucky)
08/07/1941 Thomas F Hartnett, (Rep-R-SC, 1981-86)
08/07/1942 Anjanette Comer, Dawson Tx, actress (Baby, Lepke)
08/07/1942 B J Thomas, singer (Raindrops, Growing Pains Theme)
08/07/1942 Garrison Keillor, PBS radio personality (Prairie Home Companion)
08/07/1942 Masa Saito, wrestler (AWA/WWF/NJPW/CWFI)
08/07/1943 Lana Cantrell, Sydney, Australia, singer (Those Were the Days)
08/07/1944 John Glover, Kingston NY, actor (52 Pick-Up, Something Special)
08/07/1945 Alan Page, NFL defensive tackle (Minn Vikings)
08/07/1945 Kerry Chater, rocker (Gary Puckett & Union Gap-Young Girl)
08/07/1945 Patrice Mestral, composer
08/07/1947 Mosibudi Mangena, South African mathematician
08/07/1950 David James Wottle, 800m runner (Olympic-gold-1972)
08/07/1950 Rodney Crowell, Houston TX, country singer (She's Crazy for Leavin')

08/07/1951 Gary Hall, swimmer (Olympic-bronze-1976)
08/07/1952 Richard Joswick, rocker (Bo Donaldson & the Heywoods)
08/07/1956 Kent V Rominger, Del Norte Colo, US Navy Lt Commander/astronaut
08/07/1957 Aleksandr Ditiatin, USSR, gymnist (Olympic-gold-1980)
08/07/1958 Alberto Salazar, marathoner (NYC Marathon Winner)
08/07/1958 Bruce Dickinson, heavy metal rocker (Iron Maiden-Run to Hills)
08/07/1958 Larisa Karlova, USSR, team handball player (Olympic-gold-1976, 80)
08/07/1960 Jacquie O'Sullivan, rocker (Bananarama-Venus)
08/07/1961 Yelena Davydova, USSR, gymnist (Olympic-gold-1980)
08/07/1963 Marcus Lewis, Pontiac Mich, singer (Sing me a Song)
08/07/1966 Kristin Hersch, US singer/songwriter (Throwing Muses)
08/07/1967 Charlotte Lewis, Kensington London, actress (Golden Child, Pirates)
08/07/1969 David Hollander, LA Calif, actor (Lewis & Clark, What's Happenings?)

08/07/197- Josh A Andrew Koenig, actor (Boner-Growing Pains)
08/07/1971 Sydney Penny, actress (Danni Collins-The New Gidget)
08/07/1992 Cleveland Indians turn a triple play


08/07/1033 Frederik II, duke of Upper-Lutherans
08/07/1106 Henry IV, Roman catholics-German king/emperor (1056/84-1105), dies
08/07/1547 Cajetanus van Thiene, Italian saint, dies
08/07/1609 Eustache du Caurroy, composer, dies at 60
08/07/1616 Vincenzo Scamozzi, Ital architect (Procurazie Nuove, Vneneti‰), dies

08/07/1712 Friedrich Wilhelm Zachow, composer, dies at 48
08/07/1786 Friedrich Schwindl, composer, dies at 49
08/07/1798 Johann Gottlieb Sollner, composer, dies at 65
08/07/1799 John Bacon, English sculptor, dies at 58
08/07/1816 Dionysius G Van de Keessel, lawyer (Theses selectae), dies
08/07/1846 Johann Christian Heinrich Rinck, composer, dies at 76
08/07/1848 Freiherr J”ns J Berzelius, Swedish chemist (atomic weight), dies
08/07/1867 Ira F Aldridge, US actor (Othello/Shylock), dies at 63 in Lodes Pola

08/07/1885 Antony EJ Modderman, minister of Justice (1879-83), dies at 46
08/07/1893 Alfredo Catalani, composer, dies at 39
08/07/1913 David Popper, composer, dies at 70
08/07/1914 Boleslaw Dembinski, composer, dies at 81
08/07/1916 Charles E Manning, Australian judge/major, dies in battle at 36
08/07/1923 Henry Pierson, theology/theory (HS Foundation), dies
08/07/1924 Camille Zeckwer, composer, dies at 49
08/07/1928 Alphonse MAJ Ari‰ns, pastor (founder 1st RC workers group), dies
08/07/1938 Konstantin S Stanislavski, [Aleksejev], Russ actor/director, dies
08/07/1941 Radindranath Tagore, Indies philosopher/poet/writer, dies at 80
08/07/1942 ... Gott, British general/commandant of 8th Army, dies in battle
08/07/1943 Gustav Schmidt, German lt-general, dies in battle
08/07/1957 Oliver Hardy, comedian of Laurel & Hardy, dies at 65
08/07/1959 Armas Emmanuel Launis, composer, dies at 75
08/07/1960 Vaino Hannikainen, composer, dies at 60
08/07/1962 Morris Louis, US painter (post abstraction), dies at 49
08/07/1967 Max Branch, music/radio commentator, dies at 75
08/07/1969 Joseph Kosma, composer, dies at 63
08/07/1969 Russ Morgan, orch leader (Welcome Aboard), dies at 65
08/07/1970 ... Haley, US judge, shot dead
08/07/1970 James McClain, US black activist, shot dead
08/07/1970 Jonathan P Jackson, US black activist, shot dead
08/07/1970 William Christmas, US black activist, shot dead
08/07/1972 Joi Lansing, actress (Bob Cummings Show), dies at 44 of cancer
08/07/1976 Murvyn Vye, actor (Bob Cummings Show), dies at 63
08/07/1978 Franz Alphons Wolpert, composer, dies at 60
08/07/1984 Esther Phillips, US singer (What a Difference a Day Makes), dies at

08/07/1987 Camille Chamoun, president of Lebanon, dies at 87
08/07/1987 Nobusuke Kishi, premier of Japan (1957-60), dies at 90
08/07/1991 Shotzie, Cincinnati Red dog mascot, dies at 9
08/07/1992 Francisco Fernandez Ordo¤ez, Brit foreign min to Spain (1985-92), di

08/07/1992 John Anderson, actor (MacGyver), dies at 69
08/07/1992 Titti Sotto, Cuban composer (La Esquina Habanera), dies
08/07/1993 Kelly Ahrendt, 1st NYer to die of rabies in 40 years, dies at 14
08/07/1993 Roy Budd, English jazz pianist/composer, dies at 46

Significant Events:

08/07/ 626 Battle at Constantinople: Slavic/Persians/Avarenvloot defeated
08/07/ 768 Stephen III [IV] begins his reign as Catholic Pope
08/07/ 936 Otto I the Great becomes King of Germany
08/07/1409 Council of Pisa closes
08/07/1479 Battle of Guinegate: Emperor Maximilian I vs King Louis XI
08/07/1498 Columbus arrives in Caribbean
08/07/1575 Spanish troops conquer Oudewater, almost all inhabitants died
08/07/1620 Kepler's mother arrested for witchcraft
08/07/1750 Slave uprising in Cura‡ao
08/07/1760 Ft Loudon, Tennessee surrenders to Cherokee Indians
08/07/1782 George Washington creates Order of Purple Heart
08/07/1789 US War Department established
08/07/1802 Napoleon orders re-instatement of slavery on St Domingue (Haiti)
08/07/1819 Battle of Boyac ; Bol¡var defeats Spanish in Colombia
08/07/1820 1st potatoes planted in Hawaii
08/07/1867 Battle of Moorefield, WV
08/07/1875 Prosper Henry discovers asteroid #148 Gallia
08/07/1879 J Palisa discovers asteroid #201 Penelope
08/07/1882 Hatfields of south WV & McCoys of east Ky feud, 100 wounded or die
08/07/1888 Theophilus Van Kannel of Phila patents revolving door
08/07/1893 53rd Congress (1893-95) convenes
08/07/1900 Diamond workers in Amsterdam strike
08/07/1912 Progressive (Bull Moose) Party nominates Theodore Roosevelt for pres

08/07/1914 British Gloucester vs German Breslau/Goeben off Greece
08/07/1914 French govt awards king Albert of Belgium the Great Cross
08/07/1914 French troops under Gen Bonneau occupy Altkitrch at Elzas
08/07/1914 German army occupies city Luik
08/07/1914 Lord Kitchner says 'Your country needs you'
08/07/1915 Assault up Russell's Top at Gallipolis, 232 Australians die
08/07/1915 G Neujmin discovers asteroid #916 America
08/07/1921 Cyclist Piet Moeskops becomes world champ sprinter
08/07/1925 League of Nation advises against Turk/Iraqi division of Mosoelgebied

08/07/1927 Peace Bridge between US & Canada dedicated
08/07/1927 US rum smuggler Horace Alderman kills 3
08/07/1929 Charles Ruijs de Beerenbrouck forms govt
08/07/1929 Ruth ties record by hitting grand slams in consecutive games
08/07/1930 2 black guys lynched in Marion Indiana
08/07/1930 Richard Bedford Bennet forms Canadian government
08/07/1934 US Court of Appeals upheld lower court ruling striking down govt's
08/07/1934 attempt to ban controversial James Joyce novel 'Ulysses'
08/07/1935 60% of voters agrees to nazism in Danzig (Gdansk)
08/07/1938 2 die in a NYC subway accident
08/07/1938 Nazi's close theologic faculty university in Innsbruck
08/07/1940 Churchill recognizes De Gaulle govt in exile
08/07/1940 Largest amount paid for a stamp ($45,000 for 1› 1856 British Guiana)

