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Black/Non-White Institutional Racism

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May 19, 2021, 11:41:30 PM5/19/21
by Benjamin Bice » Tue May 18, 2021 3:08 pm

The Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty has filed suit in federal
court on behalf of a Tennessee bar and grill owner from Harriman
alleging discrimination against white people in pandemic aid.

Antonio Vitolo, the owner of Jake’s Bar and Grill, is suing Small
Business Administration administrator Isabella Casillas. Guzman says
the SBA is giving preference to restaurants and bars owned by women
and minorities for COVID relief funds.

The Biden administration has just authorized a $28.6 billion bailout
of the restaurant industry, with aid going exclusively to “priority
groups” — businesses run by women, veterans, or “socially and
economically disadvantaged individuals.” Vitolo claims that when he
applied for aid on May 3 he was told he didn’t qualify because he was

New York Post:

It claims the distinctions are unconstitutional and calls on the
administration to halt the payments until an equitable system is in
place for distributing them, like first-come, first-served.

“Given the limited pot of funds, this puts white male applicants at
significant risk that, by the time their applications are processed,
the money will be gone,” the lawsuit says.

The Biden administration is well within the law to “favor” minorities
in the disbursement of relief funds. But denying someone aid based
solely on their race is unconstitutional.

Vitolo’s Hispanic wife owns half the business, but she, too, is
ineligible for aid. To qualify, she would have to own 51 percent of
the business.

“I do not want special treatment. I just want to be treated equally
under the law. I am opposed to race and sex discrimination, and I
would hope my government lived up to the same principle,” Vitolo said
in a press release.

Fox 17:

The program relies on a definition of “socially disadvantaged” that is
limited to people “subjected to racial or ethnic prejudice or cultural
bias because of their identity as a member of a group without regard
to their individual qualities.” Groups presumed to be socially
disadvantaged include: Black Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native
Americans, including Alaska Natives and Native Hawaiians; Asian
Pacific Americans; and Subcontinent Asian Americans.

The Small Business Administration has been using “minority set-asides”
to fund new start-ups from women and blacks for decades. These are
dedicated funds “set aside” exclusively for those groups.

But the COVID relief funds are supposed to be for all races. The Biden
administration has put women and minorities at the front of the line.
Their applications will be considered before any applications from
white business owners. In a word, it’s unfair and the Biden
administration should be held to account for it. ... do3m5n8tqw

J Young

"You can't cheat an honest man"
-- W.C. Fields

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