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How can this be ??? !!!

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Mar 14, 2008, 10:28:16 AM3/14/08
There are no transitional fossiles anywhere!. Not a single bone to prove

"None of the five museum officials whom Luther Sunderland interviewed could
offer a single example of a transitional series of fossilized organisms that
would document the transformation of one basically different type to


Mar 14, 2008, 9:39:49 AM3/14/08
adman said the following on 3/14/2008 6:28 AM:

> There are no transitional fossiles anywhere!.

A question that not a single creationist has been able to answer is this

"Transitional from what to what?"

> Not a single bone to prove
> evolution

Except for the plethora.

> "None of the five museum officials whom Luther Sunderland interviewed could
> offer a single example of a transitional series of fossilized organisms that
> would document the transformation of one basically different type to
> another."

Yes. A VERY truthful cite. *rolls eyes*

I notice that there are no footnotes or references beyond a reference to
a creationist author's book. And, no, I will not spend $10.99 plus
shipping for the book.

* DanielSan -- alt.atheism #2226 *
* BAAWA Knight - Latheist Division *
* "We Are the Latheist Thuns of Bithes You Ever Thaw." *
* "The Bible is not my book nor Christianity my *
* profession. I could never give assent to the long, *
* complicated statements of Christian dogma." *
* --Abraham Lincoln *


Mar 14, 2008, 9:42:36 AM3/14/08

You need to look on a scientific fact-based site for evidence of
transitional evolution; not some psuedo-scientific fundamentalist-biased
site written by brainwashed bigots.


Mar 14, 2008, 9:45:09 AM3/14/08
On Fri, 14 Mar 2008 08:28:16 -0600, "adman" <> wrote
in <A3vCj.4507$> :

In fact, Archaeopteryx is a great example of a transitional fossil.


Mar 14, 2008, 10:05:24 AM3/14/08
On Mar 14, 8:39 am, DanielSan <> wrote:
> adman said the following on 3/14/2008 6:28 AM:
> > There are no transitional fossiles anywhere!.
> A question that not a single creationist has been able to answer is this
> one:
> "Transitional from what to what?"

Of course they answer it: "transitional between one known fossil and
another known fossil". When one is found, it becomes a "known"
and you just have two gaps where you used to have one.



Mar 14, 2008, 10:13:11 AM3/14/08

So what do you think all those thousands and thousands of fossils
documanted show?

John Locke

Mar 14, 2008, 10:33:59 AM3/14/08
On Fri, 14 Mar 2008 08:28:16 -0600, "adman" <> wrote:

>There are no transitional fossiles anywhere!. Not a single bone to prove
>"None of the five museum officials whom Luther Sunderland interviewed could
>offer a single example of a transitional series of fossilized organisms that
>would document the transformation of one basically different type to

That argument has long been obsolete and inaccurate.
I would suggest that you stop with the pseudoscience. That stuff
went out with the middle ages. Evolution is a scientifically
verifiable theory. Here's some transitional fossils for you
to peruse:

"It is far better to grasp the Universe
as it really is than to persist in delusion,
however satisfying and reassuring." - Carl Sagan

Conspiracy of Doves

Mar 14, 2008, 10:50:05 AM3/14/08

EVERY pre-modern fossil is transitional.

In a million years, after evolution has progressed a bit further, the
organisms we have today will have become transitional.

It's not our fault that you insist on using vague, unscientific terms
like 'type'


Mar 14, 2008, 1:33:26 PM3/14/08

"adman" <> wrote in message

That's a non scientific pro-creation site and the information is old
(1978?). Have you anything scientific and more recent?



Mar 14, 2008, 1:37:47 PM3/14/08

"Elmer" <> wrote in message

This pro-creation numskull "adman" sent us to a humor site showing man rode
dinosaurs (on Civil War saddles) and thought it was a scientific site. He
actually believed man existed with the dinosaurs and rode them like horses.
Adman is a home schooled poorly educated creationist.


Mar 14, 2008, 1:47:19 PM3/14/08
On Mar 14, 6:45 am, Augray <> wrote:
> On Fri, 14 Mar 2008 08:28:16 -0600, "adman" <> wrote
> in <A3vCj.4507$> :

> >There are no transitional fossiles anywhere!. Not a single bone to prove
> >evolution
> >"None of the five museum officials whom Luther Sunderland interviewed could
> >offer a single example of a transitional series of fossilized organisms that
> >would document the transformation of one basically different type to
> >another."
> >
> In fact, Archaeopteryx is a great example of a transitional fossil.

As is Tiktaalik.

Brenda Nelson, A.A.#34
EAC Professor of Feline Thermometrics and Cat-Herding
skyeyes nine at cox dot net

Therion Ware

Mar 14, 2008, 2:00:41 PM3/14/08

Interestingly this lie was recently adressed. See

Evolution: What missing link?
27 February 2008
Donald Prothero
Magazine issue 2645

WHEN Charles Darwin published On the Origin of Species in 1859, there
was relatively little evidence in the fossil record of evolutionary
change. Darwin spent two chapters of his book apologising for the
paucity of the fossil record, but predicted that it would eventually
support his ideas.

What Darwin was bemoaning was the lack of "transitional" fossils -
those with anatomical features intermediate between two major groups
of organisms. At the time, such fossils were conceived as "missing
links" in the "great chain of being" from lowly corals through higher
organisms such as birds and mammals to humans (and ultimately to God).
We now know this is a misconception. Life does not progress up a
hierarchical ladder from "low" to "high" but is a branching bush with
numerous lineages splitting apart and coexisting simultaneously. For
example, apes and humans split from a common ancestor 7 million years
ago and both ...

Hollis Brown

Mar 14, 2008, 2:21:53 PM3/14/08

Next time, Mr. Sunderland should conduct his interviews somewhere
other than the Museum of Linens and Textiles.



Mar 14, 2008, 2:40:04 PM3/14/08
On Mar 14, 2:28 pm, "arseman" <> smirked:

> There are no transitional fossiles anywhere!. Not a single bone to prove
> evolution

Liar liar balls on fire.

> "None of the five museum officials whom Luther Sunderland

Luther WHO???

> interviewed could
> offer a single example of a transitional series of fossilized organisms that
> would document the transformation of one basically different type to
> another."

Well you can't expect janitors to be au fait with the latest
scientific developments.

