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MajorBBS Reverse Engineering

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E. Nusbaum

Sep 2, 2004, 6:07:23 PM9/2/04
So, I've been fishing through a lot of the posts on this newsgroup. It's
good to see that not only the BBS community is brought together, but also
the actual people who've worked on the software still lurk here as well.

I've recently began reverse engineering a lot of MajorBBS applications as to
register them. As you know, a lot of companies who produced software for
MajorBBS have long since gone out of business (High Velocity Software and
many, many others).

I'm reaching out to any developers out there who know a thing or two about
reverse engineering. MajorBBS DLLs are fairly easy to crack open (WIN32DASM
actually will disassemble DLLs nicely), and editing procedural applications
at the ASM level are much, much easier than OOP applications (as many
reverse engineers will tell you).

I understand that a lot of modules are still under copyright and are
currently being developed and sold (Lunatix, T-LORD, some IGMs and all the
modules being sold at Gameport), but I think there should be an open effort
at fully unlocking "abandonware" modules that obtaining
registration/activation today would be impossible.

I'm interested to hear thoughts/feedback on the subject.

- E. Nusbaum


Sep 2, 2004, 7:57:43 PM9/2/04
To: E. Nusbaum
Re: MajorBBS Reverse Engineering
By: E. Nusbaum to alt.bbs.majorbbs on Thu Sep 02 2004 04:07 pm

it's still stealing.
if I bought a brand new caddilac and decided to leave it some where and never
go back to it ever, it is still my property. if I wrote a mbbs or wg addon and
decided to forget about it, it is still mine, even thou I would rather delete
it all from my hard drive and never think about it again. like, Guile, who
wrote Crossroads of the Elements. he converted his code so it's now a self
standing game server and said he will never sell the mbbs version or a reg code
again. but it is still his.

Help! I've fallen and... Hey! nice carpet!

E. Nusbaum

Sep 2, 2004, 8:15:28 PM9/2/04
But I think sites like "The Underdogs" have a point in providing Abandonware
for free because even if I wanted to obtain a paid registered copy of TW2002
for MajorBBS (which was put out by High Velocity Software, which is no
longer in operation or contactable), I couldn't because any means of getting
a PAID registration code were dashed when HVS folded.

I say this because I even emailed the current maintainer of the TW2002
source code, who is activly developing it and inquired about the MBBS
version. When he was given the source code, nothing in it included the MBBS

So for all intents and purposes, TW2002 for MajorBBS is gone forever.

The only people who are going to make money on it will be the Sysops who
sell THEIR registration codes.

So you feel that even though it's now IMPOSSIBLE (unless I hire a PI) to get
a registered copy of TW2002 for MajorBBS, that from here until the end of
time the BEST any people setting up a board can hope for is a demo version?

Come on now.

- E.


Sep 6, 2004, 7:13:02 AM9/6/04
I like your idea. If I had any ASM knowledge to contribute I would jump on
the wagon, but I do not. There is a lot of BBS software that I would love to
be able to use, Vircom DMA Client for one, that it is impossible to get a
license for. Granted the work is still the property of its distributors, the
fact that they refuse to provide a legal means of registering the software
leaves people with little choice.

If you do start cracking I don't see any of those software vendors pressing
any charges. In fact do the companies that own the software technically
exist anymore? If not, there is technically nobody legally able to press
charges unless it is owned by a single individual. Is this correct?
(I know Vircom still exists.)


Bil Simser

Sep 6, 2004, 11:11:25 AM9/6/04
"E. Nusbaum" <> wrote in message

> I've recently began reverse engineering a lot of MajorBBS applications as
> to
> register them. As you know, a lot of companies who produced software for
> MajorBBS have long since gone out of business (High Velocity Software and
> many, many others).

Rather than reverse engineering MBBS modules, why not join the effort at and rewrite them to be
maintainable, working versions for the current WorldGroup.


Stewie Griffin

Sep 6, 2004, 1:58:14 PM9/6/04

You actually can purchase licenses to the DMA Server. Vircom charges
$500.00 for the key to DMA servers to current customers of Major TCP/IP.
If you do not have a license to TCP/IP though, I don't think they'll
sell you one.

