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OT: No Iraq Link to 9/11

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Sep 12, 2007, 1:00:08 PM9/12/07
For you knuckleheads who insist on believing the fairy tale, here's
something that should shut you up once and for all. Unfortunately, it
probably won't.

Bush: No Iraq link to 9/11 found
President says Saddam had ties to al-Qaida, but apparently not to attacks


WASHINGTON -- President Bush, having repeatedly linked Saddam Hussein to the
terrorist organization behind the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, said yesterday
there is no evidence that the deposed Iraqi leader had a hand in those
attacks, in contrast to the belief of most Americans.

Mike Hunter

Sep 12, 2007, 3:48:11 PM9/12/07
Please show us one statement made by President Bush were he said Iraq had
any connection to 9/11. You will not, and can not, because the President
never, on any occasion, said Iraq had any connection to 9/11.

What he did say and the facts show that Iraq supported radical Islamic
terrorists and one of the things he said after 9/11 was we will hunt down
and kill those that attacked us on 9/11, and anybody who support terrorists
no matter who they are or where they are.

'Justice Will Be Done'
Transcript of President Bush's Speech To Joint Congress
After the World Trade Center and Pentagon Bombings

Sept. 20, 2001

Mr. Speaker, Mr. President Pro Tempore, members of Congress, and fellow
Americans: In the normal course of events, presidents come to this chamber
to report on the state of the Union. Tonight, no such report is needed. It
has already been delivered by the American people.

We have seen it in the courage of passengers who rushed terrorists to save
others on the ground. Passengers like an exceptional man named Todd Beamer.
And would you please help me welcome his wife Lisa Beamer here tonight?

We have seen the state of our Union in the endurance of rescuers working
past exhaustion.

We've seen the unfurling of flags, the lighting of candles, the giving of
blood, the saying of prayers in English, Hebrew and Arabic.

We have seen the decency of a loving and giving people who have made the
grief of strangers their own.

My fellow citizens, for the last nine days, the entire world has seen for
itself the state of union, and it is strong.


Tonight, we are a country awakened to danger and called to defend freedom.
Our grief has turned to anger and anger to resolution. Whether we bring our
enemies to justice or bring justice to our enemies, justice will be done.


I thank the Congress for its leadership at such an important time.

All of America was touched on the evening of the tragedy to see Republicans
and Democrats joined together on the steps of this Capitol singing "God
Bless America."

And you did more than sing. You acted, by delivering $40 billion to rebuild
our communities and meet the needs of our military. Speaker Hastert,
Minority Leader Gephardt, Majority Leader Daschle and Senator Lott, I thank
you for your friendship, for your leadership and for your service to our


And on behalf of the American people, I thank the world for its outpouring
of support.

America will never forget the sounds of our national anthem playing at
Buckingham Palace, on the streets of Paris and at Berlin's Brandenburg Gate.

We will not forget South Korean children gathering to pray outside our
embassy in Seoul, or the prayers of sympathy offered at a mosque in Cairo.

We will not forget moments of silence and days of mourning in Australia and
Africa and Latin America.

Nor will we forget the citizens of 80 other nations who died with our own.
Dozens of Pakistanis, more than 130 Israelis, more than 250 citizens of
India, men and women from El Salvador, Iran, Mexico and Japan, and hundreds
of British citizens.

America has no truer friend than Great Britain.


Once again, we are joined together in a great cause.

I'm so honored the British prime minister had crossed an ocean to show his
unity with America.

Thank you for coming, friend.


On September the 11th, enemies of freedom committed an act of war against
our country. Americans have known wars, but for the past 136 years they have
been wars on foreign soil, except for one Sunday in 1941. Americans have
known the casualties of war, but not at the center of a great city on a
peaceful morning.

Americans have known surprise attacks, but never before on thousands of

All of this was brought upon us in a single day, and night fell on a
different world, a world where freedom itself is under attack.

Americans have many questions tonight. Americans are asking, "Who attacked
our country?"

The evidence we have gathered all points to a collection of loosely
affiliated terrorist organizations known as al Qaeda. They are some of the
murderers indicted for bombing American embassies in Tanzania and Kenya and
responsible for bombing the USS Cole.

Al Qaeda is to terror what the Mafia is to crime. But its goal is not making
money, its goal is remaking the world and imposing its radical beliefs on
people everywhere.

The terrorists practice a fringe form of Islamic extremism that has been
rejected by Muslim scholars and the vast majority of Muslim clerics; a
fringe movement that perverts the peaceful teachings of Islam.

The terrorists' directive commands them to kill Christians and Jews, to kill
all Americans and make no distinctions among military and civilians,
including women and children.

This group and its leader, a person named Osama bin Laden, are linked to
many other organizations in different countries, including the Egyptian
Islamic Jihad, the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan.

There are thousands of these terrorists in more than 60 countries.

They are recruited from their own nations and neighborhoods and brought to
camps in places like Afghanistan where they are trained in the tactics of
terror. They are sent back to their homes or sent to hide in countries
around the world to plot evil and destruction.

The leadership of Al Qaeda has great influence in Afghanistan and supports
the Taliban regime in controlling most of that country. In Afghanistan we
see Al Qaeda's vision for the world. Afghanistan's people have been
brutalized, many are starving and many have fled.

Women are not allowed to attend school. You can be jailed for owning a
television. Religion can be practiced only as their leaders dictate. A man
can be jailed in Afghanistan if his beard is not long enough.

