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Pastor Frank

Nov 24, 2005, 8:48:01 PM11/24/05
"ZenIsWhen" <here'> wrote in message
>> Carl Rooker wrote:
>>> "Bill" <> wrote in message
>>> news:2Y7af.47815$
>>> >
>>> > Religious types claim that the universe would need a God creator and
>>> > that
>>> > God always was. It is more logical to conclude the Universe always
>>> > was.
>>> > There is physical objective verifiable evidence for the existence of
>>> > the
>>> > Universe. There is absolutely no objective verifiable evidence for the
>>> > existence of ANY Gods.
>>> Well, for once you have part of this correct. We do believe that God is
>>> eternal, and the universe is not.
>>> You may think that it is logical to believe that the universe always
>>> was,
>>> but this goes against all current scientific theory.
> If you are going to use science as a part of your argument - then what
> about the scientific FACT that there is NO valid evidence for ANY god?
> What you BELIEVE is meaningless in the area of valid and supportable
> explanations of the universe.
Come on Zen, continue!!! Or we your stooges who must ask: What is a
"valid and supportable explanation for the existence of the universe"?


Nov 24, 2005, 9:52:50 PM11/24/05
"Pastor Frank" <> wrote in message

Neither I nor science have an explanation for the initiation/cause/reason
for the universe.

Not having an explanation for the initiation/cause/reason for the universe
does NOT automatically mean "goddidit!"
unless YOU have valid proof or evidence that your god even exists and
created the universe!


Nov 24, 2005, 10:21:29 PM11/24/05
I do. Pour some water into a cooking pan. Put it on the heater and turn
it on. Watch it as it starts to boil. What do you see? Bubbles! And
there's nobody there creating these bubbles. Heated water is simply a
condition in which bubbles form sponatiously. If you wish to erase the
human factor, the fact you need to turn on the heater. Simply look at
the ocean water during a submarine volcanic eruption.
The universe is just like one of these bubbles. And the condition in
which they form is "nothingness", a total vacuum. You may say there is
nothing there to form it. I say there is nothing there to stop it from
forming. Sadly however with our current means we cannot recreate this
condition. Testing this is a job for future generations.


Nov 24, 2005, 11:09:14 PM11/24/05

"ZenIsWhen" <here'> wrote in message

The Christian Taliban will argue (with their below 70 IQ) forever. These
motherfuckers need to be taken out. They are terrorists threatening to turn
America into a Christian Theocracy. Everyone says that Iraq will face a
Civil War, I think that the US will face one as well. Bush divided the
country and shoved christianity on everyone. It's time to stand up and
defend America for religious freedom, before these assholes turn America
into a christian theocracy.

I will fight until death to protect America from these sick taliban cult

Christians are the most greedy, hypocritic, dangerous human beings on the
planet. It's their way - or no way. They are trying to infiltrate our
schools, our government, and our religious freedoms. People like Pat
Robertson, Bush and Cheney should be hanged in a public square to show the
world what we do to christian terrorists that try to take over a country
that prides itself on religious freedom.

Let the war begin.

Uncle Vic

Nov 24, 2005, 11:19:56 PM11/24/05
Once upon a time in alt.atheism, dear sweet Pastor Frank
( made the light shine upon us with this:

>> If you are going to use science as a part of your argument - then what
>> about the scientific FACT that there is NO valid evidence for ANY god?
>> What you BELIEVE is meaningless in the area of valid and supportable
>> explanations of the universe.
> Come on Zen, continue!!! Or we your stooges who must ask: What is a
> "valid and supportable explanation for the existence of the universe"?

How about "We don't know yet, but we're working on it."

Uncle Vic
Supervisor, EAC Department of little adhesive-backed "L" shaped
chrome-plastic doo-dads to add feet to Jesus fish department
sig under construction

bob young

Nov 25, 2005, 12:00:02 AM11/25/05

Pastor Frank wrote:

Clever Eh? You know very well that man has not got that far as yet. He may
never get that far before humanoids become extinct, like so many species do
with the steady march of evolution.

Then when man is no longer around your silly question will be even more
pointless - there will be no brains on this planet that can handle the issue.

