The Christchurch BBS Listing (C) Craig Shore 1994
This listing compiled 22nd February 1994
1. The main listing of all bbs's [*LIS]
2. The Network node listings [*NET]
3. Speed key [*SPE]
4. Update contact information [*UPD]
5. Where to find a new copy of this list [*WHE]
If the hours for a bbs are not listed, it's 24hour
If the fees are not listed, it's free.
Abacab BBS (Daniel Oakes,Jonn-Paul Lambie)
3831457 (V.32bis/V.42bis)
Fees: $10 p/a for node 2
Files:Amiga + .MOD (soundtracker) files
Software:Star-Net v1.02a
Amiga Info mkII (David Hassall,John Davis)
3797564 (V.32bis / V.42bis)
Software:Falcon 1.0r
Notes:Large amiga files area.
ChCh amiga users group messages, Amiga Tech Support
Address:31 Clarence St
The Beavis and Butthead Network. (Beavis, Abdul Clamwhacker)
3857548,3325081 (V.32bis/V.42bis, V.32bis/V.42bis)
Software:Remote Access 2.01
Notes:Alias's welcome. QWK offline reader. Free internet FTP.
The Pit, Registered version. BRE. RiP216 Graphics and Desgin
group BASE.
Cashmere High School (Patrick Jordan-Smith,Mike Atherton,
Mike Mitchell,Ben Ryan)
3324847 (V.22bis)
Software:Remote Access 1.11
Notes:Education message bases
Castrovalva (Mary Brown,Sue Brown,Dean Gray)
(03) 6885934 (V.32bis/V.42bis) [Timaru]
Fees: $10 per year (local subboards), or $5 per mth/$50 per year (Door
Games, Fido, SL-Net etc).
Files:IBM, Amiga
Software:Searchlight 3.5A
Notes:Megaread, Valence, SLQwik Supported. Also doors
games (some registered).
A/H Sysop (voice): (03) 6889788 [Timaru]
Address: Mary Brown, Fairview, R.D.2, Timaru.
Connection II (Chris Flemming, Kirk McMillan, Nick Withers)
3553896 (V.22)
Software:Commnett 10.15
Notes:ChCh Commodore Users Group
The Danger Zone (Paul Stringer,James O'Donnell,Todd Flygenring)
3528586 (V.22bis)
Software:Maximus CBCS v2.00
PO Box:20082, Bishopdale, ChCh
A/H Sysop (voice): 352-4730 (after 6 PM weekdays, and usually
anytime on weekends)
Direct Access (Todd Flygenring)
3523448 (V.22bis)
Software:Remote Access 2.01
Notes: Will change to 24hr on a new number soon.
EcoLink BBS (Justin McErlian, Robert Hunt)
3597438 (V.22bis)
Software:Searchlight 3.0-m Reg#2002
Notes: Education, Green Issues, Int'l Echos, Contact & Commercial
Business. CD-Rom - MS-Dos, Windows.
Equinox Networks (Geoff McCaughan, Pete Moore, Mark Tomlinson)
3854406 stepping to -->,3854407,3854408,3854409
(V.22bis, V.22bis/MNP5, V.22bis/V.42bis, V.32bis/V.42bis)
3856814 (V.32bis/V.42bis ZyXel) } These 2 lines take only
3851936 (V.32bis/V.42bis) } high speed connections.
Fees: Free, Fee for Internet access.
Files: All systems supported - created on demand,main interest amiga & unix
Software: DiaLog Professional + Tin newsreader + Elm mailer
Notes: Connected live to internet 24hrs. Internet users can UUCP for
offline mail and news reading. Telnet & FTP available to subscribers
Toll calls through Clear Communications made to this system will
automatically receive 10% extra discount.
If the system is down or functioning incorrectly, please phone one
of the people listed below within those hours.
PO Box: 22-651,ChCh
A/H Sysop Voice: Geoff 385-2101 (7am - Midnight)
Pete 384-3545 (8am - 10:30pm)
Mark 383-1936 (9am - 10:30pm)
Phil 365-1448 (8am - 9pm)
FaXination (Phil Anderson)
3845138 (V.32bis V.42bis)
Files: Scientific
Software: Maximus v2.01wb
Notes: Science Orientated
Back issues of NZ Science Monthly available for d/l
Borland msg/file areas in support of Paradox/Database Users Group
Flying High (Martin Nieuwelaar)
3487032 (V.22bis)
Hours:10.30pm - 1am, 7 days
Notes:Files based, small message area.