The United States respects the people of Afghanistan - after all, we are
currently its largest source of humanitarian aid - but we condemn the
Taliban regime.


It is not only repressing its own people, it is threatening people
everywhere by sponsoring and sheltering and supplying terrorists.

By aiding and abetting murder, the Taliban regime is committing murder. And
tonight the United States of America makes the following demands on the

Deliver to United States authorities all of the leaders of Al Quaeda who
hide in your land.


Release all foreign nationals, including American citizens you have unjustly
imprisoned. Protect foreign journalists, diplomats and aid workers in your
country. Close immediately and permanently every terrorist training camp in
Afghanistan. And hand over every terrorist and every person and their
support structure to appropriate authorities.

Give the United States full access to terrorist training camps, so we can
make sure they are no longer operating.

These demands are not open to negotiation or discussion.


The Taliban must act and act immediately.

They will hand over the terrorists or they will share in their fate.

I also want to speak tonight directly to Muslims throughout the world. We
respect your faith. It's practiced freely by many millions of Americans and
by millions more in countries that America counts as friends. Its teachings
are good and peaceful, and those who commit evil in the name of Allah
blaspheme the name of Allah.


The terrorists are traitors to their own faith, trying, in effect, to hijack
Islam itself.

The enemy of America is not our many Muslim friends. It is not our many Arab
friends. Our enemy is a radical network of terrorists and every government
that supports them.


Our war on terror begins with Al Qaeda, but it does not end there.

It will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found,
stopped and defeated.


Americans are asking "Why do they hate us?"

They hate what they see right here in this chamber: a democratically elected
government. Their leaders are self-appointed. They hate our freedoms: our
freedom of religion, our freedom of speech, our freedom to vote and assemble
and disagree with each other.

They want to overthrow existing governments in many Muslim countries such as
Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jordan. They want to drive Israel out of the Middle
East. They want to drive Christians and Jews out of vast regions of Asia and

These terrorists kill not merely to end lives, but to disrupt and end a way
of life. With every atrocity, they hope that America grows fearful,
retreating from the world and forsaking our friends. They stand against us
because we stand in their way.

We're not deceived by their pretenses to piety.

We have seen their kind before. They're the heirs of all the murderous
ideologies of the 20th century. By sacrificing human life to serve their
radical visions, by abandoning every value except the will to power, they
follow in the path of fascism, Nazism and totalitarianism. And they will
follow that path all the way to where it ends in history's unmarked grave of
discarded lies.


Americans are asking, "How will we fight and win this war?"

We will direct every resource at our command - every means of diplomacy,
every tool of intelligence, every instrument of law enforcement, every
financial influence, and every necessary weapon of war - to the destruction
and to the defeat of the global terror network.

Now, this war will not be like the war against Iraq a decade ago, with a
decisive liberation of territory and a swift conclusion. It will not look
like the air war above Kosovo two years ago, where no ground troops were
used and not a single American was lost in combat.

Our response involves far more than instant retaliation and isolated
strikes. Americans should not expect one battle, but a lengthy campaign
unlike any other we have ever seen. It may include dramatic strikes visible
on TV and covert operations secret even in success.

We will starve terrorists of funding, turn them one against another, drive
them from place to place until there is no refuge or no rest.

And we will pursue nations that provide aid or safe haven to terrorism.
Every nation in every region now has a decision to make: Either you are with
us or you are with the terrorists.

(APPLAUSE) From this day forward, any nation that continues to harbor or
support terrorism will be regarded by the United States as a hostile regime.
Our nation has been put on notice, we're not immune from attack. We will
take defensive measures against terrorism to protect Americans.

Today, dozens of federal departments and agencies, as well as state and
local governments, have responsibilities affecting homeland security.

These efforts must be coordinated at the highest level. So tonight, I
announce the creation of a Cabinet-level position reporting directly to me,
the Office of Homeland Security.

And tonight, I also announce a distinguished American to lead this effort,
to strengthen American security: a military veteran, an effective governor,
a true patriot, a trusted friend, Pennsylvania's Tom Ridge.


He will lead, oversee and coordinate a comprehensive national strategy to
safeguard our country against terrorism and respond to any attacks that may

These measures are essential. The only way to defeat terrorism as a threat
to our way of life is to stop it, eliminate it and destroy it where it


Many will be involved in this effort, from FBI agents, to intelligence
operatives, to the reservists we have called to active duty.

All deserve our thanks, and all have our prayers.

And tonight a few miles from the damaged Pentagon, I have a message for our
military: Be ready. I have called the armed forces to alert, and there is a

The hour is coming when America will act, and you will make us proud.


This is not, however, just America's fight. And what is at stake is not just
America's freedom.

This is the world's fight. This is civilization's fight. This is the fight
of all who believe in progress and pluralism, tolerance and freedom.

We ask every nation to join us.


We will ask and we will need the help of police forces, intelligence service
and banking systems around the world. The United States is grateful that
many nations and many international organizations have already responded
with sympathy and with support - nations from Latin America to Asia to
Africa to Europe to the Islamic world.

Perhaps the NATO charter reflects best the attitude of the world: An attack
on one is an attack on all. The civilized world is rallying to America's

They understand that if this terror goes unpunished, their own cities, their
own citizens may be next. Terror unanswered can not only bring down
buildings, it can threaten the stability of legitimate governments.

And you know what? We're not going to allow it.


Americans are asking, "What is expected of us?"

I ask you to live your lives and hug your children.

I know many citizens have fears tonight, and I ask you to be calm and
resolute, even in the face of a continuing threat.

