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Dawkins: Atheism in RUINS - God Admission

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Dec 17, 2011, 8:49:42 AM12/17/11
This Fall, Dr.Dawkins shook the atheist
community in admitting God's existence,

It's highly plausible that in the universe there
are God-like creatures. - Richard Dawkins

Now, in the tattered ruins of the atheism
community, we see half-hearted attempts
at regrouping, since Dawkins admission.

Come weekend, I will post a survey for any
remaining atheists --to see where they will
now preserve a line of retreat. I'm guessing
most will convert to bland religion like Unity.

Calvin Ramsey

Dec 17, 2011, 9:04:55 AM12/17/11

"Now there was a disciple at Damascus named Ananias. The Lord said to
him in a vision, 'Ananias.' And he said, 'Here I am, Lord.' And the Lord
said to him, 'Rise and go to the street called Straight, and at the
house of Judas look for a man of Tarsus named Saul, for behold, he is
praying, and he has seen in a vision a man named Ananias come in and lay
his hands on him so that he might regain his sight.' But Ananias
answered, 'Lord, I have heard from many about this man, how much evil he
has done to your saints at Jerusalem. And here he has authority from the
chief priests to bind all who call on your name.' But the Lord said to
him, 'Go, for he is a chosen instrument of mine to carry my name before
the Gentiles and kings and the children of Israel. For I will show him
how much he must suffer for the sake of my name.' So Ananias departed
and entered the house. And laying his hands on him he said, 'Brother
Saul, the Lord Jesus who appeared to you on the road by which you came
has sent me so that you may regain your sight and be filled with the
Holy Spirit.'"
--Acts 9:10-17 (ESV)

"Paul, an apostle—not from men nor through man, but through Jesus Christ
and God the Father, who raised him from the dead."
--Galatians 1:1 (ESV)

"For I would have you know, brothers, that the gospel that was preached
by me is not man's gospel. For I did not receive it from any man, nor
was I taught it, but I received it through a revelation of Jesus Christ."
--Galatians 1:11-12 (ESV)

Dec 17, 2011, 9:46:32 AM12/17/11
Whatever happened to good ol fashioned Atheism....your know, like
everything occured 'naturally' and from materials only ? Dawkins
proves that there really isnt any such thing as true atheism in a
persons mind , and its all a come-on to purposely reject the obvious

Free Lunch

Dec 17, 2011, 10:35:22 AM12/17/11
On Sat, 17 Dec 2011 06:46:32 -0800 (PST), ""
<> wrote in
More lies from a worshipper of lies. rade

Dec 17, 2011, 10:24:08 AM12/17/11
Triple Kook fight!! Has this ever happened before? Damn, it's too
early for a beer..maybe nachos and a soda instead?

-PF, Atl.

Dec 17, 2011, 10:54:45 AM12/17/11
On Dec 17, 9:35 am, Free Lunch <> wrote:
> On Sat, 17 Dec 2011 06:46:32 -0800 (PST), ""
> <> wrote in
What is 'the lie' spoken above by me , then ?! Dawkins no longer
holds to conventional Atheism as a worldview , because he has
willfully introduced intelligence which only can come from a
MIND . Be upset with Dawkins for being so honest ... im on your
side cause he should be defending conventional Atheism , not psuedo-
atheism . (And ill bet you went and bought all of his books didnt

Christopher A. Lee

Dec 17, 2011, 10:55:34 AM12/17/11
On Sat, 17 Dec 2011 09:35:22 -0600, Free Lunch <>
And stupidity.

These idiots are incapable of grasping that in the real world there
are hundreds of different religions each with their own god-beliefs,
and that all an atheist is, is somebody in the real world who isn't
any kind of theist.

We don't hold any of the positions he lies about us having, that
project his religious view of the world..

What I don't understand is his pathological obsession and hatred for
those who don't share his beliefs, that makes him spend so much time
stalking us to lie about us to our faces on our home turf.

Dec 17, 2011, 11:02:19 AM12/17/11
On Dec 17, 9:24 am, " rade"
Go to church tomorrow and start celebrating Jesus, early . De facto,
theres really no such thing as a true atheist, and Dr. Dawkins proved
that by his 'God-like intelligent Creatures' public admission.
You can learn much about your Creator in a local church so please fit
God into your schedule tomorrow which is Sunday. See you there .
God bless. Theist # 007.594


Dec 17, 2011, 11:03:24 AM12/17/11
On Dec 17, 7:54 am, "IlBenButtfucked" <Dicksucka Dave>
wrote the usual load of crap not worth repeating

Why can't you just admit that you're a HOMO, Davie Boi????

Calvin Ramsey

Dec 17, 2011, 11:05:40 AM12/17/11
On 12/17/2011 10:55 AM, a hush fell over the masses as The Automaton
spake thusly:

> And stupidity.
> These idiots are incapable of grasping that in the real world there
> are hundreds of different religions each with their own god-beliefs,
> and that all an atheist is, is somebody in the real world who isn't
> any kind of theist.
> We don't hold any of the positions he lies about us having, that
> project his religious view of the world..
> What I don't understand is his pathological obsession and hatred for
> those who don't share his beliefs, that makes him spend so much time
> stalking us to lie about us to our faces on our home turf.

The Automaton has spoken.

You are now free to move about in a normal fashion.

Devils Advocaat

Dec 17, 2011, 11:23:42 AM12/17/11
Gee you love misquoting don't you?

Tell me, if you can, where in your precious religious text does it say
it is okay to misquote the words of your fellow man? Think about it,
misquoting someone is the same as lying. And if I am not mistaken,
your feeble deity objects to lies being uttered. But given how feeble
it is (presuming it exists) it comes as no surprise that it cannot
stop its followers from lying.


Dec 17, 2011, 11:37:03 AM12/17/11
Loirbaj wrote:
> This Fall, Dr.Dawkins shook the atheist
> community in admitting God's existence,
> It's highly plausible that in the universe there
> are God-like creatures. - Richard Dawkins

So do you agree with him or not?
Do you think that there are lots of "god-like creatures" out there? If so,
being ""god-like", would you worship them?

What is the big deal you have with the expression "god like creatures"? I'm
an atheist and I have no problem agreeing with Dawkins and just like him
remaining an atheist.

Every time someone uses the label "god" or "god-like" you get all in a tizzy
about a label.
I have "god-like" powers compared to a person from the Dark Ages!
It's a label FFS!



Dec 17, 2011, 11:43:08 AM12/17/11
to wrote:
<SNIP>>> More lies from a worshipper of lies.
> What is 'the lie' spoken above by me , then ?! Dawkins no longer
> holds to conventional Atheism as a worldview , because he has
> willfully introduced intelligence which only can come from a
> MIND . Be upset with Dawkins for being so honest ... im on your
> side cause he should be defending conventional Atheism , not psuedo-
> atheism . (And ill bet you went and bought all of his books didnt
> you.....?)

So you are saying you didn't have a clue what Dawkins was talking about
then - That Figures!

Though perhaps more accurately you didn't understand what he said so put
your own interpretation on it!
(i.e. the Dunning-Kruger effect)


John Baker

Dec 17, 2011, 12:06:22 PM12/17/11
On Sat, 17 Dec 2011 07:24:08 -0800 (PST), "
rade" <> wrote:

>Triple Kook fight!! Has this ever happened before? Damn, it's too
>early for a beer..maybe nachos and a soda instead?

It's five o'clock somewhere. <G>

>-PF, Atl.


Dec 17, 2011, 12:09:43 PM12/17/11
On Dec 17, 9:06 am, John Baker <> wrote:
> On Sat, 17 Dec 2011 07:24:08 -0800 (PST), "
> rade" <> wrote:
> >Triple Kook fight!! Has this ever happened before? Damn, it's too
> >early for a beer..maybe nachos and a soda instead?
> It's five o'clock somewhere. <G>
> >-PF, Atl.
> >#2015/KoBAAWA!