This BBS is also an email archive server for South Island
internet users.. send mail to
with the word 'help' in the message body.
General Support (Phil - PC General ChCh)
3387100 (V.22bis)
Software:Searchlight 2.25C-m
Notes:CD-ROM, SLQWK offline reader
Infinity BBS (Grant Thomas)
3845696 (V.32bis, V.42bis)
Files: IBM
Software: Remote Access 2.01
A/H Sysop (voice): 384-9571
Notes: QWK & Silver Xpress offline readers. RANET Support BBS
Many Online games, Some registered. And many of the latest Doors
avaiable to Download or Freq
Julies BBS (Julie Abbott,Paula Sillars)
3328940 (V.22bis)
Files: Sound Modules.
Software: Searchlight 3.5 Reg#1995
Notes: SL/Blue, Valence QWK & SLQwik offline readers.
Just Another BBS (Danny Boskell, Anna McGill)
3499456 (V.22bis)
Last Byte BBS (Roger Nesbitt, Justin Currie)
3587594 (V.32bis/V.42bis)
Files:IBM,Amiga (CD-ROM)
Software:Searchlight 3.5 reg#2004
Notes:Valence QWK, BlueWave, offline readers. Point nodes. Fax Service.
Lone Ranger BBS (Morris Thompson, Julie Thompson)
389-5512 (V.22bis)
Hours:10pm - 4pm
Software:RA 2.01
Midi-Maze BBS (Dennis Collins,Glen Edmondson)
3855391 (V.22bis)
Hours:8.00pm - 9.00am
Files:Midi music files
Software:Remote access 2.01
Notes:Midi support bbs.
Mirth Control (Daniel Ayers)
3890898,3890060 (V.32bis/V.42bis),(V.32bis/V.42bis)
Fees:Node 2 free. Node 1 free for 4800bps or faster, otherwise $20p.a.
Internet email available, $30p.a. + email charges (NZ free)
Files: DOS, OS/2, Fidonet, Technical info, UUCP
Software: Maximus CBCS v2.01wb
Notes: QWK offline reader, Point nodes for FIDO etc, UUCP email feeds
Home of NZBBS list.
PO Box:20-082, Bishopdale , ChCh
Modems Not Included (David Robb)
3588253 (V.22bis)
Files:IBM, Amiga
Software:SearchLight 2.25C-m
Mr Chitlinn's Blind Baby Farm BBS (Glen Hodgman, Michael Hutchinson)
3390232 (V.22bis)
Files: Amiga, IBM, Other formats if requested.
Software: MAXSBBS 1.52
Never Never Lande (Paul Sexstone, Terry Summers)
3811088,3892353,3895392 (V.32,V.32bis/V.42bis,V.22bis)
Files:IBM,Amiga,Atari ST,C64
Software:Wildcat v3.55s
Notes:Door Games. Barren Realms Elite hub (networked door game)
Auto Stepped phone lines from node 3
PO Box:24-197, Linwood
A/H Sysop (voice): 3810382
Night Eye (Stuart Whelan)
3390115 (V.32bis/V.42bis)
Files: IBM/Amiga
Software: Searchlight 3.5
Notes: Vga Planets
On Line Support (John Clarke,Donald Campbell)
3667324,3772324 (V.32bis/V.42bis, V.32bis/V.42bis)
Fees:Node 1 Free, Node 2 $35 p/a
Software:Searchlight 3.01-M Reg#2001
Notes:ChCh Hub for SLNET,SI Searchlight Support,Megaread & SLQWK offline
PO Box:3153,ChCh
A/H Sysop (voice):365-6226
Outer Limits (Shawn Fuller)
3889021 (V.32bis/V.42bis/MNP)
Files:Amiga, IBM
Notes:Door games
Pirates II BBS (John Walker,John Larsen)
3859998 (V.22)
Software:Erebus v5.92
Notes:Commodore Colour & Graphics
Planet Melmac (Murray Cameron)
3486522 (V.32bis/V.42bis)
Fees:Donations encouraged
Software:Searchlight 3.0-m
Notes:Windows files. Megaread & SLQWK offline readers
PO Box:8694,ChCh
Polyvox IV (Peter Ellens -ChCh Polytech)
3649027,3798567 (V.32bis/V.42bis, V.32)
Files:IBM, Heaps of STM's + GIF's
Software:Searchlight 2.25D-m
Notes:SLQWK offline reader, Networked with ChCh Polytech's LAN
Fax: 3649027
Prompt/2 (Steve Carr/Sue Townsend)
3798522 (V32bis, V42bis)