Fixed the URL for you. Arent I good?

"I am in favour of animal rights as well as human rights. That is the
way of a whole human being." (Abraham Lincoln).


Mar 14, 2008, 2:41:40 PM3/14/08
On Mar 14, 5:47 pm, SkyEyes <> wrote:
> On Mar 14, 6:45 am, Augray <> wrote:
> > On Fri, 14 Mar 2008 08:28:16 -0600, "adman" <> wrote
> > in <A3vCj.4507$> :
> > >There are no transitional fossiles anywhere!. Not a single bone to prove
> > >evolution
> > >"None of the five museum officials whom Luther Sunderland interviewed could
> > >offer a single example of a transitional series of fossilized organisms that
> > >would document the transformation of one basically different type to
> > >another."
> > >
> > In fact, Archaeopteryx is a great example of a transitional fossil.
> As is Tiktaalik.

Hey I'm not THAT old!

"I am in favour of animal rights as well as human rights. That is the
way of a whole human being." (Abraham Lincoln).


Mar 14, 2008, 2:46:50 PM3/14/08

So "Assman" as Ken calls you; what's it like to watch your last drop of
credibility flowing down the gurgler?

Douglas Berry

Mar 14, 2008, 3:06:38 PM3/14/08
On Fri, 14 Mar 2008 08:28:16 -0600 "adman" <> carved
the following into the hard stone of alt.atheism

>There are no transitional fossiles anywhere!. Not a single bone to prove

You lie.

>"None of the five museum officials whom Luther Sunderland interviewed could
>offer a single example of a transitional series of fossilized organisms that
>would document the transformation of one basically different type to

Ooo.. he talked to five whole people?

Tell you what. At my next ALmeeting, I'll ask five veterans if they
were awarded the Medal of Honor. If none of them say yes, can we asume
the Medal of Honor doesn't exist?

Douglas Berry Do the OBVIOUS thing to send e-mail
Atheist #2147, Atheist Vet #5
Jason Gastrich is praying for me on 8 January 2011

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the
source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a
stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as
good as dead: his eyes are closed." - Albert Einstein


Mar 14, 2008, 4:07:35 PM3/14/08

"Conspiracy of Doves" <> wrote in message

Can you privide one single fossile that is transitional??

No, you cannot


Mar 14, 2008, 4:09:03 PM3/14/08

"Dr.Hal0nf1r£$" <> wrote in message

Can you provide one single shread of evidence or a transitional fossile?

No, you cannot.


John Baker

Mar 14, 2008, 3:22:51 PM3/14/08
On Fri, 14 Mar 2008 08:28:16 -0600, "adman" <> wrote:

How can anyone in this day and age be so fucking ignorant?


Mar 14, 2008, 3:22:50 PM3/14/08
On Mar 14, 12:37 pm, "Killiam" <> wrote:
> "Elmer" <> wrote in message

It's your fault for doing what he told you to do.

Paul Hands

Mar 14, 2008, 3:23:21 PM3/14/08

John Baker

Mar 14, 2008, 3:25:18 PM3/14/08
On Fri, 14 Mar 2008 12:37:47 -0500, "Killiam" <>

He's a Loki.

John Baker

Mar 14, 2008, 3:26:14 PM3/14/08

He never had any to begin with. But he doesn't care. He's just



Mar 14, 2008, 3:39:46 PM3/14/08
On Fri, 14 Mar 2008 14:09:03 -0600, "adman" <> wrote
in <_2ACj.4635$> :

Yes, I can: Archaeopteryx. Why are you afraid of it?


Mar 14, 2008, 4:45:23 PM3/14/08

"Augray" <> wrote in message

That cannot be a transitional fossil between birds and dinosaurs because it
is a bird.

Wings and all.


Mar 14, 2008, 3:49:30 PM3/14/08
On Fri, 14 Mar 2008 10:47:19 -0700 (PDT), SkyEyes <>
wrote in
<> :

>On Mar 14, 6:45 am, Augray <> wrote:
>> On Fri, 14 Mar 2008 08:28:16 -0600, "adman" <> wrote
>> in <A3vCj.4507$> :
>> >There are no transitional fossiles anywhere!. Not a single bone to prove
>> >evolution
>> >"None of the five museum officials whom Luther Sunderland interviewed could
>> >offer a single example of a transitional series of fossilized organisms that
>> >would document the transformation of one basically different type to
>> >another."
>> >
>> In fact, Archaeopteryx is a great example of a transitional fossil.
>As is Tiktaalik.

Very true, but I like to bring up Archaeopteryx because I'm more
familiar with its anatomy.

Uncle Vic

Mar 14, 2008, 4:03:56 PM3/14/08
On Mar 14, 7:28 am, "adman" <> wrote:
> There are no transitional fossiles anywhere!. Not a single bone to prove
> evolution

Every fossil is a transitional fossil. Don't you know that?
Evolutionary change is happening constantly.

Please explain the use of that "big toe" about a quarter of the way up
a dog's front legs. Try *not* to use the word "transitional".

> "None of the five museum officials whom Luther Sunderland interviewed could
> offer a single example of a transitional series of fossilized organisms that
> would document the transformation of one basically different type to
> another."

You won't find answers in genesis, or on that delusional website.

Uncle Vic

Uncle Vic

Mar 14, 2008, 4:14:36 PM3/14/08
On Mar 14, 1:07 pm, "adman" <> wrote:
> "Conspiracy of Doves" <> wrote in

Transitional from WHAT to WHAT? Are you really looking for a fossil
record like


Humans share about 99% of our DNA with the Chimpanzee. That's
evidence that a few million years ago, both species mutated from the
DNA of a common ancestor.

But why am I trying to teach science to a drooling religious moron,
incapable of learning anything unless he finds it at "Answers in

Uncle Vic

Free Lunch

Mar 14, 2008, 4:46:47 PM3/14/08
On Fri, 14 Mar 2008 14:09:03 -0600, in alt.atheism
"adman" <> wrote in
>"Dr.Hal0nf1rä" <> wrote in message

You must have a very, very dishonest definition of transitional fossil
to make that claim.


"... There's glory for you."

"I don't know what you mean by 'glory,'" Alice said.

Humpty Dumpty smiles contemptuously. "Of course you don't--till
I tell you. I meant 'there's a nice knock-down argument for you!'"

