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Evidence of Weather Modification Testing ?

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Skybuck Flying

Jan 22, 2024, 12:17:53 PMJan 22
Now that time has passed, who knows... maybe I have captured evidence of "Weather Modification" Testing...

Nobody ever asked the question:

Did Stalin modify the weather to freeze Hitler's army to death ?!

Stalin and his people sure modified the shit out of the ground/earth, who knows what they did to the air.................

Let this be a warning to Nato.

Perhaps Russia has top secret weather modification chemicals !

You've been warned !

Bye for now,


Jan 22, 2024, 1:43:43 PMJan 22
People who create and spread lies,
should be stuck in the boobie bin forever!

from Bret Stephens "America in Retreat", page 46,
"only 8% of Pakistanis think the impact of U.S.
economic aid is "mostly positive".
When Pakistain was struck by another humanitarian
disaster in 2010 - this time in the form of floods -
a conspiracy theory that made the rounds in the
Pakistaini media held that it was the doing of
a weather-controling device based in Alaska."

Nick Charles

Jan 22, 2024, 1:50:31 PMJan 22
On 1/22/2024 12:17 PM, Skybuck Flying wrote:
> Now that time has passed, who knows... maybe I have captured evidence of "Weather Modification" Testing...

Were you high when you took that pic? Its called sunlight passing thru
clouds on Earth. There are no "chemical clouds in space".

> Nobody ever asked the question:
> Did Stalin modify the weather to freeze Hitler's army to death ?!

No one was ever high enough to ask such a ridiculous question.

R Kym Horsell

Jan 22, 2024, 2:46:14 PMJan 22
In alt.astronomy a425couple <> wrote:
> On 1/22/24 09:17, Skybuck Flying wrote:
>> Now that time has passed, who knows... maybe I have captured evidence of "Weather Modification" Testing...
>> Nobody ever asked the question:
>> Did Stalin modify the weather to freeze Hitler's army to death ?!
>> Stalin and his people sure modified the shit out of the ground/earth, who knows what they did to the air.................
>> Let this be a warning to Nato.
>> Perhaps Russia has top secret weather modification chemicals !
>> You've been warned !
>> Bye for now,
>> Skybuck.
> People who create and spread lies,
> should be stuck in the boobie bin forever!

There are no crazy question, only crazy answers. :)

As I answered on another group where the article was posted --
I was involved in a study of weather patterns that seemed to be
the result of bombing campaigns during WWII.
In that case we found the tonnage of UK bombs dropped across
Europe seemed to have strong links with local weather subsequently.
We posited that civilian areas being fire-bombed created created "white
smoke" that reflected sunlight back to space and lowered local temps
temporarily, and bombing oil tanks and ammo dumps created "black smoke"
that deposited black carbon around the region and temp raised local
The various links were quite statistically strong.

In the case of the seige of Volograd or whatever the kids call it these days
we have this:

Bombing of Stalingrad
German land forces comprising the 6th Army had advanced to the suburbs of
Stalingrad by August 1942. The city was firebombed with 1,000 tons of high
explosives and incendiaries in 1,600 sorties on 23 August. The aerial
assault on Stalingrad was the most concentrated on the Ostfront according to
-- wiki

Which as I pointed out on the other group might be preliminary evidence
the German 6th Army may have shot itself in the foot and lowered
local temps that winter by 5 deg C which is what the plots show:

"Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood.
Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less."
- Marie Curie

El Kabong

Jan 22, 2024, 8:39:22 PMJan 22
Skybuck Flying wrote:

> Now that time has passed, who knows... maybe I have captured evidence of "Weather Modification" Testing...
> Nobody ever asked the question:
> Did Stalin modify the weather to freeze Hitler's army to death ?!

They obviously did, because the Russian winter was never
cold before that.

Just ask Napoleon.


R Kym Horsell

Jan 22, 2024, 8:58:19 PMJan 22
> ...

Interestingly, Napoleon set fire to Moscow after the Russians largely
evacuated it and set fire to it themselves.
Don't bet this didn't make the next winter in the region 5C colder.


People speculate that Hilter repeated the same mistake(s) as Napoleon.
This little setting fire to things and getting trapped by the resulting
bad weather is a "secret" thing their armies apparently shared.