I ask you to uphold the values of America and remember why so many have come

We're in a fight for our principles, and our first responsibility is to live
by them. No one should be singled out for unfair treatment or unkind words
because of their ethnic background or religious faith.


I ask you to continue to support the victims of this tragedy with your
contributions. Those who want to give can go to a central source of
information,, to find the names of groups providing direct
help in New York, Pennsylvania and Virginia.

The thousands of FBI agents who are now at work in this investigation may
need your cooperation, and I ask you to give it. I ask for your patience
with the delays and inconveniences that may accompany tighter security and
for your patience in what will be a long struggle.

I ask your continued participation and confidence in the American economy.
Terrorists attacked a symbol of American prosperity; they did not touch its

America is successful because of the hard work and creativity and enterprise
of our people. These were the true strengths of our economy before September
11, and they are our strengths today.


And finally, please continue praying for the victims of terror and their
families, for those in uniform and for our great country. Prayer has
comforted us in sorrow and will help strengthen us for the journey ahead.

Tonight I thank my fellow Americans for what you have already done and for
what you will do.

And ladies and gentlemen of the Congress, I thank you, their
representatives, for what you have already done and for what we will do

Tonight we face new and sudden national challenges.

We will come together to improve air safety, to dramatically expand the
number of air marshals on domestic flights and take new measures to prevent

We will come together to promote stability and keep our airlines flying with
direct assistance during this emergency.


We will come together to give law enforcement the additional tools it needs
to track down terror here at home.


We will come together to strengthen our intelligence capabilities to know
the plans of terrorists before they act and to find them before they strike.


We will come together to take active steps that strengthen America's economy
and put our people back to work.

Tonight, we welcome two leaders who embody the extraordinary spirit of all
New Yorkers, Governor George Pataki and Mayor Rudolph Giuliani.


As a symbol of America's resolve, my administration will work with Congress
and these two leaders to show the world that we will rebuild New York City.


After all that has just passed, all the lives taken and all the
possibilities and hopes that died with them, it is natural to wonder if
America's future is one of fear.

Some speak of an age of terror. I know there are struggles ahead and dangers
to face. But this country will define our times, not be defined by them.

As long as the United States of America is determined and strong, this will
not be an age of terror. This will be an age of liberty here and across the


Great harm has been done to us. We have suffered great loss. And in our
grief and anger we have found our mission and our moment.

Freedom and fear are at war. The advance of human freedom, the great
achievement of our time and the great hope of every time, now depends on us.

Our nation, this generation, will lift the dark threat of violence from our
people and our future. We will rally the world to this cause by our efforts,
by our courage. We will not tire, we will not falter and we will not fail.


It is my hope that in the months and years ahead life will return almost to
normal. We'll go back to our lives and routines and that is good.

Even grief recedes with time and grace.

But our resolve must not pass. Each of us will remember what happened that
day and to whom it happened. We will remember the moment the news came,
where we were and what we were doing.

Some will remember an image of a fire or story or rescue. Some will carry
memories of a face and a voice gone forever.

And I will carry this. It is the police shield of a man named George Howard
who died at the World Trade Center trying to save others.

It was given to me by his mom, Arlene, as a proud memorial to her son. It is
my reminder of lives that ended and a task that does not end.


I will not forget the wound to our country and those who inflicted it. I
will not yield, I will not rest, I will not relent in waging this struggle
for freedom and security for the American people.

The course of this conflict is not known, yet its outcome is certain.
Freedom and fear, justice and cruelty, have always been at war, and we know
that God is not neutral between them.


Fellow citizens, we'll meet violence with patient justice, assured of the
rightness of our cause and confident of the victories to come.

In all that lies before us, may God grant us wisdom and may he watch over
the United States of America.

Thank you.


"JoeSpareBedroom" <> wrote in message

larry moe 'n curly

Sep 12, 2007, 4:24:04 PM9/12/07

JoeSpareBedroom wrote:

The far right will claim that GW Bush didn't rule out _all_ ties
between al Qaeda and Saddam, just those involving 9/11, never mind
that 9/11 was al Qaeda's biggest mission ever.


Sep 12, 2007, 4:25:37 PM9/12/07
"larry moe 'n curly" <> wrote in message

I'm waiting to be entertained by an interesting detail that they've all


Sep 12, 2007, 4:50:49 PM9/12/07
Mike Hunter wrote:
> Please show us one statement made by President Bush were he said Iraq had
> any connection to 9/11. You will not, and can not, because the President
> never, on any occasion, said Iraq had any connection to 9/11.
> What he did say and the facts show that Iraq supported radical Islamic
> terrorists and one of the things he said after 9/11 was we will hunt down
> and kill those that attacked us on 9/11, and anybody who support terrorists
> no matter who they are or where they are.

"Political language... is designed to make lies sound truthful and
murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind."
George Orwell


Sep 12, 2007, 5:09:56 PM9/12/07
You want entertainment? here's what many Americans still think about
Iraq and the war.


Sep 12, 2007, 5:17:22 PM9/12/07
"EdV" <> wrote in message

> You want entertainment? here's what many Americans still think about
> Iraq and the war.

Here are some typical Republicans interviewed for their views about how to
handle the Middle East. Pay close attention to the 2nd half, and the maps.


Sep 12, 2007, 5:37:17 PM9/12/07

LMAO, "Glass crater."