"But glory doesn't mean "a nice knock-down argument," Alice objected.

"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said, in a rather scornful tone,
"it means just what I choose it to mean--neither more nor less."

"The question is," said Alice "whether you can make words mean so
many different things."

"The question is," said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be master--that's


Mar 14, 2008, 4:50:42 PM3/14/08
On Fri, 14 Mar 2008 14:45:23 -0600, "adman" <> wrote
in <2BACj.4656$> :

It's unlike any living bird. Here's a list of traits not possessed by
any bird around today, but they're all to be found in theropod

- Unfused bones in the skull.
- Teeth.
- No beak.
- Cervical vertebrae articular surfaces not saddle-shaped.
- Coracoid is not strut-like.
- No carpometacarpus.
- Claw on third digit.
- Unfused trunk vertebrae.
- Gastralia.
- Only 5 sacral vertebrae.
- Fused pubic bones.
- Fibula reaches ankle.
- Fifth Metatarsal.
- No pygostyle.

It also lacks pneumaticity in the long bones, which is something
possessed by every flying bird now alive.

>Wings and all.

The wing of Archaeopteryx is also unlike the wings of living birds:

- It lacked an alula (used to reduce wing turbulence during low speed
- The metacarpal bones were not fused into a carpometacarpus, as in
living birds.
- The ulnare (a carpal bone in the wrist, AKA the cuneiform) was not
V-shaped. In living birds this helps keep the wing rigid during the
downstroke, preventing it from buckling.
- It lacked a triosseal canal in the shoulder for passage of the
tendon of the supracoracoideus muscle (which assists in the wing's
- In living birds, the position of the acrocoracohumeral ligament
prevents dislocation of the shoulder during the upstroke. This is
not the situation in Archaeopteryx, where the ligament was situated
as it is in crocodiles.
- The shoulder joint was oriented in such a way so that the wing could
not be raised above the horizontal position.
- Archaeopteryx lacked an ossified sternum for the attachment of the
flight muscles, and so would not have been a very powerful flyer,
assuming it was capable of powered flight at all. It may have simply

Once again, Archaeopteryx is an excellent example of a transitional
form. Your claim that there are no transitional forms is false.

John Baker

Mar 14, 2008, 5:16:03 PM3/14/08
On Fri, 14 Mar 2008 14:09:03 -0600, "adman" <> wrote:

>"Dr.Hal0nf1rŁ$" <> wrote in message

Yes I can, fucknuts. Far more than you can handle.


Mark K. Bilbo

Mar 14, 2008, 5:38:37 PM3/14/08
On Fri, 14 Mar 2008 08:28:16 -0600 in
A3vCj.4507$, "adman" <>

> There are no transitional fossiles anywhere!.

You lie.

(But we expect that of you)

Mark K. Bilbo a.a. #1423
EAC Department of Linguistic Subversion
"Thus, Christian politics has as its primary intent the
conquest of the land ..."
-- George Grant, "The Changing of the Guard"


Mar 14, 2008, 5:55:55 PM3/14/08

Define what would be a transitional fossil to you. What characteristics would it
have to show to *be* transitional?

> No, you cannot

Paul Hands

Mar 14, 2008, 6:12:38 PM3/14/08
On Mar 14, 8:07 pm, "adman" <> wrote:
> "Conspiracy of Doves" <> wrote in

Yes, we can. You just don't understand the science (you're too stupid
to), and even if you did, your religious brainwashing wouldn't allow
you to say so.

Paul Hands

Mar 14, 2008, 6:17:44 PM3/14/08
On Mar 14, 8:09 pm, "adman" <> wrote:
> "Dr.Hal0nf1r£$" <> wrote in message
>| Killiam wrote:
> | > "Elmer" <> wrote in message

> | >news:XJvCj.6017$Sa1....@news02.roc.ny...| >> adman wrote:
> | >>> There are no transitional fossiles anywhere!. Not a single bone to
> | >>> prove evolution
> | >>>
> | >>> "None of the five museum officials whom Luther Sunderland
> | >>> interviewed could offer a single example of a transitional series
> | >>> of fossilized organisms that would document the transformation of
> | >>> one basically different type to another."
> | >>>
> | >>>
> | >>
> | >> So what do you think all those thousands and thousands of fossils
> | >> documanted show?
> | >
> | > This pro-creation numskull "adman" sent us to a humor site showing
> | > man rode dinosaurs (on Civil War saddles) and thought it was a
> | > scientific site. He actually believed man existed with the dinosaurs
> | > and rode them like horses. Adman is a home schooled poorly educated
> | > creationist.
> |
> | So "Assman" as Ken calls you; what's it like to watch your last drop of
> | credibility flowing down the gurgler?
> Can you provide one single shread of evidence or a transitional fossile?
> No, you cannot.
> |
> |

Hey, fuckwit....

Cary Kittrell

Mar 14, 2008, 6:12:50 PM3/14/08
In article <> SkyEyes <> writes:
> On Mar 14, 6:45=A0am, Augray <> wrote:
> > On Fri, 14 Mar 2008 08:28:16 -0600, "adman" <> wrote
> > in <A3vCj.4507$> :

> >
> > >There are no transitional fossiles anywhere!. Not a single bone to prove
> > >evolution
> >
> > >"None of the five museum officials whom Luther Sunderland interviewed cou=
> ld
> > >offer a single example of a transitional series of fossilized organisms t=
> hat

> > >would document the transformation of one basically different type to
> > >another."
> >
> > >
> >
> > In fact, Archaeopteryx is a great example of a transitional fossil.
> As is Tiktaalik.

And according to the author of a recent cover story in New Scientist,
you can find many -- many many -- more in his book:



Mar 14, 2008, 6:29:38 PM3/14/08
On Fri, 14 Mar 2008 08:28:16 -0600, adman wrote:

> There are no transitional fossiles anywhere!. Not a single bone to prove
> evolution

What a bald-faced lie! Don't you worry that God is going to smite you for
bearing false witness? You *do* believe in God, and the Ten Commandments,
don't you?

(This space temporarily unavailable)

Cary Kittrell

Mar 14, 2008, 6:28:46 PM3/14/08
In article <> "Mark K. Bilbo" <gm...@com.mkbilbo> writes:
> On Fri, 14 Mar 2008 08:28:16 -0600 in
> A3vCj.4507$, "adman" <>
> wrote:
> > There are no transitional fossiles anywhere!.
> You lie.

