Aside from replacing the cable (tedious?) or swapping batteries, what can I
do to 'fix' this? I've heard use a screw or nail wedged in the gap to take
up the slack. Is there anything else I could try? I'm hoping for a safe fix,
rather than a redneck patch.
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If it's a top-post battery, they used to sell lead battery post
shims at good auto parts stores for just that purpose - they were cut
curved into a slight "smile" shape at the factory from sheet lead, so
when you wrapped it around the truncated cone of the battery terminal
it went on straight.
They might be hard to find after US Industries have gotten gun-shy
about using or handling lead... You might have to find some thin
sheet lead, make a pattern from paper to get the curve right, and cut
some out yourself.
For true desperation, take a few fishing sinker weights, a propane
torch, and a really flat steel or cast iron surface like a frying pan,
and melt your own chunk of sheet lead. When it cools, you can cut
your shim out.
--<< Bruce >>--
Bruce L. Bergman, Woodland Hills (Los Angeles) CA - Desktop
Electrician for Westend Electric - CA726700
5737 Kanan Rd. #359, Agoura CA 91301 (818) 889-9545
Spamtrapped address: Remove the python and the invalid, and use a net.
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"Bruce L. Bergman" <blPYTHO...@earthlink.invalid> wrote in message
PCK" <> wrote in message news:<>...
"roger" <> wrote in message
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"Pookerz" <> wrote in message
>That's what I was thinking- just get the right size or replace the cable
>(pain in the butt solution.) I just called the store and their reply is
>'they're all the same size' (absolute bull, I know.) We'll see what happens
>when I take it in a pitch a b**ch-fit (if tact doesn't work first.) ;)
>Purchased it back on 6/30/04 so they might press that issue but I've been
>busy like mad maintaining two vehicles and keeping up with three kids during
>that time, to heck with em. Will let ya know what happens.
The battery posts are /supposed/ to all be the same standard size,
but that doesn't mean they always /are/.
The whole reason for having the shims available is back in the bad
old days someone would go crazy with a terminal cleaning brush or
scraper, and take too much lead off the post. Or they would have a
perfectly good one-piece cast lead terminal and cable that was
stretched out.
Melt a sinker and make your own shim stock. Fighting with the store
over exchanging (what to them is) a perfectly good battery is going to
be a battle, they will insist it's your cable connectors that are
After that, I went back to the counter inquired about brake pads for the
car, which is my next DIY project to tackle. Last week it was teaching my
neighbor how to change her oil. I'm a fairly determined gal.