08/07/1941 551 Jews are shot in Kishnev ghetto in Romania
08/07/1942 1st American offensive in Pacific in WW2, Guadalcanal, Solomon Is
08/07/1942 Attack on Rotterdam railway
08/07/1943 Red Army recaptures Bogodukov
08/07/1944 Anton de Kom arrested by Sicherheitsdienst
08/07/1944 Canada/Polish offensive direction Falaise: Total Cooperation
08/07/1944 German counter attack at Avranches fails
08/07/1944 July 20th Plot trial under Roland Freis in Berlin
08/07/1944 US troops reach suburbs of Brest Bretagne
08/07/1946 1st coin bearing portrait of Negro authorized
08/07/1947 Balsa raft Kon Tiki crashes into a Polynesian archipelago reef
08/07/1951 Douglas D-558-II Skyrocket reaches 1,992 kph
08/07/1951 US viking rocket reaches 210 km height (record)
08/07/1953 Eastern Airlines enters jet age, uses Electra prop-jet
08/07/1954 Charles Mahoney becomes 1st US black to serve as a full UN delegate
08/07/1955 Bar-Ilan University founded in Israel
08/07/1955 KSTF TV channel 10 in Scottsbluff-Gering, NB (CBS/NBC) begins
08/07/1956 British govt routes 3 aircraft carriers to Egypt
08/07/1956 Dynamite transport explodes in Colombia; about 1200 die
08/07/1959 Explorer 6 transmits 1st TV photo of Earth from space
08/07/1960 Ivory Coast (C“te d'Ivoire) gains independence from France
08/07/1960 Students stage kneel-in demonstrations in Atlanta churches
08/07/1961 Cosmonaut Gherman Titov circles Earth for a full day in Vostok 2
08/07/1961 Soviet premier Khrushchev predicts USSR economics will past US
08/07/1963 Jac Kennedy becomes 1st, 1st lady to give birth since Mrs Cleveland
08/07/1964 Turkey begins air attack on Greek-Cypriots
08/07/1964 US Congress approves Gulf of Tonkin resolution
08/07/1966 Race riot in Lansing Michigan
08/07/1970 1st computer chess tournament
08/07/1970 WDHN TV channel 18 in Dothan, AL (ABC) begins broadcasting
08/07/1971 Apollo 15 returns to Earth
08/07/1972 Hall of Fame inducts Berra, Sandy Koufax, Lefty Gomez & Early Wynn
08/07/1974 Philippe Petit walks tightrope strung between twin towers
08/07/1978 Thousands of mourners file past body of Pope Paul VI
08/07/1980 Hurricane Allen ravages Caribisch area, about 70 killed
08/07/1981 A Mrkos discovers asteroid #3727
08/07/1983 1st World Track & Field Championships
08/07/1983 Bobby Murcer day at Yankee Stadium
08/07/1983 Grete Waitz of Norway, wins 1st all-women Marathon (Helsinki Fin)
08/07/1983 Hall Sutton wins PGA golf tournament
08/07/1983 Some 675,000 employees strike AT&T
08/07/1984 Japan beats US for olympic gold medal in baseball
08/07/1984 Jim Deshales becomes 1,000th playing Yankee
08/07/1985 Barbra Striesand records 'Broadway Album'
08/07/1985 Baseball players end a 2 day strike
08/07/1987 5 Central American presidents sign peace accord in Guatemala
08/07/1987 Lynne Cox swims 4.3 km from US to USSR in 39øF (4øC) Bering Sea
08/07/1988 Writers guild end their 6 months strike
08/07/1990 Desert Shield begins - US deploys troops to Saudi Arabia
08/07/1991 Court rules Manuel Noriega, may access some secret US documents
08/07/1991 Manhattan Cable final day of amnesty to return illegal cable boxes
08/07/1991 US sets 400m relay record at 37.67 seconds
08/07/1992 Tampa Bay group purchases SF Giants
08/07/1993 Tropical storm Brett ravages Venezuela, 118 killed
08/07/1994 Ernesto Samper sworn in as president of Colombia

Robert Wolfe

Aug 8, 2021, 7:40:12 AM8/8/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


08/08/1571 John Ward, composer
08/08/1586 Adolf, earl of Nassau-Siegen
08/08/1617 Adrian W 'Joris' van Yellow, Flemish missionary (Bantoe Dictionary)
08/08/1653 Jacques Basnage, French/Neth historian/vicar
08/08/1693 Laurent Belissen, composer
08/08/1705 Gustaaf Imhoff, gov of Ceylon (1736-40)/gov of Neth-Indies (1743-50)

08/08/1732 Johann C Adelung, German translator/librarian
08/08/1746 Hieronymus van Alphen, attorney/poet (church songs)
08/08/1755 Luigi Marchesi, composer
08/08/1763 Charles Bulfinch, Boston Mass, 1st US pro architect (Mass State Hous

08/08/1805 Antoon Jurgens, margarine manufacturer
08/08/1812 John Rodgers II, Commander (Union Navy), died in 1882
08/08/1819 Charles Anderson Dana, Asst Secy War, (Union) died in 1897
08/08/1820 Winfield Scott 'Old Swet' Featherston, Army Brig General (Confederat

08/08/1823 Theodule Augustin Ribot, painter
08/08/1835 James William Forsyth, Brig General (Union volunteers), died in 1906

08/08/1839 Nelson Appleton Miles, Major General (Union volunteers), died in 192

08/08/1857 Cecile Chaminade, composer
08/08/1857 Henry Osborn, Conn, paleontologist/author (52 Years of Research)
08/08/1864 Henri de Vries, [Van Walterop], actor (CLeopatra, White Cargo)
08/08/1866 Matthew A Henson, met Peary on 6/4/1909 at North Pole
08/08/1871 William Henry Squire, composer
08/08/1879 Emiliano Zapata, Mexican revolutionary, peasant leader
08/08/1884 Sara Teasdale, US, poet (1st Pulitzer Prize-1918-'Love Songs')
08/08/1886 Daniel Ruyneman, composer
08/08/1886 Pietro Alessandro Yon, composer
08/08/1887 JC Heldring, businessman
08/08/1887 Malcolm Keen, Bristol England, actor (Uncle Chris-Mama)
08/08/1895 Law Pendleton, US, wrestler/actor (Laughing Lady)
08/08/1896 Jean Piaget, Swiss psychologist/theory
08/08/1896 Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, Wash DC, writer (The Yearling)
08/08/1898 Paul Belmondo, French sculptor (De baadster, Orl‚ans)
08/08/1900 Victor Young, Chic Ill, orch leader (Milton Berle Show, In Old Calif

08/08/1901 Ernest O Lawrence, Canton SC, inventor (Cyclotron-Nobel 1939)
08/08/1902 Paul A M Dirac, England, physicist (quantum mechanics, Nobel 1933)
08/08/1903 August Cool, Belgian union leader/minister of state
08/08/1904 Istvan Szelenyi, composer
08/08/1905 Andr‚ Jolivet, Paris France, composer (L'Eunuque)
08/08/1906 Andr‚ Demedts, Flemish writer (Rainfall of the Days)
08/08/1907 Benny Carter, NYC, musician/composer (Easy Money, King Carter)
08/08/1908 Arthur J Goldberg, Ill, UN ambassador/Supreme Court justice (1962-65

08/08/1910 Francisco Brochado Da Rocha, PM of Brazil (1962)
08/08/1910 Sylvia Sidney, Bronx NY, actress (WKRP, Sabotage, Beetlejuice, Demon

08/08/1913 Axel Stordahl, Staten Island NY, orch leader (Frank Sinatra Show)
08/08/1913 Robert T Stafford, (Sen-R-VT, 1971-88)
08/08/1918 Rory Calhoun, LA Calif, actor (Capitol, Motel Hell, Bill-Texan)
08/08/1919 Dino DeLaurentis, producer (King Kong)
08/08/1921 Roger Nixon, composer
08/08/1922 Rudi Gernreich, designer (1st women's topless swimsuit, miniskirt)
08/08/1923 Esther Williams, Inglewood Cal, actress/swimmer (Dangerous when Wet)

08/08/1924 Thomas Beversdorf, composer
08/08/1926 Richard Anderson, Long Beach NJ, actor (Oscar Goldman-6 Million $ Ma

08/08/1926 Webb Pierce, West Monroe La, country singer (Ozark Jubilee)
08/08/1927 Elis Juliana, Antillian writer/songwriter (Dama di anochi)
08/08/1927 Jim Weaver, (Rep-D-OR, 1975- )
08/08/1929 Josef Suk, Prague Czechoslovakia, violinist (Artist of Merit-1977)
08/08/1930 Jerry Tarkanian, US politician(?)
08/08/1930 Joan Mondale, wife of US vice-president Walter Mondale (1977-81)
08/08/1930 Nita Talbot, NYC NY, actress (Supertrain, Here We Go Again)
08/08/1931 Jonathan Elkus, composer
08/08/1932 Mel Tillis, Pahokee Fl, country singer (Who's Julie, M-M-Mel)
08/08/1933 Joe Tex, singer/songwriter (Hold What You've Got)
08/08/1934 Julian C Dixon, (Rep-D-California, 1979- )
08/08/1935 Ron Marlenee, (Rep-R-MT, 1977- )
08/08/1936 Don Bowden, US, 1st American to run a sub 4 min mile
08/08/1936 Frank Howard, baseball player (NL Rookie of the Year 1960)
08/08/1936 Keith Barron, Mexborough England, actor (At Earth's Core, Baby Love)