No, he's right.

In fact, there aren't any "fossiles" at all.

Not in English, anyhow.

(or in a few select Carboniferous coal deposits in Pensylvania)

-- cary


Mar 14, 2008, 6:37:13 PM3/14/08

"Dr.Hal0nf1r£$" <> wrote in message
> So "Assman" as Ken calls you; what's it like to watch your last drop of
> credibility flowing down the gurgler?

I'm not Assman.

Mike Johannson

Mar 14, 2008, 6:41:25 PM3/14/08

"adman" <> wrote in message

Then what would satisfy you? So far you keep asking the same questions and
reject every answer given to you.



Mar 14, 2008, 6:39:37 PM3/14/08

"adman" <> wrote in message

Define a transitional fossil. Have you seen the horse display at the Museum
of Natural History in NYC? You just keep beating the same drum and playing
the same old tune. You've learned nothing and have not produced any evidence
or proof of any of the gods.

> No, you cannot.
> |
> |


Mar 14, 2008, 7:09:06 PM3/14/08
Killiam wrote:
> "Dr.Hal0nf1rŁ$" <> wrote in

I may have replied to the wrong post; apologies. :)


Mar 14, 2008, 7:10:28 PM3/14/08
On Mar 14, 8:07 pm, "arseman" <> squawked:

> "Conspiracy of Doves" <> wrote in
> | On Mar 14, 10:28 am, "adman" <> wrote:
> | > There are no transitional fossiles anywhere!. Not a single bone to prove
> | > evolution
> | >
> | > "None of the five museum officials whom Luther Sunderland interviewed
> could
> | > offer a single example of a transitional series of fossilized organisms
> that
> | > would document the transformation of one basically different type to
> | > another."
> | >
> | >
> |
> | EVERY pre-modern fossil is transitional.
> |
> | In a million years, after evolution has progressed a bit further, the
> | organisms we have today will have become transitional.
> |
> | It's not our fault that you insist on using vague, unscientific terms
> | like 'type'
> Can you privide one single fossile that is transitional??
> No, you cannot


"I am in favour of animal rights as well as human rights. That is the
way of a whole human being." (Abraham Lincoln).


Mar 14, 2008, 7:12:51 PM3/14/08
On Mar 14, 10:12 pm, (Cary Kittrell) wrote:

> In article <> SkyEyes <> writes:
> > On Mar 14, 6:45=A0am, Augray <> wrote:
> > > On Fri, 14 Mar 2008 08:28:16 -0600, "adman" <> wrote
> > > in <A3vCj.4507$> :
> > > >There are no transitional fossiles anywhere!. Not a single bone to prove
> > > >evolution
> > > >"None of the five museum officials whom Luther Sunderland interviewed cou=
> > ld
> > > >offer a single example of a transitional series of fossilized organisms t=
> > hat
> > > >would document the transformation of one basically different type to
> > > >another."
> > > >
> > > In fact, Archaeopteryx is a great example of a transitional fossil.
> > As is Tiktaalik.
> And according to the author of a recent cover story in New Scientist,
> you can find many -- many many -- more in his book:
> --cary

Excellent book, heartily recommended.


Mar 14, 2008, 7:19:19 PM3/14/08
On Mar 14, 11:46 am, "Dr.Hal0nf1r£$"
<> wrote:
> Killiam wrote:
> > "Elmer" <> wrote in message
> >news:XJvCj.6017$Sa1....@news02.roc.ny...

> >> adman wrote:
> >>> There are no transitional fossiles anywhere!. Not a single bone to
> >>> prove evolution
> >>> "None of the five museum officials whom Luther Sunderland
> >>> interviewed could offer a single example of a transitional series
> >>> of fossilized organisms that would document the transformation of

> >>> one basically different type to another."
> >>>
> >> So what do you think all those thousands and thousands of fossils
> >> documanted show?
> > This pro-creation numskull "adman" sent us to a humor site showing
> > man rode dinosaurs (on Civil War saddles) and thought it was a
> > scientific site. He actually believed man existed with the dinosaurs
> > and rode them like horses. Adman is a home schooled poorly educated
> > creationist.
> So "Assman" as Ken calls you; what's it like to watch your last drop of
> credibility flowing down the gurgler?- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Adman is ASSman, but I've decided to ignore the fuckwit..K

Electric Elvis

Mar 14, 2008, 7:34:30 PM3/14/08
On Mar 14, 4:50 pm, Augray <> wrote:
<snip excellent explanation as to why archaeopteryx has all the
hallmarks of a transitional fossil>

You used too many long and too many sciency words for Adman. He'll
probably interpret your explanation as simply an attempt to bamboozle
him with fancy-shmancy sesquipedalianism and say that you didn't say
anything meaningful at all.

Or, more likely, he'll just ignore your post.

Andy W

Mar 14, 2008, 7:39:17 PM3/14/08
On 14 Mar, 14:28, "adman" <> wrote:
> There are no transitional fossiles anywhere!. Not a single bone to prove
> evolution
> "None of the five museum officials whom Luther Sunderland interviewed could
> offer a single example of a transitional series of fossilized organisms that
> would document the transformation of one basically different type to
> another."

In one sense, there are many transitional fossils. This has already
been demonstrated to you.

In another sense, there are no transitionals. There are only closely
related species. No matter what a species eventually evolved into, at
the time when it was alive, it was not transitional but the end of the
evolutionary process up to that point, a fully functional animal (or
plant etc) in its own right.

You will never find any species, living or extinct, with some sort of
proto-organ that does nothing useful now but will when it has evolved
some more. In fact, if anyone did, it would be strong evidence against
the theory of evolution by mutation and natural selection.

But even that would not alter the fact that all species arise by
evolving from common ancestors. The evidence for that is overwhelming.
You don't even need the fossil record at all, although it is nice to
have. The relationships between all living things is more than enough.

BTW this one's been done already. Do you have anything new?