Devils Advocaat

Dec 17, 2011, 12:30:15 PM12/17/11
On Dec 17, 4:43 pm, "Sla#s" <> wrote:
Actually poor little Dave is following on behind Loirbaj.


Dec 17, 2011, 12:31:13 PM12/17/11
On Sat, 17 Dec 2011 06:46:32 -0800 (PST), ""
<> wrote:

>On Dec 17, 7:49 am, Loirbaj <> wrote:
>> This Fall, Dr.Dawkins shook the atheist
>> community in admitting God's existence,
>> It's highly plausible that in the universe there
>> are God-like creatures. - Richard Dawkins
>> Now, in the tattered ruins of the atheism
>> community, we see half-hearted attempts
>> at regrouping, since Dawkins admission.
>> Come weekend, I will post a survey for any
>> remaining atheists --to see where they will
>> now preserve a line of retreat. I'm guessing
>> most will convert to bland religion like Unity.
>Whatever happened to good ol fashioned Atheism....your know, like
>everything occured 'naturally' and from materials only ?

Dawkins has never said otherwise. Why do you continue to lie about
this after you've had that pointed out dozens of times?

> Dawkins
>proves that there really isnt any such thing as true atheism in a
>persons mind , and its all a come-on to purposely reject the obvious

The only thing that is proven, Dave, is that you will shamelessly lie
and misrepresent Dawkins's position. But since you shamelessly lie
about a great many things, that's hardly a surprise.


Dec 17, 2011, 12:36:21 PM12/17/11
On Sat, 17 Dec 2011 08:02:19 -0800 (PST), ""
<> wrote:

>On Dec 17, 9:24 am, " rade"
><> wrote:
>> Triple Kook fight!! Has this ever happened before? Damn, it's too
>> early for a beer..maybe nachos and a soda instead?
>> -PF, Atl.
>> #2015/KoBAAWA!
>Go to church tomorrow and start celebrating Jesus, early . De facto,
>theres really no such thing as a true atheist, and Dr. Dawkins proved
>that by his 'God-like intelligent Creatures' public admission.

Again, you are shamelessly misrepresenting Dawkins. He explicitly
stated that such creatures, if they exist, would have come about
through evolution: nothing supernatural about them. They would be the
product of the universe, not the source of it. BTW, you really ought
to learn what a simile is. "God-like" is a figure of speech, not an
admission of theism.


Dec 17, 2011, 12:38:09 PM12/17/11
On Sat, 17 Dec 2011 08:23:42 -0800 (PST), Devils Advocaat
<> wrote:

>On Dec 17, 4:02 pm, "" <> wrote:
>> On Dec 17, 9:24 am, " rade"
>> <> wrote:
>> > Triple Kook fight!! Has this ever happened before? Damn, it's too
>> > early for a beer..maybe nachos and a soda instead?
>> > -PF, Atl.
>> > #2015/KoBAAWA!
>> Go to church tomorrow and start celebrating Jesus, early .   De facto,
>> theres really no such thing as a true atheist, and Dr. Dawkins proved
>> that by his 'God-like intelligent Creatures'   public admission.
>> You can learn much about your Creator in a local church so please fit
>> God into your schedule tomorrow which is Sunday.   See you there .
>> God bless.    Theist # 007.594
>Gee you love misquoting don't you?
>Tell me, if you can, where in your precious religious text does it say
>it is okay to misquote the words of your fellow man?

Dimwit Dave is ignoring the Commandment that states "Thou shalt not
bear false witness". Apparently he thinks it doesn't apply to him.


Dec 17, 2011, 12:39:46 PM12/17/11
That's one lie.

>, because he has
>willfully introduced intelligence which only can come from a

That's two.

> Be upset with Dawkins for being so honest ... im on your
>side cause he should be defending conventional Atheism



Dec 17, 2011, 12:40:21 PM12/17/11
No one asked you to.

Christopher A. Lee

Dec 17, 2011, 12:50:20 PM12/17/11
It's another standard theist dishonesty - we wouldn't have to keep
repeating what they take no notice of, if they (a) if they took any
notice, and (b) didn't keep repeating the same old bullshit.

Instead they use that as a dishonest excuse to keep ignoring it

Christopher A. Lee

Dec 17, 2011, 12:58:32 PM12/17/11
On Sat, 17 Dec 2011 12:31:13 -0500, raven1
<> wrote:

>On Sat, 17 Dec 2011 06:46:32 -0800 (PST), ""
><> wrote:
>>On Dec 17, 7:49 am, Loirbaj <> wrote:
>>> This Fall, Dr.Dawkins shook the atheist
>>> community in admitting God's existence,
>>> It's highly plausible that in the universe there
>>> are God-like creatures. - Richard Dawkins
>>> Now, in the tattered ruins of the atheism
>>> community, we see half-hearted attempts
>>> at regrouping, since Dawkins admission.
>>> Come weekend, I will post a survey for any
>>> remaining atheists --to see where they will
>>> now preserve a line of retreat. I'm guessing
>>> most will convert to bland religion like Unity.
>>Whatever happened to good ol fashioned Atheism....your know, like
>>everything occured 'naturally' and from materials only ?
>Dawkins has never said otherwise. Why do you continue to lie about
>this after you've had that pointed out dozens of times?

However, that is not atheism.

What the moron was describing is a caricature of objective scientific
understanding, that is accepted by educated and non-fundamentalists
theists, which in the US means ten times as many Christians as

>> Dawkins
>>proves that there really isnt any such thing as true atheism in a
>>persons mind , and its all a come-on to purposely reject the obvious
>The only thing that is proven, Dave, is that you will shamelessly lie
>and misrepresent Dawkins's position. But since you shamelessly lie
>about a great many things, that's hardly a surprise.

It's a fundamentalist doing what fundamentalists do.

Devils Advocaat

Dec 17, 2011, 1:01:26 PM12/17/11
On Dec 17, 5:36 pm, raven1 <> wrote:
> On Sat, 17 Dec 2011 08:02:19 -0800 (PST), ""
Notice how Dave manages to mangle he quote even more by adding the
word "intelligent" which was never in the original, or even in
Loirbaj's heavily dited version.


Dec 17, 2011, 1:25:44 PM12/17/11
Panama kook said,
Anyone stupid enough to convert to a religious
tradition as depressing and punitive as Calvinism
based upon your lifeless little screeds

John Virgil Baker LockyMocky said,
DAMN you BoilJAB, you see what you've DONE!
You've actually gotten someone to READ and talk
into one of Dr.Ramsey's Threads.

BoilJAB relit briar,
There can no more eminent authority in the field
than the esteemed Dr.Ramsey and his inspired
BWPink. I advise you to take notes, Virgil er Baker.


Dec 17, 2011, 1:28:06 PM12/17/11
Miss Freepers said,
Notice how Dave manages to mangle he quote
...or even in Loirbaj's heavily dited version.

BroilJAB said,
I just ran this narrative of Miss Freepers through
my 'Evolutionist degarbler utility'....still it could
make nor heads nor tails of it...

Calvin Ramsey

Dec 17, 2011, 2:45:56 PM12/17/11
I don't need to be asked.

What *makes* you think anyone *has* to?

Calvin Ramsey

Dec 17, 2011, 2:58:03 PM12/17/11
But, if you were to (a) take notice that your continual repetitions have
exactly *zero effect* on anything, and (b) infer that we do not have the
same opinion as you have of what we post, then we wouldn't be as prone
to have the impression of you being an Automaton, speaking with a
monotone voice, never saying anything that you haven't already said
hundreds of time before, just like a robot.

> Instead they use that as a dishonest excuse to keep ignoring it

And now you should be able to see why it's not a "dishonest excuse", as
you *must* tell yourself, at all.