08/08/1937 Dustin Hoffman, LA, actor (Graduate, Tootsie, Kramer vs Kramer)
08/08/1937 Louis Neefs, Belgian singer
08/08/1938 Connie Stevens, Bkln, singer/actress (Hawaiian Eye, Back to Beach)
08/08/1938 Jacques Hetu, composer
08/08/1939 Phil Balsley, Va, country singer (Statler Bros-Flowers on the Wall)
08/08/1939 Philip E Baisley, Augusta Va, singer (Statler Bros-Class of '57)
08/08/1939 Viorica Viscopoleanu, Romania, long jumper (Oly-gold-68)
08/08/1939 William Alden Hibbard, composer
08/08/1942 Jay David, Dr Hook & Medicine Show, rocker
08/08/1944 Hans van E˜k, guitarist (Jumping Jewels)
08/08/1944 Peter Weir, Australian director (Witness, Picnic at Hanging Rock)
08/08/1946 French W Weisglas, Dutch 2nd Chamber member (VVD)
08/08/1946 Robin M Tallon, (Rep-D-SC, 1983- )
08/08/1947 Jose Cruz, leftfielder (St Louis Cards, Houston Astros)
08/08/1947 Larry Wilcox, SD Calif, actor (Lassie, CHiPs)
08/08/1948 Svetlana Yevgeniyevna Savitskaya, 2nd woman in space (Soyuz T-7, T-1

08/08/1949 Airrion Love, US singer (Stylistics-16 Bars)
08/08/1949 Keith Carradine, San Mateo Calif, actor (Young Guns, Pretty Baby)
08/08/1952 Robin Quivers, radio/TV personality (Howard Stern's sidekick)
08/08/1953 'Sweet' Lou Dunbar, basketball player (Harlem Globetrotters)
08/08/1953 Donny Most, Bkln NY, actor (Ralph Malph-Happy Days)
08/08/1954 Nigel Mansell, formula-1 racer (Portugal Grand Prix-1990)
08/08/1955 Ali Score, Flock of Seagulls, rocker
08/08/1956 Chris Foreman, guitar (Madness-1 Step Beyond)
08/08/1956 David Grant, Jamaica, singer/songwriter (Stop & Go, Heaven Knows)
08/08/1957 Dieuwertje Blok, Dutch TV hostess
08/08/1958 Chris Foreman, rocker (Madness-Burning Down the House)
08/08/1958 Deborah Norville, TV host (Today)
08/08/1958 Harry Crosby, LA Calif, actor (Friday the 13th)
08/08/1959 Rikki Rockett, rocker (Poison-Every Rose Has a Thorn)
08/08/1961 Charmaine Crooks, Jamaica, Canadian 4X400m relayer (Oly-silver-1984)

08/08/1961 The Edge (Dave Evans), London, rocker (U2-I Will Follow)
08/08/1962 Suzee Pai, Toledo Ohio, actress (Big Trouble in Little China)
08/08/1963 Carol Lewis, Willingboro NJ, high jumper (Olympic-9th-1984)
08/08/1965 Akitoshi Saito, wrestler (NJPW)
08/08/1967 Cherry Lawson, XXX actress (Glitz Tits)
08/08/1967 Lorraine Pearson, rocker (5 Star-Silk & Steel)
08/08/1988 Beatrice E M, Duchess of York gives birth to 6 lb 12 oz baby girl


08/08/ 869 Lotharius II, King of Middle-France (Lotharingen) (855-869), dies
08/08/1471 Thomas … Kempis, [Thomas Hammerken von Kempen], monk, dies at 91
08/08/1506 Sesshu Toyo, Zen monk/painter, dies in Yamaguchi Japan at 86
08/08/1616 Cornelis Ketel, portrait painter/poet, buried at 68
08/08/1685 Sassoferrato, [Giovanni B Salvi], Ital painter (Madonna), dies at 75

08/08/1694 Antoine Arnauld [le grand Arnauld], French lawyer/theology, dies
08/08/1700 Matthias Henriksen Schacht, composer, dies at 40
08/08/1705 Willem Roukens, mayor of Nijmegen, beheaded
08/08/1759 Carl Henrich Graun, composer, dies at 55
08/08/1788 Louis FAD Duke the Richelieu, French marshal, dies
08/08/1816 Blas de Laserna, composer, dies at 65
08/08/1834 Silvestro Palma, composer, dies at 80
08/08/1888 Friedrich Wilhelm Jahns, composer, dies at 79
08/08/1921 Juhani Aho, Fins journalist/writer (Panu, Tuomio), dies at 59
08/08/1928 Stjepan Radic, founder/leader (Croatian Boer party), dies
08/08/1944 Erwin von Witzleben, German field marshal, hanged
08/08/1950 Ernest F E Douwes Dekker, founder National-India Party, dies
08/08/1950 Nikolay Yakovlevich Myaskovsky, composer, dies at 68
08/08/1954 Gino Tagliapietra, composer, dies at 67
08/08/1960 Danton Walker, columnist (Broadway Spotlight), dies at 61
08/08/1961 Charlie Gemora, actor (who portrayed King Kong), dies at 58
08/08/1961 Franc ND Buchman, US theology (Moral Rearms), dies at 83
08/08/1963 Sandor Jemnitz, composer, dies at 72
08/08/1965 Shirley Jackson, US author (Road Through the Wall), dies at 45
08/08/1966 Pierre Charles, Belgian heavyweight boxer, dies at 63
08/08/1967 Jaromir Weinberger, composer, dies at 71
08/08/1974 Baldur von Schirach, German author/nazi politician, dies at 67
08/08/1975 Julian 'Cannonball' Alderly, sax player, dies at 46 of a stroke
08/08/1976 John Roselli, hired by CIA to kill Castro, found murdered
08/08/1980 Aga Yahya Khan, Pakistan military/politician, dies at 63
08/08/1980 Jacqueline Cochrane, US pilot/1st female faster than sound, dies at

08/08/1982 Ferre Grignard, Belgian pop singer/painter (Crucified Jesus), dies
08/08/1982 Hermine Heijermans, actress/author, dies at 80
08/08/1982 Kurt Edelhagen, West German jazz pianist, dies at 62
08/08/1982 Valeer van Kerkhove, Flemish writer/producer (De Weerlozen), dies
08/08/1984 Richard Deacon, actor (Mel-Dick Van Dyke Show), dies at 62
08/08/1985 Louise Brooks, actress (Pandora's Box), dies of a heart attack at 78

08/08/1991 James B Irwin, US astronaut, dies
08/08/1991 John Brasser, Zaans resistance fighter 'White Ko', dies
08/08/1991 Magdalena G Schenk, historical (Vorstenhuizen of our time), dies
08/08/1992 Abul Qassim Khoei, Iraqi great-ayatollah/leader of the sjiieten, die

08/08/1992 Alison L Gertz, US, aids-activist/Esquire women of year, dies of aid

08/08/1992 Arthur Lang, US boxer/businessman, dies at 115
08/08/1992 Eitan Berglas, Israeli banker/advisor, dies
08/08/1992 Thomas J McIntyre, US, senator/writer (Fear Brokers), dies
08/08/1993 Lou van Raised, impresario, dies at 77
08/08/1993 Roy London, US actor/director (Tiger Warsaw), dies at 50

Significant Events:

08/08/ 70 Tower of Antonia destroyed by Romans
08/08/ 870 Kings Charles the Bare & Louis the German divide Lutherans
08/08/ 936 German king Otto I the Great, crowned
08/08/1322 Emperor Godaigo, makes Sojiji monastery. chief monastery of Soto Sec

08/08/1579 Cornerstone is laid for Tycho Brahe's Uraniborg observatory
08/08/1588 Sea battle at Grevelingen: English fleet battles Spanish armada
08/08/1609 Venetian senate examines Galileo Galilei's telescope
08/08/1673 Dutch battle fleet of 23 ships demands surrender of NYC
08/08/1709 1st known ascent in hot-air balloon, Bartolomeu de Gusmao (indoors)
08/08/1786 Jacques Balmat & Michel Paccard are 1st to climb to top of Mont Blan

08/08/1796 Boston African Society establishes with 44 members
08/08/1809 70 disciples of Gaon of Vilnus, arrive in Israel (Palestine)
08/08/1814 Peace negotiations begin in Ghent, Belgium
08/08/1815 Napoleon Bonaparte set sail for exile on St Helena
08/08/1829 French govt of De Polignac forms
08/08/1831 Battle of Hasselt - Dutch army drives out Belgian Army
08/08/1843 Natal (in South Africa) is made a British colony
08/08/1844 Brigham Young chosen Mormon Church head following Joseph Smith death