The other explanation might be that some old guy with a beard who lives in a
'heaven 'just above the clouds created everything. Well that is where my GGG
Granddad said He lived. Now we fly jumbos 'just above the clouds'

Things change, your primitive belief dies a slow death as each day goes by and
the pathetic contortions that religionists resort to to justify their silly
beliefs become more and more ridiculous. Discoveries by man, in contrast,
reveal more each day about our origins.

Keep up the good work Frank, the Lord will be so pleased to see you when you
arrive in His 'heaven' - but keep a weather eye out for the odd jumbo jet
whilst you are up there Frank.


Humanist Brit.
Hong Kong

Man of old, the savage,
formed the belief,
the eruption of the volcano
was god's expression of grief.

Man believed the lightning bolt,
for the crops - a blessing of rain,
the curse of flood lending starvation,
was spewed from heavenly gates.

Man believed he could calm divine wrath,
through sacrifice of a virgin pure,
though blood appeased him not,
how the quake continues to tremble the earth.

Man believed the sting of a bee,
the fangs of the serpent, the teeth of a bear
were all signs of divine things,
deities by the dozens, some invented in pairs.

Silly superstitions thrive to this day,
if not for the rationalist, skeptic,
and freethinker,
where would we be?

In Church thumping Bibles, that's where!
See, we've came a long way.
Instead of cracking virgins' skulls,

[with acknowledgements to: Sharon]

bob young

Nov 25, 2005, 12:02:01 AM11/25/05

ZenIsWhen wrote:


Hong Kong

Richard Dawkins

Nov 25, 2005, 12:04:08 AM11/25/05

"ZenIsWhen" <here'> wrote in message

For your next act you're going to try to convince us that you're an atheist
that doesn't hate something that you don't believe in.
Of course we all know that it is this very disbelief you profess that keeps
you attacking something invisible that doesn't exist.

bob young

Nov 25, 2005, 12:08:02 AM11/25/05

ManMadeGod wrote:

Nonsense. Roughly eighty percent of followers of religions are 'followers'
because they were brought up to it and believe it is the right and proper thing
to do in a sincere desire to be good and decent people.

That they are pandering to superstitious nonsense is an entirely different
issue. Cataloging the followers of religions in the manner that you do is way
off the mark and borders on the obscene.


Humanist Brit,
Hong Kong

bob young

Nov 25, 2005, 12:11:02 AM11/25/05

Tervicz wrote:

I totally agree.

Meantime go three miles below the Pacific Ocean; find a hot volcanic lava
spout [there are many of them] and there you will find organisms and life
forms that do not and cannot exist anywhere else on this planet.

A wonderful example of the evolutionary process in action.

bob young

Nov 25, 2005, 12:13:02 AM11/25/05

Uncle Vic wrote:

> Once upon a time in alt.atheism, dear sweet Pastor Frank
> ( made the light shine upon us with this:
> >> If you are going to use science as a part of your argument - then what
> >> about the scientific FACT that there is NO valid evidence for ANY god?
> >> What you BELIEVE is meaningless in the area of valid and supportable
> >> explanations of the universe.
> >>
> > Come on Zen, continue!!! Or we your stooges who must ask: What is a
> > "valid and supportable explanation for the existence of the universe"?
> How about "We don't know yet, but we're working on it."

The priests could have said something along those lines when folks during the
time of The Great Plague asked them "Why are we dying like flies"?

But no, all they could manage was "It is the Lord punishing us for our sins"

Marvellous !


Nov 25, 2005, 12:16:23 AM11/25/05

bob young wrote:

===>The ET YHWH ELOHIM could not have formed those in his magic
garden, could he? ;-) -- L.

Uncle Vic

Nov 25, 2005, 12:39:12 AM11/25/05
Once upon a time in alt.atheism, dear sweet bob young
( made the light shine upon us with this:

> Uncle Vic wrote:
>> Once upon a time in alt.atheism, dear sweet Pastor Frank
>> ( made the light shine upon us with this:
>> >> If you are going to use science as a part of your argument - then
>> >> what about the scientific FACT that there is NO valid evidence for
>> >> ANY god? What you BELIEVE is meaningless in the area of valid and
>> >> supportable explanations of the universe.
>> >>
>> > Come on Zen, continue!!! Or we your stooges who must ask: What
>> > is a
>> > "valid and supportable explanation for the existence of the
>> > universe"?
>> How about "We don't know yet, but we're working on it."
> The priests could have said something along those lines when folks
> during the time of The Great Plague asked them "Why are we dying like
> flies"?
> But no, all they could manage was "It is the Lord punishing us for our
> sins"
> Marvellous !

