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Re: God no different from Santa Claus? hahaha :)

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Feb 14, 2018, 2:20:11 PM2/14/18
On Wed, 14 Feb 2018 05:55:42 +0530, Jahnu wrote:

> On Mon, 12 Feb 2018 20:30:19 -0600, wrote:
>>smiler is still alive so he has not gone anywhere, except maybe to the
>>gas station or perhaps the grocery store. Also I really don't think that
>>smiler believes in fairy tale lands, so I don't think he will be GOING
> The only thing youo have to look forward to is disease, old age and
> death. No wonder you are such a miserable bastard.

So do you. That you've choose to live in a fantasy world doesn't make it
any less true.


Feb 14, 2018, 11:28:59 PM2/14/18
On Wed, 14 Feb 2018 19:20:10 +0000 (UTC), Sonny
<> wrote:

>So do you. That you've choose to live in a fantasy world doesn't make it
>any less true.

Contrary to you, Sonnyboy, I live in reality, not some weird, fucked
up Mickey Mouse society in which kids are fed slices of carcasss every
morning. Good grief, is it any wonder you are such a miserable,
ignorant bastard growing up in sub-human, weird-ass culture like that?

Krishna says:

Those who are seers of the truth have concluded that of the
non-existent [the material body] there is no endurance and of the
eternal [the soul] there is no change. This they have concluded by
studying the nature of both. (Bg. 2.16)

So according to Krishna's definition, reality is that which is eternal
and unreality, or illusion, is that which is temporary. Note that
illusion does exist, but it is unreal in the sense that it's not
eternal. Someone may object - if I smash my head into a wall, the pain
I feel is very real. How can it not be real? But if seen in the light
of eternity it is not real. Illusion exists, but the reason it is not
considered real is because it is not eternal. It's like a dream. A
dream happens, but when we wake up, we understand it was not real.
Life in a material body is like that - dream-like. We'll realize that,
if not before, then at the time of death. Death will be a rude
awakening for the atheist.

So reality and illusion is defined by time. One is eternal the other
is temporary. And if you think about it, it makes sense. Anything
seen in the light of eternity will be manifested for such a short
time, that it is as if it didn't really happen.

Brahma, the god of creation, is said to live as long as the universe
lasts - which is calculated to be 311 trillion solar years. So if you
live for such an unfathomable length of time, then imagine what a
person's life-span on earth of, say, 80 years must look like. I don't
even live for a second from Brahma's point of view. How real would a
person be to you if he existed for only a second? Think about it.

If you take 80 years out of 311 trillion years it is such a miniscule
portion of time, that for all practical purposes it might as well not
have happened. But then, if you take Brahma's lifespan and compare it
to eternal time, it is just as little. However long time is taken out
of eternal time, it will still amount to nothing. The duration of the
universe will make a lifespan on earth seem completely insignificant,
and the cosmic time of millions, billions, and trillions of years seem
totally inconsequential and insignificant from the point of view of
eternal time. So from the point of view of eternity, anything that is
not eternal is but an illusory glimpse.

That's how one can understand that anything which has a beginning and
an end is illusory. Only that which is eternal is real. Now, in this
world, what is then real, someone might ask. We don't have any
experience of something that lasts forever, do we? Yes we do. The only
thing, that lasts forever is the soul - ie. consciousness. The soul is
eternal, so in the material world the only real thing is the soul,
everything else is temporary and thus illusory.

That's why self-realization, according to Vaishnava theology, means to
realize one's eternal self beyond the temporary body and mind. Krishna
gives a brilliant argument in the Bhagavad Gita to help a thoughtful
person experience his eternal self. A person's body goes through
different stages of infancy, childhood, youth, old age and finally
death. But during all these changes of the body and the mind, the self
(the inner sense of I-feeling) or the inner observer remains constant.
That's one way we can logically understand we are eternal.

The human life-form is unique in the sense that it allows the self to
understand its own eternality. So the purpose of human life is to
connect with the eternal self. If one is simply absorbed in the body
and its demands, one is wasting this valuable opportunity - an
opportunity that is only available in the human life-form. Eating,
sleeping, mating and defending, the soul can do in any life-form, but
only in the human form can the self connect with eternity, ie.

Krishna says:

Never was there a time when I did not exist, nor you, nor all these
kings; nor in the future shall any of us cease to be. (Bg 2.12)

As the embodied soul continuously passes, in this body, from boyhood
to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at
death. A sober person is not bewildered by such a change. (Bg 2.13)

I am never manifest to the foolish and unintelligent. For them I am
covered by My internal potency, and therefore they do not know that I
am unborn and infallible. (Bg. 7.25)

tesla sTinker

Jun 7, 2020, 6:58:18 PM6/7/20
stupidist dam pile of shit i ever did hear.
for Santa Claus, is not imaginary. For He was a real
man, and a true Catholic Saint.

And you can believe, God is much more than Saint Nick.

On 2/14/2018 8:28 PM, Jahnu scribbled:


Jun 13, 2020, 8:22:42 PM6/13/20
On Sun, 07 Jun 2020 15:58:11 -0700, tesla sTinker
<> wrote:

>stupidist dam pile of shit i ever did hear.
>for Santa Claus, is not imaginary. For He was a real
>man, and a true Catholic Saint.

In the true sense of the word science, science can help us explain the
mysteries of life. In fact, the mysteries of life must be investigated
scientifically, otherwise our understanding of the world, and our
place in it, will remain a matter of faith.

In the modern, so-called natural sciences the object of study is
matter and matter only. Matter is observed and studied in all its
variations and interactions.

The biggest mystery of life, however, is ourselves, and for that a
spiritual science is required.

In the spiritual science, consciousness is the object of study - one
studies the influence of matter on the consciousness and the mind. So
in the spiritual science, consciousness is the object of
investigation. One does not limit one's studies to that which is
outside of oneself.

That's why spiritual science is superior to material science. Material
science is insufficient in describing and understanding the reality we
live in.

And why is this so? Because none of the natural sciences have anything
sensible to say about our conscious experience of the world. It is our
conscious awareness of the world which is the most fundamental aspect
of the reality we live in, so what is the use of a science that has
nothing to say about consciousness?

The use of science, of course, is to fabricate technology, but since
when did technology help us better understand the mysteries of life?

"Science is ghastly silent about all and sundry that is really near to
our heart, that really matters to us. It cannot tell us about red and
blue, bitter and sweet, beautiful and ugly, good or bad, God and
eternity. Science sometimes pretends to answer questions in these
domains, but the answers are often so silly that we are not inclined
to take them seriously."

--Erwin Schrodinger, a Nobel prize winning physicist

So the spiritual science, as for example presented by Krishna in
Bhagavad Gita, can help illuminate our understanding of both ourselves
and the world we live in. In Bhagavad Gita, God explains the mysteries
of life in a perfect, scientific way.

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