08/08/1860 Queen of Sandwich Islands (Hawaii) arrives in NYC
08/08/1861 William Bateson, originator of term 'genetics'
08/08/1864 Red Cross forms in Geneva
08/08/1864 Union troops/fleet occupy Fort Gaines, Alabama
08/08/1868 Quake destroyes Arica Chile
08/08/1870 Magic (US) defeats Cambria (Engld) in 2nd running of America's Cup
08/08/1876 Dan O'Leacy completes 500 mile walk in 139h32m
08/08/1876 Thomas Edison patents mimeograph
08/08/1882 Snow falls on Lake Michigan
08/08/1890 Daughters of American Revolution organizes
08/08/1900 1st Davis Cup tennis matches, held in Boston
08/08/1903 Great Britain wins Davis Cup tennis tournament
08/08/1907 A Kopff discovers asteroid #3105
08/08/1909 A Kopff discovers asteroid #684 Hildburg
08/08/1913 Richard Corfields 'Camel Corps' opens 'Mad Mullah' in Burao Somalia
08/08/1914 3rd pole expedition Ernest Shackleton 'Endurance'
08/08/1914 French troops under Gen Bonneau occupy Mulhouse at Elzas
08/08/1918 6 US soldiers are surrounded by Germans in France, Alvin York is
08/08/1919 Treaty of Rawalpindi, British recognize Afghanistan's independence
08/08/1920 Tigers beat Yanks 1-0 in shortest AL game, 73 minutes
08/08/1921 K Reinmuth discovers asteroid #956 Elisa
08/08/1922 Italian general strike broken by fascist terrorist
08/08/1922 Pirates set record of 46 hits in a doubleheader (against Phillies)
08/08/1923 S Belyavsk˜ discovers asteroid #1001 Gaussia
08/08/1924 British-Russian trade agreement drawn
08/08/1925 1st national march of Ku Klux Klan (200,000) in Washington, DC
08/08/1929 1st airship flight around Earth flying eastward begins
08/08/1929 German airship Graf Zeppelin begins a round-the-world flight
08/08/1929 P Parchomenko discovers asteroid #1129 Neujmina
08/08/1929 Salem Oregon airport dedicated
08/08/1930 St Louis Cards are 12 games back in NL, & go on to win pennant
08/08/1931 H Van Gent discovers asteroid #1946
08/08/1931 Wash Senator Bob Burke no-hits Boston Red Sox, 5-0
08/08/1937 Bonneville Dam on Columbia River begins producing power
08/08/1940 Battle of Britain began as Germany launches air attacks
08/08/1942 6 convicted Nazi saboteurs who landed in US executed in Wash DC
08/08/1942 Russ anti-offensive of Voronezh under marshal Timosjenko
08/08/1943 Vegetables & fruit rationed in Holland
08/08/1944 Canada/Polish troops occupy Cramesnil/Secqueville/Cintheaux/St-Aigna

08/08/1944 Germans raid Achterhuis, home of Anne Frank & family
08/08/1944 US 15th Army corp occupies Le Mans
08/08/1945 Pres Harry S Truman signs UN Charter
08/08/1945 USSR declares war against Japan in WW II
08/08/1945 USSR establishes a communist government in North Korea
08/08/1946 India agrees to give Bhutan 32ý miles
08/08/1949 Bhutan, land of Dragon, becomes an independent monarchy
08/08/1952 Syngman Ree re-elected president of South-Korea
08/08/1953 Russia's Georgi Malenkov reports possession of hydrogen bomb
08/08/1953 US & South Korea initial a mutual security pact
08/08/1955 Fidel Castro forms 'July 26th Movement'
08/08/1955 Geneva conference held to discuss peaceful uses of atomic energy
08/08/1956 Fire & explosion kill 263 miners at Marcinelle, Belgium
08/08/1956 WDIQ (now KMCT) TV channel 2 in Dozier, AL (PBS) begins
08/08/1957 USSR offers Syria economic/military aid
08/08/1960 Ivory Coast declares independence
08/08/1961 Ham Tigercats (CFL) beat Buff Bills (NFL) 38-21 in Hamilton, Ontario

08/08/1961 Verne Gagne beats Gene Kiniski in Minneapolis, to become NWA champ
08/08/1962 Jamaica declares independence from UK
08/08/1963 Great Train Robbery in England, œ2.6 million ($7.3 million)
08/08/1963 Kingsmen release 'Louie, Louie,' radio stations label it obscene
08/08/1963 Verne Gagne beats Fritz Von Erich in Amarillo, to become NWA champ
08/08/1964 Dutch Opera forms in Amsterdam
08/08/1965 Singapore leaves Malaysian Federation
08/08/1966 Beatles' release 'Revolver'
08/08/1966 South Arican Broadcasting bans Beatles (Lennon's anti-Jesus remark)
08/08/1968 Race riot in Miami Florida
08/08/1968 Republican convention in Miami Beach nominates Nixon for pres
08/08/1970 NY Yankees honor Casey Stengel, retiring his number 37
08/08/1972 NY Yankees sign 30 year lease with NYC
08/08/1973 VP Spiro T Agnew branded as 'damned lies' reports he took kickbacks
08/08/1973 from govt contracts in Maryland. He vowed not to resign (Right!)
08/08/1974 Pres Richard M Nixon announced he'd resign his office 12PM 08/09
08/08/1977 Maurine Stuart, ordained as Zen priest by Eido Tai Shimano Roshi
08/08/1977 Texas Rangers turn their 1st triple play (vs A's)
08/08/1978 Pioneer-Venus 2 with 5 atmospheric probes launched toward Venus
08/08/1979 Iraqi president Saddam Hussein executes 22 political opponents
08/08/1980 LBV Conference Center & Club Lake Villas open
08/08/1980 E Bowell discovers asteroids #2597 Arthur, #3350 Scobee,
08/08/1980 #3488 Brahic & #3559 Violamayer
08/08/1982 Raymon Floyd wins PGA golf tournament
08/08/1983 Brig Gen Efrain Rios Montt was deposed as president of Guatemela
08/08/1983 E F Helin discovers asteroid #3737
08/08/1983 Jury in KC, Mo, awards TV anchorwoman Christine Craft $500,000 in
08/08/1983 Military coup in Guatemala, Pres Rios Montt flees
08/08/1984 Carl Lewis wins 3rd (200m) of 4 gold medals in Summer
08/08/1985 Baseball's new agreement permits 2 new NL teams in 1993
08/08/1985 Japan launches Planet A, a probe to Halley's comet
08/08/1986 Record 3 grandslams in a game-(Harrah-Tex, Sheets & Dwyer-Orioles)
08/08/1987 Brewers' Rob Deer struck-out 5 times in a game
08/08/1987 Lynne Cox became 1st to swim from US to Russia across Bering Strait
08/08/1988 Angola, Cuba & South Africa sign cease fire treaty
08/08/1988 Chicago Cubs starts 1st home game under lights (rained-out)
08/08/1988 Discovery of most distant galaxy (15 * 10 ^ 12 light yrs) announced
08/08/1988 Duchess of York gives birth to 6 lb 12 oz baby girl
08/08/1988 Goose Gossage registers career save #300
08/08/1988 Jennifer Levin's parents file $25M suit against Dorrian Red Hand Bar

08/08/1988 Jose Canseco becomes 11th to get 30 HRs & 30 steals in a season
08/08/1988 Minn Twins pull 2nd triple-play of year & beat Cleve 6-2
08/08/1988 Renovated Central Park Zoo reopens after 4 years
08/08/1988 Russian troops begin pull out of Afghanistan after 9 year war
08/08/1988 Sec of State Shultz narrowly escapes assassin attempt in Bolivia
08/08/1988 South Africa declares cease-fire in Angola
08/08/1988 Temperature hits high of 88 on 8/8/88 in NYC
08/08/1989 US space shuttle STS-28 launched
08/08/1990 Balt Orioles pull their 10th triple play (1-6-3 vs Oakland)
08/08/1990 Carlton Fisk ties Johnny Bench hitting 327 HRs as a catcher
08/08/1990 Iraq annexes Kuwait
08/08/1991 Billy Preston charged with exhibiting porno to a minor
08/08/1991 Carlos Santana pleads no contest to mar˜uana possession charge
08/08/1991 Gary Oldman, actor (State of Grace), arrested for drunk driving
08/08/1991 Shite Muslims release British hostage John McCarthy
08/08/1992 Actress Barbara Hershey weds artist Stephen Douglas
08/08/1993 Tropical storm Bret ravages Venezuela, about 100 killed

Robert Wolfe

Aug 9, 2021, 7:40:13 AM8/9/21
+ User FidoNet address: 1:116/18
Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


08/09/1593 Izaak Walton, England, biographer/fisherman/writer (Compleat Angler)

08/09/1611 Henry earl of Nassau-Siegen, colonel/governor of Holly
08/09/1631 John Dryden, English opoet/playwright (Heroic Stanzas)
08/09/1677 Jacob Campo Weyerman, South Neth's adventurer/painter/writer
08/09/1686 Benedetto Marcello, Venice Italy, composer (Lettera Famigliare)
08/09/1690 Lorenzo Gaetano Zavateri, composer
08/09/1696 Jozef Wenceslas, monarch of Liechtenstein/general
08/09/1718 Placidus Cajetan von Camerloher, composer
08/09/1758 Bruno Dalberg/Anonymus Belga, [Petrus the Wacker van Zon], writer
08/09/1776 Amedeo Avogadro, Tuin Italy, 6.022 x 10 ^ 23 (Avogadro's Law)
08/09/1781 Michael Umlauf, composer
08/09/1808 William Thomas Ward, Bvt Major General (Union volunteers)
08/09/1819 William Thomas Green Morton, dentist, used ether (HOF 1920)
08/09/1823 Daniel Marsh Frost, Brig General (Confederate Army), died in 1900
08/09/1824 Simon Goodell Griffin, Bvt Major General (Union volunteers)
08/09/1825 Elisha Ferry, (Gov-R-Wash, 1872-80, 1889-93)
08/09/1834 Elias Alvares Lobo, composer
08/09/1845 Xavier Mellery, Belgian painter/illustrator
08/09/1861 Wilhelm Berger, composer
08/09/1866 Mattheco Henson, 1st Black to reach North Pole
08/09/1875 Albert William KetŠlbey, Aston England, composer (Wonder Worker)
08/09/1875 Reynaldo Hahn, composer
08/09/1883 George Hoyt, NBA hall of fame referee (elected 1961)
08/09/1887 Abraham Schierbeek, biologist (Swammerdam)
08/09/1888 Hans Oster, general/German spy/'July 20th plotter'
08/09/1890 Cesar Cortinas, composer
08/09/1890 Eino Kaila, Finnish psychologist/philosopher
08/09/1890 Sandor Jemnitz, composer
08/09/1891 Max Branch, music/radio commentator
08/09/1896 Jean Piaget, Switz, pioneer developmental psychologist/zoologist
08/09/1896 Leonide Massine, choreographer (Diaghilev Ballet Russe 1914-20)
08/09/1897 Ralph Wyckoff, American pioneer in x-ray crystallography
08/09/1898 David de Jong, writer (Mutiny on the canal)
08/09/1899 Armand Salacrou, French poet
08/09/1901 Charles Farrell, Cape Cod Mass, actor (Vern-My Little Margie)
08/09/1902 Zino Francescatti, Marseilles France, violinist (NY Phil-1939)
08/09/1905 Leo Genn, actor (Affair in Monte Carlo)
08/09/1909 John Baur, museum director/author (American Paintings in 19th Centur