The $500.00 includes just a key; no support.

E. Nusbaum

Sep 7, 2004, 11:32:31 AM9/7/04
I'm not a C++ developer, believe it or not ;-)

I just do reverse engineering in ASM. I've cracked four previously uncracked
MBBS/WG modules. I'm currently working on some more.

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E. Nusbaum

Sep 27, 2004, 1:12:34 PM9/27/04

I think the original goal of my post was for those modules for MajorBBS/WG
which it is now impossible to gain registration for. An example of this
would be TW2002, which was developed by High Velocity Software. HVS is now
completely defunct and you cannot find contact information on this company
even with wizard like google abilities.

I think I'm inclined to look at MBBS/WG modules as "abandonware". I mean,
MBBS 6.25 is coming up on 10 years old and some modules are older than that.
Take "Home of the Underdogs" for example (, who
offer "Abandonware" games on their site. Games that are no longer for retail
sale, nor download from the internet.

I think as far as old Module authors should be concerned, as long as nobody
is making a profit from your module (they're not running a pay board), then
there should be no issue in someone running a "hacked" version of your
software. Trying to make a buck off a free board would be dirty pool.

- E.

"Bert Rozenberg" <> wrote in message

> On Mon, 6 Sep 2004 04:13:02 -0700, MLS wrote:
> > Granted the work is still the property of its distributors, the
> > fact that they refuse to provide a legal means of registering the
> > leaves people with little choice.
> >
> > If you do start cracking I don't see any of those software vendors
> > any charges.

> You might be surprised. Those legal actions are a nice way to make some
> money with the abandon products. There was a BBS about two years ago which
> used a hacked version of one of my products. It did cost them ten times
> price of the product and are not using it anymore. I'm not seeking for
> pirated copies, but if I come across one I hand it over to my lawyer.
> --
> Bert Rozenberg
> Mountain Rose Multi Media (MajorCD, Mountain Mail, SiteSearch, Who's
> Where, The File Library Extension and more)
> ERROR! Caught pirating software.....LOADING TAPS.MOD!

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Sep 27, 2004, 6:24:43 PM9/27/04
To: Bert Rozenberg
Re: Re: MajorBBS Reverse Engineering
By: Bert Rozenberg to alt.bbs.majorbbs on Mon Sep 27 2004 10:34 pm

> On Mon, 27 Sep 2004 10:12:34 -0700, E. Nusbaum wrote:
> > I think the original goal of my post was for those modules for MajorBBS/WG
> > which it is now impossible to gain registration for. An example of this
> > would be TW2002, which was developed by High Velocity Software. HVS is now
> > completely defunct and you cannot find contact information on this company
> > even with wizard like google abilities.

> It doesn't matter. If it's not released to the public domain, somebody
> still owns it. The fact that you can't find the owner doesn't justify
> piracy.

> > I think as far as old Module authors should be concerned, as long as nobod

> > is making a profit from your module (they're not running a pay board), the

> > there should be no issue in someone running a "hacked" version of your
> > software. Trying to make a buck off a free board would be dirty pool.

> So, if I walk into your house and take everything you don't use anymore,
> it's ok as long as I don't make any money of of it? Get real!!
> When the sales of MBBS and Worldgroup dropped to zero, I made the decision
> to stop selling and supporting my products. I thought of releasing it to
> the public, but decided not to. Now you are telling me that because you
> don't agree with my decision, it's ok if you use a pirated copy?
> Please stop finding excuses for piracy; there ain't. Just do like most
> ISV's did in the past: buy some programming tools, get a course in
> programming and start writing your own modules. That's what I did. I wrote
> MBBS addons to make my own non-profit BBS better, not to make money (which
> I in the long run did).
> --
> Bert Rozenberg
> Stop fighting Spam, Start Ignoring it.
> I'll need some information first.

err, can I get license keys for you mbbs addons?