Ye Old One

Mar 14, 2008, 7:48:52 PM3/14/08
On Fri, 14 Mar 2008 08:28:16 -0600, "adman" <>
enriched this group when s/he wrote:

>There are no transitional fossiles anywhere!. Not a single bone to prove
>"None of the five museum officials whom Luther Sunderland interviewed could
>offer a single example of a transitional series of fossilized organisms that
>would document the transformation of one basically different type to

Most fossils are transitional.


Ye Old One

Mar 14, 2008, 7:55:38 PM3/14/08

That is his normal MO.


Ye Old One

Mar 14, 2008, 7:56:39 PM3/14/08
On Fri, 14 Mar 2008 14:07:35 -0600, "adman" <>

enriched this group when s/he wrote:

>"Conspiracy of Doves" <> wrote in message


>| On Mar 14, 10:28 am, "adman" <> wrote:
>| > There are no transitional fossiles anywhere!. Not a single bone to prove
>| > evolution
>| >
>| > "None of the five museum officials whom Luther Sunderland interviewed
>| > offer a single example of a transitional series of fossilized organisms
>| > would document the transformation of one basically different type to
>| > another."
>| >
>| >

>| EVERY pre-modern fossil is transitional.
>| In a million years, after evolution has progressed a bit further, the
>| organisms we have today will have become transitional.
>| It's not our fault that you insist on using vague, unscientific terms
>| like 'type'
>Can you privide one single fossile that is transitional??

Yes, there are hundreds and thousands - in fact most fossils are
>No, you cannot


Mar 14, 2008, 7:59:45 PM3/14/08
adman wrote:
> There are no transitional fossiles anywhere!. Not a single bone to prove
> evolution
> "None of the five museum officials whom Luther Sunderland interviewed could
> offer a single example of a transitional series of fossilized organisms that
> would document the transformation of one basically different type to
> another."

You could start here, but I doubt you will.


Mar 14, 2008, 8:01:39 PM3/14/08
Elmer wrote:
> adman wrote:
>> There are no transitional fossiles anywhere!. Not a single bone to
>> prove evolution
>> "None of the five museum officials whom Luther Sunderland interviewed
>> could offer a single example of a transitional series of fossilized
>> organisms that would document the transformation of one basically
>> different type to another."
> So what do you think all those thousands and thousands of fossils
> documanted show?

God(tm) just left them littered about to test our (their) faith!


Mar 14, 2008, 8:05:21 PM3/14/08
Dr.Hal0nf1rŁ$ wrote:
> Killiam wrote:
>> "Elmer" <> wrote in message
>> news:XJvCj.6017$Sa1....@news02.roc.ny...

>>> adman wrote:
>>>> There are no transitional fossiles anywhere!. Not a single bone to
>>>> prove evolution
>>>> "None of the five museum officials whom Luther Sunderland
>>>> interviewed could offer a single example of a transitional series
>>>> of fossilized organisms that would document the transformation of
>>>> one basically different type to another."
>>> So what do you think all those thousands and thousands of fossils
>>> documanted show?
>> This pro-creation numskull "adman" sent us to a humor site showing
>> man rode dinosaurs (on Civil War saddles) and thought it was a
>> scientific site. He actually believed man existed with the dinosaurs
>> and rode them like horses. Adman is a home schooled poorly educated
>> creationist.
> So "Assman" as Ken calls you; what's it like to watch your last drop of
> credibility flowing down the gurgler?

As if that would happen. In fact, he's bragging to his creationists
buddies on another newsgroup how he, yet again, completely baffled those
hell-bound atheists with his brilliant arguments.


Mar 14, 2008, 8:05:51 PM3/14/08
adman wrote:
> "Dr.Hal0nf1rŁ$" <> wrote in message
> | Killiam wrote:
> | > "Elmer" <> wrote in message
> | > news:XJvCj.6017$Sa1....@news02.roc.ny...
> | >> adman wrote:
> | >>> There are no transitional fossiles anywhere!. Not a single bone to
> | >>> prove evolution
> | >>>
> | >>> "None of the five museum officials whom Luther Sunderland
> | >>> interviewed could offer a single example of a transitional series
> | >>> of fossilized organisms that would document the transformation of
> | >>> one basically different type to another."
> | >>>
> | >>>
> | >>
> | >> So what do you think all those thousands and thousands of fossils
> | >> documanted show?
> | >
> | > This pro-creation numskull "adman" sent us to a humor site showing
> | > man rode dinosaurs (on Civil War saddles) and thought it was a
> | > scientific site. He actually believed man existed with the dinosaurs
> | > and rode them like horses. Adman is a home schooled poorly educated
> | > creationist.
> |
> | So "Assman" as Ken calls you; what's it like to watch your last drop of
> | credibility flowing down the gurgler?
> Can you provide one single shread of evidence or a transitional fossile?
> No, you cannot.
> |
> |


Mar 14, 2008, 8:06:56 PM3/14/08

Ah Ha! You said saddle.


Mar 14, 2008, 8:29:41 PM3/14/08
On Mar 14, 8:09 pm, "arseman" <> screeched:

> "Dr.Hal0nf1r£$" <> wrote in message
>| Killiam wrote:
> | > "Elmer" <> wrote in message

> | >news:XJvCj.6017$Sa1....@news02.roc.ny...| >> adman wrote:
> | >>> There are no transitional fossiles anywhere!. Not a single bone to
> | >>> prove evolution
> | >>>
> | >>> "None of the five museum officials whom Luther Sunderland
> | >>> interviewed could offer a single example of a transitional series
> | >>> of fossilized organisms that would document the transformation of
> | >>> one basically different type to another."
> | >>>
> | >>>
> | >>
> | >> So what do you think all those thousands and thousands of fossils
> | >> documanted show?
> | >
> | > This pro-creation numskull "adman" sent us to a humor site showing
> | > man rode dinosaurs (on Civil War saddles) and thought it was a
> | > scientific site. He actually believed man existed with the dinosaurs
> | > and rode them like horses. Adman is a home schooled poorly educated
> | > creationist.
> |
> | So "Assman" as Ken calls you; what's it like to watch your last drop of
> | credibility flowing down the gurgler?
> Can you provide one single shread of evidence or a transitional fossile?
> No, you cannot.

YARRRRRK! SKWAAAAWK! Arseman want a cracker! SKRRRRREEEEE!!!!