Sep 12, 2007, 8:16:20 PM9/12/07
Mike you quoted the wrong speech:

"The reason I keep insisting that there was a relationship between Iraq
and Saddam and al Qaeda: because there was a relationship between Iraq and
al Qaeda," Bush said after a Cabinet meeting. "

Cheney said it was "pretty well confirmed" that attack mastermind Mohamed
Atta had met with a senior Iraqi intelligence official. Later, Cheney called
Iraq the "geographic base of the terrorists who had us under assault now for
many years, but most especially on 9/11."
Bush, in 2003, said "the battle of Iraq is one victory in a war on terror
that began on September the 11th, 2001."

Bush, in a February 2003 radio address, said: "Iraq has sent bombmaking and
document forgery experts to work with al Qaeda. Iraq has also provided al
Qaeda with chemical and biological weapons training. And an al Qaeda
operative was sent to Iraq several times in the late 1990s for help in
acquiring poisons and gases. We also know that Iraq is harboring a terrorist
network headed by a senior al Qaeda terrorist planner. This network runs a
poison and explosive training camp in northeast Iraq, and many of its
leaders are known to be in Baghdad."

Maybe he did not explicitly say in so many words that Sadam attacked us on
9/11 but he said enuf to make everyone believe that lie.

"Mike Hunter" <> wrote in message

Message has been deleted

Hachiroku ハチロク

Sep 12, 2007, 9:57:35 PM9/12/07
On Wed, 12 Sep 2007 17:00:08 +0000, JoeSpareBedroom wrote:

> For you knuckleheads who insist on believing the fairy tale, here's
> something that should shut you up once and for all. Unfortunately, it
> probably won't.
> Bush: No Iraq link to 9/11 found
> President says Saddam had ties to al-Qaida, but apparently not to attacks

This is old news. REAL old news...


Sep 12, 2007, 10:25:25 PM9/12/07
"Hachiroku ????" <Tru...@AE86.gts> wrote in message

You're correct. And yet, just this morning, one of the defects here
(might've been Strickland) said there was a link.

Isn't that interesting?


Sep 12, 2007, 11:23:43 PM9/12/07

"Hachiroku ????" <Tru...@AE86.gts> wrote in message

But Saddam did support terrorists. Not necessarily the 19 who attacked us
on 9/11, but to me all Islamic terrorists look alike and I wish they would
all quickly assume room temperature after being dropped in a tub of pig fat.

Charles of Schaumburg


Sep 12, 2007, 11:42:18 PM9/12/07
"n5hsr" <> wrote in message

Perhaps, but originally, Bush and his sitters were specific about blaming
Iraq for a hand in 9/11. Then, Bush cut & ran from his earlier statements,
claiming he never suggested a connection to 9/11. Sadly for Bush, everything
he says is recorded.


Sep 13, 2007, 12:28:57 AM9/13/07

Which is perfect for the Daily Show. Last night after the General
avowed that his report was his and his alone Jon Stewart played all the
parallel clips where Bush said the *same* *damn* *thing*.

Hachiroku ハチロク

Sep 13, 2007, 5:39:16 AM9/13/07
On Thu, 13 Sep 2007 03:42:18 +0000, JoeSpareBedroom wrote:

>> But Saddam did support terrorists. Not necessarily the 19 who attacked
>> us on 9/11, but to me all Islamic terrorists look alike and I wish they
>> would all quickly assume room temperature after being dropped in a tub
>> of pig fat.
> Perhaps, but originally, Bush and his sitters were specific about blaming
> Iraq for a hand in 9/11. Then, Bush cut & ran from his earlier statements,
> claiming he never suggested a connection to 9/11. Sadly for Bush,
> everything he says is recorded.

But a lot of other sources, including Glenn Beck and NPR have said there
was no link between Iraq and 9/11.

But they also said that Iraq was a safe harbor for terrorists, and that Al
Qaeda had trining camps in Iraq for quite some time.

Hachiroku ハチロク

Sep 13, 2007, 5:39:57 AM9/13/07
On Thu, 13 Sep 2007 02:25:25 +0000, JoeSpareBedroom wrote:

>> This is old news. REAL old news...
> You're correct.



Sep 13, 2007, 7:48:25 AM9/13/07
"Hachiroku ????" <Tru...@AE86.gts> wrote in message

Ya know, in another NG,, I sometimes see messages from
people who are wondering how to handle a plumber whose lousy work caused
upstairs bathroom pipes to leak, resulting in thousands of dollars worth of
damage to sheetrock, carpet, furniture, etc. These questions always generate
a ton of responses, but here's one I've never seen: Sue the city for
allowing a lousy trade school to exist within its limits.

Mike Hunter

Sep 13, 2007, 1:56:45 PM9/13/07
If one REALLY wants to be entertained watch Jay Leno interviewing all the
Dims on one of his "Jay Walking" bits. Some do not know the current
President, the branches of government, their Senator, Congressman or even
the capitol of their own state. He asked on dimwit what the DC, in
Washington DC. meant and she said "Da Capitol?" LOL


"F.H." <> wrote in message


Sep 13, 2007, 1:59:49 PM9/13/07
"Mike Hunter" <> wrote in message

> If one REALLY wants to be entertained watch Jay Leno interviewing all the
> Dims on one of his "Jay Walking" bits. Some do not know the current
> President, the branches of government, their Senator, Congressman or even
> the capitol of their own state. He asked on dimwit what the DC, in
> Washington DC. meant and she said "Da Capitol?" LOL
> mike

I think people who don't understand the branches of government should not be
allowed to vote or hold public office. What do you think of that idea?