Fr Corey Blake OSB


Sep 28, 2004, 12:32:31 AM9/28/04
err, can I get license keys for you mbbs addons?
> Fr Corey Blake OSB

i'm interested too....(assuming they are not for like 1995 prices)....what
would be avail...maybe a pkg license deal for whatever you may have reg key
generation stuff for...bulk deal...etc

also i THINK what was being discussed in the pre posts is modules that are
truely abandonaware....not someone still avail like bert that would still
make his reg keys available (i assume) for a fee...

as for the others...well...i'm afraid are gone for good...(unless they are
lurking in this newsgroup...speak up we are looking for you)..prev .mbbs/wg
authors ...
some other authors MAY??? want to make it public domain like galactic
empire...others may not...(and speaking up helps like bert) but at least a
person knows and has options...others truely out of it i've no
to handle that....

anyway....what some old mbbs or wg authors (assuming this conversation
brings a few more out of the wood work)...what they may want to charge for
stuff..well that might be a different story...and a different thread....but
some people want to run a wg or mbbs system (legit) and either got given
(legit) the stuff from an old sysop who got out of the hobby or even
purchased after gcom may have been no more (like majormud xfers off ebay
and such thru shannon at these guys have no idea where to
look for this stuff..legit stuff that maybe getting some authors to
speak up here will clear some of that up

but even if this old mbbs/wg revial project brings some more out of the wood
work..thats a good thing...its not like gcomm or worldgroupware or cheersoft
(remember them..jeez talk about a poster child for abandonware..they really
went poof)....are even looking at this newsgroup anymore may be a lot of this is just not worth it to prev module
makers..i still hear that vircom will sell you their version of TCP/IP for
$500 bucks but that hardly pays when you can get synchronet bbs pkg freeware
that runs under win32 for free ( and rig something up to
your mbbs/wg system that way..but they will sell you the the
price is to high..but that again is another thread....

anyway...thats my 2c worth...and it prob an't worth that much....


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Sep 28, 2004, 5:23:53 AM9/28/04
to your case...abandonware means you are not making reg keys or
whatever avail for sale or just wrapped the works up?

seems a shame ...but that is your choice and fine by me...

but i'd like to see other former (or as the case may be) current mbbs/wg
types clarify their positons also...(assuming they are on this group that
is)..and i mean the non-easily findable ones...not places like dialsoft or
majormud etc that are easy to find for legit purchases or upgrades..some of
the more obscure authors of mbbs/wg stuff ......who people are having
trouble tracking down for reg keys or whatever...

anyway...thanks for the clarification it is a helpful clarification to those
of us who still try to do things legit in the mbbs/wg area....

again my 2c worth


"Bert Rozenberg" <> wrote in message


> On Mon, 27 Sep 2004 23:32:31 -0500, brad wrote:
> > also i THINK what was being discussed in the pre posts is modules that
> > truely abandonaware....not someone still avail like bert that would
> > make his reg keys available (i assume) for a fee...

> Nope, I've made my products abandonaware too. But they are still my
> products. They are mine and I'm the only one who can decide what happens
> with it, not somebody who's unable to find me, not somebody who's not
> making profit, just me.

> --
> Bert Rozenberg
> Stop fighting Spam, Start Ignoring it.

> You've gotta be pretty desperate to pay someone to have sex with you.


Sep 28, 2004, 10:51:43 AM9/28/04
To: brad

Re: Re: MajorBBS Reverse Engineering
By: brad to alt.bbs.majorbbs on Tue Sep 28 2004 12:32 am

like some people have found out vircom will still sell thier stuff,
if you bug them, full retail, and no support or refunds.

Fr Corey Blake OSB

E. Nusbaum

Sep 29, 2004, 1:59:43 PM9/29/04

"Bert Rozenberg" <> wrote in message
> On Mon, 27 Sep 2004 23:32:31 -0500, brad wrote:
> Nope, I've made my products abandonaware too. But they are still my
> products. They are mine and I'm the only one who can decide what happens
> with it, not somebody who's unable to find me, not somebody who's not
> making profit, just me.

