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Every word AlleyPussyBitch says about climate change, every fucking word of it, is a lie

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Cap Allon

Oct 6, 2022, 1:04:55 AM10/6/22
AlleyPussyBitch is a liar.

Rudy Canoza

Oct 6, 2022, 7:48:45 AM10/6/22
On Wed, 5 Oct 2022 22:04:50 -0700, Cap Allon <>

>AlleyPussyBitch is my superior in every imaginable way.

I sure would like to get AlleyCat in the parking lot at the Jolly

Bring Your Cock To the Jolly Kone!!!
It's The Central Valley's Fellatio Zone!
If You're On The Left or On The Right
I'll Suck Your Cock and I Won't Bite!
I'll Make You Cum and I'll Make you Moan!
Rudy Canoza Will Make Sure You Get Blown!
On Your Cock My Skills I'll Hone!
My Expertise Is Quite Well Known!
That Talent, You Know, Is Unconcealed!
I've Sucked Every Cock In Bakersfield!
Watch Me Work That Hardened Bone!
I'm Right On Top Of The Skull Fuck Throne™!
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