Mar 14, 2008, 8:32:25 PM3/14/08
On Mar 14, 8:45 pm, "arseman" <> wailed:

> "Augray" <> wrote in message
> | On Fri, 14 Mar 2008 14:09:03 -0600, "adman" <> wrote
> | in <_2ACj.4635$> :

> |
> | >
> | >"Dr.Hal0nf1r�$" <> wrote in
> message
> | >| >| Killiam wrote:
> | >| > "Elmer" <> wrote in message
> | >| >news:XJvCj.6017$Sa1....@news02.roc.ny...
> | >| >> adman wrote:
> | >| >>> There are no transitional fossiles anywhere!. Not a single bone to
> | >| >>> prove evolution
> | >| >>>
> | >| >>> "None of the five museum officials whom Luther Sunderland
> | >| >>> interviewed could offer a single example of a transitional series
> | >| >>> of fossilized organisms that would document the transformation of
> | >| >>> one basically different type to another."
> | >| >>>
> | >| >>>
> | >| >>
> | >| >> So what do you think all those thousands and thousands of fossils
> | >| >> documanted show?
> | >| >
> | >| > This pro-creation numskull "adman" sent us to a humor site showing
> | >| > man rode dinosaurs (on Civil War saddles) and thought it was a
> | >| > scientific site. He actually believed man existed with the dinosaurs
> | >| > and rode them like horses. Adman is a home schooled poorly educated
> | >| > creationist.
> | >|
> | >| So "Assman" as Ken calls you; what's it like to watch your last drop of
> | >| credibility flowing down the gurgler?
> | >
> | >Can you provide one single shread of evidence or a transitional fossile?
> | >
> | >No, you cannot.
> |
> | Yes, I can: Archaeopteryx. Why are you afraid of it?
> That cannot be a transitional fossil between birds and dinosaurs because it
> is a bird.

> Wings and all.

Ah. Bats are birds according to arselogic.

bob young

Mar 14, 2008, 9:31:01 PM3/14/08

adman wrote:

> There are no transitional fossiles anywhere!. Not a single bone to prove
> evolution

so you would like to believe. sad to tell you, you are wrong.

Oh and there are no gods, outside the vivid imagination of insecuresimple

bob young

Mar 14, 2008, 9:40:02 PM3/14/08

Uncle Vic wrote:

> On Mar 14, 7:28 am, "adman" <> wrote:
> > There are no transitional fossiles anywhere!. Not a single bone to prove
> > evolution

> Every fossil is a transitional fossil. Don't you know that?
> Evolutionary change is happening constantly.
> Please explain the use of that "big toe" about a quarter of the way up
> a dog's front legs. Try *not* to use the word "transitional".

Isn't that big toe a throw back to very early life? Most living things have five
digits on each paw/hand with hard skin as claws/toenails. Chances are we all
lived in shallow water at one time or another and gradually over millions of
years moved onto dry land with limbs/fins developing along varying branches.

There's a snapshot of early development in high temperature waters three miles
below the Pacific right now. Found there are blind transparent fish which could
not, would not, move more than two meters away from the hot lava spouts found at
these depths. They fed on plankton. A few meters away the water temperature is
too cold to support life. [Not sure if this strange state of affairs is covered
anywhere in the bible]


> >
> > "None of the five museum officials whom Luther Sunderland interviewed could
> > offer a single example of a transitional series of fossilized organisms that
> > would document the transformation of one basically different type to
> > another."
> >
> >

> You won't find answers in genesis, or on that delusional website.
> --
> Uncle Vic
> 2011

John Baker

Mar 14, 2008, 11:24:56 PM3/14/08

Delusional little twit, isn't he? Perhaps we should enlighten his
buddies as to the facts of the matter. <G>


Mar 14, 2008, 11:35:37 PM3/14/08

"adman" <> wrote in message

> There are no transitional fossiles anywhere!. Not a single bone to prove
> evolution

You fucking moron.


Mar 14, 2008, 11:37:36 PM3/14/08

"Augray" <> wrote in message


Nice post - I am not surprised to see that ad-idiot has not replied to it.
You may claim spank!


Mar 14, 2008, 11:55:22 PM3/14/08
"adman" <> wrote in

> There are no transitional fossiles anywhere!. Not a single bone to
> prove evolution

> "None of the five museum officials whom Luther Sunderland interviewed
> could offer a single example of a transitional series of fossilized
> organisms that would document the transformation of one basically
> different type to another."



Mar 15, 2008, 12:38:39 AM3/15/08
Can't right now. I've got some cats to herd.


Mar 15, 2008, 1:13:50 AM3/15/08

"Ken" <> wrote in message

May as well since the twit ignores or rejects everything presented to him,
then starts the same round of questions all over again. Kind of like dealing
with an Alzheimer's sufferer or crack head.


Mar 15, 2008, 1:16:16 AM3/15/08

"Jack" <> wrote in message

> On Mar 14, 12:37 pm, "Killiam" <> wrote:
>> "Elmer" <> wrote in message
>> news:XJvCj.6017$Sa1....@news02.roc.ny...
>> > adman wrote:
>> >> There are no transitional fossiles anywhere!. Not a single bone to
>> >> prove
>> >> evolution
>> >> "None of the five museum officials whom Luther Sunderland interviewed
>> >> could offer a single example of a transitional series of fossilized
>> >> organisms that would document the transformation of one basically
>> >> different type to another."
>> >>
>> > So what do you think all those thousands and thousands of fossils
>> > documanted show?
>> This pro-creation numskull "adman" sent us to a humor site showing man
>> rode
>> dinosaurs (on Civil War saddles) and thought it was a scientific site. He
>> actually believed man existed with the dinosaurs and rode them like
>> horses.
>> Adman is a home schooled poorly educated creationist.
> It's your fault for doing what he told you to do.

Yep! I just had to see what kind of saddle they had back in the
day.............. :^)


Steven J.