So just to understand what you're saying. You would rather NOBODY use your
software from now until the end of time (even though demo/shareware versions
still lurk). And you wont release the programs to the public domain EVEN
THOUGH you no longer offer registration.

So you're taking your ball and going home?

- E.

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E. Nusbaum

Sep 29, 2004, 3:16:15 PM9/29/04

"Bert Rozenberg" <> wrote in message

> So, if I walk into your house and take everything you don't use anymore,
> it's ok as long as I don't make any money of of it? Get real!!

Pretty much. I do believe thats why places like the salvation army exist. I
have a closet full of computer hardware I no longer use that I give away to
my friends. This last week I handed out almost a gig of PC2100 and also a
Ti4600 I no longer use. What, you think I should just sit on it and let it
collect dust? If I cant use it nobody can?

Sounds selfish if you ask me.

> When the sales of MBBS and Worldgroup dropped to zero, I made the decision
> to stop selling and supporting my products. I thought of releasing it to
> the public, but decided not to. Now you are telling me that because you
> don't agree with my decision, it's ok if you use a pirated copy?

Your decision doesn't make any sense because its just you saying "No" for
the purpose of saying "No". If you're no longer selling your product, and
not making any money off of it, how would you be affected by at least
releasing a keygen for your products? Your cash flow (of $0) from the
MajorBBS products wouldn't go DOWN any. Now would it?

> Please stop finding excuses for piracy; there ain't. Just do like most
> ISV's did in the past: buy some programming tools, get a course in
> programming and start writing your own modules. That's what I did. I wrote
> MBBS addons to make my own non-profit BBS better, not to make money (which
> I in the long run did).

Your logic of me having to reinvent the wheel every time I would like a
program is very counter productive to the MarjorBBS community. We're just
hobbyists who would like to keep an aspect of past computing alive.

Also, please stop finding excuses for making yourself not sound like a man
who has control issues. You sounded like a child having a tantrum when you

"Nope, I've made my products abandonaware too. But they are still my
products. They are mine and I'm the only one who can decide what happens
with it, not somebody who's unable to find me, not somebody who's not
making profit, just me."

Perhaps you should take some time to think and collect your thoughts.

Come back when you have something CONSTRUCTIVE to add to the MajorBBS

- E.

E. Nusbaum

Sep 29, 2004, 3:38:22 PM9/29/04

"Bert Rozenberg" <> wrote in message
> Point is that that might be the decision I made for today and because I
> the products I can decide otherwise tomorrow and change my mind again next
> week. Just like you do with that old computer (or whatever) in your
> basement. It's there, you don't use it, nobody uses it. Tomorrow you can
> decide you're going sell it, next week you can decide to give it away,
> month you can decide to throw it away and change your mind again and leave
> it in the basement. None of those decisions will justify that somebody
> takes it from your basement just because you're not using it and they
> buy it.

I'm not saying you lose your rights as the developer and owner. If you dont
want to release your program public domain, fine, your choice. BUT, if you
dont provide a facility for people to register your application, don't
complain if people work around that. You bring it upon yourself.

> There's one thing I never changed my mind about: If I stumble on a pirated
> copy of any of my products, the person will pay through its nose. I
> successfully took legal action in the past and will do that in the future
> too. It's an easy way to make some money of those products :-)

And I don't see how saying things like that will win anyone over. Makes you
sound like a snake who doesn't offer registration for his apps so people
WILL crack it, so you can find them and make money off them.

As I said, dirty pool.

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Sep 29, 2004, 9:12:24 PM9/29/04

>>There's one thing I never changed my mind about: If I stumble on a pirated
>>copy of any of my products, the person will pay through its nose. I
>>successfully took legal action in the past and will do that in the future
>>too. It's an easy way to make some money of those products :-)
> And I don't see how saying things like that will win anyone over. Makes you
> sound like a snake who doesn't offer registration for his apps so people
> WILL crack it, so you can find them and make money off them.
> As I said, dirty pool.

I think Bert was talking tongue-in-cheek - he doesn't WANT to go after
people, but he is saying that he will.