Jeanne Douglas

Dec 17, 2011, 4:10:25 PM12/17/11
In article
"" <> wrote:

> On Dec 17, 9:35 am, Free Lunch <> wrote:
> > On Sat, 17 Dec 2011 06:46:32 -0800 (PST), ""
> > <> wrote in
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > >On Dec 17, 7:49 am, Loirbaj <> wrote:
> > >> This Fall, Dr.Dawkins shook the atheist
> > >> community in admitting God's existence,
> >
> > >> It's highly plausible that in the universe there
> > >> are God-like creatures. - Richard Dawkins
> >
> > >> Now, in the tattered ruins of the atheism
> > >> community, we see half-hearted attempts
> > >> at regrouping, since Dawkins admission.
> >
> > >> Come weekend, I will post a survey for any
> > >> remaining atheists --to see where they will
> > >> now preserve a line of retreat. I'm guessing
> > >> most will convert to bland religion like Unity.
> >
> > >Whatever happened to good ol fashioned Atheism....your know, like
> > >everything occured 'naturally'  and from materials only ?   Dawkins
> > >proves that there really isnt any such thing as true atheism in a
> > >persons mind , and its all a come-on  to purposely reject the obvious
> > >Creator.
> >
> > More lies from a worshipper of lies.
> What is 'the lie' spoken above by me , then ?! Dawkins no longer
> holds to conventional Atheism as a worldview ,

There's the lie, right there.


"the lybian lier"

Free Lunch

Dec 17, 2011, 4:25:56 PM12/17/11
On Sat, 17 Dec 2011 07:54:45 -0800 (PST), ""
<> wrote in
There is your lie.

>Be upset with Dawkins for being so honest ... im on your
>side cause he should be defending conventional Atheism , not psuedo-
>atheism . (And ill bet you went and bought all of his books didnt

I am not upset with Dawkins at all, but with you and the lies you tell
about nature. You must understand that you have made it clear that you
do not believe in the Christian God.


Dec 17, 2011, 4:36:54 PM12/17/11
On 11-12-17 09:24 AM, rade wrote:


> ... Damn, it's too
> early for a beer.


> -PF, Atl.
> #2015/KoBAAWA!


Dec 17, 2011, 4:53:24 PM12/17/11
In article
"" <> wrote:

> It's highly plausible that in the universe there
> are God-like creatures. - Richard Dawkins

Several creationist liars, including IllBeBad, repeatedly have posted
a deliberately truncated version of what Richard Dawkins said and then
claimed it shows Dawkins has become one of them.

They post only this:

It's highly plausible that in the universe there are God-like
creatures. - Richard Dawkins

But see what those lying creationists are careful to leave out of what
Dawkins actually said:

It's highly plausible that in the universe there are God-like
creatures. Itąs very important to understand that they all came into
EVOLUTION.- Richard Dawkins
"Ignorance is preferable to error, and he is less
remote from the- truth who believes nothing than
he who believes what is wrong.
Thomas Jefferson


Dec 17, 2011, 4:58:29 PM12/17/11
> What is 'the lie' spoken above by me , then ?! Dawkins no longer
> holds to conventional Atheism as a worldview , because he has
> willfully introduced intelligence which only can come from a
> MIND .

Except any such intelligence has "came into
EVOLUTION". At least according to Dawkins. Which is totally compatible
with atheism and even anti-theism.

So IllBeBad is wrong again!

> It's highly plausible that in the universe there
> are God-like creatures. - Richard Dawkins

Several creationist liars, notably Liarbaj, repeatedly have posted
a deliberately truncated version of what Richard Dawkins said and then
claimed it shows Dawkins has become one of them.

They post only this:

It's highly plausible that in the universe there are God-like
creatures. - Richard Dawkins

But see what those lying creationists are careful to leave out of what
Dawkins actually said:

It's highly plausible that in the universe there are God-like
creatures. It零 very important to understand that they all came into

Les Hellawell

Dec 17, 2011, 5:06:52 PM12/17/11
On Sat, 17 Dec 2011 14:58:03 -0500, Calvin Ramsey
Hmm this is a pretty little speech would fit Calvin like a glove if
it had been addressed to him.

Atheists are not responsible for Christianity.

Les Hellawell
Greetings from:
YORKSHIRE - The county of broad Acres


Dec 17, 2011, 5:08:13 PM12/17/11
Sing with me Loonbag "Will you still need me, will you still feed me,
when I'm sixty four!" It looks like you're the old man, not us.
Congrats on your sixty-fourth display of cowardice. Shall we go for
one hundred? Let's! This is fun!

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #1
When asked what his academic qualifications were to set himself up as
judge and jury of the Theory of Evolution, Fled the Thread, thereby
proving himself a hypocrite.

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #2
Challenged on his 'missing links' LIE. Fled the Thread.

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #3
Asked what positive scientific evidence he had which demonstrates that
the entire surface of the Earth was completely under water only about
4,300 years old as the Bible chronology in Luke indicates. Fled the

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #4
Asked if he had any positive scientific evidence which demonstrates
that the Earth and indeed the universe are only about 6,000 years old
as the Bible chronology in Luke indicates. Fled the Thread.

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #5
Asked what professionally published positive scientific evidence there
is for a creator or for a creation. Fled the Thread.

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #6
Asked what independent objective evidence there is for a creator or
for a creation, posted around the same time as the above. Fled the

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #7
Asked what intelligent rationale he could offer for a creator or for a
creation, posted around the same time as the above. Fled the Thread.

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #8
LIED that he posted 180 failures of evolution when he posted only a
handful, all of which were easily refuted. Didn't even *pretend* he
could support his claim! Instead, he Fled the Thread.

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #9
LIED that humans and apes do not have a common ancestry and when asked
for evidence and invited to debate it, he Fled the Thread.

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #10
Invited to go toe-to-toe on the existence of this god of his. Fled
the Thread.

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #11
Invited to discuss unsupported claims he made about the coelacanth.
Fled the Thread.

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #12
Taken to task over LIES about Richard Dawkins. Fled the Thread.

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #13
Called out on his LIE about evolution and invited to discuss it. Fled
the Thread.

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #14
Called out on his LIE about Jack Kevorkian's whereabouts. Fled the

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #15
Called out on his LIE about convicted criminal Garcia's whereabouts.
Fled the Thread.

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #16
Called out on his LIE about the Peppered moth, Fled the Thread.

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #17
Invited to discuss his knowledge of the Bible. Fled the Thread.

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #18
Invited to discuss his LIE about the odds of abiogenesis and
evolution. Fled the thread.

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #19
Offered a discussion of his shameful LIE about anti-semitism. Fled
the Thread.

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #20
LIES about Charles Darwin's purported racism were exposed. Fled the

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #21
Invited you to define 'Evolution' so that we could discuss it
intelligently. Fled the Thread.

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #22
Made several statements on the reliability of the Bible and when
challenged to support them Fled the Thread.

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #23
LIED about what Darwin said about the evolution of the eye and when
taken to task on this, Fled the Thread:

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #24
We set LiarBoi Loirbaj straight on abiogenesis after he accused us of
making the claims that Joseki (whom he's directly and repeatedly
supported) was making, he FLED THE THREAD:

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #25
Challenged on his 'billions of fossils' LIE. Fled the Thread.

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #26
Challenged on Jesus Christ. Fled the Thread.

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #27
Washed out in the Noahic flood. Fled the Thread.

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #28
Challenged on his Rick Perry LIES. Fled the Thread.

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #29
Big Bang Scares LiarBoi Loirbaj! Fled the Thread.

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #30
Liarboi's Junk Shrivels Away! Fled the Thread.

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #31
Selfish Genes are More Generous Than Skinflint LiarBoi! Fled the

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #32
Why species 'A' doesn't become extinct automatically after giving rise
to species 'B'. Fled the Thread.

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #33
The Definition of Speciation. Fled the Thread.