The right wing bigots say the same about AIDS. These are not sins
committed against a god, they are sins committed against the believer who
is imagining the source of the "punishment".

Uncle Vic

Nov 25, 2005, 3:00:47 AM11/25/05
Once upon a time in alt.atheism, dear sweet Richard Dawkins
( made the light shine upon us with this:

Of course not, Raytard, that would be typical of a religious bigot like

> Of course we all know that it is this very disbelief you profess that
> keeps you attacking something invisible that doesn't exist.
> `snicker`

So you agree then, that "God" doesn't actually exist?

Dickbrain here's personal Cthulhu

Nov 25, 2005, 6:27:02 AM11/25/05
"Richard Dawkins" <> suddenly spluttered:

>For your next act you're going to try to convince us that you're an atheist
>that doesn't hate something that you don't believe in.
>Of course we all know that it is this very disbelief you profess that keeps
>you attacking something invisible that doesn't exist.

Think you're clever, don't you? Atheism exists simply and solely
because theism does, and is the antithesis thereof. We hate
anachronistic, stupid dishonest mindwanks like you who waste
everybody's time trying to drag them into your world of make-believe,
we do not hate your nonexistent deity. In fact some of us imagine that
if, just for the sake of entertainment, he did exist, he would
probably despise you even more than we do. After all, what does the
Bible say happens to bearers of false witness?

Conflict over the exact will/purpose/nature of God cannot ever be
resolved, since there are no facts to go on.


AA #2208

Pastor Frank

Nov 25, 2005, 1:02:47 PM11/25/05
"bob young" <> wrote in message
>> Come on Zen, continue!!! Or are we your stooges who must ask: What is

>> a "valid and supportable explanation for the existence of the universe"?
> Clever Eh? You know very well that man has not got that far as yet. He
> may
> never get that far before humanoids become extinct, like so many species
> do
> with the steady march of evolution.
> Then when man is no longer around your silly question will be even more
> pointless - there will be no brains on this planet that can handle the
> issue.
Devolution back to ape-mentality?

> The other explanation might be that some old guy with a beard who lives in
> a
> 'heaven 'just above the clouds created everything. Well that is where my
> Granddad said He lived. Now we fly jumbos 'just above the clouds'

That "old man above the clouds" is your pet disbelief, which sustains
your atheist posts to our pristine Christian NGs, but it has nothing in
common with our Christian God as defined by Christ Himself, and you KNOW it.
It's just an idee fixe, to which you like to stick tenaceously. Read again
below the definition of the God of Christ.

Pastor Frank

Jesus in Jn:4:24: "GOD IS A SPIRIT, and they that worship him must
worship him in spirit and in truth."
Jesus in John 14:6-10: Jesus saith unto him: "I am the way, the truth,
and the life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. If ye had known me,
ye should have known my Father also, and from henceforth YE KNOW HIM AND
Philip saith unto him: "Lord, show us the Father, and it sufficeth us."
Jesus saith unto him: "Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast
thou not known me, Philip? HE THAT HAS SEEN ME HATH SEEN THE FATHER;
and how sayest thou then: Show us the Father? Believest thou not that I am
in the Father, and the Father in me? The words that I speak unto you I speak
not of myself, but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works."
Jesus in John 12:44-46`Then Jesus cried out and said, "He who believes
in me, believes not in me but in Him who sent me. And he who sees me sees
Him who sent Me. I have come as a light into the world, that whoever
believes in me should not abide in darkness."
Jesus in Lk 17:20-21: And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when
the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said: "The kingdom of
God cometh not with observation. Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo
there! For, behold, the kingdom of GOD IS WITHIN YOU."
1Jn:4:8: He that loveth not, knoweth not God; for GOD IS LOVE.
1Jn:4:16: And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us.
GOD IS LOVE; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.
Acts:17:28: For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain
also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring.