Mike Hunter

Sep 13, 2007, 2:05:01 PM9/13/07
You keep repeating that same big lie about the President saying that there
was a connection between Iraq and 9/11.

Please show us where it is "recorded," other than an opinion on a lefty kook
site, that the President ever said Iraq was "connoted to the radical Islamic
attack on 9/11." LOL


"JoeSpareBedroom" <> wrote in message


> "n5hsr" <> wrote in message

>> But Saddam did support terrorists. Not necessarily the 19 who attacked
>> us on 9/11, but to me all Islamic terrorists look alike and I wish they
>> would all quickly assume room temperature after being dropped in a tub of
>> pig fat.


Sep 13, 2007, 2:09:06 PM9/13/07
"Mike Hunter" <> wrote in message

> "JoeSpareBedroom" <> wrote in message
> news:uk2Gi.16129$B25....@news01.roc.ny...
>> "n5hsr" <> wrote in message
>>> But Saddam did support terrorists. Not necessarily the 19 who attacked
>>> us on 9/11, but to me all Islamic terrorists look alike and I wish they
>>> would all quickly assume room temperature after being dropped in a tub
>>> of pig fat.
>> Bush cut & ran from his earlier statements, claiming he never suggested
>> a connection to 9/11. Sadly for Bush, everything he says is recorded.

> You keep repeating that same big lie about the President saying that there
> was a connection between Iraq and 9/11.
> Please show us where it is "recorded," other than an opinion on a lefty
> kook site, that the President ever said Iraq was "connoted to the radical
> Islamic attack on 9/11." LOL
> mike

Are you absolutely positive about wanting to see the proof that you are

Really sure?

Very sure?

Mike Hunter

Sep 13, 2007, 3:05:26 PM9/13/07
Depends, do you know who is the current President, the branches of
government, the names of your federal and state Senator, Congressman or the
capitol of your state or what the DC, in Washington DC, means?" LOL


"JoeSpareBedroom" <> wrote in message


Mike Hunter

Sep 13, 2007, 3:06:17 PM9/13/07
More questions? LOL


"JoeSpareBedroom" <> wrote in message



Sep 13, 2007, 3:07:18 PM9/13/07
"Mike Hunter" <> wrote in message

> "JoeSpareBedroom" <> wrote in message
> news:pUeGi.16016$ya1....@news02.roc.ny...
>> "Mike Hunter" <> wrote in message
>>> If one REALLY wants to be entertained watch Jay Leno interviewing all
>>> the Dims on one of his "Jay Walking" bits. Some do not know the current
>>> President, the branches of government, their Senator, Congressman or
>>> even the capitol of their own state. He asked on dimwit what the DC, in
>>> Washington DC. meant and she said "Da Capitol?" LOL
>>> mike
>> I think people who don't understand the branches of government should not
>> be allowed to vote or hold public office. What do you think of that idea?

> Depends, do you know who is the current President, the branches of
> government, the names of your federal and state Senator, Congressman or
> the capitol of your state or what the DC, in Washington DC, means?" LOL
> mike

Yes, but it does not "depend" on what I know.

Do you think someone should become president if he doesn't really understand
the branches of government?


Sep 13, 2007, 3:09:56 PM9/13/07
"Mike Hunter" <> wrote in message

> More questions? LOL
> mike

That was a lame attempt at avoiding what you know is going to happen next.

Here is the "recording" you claimed did not exist, you fucking idiot:

larry moe 'n curly

Sep 13, 2007, 4:16:03 PM9/13/07

Mike Hunter wrote:

> If one REALLY wants to be entertained watch Jay Leno

Jay Leno is entertaining? Not since the early 1990s. The audience
microphones for his show are turned way up because the laughter during
his monologues are so weak. Jay Leno is no Johnny Carson, and I'm
glad that Conan is going to bring back the Tonight Show in 2009

Message has been deleted


Sep 13, 2007, 4:22:45 PM9/13/07
"witfal" <> wrote in message

> >I think people who don't understand the branches of government should
> not be allowed to vote or hold public office. What do you think of that
> idea?
> Be careful what you wish for.
> I'd be willing to bet the farm that far, far more Dems would be excluded
> than Republicans.

In a different reality, one very important Republican would understand the
various branches.

"The legislature's job is to write law. It's the executive branch's job to
interpret law."-Austin, Texas, Nov. 22, 2000

"We've had leaks out of the administrative branch, had leaks out of the
legislative branch, and out of the executive branch and the legislative
branch, and I've spoken out consistently against them, and I want to know
who the leakers are."-Chicago, Sept. 30, 2003

Message has been deleted


Sep 13, 2007, 4:29:58 PM9/13/07
"witfal" <> wrote in message
> On 2007-09-13 13:22:45 -0700, "JoeSpareBedroom" <>
> said:
>> I'd be willing to bet the farm that far, far more Dems would be excluded
>>> than Republicans.
>> In a different reality, one very important Republican would understand
>> the
>> various branches.
>> "The legislature's job is to write law. It's the executive branch's job
>> to
>> interpret law."-Austin, Texas, Nov. 22, 2000
>> "We've had leaks out of the administrative branch, had leaks out of the
>> legislative branch, and out of the executive branch and the legislative
>> branch, and I've spoken out consistently against them, and I want to know
>> who the leakers are."-Chicago, Sept. 30, 2003
> I knew to whom you were referring. I was just speaking generally.