R Kym Horsell

Jan 22, 2024, 9:03:37 PMJan 22
R Kym Horsell <> wrote:
> <>.
> People speculate that Hilter repeated the same mistake(s) as Napoleon.
> This little setting fire to things and getting trapped by the resulting
> bad weather is a "secret" thing their armies apparently shared.

Sorry. That ref was to the MODERN Moscow temps.
The estimated temps from a temp recon using Greenland ice core proxies
is here:
< moscfebtemp.gif>.

The rest of the dir are the datafiles used to recon the proxies
but fair warning -- you quant license and union membership will need
to be paid up to probably understand it.

If you stood on the moon only two things would be visible -- the Great
Wall of China and the self-pity of [Australian right wing thought leader]
Andrew Bolt.
-- Richard Flanagan


Jan 23, 2024, 3:51:04 AMJan 23
R Kym Horsell wrote on 23/1/24 6:46 am:


> There are no crazy question, only crazy answers. :)

Back in the days of my teaching Electronics Theory (1980's-90's), I
tried to hammer into my students

"The *ONLY* Stupid question is the UNASKED question."

.... cause, chances are that if YOU are unsure about something, there is
probably someone else that is not quite sure what's going on, too.


Jan 23, 2024, 3:54:29 AMJan 23
Nick Charles wrote on 23/1/24 5:50 am:
> On 1/22/2024 12:17 PM, Skybuck Flying wrote:
>> Now that time has passed, who knows... maybe I have captured
>> evidence of "Weather Modification" Testing...
> Were you high when you took that pic? Its called sunlight passing
> thru clouds on Earth. There are no "chemical clouds in space".

Or, more to the point, "sunlight *NOT* passing thru clouds on Earth". ;-P

Jim Wilkins

Jan 23, 2024, 6:45:46 AMJan 23
"R Kym Horsell" wrote in message

As I answered on another group where the article was posted --
I was involved in a study of weather patterns that seemed to be
the result of bombing campaigns during WWII.

What was the general wind direction? Stalin didn't have the air power to do
much upwind.

R Kym Horsell

Jan 23, 2024, 7:46:22 AMJan 23
As the rest of the article indicated, we were looking at UK bombing raids
mainly because the records were more or less deadily available.
When, where and how many bombs and what kind of targets (homes, oil dumps, etc) were hit.

It was found different kinds of things burning either temp lowered or raised
to regional temperatures slightly but statistically significantly.

This then led into soldiers setting fire to regions either as part of
an attacking force as as burned earth policy by depearting e.g. Russian

Again, it seems to be the case that large fires around Leningrad and Moscow
in different centuries resulted in a colder winter immediately after.
Ergo an argument that the German 6th and Napoleon partly defeated themselves
vis a vis the weather.

The web pages

have some graphics of the actual (in the case of the Leningrad region) or
reconstructed (in the case of the Moscow region) at the time of the
relevant campaigns. The winter after the fires in both cases some to be
significantly colder than the prev e.g. 10 winters.

"Beam me up, Scotty" [Scotty, beam us up] is similar to the phrase,
"Just the facts, ma'am" [All we want are the facts ma'am], attributed
to Jack Webb's character of Joe Friday on Dragnet, "It's elementary,
my dear Watson" [this one originated from a radio play], attributed to
Sherlock Holmes, "Luke, I am your father", attributed to Darth Vader,
or "Play it again, Sam", attributed to Ilsa Lund in Casablanca and "We
don't need no stinkin' badges!" attributed to Gold Hat in The Treasure
of the Sierra Madre. All five lines are the best known quotations from
these works for many viewers, but not one is an actual, direct quotation.
-- wikipedia

Nick Charles

Jan 23, 2024, 12:23:43 PMJan 23
LOL, exactly.

R Kym Horsell

Jan 23, 2024, 3:40:12 PMJan 23
Nick Charles <the.thin@man> wrote:
> On 1/23/2024 3:54 AM, Daniel65 wrote:
>> Nick Charles wrote on 23/1/24 5:50 am:
>>> On 1/22/2024 12:17 PM, Skybuck Flying wrote:
>>>> Now that time has passed, who knows... maybe I have captured
>>>> evidence of "Weather Modification" Testing...
>>> Were you high when you took that pic????? Its called sunlight passing
>>> thru clouds on Earth.?? There are no "chemical clouds in space".
>> Or, more to the point, "sunlight *NOT* passing thru clouds on Earth". ;-P
> LOL, exactly.