08/09/1910 Robert H van Gulik, diplomat/writer (Rechter Tie)
08/09/1911 Robert McCormick, Danville Ky, NBC newscaster (Current Opinion)
08/09/1911 William A Fowler, US, astrophysicist (Nobel 1983)
08/09/1913 Harry Mills, singer (Mills Brothers-Paper Moon)
08/09/1913 Herman Talmadge, (Sen-D-Ga, Watergate Committee)
08/09/1914 Ferenc Fricsay, Hungarian conductor
08/09/1914 Joseph M 'Joop' L cker, journalist/editor in chief the Volkskrant
08/09/1915 Haim Alexander, composer
08/09/1918 Robert Aldrich, US director/producer (Dirty Dozen)
08/09/1919 Joop [Johannes] den Uyl, Dutch Premier (PVDA, 1973-77)
08/09/1919 Ralph Houk, baseball manager (Yankees, Tigers)
08/09/1921 J James Exon, (Sen-D-Nebraska, 1979- )
08/09/1922 Philip Larkin, Coventry England, writer (North Ship, Jill)
08/09/1923 Gerrit Kouwenaar, literary
08/09/1925 Robert Heppener, composer (Hymns & Conversations, Movie Music)
08/09/1926 Michiel de Ruyter, [Mister Jazz], jazz historian
08/09/1927 Marvin Minsky, Artifical intelligence computer scientist (MIT)
08/09/1927 Robert Shaw, England, actor (Deep, Jaws, Sting, Black Sunday)
08/09/1928 Bob Cousy, NBA star (Boston Celtics, 1957 MVP)
08/09/1930 Betty Boop, animation
08/09/1935 George S Leotsakos, composer
08/09/1938 Dick Anthony Williams, Chicago Ill, actor (Our Family Honor)
08/09/1938 Rod Laver, Australia, tennis ace (1962, 1969 Grand Slam)
08/09/1939 Billy Henderson, rocker (Spinners-That's what girls are made for)
08/09/1939 Claude Osteen, baseball pitcher (Cin Reds)
08/09/1939 Max Neuhaus, composer
08/09/1940 Beverlee McKinsey, Okla, actress (Another World, Guiding Light)
08/09/1942 David Steinberg, Winnipeg Canada, comedian/director (End)
08/09/1944 Gerrit Jan Wolffensperger, Dutch 2nd Chamber member (D66)
08/09/1944 Sam Elliot, Calif, actor (Big Chill, Fatal Beauty)
08/09/1944 Viv Prince, rocker (Pretty Things)
08/09/1945 Ken Norton, heavyweight boxing champ/TV panelist (Gong Show)
08/09/1946 Maarnus Gerritsen, rocker (Golden Earring)
08/09/1946 Rinus Gerritsen, bassist/rocker (Golden Earring)
08/09/1947 Barbara Mason, US singer (Yes, I'm ready)
08/09/1950 Roelof S 'Roel' Bakker, actor/director (Liefdesdrank)
08/09/1955 Doug Williams, Louisiana, NFL QB (Tampa Bay Bucaneers, Wash Redskins

08/09/1957 Melanie Griffith, NYC, actress (Something Wild, Working Girls)
08/09/1958 Amanda Bearse, actress (Marcy Rhodes-Married With Children)
08/09/1958 Greg Chaisson, heavy metal rocker (Badlands-Dreams in the Dark)
08/09/1959 Diane Williams, Hahn AFB Ger, singer (Girls Next Door-Don't Be Cruel

08/09/1959 Kurtis Blow, NYC, rapper (Krushgroove-The Breaks)
08/09/1962 Hermann Hesse, German/Swiss poet/author
08/09/1962 Michael Colnroy, Modern English, rocker
08/09/1963 Lonnie Quinn, Cheshire Conn, actor (Will Cooley-All My Children)
08/09/1963 Whitney Houston, Newark NJ, singer (One Moment in Time)
08/09/1965 John Smith, Okla City, US Olympic wrestler (Goodwill-gold-1988, 90)
08/09/1965 Kyle Kyle, Kensington Pa, rock bassist (Bang Tango-Dancin' on Coals)

08/09/1966 Pat Petersen, LA Calif, actor (Michael-Knots Landing)
08/09/1971 Mary Joe Fernandez, Dom Rep, tennis player (US National 16s)
08/09/1972 Elizabeth Vassey, Raleigh NC, actress (Emily Martin-All My Children)


08/09/ 117 Mark Ulpius Trajanus, emperor of Rome (98-117)
08/09/ 378 Flavius Valens, emperor of Byzantium (364-78), dies in battle at 50
08/09/ 803 Irene, Byzantine empress/wife of emperor Leo IV, dies
08/09/1048 Damasius II, [Poppo], Pope (1047-48), dies
08/09/1420 Pierre d'ailly/Peter de Alliaco, French theologist/cardinal, dies
08/09/1612 Ottavio M Frangipani, Pope elect, dies
08/09/1613 Giovanni Righi, composer, dies at 36
08/09/1634 Pieter I de Jode, Flemish publisher, dies
08/09/1652 John Both, landscape painter/etcher, dies at about 37
08/09/1668 Fran‡ois Anguier, French sculptor, dies at about 64
08/09/1672 Jose Ximenez, composer, dies at 70
08/09/1710 Gabriel Schutz, composer, dies at 77
08/09/1727 Johann Philipp Treiber, composer, dies at 52
08/09/1738 Pierre Drevet, French engraver, dies
08/09/1763 John Althuysen, Fries vicar/poet (Frysk Jierboek), dies at 47
08/09/1835 Claus Nielsen Schali, composer, dies at 78
08/09/1854 Frederik Augustus II, king of Saxon (1836-54), dies at 57
08/09/1888 Isaac Strauss, composer, dies at 82
08/09/1892 Matthias de Vries, linguistic (spelling), dies
08/09/1896 Otto Lilenthal, killed during a glider test
08/09/1904 Friedrich Ratzel, German social-geography (Lebensraum), dies at 59
08/09/1915 Henry Longbottom, English lieutenant, dies in battle
08/09/1919 Ernst Haeckel, German philosopher/zoologist (Social Darwinism), dies

08/09/1919 Ruggero Leoncavallo, composer, dies at 62
08/09/1924 Jacob P Fish, founder (NV Royal Salt Industries), dies at 66
08/09/1928 Frederik II W, grand duke of Baden (1907-18), dies at 71
08/09/1942 Edith Stein, German philospher, dies
08/09/1955 Marion Eugene Bauer, composer, dies at 57
08/09/1958 Felipe Boero, composer, dies at 74
08/09/1959 Emil Frantisek Burian, composer, dies at 55
08/09/1961 Walter Bedell Smith, US general/WW II chief of staff, dies
08/09/1966 Gosta Nystroem, composer, dies at 75
08/09/1967 Jaromir Weinberger, Czech/US composer (Czech Rhapsody), dies
08/09/1969 Abigail Folger, US, coffee magnate (Folgers), murdered
08/09/1969 George P Marshall, NFL president (Washington Redskins), dies at 72
08/09/1969 Robert Lehman, US multi-millionaire/director (Met Museum of Art), di

08/09/1969 Sharon Tate, actress (Valley of Dolls), killed by Manson's gang
08/09/1969 Voyteck Freykowski, US director, murdered
08/09/1972 Bill Berns, commentator (Television Screen Magazine), dies at 53
08/09/1972 Richard Elsasser, composer, dies at 45
08/09/1973 Dean Corll, shot; he raped & killed 26 boys
08/09/1975 Dimitri D Sjostakovitsj, Russian composer (Sun over motherland), die

08/09/1975 Julian 'Cannonball' Adderly, saxophonist/bandleader, dies at 46
08/09/1976 Max Vredenburg, composer, dies at 72
08/09/1978 James G Cozzens, US writer (Guard of Honor, Pulitzer), dies at 74
08/09/1979 Allan Frank, actor (Charade Quiz), dies at 64
08/09/1979 Johan Daisne, [Herman Thiery], Belgian writer (Lago Maggiore), dies
08/09/1982 Aleksandr A Aleksejev, Russian director, dies
08/09/1986 Joseph 'Poeske' Scherens, Belgian cyclist, dies at 77
08/09/1987 Kees the Galan, economist, dies at 55
08/09/1988 Alan Napier, (Alfred the Butler-Batman), dies at 85
08/09/1991 Corrie Hartong, dance pioneer, dies
08/09/1992 Jan van Baal, antropologist/gov Dutch New-Guinea, dies
08/09/1992 Patrick A Devlin, England, judge/lead house of Lords, dies
08/09/1993 Mohamed M Tabet, commissar of Casablanca, raped 518, executed at 54