It's incrementally easier for him to make money just selling it.

Why ISN'T he selling it? You have to understand, for a professional
developer like Bert, he has a semblance of pride in his work. He is not
willing to sell it, for good money, and then not be able to support it.
If he sells a copy of Major CD to a Sysop for, say, $150, and there's a
problem, and he sold it without support, then his software, and he as a
developer, gets a bad name. It's better to not offer the product for a
while until such time as either (a) he has time to do it right with
support and updates, or (b) someone comes along and buys the rights, and
supports it.

It's much more involved than sell vs not sell - Vircom feels the same
way, thats why Sylvain only sells DMA licenses (no support) to CURRENT
owners. Otherwise, he makes no sales.



Sep 30, 2004, 1:25:57 AM9/30/04
i am probably opening a can of worms here .but here goes...this is my
kinda.... contrary..way....of how to get big wg system (back in the day..or
at least at its twighlight)...which flies in the face of logic...oppisite of
how pay boards got big in the wg arena..back in the day..then how we did
it.....just a point of reference that may be different then some places like was the business end... was the salvation army at the other you will see
from below...i needed the realmud type pay boards (the big ones) from back
in the day in order for what happened below with the lost gonzo bbs to
thrive....but hopefully it will provide some different perspective..on how
large system developers/ sysops/pay bbs's from back in the day approached
what to do with there equip or licenses or whatever..when a lot of them
moved on to the ISP area or $$$ or otherwise..and got out of worldgroup
modem based pay systems......a lot of them did NOT bury or toss or keep
their wg stuff .or sued or kept it at old prices (vircom) etc etc .they gave
it to us...kinda wierd how this all works...but hopefully rambling here i
can make it a little more clear below

not to rattle anyone cages...but i've had the exact reverse experience from
some others on the newsgroup....i've prob been way too much the other way in
my worldgroup other words..everyone always knew i ran a
hobby board for free..they knew it was just 3-4 knot heads...just mucking
around ..trying not to loose too much $$$ but not really making any when developers had a change of heart and wg tanked..and they
did not want their wg setups equip or whatever anymore..i'd trip over these
guys in the newsgroup or whatever.they'd just ship the works to
me....because our free type bbs circumstances..i was not using their hard
earned programing stuff for a profit or whatever.......yet...when we got it
and perm to use it or whatever..their programing skills module or equip ....
it was still not dead and buried..they could see it in use once in
awhile....log on....and feel like it was being put to good use.....i'm sure
other developers and people running system just shot it to the dumpster or
whatever...but for awhile my bbs setup was another option was the
salvation army for wg junk for a bit....for example one time i had a
conversation with a guy (developer) and he said he was gonna ship me an
electronic keyboard/vga/mouse belkin type controller...and what arrived was
his 96 line wg setup modules etc..and signed perm xfer letter and the
line.."put it to good use" ....that was a pretty good day...

mainly because i was offering a free bbs setup..they figured i'm not just
gonna take their products and use them to make money...and they could get a
warm fuzzy feeling....and this was no small amount of people that did
this....i got prob 8 major systems *by major systems more then 32lines with
etc etc) and assorted other stuff...that cost 10's of 1000's of bucks in
the day..but as a non-threatening free type bbs setup....cooperatively (4
sysops) it worked guite well for awhile....i had the same theory with
sysops...there were like 4 guys in town ...all were gonna run little hobby
boards or did..well why don't we get together and have some beers and pool
the $$$ we would have spent running a dinky little bbs alone...and run a
good sized mbbs/wg setup...(hey....14.4 slip connections were 125 bucks a
month..and splitting the costs of some of the more expensive wg stuff 4 ways
sure helped...not to mention 1/4 of the cost...when a hd blew up or some

anyway...then the system got huge enough ....a guy who ran a non-local isp
wanted to break into my protected market (local teleco) and again because we
were non-profit and therefore somewhat non-threatening...he put a T1 line in
my house for free...(i still have the 3k of equip hanging off the side of my
house.....ready to do this again...offers??????) i.e...we watched the T1
equip and USR Hub etc..and the wg setup could run on the T1 on the side for
free (thats when i started to get majormud licenses ...and xfered them via
the majormud people)... and this was ALL DONE ON A HANDSHAKE...the guy
dumps like 20k of stuff at my house.T1 equip...and it was all verbal...well
then things continued to go down hill for gcomm and wg and i started to get
even more stuff....