Fees: $20/year
Files for: OS/2,Windows,NT,DOS
Software: Maximus/2 V2.01wb
A/H Sysop (voice): 365-7518
PO Box: 3712, Chch
Fax: 379-0983 (by arrangement)
Notes: QWK offline reader, OS/2 User Group BBS
Psybernet (Walter Logeman,Reg Smith)
3656876 (V.32bis/V.42bis)
Fees: $60 pa
Software: RA 2.01
A/H Sysop (voice): 377-1206 (24 hr answer phone)
PO Box: 13543 ChCh
Fax: 377-1207
Notes: Silver Xpress offline reader, QWK and OPX packets. BBS for
Psychological Telecomputing, dreams, unconscious, relationships.
Consulting and on-line groups. In 'Beta testing' stage.
Quantum Leap (Michael Blair)
3890785 (V.32bis/V.42bis)
Files:IBM - CDROM, Amiga
Software:Maximus v2.01wb
Notes:CD-Roms - Simtel, GigaByte Gold, NightOwl
PO Box: c/o- 22-111, ChCh
Realm of Insanity (Seth Wagoner)
3386461 (V.22bis)
Files: IBM
Software: Searchlight 2.25D-m
Notes: Aliases permitted. High volume local message traffic.
Red Dwarf (Michael Dawson, Bridget Duggan)
3287741 (V.22bis)
Files: IBM
Software: Searchlight 2.25c
A/H Sysop (voice): 328-8867 before 9pm
Address: 14 Brittan Tce, Lyttelton
Fax: 328-7451
Notes: Valence Offline Reader
Remote Access (Graeme Kerr, Ewan Crafts)
3493236,3496008 (V.32bis/V.42bis, V.32bis/V.42bis)
Files: IBM
Software: Remote Access 2.01
Address: 28 Bicknor Street Christchurch NZ
Fax: 3496008
Notes: Major carrier of K-12 Education Network for schools.
2nd node is for mail only, no bbs access.
Renegade BBS (Calvin Broadhurst)
3595000 (V.22bis)
Software:Renegade 12-21beta
Notes:Oasis net unavailable at the moment.
Searing Wet (Scott McNabb)
3320813 (V.32bis/V.42bis)
Files: VGA Planets Utilities, Ren'n'Stimpy, Beavis'n'Butthead
Software: Maximus 2.01wb
Notes: Vaguely gaming orientated, many on-going VGA Planets games,
registered doorgames, QWK and Bluewave off-line readers. Some
read-only usenet newsgroups.
Short Circit BBS (Johnny Five)
3795559 (V.22bis)
Software: cbase 128 v2.01
Address: c/- 25 cross street chch,
Simplicity (John Haines)
3520688 (V.22bis)
Files:Atari 8-bit,Atari ST,C64,C128,Amiga
Software:Oasis 4.8
Notes:Atari 8-bit & IBM offline readers
Source Board (Ed & Mike Sickmann)
3656301 (V.32bis/V.42bis)
Hours: 6p-8a weekdays, 24hr w/e
Files: Mainly source code
Software: Searchlight 3.0
Notes: Programing oriented BBS
Sourthern Vortex (Chris Pheloung, Nicholas Mackechnie, Cary Yee)
3886655,3886677,3882323 (all V.32bis/V.42bis)
Fees:Node 3 $10 pa
Files:IBM + CD-Rom,Amiga
Software:Searchlight 3.5-m Reg#1269
Notes:Offline readers / Point nodes, Official K12 site
A/H Sysop Voice:Chris - 388-5555, Nick 342-9211
Supersystem IV (Bob Curwood)
3890830,3898608 (V.32bis/V.32bis)
Fees: For node 2
Files: IBM,Amiga,Atari,Mac,Spark,Sun
Software: Searchlight 3.0-m reg#203
Notes: 17 CD-ROM's, Megaread & SLQWK Offline Readers
Techno BBS (Glen Edmondson,Dennis Collins)
3661031 (V.22bis)
Hours: 10:00pm - 8:00am
Files: .MODS,.VOCS, MOD & VOC Utilities, Players, Samplers etc
Software: Remote Access V1.11
Notes: Bluewave Offline Reader
Terminal Violation (Nigel Lilley)
3478711,3478168 (V.32bis/V.42bis,V.32bis/V.42bis)
Files:MOD's VOC's and GIF's
Software:Remote Access v1.11
The Terrier (Jeremy Harding, Imogen de la Bere)
3771541 (V.22bis)
Software:Maximus/2 v2.01
Notes:This board is available only to pre-registered users.