Significant Events:

08/09/ 378 Battle of Adrianople, Visigoth Calvary defeats Roman Army
08/09/ 480 -BC- Persia defeats Spartan King Leonidas at Thermopylae
08/09/1378 Cardinals declare pope Urbanus VI lawless (anti christian/devil)
08/09/1559 Willem of Orange becomes viceroy of Holland/Zealand/Utrecht
08/09/1596 Henry van Cuyk becomes bishop of Roermond
08/09/1638 Jonas Bronck of Holland becomes 1st European settler in Bronx
08/09/1673 Admiral Cornelis Evertsen de Jonge recaptures NY
08/09/1673 Dutch recapture NY from English; regained by English in 1674
08/09/1726 Netherlands signs Covenant of Hannover
08/09/1757 English Ft William Henry, NY, surrenders to French & Indians troops
08/09/1778 Captain Cook reaches Cape Prince of Wales, Bering straits
08/09/1786 1st ascent of Mt Blanc
08/09/1790 Columbia becomes 1st US flagged ship to voyage around world
08/09/1803 1st horses arrive in Hawaii
08/09/1829 'Stourbridge Lion' locomotive goes into service
08/09/1831 1st US steam engine train run (Albany to Schenectady, NY)
08/09/1832 King Leopold I of Belgium marries Louisa Maria
08/09/1841 Erie boat in Buffalo NY catches fire; 242 die
08/09/1842 US-Canada border defined by Webster-Ashburton Treaty
08/09/1848 Austria & Sardinia sign ceasefire
08/09/1849 Hungarian Republic crushed by Austria & Russia
08/09/1854 Henry David Thoreau publishes 'Walden'
08/09/1855 Battle of Acapulco during Mexican Liberal uprising
08/09/1859 Elevator patented
08/09/1862 Battle of Cedar Mountain VA (Slaughter Mountain, Southwest Mountain)

08/09/1864 Battle of Ft Morgan AL
08/09/1876 C H F Peters discovers asteroid #165 Loreley
08/09/1890 1st 44 Javans arrive in Suriname, to work 5 year on sugar plantation

08/09/1893 1st US bowling magazine, Gut Holz, published in NY
08/09/1901 34-35øN/98-99øW open for US colonization
08/09/1902 Edward VII of England crowned after death of his mother Victoria
08/09/1914 German submarine U-15 sinks British cruiser
08/09/1915 British attack at Chanak Bair at Gallipolis
08/09/1916 H Thiele discovers asteroid #3229
08/09/1923 K Reinmuth discovers asteroid #999 Zachia
08/09/1923 NY State Golf Assoc formed
08/09/1925 Only time Babe Ruth pinch-hit for, Bobby Veach flies out
08/09/1930 113øF (45øC) at Perryville, Tennessee (state record)
08/09/1930 Betty Boop debutes in Max Fleischer's animated cartoon Dizzy Dishes
08/09/1936 C Jackson discovers asteroids #1396 Outeniqua & #1397 Umtata
08/09/1936 Jesse Owens wins 4th gold medal at Berlin Olympics
08/09/1941 Winston Churchill reaches Newfoundland for 1st talk with FDR
08/09/1942 200 Jews escape Mir Ghetto in Poland
08/09/1942 British arrests Indian nationalist Mohandas K Gandhi
08/09/1942 Dmitri Sjostakovitsj' 7th Symphony performed in Leningrad
08/09/1942 Vice-Adm Mikawa lands at Guadalcanal, Solomon Island
08/09/1944 12 workers of Dutch illegal paper 'Trouw,' executed at Camp Vught
08/09/1944 US 79th/90th division enter Le Mans
08/09/1945 US drops 2nd atomic bomb 'Fat Man' on Japan destroys part of Nagasak

08/09/1946 1st time all major-league baseball games (8) are played at night
08/09/1950 Lusty Song wins Hambletonian
08/09/1951 Dutch Korea volunteers win US Collective Unit Citation
08/09/1952 General strike against overtime conscription in Belgium
08/09/1953 Premier Mohammed Abdullah of Kashmir, fired
08/09/1953 S Arend discovers asteroid #1652 Herge
08/09/1956 1st state-wide, state-supported educational TV network, Alabama
08/09/1956 South African women demonstrate against pass laws
08/09/1960 Race riot in Jacksonville Florida
08/09/1961 James B Parsons is 1st black appointed to Federal District Court
08/09/1963 Britains rock TV show, Ready Steady Go, premieres
08/09/1964 1st Rolling Stones concert in Netherlands
08/09/1965 Fire in Titan II silo in Searcy Arkansas, 53 die
08/09/1965 Singapore gains independence from Malaysia (National Day)
08/09/1967 Biafran offensive against Nigerian army
08/09/1967 KYAY TV channel 39 in West Monroe, LA (IND) begins broadcasting
08/09/1968 Yugoslav president Tito visits Prague
08/09/1969 Manson family commits Tate-LaBianca murders
08/09/1970 Crimean Astrophysical Obs discovers asteroid #2949 Kaverznev
08/09/1970 Peruvian Airlines jet carrying 45 US exchange students explodes
08/09/1971 Le Roy (Satchel) Paige inducted into baseball's Hall of Fame
08/09/1972 Rockwell receives NASA contract to construct Space Shuttle
08/09/1973 Henry McCullough & Denny Seiwell quit Wings
08/09/1973 USSR launches Mars 7
08/09/1974 Richard Nixon resigns presidency, VP Gerald Ford becomes 38th pres
08/09/1975 1st NFL game in Louisiana Superdome, Houston beats Saints 13-7
08/09/1976 Pitt Pirate John Candelaria no-hits LA Dodgers, 2-0
08/09/1976 USSR launches Luna 24, last Lunar flight to date from Earth
08/09/1977 NHL refuses merger of 6 WHA clubs
08/09/1978 Yanks score 5 in bottom of 9th beat Brewers 8-7
08/09/1980 Belgium constitution revised
08/09/1981 6 English lifeguards set relay swim record English Channel (7:17)
08/09/1981 Larry Nelson wins PGA golf tournament
08/09/1981 NL beats AL 5-4 in 52nd All Star Game (Cleveland Stadium)
08/09/1984 Daley Thomas of Britain sets decathalon record (8,847) in LA Cal
08/09/1984 STS 41-D vehicle again moves out to launch pad
08/09/1987 LA Rams beat Dallas Cowboys 28-27 in London, England (NFL expo)
08/09/1987 Larry Nelson wins PGA golf tournament
08/09/1988 Cubs beat Mets 6-4 in their 1st official night game at Wrigley Field

08/09/1988 Edmonton Oilers trade Wayne Gretzky to LA Kings for $15-$20 millions

08/09/1988 Just 1 day after 8/8/88 NY's daily number is 888
08/09/1990 12 Arab leaders agree to send pan-Arab forces to protect Saudi Arabi

08/09/1992 25th Olympic Summer games closes in Barcelona, Spain
08/09/1993 King Albert II of Belgium, crowned

Robert Wolfe

Aug 10, 2021, 7:40:12 AM8/10/21
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Interesting things that have happened, and people born and died on this date
Registered to Omicron Theta

By Scott Labrecque


08/10/1296 Jan de Blinde, King of Bohemia/Count of Luxembourg
08/10/1556 Philipp Nicolai, Germany, theologist/poet/composer
08/10/1560 Hieronymus Praetorius, composer
08/10/1567 Girolamo Giacobbi, composer
08/10/1589 Pietro Antonio Tamburini, composer
08/10/1652 Peter I Scheemaeckers, Flemish sculptor (graf tombs)
08/10/1654 Bernard Nieuwentyt, physician/theologist
08/10/1657 Cornelis Chastelein, colonial director
08/10/1699 Christoph Gottlieb Schroter, composer
08/10/1708 John Stinstra, baptist vicar
08/10/1720 Franz Joseph Leonti Meyer von Schavensee, composer
08/10/1740 Samuel Arnold, composer
08/10/1750 Daniel Gottlob Turk, composer
08/10/1762 Santiago Ferrer, composer
08/10/1793 Heinrich August Neithardt, composer
08/10/1794 Leopold Zunz, German learned (Synagogalen Prose(?))
08/10/1801 Robert Woodward Barnwell, MC (Confederacy), died in 1882
08/10/1808 Carl Friedrich Weitzmann, composer
08/10/1810 Camilio Benso di Cavour, Italy, PM
08/10/1810 Cornelis Outshoorn, architect
08/10/1814 Jacob Edvard Gille, composer
08/10/1814 John Clifford Pemberton, Lt Gen (Confederate Army), died in 1881
08/10/1814 William Lowndes Yancey, MC (Confederacy), died in 1863
08/10/1823 Ant“nio G Dias, Brazilian poet
08/10/1823 Charles Thomas Campbell, Brig General (Union volunteers)
08/10/1835 Gyula Beliczay, composer
08/10/1836 Jose Teodor Vilar, composer
08/10/1856 Paul Geisler, composer
08/10/1865 Alexander K Glazunov, St Petersburg Russia, composer (Chopiniana)
08/10/1869 Lawrence Binyon, Vienna Austria, writer (Symbolic Wounds)
08/10/1874 Herbert Clark Hoover, West Branch Iowa, (R) 31st Pres (1929-1933)
08/10/1874 James (Tod) Sloan, jockey, created monkey crouch riding style
08/10/1877 Rudolf Hilferding, German economist/SPD-minister of Finance
08/10/1878 Alfred D”blin, German/French author/co-founder of Sturm
08/10/1880 Clarence Cameron White, composer
08/10/1881 Albrecht M Sprenger, landbuilder
08/10/1882 Max Kowalski, composer
08/10/1883 Carlos Lavin, composer
08/10/1889 Cecil Armstrong Gibbs, composer
08/10/1889 Irene Steer, England, 4 X 100m relay swimmers (Olympic-gold-1912)
08/10/1893 Douglas Stuart Moore, Cutchogue NY, composer (Good Night Harvard)
08/10/1893 Viscount Dunrossil, Scotland, Gov Gen of Australia (1959-61)
08/10/1893 Voranc Prezikov [Lovro Kuhar), Slav author (Samorastniki)
08/10/1897 Edward Orval Gourdin, Jacksonville, long jumper (Olympic-silver-1924