Then you should be disgusted, especially since he would fail a few
citizenship questions:

Typical Citizenship Examination Questions

22. How many changes or amendments are there to the Constitution?
23. How many branches are there in our government?
24. What are the three branches of our government?
25. What is the legislative branch of our government?
26. Who makes the laws in the United States?
27. What is Congress?
28. What are the duties of Congress?
29. Who elects Congress?
30. How many senators are there in Congress?
31. Can you name the two senators from your state?
32. For how long do we elect each senator?
33. How many representatives are there in Congress?
34. For how long do we elect the representatives?
35. What is the executive branch of our government?
36. What is the judiciary branch of our government?
37. What are the duties of the Supreme Court?


Sep 13, 2007, 4:36:34 PM9/13/07

Leno is far from Carson, for Conan you need to keep a barf bag handy.

Mike Hunter

Sep 13, 2007, 4:57:53 PM9/13/07
No wonder you are confused. Is English you first language? Where, in the
following doses it say Iraq was involved in the 9/11 attack? How, from
that, could you possibly infer Iraq was involved. If any "county" could be
inferred it would be Iran or Saudi Arabia but not Iraq

>(2) acting pursuant to the Constitution and Public Law 107-243 is
>consistent with the United States and other countries continuing to take
>the necessary actions against international terrorists and terrorist
>organizations, including those nations, organizations, or persons who
>planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that
>occurred on September 11, 2001.


"JoeSpareBedroom" <> wrote in message



Sep 13, 2007, 5:21:39 PM9/13/07
"Mike Hunter" <> wrote in message

> No wonder you are confused. Is English you first language? Where, in the
> following doses it say Iraq was involved in the 9/11 attack? How, from
> that, could you possibly infer Iraq was involved. If any "county" could
> be inferred it would be Iran or Saudi Arabia but not Iraq
>>(2) acting pursuant to the Constitution and Public Law 107-243 is
>>consistent with the United States and other countries continuing to take
>>the necessary actions against international terrorists and terrorist
>>organizations, including those nations, organizations, or persons who
>>planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that
>>occurred on September 11, 2001.
> Sincerely,

In press conferences, the president himself referred directly to the 2nd
paragraph which was written for him. You don't remember. See your doctor.
This is a pattern.


Sep 13, 2007, 5:45:08 PM9/13/07
"JoeSpareBedroom" <> wrote in message

"... so that I can issue quick pardons to them to cover the rest of the
scandals up..."

Posted via a free Usenet account from

Message has been deleted


Sep 13, 2007, 6:39:10 PM9/13/07
"witfal" <> wrote in message
> On 2007-09-13 13:29:58 -0700, "JoeSpareBedroom" <>
> said:
>>> I knew to whom you were referring. I was just speaking generally.
>> Then you should be disgusted, especially since he would fail a few
>> citizenship questions:
> Most native-borns would also.

Perhaps, but some people would have the smarts to brush up a bit if they
were running for president, out of respect for children who might know more.

Message has been deleted

Sep 14, 2007, 4:39:41 AM9/14/07

Mike Hunter wrote:

> If one REALLY wants to be entertained watch Jay Leno interviewing all the
> Dims on one of his "Jay Walking" bits. Some do not know the current
> President, the branches of government, their Senator, Congressman or even
> the capitol of their own state. He asked on dimwit what the DC, in
> Washington DC. meant and she said "Da Capitol?" LOL

Leno does that with people of all political pursuasions and repeatedly
shows that the vast majority of Americans are ignorant on a wide range
of subjects. So why do you think only Democrats are retarded?

Sep 14, 2007, 4:47:51 AM9/14/07

n5hsr wrote:
> > On Wed, 12 Sep 2007 17:00:08 +0000, JoeSpareBedroom wrote:
> >
> >>
> >>
> >> Bush: No Iraq link to 9/11 found
> >> President says Saddam had ties to al-Qaida, but apparently not to attacks

> But Saddam did support terrorists. Not necessarily the 19 who attacked us

> on 9/11, but to me all Islamic terrorists look alike and I wish they would
> all quickly assume room temperature after being dropped in a tub of pig fat.

Do you understand why that makes no sense?


Sep 14, 2007, 5:20:18 AM9/14/07

<> wrote in message

Maybe to you. To me I want them to DIE a dishonorable death. I want them
to be desecrated and dishonored according to the rules of their religion, so
they know they're going to whatever Hell they might concieve of after they
die. They are going to Hell anyway.

Charles of Schaumburg

Sep 14, 2007, 5:52:56 AM9/14/07

Mike Hunter wrote:

> Please show us one statement made by President Bush were he said Iraq had
> any connection to 9/11. You will not, and can not, because the President
> never, on any occasion, said Iraq had any connection to 9/11.

Bush letter to Congress, 3-18-2003:

"(2) acting pursuant to the Constitution and Public Law 107-243 is
consistent with the United States and other countries continuing to
take the necessary actions against international terrorists and
terrorist organizations, including those nations, organizations, or
persons who planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist
attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001."

Your turn.

Message has been deleted


Sep 14, 2007, 8:01:59 AM9/14/07
"witfal" <> wrote in message
> On 2007-09-13 15:39:10 -0700, "JoeSpareBedroom" <>
> What about a president that supposedly and actually knows the answers, yet
> ignores them to the violation of his oath of office?

That's vague, so I'd need an example in order to know if it was true.


Sep 14, 2007, 8:03:16 AM9/14/07
"n5hsr" <> wrote in message

Hell is a fictional place from a book written by humans. Stop thinking about
reality as if it was connected with a novel.