Pastor Frank

Nov 25, 2005, 1:02:53 PM11/25/05
"Richard Dawkins" <> wrote in message
Well put!!!! Rick. Atheists are like children who lie in bed in the dark
trying to get to sleep, but fearing the boogieman under their beds, they
need to keep telling themselves that he doesn't exist. LOL


Nov 25, 2005, 6:50:38 PM11/25/05

Pastor Frank wrote:

Atheists are like the nasty people who tell little children there is no Tooth
or Santa Claus. -- L.


Nov 25, 2005, 11:52:00 PM11/25/05
Pastor Frank wrote:

So you also believe in a "boogieman"? Amusing.

aa #1981
Qualified SMASH member
EAC Chief Food Inspector, Bacon Division

bob young

Nov 26, 2005, 12:30:01 AM11/26/05

Pastor Frank wrote:

I do not 'know it', and neither do you, since it all supposedly happened over
two thousand years ago.

1.5K years back European monarchies were in full swing, with administrations
armies and many had developing legal systems, yet nothing remains on record,
and we are supposed to believe myth-like tales from a period that was another
1.5K years further back? !!!

Grow up.,


Nov 26, 2005, 2:27:32 PM11/26/05

>> For your next act you're going to try to convince us that you're an
>> atheist that doesn't hate something that you don't believe in.
>> Of course we all know that it is this very disbelief you profess that
>> keeps you attacking something invisible that doesn't exist.
>> `snicker`
> Well put!!!! Rick. Atheists are like children who lie in bed in the
> dark trying to get to sleep, but fearing the boogieman under their beds,
> they need to keep telling themselves that he doesn't exist. LOL

A typical response from religious believers that have NO objective reason
for their belief
and can't defend it logically.

When you don't agree with the message attack the messenger!

Christopher A. Lee

Nov 26, 2005, 2:52:20 PM11/26/05
On Sat, 26 Nov 2005 14:27:32 -0500, "Bill" <>

But that doesn't excuse their nastiness and personal lies.

Or the sheer hypocrisy of their whining when they're treated as the
personally nasty liars they have shown themselves to be.

Pastor Frank

Nov 26, 2005, 10:09:43 PM11/26/05
"Dickbrain here's personal Cthulhu" <> wrote in

> "Richard Dawkins" <> suddenly spluttered:
>>For your next act you're going to try to convince us that you're an
>>that doesn't hate something that you don't believe in.
>>Of course we all know that it is this very disbelief you profess that
>>you attacking something invisible that doesn't exist.
> Think you're clever, don't you? Atheism exists simply and solely
> because theism does, and is the antithesis thereof. We hate
> anachronistic, stupid dishonest mindwanks like you who waste
> everybody's time trying to drag them into your world of make-believe,
> we do not hate your nonexistent deity. In fact some of us imagine that
> if, just for the sake of entertainment, he did exist, he would
> probably despise you even more than we do. After all, what does the
> Bible say happens to bearers of false witness?
> Conflict over the exact will/purpose/nature of God cannot ever be
> resolved, since there are no facts to go on.
> D Silverman FLAHN, SMLAHN
> AA #2208
Dickbrain means, he doesn't hate our holy and almighty God, but he just
despises, if not hates people who don't believe or disbelieve as he does.
LOL That reminds me of the atheist who said: It takes all kinds to make a
world, I'm just glad I'm not one of them.

Pastor Frank

Nov 27, 2005, 9:16:56 AM11/27/05
"Libertarius" <Libertarius@Nothing_But_The.Truth> wrote in message
You must have been traumatized by this reality in your childhood, for
you got nothing, while your peers who believed in the tooth fairy and Santa
got coins and candy. Contrary to your belief, children are not stupid
true-believers, but know very well which beliefs are profitable and which
are not.


