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Sep 2, 2011, 2:24:28 AM9/2/11
I want to change my name on Facebook to "No One," so when I try to add
people, it will say, "No One wants to be your friend.

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It's not hotter this year.

It's just that you are fatter and there is more surface area for the sun to

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More people would drink responsibly if there was a brand of vodka named

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Dear Children, When you look under your bed,

what exactly are you planning to do when you find me?

Sincerely, The Monster.

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No, actually having a cat is not "just like" having a kid.

Accidentally swearing at your cat won't make it grow up to be a stripper!

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Still waiting on the "Once you go black, you'll never go back" episode of

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I started setting up my Google+ account this weekend.

I think it's cute how Google plays dumb and asks me to fill in my personal

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If Bilbo's parents had any sense of humor they would have named him Tea.

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Just sprayed a mosquito with mosquito repellant.

Now he'll never have friends.

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I really shouldn't have driven home from the bar last night.

Especially since I walked there.

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I'm not saying she was stupid, but I asked her how to spell Mississippi and
she said 'the river or the state?'

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I can picture in my mind a world without war, without hate.

And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.

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My favorite part of a marathon is watching the reaction of runners who grab
my plastic cup of vodka.

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Marriage Tip: When your wife says "Do things to surprise me" she doesn't
mean fill her purse with salsa and chips.

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