Anybody know anything about this book? A short summary & publication info.
would be nice. From the title and the short message of support, I've got
a suspicious feeling that it is one of THOSE books, but a little more
information would be nice.
I was on a plane flight a few years ago and someone across the aisle from
me was reading this book, so I couldn't resist sneaking a peek at the
pages as he read it. The pages I saw contained ludicrously bad arguments,
including the argument that atheistic evolution is self-refuting,
because if we evolved "by chance" then our thoughts must be random.
But I wouldn't mind having a copy, if you send me one. I promise to
read it cover to cover and summarize it for alt.atheism (and any parts
on evolution on
Jim Lippard Lip...@CCIT.ARIZONA.EDU
Dept. of Philosophy Lip...@ARIZVMS.BITNET
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ 85721
Care to give us an synopsis?
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