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Nissan Tiida

조회수 0회
읽지 않은 첫 메시지로 건너뛰기


읽지 않음,
2010. 10. 26. 오전 3:21:2010. 10. 26.
Sister has got 2 yearold Tiida that has had "issues" since day 1. Latest
problem to manifest is occaionally ( about every 4-5 days) it refuses to
start until 4th or 5th try and then it runs quite normally until the next
bout. The Nissan "expert" diagnosed it a
fuel regulator problem, replaced $200 worth of various bits and declared
it fixed. Same problem a week later.
Any collective thoughts here?. Obviously one can just say take it back until
it is fixed but if the expert with the Diagnostic Tool cant fix it what is
the point going back?.
Many thanks,

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