Sep 14, 2007, 8:03:53 AM9/14/07
"dbu`" <> wrote in message
> In article <>,
> Where does it say in the above, specifically "Iraq"?

Do you speak to your children with that mouth?

Message has been deleted


Sep 14, 2007, 9:38:59 AM9/14/07
"dbu`" <> wrote in message
> In article <JMuGi.16155$ya1....@news02.roc.ny>,
> You've been given more than your share of knuckle sandwiches. Don't be
> selfish.

I'll bet that gave you a woody, saying that, you sad excuse for a man.

Message has been deleted


Sep 14, 2007, 9:51:15 AM9/14/07
"witfal" <> wrote in message
> On 2007-09-14 05:01:59 -0700, "JoeSpareBedroom" <>
> said:
>>> What about a president that supposedly and actually knows the answers,
>>> yet
>>> ignores them to the violation of his oath of office?
>> That's vague, so I'd need an example in order to know if it was true.
> Right. How about a president that perjurs himself, gets fined for doing
> so, because of lying about a constituent so as to avoid her charges?
> Which, in essence, denied her constitutional rights in a court of law.
> IOW, violating his oath of office to preserve, protect, and defend said
> Constitution.

That's a bad thing. But, as all good parents know (and teach their kids),
you never EVER try and claim that one bad deed is in any way connected with
another. Of all the people in this newsgroup, I would've thought you'd be
the last person to do such a thing. But here you are doing exactly that.

Message has been deleted


Sep 14, 2007, 9:56:04 AM9/14/07
"Fred Garvin, Male Prostitute" <> wrote in message
> In message,
> sprach forth the following:
> 1. Bush doesn't mention Iraq.

Think about the commonly used phrase "with a wink and a nod".

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Sep 14, 2007, 10:48:12 AM9/14/07
"Fred Garvin, Male Prostitute" <> wrote in message
> In message news:UpwGi.16161$ya1....@news02.roc.ny, JoeSpareBedroom sprach
> forth the following:
> Leave Larry Craig out of this.

OK, but with regard to that presidential letter, I'm absolutely positive it
applies to whoever wrote it for him.

Message has been deleted

Mike Hunter

Sep 14, 2007, 11:52:48 AM9/14/07
English is obviously not your first language ;)


<> wrote in message

Mike Hunter

Sep 14, 2007, 11:55:58 AM9/14/07
Another question in response to a question. No wonder you are not
influencing anybody but the other lefty kooks in this NG LOL


"JoeSpareBedroom" <> wrote in message


Mike Hunter

Sep 14, 2007, 12:00:55 PM9/14/07
You are wrong again. The available UN record shows Iraq was one of the
nations that supported and financed terrorist organizations throughout the
mid east


"Fred Garvin, Male Prostitute" <> wrote in message
> In message,
> sprach forth the following:

> 1. Bush doesn't mention Iraq.

> 2. Iraq did none of those things.

Mike Hunter

Sep 14, 2007, 12:03:52 PM9/14/07
We agree on something it seems, Jay Leno is no Johnny Carson. ;)


"larry moe 'n curly" <> wrote in message

> Mike Hunter wrote:
>> If one REALLY wants to be entertained watch Jay Leno

> Jay Leno is entertaining? Not since the early 1990s. The audience
> microphones for his show are turned way up because the laughter during
> his monologues are so weak. Jay Leno is no Johnny Carson, and I'm
> glad that Conan is going to bring back the Tonight Show in 2009


Sep 14, 2007, 12:04:15 PM9/14/07
"Mike Hunter" <> wrote in message

> You are wrong again. The available UN record shows Iraq was one of the
> nations that supported and financed terrorist organizations throughout the
> mid east
> mike

Saudi Arabia is by far the largest financial supporter of terrorism. Their
government also pays for schools run by Wahhabis, who explicitly tell young
men that attacking Americans is a holy thing to do.

When do you think we should place Saudi Arabia under new management?

Mike Hunter

Sep 14, 2007, 12:04:32 PM9/14/07
Ya THINK? ;)


"witfal" <> wrote in message

> >I think people who don't understand the branches of government should
> not be allowed to vote or hold public office. What do you think of that
> idea?
> Be careful what you wish for.
> I'd be willing to bet the farm that far, far more Dems would be excluded
> than Republicans.

Mike Hunter

Sep 14, 2007, 12:07:37 PM9/14/07
I wonder what the questioners think is the CORRECT answer to THAT question


"JoeSpareBedroom" <> wrote in message news:a5hGi.16023

> 37. What are the duties of the Supreme Court?

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Message has been deleted
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Sep 14, 2007, 2:54:23 PM9/14/07
"witfal" <> wrote in message
> On 2007-09-14 06:51:15 -0700, "JoeSpareBedroom" <>
> I wasn't connecting them at all. It was a question about an entirely
> different subject.
> Subject 1: Not knowing the structure of our government.
> Subject 2: Denying a constituent their constitutional rights.
> In no way can these two be directly compared, so your analysis is flawed.
> You've answered the question: "That's a bad thing." Your consistency is
> noted.
> I completely agree that anyone running for any level of elected government
> should be required to know the structure of the federal government, their
> state, and their local municipality. Not knowing should be grounds for
> removal from the ballot, maybe even office.
> In this way only the two subjects intersect. Violating the Constitution
> should also be grounds for immediate removal from office. Too bad gutless
> politicians don't act upon these weaknesses.