Nov 27, 2005, 3:59:46 PM11/27/05

Pastor Frank wrote:

> "Dickbrain here's personal Cthulhu" <> wrote in
> message
> > "Richard Dawkins" <> suddenly spluttered:
> >>
> >>For your next act you're going to try to convince us that you're an
> >>atheist
> >>that doesn't hate something that you don't believe in.
> >>Of course we all know that it is this very disbelief you profess that
> >>keeps
> >>you attacking something invisible that doesn't exist.
> >>`snicker`
> >
> > Think you're clever, don't you? Atheism exists simply and solely
> > because theism does, and is the antithesis thereof. We hate
> > anachronistic, stupid dishonest mindwanks like you who waste
> > everybody's time trying to drag them into your world of make-believe,
> > we do not hate your nonexistent deity. In fact some of us imagine that
> > if, just for the sake of entertainment, he did exist, he would
> > probably despise you even more than we do. After all, what does the
> > Bible say happens to bearers of false witness?
> > Conflict over the exact will/purpose/nature of God cannot ever be
> > resolved, since there are no facts to go on.
> > D Silverman FLAHN, SMLAHN
> > AA #2208
> >
> Dickbrain means,

===>What lovely terms you use, fake "pastor"!
It only evinces your SICKBRAIN. -- L.


Nov 27, 2005, 4:05:40 PM11/27/05

Pastor Frank wrote:

===>That makes revealing the truth to children all wrong?

> Contrary to your belief, children are not stupid
> true-believers,

===>You are lying again. I don't believe that at all.
Of course not.
It is true believers like you that are stupid children.

> but know very well which beliefs are profitable and which
> are not.

===>Ah, so, by your stupid false logic, the best proof of
anything is based on the amount of PROFIT! -- L.

Pastor Frank

Nov 27, 2005, 4:09:16 PM11/27/05
"Olrik" <olrik666@yahoo_BACON!> wrote in message
> Olrik
> aa #1981
> Qualified SMASH member
> EAC Chief Food Inspector, Bacon Division
We don't believe in atheist disbeliefs and that includes the boogieman.
Your disbeliefs are YOUR religion, not ours.


Nov 27, 2005, 9:06:41 PM11/27/05

"Pastor Frank" <> wrote in message

And those greedy misguided children grow up to be just like you.


Nov 28, 2005, 1:51:17 AM11/28/05

Word salad.


Pastor Frank

Nov 28, 2005, 3:23:00 AM11/28/05
"Bill" <> wrote in message
How do you defend anyone's belief or disbelief in the boogieman
"logically"? We already conceded, that the god of atheist definition does
indeed not exist. What else do you want?
Our Christian "God is love" (1 John 4:8,16) become fully manifested in
Jesus Christ. We know love exists, though we cannot prove it "objectively",
but only indirectly by loving words and actions. See below How God manifests

Pastor Frank


Nov 28, 2005, 7:57:47 PM11/28/05

Pastor Frank wrote:

> "Bill" <> wrote in message
> news:tE2if.30516$
> >>>
> >>> For your next act you're going to try to convince us that you're an
> >>> atheist that doesn't hate something that you don't believe in.
> >>> Of course we all know that it is this very disbelief you profess that
> >>> keeps you attacking something invisible that doesn't exist.
> >>> `snicker`
> >>
> >> Well put!!!! Rick. Atheists are like children who lie in bed in the
> >> dark trying to get to sleep, but fearing the boogieman under their beds,
> >> they need to keep telling themselves that he doesn't exist. LOL
> >
> > A typical response from religious believers that have NO objective reason
> > for their belief and can't defend it logically.
> > When you don't agree with the message attack the messenger!
> >
> How do you defend anyone's belief or disbelief in the boogieman
> "logically"? We already conceded, that the god of atheist definition does
> indeed not exist. What else do you want?
> Our Christian "God is love" (1 John 4:8,16) become fully manifested in
> Jesus Christ. We know love exists, though we cannot prove it "objectively",
> but only indirectly by loving words and actions.

===>You can ALSO "prove" Santa. the Tooth Fairy, "boogieman",
leprechauns, ghosts, etc., IN EXACTLY THE SAME WAY:
by words and actions -- which, of course, is no "proof" of anything
except the "words and actions" themselves. -- L.

bob young

Nov 29, 2005, 12:26:02 AM11/29/05

Pastor Frank wrote:

'Love' [my ass]

"For yet seven days, and I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days
and forty nights; and every living substance that I have made will I destroy
from off the face of the earth."
[Genesis 7:4]

splinter groups

They are nothing but a gathering together of fearful humans with common
imaginary desires.