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #34
LIED that there was a "mountain of evidence" disproving evolution.
Fled the Thread.

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #35
Didn't dare set foot in a thread which pointed out what a fraud he was
when he talks about Stephen Jay Gould and the visibility of genes to

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #36
Ran from his virus lie.

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #37
When his lIE about scientists skeptical of Evolution was exposed,
LiarBoi Loirbaj Fled the Thread!

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #38
Radiometric dating. Fled the thread.

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #39
After having been bitten by Darwin's finches, he flew the coop!

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #40
Offered a debate on the evidence for evolution, LiarBoi Loirbaj
prformed the amazing feat of running up the white flag.

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #41
Talk about fruit and watch LiarBoi fly!

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #42
Offered the chance to discuss transitional fossils, LiarBoi Loirbaj
transitioned into a chicken

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #43
Asked to support his claim that a god made men and women, Liarboi
Loirbaj Ran Away!

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #44
Asked Liarboi to offer his evidence for a god creating the universe.
Liarboi proves his head is move of a vacuum than space is!

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #45
Challenged on his admission that he lied about Adam & Eve and a young-
Earth, LiarBoi ran away!

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #46
LiarBoi unintelligently designed a lie and then ran away

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #47
LiarBoi says one thing in one message, contradicts himself in another,
the runs away when challenged.

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #48
Given a chance to discuss design, LiarBoi creatively exited the

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #49
Offered a chance to discuss his lack of guts, spine, and original
thought, and why he has a pipe stuck up his ass, LiarBoi slithered

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #50
Offerd a chance to discuss the "concilience [sic] of science, math,
and physics: a Creating Intelligent God" Liarboi Fled the Thread

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #51
Flood debate was a washout - LiarBoi Loirbaj the Loonbag Fled the

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #52
Challenged to debate atheist knowledge v. theist knowledge, LiarBoi
Loirbaj the Loonbag admitted he knows nothing and Fled the Thread.

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #53
Challenged on his lies about Richard Dawkins, LiarBoi Loirbaj the
Loonbag Fled the Thread.

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #54
Challenged on his gullible claims that I'd posted a clearly spoofed
insult to gays, LiarBoi Loirbaj the Loonbag Fled the Thread.

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #55
Offered a second chance to debate Jesus, Liarboi the Loonbag Fled the

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #56
Offered the chance to debate the efficacy of prayer, LiarBoi the
Loonbag Fled the Thread.

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #57
Offered the chance to defend his claims that there's a heaven, LiarBoi
the Loonbag Fled the Thread.

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #58
Offered a third chance to debate Jesus, Liarboi the Loonbag Fled the

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #59
LiarBoi Loirbaj used his Flee Will! lol!

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #60
Challenged to support his evil characterization of atheists, LiarBoi
the Loonbag openly admitted he had no cv to qualify him to make such a
judgment and then Fled the Thread.

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #61
Challenged to debate hte true meaning of Xmas, Liarboi the Loonbag

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #62
Challenged on intelligent design, Liarboi Loirbaj the Loonbag
intelligently designed an exit from the thread.

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #63
Challenged to discuss evolution, Loonbag the Loinbra evolved into a

LiarBoi Loirbaj Cowardice #64
Budikka offered no challenge whatsoever, but cowardly Loirbaj
preemptively ran away! This is the best one ever!



Dec 17, 2011, 6:31:30 PM12/17/11
On Sat, 17 Dec 2011 14:45:56 -0500, Calvin Ramsey
<> wrote:

>On 12/17/2011 12:40 PM, raven1 wrote:
>> On Sat, 17 Dec 2011 11:05:40 -0500, Calvin Ramsey
>> <> wrote:
>>> On 12/17/2011 10:55 AM, a hush fell over the masses as The Automaton
>>> spake thusly:
>>>> And stupidity.
>>>> These idiots are incapable of grasping that in the real world there
>>>> are hundreds of different religions each with their own god-beliefs,
>>>> and that all an atheist is, is somebody in the real world who isn't
>>>> any kind of theist.
>>>> We don't hold any of the positions he lies about us having, that
>>>> project his religious view of the world..
>>>> What I don't understand is his pathological obsession and hatred for
>>>> those who don't share his beliefs, that makes him spend so much time
>>>> stalking us to lie about us to our faces on our home turf.
>>> The Automaton has spoken.
>> No one asked you to.
>I don't need to be asked
>What *makes* you think anyone *has* to?

That's the problem.

Christopher A. Lee

Dec 17, 2011, 6:32:50 PM12/17/11
He's a Christian which means he is exempt from common sense and

The question is, was he a pathological narcissist before he got
Christianity or did it make him one?

Calvin Ramsey

Dec 17, 2011, 6:35:43 PM12/17/11
And that would be *your* problem.

Not mine.

Get used to it.



Dec 17, 2011, 6:29:20 PM12/17/11
Panama Kook said to Dr.Ramsey,
But, if you were to (a) take notice that your
continual repetitions have exactly *zero effect*
on anything, and (b) infer that we do not have the
same opinion as you have of what we post, then
we wouldn't be as prone to have the impression
of you being an Automaton, speaking with a
monotone voice, never saying anything that you
haven't already said hundreds of time before, just
like a robot.

BroilJAB stunned,
I can hardly believe that even the very dim atheists
labor under the misapprehension that Dr.Ramsey
'is posting the identical same garbage over and over'.
Instead, Dr.Ramsey's posts are replete with rare and
ever varying illumination. And I am shocked that even
an atheist could make such a blunder in reading them.

Calvin Ramsey

Dec 17, 2011, 7:20:52 PM12/17/11

The Bible clearly states that Paul was an Apostle of Jesus Christ.

Loirbaj claiming that he wasn't is contrary to the Word of God.

That is more than just a "sin" against God.

"Now there was a disciple at Damascus named Ananias. The Lord said to
him in a vision, 'Ananias.' And he said, 'Here I am, Lord.' And the Lord
said to him, 'Rise and go to the street called Straight, and at the
house of Judas look for a man of Tarsus named Saul, for behold, he is
praying, and he has seen in a vision a man named Ananias come in and lay
his hands on him so that he might regain his sight.' But Ananias
answered, 'Lord, I have heard from many about this man, how much evil he
has done to your saints at Jerusalem. And here he has authority from the
chief priests to bind all who call on your name.' But the Lord said to
him, 'Go, for he is a chosen instrument of mine to carry my name before
the Gentiles and kings and the children of Israel. For I will show him
how much he must suffer for the sake of my name.' So Ananias departed
and entered the house. And laying his hands on him he said, 'Brother
Saul, the Lord Jesus who appeared to you on the road by which you came
has sent me so that you may regain your sight and be filled with the
Holy Spirit.'"
--Acts 9:10-17 (ESV)

"Paul, an apostle—not from men nor through man, but through Jesus Christ
and God the Father, who raised him from the dead."
--Galatians 1:1 (ESV)

"For I would have you know, brothers, that the gospel that was preached
by me is not man's gospel. For I did not receive it from any man, nor
was I taught it, but I received it through a revelation of Jesus Christ."
--Galatians 1:11-12 (ESV)


Dec 17, 2011, 7:25:46 PM12/17/11
On Sat, 17 Dec 2011 18:35:43 -0500, Calvin Ramsey
Try acting in real life like you do on Usenet, and see how quickly it
becomes your problem.


Calvin Ramsey

Dec 17, 2011, 7:33:38 PM12/17/11
What *makes* you think I don't?

See? There's another one of your problems.

You're wrong almost 100% of the time.



Dec 17, 2011, 8:17:09 PM12/17/11
On Sat, 17 Dec 2011 19:33:38 -0500, Calvin Ramsey
That you're not dead or in prison is a pretty strong indicator.