Example #1 illustrates stupidity. We shouldn't have to keep our children
away from the TV when the president speaks, for fear they might learn
something which contradicts what they're taught at home and at school.

Example #2 at least illustrates the intelligence to pull off a stunt like
that. You explained it well. I doubt Bush could've understood what you said.

Message has been deleted


Sep 14, 2007, 3:18:27 PM9/14/07
"witfal" <> wrote in message
> On 2007-09-14 11:54:23 -0700, "JoeSpareBedroom" <>
> said:
>> Example #1 illustrates stupidity. We shouldn't have to keep our children
>> away from the TV when the president speaks, for fear they might learn
>> something which contradicts what they're taught at home and at school.
> No argument there.

>> Example #2 at least illustrates the intelligence to pull off a stunt like
>> that. You explained it well. I doubt Bush could've understood what you
>> said.
> Intelligent subterfuge is less offensive. Got it.

Well, he *some* good things, don't you think?

Message has been deleted


Sep 14, 2007, 3:27:50 PM9/14/07
"witfal" <> wrote in message
> On 2007-09-14 12:18:27 -0700, "JoeSpareBedroom" <>
> said:
>>> Intelligent subterfuge is less offensive. Got it.
>> Well, he *some* good things, don't you think?
> Wanna try that one again? <g>

I was hoping for an unexpected response. Guess not.

Message has been deleted


Sep 14, 2007, 3:41:09 PM9/14/07
"witfal" <> wrote in message
> On 2007-09-14 12:27:50 -0700, "JoeSpareBedroom" <>
> Call me tired. That one went over my head. Sorry.

Come on. Surely you know Clinton didn't only do bad things.

Message has been deleted


Sep 14, 2007, 4:04:24 PM9/14/07
"witfal" <> wrote in message
> On 2007-09-14 12:41:09 -0700, "JoeSpareBedroom" <>
> said:
>>>>>> Well, he *some* good things, don't you think?
>>>>> Wanna try that one again? <g>
>>>> I was hoping for an unexpected response. Guess not.
>>> Call me tired. That one went over my head. Sorry.
>> Come on. Surely you know Clinton didn't only do bad things.
> Have a look at your post. "Well, he *some* good things, don't you think?"
> I replied, "Wanna try that one again?", meaning that you might want to
> correct your syntax to read "Well, he DID *some* good things...".
> And I thought I was the one who's tired. <g>

Oh, OK. I mean what you see. I stop have be to doing once things at 8.

Message has been deleted


Sep 14, 2007, 4:11:33 PM9/14/07
"dbu`" <> wrote in message
> In article <fcep8g$ajq$>, witfal <>

> wrote:
>> On 2007-09-14 12:41:09 -0700, "JoeSpareBedroom" <>
>> said:
>> >>>>> Well, he *some* good things, don't you think?
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Wanna try that one again? <g>
>> >>>>
>> >>>
>> >>> I was hoping for an unexpected response. Guess not.
>> >>
>> >> Call me tired. That one went over my head. Sorry.
>> >>
>> >
>> > Come on. Surely you know Clinton didn't only do bad things.
>> Have a look at your post. "Well, he *some* good things, don't you
>> think?"

>> I replied, "Wanna try that one again?", meaning that you might want to
>> correct your syntax to read "Well, he DID *some* good things...".
>> And I thought I was the one who's tired. <g>
> He's playing his little child's game and attempting to mock Mike, that's
> all this is about. This guy craves attention.

You obviously consider Mike to be emminently mockable.

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Sep 14, 2007, 4:53:05 PM9/14/07
"dbu`" <> wrote in message
> In article <fceqqk$dg2$>, witfal <>
> wrote:

>> On 2007-09-14 13:07:44 -0700, dbu` <> said:
>> > He's playing his little child's game and attempting to mock Mike,
>> > that's
>> > all this is about. This guy craves attention.
>> Mike is the king of fractured syntax and spelling errors.
>> Being unrepentant only means he's getting what he deserves.
> Nobody is perfect especially on usenet. Leave some slack. Age makes
> fingers do the wrong things, eyesight gets a little worse. We all will
> face these things in time.
> --

That's a lame excuse and you know it. Not as lame as your fake eye problems,
but pretty close.

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Message has been deleted

larry moe 'n curly

Sep 15, 2007, 3:54:35 AM9/15/07

Mike Hunter wrote:
> No wonder you are confused. Is English you first language? Where, in the
> following doses it say Iraq was involved in the 9/11 attack? How, from
> that, could you possibly infer Iraq was involved. If any "county" could be
> inferred it would be Iran or Saudi Arabia but not Iraq
> >(2) acting pursuant to the Constitution and Public Law 107-243 is
> >consistent with the United States and other countries continuing to take
> >the necessary actions against international terrorists and terrorist
> >organizations, including those nations, organizations, or persons who
> >planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that
> >occurred on September 11, 2001.
> Sincerely,

You do know that:

1. The letter was dated AFTER the invasion of Afghanistan

2. Congress at the time was debating authorization for an invasion of

IOW it's disingenuous to claim that the letter has nothing to do with
Iraq or that it doesn't link 9/11 terrorism with Iraq.

At the very least, you could show some honesty for a change and admit
that GW Bush has long wanted Americans to believe that Iraq and al
Qaeda worked together, despite his lack of evidence. OTOH if Saddam
did aid al Qaeda, why do you keep denying that GW Bush ever linked
them together? Shouldn't GW Bush have instead drove the point home
that they were conspiring with one another? You're not a very logical
person, Mike.

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