We have been doing it since back in The Stone Age

Pastor Frank

Nov 29, 2005, 4:47:38 AM11/29/05
"ManMadeGod" <> wrote in message
Just sour grapes and jealousy. LOL

Bill Gamelson

Nov 29, 2005, 7:23:58 AM11/29/05

"bob young" <> wrote in message

Well at least you actually believe this happened. We are making progress.

John Baker

Nov 29, 2005, 8:48:39 AM11/29/05

Oh, hardly. Bob is merely pointing out one of the many contradictions
in *your* beliefs. Don't be delberately stupid.

Then again, perhaps it isn't deliberate........


bob young

Nov 29, 2005, 10:02:04 PM11/29/05

John Baker wrote:

we may never know hee hee

> >
> >

Pastor Frank

Nov 29, 2005, 9:57:47 PM11/29/05
"John Baker" <> wrote in message
Stupidity has a way of getting around, expecially in those who quote the
Tanakh of Judaism to Christians, to show their Christian beliefs are
invalid. But then most atheists don't appear to know the difference between
a Jew and a Christian. See below

Pastor Frank

Rabbi Moshe Maggal of the National Jewish Information Service said in
1961 when the term Judeo-Christian was relatively new: "There is no such
thing as a Judeo-Christian religion. We consider the two religions so
different that one excludes the other."
(National Jewish Information Service).


Nov 30, 2005, 6:04:43 PM11/30/05

Pastor Frank wrote:

===>That is unnecessary.
It is obvious to any intelligent thinker that your beliefs are invalid,
as is your mind. -- L.

Pastor Frank

Dec 1, 2005, 6:45:45 AM12/1/05
"Libertarius" <Libertarius@Nothing_But_The.Truth> wrote in message
After all the years of trolling, trashing and flaming in our pristine
Christian NGs, you still seem unable to distinguish between concrete
objects, like you list above, and abstract qualities, like loving, caring,
kindness etc. etc. which we are to demonstrate, and so prove our God.


Dec 1, 2005, 3:30:08 PM12/1/05

Pastor Frank wrote:

===>That is idiotic, fake "pastor".
Since when are Santa, the Tooth Fairy, "boogieman",
leprechauns, ghosts, etc. "concrete objects"???
All you are exhibiting once again is the fact that
you have yet to reveal whether your "God" is
a real PERSONAL BEING or some "abstract qualities".
You jump from one position to the other, depending on
wind direction.
You're NUTS! -- L.

bob young

Dec 7, 2005, 7:38:02 AM12/7/05

Pastor Frank wrote:

Well done, more diversions and no effort to respond directly.

now WHAT does that tell us?

bob young

Dec 7, 2005, 7:38:05 AM12/7/05

Libertarius wrote:

I must declare that I have to agree with that sentiment.



Pastor Frank

Dec 12, 2005, 3:59:12 PM12/12/05
"bob young" <> wrote in message
Yes. Typical atheist reading comprehension problems again!!! But
befitting the eternal complaining (wailing) mode of atheists generally. You
oversealously trunkated my answer to "Dickbrain here's personal Cthulhu" in
the header.

bob young

Dec 13, 2005, 6:49:02 AM12/13/05

Pastor Frank wrote:

They prove nothing of the sort. [but of course you already knew that]

Here, have another straw to clutch onto _


Dec 13, 2005, 11:44:21 AM12/13/05

bob young wrote:

===>Note that, as far as the Christian "God", i.e.
YHWH of the Old Testament, father of Jesus, giver of
the Ten Commandments, etc. is concerned, the "pastor"
Frank is clearly an ATHEIST.
He invented his own "god", one that consists of (see above:)

"abstract qualities, like loving, caring, kindness etc. etc."

which he is trying to pass off as the 'real", "pristine"
"Christian God". -- L.

> _

Michael Gray

Dec 13, 2005, 7:32:28 PM12/13/05
On 13 Dec 2005 05:49:02 -0600, bob young <>

That'd be the short straw, wouldn't it?
If only...