Dec 17, 2011, 9:40:43 PM12/17/11
On Dec 18, 2:49 am, Loirbaj <> wrote:
> This Fall, Dr.Dawkins shook the atheist
> community in admitting God's existence,
> It's highly plausible that in the universe there
> are God-like creatures. - Richard Dawkins
> Now, in the tattered ruins of the atheism
> community, we see half-hearted attempts
> at regrouping, since Dawkins admission.
> Come weekend, I will post a survey for any
> remaining atheists --to see where they will
> now preserve a line of retreat. I'm guessing
> most will convert to bland religion like Unity.

I can see the veins in your neck straining as you sweat blood wishing
this to be true. It's okay, your doubts are well-founded, you'll be
much happier once you finally cast it off.


Dec 17, 2011, 9:41:46 PM12/17/11
On Dec 18, 4:54 am, "" <> wrote:
> On Dec 17, 9:35 am, Free Lunch <> wrote:
> > On Sat, 17 Dec 2011 06:46:32 -0800 (PST), ""
> > <> wrote in
> > >On Dec 17, 7:49 am, Loirbaj <> wrote:
> > >> This Fall, Dr.Dawkins shook the atheist
> > >> community in admitting God's existence,
> > >> It's highly plausible that in the universe there
> > >> are God-like creatures. - Richard Dawkins
> > >> Now, in the tattered ruins of the atheism
> > >> community, we see half-hearted attempts
> > >> at regrouping, since Dawkins admission.
> > >> Come weekend, I will post a survey for any
> > >> remaining atheists --to see where they will
> > >> now preserve a line of retreat. I'm guessing
> > >> most will convert to bland religion like Unity.
> > >Whatever happened to good ol fashioned Atheism....your know, like
> > >everything occured 'naturally'  and from materials only ?   Dawkins
> > >proves that there really isnt any such thing as true atheism in a
> > >persons mind , and its all a come-on  to purposely reject the obvious
> > >Creator.
> > More lies from a worshipper of lies.
> What is 'the lie'  spoken above by me , then ?!      Dawkins no longer
> holds to conventional Atheism as a worldview , because he has
> willfully introduced intelligence  which only can come from a
> MIND  .   Be upset with Dawkins for being so honest ... im on your
> side cause he should be defending conventional Atheism  , not psuedo-
> atheism .    (And ill bet you went and bought all of his books didnt
> you.....?)

Even you cannot believe that you're not quotemining Dawkins. Can
religion cause this much brain damage?


Dec 17, 2011, 9:43:25 PM12/17/11
On Dec 18, 5:02 am, "" <> wrote:
> On Dec 17, 9:24 am, " rade"
> <> wrote:
> > Triple Kook fight!! Has this ever happened before? Damn, it's too
> > early for a beer..maybe nachos and a soda instead?
> > -PF, Atl.
> > #2015/KoBAAWA!
> Go to church tomorrow and start celebrating Jesus, early .   De facto,
> theres really no such thing as a true atheist, and Dr. Dawkins proved
> that by his 'God-like intelligent Creatures'   public admission.
> You can learn much about your Creator in a local church so please fit
> God into your schedule tomorrow which is Sunday.   See you there .
> God bless.    Theist # 007.594

My god, you might really not understand his point! I thought you were
just lying, but you really could be that dense! Would explain plenty.


Dec 17, 2011, 9:55:49 PM12/17/11
You'll have to excuse Dimwit Dave. Of course he's lying, but he's also
*really* dense. As in Black Hole level of density, so that no
intelligence or honesty can escape.


Dec 18, 2011, 12:28:20 AM12/18/11
Yes. Without a doubt.

Brenda Nelson, A.A.#34
BAAWA Knight of the Golden Litterbox
EAC Professor of Feline Thermometrics and Cat-Herding
skyeyes nine at cox dot net OR
skyeyes nine at yahoo dot com

Paul David Wright

Dec 18, 2011, 12:57:03 AM12/18/11
Loirbaj <> wrote in

> This Fall, Dr.Dawkins shook the atheist
> community in admitting God's existence,
> It's highly plausible that in the universe there
> are God-like creatures. - Richard Dawkins
> Now, in the tattered ruins of the atheism
> community, we see half-hearted attempts
> at regrouping, since Dawkins admission.

You continue to think far too highly of yourself,
Atheism is alive and well, and your lying is doing nothing to change


Check out my blog:
And my books:

Paul David Wright

Dec 18, 2011, 12:57:43 AM12/18/11
"" <> wrote in

> On Dec 17, 7:49=A0am, Loirbaj <> wrote:
>> This Fall, Dr.Dawkins shook the atheist
>> community in admitting God's existence,
>> It's highly plausible that in the universe there
>> are God-like creatures. - Richard Dawkins
>> Now, in the tattered ruins of the atheism
>> community, we see half-hearted attempts
>> at regrouping, since Dawkins admission.
>> Come weekend, I will post a survey for any
>> remaining atheists --to see where they will
>> now preserve a line of retreat. I'm guessing
>> most will convert to bland religion like Unity.
> Whatever happened to good ol fashioned Atheism....your know, like
> everything occured 'naturally' and from materials only ? Dawkins
> proves that there really isnt any such thing as true atheism in a
> persons mind , and its all a come-on to purposely reject the obvious
> Creator.

And you can stop lying as well, Davie.

Paul David Wright

Dec 18, 2011, 12:58:23 AM12/18/11
"" <> wrote in

> On Dec 17, 9:35=A0am, Free Lunch <> wrote:
>> On Sat, 17 Dec 2011 06:46:32 -0800 (PST), ""
>> <> wrote in
>> >On Dec 17, 7:49=A0am, Loirbaj <> wrote:
>> >> This Fall, Dr.Dawkins shook the atheist
>> >> community in admitting God's existence,
>> >> It's highly plausible that in the universe there
>> >> are God-like creatures. - Richard Dawkins
>> >> Now, in the tattered ruins of the atheism
>> >> community, we see half-hearted attempts
>> >> at regrouping, since Dawkins admission.
>> >> Come weekend, I will post a survey for any
>> >> remaining atheists --to see where they will
>> >> now preserve a line of retreat. I'm guessing
>> >> most will convert to bland religion like Unity.
>> >Whatever happened to good ol fashioned Atheism....your know, like
>> >everything occured 'naturally' =A0and from materials only ? =A0
>> >Dawkins proves that there really isnt any such thing as true atheism
>> >in a persons mind , and its all a come-on =A0to purposely reject the
>> >obvious Creator.
>> More lies from a worshipper of lies.
> What is 'the lie' spoken above by me , then ?!

All your post is a lie.

Christopher A. Lee

Dec 18, 2011, 1:00:39 AM12/18/11
To a pathological narcissist like this, a lie isn't a lie.

Paul David Wright

Dec 18, 2011, 1:03:20 AM12/18/11
"" <> wrote in

> On Dec 17, 9:24=A0am, " rade"
> <> wrote:
>> Triple Kook fight!! Has this ever happened before? Damn, it's too
>> early for a beer..maybe nachos and a soda instead?
>> -PF, Atl.
>> #2015/KoBAAWA!
> Go to church tomorrow and start celebrating Jesus, early .


Paul David Wright

Dec 18, 2011, 1:05:03 AM12/18/11
raven1 <> wrote in

> On Sat, 17 Dec 2011 08:23:42 -0800 (PST), Devils Advocaat
> <> wrote:
>>On Dec 17, 4:02 pm, "" <> wrote:
>>> On Dec 17, 9:24 am, " rade"
>>> <> wrote:
>>> > Triple Kook fight!! Has this ever happened before? Damn, it's too
>>> > early for a beer..maybe nachos and a soda instead?
>>> > -PF, Atl.
>>> > #2015/KoBAAWA!
>>> Go to church tomorrow and start celebrating Jesus, early .   De
>>> facto, theres really no such thing as a true atheist, and Dr.
>>> Dawkins proved that by his 'God-like intelligent Creatures'   public
>>> admission. You can learn much about your Creator in a local church
>>> so please fit God into your schedule tomorrow which is Sunday.   See
>>> you there . God bless.    Theist # 007.594
>>Gee you love misquoting don't you?
>>Tell me, if you can, where in your precious religious text does it say
>>it is okay to misquote the words of your fellow man?
> Dimwit Dave is ignoring the Commandment that states "Thou shalt not
> bear false witness". Apparently he thinks it doesn't apply to him.