Please call 366-7582 to discuss registration.
This BBS is used to exchange information within S. Michael's Parish, and
for SPCK:NZ administration. Te Deum writers are also encouraged to submit
articles through this medium. Other users may be welcome under various
criteria (mostly arbitary).
Address:15 Elm Grove, Christchurch 1.
A/H Sysop (voice) :366-7582
Tony's (Tony Hall, Greg Brackley)
3831155 (V.32bis/V.42bis)
Fees:Full access $5 per month
Software:Maximus 2.01
Notes:Hub for Fido,Fido mail hour 4a-7a
PO Box:5104, ChCh
A/H Sysop Voice:3831146
The Trashcan BBS (Chris Hellyar)
3799345,3655456,3657048 (V.32bis/V.42bis, V.22bis, V.22bis)
Fees:Node 3 $30 pa or $10 per 1/4
Files:IBM, Mac, Atari ST
Software:Searchlight 3.5-m
Notes:Megaread & QWK offline readers. Point Nodes
Node 3 fees may be paid by Visa/MC.
PO Box:5302, ChCh
A/H Sysop Voice:Chris 379-9123
AD-Net (Doornet) (22/02/94)
Cashmere High school 124:643/10
Infinity 124:643/1 (Hub)
Remote access 124:643/3
Searing wet 124:643/5
Terminal violation 124:643/9
AmigaNet (17/02/94)
Abacab 41:643/160
Outer Limits 41:643/145
Astronet (26/10/93)
Infinity 30:1045/1 (Hub)
Searing Wet 30:1045/30
On Line Support 51:801/40
Project Bluebook 51:801/48
Beavis & BuTTheaDs
Demi-Monde (23/10/93)
Julie's 199:610/70
Last Byte 199:610/80
Mirth Control 199:610/1 (Hub)
Modems Not Included 199:610/10
Quantum Leap 199:610/20
Searing Wet 199:610/100
FidoNet (23/10/93)
Abacab 3:770/160
Cashmere High School 3:770/240
EcoLink 3:770/130
FaXination 3:770/205
Infinity 3:770/225
Julie's BBS 3:770/195
Last Byte BBS 3:770/220
Mirth Control 3:770/140 (Hub)
Modems Not Included 3:770/175
Never Never Lande 3:770/155
Night Eye 3:770/215
On Line Support 3:770/120
Outer Limits 3:770/145
Polyvox IV 3:770/150
Project Bluebook 3:770/245
Prompt/2 3:770/135
Quantum Leap 3:770/200
Remote Access 3:770/115
Searing Wet 3:770/230
Southern Vortex 3:770/505
Terminal Violation 3:770/210
The Terrier 3:770/235
Tony's 3:770/101 (Hub)
The Trashcan 3:770/180
Never Never Lande 85:100/10
InfoLink Net (07/10/93)
======== ===
Abacab 46:110/60
Adzetech Clan 46:110/170
Eco Link 46:110/150
Infinity BBS 46:110/80
Last Byte 46:110/20
Lone Ranger 46:110/180
Modems Not Included 46:110/30 (Hub)
Never Never Lande 46:110/90
Night Eye 45:110/120
Outer Limits 46:110/130
Project Bluebook 46:110/190
Quantum Leap 46:110/100
Remote Access 46:110/50
Trashcan 46:110/110
Internet (Known ChCh nodes only) (07/10/93)
Equinox Networks
Polygon BBS (Timaru)
Mirth Control
Canterbury University
Lincoln University
Christchurch Polytech
Christchurch Medical School
NZ Online
Trimble Navigation
Network Dynamics Ltd
Integrated Mapping
Transportation & Traffic Systems
Gough Technology Ltd
Hindin Communications
Crown Research Institute (ex DSIR)
Industrial Research Limited
Christchurch City Council
Canterbury Area Health Board
International Antarctic Centre
INTL NET (16/11/93)
Modems not Inclueded 58:7400/30
Terminal Violation 58:7400/40
Javine (2/12/93)
Ecolink 72:100/20
Julie's 72:100/10 (HUB)