Mar 15, 2008, 1:19:18 AM3/15/08
On Mar 14, 3:45 pm, "adman" <> wrote:
> "Augray" <> wrote in message
> | On Fri, 14 Mar 2008 14:09:03 -0600, "adman" <> wrote
> | in <_2ACj.4635$> :
> |
> | >
> | >"Dr.Hal0nf1r�$" <> wrote in
> message
> | >| >| Killiam wrote:
> | >| > "Elmer" <> wrote in message
> | >| >news:XJvCj.6017$Sa1....@news02.roc.ny...
> | >| >> adman wrote:
> | >| >>> There are no transitional fossiles anywhere!. Not a single bone to
> | >| >>> prove evolution
> | >| >>>
> | >| >>> "None of the five museum officials whom Luther Sunderland
> | >| >>> interviewed could offer a single example of a transitional series
> | >| >>> of fossilized organisms that would document the transformation of
> | >| >>> one basically different type to another."
> | >| >>>
> | >| >>>
> | >| >>
> | >| >> So what do you think all those thousands and thousands of fossils
> | >| >> documanted show?
> | >| >
> | >| > This pro-creation numskull "adman" sent us to a humor site showing
> | >| > man rode dinosaurs (on Civil War saddles) and thought it was a
> | >| > scientific site. He actually believed man existed with the dinosaurs
> | >| > and rode them like horses. Adman is a home schooled poorly educated
> | >| > creationist.
> | >|
> | >| So "Assman" as Ken calls you; what's it like to watch your last drop of
> | >| credibility flowing down the gurgler?
> | >
> | >Can you provide one single shread of evidence or a transitional fossile?
> | >
> | >No, you cannot.
> |
> | Yes, I can: Archaeopteryx. Why are you afraid of it?
> That cannot be a transitional fossil between birds and dinosaurs because it
> is a bird.
> Wings and all.
There are several specimens of _Archaeopteryx_ which were not
recognized as birds until the feather impressions were noted: the
skeleton is (except for unusually long arms and a slightly shortened
tail) a typical small maniraptoran theropod. The skeleton looks much
more like that of, say, _Compsognatus_ than it does like that of a
modern pigeon or crow; Fred Hoyle famously claimed that the original
was a forgery, with the feather impressions added to a nonfeathered
coelurosaur (I've seen creationist websites that make both claims:
that it was a fake, and that it was an undoubted bird).

Of course, if you don't like _Archaeopteryx_, there's always
_Microraptor gui_.

By the way, I've read Sutherland's book. I was impressed by his
methodology: he would go to some scientist who didn't specialize in
the particular field about which he was asking (e.g. asking about
"reptile to mammal" transitionals when talking to a paleontologist
who didn't specialize in synapsids), and then, when told that
particular scientist didn't have an answer right off the top of his
head, just take that as an admission that no answer existed rather
than go down the hall and ask an expert in the field his inquiry

Sutherland couldn't find any transitional fossils because he worked
very hard on not locating any.

-- Steven J.

John Baker

Mar 15, 2008, 3:15:59 AM3/15/08
On 15 Mar 2008 03:55:22 GMT, Siteldawgnumber1
<> wrote:



Mar 15, 2008, 4:11:58 PM3/15/08

Now THAT'S what I call a proven fact.


Mar 15, 2008, 6:19:15 PM3/15/08
On Mar 14, 10:13 pm, "Killiam" <> wrote:

> May as well since the twit ignores or rejects everything presented to him,
> then starts the same round of questions all over again. Kind of like dealing

> with an Alzheimer's sufferer or crack head.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

ASSman..the parrot-brained delusional crack smoking Alzheimer's patient

Electric Elvis

Mar 15, 2008, 6:23:37 PM3/15/08

I dispute the "fucking" part. "Wanking", maybe.


Mar 15, 2008, 10:54:03 PM3/15/08

"Ken" <> wrote in message

Seek professional help...SOON


Mar 15, 2008, 11:29:45 PM3/15/08
On Mar 15, 10:23 pm, Electric Elvis <>

Wanking unquestionably. I stand corrected.

Randy Gulley

Mar 16, 2008, 2:20:08 AM3/16/08
"Killiam" <> wrote in

> .. On Mar 14, 11:46 am, "Dr.Hal0nf1r£$"

Kind of like you Carol the crack head cunt

Randy Gulley

Mar 16, 2008, 2:21:47 AM3/16/08
"Killiam" <> wrote in news:47dab6ce$0$1344

> "adman" <> wrote in message
> news:A3vCj.4507$

>> There are no transitional fossiles anywhere!. Not a single bone to
>> evolution
>> "None of the five museum officials whom Luther Sunderland interviewed
>> could
>> offer a single example of a transitional series of fossilized
>> that
>> would document the transformation of one basically different type to
>> another."

> That's a non scientific pro-creation site and the information is old
> (1978?). Have you anything scientific and more recent?

What you know of science, crack head cunt? You drop out of high school
to be biker whore. What your science background bitch?


Mar 16, 2008, 5:42:01 AM3/16/08
"bob young" <> wrote in message

> Uncle Vic wrote:
>> On Mar 14, 7:28 am, "adman" <> wrote:
>> > There are no transitional fossiles anywhere!. Not a single bone to
>> > prove
>> > evolution
>> Every fossil is a transitional fossil. Don't you know that?
>> Evolutionary change is happening constantly.
>> Please explain the use of that "big toe" about a quarter of the way up
>> a dog's front legs. Try *not* to use the word "transitional".

The dew claws have a very definite function, they are used by the dog to
clean the its head and mouth area of burrs and dirt. They have tended to
disappear in some breeds and are clipped in many others. The reflexive use
of the dew claws is seen in many dogs that wipe their heads with their

Message has been deleted


Mar 14, 2008, 6:29:24 PM3/14/08
adman wrote:

> "Conspiracy of Doves" <> wrote in message

> | On Mar 14, 10:28 am, "adman" <> wrote:
> | > There are no transitional fossiles anywhere!. Not a single bone to prove
> | > evolution
> | >

> | > "None of the five museum officials whom Luther Sunderland interviewed
> could
> | > offer a single example of a transitional series of fossilized organisms
> that
> | > would document the transformation of one basically different type to
> | > another."
> | >
> | >
> |

> | EVERY pre-modern fossil is transitional.
> |
> | In a million years, after evolution has progressed a bit further, the
> | organisms we have today will have become transitional.
> |
> | It's not our fault that you insist on using vague, unscientific terms
> | like 'type'
> Can you privide one single fossile that is transitional??
> No, you cannot
===>Your own bones, once and if ever fossilized, will be
"transitional"! -- L.