but alas...the sysops moved away from the small town we are at....(dang
.....nasa.....unysis..etc) and got real jobs ...they were supposed to stick
around and drink beer with me and run this thing for the next 40 years...i
was replaced by high paying jobs and hot wives....a true nerd conversion

and the T1 guy got gobbled up...and made his millions and the ISP tech
support etc all moved to sioux falls, sd...(that is what is outsourcing to
minnesota)..bye bye T1

but i still have the stuff...and i prob could get 4 sysops eventually
together again and lever the whole beast back up and ..the carnaval would go
on....maybe i will

but as i said....this direction sure worked well (i've also got a good story
on an ebay purchase of a 10K product..(current one) ..dumped on ebay right
after the big dotcom crash....on liguidation for a buy it now of 100
bucks......and a successful swap back for wg the
developer/company...but..thats another story.......some of those lawyers did
not do their research on the old ebay sale on the license etc..they wanted
it back bad...)..but again.these former wg sysops...current
ISP's.....programmers/ developers...figured heck ..we are...not being
used..gonna get written off...gonna sit on a shelf....gonna get
tossed..well..heck lets just donate it to those guys setup....and heck at
least i can pop on once in awhile and see the work i used to do as a
developer in the wg world....still gets some use.....or so i assume that is
why the stuff went to me and not to the dumpster...also a lot of these
people went on to make $$$ as ISP's they prob could have made 1000 or more
bucks off this stuff if they sold it..but thats hard to do if you have like
50k heck was not the problem..they did not want sold
for someone else to potentially make $$$ off their work (again not to rattle
any cages ..just stating a postion that is legit) again ..handshake
kinda arrangement....i got it ...or i should say have a basement
full of the stuff

and all said and done ...i've prob made no more in $$$ and no less then
anyone who was running around trying to make $$$ off the long
run....especially after the least from a wg expense viewpoint..we
broke even on the whole works..considering the fun we had doing it...i'm
sure that
is somewhat more hard to justify if you lost 50k in a wg setup....

anyway.....the people i got the stuff from got warm fuzzys for keeping some
of their equip up and alive...modules or whatever ...on the free setup i
had....and we had a lot of fun....

anyway......and just so anyone wants to know...all this was done legit with
xfers etc...a lot of times just the fact the bbs was free and on a free T1 a
guy would just give me a converted reg code on the phone for a module i got
from another system or whatever...he made..just to see it up and used on a
free himself or anyone...or a modest fee like majormud (i really
liked getting majormud 256 license with 3 modules for i think at the time a
50 buck xfer fee..and that worked well in the future too..for them in that i
bought another (or i should say users bought/donated) 4 more modules at like
$125 the majormud people by making their xfers
reasonable....made i think $550 bucks on something orig under another
license...and it was kept alive as a cash flow

anyway...this open approach or co-op approach or whatever you want to call
it worked well for us...our niche so to speak...but for me right now the
sticking point is the location i'm at is a univ town..and people seem to
come and go much more rapidly now....if you have a job its ok you stay..if
you don't you prob have to find a job elsewhere.....but maybe i'll trip over
some guys who want to do this again around here and the whole merry go round
will startup again

anyway...again my 2c worth..another way to look at all this...not
necessarily the only way...for example dialsoft and still
seem to do ok a pay etc...with the T4c game and prowler as well with lunitix
etc.etc..but we werre poor and stuck out in the boonies..(heck i still am)
so that was our only gets creative with no money....