08/10/1897 Piet[er O] Bakker, journalist (Telegraph, People)
08/10/1899 Jack Haley, Boston Mass, actor (Wizard of Oz, Ford Star Revue)
08/10/1900 Arthur Porritt, NZ, 100m sprinter (Olympic-bronze-1924)
08/10/1900 Norma Shearer, Canada, actress (Divorcee, Idiot's Delight)
08/10/1905 Richard F Kahn, baron of Hampstead/British economist
08/10/1909 Brian Easdale, composer
08/10/1909 Claude Thornhill, composer
08/10/1909 George W Crockett Jr, (Rep-D-MI, 1980- )
08/10/1909 Julio A Abraham, president (Democratic Party Bonaire)
08/10/1909 Mohammed V, ibn Joesoef, King of Morocco (1953, 1955-61)
08/10/1910 Angus Campbell, US, psychologist (Elections & Political Order)
08/10/1912 Herman Strategier, composer
08/10/1912 Izak Samkalden, Dutch Minister of Justice (PvdA)
08/10/1912 Jorge Amado, Brazilian writer (O Pais do Carnaval)
08/10/1912 Richard Reeves, NYC, actor (Murph-Date With an Angel)
08/10/1912 Romain Maes, Belgian bicylist
08/10/1913 Noah Beery Jr, NYC, actor (Rockford Files, Quest, Doc Elliot)
08/10/1913 Steven Nagy, bowler, 1st to bowl 300 on TV (1954)
08/10/1914 Jeff Corey, NYC, actor (Getting Straight, Superman & Mole Men)
08/10/1920 Red Holzman, NBA coach (NY Knickerbockers)
08/10/1923 Rhonda Fleming, Hollywood Calif, actress (Spellbound)
08/10/1924 Martha Hyer, actress (Day of the Wolves, Night of the Grizzly)
08/10/1926 Edwin James Nairn Carr, composer
08/10/1926 Marie-Claire Alain, French organist/composer
08/10/1928 Eddie Fisher, Phila Pa, singer (Oh My Papa, Lady of Spain)
08/10/1928 Jimmy Dean, Tx, actor/singer (Jimmy Dean Show, Diamonds are Forever)

08/10/1929 John Alldis, composer
08/10/1932 Alexander Goehr, composer
08/10/1933 Bill Nieder, shot putter, (Olympic-gold-1960)
08/10/1933 Rocky Colavito, Bronx, baseball player (Hit 4 HRs in a game)
08/10/1934 James Carl Tenney, composer
08/10/1935 Giya Alexandrovich Kancheli, composer
08/10/1937 Lucinda Williams, US sprinter (Olympic-gold-1960)
08/10/1938 Diana Muldaur, actress (McCloud, Star Trek-Next Generation)
08/10/1939 Charles Rose, (Rep-D-North Carolina, 1973- )
08/10/1939 Kate O'Mara, Leicaster England, actress (Caress Morell-Dynasty)
08/10/1940 Bobby Hatfield, Wisc, rocker (Righteous Bros-Unchained Melody)
08/10/1941 Anita Lonsbrough, England, 200m backstroke swimmer (Oly-gold-1960)
08/10/1941 Kees Van Kooten, TV-commentator/also-founder Simplisties Covenant
08/10/1942 Betsy Johnson, fashion designer (1971 Winnie Award)
08/10/1943 Ronnie Spector, [Veronica Bennett], NYC, singer (Be My Little Baby)
08/10/1945 Harry Thomas, founder rock song festival/Dutch Homosexuals Party
08/10/1945 Larry Larden, rocker (Every Mother's Son)
08/10/1947 Ian Anderson, Scotland, rocker (Jethro Tull-Bungle in the Jungle)
08/10/1948 Pal Gerevich, Hungary, fencer (Olympic-bronze-1972, 80)
08/10/1948 Patti Austin, singer (Real Me)
08/10/1949 Gene Johnson, Sugar Grove Pa, singer (Diamond Rio-Meet in the Middle

08/10/1952 Ashley Putnam, NYC, soprano (NY City Opera 1978)
08/10/1952 Nikolai Alekseyevich Pushenko, Russia, lt-colonel/cosmonaut
08/10/1956 Tugboat, [Fred Ottman], WWF wrestler
08/10/1959 Mark Price, bass/vocals (All About Eve, Tin Huey-Contents Dislodged)

08/10/1959 Rosanna Arquette, NYC, actress (Desperately Seeking Susan)
08/10/1961 Beatrice Alda, daughter of Alan Alda, actress (Lisa-Four Seasons)
08/10/1961 Jon Farriss, Australian rock vocalist/drummer (INXS-Kiss the Dirt)
08/10/1962 Dan Donovan, rocker (Bad)
08/10/1967 Riddick Bowe, Brooklyn NY, HW boxing champ (Olympic-silver-1988)
08/10/1968 Michael Bivins, US rock vocalist (Bell Div Devoe-Poison)


08/10/ 30 -BC- Cleopatra VII, Ptolemae‹sch queen, beloved by Caesar, dies
08/10/ 794 Fastrada, 3rd wife of French king Charles the Great, dies at 30
08/10/ 955 Conrad the Red, Duke of Lotharingen, dies in battle
08/10/1002 Al-Mansur, Arabic general strategist/regent of C¢rdoba, dies
08/10/1250 Erik IV Plovpenning, king of Denmark, murdered
08/10/1589 Maarten Schenck Nideggen, Dutch army leader, drowned at about 49
08/10/1628 Hans Jonsson, Swedish fleet commander, drowned
08/10/1653 Maarten Harpertsz Tromp, [Bestevaer], lt-adm, dies in battle at 55
08/10/1717 Nicolaas Witsen, etcher/mayor (Amsterdam), dies
08/10/1730 Sebastien de Brossard, composer, dies at 74
08/10/1759 Ferdinand VI, the wise, king of Spain, dies at 46
08/10/1802 Aepinus, [Franz UT Hoch], German physician/physicist, dies at 77
08/10/1806 Johann Michael Haydn, composer, dies at 68
08/10/1821 Salvatore Vigano, composer, dies at 52
08/10/1841 Hippolyte Monpou, composer, dies at 37
08/10/1843 Jakob F Fries, German philosopher, dies
08/10/1861 Nathaniel Lyon, US Union brig-gen, dies in battle at 43
08/10/1867 Ira Aldridge, famed Shakespearean actor (Othello, Shylock), dies 186

08/10/1875 Karl (Theodor) Andree, German journalist (Globus), dies at 66
08/10/1886 Eduard Grell, composer, dies at 85
08/10/1896 Otto Lilienthal, German aircraft pioneer, dies
08/10/1904 Pierre M Waldeck-Rousseau, French foreign minister (Dreyfus), dies
08/10/1911 Carl Christian Lumbye, composer, dies at 70
08/10/1921 John M Martin, last confederate congress member, dies
08/10/1929 Aletta [Henri‰tte] Jacobs, 1st Dutch female physician/feminist, dies

08/10/1930 William H Taft, US president (1909-13), dies
08/10/1934 John Kane, US, painter, dies at 73
08/10/1938 Joseph Moorat, composer, dies at 73
08/10/1943 C Bergsma, resistance fighter (Waalsdorpervlakte), dies
08/10/1943 J Janzen, resistance fighter (Waalsdorpervlakte), dies
08/10/1943 J Posthuma, resistance fighter (Waalsdorpervlakte), dies
08/10/1944 Berthold Schenk von Stauffenberg, attempt Hitler assassination, dies

08/10/1945 Robert H Goddard, US, rocket pioneer, dies at 62
08/10/1960 Emil Strauss, German writer (Vaterland), dies
08/10/1962 Ted Husing, sportscaster (Monday Night Fights), dies at 60
08/10/1963 Estes Kefauver, (Sen-D-Tn), dies at 60
08/10/1963 M ty  R kosi, [Rosencranz], premier of Hungary (1952-53), dies at 71