Pastor Frank

Dec 20, 2005, 12:05:27 AM12/20/05
"Libertarius" <Libertarius@Nothing_But_The.Truth> wrote in message
You still pontificate like some private Pope, Libertine. To make any
sense, and keep you from lying, all you need to do now is document your
assertions with the words of Jesus et al, and you got it made in the shade.
Why won't you quote Jesus or any other authoritative source, ever? Do
they have the effrontery to prove you wrong? Don't tell us the devil makes
you omit them, or we all get apoplectic with laughter! I bet you was the
class clown in your younger years, but you just can't shake the role, can

Pastor Frank

Dec 20, 2005, 12:05:25 AM12/20/05
"bob young" <> wrote in message

> Pastor Frank wrote:
>> After all the years of trolling, trashing and flaming in our pristine
>> Christian NGs, you still seem unable to distinguish between concrete
>> objects, like you list above, and abstract qualities, like loving,
>> caring,
>> kindness etc. etc. which we are to demonstrate, and so prove our God.
> They prove nothing of the sort. [but of course you already knew that]
Are you slow, or something? Naturally none of us prove our God
adequately, that's why I said we AIM TO demonstrate those qualities listed
above to prove the reality of our God.


Dec 20, 2005, 1:58:39 PM12/20/05

Pastor Frank wrote:

> "Libertarius" <Libertarius@Nothing_But_The.Truth> wrote in message

> news:439EFA65.E1E4F624@Nothing_But_The.Truth...


> >
> > ===>Note that, as far as the Christian "God", i.e.
> > YHWH of the Old Testament, father of Jesus, giver of
> > the Ten Commandments, etc. is concerned, the "pastor"
> > Frank is clearly an ATHEIST.
> > He invented his own "god", one that consists of (see above:)
> > "abstract qualities, like loving, caring, kindness etc. etc."
> > which he is trying to pass off as the 'real", "pristine"
> > "Christian God". -- L.
> >

> To make any
> sense, and keep you from lying, all you need to do now is document your
> assertions with the words of Jesus et al,

===>No one can "quote Jesus", since there is not a single word known
to ave been written by "Jesus". LYING is what YOU do, repeatedly
and constantly.
It is well known that YOU have denounced YHWH multiple times,
having invented your own "god", one that consists of (your words):

"abstract qualities, like loving, caring, kindness etc. etc."

which you are trying to pass off as the 'real", "pristine"
"Christian God".
By any definition, that makes YOU an "ATHEIST" with respect
to YHWH, whom you call the "God of the Jews". -- L.

Mark K. Bilbo

Dec 20, 2005, 10:43:30 PM12/20/05
In <43A8545E.DA68DE54@Nothing_But_The.Truth>, Libertarius
<Libertarius@Nothing_But_The.Truth> wrote:

> Pastor Frank wrote:

Plastic Fake is still around? I woulda thought the men in white coats
would've caught up with him by now...

Mark K. Bilbo

"We need everything you've got"

Forgotten Already

Feds are treating Louisiana like enemy

" may be that they may have written us off."

Pastor Frank

Dec 22, 2005, 8:43:19 AM12/22/05
"Libertarius" <Libertarius@Nothing_But_The.Truth> wrote in message

> Pastor Frank wrote:
>> "Libertarius" <Libertarius@Nothing_But_The.Truth> wrote in message
>> news:439EFA65.E1E4F624@Nothing_But_The.Truth...
>> >
>> > ===>Note that, as far as the Christian "God", i.e.
>> > YHWH of the Old Testament, father of Jesus, giver of
>> > the Ten Commandments, etc. is concerned, the "pastor"
>> > Frank is clearly an ATHEIST.
>> > He invented his own "god", one that consists of (see above:)
>> > "abstract qualities, like loving, caring, kindness etc. etc."
>> > which he is trying to pass off as the 'real", "pristine"
>> > "Christian God". -- L.
>> To make any
>> sense, and keep you from lying, all you need to do now is document your
>> assertions with the words of Jesus et al,
> ===>No one can "quote Jesus", since there is not a single word known
> to ave been written by "Jesus". LYING is what YOU do, repeatedly
> and constantly.
> It is well known that YOU have denounced YHWH multiple times,
> having invented your own "god", one that consists of (your words):
> "abstract qualities, like loving, caring, kindness etc. etc."
> which you are trying to pass off as the 'real", "pristine"
> "Christian God".
> By any definition, that makes YOU an "ATHEIST" with respect
> to YHWH, whom you call the "God of the Jews". -- L.
"Since there is not a single word known of Jesus" how come you know so
much that ain't so, Libertine? We consider the Bible authoritative text and
that's why I quote the Bible. You on the other hand consider the Bible a
collection of lies and a fraud, and that is why you merely quote yourself ad
nauseam and ad infinitum.
You have no credence here in our pristine Christian NGs. Libertine, for
you are considered an obnoxious atheist troll, trashing our beliefs and
flaming the friends of God, and trying in vain to proselytize your atheism.
Please post your atheism to atheist groups. Thanks.