Unfortunately, it seems a widespread belief. Most of our resident fundy
trolls certainly believe it.

Paul David Wright

Dec 18, 2011, 1:06:45 AM12/18/11
Loirbaj <> wrote in

> Panama kook said,
> Anyone stupid enough to convert to a religious
> tradition as depressing and punitive as Calvinism
> based upon your lifeless little screeds
> John Virgil Baker LockyMocky said,
> DAMN you BoilJAB, you see what you've DONE!
> You've actually gotten someone to READ and talk
> into one of Dr.Ramsey's Threads.
> BoilJAB relit briar,
> There can no more eminent authority in the field
> than the esteemed Dr.Ramsey and his inspired
> BWPink. I advise you to take notes, Virgil er Baker.

And I believe you and Ramsey are liars, I don't take the advise of
liars. Esp ones as nasty as you two.

Paul David Wright

Dec 18, 2011, 1:09:59 AM12/18/11
Loirbaj <> wrote in
No, they are not.
That you would pretend otherwise is an insight into your level of
delusion. And it is not flattering.

Christopher A. Lee

Dec 18, 2011, 1:14:56 AM12/18/11
On Sun, 18 Dec 2011 06:06:45 +0000 (UTC), Paul David Wright
<> wrote:

>Loirbaj <> wrote in
>> Panama kook said,
>> Anyone stupid enough to convert to a religious
>> tradition as depressing and punitive as Calvinism
>> based upon your lifeless little screeds
>> John Virgil Baker LockyMocky said,
>> DAMN you BoilJAB, you see what you've DONE!
>> You've actually gotten someone to READ and talk
>> into one of Dr.Ramsey's Threads.
>> BoilJAB relit briar,
>> There can no more eminent authority in the field
>> than the esteemed Dr.Ramsey and his inspired
>> BWPink. I advise you to take notes, Virgil er Baker.
>And I believe you and Ramsey are liars, I don't take the advise of
>liars. Esp ones as nasty as you two.

There was a rather obvious typo there - it's spelled "k", "n", "o",

I hope this helps.


Dec 18, 2011, 2:02:43 AM12/18/11

Feeling lonely, trollish freak?

Devils Advocaat

Dec 18, 2011, 4:28:41 AM12/18/11
On Dec 17, 6:28 pm, Loirbaj <> wrote:
> Miss Freepers said,
> Notice how Dave manages to mangle he quote
> ...or even in Loirbaj's heavily dited version.
> BroilJAB said,
> I just ran this narrative of Miss Freepers through
> my 'Evolutionist degarbler utility'....still it could
> make nor heads nor tails of it...

Well now, that means either your utility is screwed or you are.

Guess which option most posters and lurkers will choose?


Dec 18, 2011, 5:36:24 AM12/18/11
Ray Comfort site now openly touting Dawkins
as a coward, as he has refused big money
offers to debate. Dawkins believers are now
castigating him for cowardice.

Don Martin

Dec 18, 2011, 10:35:49 AM12/18/11
On Sat, 17 Dec 2011 14:45:56 -0500, Calvin Ramsey <> wrote:

>On 12/17/2011 12:40 PM, raven1 wrote:
>> On Sat, 17 Dec 2011 11:05:40 -0500, Calvin Ramsey
>> <> wrote:
>>> On 12/17/2011 10:55 AM, a hush fell over the masses as The Automaton
>>> spake thusly:
>>>> And stupidity.
>>>> These idiots are incapable of grasping that in the real world there
>>>> are hundreds of different religions each with their own god-beliefs,
>>>> and that all an atheist is, is somebody in the real world who isn't
>>>> any kind of theist.
>>>> We don't hold any of the positions he lies about us having, that
>>>> project his religious view of the world..
>>>> What I don't understand is his pathological obsession and hatred for
>>>> those who don't share his beliefs, that makes him spend so much time
>>>> stalking us to lie about us to our faces on our home turf.
>>> The Automaton has spoken.
>> No one asked you to.
>I don't need to be asked.
>What *makes* you think anyone *has* to?

Apart from his or her indulging in ridicule, what makes YOU think any sane
person would wish to?


aa #2278 Never mind "proof." Where is your evidence?
BAAWA Chief Assistant to the Assistant Chief Heckler
Fidei defensor (Hon. Antipodean)
The Squeeky Wheel:

Don Martin

Dec 18, 2011, 10:35:49 AM12/18/11
On Sun, 18 Dec 2011 05:57:43 +0000 (UTC), Paul David Wright
<> wrote:

>"" <> wrote in

>> Whatever happened to good ol fashioned Atheism....your know, like
>> everything occured 'naturally' and from materials only ? Dawkins
>> proves that there really isnt any such thing as true atheism in a
>> persons mind , and its all a come-on to purposely reject the obvious
>> Creator.
>And you can stop lying as well, Davie.

And have absolutely nothing to say?


Dec 18, 2011, 11:20:33 AM12/18/11
On Sat, 17 Dec 2011 05:49:42 -0800, Loirbaj wrote:

> This Fall, Dr.Dawkins shook the atheist
> community in admitting God's existence,
> It's highly plausible that in the universe there
> are God-like creatures. - Richard Dawkins
> Now, in the tattered ruins of the atheism
> community, we see half-hearted attempts
> at regrouping, since Dawkins admission.
> Come weekend, I will post a survey for any
> remaining atheists --to see where they will
> now preserve a line of retreat. I'm guessing
> most will convert to bland religion like Unity.

I saw this thread because Loirbaj has escaped my killfile. It has over 50
replies, so I thought there might be something interesting going on. I
was sadly disappointed.

Come on, people. We all know exactly what Dawkins was talking about when
he mused that there may be "god-like" creatures in the Universe. Loirbaj
has been pretending that it means something else for a long, long time.
There is no reason to keep flogging this dead horse. We might as well
start a new thread about Terri Schiavo!


If you can read this, you can stop reading now.

Christopher A. Lee

Dec 18, 2011, 11:27:59 AM12/18/11
On Sun, 18 Dec 2011 10:35:49 -0500, Don Martin
<> wrote:

>On Sat, 17 Dec 2011 14:45:56 -0500, Calvin Ramsey <> wrote:
>>On 12/17/2011 12:40 PM, raven1 wrote:
>>> On Sat, 17 Dec 2011 11:05:40 -0500, Calvin Ramsey
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> On 12/17/2011 10:55 AM, a hush fell over the masses as The Automaton
>>>> spake thusly:
>>>>> And stupidity.
>>>>> These idiots are incapable of grasping that in the real world there
>>>>> are hundreds of different religions each with their own god-beliefs,
>>>>> and that all an atheist is, is somebody in the real world who isn't
>>>>> any kind of theist.
>>>>> We don't hold any of the positions he lies about us having, that
>>>>> project his religious view of the world..
>>>>> What I don't understand is his pathological obsession and hatred for
>>>>> those who don't share his beliefs, that makes him spend so much time
>>>>> stalking us to lie about us to our faces on our home turf.
>>>> The Automaton has spoken.
>>> No one asked you to.
>>I don't need to be asked.
>>What *makes* you think anyone *has* to?
>Apart from his or her indulging in ridicule, what makes YOU think any sane
>person would wish to?

These morons think that everybody is desperate to hear their religion,
for our own good.

And they can't cope when people aren't.