The Last Byte 72:100/30
Remedy 72:100/25
Terminal Violation 72:100/35
MAXNET (17/02/94)
Abacab 90:301/0 (hub)
Outer Limits 90:301/30
Modems Not Included 90:301/40
Southern Vortex 90:301/60
Never-Net (26/10/93)
Infinity 41:418/150
Modems Not Included 41:418/120
Never Never Lande 41:418/0 (Hub)
Night Eye 41:418/190
On Line Support 41:418/160
Remote Access 41:418/170
Searing Wet 41:418/180
Trashcan 41:418/130
Renegade BBS #060
Short Circuit #061
Simplicity #019 (Hub for NZ & OZ)
RA-NET (1/11/93)
Remote access 179:615/0 (Hub)
Infinity 179:6151/20
SIG NET (16/11/93)
Last Byte 28:1600/115
Terminal Violation 28:1600/140
Modems not Inclueded 28:1600/110
SL-NET (8/10/93)
The Blackhole 250:700/2003
Ecolink 250:700/2002
Julie's 250:700/1995
Last Byte 250:700/2004
Modems Not Included 250:700/1382
Night Eye 250:700/1779
Online Support 250:700/578 Hub
Planet Melmac 250:700/365
Southern Vortex 250:700/1269
Trashcan 250:700/1266 Hub
Southlink (27/12/93)
Abacab 99:100/140
Apocalypse93 99:100/160
Cashmere High School 99:100/155
Freedom Seekers 99:100/185
Infinity 99:100/170
Night Eye 99:100/165
Polyvox IV 99:100/150
Project Bluebook 99:100/155
Quantum Leap 99:100/110
Remote Access 99:100/145
Remedy 99:100/125
Searing Wet 99:100/175
Southern Vortex 99:100/105 (Hub)
Terminal Violation 99:100/130
The Guardian 99:100/190
The Last Byte 99:100/115
TREKNET (22/02/94)
Infinity 87:6011/9001 (Hub)
Speed Key.
V protocol Max bps
---------- -------
V.21 300
V.22 1200
V.22bis 2400
V.32 9600
V.32bis 14400
V.42 or MNP4 = Error correction, approx 20% faster.
V.42bis or MNP5 = Data compression, speed gain depends on data type.
MNP10 = Cellular phone correction
Notification of changes should be sent to:
EMail: Craig Shore on the Trashcan
(see networks above for node numbers)
Or Phone Craig on (Voice): A/H 385-2501 - BBS list related stuff only!
> DO NOT PHONE me for problems on your IBM PC late at night, or any <
> other time! I cannot help you. Go leave a message on a BBS, that <
> is what they are there for! <
This BBS list is maintained seperatly to the NZ BBS listing done
from Mirth Control BBS. To appear in that list you'll have
to fill out an application form available there.
This list is made up of information collected from various sources,
and therefore sometimes contains some inaccuracies.
The latest version of this file may be File-Requested from the Trashcan,
Magic name BBSLIST. Only Node 1 (+64 3 379-9345) is Crashable.
The latest release of this list is placed on both The Trashcan BBS and
Equinox Networks. It is in the files section on both BBS's, in the
BBSLISTS directory on The Trashcan, and in the Text Files (A5) directory on
Equinox. It's available to everybody free of charges from either BBS,
24 hours a day.
You're free to distribute this list in electronic form so long as _no_
charges are made for access to it. Printed copies may be made for
personal use only.
:: Craig Shore. Phone +64 3 385-6554 (Christchurch, New Zealand.) ::
:: (CraigS on IRC) ::