Dec 22, 2005, 2:23:24 PM12/22/05
In article
"Pastor Frank" <> wrote:

> You have no credence here in our pristine Christian NGs. Libertine, for
> you are considered an obnoxious atheist troll, trashing our beliefs and
> flaming the friends of God, and trying in vain to proselytize your atheism.
> Please post your atheism to atheist groups. Thanks.

Anyone calling himself "Pastor" and posting such hate has no credence in
our otherwise pristine atheist NG.

And why does he post here if he finds our posting in his NGs ofensive?
Hardly Pastor-like behaviour.


Dec 24, 2005, 12:39:28 AM12/24/05

Pastor Frank wrote:

===>And you consider YHWH just "the god of the Jews" and the
Old Testament a collection of horror stories.
Does your "considering" it make it so?

Pastor Frank

Jan 2, 2006, 8:08:13 AM1/2/06
"Virgil" <> wrote in message

> In article
> <>,
> "Pastor Frank" <> wrote:
>> You have no credence here in our pristine Christian NGs. Libertine, for
>> you are considered an obnoxious atheist troll, trashing our beliefs and
>> flaming the friends of God, and trying in vain to proselytize your
>> atheism.
>> Please post your atheism to atheist groups. Thanks.
> Anyone calling himself "Pastor" and posting such hate has no credence in
> our otherwise pristine atheist NG.
Oh`sheeesh!!!! Another atheist trashing and flaming troll on the lose in
our pristine Christian NGs!!! Please post to atheist NGs ONLY!


Jan 3, 2006, 8:47:55 PM1/3/06
In article <43bb07c0$0$10246$>,
"Pastor Frank" <> wrote:

> "Virgil" <> wrote in message
> > In article
> > <>,
> > "Pastor Frank" <> wrote:
> >>
> >> You have no credence here in our pristine Christian NGs. Libertine, for
> >> you are considered an obnoxious atheist troll, trashing our beliefs and
> >> flaming the friends of God, and trying in vain to proselytize your
> >> atheism.
> >> Please post your atheism to atheist groups. Thanks.
> >
> > Anyone calling himself "Pastor" and posting such hate has no credence in
> > our otherwise pristine atheist NG.
> >
> Oh`sheeesh!!!! Another atheist trashing and flaming troll on the lose in
> our pristine Christian NGs!!! Please post to atheist NGs ONLY!
> Thanks.
> > And why does he post here if he finds our posting in his NGs ofensive?
> > Hardly Pastor-like behaviour.

This crap was posted by Crapper Frank to alt.atheism, which is why I do
not bother to scrub the idiot ngs (, alt.christian.religion,
alt.religion) from the newsgroups heading before I post..


Jan 3, 2006, 11:45:47 PM1/3/06

"Pastor Frank" <> wrote in message

> Oh`sheeesh!!!! Another atheist trashing and flaming troll on

> the lose in our pristine Christian NGs!!!

a. Remaining in a pure state; uncorrupted by civilization.
b. Remaining free from dirt or decay; clean.

There are no pristine Christians, how can there be a pristine Christian



Jan 4, 2006, 12:10:53 PM1/4/06

Weatherwax wrote:

===>He claims his neo-Marcionite version is "clean" because
he removed the "Old Testament" and discarded YHWH whom
he calls the "God of the Jews".
Of course he is full of hatred and lies, which he covers up by
declaring that his god is "Love"!
Anyone who does not believe in his new-fangled Marcionite
"Christianity" is a "minion of Satan" or an "atheist", not realizing
that, having discarded all gods other than his "Love", makes
HIM an "atheist" with regard to all the gods of humankind. -- L.

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