I dont know about the photo -- I went blind from a small stroke 5 years back
and dont bother to look at images these days -- but the OP asked
could Russia have done something -- injecting chemicals into the air e.g. --
to make the winter at the Stalingrad siege worse.

It isn't at all controversial that human activity can change the weather.
One well-known mechanism involves putting aerosols -- dust or "chemicals" --
into the atm. If the stuff going into the lower atm the effect is temporary
(aka weather); if it has some push behind it and makes it to the stratosphere
then the effect is longer-landing and more widespread.

Here's a simple example of the effect of forest fires on the US lower-atm
temps 2 years later:

Year Total area burned UAH LT Linear model
(mns ha) (deg C rel 1980s)
2013 23.9333 -0.38 -0.545228
2009 25.0477 -0.99 -0.688641
2014 25.7151 -0.66 -0.77453
1997 26.4819 -0.56 -0.873211
2010 27.032 -0.61 -0.944004
1996 27.0844 -0.89 -0.950747
2008 27.5615 -2.16 -1.01215**
2006 28.4822 -1.27 -1.13063
2003 28.9458 -1.14 -1.19029
2000 29.5975 -1.47 -1.27416
2005 29.7238 -0.85 -1.29042*
1999 29.7462 -0.98 -1.2933
2001 30.1672 -0.93 -1.34748*
2012 30.2314 -1.08 -1.35574
2007 30.3677 -1.86 -1.37328*
2004 30.3935 -1.37 -1.3766
2011 30.6213 -1.17 -1.40592
1998 30.9809 -1.78 -1.45219
2002 31.45 -1.49 -1.51256
1995 32.5096 -1.8 -1.64892

y = -0.128691*x + 2.53478
T-test: P(beta<0) 99.8%
Rank test: reject H0:no_effect at 99% confidence

IOW we are quite quite sure for each 1 mn ha burned in the US one year
there will be generally a reduction on the avg temp of the atm above the US48
around .13C in 2y time. Of course a lot more than 1mn ha is burned in
a typical year (see table :).

I have previously looked at fires created by WW2 bombing campaings.
The temps across EUrope during the later stages of WW2 were statstically
linked with the tonnage of bombs dropped in nearby regions. More bombs
dropped on certain targets (e.g. residental areas) resulted in lowe rtemps
in following months; bombing of oil and ammo dumps resulted in higher temps
in following months.

The above are all very large scale operations. But we have additionally
looked at just the incidents of the WW2 seige of Stalingrad and Napoleons
capturew of Moscow where it seemed large but local fires created a
cold winter in the 1-2 y after the operation.

So it seems ever since soldiers were issued flints and tinder --
the ice man Utzi carried a fire-starting kit so this goes back 5-6000 years --
armies have had the capabilty to modify local and regional weather whether
they knew it or not.

In military terms if an entity has a capability then they essentially
have agency.

So Stalin was capable of creating a cold winter to harry the German 6th Army.
Whether he knew to do that is a totally other matter. :)

There are no crazy questions.


Jan 23, 2024, 11:59:57 PMJan 23
R Kym Horsell wrote on 24/01/2024 7:40 am:
> Nick Charles <the.thin@man> wrote:
>> On 1/23/2024 3:54 AM, Daniel65 wrote:
>>> Nick Charles wrote on 23/1/24 5:50 am:
>>>> On 1/22/2024 12:17 PM, Skybuck Flying wrote:
>>>>> Now that time has passed, who knows... maybe I have captured
>>>>> evidence of "Weather Modification" Testing...
>>>> Were you high when you took that pic????? Its called sunlight
>>>> passing thru clouds on Earth.?? There are no "chemical clouds
>>>> in space".
>>> Or, more to the point, "sunlight *NOT* passing thru clouds on
>>> Earth". ;-P
>> LOL, exactly.
> I dont know about the photo -- I went blind from a small stroke 5
> years back and dont bother to look at images these days -- but the OP
> asked could Russia have done something -- injecting chemicals into
> the air e.g. --

WOW!! I had a "minor stroke' back in Apr, 1996, which left me with a bit
of numbness down the right hand side .... but, as I'd lost my Right Arm
in a car accident back in 1977, I didn't really notice any difference.

When a Brother-in-Law had a 'minor stroke' in 2020 (which eventually led
to his death last year), I realised just how 'minor' my 'minor stroke' was.

Keep struggling on, Kym!!
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