Dec 18, 2011, 12:01:44 PM12/18/11
Mark A said,
Come on, people. We all know exactly what
Dawkins was talking about when
he mused that there may be "god-like"
creatures in the Universe.

BroilJAB said,
He punctured a giant hole in Atheism,
little matter that 'Mark claims to be able
to read his mind' past his direct statement.

Christopher A. Lee

Dec 18, 2011, 12:45:01 PM12/18/11
On Sun, 18 Dec 2011 11:20:33 -0500, MarkA <som...@somewhere.invalid>

>On Sat, 17 Dec 2011 05:49:42 -0800, Loirbaj wrote:
>> This Fall, Dr.Dawkins shook the atheist
>> community in admitting God's existence,
>> It's highly plausible that in the universe there
>> are God-like creatures. - Richard Dawkins
>> Now, in the tattered ruins of the atheism
>> community, we see half-hearted attempts
>> at regrouping, since Dawkins admission.
>> Come weekend, I will post a survey for any
>> remaining atheists --to see where they will
>> now preserve a line of retreat. I'm guessing
>> most will convert to bland religion like Unity.
>I saw this thread because Loirbaj has escaped my killfile. It has over 50
>replies, so I thought there might be something interesting going on. I
>was sadly disappointed.

It's not so much replying but treating Liarjob as the dishonest, lying
jerk he is.

Sockie The Apostate

Dec 18, 2011, 1:08:54 PM12/18/11

"MarkA" <som...@somewhere.invalid> wrote in message
We might as well
> start a new thread about Terri Schiavo!

Oh NOOOO! Please, please.... anything ANYTHING but Terri Schiavo!

Devils Advocaat

Dec 18, 2011, 1:31:55 PM12/18/11
On Dec 18, 6:08 pm, "Sockie The Apostate" <Inva...@invalid.invalid>
> "MarkA" <some...@somewhere.invalid> wrote in message
What's Schhhhhiavo, precious?


Dec 18, 2011, 1:55:06 PM12/18/11
BAAAAHAHAHAHA!! I love it when people go to Ray for comfort. When
dealing with wilful ignorance and quotemines, why not go to the big
daddy!? I'm embarrassed that he's a fellow New Zealander. We're
actually a very sane and generally secular country.


Dec 18, 2011, 1:57:18 PM12/18/11
At least it's activity. We've lost theists who can carry an argument.
We haven't had one who can do it well for ages, but at least they
would take a position and attempt to argue it semi-rationally. Being
rational is now seen as anathema among the spiritually-prone.


Dec 18, 2011, 1:53:18 PM12/18/11
Or, and I'm just spitballing here, you failed to understand, because
you're stupid.


Dec 18, 2011, 1:52:21 PM12/18/11
On Dec 18, 1:33 pm, Calvin Ramsey <> wrote:
> On 12/17/2011 7:25 PM, raven1 wrote:
> > On Sat, 17 Dec 2011 18:35:43 -0500, Calvin Ramsey
> > <>  wrote:
> >> On 12/17/2011 6:31 PM, raven1 wrote:
> >>> On Sat, 17 Dec 2011 14:45:56 -0500, Calvin Ramsey
> >>> <>   wrote:
> >>>> On 12/17/2011 12:40 PM, raven1 wrote:
> >>>>> On Sat, 17 Dec 2011 11:05:40 -0500, Calvin Ramsey
> >>>>> <>    wrote:
> >>>>>> On 12/17/2011 10:55 AM, a hush fell over the masses as The Automaton
> >>>>>> spake thusly:
> >>>>>>> And stupidity.
> >>>>>>> These idiots are incapable of grasping that in the real world there
> >>>>>>> are hundreds of different religions each with their own god-beliefs,
> >>>>>>> and that all an atheist is, is somebody in the real world who isn't
> >>>>>>> any kind of theist.
> >>>>>>> We don't hold any of the positions he lies about us having, that
> >>>>>>> project his religious view of the world..
> >>>>>>> What I don't understand is his pathological obsession and hatred for
> >>>>>>> those who don't share his beliefs, that makes him spend so much time
> >>>>>>> stalking us to lie about us to our faces on our home turf.
> >>>>>> The Automaton has spoken.
> >>>>> No one asked you to.
> >>>> I don't need to be asked
> >>>> What *makes* you think anyone *has* to?
> >>> That's the problem.
> >> And that would be *your* problem.
> >> Not mine.
> > Try acting in real life like you do on Usenet, and see how quickly it
> > becomes your problem.
> What *makes* you think I don't?
> See?  There's another one of your problems.
> You're wrong almost 100% of the time.
> <swat>

Bet you don't go to many parties.

Dec 18, 2011, 3:18:42 PM12/18/11
On Sun, 18 Dec 2011 11:20:33 -0500, MarkA <som...@somewhere.invalid>

>Come on, people. We all know exactly what Dawkins was talking about when
>he mused that there may be "god-like" creatures in the Universe. Loirbaj
>has been pretending that it means something else for a long, long time.
>There is no reason to keep flogging this dead horse. We might as well
>start a new thread about Terri Schiavo!

Maybe if they flogged her, she might have awakened.

Warlord Steve

Paul David Wright

Dec 18, 2011, 3:30:03 PM12/18/11
Loirbaj <> wrote in

> Mark A said,
> Come on, people. We all know exactly what
> Dawkins was talking about when
> he mused that there may be "god-like"
> creatures in the Universe.
> BroilJAB said,
> He punctured a giant hole in Atheism,

He did no such thing.

Paul David Wright

Dec 18, 2011, 3:30:58 PM12/18/11
Christopher A. Lee <> wrote in
LOL, yeah that works far better.

Paul David Wright

Dec 18, 2011, 3:31:37 PM12/18/11
Loirbaj <> wrote in
In youre dreams, asshole.

Paul David Wright

Dec 18, 2011, 3:32:48 PM12/18/11
Don Martin <> wrote in

> On Sun, 18 Dec 2011 05:57:43 +0000 (UTC), Paul David Wright
> <> wrote:
>>"" <> wrote in
>>> Whatever happened to good ol fashioned Atheism....your know, like
>>> everything occured 'naturally' and from materials only ? Dawkins
>>> proves that there really isnt any such thing as true atheism in a
>>> persons mind , and its all a come-on to purposely reject the
>>> obvious Creator.
>>And you can stop lying as well, Davie.
> And have absolutely nothing to say?

It would be a much needed relief...

Don Kresch

Dec 18, 2011, 6:48:38 PM12/18/11
On Sun, 18 Dec 2011 11:20:33 -0500, MarkA <som...@somewhere.invalid>
scrawled in blood:

>I saw this thread because Loirbaj has escaped my killfile. It has over 50
>replies, so I thought there might be something interesting going on. I
>was sadly disappointed.

You know the reason: people want to be offended.

aa#51, Knight of BAAWA, Jedi Slackmaster
Praise "Bob" or burn in Slacklessness trying not to.

Calvin Ramsey

Dec 18, 2011, 6:52:40 PM12/18/11

Buddythunder studiously and knowingly etched:

> Bet you don't go to many parties.

Well, first define what *you* mean by "parties".

Include a list of "activities" that would take place at an event
adhering to your definition of "parties".

Don Martin

Dec 18, 2011, 10:03:38 PM12/18/11
On Sun, 18 Dec 2011 10:52:21 -0800 (PST), Buddythunder <>
wrote to Cal the Pal:

>> You're wrong almost 100% of the time.
>> <swat>
>Bet you don't go to many parties.

He goes to all he is invited to! So there!