08/10/1966 Felix A Vening Meinesz, geophysicist (black force), dies at 79
08/10/1966 Jacobus C Bloem, poet (Cinders), dies
08/10/1967 John Francis Larchet, composer, dies at 83
08/10/1970 Bernd Alois Zimmermann, composer, dies at 52
08/10/1970 Gino Torretta, quarterback (Heisman Trophy 1992)
08/10/1974 Ilona Massey, actress/singer (Ilona Massey Show), dies at 64
08/10/1974 Pedro Regas, actor (Pat Paulsen's « Comedy Hour), dies at 92
08/10/1976 Ray 'Crash' Corrigan, cowboy (Crash Corrigan's Ranch), dies at 74
08/10/1977 Vince Barnett, actor (Star is Born, Human Jungle), dies at 75
08/10/1979 Dick Foran, actor (OK Crackerby), dies at 69
08/10/1985 Kenny Backer, comedian, dies of a heart attack at 72
08/10/1987 Clara Peller, actress (Where's the Beef), dies at 86
08/10/1987 I W Able, CEO (United Steel Workers of America, 1965-77), dies at 87

08/10/1988 Adela Rogers St John, journalist (Free Soul, Honeycomb), dies at 94
08/10/1988 Arias Arnulfo, 3 time president of Panama, dies at 86
08/10/1993 Ken England, US screenwriter (Good Girls Go to Paris), dies at 82

Significant Events:

08/10/ 70 '2nd Temple' of Jews is set aflame (approx)
08/10/ 654 Pope Eugene I elected to succeed Martinus I
08/10/ 955 Battle at Lech: German king Otto I beats Hungarians
08/10/1304 -11] Battle at Zierik Sea: Dutch & French fleet beat Flemish fleet
08/10/1461 Alfonso ed Espina, bishop of Osma urges for an Inquistion in Spain
08/10/1519 Magellan's 5 ship set sail to circumnavigate Earth
08/10/1557 Battle at St Quentin: Lamoraal of Egmont & Philibert beat France
08/10/1566 Iconoclasm begins
08/10/1622 County Maine appended on John Mason/Fernandino Gorges
08/10/1628 Wasa sinks at Stockholm, 50 killed
08/10/1653 Sea battle at He˜de, English fleet beats Dutch
08/10/1675 King Charles II opens Greenwich Observatory, London
08/10/1675 Portuguese-Jewish synagogue opens in Amsterdam
08/10/1678 Netherlands & France signs peace treaty in N˜megen
08/10/1680 In N Mex, Pop‚ leads rebellion of Pueblo Indians against Spaniads
08/10/1743 Earliest recorded prize fighting rules formulated
08/10/1774 1st Surinam newspaper (1st Wednesday Suriname) begins publishing
08/10/1790 Robert Gray's Columbia, completes 1st American around world voyage
08/10/1792 Mobs in Paris attack palace of Louis XVI
08/10/1809 Ecuador declares independence from Spain (National Day)
08/10/1821 Missouri admitted as 24th US state
08/10/1822 Antioch Syria, hit by Earthquake; about 20,000 die
08/10/1827 Race riots in Cincinnati (1,000 blacks leave for Canada)
08/10/1831 Former slave Nat Turner led violent insurrection against slavery
08/10/1831 Hurricane hits Barbados; about 1,500 die
08/10/1833 Chicago incorporates as a village of about 200
08/10/1835 Mob of whites & oxen pulled black school to a swamp out of Canaan NH

08/10/1846 Congress charters 'nation's attic,' Smithsonian Institution
08/10/1856 Hurricane washes away 2-300 revelers at Last Island, Louisiana
08/10/1861 Battle of Wilson's Creek MO (Springfield, Oak Hills)-Gen Lyon killed

08/10/1862 Battle of Nueces River TX
08/10/1866 Transatlantic cable laid-Pres Buchanan spoke to Queen Victoria
08/10/1877 Big Hole River: Col John Gibbon murders Nez-Perc‚ indians
08/10/1877 Phillies & Expos play a doubleheader that ends at 3:23 AM
08/10/1885 Leo Daft opens America's 1st coml operated electric streetcar (Balt)

08/10/1887 Excursion train crashes killing 101. (Chatsworth, Illinois)
08/10/1888 NY Giant pitcher Tim Keefe sets a 19 game win streak record
08/10/1893 Chinese deported from SF under Exclusion Act
08/10/1895 1st Queen's Hall Promenade Concerto (Wagners 'Rienzi')
08/10/1900 1st Davis Cup Tennis Tournament (Mass) US beats England
08/10/1901 Chic White Sox Frank Isbell strands record 11 teammate base runners
08/10/1904 Dutch newspaper Volk fires gay journalist Jacob de Cock
08/10/1907 Prince Scipone Borchesi wins Peking to Paris, 7,500 mile auto rally
08/10/1909 Algemeene Netherland Toonkunstenars Ver (ANTV) begins
08/10/1911 Parliament Act reduces power of House of Lords
08/10/1913 2nd Balkan War ends, Treaty of Bucharest, Bulgaria loses
08/10/1914 At Luik, German 12'/16.5' guns reach Belgian boundary
08/10/1914 German battle cruiser Goeben reaches Dardanellen/Turkey joins German

08/10/1914 German troops reconquer Mulhouse in Elzas
08/10/1914 Royal Nationally Steuncomit‚ forms
08/10/1916 Turks annex Persian city Hamadan from Russia
08/10/1918 M Wolf discovers asteroid #900 Rosalinde
08/10/1919 Ukrainian National Army massacres 25 Jews in Podolia Ukraine
08/10/1920 Allies recognize Poland, Czechoslovakia & Romania
08/10/1920 Treaty of SŠvres (Allies & Turkey)
08/10/1920 Turkish Govt renounces its claim to Israel, recognizes British manda

08/10/1921 FDR stricken with polio at summer home on Canadian Is of Campobello
08/10/1925 Hurricane strikes Borculo, 4 die
08/10/1926 Italian-Spanish peace treaty signed
08/10/1928 G Neujmin discovers asteroid #1110 Jaroslawa
08/10/1936 114øF (46øC) at Plain Dealing, Louisiana (state record)
08/10/1936 120øF (49øC) at Ozark, Arkansas (state record)
08/10/1938 119øF (48øC), Pendleton, Oregon (state record)
08/10/1939 2ndgovt-De Geer, forms
08/10/1940 Prince Bernhard Fund forms
08/10/1941 FDR & Churchill's 2nd meeting at Placentia Newfoundland
08/10/1942 Gen B Montgomery becomes commandant British 8th leader in N Africa
08/10/1943 Dutch submarine attacks Island Hertenbeest in NW Bali
08/10/1944 Boston Brave Red Barrett throws only 58 pitches to beat Reds 2-0
08/10/1944 Race riots in Athens Alabama
08/10/1944 US/French offensive at Alen‡on
08/10/1945 Japan announces willingness to surrender to Allies provided
08/10/1945 status of Emperor Hirohito remained unchanged
08/10/1948 ABC enters network TV at 7 PM (WJZ, NY)
08/10/1948 Allen Funt's 'Candid Camera' TV debut on ABC
08/10/1948 WABC TV channel 7 in New York, NY (ABC) begins broadcasting
08/10/1949 Heavyweight Ezzard Charles KOs Gus Lesnevich in NY
08/10/1949 Natl Military Establishment renamed Dept of Defense
08/10/1954 Neth Indonesian Union breaks up
08/10/1954 Sir Gordon Richards retires as a jockey with record 4,870 wins
08/10/1960 Discoverer 13 launched into orbit; returned 1st object from space
08/10/1960 Nicolaas Jouwe forms PANA in New-Guinea
08/10/1961 England applies for membership in European Common Market
08/10/1964 WJSP TV channel 28 in Columbus, GA (PBS) begins broadcasting
08/10/1965 Joe Engle in X-15 reaches 82 km
08/10/1966 1st lunar orbiter launched by US
08/10/1966 Daylight meteor seen from Utah to Canada. Only known case of a
08/10/1966 meteor entering Earth's atmosphere & leaving it again
08/10/1968 Race riot in Miami, Chicago & Little Rock
08/10/1972 1 million kg heavy meteorite grazes atmosphere above Canada
08/10/1973 1st BART train travels thru transbay tube to Montgomery St Station
08/10/1975 David Frost purchases exclusive rights to interview Nixon
08/10/1975 Jack Nickalus wins PGA golf tournament
08/10/1977 US & Panamana sign Panama Canal Zone accord
08/10/1978 H E Schuster discovers asteroid #3398
08/10/1979 Ecuador adopts its constitution
08/10/1979 Wings release 'Getting Closer' & 'Baby's Request'
08/10/1980 Allen, most powerful hurricane in Caribbean hits Brownsville, Tx
08/10/1980 Jack Nicklaus wins PGA championship for 5th time
08/10/1981 Coca-Cola Bottling Co agrees to pump $34 million into black business

08/10/1981 Pete Rose tops Stan Musial's NL record 3,630 hits
08/10/1981 Richard Nixon Museum in San Clemente closes
08/10/1984 Mary Decker trips on heel of Zola Budd during 3,000m Olympic run
08/10/1985 Michael Jackson buys ATV Music (every Beatle songs) for $47« million

08/10/1985 Uno Lindstron of Sweden, juggles a soccer ball 13.11 miles
08/10/1986 Billy Martin day, Yanks retire #1
08/10/1987 Flight Readiness Firing of Discovery's main engines is successfully
08/10/1988 Rodrigo Borja installed as president of Ecuador
08/10/1988 UN estimates Asia's population hits 3 billion
08/10/1990 US's Magellan spacecraft lands on Venus
08/10/1991 NFL sportscaster Paul Maquire suffers a heart attack at 53
08/10/1992 Satellite TOPEX/Poseidon launched
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