but with my time constraints and lack of progamming skills and just that
with 4 guys it was like 25% of the work and cost.....we sure had a pretty
great time

former sysop (sigh still down)

p.s. our board went up in 1991 and with mbbs 6.12 in 1994.....and lasted
till fall 2002 under this arrangement.....just for your info on how long we
did this....but people don't stick around areas as much anymore....sigh

p.p.s. move to mankato, minnesota...the winters are nice and breezy..i need
four ...let me rephrase that lever the beast back

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Sep 30, 2004, 10:53:42 AM9/30/04
Bert Rozenberg <> wrote:

> On Wed, 29 Sep 2004 12:16:15 -0700, E. Nusbaum wrote:
>>> So, if I walk into your house and take everything you don't use anymore,
>>> it's ok as long as I don't make any money of of it? Get real!!
>> Pretty much. I do believe thats why places like the salvation army exist.
> We live in different country's so I don't know how the salvation army works
> in your country. In my country they don't walk into your house and take
> everything you don't use anymore. Instead they wait until you make the
> decision to give it to them.

While it's my personal opinion that Mr. Rozenberg is a petulant little
twerp, you cannot deny his ownership of whatever bit of software
that started this argument in the first place.

Using it publicly without his authorization is illegal. So is using it
privately, but for him to prove it he has to gain entry into your home
and unless he's got a warrant the only thing it'll get him (at least in
my case) is an appointment with whatever Medical Examiner was on duty
when he made the poor choice to force his way into someone's home.

If his software is _that_ important to you, you can always reverse
engineer it and release the result under the GPL. That way everyone
can get the same benefit you do, without the legal encumbrance.

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Don Andrews

Oct 1, 2004, 11:44:41 PM10/1/04
Good post, Brad.
I ran a teeny weeny little 8-line MBBS system in Pickering, Ontario that was
free to my firends... pretty much the only major draw was newsgroups,
teleconference and TradeWars contests... and I even bought a licenced copy
of MajorCD to serve out NightOwl shareware CDs to my buddies.

I had a 'donation' type setup (I guess todays analogy would be a paypal
donation type thingy) that gave you double the average time online per day -
but that was only for the guys who were serious TW players...

So it's almost 10 years later, and I'm dusting off my software and looking
at all these online communities built on PHP and some package like NUKE, and
all they're trying to do is create a different kind of BBS... it's a lot
more impersonal, but a BBS it is nonetheless.

Well, I've decided to do something about my old geek-hobby of running a BBS,
and re-up my MBBS system... most of my modules seem to work better under
MBBS than WG (I own licences to versions up until WG3.0). I even own a copy
of TWGS from EIS... nice guy there gave me a free licence for TW2002 v3 for
free cause I have HVS licences and he honors them as well for upgrades.

Long story short, we're not in this to make money (anymore). It's something
we do for fun, and possibly to reminice about days gone by and friends long

Anyways, not much of a point to this post other than to say I'm re-upping my
BBS so the old OASIS Online from Pickering, ON will be reborn The Cavalier
BBS running out of Whitby, ON.

If anyone's still around who logged onto my bbs in the mid-90's you're very
welcome to drop by...


(until I get a real DNS name....)


Don aka Orion
Former Sysop, OASIS Online - now The Cavalier BBS.

P.S. Hey, Bert - can you resend me my old Major CD activation codes? LOL.

"brad" <> wrote in message


Oct 3, 2004, 9:39:50 AM10/3/04
Hi! I tried to log on, but no response.....

Don Andrews

Oct 4, 2004, 10:04:35 PM10/4/04
Whoops! had the firewall set wrong... should be back up now... forgive any
temporary glitches... still remembering all the little tweaks to getting
this running...


"RamDemon" <> wrote in message

Russell Sprague (Kingfox)

Jan 5, 2024, 12:22:13 PMJan 5
On Tuesday, September 28, 2004 at 12:32:31 AM UTC-4, brad wrote:
> but even if this old mbbs/wg revial project brings some more out of the wood
> work..thats a good thing...its not like gcomm or worldgroupware or cheersoft
> (remember them..jeez talk about a poster child for abandonware..they really
> went poof)....are even looking at this newsgroup anymore

At least one person from Cheersoft saw this, eventually.
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