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Re: A message to all fallen men.

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john smith

Apr 20, 2019, 2:51:40 PM4/20/19
"Attila" wrote in message
> On Thu, 18 Apr 2019 12:57:44 -0500, in alt.atheism
>>Wrong. You system has parameters that don't fit me.
> No fit
> is necessary to recognize
> an habitual and admitted liar.

I See That In Your
System Of Law
Once A Lair Always A Lair
That You Will Believe In On One

So No Need To Ask Forgiveness
For It Will Be A Lie

>> the dukester
>>>>>>>>>> Don't believe the lie.
>>>>>>>>>> The only way peace in found in
>>>>>>>>>> the Lord Jesus Christ,
>>>>>>>>>> not in atheism, not in religion,
>>>>>>>>>> but in a personal relationship
>>>>>>>>>> with your Creator in the Spirit
>>>>>>>>>> of Truth.
>>>>>>>>>> Michael Christ

Heft True
For The Master Said: No Peace Here On Earth

YLT Mt 10:34 '
Ye may not
suppose that I came
to put peace on the earth;
I did not come to put peace,
but a sword;

YLT Zch 8:10
before those days
there hath been no hiring of man,
a hiring of beasts there is none;
And to him who is going out,
And to him who is coming in,
There is no peace because of the adversary,
And I send all men--
each against his neighbors.

>>>>>>>>>> PS
>>>>>>>>>> To all the bible banging falling short hypocrites,
>>>>>>>>>> the was no bible in the garden of Eden.

1:1 To 4:22 Of
Genesis Was Written
By The Hand Enoch

As Adam Give Him
Testimony Of Eden
Until Day Elohhim
Took Him

By The Hands
Of Lamech

Because He Say Unto Him
Its Not Right For A Man
To Have Two Wives

No Witness, No Body,
And No Name Given Too

The Wives Of Lamech

Now Who Do You
Believe In Bible Scholars
Or The Holy Spirit

Apr 28, 2020, 9:44:30 AM4/28/20
On Saturday, April 20, 2019 at 2:51:40 PM UTC-4, john smith wrote:

> Once A Lair Always A Lair

Sometimes a fortress, a redoubt, an aerie, catacombs,
sanctum sanctorum, a keep, a bailey, a refuge, a hide-
away, a retreat, a fastness, a sanctuary, HQ, home port, etc.

Or, like a.a for atheists, "the old stomping grounds."

Kevin R
a.a #2310
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