Posted via a free Usenet account from

Norma I Santana

Mar 16, 2008, 1:25:30 PM3/16/08

"Randy Gulley" aka ANTONIO L SANTANA/JABRIOL (Jehovahs Witness) sociopath
and sadist<ra...@tnshack.con> wrote in message

Now you can do beter than
that with your filth, you did before. Do you jack off when you think of me
Antonio L Santana? Do your heat beat 300 times a moinute and sweat pours off
you as you turbo-fist? Do
the rapes come back and het you all hot and bothered? Do you pop when you
spit in the face of your god?

Norma I Santana

Mar 16, 2008, 1:29:47 PM3/16/08

"Randy Gulley" aka Antonio L Santana/Jabriol/ sociopath and souless
reprobate<ra...@tnshack.con> wrote in message

> What you know of science, crack head cunt? You drop out of high school
> to be biker whore. What your science background bitch?

Wow Antonio, your realy cranking it up! LOL LOL LOL You just cant get same
sexual satisfaction over word "cunt" any more I see. You added "crack
head," the same thing you called our daughter Revis after you threw her out
of house. What's next Antonio? Keep us entertain with your depraved posts.

Norma I Santana

Mar 16, 2008, 2:06:56 PM3/16/08

"adman" <> wrote in message



Norma I Santana

Mar 16, 2008, 2:08:56 PM3/16/08

"Randy Gulley" <ra...@tnshack.con> wrote in message

And you Antonio Santana are a dickead crackhead cunt man and pedofile like
rest of your family. This what you post about self:

Ghent aka Randy Gulley (aka JABRIOL/Antonio L Santana) said this about
"But what do you care, I am just a low ghetto welfare living black
puerto rican scum of the earth whose value is less that your fancy
carp in your ponds... I hope you all sleep well at night."

You know what you are and admit it here. Not one person disagreed with you
or defended you.


Conspiracy of Doves

Mar 17, 2008, 11:35:46 AM3/17/08
On Mar 14, 4:07 pm, "adman" <> wrote:
> "Conspiracy of Doves" <> wrote in

> | On Mar 14, 10:28 am, "adman" <> wrote:
> | > There are no transitional fossiles anywhere!. Not a single bone to prove
> | > evolution
> | >
> | > "None of the five museum officials whom Luther Sunderland interviewed
> could
> | > offer a single example of a transitional series of fossilized organisms
> that
> | > would document the transformation of one basically different type to
> | > another."
> | >
> | >
> |
> | EVERY pre-modern fossil is transitional.
> |
> | In a million years, after evolution has progressed a bit further, the
> | organisms we have today will have become transitional.
> |
> | It's not our fault that you insist on using vague, unscientific terms
> | like 'type'
> Can you privide one single fossile that is transitional??
> No, you cannot

Do you even know what a transitional fossil is?

The 'hopeful monster' is a myth invented by creationists. Remember
that there is no planning or forethought in evolution. EVERY
transitional form is fully functional, whole and complete in and of

bob young

Mar 18, 2008, 11:37:01 PM3/18/08

Cj wrote:

Simply because it happens to be there. Billions of years ago it was part of
the five digits of early life forms that we and the dogs originate from.
Virtually every living mammal and fish can show the presence or origins of
five digits.


Mar 19, 2008, 10:12:52 AM3/19/08

"bob young" <> wrote in message


I'll check my fish for toes!!



Mar 19, 2008, 11:38:48 AM3/19/08
"adman" <> wrote in

> "Augray" <> wrote in message
>| On Fri, 14 Mar 2008 14:09:03 -0600, "adman" <> wrote

>| in <_2ACj.4635$> :

>| >
>| >"Dr.Hal0nf1r£$" <> wrote in
>| >message
>| >| Killiam wrote:

>| >| > "Elmer" <> wrote in message
>| >| > news:XJvCj.6017$Sa1....@news02.roc.ny...

>| >| >> adman wrote:
>| >| >>> There are no transitional fossiles anywhere!. Not a single
>| >| >>> bone to prove evolution
>| >| >>>

>| >| >>> "None of the five museum officials whom Luther Sunderland
>| >| >>> interviewed could offer a single example of a transitional
>| >| >>> series of fossilized organisms that would document the
>| >| >>> transformation of one basically different type to another."
>| >| >>>
>| >| >>>
>| >| >>

>| >| >> So what do you think all those thousands and thousands of
>| >| >> fossils documanted show?
>| >| >
>| >| > This pro-creation numskull "adman" sent us to a humor site
>| >| > showing man rode dinosaurs (on Civil War saddles) and thought it
>| >| > was a scientific site. He actually believed man existed with the
>| >| > dinosaurs and rode them like horses. Adman is a home schooled
>| >| > poorly educated creationist.
>| >|
>| >| So "Assman" as Ken calls you; what's it like to watch your last

>| >| drop of credibility flowing down the gurgler?

>| >
>| >Can you provide one single shread of evidence or a transitional
>| >fossile?
>| >
>| >No, you cannot.
>| Yes, I can: Archaeopteryx. Why are you afraid of it?
> That cannot be a transitional fossil between birds and dinosaurs
> because it is a bird.
> Wings and all.

And what is your definition of a transitional animal, one that is half
man, half amoeba?

Support the Constitution
Support the troops ....
... not the leaders

bob young

Mar 19, 2008, 11:43:05 PM3/19/08

adman wrote:

Check the fins of a porpoise, you will find five protrusions.

You - smart arse, whether you like it or not, are descended from a branch of
early apes.

Instinctively it seems, you still need to ape them !

For the creationist, when it comes to evolution, no evidence is good enough.
However, when it comes to their religious beliefs, no evidence is good enough.
[Acknowledgements to John Baker (November 2005)]

> |
> |

~s.a.b.a g.r.a.c.i.l.e~

Apr 16, 2008, 9:28:39 PM4/16/08

"adman" <> skrev i melding news:A3vCj.4507$

> There are no transitional fossiles anywhere!. Not a single bone to prove
> evolution
> "None of the five museum officials whom Luther Sunderland interviewed could
> offer a single example of a transitional series of fossilized organisms that
> would document the transformation of one basically different type to
> another."

Well, duh, they have imagined these transitions,and that's alot!


Kathy C

Apr 17, 2008, 12:32:36 AM4/17/08

"~s.a.b.a g.r.a.c.i.l.e~" <> wrote in message

Well, there's a host of transitionals as this site proves:

0 new messages