Irreverend Dave

Dec 18, 2011, 11:42:03 PM12/18/11
MarkA <som...@somewhere.invalid> wrote:

> On Sat, 17 Dec 2011 05:49:42 -0800, Loirbaj wrote:
>> This Fall, Dr.Dawkins shook the atheist
>> community in admitting God's existence,
>> It's highly plausible that in the universe there
>> are God-like creatures. - Richard Dawkins
>> Now, in the tattered ruins of the atheism
>> community, we see half-hearted attempts
>> at regrouping, since Dawkins admission.
>> Come weekend, I will post a survey for any
>> remaining atheists --to see where they will
>> now preserve a line of retreat. I'm guessing
>> most will convert to bland religion like Unity.
> I saw this thread because Loirbaj has escaped my killfile. It has
> over 50 replies, so I thought there might be something interesting
> going on. I was sadly disappointed.

Wouldn't the only possible way for Loirjab to escape your killfile be if
you set an expiry date when you scored him?

> Come on, people. We all know exactly what Dawkins was talking about
> when he mused that there may be "god-like" creatures in the Universe.
> Loirbaj has been pretending that it means something else for a long,
> long time. There is no reason to keep flogging this dead horse. We
> might as well start a new thread about Terri Schiavo!

For some reason some people seem to want to keep explaining to Loirjab
that "god-like creatures" are not the same thing as god. What they fail
to realize is that they're just feeding him.

Yet again it is demonstrated that monotheistic religion is a plagiarism
of a plagiarism of a hearsay of a hearsay, of an illusion of an illusion
extending all the way back to a fabrication of a few non-events.
Christopher Hitchens - god is not Great

John Baker

Dec 23, 2011, 9:18:44 PM12/23/11
On Sat, 17 Dec 2011 20:17:09 -0500, raven1
<> wrote:

>>What *makes* you think I don't?

Calvie, old sod, I'll guaranfuckingtee you that if you talked to me in
real life the way you do on Usenet, you'd be shitting teeth for a

And that, unlike the bullshit you post, is a stone cold fact.

>That you're not dead or in prison is a pretty strong indicator.

John Baker

Dec 23, 2011, 9:21:58 PM12/23/11
On Sun, 18 Dec 2011 05:58:23 +0000 (UTC), Paul David Wright
>> On Dec 17, 9:35=A0am, Free Lunch <> wrote:
>>> On Sat, 17 Dec 2011 06:46:32 -0800 (PST), ""
>>> <> wrote in
>>> >On Dec 17, 7:49=A0am, Loirbaj <> wrote:
>>> >> This Fall, Dr.Dawkins shook the atheist
>>> >> community in admitting God's existence,
>>> >> It's highly plausible that in the universe there
>>> >> are God-like creatures. - Richard Dawkins
>>> >> Now, in the tattered ruins of the atheism
>>> >> community, we see half-hearted attempts
>>> >> at regrouping, since Dawkins admission.
>>> >> Come weekend, I will post a survey for any
>>> >> remaining atheists --to see where they will
>>> >> now preserve a line of retreat. I'm guessing
>>> >> most will convert to bland religion like Unity.
>>> >Whatever happened to good ol fashioned Atheism....your know, like
>>> >everything occured 'naturally' =A0and from materials only ? =A0
>>> >Dawkins proves that there really isnt any such thing as true atheism
>>> >in a persons mind , and its all a come-on =A0to purposely reject the
>>> >obvious Creator.
>>> More lies from a worshipper of lies.
>> What is 'the lie' spoken above by me , then ?!
>All your post is a lie.

To a psychopath like Dave, Dawkins didn't say what he actually said.
He said what Dave *believes* he said.


Dec 28, 2011, 1:25:03 PM12/28/11
On Dec 19, 12:52 pm, Calvin Ramsey <> wrote:
> Buddythunderstudiously and knowingly etched:
If you have to ask...


Dec 28, 2011, 4:29:43 PM12/28/11
Calvinists don't go to parties. They might have fun and be condemned
to hell for it.
"I heard somebody say, 'Where's Nelson Mandela?' Well, Mandela's dead.
Because Saddam killed all the Mandelas." - George W. Bush


Dec 29, 2011, 12:42:39 AM12/29/11
On 2011-12-28 16:29, Colanth wrote:
> On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 10:25:03 -0800 (PST), Buddythunder
> <> wrote:
>> On Dec 19, 12:52 pm, Calvin Ramsey<> wrote:
>>> Buddythunderstudiously and knowingly etched:
>>>> Bet you don't go to many parties.
>>> Well, first define what *you* mean by "parties".
>>> Include a list of "activities" that would take place at an event
>>> adhering to your definition of "parties".
>> If you have to ask...
> Calvinists don't go to parties. They might have fun and be condemned
> to hell for it.

Indeed. For calvinists, life is hell and death is a liberation.

thomas p.

Dec 29, 2011, 2:28:42 AM12/29/11
"Olrik" <> skrev i meddelelsen
For everyone who survives them.

thomas p

Ignorance is the mother of devotion.

David Hume

Don Martin

Dec 29, 2011, 5:48:35 AM12/29/11
Colanth <col...@pern.invalid> wrote:
> On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 10:25:03 -0800 (PST), Buddythunder
> <> wrote:
>> On Dec 19, 12:52 pm, Calvin Ramsey <> wrote:
>>> Buddythunderstudiously and knowingly etched:
>>>> Bet you don't go to many parties.
>>> Well, first define what *you* mean by "parties".
>>> Include a list of "activities" that would take place at an event
>>> adhering to your definition of "parties".
>> If you have to ask...
> Calvinists don't go to parties. They might have fun and be condemned
> to hell for it.

Of course, if they were _truly_ elect, they could party until they puked
their brains out and not lose their places in heaven's first-class cabins.
Those afraid of partying simply lack the courage of their convictions.

thomas p.

Dec 29, 2011, 10:06:53 AM12/29/11
"Don Martin" <> skrev i meddelelsen
> Colanth <col...@pern.invalid> wrote:
>> On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 10:25:03 -0800 (PST), Buddythunder
>> <> wrote:
>>> On Dec 19, 12:52 pm, Calvin Ramsey <> wrote:
>>>> Buddythunderstudiously and knowingly etched:
>>>>> Bet you don't go to many parties.
>>>> Well, first define what *you* mean by "parties".
>>>> Include a list of "activities" that would take place at an event
>>>> adhering to your definition of "parties".
>>> If you have to ask...
>> Calvinists don't go to parties. They might have fun and be condemned
>> to hell for it.
> Of course, if they were _truly_ elect, they could party until they puked
> their brains out and not lose their places in heaven's first-class cabins.
> Those afraid of partying simply lack the courage of their convictions.

There is actually a "Catch 22" that covers that. The idea is that behavior
will not merit heaven or save one from hell, but, if one is among the elect,
it will be reflected demonstrated by good behavior. Without such a dogma
there would be no way to keep the sheep in line; they spend a life-time in
agonizing self-doubt.

> --
> aa #2278 Never mind "proof." Where is your evidence?
> BAAWA Chief Assistant to the Assistant Chief Heckler
> Fidei defensor (Hon. Antipodean)
> The Squeeky Wheel:


Dec 29, 2011, 10:35:07 AM12/29/11
On Thu, 29 Dec 2011 10:48:35 GMT, Don Martin <>

>Colanth <col...@pern.invalid> wrote:
>> On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 10:25:03 -0800 (PST), Buddythunder
>> <> wrote:
>>> On Dec 19, 12:52 pm, Calvin Ramsey <> wrote:
>>>> Buddythunderstudiously and knowingly etched:
>>>>> Bet you don't go to many parties.
>>>> Well, first define what *you* mean by "parties".
>>>> Include a list of "activities" that would take place at an event
>>>> adhering to your definition of "parties".
>>> If you have to ask...
>> Calvinists don't go to parties. They might have fun and be condemned
>> to hell for it.
>Of course, if they were _truly_ elect, they could party until they puked
>their brains out and not lose their places in heaven's first-class cabins.
>Those afraid of partying simply lack the courage of their convictions.

As do most "Christians". They can't accept reality. If they did, it
would shake what tiny little bit of "faith" they had.
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